Parent Bulletin Issue 3 SY1415

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SY 2014 2015
AUGUST 25 to 29
Weekly Publication for Middle School Parents
Friday Bulletin
Inside this issue:
Events & Actvites:
25-26 CWW
30 S. Quate Parent Cofee
ISM Upcoming Events

Dear Middle School Parents,

We hope everyone is having a good long weekend. As a faculty we
spent the day working further on our updated assessment and grading
practces along with learning more about how we can create the best
possible advisory program which focuses on supportng the social and
emotonal well being of our students.

An important reminder that this Wednesday August 27 will be our Mid-
dle School Back to School night. Please refer to email sent with more
detail about the format. We will begin at 5:00 p.m. in the Fine Arts
Theater and then you will spend tme in each of your child's class-
rooms. You will be given a copy of your child's schedule outside the
Fine Arts Theater that you will follow for the evening. We will fnish
at 7:30 p.m. This is a great opportunity for you to experience your
child's schedule, learn more about their teachers expectatons for the
year and what they will learn.

The start of the school year is a tme of community and team building,
goal setng, and setng the stage for the year ahead. Classroom With-
out Walls will be a great opportunity on September 25 and 26 to con-
nect as a grade level and build connectons that will then transcend into
collaboratve and learning experience in the classroom throughout the
year. At any stage in your child's learning journey if they are having
challenges with making connectons please do not hesitate to contact
your child's advisory teacher or guidance counselor, or you can ask
them who is a teacher they feel most connected to. Our goal is for all
of our students to feel safe and respected in their learning environ-
ment. We look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday evening, en-
joy the rest of the long weekend...

Yours in Educaton,

Simon Gillespie, Middle School Principal
Amanda Pekin, Middle School Assistant Principal
Saturday Service Learning
Human Resource
Fine Arts / Guidance
Operatons & Security
Athletcs & Actvites
25 Natonal Holiday
27 Back-to-School Night
8-12 FCD
23 Parent Cofee
Open House
Afer-School Actvites (AFAC) will begin on August 28th!
Campus Card Update: Setting up Individual Accounts v.s. Family Account

For all those using the Campus Card (ID debit system), money that is loaded onto the individual cards are stored initally in
your family account. Parents have the opton to request to have individual accounts, this will allow students to manage their
own accounts and not be connected to another sibling. Please do keep in mind that this will require individual logins and
individual loading of cards. Should you prefer this sort of set up for your family kindly let us know by sending an
email to [email protected].
With an individual account, parents with campus cards will be atached to the youngest child's account. Once this is set up,
any remaining fund balance will be retained in the youngest child's account, therefore you will need to top up the other chil-
dren's accounts so they can contnue using the campus card. Please also keep in mind that all purchase history prior to the
change will be listed under your youngest child in campus card reports.

Thank you.
Beginning on September 13, diferent service opportunites will be ofered on Saturdays. Some events involve a trip to
visit a service partner while others involve hostng a local educaton program. Along with the joy of giving, students ben-
eft by interactng with children from diferent backgrounds and getng to know the Philippines beyond Makat and
Taguig. To partcipate, students simply pick up a permission slip from the MS Ofce on the Monday before the trip.
Once its been signed and returned to the ofce, a student can sign up on the roster. Some trips fll up quickly so en-
courage them to sign up early. Parent are welcome to atend!
Saturday Service Dates for Semester 1
(Dates are subject to change.)

September 13 Philippine Childrens Fund
October 18 La Mesa Watershed
November 8 Cotolengo Filipino & CRIBS
November 15 Chosen Children Village
November 22 Love to Learn and PAWS
November 29 Papaya Academy
December 6 Tzu Chi Foundaton

If you have questons, please send an email to Mr. Cory Willey at [email protected].

ISM's 5th Annual "Great Works Concert" will feature Leonard Bernstein's
"Chichester Psalms" performed by the HS auditoned music ensembles, and guests,
on Wednesday September 24th. The choir would like to invite all interested and
experienced singers from the ISM Community to partcipate in this challenging
masterwork with us! Great rehearsal aids are available to help learn and review
the rhythms, pitches, and especially the Hebrew text. The tmeline is short, and
the musical reward is great! Please email Melodie Hausman for rehearsal sched-
ules, questons, and music. [email protected]

Access and parking within the campus are important security and safety issues. For the well-being of all members of the ISM
community, those entering the school campus are requested to take note of the informaton and procedures outlined below.

Parent IDs
The parent IDs issued in SY 2013/14 (black) will contnue to be valid for the new school year. The old parent IDs (burgundy)
issued before this year are no longer valid and must be replaced. Standard parent cards will be issued free of charge. Parents
may, however, elect to apply for a smartcard ID which will be usable with the cashless payment system introduced into the
school for SY 2013-14. There will be a fee of P250.00 for a smartcard.

Applicatons for parent IDs can be processed through the Security Ofce.

Student IDs
All students will be issued with new ID cards at the beginning of the new school year. The cards will be compatble with the
cashless payment system. There will be no need for returning students to visit the Security Ofce as we will be utlizing the
photographs taken for the yearbooks.

School Passes
School passes issued to parents employees and representatves need to be replaced for next school year. As of August 29,
2014 the grey bordered passes will be invalid.

The security ofce is now acceptng applicatons for new school passes, however the cards will not be available for collecton
before July 1, 2014. These passes will not be compatble with the cashless payment system.

Each family will be given two free school passes. Additonal school passes may be obtained afer paying a processing fee of
Php100.00 each to the Cashiers Ofce.

Visitors Passes
All visitors must secure a pass from the guardhouse at Gate 3. Before entry will be allowed, a telephone check will be made
with the relevant ofce to confrm the visitors business within the school. Visitors will need to surrender a photo-ID upon
entry to campus.

Car Stckers
The car stckers for school year 2014/2015 are available from the security ofce.

For vehicles already displaying an existng stcker, parents should submit a completed renewal form with a copy of a current
LTO ofcial receipt. For new vehicles, parents are reminded that a copy of the vehicles certfcate of registraton and a cur-
rent ofcial receipt need to be submited with the applicaton. Applicatons for vehicles registered with companies or other
insttutons should be supported by a leter of assignment.

Each ISM family will be issued one vehicle stcker free of charge. Any additonal stckers will be issued following payment of
P100 to the cashiers ofce.

In order to facilitate the easy recogniton of authorized cars at the gates, the stckers should be afxed to the top right corner
of the windshield. ISM stckers issued in previous years must be removed.

Vehicles not displaying a current car stcker will not be allowed access from August 29, 2014.


Vehicular Access
During drop-of and pick-up tmes, vehicles may enter through Gates 2 and 3. Those entering through Gate 2 should proceed
to the drop of area and, once the student has alighted or boarded, they should exit via Gate 1. Those vehicles entering
through Gate 3 must turn into the covered parking area and use the designated drop-of areas. All vehicles must exit
through Gate 1.

Please note that Gate 2 may only be used by those drivers and passengers who have an ISM ID card and who are in a vehicle
displaying a valid ISM vehicle stcker.

Alternatvely, vehicles entering through Gate 3 may park in the covered car park. The spaces reserved for parent-driven cars
should only be used by those vehicles which are driven by parents themselves. Vehicles in which parents are traveling, but
which are driven by a driver, should not use these spaces. Rather, they should park elsewhere in the covered car park or
make use of the outside spaces next to the power center.

Visitors to ISM must enter through Gate 3. There is an area for short-stay visitor parking near Gate 1.

The Pedestrian Gate
The pedestrian gate is located in the perimeter fence mid-way between Gate 1 and Gate 2. There is a paved area between
the road and the perimeter fence, allowing easy access to the gate. The pedestrian gate is solely for the entry of members of
the ISM Community at the beginning of the school day. It will only be open between 7:00 am and 7:45 am (8:00 am to 8:45
am on Wednesdays). Due to parking restrictons, and in the interests of security, it will not be open in the afernoon for pick-
ups. During the tme it is open, it will be under the supervision of members of the ISM Guard Force.

Drivers should stop adjacent to the paved area and students should alight from the right side of their vehicle. The driver
should then move of, clearing the space for other vehicles dropping of students. Under no circumstances should a student
be dropped of from the middle lane. This is dangerous as the student would need to walk in front of another vehicle. Driv-
ers are reminded that trafc regulatons forbid parking on the roads around ISM. Therefore, vehicles should only be stopping
for the brief tme it takes for a student to alight. Drivers must not wait for anybody to return to the vehicle.

Drop Of/Pick Up Passes
Following their introducton in 2012/13, we will be contnuing the use of pick up and drop of passes at Gate 3. This is for non
-regular drivers who are entering school to drop of or collect visitors or members of our community but who do not intend
to park within the campus. Our regular checks to confrm the identty of drivers and their purpose for entering the campus
will contnue to be made, but we will not retain a photo-ID in return for the issued pass. The use of these new passes will
avoid delays at the Gate 1 exit and reduce trafc congeston at busy tmes.

Vehicle checks
The practce of inspectng vehicles will contnue. During of-peak hours all vehicles will be checked before they are allowed
to enter the campus.

During peak hours (drop of and pick-up tmes), all vehicles without valid stckers and randomly selected vehicles with stck-
ers will be asked to undergo an examinaton.


Whether an examinaton is conducted or not, it is important that the security staf at the gates are able to identfy the occu-
pants of vehicles entering the campus; therefore IDs must be clearly displayed. Vehicles with tnted windows must roll down
windows to allow a clear view of the interior of the vehicle.

Drivers, Helpers and Bodyguards
Drivers, helpers and bodyguards should not wait on campus for students throughout the school day. Afer dropping of stu-
dents they should exit the school grounds and not return earlier than 30 minutes before dismissal tme. Those who repeat-
edly fail to comply with the regulaton will have their access privilege suspended.

Only those vehicles carrying parents or other people with business within the school will be allowed to return to the campus
before the scheduled pick-up tme.

There are designated areas for unaccompanied drivers, yayas, helpers and security escorts to wait for parents and students.
Unless specifcally authorized, they may not enter any other area. In the interest of security, and to prevent congeston at the
pedestrian entrances to the covered parking area, parents are requested to emphasize to their employees the importance of
cooperatng with the security staf and remaining in the appropriate areas.

All members of the ISM community are reminded that it is strictly forbidden for frearms to be brought onto the campus. This
includes concealed weapons carried by bodyguards for close protecton. Any person arriving at the school with a frearm
should inform the gate guard, and arrangements will be made for the weapon to be safely and securely stored during the
visitors stay.

Security staf directons
Our security team is endeavoring to make the school as safe and secure an environment as possible for all members of our

We ask that everybody cooperate with us in this important task. In partcular, all those entering our campus are requested
to comply with any directons given to them by members of our guard force.

If you are confused or unclear as to the purpose of such instructons, please seek clarifcaton from the security ofce. Please
note that it is the parents responsibility to advise their staf accordingly.

Thank you for your cooperaton. We are looking forward to another great year at Internatonal School Manila.

Best wishes,

Director of Operatons
And Security
Parents, due to the short school week and extended weekend we have not scheduled any matches this coming weekend so as
not to interfere with families travel plans.

Varsity girls volleyball got their season of to a great start with comfortable wins last Friday evening and Saturday morning over
Shisedo HS from Japan and Assumpton College. Varsity boys soccer had a win (3-0) in a friendly v.s. Nomads Braves, Aspirants
boys soccer lost a close match 3-4 and our Midgets A1 MS soccer team had a convincing win 7-1 over Southridge. Well done to
all teams and coaches.

Upcoming matches:
Wednesday, August 27: Aspirants and Varsity boys soccer vs FEU at home 3:30 and 5pm
Friday, Auguest 29: Friday Night Lights #1 vs Faith (HS Varsity/JV Soccer and Volleyball) Be there to show your
Bearcat spirit. Food available, all welcome, ES students must have adult supervision.
Saturday, August 30: Brent Cross Country race MS/HS teams

Parents and students please take some tme to peruse the ATAC blog it has a wide variety of informaton and links to our sports
and actvites program. If you have any questons regarding the compettve program of sports at ISM afer reading the infor-
maton on the blog please send an email to [email protected] and I will endeavor to assist you as best I can.

The season practce schedule is now in full swing through untl mid October. It is posted on the ATAC blog and on notce boards
around school.

Parents please see more detailed informaton about the ES/MS Soccer Festvals on the ATAC blog pages and you will fnd infor-
maton fyers are also posted on the ES/MS notce boards and posted under the big tent at the ES feld. Festval dates are now
posted on notce boards and on the ATAC blog ES/MS soccer festval pages

Our ATAC all year round teams also began last week (see all year round practce schedule) for Wall Climbing, Gymnastcs,
Taekwondo, Aikido, Chess and Table Tennis and Sailfsh swim team. New students who would like to join one of these teams
and compete at local compettons please go to the venue as per the schedule to register and meet the coaches.

The AFAC (Afer School Actvites) program has a wide variety of recreatonal/experiental oferings for ES and MS students.
Links to online registraton and informaton booklets can be accessed via the ATAC blog and by going to the AFAC sites directly.
Registraton is now open for MS AFAC and ES AFAC. Programs for ES/MS AFAC begin on August 28th.

Bearcat Den: Drop by our fantastc new spirit store. There is a range of new products and items to purchase including items
from our service partners. Bearcat Den hours of operaton- 7am-4pm Mon-Fri.

The ATAC game schedule pdf which is updated regularly by Triz Gonzalez (ATAC Athletcs Coordinator) gives the most up to date
informaton on where/when and who our Bearcat teams will be playing throughout the school year. Access to the game sched-
ule is via the ISM parent portal not via power school as in the past. Use this link to access the parent portal, log in with your
user name/password and look for the ATAC Game Schedule tab. Remember to refresh the page when the pdf schedule appears
so you view the most current schedule.

Game schedules do change at short notce so check ofen to ensure you keep up with the most current games/tmes and ven-

To access season practce schedule and the all year round team schedule fnd them on the drop down menus under the sched-
ules home bar tab

Mark Pekin
Director of Athletcs/Actvites
Calling All Basketball Players!
We need players for the parent team for this year's ISM
Community Basketball League. Any parent of an ISM stu-
dent is eligible to play.

The league is tentatvely scheduled to begin
on September 8. All games will be played at
ISM, Monday through Thursday, at 6:45pm. We will be
competng against the Alumni, Faculty, Security, Canteen,
and other department teams.

If you are interested in playing for the parent team,
please contact Rafy Puno [email protected].
Please click the link below to register:
Please click the link below to register:
Please click the link below to register:

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