Friday Bulletin: From The Middle School Office

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Friday Bulletin
Weekly Publication for Middle School Parents
ISSUE # 28
WEEK OF MARCH 26 TO 30, 2012

From the Middle School Office

Dear Parents: Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) testing ends this week. Individual student reports will be sent out in mid- to late-April. The Student Council has organized Spirit Week and students may come to school dressed in the following themes: Monday - Hipster (trendy) or Pajama Day Tuesday - Decade Day Wednesday - Fictional Character Day Thursday - International Day

Inside this issue:

From the Office of Admissions & Advancement From the Operations & Security Office Friday Strings Extravaganza Middle School Play Calling for Grade 8 Parent Volunteers From the Clinic Clearing Out Sale From the PTA Office From the Athletics & Activities Office Summer Sports Camp Calendar for SY 2012-2013 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10

If your child has PE, please remind your child that s/he still needs to bring the PE uniform to school. While we do want the students to enjoy the time out of uniform, please encourage your child to exercise sound judgment when choosing their attire so that they arrive at school dressed appropriately (no bare midriffs, spaghetti straps, baggy pants, etc.). Please also remember that students should not bring to school any weapon or copy thereof when dressed in theme. If your child opts not to dress in the theme of the day, your child is expected to be in school uniform. ReminderPlease notify the Middle School office if arrangements have been made for your child to go home with someone other than a parent or an authorized driver. For example, the person could be a friend or a friends parent. We request this information to insure the safety of your child and so that security personnel can check that your child is leaving campus with an authorized adult. The school holiday begins on Friday, March 30 and continues until Monday, April 9. Classes resume on Tuesday, April 10. Enjoy the holiday! Have a great weekend! Regards, Simon Gillespie Middle School Principal Clarissa Sayson Middle School Assistant Principal

MARCH 08 to 29 26 to 29 30 to Apr. 09 APRIL 10 14 16 to 20 20 21 23 to 27 26 28 30 to May 11 MAY 01 02 to 04 03 School Holiday (Labor Day) Gr. 4 Ambassador Program MS Art Opening (3:00 P.M., FAT Gallery) Classes Resume Service Learning Trip ESL Placement Testing Courtyard Event (3:00 P.M.) Service Learning Trip Used Book Fair Beginners Recital - Gr. 7 to 12 (5:30 P.M., LT) Service Learning Trip MS Art Exhibit (FAT Lobby) MAP Testing Spirit Week School Holiday (Spring Break)


April 13 April 27 May 11 Grade Update Grade Update/Progress Report Distribution Grade Update



From the Office of Admissions and Advancement

Dear Parents, The Admissions Office is sending out a friendly reminder regarding our Withdrawal Procedure. If your family will be leaving before or at the end of SY11-12, we would appreciate that you submit the official Withdrawal Notification Form in order to initiate the withdrawal process. Please note, this does not pertain to Grade 12 students who will graduate in May. Please submit the completed Withdrawal Notification Form as early as possible. All forms are available here: > Admission > Re-enrollment and Withdrawal WITHDRAWAL NOTIFICATION FORM (required by ES/HS/MS students) Please submit this to the Admissions Office MIDDLE SCHOOL CLEARANCE FORM Once completed please submit this to the Cashiers Office HIGH SCHOOL CLEARANCE FORM Once completed please submit this to the Cashiers Office

IMPORTANT DATE to remember:

May 11, 2012 Withdrawal Notification Forms for School Year 2011-2012 must be submitted. Forms received after this date will incur a penalty of USD $1000 on the refund of the FUD. For detailed information regarding receiving Report Cards, Transcript of Records, obtaining a yearbook and/or the refund of the FUD please visit our web site at under the Admissions TAB < Re-Enrollment & Withdrawal. We appreciate your notification as we have many families awaiting word for enrollment for next school year. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] for any questions or concerns. Sincerely,

Stephanie H. Hagedorn Director of Admissions & Advancement International School Manila

Were on the web!


please call the Guidance Office at 840-8555 or email [email protected] to obtain your username and password.



A Few Reminders from the Operations & Security Office:

ID Cards: ID cards should be worn by adults at all times while on campus. If you have not been issued an ID card, or you have lost it, you should obtain one by visiting the security office and completing the appropriate application form. Drivers, helpers and bodyguards: Drivers, helpers and bodyguards should not be waiting on campus for students throughout the school day. After dropping off students they should exit the school grounds and not return more than 30 minutes before dismissal time. Those who repeatedly fail to comply with this regulation will have their access privileges suspended. Only those vehicles carrying parents or other people with business within the school will be allowed to return to the campus before 1:45 pm. Firearms: All members of the ISM community are reminded that it is strictly forbidden for firearms to be brought onto campus. This includes concealed weapons carried by bodyguards for close protection. Any person arriving at school with a firearm should inform the gate guard and arrangements will be made for the weapon to be safely and securely stored during the visitors stay. Parking outside the campus: Parking is not allowed on any of the roads surrounding the school. The ISM guard force is actively supporting the work of the Bonifacio authorities in keeping these roads clear. This is an important security measure and parents are asked to emphasize this to their drivers. Termination of employment: In the event of the termination of service of a family employee parents are asked to secure the former employees ISM ID card and return it to the security office. If this is not possible, it is important that the security office is still informed of the change of circumstances. Security staff directions: Our security team is endeavoring to make the school as safe and secure an environment as possible for all members of our school community. We ask that everybody cooperates with us in this important task by following the directions given by members of our guard force. In the event that anyone is unclear as to the purpose of our regulations they can seek clarification from the security office. Further to this, we encourage parents to advise those members of their staff who enter the school of these expectations. Finally, I would like to thank all members of the ISM community for their assistance in helping us maintain ISM as a safe and secure environment for our children. Mike Flynn Director of Operation and Security



Middle School Play

Dear Parents of HDM Cast and Crew, My name is Ms. Alana Moreno, and I am currently working as the costume mistress for the MS play. First, I just want to say a quick THANK YOU for your support with this show. As you know, we have quite a few students involved, and a LOT of rehearsal time. All of the little things that you do such as packing lunches, practicing lines with your child, arranging carpools, etc., are crucial to our shows success, so THANKS! On that note, I have a few requests regarding costumes. ALL CAST members need to bring the following items to rehearsal as soon as possible: Bag (plastic, canvas, etc). labeled with their first, last, and character name for temporarily storing costume items A hanger for any clothing items brought from home, also labeled with first, last, and character name. Black or dark brown shoes. Some kids have specific colors/types for their characters. Students should know them. Most, however, will require black dress shoes. And, you guessed it, labeled with first, last, and character name. Additionally, does your family travel to cold locales during vacation? If so, WE NEED YOUR COATS, SCARVES, AND HATS! Many of the plays scenes take place in the arctic, and, therefore, approximately 30 students will need to be wearing some sort of winter coat and accessories. Please send any winter clothing items you have stashed away to rehearsal with your child. Many students also do not have winter coats of their own, so if you have extras you can share we would greatly appreciate it! Finally, if any of you can spare a few afternoons or Saturdays in the near future to assist with costuming our students, parent volunteers are more than welcome J. If you are interested in volunteering in this capacity, please contact Steve McCallum (parent volunteer coordinator) via email at [email protected] so that he can email you back as the need arises. Please include the following information: The name of your child and their role in the play - cast or crew Your name: e.g. Joe Smith A contact cell number where Mr. McCallum can text you if need be Availability for assisting with costumes Thank you ever so much for your time and support! Sincerely, Alana Moreno Costume Mistress His Dark Materials



Calling for Grade 8 Parent Volunteers

Dear Grade 8 Parents, We are looking for volunteers to help us in the Grade 8 end of the year activities. If you would like to help, please email Ms. Eva Woodruff ([email protected]), Ms. Child ([email protected]) or Mr. Allen ([email protected]). Help us make it a wonderful experience for your children! Thank you. Dave Allen and Jenna Child Grade 8 Coordinators

From the Clinic

TIME TO SIGN UP FOR THE 2012 INFLUENZA VACCINATIONS Vaccination Day - April 18th - Wednesday Last day to sign up/pay - April 13th Price - Php 550.00 Vaccine GSK Influenza vaccine Influenza or commonly known as flu trangkaso is caused by the influenza virus. The influenza virus is easily transmitted through things you touch or in the air we breathe. Flu vaccine is recommended for everyone above 6 months old. Getting the flu shot should be done annually because the circulating strains of the flu virus change each year, hence the composition of the vaccine is updated annually. For tropical counties the flu is present yearround with peaks during the months of July September. Everyone with a valid ISM ID may participate in this vaccination session. Order forms are available at the Cashiers office or by emailing the Clinic. Please complete the form and make your payment to the Cashier. Payment for these vaccinations must be made to the cashier department by no later than Friday 13th April .The vaccines will then be ordered and no further registrations will be accepted. If you would like to discuss the vaccine or have any questions please contact Jowell Custodio or Monique Reed at the Clinic. Clinic direct number: 840 8580/81 Email: [email protected]

Update your contact information!

Please get in touch with the Admissions Office (840-8488) or Middle School Office (840-8550/840-8553) if there has been any change in your home address, email address, and contact numbers. We want to keep you updated with what is happening in school.



Clearing Out Sale

From the PTA Office



From the Athletics & Activities Office

For 3rd Season IASAS athletes, please note travel packet have now been issued, please get all documents in asap! With the Easter holiday and offices/embassies being closed, we need your cooperation in getting all information completed prior to the break. Failure to do so could cost you a place at IASAS. Passports should now have been submitted to Joan at ATAC for documentation checking. Any student traveling during the spring should have advised Joan at ATAC office so passports can be returned to you before March 29th. PASSPORTS collection can be done on Thursday, March 29th from the ATAC office before 4:00 P.M. If you require your passport before this time, please contact Joan asap to arrange for collection. This Friday is our twilight track meet with Faith and Brent. The meet is a great evening of racing and action packed with events flowing in rapid succession. Our MS team will also compete this Friday. Please come along and support the ISM track teams. Whilst the track meet is on at the HS field our varsity and JV girls softball teams will be playing Brent teams on the MS field on Friday. Track meet results from last Saturdays Pre-IASAS meet are now posted on the track meet results page. After the 3rd season IASAS championships are over, some of the 1st season coaches will be running sessions for our volleyball/soccer teams to get things going for next school years teams and to take a look at the new freshman group for SY 2012-2013. Keep an eye out on the ATAC blog (latest news-HS/Latest news-MS) for more information after the break. Any current grade 8 student interested in soccer or volleyball should come along to the sessions offered, it will be a great chance to meet the varsity coaches and get in some early practice. MS AFAC AFL (Australian Football - starts Wednesday, April 18th) Please note if you have signed up for AFL Football, it is open for Grade 5, 6, and 7 students only and the sessions will be held each Wednesday at the MS field starting at 3:15 P.M. Dates for the MS AFAC AFL are April 18, 25, May 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30. The maximum # of students is 24. Please see Toni at the AFAC office (ES admin area) if you have not yet signed up, spaces are filling up. Please see in this bulletin information about the ISM Summer Sports Camps. This program is run each year by Triz Gonzalez our ATAC Athletics Assistant. See the flyer for details/registration/payment information and contact Triz at the ATAC office if you have any questions. For the swimming camps go straight to the website link of Coach Andy where you will find all the information/online registration and payment details.

ATAC Events coming up: Mar. 23 - Twilight Track meet MS/HS teams vs. Brent/ Faith - Varsity girls softball vs. Brent at ISM Mar. 24 to 25 - Varsity Girls/Boys Badminton Tournament Mar. 25 - Varsity Boys Softball Game vs. Mens teams 2 back-to-back games (am only) Mar. 30 to April 9 - Spring break Apr. 11 - Teams depart for IASAS 3rd Season Championships - Track at Taipei - Softball at Singapore - Badminton at Kuala Lumpur
May 12 - ISM Gymnastics Dual Meet (this replaces the cancelled SACAC Singapore meet) May 18 to 20 - Mixed Touch Tournament @Jakarta International School

GAME SCHEDULE PDF: (access to game schedule information)

Information about all mid week/weekend fixtures for ISM teams can be found via the ATAC blog. Please note the game schedule does change often due to involvement with many local schools so please check the page regularly to find out the latest information of where and when the Bearcats teams are playing. Click on schedules tab or the Bearcat logo to be directed to You will need your Powerschool username and password to access the game schedule. BEARCAT DEN: Regular Opening Hours for the Bearcat Den: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 11:30 A.M. 1:00 P.M. & 2:30 P.M. 4:00 P.M. Tuesday & Thursday afternoons, from 2:30 - 4:00 P.M. If you are interested in joining our group of volunteers in the Bearcat Den, please contact our BCD volunteers coordinator, Radhika at [email protected] or pop in to the Den near the HS Cafeteria and talk with one of our volunteers. They will be very happy to make you welcome. Regards, Mark Pekin Director of Athletics/Activities



Summer Sports Camp





School Calendar for SY 2012-2013

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