How To Create and Invoke Enterpise Java Beans (EJB) Using The Action Framework

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OBIEE 11g: How To Create and Invoke Enterpise Java Beans (EJB) Using The Action ra!

ework ("oc I"

Modified: Jan 8, 2014 Type: BULLETIN
In this "oc'!ent

$rea"in% an EJB &pp#ia"ion Usin% J!e'e#oper

$rea"in% "(e EJB J&) *i#e and "(e E&) !ep#oy+en" Profi#e

!ep#oyin% "(e EJB &pp#ia"ion ,E&) *i#e- Usin% "(e .e/Lo%i Ser'er $onso#e

$onfi%urin% "(e &"ion *ra+e0or1

In'o1in% and )unnin% "(e EJB &pp#ia"ion Usin% "(e &"ion *ra+e0or1

Business In"e##i%ene Sui"e En"erprise Edi"ion 2 3ersion 1141414540 and #a"er
Infor+a"ion in "(is dou+en" app#ies "o any p#a"for+4
Produ"s and 'ersions used for "(is in"e%ra"ion:
2 6ra#e En"erprise Linu7 8 2 842/i" /u" "(e in"e%ra"ion app#ies "o any p#a"for+
2 6BIEE 114141454191015
2 J!e'e#oper 1141414840 ,used in "(is dou+en"- or 1141414540
T(e o+/ina"ion of produ"s used in "(is e7a+p#e is er"ified4 &#0ays (e1 "(e er"ifia"ion +a"ri7 "o 'erify "(a" you are on a er"ified
produ" o+/ina"ion4
T(e dou+en" pro'ides s"ep /y s"ep ins"ru"ions on (o0 "o rea"e and pa1 an EJB 0i"( J!e'e#oper, dep#oy i" in a .e/#o%i +ana%ed
ser'er, onfi%ure "(e &"ion *ra+e0or1 "o in'o1e EJBs and run "(e EJBs usin% "(e &"ion *ra+e0or14
T(e e7a+p#e EJB in "(is dou+en" is used "o 0ri"e an &na#ysis "o "(e fi#e sys"e+4 I" "a1es 2 para+e"ers: ou"pu" fi#e na+e ,o+p#e"e p(ysia#
pa"( in "(e fi#e sys"e+- and "(e &na#sys "o ar(i'e4 T(e ou"pu" is "(e &na#ysis sa'ed on dis1 as a P!* fi#e4
T(is dou+en" is infor+a"iona# and in"ended for &d+inis"ra"ors and &d'aned Users4 Before readin% "(is dou+en", "(e user +us" (a'e a
%ood unders"andin% of .e/#o%i Ser'er, 6BIEE, "(e &"ion *ra+e0or1 and J!e'e#oper4
In "(e s"eps pro'ided in "(is dou+en", 6BIEE is onfi%ured "o use "(e defau#" .e/#o%i au"(en"ia"or4

Creating an EJB Application Using JDeveloper

*irs" rea"e "(e app#ia"ion4 :o "o J!e'e#oper 2; *i#e 2; Ne0444 2; :enera# 2; :eneri &pp#ia"ion and #i1 6<: 14
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Pro'ide an app#ia"ion na+e: 24
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$#i1 on Ne7"4 Pro'ide a pro=e" na+e: &r(i'e)epor"sToPdf4 T(en, #i1 on *inis(: 94
Ne7", rea"e "(e session Bean4 )i%(" #i1 on &r(i'e)epor"sToPdfPr= 2; Ne0444 2; Business Tier 2; EJB and se#e" Session Bean on
"(e ri%(" pane and #i1 6<:
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&ep" "(e defau#" and #i1 on Ne7": >4
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Pro'ide "(e fo##o0in% and #i1 on Ne7":
2 EJB Na+e: &r(i'e)epor"sToPdf
2 Session Type: S"a"e#ess
2 Transa"ion Type: Bean
&ep" "(e defau#"s and #i1 on Ne7": 54
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&ep" "(e defau#"s and #i1 on Ne7":

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$#i1 on *inis(: ?4
:e" fro+ "(e ser'er "(e needed #i/raries "o e7eu"e "(is ode4 Transfer "(e fi#e "o "(e +a(ine 0(ere J!e'e#oper is runnin%4 T(e
#i/raries are under:
2 @*M.AB6ME;CuserApro=e"sCdo+ainsC/ifounda"ionAdo+ainCser'ersC/iAser'er1C"+pCA.LAuserC/i+idd#e0areA114141Cudy1#p
I+por" "(e needed #i/raries "o e7eu"e "(is ode4 )i%(" #i1 on MyEJBPro=e" 2; Pro=e" Proper"ies444 Li/raries and $#asspa"( 2; #i1
on &dd J&) !ire"ory444 2; Na'i%a"e "o "(e dire"ory 0(ere you pu" "(e a"ionfra+e0or12o++on4=ar
and s(edu#erCs(edu#errpa##s4=ar fi#es, #i1 on "(e fi#es and #i1 on Se#e"4 "o add "(e+4 T(en #i1
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T(e fo##o0in% is "(e ode i+p#e+en"ed in "(e EJB:
a) EJB Bean Code: ArchiveReportsToPdfBean.class
package archivereportstopdf;
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import javax.activation.DataHandler;
// Referenced classes of package archivereportstopdf:
// ArchiveReportsToPdf, ArchiveReportsToPdfLocal
public class ArchiveReportsToPdfBean
implements ArchiveReportsToPdf, ArchiveReportsToPdfLocal
public ArchiveReportsToPdfBean()
public String ArchiveReport(String filename, DataHandler report)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
File f = new File(filename);
FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(f);
return "Report Archived";
b) EJB Remote Interface Java code: ArchiveReportsToPdf.class
package archivereportstopdf;
import javax.activation.DataHandler;
public interface ArchiveReportsToPdf
public abstract String ArchiveReport(String s, DataHandler datahandler)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException;

c) EJB Local Interface Code: ArchiveReportsToPdfLocal.class
package archivereportstopdf;
public interface ArchiveReportsToPdfLocal

Creating the EJB JAR File and the EAR Deployment Profile

Dou need "o rea"e a dep#oy+en" profi#e for ea( pro=e" in your app#ia"ion and a dep#oy+en" profi#e for your E&) app#ia"ion4 *or +ore
de"ai#s on dep#oy+en" profi#es, p#ease (e1 "(e 6ra#eE *usion Midd#e0are *usion !e'e#operFs :uide for 6ra#e &pp#ia"ion !e'e#op+en"
*ra+e0or1 11% )e#ease 1 ,1141414540- Par" Nu+/er B91?54212

$rea"e a dep#oy+en" profi#e for your pro=e"4 )i%(" #i1 on "(e pro=e" na+e 2; Pro=e" Proper"ies444 2; !ep#oy+en" 2; Ne0444 /u""on
and pro'ide
2 &r(i'e Type: .&) *i#e
2 Na+e: &r(i'e)epor"sToPdf
Document 1610118.1
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T(en #i1 6<4
&ep" "(e defau#"s and #i1 6<: 24
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$#i1 6<: 94
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$rea"e a dep#oy+en" profi#e for your app#ia"ion4 In "(e &pp#ia"ion Na'i%a"or, ri%(" #i1 on "(e app#ia"ion 2; Ne0444 T(e Ne0 :a##ery
opens4 In "(e Ne0 :a##ery %o "o :enera# 2; !ep#oy+en" Profi#e 2; E&) *i#e and #i1 6<:
Document 1610118.1
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Pro'ide a !ep#oy+en" Profi#e Na+e: &r(i'e)epor"sToPdf4 $#i1 6<: >4
In "(e Edi" E&) !ep#oy+en" Profi#e Proper"ies dia#o% 2; &pp#ia"ion &sse+/#y 2; se#e" "(e pro=e" .&) you 0an" "o +a1e a'ai#a/#e
in "(e pro=e" fi#e: &r(i'e)epor"sToPdf4 T(en #i1 6<:
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In "(e Edi" E&) !ep#oy+en" Profi#e Proper"ies dia#%o 2; E&) 6p"ions 2; (e1 "(e GIn#ude Manifes" *i#e ,MET&2IN*CM&NI*EST4M*-G
(e1 /o7:
Document 1610118.1
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In "(e &pp#ia"ion Proper"ies dia#o%, se#e" !ep#oy+en" and un(e1 "(e fo##o0in% (e1 /o7es:
2 &u"o :enera"e and Syn(roniHe 0e/#o%i2=d/47+# !esrip"ors durin% !ep#oy+en"
2 Users and :roups ,so "(e users and %roups in "(e ser'erFs iden"i"y s"ore are used-
T(en, #i1 6<:
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!ep#oy your app#ia"ion "o E&) fi#e usin% J!e'e#oper4 )i%(" #i1 on "(e app#ia"ion na+e 2; !ep#oy 2; &r(i'e)epor"sToPdf444 2;
se#e" !ep#oy "o E&) and #i1 on Ne7":
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$#i1 on *inis( "o dep#oy "(e app#ia"ion "o an E&) fi#e: 104

Deploying the EJB Application (EAR File) Using the WebLogic Server Console

$opy "(e app#ia"ion E&) fi#e %enera"ed /y J!e'e#oper "o a s"a%e dire"ory in "(e ser'er 0(ere you an aess i" usin% "(e .e/#o%i
onso#e4 In "(is e7a+p#e, "(e fi#e:
2 &r(i'e)epor"sToPdf4ear
is opied "o "(e dire"ory ,i" an /e any dire"ory aessi/#e /y .e/#o%i Ser'er-:
No"e: Ba1up your ode as up%rades or pa"(in% +ay possi/#y o'er0ri"e non2s"andard fi#es

Lo% in "o "(e .e/#o%i onso#e 2; #i1 Lo1 I Edi" 2; !ep#oy+en"s 2; Ins"a##4 Na'i%a"e "o "(e dire"ory 0(ere "(e E&) fi#e is and
se#e" i": &r(i'e)epor"sToPdf4ear4 T(en #i1 on Ne7"
Document 1610118.1
18 of 32 7/24/2014 2:01 PM
&ep" "(e defau#" "o ins"a## i" as an app#ia"ion and #i1 on Ne7": 94
Se#e" "(e +ana%ed ser'er 0(ere you 0an" "o dep#oy i" ,"ypia##y /iAser'er1- and #i1 on Ne7": 44
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Pro'ide a na+e for "(e dep#oy+en": &r(i'e)epor"sToPdf and #i1 on Ne7": >4
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&ep" "(e defau#"s and #i1 on *inis( 84
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$#i1 on &"i'a"e $(an%es: 54
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T(e app#ia"ion s(o0s as Prepared4 Se#e" "(e app#ia"ion dep#oyed ,&r(i'e)epor"sToPdf- and #i1 on S"ar" 2; Ser'iin% &##
T(e app#ia"ion s(ou#d s(o0 as &"i'e no0: ?4

Configuring the Action Framework

T(e &"ion *ra+e0or1 is a o+ponen" of "(e 6ra#e BI EE ar(i"e"ure4 I" onsis"s of "(e fo##o0in% i"e+s:
&"ions 0e/ ser'ies for rea"in% and in'o1in% a"ions "(a" are dep#oyed in "(e app#ia"ion ser'er4
Document 1610118.1
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$o+ponen"s "(a" reside 0i"(in "(e Presen"a"ion Ser'er and S(edu#er Ser'ies4
&"ions2speifi Ja'aSrip" in "(e presen"a"ion "ier for rea"in% a"ions and in'o1in% er"ain a"ion "ypes dire"#y fro+ "(e /ro0ser4
T(e &"ion *ra+e0or1 is a 'ery /road su/=e"4 So+e a"ion "ypes are au"o+a"ia##y a'ai#a/#e 0(en 6BIEE is ins"a##ed, 0(i#e o"(ers reJuire
speifi onfi%ura"ion "o +a1e "(e+ a'ai#a/#e4
Dou s(ou#d fa+i#iariHe yourse#f 0i"( &"ion *ra+e0or1 onep"s and "a%s in "(e onfi%ura"ion fi#e su( as F&#iasF and F)e%is"ryF KML e#e+en"s
/efore a""e+p"in% "o do "(is onfi%ura"ion4
Dou an read +ore a/ou" "(e &"ion *ra+e0or1 in "(e 6ra#eE *usion Midd#e0are In"e%ra"orFs :uide for 6ra#e Business In"e##i%ene
En"erprise Edi"ion 11% )e#ease 1 ,114141- Par" Nu+/er E1898420> 2; > Usin% &"ions "o In"e%ra"e 6ra#e BI EE 0i"( E7"erna# Sys"e+s

In "(is dou+en" 0e 0i## onfi%ure "(e &"ion *ra+e0or1 "o /e a/#e "o in'o1e a Ja'a Me"(od ,EJB-4 Dou an (e1 "(e onfi%ura"ion s"eps
for ea( a"ion "ypes in "(e 6ra#eE *usion Midd#e0are In"e%ra"orFs :uide for 6ra#e Business In"e##i%ene En"erprise Edi"ion 11% )e#ease 1
,114141- Par" Nu+/er E1898420> 2; >4241 $onfi%ura"ion $(e1#is" /y &"ion Type

*or +ore de"ai#s on in'o1in% a Ja'a Me"(od ,EJB-, (e1 "(e 6ra#eE *usion Midd#e0are In"e%ra"orFs :uide for 6ra#e Business In"e##i%ene
En"erprise Edi"ion 11% )e#ease 1 ,114141- Par" Nu+/er E1898420> 2; >4848 In'o1e a Ja'a Me"(od ,EJB-:
>484841 PrereJuisi"es for T(is &"ion Type
>484842 Para+e"ers for "(e EJB
>484849 .(a" Bappens .(en T(is &"ion Type is In'o1edL

& sa+p#e &"ion *ra+e0or1 onfi%ura"ion fi#e ,&"ion*ra+e0or1$onfi%47+#- is a'ai#a/#e in "(e 6ra#eE *usion Midd#e0are In"e%ra"orFs :uide
for 6ra#e Business In"e##i%ene En"erprise Edi"ion 11% )e#ease 1 ,114141- Par" Nu+/er E1898420> 2; & Sa+p#e *i#es

T(e s"eps "o onfi%ure "(e &"ion *ra+e0or1 "o In'o1e a Ja'a Me"(od ,EJB- are:

Modify "(e &"ion*ra+e0or1$onfi%47+# &"ion *ra+e0or1 onfi%ura"ion fi#e4 I" is #oa"ed under @*M.AB6ME;CuserApro=e"s
M &dd a )e%is"ry e#e+en"4 & re%is"ry defines (o0 "(e &"ion *ra+e0or1 s(ou#d aess a /ro0sa/#e #i/rary of a"ion "ar%e"s4 T(e
re%is"ry e#e+en" na+e in "(is e7a+p#e is GSa+p#e Tes"G:

<name>Sample Test</name>
<description>Custom Java for Financial Reports</description>
<path />
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*or +ore de"ai#s, (e1 "(e 6ra#eE *usion Midd#e0are In"e%ra"orFs :uide for 6ra#e Business In"e##i%ene En"erprise Edi"ion 11%
)e#ease 1 ,114141- Par" Nu+/er E1898420> 2; >494242 In'o1e a Ja'a Me"(od &"ion Type )e%is"ry E7a+p#e
M &dd a on"en"2"ype e#e+en"4 Ea( on"en"2"ype e#e+en" pro'ides +e"a2infor+a"ion a/ou" "(e "ypes of ser'ies "o 0(i( "(e
re%is"ries are onne"in%:

<displayname>Java Actions</displayname>
*or +ore de"ai#s, (e1 "(e 6ra#eE *usion Midd#e0are In"e%ra"orFs :uide for 6ra#e Business In"e##i%ene En"erprise Edi"ion 11%
)e#ease 1 ,114141- Par" Nu+/er E1898420> 2; 6ra#eE *usion Midd#e0are In"e%ra"orFs :uide for 6ra#e Business In"e##i%ene
En"erprise Edi"ion 11% )e#ease 1 ,114141- Par" Nu+/er E1898420> 2; >4949 $on"en" Types
M &dd an aoun" e#e+en"4 T(e aoun" e#e+en" defines %a"e0ay aoun"s, 0(i( are used for au"(en"ia"ion "o a"ion "ar%e"s4 T(e
re%is"ry e#e+en"Fs ser'ie2aess e#e+en" "(en referenes "(e aoun"s "(a" you (a'e speified4 T(e aoun" e#e+en" na+e in "(is
e7a+p#e is G.LSJN!IG:

<description>Account used to access WLS JNDI.</description>

*or +ore de"ai#s, (e1 "(e 6ra#eE *usion Midd#e0are In"e%ra"orFs :uide for 6ra#e Business In"e##i%ene En"erprise Edi"ion 11%
)e#ease 1 ,114141- Par" Nu+/er E1898420> 2; >4944 &oun"s
Bere is and e7a+p#e of (o0 i" s(ou#d #oo1 "(e &"ion*ra+e0or1$onfi%47+# onfi%ura"ion fi#e af"er +a1in% "(ese (an%es:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<obi-action-config xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="afconfig.xsd" xmlns:xsi="
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<actual>http://localhost:9704/analytics/saw.dll?WSDL </actual>
<name>Sample Test</name>
<description>Custom Java for Financial Reports</description>
<path />
<displayname>Web Services and BPEL Processes</displayname>
<displayname>Hyperion Applications</displayname>
<displayname>Mixed Services</displayname>
<displayname>Java Actions</displayname>
<description>Account used to access WLS JNDI.</description>
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&ddin% a $reden"ia# Map and $reden"ia# <ey "o "(e $reden"ia# S"ore4
$reden"ia#s are seuri"y2re#a"ed a""ri/u"es used "o au"(en"ia"e or au"(oriHe users and sys"e+s reJues"in% aess "o 6ra#e BI EE
resoures su( as a"ions4 If you (a'e onfi%ured one or +ore re%is"ries in "(e &"ion *ra+e0or1 "o use reden"ia#s in "(e reden"ia#
s"ore for ei"(er /ro0sin% for a"ions "ar%e"s or in'o1in% a"ions ,na+e#y, if you (a'e speified aoun" e#e+en"s in "(e
&"ion*ra+e0or1$onfi%47+#- you need "o en"er a reden"ia# in"o a "(e reden"ia# s"ore "o +a"( ea( aoun" e#e+en" in "(e
&"ion*ra+0or1$onfi%47+# fi#e4 &## reden"ia#s referened /y aoun" e#e+en"s +us" /e in a reden"ia# +ap a##ed ora#e4/i4a"ions4
*or e7a+p#e, if you (a'e "(e fo##o0in% aoun" defined in "(e onfi%ura"ion fi#e, you need "o en"er a reden"ia# for JN!IUser in"o a
+ap a##ed ora#e4/i4a"ions:
<description>Account used to access WLS JNDI.</description>

M Lo% in "o *usion Midd#e0are $on"ro# En"erprise Mana%er: (""p:CC(os"na+e:5001Ce+
M E7pand .e/Lo%i !o+ain 2; ri%(" #i1 on /ifounda"ionAdo+ain 2; Seuri"y 2; $reden"ia#s4
M $#i1 $rea"e Map and add a ne0 +ap a##ed ora#e4/i4a"ions4 No"e "(a" "(e on#y +ap &"ions an referene is ora#e4/i4a"ions, so
you need "o rea"e a +ap 0i"( "(is na+e and add reden"ia#s "o i" for use 0i"( &"ions4
M $#i1 $rea"e <ey and add a 1ey a%ains" "(e ora#e4/i4a"ions reden"ia# +ap you rea"ed4
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M Sa'e "(e 1ey and "(e +ap4
*or +ore de"ai#s, (e1 "(e 6ra#eE *usion Midd#e0are In"e%ra"orFs :uide for 6ra#e Business In"e##i%ene En"erprise Edi"ion 11%
)e#ease 1 ,114141- Par" Nu+/er E1898420> 2; >44 6'er'ie0 of &"ion Seuri"y
3erify "(a" "(e users in'o1in% "(e a"ion (as "(e reJuired per+issions in &na#y"is4
&"ions pri'i#e%es on"ro# "(e ri%("s "(a" users (a'e "o aess "(e a"ions fea"ures and fun"iona#i"y in 6ra#e BI Presen"a"ion Ser'ies4
T(e 6BIEE &d+inis"ra"or %ran"s or denies pri'i#e%es "o speifi app#ia"ion ro#es, indi'idua# users, and $a"a#o% %roups4 T(e fo##o0in%
a"ions pri'i#e%es s(ou#d /e %ran"ed "o users or app#ia"ion ro#es in'o1in% a"ions usin% "(e &"ion *ra+e0or1:
M $rea"e Na'i%a"e &"ions
M $rea"e In'o1e &"ions
M Sa'e &"ions on"ainin% e+/edded BTML

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Invoking and Running the EJB Application Using the Action Framework

Lo% in "o &na#y"is: (""p:CC(os"na+e:?504Cana#y"is 14
:o "o Ne0 2; &"ion 2; In'o1e a Ja'a Me"(od: 24
E7pand "(e GSa+p#e Tes"G re%is"ry e#e+en" "o s(o0 "(e a'ai#a/#e a"ions4 Se#e" "(e &r(i'e)epor" /ean under "(e
&r(i'e)epor"sToPdf EJB app#ia"ion:
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T(en, #i1 6<4
T(e in'o1ed EJB appears4 In "(is e7a+p#e i" aep"s "0o para+e"ers:
M *i#ena+e: "(is is "(e p(ysia# #oa"ion and fi#e na+e in "(e fi#e sys"e+ 0(ere "(e P!* fi#e 0i## /e rea"ed4 I" s(ou#d /e pro'ided
in#udin% fu## pa"( and fi#e na+e4 E7a+p#e: C(o+eCora#eCBIAMidd#e0areCana#ysis4pdf
M &na#ysis: "(is is "(e ana#ysis used as "(e inpu" "o /e on'er"ed "o a P!* for+a"4 Dou need "o #i1 on "(e G444G "o se#e" "(e ana#ysis4
$#i1 on Sa'e &"ion "o sa'e "(e a"ion in"o "(e 0e/ a"a#o%: >4
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T(is a"ion an /e added "o /e in'o1ed in an &%en"4 T(e &%en" is s(edu#ed "o run and "(e EJB is e7eu"ed a" "(a" "i+e: 84
)un "(e &%en"4 &f"er "(a", (e1 "(a" "(e P!* fi#e 0as suessfu##y rea"e in "(e fi#e sys"e+: 54
Document 1610118.1
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T(e E&) fi#e "o /e dep#oyed in "(e .e/#o%i +ana%ed ser'er is up#oaded "o "(e "(is no"e so you an use i" in your en'iron+en"4 T(e 9 Ja'a
#asses up#oaded are in#uded inside &r(i'e)epor"sToPdf4ear4 &#so, "(e &"ion *ra+e0or1 onfi%ura"ion fi#e is pro'ided:
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2 &r(i'e)epor"sToPdf4#ass
2 &r(i'e)epor"sToPdfBean4#ass
2 &r(i'e)epor"sToPdfLoa#4#ass
2 &"ion*ra+e0or1$onfi%47+#
Document 1610118.1
32 of 32 7/24/2014 2:01 PM

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