Freight Forwarder Practices

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Examples of Good Practice

the Freight Forwarding Sector

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Case Study 1 - Better vehicle utilisation 2010

One area that sustainable logistics focusses on is maximising vehicle utilisation. Hellmann
Worldwide Logistics reviewed its transport processes to create a domestic system based on
greater utilisation of their own transport system. The company consolidated their domestic
and European groupage activities improving links between their distribution centres

The twin aims of the distribution system changes were to:-

Support customers in reducing their carbon footprint
Differentiate their service from their competitors by creating a unique selling point

After reviewing their processes, the member decided the best way to achieve its targets would
be to centralise the booking of UK haulage operations and introduce a robust document flow
for airfreight and LCL cargo transported within the distribution system. Bar coding technology
was introduced to protect the client from routing Airfreight to Seafreight and vice versa.

In addition to improving the operational processes generic changes such as intensive driver
training, the use of eco tyres and using environmentally friendly fuels and lubricants created
additional environmental savings.

The above changes resulted in the following environmental outcomes:-

Fleet carbon emissions were reduced by 9%
By the end of the second quarter of the new system operating 133 truck days per
month had been removed from the UKs road
Significant increase in the use of internal haulage boosting profitability due to increased
efficiencies were realised and spending on sub-contracted haulage reduced.

Case Study 2 - Modal Shift

Much is talked about the modal shift; within the EU the main thrust is to reduce long haul trailer
movements by increasing movements by rail or waterborne transport. MacAndrews &Co Ltd,
whose parent is CMA-CGM, went a stage further by developing a new intermodal service
combining trailer and short sea movements. Services were developed to transport goods
mainly from the Iberian Peninsula and Poland to the UK and Benelux countries.

After identifying their customers interest in the development of a reliable, cost effective and
environmentally friendly alternative to road transport a viable intermodal alternative was
developed directly between Sweden, Poland, the UK and Spain. In order to ensure that this
product was a success, the company realised that it had to provide over a long period of time
a cost effective service to meet client expectations in terms of capacity and frequency on a
regular fixed day basis.

The most interesting part of the project was the successful cost effective integration of trailer
operations to deliver containers and short sea activities to ensure that the new service was a
success. Competitive charter rates were negotiated and additional vessels were deployed to
Examples of Good Practice
the Freight Forwarding Sector

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meet demand. The critical mass generated allowed customer expectations for frequency,
capacity and cost effectiveness to be met.

The environmental outcomes of this service were as follows:-

Improved energy efficiency, studies show that one ton of cargo per gallon of fuel will
travel approximately 500 miles by sea as opposed to 60 miles by road
Removes vehicles from the road, due to the vessels size approximately 400 vehicles
are removed per sailing
Safer, the number of accidents by sea is less than for road movements
Reduces road congestion
Produces little noise or pollution reducing social impacts

Case History 3 - Incorporating environmental considerations into business

Atlantic Pacific Global Logistics have consciously incorporated environmentally focussed
policies into their business activities in order to differentiate themselves from their competitors.

These policies have included incorporating carbon friendly solutions and reducing CFC
emissions when redesigning their head office. The realisation grew within the company that
the best way to improve their environmental performance was to measure and manage the
impact of their operation. This led to them attaining ISO 14000:2004 in 2009, which led them
to set the ambitious target of becoming carbon neutral.

This ambition was achieved and the business offset 100% of its unavoidable emissions in any
one year by acquiring carbon credits supporting re-forestation and sustainable energy projects
in developing countries.

By working with their clients, Atlantic Pacific Global Logistics has assisted them to minimise
the environmental impact of their supply chain. Realising that the key phrase was the supply
chain, emphasis was placed on developing business relationships and working with suppliers
who could demonstrate that they had market leading environmental policies in place.

Additionally clients were made aware of the potential environmental benefits of switching
goods from road to rail when moving cargo from Felixstowe to Manchester and better vehicle

The environmental benefits of this programme are:-

Offsetting 100% of unavoidable emissions totalling 68 tonnes per annum
The ripple effect by encouraging other organisations to adopt environmental policies
Modal shift reduces road miles and thus emissions

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the Freight Forwarding Sector

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Case History 4 - When Greener thinking becomes part of daily management activities

Yusen Logistics, the major Japanese forwarder and supply chain provider, part of the NYK
Group with its leading shipping line, has developed innovative, environment orientated policies
using technological solutions to greenhouse gas emissions. These policies are designed to
create efficiencies for the company and benefits for the customer.

A vigorous continuous improvement process was introduced with environmental progress at
its very core, providing a clear focus and incentive for efficiencies and best practice. The main
target was to reduce their CO2 emissions by at least 10% by 2013.

The main threads of this process can be summarised as follows:-

Equipment: - Yusen Logistics was an early adopter of teardrop bodies (reducing fuel
consumption by 8%) and also of biodiesel vehicles

Training and employee engagement:- An environmental training programme was delivered to
all 25 sites, to:-

Emphasis the necessary cultural changes
Create employee engagement
Encourage energy efficiency
Reduce CO2 emissions
Appointment of site champions

Integrated Management System:- A management system was developed linking Quality,
Security, H&S and Environmental Management into an integrated cohesive whole to maximise
their impacts.

Internal Awards Scheme:- Sponsored by their MD, an externally judged Environmental Award
for best improvement/initiative, was introduced.

Ambitious targets: - Objectives in excess of UK legislative targets are set, reviewed and
adjusted, for instance to reduce CO2 emissions by 2020 compared to 1990 levels.

Campaigns:- In order to tackle specific issues and maintain staff awareness and engagement
campaigns are run.

Utilities management:-

Smart monitors were installed to provide real time electricity and gas consumption
Sensor activated lighting installed where appropriate
Timers utilised on heating, cooling, lighting and electrical equipment
Auditing and the better management of water use

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Cutting Fuel Consumption:-

Improved vehicle planning
Reduction of journey length and idling
Driver training
Utilisation of tracking/monitoring equipment to reduce vehicle driving and improve
Published driver league table

Driver Training:-

Driver training and assessment structure established
Intensive fuel efficient driving courses implemented

Waste Management:-

Working with suppliers to reduce transit-only packaging has reduced waste generated, landfill
waste, and waste miles travelled.

The environmental benefits of this programme can be summarised as follows:-

Electricity reduction of 35% per site=2116 Ct
Water consumption reduced by 14%
MPG increased by 6%
C02 emissions from fleet reduction of 11% per vehicle were achieved
The reduction of general waste to landfill of 46% was achieved
Waste miles reduced by 54%

Case History 5 - Making the most of a Port centric location

Seafast Holdings operate through its subsidiary operating companies; the logistics arm
focusses on seafreight particularly in emerging and difficult companies. In 2009 Seafast
Celsius PLC opened to provide a Port Centric solution to moving temperature controlled cargo.

By establishing itself with the port environs it was possible to discharge cargo from reefer
containers, store it and then reload it for distribution using domestic temperature controlled

This has meant that the company has:-

The ability to safely and legally facilitate heavy payload Reefer container shipments,
typically achieving additional payloads of 14.2% over the permissible UK road weight
Reduced road miles and CO2 emissions by eliminating the need for Reefer Containers
to travel inland, and so generating a reduction in cost associated with longer dwell
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the Freight Forwarding Sector

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Wasted road miles were further reduced by Quality Checking goods at the part and
destroying sub-standard product there rather that moving them inland for testing and
then destroying them.

Using the above model, Seafast remodelled a major clients import handling process saving
them considerable money by:-

Eliminating container related penalties for the Reefer container detention and plug in
Reduced transportation costs and emissions by making a single journey as part of a
domestic distribution activity as opposed to a round trip container delivery.

Initially it was estimated that 157.35 Metric Tonnes of CO2 were saved per annum, however,
the importer doubled the volume of their business pushing up the amount of CO2 saved by in
excess of 300.00 MT annually.

This solution drove our waste reducing costs, improved efficiencies and lowered CO2
emissions from the supply chain. In particular in allows for heavy weight containers to be
loaded at origin reducing seafreight and port handling costs per unit moved. However, it
should be remembered that this projects success was dependant on the development of
Port centric business solutions.

Case History 6 - Co-ordinating the supply chain

When looking at environmental issues one issue that is frequently referred to is that
frequently the freight forwarder may be one of several suppliers to the trader. In this case it
is often argued that their input and control will be limited.

In this interesting case history, Damco developed a tool to measure and manage their
customers supply chain carbon footprint both nationally and internationally. Of crucial
importance to the success of this project was that;-

The UK importer actively supported Damco insisting that their other transport
providers provided data to them
Damco had a well thought out and usable carbon management toll referred to as
Global Carbon Dashboard
Met the clients business expectations

The detailed information brought together by analysing all supply chain related data
elements and allowed identification of business unit level footprint and the evaluation of each
freight managers sustainability performance.

The project was unique because it resolved two key business issues by:-

ensuring transparency across the supply chain of key logistics milestones from initial
order to final delivery point and
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the Freight Forwarding Sector

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most crucially by securing collaboration between service providers to provide a single
all-encompassing view of the supply chain.

The project identified the following steps to reduce carbon footprint:-

Increasing the use of origin consolidation
Utilisation of new/amended routing to reduce the number of miles travelled to market
Increasing the volumes distributed to the international market by using four
international hubs.

Damcos efforts were seen as being essential to helping their customer meet their ambitious
carbon reduction goals.

There was a 38% reduction in carbon per cubic meter shipped since 2007
Better management of resources including drivers and equipment
Promoted the concept of sustainability to all staff
Disproved the view that sustainable logistics was expensive.

Case History 7 - Encouraging greener transport choices

An innovative project encouraging SMEs to make greener transport choices has already
removed an estimated 195,000 kgs of carbon dioxide from the supply chain, just over a year
since its launch.

Now the Low Carbon Freight Dividend is looking for even greater achievements, after the
project was extended to include water as well as rail. The 7.5m LCFD, launched in 2012 by
the Haven Gateway Partnership with nearly 3m of support from the European Regional
Development Fund, initially offered eligible SMEs in the East of England a financial incentive
up to 6,750 per company for shifting containers from road to rail. The target originally
was to remove 30,000 boxes from the roads over the three-year project, thus removing
11.7m kgs of CO2 from the logistics supply chain.

In recent weeks, the ERDF has provided another 370,000 to extend the project to include
coastal and shortsea shipping. With match funding, this makes the project worth just over
8.4m, with the result that the LCFD team expects to move an additional 3,700 containers
off the roads.

So far we have moved about 500 containers off the roads, saving 195,000 kgs of CO2,
says LCFD project manager Lisa Brazier. The LCFD is there to encourage a cultural
change and support organisations in choosing more sustainable modes of transport. We
offer a dividend of up to 30% for SMEs making the modal shift, to a maximum of 90
containers per company.

Quite apart from the LCFD financial incentive and the chance to reduce carbon footprints,
making the move away from road offers other advantages, she emphasises.

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the Freight Forwarding Sector

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Based on recent figures, we have estimated that switching 90 containers from road to rail or
coastal shipping would save over 12,000 in fuel costs. Moving away from road also means
avoiding road congestion, which can impact on reliability of service and drivers working
time, and add fuel costs through sitting in traffic.
Shortsea and feeder shipping operator Unifeeder has welcomed the extension of the project
to water. We went to the launch of the rail project to highlight that we believed this concept
was equally valid for coastal shipping, says Sren Heegaard, Unifeeders UK country
manager. We have been pushing for the LCFD project to be extended to include shortsea
and feedering, and we are delighted that this has been achieved.

We believe there is significant potential through this project to encourage more freight on to

Case History 8 - Calculating CO2 emissions in the road environment

In Europe during 2013 several road freight companies joined forces to develop a practical
guide to calculate CO2 emissions of road freight transport. The purpose of this guide is to
create a common framework and definition for measuring CO2 emissions. This allows for a
standardised comparison on the quantity of carbon dioxide emitted during a given road
transport service, using primary operational data that is based on the recently published
European Standard CEN-EN 16258. This new guide comprises a set of practical examples
and guidelines to calculate the CO2 emissions, also in a European context.

This guide has been prepared on behalf of the road transport sector. Many service providers
and shippers struggle with all kinds of questions when designing a CO2 registration
methodology. Questions regarding the starting point of measurement, the allocation of CO2
to (parts of) trips and shipments, how to deal with the return trip and the transport route
using various service providers and different equipment/procedure are all explained.

With the growing number of companies measuring and reporting on their emissions and the
numerous carbon footprint calculation standards (models and methodologies) being
developed, this demanded a practical harmonization to be used in an international context.
The initiative to achieve further refinement and a good guide in conformity with the CEN-EN
16258 Standard is therefore very actively supported by Green Freight Europe and Lean and
Green (Connekt) as well. The two organisations are working together to realise their joint
ambition for the reduction of CO2 emission in road transport in Europe. Members of both
programmes can profit from their cooperation within one anothers programmes.

The participating parties stress that this CO2 guide can be used by both large and small
trucking companies. The manual is free to the public and available in electronic form through
the websites of the participants in the project under the title "CO2 emissions road freight
2014. Currently the potential for an intermodal continuation and further international
alignment is under investigation. Green Freight Europe has been actively involved in the
working group responsible for publishing this document.

The document can be viewed by clicking on the following link:-

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the Freight Forwarding Sector

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Case History 9 - Utilising better information in order to make decisions

This large freight forwarder handling in excess of 60,000 Teus per annum became
increasingly aware of the importance of environmental issues to their customers cost
management and logistics activities.

An initiative was launched to assist the customer gain visibility of their supply chain carbon
footprint. In conjunction with leading academic and research bodies tools were created to
provide this information alongside recommendations to enabling customers to manage and
attain their logistics and environmental goals. The information generated allows customers
to review the impact of their logistics activities alongside other indicators such as cost, lead
times and service levels. This service ensures that traders are given the relevant
information including alternatives to create a more flexible and sustainable supply chain.

One area that was carefully scrutinised was container utilisation, which can directly impact
on emissions. The focus was very much improving both the forwarders and their customers
utilisation levels at point of loading. Unsurprisingly perhaps, it was noted that when freight
costs were high that carbon reduction and cost were closely aligned. When rates drop the
correlation between emissions and emissions is not so close.

Utilising the close links developed with academia, the freight forwarder took the opportunity
to further understand market trends. It took a holistic approach looking at ships design, the
future demand for shipping capacity, technical developments and the measurement of Green
House Gases. Using this projected data, models could be devised demonstrating potential
ways to reduce emissions.

The key part of this programme is providing this information to the forwarders customer.
Where appropriate these customers, including high street names have attended seminars
hosted by the forwarder to discuss the programme and its goals and operation. These
events looked at the changing supply chain which due to slow steaming etc. is considerably
than it was in 2007, the year before recession started. Shippers stated that their main
concern was no longer the speed of the service received but is regularity and predictability.

These discussions inevitability led to reviews of clients mode utilisation and the possibility
moving goods from road to sea and also from air to alternative modes. Within road empty
backloads were identified as being the largest single issue and some initiatives were
introduced to reduce them. Air being the most costly and least environmentally friendly
mode of transport was carefully scrutinised. Analysis indicated that a relatively modest
reduction led to a proportionately much larger fall in emissions.

In this case history, in many ways the freight forwarder has become in part at least their
customers carbon manager, a trend which BIFA anticipates will develop further. The
forwarder believes that their strategy is paying off for them because their customers are
benefitting from cost savings and also fulfilling their environmental obligations.

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the Freight Forwarding Sector

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Case Study 10 - Modal Shift

A recurring theme of carbon reduction is the reduction of CO2 by changing the mode of
transport to a more environmentally one. The following study involving one of the countrys
major supermarkets shows how moving goods by rail instead of road can reduce emissions.

The freight forwarder utilised their expert local knowledge to co-ordinate the activities of the
supermarket, their supplier and the rail operator. One of the key factors which contributed to
the success of the project was the simple fact that many trains operating from where the
supplier was based returned empty. By placing swap body containers at the point of origin,
after loading they were transported the short distance to the nearest railhead, loaded onto
the train and moved to the supermarkets Daventry and Glasgow distribution centres.

In 2009, 830 containers were moved in this manner, this had increased to 7060 by 2012.
What it does indicate is the potential to use rail in many cases where, it maybe had not been
considered as viable, particularly where the customer regards cutting emissions as being an
important element of their business plan.

It is estimated that on average that HGVs on average produces 63g CO2 for every tonne of
freight per kilometre transported. By moving the goods by rail it is estimated that this
reduces to 26.4 Co2 per kilometre a saving of 60% for every train journey.

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