Dossier - Maximo Laura - Aubusson

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My life offering to our ancestors for bequeathing to us an indelible
footprint in time, for being an inexhaustible source of wisdom and pride
along with our land, with our people.

1.1 Artist statement
1.2 Cartoons
1.3 Cartoons + image
1.4 Cartoons + image + model (weave)
2.1 About myself
2.2 Time line
2.3 Curriculum vitae
2.4 Personal grants, awards and prizes
3.1 Weaving technology
3.2 Tapestry project (from beginning to
ending of process)
3.3 Selection of artworks and its process
4.1 Photos selection of Lauras artworks
4.2 Main publications
4.3 Monograph
4.4 Main references
To think of my ancestors weave heritage is to feel energy, essence, miracles and sublime expression,
inexhaustible source of pleasure, inspiration and encounter with harmony between man, nature and
thought. In my tapestries, I try to ensure that these sources manifest themselves in the form of light
and hints of my land.

1.1 Artist statement
1.2 Cartoons
1.3 Cartoons + image
1.4 Cartoons + image + model (weave)
The weave is medium to create of sublime beauty, to paint the soul of the people, interpret
the spirit of the earth, and leave undying footprints in our passage through time. Yesterday,
today and tomorrow our days is possible spent chasing the mystery of the rainbow to capture
color, chasing the earth vision of the cosmos to capture the myth of our experiences, chasing
the abundant and rich earth mother to capture her fruits and her essence; and transform them
with the weave into beautiful signs, enriching and brightening hearts in every nook of the earth.
My work is nourished by symbols, stories, traditions, rituals, experiences, and by permanently
returning to admire the iconography of ancestral world cultures, especially South American
culture which are extraordinary and fascinating. These experiences inspire me to discover,
explore and absorb contemporary visual arts, which exist lavishly, choosing the one that moves
me and fts the direction of my visions of totem images, of symbolic characters and landscapes,
and of my experience; developing ancestral patterns that are essentially American Andean.
The images are born in my long walks and travels; in exhibits, museums, galleries,
books and multimedia information, which stimulate my creative spirit, leading me to
near my encounter with vibrant and intense color, with elaborate and symbolic form,
as well as with the refned technique of my tool: the loom. Followed by the search of a
lyrical, spiritual, poetic language, product of this part of the continent and of this time.
1. Title : Prayer to the four directions
Size : 2.20 x 4.95 / 2.50 x 5.62 m
2. Title : Marriage of the sun and moon
Size : 1.80 x 5.40 m
3. Title : Celebration life
Size : 2.00 x 6.00 m
4. Title : Tribute to the land
Size : 1.80 x 5.40 / 2.20 x 6.60 m
5. Title : Spirit path
Size : 2.50 x 3.75 m
6. Title : Sacredness night
Size : 2.50 x 3.75 m
7. Title : Sacred thunder beings
Size : 2.50 x 3.75 m
8. Title : Mistique fest
Size : 1.80 x 4.50 / 2.50 x 5.00 m
9. Title : Sacred spirit in jungle
Size : 2.40 x 3.20 m / 3.00 x 4.00 m
10. Title : Sacred encounter in the jungle
Size : 2.00 x 4.50m / 2.50 x 5.62 m
11. Title : Tree of peace
Size : 1.50 x 6.75 m / 1.80 x 8.10 m
12. Title : Tribute to warrior of the ligthv
Size : 2.40 x 3.60 / 3.00 x 4.50 m
13. Title : The mystics dream
Size : 1.80 x 5.40 m
14. Title : Sons of the sun
Size : 1.50 x 4.50 m / 1.80 x 5.40 m
15. Title : Journey to well balance
Size : 1.80 x 6.75 m
Te propose that these designs demands take into
account to make more than 6m2
The balance between tranquility and silence; and these are feeting pauses;
very important to become cry and movement; and this is only granted to us if
with our astral body, the earth and our spirit are in harmony, then from deep,
very deep inside ourselves from our hearts we scream until one becomes light
and it foods all around us; and our deities unite in fesh and blood with us.
Size : 2.20 x 4.95 / 2.50 x 5.62 m
Priests danced and transmitted the messages from mother nature, from
the sun, from the moon and showed that everything that surrounds us
on earth and in space is alive; this dance they called the illness of song
and dance. Because according to the people, the dancers were possessed
by the mountains and mother earth transferring to their brothers infor-
mation about mother nature in which they were told that their commu-
nication will never be lost and that the source of energy was still alive.
It is the music destined to scare away negative energies. Music dedicated
to the Apus invoking protection of the community and of all living creators.
Size : 1.80 x 5.40 m
This tapestry represents a harmonic encounter between man and na-
ture so that all the established relations between them are fruitful.
Both man and nature beneft when there is balance.
The Eternal Sound, the balance of man and nature, is represented her
by man and his musical instruments.
Size : 2.00 x 6.00 m
One of lifes truly great experiences is the feel-
ing in our hearts when hearing the harmoni-
ous sound of music. Music can capture our spirit.
We play our music with instruments that nature of-
fers up to us. We fashion instruments for our own well
being from objects symbolizing the life force such as
bones or wings of the condor or other dear animal.
Music captures the sound of life in the moment.
Size : 1.80 x 5.40 / 2.20 x 6.60 m
Tese projects are in the perspective of the renewal of the tapisserie daubusson,
including in this time of contemporary American continent vision.
Size : 2.50 x 3.75 m
Size : 2.50 x 3.75 m
Size : 2.50 x 3.75 m
Allegory of beliefs, myths y rituals of Andean culture, whose essence is harmony,
between humankind, nature and the gods. Here, it manifests itself in a procession,
in the presence of Warrior of Light to enrich the spirit of humankind, whose energy
gives them powers to connect with mother earth. The Warrior of Light is the balance and the orga-
nizer of the universe.
Size : 1.80 x 4.50 / 2.50 x 5.00 m
Size : 2.40 x 3.20 m / 3.00 x 4.00 m
Size : 2.00 x 4.50m / 2.50 x 5.62 m
This tapestry represents a symbolic landscape of Andean spirituality. They are rituals and
visions in the sacred mountains, where men and gods communicate with each other.
This is an allegory of the celebrations relating to the main activities in the life of an Andean man.
The Totems represent the main gods of Andean culture, spirits that contain in their bodies the
ability to release energy, the continuation of fertility, productivity, happiness and harmony.
It is also possible to see the moment when change occurs, the movement and energy in these
sacred places where forces harmonize. This landscape serves as the receiver of the energies and
powers that contribute to abundance in life.
Size : 1.50 x 6.75 m / 1.80 x 8.10 m
Gratitude is the essence of the noble spirit.
The Andean has in the mountain his protec-
tor, his Apu (god) to whom he pays homage
and gives his spirit, in order to beneft himself
from the abundance of the land and his su-
rroundings. Each one of his seasons, his main
activities and human needs, are on the Road
to Sacred Mountain; a road that leads him to
growth, happiness and harmony.
Size : 2.40 x 3.60 / 3.00 x 4.50 m
Tese projects are designed; take into account the constraints
Size : 1.80 x 5.40 m
Size : 1.50 x 4.50 m / 1.80 x 5.40 m
Size : 1.80 x 6.75 m
2. Justifcation of the capacity to compete
2.1 About myself
2.2 Time line
2.3 Curriculum vitae
2.4 Personal grants, awards and prizes
Te world and our lives hold an immense richness. Each of us has an inner beauty and all that is missing is the dis-
covery of our artistic side. Whether it is through creation or observation of art we grow closer to our human essence
which is peace, silence and balance. For me the weave is a passion that comes from my heart.
I am a passionate weaver that always accomplishes my works of art with love. I was born in the
Andes Mountains of Peru where as a child I discovered a liking for drawing, painting, colors and
textures. I learned how to weave from my father, who was also a weaver. During my years in the
university through exploration of my artistic creativity and innovation, I found my calling as a weaver.

It has been twenty-fve years since my frst art exhibition and today I have had more than
one hundred and thirty exhibitions in twenty-six countries around the globe. I am honored to
have been recognized and to have received awards for my works. I like tapestries becau-
se they allow me to fulfll my dreams, my visions, and to fnd my inner beauty. The crea-
tion of a tapestry is a journey for both tapestry and artist. The journey, from concep-
tion of the idea to the realization of the work allows for an intimate relationship between
me and the tapestry. It is a pleasure to see an idea transform into a beautiful weaving.
Mximo Lauras tapestry is a project of cultural resistance, a light burning in the tunnel of
time which returns to our eyes a fascinating past, so rich in myths, symbols looking for a
sculptural synthesis of fgures and geometries that speak of gods, celestial phenomena, uni-
versal archetypes and integration with nature he goes by the Andean roots with complete te-
chnical command to reach a free form of creation, to the construction of optical poems which
legitimize his art as authentic, profound and personalized. It is more than artistic talent;
its a vision consistent with the solar treasure of the Incas that he erects like a lantern in the
night without respite of our Latin America.
Mario Margutti Brazilian Art Critic
Te motives portray the most important visual settings of the Inca empire, which are used as a present-day interpre-
tation and communication form in a style and a language which are very peculiar to the artist.
Alvaro Machado Brazil
Mximo Laura, weaver from and perennial creator, is an example of what can be achieved in the Arts when the me-
mory of millenniums is recovered and pride for being an individual and part of a community at the same time is re-
covered. Tus, my homage to his work is the recognition of that which is American in his creative spirit.
Zadir Milla Euribe - Peru
Mximo Laura has a profound understanding ans an almost mystical application of the textile techniques develo-
ped by Peruvian weavers over the past 3,000 years. His contribution to this art is creative rather than technical.He
uses the magical symbols found in the iconographic language of ancestral native cultures, giving from to a lively and
strong contemporary manifestation. Mximo Laura has a personal use of color and design ensuing in his own poeti-
cal interpretations, in true works of art.
John H. Davis Peru
Mximo uses a questioning manner, an inquiring process. Tus achieving a proper cultural syncretism by bringing
closer two such diferent worlds that always hold us together with the invisible link
Roberto Villegas Robles - Peru
To fnd humanizad tapestry is an event! Ifeel something alive and throbbing when I look at one of Lauras pieces
Tese creations are guided by a supernatural hand, a connoisseur of a universe both human and divine Colors
polarize the atmosphere and create a nostalgic reminiscence of Andean myths buried under the shadows of jaguars,
historical times full of solar treasures protected by human darkness on the crust of this dispersed planet.

Mario Chinotti Italy
Afer exploring the motives and techciques of the Pre-Colombian weaving and the tradicional Peruvian tapestry, he
strove to transmigrate to contemporary tapestry. Laura brings us memories of the Renaissance artisans so much
prized by Diego Rivera- who would incorporate in their works knowledge of painting, sculpture and architechture.
Antonio Rengifo Balarezo Peru
Born in Ayacucho, Peru
Enter to the School of Education of
the San Cristbal de Huamanga Na-
tional University, Ayacucho, Peru.
Stage of Andean Mithology
(his frst collection 1978-1983)
He developed the serie called Mythos
and Legends
He traveled and settled in Lima.
He founded the Lau-
ra workshop in Lima, Per.
He studied in the School of Li-
terature of the San Marcos Ma-
jor National University Lima, Peru.
He developed the serie: aupayuyay
(Reminiscences) (1980-1983)
Stage of the de Experimental constructi-
vism (1
He developed the serie: Metamorfosis
He leads the workshop Textile design
techniques and interpretation in Taller
Artesanal Retablo (TAR) , Lima, Peru.
He developed the serie: Labe-
rinto Tubular 1983-1984 (foto)
Stage of Takyonqoy 1983-1998
He developed the serie: Choqueruna
(Warriors of the light) (1983-1986)
Directs the workshop on Techniques of
weave: Arwi and Gobelin in ALA (Arte-
sana Laura Asociados), Lima, PERU.
His frst group exhibition Faces of Peru
at the Recoleta Cultural Center in Bue-
nos Aires, Argentina.
He developed the series: Voices of Ear-
th mother (1985-1989)
Founder and director of TAT (Textile art
workshop) in Lima, Peru. (1986-1988)
He studied weave in the
Kela Cremashi workshop.
He presents his frst solo exhibition Sig-
nos Ancestrales in Galera Huamanqa-
qa, Lima, Peru
He developed Series: Ofrendas in the
Andes (1988-1994)
His frst exhibition of International le-
vel: 1st Meeting Latin-American of Mini
Textile Montevideo, Uruguay.
Advisory Textile Program of the Centre
for Integrated Development of Han-
dicrafts (CREDIART) Agreement Peru-
Spain, Junin, Peru.
Founder and Director of the workshop
research of Andean Design and Aesthe-
tics Contemporary (TIEDAC). (1988-
Solo exhibition Roots and Metamor-
phosis in Art Gallery of the Italian Mu-
seum, Lima, Peru.
Founder and Director of Intiparnakim
Workshop (Hands of the sun), Lima,
PERU. (1991-1994)
His frst National Prize Golden Hands,
He traveled to Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay
and Spain.
He attended to the Conference United
Nations Conference on Environment
and Development (UNCED) Ro92, Ro
de Janeiro, Brazil.
His frst touring exhibition through South
American (Asuncion, Rio de Janeiro, Ni-
teroi, Quito)
He was awarded with UNESCO Prize
for Latin America and the Caribbean in
the 4 Ibero-American Crafts Fair in Te-
nerife, Canaria, Spain.
He traveled to Florida (USA), Finland,
Venezuela and Ecuador.
He won the 1st Prize Coral Gables
International Festival of Craft Arts in
Miami, Florida, USA
He represents Peru in the Seminar of
Design for experts of Latin American
and Caribbean Craft with his conferen-
ces: Inspiration of my work and the
Pre-Columbian Design and Cultural
Continuity, alternative development for
the Andean design, in the University of
Art and Design Helsinki (UIAH), Finland.
Andean Mithology touring exhibition
through main cities of Finland (1993 -
He returned to Finland to travel with
his touring exhibition.
He developed the serie: Yllapa (God of
Lightning) (1994-1997
He presented the conference Traditio-
nal Textile Technology and Contempo-
rary at the National Museum of Peru-
vian Culture, Lima, Peru.
He founded and directed the Trama
Group in Lima, Peru. (1995-2000)
The Municipality of Girardot (Puerto
La Cruz Venezuela) gives the award
for Best International Artist at the IV
Ibero-American Crafts Fair.
He developed the series: Kusy Pacha
(Allegory to the Earth) (1996-1998)
It was a founding member and Director
of the Center for Textile Pilot AID / MSP
- ADEX, Lima, Peru. (1996-2002)
He traveled to New York and Ecuador.
He participated at the 44th Tokyo Inter-
national Gift Show, Tokyo, Japan.
Stage of Rituals and Visions (1999-
2006). He developed the Ritos Series
He directs the Seminar Weave Nava-
jos and Andeans at the Peruvian Nor-
th American Cultural Institute (ICPNA),
Lima, Peru.
He traveled to Ecuador, Venezuela and
It was awarded with the National Prize
Grand Master of Peruvian Handicra-
ft by the National Culture Institute of
Peru, Lima, Peru.
He traveled to Colombia, Ecuador, Ve-
nezuela and USA.
He participated of the 1st Andean Cra-
fts Fair organized by CAF in Bogota,
He developed the serie: Wiay Taky
(Eternal Sound) (2002-2003)
It was presented the exhibition: Jewels
from Peru XXI Century Silver and Textile
at the Art Gallery of the OEA in Wash-
ington DC, USA.
He received the X Ibero American Crafts
Fair as a tribute to Grand Master of the
Craft Peruvian Handicraft Mximo Lau-
ra in Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela
He conducted the weaving workshop
organized by Puchka Tours, Arequipa,
Peru. (From 2002 to present)
He received the Medal Juan Pablo Viz-
cardo y Guzmn awarded by Congress
of the Republic of Peru, Lima, Peru.
He established the LAURAS DESING
Workshop-Gallery (From 2002 to pre-
He traveled to USA and Puerto Rico.
He developed the serie: Hatun Raymi
(The Major Festival) (2003-2004)
He participated at the Messe Frankfurt
2003, Frankfurt, Germany.
He was invited to participate of the In-
ter-Agency Project: Alliance Franaise
and MUSEF: Looms, between techni-
ques and cultures with his conference:
The tapestry of the time, La Paz, Bo-
Along Jean Lurcats work in the
UNESCO, Paris, France.
He traveled to Puerto Rico, USA y Fran-
He developed the serie: Visions of the
heart (2004-2005)
The ambassador of Peru in France Dr.
Prez de Cuellar presents the exhibi-
tion of Laura at the Softel Chateau de
It was opened the exhibition Rituals
and Visions at the Museum of the
Americas in San Juan, PUERTO RICO.
He visited the Manufactures Nationales
Gobelins, Paris, Francia.
He participated at the 4th Meeting
without Boundaries International Artist
Colony, Bald Head Island, USA.
He traveled to Venezuela, Argentina,
USA and France.
He exhibited at the Inti Gallery in Fran-
ce and at the Durham Arts Council in
North Carolina, USA.
He received the prize Best in Show at
the 8th Contemporary Latin American
Art organized by Museum of the Ame-
ricas in Pembroke Pines, Florida, USA.
He was present the conference Wea-
ving times at the Syndicat Nacional
des Designers Textiles in Paris, France.
He visited to Sheyla Hicks
He traveled to Costa Rica and USA.
He developed the serie: Ukunchiqmayu
(Mar Interior)(2004-2005)
It was present Mximo Laura Master
Weaver of Peru at the National Mu-
seum of the American Indian in Wash-
ington DC, USA
He participated at the IV International
Biennial of Textile Art and Design Man
+ Woman = Creation 2006 as invited
artist in San Jos, COSTA RICA.
He co-founded the Iberoamerican Tex-
tile Network (Redtextilia) in San Jos,
Costa Rica.
Board of directors of Redtextilia (foto)
Stage of Constructivism (2nd Time:
He developed the serie: Poemas Inter-
nos (2006-2009)
He traveled to USA, Latvia and Fran-
ce when opened Mximo Laura,
Tapisseriesat Les Jardins de Magali, in
Lauris, Vaucluse.
Mximo Laura, Translations Gallery,
Denver, Colorado, USA.
He was awarded a Honorary Mention
at the 3rd European Textile and Fiber
Art Triennial Tradition and Innovation
Global Intrigue in Riga, Latvia.
He developed the serie: Metamorpho-
sis (2007-)
He traveled to Argentina, USA, Bel-
gium, Ukraine and China.
The Congress of the Republic of Peru
awarded the Medal Joaqun Lpez
He exhibited Ritos y Ofrendas at the
Cultural Center of the UNSCH, Ayacu-
cho, Peru.
Hometown Government of Ayacucho
awarded the Medal Recognition for his
He won the Bronze Prize at the From
Lausanne to Beijing 5th International
Fiber art Biennale in Beijing, China.
He lectured the conference: Testimo-
nio de una experiencia hacia el Arte
Textil at the First National Meeting
of Weavers Ambrosio Sulca Prez in
Ayacucho, Peru
His works was selected at the American
Tapestry Biennial 7.
He won the Second Prize - Silver Medal
in Scythia the 7th International Bien-
nial Exhibition on Textile Art, Kherson,
He was awarded the Peoples Choice
Award in Land the Tapestry Founda-
tion of Victoria Award Exhibition at the
Australia National University in Cam-
He received the recognition as Ambas-
sador of Ayacuchos Culture awarded
by Ayacuchos Regional Government,
Ayacuho, Peru
Developed the series: Celebration life
Developed the series: Nuestras Races
(2008 - )
He traveled to Argentina, Bolivia and
He exhibited Maximos Peru at the
ACME Art Studios in Wilmington, NC,
Mention Prize, 5ta Bienal Internacional
de Arte Textil, Palais de Glace, Buenos
Aires, Argentina
He participated in Connections: Small
Tapestry International 2009, San Jose
Museum of Quilts & Textiles, California,
He won the First Place in Small Ex-
pressions 2009 at the Mississippi Craft
Center, Mississippi, USA.
He received the major national prize
Gran Premio Nacional Amautas de la
Artesana Peruana awarded by Minis-
try of Foreign Trade and Tourism.
He received an Honorary Mention
Award at the 13th International Trien-
nial of Tapestry in Lodz, Poland
Invited artist at 4th European Textile
and Fiber Art Triennial Tradition and
Innovation Global Intrigue II. Age of
the time (solo exhibition) at the Mu-
seum of Decorative Arts and Design,
Riga, Latvia
1959 Born in Ayacucho, Peru

2006 Seminar of Creativity, by Master Silke, San Jos, Costa Rica.
1987 Contemporary Weave in Kela Cremashis workshop (Argentina).
1985-86 Seminars-Workshop of Art and Andean Design, by Zadir Milla, Lima, Peru.
1980-83 Hispanic Literature, Mayor de San Marcos National University (UNMSM), Lima,
1978-79 Education, San Cristbal de Huamanga National University (UNSCH), Ayacucho,
1973-74 National School of Fine Arts of Ayacucho (ENBA), Peru.
1966-74 Ayacuchos woven in Miguel Lauras workshop. Peru.
2010 Makiykumanta - Peru: Arts and Cultural Legacy. Master Class: Testimony of living
between Fibers and Colors (How to fnd the Weaving as Art), National Museum of
the American Indian (Smithsonian Institution), Washington, D.C., USA
2009 Calidad y Sostenibilidad. Su Impacto en la Comercializacin en la Pequea
Empresa Artesana de Amrica del Sur, Centro de formacin de la Cooperacin
Espaola, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, BOLIVIA.
Conference: Modernidad con identidad: La importancia de lo simblico en la
artesana, Uso de smbolos en la Textilera Peruana Auditorio PromPeru, Lima,
2008 Conference: Living with fbers and colors, Ritos y Ofrendas, Centro Cultural de la
Universidad San Cristbal de Huamanga, Ayacucho, PERU.
Conference: Successful Experiences: Artists and artisans drivers of cultural identity,
Regional Bureau of Foreign Trade, Tourism and Handicrafts, Iquitos, PERU.
Conference: The Peruvian Textile Art and Avant-garde Art, Symposium on Art and
Literature, Cientfca del Sur College, Lima, PERU.
Conference: Testimony of an experience to the Textile Art, First National Meeting of
Weavers Ambrosio Sulca Prez, Ayacucho, PERU.
Scythia 7th International Biennial Conference on Textile Art, Kherson Local Lore
Museum, Conference: Rituals and Visions Textile Art in Peru. Kherson, UKRAINE.
Conference: Textile Design, II Congress Tourism and Sustainable Architecture,
2007 Conference Textile Art Modern Art. Interpretation of traditions in global context:
Ritual and Visions, International Conference on Textile and Fiber Art GLOBAL
INTRIGUE. George Hall of the hotel Konventa Seta, Riga, LATVIA
2006 II Congress 5000 years of Amerindia Architecture, Formosa, ARGENTINA
II Business Forum: Living among fbers and colors, Ayacucho, PERU
2005 Conference: The Design on Textile, First International Fair Textile Art: Texture and
Color. Foyer Main Hall, Caracas Hilton Hotel, VENEZUELA
Conference: Tapestry and Textile Innovation, Lima, PERU.
Conference: Mximo Laura artiste peruvien du Tapis a Paris, Centre Culturel
Peruvien. Paris, FRANCE
Conference Mximo Laura, un artiste noss presente son Art du Tapis, Maison de
LAmerique Latine, Paris, FRANCE
Conference: Weaving Times, Syndicat Nacional des Designers Textiles, Paris,
Conference: Color on Textile, Musee De Bibracte, Mont Beuvray, Paris, FRANCE
Conference: Contemporary Peruvian Tapestry, Denver Design Center, Denver,
Colorado, USA.
Conference: Textile Art, Museo Exploris de Raliegh, North Carolina, USA
Conference Laura Tapestry, Integrated Textile Art Center, Crdoba, ARGENTINA
Conference: Designing craft product like single piece and artistic, Auditorium
PetroPeru, Lima, PERU.
2004 Presentation: Weaving our Roots, Auditorium of San Marcos Cultural Center
2003 Presentation: Contemporary Tapestry, II Competition of Andean Craftsman
Familys Cultural Tradition. Sponsored by UNESCO and Spanish Foundation of
Crafts, Quito, ECUADOR.
Foundation for Anthropology Research and Ethno development Antroplogos del
Surandino, Sucre, BOLIVIA
Presentation: Natural Dyes use in Latin American, Seminar-Workshop Among
Techniques and Artists, La Paz, BOLIVIA
2002 Conference: The Textile Art, T. C. Williams High School, Alexandria, Virginia, USA.
2000 Seminar Weave Navajos and Andeans, ICPNA Gallery, Lima, PERU
1998 Institute of the Peruvian Textile, MINCETUR, Lima, PERU.
1997 Development of Textile New products for exportation, ADEX - Exporters
Association, Lima, PERU.
1996 Peruvian Contemporary Tapestry, Puerto La Cruz, VENEZUELA.
Conference: Vocation of weavers, National Museum of Peruvian Culture, Lima,
1995 Traditional Textile Technology and Contemporary, National Museum of Peruvian
Culture, Lima, PERU.
1993 Seminar of Design for experts of Latin American and Caribbean Craft. Presentation:
My Work from Design and Cultural Continuity, alternative development for the
Andean design, University of Art and Design Helsinki (UIAH), Helsinki, FINLAND.
1992 Workshop Pre-Columbian Weaving and its relation with Contemporary Woven,
Center of Cultural Dissemination, Asuncin, PARAGUAY.
1991 Innovation and Techniques of Design, Lima Chamber of Commerce, Lima, PERU.
1988 Tapestry Art, Auditorium of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism UNFV,
Lima, PERU.
Master class: Andean Art and Design, Regional Center for Integral Development
of Crafts Peru-Spain Agreement, Junn, PERU.
2010 Age of the time, Museum of Decorative Arts and Design, Riga, LATVIA.
Ofrendas, VIP Lounge - Jorge Chvez International Airport, Ayacucho, PERU
Ofrendas, Centro Cultural de la UNSCH, Ayacucho, PERU.
Cantos Ceremoniales, Centro Hispanoamericano de Cultura, La Havana, CUBA.
2009 Ofrendas, Museo de Artes y Tradiciones Populares, Lima, PRU
Landscapes of The Soul, Art works Studios and Galleries, Richmond, VA, USA
Contemporary Peruvian weavings: Mximo Laura, Translations Gallery, Denver,
Maximos Peru, ACME Art Studios, Wilmington, NC, USA.
2008 Rituals and Offerings, Cultural Center of UNSCH, Ayacucho, PERU.
Mximo Laura: Master weaver Art Andes Gallery, Minnesota, USA.
Rituals & Visions, II Congress Tourism and Sustainable Architecture, ARGENTINA.
Tapestries of Maximo Laura, the Gallery House, Massachusetts, USA.
2007 Mximo Laura: Peruvian tapestries, Les Jardins de Magali, Vaucluse, FRANCE.
Mximo Laura: Master weaver, Translations Gallery, Denver, Colorado, USA.
2006 Meet Mximo Laura: Master Weaver, Art Andes Gallery, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Grand Master of Peruvian Craft, Cultural Center of Spain, San Jos, COSTA RICA.
Weaving Times, Indigo Gallery, Lima, PERU.
Mximo Laura, Peruvian Tapestries, Fiber Art Center, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA.
Mximo Laura, Master Weaver of Peru, National Museum of the American Indian,
Washington DC, USA.
2005 Mximo Laura Master Weaver, Inti Gallery, Paris, FRANCE.
Mximo Laura: Peruvian textiles, Muse de Bibracte, Burgundy, FRANCE
Mximo Laura & Mayte Tanguy, Muse de Bibracte, Burgundy, FRANCE.
Mximo Laura & Ana Mazzoni, Integrated Textile Art Center (CIART), Crdoba,
Maximo Laura: Textile artist, Durham Arts Council, Durham, North Carolina, USA.
Eternal Sounds, Bleecker Street Studio & Gallery, Carrboro, North Carolina, USA.
Denver Design Center, Denver, Colorado, USA.
Artempresa Gallery, Crdoba, ARGENTINA.
2004 Galera Tresalvo, Rancagua, CHILE.
Rituals & Visions, Museum of the Americas, San Juan, PUERTO RICO.
A Living Legend, Silver Llama Gallery, Tucson, Arizona, USA.
Destiny Knotted, Bleecker Street Studio & Gallery, Carrboro, North Carolina, USA.
Hands of the Sun, Fiber Art Center, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA.
Visions du Prou, Softel Chateau de Versalles, Paris, FRANCE.
2003 Museum of the Americas, San Juan, PUERTO RICO.
7th Anniversary Sue Bickerdyke Interiors Inc., Carefree, Arizona, USA.
2002 Equator Gallery, Boston, USA.
Sue Bickerdyke Interiors Inc., Carefree, Arizona, USA.
Latina Gallery, Quito, ECUADOR.
Latina Gallery, Cuzco, PERU.
2001 Sue Bickerdyke Interiors Inc., Carefree, Arizona, USA.
Fiber & Color, Vargas Gallery, Lima, PERU.
Latina Gallery, Quito, ECUADOR.
Latina Gallery, Cuzco, PERU.
2000 Sue Bickerdyke Interiors Inc., Carefree, Arizona, USA.
1999 Latina Gallery, Quito, ECUADOR.
Latina Gallery, Cuzco, PERU.
1998 Latina Gallery, Quito, ECUADOR.
Latina Gallery, Cuzco, PERU.
1994-97 Latina Gallery, Quito, ECUADOR.
1994 Andean Mythology, Kuopio Academy of Design and Crafts, Kuopio, FINLAND.
Takionqoy, Craft Museum of Finland, Jyvaskyla, FINLAND.
Takionqoy II, Cultural Center of Turku, Turku, FINLAND.
The Textile Artist and his work, National Museum of Peruvian Culture, Lima, PERU.
1993 Best woven Art: Alpaca tapestry, Latina Gallery, Quito, ECUADOR.
Andean Mythology, ICPNA Gallery, Lima, PERU.
Andean Mythology, Art Gallery of IADAP, Quito, ECUADOR.
Andean Mythology, Artek Gallery, Helsinki, FINLAND.
Projective Craft on the Loom, Andean Institute of Popular Arts Andrs Bello, Quito,
1992 Conference United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
(UNCED) Ro92, Ro de Janeiro, BRAZIL.
Clube Comercial Gallery Do Ro de Janeiro, BRAZIL.
ICPNA Gallery, Lima, PERU.
Latina Gallery, Quito, ECUADOR.
Do rabe Art Gallery, Niteroi, BRAZIL.
Talleres Gallery, Asuncin, PARAGUAY.
Acqui/Cuaternario Gallery, Ro de Janeiro, BRAZIL.
1989 Forms and Textures, ICPNA Gallery, Lima, PERU.
Metamorphosis and Roots, Museum of Italian Art, Lima, PERU.
1988 Forms and Textures, Equus Gallery, Lima, PERU.
Contemporary Tapestries, ADEPSA Gallery, Lima, PERU.
1987 Ancestral Signs, Huamanqaqa Gallery, Lima, PERU.
2010 4th Riga International Textile and Fibre Art Triennial Tradition & Innovation
Global Intrigue II, Exhibition Hall Arsenals, Riga, LATVIA
13th International Triennial of Tapestry, Lodz, POLAND
Fantastic Fibers 2010, the Yeiser Art Center, KY, USA
Peru Gift Show 2010, Real Felipe del Callao, Lima, PERU
2009 Connections: Small Tapestry International 2009, Earlham College, Richmond,
Indiana, USA
Small Expressions 2009, Faulconer Gallery, Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa, USA
Connections: Small Tapestry International 2009, San Jose Museum of Quilts &
Textiles, California, USA
5ta Bienal Internacional de Arte Textil, Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
Small Expressions 2009, the Mississippi Craft Center, Ridgeland, Mississippi, USA
2008 From Lausanne to Beijing 5th International Fiber art Biennale & International Fiber
Art Symposium, Beijing, CHINA.
Saln de Arte Textil, Museo Rmulo Raggio, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA.
TexpoART, 5th International Triennial of Textile Arts, Nicolae Tonitza Gallery, Iasi,
Casa Cor Per 2008, XIII Exposicin Peruana de Decoracin y Diseo, Lima, PERU
Per Gift Show 2008, Sala Grandes Maestros de la Artesana Peruana, Lima, PERU
American Tapestry Biennial 7, Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft, Kentucky, USA
Scythia 7th International Biennial Conference and Exhibition on Textile Art, Kherson
Local Lore Museum, Kherson, UKRAINE
American Tapestry Biennial 7, Scarfone/Hartley Gallery, Florida, USA
6th International Triennial of Tapestry and Textile Arts of Tournai, Tournai, BELGIUM
Magic Night 2008, Museo Pedro de Osma, Lima, PERU
La Papa Smbolo Sagrado y Profano, Ethnographic and plastic exhibition, Nationa
Museum, Lima, PERU
Handcraft for the World Traditional art Exhibition V Summit LAC-EU 2008, National
Library of Peru, Lima, PERU
Land the Tapestry Foundation of Victoria Award Exhibition, The Australian National
University, Camberra, AUSTRALIA
2007 Hall Art of General Consulate of Venezuela, Miami, Florida, USA
Hall Art of General Consulate of Colombia, Miami, Florida, USA
3rd European Textile and Fiber Art Triennial Tradition and Innovation Global
Intrigue, Riga, LATVIA
2006 Invited Artist to IV International Biennial of Textile Art and Design
Man+Woman=Creation 2006, Sophia Wanamaker Gallery, Organized by WTA,
2005 First International Fair Textile Art: Texture and Color, Caracas, VENEZUELA
Contemporary Latin American Art 8, the Art Gallery Broward Community College
South Campus, Pembroke Pines, Florida, USA
No Boundaries Exhibitions of the 2004 Collection, Randall Library UNCW, NC, USA
2004 Juan Kawashima pe Inture a Ihuile el Mximo Laura Tapis, Softel Chateau de
Versailles, FRANCE
4th Meeting without Boundaries International Artist Colony, Bald Head Island, NC,
2003 Music in the Peruvian Folk Art, Pallas Gallery, Lima, PERU
Night of Art 2003, United States Embassy Association (USEA), Lima, PERU
Art Gallery of PetroPeru, PetroPeru, Lima, PERU
Messe Frankfurt 2003, Frankfurt, GERMANY
2002 X Iberoamerican Crafts Fair, Puerto la Cruz, VENEZUELA
Jewels from Peru XXI Century Silver and Textile, Art Gallery of the OEA, Washington
1st Andean Crafts Fair, organized by CAF, Bogot, COLOMBIA
2001 IX Ibero-American Crafts Fair, Puerto La Cruz, VENEZUELA
Museum of the Nation, Lima, PERU
2000 ICPNA Gallery, Lima, PERU
1999 Main Room of Bolvar Hotel, AMS-USAID, Lima, PERU
1997 44th Tokyo International Gift Show, Tokyo, JAPAN
1994 Mother of Novo Art, Libertadores Gallery, Lima, PERU
Ayacuchos folk Artist, Retablos Ayacuchanos Workshop-Gallery, Lima, PERU
1993 Seminars of Latin-American and Caribbean Crafts, University of Art and Design
Helsinki (UIAH), Helsinki, FINLAND
Coral Gables International Festival of Craft Arts, Miami, Florida, USA
I Iberoamerican Crafts Fair, Puerto La Cruz, VENEZUELA
1992 Itinerant Exhibition of Peruvian Art, CHINA
Latin-American Art, National Museum of Craft Gallery, Helsinki, FINLAND
IV Iberoamerican Crafts Fair, Tenerife, SPAIN
Universal Expo Sevilla 92, Sevilla, SPAIN
1991 Ayllu Gallery, Lima, PERU
Peruvian-Ecuadorian Exhibition, Lima, PERU
1988 1st Meeting Latin-American of Mini Textile, Montevideo, URUGUAY
Symbolism, MICTI Gallery, Lima, PERU
1985 Faces of Peru, Buenos Aires Cultural Center, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
2010 8 International Baltic Minitextile Triennial, Museum of the City of Gdynia, POLAND
Small Expressions 2010 Annual Exhibit of Small Scale Works, HGAs Convergence
2010 Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
American Tapestry Biennial 8, Elder Gallery, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Un giorno di felicit - 2010 Miniartextil Como 20th International Exhibition of
Contemporary Textile Art, ex-church of San Francesco, Como, ITALY
8 International Baltic Minitextile Triennial, Central Museum of Textiles, Lodz,
2011 GREEN: A Color and a Cause, The Textile Museum, Washington, DC, USA
American Tapestry Biennial 8, American Textile History Museum, Lowell,
Massachusetts, USA
2006-2010 Member of the Board of Directors of the Iberoamerican Textile Network,
2006 Co-Founder of the Iberoamerican Textile Network: Redtextilia, COSTA RICA
2003-2008 Workshop conductor, PUCHKA TOURS, Arequipa, PERU
2002-2007 Director of Workshop LAURAS DESING, Lima, PERU
1996-2002 Member Founder and Director Textile Center Pilot AID/MSP ADEX, Lima, PERU
1995-2000 Founder Director of Grupo TRAMA, Lima, PERU
1991-1994 Founder Director of Workshop intipamakim (Hands of The Sun), Lima, PERU
1988-1991 Founder Director of Workshop of Aesthetic Research Andean Contemporary
Design, Lima, PERU
1988-1989 Chief of Workshop and Design to Artesanos Unidos Company, Lima, PERU
1988 Adviser to Textile Program of Regional Center for Integral Development of Crafts
Peru-Spain Agreement.
1986-1988 Founder Director Textile Art Workshop (ATA), Lima, PERU
1984-1985 Chief of Workshop Artesana Laura Asociados (ALA), Lima, PERU
1980-1982 Founder of Retablo Craft Workshop
2010 Honorary Mention Award, 13th International Triennial of Tapestry, Lodz, POLAND
Second Place Award, Fantastic Fibers 2010, the Yeiser Art Center, KY, USA
2009 HGA Award in recognition of a work outstanding, Handweavers Guild of America, INC., Georgia, USA
First Place Award, Small Expressions 2009 sponsored by the Handweavers Guild of America, INC., Mississippi, USA.

Gran Premio Nacional Amautas de la Artesana Peruana, Ministerio de Comercio Exterior y Turismo, PERU
Mention Prize, 5ta Bienal Internacional de Arte Textil, Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
2008 Recognition as Ambassador of Ayacuchos Culture awarded by Ayacuchos Regional Government, Ayacuho, PERU
Bronze Prize, From Lausanne to Beijing 5th International Fiber art Biennale, Beijing, CHINA
II Award Silver Medal, Scythia 7th International Biennial Exhibition on Textile Art, Kherson, UKRAINE

Diploma and Medal Recognition awarded by Hometown Government. Ayacucho, PERU
Peoples Choice Award, Land The Tapestry Foundation of Victoria Award Exhibition, the Australian National University,
Diploma and Medal Joaquin Lopez Antay awarded by Congress of the Republic of Peru, Lima, PERU
2007 Honorifc Mention 3rd European Textile and Fiber Art Triennial Tradition and Innovation Global Intrigue, Riga, LATVIA
2005 Best in Show Contemporary Latin American Art 8 organized by Museum of The Americas. Pembroke Pines, Florida, USA
2002 Title Master of the Craft Iberoamerican. X Iberoamerican Crafts Fair. Puerto La Cruz, VENEZUELA.
Tribute to Grand Master of the Craft Peruvian Mximo Laura Taboada, X Iberoamerican Crafts Fair. Puerto La Cruz, VENEZUELA
Medal Juan Pablo Vizcardo y Guzmn. Awarded by Congress of the Republic of Peru, Lima, PERU
Diploma Universal Promoter of the Peoples Craft and Cultural Family Tradition. X Iberoamerican Crafts Fair. La Cruz, VENEZUELA
2001 Diploma and Medal Grand Master of Peruvian Craft Awarded by National Culture Institute of Peru, Lima, PERU
International Mention Grand Master Weaver, FUNAC, VENEZUELA
1996 Diploma Best Craft Internacional awarded during la IV Ibero-American Crafts Fair. Puerto La Cruz, VENEZUELA.
1993 1st Prize Coral Gables International Festival of Craft Arts. Miami, Florida, USA
1992 3rd UNESCO Crafts Prize for Latin America and the Caribbean, 4 Ibero-American Crafts Fair in Tenerife, Canaria, SPAIN
Diploma Recognition and Commendation. Ayacucho and its Tutelary Institutions. Ayacucho, PERU
Diploma of Honor. San Cristbal de Huamanga National University (UNSCH), Ayacucho, PERU
1991 1st National Prize of Craft Golden Hands. Lima, PERU
Craftsmanship Award in the Region Lima 1st National Competition of Models and Design Handicrafts for Export, Lima, PERU
Diploma. 5th Centenary of the discovery of America. Meeting of two worlds. Lima, PERU
1988 Diploma. 8th Exhibition of Ministry of Industry Trade, Tourism and Integration. Lima, PERU
3. Documents presenting the technical constraints of weaving
3.1 Weaving technology
3.2 Tapestry project (from beginning to ending of process)
3.3 Selection of artworks and its process
3.4 Winner and juried selection artworks
I consider my tapestries a work of art, and as I stated earlier it is a journey that includes a variety of steps from
the initial stages to completion. Te process begins with an idea which transforms itself into an image. Te
image must be sketched and processed into various drawings that will make up the series. Next, I paint each of
the drawings and if I decide to make one of the paintings into a tapestry, I need to re-draw them to actual scale.
Once I have the full sized drawing I must prepare the technical characteristics which include color, detail, and
texture. Afer carefully comparing the colors to those of the original painting, I can start on the loom. Te pro-
cess of weaving can take from two weeks to many months depending on the size and complexity of the work.
When the weaving is done I hang the fnal product up for viewing. It is a long and slow process that requires in-
fnite patience and for me an obsessive attention to color and detail.
My frst series of tapestries, completed some twenty-fve years ago, were strongly infuenced by Central South
American Andean culture. Many series both past and present have been infuenced by the rich heritage of my
ancestors. In the process of innovation and search for originality and my personal style, I draw inspiration from
both the surrealist and impressionist movements. Te artists from those movements, mainly those that focus on
the use of color, symbols, light and the abstract are those that inspire me most. In regards to the ecological in-
fuence on my art, that is a personal encounter. Te exuberance, the majesty, the mysteriousness and richness of
nature provokes gratitude from within as well as a celebration of life. Tat being said, I created a series dedicated
to the Galapagos Islands, many examples of which have been included here.
Art in humanity has synthesized its rhythms, myths, visions, dreams and ambitions and has explored a world of
beauty across all time. In the past and today, art serves as a way to fnd both inner and outer beauty. It is so im-
portant that art can infuence all aspects of daily life, including politics, culture, history, beliefs, myths, religion
and more. My artwork in this context serves as a small efort to afect change in the viewer and in the world.
1st Place Golden Hands
National Prize of Craft
Peru, 1991
UNESCO Prize for Latin Ame-
rica and the Caribbean
Spain, 1992
Medal Grand Master of Peruvian Craft
Peru, 2001
Best in Show Prize
USA, 2005
Peoples Choice Award
Australia, 2008
Mention Prize
Latvia, 2007
II Award Silver Medal
Ukraine, 2008
Juried selection at the 6th International Triennial of Tapestry and Textile Arts
Belgium, 2008
Juried selection at the American Tapestry Biennial 7
USA, 2008
Bronze Prize
China, 2008
Juried selection at the TexpoART
Romania, 2008
Juried selection at the Connections: Small
Tapestry International
USA, 2009
Mention Prize
Argentina, 2009
First Place Award
USA, 2009
Second Place Award
USA, 2009
Juried selection at the 8th International
Baltic Minitextile Triennial
Poland, 2010
Honorary Mention Award
Poland, 2010
Juried selection at the 4th Riga International Textile and Fibre Art Triennial
Latvia, 2010
Juried selection at the 2010 Miniartextil Como
Italy, 2010
Juried selection at the
Small Expressions 2010
USA, 2010
Juried selection at the American
Tapestry Biennial 8
USA, 2010
Juried selection at the GREEN: A Color and a Cause
USA, 2011
4. Photos, publications, monograph and main
4.1 Main publications
4.2 Monograph
4.3 Main references
Mximo Laura, born in the heart of the Wari culture
, has inherited the stylistic
tradition of the ancient cumbicamayocs
. He practiced this tradition as a child un-
der the watchful and wise guidance of his Ayacuchan parents and grandparents,
all master weavers. Following a frst class path and with a background composed
of beautiful pieces, Mximo is one of our most important weavers; not only has he
introduced to tapestries and weavings the iconography of our past cultures, he has
also been able to masterfully fuse fber and design, three strategic aspects of textile
A researcher respectful of the genuine colors used by our ancestors, he has been
able to fnd and uncover some of the secrets of color in his fbers. But what sets him
apart beyond measure is his use of design. Mximo has not stopped in the direct
and personal act of the weaver creating by his loom. To him, its not about the deve-
lopment of this direct act; its about breaking the conceptual order of how one hand-
les weaving.
Laura paints without painting; he commands his codes to align with the space of
that fber composition and they magically weave themselves in answer to his conju-
ring of their shapes.
He is a weaver-painter in the technical way in which he creates. He works on his de-
signs with an innate mastery, as much of form as of color. Te combination of pre-
Colombian cultures unites and creates, in the end, a step toward pera omnia
Mximo Laura is what we could call the weaver of rupture who goes far beyond
the birth of textiles. His tapestries will always be like canvases. His codes wont ever
be repetitive, nor will they be subject to a geometric order; instead, they will appeal
to the dynamic of his themes; just like a pictorial piece. His brushes, in the end, will
be his own fngers, his threads and cords his cans of color, and his loom will be his
comfortable easel.
Mximo has a lot stories to unravel, he has war cries, mountain songs and spirited
birds and felines that inhabit his mind since those times when his questions un-
wrapped themselves to him in history books, in the legends and myths he heard in
his ancestors voices.
He is a born rebel; nothing stops his fervor to create. Like feline eyes discern, like
birds fy to see the horizon or like the soul of the mountains shelters the colors of
nature, Mximo accomplishes his task with the energy of the Andean nailed to his
own destiny.
He has his own gods, his own ghosts and his ever-present warriors in unbridled
crowds. Trumpet calls, voices of the wind, dusks of fre, and horizons of thousand
colored fbers. Color and form of the warp that seem to obey the strength of its war-
per, true brush stroke to weaving, breaking the rules of the sense of the lloque
the discovery of magic combination.
A predominant value in the fnishing of his pieces is, undoubtedly, color. Each fber
will have a rigorous chromatic value. Te dyes, their range of color have a special
story, a scientifc work of revaluation spanning thousands of years.
Mximo Laura today represents, before the eyes of the experts and the irreverent,
the artist who has learned to combine the present with the past. A social legacy
transmitted from generation to generation of Peruvians who, like him, did not stop
before the subjugation of other cultures, but who with their creativity, knew how to
increase and enrich that inheritance whose telluric force, wont ever be stopped.
Vctor Escalante, Artist
An empire preceding the Inca, with its capital near Ayacucho.
Inca weavers.
Focusing on musical compositions of the Baroque, a style exemplifed by drama
and grandeur.
Peru is the cradle of artists. For millennia, the search of the eternal spirit of the An-
des has inspired many of them, among which Mximo Laura, Ayacuchan weaving
poet, is one of the most vigorous and creative contemporary exhibitors.
And it is because weaving is a high Art when the one who wants to accomplish it
interweaves their feelings with the colored threads with which they are drawn and
integrates into the same work their ideals to those of their own People.
Inexhaustible investigator and experimenter, prolifc innovator, Mximo has sear-
ched in the potential of the Ayacuchan loom his own language, firting and synthesi-
zing techniques and styles of other origins, and in that search, he has added himself
to the concert of that which is Peruvian, gifing with infnity and universality a tech-
nique which in our country is only recognized as craf.
Precisely, his work has again imprinted the seal of traditional weaving art, gifing it
with modernism, it has fused desterity, quality, creativity, and cultural consciousness
by interpreting the spirit of this time, by being recognized with success in markets
and specialized art galleries in other parts of the world, representing us with all the
magic of his aesthetic vibrancy.
In contemplating his Art, it is impossible not to evoke our identity. From light co-
lor to monochrome, from modular designs to the plasticity of Andean spirituality,
Mximo has been able to crossbreed weaving and in this innovation, he has known
how to keep his roots alive, those that unite all of us who love and respect our Earth
and preserve our ancestral symbols recreating them to the rhythm of each present
Mximos work goes beyond threads. As a Master, Mximo sows weavers throughout
the country who soon, like a multicolored rainbow fowing from his hands, will bear
new and unexpected fruit to fll with grandeur and beauty our living culture to con-
tinue to make us proud of being a part of a great and millenary nation.
Mximo Laura, Ayacuchan weaver, constant maker, is an example of what can be
achieved in the Andes when we recover the millenary memory and assume the pri-
de of being oneself and of being community at the same time, because of this my
homage to his work is the recognition of that which is Peruvian that nourishes his
creative spirit...
Zadir Milla Euribe, Artist-Designer
Translated by Banu Valladares
* The World Bank, Washington DC, USA
* Smithsonians National Museum of the
American Indian, Washington DC, USA
* Latina Gallery, Quito, ECUADOR
* Museum of the Americas, Miami, USA
* Corporacin Andina de Fomento CAF,
Bogota, Colombia
* Embassy of Peru - Washington DC, USA
* Ricardo Palma Private University, Lima, PERU
* The Coca-Cola Company, Lima, PERU
* Vargas Gallery, Lima, PERU
* Embassy of Peru, Quito, ECUADOR
* Regional Center for Integral Development
of Crafts, Lima, PERU
* Torre Tagle Palace, Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of Peru, Lima, PERU
* Embassy of Peru, Asuncin, PARAGUAY
* Iberoamerican Association for the
Development and Marketing Crafts, Lima,
* Panamericana Television Canal 5, Lima,
* Equus Gallery, Lima, PERU
* Embassy of Peru, Helsinki, FINLAND
* Andean Institute of Folk Arts Andrs Bello,
* National Museum of Peruvian Culture, Lima,
* Museum of Craft, Jyvaskyla, FINLAND
* Ministry of Industry, Tourism, Integration and
International Trade Negotiations, Lima, PERU
* ICPNA Gallery, Lima, PERU
* Iberoamerican Museum of Craft, Puerto La
* Interamerican Center of Craft and Folk Arts,
* Museum of Iberoamerican Crafts, La Orotava,
Tenerife, SPAIN
* Headquarters of United Nations Organization
for Education, Science and Culture. (UNESCO),
* Word Textile Art Organization, Miami, USA.
* Fundacin Xavier de Salas, Convento de La
Coria, Trujillo, PERU.
* St. Josephs Hospital, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
* Museo de Artes y Tradiciones Populares del
Instituto Riva-Agero, Lima, PERU.
* MAXIMO`S PERU: A Journey into to the world of a weaver, by Arrow Ross and June Tilden, Ed. Blurb, USA, 2009.
* 7th Scythia INTL. Symposium of Textile Art, Revista Textile Forum 3/2008 Setiembre, GERMANY, 2008.
* Catalogue: American Tapestry Biennial Seven. American Tapestry Alliance; USA, 2008.
* 100 CONTEMPORARY INTERNATIONAL ARTIST; Ed. European Communities Artists Library, SPAIN, 2007
* Catalogue: 3rd European Textile and Fiber Art Triennial Tradition and Innovation Global Intrigue; Riga, LATVIA, 2007.
MI Casa Magazine of Cassinelli, PERU, 2007.
* Published work on the cover: RITUAL DEL ATARDECER EN LOS ANDES; Mundo Textil N 92, PERU, 2007.
Mundo Textil N 91, PERU, 2007.
* CROSSING BOUNDARIES: MAXIMO LAURA by D Wood, Pages. 48-51; FiberArts Volume 33 Number 3, USA. NOV/DEC 2006.
* Published work: Fiesta en los Andes II, FiberArts Volume 33 Number 3, USA. NOV/DEC 2006.
* ART ENCOUNTEER: Meet the artist, Maximo Laura, Master Weaver; Source E4 START TRIBUNE, Thursday, November 30, 2006.
* 20 CONTEMPORARY INTERNATIONAL ARTIST VOL. 4; Ed. European Communities Artists Library, SPAIN.
* BOOK AMERIQUES: LES MAINS DU MONDE. Anquetil, Jacques. Ed. Solar; FRANCE, 2005.
* Catalogue: No Boundaries 4th Meeting without Boundaries International Artist Colony; USA, 2004.

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