Political Ideologies of Nehru and His Idea of India

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The document discusses Jawaharlal Nehru's political thought and ideas regarding India. It analyzes his views on nationalism, anti-imperialism, self-rule, socialism and ideas around planning and development in independent India.

Nehru was a staunch nationalist who opposed imperialism. He worked closely with Gandhi in the independence movement and advocated for self-rule.

Nehru supported the development of science and technology in India and formulated three successive five-year plans to boost agricultural and industrial production. He established the Planning Commission to guide economic policymaking.

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Jawaharlal Nehrus Political Thought and his Idea of India

Submitted by:
Shantanu Rawat, Semester II, BA.LLB (Hons)
Section B, Roll Number 141
Submitted To:
Miss. Ayesha Rahman,
Faculty (Political Science),
Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur

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Thanks to the Almighty who gave me the strength to accomplish the project with sheer hard
work and honesty. This research venture has been made possible due to the generous co-
operation of various persons. To list them all is not practicable, even to repay them in words is
beyond the domain of my lexicon.
May I observe the protocol to show my deep gratitude to the venerated Faculty-in-charge Miss.
Ayesha Rahman, for her kind gesture in allotting me such a wonderful and elucidating research
topic. Apart from that I would like to thank my friends for their support and suggestions during
the process of making this project, the IT and Library Departments for providing valuable
resources and my family who always encouraged me for the completion of this project.

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Objectives, Hypothesis and Research Methodology

Objectives: -
1) To understand the roots of Jawaharlal Nehru through his family background and education
2) To critically analyze Nehrus political philosophies of
a) Liberal Nationalism
b) Anti- Imperialism
c) Purna Swaraj
d) Socialist Ideas
e) Idea Of Planning And Development
f) Nehrus Liberal Democracy
g) Modernization Plans Of Nehru
h) Nehru On Socialism
i) His Idea Of Modern Humanism
3) To categorically relate each of his political philosophy with his idea of India

1) Nehru, although a great contributor to Indias freedom movement, was not a great PM
2) Nehru had a broad idea of Indias future keeping into mind his policies of secularism,
liberalism, swaraj, etc.
This project is a descriptive and analytical study which is mainly based on the major secondary
source i.e books.

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Democracy and socialism are means to an end, not the end itself.
-Nehru on his vision of India

I ntroduction
Jawaharlal Nehru, was one of the most important politicians who contributed valiantly in the
Indias freedom struggle resulting in him being the first Prime Minister of India, that too for
three successive terms. He was a member of the Congress Party that led the freedom movement
against British Empire. Pandit Nehru helped building most important of policies during his PM
reign from 1947 to 1962 and hence he is widely regarded as the architect of modern India. Nehru
came to power when pre-colonial history: the perpetual instability of political rule, the constant
rise and fall of dynasties and empires, combined with the societys unusual fixity and cultural
existed in the country.
He founded the Planning Commission, supported the development of science and technology,
and formulated three successive five-year plans. His policies led to a sizable growth in
agricultural and industrial production. Nehru was also considered the champion of international
relations who formulated various foreign policies.
Born on 14 November 1889, Nehru was a Kashmiri Pandit with family located in Allahabad,
Uttar Pradesh.
The only son of Motilal Nehru, an affluent barrister, Jawaharlal Nehru was educated at home
with tutors and governesses. Motilal Nehru, who lived the life of an English gentleman, sent his
son to England, with the ultimate objective of qualifying for the Bar.
He completed schooling
from Harrow College and his Law degree from Trinity College, Cambridge. While studying in
London he was attracted by the ideas of liberalism, socialism and nationalism. . In 1912, he had
returned to India and joined the Allahabad High Court. He married Kamala Nehru in 1916. And
in 1917 they had their first child Indira Priyadarshini, widely known as Indira Gandhi

The Idea of India, Sunil Khilnani, Penguin Books Publications, 1997, p. 38
The Essential Writings of Jawaharlal Nehru, Vol I, Oxford University Press, Preface
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Jawaharlal Nehru was elected President of the Allahabad Municipal Corporation in 1924, and
served for two years as the city's chief executive. He resigned in 1926 citing lack of cooperation
from civil servants and obstruction from British authorities. From 1926 to 1928, Jawaharlal
served as the General Secretary of the All India Congress Committee. In December, 1929
Congress's annual session was held in Lahore and Jawaharlal Nehru was elected as the President
of the Congress Party. During that session a resolution demanding India's independence was
passed and on January 26, 1930 in Lahore, Jawaharlal Nehru open out free India's flag.
Jawaharlal Nehru was arrested in 1942 during Quit India Movement. Released in 1945, he took a
leading part in the negotiations that culminated in the emergence of the dominions of India and
Pakistan in August, 1947. In 1947, he became the first Prime Minister of independent India.
Jawaharlal Nehru was an eloquent and prolific communicator. He wrote extensively, and spoke
even more, for over fifty years, spanning the birth of a nation.

Nationalism and Nehru
Nehru was aware that nationalism, particularly as it existed in the colonial world was both
composite and a living force and could make the strongest appeal to the spirit of man. He also
knew of its many sided contributions to the development of modern civilization. It had all along,
been a driving force for freedom and independence. It gave a certain degree of unity, vigour and
vitality to many people all over the world.
But he was also conscious of the fact that Indian nationalism, though mainly rooted in the
universal virtues of `pacifism, liberalism and rationalism was not free from limitations.
According to him, Indian nationalism did lack certain vital elements although it was free from
violence and hatred. He wanted Indian nationalism to be limited, liberalized and balanced as he
thought it would be harmful if it ever made the people conscious of their own superiority or
aggressive expansionism.
Nehrus intense nationalism, coupled with his urge for effective political action. made him a
constructive critic of the INC. What he demanded was the introduction of a secular, rational and
scientific, international outlook as the essential ingredients of Indian nationalism. In other words,
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he was the most vocal critic of the religious, metaphysical and revivalist outlook which,
according to him was greatly harmful to the cause of national liberation as well as to the growth
of nationhood. Constitution endowed the Union with a steady political identity. But it also
implanted two fundamental lines of tension in Indias politics. The first was between the powers
of the central stat e or the Center.

Nehrus Views Against I mperialism
Nehru was a crusader against imperialism. His anti-imperialist attitude found its first open
expression at the Brussels Congress held in February 1927 There he stressed the common
element in the struggles against imperialism in different parts of the world. Nehru once described
Congress as the mirror of the nation, and it is indeed best seen as a screen on which the nation
has project edits shifting politics rather than as itself a coherent agent with a unified will.

His close contact with European revolutionaries and movements created in him a new awareness
of the forces which were shaping the destiny of mankind. His association with the "League
Against Imperialism and his short visit to the Soviet Union later in November 1927 brought
about a radical change in his political perception. The Indian nationalist movement, according to
him, was part of the world-wide movement and its serious impact would naturally be felt in most
other countries. He, therefore made it a point to appeal to all progressive forces all over the
world to lend their support to Indian struggle.
Nehru's anti-imperialism was largely the product of his own understanding of the historical
evolution of the laws of social change. His partial acceptance of the Marxist interpretation of
history gave him an insight into the facts of social evolution. Though he made no deeper
analysis, he believed that the dominant class-the class which controlled the means of production-
was the ruling class and that class conflicts in an exploitative and oppressed society could not be
avoided. As an intellectual, he diagnosed the social maladies and understood their socioeconomic
consequences. But on the practical side of his politics he remained extremely cautious.

The Idea of India, Sunil Khilnani, Penguin Books Publications, 1997, p. 47-48
Ibid p.42

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He was clear in his mind that so long as imperialism was not rooted out mankind would continue
to suffer both exploitation and oppression.
Therefore he asserted that 'the nationalist movement had to be uncompromisingly anti-capitalist,
anti-feudal, and anti-bourgeois and of course anti imperialist and its sole objective should be the
establishment of a democratic socialist republic in a free and independent India. Nehru was
fairly in agreement with Lenin`s ideas on imperialism and the Soviet Union's position. 'So I
turned inevitably with goodwill towards communism, wrote Nehru in his autobiography for
whatever its faults, it was at least not hypocritical and not imperialistic. 'Here his political
outlook seemed to be that of a 'self-conscious radical and throughout his life his sympathy lay
broadly with the socialist countries.
Purna Swaraj
Nehrus new radicalism reaffirmed his enthusiasm for more purposeful political action. His
whole effort during the twenties was to redefine the concept of swaraj in terms of complete
independence. The content of swaraj as demanded by the nationalists remained largely vague and
insufficient and so he had made up his mind to move in a different direction. As a first step, he
tried to persuade the Congress for an open commitment to the goal of complete independence.
With a deep sense of courage and determination, Nehru moved a resolution on complete
independence at the Madras Session of the Congress held in 1927 and it was formally adopted
Though the resolution on independence was formally adopted by the Congress, Nehru had a
genuine fear whether the Congress would follow it in both letter and spirit. The doubt arose
because of the Congress' refusal to incorporate it in the constitution. Nehru, therefore, took
immediate steps to form two new organizations: The Republican League and the
Independence for India League. The former was mainly intended to work for the establishment
of complete national independence while the latter was to on a vigorous campaign for the same.
At the Calcutta Session of the Congress held in 1928, Nehru noticed that some attempts were
being made to obscure the issue of independence. He immediately stepped in and accepted the
secretary ship just to prevent, as far as I could, the swing back to moderation and to hold on to
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the independence objective. In a sharply-worded rejoinder to all those who were still harping on
Dominion Status, Nehru said ' If India has a message to give to the world, it is clear that she can
do so more effectively as an independent country than as a member of British Group.
Partition, when it began in August 1947, Nehru himself thought it was a temporary

Despite a lot of protest from many of his colleagues, he was able to hold on to the independence
objective and in sense he had the satisfaction that the pressure that he built in the Congress in
favour of complete independence had a positive effect. The creation of a Muslim-majority Pak i
stan communal killing erupted in Lahore and Amritsar, Nehru faced the crisis as head of a
cabinet and a party that were far from united behind him.

Socialist I deas
The beginning of Nehru's interest in socialist ideals can be traced to his Cambridge days when
the Fabianism of Bernard Shaw and the Webbs attracted him. But that was as he confessed,
purely an academic interest. He was also influenced by the ideas of Bertrand Russell and John
Maynard Keynes. in the sense that he used to regularly attend their lectures although his own
university curriculum contained only science and not economics. The vague ideas of socialism
which he had nurtured during his student days were subsequently revived and sharpened in the
light of the sweeping political, social and economic changes taking place throughout the world.
Nehru was not a pioneer in the field of socialism in India; compared to others he was certainly
not in the forefront of the socialist movement. Although, his inaugural span, from 1947 until
Nehrus death in 1964, is of unsurpassed importance, during which the state stabilized, became a
developmental agency that aspired to penetrate all areas of the societys life, and showed that it
could be subject to democratic procedures,
some kind of a vague socialist thinking was already a
part of the political process right from the early twenties. Marxian theory was increasingly
influencing many individuals and this tendency was further strengthened by the developments in
the Soviet Union, the workers' trade union movement and a majority of the youth leagues and

The Idea of India, Sunil Khilnani, Penguin Books Publications, 1997, p. 51
Ibid, p. 46
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socialist leanings. However it was entirely at the instance of Nehru that the Congress committed
itself very vaguely to the principle of socialism in 1929. In 1931, the Congress under his
influence took a more definite step in that direction by adopting an economic programme at the
Karachi Session. As he had occupied a high position in the Congress, he had the advantage of
making his influence felt much more than others. He was also looked upon by the youth and the
weaker sections of the masses as a symbol of their hopes and aspirations. Moreover as Congress
began to enlist the active support of the masses for its political programme of national liberation
the organization felt more and more compelled to take up economic issue to consideration. As a
matter of fact, Nehru continuously kept up his pressure on the organization in favour of socialism
and, consequently a number of vague socialist resolutions were adopted by the Congress from
time to time. Socialism was not a mere economic doctrine for Nehru "it is a vital creed which l
hold with all my head and heart" he stated in 1936. It met for the three years between 1946 and
1949 to debate and in some part settle the character of the new stat e, and it produced the
nations Constitution , promulgated on 26 January 1950, which announced that India would
hence forth be a sovereign , democratic republic.

His early radicalism convinced him that there was no other way of ending the appalling mass
poverty and sufferings in India except through socialism. He was, therefore, determined not only
to work for that cause but was keenly interested in making the Congress an effective instrument
of social and economic change. Nehru declared:

"I work for Indian independence because the nationalist in me cannot
tolerate alien domination; I work for it even more because for me it is
the inevitable step to social and economic change. I should like the
Congress to become a socialist organization and to join hands with
other forces in the world who are working for the new civilization"

The Idea of India, Sunil Khilnani, Penguin Books Publications, 1997, p. 49
Encyclopaedia of Eminent Thinkers: Jawaharlal Nehru, Volume 2 By K. S. Bharathi,
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More than most of his colleagues, Nehru had a clear understanding of the character of the
National Congress and the movement it was piloting then. The Congress, during the pre-
independence period, was a great movement; but that movement was neither a proletarian nor a
peasant movement. It was purely a bourgeois movement whose objective was not of changing
the social structure but of winning political freedom.
However, there were quite a few in it who could think far beyond their surroundings. They stood
for drastic socio-economic transformation and were quite enthusiastic about it. This group was
asserting itself within the
Congress with the sole aim of persuading others _to accept socialism and Nehru was
undoubtedly the spokesman of that group. In all his speeches and writings during this period,
Nehru repeatedly stressed the need for swaraj and socialism as the joint objectives of the
movement and he firmly believed that India could not have one without the other. It was also his
conviction that political freedom could no longer be separated from economic freedom since
world events were forcing the issue to the forefront.
Nehru`s vigorous campaign for socialism continued for long, even after independence, and the
Congress, under his undisputed leadership, adopted official resolutions to that effect. But his
concept of socialism remained largely undefined throughout. He had no rigid adherence to any
brand of socialism as such. He was solely guided by the practical considerations of Indian
society and its concrete situation as it appeared before him. His approach to the fundamental
problem of social transformation was, therefore, extremely cautious. He was aware that the
Congress, constituted as it was, could hardly accept any revolutionary programme of social
action. Had the issue been forced on it, the Congress, being a loose organization, would have
probably split. Even in the years of power Nehru paid no serious attention to reorganizing the
Congress into a cadre-base party with a deep sense of commitment to socialism. Inside the
organization he was not unwilling to cooperate, even with those who did not accept his socialist
ideas. He had no intention either of forming a new party or group in order to carry out his
socialist objective.
However, in the pursuit of his vague-socialist ideal Nehru had to face certain serious problems.
The question of providing social justice without sacrificing individual freedom was certainly
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uppermost in his mind. It was therefore, in the choice of method and general approach that Nehru
revealed his pragmatism more apparently than anything else. Unlike the communists. Nehru
chose the method of persuasion or peaceful democratic pressures as against the methods of
destruction and extermination. He was critical of both the communists and the socialists who,
according to him, were largely influenced by the literature on European socialism.
In India, Nehru argued, nationalism and rural economy constituted the core of the problem and.
as such, it could not be dealt with in terms of the industrial proletariat. European socialism had
never dealt with such conditions. Nehru was, therefore, convinced that if socialism was to be
established in India, it would have to grow out of Indian conditions.
Nehru did not subscribe to the Marxian theory of class-war and the dictatorship of the proletariat.
His admiration for the finer aspects of Marxism (as evident both in his works as well as in his
numerous speeches) was never uncritical or unqualified. He totally disliked the 'communist
policy of "ruthless suppression of political dissent and the wholesale regimentation. Moreover,
he was completely opposed to the methods of violence and hatred. He honestly believed that it
was possible to liquidate poverty and ensure a minimum standard of life for all without any
violent overthrow of the existing order. Even if conflicts did exist between classes, the best way
of resolving that conflict, according to him, was to put an end to it by peaceful methods.
It was Nehrus political conviction that India would have to march gradually in the direction of
socialism, but that march, he asserted, would be on different lines, different from a violent
overthrow of the existing social order. Nothing is so foolish he argued. As to imagine that
exactly the same process takes place in different countries with varying backgrounds." India
therefore will have to mind her own way to socialism which would avoid unnecessary sacrifice
and the possibility of chaos. Nehrus political ideas were conditioned by some of the liberal
democratic traditions of the nineteenth century. The brand of socialism which he advocated
could be achieved only through the democratic process.
One big problem with, had no clear doctrinal plan of action, nor was there anything like a
consensus, within either his party or the society at large, t o impart cohesion Nehrus view of
historical possibility was determined by his understanding of the Wests historical trajectory , in
which he saw universal significance. He was convinced that to maintain their newly won
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independence, Indians would have to entrust their future to a national state, whose central
responsibility would be to direct economic development ; but it also had to build a constitutional
,non -religious regime, extend social opportunities, and maintain sovereignty in the international

He strongly believed that democracy and socialism were not contradictory but complementary to
one other. His concept of social democracy does not amount to any serious infringement of
individual freedom and civil liberty. I do not see why under socialism there should not be a
great deal of freedom for the individual, indeed far greater freedom than the system gives .... "
His tremendous respect for human freedom and individual rights, on the one hand, and his total
opposition to authoritarianism and regimentation, on the other, and above all his practical
considerations arising out of his desire to carry the bulk of the people with the system, possibly
prevented him from accepting an ideologically rigid position.
Nehru was a practical idealist. He did not want to rely on idealistic principles while dealing
with the massive problems of an amorphous plural society with a clear semi-feudal background.
The problem with Nehru was that the intellectual in him prompted him to be a critic of both
communism and capitalism. He was aware of the inherent limitations of both and he wanted to
avoid them in the developmental model that he initiated. His lip service to some of the
fundamental tenets of Marxism was a mere intellectual exercise. But Nehru the political man,
faced by the appalling socio-economic conditions of a semi-feudal society, with all his awareness
of the actual character of the Indian National Congress, found favour with liberal democracy.
Also looking at the mass poverty, illiteracy and social backwardness in the country, Nehru could
not think of anything other than a socialist solution to that gigantic problem. But revolutionary
socialism was neither feasible nor inevitable because the human values of a free society had to be
preserved. His concept of socialism could be achieved only through a full democratic process,
through the consent of a majority. The task before Nehru was, therefore, to continuously educate
the people in the spirit of democratic socialism in order to win them over to that cause. This was
obviously a pragmatic approach based on political expediency and compromise and not on any
ideological conviction. He chose the method of persuasion than coercion.

The Idea of India, Sunil Khilnani, Penguin Books Publications, 1997, p. 67
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I dea of Planning and Development
While fighting for the top spot in Congress against Patel, Nehrus wish to use the state to pursue
policies of toleration and planned economic development came under fierce attack. In 1950 a
new flow of migrants from East Pakistan into India revived the demands of the Hindu
communalists to make the state an agent of Hindu interests, and within Congress Patel
manoeuvred energetically to curb further Nehrus efforts to take control of the government. But
at the end of 1950 Patel suddenly died, and with this chance event the command of the party
passed into Nehrus hands.

Another significant aspect of Nehru's model of economic development was the creation of a
consciousness of economic planning. Since the early forties it became quite apparent that his
bitter antagonism to capitalism was being modified. By that time, in several countries of the
West, capitalism had been civilized, tamed and toned down, and many of its old evils extricated
by the insistent demand of the masses.... these countries were working vigorously to provide a
better life for the masses.
Nehru who was aware of these developments, however, continued to stress the importance of
socialism for tackling contemporary economic and social problems. But, finally, he threw
himself in favour of a mixed economy as the most suitable and most practicable for India. It
would be an economy, he asserted, in which socialist principles and ideals would prevail
generally, along with a fair share of capitalism. Thus the concept of a welfare state, on the basis
of a mixed economy, in place of a completely socialized economy, became Nehru`s political
creed and model of economic development. Much before the advent of freedom, Nehru realized
the need for planning for the modernization and development of society. Insisted on planning for
socio-economic reconstruction thus became a cardinal feature of his thought. He was also deeply
impressed by the Soviet economic development through planning which, according to him,
caught the imagination of the world. In 1938, when the Congress decided to setup a National
Planning Committee` with Nehru as its Chairman, he boldly accepted the challenging task. He
took up the work in all earnestness and the statement of objectives made by him as Chairman of
the Planning Committee became a significant document on economic planning in India.

The Idea of India, Sunil Khilnani, Penguin Books Publications, 1997 p. 48
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To Nehru, planning was an inevitable process of a socialist economy in a democratic structure.
But he had no intention of frightening away any section of the people by stressing the socialist
aspect. He, therefore, chose to remain precise while formulating the aim of planning.
His concept of planning was not based on any dogmatic or doctrinaire considerations. He was
guided more by the desire for quick results than
by any ideological adherence. His only interest was to put the people on the road of steady
economic and social progress. I do not care what ism it is that helps me to set them on that road,
if one thing fails, we will try another." It was this uncommitted and flexible attitude that led him
to believe that a mixed economy was the most suitable for India. Nehru's concept of a mixed
economy envisaged the simultaneous participation of the public and private sectors in
Key sectors of the economy were wholly under state control while the private sector would
operate in other spheres. However, the private sector must be subject to state control so as to
make it function within the objective of the national plan While commenting on the role of the
private sector, Nehru observed. "The control over the private sector will relate not only to its
dividends and profits but will extend to all the strategic points in the economy of the country.
"He envisaged gradually more and more state control over the private sector in order to make the
mixed economy sufficiently capable of adapting itself to changing conditions.
Nehrus arguments in favour of a mixed economy might sound logical in the peculiar Indian
conditions. According to him, the choice before the country lay essentially between the socialist
and capitalist systems. But he was not prepared to exercise the choice in view of the limitations
inherent in both. Argued Nehru:

Western economics, though helpful, have little bearing on our present-
day problems. So also have Marxist economics which are, in many
ways, out of date even though they throw considerable light on
economic progress. We have thus to do our own thinking. profiting by
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the example of others, but essentially trying to and a path for ourselves
suited to our own conditions.

Thus it was clear that Nehru did not want to imitate any economic model of other countries.
India must evolve a system which suited her own requirements and genius. The ideal of a mixed
economy was thus considered to be the best.
Nehru was quite sincere and earnest in his efforts to develop an Indian model of planning and
development. However, the fact of the situation is that his efforts could not produce the desired
results. Despite his best intentions certain minimum standard of living was still a far cry for a
sizable section of the masses. The alarming growth of private capital and the colossal waste of
the national resources resulting from misplaced national priorities in planning have all
contributed to the ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor.
Nehrus Liberal Democracy
Nehru was the greatest champion of liberal democracy in India. Throughout his life, he stressed
the importance of democracy and passionately desired that free India went along the full
democratic process. His sensitive mind had absorbed much of the dominant concepts of modem
democratic thought. In fact, the intellectual and social influence of the West appeared to have
largely molded his liberal democratic ideas. This he confessed when he wrote; My roots are still
perhaps partly in the nineteenth century and I have been too much influenced by the humanist
liberal traditions to get out of it completely.
Nehrus concept of democracy had certain specific implications. In the early years of the struggle
for independence, democracy meant the ideal of self-rule or responsible government. During the
later years, his socialist ideas altered his views on democracy, stressing more and more its
economic aspects. In an ultimate analysis, democracy implied a mental approach applied to
political and economic problems. Broadly, democracy emphasized equality of opportunity for all
in the political and economic field and freedom for the individual to grow and develop to the best

The United States and India: A History Through Archives: The Formative Years, edited by Praveen K. Chaudhry,
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of his personality. It also involved a high degree of tolerance and a certain inquisitive search for
the truth. Democracy was thus the dynamic concept for Nehru.
Nehrus edging out of Patels ideology resulted in a democratic regime. Constitutional
democracy based on universal suffrage did not emerge from popular pressures for it within
Indian society; it was not wrested by the people from the state.

Nehru had tremendous respect for the freedom of man. He firmly believed that the creative and
adventurous spirit of man could grow only in an atmosphere of rights and freedom. To promote
and preserve the human values, both society and the individual must enjoy freedom.
Explaining the reasons for accepting the democratic process in India, Nehru observed: It is not
enough for us merely to produce the material goods of the world. We do want a high standard of
living, but not at the cost of man`s creative spirit, his creative energy. his spirit of adventure, not
at the cost of all fine things of life which have ennobled man throughout the ages. Democracy is
not merely a question of elections."
His concept of individual freedom necessarily implied freedom of speech and expression, of
association and many other fields of creative activities. The general health of a society, he
believed, was largely determined by the freedom of its people.
In Nehrus democratic thought, there was an integrated conception of political, economic and
social freedom which could not be separated from one another__ Realizing that the danger to
democracy lay essentially in the economic structure of society, Nehru pointed out that
democracy could grow and flourish only in an equal society. A serious weakness of Western
democracy, according to him, was that political power there became the monopoly of the
dominant class. The democratic machinery was often exploited to perpetuate class privileges and
interests. It also failed to solve the burning problem of inequality. The spirit of the age is in
favour of equality though practice denies it almost everywhere said Nehru, explaining the
democratic principle of equality in the Indian context.
One of the reasons for Nehrus fascination for democracy (as against authoritarianism) was that
the former was based on rationalism while the latter relied on dogmatism. Free discussion and an

The Idea of India, Sunil Khilnani, Penguin Books Publications, 1997, p. 46
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inquisitive search for the truth, which found no place in authoritarianism, constituted the essence
of democratic theory. Nehru had a tremendous faith in the spirit of man. The dismal failures of
mankind never depressed him. Being a liberal by taste and temperament, he believed in the
potentiality of human reason and mans ability for survival. However, he was very clear about
his social objective of establishing an economic democracy, which, in his terminology, was to be
a socialistic pattern of society. Such a society was to be based on cooperative effort providing
equal opportunity for all." It is, however, significant to note that when Nehru defined democracy
in terms of individual freedom, popular government, or social self-discipline, he was speaking of
the realities of the actual life. When he defined democracy in terms of economic and social
equality, he was speaking of an ideal, a distant goal to be achieved in due course.
Nehru frequently referred to the Gandhian doctrine of ends and means he obviously seemed to be
under its impact when he stressed the importance of social self-discipline. It was his strong belief
that social and political objectives must be sought only by non-violent methods if democracy was
to ensure individual liberty, Nehru held, then that liberty was to be considered in the larger
context of social responsibility.
Modernization plans of Nehru
Gifted with a fascinating scientific temper, Nehru recognized from the beginning the supreme
importance of science and technology for the modernization of Indian society. One of the most
striking characteristics of Western civilization, according to Nehru, was its rational and scientific
temper. By virtue of these, the Western mind was able to free itself from the shackles of
medievalism, from unreason, magic and superstition'. Rationalism and scientism seem to have
had a profound impact on Nehru's thinking. His persistent demand for them was based on his
conviction that India must break with much of her past and not allow the past to dominate the
present. In other words, India must get out of her traditional ways of thought and action.
Indian state embattled in contests over rights to territory from its inception. In two regions the
contests were never resolved and continue to this day: in the north-eastern homelands of the
Naga tribes, a region severed by the hasty scrawl of an imperial pen between India and Burma;
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and in Kashmir, whose Hindu king decided in 1948 to accede, with his predominantly Muslim
subjects, to the Indian Union under notoriously disputed circumstances.

During the long course of human history, Nehru observed, science revolutionized the conditions
of human life more than anything else. Man secured considerable relief from the burden of
miseries by the application of science and the scientific approach. The conquest of the physical
world by the mind of man was so remarkable that nature was no longer regarded as something
apart or distinct from himself. But science must have a will objective apart from being an
individuals search for truth and knowledge. Its objective should be to ward off the ills and evils
of the obscurity. In a country like India, science must think in terms of the Suffering millions'.
It was science alone, Nehru asserted, that could solve these problems of hunger and poverty,
of insanitation and illiteracy, or superstition and deadening custom and tradition, of vast
resources running to waste, of a rich country inhabited by starving people. Nehru insisted that a
scientific approach be accepted as a way of life, as a guiding principle, as a process of thinking.
This was absolutely essential according to him, to build the foundation of modern India. The
scientific temper was exceedingly manifest in Nehru when he said 'We have to build India on a
scientific foundation to develop her industries, to change that feudal character of her land system
and bring her agriculture in line with modern methods to develop the social services which she
lacks so utterly today. He strongly believed that national progress could be achieved neither by a
repetition of the past not by its denial. New patterns must be developed and integrated with the
old. This was all the more necessary for India because. Instead of relying on the present India
had heavily depended upon the past. She must get out of her obsession the supernatural and
metaphysical speculations. Religious, ceremonial and mystical emotionalism not only crippled
the mental discipline in India but also stood in the way of understanding ourselves and the world
at large. People in India will have to come to grips with. The present, Nehru said, because
there was only a one-way traffic in time and progress.
Nehru on Socialism
It was mainly due to Jawaharlal Nehrus efforts that India emerged as, secular state in the mid-
twentieth century. Much before independence he played a heroic role in the development of a

The Idea of India, Sunil Khilnani, Penguin Books Publications, 1997, p. 45
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secular basis for Indian polity. For him, secularism was essentially a social ideal to be promoted
in the interest of national unity and progress. He used every single opportunity to impress upon
the people the danger of mixing religion and politics. Communalism, he believed, could not only
weaken the very fabric of a society but also threaten its very existence.
Nehrus secularism found expression officially for the time in the resolution drafted by him on
Fundamental Rights and Duties` which was adopted by the Karachi Congress in 1931. Clause
(l)(ix) of the resolution read: The State shall observe neutrality in regard to all religions. The
secular state did not in any sense imply that religion ceased to be significant in the life of the
individual. It only meant the separation of the state from religion-a cardinal principle of modem
democratic practice. Nehru was vehemently opposed to the idea of a theocratic state which, in
his view, was both medieval and anti-democratic in character and had no place in the mind of a
modem individual.
Nehru favoured a strong secular base for the state primarily for the maintenance of social
stability and religious harmony among diverse groups. It was his firm conviction that a secular
state alone could better serve a community divided by diverse religious creeds and faiths. With
the state pledged to a secular way of life, the Constitution of India guaranteed the right to
freedom of religion as a fundamental right. Nehru was especially interested in the enumeration of
the Directive Principles of State Policy which suggested the creation of a uniform civil code for
all ill India. In order to maintain national unity and thereby to ensure order progress, a secular
approach was considered to be an imperative need- Nehrus achievement in this direction was
most praiseworthy and was acclaimed by even his critics.
His I dea of Modern Humanism
Nehru had a deep sense of respect for Indias heritage. He was visibly moved by its past glory
and present predicament. He passionately desired that the Indian people liberate themselves from
the shackles of the past, at the same time; he urged them to recondition their mind, equipping
themselves with the problems of the present and a perspective on the future. This, according to
him, was possible only when the people tried to imbibe the highest ideals of the present age-
humanism and scientific spirit. Despite an apparent conflict between the two, there was a
growing synthesis between humanism and scientific spirit, resulting in a kind of scientific
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humanism. What Nehru wrote in his Discovery of India probably revealed much of his mind.
Here he stated: The modern mind, that is to say the better type of the modem mind, is practical
and pragmatic, ethical and social, altruistic and humanitarian. It is governed by a practical
idealism for social betterment.... Humanity is its god and social service its religion."
Nehru was a multi-faceted personality. As a political leader, he did create in the Indian mind an
awareness of the movements and the significance of events in the outside world. As an
intellectual he could think far ahead of his surroundings, and his ideas did influence the
progressive forces in and outside the country. As a humanist he championed the cause of
humanity and devoted himself to the ideas of social progress. More than most of his
contemporaries, Nehru had a clear vision of modem India emerging as an integral part of a free
world community. He aspired to build a political order based upon the universal values of
freedom and social justice.
The true historical success of Nehrus rule lay not in a dissemination of democratic idealism but
in its establishment of the state at the core of Indias society.
The state was enlarged, its
ambitions inflated, and it was transformed from a distant, alien object into one that aspired to
infiltrate the everyday lives of Indians, proclaiming itself responsible for everything they could
desire: jobs, ration cards, educational places, security, cultural recognition. The state thus etched
itself into the imagination of Indians in a way that no previous political agency had ever done.
This was the enduring legacy of the Nehru period. Democratic habits rapidly became hollow
routines, and a bare decade after his death in 1964, his daughter had initiated the country into a
very different politics.

Surpassing all in his influence on independent Indias political possibilities was Jawaharlal
Nehru. Born in 1889 to an astoundingly successful and ambitious provincial Brahmin lawyer, he
was dispatched to be educated at Harrow, Cambridge and Londons Inner Temple. On his he
drifted into nationalist politics through the influence of theosophy and Annie Besant,

The Idea of India, Sunil Khilnani, Penguin Books Publications, 1997, p. 52
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established a powerful and intriguing relationship with Gandhi , and, as Indias first prime
minister after 1947, decisively shaped his countrys politics. Nehru through his various political
policies of Socialism, Liberalism, Modern Humanism and Secularism to name a few, had
successfully implemented a lot of his policies and won three consecutive terms as the Prime
Minister of newborn India. He nurtured India to the path of modernization and tried to improve
the economy through the constitution of the Planning Commission. Nehru while successful and
hardworking as a leader who built the nation, his success was eclipsed by the failures of his
daughter Indira who essentially attacked the institutions of democracy and secularism her father
built and worked upon caused a lot of affect on his image. Its quite apt to say that the sins of
seven successive generations have dawned upon the father.
The true historical success of Nehrus rule lay not in a dissemination of democratic idealism but
in its establishment of the state at the core of Indias society.
So it is not right to say that he was
not a worthy Prime Minister of India. Hence, the first hypothesis fails. The state was enlarged, its
ambitions inflated, and it was transformed from a distant, alien object into one that aspired to
infiltrate the everyday lives of Indians, proclaiming itself responsible for everything they could
desire: jobs, ration cards, educational places, security, cultural recognition. The state thus etched
itself into the imagination of Indians in a way that no previous political agency had ever done.
This was the enduring legacy of the Nehru period. Democratic habits rapidly became hollow
routines, and a bare decade after his death in 1964, his daughter had initiated the country into a
very different politics.
In a nutshell, Nehru helped the nation develop and achieve a better democratic foray coupled
with great international relations during his stable rule of three terms as the Premier of the largest
democracy in the world. Hence the second hypothesis that Nehru had a broad idea of Indias
future keeping into mind his policies of secularism, liberalism, swaraj, etc., stands to be true.

The Idea of India, Sunil Khilnani, Penguin Books Publications, 1997 p. 50
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The Discovery of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, Oxford University Press,
The Idea of India, Sunil Khilnani, Penguin Publishers India, 1997
Political Thought in Modern India : Jawaharlal Nehrus Political
Thought, R.C Pillai, Sage Publications, 1986
The Essential Writings of Jawaharlal Nehru, Edited by S. Gopal and
Uma Iyengar, Oxford University Press, 2003

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