Labov - Structural Analysis of Narrative

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A structural analysis of narratives :

William Labov
Lyon, 8 avril 2013
Marie-Agns Gay, University Lyon 3
Structural invariants, constants
Surface differences, variables
Vladimir Propp: Morphology of the Folktale (1928)
31 functions:
1. Absentation
2. Interdiction
3. Violation of interdiction

30. Punishment (of the villain)

31. Wedding
Simpler pattern:
1. Initial situation
2. Departure
3. Villainy
4. Struggle
5. Villainy nullified
6. Equilibrium
Vladimir Propp: Morphology of the Folktale
7 basic character- types
Princess (and her father)
False hero
Julien Greimas: the actant model (schma actantiel)
Sender / Giver object receiver/sendee
(destinateur) (objet) (destinataire)

Helper subject opponent

(adjuvant) (sujet) (opposant)
William Labov:
Narrative analysis: oral versions of personal experience
(William Labov and Joshua Waletzky, in J. Helms (ed.),
Essays on the Verbal and Visual Arts, Seattle: University
of Washington Press, 1967)
The Transformation of experience in narrative syntax, in
Language in the Inner City: Studies in the Black English
Vernacular, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania
Press, 1972.
Michael Toolan: Narrative: A Critical Linguistic
Introduction (1988), London and New York: Routledge,
William Labov:
A fully-formed oral narrative follows six stages:
1. Abstract: What is the story about?
2. Orientation: Who, when where, how?
3. Complicating action: Then what happened?
4. Evaluation: How or why is this interesting?
5. Result / Resolution: What finally happened?
6. Coda
Privacy < A Multitude of Sins (Richard Ford)
- The Decalogue = a filigree to the collection
- Seventh commandment: Thou shalt not commit adultery
- Tenth commandment: Thou shalt not covet your
neighbours house; Thou shalt not covet your neighbours
- Privacy = inchoate version of the later stories
- Narrated-I = remains on the brink of adultery
VS. narrating-I = full-fledged figure of transgression
1. Privacy : in the footsteps of Labov
1. Abstract:
Title = ones right to privacy
marital intimacy
dimension of secrecy
2. Orientation:
Aspectual modulations
Habitual modality
free clauses (VS. narrative clauses)
Labov: free clauses VS. narrative clauses
Narrative clauses
report an ordered sequence of events
temporally ordered
John fell in the river, got very cold, and had two large whiskies
John had two large whiskies, fell in the river, and got very cold
VS. Free clauses
report the context of the events or participants perspectives
freely shiftable
[Cf. use of paratactic style in the orientation]
3. Complicating action
- singulative discourse
- cleft structure (salience)
Multiplication of temporal cohesive markers / connectors
4. Evaluation: 10
5. Resolution: l.125-131
6. Coda
Helmut Bonheim : In other words, the and-sentence is part and parcel of
a set of conventions used in story closings. (The Narrative Modes:
Techniques of the Short Story, Rochester (New York): D.S. Brewer,
1992, p.152)
2. Red-herrings on the way
Breach of Privacy VS. Privacy
Our bedmy wifes and minewas in one dark corner where
wed arranged some of the tall, black-canvas scenery drops
for our privacy. Though, of course, there was no one for us to
need privacy from. (p.3, l.16-19)
Deceitful nature of the incipit / rest of orientational information
What need for this expositional passage?
- of course is repeated twice (2, l.3 and .3, l.18)
- needless to say (.5, l.26)
Complicating action:
And so it happened that []
And so it happened that on many nights that winter [] I
would be awake []. And often I would walk []
It was on such a cold night thatthrough the windows at
the back of the flat, windows giving first onto an alley
below, then further across a space where a wire factory
had been demolished, providing a view of buildings on
the street parallel to oursI saw, inside a long, yellow-lit
apartment, the figure of a woman slowly undressing, from
all appearances oblivious to the world outside the window
It was on such a cold night that through the windows
at the back of the flat, windows giving first onto an alley
below, then further across a space where a wire factory
had been demolished, providing a view of buildings on the
street parallel to ours I saw, inside a long, yellow-lit
apartment, the figure of a woman slowly undressing, from
all appearances oblivious to the world outside the window
It was on such a cold night that through the windows
at the back of the flat, windows giving first onto an alley
below, then further across a space where a wire factory
had been demolished, providing a view of buildings on the
street parallel to ours I saw, inside a long, yellow-lit
apartment, the figure of a woman slowly undressing, from
all appearances oblivious to the world outside the window
It was on such a cold night that through the windows
at the back of the flat, windows giving first onto an alley
below, then further across a space where a wire factory
had been demolished, providing a view of buildings on the
street parallel to ours I saw, inside a long, yellow-lit
apartment, the figure of a woman slowly undressing, from
all appearances oblivious to the world outside the window
Evaluation (10)
I dont know all that I thought. Undoubtedly I was aroused.
Undoubtedly I was thrilled by the secrecy of watching out of
the dark. Undoubtedly I loved the very illicitness of it, of my
wife sleeping nearby and knowing nothing of what I was
doing. It is also possible I even liked the cold as it
surrounded me, as complete as the night itself, may even
have felt that the sight of the womanwhom I took to be
young and lacking caution or discretionheld me somehow,
insulated me and made the world stop and be perfectly
expressible as two poles connected by my line of vision. I am
sure now that all of this had to do with my impending
I dont know all that I thought. Undoubtedly I was aroused.
Undoubtedly I was thrilled by the secrecy of watching out of
the dark. Undoubtedly I loved the very illicitness of it, of my
wife sleeping nearby and knowing nothing of what I was
doing. It is also possible I even liked the cold as it
surrounded me, as complete as the night itself, may even
have felt that the sight of the womanwhom I took to be
young and lacking caution or discretionheld me somehow,
insulated me and made the world stop and be perfectly
expressible as two poles connected by my line of vision. I am
sure now that all of this had to do with my impending
I dont know all that I thought. Undoubtedly I was aroused.
Undoubtedly I was thrilled by the secrecy of watching out of
the dark. Undoubtedly I loved the very illicitness of it, of my
wife sleeping nearby and knowing nothing of what I was
doing. It is also possible I even liked the cold as it
surrounded me, as complete as the night itself, may even
have felt that the sight of the womanwhom I took to be
young and lacking caution or discretionheld me somehow,
insulated me and made the world stop and be perfectly
expressible as two poles connected by my line of vision. I am
sure now that all of this had to do with my impending
The sight of the woman [] made the world stop and be
perfectly expressible as two poles connected by my line of
The sight of the woman [] made the world stop and be
perfectly expressible as two poles connected by my line of
I am sure now that all of this had to do with my
impending failures.
= Belated complicating action? (top page 7)
When I stopped and looked at her she turned and
gazed down the steps at me [] with just the smallest
recognition of threat. She was old after all. I might
suddenly have felt the urge to harm her, and easily
But of course that was not in my thought.
And I walked on then, feeling oddly but in no way
surprisingly betrayed, simply passed on down the street
toward my room and my own doors, my life entering, as
it was at that moment, its first, long cycle of necessity.
And I walked on then, feeling oddly but in no way
surprisingly betrayed, simply passed on down the street
toward my room and my own doors, my life entering, as
it was at that moment, its first, long cycle of necessity.
And I walked on then, feeling oddly but in no way
surprisingly betrayed, simply passed on down the street
toward my room and my own doors, my life entering, as
it was at that moment, its first, long cycle of necessity.
3. The path of interpretation
Helmut Bonheim: To grasp the ending of a story as totally
open, the reader would have to see it as a blind alley, a
useless extension outside the narrative economy [].
No writer will want to write such an ending, at least, not
deliberately [] The critic who claims to have found a
genuinely open ending is in effect confessing his inability
to interpret it. (The Narrative Modes: Techniques of the
short story, p.157)
3. The path of interpretation
1) An indirect device of characterization
2) Mimetic experience for the reader
3) Self-deception
In the diegesis
cf. the womanwhom I took to be young
In the narrating act itself
Narration as a solipsistic instrument of self-delusion
The self-deceptive narrative process targets 3 levels
1) / marriage
cf. incipit
2) / violence in himself
Cf. Gerald Prince / the disnarrated: terms, phrases and
passages that consider what did not or does not take place
(Toolan 2009, 148)
Cf. Nina Nrgaard: the negatives in fact create what they
negate (Toolan 2009, 148)
3) / sense of overwhelming meaninglessness
Cf. Abyss (last short story of the collection)

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