Padavali Govind Dasa

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Govinda dasa

Song 1 (Bandanä-räga)

1. campaka çoëa kusuma kanakäcala

jitala gaura-tanu-läbaëi re
unnata géma séma nähi anubhaba
jaga-mana-mohana bhäìané re
2. (Refrain) jaya çacé-nandana tribhubana-bandana
kali-yuga-käla-bhujaga-bhaya-khaëòana re
3. bipula pulaka kula äkula kalebara
gara gara antare prema-bhare
lahu lahu häsané gada gada bhäñaëé
kata mandäkiné nayane jhare
4. nija-rase näcata nayana òhuläyata
gäyata kata kata bhakatahià meli
yo rase bhäsi abaça mahé-maëòala
gobinda-däsa tahià paraça nä bheli

1. Lord Gaura's handsome form defeats the golden mountain and the golden campaka flowers. His neck is long.
His glory has no end. He charms the world's hearts.
2. (Refrain) Glory to Çacé's son! The three worlds bow before Him. He breaks into shards everyone's fear of the
black snake that is Kali-yuga.
3. The hairs of His body stand erect. His heart is overcome with the ecstasy of spireitual love. He gently, gently
smiles. He speaks broken words in a choked voice. How many celestial Gaìgäs flow from His eyes?
4. Tasting the nectar of ecstatic spiritual love, He dances. His eyes move restlessly. How many devotees gather
around Him and sing? He makes the circle of the earth float in the nectar of ecstatic spiritual love. Govinda däsa
alone was not touched by that flood of nectar.

Song 2 (Beloyära-räga)

1. (Refrain) jaya jaga-täraëa-käraëa dhäma

änanda-kanda nityänanda näma
2. òagamaga locana- kamala òhuläyata
sahaje athira gati jiti matoyära
bhä-iyä abhiräma bali ghana ghana òäka-i
gaura prema-bhare cala-i nä pära
3. gada gada ädha madhura bacanämåta
lahu lahu häsa-bikaçita ganta
päñaëòa khaëòana çré-bhuja-maëòana
kanaka-khacita abalambana daëòa
4. kali-yuga käla bhujaìgama daàçala
dagadhala sthäbara jäìgama dekhi
prema-sudhä-rasa jaga bhari barikhala
gobinda-däsake käàhe upekhi
1. (Refrain) Glory to the Lord who delivers the worlds, the Lord who is the root of all bliss, the Lord who bears
the name Nityänanda!
2. Tears stream from His restless lotus eyes. He is restless and unsteady. "Brother Abhiräma!", He calls.
Overcome with ecstatic spiritual love for Lord Gaura, He has no power to walk.
3. His half words spoken in a choked voice are sweeter than nectar. A gentle gentle smile blossoms on His face.
He breaks all sins into pieces. His glorious arms are decorated with a golden staff.
4. Seeing the moving and unmoving beings burning with poison, bitten by the fangs of the black snake that is
Kali-yuga, He showers everyone with a monsoon of the nectar-antidote of ecstatic spiritual love. Only Govinda däsa
does not receive that antidote. Only Govinda däsa is forgotten.

Song 3 (Gauré-räga)

1. nanda-nandana gopéjana-ballabha
rädhä-näyaka nägara çyäma
so çacé-nandana nadéyä-purandara
sura-muni-gaëa-mano-mohana dhäma
2. jaya nija-käntä- känti-kalebara
jaya jaya preyasé-bhäba-binoda
jaya braja-sahacaré- locana-maìgala
3. jaya jaya çrédäma- sudäma-subalärjuna-
prema-prabardhana naba-ghana-rüpa
jaya rämädi-sundara- priya-sahacara
jaya jaya mohana gaura anupa
4. jaya ati-bala balaräma-priyänuja
jaya jaya nityänanda-änanda
jaya jaya saj-jana- gaëa-bhaya-bhaïjana
5. (Refrain) jaya jaya çré-çré-nibäsa guëa-dhäma
déna-héna-täraëa prema-rasäyana
aichana madhurima näma
6. käïcana-baraëa haraëa tanu su-lalita
kauñika basana biräje
prema näma kahi kahata bhägabate
aiche baraëa tanu säje
7. nija nija bhakata päriñada saìgati
prakaöahi caraëärabinda
nirabadhi badane näma biräjita
rädhe kåñëa gobinda
8. yugala-bhajana-guëa- lélä-äswädana
grantha kalpa-taru häte
tuyä bine adhame çaraëa ko deyaba
gobinda-däsa anäthe

1. Lord Kåñëa, who is Nanda's son, the gopés' beloved, Rädhä's lover, a hero of amorous pastimes, and dark in
complexion, now has become Çacé's son. He is the ruler of Nadéyä. He charms the hearts of the demigods and
2. Glory to the Lord, whose bodily complexion is now like that of His beloved! Glory, glory to the Lord, who
enjoys pastimes of feeling the ecstatic spiritual love His beloved feels! Glory to the Lord who brought auspicious
bliss to the vraja-gopés' eyes and who now delights the eyes of the girls in Nadéyä!
3. Glory, glory to the Lord whose form is dark like a new raincloud and who is the ecstatic friend of Çrédämä,
Sudämä, Subala, and Arjuna! Glory to the Lord who was the dear and glorious companion of Balaräma and a host of
gopa boys! Glory, glory to the Lord who now manifests a fair form charming and peerless!
4. Glory, glory to the Lord who was Balaräma's dear younger brother! Glory, glory to the Lord who now delights
Nityänanda! Glory, glory to the Lord who breaks into pieces the fears of the saintly devotees! Glory to the Lord
whose association Govinda däsa yearns to attain!
5. (Refrain) Glory, glory to the Lord who is the goddess of fortune's shelter, who is the abode of all virtues, and
whose sweet holy name carries the nectar-elixir of spiritual love, an elixir that rescues the poor fallen souls!
6. Glory to the Lord whose graceful form is now more splendid than gold, who is gloriously arrayed in silken
garments. Describing the glories of the holy name, He speaks from Çrémad-Bhägavatam. His form is now fair.
7. He is accompanied by His devotees. Now His lotus feet are visible in this world. Without stop the holy names
{.sy 168}Rädhe! Kåñëa! Govinda!" are gloriously manifest in His mouth.
8. He relishes the nectar of the divine couple's qualities, pastimes, and devotional service. The kalpa-taru tree of
scriptures He holds in His hand. O Supreme Lord, but for You who will give shelter to fallen helpless Govinda däsa?

Song 4

1. (Refrain) jaya re jaya re jaya öhäkura narottama

yäàke mantré abhinu kalebara
rämacandra kabiräja
2. prema-mukuöa-maëi bhüñaëa bhäbäbali
aìgahi aìga biräja
nåpa äsana khetura mähä baiöhata
saìgahi bhakata-samäja
3. sanätana-rüpa-kåta grantha bhägabata
anudina karata bicära
rädhä-mädhaba yugala ujjwala-rasa
paramänanda sukha sära
4. çré-saìkértana biñaya-rase unamata
dharmädharma nähi mäna
yoga-däna-brata ädi bhaye bhägata
royata karama geyäna
5. bhägabata çästra-gaëa yo de-i bhakati-dhana
täka gauraba äpa
säìkhya mémäàsaka tarkädika yata
malina dekhi paratäpa
6. abhakata caura dürahi bhägi rahu
niyaòe nähi parakäça
déna héna jane deyala bhakati-dhane
baïcita gobinda-däsa

1. (Refrain) Glory, glory, glory to Narottama däsa Öhäkura, a great king of spiritual love and devotion, a king
whose prime minister is youthful Rämacandra Kaviräja!
2. King Narottama's crown is studded with the jewels of ecstatic spiritual love. On his body the ornaments of
devotional ecstasies glisten. In Khetura-gräma he sits on a royal throne. The devotees are his royal assembly.
3. Day after day he studies, discusses, and lectures on Çrémad-Bhägavatam and the books Rüpa and Sanätana
wrote. In the glistening nectar pastimes of the divine couple, of Çré Çré Rädhä and Mädhava, he finds the sweetest
4. Tasting the nectar of saìkértana, he becomes wild with bliss. He does not consider what is materially pious and
what is materially impious. Frightened, he flees from non-devotional yoga, charity, and vows. In the presence of
frutiive actions and impersonal speculations, he weeps.
5. The treasure of devotion described in the Bhägavata scriptures is the great goal he strives to attain. Seeing the
impure ideas of the followers of säìkhya, mémäàsa, material logic, and other non-devotional philosophies, he burns
with unhappiness.

6. He stays far away from the thieves that are the opponants of devotional service. He will not come near them. To
the poor fallen people he gives the treasure of devotional service. Only to Gocinda däsa he did not give that treasure.
Only Govinda däsa was cheated.

Song 5 (Suha-i-räga)

1. jaya jaya yadu-kula-jalanidhi-candra

braja-kula gokula änanda-kanda
2. jaya jaya jaladhara çyämara aìga
helana kalpa-taru lalita tri-bhaìga
3. sudha-i sudhämaya murali-biläsa
jaga-jana-mohana madhurima häsa
4. abané bilambita bani bana-bäla
madhukara jhaìkaru tatahi rasäla
5. taruëa aruëa ruci pada arabinda
nakha-maëi nichani däsa gobinda

1. Glory, glory to the Lord who is like a moon risen from the ocean of the Yadu dynasty, to the Lord who is the
bliss of Gokula's pastures!
2. Glory, glory to the Lord whose limbs are dark like a monsoon cloud, the Lord whose graceful form bends in
three places like a bending kalpa-taru tree!
3. His pastime is to play nectar melodies on His flute. The sweetness of His smile enchants everyone in the world.
4. He lingers in the forest of new flowers. He is like a mango tree where black bees hum.
5. The lotus flowers of the soles of His feet glisten with a charming new redness. Govinda däsa worships the
jewels that are the nails of His toes.

Song 6 (Çré-räga)

1. (Refrain) jaya jaya jaga-jana-locana-phända

rädhä-ramaëa båndäbana-cända
2. abhinaba néla jalada tanu òhala òhala
piïcha mukuöa çire säjani re
käïcana basana ratanamaya äbharaëa
nüpura raëaraëi bäjané re
3. indébara-yuga subhaga bilocana
aïcala caïcala kusuma-çare
abicala kula ramaëé-gaëa mänasa
jara jara antare madana-bhare
4. bani bana-mäla äjänu-lambita
parimale ali-kula mäti rahu
bimbädhara pare mohana muralé
gä-ota gobinda-däsa-pahu

1. (Refrain) Glory, glory to the Lord who is Rädhä's lover, the Lord who is like a trap to catch the eyes of the
world's people, the Lord who is like a moon shining in Våndävana!
2. His form glistens like a dark new raincloud. A peacock-feather crown adorns His head. His garments are
golden. His ornaments are made of jewels. His anklets jangle.
3. His graceful eyes are two blue lotus flowers. The restless glances from His eyes' corners are arrows of flowers,
arrows that wound the saintly gopés' amorous hearts.
4. A forest-flower garland hangs to His knees. Its fragrance makes the black bees wild with bliss. Placing the flute
to His bimba-fruit lips, Govinda däsa's master plays enchanting melodies.

Song 7 (Çré-räga)

1. dheaja-vajräìkuça-paìkaja-kalitam
2. (Refrain) vande girivaradhara-pada-kamalam
kamalä-kamaläïcitam amalam
3. maïjula-maëi-nüpura-ramaëéyam
4. ati-lohitam atirohita-bhäñam

2. (Refrain) I offer my respectful obesiances to Lord Giridhäré's splendid and pure lotus feet, which the goddess
of fortune worships with offerings of lotus flowers, . . .
1. . . . lotus feet marked with the auspicious signs of the flag, thunderbolt, elephant-goad, and lotus, lotus feet
gracefully marked with kuìkuma from the vraja-gopés' breasts, . . .
3. . . . lotus feet charming with graceful jewel anklets, lotus feet the saintly and beautiful gopés always yearn to
attain, . . .
4. . . . reddish lotus feet eternally described in graceful prayers, lotus feet that have transformed Govinda däsa into
a bumblebee thirsting for their honey.

Song 8 (Tuòé-räga)

1. sajala jalada aìga manohara

chaöäye cähila nahe
éñata häsiyä manera äkuti
aruëa nayäne kahe
2. äju ki pekhalu binoda nägara
keli-kadambera tale
rüpa nirakhite äìkhira läja
bhäsila änanda-jale
3. baula-mäla diyä kuntala öäniyä
ma-ura-pucchera chände
raìginé locana khaïjana bandhite
pätila biñama phände
4. makara-kuëòala saìge dolaye
gaëòa darapaëa-bhäne
bhäle se madana tähe bimbita
gobinda-däsa anumäne

1. His charming limbs dark like monsoon clouds were so effulgent I could not even look upon them. His gently
smiling reddish eyes spoke of the desires hidden in His heart.
2. Who is it I saw today? He was a playful boy under a keli-kadamba tree. My eyes were shy to gaze on His
handsome form. I floated in an ocean of bliss.
3. He wore a garland of bakula flowers. A peacock feather decorated His hair. His reddish eyes were like restless
kaïjana birds. I fell into the terrible trap He had carefully set.
4. Shark-shaped earrings swung to and fro on His glistening-mirror cheeks. Kämadeva was reflected on His
forehead. Govinda däsa thinks of Him in this way.

Song 9 (Sindhuòä-räga)

1. matta-ma-ura-çikhaëòika-maëòita
cüòäye mälaté mäla
parimale mäti pänti mata madhukara
guïjare tähi rasäla
2. (Refrain) sajani pekhalu baraja-kiçora
piba-ite badana-sudhäkara-mädhuré
mätala nayana-cakora
3. néla jalada tanu bhäìu madana dhanu
nayana-kamala païca bäëa
jara jara antara kulabaté-gauraba
saàçaya rahala paräëe
4. madana makara yanu maëimaya kuëòala
öalamala dolata käne
hera-ite jaga-mana-ména garäsaye
gobinda-däsa paramäëe

1. He was crowned with the feather of a wild peacock. The fragrance of His jasmine garland made the buzzing
black bees wild with bliss.
2. (Refrain) O gopé friend, today I saw a handsome teenage boy in Vraja. The cakora birds of my eyes became
wild to taste the sweetness of the moonlight of the moon of His face.
3. His form was a dark monsoon cloud. His eyebrows were the archer Kämadeva's two bows. From His lotus eyes
Kämadeva fired his five arrows. The saintly gopés' hearts were gravely wounded. Their lives are now in doubt.
4. His glistening jewel earrings shaped like Kämadeva's sharks swing to and fro from His ears. The fish of the
gopés' hearts gaze at that shark. Now that shark devours those small fish. Govinda däsa thinks in this way.

Song 10 (Gändhära-räga)

1. (Refrain) käliya-damana déna-näha

kälindé-küla kadamba chäha
2. kata kata braja naba bälä
pekhalu janu thira bijaréka mälä
3. tohe kaho subala säìgäti
tabadhari häma nä jäni dibä räti
4. tahi dhani maëi du-i cäri
tahi mano-mohiné eka näré
5. so rahu majhu mane paöhi
manasija dhüme ghuma nähi diöhi
6. anukhaëa tahita samädhi
ko jäne kaichana biraha-biyädhi
7. dine dine kñéëa bhela dehä
gobinda-däsa kaha aiche naba-lehä

1. (Refrain) Kåñëa, who is the Lord of the poor and meek and the hero that vanquished Käliya, stays in a kadamba
tree's shade on the Yamunä's banks.
2. (Lord Kåñëa says:) How many girls of Vraja have I seen? Still, this one girl is splendid like a garland of
unmoving lightning flashes,
3. O friend Subala, I tell you: from that moment I no longer know whether it is day or night.
4. In that place were two or four beautiful girls splendid like glistening jewels. But only one of those girls cast a
spell on My heart.
5. I keep that girl in my heart. My heart is filled with the smoke of Kämadeva's flames. Lost in the smoke, I
cannot see the directions.
6. Moment after moment I am rapt in thinking of this girl. I know nothing but Her. I am overcome by the fever of
separation from Her.
7. Day after day my body becomes more thin and emaciated. Govinda däsa says: These are the signs of new love.

Song 11 (Baräòé-räga)

1. niçasi nihärasi phuöala kadamba

kara-tale badana saghana abalamba
2. (Refrain) kñaëe tanu moòasi kari kata bhaìga
abirala pulaka mukula bharu aìga
3. e dhani mohe nä karu aru chanda
jänala bheöali çyämara chanda
4. bhäba ki gopasi gopata nä raha-i
maramaka bedana badane saba kaha-i
5. yatane nibärasi nayänake lola
gadagada çabade kahasi ädha bola
6. äna chale aìga nayäna chale pantha
saghane gatägati karasi ekänta
7. düre rahu gurujana-gauraba läja
gobinda-däsa kaha paòala akäja

1. You stare. You sigh. With your sighs the kadamba trees burst into bloom. Your head rests in your hands.
2. Sometimes you bend your body into how many awkward postures? Like budding flowers, the hairs of your
body always stand erect.
3. (Refrain) O beautiful gopé, you did not tell me anything. Still, I know what has happened. You must have met
the dark moon Kåñëa.
4. Why do you try to hide your feelings? You cannot hide them. The expression on your face proclaims the pain in
your heart.
5. You struggle to suppress the signs of what you feel. Your eyes are restless. You speak half words in a choked
6. On some pretext you carefully watch the path. Your purpose in watching is only one.
7. Far away you have thrown all shyness and all respect for your elders and superiors. Govinda däsa says: Alas!
This girl has fallen into mischief.

Song 12 (Gändhära-räga)

1. òhala òhala sajala jalada tanu çohana

mohana abharaëa säja
aruëa nayana gati bijuré camaka jiti
dagadhala kulabaté-läja
2. (Refrain) sajani yä-ite pekhalu käna
tabadhari jaga-bhari bharala kusuma-çara
nayane nä heriye äna
3. majhu mukha daraçi bihasi tanu moòa-i
bigalita mohana baàça
nä jäniye kona manoratha äkula
kiçalaya-dale karu daàça
4. ataye se majhu mana jwalatahi anukhaëa
dolata capala paräëa
gobinda-däsa micha-i äçoyäsa
tabahu nä milala käna

1. His form was glorious like a monsoon cloud. He was charming with graceful ornaments. The glance from his
reddish eyes defeats lightning. That glance burned this saintly girl's shyness into ashes.
2. (Refrain) O gopé-freiend, I saw Kåñëa. If I attain Him I will have the whole world. He struck me with the
flower-arrow of His glance. Now my eyes see none but Him.
3. When He saw my face, He smiled. His body trembled, and He dropped His charming flute. He bit a budding
twig. What desire filled Him? I do not know.
4. Since that time my heart burns at every moment. My restless life-breath trembles. Govinda däsa says: Your
hope is false. Kåñëa weill not meet with you yet.

Song 13 (Dhänaçé-räga)

1. cüòaka cüòä mayüra-çikhaëòaka

maëòita mälaté-mäleee
saurabha unamata bhramaré bheramara kata
caudike karata jhaìkäre
2. (Refrain) sajani ko kahe käma anaìga
keli kadamba tale so rati-näyaka
pekhalu naöa-bhara-bhaìga
3. katahu biñama çara nayana tüëa bhara
saïcaru bhäìa kämäne
nägaré näré marama mähä häna-i
lekha-i nä pära-i äne
4. çruti-müle caïcala maëimaya kuëòala
dolata makara-äkära
gobinda-däsa ataye anumänala
madana-mohana abatära

1. He wore a peacock-feather crown. His jasmine garland was surrounded by black bees. Intoxicated by the scent
of His garland, how many humming bees filled the four directions?
2. (Refrain) O gopé-friend, was that person I saw Kämadeva Himself? A hero of playful pastimes, He gracefully
danced under a kadamba tree.
3. Moving ythe archer's bows of His eyebrows and emptying the two quivers of His eyes, how many flower-
arrows did He fire? Many playful girls' hearts were wounded. Those girls could not gaze on anyone but Him.
4. Shark-shaped jewel earrings swung from His ears. Govinda däsa says: I think that person must have been more
enchanting than Kämadeva himself.

Song 14 (Çré-räga)

1. marakata-darapaëa baraëa ujora

hera-ite prati aìga anaìga ägora
2. nä bhujaluà ki kahala aruëa nayäna
hänala ata-e kusuma-çara bäna
3. e sakhi kahe bheöaluà nanda-nandanä
madira gahana dahana bhela candanä
4. taikhane dakhiëa pabana bhela bäma
saha-i nä päriye himakara-näma
5. sahaja çeja kamala-dala päti
kulabaté yubaté le-u nija çäti
6. taàhi rahala mana locana lägi
dhairaja läja düre gela bhägi
7. ki phala ekala bikala-paräëa
gobinda-däsa kaha milaba käna

1. He is splendid like a sapphire mirror. His limbs eclipse even Kämadeva.

2. I do not knowe of any eyes like His reddish eyes, eyes that shoot Kämadeva's arrows.
3. O gopé-friend, whom did I meet? It was Nanda's son. Because of Him a palace has now become a wild forest
and a blazing fire has become cooling sandal paste.
4. Because of Him the southern wind now blows from the north. Because of Him I cannot bear the glistening
5. Please mnake a bed from lotus leaves and petals. This pious girl will rest upon it.
6. My thoughts rest in Him. My eyes yearn for Him. <y shyness and my peaceful composure are now thrown far
7. What fruit will come from the great disorder in this girl's life? Govinda däsa says: She will meet Kåñëa.

Song 15 (Suha-i-räga)

1. yaàhi yaàhi nikasa-i tanu-tanu-jyoti

taàhi taàhi bijuré camaka-mati hoti
2. yaàhi yaàhi aruëa caraëa cali cala-i
taàhi taàhi thala-kamala-dala thala-i
3. dekhaluà ko dhani sahacaré meli
hämäri jébana säïe karatahià kheli
4. yaàhi yaàhi bhaìgura-bhäìa-bilola
taàhi taàhi uchalala kälindé-kalola
5. yaàhi yaàhi tarala dåg-aïcala paòa-i
taàhi taàhi néla utapala bana bhara-i
6. yaàhi yaàhi heriye madhurima häsa
taàhi taàhi kunda kumuda parakäça
7. gobinda däsa kahe mugadhala käna
cinalahià rä-i cina-i nähi jäna

1. Wherever Your glorious slender form shines, that place becomes like a wonderful lightning flash.
2. Wherever Your reddish feet walk, that place becomes like lotus petals.
3. Who is the fortunate girl I glance at, the girl that accompanies Me? I enjoy pastimes with that girl. That girl is
My very life.
4. Wherever Your restless graceful eyebrows are raised, that place becomes like the rising waves of the Yamunä.
5. Wherever You cast restless glances from the corners of Your eyes, that place becomes like a forest of blue lotus
6. Wherever You gaze at Me with sweet smiles, that place becomes like a place filled with jasmine flowers and
7. Govinda däsa says: Charming Kåñëa sees these comparisons. Rädhä does not.

Song 16 (Dhänaçé-räga)
1. (Refrain) sundari tuhu baòi hådaya päñäëa
tuyä lägi madana- çaränale péòita
jéba-ite saàçaya käna
2. baiöhali taru-tale pantha nehära-i
nayäne galaye ghana lora
rä-i rä-i kari saghane japaye hari
tuyä bhäbe taru deya kora
3. çétala naliné-dala tähe malayänila
ägore lepa-i aìga
camaki camaki hari uöhata kata beri
hänata madana-taraìga
4. calaha bipine dhani ramaëé-çiromaëi
jhäöa kari bheöaha käna
gobinda-däsera bäëé turite calaha dhani
känu bhela bahuta nidäna

1. (Refrain) O beautiful girl, Your heart is like stone. Because of You Kåñëa is tormented, is wounded by
Kamadeva's flaming arrows. Because of You Kåñëa's very life is now in doubt.
2. Sitting under a tree, Kåñëa watches the pathway. Tears glide from His eyes. "Rädhä! Rädhä!" is the japa He
chants. He is overcome with love for You.
3. Bearing the fragrance of lotus petals, the cooling Malaya breeze anoints His body. Again and again He is
startled. How many times does He stand up? Kämadeva's waves toss Him to and fro.
4. O beautiful girl, run to the forest. O crest jewel of all beautiful girls, go and meet Kåñëa. Govinda däsa says: O
beautiful girl, quickly go. Kåñëa is on the verge of death.

Song 17 (Kämoda-räga)

1. gaura baraëa tanu çohana mohana

sundara madhura su-öhäma
anupama aruëa kiraëa jini ambara
sundara cäru bayäna
2. (Refrain) pekhalu gauräìgacandra bibhora
kali-yuga kaluña- timira-ghora-näçaka
nabadwépa cända ujora
3. bhäbahi bhora ghora duhuà locana
mocana bhaba-nada-bandha
naba naba prema-bhara bara tanu sundara
uyala bhakata gaëa saìga
4. lahu lahu häsa bhäña mådu bolata
çohata gati ati manda
déna jane nija béja saba de-i tärala
baïcita däsa gobinda

1. His complexion is fair. His form is splendid, ecnhanting, hansome, sweet, and graceful. His garments defeat the
peerless rising sun. His face is handsome and graceful.
2. (Refrain) I saw Lord Gauräìgacandra. Now I am overcome. Lord Gaura is a splendid moon rising in
Navadvépa, a moon that destroys the horrible darkness of Kali-yuga's sins.
3. His eyes are restless with ecstatic spiritual love. He frees everyone from the bonds of repeated birth and death.
His graceful form is overcome with newer and newer ecstatic spiritual love. He stays amongst the devotees.
4. He gently gently smiles. He speaks sweet words. His slow movements are graceful. Giving them the seed of
ecstatic spiritual love, He delivers the poor fallen people. Only Govinda däsa He did not deliver. Only Govinda däsa
was cheated.
Song 18 (Çré-räga)

1. cikaëa kälä galäya mälä

bäjaye nüpura päya
cüòära phule bhramara bule
teracha nayane cäya
2. kälindé-küle ki pekhinu sa-i
chaliyä nägara käna
ghara mu yä-ite närinu sa-i
äkula karila präëa
3. cända jhalamali mayüra päkhä
cüòäya uòaye bäya
éñat häsiyä madhura baàçäré
madhura madhura gäya
4. rasera bhare aìga nä dhare
keli-kadambera helä
kulabaté saté yubaté janära
paräëa la-iyä khelä
5. çrabaëe caïcala makara kuëòala
pindhana piìala bäsa
räìgä utpala caraëa-yugala
nichani gobinda-däsa

1. His black complexion glistened. A flower-garland rested on His neck. On His feet anklets jangled. Flowers
adorned His hair. Black bees flew nearby. He glanced at me with crooked eyes.
2. Whom did I see, O gopé-friend, on the Yamunä's banks? It was the cheater Kåñëa, the rake Kåñëa. O friend, I
had no power to run home. My life's breath became anxious.
3. The moon shone. The breeze made His peacock-feather in His crown move to and fro. He gently smiled. He
sweetly sweetly played on His sweet flute.
4. Overcome with sweetness, He could not stand up. He leaned against a keli-kadamba tree. His sport is to cheat
saintly young girls of their very life's breath.
5. Shark-shaped earrings swung on His ears. His garments were yellow. His feet were red lotus flowers. Govinda
däsa worships Him.

Song 19 (Çré-räga)

1. òhala òhala käïcä aìgera läbaëé

abané bahiyä yäya
éñat häsira taraìga-hillole
madana mürachä päya
2. kibä se nägara ki khene dekhinu
dhairaya rahala düre
nirabadhi mora cita beyäkula
kena bä sadä-i jhure
3. häsiyä häsityä aìga dolä-iyä
näciyä näciyä yäya
nayäna katäkñe biñama biçikhe
paräëa bindhita dhäya
4. mälaté phulera mäläöi gale
hiyära mäjhare dole
uòiyä paòiyä mätala bhramara
ghuriyä ghuriyä bule
5. kapäle candana phoöära chaöä
lägila hiyära mäjhe
nä jäni ki byädhi marame bädhala
nä kahi lokera läje
6. emana kaöhina näréra paräëa
bähira nähika haya
nä jäni ki jäni haye parimäëa
däsa gobinde kaya

1. His glorious youthful handsomeness was beyond anything in this world. The splashing waves of his gentle
smile would make even Kämadeva faint in bliss.
2. Who was that handsome boy? What happened to me when I saw Him? My peaceful composure fled far away.
Now my heart is always agitated. Why do I always weep?
3. Smiling and smiling, and His limbs swaying to and fro, He danced and danced as He walked. From the corner
of His eye He shot a fearsome sharp arrow, an arrow that pierced my life's breath.
4. Hanging from His neck, a jasmine garland swayed to and fro on His chest. Rising and falling, intoxicated black
bees flew around and around its flowers.
5. Sandal-paste tilaka glistened on His forehead and chest. Why am I now so agitated? I do not know. My heart is
wounded. Afraid of the people's gossip, I do not tell anyone.
6. The women and girls all have hard hearts. That is why I do not even go outside. Govinda däsa says: Who
knows why this girl has become so changed? I do not know.

Çré Kåñëera daça daçä

Ten States of Çré Kåñëa's Heart

Song 20 (Bälä-räga)

1. campaka däma heri mürachi rahu mädhaba

locana jharu anuräga
tuyä guëa-mantara japaye nirantara
bhäle dhani tohäri sohäga
2. båñabhänu-nandiné japaye räti dini
bharame nä bolaye äna
läkha läkha dhané kaha-i madhura bäëé
swpaane nä päta-i käna
3. puruña-ratana bara dharaëi loöä-ota
ko kahu ärati-ora
rä bali dhä bali bala-i nä pära-i
dhärädhära bahe lora
4. gobinda däsa tuyä caraëe nibedala
känuko aichana sambäda
nicaya jänaha tachu duùkha-khaëòaka
kebala tuyä parasäda

1. When He saw Your campaka garland, Kåñëa was overcome. Tears of love streamed from His eyes. Without
stop He chants the mantra of Your glories. My dear beautiful friend, He loves You deeply.
2. O daughter of Våñabhänu, He chants the mantras of Your glories day and night. He does not glorify any other
girl. Millions and millions of girls praise Himw ith sweet words, but even in His dreams Kåñëa does not love any
girl but You.
3. He is the jewel of men, the best of lovers. Overcome with love for You, He rolls on the ground. Does He love
another girl? He chants, "Rä!" Then He chants, "Dhä!" Then He is overcome and He has no power to say anything
more. Then flooding streams of tears flow from His eyes.
4. Govinda däsa falls at Your feet and makes this request. Please give to Kåñëa a reply that will show mercy to
Him, a reply that will break His sufferings into pieces.

Song 21 (Aòäna-räga)

1. käïcana-yüthé kusuma la-i gori

nirama-i mürati yatana kari tori
2. tuyä anubhäbe äliìga-i täya
so tanu täpe bhasama bha-i yäya
3. çuna çuna o båñabhänu-kumäré
tuyä birahänale jwalata muräri
4. jhamara néla-utpala-dala aìga
lore nä heraye nayana-taraìga
5. bigati muralé phurali rahu düra
anukhaëa madana dahana paripüra
6. bicharala piïcha mukuöa paripäöi
sahacare meli marata jé-u käöi
7. jé-u rahata aba tuyä rasa äçe
tohari caraëe kahe gobinda-däse

1. O beautiful fair girl, taking a golden yüthé flower, He carefully made a Deity of You.
2. Filled with love for You, He embraced that Deity, but the heat of His body turned that Deity into ashes.
3. Listen. Listen, O daughter of King Våñabhänu. Kåñëa burns in many flames of separation from You.
4. His body graceful like blue lotus petals is overcome. His eyes now flooded with waves of tears, He cannot see.
5. He threw His flute far away. Moment after moment He drowns in the flames of Kämadeva's fire.
6. He forgets His peacock-feather crown. His friends gather around Him. Soon His life with be cut and He will
7. Before Your feet Govinda däsa says: The hope that again He will enjoy nectar pastimes with You is all that
keeps Çré Kåñëa alive.

Song 22 (Suha-i-räga)

1. gahana birahaka lägi

rajané pohäya-i jägi
2. karatahi tohari dheyäna
to bine äkula käna
3. çétala péta nicola
tohari bharame karu kora
4. so rasa paraça nä pä-i
mürachita dharaëé loöä-i
5. manamahä madana-taräìga
ghana ghana moòa-i aìga
6. kahatahi gada gada bhäña
nä bujhala gobinda-däsa

1. Overcome with feelings of separation, He stays awake the whole night.

2. He meditates on You. Without You, Kåñëa is very unhappy.
3. Bewildered, He embraces His yellow cloth. He thinks the cloth is You.
4. He cannot taste any sweetness. Fainting, He falls to the ground.
5. His heart is tossed to and fro by Kämadeva's waves. His limbs are bent.
6. He speaks broken words in a choked voice. Govinda däsa does not understand what has happened to Him.

Song 23 (Aòäna-räga)

1. mudita nayane hiyä bhuja-yuga cäpi

çüti rahala hari kachu nä äläpi
2. parasaìge kahalahi nämahi tori
tabahi meliyä äìkhi cähe mukha mori
3. sundari ithe nähi kaha äna chanda
tahe anurata bhela çyämara canda
4. yo-i nayana-bhaìgé nä sahe anaìga
so-i nayane srabe lora-taraìga
5. yo-i adhare sadä madhurima häsa
so-i nérasa bhela dérgha niçwäsa
6. bidyäpati kaha micha naha bhäti
gobinda-däsa rahu tahi kåta säthi

1. His hands folded over His heart, and His eyes closed, Kåñëa lies down to rest. He speaks not a word.
2. He chants Your name. His eyes glance at my face.
3. O beautiful girl, do not say anything more. Kåñëa glorious like a dark moon loves You.
4. From the eyes that could not resist amorous crooked glances now flow waves of tears.
5. The lips that always held the sweetness of a smile now are filled with sad long sighs.
6. What Vidyäpati said was not a lie. Govinda däsa says: O gopé-friend, please go to Him.

Song 24 (Dhänaçé-räga)

1. nanda-nandana räja-bhüñaëa
nayana sukha-maya çeja
ki khane tuyä sane leha karala he
se saba dürahi teja
2. (Refrain) çuna båñabhänu-nandiné rä-i
abalä-maëòale kiréti räkhali
bhäla mati se bithä-i
3. ye tuhu täkara birasa änata
heri mürachita bhela
kaiche pämari bacana aichana
nidaya antara-çela
4. tuhäri nägara dhüli-dhüsara
se nähi lagaye toya
bäma kara-tale badana lambita
dharaëé likhi lihki roya
5. ye jana duhu-jana- bedana nähi jäne
täkara antara jäna
räya rämacandra bacana mänaha
däsa gobinda bhäëa

1. Nanda's son is a regal jewel. Delight resides in His eyes. He loves You. Why do You flee so far from Him?
2. (Refrain) O Rädhä, O daughter of Våñabhänu, please listen. In the circle of young girls Your reputation was
good in the past. But today that good reputation is in disarray.
3. You have made Him very unhappy. If He sees You He is overcome. O cruel girl, why did You speak such words
to Him, cruel words, words like a lance pushed into His heart?
4. For Your sake Your lover is now anointed with dust. Now He cannot attain You. In His left hand He rests His
head. Aimlessly scratching some letters in the ground, He weeps.
5. No one knows what You two feel. Only You know what is truly in His heart. Please reflect on Rämacandra
Räya's words. This Govinda däsa says.

Song 25 (Baräòé-räga)

1. (Refrain) mädhaba dhairaya nä kara gamane

tohäri biraha dhané antara jarajara
mänasa milana çamane
2. dhüli-dhüsara dhané dhairaya nä dhara
dharaëé çütala bharame
mukata kabaré-bhära hära teyägala
täpita bhüñita paräëe
3. bigalita ambara sambara nahe dhané
sura-sutä srabe nayäne
kamalaja kamale-i kamalaja jhämpala
so-i nayana bara bayäne
4. mä bola-i dhané dharaëé-tale mürachani
präëa prabodha nä mäne
kaha-i caturä dhané ära kiye hoya jäni
gobinda-däsa paramäëe

1. (Refrain) O Kåñëa, You do not go to her and make her peaceful. Separated from You, a beautiful girl feels her
heart is now overcome. Now her heart is on the verge of death.
2. Now that girl is covered with dust. She is not peaceful. She lies on the ground. She removes her necklace. She
unties her braids. Now her life's breath is decorated with flames.
3. Her garments are in disarray. She has lost all restraint. A Yamunä of tears flows from her eyes. Her beautiful
eyes are like lotus whorls in the lotus of her face.
4. She speaks not a word. On the ground she has fallen unconscious. I do not think her life's breath is still awake.
An intelligent girl speaks some words to her. What will happen now? Govinda däsa is the witness of all this.

Song 26 (Dhänaçé-räga)

1. käïcana goré bheré båndäbane

khela-i sahacaré meli
tuyä diöhi miöhi garale tanu järala
taikhane çyämaré bheli
2. (Refrain) mädhaba no abicära kula-rämä
maramahi go-i ro-i dina-yäminé
guëi guëi tuyä guëa-gämä
3. guru-jana abudha mugadha-mati parijana
alakhita biñama beyädhi
ki karaba dhané maëi mantra mahauñadha
locane lägala samädhi
4. kñaëe kñaëe aìga bhaìga tanu moòa-i
kahata bharamamaya bäëé
çyämara näme camaki tanu jhämpa-i
gobinda-däsa kiye jäni

1. Meeting her friends there, a girl fair like gold enjoyed many pastimes in Våndävana forest. Then the poison of
Your sweet glance made her burst into flames. At once she became filled with thoughts of dark Kåñëa.
2. (Refrain) O Kåñëa, this saintly girl is now overcome. Her heart is wounded. Day and night she weeps. She
thinks and thinks of Your host of virtues.
3. Her elders know nothing of her plight. He friends don't know what to do. Unknown to others, she is ravaged by
a terrible affliction. What medicine, what mantra should we use to cure this jewel of a girl? Her eyes are now closed
in a trance of samädhi.
4. Moment after moment her body is bent and crumpled. Bewildered, she speaks nonsense. Hearing the name {.sy
168}Çyäma", she becomes startled and trembles. How can Govinda däsa know what to do?

Song 27 (Dhänaçé-räga)

1. känu-kathä çuni gadagada bhäña

milati sahacaré rä-ika päça
2. kahatahi sahacaré çuna bara gora
tuyä lägi hälata nanda-kiçora
3. tuyä rüpa nirakha-i taru de-i kora
hera-ite galatahi locana-lora
4. yaba nahi sundara karabi payäna
taba jé-u tejaba nägara käna
5. saha-i nä pära-i madana-hutäça
cämara òhuläyata gobinda-däsa

1. After hearing Kåñëa speak broken words in a choked voice, the gopés approached Rädhä.
2. The gopés said: O beautiful fair girl, please listen. Nanda's son trembles with love for You.
3. Thinking it is Your beautiful form, He embraces a tree. Tears stream from His eyes.
4. If You do not go to Him, the hero Kåñëa will give up His life.
5. He has no power to bear Kämadeva's flames that now surround Him. As these words are spoken, Govinda däsa
moves the cämara-whisk.

Song 28 (Suha-i-räga)

1. äïcare mukha-çaçé goya

jhara jhara locana roya
2. käraëa binu kñaëe hasa-i
utapata dérgha niçasa-i
3. çuna çuna sundara çyäma
premaka iha pariëäma
4. tätala tanu nähi öuöa-i
satata mahé-tale luöha-i
5. kähuka kachu nähi kaha-i
ko ächu bedana saha-i
6. jagabhari kulabaté bäda
kä de-i kara-i sambäda
7. gobinda-däsa äçoyäse
jéba-i tuyä abhiläñe
1. She hides the moon of her face behind the edge of her garment. Tears stream from her eyes.
2. Without reason she suddenly laughs. Again and again she deeply sighs.
3. Hear. Please hear, O handsome dark Kåñëa. These are the symptoms of love.
4. Her body burns with a fever. It is not a slight fever. Again and again she rolls on the ground.
5. She will not say a word to anyone. Who can bear to see her suffer in this way?
6. The saintly ladies confer amongst themselves: {.sy 168}Who will talk with this girl?"
7. Govinda däsa reassures them: By your wish this girl will certainly survive.

Song 29 (Çré-räga)

1. cända nehäri candane tanu lepana

täpa saha-i nä pära
dhabala nicola baha-i nä pära-i
kaiche karaha abhisära
2. (Refrain) sundari tuyä lägi sambädala käna
biraha-kñéëa tanu anukhaëa jarajara
aba ithe bidhi bhela bäma
3. yatanahi megha mallära äläpa-i
timira paräëa gati äçe
ä-ota jalada tatahi uòi yä-ota
utapata déragha niçäse
4. tuyä guëa näma gäna japi jéba-i
bahu pulakäyita dehä
gobinda-däsa kaha iha aparüpa naha
yähä iha naba naba lehä

1. He gazes at the moon. He anoints his limbs with sandal paste. Still He cannot tolerate the flames of His fever.
He cannot wear His white shawl. How can he meet with You?
2. (Refrain) O beautiful girl, Kåñëa talks about You. Separated from You, His body has become emaciated. At
every moment He is distraught. Fate is tormenting Him.
3. Wishing to hide in the darkness, He plays the megha-mallära melody on His flute. As the clouds come and go,
He deeply sighs.
4. He sings of Your virtues. It is only by chanting japa of Your name that He lives. The hairs of His body stand
erect. Govinda däsa says: These symptoms are not surprising. Are they not the signs of new love?

Song 30 (Kedära-räga)

1. ädha ädha aìga milala rädhä känu

ädha kapäle çaçé ädha bhäle bhänu
2. ädha gale gaja-moti ädha bana-mälä
ädha naba gaura-tanu ädha cikaëa kälä
3. ädha aìge péta-bäsa ädha néla çäòi
ädha bhuje balayä ädha bhuje néla cuòi
4. ädha aìge hilähili gherägheri bähu
gobinda kahe cända garäsala rähu

1. Rädhä and Kåñëa, the two halves that are the divine couple, meet. One half has a forehead like the moon. The
other half has a forehead like the sun.
2. One half wears an elephant-pearl necklace. The other half wears a forest-flower garland. One half has a
youthful fair form. The other half has a glistening dark form.
3. One half wears yellow garments. The other half wears a säri of blue. One half wears valaya bracelets. The other
half wears dark cuòi bracelets.
4. The two halves of the divine couple stand side-by-side, arm-in-arm. Govinda däsa says: They are fair and dark,
splendid like dark Rähu in the midst of swallowing the glistening moon.

Song 31 (Bhäöiyäri-räga)

1. tanu tanu milane upajala prema

marakata yaichana beòhala hema
2. kanaka-latäya janu taruëa tamäla
naba-jaladhare janu bijuré rasäla
3. kamale madhupa jena pä-ola saìga
duhuà tanu pulakita prema-taraìga
4. mukha adharämåta duhu karu päna
gobinda-däsa duhuka guëa gäna

1. Their two forms meet. Ecstatic spiritual love takes birth within Them. They become like a sapphire encircled by
2. They become like a youthful tamäla tree and a golden vine. They become like a new raincloud and nectar
3. They become like a black bee meeting a lotus. The hairs on Their bodies stand erect. They are splashed by
waves of ecstatic spiritual love.
4. They taste the nectar of each other's lips. Govinda däsa sings the divine couple's glories.

Song 32 (Bhäöiyäri-räga)

1. bipinahi keli kayala duhu meli

jalamäha paiöhi karala jala-keli
2. nähi uöhala duhu mochana aìga
duhu rüpa nirakhite mürache anaìga
3. aìge karala duhu naba naba beça
kabaré bänä-ola bändhala keça
4. nija nija mandire kayala payäëa
gobinda-däsa duhuka guëa gäna

1. Meeting in the forest, They both enjoy many pastimes. Entering the water, They enjoy water-pastimes.
2. Rising from the water, They dry Their limbs. Gazing at Their transcendental forms, Kämadeva is overcome.
3. They dress in new garments. She ties His hair. He twines Her braids.
4. They walk to Their own palaces. Govinda däsa sings the divine couple's glories.

Song 33 (Çré-räga or Gändhära-räga)

1. käjara bharama timira janu tanu-ruci

nibasa-i kuïja-kuöira
bamsi nisase madhura bisa ugara-i
gati ati kuöila su-dhéra
2. (Refrain) sajani känu se baraja-bhujaìga
so majhu hådaya candana-ruhe lägala
bhägala dharama-bihaìga
3. locana-koëe paòata yaba nägaré
raha-i nä pära-i thira
kuïcita aruëa adhare dhari piba-i
kulabaté barata-saméra
4. eka aparüpa nayane biña täkara
meòhaye daçanaka daàçe
biña auñadha biña abadhärala
gobinda-däsa paraçaàse

1. He stays in a forest-cottage. The splendor of His body is the like darkness of black kajjala. From the sound of
His flute a sweet poison arises. His clever ways are very crooked.
2. (Refrain) O gopé-friend, Kåñëa is a snake slithering about the land of Vraja. The Kåñëa-snake coils itself
around the sandal-tree of my heart and makes the bird of dharma fly away.
3. When Kåñëa glances at her from the corner of His eye, no graceful girl has the power to remain steady and
peaceful. With His reddish pursed lips, Kåñëa sips away the saintly gopés' pious vows, vows carried to Him by the
fluttering breeze.
4. Kåñëa's wonderful poison-glance bites the gopés. The nectar poison of that glance now flows within them. In
this way Govinda däsa praises Lord Kåñëa.

Song 34 (Suha-i-räga)

1. hådaya mandire mora känu ghumä-ola

prema-praharé rahu jägi
gurujana paura caura sadåça bhela
dürahi düre rahu bhägi
2. (Refrain) sajani eta dine bhäìgala dwandwa
känu anuräga bhujage garäsala
kula-daduré maru manda
3. äpanaka carita äpe nähi samujhiye
äna karite haye äna
bhäbe bharala mana parijana bäïcite
gåha-pati sa-patika öhäma
4. ninda-u ninda nayane nähi heriye
nä jäniye kiye bhela äìkhi
yaba paramäda kaha-i nä-i päriye
gobinda-däsa eka säthé

1. In the palace of my heart, Kåñëa sleeps. Staying awake the whole night, the watchman of love guards Him.
Like thieves, my elders and superiors stay far away.
2. (Refrain) O gopé-friend, on this day my jealous quarrel with Kåñëa is broken into pieces. The snake of love for
Kåñëa has suddenly devoured the foolish frog of my so-called piety.
3. I do not understand my own actions. I do one thing and then I do another. My heart is overcome with love. I
cheat my kinsmen. I flee from my house and husband.
4. I rebuke them. My eyes will not look on them. Why have my eyes become like that? I do not know. I am
overcome. I have no power to speak of it. Govinda däsa, you are my only friend. I tell all this to you.

Song 35 (Çré-räga)

1. bhäle se candana cända käminé mohana phända

ändhäre kariyäche älä
meghera upara kibä sadä-i udaya kare
niçi diçi çaçé ñola-kalä
2. (Refrain) sa-i kiba se-i nayäna cähani
häsira holole more paräëa-putalé dole
dite cä-i yaubana nichani
3. kibä se cüòära öhäöa daça nakha cända näöa
aparüpa baàçé bäjä-ite
hera-ite se-i mukha mane haya yata sukha
jite ki päriye päsärite
4. kula çéla yata chila mane läge saba gela
dekhiyä bäreka se-i rüpa
gobinda-däsera cite aichana mägaye go
naba anurägera swarüpa

1. The sandal-paste-moon on His forehead is a trap to charm and catch beautiful girls. It is an effulgence that
lights up the darkness. He is a raincloud where rests a full moon that lights up the night.
2. (Refrain) I gaze at Him with my eyes. The puppet of my life-breath is tossed to and fro by the waves of His
smiles. I gaze at Him. I worship His youthful grace.
3. His hair is graceful. The ten moons of His fingernails dance as He plays His wonderful flute. When I ghaze at
His face, my heart is filled with bliss. I am overcome. How can I forget Him?
4. Now that I have once seen His handsome form, I find that piety, good character, and all else have fled from my
heart. In his heart Govinda däsa prays that in this way he may also fall in love with Lord Kåñëa.

Song 36 (Tuòé-räga)

1. dinamaëi-kiraëa malina mukha-maëòala

ghäme tilaka bahi gela
komala caraëa tapata patha-bäluka
äpata dahana sama bhela
2. (Refrain) hera-ite çämara-canda
kore ägori goré-mukha mochata
basana òhuläyata manda
3. karpüra tämbula adharahi deyala
candana lepa-i aìga
çyämara aìga paraçe naba nägaré
bäòhala prema-taraìga
4. kuïja-kuöéra ghara çeja manohara
madhukara çruti-dhara bhäbe
goré çyäma duhu karata kutühali
kahatahi gobinda-däsa

1. The dark circle of His face glistened in the sunlight. In drops of perspiration His tilaka marking ran. When He
walked with delicate soft feet on the hot sandy pathway, I felt that I myself had burst into flames.
2. (Refrain) I gazed at Him. He was like a dark moon. The doorway of His chest and the great bolts of His arms
charm the most beautiful fair girls. His garments gently sway to and fro.
3. Betelnuts and camphor are on His lips. With sandal paste His limbs are anointed. Any graceful girl that touches
His dark limbs will find herseelf tossed to and fro by waves of prema.
4. In a forest cottage He rests on a charming bed. Learned in all the scriptures, the buzzing bees chant His glories.
Fair Rädhä and dark Kåñëa enjoy many blissful pastimes. So says Govinda däsa.
Song 37 (Kämoda-räga)

1. çyäma abhisäre calali sundaré dhané

naba naba raìginé säthe
bäma çrabana müle çata-dala paìkaja
käma jaya phula-dhanu häte
2. bhälahi sindüra bhänu-kiraëa ñanu
taàhi cäru candana-bindu
mukha heri läjame säyare lukäyala
dine dine kñéëa bhela indu
3. kari-rada-biracita cäru bhüñaëa kare
madana jiniyä dhané säja
caraëa-i nüpura mukhara manohara
rati-jaya bäjala bäja
4. lalitädi sakhé mili maìgala hulähuli
doàhe doàhä hera-ite duhu cita pulakita
bäli hari gobinda-däse

1. Accompanied by a young gopé-friend, a beautiful girl goes to meet Kåñëa. A hundred-petal lotus flower
decorates Her left ear. She defeats Kämadeva, who holds a bow of flowers in his hand.
2. She is decorated with red sindüra. She is effulgent like the sun. She is gracefully marked with sandal-paste dots.
Shyly she watches. She hides by a pond. She is slender like a crescent-moon grown more and more slender after
many days.
3. She is graceful with ivory ornaments. She is so beautiful She defeats Kämadeva. Anklets adorn Her feet. Her
face is enchanting. Her jingling ornaments defeat Rati.
4. She meets with Lalitä and Her other friends. A joyful tumult arises. She yearns to taste the nectar of gazing on
dark Kåñëa. She and Kåñëa gaze at each other. The hairs of Their bodies stand erect with joy. This Govinda däsa

Song 38 (Çré-räga)

1. kuïcita-keçiné nirupama-beçiné
rasa äbeçiné bhaìginé re
adhara suraìgiëé aìga taraìgiëé
saìginé naba naba raìgiëé re
2. (Refrain) sundaré rädhe ä-oye dhané
3. kuïjara-gäminé motima-daçané
däminé camaka nehäriëé re
4. naba anurägiëé akhila sohäginé
païcama rägiëé mohiné re
räsa-biläsiné häsa-bikäçiné
gobinda-däsa cita-çohiné re

1. Her curly hair is graceful. Her garments have no peer. Her graceful gestures are plunged in nectar, O! Her lips
are red. Her limbs are a wave-filled stream of nectar. A joyful girl is Her companion, O!
2. (Refrain) Beautiful glorious Rädhä, the crest-jewel of Vraja's beautiful girls, has come!
3. Her glorious graceful motions are like those of a graceful elephant. Her teeth are like pearls. She is wonderful
to behold, wonderful like a lightning flash, O!
4. She is filled with ever-new spiritual love. She possesses all auspiciousness and good fortune. She sings
enchanting melodies in the fifth räga, O! She enjoys pastimes of räsa-dancing. She blossoms with smiles. She is
splendidly manifest in Govinda däsa's heart, O!

Song 39 (Basanta-räga)

1. pada-tale bhakata kalpa-taru siïcita

prema-rasa makaranda
yäkara chäyära sosara naba naba
paramänanda niradanda
2. (Refrain) pekhalu guaracandra naöa-räja
jaìgama hema dharädhara uyala
kiye nabadwépa-mäjha
3. naba nérada jini kata mandäkiné
tri-bhubana bharala taraìga
nityänandacandra abhiräma dinamaëi
bhrama-i pradakñiëa raìge
4. yäkara caraëa samädhaye çaìkara
caturänana karu äçe
se pahu patita kore dhari kända-i
ki kahaba gobinda-däse

1. He is a kalpa-taru tree that sprinkles the honey of ecstatic spiritual love on the devotees that approach His feet.
The shade of that tree brings newer and newer bliss and peace.
2. (Refrain) I saw Lord Gauracandra, the king of dancers! How has He become so like a golden mountain walking
in the midst of Navadvépa?
3. The waves of His tears flood the three worlds. How many celestial Gaìgäs are they like? How many rain-
pouring clouds are they like? Lord Nityänandacandra and Abhiräma Öhäkura are like two suns that circle around
Him in the dancing-arena.
4. Rapt in samädhi, Çiva meditates on His feet. Brahmä yearns to attain Him. Hugging a fallen soul, Lord
Gaurancandra weeps. What more need Govinda däsa say?

Song 40 (Kämoda-räga)

1. go-rakha jägä-i çiìgä-dhwani çuna-ite

jaöilä bhikha äni dela
mauné yogeçwara mätha hiläyata
bujhala bhikha nähi nela
2. jaöilä kahata taba kähä tuhu mägata
yogé kahata bujhä-i
tere badhü häta bhikha häma leyaba
turitahi deha päöhä-i
3. paribaratä binu bhikha le-u yaba
yogé barata hoye näça
täkara bacana çunite tanu pulakita
dhä-i kahe badhü päça
4. dwäre yogé-bara parama manohara
jïäni bujhala anumäne
bahuta yatana kari ratana-thälé bhari
bhikha deha tachu öhäme
5. çuni dhané rä-i ä-i kari uöhala
yogé-niyaòe häma yäba
jaöilä kahata yogé naha äna mata
daraçane hoyaba läbha
6. godhüma-cürëa pürëa thälé para
kanaka-kaöhora bhari ghi-u
kara-yoòe rä-i leha kari phukara-i
tähe hari tharahari jé-u
7. yogé kahata häma bhikha nähi leyaba
tuyä mukha-bacana eka cä-i
nanda-nandana para yo abhimäna so
mäpha karaha yä-i
8. çuni dhané rä-i cére mukha jhämpala
bhekha-dhäré naöa-räja
gobinda-däsa kaha naöa-bara-çekhara
sädhi calata mana käja

1. Hearing the sound of a buffalo-horn, the cowherd people awakened. Bringing some alms, Jaöilä offered them to
the beggar. Disguised as a beggar-yogé, Lord Kåñëa, the master of all yoga, was silent. He tilted His head. He would
not accept the alms.
2. Jaöilä said: {.sy 168]What do You want, then?" The yogé said, "Your daughter-in-law should offer the alms
with Her own hand. Only then will I accept them. Send for Her at once.
3. "If I accept alms without this change, then My yogé's vow will perish." Hearing these words, and the hairs of
her body now standing erect, Jaöilä ran to the side of her daughter-in-law.
4. Jaöilä thought the supremely charming yogé at her door must be a great sage. With great effort she gathered up
some offerings and placed them on a jewel-tray.
5. Hearing the commotion, beautiful Rädhä came. "I will go to the yogé," She said. Jaöilä affirmed, "This yogé is
not an ordinary man. Simply by seeing Him, one attains a great spiritual treasure."
6. On the tray was an offering of whole-wheat flour. Ghee was in a golden cup. Taking the tray in Her hands,
sighing with love, and Her life's breath trembling, Rädhä brought the offering to the yogé Kåñëa.
7. The yogé Kåñëa said, "I will not accept this offering yet. First I wish to hear a single word from Your mouth. I
am Nanda's arrogant son. Say that You forgive Me, and then I will depart."
8. Hearing these words, beautiful Rädhä covered Her face with Her cloth. Then Kåñëa, the king of dancers, took
the alms. Govinda däsa says: His heart's mission accomplished, Lord Kåñëa, the corwn of dancers, took His leave.

Song 41 (Çré-räga)

1. çuna-ite känu muralé-raba mädhuré

çrabaëe nibäranu tora
hera-ite rüpa nayäna-yuga jhäàpalu
taba mohe rokhali bhora
2. (Refrain) sundari taikhane kahala mu toya
bharamahi tä saïe leha bäòhäyali
janama goìäyabi roya
3. bini guëa parakhi paraka rüpa lälase
kähe soàpali nija deha
dine dine khoyabi iha rüpa-läbaëé
jéba-ite bhela sandeha
4. yo tuhu hådaye prema-taru ropali
so aba nayana néra ghana siïcaha
kahatahià gobinda-däse

1. When you heard the sweetness of Kåñëa's flute-music, I blocked your ears. When you gazed at Kåñëa's
handsome form, I covered your eyes. You were very determined to be enchanted by Him.
2. (Refrain) O beautiful girl, the enchantment of your love for Him grew stronger and stronger. In the end you will
pass this lifetime only in weeping.
3. For no reason you pined to attain Him. What has become of your body? Day after day the beauty of your body
wasted away. Now even your life is in doubt.
4. In your heart you planted the tree of love for Him. You expected the dark raincloud of Kåñëa would water that
tree with its nectar rains. Alas! Now that tree is watered only with the tears from your eyes. This Govinda däsa says.

Song 42 (Dhänaçé-räga)

1. so bahu ballabha sahaje-i bhora

kaichane bedana jänäba mora
2. cala-ite cähi taha ädara bhaìga
saha-i nä päriye biraha-taraìga
3. sakhi he kähe upekhalu käna
nä jäniye dagadhi calaba mohe mäna
4. sakhé-gaëa gaëa-ite tuhu se seyäné
tohe ki çikhäyaba caturima bäëé
5. majhu eta ärati ho jäni jäna
ithe lägi taba päya soàpalu paräëa
6. aba biracaha tuhu so parabandha
känuka yaiche hoya nirabandha
7. jéba-ite mohe milaba yaba käna
gobinda-däsa taba tuyä guëa gäna

1. Now I am overcome with love for Him. How can I understand what has happened to me?
2. When I see Him, my peaceful composure is broken into pieces. I cannot bear being tossed to an fro by the
waves of the anguish of separation from Him.
3. O gopé-friend, how can I turn away from Kåñëa? I do not know. It is as if I am burning in the midst of flames.
My heart is enchanted by Him.
4. You gopé-friends are very wise. What wise words can I speak to you?
5. Ah! I am so overcome with longings. I feel that soon I will lose my life.
6. Please write a letter. Place my request before Kåñëa.
7. Only if I can meet Kåñëa will I stay alive. Govinda däsa says: O gopé girl, in this song I sing your glories.

Song 43 (Suha-i-räga)

1. ye dige pasäri äìkhi dekhi çyäma räya

kulabaté barata dhairaya nähi raya
2. kata nä yatane yadi mudi duöi äìkhi
nabéna-tribhaìga rüpa hiyä-mäjhe dekhi
3. ki ha-ila antare sa-i ki ha-ila antare
äji ha-ite sakhi mora sädha nähi ghare
4. nirabadhi çyäma-näma japiche rasanä
eta dine ayatane pürila bäsanä
5. präëera adhika käna jäniluà niçcaya
gobinda-däsete kaya daòä-ila haya

1. Wherever I place my eyes I see dark Kåñëa. I cannot keep the vow of a saintly girl.
2. How many times did I carefully close my eyes only to see Kåñëa's youthful threefold-bending form in the
middle of my heart?
3. How did He enter my heart? How did He enter my heart? O gopé-friend, from this moment I have no wish to
return to my home.
4. On the day my tongue chants the name ïÇyäma" without stop, I become filled with longings.
5. Kåñëa is more dear to me than life. This I know without doubt. Govinda däsa says: This gopé's love is very

Song 44 (Dhänaçé-räga)

1. çuna çuna e sakhi nibedana toya

maramaka bedana jänasi moya
2. baiöhahe näha catura-gaëa mäjhi
aiche kahabi yaiche na hoya läja
3. sakhé-gaëa mäjhe caturé tohe jäni
ädara räkhi miläyabi äni
4. aba biracaha tuhuà so parabandha
känuka yaiche hoya nirabandha
5. jébana rahite näha yadi päba
gobinda-däsa taba tuyä yaça gäba

1. Listen. Listen. I beg you. O gopé-friend, only you know the anguish in my heart.
2. You are not shy. You will speak to Lord Kåñëa, who sits among His clever friends.
3. You are the wisest of my gopé-friends. This I know. You can keep your honor and still meet with Kåñëa.
4. Please write a letter that places my request before Kåñëa.
5. If I do not attain Kåñëa, I will not continue to live. O gopé, in this song Govinda däsa sings your glories.

Song 45 (Bihägaòä-räga)

1. prema äguni mänahi guëi guëi

e dina-yäminé jägi
madana-kuïjara kuïje roya-i
tohari rasika lägi
2. ki phala mänini mäna mänasi
känu jänasi tori
tuhu se jaladhara aìge çobhata
yaichana däminé goré
3. na-ola kiçalaya balaya malayaja
paìka paìkaja-päta
çayane chaöaphaöa luöha-i mahé-tale
to bine daha-i gäta
4. jänaha puna puna so piyä parékhana
so-i püje päïca bäëa
räya campati o rasa gähaka
däsa gobinda bäëa

1. He burns in the flames of love. Thinking and thinking of Your proud jealous anger, He stays awake all day and
all night. Although He is like Kämadeva's wild elephant, now He sits in the forest, thinks of You, and weeps.
2. O angry gopé, what fruit do You think will come from Your proud jealous anger? You know Kåñëa very well.
His body is glorious like a dark monsoon cloud, and You are like a glistening lightning flash at His side.
3. He wears bracelets of new flower-buds. He is anointed with sandal-paste. He is adorned with lotuses. Now He
is restless and cannot sleep. He rolls about on the ground. Without You, He feels His body is licked by flames.
4. Again and again You have tested Him and seen that He loves You dearly. To attain You, He now worships
Kämadeva with offerings of campaka flowers. Govinda däsa sings this sonmg of Lord Kåñëa's nectar pastimes.

Song 46 (Jayajayanté-räga)

1. präëa-priya dukha çuni çaçi-mukhé

pucha-i gadagada bola
amala kubalaya nayäna yugalahi
galaye jhara jhara lora
2. beça beçäyala sabahi bichürala
calali parihari mäna
tejala kula-bhaya nähi gauraba
manahi jägala käna
3. péna payodhara jaghana gurutara
bhäre gati ati manda
ärati antara pantha düratara
bihika biracana ninda
4. gaòhala manoratha calala sundaré
bighana bipada nä mäna
milala bhäminé kuïja-dhäminé
däsa gobinda bhäëa

1. Hearing that her lover, more dear to her than life, was now unhappy, the moon-faced gopé asked about Him
with broken words in a choked voice. Tears streamed from her glistening lotus eyes.
2. She dressed in fine garments, anointed her limbs with fragrances, abandoned her proud jealous anger, and went
to meet Him. Fear of her kinsmen she left far behind. To her elders she gave no thought. Keeping a vigil there,
Kåñëa stayed always in her heart.
3. Her great breasts and heavy hips forced her to walk very slowly. Her heart was filled with longings. The path
way very long. She rebuked destiny for writing such things as her fate.
4. Filled with longings, the beautiful gopé walked. To dangers and obstacles she gave no thought. In the forest that
beautiful passionate gopé finally met Lord Kåñëa. So says Govinda däsa.

Song 47 (Çré-räga)

1. badana na kara malina chända

bäde ki ä-oye püëimaka cända
2. adhara bändhuli madhura häsa
nérasa nä kara déragha niçäsa
3. (Refrain) rä-i he aba tejaha mäna
caraëe lägi tohe sädhaye käna
4. caïcala nayana khaïjana jora
bhäìga-bhujaìgama rähu ägora
5. ki phala mohe etahu roña
jagate bidita däsaka doña
6. bacana amiya binu ye nähi jéye
mäna-kuliça daraçäyasi kiye
7. gobinda-däsa cite e-i äça
tejana baraye mäna abhiläña
1. Don't make Your face so dark. Make it like a glistening full-moon.
2. Don't give out these long despairing sighs. Place a sweet smile on Your bandhulé-flower lips.
3. (Refrain) O Rädhä, give up Your jealous anger. Walking with Your feet, go to meet Kåñëa.
4. Your restless eyes are like khaïjana birds. Now You are in a snake's grip.
5. What sweet fruit will You jealous anger bring to You? The whole world know that Your servant has His faults.
6. He cannot live without the nectar of Your words. Why do You show this thunderbolt of Your jealous anger?
7. In Govinda däsa's heart this desire resides: Give up this jealous anger.

Song 48 (Tirotä or Bhüpälé-räga)

1. rasabaté rädhä rasamaya käna

ko jäne kahe kayala tuhu mäna
2. tuhu ati rokhe bimukha nä baiöha
duhu båndäbana-bana mähä paiöha
3. ki kahaba re sakhi kaha-ite häsa
kiye kiye adbhuta duhuka biläsa
4. locana lore bhari duhu pantha
pä-ola timira nikuïjaka anta
5. duhu dumha pucha-ite duhu mati bäma
duhu kahali nija sahacaré näma
6. bharame kahata maramaka bola
sahacaré bodhe tuhu duhu kara kora
7. yaba duhu meli äliìgana dela
gobinda-däsa kahata kiye bhela

1. Rädhä is sweet like nectar. Kåñëa is sweet like nectar. Why do They quarrel? Who knows?
2. Angrily They turn from each other. They will not meet. Still, They both enter Våndävana forest.
3. O gopé-friend, what shall I say to make Them smile and laugh? How shall I arrange that They enjoy wonderful
pastimes together?
4. Tears streamed from their eyes as They gazed at the pathway. They entered the forest darkness.
5. They asked about each other. Their hearts were stubborn and contrary. They each called out the name of a
special gopé-friend.
6. To those friends They told what was in Their hearts. Those two friends met, hugged, and told what they had
7. Then Rädhä and Kåñëa met and embraced. Govinda däsa asks: What pastimes did They enjoy then?

Song 49 (Kedära-räga)

1. (Refrain) iha madhu yäminé mähä

kähe lägi mäna dahane tanu dahi dahi
duhu mukha duhu nähi cäha
2. uha purukha-bara bidagadha-çekhara
e abicala kula-bälä
bihi yo nä jänala madana ghaöäyala
janu jaladhare bidhu-mälä
3. cända udaye kiye kumudiné mudita
cändané bimukha cakora
aichana yäminé kabahu nä pekhiye
kiye bidhi mati bhora
4. duhu tanu paraça kñaëeka paraçahi
jaladhare däminé-mälä
aichana käminé so su-purukha-bara
duhuka dulaha naba-bälä
5. sahacaré bacana çuniyä duhu harañita
duhu mukha heri duhu häsa
duhuka anubhaba pürala manoratha
gobinda-däsa parakäça

1. (Refrain) On this sweet springtime night why do You two make Your bodies burn with the flames of a lover's
quarrel? Why do You two not even look at each other's faces?
2. Here is the best of males, the crown of the playful and wise. And here is a saintly faithful girl. Alas! Destiny
does not know the greatness of Your love. You are like a monsoon cloud garlanded with a host of moons.
3. When the moon rises do the lotus flowers close their petals? When the glistening moonlight shines, do the
cakora birds turn their faces from it? How have Your hearts become so bewildered that on a night like this you will
not even look at each other?
4. You two should touch. For a moment the garland of lightning should touch the dark monsoon cloud. Here is a
beautiful passionate girl. And here is the best of charming boys. You two are a glorious teenage couple.
5. Hearing the gopé-friend's words, the divine couple became happy. Looking at each other's faces, They smiled.
They felt Their every desire was at once fulfilled. Govinda däsa reveals this pastimes.

Song 50 (Dhänaçé-räga)

1. muralé milita adhara naba-pallaba

gäyata kata kata räga
kulabaté ho-i mandira choòi äyalu
sahite nä päri biräga
2. (Refrain) mädhaba tohe ki çikhäyaba äna
goré äläpi çyäma naöa saïcaru
aba tuhu bidagadha jäna
3. muralé choòi achu madhura äläpite
saba jana nähi äna
kaëöhahi kaëöha meli abahi samujhiye
yati åëe hota suöhäma
4. nirajana jäni hådaye aba dhärabi
aichana guëabaté bhäña
guëijana-läja aiche nähi hoyata
kahatahià gobinda-däsa

1. How many melodies do You play on the flute placed to Your flower-petal lips? Leaving their homes, the saintly
gopés run to You. They have no power to stay away.
2. (Refrain) O Kåñëa, what more can I say to You? You are the most wise. You are the graceful dark dancer. With
these melodies You call the fair gopés.
3. Putting down the flute, now You speak sweetly. No one is like You. Meeting the gopés neck-to-neck, You
declare that You are in debt to them.
4. Thus You speak to the saintly gopés. In this secluded place You will embrace them to Your chest. The saintly
devotees are not shy to praise these pastimes. So speaks Govinda däsa.

Song 51 (Kedära-räga)

1. dekha rädhä-mädhaba meli

mürati madana rasa-keli
2. o naba jaladhara aìga
iha thira bijuré-taraìga
3. o bara marakata öhäma
iha käïcana daçabäëa
4. o matta madhukara-räja
iha naba padiminé säja
5. o naba taruëa tamäla
iha hema yüthé rasäla
6. aruëa niyaòe puna canda
gobinda-däsa rahu dhandha

1. Look! Rädhä and Kåñëa meet. They are Kämadeva's nectar pastimes personified.
2. His form is a dark monsoon cloud. She is waves of lightning.
3. He is an abode of sapphires. She is the purest gold.
4. He is the king of wild black bees. She is a lake of new lotus flowers.
5. He is a young tamäla tree. She is a sweet golden-jasmine vine.
6. They are glorious like the sun and moon rising together. Gazing at Them, Govinda däsa is filled with wonder.

Song 52 (Mallära-räga)

1. bhule bhule re doàhära rüpe nayana bhule

kanaka-latikä rä-i tamäla-kole
2. béja-i bane bane bhrama-i duhu
duàhära kändhe çobhe duàhära bähu
3. dépa-samépe yena indranéla maëi
jalada jaòäyala yena saudaminé
4. kañite kañila nahe kundana hema
tulanä dibära nähi duàhära prema
5. badane badana dite madana jäge
äliìgana diyä çyäma kibä dhana mäge
6. cända upare cända piye rasa sudhä
gobinda-däsa kahe nä bhaìgila kñudhä

1. Gazing at each other's forms, Their eyes are enchanted. They are enchanted and again enchanted. Rädhä is like
a golden vine embracing a tamäla tree.
2. They wander from forest to forest. They adorn each other's shoulders with Their arms.
3. They are like a sapphire and a glistening lamp. They are like a monsoon cloud and lightning.
4. No gold is pure as Their love. Their love has no peer.
5. When They gaze at each other, amorous desires awaken within Them. When dark Kåñëa embraces Her, for
what greater treasure can Rädhä ask?
6. They are like one moon sipping the nectar of another moon. Govinda däsa says: Their thirst to taste that nectar
is never broken.

Song 53 (Dhänaçé-räga)

1. rüpe bharata diöhi soìari paraça miöhi

pulaka nä teja-i aìga
mohana muralé-bare çruti paripürita
nä çune äpana parasaìga
2. (Refrain) sajani aba ki karabi upadeça
känu anuräge mora tanu mana bätula
nä sahe dharama-bhara-leça
3. näsikä se aìgera saurabha unamata
badane nänä laya äna näma
naba naba guëa-gaëe bändhala majhu mane
dharama rahaba kon öhäma
4. gåha-pati tarajane guru-jana garajane
ko jäne upajaye häsa
tahi eka manoratha yadi haye anurata
puchata gobinda-däsa

1. I filled my eyes with the sight of His handsome form. As I remember the sweetness of that form, the hairs of
my body do not stop standing up with joy. The enchanting sound of His flute entered my ears. Now I do not hear
anything else.
2. (Refrain) O gopé-friend, what shall I say to you? I have fallen in love with Kåñëa. My body and heart are now
wild to attain Him. I have not the slightest fear of breaking dharma's rules.
3. When my nose smelled the fragrance of His body, I became wild. My mouth will not speak any name but His.
My heart is bound hg the ropes of His newer and newer virtues. Where will the rules of dharma stay within me now?
4. Govinda däsa asks: When her husband rebukes and her elders roar their disapproval, only a smile sprouts
within her. Who understands her smile? If she is indeed enchanted by Kåñëa, only one desire must stay within her

Song 54 (Kämoda-räga)

1. sabahu badhü-jana calu båndäbana

gauré ärädhana lägi
aichana mugadha bacana racana kari
guru-jana anumati mägi
2. (Refrain) hari hari kähe çikhala parakära
guru-jane bäïci micha-i bacanämåta
dinahi karala abhisära
3. beça banä-ota nanadé çunäyata
catura sakhé saïe bäta
gauré ärädhi manoratha püraba
paçupati nandana sätha
4. su-basita kusuma kapürita tämbula
bhari le-i candana kaöora
gobinda-däsa patha daraçäyata
yäàhä nähi kaëöaka äcora

1. All the teenage gopés went to Våndävana forest to worship Goddess Durgä. Speaking sweet words, they asked
their elders' permission.
2. (Refrain) Ah! Ah! What did they say? Chaating their elders with a host of nectar lies, they went to meet Kåñëa
in broad daylight.
3. They dressed in nice garments, talked with their sisters-in-law, and spoke clever words with their gopé-friends.
They declared all their desires.would be fulfilled by worshiping Durgä and Gaëeça.
4. They brought with them fragrances, flowers, camphor, betelnuts, and cups of sandal paste. Govinda däsa took
care no brambles blocked their path.

Song 55 (Dhänaçé-räga)
1. kunda-kusume karu kabaraki bhära
hådaye biräjita motima hära
2. candane caracita rucira kapüra
aìgahi aìga anaìga bhari püra
3. cändané rajané ujorali goré
hari abhisära rabhasa-rase bhori
4. dhabala bibhüñaëa ambara dhara-i
dhabalima kaumudé mili tanu cala-i
5. hera-ite parijana locana bhula
raìga-putalé yena rasa mähä bula
6. pürita manoratha gati anibära
guru-kula-kaëöaka ki karaye pära
7. mürati çiìgära pirétimaya bhäña
milali nikuïje kahe gobinda-däsa

1. Jasmine flowers are twined in her braids. A pearl necklace glistens on her chest.
2. Her limbs are gloriously anointed with camphor and sandal paste. Her limbs are flooded with amorous desires.
3. Her fair complexion is glorious in the moonlit night. Sipping the nectar of yearning to meet Kåñëa, she is
4. Her garments and ornaments are white. As she walks, her graceful form meets the white moonlight.
5. She blunders. She glances at her kinsmen's eyes. As a puppet dances on a stage, she dances the dance of tasting
nectar pastimes.
6. Without stopping, she goes to fulfill her desire. How did she cross over the shoreless ocean of thorns that were
her elders?
7. Her words are filled with passionate love for a person who is like Kämadeva personified. In the forest she
meets Kåñëa. So says Govinda däsa.

Song 56 (Kämoda-räga)

1. ädare ägu-sari rä-i hådaye dhari

jänu upare puna räkhi
nija kara-kamale nayana-yuga mucha-i
hera-i cira thira äìkhi
2. (Refrain) piréti mürati adhidebä
yäkara daraçane saba dukha miöala
so-i äpane kara sebä
3. himakara çétala nérahi titala
kara-tale maja-i mukha
sa-jala naliné-dale mådu mådu béja-i
pucha-i pantha ki dukha
4. aìguli cibuka dhari badane tämbula püri
madhura sambhäña-i käna
gobinda-däsa bhaëa niti naba nütana
rä-ika amiya sinäna

1. Respectfully He approaches. He embraces Rädhä. He holds Her to His chest. With unblinking eyes He gazes at
Her for a long time. With His lotus hands He rubs His eyes.
2. (Refrain) He who is the Deity of love, who is love personified, gazes at Her. Now all Her sufferings are ended.
He personally serves Her.
3. Even though She stays in the cooling moonlight, She perspires. With the palms of His hand He wipes Her face.
With a moistened lotus-petal He gently gently fans Her. "Was there trouble on the path?", He asks.
4. Holding Her chin with a finger, He places betelnuts in Her mouth. Kåñëa speaks sweetly. Govinda däsa says:
Rädhä feels She is being bathed in nectar that is eternally newer and newer.

Song 57 (Dhänaçé-räga)

1. (Refrain) mädhaba ki kahaba daiba-bipäka

patha-ägamana kathä kata nä kahiba he
yadi haya mukha läkhe läkha
2. mandira teja yäba pada cäri ä-olu
niçi heri kampita aìga
timira duranta patha hera-i nä päriye
pada-yuga beòhala bhujaìga
3. eke kula-käminé tähe kuhu-yäminé
ghora gahana ati düra
äre tahe jaladhara barakhiye jhara jhara
häma yä-oba kona püra
4. eke pada-paìkaja paìke bibhüñita
kaëöake jarajara bhela
tuyä daraçana äçe kachu nähi jänalu
cira-dukha aba düre gela
5. tohäri muralé yaba çrabaëe prabeçala
choòalu gåha-sukha äça
pantha dukha tåëahu kari nä gaëalu
kahatahi gobinda-däsa

1. (Refrain) O Kåñëa, how can I describe my fate? How many calamities fell on me as I walked here on the path?
Even if I had millions and millions of mouths, I could not describe them all.
2. Leavibng my house, I began walking here. When I saw night fall, my body trembled. Great darkness made the
path impassable. I had no power to see anything. Snakes slithered about my feet.
3. I was all alone. The night was fearful. The path was very long. Then clouds rained and rained. Every place was
flooded. Where could I go?
4. My lotus feet became adorned with mud. Again and again I was pricked by thorns. I yearned to see You. I didn't
know where to go. Then my long sufferings fled far away.
5. The sound of Your flute-music entered my ears. Then I turned away from any wish to be happy in my home.
Now I think all the troubles I met on that path to be insignificant like a blade of grass. So says Govinda däsa.

Song 58 (Bhüpälé-räga)

1. mandira bähira kaöhina kapäöa

cala-ite çaìkila paìkila bäöa
2. taàhi ati düratara bädara dola
bari ki bära-i néla nicola
3. sundaré kaiche kayabi abhisära
hari raha mänasa suradhuné pära
4. ghana ghana jhana jhana bajara nipäta
çuna-ite çrabaëe marame jari jäta
5. daça diça däminé daha-i bithära
hera-ite ucaka-i locana-bhära
6. ithe yadi sundari tejabi geha
premaka lägi upekhabi deha
7. gobinda-däsa kaha ithe ki bicära
chüöala bäëa kiye yatane nibära

1. She departs from the house and the locked gate. Frightened, she flees on the muddy pathway.
2. A ferocious rainstorm blows with great winds. How can her black cloak keep out the torrents of rain?
3. How will this beautiful girl meet with Kåñëa? He is on the Mänasa-gaìgä's farther shore.
4. "Jhanajhana!" Thunderbolts fall again and again. Hearing the thunder, she feels her ears and heart filled with
flames of pain.
5. Flames of lightning flash in the ten directions. Watching, she fills her upraised wide-open eyes.
6. O beautiful girl, if you leave your home for love's sake, then for love's sake you should give up all worry for
your own body.
7. Govinda däsa says: How can worry stop her now? When shot from the bow, how can an arrow be stopped?

Song 59 (Kämoda-räga)

1. nélima mågamade tanu anuraïja-i

nélima hara ujora
néla-balayä-gaëa bhuja-yuga-maëòita
pahirali néla nicola
2. (Refrain) sundari hari-abhisarika lägi
naba anuräge goré bheli çaàari
kuhu-yäminé-bhaya bhägi
3. néla alakäkula alike hilolata
néla timire calu go-i
néla nalina yaiche çämaru säyare
lakha-i nä pära-i ko-i
4. néla-bhramara-gaëa parimale dhäba-i
caudike karata jhaìkära
gobinda-däsa ata-e anumäna-i
rä-i calali abhisära

1. Black is the musk that anoints Her. Black is Her glistening necklace. Black are the bracelets that adorn Her
wrists. Black is Her bodice.
2. (Refrain) The beautiful girl goes to Her meeting with Kåñëa. Overcome with new and passionate love, the fair
girl has become black. The black night is fearsome.
3. Black are the curly locks of hair that toss like waves on Her forehead. In the black darkness She stealthily
walks. Black now are thge lotus flowers. Blackness was brought by the sunset. No one can see anything.
4. Black are the bumblebees chasing the sweet fragrance. Their buzzing fills the four directions. Govinda däsa
says: I can only guess that Çré Rädhä is now running to meet with Kåñëa.

Song 60 (Kedära-räga)

1. guru-jana-nayana bidhuntuda manda

néla nicola jhämpali mukha-candra
2. yena yäminé ghana timira duranta
madana-dépa daraçäyala pantha
3. calali nitambini hari abhisära
gati ati manthara ärati bithära
4. rasa-dhädhase calu pada du-i cäri
lélä-kamala tejala bara-näré
5. parihari maulika mälaté-mälä
tejala maëi-maya gémaka hära
6. naba anuräga-bharame bhela bholi
nindaye péna payodhara jori
7. beça çeña rahu nélima bäsa
milali nikuïje kaha gobinda däsa

1. Covering your face with a great black cloak, you hid your moonlike face from your elders' prying eyes.
2. In the impenetrable darkness and mist of night, Kämadeva's lamp showed you the path.
3. O girl with beautiful hips, you hurried to your meeting with Kåñëa. Overcome with passionate love, you
walked slowly.
4. Wild with the desire to taste nectar, you took two steps and then four. O beautiful girl, you dropped your toy
lotus flower.
5. You dropped the jasmine crown from your head. You broke the string of jewels at your neck.
6. You were overcome with new and passionate love. Your very full breasts rebuked all rivals.
7. Your garments and ornaments were hidden under a great black cloak. In this way you met Lord Krsna in the
forest. Thus speaks Govinda däsa.

Song 61 (Kedära-räga)

1. duhu jana ä-ola kuïjaka mäha

aparüpa ko bihi rasa nirabäha
2. jhara jhara barikhe gagane jaladhära
däminé daha-i jhalake anibära
3. aiche samaye bara rädhä käna
kuïjaka mäjhe baiöhi eka öhäma
4. duhu tanu milala manamathe mäti
duhu parirambhaëa samaraka bhäti
5. aparüpa duhu jana nidhubana keli
gobinda-däsa hera-i sakhé meli

1. The divine couple came to the forest grove. What wonderful nectar will fate now create?
2. In the sky clouds shower rain again and again. Flames of lightning flash without stop.
3. Now Rädhä and Kåñëa sit together in a forest grove.
4. Their bodies meet. They are wild with passionate desire. They fight a glorious battle of embraces.
5. They enjoy wonderful amorous pastimes. Standing with the gopés, Govinda däsa watches.

Song 62 (Sindhuòä-räga)

1. gaganahi nimagana dinamaëi känti

lakha-i nä päriye kiye dina räti
2. aichana jalada kalaya ändhiyära
niyaòahi ko-i lakha-i nähi pära
3. calu gaja-gäminé hari abhisära
gamana niraìkuça ärati bithära
4. caudike athira pabana taru dola
jaga bhari çékara-nikara hilola
5. òhala-ite goré nagara pura-bäöa
mandire mandire lägala kapäöa
6. yaba dhani kuïje milala hari päça
dürahi düre rahu gobinda-däsa
1. The sky's sunlight suddenly plunges into darkness. Is it day or night? I have no power to see.
2. A great cloud has brought blinding darkness. No one can see even the nearest object.
3. Walking like a graceful elephant, a beautiful girl goes to meet Kåñëa. She is wild with passionate longing to
meet with Him.
4. In the four directions a fickle wind blows the trees back and forth. Waves of drizzling rain fill the worlds.
5. The fair girl follows the path to Kåñëa's abode. She comes to the doors of house after house.
6. Finally the beautiful fortunate girl meets Kåñëa in the forest. Govinda däsa respectfully stays far far away.

Song 63 (Kedära-räga)

1. maëi maïjéra yatane äni dhané

so pahiranu du-i häta
kiìkiëé géma hära bali pahirala
hära säjä-ola mätha
2. (Refrain) sundaré aparüpa pekhala äja
hari abhisära bharama bhare sundaré
bichurala säja bisäja
3. ghana andhiyära rajané jani käjara
garajata barikhata meha
biñadhara bharala dürata patha pätara
ekäli calali teji geha
4. cäòhala manorathe dosara manamathe
patha bipatha nähi mäna
gobinda-däsa kaha-i braja=nägaré
aichana bheöali käna

1. With both hands she carefully placed jewel anklets on her feet. She placed a necklace on her neck and an
ornament on her head.
2. (Refrain) The beautiful gopé looked at the wonderful arrangement. Yearning to meet Kåñëa, she took no care
that the ornaments were proper or not.
3. The night was dark like black kajjala. The clouds thundered and rained. Snakes slithered on the path. Leaving
her home, she walked all alone.
4. She was filled with longing. Käma was her only companion. She did not care if she walked on the path or on
the places where there was no path. Govinda däsa says: This vraja-gopé certainly met Lord Kåñëa.

Song 64 (Bhüpälé-räga)

1. guru duru baïca ujorala canda

gurujana nayana padahi pada phanda
2. tähe ati duratara pantha saïcära
tatahi kaläbaté calu abhisära
3. ki kahaba mädhaba premaka réta
tuyä anurägiëé tri-bhubana jita
4. yähä dhané dhädhase bhäìa dhunäna
sädhase dhä-oye katahu päïcabäëa
5. so tohe kuïje milala nirabädha
gobinda-däsa hake pürala sädha
1. The moon is bright. Now the eyes of her elders are spread like a net to catch her.
2. She walks on the frightening path. This graceful girl hurries to meet You.
3. O Kåñëa, how can I describe the love she bears for You? Her love for You eclipses the three worlds.
4. The beautiful agitated girl knits her eyebrows. How many times does Kämadeva attack with his five arrows?
5. O Kåñëa, now she meets You in the forest. Now her desires are all fulfilled.

Song 65 (Kalyäëé-räga)

1. bayase samana saìge naba raìgiëé

säjali çyäma-daraça rasa-lobhe
ko-i rabäba muraja swara-maëòala
béëä upäìga häta para çobhe
2. (Refrain) bhäle bané ä-oye båñabhänu tani
caraëa-kamala-tale aruëa biräjita
maïjéra-raïjita madhura dhwani
3. gati ati manthara naba yaubana bhara
néla-basana maëi-kiìkiëé rola
gaja-ari mäjhäri upare kanayä-giri
bécahi suradhuné mukutä-hilola
4. rabi maëòala chabi jini maëi-kuëòala
sundara sindüra-bindu bhälahi bhäle
gobinda-däsa kaha bhulala ali-kula
beòhala kabaréka mälaté-mäle

1. The graceful young gopés eagerly prepare to sip the nectar of meeting with Kåñëa. One gopé plays the rabäb.
Another gopé plays the muraja. Another gopé makes her hand melodiously stroke the véëä.
2. (Refrain) Våñabhänu's daughter gracefully arrives. The soles of Her lotus feet are reddish and glorious. Her
anklets sweetly jangle.
3. She walks with slow grace. She is a glorious youthful teenage girl. Her garments are blue. Her ornaments
jangle. Her slender waist is like a lioness' waist. Her breasts are golden mountains. Her pearl necklace is a host of
waves in the celestial Gaìgä.
4. Her jewel earrings defeat the sunshine. A graceful sindüra dot decorates Her forehead. Govinda däsa says:
Black bees wander among the jasmine flowers that adorn Her braids.

Song 66 (Beloyära-räga)

1. maïju caraëa-yuga yäbaka raïjana

khaïjana gaïjana maïjéra bäje
néla-basana maëi kiìkiëé raëaraëi
kuïjara damana gamana kñéëa mäjhe
2. (Refrain) säjali çyäma binodiné rädhe
saìgahi raìga taraìgi raìgiëé
madana mohana chände
3. kanaka kaöora cora kuca koraka jora
ujora motima däma
bhuja-yuga thira bijuré pari maëimaya
kaìkaëa jhanakite camakita käma
4. manorama häsa sudhä-rasa nirasana
daçana-jyoti jita motima känti
subhaga kapola lola maëi-kuëòala
daça diça bharala nayana çara-pänti
5. jhämpila kabaré bhäle alakäbalé
bhäìa dhanuyä janu manamatha sebi
gobinda-däsa hådaye abadhärali
çiìgära deba adhidebé

1. Her graceful feet are anointed with red yävaka. Her anklets jangle like cooing khanjana birds. Her garemnts are
blue. Her jewel prnaments jangle. Her waist is slender like a lioness' waist.
2. (Refrain) Rädhä enjoys many pastimes with dark Kåñëa. In His company She splashes in many waves of
pastimes. She enchants Him with amorous playing.
3. Her flower-bud breasts rob the golden goblet of its splendor. Her pearl necklace glistens. Her arms defeat the
unmoving lightning flashes. Her jangling jewel bracelets startle Kämadeva.
4. Her charming smile eclipses the sweetest nectar. The splendor of Her teeth defeats the splendor of pearls. Jewel
earrings sway to and fro on Her graceful cheeks. Her eyes fill the ten directions with arrows of glances.
5. Her ringlets of hair are gathered into graceful braids. The archer Kämadeva skilfully bends the bows of Her
eyebrows. In his heart Govinda däsa knows for certain this girl is the goddess who keeps company with Kåñëa, the
Deity of playful amorous pastimes.

Song 67 (Bihägaòä-räga)

1. e dhani äïcare badana jhämpäìa

lubadhala madhupa cakora bidhuntuda
änata änata cali yäìa
2. mukha-maëòala kiye çärada saroruha
bhälahi añöaméka canda
madhuripu marama bharama yähä aichana
täre ki gaëiye mati manda
3. jani kaha garabe päëi-tale bäraba
e thala-kamala ujora
tahi nakha-cända bharama bhare aichana
tatahià paòata jani bhora
4. bhäìa dhanuyä kiye sutanu dhunäyasi
yachu çare giridhara kämpa
se kiye atanu pataga çire òärasi
gobinda-däsa hiye täpa

1. With the edge of her garment a beautiful gopé covers her face. She has become like a greedy bumblebee or a
cakora bird. Yearning and yearning, she walks.
2. Is the half-covered circle of her face really an autumn lotus? Is her forehead a moon on the eighth night? She
enchants Kåñëa's heart. Now He is bewildered. What does Kåñëa think now?
3. The palm of her hand eclipses the land-growing lotus. The moons of her fingernails enchant and bewilder
Kåñëa. Now He is overcome.
4. She bends the archer's bow of her eyebrows. An arrow is fired. Now Kåñëa trembles. Did Kämadeva's arrow
strike Kåñëa's head? Govinda däsa says: Lord Kåñëa's heart is now licked by flames.

Song 68 (Çré-räga)

1. känane sabahu kusuma parakäça

çäré çuka pika-kula madhurima bhäña
2. mayüra mayüré-gaëa de-i näda
çuna-ite kätara bhela unamäda
3. dekha dekha nägara-räja
calalahi saìketa-kuïjaka mäjha
4. kiçalaya-puïjahi çeja-bara kela
taàhi para baiöhi puna tarakhita bhela
5. patha heri äkula bikala paräëa
abahu nä sundaré karala payäna
6. antare madana karala parakäça
caudiçe hera-i gobinda-däsa

1. Flowers bloom in the forest. Parrots and cuckoos sweetly talk.

2. Peacocks and peahens loudly call. These sounds make one wild with bliss.
3. Look! Look! There is the king of playful heroes. He walks to the forest-place where He will meet His beloved.
4. He sits on a couch of twigs and leaves. He thirsts to enjoy pastimes with His beloved.
5. He watches the path. His life's breath is uneasy. The beautiful gopé has not yet come.
6. Kämadeva is manifest in His heart. Govinda däsa carefully watches the four directions.

Song 69 (Sindhuòä-räga)

1. çärada sudhäkara maëòala khaëòana

badana kamala bikäça
adhare miläyata çyäma manohara
cita coräyali häsa
2. (Refrain) äju naba çyäma binodiné rä-i
tanu tanu atanu yuta çata sebita
labaëi baraëi nä yä-i
3. bari bakula-phule äphula ali-kula
madhu pibi pibi utarola
sakala alaìkåti karuëa jhaìkåti
kiìkiëé raëaraëi bola
4. pada-paìkaja para maëimaya nüpura
pürita khaïjana bhäña
madana mukura janu nakha maëi-darapaëa
nichani gobinda-däsa

1. Her blossoming lotus face breaks the nectar-moon into pieces. The smile on her lips robs charming Kåñëa of
His heart.
2. (Refrain) Rädhä, the teenage girl who enjoys pastimes with dark Kåñëa, Rädhä who is filled with hundreds of
amorous desires, and who is gloriously beautiful has not yet come.
3. She is decorated with many bakula flowers. Sipping and sipping the nectar of these flowers, the balck bees are
wild with bliss. All Her ornaments sweetly jangle.
4. The jewel anklets on Her lotus feet coo like khaïjana birds. Her toenails are like Kämadeva's jewel mirrors.
Govinda däsa offers ärati to Her.

Song 70 (Dhänaçé-räga)

1. (Refrain) sundari turitahià karaha payäëa

sabahu tératha-phala swämé su-maìgala
bhänuka kuëòe sinäna
2. aichana bacana kahala yaba so sakhé
guru-jane anumati mägi
bahu upahära su-kapüra candana
le-ola bhänuka lägi
3. sabahu sakhé meli de-i hulähuli
calatahim panthaka mäjha
so bara sundaré kari patha cäturé
miläyala nägara-räja
4. rä-ika badana cända heri mädhaba
pürala saba abhiläña
duhu daraçane duhu ärati naba naba
katahim gobinda-däsa

1. (Refrain) "O beautiful girl, please quickly depart. You should bathe at most auspicious Bhänu-kuëòa, which
grants the results of visiting all holy places."
2. When a friend had spoken these words, that gopé asked permission from her elders. Taking sandal paste,
camphor, and many other things, She left for Bhänu-kuëòa.
3. When She met her gopé-friends there was a great uproar of joyful greetings. Together, the gopés walked on the
path. Walking, that wise gopé met Kåñëa, the king of playful heroes.
4. Gazing at Çré Rädhä's moonlike face, Lord Kåñëa felt all His desires were fulfilled. Gazing at Çré Çré Rädhä
and Kåñëa, who are youthful eternally, and offering ärati to Them, Govinda däsa sings this song.

Song 71 (Dhänaçé-räga)

1. sakhé-gaëa meli ye karala payäëa

kautuke keli-kuëòe abagäna
2. jala-mäha paiöhala sakhé-gaëa meli
duhu jana samara karala jala-keli
3. bichurala kuntala jarajara aìga
gahana samare de-i nägara bhaìga
4. sakhé-gaëa beòhala nägara-canda
gobinda-däsa heri raha dhandha

1. The gopés assemble and depart. They joyfully enter the waters of the pastime lake.
2. The gopés meet in the midst of the waters. The divine couple enjoy many water pastimes. Playfully They fight
in the water.
3. Their hair becomes dishevelled. Their limbs are filled with bliss. In a furious duel, the hero Kåñëa defeats His
gopi beloved.
4. The gopés surround Kåñëa, the moon of heroes, and attack Him from all sides. Watching, Govinda däsa is filled
with wonder.

Song 72 (Dhänaçé-räga)

1. keli-abaçeñe o bara näha

sakhé saïe keli-kuëòe abagäha
2. (Refrain) täàhä karala aparüpa jala-keli
sakhé-gaëa saïe nägaré eku meli
3. daurathe yaiche yuruta de-u béra
taichana siïcata duhuka çaréra
4. gobinda-däsa pähu kuëòaka öhäha
abasare rä-i kara jala-abagäha
1. At the end of His pastimes, Lord Kåñëa enters the pastime-lake with the gopés.
2. (Refrain) Rädhä and Her gopé-friends enjoy wonderful water-pastimes.
3. Rädhä and Kåñëa and splash each other.
4. Govinda däsa's master grasps Rädhä. With His hand He pushes Her into the water.

Song 73 (Dhänaçé-räga)

1. nähi uöhala doàhe kuëòaka-téra

tanu tanu lägala pätala céra
2. aìge banä-ola naba naba beça
kuïjaka-mäjhe karala parabeça
3. bibidha miöhä-i katahu upahära
bhojana kari taàhi kata parakära
4. rä-ika yatane so-i çyäma-räya
bahu-bidha bhujala hariña hiyäya

1. The divine couple emerge from the water. They walk on the lakeshore. They dress in fine garments.
2. Newer and newer garments They place on Their limbs. They enter a forest grove.
3. They eat many delicious foods. How many kinds of foods do They enjoy?
4. In many ways Rädhä tries to bring pleasure to dark Kåñëa's heart.

Song 74 (Känäòä-räga)

1. çarada canda pabana manda

bipine bharala kusuma-gandha
phulla mallikä mälaté yüthé
matta madhukara bhoraëé
2. herata räti aichana bhäti
çyäma-mohana madana mäti
muralé gäna païcama täna
3. çunata gopé prema ropi
manahià manahià äpanä soàpi
täàhi calata yäàhi bolata
muraléka kala rolané
4. bichuri geha nijahu deha
eku nayane käjara-reha
yähe raïjita eku maïjéra
eku kuëòala dolané
5. çithila chanda nébika bandha
begete dhä-ota yubaté-bånda
khasata basana rasana coli
galita beëé lolané
6. tatahià beli sakhiné meli
kehu kahuka patha nä heri
aichana milala gokula-canda
gobinda-däsa bolané

1. The autumn moon glistened. A gentle breeze blew. A fragrance of flowers filled the forest. Mallikä, mälaté, and
yüthé flowers bloomed. Intoxicated black bees flew.
2. The gopés looked at the splendid night. They were enchanted by dark Kåñëa. They had fallen in love with Him.
From a flute somewhere came melodies on the fifth note, melodies that robbed the saintly gopés of their hearts.
3. Hearing the music, the gopés were overcome with feelings of love. Entering the gopés' thoughts andf there
speaking eloquent words, the sweet flute-music aroused the gopis' desire to enjoy with Kåñëa.
4. Overcome, the gopés forgot their homes and their own bodies. To only one eye they applied black kajjala. On
only one ankle they placed a jangling anklet. On only one ear they placed a swinging earring.
5. Their tight belts became loosened. Quickly the teenage gopés ran. Their belts, bodices, and garments became
loose and began to slip. Their braids were tossed to and fro.
6. Somehow the gopés all met. As they walked, they could not see the path before them. They met Lord Kåñëa,
who is like a glorious moon shining in Gokula. Thus sings Govinda däsa.

Song 75 (Dhänaçé-räga)

1. ki ye çuni sudhämaya muraléra raba

nä sambare ambare dhäya gopé saba
2. kare tuli pare keha pada-äbharaëa
keha pare nija ädha nayane aïjana
3. sadana chäòiyä keha känanete dhäya
paya-päne çiçu chäòi seha gopé yäya
4. eka gopére pati dhariyä räkhila
çyäma-anuräge seha tanu teyägila
5. sakala gopéra äge pä-ila se-i rämä
gobinda-däsa kahe ki diba upamä

1. Hearing Kåñëa's nectar flute-music, the gopés ran. They took no care that their garments were properly
2. Some gopés placed their anklets around their wrists. Other gopés decorated only half their eyes with black
3. Leaving their homes, some gopés ran to the forest. Suddenly stopping feeding milk to their infants, other gopés
also ran.
4. Forcibly stopped by their husbands, other gopés left their bodies. They were rapt in love for dark Kåñëa.
5. One gopé was the foremost. She was the goddess of fortune Herself. Govinda däsa says: What metaphors and
similes can I speak that will do justice to Her glories?

Song 76 (Mallära-räga)

1. bipine milala gopa-näré

heri hasata muralé-dhäré
nirakhi bayäna puchata bäta
prema-sindhu gähané
2. puchata sabaka gamana kñema
kahata kiye karaba prema
brajaka sabahu kuçala bäta
kähe kuöila cähani
3. heri aichana rajané ghora
teji taruëé patika kora
kaiche pä-oli känana ora
thora nahata kähiné
4. galita lalita kabaré-bånda
kähe dhä-ota yubaté-bånda
mandire kiye paòala dwanda
beòhala bipatha-bähiné
5. kiye çärada cändané räti
nikuïje bharala kusuma pänti
herata çyäma bhramara bhäti
bujhi ä-oli sähiné
6. etahu kahata nä kaha ko-i
räkhata käàhe manahi go-i
iha-i äna naha-i ko-i
gobinda-däsa gayané

1. The gopés assembled in the forest. Seeing Kåñëa play the flute, they smiled. Kåñëa glanced at their faces and
asked them some questions. He plunged them in an ocean of amorous desires.
2. He asked iof their journey through the forest was good and auspicious. He wished them well. But why did He
talk to them of love? Why did He glance at them with crooked eyes?
3. "You can see this night is very fearsome. Why did you girls leav your husbands' embraces and come to the
forest?" Why did Kåñëa speak these words?
4. "Your graceful braids have become loose. Why did you girls run here? Was there a quarrel in your homes?" As
an army surrounds its oppnent, the gopés surrounded Lord Kåñëa.
5. "This autumn night is splendid with its moonlight. This forest grove is filled with flowers. You can see the
black bees are very glorious here. Did you girls know all this before you came here?"
6. Lord Kåñëa spoke these words, but no gopé offered a reply. Why did they always keep Kåñëa in their hearts?
No gopé offered a reply. Govinda däsa sings this song.

Song 77 (Dhänaçé-räga)

1. aichana bacana kahala yaba käna

braja-ramaëé-gaëa sajala nayäna
2. öutäla sabahu manoratha karaëé
abanata änane nakhe likhu dharaëé
3. äkula antara gadagada kaha-i
akaruëa bacana biçikha nähi saha-i
4. çuna çuna su-kapaöa çyämara canda
kaiche kahasi tuhu iha anubandha
5. bhäìgahi kula-çéla muraléka-gäne
kiìkiëé-gaëa janu keça dhari äne
6. aba kaha kapaöe dharama-yuta bola
dhärmika haraye kiye kumäré nicola
7. tohe soàpita jéba tuyä rasa päba
tuyä pada choòi aba ko käàhä yäba
8. etahu kahata braja-yubaté mela
çuni nanda-nandana harañita bhela
9. kabi parasäda tahi karaye biläsa

änande nirakhaye gobinda-däsa

1. When Lord Kåñëa spoke these words, tears flowed from the gopés' eyes.
2. The gopés' desires were all broken into pieces. The gopés bowed their heads. With their toenails they cratched
the ground.
3. Their hearts were overcome. They spoke broken words in choked voices. They could not bear Kåñëa's cruel
sharp words.
4. "Listen. Listen, O cruel dark moon Kåñëa. Why do You speak these words?
5. "Your flute music broke our saintliness into pieces. Now we are Your maidservants. It is You who hold us by
the hair.
6. "Now You speak these crooked words of pretended dharma. How can a saintly girl remove even her cloak in
front of You?
7. "We have given our lives to You. We yearn to taste the nectar of Your company. Where will we go if we leave
Your feet?"
8. These words the girls of Vraja spoke. Hearing them, Lord Kåñëa became happy.
9. By the mercy of a saintly poet (Çréla Çukadeva Gosvämé), Govinda däsa joyfully watches these pastimes.

Song 78 (Kämoda-räga)

1. käïcana maëi-gaëa janu niramä-ola

ramaëé-maëòala säja
mäjhahi mäjha mahä-marakata sama
çyäma naöa-bara räja
2. (Refrain) dhani dhani aparüpa räsa-bihära
thira bijura saïe caïcala jaladhara
rasa barakhiye anibära
3. kata kata canda timira para bilasa-i
timirahi kata kata cände
kanaka-latäye tamälaha kata kata
duhu duhu tanu tanu bändhe
4. kata kata paduminé païcama gä-ota
madhukara dharu çruti-bhäña
madhukara mili kata paduminé gä-ota
mugadhala gobinda-däsa

1. Glistening like a gold and jewel necklace, the gopés form a circle. In that circle's center of centers is Lord
Kåñëa, the king of dancers. He glistens like a great sapphire there.
2. (Refrain) O beautiful gopé, O beautioful gopé, there is the wonderful rasa-dance pastime. Rädhä and Kåñëa are
like a stationary lightning flash and restless monsoon cloud that together shower without stop a great monsoon of
3. How many moons now glisten in the darkness of this night? How many moons now glisten in the darkness of
this night? How many golden vines now embrace how many tamäla trees? One couple after another are now bound
in an embrace.
4. How many lotuslike girls sing melodies in the fifth note? How many blackbee teenage boys chant the hymns of
the Vedas? How many such lotus girls and blackbee boys meet and sing charming melodies together? Govinda däsa
is charmed by their music.

Song 79 (Bihägaòä-räga)

1. nanda-nandana saìge çohana

na-ola gokula-käminé
tapana-nandiné tére bhäli bani
bhubana-mohana läbaëé
2. tätä thaiyä thaiyä bäje pakhoyäja
mukhara kaìkaëa kiìkiëé
biläse gobinda prema änanda
saìge naba naba raìginé
3. cäru-bicitra duhuka ambara
pabane aïcala dolané
duhu kalebara bharata çramaja
moti marakata hema maëi
4. ura bilola bäjata kiìkiëé
nüpura-dhwani saìgiyä
géma dolané nayana-näciné
saìge rasabaté raïjiyä
5. rädhe mädhaba bibidha bilasa-i
saìge raìginé mätiyä
néla darapaëa çyäma mürati
herata gobinda-däsiyä

1. Gokula's beautiful girls stay in the company of Nanda's son. On the riverbank stands Våñabhänu's daughter, the
most beautiful and enchanting girl in the world.
2. "Tätä thaiyä thaiyä!", the pakhoyaja drums declare. The gopés' bracelets and belts jangle. Filled with love ans
bliss, the beautiful girls enjoy pastimes with Lord Kåñëa.
3. Their beautiful colorful garments flutter in the breeze. Covered with perspiration, their bodies seem like
sapphires and gold adorned with jewels and pearls.
4. Their belts and anklets jangle. Their necklaces sway to and fro. Their eyes dance. In this way Lord Kåñëa
enjoys pastimes with His sweet and graceful beloveds.
5. Çré Çré Rädhä and Kåñëa enjoy many nectar pastimes together. They are wild with bliss. Govinda däsa gazes
at Lord Kåñëa's form, a form dark like a sapphire mirror.

Song 80 (Mayüra-kaëöhaka-täla)

1. äju bipine yä-ota käna

mürati mürata kusuma bäëa
janu jaladhara rucira aìga
bhaìgé naöa-bara çohané
éñata hasata badana-cända
taruëé nayana nayana phända
bimba adhare murali khurali
2. kusuma milita cikura-puïja
caudike bhramara bhramaré guïja
piïcha-nicaya racita mukuöa
makara-kuëòala dolané
caïcala nayana khaïjana jora
saghane yä-ota çrabaëa ora
géma çohana ratana-räja
motima-hära lolané
3. kaöi péta paöa kiìkiëé bäja
mada-gati ati kuïjara-räja
janu-lambita kadamba-mälä
matta madhukara bhoraëé
aruëa baraëa caraëa kaïja
aruëa taraëi kiraëa gaïja
gobinda-däsa hådaya raïja
maïju maïjära bolané

1. Now Kåñëa goes to the forest. He is Kämadeva personified, Kämadeva who shoots arrows of flowers. His form
is splendid like a monsoon cloud. He bends like the best of dancers. A gentle smile rests on the moon of His face.
His eyes set a trap to catch the teenage gopés' eyes. He play the flute at His bimbe-fruit lips. He enchants the hearts
of the three worlds.
2. Flowers adorn His hair, flowers that attract the humming black bees on four sides. His crown is made of
peacock feathers. His shark-shaped earrings swing to and fro. His glistening large eyes, eyes that reach almost to his
ears, are restless like khaïjana birds. The king of jewels glistens at His neck. His pearl necklace sways to and fro.
3. About His waist are a yellow cloth and a belt of jangling links. His gait is graceful and slow, like the king of
elephants. His kadamba garland extends to His knees, a garland that maddens the the black bees. The soles of His
lotus feet are reddish like the dawn. Govinda däsa says: Graceful like a blossoming flower, Lord Kåñëa delights the

Song 81 (Tuòi-räga)

1. (Refrain) goöha bijayé braja-räja kiçora

janané-biracita beça ujora
2. äge agaëita kata go-dhana caliyä
päche braja-bälaka hai hai baliyä
3. sama baya beça sabahu kari chända
räma bäme calu çyämara-cända
4. mayüra çikhaëòa cüòe jhalamaliyä
maëimaya kuëòala öalamaliyä
5. çira-para cända adhara-para muralé
cala-ite panthe karaye kata kuralé
6. kaöi-taöe péta paöämbara baniyä
manthara gati calu gaja-bara jiniyä
7. maëi-maïjéra bäjata raëa-jhaniyä
gobinda-däsa kaha-i dhani dhaniyä

1. (Refrain) Splendidly dressed by His mother, Vraja's young prince walks to the pastures.
2. Numberless cows walk before Him. Behind Him Vraja's boys cry, "Hai! Hai!"
3. Like Him in age, garments, manner, and every other way, hosts of boys surround Him. With Balaräma at His
left, Lord Kåñëa, splendid like a dark moon, walks.
4. A peacock feather splendidly rests in His crown. His jewel earrings swing to and fro.
5. His forehead is like the glistening moon. Walking on the path, how many melodies does He play on the flute at
His lips?
6. A yellow cloth is gracefully wrapped about His waist. He slow walking defeats the graceful elephant.
7. His jewel anklets jangle. Govinda däsa says: Lord Kåñëa is the most glorious of all who are glorious.

Song 82 (Säraìga-räga)

1. go-dhana saìge raìge yadu-nandana

bihara-i yamunä-téra
däma çrédäma sudäma mahä-bala
gopa goyäla saìge bala-béra
2. (Refrain) bäjata ghana ghana beëu
hai hai räba hämbä raba garajana
änande magana carata saba dhenu
3. sama-baya-beça keça parimaëòita
cüòe çikhaëòaka kusuma ujora
maëimaya hära guïjä naba maïjula
hera-ite jaga-jana-mana karu bhora
4. balaya nisäna kanaka kaöi kiìkiëé
nüpura ruëu jhunu bäja
gobinda-däsa pahu niti niti aichana
bihara-i naba ghana bipina samäja

1. Surrounded by His cows, Lord Kåñëa enjoys pastimes on the Yamunä's banks. The powerful boy-hero Kåñëa is
surrounded by Dämä, Çrédämä, Sudämä, and the boys and cows.
2. (Refrain) Again and again He plays the flute. {.sy 168}Hai! Hai!", the boys call. "Hämbä", the cows moo.
Plunged in bliss, the cows walk and graze.
3. His friends are like Him in age and garments. His hair is decorated with flowers and a peacock-feather. He
wears a jewel necklace and a graceful string of guïjä. Gazing at Him, the people of the world feel their hearts
overcome with bliss.
4. His bracelets, anklets, and golden belt jangle. Again and again Govinda däsa's master enjoys pastimes in this
way with His friends in the newly-blossoming forest.

Song 83 (Tuòi-räga)

1. goöhe prabeça karäyala go-gaëa

sakhä-gaëa nija nija mandire gela
batsaka bändhi chändhi dhenu-gaëa
ghana ghana go-dhana kela
2. (Refrain) sundara çyämara aìga
raìga paöämbara hära manohara
go-dhüli-dhüsara aìga
3. naba naba pallaba guccha-sumaëòita
cüòe çikhaëòaka beòhala däma
makara-kåti maëi kuëòala dolani
hera-i camake paòaye kata käma
4. bana-phula-mäla biräjita ura-para
kiìkiëé raëa-raëi nüpura päya
gobinda-däsa pahu jaga-mana-mohana
braja-ramaëé-gaëa harañita täya

1. He leads the cows back to Vraja Village. His friends return to their own homes. He ties the calves. Tying the
cows, again and again He draws milk from them.
2. (Refrain) Dark-limbed Kåñëa is handsome and charming. His garments and necklace are glorious. His limbs
covered with dust raised by the cows' hooves, He charms every heart.
3. He is decorated with new new leaves. On His head is a peacock feather and a ring of flowers. His shark-shaped
jewel earrings swing to and fro. Gazing at Him, how many Kämadevas are overcome with wonder?
4. His chest is glorious with a forest-flower garland. His anklets and belt jangle. Govinda däsa's master charms the
hearts of all the world. He delights Vraja's teenage girls.

Song 84 (Suha-i-räga)

1. ähä ki dekhi go baòä-i kadambera tale

taòita jaòita yaiche naba jaladhare
2. çyämacändera upare dhabala cändera kalä
tähära upare çobhe timirera mälä
3. tähära upare kibä indradhanu säje
emana adbhuta rüpa kebä dekhiyäche
4. indradhanu jiniyä se bhurü dhanu-chaöä
gobinda-däsera mana kare laöapaöä
1. Aha! What did I see under a kadamba tree? It was like a new raincloud embraced by lightning.
2. It was like a glistening wehite full moon above a dark new moon. Above those two moons glistened a garland
of darkness.
3. Above that garland was a rainbow. What was that wonderful form I saw?
4. The effulgent archer's bows of that form's eyebrows defeated the rainbow. That form enchanted Govinda däsa's

Song 85 (Baräòé-räga)

1. e-i ta båndäbana-pathe
niti niti kari gatägate
2. häte kari la-i yä-i sonä
tumi ke nä kahe hena janä
3. tumi dekhi puchaha baòä-i
kisera däna cähena känä-i
4. saìge sabe ghåtera päsära
tähe kene eteka jaïjäla
5. tumi ta baraja yuba-räja
tumi kene karibe akäja
6. düra kara häsa parihäsa
kahatahià gobinda-däsa

1. Again and again they come and go on Våndävana forest's pathways.

2. "With Your own hand give Me Your golden ornaments." "Who are You? You have no right to make such a
3. "Why do You stare at Me and make these demands? O Kåñëa, why do You demand all this?"
4. "To Me You must give all the butter You carry." "Why must You make trouble for Us?
5. "You are Vraja's prince. Why do You act in a way that is not right?"
6. In this way the divine couple joked and laughed for a long time. So says Govinda däsa.

Song 86 (Dhänaçé-räga)

1. sakhä-gaëa saìge raìge kata khelata

khelata naöabara-räja
bhora manorathe calala bipina pathe
choòi çiçu saìgahi mäjha
2. (Refrain) catura-çiromaëi käna
heri yamunä-jala manasija mätala
pürala muralé niçäna
3. såjala taraëé-khäni prabäla mukutä-maëi
mäjhe mäjhe hérära gänthani
säri säri yoje guòä ratana käïcane moòä
pherayäle bäjata kiìkiëé
4. tapana-tanayä tére taraëé la-iyä phire
bidagadha nägara-räja
gobinda-däsa kahe naukäya basi rahe
pherayälera ghuìghura bäja
1. How many games did the king of dancers play and playw ith His gopa friends? Then, pushed by a certain
desire, He left the boys' company and walked alone on the forest path.
2. (Refrain) Glancing at the Yamunä's waters, Lord Kåñëa, the jewel of the wise, filled His flute with music. Now
He was wild with Kämadeva's desires.
3. With that flute-music He created a boat, a boat made of jewels, pearls, and coral, a boat with decks made of
diamonds, a boat with seat after seat made of gold and jewels, a boat with many small bells that jangled as it moved.
4. Lord Kåñëa, the wise king of heroes, entered that boat and set out from the Yamunä's banks. Govinda däsa
says: As the boat moved, its many small bells jangled.

Song 87 (Basanta-räga)

1. (Refrain) åtu-pati biharati nägara-çyäma

rädhä raìgiëé saìginé bäma
2. cuyä candana parimala kuìkuma
phägu-raìge saba aìga bhari
madana-mohana heri mätala manasija
yubaté-yuta çata gä-ota horé
3. kehu dhara ambara kehu hära hara
kehu tanu paçiyä rahalahi bhori
kehu le-i mudaré kehu le-i müralé
dürahià düre kehu gä-ota horé
4. òampha rabäba upäìga pakhoyäja
karatäla täla su-meli kari
gobinda-däsa pahuà naöa-bara çekhara
näcata gä-ota täla dhari

1. (Refrain) With beautiful playful Rädhä at His left, the dark hero Kåñëa enjoys pastimes in the springtime, the
king of seasons.
2. Every limb is now covered with showers of sandal-water, red powder, and frgarant kuìkuma. Gazing at Kåñëa,
who is more enchanting than Kämadeva, hundreds of teenage gopés are overcome with amorous desires. They sing
graceful songs in the festival of Holé.
3. Some bring cloth. Some bring necklaces. Their bodies are filled with bliss. Some bring finger-rings. Some
bring flutes. From far away some come, singing the glories of Holé.
4. Gathering together, they play òamphas, rabäbs, pakhoyäjas, and karatälas. As they play graceful rhythms,
Govinda däsa's master, who is the crown of dancers, dances.

Song 88 (Basanta-räga)

1. khelata phägu båndäbana-canda

åtu-pati manamatha manoratha chanda
2. sundari-gana kara-mandali-majha
raìgiëé prema-taraìgiëé säja
3. ägu phägu de-i nägaré nayäne
abasare nägara cumbaye bayäne
4. cakita candra-mukhé sahacaré gahane
dhä-i dhä-ola giridhärika eka sane
5. tarala nayäné turite eka yä-i
kare saïe käòi muralé le-i dhä-i
6. ghana karatäli bhäli bhäli bola
ho ho hori tumula utarola
7. aruëa taruëa taru aruëahi dharaëé
sthala jala-cara bhela sabe eka-baraëé
8. aruëahi nére aruëa arabinda
aruëa hådaye bhela däsa gobinda

1. He who is like a moon shining in Våndävana forest enjoys pastimes of throwing red powder. He is filled with
Kämadeva's desires.
2. In the midst of circle of beautiful gopés a blissful, reddish, wave-filled river of spiritual love flows.
3. She who is the great heroine of amorous pastimes showers red powder on Him. He who is the king of amorous
pastimes kisses Her face.
4. Her moon-faced gopé friends are filled with wonder. Gathering together, they all attack Kåñëa.
5. Trembling, they run to Kåñëa, snatch away His flute, and flee.
6. "Bhäli! Bhäli!" the karatälas declare. There is a great tumult of, "Ho! Ho! Holé!"
7. The ground is now red with powder. They young trees are red. Every being moving on the ground or in the
water is now one color only.
8. The water is red. The lotuses are red. Even Govinda däsa's heart is covered now with red.

Song 89 (Basanta-räga)

1. néläcale banakäcala gora

gobinda phägu-raìge bhela bhora
2. deba-kumäré nägaré-gaëa saìga


pastimes Govinda däsa has no power to understand.

Song 90 (Basanta-lélä)

1. taru taru naba kiçalaya bana lägi

kusuma-bhara kata abanata çäkhé
2. taàhi çuka çäriëé kokila bola
kuïja nikuïja bhramara karu rola
3. aparüpa çré-båndäbana mäjha
ñaòa åtu saìge basanta åtu-räja
4. bikaçita kubalaya kamala kadamba
mädhabé mälaté mili taru lamba
5. käàhä käàhä särasa haàsa nisäna
käàhä käàhä däduré unamata gäna
6. käàhä käàhä cätaka pi-u pi-u phura
käàhä käàhä unamata näcaye mayüra
7. gobinda-däsa kaha aparüpa bhäti
caudike beòhala kusumaka pänti

1. Tree after tree bears new shoots and buds. How many branches bend, burdened with hosts of flowers?
2. The parrots and cuckoos coo. In forest after forest the black bees buzz.
3. In the midst of wonderful Våndävana forest stays King Springtime, surrounded by his court of the six seasons.
4. The kuvalaya, kamala, and kadamba flowers bloom. The flowering mädhavé and mälaté vines wind their
tendrils around the trees.
5. Here and there swans and särasa cranes call. Here and there frogs wildly sing.
6. Here and there cätaka birds call, "Pi-u! Pi-u!" Here and there peacocks wildly dance.
7. Govinda däsa says: Våndävana forest has become wonderful and glorious. In the four directions it is filled with

Song 91 (Mallära-räga)

1. naba ghana känana çobhana kuïja

bikasita kusuma madhukara guïja
2. naba naba pallabe çobhita òola
çäré çuka pika gä-oye rasäla
taàhi bani aparüpa ratana hindola
tä para baiöhaki kiçoré kiçora
3. braja-ramaëé-gaëa de-ota jhaìkära
gérata jani dhané karatahi kora
4. kata kata upajala rasa-payasaìga
gobinda-däsa taàhi dekhata raìga

1. Filled with blossoming flowers and humming bees, the new forest is beautiful.
2. It is beautiful with newer and newer leaves, buds, and sprouts. Its parrots and cuckoos sweetly sing.
3. Here a divine teenage boy and a divine teenage girl enjoy pastimes on a jewel-decorated swing.
4. Arm in arm, the two divine teenagers enjoy pastimes. The beautiful gopés sing of Their glories.
5. How many nectar pastimes do the two divine teenagers enjoy? Filled with bliss, Govinda däsa gazes at Them.

Song 92 (Bhairabé-räga)

1. äju çacé-nandana naba abhiñeka

änanda-kanda nayana bhari dekha
2. nityänanda adwaita mili raìge
gä-ota unamata bhakatahià saìge
3. hera-ite nirupama käïcana-deha
barikhaye sabahu nayana ghana-mehä
4. puna puna nirakhite gora-mukha-indu
uchalala prema-sudha-rasa-sindhu
5. jaga bhari pürala prema-taraìge
baïcita gobinda-däsa parasaìge

1. Look! Now is the abhiñeka ceremony of Çacé's son, the root of all bliss.
2. Gathering around Lord Nityänanda and Lord Advaita, and now wild with bliss, the devotees sing.
3. Gazing at the Lord's peerless golden form, the devotees shower tears from the rainclouds of their eyes.
4. Again and again gazing at the fair moon of Lord Gaura's face, the devotees are plunged into a flooding ocean of
spiritual love.
5. The whole world is now flooded by waves of spiritual love. Only Govinda däsa is not touched by those waves.
Only he is cheated of their touch.

Song 93 (Kämoda-räga)

1. nanda-nandana candra-candana
gandha nindiha aìga
jalada sundara kambu-kandhara
nindi sindhura aìga
2. prema äkula gopa gpkula
kulajä käminé känta
kusuma raïjana maïju-baïjula
kuïja-mandire santa
3. gaëòa-maëòala balita kuëòala
uòa cüòa çikhaëòa
keli-täëòaba täla-paëòita
4. kaïja-locana kaluña-mocana
çrabaëa-rocana bhäña
amala komala caraëa-kiçalaya
nilaya gobinda-däsa

1. The fragrance of Kåñëa's limbs eclipses the fragrance of sandal paste and camphor. Lord Kåñëa is more
glorious than the monsoon clouds. His neck is more graceful than the conchshell. He is more handsome than an
ocean of handsomeness.
2. Gokula's cowherd people all love Him. The saintly beautiful gopés dearly love Him. He is decorated with many
flowers. He is graceful and charming. He stays in a forest cottage.
3. Earrings adorn the circles of His cheeks. He wears a peacock-feather crown. He playfully dances. He is expert
in a host of graceful rhythms. His arms are great maces.
4. His eyes are lotus flowers. He frees the devotees from a host of sins. His wrods edelight the ear. Govinda däsa
takes shelter of His soft and splendid flower-bud feet.

Song 94 (Säraìga-räga)

1. kusumita kuïja kalapa-taru känana

maëimaya mandira-mäjha
räsa-biläsa kalä utakaëöhita
mana-mohana naöa-räja
2. (Refrain) giribara-kandare sundara çyäma
motima hära biräjita kandhara
kuïjara gati anupäma
3. bahu-bidha baidagadhi binoda biçärada
beëu boläyata manda
kuïjara-gamané ramaëé-gaëa yä-ota
bigalita nébi-nibandha
4. käminé-kara kiçalaya-balayäìkita
rätula pada-arabinda
räya basanta madhupa anusandhita
nindita däsa gobinda

1. In a jewel palace in the midst of a flowering kalpa-taru tree forest, Lord Kåñëa, the king of dancers who charms
every heart, yearns to enjoy räsa dance pastimes.
2. (Refrain) Entering a cave of Govardhana Hill, and a pearl-necklace glistening around His neck, handsome dark
Kåñëa walks with peerless grace, grace that eclipses even the graceful wild elephant.
3. Expert in many arts and pastimes, He plays languid melodies on the flute. Graceful like wild elephants, and
their tight belts now loosened, the beautiful gopés run to Him.
4. He takes the hands of the beautiful gopés. Bracelets adorn His budding-twig wrists. The soles of His feet are
red lotus flowers. The black bees follow Him. He is the king of spiringtime. Govinda däsa feels very fallen and
lowly in His company.

Song 95 (Baräòé-räga)

1. mudita marakata madhura mürati

mugadha mohana chända
mallikä mälaté mäle madhu-mata
madhupa manamatha-phända
2. (Refrain) çyäma sundara sugaòa çekhara
çarada-çaçadhara häsa
saìge sa-bayasa su-beça sama-rasa
satata sukhamaya bhäña
3. cikaëa cäïcara cikura-cumbita
cäru-candraka pänti
capala-camakita cakita cähani
cita-coraka bhänti
4. girika gairika goraja gorocana
gandha garabhita bçaa
gopa gopana garima guëa-guëa
gä-ota gobinda-däsa

1. His graceful sweet form glistens like sapphires. His ways are charming. His garland of mallikä and mälaté
flowers makes the black bees wild with its nectar scent. He has set Kämadeva's trap.
2. (Refrain) He is handsome and dark. His peacock-feather crown is graceful. His smile glistens like the autumn
moon. Again and again He happily talks with His gopa friends, friends whose glorious garments, age, and sweetness
are all like His own.
3. A line of graceful peacock feathers kisses His curly glistening hair. His glistening restless wonderful glances
rob every heart.
4. He is decorated with red gairika and yellow gorocanä, anointed with sweet fragrances, and dressed in graceful
garments. Govinda däsa sings the glories of Him, the Lord filled with all virtues, the protector of the cowherd

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