p5 p6 m3 Industrial Robots and Flexible Manufacturing Systems in Engineering2

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Our Lady & St John Catholic College

Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Nationals specifcation in

Unit 31 Computer Aided Manufacturing
Assignment 3 :- Industrial Robots and Flexible
Manufacturing !stems In
The following assignment covers the assessment criteria for:-
P5 Describe the applications, advantages and limitations of industrial
P6 - Explain why a flexible manufacturing system will produce
productivity gains for a business deploying a range of processing
machines, loading and unloading systems and coordinated wor
schedules !"E#$
%& - Explain the use and operation of robots to move parts between
worstations in a flexible machining system
cenario of t#e Assignment
You are asked by an employer to produce a report on the benefits and limitations of
using industrial robots and the use of flexible manufacturing systems. Complete the
tasks as described below to review the application of industrial robots and to explain
why a flexible manufacturing system can produce gains for a business
P5 Describe the applications, advantages and limitations of industrial
This task is about the application of robot devices and the selection of
a particular type of robot to carry out a specifc task. o not loo! at
the detailed operating principles o" this type o" e#uip$ent
You must include applications of an industrial robot in your report.
These need to be carefully chosen so that a range is considered (a
pick-and place system for assembling components onto a jigf!ture"
loading of raw material into a machine tool" moving components
between stations in a cell#.
$ome of the evidence should be taken from your case study based on a
visit to local industry including photos and e!planations of the
e%uipment methods used to ensure the robots are used in a safe and
correct manner.
1. ectors of Manufacturing
For each of the sectors of Manufacturing Industry identify
some of the stages where an industrial robot may be used
a# &utomotive
b# &erospace
c# $pace
d# 'iotechnology
e# (hemical
f# )lectrical and )lectronics
g# *ood and +rink processing
h# ,etalsmineralsmaterials
i# ,arine" -uclear
j# .il / 0as
k# 1harmaceutical
2. 'pplications of industrial robots
Show using annotated diagrams and photographs examples
of the ways that industrial robots could be used for the
following applications in any of the manufacturing sectors.
a# 1ick and place systems for assembling components onto a
b# 2oining parts together (riveting" welding" soldering#
c# 1roduct packaging
d# 3oading of raw material into a machine tool
e# ,oving components between stations in a manufacturing cell
f# 4obotic spraying of paint on an assembly line
g# ,aterial removal (+rilling of holes" machining#
h# 5nspection of parts assemblies
3. afe operation
What are the odes of practice that should be adhered to
when installing and operating an industrial robot!
"ou should ma#e reference to $%
a# 6ealth and $afety )!ecutive 6$078
b# 1rovision and 9se of :ork )%uipment 4egulations
*or each of the 8 separate applications
&. Ad$antages
What are the ad'antages of using industrial robots in
manufacturing! Ma#e reference to the following points$%
a# (onsistency of performance"
b# ;7< continuous working"
c# 4educed cycle times=
d# 4educed amount of operator errors
e# 5mproved %uality of product
(. %imitations
What are the limitations of using industrial robots in
manufacturing! Ma#e reference to the following points$%
a# 6igh standard of maintenance re%uired
b# 1recise programming needed (time" training" specialist
c# 6ow computer systems failure will cause breakdown
d# -ew products re%uire complete reprogramming
e# (ertain processes still need a skilled operator
f# (omple! and e!pensive e%uipment to buy and install
P6 - Explain why a flexible manufacturing system will produce
productivity gains for a business deploying a range of processing
machines, loading and unloading systems and coordinated wor
1. )xplain how Flexible Manufacturing Systems can produce
producti'ity gains for the following families of parts.
a# 'y &ssembly (to make a single assembly#
b# 'y Type (similar products#
c# 'y si>e and similar operations (allows product mi! and volume
2. *se your #nowledge of an industrial 'isit and explain how
it is important for that business to design their
manufacturing system to be +exible.
You may wish to Include photographs or diagrams of the business to help
explain the flow of manufacture through the plant.
%& - Explain the use and operation of robots to move parts between
worstations in a flexible machining system
In your answer you should provide a range of annotated examples and explore into
a) Material handling
b) Automated uided !ehicles "A!)
,anufacturing $ectors
+ndustrial -o&ots
./S Syste$s
5-+9$T45&3 4.'.T$ &-+ 4.'.T $Y$T), $&*)TY
&miriouche * , @ Principles of Computer Aided Design and
Manufacturing (1rentice 6all" ;AA7#
5$'- AB8AC7C8BD
(olestock 6 @ Industrial Robotics: Selection, Design and Maintenance
(T&' 'ooks 5nc" ;AA7#
5$'- AA<B77AE;C
6ill T - Manufacturing Strategy
ISBN !"""!#$%&'!(
Manufacturing Flexibility: a literature review. #y A. de $oni and %. $onchia.
International &ournal of 'roduction (esearch) *++,) vol. -.) no. .) */,01.*0.
Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems. #y Y. 2orem. Mcraw 3ill) Inc. *+,-)
4,0 pp) I%#5 616016-/-7*10
Manufacturing Systems Theory and Practice. #y . Chryssolouris. 5ew York) 5Y8
%pringer !erlag) 466/. 4nd edition.
esign of Flexible Production Systems Methodologies and Tools. #y $. $olio.
#erlin8 %pringer) 466+. I%#5 +0,1-1/761,/7*-1/

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