This document provides instructions for 20 literacy activities that involve letters and sounds. The activities use various materials like letters, paper, markers, play dough, and more. The activities aim to teach letter recognition, tracing letters, associating letters with sounds, and beginning comprehension through games, puzzles and other interactive methods. The instructions provide clear steps for setting up and guiding children through each letter-focused activity.
This document provides instructions for 20 literacy activities that involve letters and sounds. The activities use various materials like letters, paper, markers, play dough, and more. The activities aim to teach letter recognition, tracing letters, associating letters with sounds, and beginning comprehension through games, puzzles and other interactive methods. The instructions provide clear steps for setting up and guiding children through each letter-focused activity.
This document provides instructions for 20 literacy activities that involve letters and sounds. The activities use various materials like letters, paper, markers, play dough, and more. The activities aim to teach letter recognition, tracing letters, associating letters with sounds, and beginning comprehension through games, puzzles and other interactive methods. The instructions provide clear steps for setting up and guiding children through each letter-focused activity.
This document provides instructions for 20 literacy activities that involve letters and sounds. The activities use various materials like letters, paper, markers, play dough, and more. The activities aim to teach letter recognition, tracing letters, associating letters with sounds, and beginning comprehension through games, puzzles and other interactive methods. The instructions provide clear steps for setting up and guiding children through each letter-focused activity.
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Literacy: Sun-bleached Letter Puzzle
Objectives Materials Method
Letter recognition Matching Foam bath letters Dark construction paper Place the letters on the paper and let them stand in the sun for a while. Once the paper has faded, it is ready to use. The area under the letters will not hae faded and will appear as the original color. !elp your child place the appropriate letter on the paper where it belongs. Literacy: Sand Letters Objectives Materials Method Learn how to write letters "and, salt, or sugar #ake Pan Put some sand, sugar or cream of wheat in a s$uare cake pan or bo% for drawing purposes. !elp your child trace a letter. "ay the sound as the child is tracing the actiity. !ae the child say the sound with you. Literacy: Foam Alphabet Puzzle Objectives Materials Method Learn the alphabet Foam alphabet pu&&le "mall tub or bowl 'ice or sand Place the rice and the letters from the foam pu&&le into the tub. !ae the child find a letter and show them how to put it in the pu&&le. !ae the child say either the letter name or the sound the letter makes (or both). Literacy: Hih!ay Letters Objectives Materials Method *egin to trace the letters of the alphabet #reate letters that look like a road (black letters with white stripes running through them) #ar !ae your child run oer the letters with their cars. Practice saying the sound the letter makes as they do so. Literacy: "racin Lines !ith #ars Objectives Materials Method #an trace straight and &ig+ &ag lines Large piece of paper Masking Tape Marker "mall #ar ,sing the masking tape, stick the paper to a hard surface. Draw roads on the paper. First a straight road from one side of the paper to the other. Then a &ig+&ag road. "how the child how to drie the car along the road. -ently correct the child when they drie the car outside of the line (off the road). Literacy: M$M Letters Objectives Materials Method *egins to recogni&e some of the letters of the alphabet Paper Marker M.Ms On the paper draw dots that form a letter of the alphabet. "how the child how to use a crayon to draw between the dots. !ae the child place M.Ms on each of the dots. Literacy: %iploc& 'a (ra!in Objectives Materials Method Learning the letters -allon si&e &iplock bag Food coloring !air -el Mi% the food coloring and the hair gel in the &iplock bag. !ae your child trace letters on the outside of the &iplock bag Literacy: Sand Paper Letters Objectives Materials Method *egin to trace the letters of the alphabet Letters cut out of sandpaper #ard cut into /0 s$uares -lue the sandpaper letters onto the card. !elp your child trace the letter with their finger. "ay the sound the letter makes as you do so. Literacy: )arn Letters Objectives Materials Method *egin to trace the letters of the alphabet "andpaper 1arn #rayons "cissors #ut the yarn into arying lengths from / inches to 2 inches. Draw seeral large letters on the sandpaper. "how then how the yarn sticks to the sandpaper. 3ow let them use the yarn to trace the letters. 'epeat the phonetic sound as they are working on each letter. Literacy: #oo&ie Sheet Letters Objectives Materials Method Learning the letters #ookie sheet Magnetic letters Dry erase pen On the cookie sheet, write seeral letters. !ae your child search through all /0 letters to find the one you hae written on the cookie sheet. They can then place each magnetic letter oer the corresponding written letter. Literacy: *ope Letters Objectives Materials Method Learn the sounds of the letters -ross Motor Deelopment 'ope ,sing the rope, form a letter on the ground. 3ow moe along the rope (hop, skip, slide, tiptoe, march, gallop) 'epeat the sound of the letter oer and oer. Literacy: Alphabet #ups Objectives Materials Method Learning the letters 4 #ups 4 Mailing labels "harpie "omething to hide (such as a pompom or small ball) Place the mailing labels on the cups and write a letter on each mailing label, so that each cup is associated with a different letter. "how your child the item you are going to hide. 5sk your child to close their eyes as you hide the ob6ect under one of the cups. Then hae your child read one of the letters on a cup. 5s they read it, hae them lift up the cup to see if the ob6ect is under the cup. 7f they are incorrect, inite them to read a different cup and then lift it. #ontinue playing until they find the hidden ob6ect. Literacy: Letter Scavener Hunt Objectives Materials Method Learning the letters *aby food containers Letter stickers (or a sharpie) Let your child place one letter (or write one letter) on each container. -o on a scaenger hunt and start filling the containers. For e%ample, # is for car and carrot. Literacy: Alphabet "ape Objectives Materials Method Learning the letters Matching identical ob6ects 8ooden blocks Tape Put some tape on the floor and write the letters from 5 to 9 on the tape. !ae the wooden blocks in a pile ne%t to the tape and as your child picks up each block, hae them place it on the corresponding letter on the tape. Literacy: Alphabet "reasure Hunt Objectives Materials Method Learning the letters Plastic or wooden letters "and or Dirt !ide the letters in the sand. 7nite your child to scoop the sand and hunt for hidden letters. :ach time they find one, hae them say the name or the sound of the letter. Literacy: Alphabet Playdouh Objectives Materials Method Learning the letters Paper Playdough On the paper draw the outline of seeral large letters. !elp your child roll the play dough and then place it within the outline of the letter. 'epeatedly say the letter name and sound. !elp them think of words they know that start with that sound. Literacy: Alphabet Order +ame Objectives Materials Method Learning the letters in order 5 set of alphabet cards or foam or plastic letters Place the letters in a large pile. "ing the alphabet song with them and ask them what the first letter is. 7f they struggle, try giing hints (such as showing them the alphabet in a book) Once they hae located the 5, sing the alphabet song together again. (1ou may do this while pointing to the letters in a book which has the alphabet.) 5sk them what comes after 5. 1ou may need to gie a similar hint again. !ae them locate the * and place it ne%t to the 5. 'epeat until you hae gone through the alphabet or your child is bored. Literacy: *oc& Letters Objectives Materials Method Learning the letters "mall rocks Paper "harpie On the paper draw circles about the si&e of the rocks on the paper so that the circles form a letter. !ae your child place the rocks on the circles so that when they are done, the rocks form a letter. 5sk your child if they can identify the letter and the sound it makes. 'epeat this with different letters. Literacy: (evelopin #omprehension Objectives Materials Method Deelop comprehension 5 story book 'ead a book to your child. 5fter each page, ask a $uestion about what you 6ust read. 7f they struggle, help them with the answer. Make the $uestion slightly easier ne%t time. Literacy: #hal&board Letter ,rasin Objectives Materials Method *egin to trace the letters of the alphabet #halkboard #halk ;+tip #ontainer of water On a chalkboard write a letter. !ae your child name the letter and say the sound of the letter. -ie your child a $+tip which you hae preiously dipped in water. !elp them trace the letter so that the chalk disappears. 'epeat with another letter. Literacy: -ords that Start !ith ... Objectives Materials Method 5ssociate the first letter of a word with a known letter <%4 inde% cards / large pieces of paper "harpie #rayons On the inde% cards, draw seeral pictures of ob6ects that begin with a particular letter, such as =puppy,> =pen,> =popcorn,> and =parrot.> Then on some other inde% cards draw pictures of ob6ects that begin with another letter, such as =bone,> =backpack,> =books,> and =bus.> On one piece of paper write the letter, such as =P,> and one the other piece of paper write the other letter, such as =*.> :ncourage your child to color the pictures and to name the ob6ects. Once they hae completed coloring and naming the ob6ects, hae them pick a card. "how them the letters on the piece of paper and ask them the sound of the letters. :%plain that they are going to sort the cards according to the first letter of the word. !ae them say the name of the ob6ect and say it slowly. 'epeat it slowly, while emphasi&ing the first letter. 5sk them if the word starts with a =p> or a =b.> !elp them if they are unsure. Place the card on the paper of the appropriate letter. 'epeat until they hae sorted all the cards. Literacy: Letter Focus Objectives Materials Method Learn one of the letters of the alphabet Paper "cissors Letter stickers 5lphabet felt stickers "and paper -lue "harpie #rayons ,sing the "harpie, write the letter on the paper that you are going to focus on with your child. #ut that letter out of different colored pieces of paper and sand paper. !elp your child glue them onto the paper. 'un their inde% finger oer the sand paper letter. !ae your child stick the letter stickers and felt letter stickers onto the paper. :ncourage them to try writing the letter (een if they can only scribble). #onstantly repeat the sound of the letter with them. 1ou can also tell them words that begin with that letter. (=T> is for truck. =T> is for train. =T> is for tummy.) Literacy: #hal&board Letter ,rasin Objectives Materials Method *egin to trace the letters of the alphabet #halkboard #halk ;+tip #ontainer of water On a chalkboard write a letter. !ae your child name the letter and say the sound of the letter. -ie your child a $+tip which you hae preiously dipped in water. !elp them trace the letter so that the chalk disappears. 'epeat with another letter. Literacy: #anvas Letter Objectives Materials Method Learn the name and sound of a letter #anas Masking Tape 5crylic Paints ,sing the masking tape put the first letter of your child?s name on the canas (or the entire name if you are able to). 5llow your child to paint the entire canas. Once dry, remoe the masking tape. During the actiity, keep reminding them of the name and sound of the letter(s). Literacy: "racin Letters Objectives Materials Method *egin to trace the letters of the alphabet Paper Pen #rayons 8rite one letter or seeral letters of the alphabet using dots. "how your child how to use a crayon to trace the letters. :ncourage them to try alone. !elp when needed. Literacy: 'ottle #ap Letters Objectives Materials Method Learn the name and sound of a letter Match 7dentical Ob6ects @uiceAMilk *ottle #aps Foam "ticker Letters "tick foam letters on the top of the bottle caps so that you hae two of each letter. (7f you do not hae foam letter stickers, you could write the letters on the caps using a marker.) They can be the same case (upper or lower) or a combination for a more adanced actiity. Place them in a pile and then ask your child to pick up a cap. !ae them say the name of the letter and the sound of the letter. 3ow hae them look for the other cap which has the same letter on it. 'epeat until you hae matched all the letters. Literacy: Scrabble Search Objectives Materials Method Learn the name and sound of a letter #ontainer of rice "crabble letters Paper Pen On a piece of paper trace around each of the scrabble letters and write in the letters. Place the scrabble letters in the container of rice. !ae your child find a letter and place it on the paper oer the corresponding letter. Literacy: Maic Letters Objectives Materials Method Learn the name and sound of a letter Paper 8hite #rayon Paint *rush 8ater 8ater #olors On the paper draw one large letter using the white crayon. !ae your child paint on the paper using the water colors. The letter is then reealed. 5sk your child to name the letter and say it?s sound. 'epeat with other letters of the alphabet. Literacy: #ereal /ame Objectives Materials Method Learn the representation of their name Paper "harpie "chool -lue Fruit Loops or #heerios On the paper write your child?s name so that it fills the paper. !ae your child trace the letters with the glue. 3ow they can place the cereal on the glue while it is still wet. Literacy: "oilet *oll Letters Objectives Materials Method 5ssociate words with particular letters Toilet 'olls (the number depends on how many letters you want to focus on) *ottle Tops (the same number as the number of toilet rolls) Paint Letters printed on paper (either all or 6ust a few) Pictures or words starting with each letter of the alphabet !ae your child paint the toilet rolls. Place the one end of the toilet roll in a bottle top. This will proide stability for it to stand. !elp your child stick a letter to each of the toilet rolls. 5s you do so, hae them say the sound of the letter. Then hae them look at the pictures and say the word that describes the picture, such as =cat.> !elp them understand that the word =cat,> for e%ample, starts with the sound =c.> !ae them identify the =c> toilet roll and stick the picture on the toilet roll. 'epeat with the other pictures. Literacy: Alphabet Monster +ame Objectives Materials Method Learn the name and sound of a letter Different colored paper "cissors "harpie :mpty bo% (such as a cereal bo% or Pringles can) -lue 8obbly :yes #ut circles from the paper (about /.4 inches in diameter). Twenty si% for either lower+case or capital letters. Fifty two for both. 8rite a different letter on each circle. 7n the empty bo% cut a hole for the mouth. #oer the bo% with colored paper. -lue on eyes (and hair if you desire using yarn). Lay the letters on a flat surface and then hae your child pick up a letter and say the sound and then place it through the mouth of the monster. Literacy: 'a o0 '1s Objectives Materials Method Learn the name and sound of a letter 5ssociate words with particular letters Large bag 7tems that start with the letter * (such as ball, book) 7tems that do not start with the letter * (such as pen, shoe) Place the items in the bag. !ae your child reach into the bag and pull an ob6ect out. 5sk them what the ob6ect is. "ay the word emphasi&ing the first letter and ask them if it starts with a =*.> "ince they probably won?t know, tell them and repeat the e%ercise with the other ob6ects. Literacy: Play (ouh -ritin Objectives Materials Method *egin to trace the letters of the alphabet Play dough Pencil or pen 'oll the play dough out on a flat surface. !ae your child hold the pencil. -uide your child?s hand and write a letter of your choice repeatedly. !ae your child say the sound of the letter. 3ow hae your child try. This will likely be difficult but can be done repeatedly. Literacy: "racin lines Objectives Materials Method *egin to trace Paper #rayon Marker On the left hand side of the paper draw seeral pictures of animals, one under each other (such as a fish, a cat, a duck, and a cow). On the right hand side of the paper draw something that resembles where they like to be (such as the ocean, a chair, a pond, and a field). Draw straight, cured, or &ig+&ag dotted lines between the images of the left and those on the right. !ae your child hold a crayon and guide their hand to trace the dotted line. 5fter that they may like to try alone. Literacy: A'# Match Objectives Materials Method 5ssociate words with particular letters Paper Marker "cissors Ob6ects beginning with letters you want to focus on #ut small s$uares (B> % B>) from the paper and write some letters on the s$uares, such as 5, *, #. Find small ob6ects that begin with those letters, such as an apple, a ball, and a cup. Place the letters on a flat surface and then hae your child select an ob6ect and name the ob6ect. 'epeat the name of the ob6ect, while emphasi&ing the first letter. !ae your child guess which letters the word begins with. Proide help where needed. Literacy: Letter Sort Objectives Materials Method Learn the name and sound of a letter Paper Marker "cissors #ut /C or /4 small s$uares (/> % />) from the paper. Pick two or three letters you want to work with, such as * and T. 8rite these letters on the s$uares. 1ou might hae DC * s$uares and D4 T s$uares. @umble the letters together and place them in a pile. !ae you child select a letter and say the sound of the letter. 'epeat. 7f the letter is the same as before, place these letters together. Otherwise, make a new pile. 8ithin a short time, you should hae two (or three, depending on how many letters you are focusing on) piles of letters. Once these piles are established, hae your child guess which pile the letters should go in. Literacy: )arn S!irls Objectives Materials Method *egin to trace #ard Marker "cissors 1arn :lmer?s -lue #ut large (at least DD> % DD>) s$uares. On the s$uares draw swirls, circles, lines, and &ig+&ags. !ae your child trace along the lines with the glue. 5ssist where necessary. 3ow cut the yarn the right length and hae your child place the yarn on top of the glue. 7t is probably easiest for your child to begin with a straight line, and then a circle, then swirls, then finally &ig+&ags.