Readers Theatre Rubric and Assignment Guidlines

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Presentation 2: Readers Theatre Slanged Romeo and Juliet

Objective: To use Relationship slang from Unit 3: Heiress and Unit 4: Don Juan in a short dialogue
using all or some part of Romeo and Juliets story as the theme. You will read your dialogue to the
class on presentation day. You will not only read, but you will ACT!! If you want to dress up like
your character on presentation day, you may! Or you may want to wear a name tag on your shirt
so the class knows who your character is.
Goals: Be creative! This is a difficult challenge. Think about Romeo and Juliets story and how you
can make it modern, and use the relationship slang that you learned from class.
You will give a presentation with 2-4 other partners. Your partners will be assigned in class. Each
of you will have to talk equally. You have 7 minutes MAXIMUM to present. I will give you 1 hour
in class to work on your presentations on Tuesday July 15
. Bring your computer! There is only 1
day for Readers Theatre Romeo and Juliet Presentations. Each group will present on Thursday July
, 2014. If you miss this class day, you will NOT be able to make up your presentation at a later
day and will receive a grade of 0.
1. Speak slowly and clearly for your audience
2. Speak with passion!
3. Use your body language to help get your meaning across.
4. Remember, you are acting your dialogue for the class!
5. Watch a short Romeo and Juliet movie clip on You Tube to refresh your memory of the
story and to learn more about your character.
Grading Rubric
Students Name:
Evaluation Criteria



Cooperation with group
Student worked cooperatively with the group in all
aspects of the project and shared responsibilities and ideas well

Slang Content
Your group seemed to understand the content of the presentation
and used 15 pieces of slang from Unit 3 and 4 appropriately

Delivery Student read the script with confidence and expression,
in a nice loud voice, made gestures and good eye contact, and
used props/name tags/costume to add to the performance

The group had an introduction, body, and conclusion. They
introduced their characters and wore name tags or used other
materials such as PPT backgrounds to enhance their show.

Score: ______/ 16 possible points
The Love Story of Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and J uliet is an enduring tragic love story written by William
Shakespeare about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately
unite their feuding families. Shakespeare borrowed his plot from an original
Italian tale. It is believed Romeo and Juliette were based on actual
characters from Verona.

The Montague and Capulet families are feuding. The Prince of Verona
intervenes and declares that any further fighting will be punishable by

When the Count of Paris approaches Lord Capulet about marrying his
daughter, Juliet, he is wary of the request because she is only thirteen. Capulet asks the Count of
Paris to wait another two years and invites him to attend a ball. Lady Capulet and Juliet's nurse
urge Juliet to accept Paris' courtship.

In the Montague house, Benvolio talks with his cousin Romeo, Lord Montague's
son, about Romeo's recent melancholy. Benvolio discovers Romeo's unrequited
infatuation for a girl named Rosaline, a niece of Lord Capulet's nieces. Persuaded
by Benvolio Romeo attends the ball at the Capulet house in hopes of meeting
Rosaline. But it is not Rosaline who sweeps him off his feet - it is the fair Juliette.

After the ball, Romeo sneaks into the Capulet courtyard and overhears
Juliet on her balcony vowing her love to him in spite of her family's
hatred for his family. Romeo makes himself known to her and they
agree to be married.

With the help of a friar, who hopes to reconcile the two families
through their children's union, they are secretly married the next day.

Juliet's cousin Tybalt, incensed that Romeo had crashed the
Capulet ball, challenges him to a duel. Romeo, now
considering Tybalt his kinsman, refuses to fight. Romeo's
friend, Mercutio is offended by Tybalt's insolence, as well as
Romeo's "vile submission" and accepts the duel on Romeo's
behalf. Mercutio is fatally wounded when Romeo attempts to
break up the fight. Grief-stricken and wracked with guilt,
Romeo confronts and slays Tybalt.

Montague argues that Romeo has justly fought and killed
Tybalt for the murder of Mercutio. The Prince exiles Romeo from Verona and declares that if
Romeo returns, he will be executed.

Romeo secretly spends the night in Juliet's chamber, where they make
love for the first and last time, consummating their marriage. In the
morning, he prepares to leave and kisses her one last time.

Lord Capulet, misinterpreting Juliet's grief, agrees to marry her to Count
Paris and threatens to disown her when she refuses. Juliette pleads for
the marriage to be delayed, but her mother rejects her.

Juliet visits Friar Laurence for help, and he offers her a drug that will put
her into a death-like coma for forty-two hours. The Friar promises to
send a messenger to inform Romeo of the plan, so that he can rejoin her
when she awakens. On the night before her wedding to the Count, Juliet takes the drug and, when
discovered apparently dead, she is laid in the family crypt.

The messenger, however, failed to reach Romeo and, instead, he learned of Juliet's apparent demise
from his servant. Heartbroken, Romeo buys poison from an apothecary and goes to the Capulet
crypt. There, he encounters Count Paris who has come to mourn Juliet privately.

Believing Romeo to be a vandal, Paris confronts him and, in the ensuing battle, Romeo kills
Paris. Still believing Juliet to be dead, Romeo drinks the poison.

Juliet then awakens only to find her beloved Romeo dead. Unwilling
to live without him, she stabs herself with his dagger.

The feuding families and the Prince meet at the tomb to find all three
dead. The Friar recounts their story. The families are reconciled by
their children's deaths and agree to end their violent feud.

1. Can you summarize the story in your own words using 4-5 sentences?

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