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, published online August 21, 2014; Geological Society of America Special Papers

Eric Font, Sbastien Fabre, Anne Ndlec, et al.

Magnetic and mineral evidence
Atmospheric halogen and acid rains during the main phase of Deccan eruptions:

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The Geological Society of America
Special Paper 505
Atmospheric halogen and acid rains during the main phase of
Deccan eruptions: Magnetic and mineral evidence
Eric Font*
Instituto Dom Lus, Faculdade de Cincias, Universidade de Lisboa (IDL-FCUL),
Edifcio C8-8.3.22, Campo Grande, 1749-016, Portugal
Sbastien Fabre
Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Plantologie (IRAP), Observatoire Midi-Pyrnes (OMP),
Universit de Toulouse, 31028 Toulouse 24 Cedex 4, France
Anne Ndlec
Gosciences Environnement Toulouse (GET), UMR 5563, Universit de Toulouse, 31400 Toulouse, France
Thierry Adatte
Earth Sciences Institute (ISTE), Universit de Lausanne, Geopolis, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Gerta Keller
Geosciences Department, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA
Cristina Veiga-Pires
Centro de Investigao Marinha e Ambiental (CIMA), Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia,
Universidade do Algarve, Campus de Gambelas, 8005-139 Faro, Portugal
Jorge Ponte
Instituto Dom Lus, Universidade de Lisboa (IDL-UL), Edifcio C8-8.3.22, Campo Grande, 1749-016, Portugal
Jos Miro
HERCULES Laboratory (HERana CULtural Estudos e Salvaguarda/Cultural Heritage Studies and Safeguard),
University of Evora, 7000-809 Evora, Portugal
Hassan Khozyem
Earth Sciences Institute (ISTE), Universit de Lausanne, Geopolis, CH-1015 Lausanne,
Switzerland and Geology Department, Faculty of Sciences, Aswan University, 81528-Aswan, Egypt
Jorge E. Spangenberg
Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics (IDYST), University of Lausanne,
Building Gopolis, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
*[email protected]
Gold Open Access: This chapter is published under the terms of the CC-BY license and is available open access on
Font, E., Fabre, S., Ndlec, A., Adatte, T., Keller, G., Veiga-Pires, C., Ponte, J., Miro, J., Khozyem, H., and Spangenberg, J., 2014, Atmospheric halogen and acid
rains during the main phase of Deccan eruptions: Magnetic and mineral evidence, in Keller, G., and Kerr, A.C., eds., Volcanism, Impacts, and Mass Extinctions:
Causes and Effects: Geological Society of America Special Paper 505, p. 353368, doi:10.1130/2014.2505(18). For permission to copy, contact editing@geosociety.
org. 2014 The Geological Society of America. All rights reserved.
on August 28, 2014 Downloaded from
354 Font et al.
The history of Earth is punctuated by ve severe global cli-
matic and environmental catastrophes that led to nearly total mass
extinctions of calcareous marine and many continental species.
The most famous case is the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary
(KPB or Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary [KTB]) mass extinction,
which is still the center of acrimonious debates between partisans
of the bolide impact theory (Schulte et al., 2010) and those who
favor a terrestrial origin linked to Deccan Traps volcanism (Cour-
tillot, 2012; Keller et al., 2012). Others argue that each process,
individually, is unlikely to have caused a global biological col-
lapse, and a scenario of multiple causes is preferred (White and
Saunders, 2005; Keller et al., 2009; Renne et al., 2013).
In recent years, Deccan volcanism studies have resulted in
major advances that now facilitate recognition and evaluation of
its global effects, such as attempted in this study. For example,
three discrete Deccan volcanism phases with variable intensity
have been dated based on magnetostratigraphy and
Ar ages
(Chenet et al., 2007): Phase 1 in the early late Maastrichtian (base
magnetozone C30n, ca. 67.4 Ma) accounts for ~6% of the total
lava pile, which today forms mountain peaks of 3500 m (Self et
al., 2006). Most of the lava pile (80%) erupted during phase 2
in the latest Maastrichtian paleomagnetic chron C29r. The nal
phase 3 erupted in the early Danian base of C29n and accounts
for ~14% of total Deccan eruptions (Chenet et al., 2007, 2008;
Keller et al., 2011, 2012). The original size prior to erosion is
estimated to have been 1.5 10
, and the volume of lava
extruded is estimated at ~1 10
(Self et al., 2006; Chenet
et al., 2007).
Most critical for the current study is Deccan volcanism phase
2, which has been directly linked to the Cretaceous- Paleogene
boundary mass extinction in outcrops and deep wells of the
Krishna-Godavari Basin in India (Keller et al., 2011, 2012).
These studies revealed Earths longest lava megaows (Self et
al., 2008a), 1500 km across India near the end of phase 2, with
the nal megaow at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary mass
extinction (Keller et al., 2008).
Current research thus narrows the main phase 2 of Dec-
can volcanism to the geologically short interval of the Creta-
ceous planktic foraminiferal zone CF1, which spans the last
~160,000 yr below to the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary,
whereas the Chicxulub impact is commonly placed at the
Cretaceous- Paleogene boundary (Schulte et al., 2010) or within
zone CF1 preceding the mass extinction (Keller et al., 2012).
This short interval limits our ability to separate the main Dec-
can volcanic phase (i.e., phase 2) from the Chicxulub impact
within resolvable radiometric ages and to evaluate their respec-
tive biotic effects and their contributions to the Cretaceous-
Paleogene boundary mass extinction. Radiometric (K-Ar and
Ar-Ar) methods are subject to intrinsic errors (~1%2%), linked
to interlaboratory calibration, imprecise K and Ar isotopic stan-
dards (Fish Canyon standard), and uncertainty of decay con-
stants (Kuiper et al., 2008; Channell et al., 2010; Renne et al.,
2010, 2013), preventing any precise radiometric age correlation
between continental Deccan ood basalts and the mass extinc-
tion recorded in marine sections. In addition, because volcanic
mineralogical markers (aerosols) are generally restricted to the
vicinity of the volcanic source, the discrimination between Dec-
can phase 2 and the Chicxulub impact in distal sections is even
harder within such a short temporal interval.
Are volcanic signals present but unrecognized outside
India? A recent study of Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary sec-
tions at Bidart, France, and Gubbio, Italy, suggests so (Font et
al., 2011). In these sections, a 50-cm-thick yellow-red interval
of very low magnetic susceptibility (MS) directly underlies the
Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary (Fig. 1), as also observed in
Oman (Ellwood et al., 2003) and other marine sections. Pre-
liminary data indicate that this low-MS interval contains an
enigmatic Cl-rich iron oxyhydroxide that could have formed by
Environmental changes linked to Deccan volcanism are still poorly known. A
major limitation resides in the paucity of direct Deccan volcanism markers and in
the geologically short interval where both impact and volcanism occurred, making
it hard to evaluate their contributions to the mass extinction. We investigated the
low-magnetic-susceptibility interval just below the iridium-rich layer of the Bidart
(France) section, which was recently hypothesized to be the result of paleoenviron-
mental perturbations linked to paroxysmal Deccan phase 2. Results show a drastic
decrease of detrital magnetite and presence of scarce akaganeite, a hypothesized
reaction product formed in the aerosols derived from reaction of a volcanic plume
with water and oxygen in the high atmosphere. A weathering model of the conse-
quences of acidic rains on a continental regolith reveals nearly complete magnetite
dissolution after ~31,000 yr, which is consistent with our magnetic data and falls
within the duration of the Deccan phase 2. These results highlight the nature and
importance of the Deccan-related environmental changes leading up to the end-
Cretaceous mass extinction.
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Evidence of atmospheric halogen and acid rains during the main phase of Deccan eruptions 355
interaction between HCl-rich volcanic gas and aerosols in the
high atmosphere (Font et al., 2011). The plate-like morphol-
ogy and well-preserved texture of this newly discovered min-
eral strongly contrast with the detrital aspect of titanomagnetite
and suggest an eolian origin for its transport. Recent numeri-
cal modeling showed that penetrative convection driven by
the cooling of the Deccan lavas may have generated buoyant
atmospheric plumes (Kaminski et al., 2011). In such a situation,
aerosols would have been able to rise to the stratosphere, pro-
viding an explanation for a rather long halogen residence time
in the atmosphere and the eventual transport of their reaction
products to Bidart and Gubbio sections.
Figure 1. Geological settings and biostratigraphy of the Bidart section. (A) Paleoenvironmental context of the
Biscay Bay. (B) The Erretegia Beach showing the white-pink Danian limestones and the Maastrichtian marls cut
by a fault. (C) The Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary showing (D) the typical dark clay layer and the yellow-
red interval of low magnetic susceptibility (MS) values in the upper Maastrichtian. (E) Example of hand block
collected at the outcrop. (F) Example of a block cut into small plates, by using a nonmagnetic Dremel saw, for
subsequent magnetic analyses.
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356 Font et al.
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the mag-
netic and mineralogical characteristics of the uppermost Maas-
trichtian at Bidart, France, in order to determine the potential
signature of Deccan volcanism. To achieve this objective, the
following evaluations were performed: (1) Determine the pres-
ence of zone CF1 (latest Maastrichtian correlative with Dec-
can phase 2) based on high-resolution biostratigraphy and
chemostratigraphy (carbon and oxygen isotopes). (2) Perform
high-resolution (centimeter-scale) magnetic analyses and
microscope observations focused on the last meter of the Maas-
trichtian, including the low-MS interval, to determine its min-
eral content and origin. (3) Identify the enigmatic Cl- bearing
iron oxyhydroxide and evaluate its possible formation and
subsequent transport in relation with the Deccan volcanism.
(4) Quantify the effects of acid rains on a continental regolith
using a numerical weathering model.
For biostratigraphic and faunal analyses, samples were pro-
cessed using standard methods (Keller et al., 1995). Samples
were washed through 38 m and 63 m sieves and oven dried at
50 C. Species preservation is generally good, though shells are
recrystallized and affected by dissolution. Dissolution effects are
apparent below the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary coincident
with the low-MS interval and a major increase in benthic species.
In the 25 cm below the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, almost
all carbonate shells are dissolved due to intense dissolution. Fau-
nal analysis was conducted on three size fractions (3863 m,
63150 m, >150 m) with the quantitative analysis based on
3863 m and 63150 m size fractions.
We measured MS, saturation isothermal remanent magne-
tization (SIRM), and coercivity-dependent magnetic properties
(e.g., IRM
= S-ratio, mean acquisition eld [B
Mass-specic MS is mainly controlled by ferromagnetic (i.e.,
iron oxide) and paramagnetic (i.e., clay) contents, whereas iso-
thermal remanent magnetization (IRM) is mostly sensitive to
ferro/ferrimagnetic and antiferromagnetic particles, even in very
low amounts. MS was measured with a MFK1 (AGICO) appara-
tus at the Institute Dom Lus Laboratory (Portugal) and reported
relative to mass-specic m
/kg by dividing by density. Samples
were cleaned by alternating elds (AF) treatment and submitted
to IRM measurements using an impulse magnetizer (IM-1030).
IRM curves were then analyzed using a cumulative log-Gaussian
function (Kruiver et al., 2001) in order to discriminate magnetic
phases by their respective coercivity spectra. IRM data are nor-
malized by the mass (unit in Am
/kg) with a constant volume of
10 cm
. Fresh rock fragments were also observed under a Hita-
chi S-3700N scanning electron microscope (SEM) coupled to a
Bruker XFlash 5010 energy dispersive spectra (EDS) detec-
tor at the Hercules Laboratory (Evora, Portugal). EDS provides
semiquantitative compositional analysis.
We also measured the color by using diffuse reectance spec-
trophotometry (DRS) analysis, which is based on the percentage
reectance of a sample relative to white light and provides quali-
tative information about mineralogical and grain-size variations.
DRS data were converted into a color by using the Munsell Color
System and are represented in L*a*b* coordinates following the
Commission International de lclairage (CIE, 1976), where L*
is the lightness/darkness, a* is the redness/greenness, and b* is
the yellowness/blueness. Data were obtained using a X-Rite
Colortron spectrophotometer from 86 rock powders, in order
to avoid grain-size effects, and after three series of measurements.
Isotopic analyses were performed at the University of Lau-
sanne on a Thermo Fisher Scientic (Bremen, Germany) Gas-
Bench II carbonate preparation device connected to a Thermo
Fisher Scientic Delta Plus XL continuous-ow isotope ratio
mass spectrometer (IRMS). CO
was extracted at 70 C. Isotopic
ratios of carbon and oxygen are reported in the delta () notation
as the per mil () deviation relative to the Vienna Peedee belem-
nite standard (VPDB). The analytical reproducibility estimated
from replicate analyses of the international calcite standard NBS-
19 and the laboratory standards of Carrara marble was better than
0.05 for
and 0.1 for
In order to discuss the origin of the loss in detrital magnetite
just below the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, we processed a
numerical weathering model. We used the PHREEQC program
(Parkhurst and Appelo, 1999) developed by the U.S. Geologi-
cal Survey for modeling water-rock interactions, coupled with
the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory database. The pro-
gram determines the chemical speciation of aqueous solutes and
the fugacities of gases, and it attributes each component of the
solution to stable aqueous species. It also calculates the activity
coefcients of water and the aqueous species, as well as the satu-
ration index of the solution with respect to all the solid phases of
the database. The weathered rock material is a monolithologic
sandy regolith, assumed to have the same mineral composition
as the mean continental upper crust (or typical granodiorite) and
forming a layer subjected to drainage conditions and reacting
with rainwater initially equilibrated with volcanic gases.
In our hypothesis, the initial magnetic particles accumulate
from the parent rock during pedogenesis. The regolith alteration
is assumed to proceed by a continuous batch process in water-
saturated sediment, where the pore water is being periodically
replaced by an equivalent volume of fresh rainwater at each rain
event (Fabre et al., 2011; Fabre and Berger, 2012). The surface
percentage of magnetite is taken equal to 1.8% (Table 1). The
mineral reactive surface (A) is calculated according a simple
parametric law assumed to be a correct approximation of the
solid Brunauer-Emmet-Teller (BET) surface (i.e., method of
adsorbing-desorbing gases at the mineral surface in order to
measure the surface area; Brunauer et al., 1938; Sverdrup and
Warfvinge, 1995):
A = (8.0x
+ 2.2x
+ 0.3x
+ 0.0x
), (1)
where x
, x
, x
, and x
represent fractions of clay, silt,
sand, and coarse materials in the sandy regolith, and is the
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Evidence of atmospheric halogen and acid rains during the main phase of Deccan eruptions 357
regolith density in g/m
. Other relevant characteristics of the
regolith are reported in Table 2.
The rain frequency is linked to the presumed Maastrichtian
climate, namely, tropical hot and humid. The runoff is taken as
equal to present-day values: 11 L s
(Gaillardet et al., 1999).
Numerous studies of current conditions indicate the potential
role of acidic rainwater in the mobilization of metals (Floor et
al., 2011). In this study, we assumed a pH between 3.3 and 4.3,
which is typical of rainwater resulting from the mixing between
volcanic plumes and atmospheric aerosols (Chudaeva et al.,
2006; Calabrese et al., 2011; Floor et al., 2011). These values
were measured in the neighborhood of active volcanoes such as
Mount Etna. After each rain event, magnetite and rainwater react
to reach equilibrium. The overall dissolution rate of the minerals,
, considered as a rst-order law, is equal to:

k o w
dn Q
R k AS
dt K

= =

where R
stands for bulk dissolution rate of mineral k, k
is the
dissolution rate constant in mol m
, A is the reactive surface
area of the solid (m
), S
is the soil moisture (xed at 30% as a
mean value; Sverdrup and Warfvinge, 1995), and Q/K is the satu-
ration ratio. Thermodynamic constants are taken from Fabre et al.
(2011) and White et al. (1994). No specic precipitation law was
imposed for secondary phases, assuming that secondary phase
formation is controlled by the dissolution of source minerals.
Moreover, we assumed that the reaction is not controlled by the
diffusion through the oxide layer as observed in closed reactors
(White et al., 1994). The amount of dissolved magnetite in moles
is calculated during each increment. The nal value is the time
required to dissolve a signicant percentage of the initial mag-
netite mass (90%) corresponding to the observed MS decrease.
The Bidart section is generally considered as one of the
most complete Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary sections world-
wide because of a thin clay layer and Ir anomaly (Bont et al.,
1984; Ward and Kennedy, 1993; Vonhof and Smit, 1997; Galbrun
and Gardin, 2004). However, in previous studies, the zone CF1
index species was not observed, leaving doubt as to the presence
of a complete sediment record below the Cretaceous-Paleogene
boundary. In this study, the zone CF1 index species (Plummerita
hantkeninoides) was observed, conrming the presence of the
correlative interval with Deccan phase 2.
A second independent test for the presence of the uppermost
Maastrichtian can be obtained from oxygen and carbon isotopes,
and more specically the global climate warming, which begins
in zone CF2 and continues into the lower part of CF1 and the
subsequent cooling prior to the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary
(Fig. 2; Li and Keller, 1998; Stuben et al., 2003; Wilf et al., 2003;
Abramovich et al., 2010). We measured carbon and oxygen iso-
tope compositions for the entire section (~6 m) at 20 cm intervals,
as well as at higher resolution (5 cm intervals) for the low-MS
interval of the top 1 m, with comparable results (Figs. 23; Table
1). These data show the climate warming beginning in zone CF2
and proceeding into CF1, followed by cooling correlative with
South Atlantic Site 525 (Fig. 2). Note that zones CF2 and CF1
span the last 160 and 120 k.y. at the end of the Maastrichtian,
respectively. This study thus demonstrates the presence of the lat-
est Maastrichtian at Bidart correlative with Deccan phase 2.
In this study, we hypothesize that Deccan volcanism caused
acid rain and ocean acidication. If this is the case, then it should be
reected in the calcareous shells of planktic foraminifera and more
specically by the loss of dissolution-prone thin-walled species.
We observed increasing dissolution effects in planktic foraminifera
at the Bidart section in the 50 cm below the Cretaceous-Paleogene
Granodiorite Sandy regolith
Silicates % of mineral surface k
(T = 20 C) in mole Si m

Quartz 29.9 3.16E12
Albite 29.9 9.49E12
Anorthite 22.8 6.32E12
Orthose 15.6 9.49E12
Oxides % of mineral surface k
(T = 20 C) in mole Fe m

Magnetite (pH = 3.3)
Magnetite (pH = 4.3) 2.39E10
Magnetite (pH = 5.6) 1.30E10
Property For 1 m
Density of regolith (kg m
) 2.7
Thickness of soil (m) 0.32
Porosity (%) 20
Reactive surface (g m
) 1,600,000
Runoff (L s
) 11
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358 Font et al.
boundary and correlative with the low-MS interval, with maxi-
mum dissolution effects (nearly all species dissolved) in the 20 cm
below the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary (Fig. 2). Increased car-
bonate dissolution below the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary has
been observed in many sequences (e.g., Smit, 1990; Pardo et al.,
1996), but no systematic recording is available to date because the
cause has remained unknown. Only recently has Deccan volcanism
been identied as a potential cause.
The Bidart section was sampled at 1 cm intervals to deter-
mine the magnetic properties in the last meter of the Maastrich-
tian marls (Figs. 1E1F). Our new high-resolution mass-specic
MS analyses conrm the presence of the low-MS interval from
5 to 50 cm below the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary (Fig. 3).
The transition to the more characteristic MS values of the Maas-
trichtian marls at the base of the interval is gradual, suggesting a
progressive change in paleoenvironmental conditions rather than
the existence of a hiatus or a fault.
IRM curves show that the main magnetic carrier of the
Danian limestones is a low-coercivity phase identied under
SEM microscope as detrital titanomagnetite (Fig. 4A). The
Danian dark clay layer and the Maastrichtian marls located below
the low-MS interval are characterized by a bimodal association
(low to high) of coercivity spectra (magnetite and hematite/goe-
thite), whereas the high-coercivity phase alone characterizes the
low-MS interval (Fig. 4A). After unmixing raw IRM curves by
using the cumulative Log-Gaussian (CLG) function (Robertson
and France, 1994; Kruiver et al., 2001), two to three magnetic
phases (called components) were isolated (Fig. 4B). Compo-
nents 1 and 2 correspond to low- to medium- coercivity phases
with values of mean acquisition eld (B
) varying from 24 to 80
mT and 57 to 77 mT, respectively (Fig. 4B). CLG parameters of
component 1 are in the range of magnetite and maghemite pop-
ulations commonly found in sedimentary rocks (Kruiver et al.,
Figure 2. Carbon and oxygen isoto-
pic compositions of the Bidart section
and correlation with the South Atlantic
(Deep Sea Drilling Project [DSDP] Site
525A; Li and Keller, 1998). The mass-
specic magnetic susceptibility (MS)
proles compiled from Font et al. (2011)
and the present study are also shown.
KPBCretaceous-Paleogene boundary;
VPDBVienna Peedee belemnite.
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Evidence of atmospheric halogen and acid rains during the main phase of Deccan eruptions 359
Figure 3. (Top) Magnetic susceptibility (Font et al., 2011; this study) and color proles along with carbon and oxygen isotope data of the Maas-
trichtian outcrop at Bidart above the fault line. Carbon and oxygen isotopes mark the climate cooling of the uppermost zone CF1 (see Fig. 2).
Diffuse reectance spectrophotometry shows an increase in red-yellowcolored iron oxides (i.e., akaganeite) in the interval of low-magnetic-
susceptibility (MS) values. (Bottom) High-resolution mass-specic MS and isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) parameters (mean acqui-
sition eld [B
], saturation isothermal remanent magnetization [SIRM]) of the last meter of Maastrichtian marls and the Cretaceous-Paleogene
boundary (KPB). The Maastrichtian marls are marked by three magnetic phases (components 1, 2, and 3) assigned to detrital magnetite, biogenic
magnetite, and hematite, respectively. The low-MS interval with akaganeite shows a loss in low- to medium-coercivity magnetic phases (com-
ponents 1 and 2). Red squares on the MS prole show samples analyzed by scanning electron microscopy coupled to energy dispersive spectra
(SEM-EDS) and illustrated in Figure 5. Numbered intervals (from 1 to 6) refer to IRM data (shown in Fig. 4).
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360 Font et al.
Figure 4. (A) Raw isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM; saturation isothermal remanent magnetization [SIRM])
curves of the Bidart section show that all sedimentary intervals are dominated by bimodal to trimodal distributions of
remanent spectra, attributed to magnetite and hematite. (B) IRM data treated by the cumulative log-Gaussian function
(Kruiver et al., 2001). In most Maastrichtian samples, component 1 (detrital magnetite) contributes to more than 90% of
the magnetic signal, whereas component 2 (biomagnetite?) and component 3 (hematite) have minor contributions. The
low-magnetic-susceptibility (MS) interval is characterized by very low magnetite content, disappearance of biogenic
magnetite, and relative increase in hematite.
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Evidence of atmospheric halogen and acid rains during the main phase of Deccan eruptions 361
2001) and at Bidart (Galbrun and Gardin, 2004). Component 2 is
observed in the whole section except in the low-MS interval, and
it exhibits slightly higher coercivity (log B
) and lower disper-
sion parameter (DP) values than component 1 (Fig. 4B). The very
small dispersion of coercivity and DP parameters of component
2 (Fig. 4B) argues for the presence of a homogeneous population
of the magnetic carrier in terms of grain size and composition
(Egli, 2004). Such homogeneity and the very narrow distribution
of component 2 (mean DP = 0.12) are usually indicative of the
presence of magnetic grains (magnetosomes) produced by mag-
netotactic bacteria (Egli, 2004; Abrajevitch and Kodama, 2009,
2011). Values of remanent coercivity (B
) of the hard fraction
vary between 389 and 1479 mT and are typical of antiferromag-
netic behavior, similar to hydroxides suc h as hematite or goethite
commonly found in marine rocks (Kruiver et al., 2003). How-
ever, goethite has not been identied under thermomagnetic anal-
ysis (Font et al., 2011). Akaganeite is paramagnetic at ambient
temperature (Nel temperature of 290 K) and thus cannot be the
carrier of the high-coercivity curve. Hematite is therefore likely
the high-coercivity phase.
The decrease in MS values can be explained by reduced
detrital titanomagnetite (and biogenic magnetite) content, the
main magnetic carrier of the Maastrichtian marls at Bidart (Galb-
run and Gardin, 2004; Font et al., 2011), as observed by a charac-
teristic reduction in mass-normalized SIRM values of component
1 and 2 (Fig. 34). A maximum 90% reduction in component 1 +
2 remanence is observed in the middle part of the interval (Fig. 3).
We observed more than 10 samples, including the Danian
and Maastrichtian sediments. SEM observations coupled to EDS
show the occurrence of Cl-bearing iron hydroxides with a specu-
lar, plate-like morphology and grain sizes <1040 m (Fig. 5).
This mineral was only observed in samples from the low-MS
interval, whereas Fe-Ti iron oxides are the sole magnetic carriers
in the rest of the section. EDS spectra show the presence of Fe,
O, Cl, and Ca. Compositional mapping reveals only Fe and Cl
together, whereas Ca is associated with the sediment matrix (Fig.
5). Ti-bearing iron oxides (Ti being an indicator of detrital origin)
are rare in samples from the low-MS interval but exist either as
small (<10 m) cubic-like and eroded crystals of magnetite or as
severely altered ilmenite (Fig. 6).
We infer that the Cl-rich iron hydroxide corresponds to
akaganeite, in agreement with our SEM-EDS data. Concentra-
tion in Cl was estimated by semiquantitative analysis of EDS
spectra (more than 20 analyses) and varies between 0.68 and
4.64 wt%, which we consider corresponds to a minimum value
since other elements contained in the matrix also contribute to the
calculation. The association Fe-Cl is explained by the hollandite-
type structure of akaganeite (Post and Buchwald, 1991). In this
arrangement, the octahedral sites are occupied by iron cations,
whereas Cl

ions partially ll the tunnels. The subeuhedral and

plate-like morphologies of the crystals contrast with the eroded
aspect of the detrital titanomagnetite and rather argue for an
eolian transport mechanism (Fig. 6). Grain sizes from micro-
meter to tens of micrometers are in the range of Quaternary eolian
dust (Maher, 2011). The presence of akaganeite, which strongly
reects in the yellow-brown region, is also consistent with DRS,
which show signicant trends in the low-MS interval in the red
(CIE_a) and yellow (CIE_b) colors (Fig. 3). It also explains the
characteristic yellow-brown color of the low-MS interval at Bid-
art (Figs. 1 and 3).
Akaganeite: A New Deccan Marker?
The discovery of akaganeite in the low-MS interval at Bid-
art (this study) and at Gubbio (Font et al., 2011) just below the
Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary mass extinction and coeval
with the main Deccan phase 2 argues for a volcanic origin. The
subeuhedral and plate-like morphologies of the newly found aka-
ganeite crystals contrast with the eroded aspect of detrital mag-
netite, and their scarcity (<0.1 wt%) in the sedimentary matrix
is compatible with eolian transport from a distant source. Aka-
ganeite (-Fe
Cl) is rare in natural conditions but a common
product of corrosion of steel or archaeological items in marine
environments because its formation requires large concentrations
of both dissolved Fe(II) and chloride ions (Reguer et al., 2007;
Remazeilles and Refait, 2007, 2008). Akaganeite is also described
from weathered steel exposed to an acidic atmosphere (Li et al.,
2008). Johnston (1977) described akaganeite co-occurring with
jarosite near the steaming fumarole vents of the White Island vol-
cano in New Zealand. Akaganeite also precipitates naturally as a
pure mineral phase with an average Fe/Cl molar ratio of 6.7 from
oxidation of iron sulde minerals during occasional drying of sul-
de sediments from Australian wetlands (Bibi et al., 2011). Natu-
rally occurring akaganeite is also observed in weathered mete-
orites, especially from cold environments such as the Antarctic
continent (Bland et al., 1997; Lee and Bland, 2004). Akaganeite
from meteorites often contains a small amount of Ni.
Akaganeite crystals found in the Bidart and Gubbio sedi-
ments do not have the composition of meteorite-derived aka-
ganeite. Their formation in periodically dried suldic coastal
wetlands in the vicinity of the Deccan Traps is a possible sce-
nario, but in this hypothesis their transportation to Gubbio (Italy)
and Bidart (France) is highly unlikely (Font et al., 2011). How-
ever, their formation in relation with Deccan volcanic degassing
followed by eolian transport is a possible scenario.
Metal transfer (notably Fe but also Na, K, Zn) from degassing
lava to the atmosphere as simple chlorides has been observed and
predicted by thermochemical modeling. These compounds are
highly volatile, especially when the lava is at a high temperature.
We infer that akaganeite results from a gaseous reaction between
such iron chlorine compounds and volcanic/atmospheric gases,
such as water and oxygen. The structural formula of akaganeite
(oxyhydroxide and not oxide) pleads for a reaction at a rather
on August 28, 2014 Downloaded from
362 Font et al.
Figure 5. Scanning electron microscopy
coupled to energy dispersive spectra (EDS)
and composition mapping of the Cl-bearing
iron hydroxide found in the interval of low-
magnetic-susceptibility (MS) values at Bidart.
on August 28, 2014 Downloaded from
Evidence of atmospheric halogen and acid rains during the main phase of Deccan eruptions 363
low temperature. Indeed, at temperatures higher than 550 C,
akaganeite would react to form hematite. At these temperatures,
is the most abundant iron species, whereas at temperatures
higher than 750 C, it is replaced by Fe(OH)
(Symonds and
Reed, 1993). FeCl
sublimates rapidly (64.4 mg/100 mL), allow-
ing its dissolution in the aqueous and atmospheric medium. Fe

and Cl

ions could then react according to the following equation

to form akaganeite:
+ Cl

+ 3/2H
O + 3/4O
(g) = -Fe
. (3)
Considering a standard free energy of formation for
Cl (Remazeilles and Refait, 2007) and enthalpies of
aqueous Fe(II), Cl(II), and water (Wagman et al., 1982), the com-
puted G
is 280.74 kJ mol
. According to this reactive path-
way, the akaganeite formation is thermodynamically possible.
Delivery of SO
and halogens to the atmosphere by active
volcanoes is well known, especially for arc volcanism (Pyle and
Mather, 2009), but it also occurs in continental ood basalt erup-
tions (Thordarson and Self, 1996; Self et al., 2008b). Glass analy-
ses recently demonstrated that Deccan basalts were responsible
for a huge HCl input into the atmosphere (4 10
g SO
1 10
g HCl released into the atmosphere per cubic kilometer
of lava; Self et al., 2008b), conrming former scenarios (Glasby
and Kunzendorf, 1996). The volume of lavas extruded during
Deccan phase 2 is ~80% of the total lava volume, i.e., ~10

(Self et al., 2006). These gures are fairly consistent with the
calculations of Black et al. (2012) for the Siberian Traps, which
are suggested to have released 7 10
g S and 39 10
g Cl
into the atmosphere. In the latter case, the variability of Cl degas-
sing is due to the possible contribution of contact heating and
metamorphism of the Tunguska sediments. The Kilauea volcano
in Hawaii sometimes generates additional HCl when lavas ow
into the sea (Edmonds and Gerlach, 2006). Using the conserva-
tive hypothesis of 1 10
g HCl released by Deccan phase 2 for
200,000 yr, a mean value of 5 Mt Cl and 10 Mt S per year would
Figure 6. Additional scanning electron microscopy photographs and energy dispersive spectra (EDS) spectra of plate-like and semihexagonal
akaganeite and eroded and severely altered Ti-bearing iron oxides.
on August 28, 2014 Downloaded from
364 Font et al.
have been released into the atmosphere (i.e., quantities equivalent
to one Pinatubo eruption every year or every 2 yr for 200,000 yr).
These calculations assume a rather unrealistic regular volcanic
gas production and over a much longer time period than the cur-
rently estimated tens of thousands of years to at most 50,000
100,000 yr (Chenet et al., 2008). Despite these uncertainties, it is
obvious that Deccan phase 2 corresponds to a severe atmospheric
change and was responsible for major environmental hazards due
to acid rains over tens of thousands of years, as recently sug-
gested by Ward (2009).
The fate of the acidic gases depends on humidity at the
emission site, because of their very high water solubility. At the
time of Deccan phase 2 volcanism, India was a large island in
the southern part of the Tethys Ocean located at ~21S. Climate
was relatively warm and humid, but arid close to the Deccan
volcanic province as a result of mock aridity (e.g., volcani-
cally induced conditions and extreme geochemical alkalinity;
Khadkikar et al., 1999; Gertsch et al., 2011; Keller et al., 2012).
Therefore, a large proportion of the released gases would have
been transported into the high atmosphere (Kaminski et al.,
2011) rather than scavenged locally by rains. Deccan volcanism
likely occurred as large ssure eruptions with thermal plumes
penetrating into the stratosphere due to the high lava volume and
high temperatures (Self et al., 2006). A signicant percentage of
acid gases and halogens is therefore expected to have remained
in the lower stratosphere for several years after each eruption
(Ward, 2009). This is the likely explanation for environmental
changes such as acid rains over a large portion of Earth, espe-
cially the intertropical and peri-Tethys regions.
Low-MS Interval: Consequence of Deccan Phase 2
Acid Rains?
Low-MS values just below the Cretaceous-Paleogene bound-
ary may reect a drastic decrease in the main magnetite compo-
nent, that is, detrital titanomagnetite (component 1), originating
from erosion of igneous rocks and/or their pedogenetic products
and being transported into basin sediments. Absence of biomag-
netite is also observed in the low-MS interval, but its origin still
needs to be conrmed in the future. Variations in detrital titano-
magnetite content at Bidart can be explained by several causes,
such as (1) a rapid sea-level rise (e.g., dilution and remoteness to
the source), (2) diagenetic reduction (Abrajevitch and Kodama,
2011), or (3) annihilation of iron oxides at or close to their conti-
nental source. The third hypothesis is tested here as a consequence
of the huge Deccan volcanic gas emissions and resulting acid
rains, which could have dissolved the continental magnetite grains
before any riverine transfer to the oceanic basin. Rain in equilib-
rium with present-day atmospheric CO
is characterized by a pH
of 5.6, whereas acidic volcanic rains have a much lower pH. For
instance, the distribution of regional rain pH due to Mount Etna,
a major gas emitter, has a pH of 34.5 (Calabrese et al., 2011).
Our weathering model indicates that equilibrium between
magnetite and the weathering solution is reached between rain
events (~1 d). The time required to dissolve 90% of the ini-
tial magnetite mass is between 31,000 (pH 3.3) and 68,000 yr
(pH 4.3). These values are compatible with the temporal dura-
tion of the volcanic emissions based upon magneto-stratigraphic
measurements and estimated at less than 100 k.y. (1020 yr per
ow; Chenet et al., 2007, 2008). Note that our calculations based
on the pH of present-day rainwater (5.6) lead to a dissolution
time of several million years, which is much longer than the
expected landscape Davisian stability and consistent with previ-
ous work (White et al., 1994) giving very long residence time for
sand-sized grains of magnetite subjected to present-day weather-
ing conditions.
Conceptual Model
A conceptual model for the formation of akaganeite and its
eolian deposition at Bidart and Gubbio infers the formation of
akaganeite in the buoyant volcanic plume and transportation into
the stratosphere by penetrative convection together with huge
amounts of aerosols containing dissolved acid species (Fig. 7).
It is well known that heat associated with widespread lava ows
may generate convection in the atmosphere (Kaminski et al.,
2011). These penetrative convections produce a thick well-mixed
heated atmospheric layer where buoyancy ensures that volcanic
gases get transported to the stratosphere, despite the low explo-
sive nature of tholeiitic volcanism.
Subtropical eruptions such as the Deccan Traps are impor-
tant contributors to global climate because stratospheric aerosols
have a long lifetime in the tropical-subtropical stratosphere and
can be transported into the midlatitudes of both hemispheres. For
example, in the Soufrire Hills eruption (16.7N) in 2006, the
aerosol plume reached altitudes up to 20 km (Prata et al., 2007),
which is well above the tropical tropopause layer. Two weeks
after the eruption of the Nabro volcano (East Africa, 13.5N) in
2011, the Cloud Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathnder Satellite
Observation (CALIPSO) detected enhanced aerosol backscatter
in the lower stratosphere (~18 km; Vernier et al., 2013). During
the 1991 Pinatubo eruption (15N), the plume reached a maxi-
mum altitude of 39 km (Holasek et al., 1996), whereas the buoy-
ant regions of the volcanic SO
and ash cloud are estimated at
25 km and 22 km, respectively (Guo et al., 2004b).
Once injected into the stratosphere, the large aerosol particles
and small ones being formed by the volcanic gases are rapidly
advected around the globe (Robock, 2000). The lifetime of sul-
fate aerosols is up to 3 yr in the stratosphere, but only 3 wk in the
troposphere. Observations after the 1883 Krakatau eruption (6S)
showed that the aerosol cloud circled the globe in 2 wk (Robock,
2000). The El Chichn (17N) eruption in 1982 and the Pina-
tubo eruption in 1991 are other examples of volcanic eruptions
where aerosol clouds circled the globe within 3 wk and caused
considerable cooling of the lower troposphere in the 2 yr after the
eruptions (Robock, 2000; Guo et al., 2004a). The effect of the
Laki eruption (1783) in Iceland, which extruded ~15 km
of lava
over 8 mo (Thordarson and Self, 2003), is also well documented,
on August 28, 2014 Downloaded from
Evidence of atmospheric halogen and acid rains during the main phase of Deccan eruptions 365
including climate change and acid rains over most of Europe up
to 3000 km from the volcano (Garnier, 2011). Numerical model-
ing of the Laki eruption conrmed that cooling was mostly due to
stratospheric sulfate aerosols (Chenet et al., 2005).
In comparison, Deccan eruptions were much more intense,
with an estimated 1 10
lava extruded (Self et al., 2006)
over tens of thousands of years (Chenet et al., 2007). This likely
caused acid rains through the intertropical peri-Tethys zone,
reaching the North Atlantic and France (Bidart), in particular,
~7000 km from the erupting Deccan basalts. Our model assumes
that Deccan volcanism caused acid rain at Bidart (France) and
Gubbio (Italy), resulting in weathering and a dissolution effect
on the continental surface. As noted earlier, these assumptions
are well supported by historical comparisons, as well as our
numerical weathering model. The subsequent cooling effect
results from the huge input of stratospheric aerosols (Self et al.,
2006, 2008b), as also supported by our carbon and oxygen iso-
topic data (Fig. 2).
We conclude that since volcanic plumes of relatively
very small volcanic eruptions have reached the stratosphere
and caused signicant acid rain and climate changes over
relatively very large areas (~3000 km for the Laki eruption,
which extruded 15 km
of lava), then the giant pulsed Dec-
can eruptions near the end of the Maastrichtian, with an esti-
mated 800,000 km
lava erupted (~53 times the Laki eruptions;
Self et al., 2006), must have resulted in the most devastating
global environmental changes. A comparison of stratospheric
volcanic aerosol output from recent volcanos and its effect on
Earths radiation budget with the output from Deccan eruptions
reveals further clues to the magnitude, nature, and importance
of the enormous global Deccan-related environmental changes
and their likely devastating contribution to the end-Cretaceous
mass extinction.
The magnetic and mineral markers identied in the Bid-
art section are consistent with a major change in atmospheric
conditions linked to Deccan-induced volcanic gas emissions.
The low-MS signal is likely to be recognized elsewhere in the
Figure 7. Conceptual model of the sedimentary marine record of continental magnetite dissolution caused by volcanic
acidic rains (modied from Kaminski et al., 2011; Robock, 2000). MSmagnetic susceptibility.
on August 28, 2014 Downloaded from
366 Font et al.
Tethys sedimentary record, particularly in shallow and proximal
marine environments where terrestrial input is appropriate and
provided that wet local climatic conditions prevailed and that
the continental surfaces contained signicant amounts of mag-
netite. Presence of akaganeite is expected in the Tethys realm,
but with a variable probability depending on the mechanisms of
eolian transport. Moreover, both markers may help unravel the
signature of other large igneous provinces emplaced in similar
paleogeographic and paleoclimatic conditions, such as the Cen-
tral Atlantic magmatic province. These newly discovered mark-
ers provide a promising tool with which to evaluate the envi-
ronmental effects of large igneous provinces and their possible
consequences for the biosphere.
Funding was provided by Fundao para a Cincias e a Tec-
nologia (PTDC/CTE_GIX/110205/2010). We thank Celia Lee
and Ana Sousa for technical and administrative supply, Bernard
Peyberns for bibliographic supply and help in the eld, and
Dominique Sera and Cline Mari (Laboratoire dArologie,
Observatoire Midi- Pyrnes, Toulouse), Gilles Berger (IRAP,
Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Plantologie, Tou-
louse), and Alexandra Abrajevitch (Institute of Tectonics and
Geophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Khabarovsk) for
helpful discussions. We thank anonymous reviewers for their
constructive comments.
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