Airports Authority of India (Print)

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The Airports Authority of India (AAI) under the Ministry of

Civil Aviation is responsible for creating, upgrading, maintaining and
managing civil aviation infrastructure in India. It provides Air traffic
management (ATM) services over Indian airspace and adjoining
oceanic areas. It also manages a total of 125 Airports, including 11
International Airports, 8 Customs Airports, 81 Domestic Airports and
25 civil enclaves at Military Airfields. AAI also has ground
installations at all airports and 25 other locations to ensure safety of
aircraft operations. AAI covers all major air-routes over Indian
landmass via 29 Radar installations at 11 locations along with 89
VOR/DVOR installations co-located with Distance Measuring
Equipment (DME). 52 runways are provided with Instrument landing
system (ILS) installations with Night Landing Facilities at most of
these airports and Automatic Message Switching System at 15

AAI has four training establishments viz. The Civil Aviation Training
College (CATC) at Allahabad , National Institute of Aviation
Management and Research (NIAMAR) at Delhi and Fire Training
Centres (FTC) at Delhi & Kolkata. An Aerodrome Visual Simulator
(AVS) has been provided at CATC and non-radar procedural ATC
simulator equipment is being supplied to CATC Allahabad and
Hyderabad Airport.


Design, Development, Operation and Maintenance of international
and domestic airports and civil enclaves.
Control and Management of the Indian airspace extending beyond
the territorial limits of the country, as accepted by ICAO.
Construction, Modification and Management of passenger
Development and Management of cargo terminals at international
and domestic airports.
Provision of passenger facilities and information system at the
passenger terminals at airports.
Expansion and strengthening of operation area, viz. Runways,
Aprons, Taxiway etc.
Provision of visual aids.
Provision of Communication and Navigation aids, viz. ILS,
DVOR, DME, Radar, etc.


Air traffic control (ATC) is a service provided by ground-
based controllers who direct aircraft on the ground and through
controlled airspace, and can provide advisory services to aircraft in
non-controlled airspace. The primary purpose of ATC worldwide is to
prevent collisions, organize and expedite the flow of traffic, and
provide information and other support for pilots.
In some countries,
ATC plays a security or defensive role, or is operated by the military.
To prevent collisions, ATC enforces traffic separation rules, which
ensure each aircraft maintains a minimum amount of empty space
around it at all times. Many aircraft also have collision avoidance
systems, which provide additional safety by warning pilots when
other aircraft get too close.


Air Traffic Services
Air traffic Control Services
Flight Information Services
Alerting Services
Aeronautical Information Services
Search and Rescue
Airspace Management
Surveillance over VIP areas



Prevent collision between aircraft.

Prevent collision between aircraft on the maneuvering area
and obstructions on that area.

Expedite and maintain an orderly flow of air traffic.

Provide advice and information useful for the safe and
efficient conduct of flights.

Notify appropriate organisations regarding aircraft in need
of search and rescue aid, and assist such organisations as


movement of Aircraft (Startup & Taxi clearance), vehicles and
persons on ground.
movement of Aircraft (Landing & Take off) and vehicles on
APP/TAR (APPROACH CONTROL): Controls Aircraft during
climb and descend of arriving/departing aircraft within 60 miles of
an airport.
Aircraft during climb and descend and level flight of
arriving/departing/over-flying aircraft beyond 60 miles of an airport.
of all active and inactive flights; helps in search and rescue of flights
in distress
ARO ATS REPORTING OFFICE: Scrutinizes and accept flight
plans; Provides/receives all operational briefing to/from the pilots.
Also coordinates with Airline operators/ Military liaison units.
as administrative in-charge on round the clock basis.
TRAINING CELL: Provides training for independent control in
real as well as in simulated environments (using SIMULATOR) for
working in different ATS units.
bills for navigation/landing/Passenger Service Fee.
SEARCH AND RESCUE UNIT: Maintains a record of all
documents / Charts / Important Telephone numbers for the purpose
of Search & Rescue.
Collection, collation, compilation and dissemination of information
that is of operational importance for ATC units.


---------------------FIR BOUNDARY------------------

Flight Information Center

Area Control Center

Approach Control

Aerodrome Control Tower

Surface Movement Control



---------------------FIR BOUNDARY------------------

Flight Information Center

Area Control Center

Approach Control

Aerodrome Control Tower

Surface Movement Control

ATS Reporting Office




Visual Surveillance In/From Control Tower

RADAR (Primary & Secondary) Based Surveillance

ADS (Automatic Dependent Surveillance)


Flight Progress Strips (Manual)

Automated ATCS At Delhi/Mumbai


Direct & Indirect Two Way Communication With Pilot


Telephones / DSC / AFTN






Plotting On The Basis Of Position Reports

RADAR/ ADS Based Surveillance


VHF / HF / AFTN / AMSS / ASBS / Telephones



Landing Aids:

ILS / MLS ( microwave landing system )

Automated Systems:






Longitudinal (Time based & Distance



1000 feet

2000 feet


5 NM

10 NM


The process or activity of accurately ascertaining one's position and
planning and following a route is known as navigation. The equipments
and systems which together help in navigation are known as Navigation
Aids (also known as aid to navigation, ATON, or navaid).
Navigational Aids consist of the following:
An instrument landing system (ILS) is a ground-based instrument
approach system that provides precision guidance to an aircraft
approaching and landing on a runway, using a combination of radio
signals and, in many cases, high-intensity lighting arrays to enable a
safe landing during instrument meteorological conditions (IMC), such
as low ceilings or reduced visibility due to fog, rain, or blowing snow.
Radio-navigation aids must provide a certain accuracy (set by
international standards of CAST/ICAO); to ensure this is the case,
flight inspection organizations periodically check critical parameters
with properly equipped aircraft to calibrate and certify ILS precision.
An aircraft approaching a runway is guided by the ILS receivers in the
aircraft by performing modulation depth comparisons. Many aircraft
can route signals into the autopilot to fly the approach automatically.
An ILS consists of two independent sub-systems. The localizer
provides lateral guidance; the glide slope provides vertical guidance.
A localizer is an antenna array normally located beyond the
departure end of the runway and generally consists of several pairs
of directional antennas. Two signals are transmitted on one of 40 ILS
channels. One is modulated at 90 Hz, the other at 150 Hz. These are
transmitted from co-located antennas. Each antenna transmits a
narrow beam, one slightly to the left of the runway centerline, the
other slightly to the right.
The localizer receiver on the aircraft measures the difference in the
depth of modulation (DDM) of the 90 Hz and 150 Hz signals. The
depth of modulation for each of the modulating frequencies is 20
percent. The difference between the two signals varies depending on
the deviation of the approaching aircraft from the centerline.
If there is a predominance of either 90 Hz or 150 Hz modulation, the
aircraft is off the centerline. In the cockpit, the needle on the
instrument part of the ILS (the omni-bearing indicator (nav
indicator), horizontal situation indicator (HSI), or course deviation
indicator (CDI)) shows that the aircraft needs to fly left or right to
correct the error to fly toward the center of the runway. If the DDM
is zero, the aircraft is on the LOC centerline coinciding with the
physical runway centerline. The pilot controls the aircraft so that the
indicator remains centered on the display (i.e., it provides lateral
(ii) Glide slope (GS) or glide path (GP)
A glide-slope station is an antenna array sited to one side of the
runway touchdown zone. The GS signal is transmitted on a carrier
frequency using a technique similar to that for the localizer. The
center of the glide-slope signal is arranged to define a glide path of
approximately 3 above horizontal (ground level). The beam is 1.4
deep (0.7 below the glide-path center and 0.7 above).
The pilot controls the aircraft so that the glide-slope indicator
remains centered on the display to ensure the aircraft is following
the glide path to remain above obstructions and reach the runway at
the proper touchdown point (i.e., it provides vertical guidance).

Carrier frequency pairings for localizer and glide slope
LOC and GS carrier frequencies are paired so that the navigation
radio automatically tunes the GS frequency which corresponds to the
selected LOC frequency.

LOC carrier frequencies range between 108.10 MHz and 111.95 MHz
(with the 100 kHz first decimal digit always odd, so 108.10, 108.15,
108.30, etc., are LOC frequencies and are not used for any other
Due to the complexity of ILS localizer and glide-slope systems, there
are some limitations. Localizer systems are sensitive to obstructions
in the signal broadcast area like large buildings or hangars. Glide
slope systems are also limited by the terrain in front of the glide
slope antennas. If terrain is sloping or uneven, reflections can create
an uneven glidepath causing unwanted needle deflections.
Additionally, since the ILS signals are pointed in one direction by the
positioning of the arrays, glide slope supports only straight-line
approaches with a constant angle of descent. Installation of an ILS
can be costly because of siting criteria and the complexity of the
antenna system.
ILS critical areas and ILS sensitive areas are established to avoid
hazardous reflections that would affect the radiated signal. The
location of these critical areas can prevent aircraft from using certain
leading to delays in takeoffs, increased hold times, and
increased separation between aircraft.

In addition to the previously mentioned navigational signals, the
localizer provides for ILS facility identification by periodically
transmitting a 1,020 Hz Morse code identification signal. This lets
users know the facility is operating normally and that they are tuned
to the correct ILS. The glide-slope station transmits no identification
signal, so ILS equipment relies on the localizer for identification
It is essential that any failure of the ILS to provide safe guidance be
detected immediately by the pilot. To achieve this, monitors
continually assess the vital characteristics of the transmissions. If any
significant deviation beyond strict limits is detected, either the ILS is
automatically switched off or the navigation and identification
components are removed from the carrier.
Either of these actions
will activate an indication ('failure flag') on the instruments of an
aircraft using the ILS.
On some installations, marker beacons operating at a carrier
frequency of 75 MHz are provided. When the transmission from a
marker beacon is received it activates an indicator on the pilot's
instrument panel and the tone of the beacon is audible to the pilot.
The distance from the runway at which this indication should be
received is published in the documentation for that approach,
together with the height at which the aircraft should be if correctly
established on the ILS. This provides a check on the correct function
of the glide slope. In modern ILS installations, a DME is installed, co-
located with the ILS, to augment or replace marker beacons. A DME
continuously displays the aircraft's distance to the runway.

Outer marker ( 3.9 NM from touchdown ) ( colour: blue )
Middle Marker ( 0.94 NM or 1750 m from touchdown ) ( colour:
amber )
Inner Marker ( 0.54 NM or 1000 m from touchdown ) ( colour: white)
(iv) DME
Distance measuring equipment (DME) provides pilots with a slant
range measurement of distance to the runway in nautical miles.
DMEs are augmenting or replacing markers in many installations. The
DME provides more accurate and continuous monitoring of correct
progress on the ILS glide slope to the pilot, and does not require an
installation outside the airport boundary. When used in conjunction
with an ILS, the DME is often sited midway between the reciprocal
runway thresholds with the internal delay modified so that one unit
can provide distance information to either runway threshold. For
approaches where a DME is specified in lieu of marker beacons, DME
Required is noted on the Instrument Approach Procedure and the
aircraft must have at least one operating DME unit to begin the
The DME system is composed of a UHF transmitter/receiver
(interrogator) in the aircraft and a UHF receiver/transmitter
(transponder) on the ground
Aircraft use DME to determine their distance from a land-based
transponder by sending and receiving pulse pairs two pulses of
fixed duration and separation. The ground stations are typically co-
located with VORs. A typical DME ground transponder system for en-
route or terminal navigation will have a 1 kW peak pulse output on
the assigned UHF channel.
A low-power DME can also be co-located with an ILS glide slope
antenna installation where it provides an accurate distance to
touchdown function, similar to that otherwise provided by ILS
Marker Beacons.
DME facilities identify themselves with a 1350 Hz Morse code three
letter identity. If collocated with a VOR or ILS, it will have the same
identity code as the parent facility. Additionally, the DME will identify
itself between those of the parent facility. The DME identity is
1350 Hz to differentiate itself from the 1020 Hz tone of the VOR or
the ILS localizer.

A radio signal takes approximately 12.36 microseconds to travel 1
nautical mile (1,852 m) to the target and backalso referred to as a
radar-mile. The time difference between interrogation and reply,
minus the 50 microsecond ground transponder delay, is measured by
the interrogator's timing circuitry and converted to a distance
measurement (slant range), in nautical miles, then displayed on the
cockpit DME display.
The distance formula, distance = rate * time, is used by the DME
receiver to calculate its distance from the DME ground station. The
rate in the calculation is the velocity of the radio pulse, which is the
speed of light (roughly 300,000,000 m/s or 186,000 mi/s). The time
in the calculation is (total time 50s)/2.

It is placed with GP in I.G.I. airport and it is used to calculate distance
from touch down point.
The range of DME placed in I.G.I. airport is 200 nautical miles

2. VOR- VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range
VOR is an abbreviation for "VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range",
which implies that it operates in the VHF band. Adopted by ICAO as
early as 1960, VOR has been the main short-range navigational aid
for several years. Short range infers that ranges up to 200 NM. It
enables aircrafts to determine their position and stay on course by
receiving radio signals transmitted by a network of fixed ground radio
beacons, with a receiver unit. It uses radio frequencies in the very
high frequency(VHF) band from 108 to 117.95 MHz. Developed in
the US beginning in 1937 and deployed by 1946, VOR is the standard
air navigational system in the world, used by both commercial and
general aviation. As opposed to the NDB, which transmits a non-
directional signal, the signal transmitted by the VOR contains
directional information.
They are of 2 types: DVOR and CVOR
(a) Conventional VOR

A conventional VOR (CVOR) has three Amplitude Modulated
(AM) signals encoded on a VHF carrier:
1) a 30 Hz variable (VAR), which is modulated by the antenna,
not the transmitter;
2) a 9960 Hz subcarrier, which is in turn frequency modulated
(FM) with a 30 Hz reference (REF) signal;
3) and a voice / identifier channel, which includes 1020 Hz
"Morse code" identifiers and aural voice signals.

(b) Doppler VOR

VOR Applications
Homing & tracking to a VOR.
Tracking from a VOR.
Position fixes. If two VORs are in range then the bearing from each
can be ascertained, roughly plotted on the chart [after converting to
true bearings] and the aircraft position will be close to the
intersection point of the LOPs. Alternatively a VOR bearing and a NDB
bearing can be used or a VOR bearing and a line feature on the chart,
the latter technique being the most frequently used.
Running fix / distance from VOR. (DVOR provides an angle ranging
from 0-60 degrees)
3. Non Directional Beacon
A non-directional (radio) beacon (NDB) is a radio transmitter at a
known location, used as an aviation or marine navigational aid. As
the name implies, the signal transmitted does not include inherent
directional information, in contrast to other navigational aids such as
low frequency radio range, VHF omnidirectional range (VOR). NDB
signals follow the curvature of the Earth, so they can be received at
much greater distances at lower altitudes, a major advantage over
VOR. However, NDB signals are also affected more by atmospheric
conditions, mountainous terrain, coastal refraction and electrical
storms, particularly at long range.
Range higher than Beacon around 1000 nautical miles.
NDBs typically operate in the frequency range from 190 kHz to
535 kHz (although they are allocated frequencies from 190 to
1750 kHz) and transmit a carrier modulated by either 400 or 1020 Hz.
NDBs can also be colocated with DME in a similar installation for the
ILS as the outer marker, only in this case, they function as the inner
marker. NDB owners are mostly governmental agencies and airport
authorities. NDBs are most commonly used as markers or "locators"
for an instrument landing system (ILS) approach or standard
.NDB navigation consists of two parts
the automatic direction finder (or ADF) equipment on the
aircraft that detects an NDB's signal, The ADF can also locate
transmitters in the standard AM medium wave broadcast band
the NDB transmitter
Relative Bearing
The angle between NDB and nose of the aircraft in clockwise
direction is called relative bearing.
ADF equipment determines the direction to the NDB station relative
to the aircraft. This may be displayed on a relative bearing indicator

NDB Errors:
Thunderstorms emit electrical energy in the NDB band and will
deflect the ADF needle towards the storm.
Electrical interference.
Attitude effects. The indicated bearing will not be accurate
whilst the aircraft is banked.
Terrain and coastal effects. In mountainous areas NDB signals
may be reflected by the terrain which can cause the bearing
indications to fluctuate. Ground waves are refracted when
passing across coast lines at low angles and this will affect the
indicated bearing for an aircraft tracking to seaward and
following the shore line.

Main Applications
Enroute: helps in finding the correct route
Holding: if the runway is not free currently then the aircraft can
be instructed to hold to a particular distance and keep circling
with the distance as the radius
Homing: it points to the position to reach to(destination).


VHF FREQUENCY RANGE - (117.975 - 136.975) MHz
USERS - ATCO (Air Traffic Controllers), Airlines/Defense Pilots.

Very high frequency (VHF) is the ITU-designated range [1] of radio
frequency electromagnetic waves from 30 MHz to 300 MHz, with
corresponding wavelengths of one to ten meters.
Common uses for VHF are FM
radio broadcasting, television broadcasting, land mobile stations
(emergency, business, private use and military), long range data
communication up to several tens of kilometres with radio
modems, amateur radio, and marine communications. Air traffic
control communications and air navigation systems
(e.g. VOR, DME & ILS) work up to a distance of 200 nautical miles
VHF propagation characteristics are ideal for short-distance
terrestrial communication, with a range generally somewhat farther
than line-of-sight from the transmitter. Unlike high frequencies (HF),
the ionosphere does not usually reflect VHF waves
(called skywave propagation) so transmissions are restricted to the
local radio horizon less than 100 miles. VHF is also less affected by
atmospheric noise and interference from electrical equipment than
lower frequencies. While it is blocked by land features such as hills
and mountains, it is less affected by buildings and can be received
indoors, although multipath television reception due to reflection
from buildings can be a problem in urban areas.
VHF is the first band at which wavelengths are small enough to make
efficient transmitting antennas for handheld devices, so the VHF and
UHF wavelengths are used for handheld transceivers and walkie
talkies. Fixed station antennas are usually based on the dipole, while
portable radios usually use whips or rubber ducky antennas. The Yagi
antenna is the most widely used as a high gain or "beam" antenna.
VHF Range assigned to AAI: 108 MHz 156 MHz

The VHF unit of Airports Authority of India provides for the following
o Maintain all VHF channels
o Providing radio communication between ATCO and
o Additional standalone system is provided through J -
Controller and Transceivers at different ATC positions.
o Serviceability of Mains and Standby equipments.
o All preventive and corrective maintenance schedules are
o The air-to-ground communications are also recorded.
Analysis of recorded communication is done by DGCA,
AAI, ATC personnel for the purpose of investigation in
case of accident/incidence.
o VHF is also used to give weather information to ATC and
VHF transmission uses Amplitude modulation because this type of
modulation has a greater coverage range and requires less
bandwidth as compared to Frequency or Phase modulation.


Safdarjung Airport is a Visual Flight Region ( VFR )
1. VHF - Frequency: 122.3 MHz
Tx : ECIL 5350, T6T
Rx : OTE DR100, T6R
Jcont : ECIL , AK100
Txr : iCOM 1CA110
VHF antenna : Folded dipole antenna ( bidirectional )
2. DVR - Digital Voice Recorder( 8 channel ) ( Marathon, Ricochet, RETIA )
3. XBIS (X-Ray Baggage Investigation System ) : carry out both organic and
inorganic scanning.
4. ETD ( Explosive Trace Detector )
5. DFMD ( Door Frame Metal Detector )
6. HHMD ( Hand Held Metal Detector )
7. NDB 202 kHz
8. HF - 6706 kHz Tx : ZENITAL ( 5kW )
11467 kHz Txr : 2010 CODAN
9. Walkie Talkie : ( Company : Motorola, Kenwood )
It works in the UHF range. It has 12 channels and a range of about 2 kms. It
facilitates coordination Delhi police, airport police and AAI officials.

Automation System
Automation is the use of machines, control systems and
information technologies to optimize productivity in the production
of goods and delivery of services. The correct incentive for applying
automation is to increase productivity, and/or quality beyond that
possible with current human labour levels so as to realize economies
of scale, and/or realize predictable quality levels.

The primary objectives of automation system are as follows:
1) Efficiency enhancement of ATC officers:
Automation system enhances the efficiency of the air traffic
2) Accuracy of overall ATC:
Automation system also takes care of the accuracy of the air traffic
controllers as well as that of the pilot.
3) Safety of passengers and aircraft:
Efficiency and accuracy of air traffic controllers directly/indirectly
leads to safety of the passengers as well as the aircraft.

Functions of the System:

Primary mission: is to enhance to the safety of air travel through the
timely acquisition and presentation of flight related data for use by
air traffic controller and support staff.

Secondary mission: is to support training of air traffic controllers and
support staff. The system also supports the evaluation of revised
operational environments and the testing/evaluation of new system


1. Lapses in human performance underlie most safety
breakdowns and damage-inducing events in modern,
technology-based production systems, of which air
transportation is a perfect example.

2. From the perspective of Human Factors, three reasons explain
the apparent stagnation of safety levels. The first reason can be
found in what has been called an escalation of commitment:
since the Second World War, safety in civil aviation has been
pursued through the introduction of new technology,
supported by the training necessary to employ it in operational
settings and the relevant regulations regarding both. In every
instance where accident investigations identified "new" safety
breakdowns and/or hazards, more technology, more training
and more regulations were introduced. When "newer" safety
breakdowns/hazards were further identified, more technology,
further training and regulations were introduced. And so
continued the escalation of commitment of international civil
aviation with respect to technology, training and regulation.

3. Secondly, technological solutions have on occasion been
designed without full consideration of how they would properly
interface with existing operational environments. In this regard,
the absence of a systemic approach to the integrated
implementation of technological and Human Factors solutions
has been conspicuous. Technology and Human Factors have
followed independent avenues, and little dialogue has existed
among technology designers and Human Factors practitioners.
The industry has thus witnessed the emergence of fine
technology which failed to deliver its promised potential
because of serious flaws in its interface either with the human
operator, with the demands of operational context, or with

4. This approach, known as "technology-centred automation", is
being gradually phased-out in favor of a "human-centred
automation", where technology is considered but a tool to
assist humans in their monitoring and performing tasks.


The Automation System is comprised of the following functional subsystems.

a) Radar Data Processing System (RDPS) receives and processes
radar data information from various radar sites.

b) Flight Data Processing System (FDPS) processes information
associated with flight plan data based on information received from internal or
external sources and makes it accessible by the various Air Traffic Control (ATC)
working positions including the Flight Data Display (FDD).

c) Communications Gateway Processor / Aeronautical Information
System (CGP/AIS) subsystem which provides the interface to the
Controller Pilot Data Link Communications as well as AFTN.

d) Data Recording Facility (DRF) provides capability to record and
replay ATC data from all subsystems on the local area network (LAN) including
operator actions at each controller working position.

e) Data Management System (DMS) provides capability to perform
adaptation changes and downloads of new software releases.

f) Supervisor Working Position Consists of a Situation Data Display
(SDD) and Control and Monitoring Display / Flight Data Display / Aeronautical
Information Display (CMD/FDD/AID). It provides a centralized point of control
for all the system management related actions and maintenance operations.
SDD displays track and flight data received from Radar Data Processing System
(RDPS). CMD provides an integrated capability for control and monitoring of
the automation components and radar interfaces.

g) Controller Working Position Consists of an SDD and either an
FDD/AID or an FDD/AID/DLD and an FDD/DLD. Together these positions are
used to control aircraft that enter its assigned area of jurisdiction and monitors
aircraft flight plan progress.

h) Voice Processing Facility (VPF) This is an optional component. The
VPF digitizes analog audio from the Voice Communication Control System
(VCCS). This audio is typically ATC radio or telephone communications sent
through a main distribution frame (MDF) to the VPF and then recorded by the

Critical subsystem components such as RDPS, FDPS, and DRF, are redundant to
ensure continuous operation in the event of a component failure or
maintenance action. All the subsystems are interconnected via dual 100BaseT
Ethernet LAN. A third LAN provides Direct Radar Access (DRA)


Physically : Star Topology
Logically : Bus topology

Software Overview

Functions are controlled and executed by computer software
application programs that reside in the Automation System
computers. The Sun Solaris Operating System (OS) runs the
application programs and acts as an interface between the controller
and application. The OS manages computer resources in a non-
interfering manner, executing stored applications and controlling
information transfers between processors and external devices and
interfaces via the LAN. The application software is organized by
function into Computer Software Configuration Items (CSCls). The
application software references site-specific adaptation data.


Subsystem Type Subsystem Description Main H/W Configuration

RDPS Radar data processing system SUN FIRE-210

FDPS Flight data processing system SUN FIRE-210

DRF Data recording facility SUN FIRE-210

ATG Air traffic generator
(ATC simulator system)

SDD Situation display workstation SUN BLADE-2500

FDD Flight data display workstation SUN BLADE-1500

CMD Control and Monitoring display

AIS Aeronautical information system SUN BLADE-1500

DRA Direct radar access SUN FIRE-210

DMS Database Management system SUN BLADE-1500

Dual LAN
Connecting all the subsystems CAT-5 e

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