Nepal Biliography of Indigenous Peoples

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Harka Gurung
Krishna B. Bhattachan

Sarina Gurung
Nabin Bhuju

National Foundation for Development
of Indigenous Nationalities (NFDIN)
Sanchal, Sanepa, Lalitpur

January 2006

Published by: National Foundation for Development of Indigenous Nationalities
Sanchal, Sanepa, Lalitpur

Publication Sponsored by: Social Inclusion Research Fund
Bakhundole, Lalitpur,

First Edition: 2006

Cover Design: Dots & Lines Graphic Arts Pvt. Ltd.
Nayabazar, Kathmandu, Nepal

Printed in Nepal by: Suraj Printing Press
Kathmandu, Nepal


Nepal is a multi-cultural, multi- lingual and multi-religious country. Its people reflect a wide
range of cultural, linguistic and religious background. Ethnic diversity has enriched Nepali
society. At present, 59 Indigenous Nationalities have been identified.

Even though a few studies and researches have been done, it is realized that many have little
access of information about the publications of indigenous nationalities. It is felt that the
publications of indigenous people are not being publicized. With the intention to high light,
preserve and publicize the literature on indigenous nationalities, National Foundation for
Development of Indigenous Nationalities (NFDIN) has initiated to bring forth this Bibliography
which comprises of all the books and articles so far published on the indigenous nationalities of

There is disproportion on the documents of indigenous nationalities; there are many groups of
indigenous nationalities whose cultural and historical aspects still remain unexplored. There is
every hope that this bibliography will illustrate the quantity of publication each group of
indigenous people has.

We hope that the materials included in this document will be useful to the scholars and
development planners who seek the information on what have been studied, what needs to study
and what are the materials that need to study further. We hope that it will be widely used by
diverse practitioners, including the Government, national and international organizations and
researchers working on the development of indigenous nationalities.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to the
prominent scholars, Dr. Harka Gurung and Dr. Krishna Bahadur Battachan for their endeavor
and dedication for the preparation of this bibliography. My thanks to NFDIN staff Ms. Sarina
Gurung and Navin Bhoju and, who have laboriously assisted in the preparation of this
bibliography. Their contribution is commendable and I really appreciate their efforts.

On behalf of National Foundation for Development of Indigenous Nationalities (NFDIN). I
would like to express my sincere thanks to Social Inclusion Research Fund for sponsoring the
publication of this bibliography. This bibliography will be of great help to the researchers who
will be involved in the social inclusion research.

Prof. Sant Bahadur Gurung
Executive Committee



ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................................................................................... V
ABOUT THIS VOLUME..........................................................................................................................................................11
1. MOUNTAIN GROUP ............................................................................................................................................................18
1.1. HIMALI (BHOTIA) .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
1.1.1. Baragaunle................................................................................................................................................................19
1.1.2. Byansi (Sauka)..........................................................................................................................................................20
1.1.3. Dolpo..........................................................................................................................................................................21
1.1.4. Hyolmo .......................................................................................................................................................................22
1.1.5. Larke...........................................................................................................................................................................22
1.1.6. Lhomi (Shingsawa) ..................................................................................................................................................23
1.1.7. Lhopa..........................................................................................................................................................................23
1.1.8. Manangba..................................................................................................................................................................24
1.1.9. Mugali........................................................................................................................................................................25
1.1.10. Sherpa......................................................................................................................................................................25
1.1.11. Siyar.........................................................................................................................................................................38
1.1.12. Tangbe.....................................................................................................................................................................38
1.1.13. Thudam....................................................................................................................................................................38
1.1.14. Topke Gola..............................................................................................................................................................38
1.1.15. Walung.....................................................................................................................................................................38
1.2. THAKALI ............................................................................................................................................................................. 39
1.2.2. Marphali....................................................................................................................................................................48
1.2.3. Tingaunle...................................................................................................................................................................50
2. HILL GROUP..........................................................................................................................................................................53
2.1. BANKARIA.......................................................................................................................................................................... 53
2.2. BARAMU.............................................................................................................................................................................. 53
2.3. BHUJEL................................................................................................................................................................................ 53
2.4. CHEPANG............................................................................................................................................................................ 54
2.5. CHHANTYAL....................................................................................................................................................................... 58
2.6. DURA................................................................................................................................................................................... 59
2.7. GURUNG.............................................................................................................................................................................. 61
2.8. HAYU................................................................................................................................................................................... 76
2.9. JIREL.................................................................................................................................................................................... 77
2.10. KUSUNDA.......................................................................................................................................................................... 79
2.11. LEPCHA............................................................................................................................................................................. 80
2.12. LIMBU................................................................................................................................................................................ 85
2.13. MAGAR.............................................................................................................................................................................. 94
2.14. NEWAR............................................................................................................................................................................104
2.15. PAHARI/ FRIN.................................................................................................................................................................132
2.16. RAI ...................................................................................................................................................................................133
2.16.1. Athapahariya ....................................................................................................................................................... 136
2.16.2. Bantava................................................................................................................................................................. 137
2.16.3. Chamling.............................................................................................................................................................. 138
2.16.4. Khaling................................................................................................................................................................. 139

2.16.5. Kulung................................................................................................................................................................... 140
2.16.6. Lohorung.............................................................................................................................................................. 141
2.16.7. Mewahang............................................................................................................................................................ 142
2.16.8. Puma ..................................................................................................................................................................... 142
21.6.9. Sampang............................................................................................................................................................... 143
2.16.10. Thulung............................................................................................................................................................... 143
2.16.11. Yambule.............................................................................................................................................................. 144
2.17. SUNUWAR.......................................................................................................................................................................144
2.18. SUREL..............................................................................................................................................................................146
2.19. TAMANG.........................................................................................................................................................................147
2.20. THAMI .............................................................................................................................................................................170
2.21. YAKHA............................................................................................................................................................................171
3. INNER TERAI (BHITRI MADHES)............................................................................................................................. 172
3.1. BOTE..................................................................................................................................................................................172
3.2. DANUWAR.........................................................................................................................................................................173
3.3. DARAI................................................................................................................................................................................175
3.4. KUMAL..............................................................................................................................................................................176
3.5. MAJHI................................................................................................................................................................................177
3.6. RAJI....................................................................................................................................................................................178
3.7. RAUTE...............................................................................................................................................................................179
4. TARAI (MADHES) ............................................................................................................................................................. 181
4.1. DHIMAL.............................................................................................................................................................................181
4.2. GANGAI .............................................................................................................................................................................183
4.3. JHANGAD...........................................................................................................................................................................183
4.4. KISAN................................................................................................................................................................................183
4.5. MECHE...............................................................................................................................................................................183
4.6. RAJBANSI ..........................................................................................................................................................................184
4.7. SATAR................................................................................................................................................................................185
4.8. TAJPURIA..........................................................................................................................................................................186
4.9. THARU...............................................................................................................................................................................186


Table 1: CNRS Bibliographies on Nepal.................................................................................... 3
Table 2: Indigenous People (IP) in Bibliographies ..................................................................... 4
Table 3: IP Entries is Supplementary Bibliographies ................................................................. 5
Table 4: British Sources on Races/Tribes of Nepal .................................................................... 6
Table 5: IP's in Ethnographic Books........................................................................................... 7
Table 6: Entries on Indigenous Peoples by Year ...................................................................... 13
Table 7: IP Entries by Duration................................................................................................. 15
Table 8: Entry on Languages of Indigenous Peoples ................................................................ 16


AITBA All India Tamang Buddhist Association
ALH Acta Linguistica Hafniensia, Copenhagen
ANU Australian National University
AO Acta Orientalia, ediderunt Societies Orientales Norwegica Svecica (Le
Monde Orental)
APROSC Agriculture Project Service Center
ATR Annals of Tourism Research
BFI Book Faith India
BSOAS Bulletin of School of Oriental and African Studies
CAAAl Computational Analysis of Asian and African Languages
CEDA Center for Economic Development and Administration
CERID Centre for Educational Research, Innovation and Development
CIS Contributions to Indian Sociology
CLSN Conference of the Linguistic Society of Nepal
CNAS Centre for Nepal and Asian Studies
CNS Contributions to Nepalese Studies
CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
CSDPL-N Clause, Sentence and Discourse Patterns in Selected Languages of Nepal
CVLN Comparative Vocabularies of Languages of Nepal
FAO Food and Agriculture Oraganization
HRB Himalayan Research Bulletin
IBH India Book House
ICSTLL International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Lingusitics
INAS Institute of Nepal and Asian Studies
JASB Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal
JNS Journal of Nepalese Studies
JBORS J. Bihar Orissa Res. Soc.
JHS Journal of Himalayan Studies
JNN Journal of Nationalities of Nepal
JNRC Journal of Nepal Research Centre
JRAS Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
JTU Journal of Tribhuvan University
LTBA Linguistics of Tibeto-Burman Area

LSN Linguistic Society of Nepal
NCDN National Committee for Development of Nationalities
NL Nepalese Linguistics
OM Object et Monde
PL Pacific Linguistics, Series(A,B,C)
RIAALC Research Institute of Asian and African Languages and Culture,
RNA Royal Nepal Academy
RPB Ratna Pustak Bhandar
SAI South Asian Institute, Hiedelberg University
SIL Summer Institute Linguistics
SSB Social Science Baha
TNL Topics in Nepalese Linguistics
TSTBLN Tone Systems of Tibeto-Burman Languages of Nepal
UTA University of Texas at Arlington
V. S. Vikram Sambat
VDC Village Development Committee
ZDMG Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gessellschaft


- Harka Gurung

This is a thematic bibliography devoted to the indigenous peoples (Janajati) of Nepal. The
aspects covered are their culture, economy, language and religion. The growth of such
ethnographic literature is closely linked to the increase in publications on Nepal.


The first Western book with some reference to Nepal was China Monumentis by Athanasius
. It included the letters of Johannes Grueber who traveled through Kathmandu in 1661
and described the terrors of journey to Kuti and Pratap Malla's hospitality towards the Jesuit
. The first English language article to be published on Nepal was by Father Giuseppe
describing the invasion of Kathmandu Valley by Prithvi Narayan

The first English language book on Nepal was published in 1811 based on a brief journey of
1793 to Nawakot and Kathmandu. It described the country as Terra Incognita and El Dorado
(p.i), "Nepal, or more correctly Nypaul (p. 169), and "a most interesting country, till now
unvisited by an Englishman...." (p. 365)
. This account of official mission was written expressly
for the information of East India Company and "certainly with no view to future publication "(p.
xii). A decade later (1803), its publication was officially sponsored "to encourage even the
humblest attempts to contribute to the stock of useful knowledge on every subject connected
with India.....". Its publication was delayed, first due to Kirkapatrick's reluctance to undertake the
task and death of the proposed editor and second, the plan to incorporate materials of the
Hamilton mission (1802-1803) could not materialise. The content of the book is mostly
exploratory geography devoted to information on routes and distances with an index of 215
place-names. There is cursory description of classes of inhabitants" (pp. 183-187) which include
Brahmin, Chhetri, Newar, Dhenwar (Danuwar), Mhanjee (Majhi), Bhootia (Tamang), Bhanra
(Banra), Limbooa, Nuggerkootees (Table 3). It also includes a 618-word vocabularly of Purbutti
(Nepali) and Newar languages (pp. 221-249) and 76 specimen of the Limbooa (Limbu) and
Mungur (Magar) dialects (pp. 249-252).

The second English language book on Nepal by Hamilton was published in 1819. The account
was based on the author's 14 months (1802-1803) stay with the British Mission in Kathmandu
and supplemented by intelligence gathering along the border preceding the Anglo-Nepal War
. The first chapter (Of the Tribes Inhabiting the Territories of Gorkha) includes
observations on the Hinduisation of Khas since the 14
century and brief descriptions of
Brahmin, Khas, Mangar, Gurung, Jariya, Newar, Murmi, Kirat, Limboo, Lapcha and Bhotiya
(Table 3). Substantial part of the book is devoted to the history of hill principalities under the
Gorkha dominion stretching from Sikkim to Kangra. In the case of Chaubisi and Baisi
confederations, the account dwells on the family history of rulers as well as social composition

Amsterdam, 1667. Reprinted in 1979 as Bibliotheca Himalayica Series 1, Vol. 24.
Landon, 1928, Vol. II, pp. 231-233 provides an extract.
Father Giuseppe, 1807. Extract in Kirkpatrick, 1811, Appendix III, pp. 330-336.
Kirkpatrick, 1811.
Hamilton, 1819, 'Introduction', pp. 1-6.

of the population. Hamilton makes frequent references and corrections to the Kirkpatrick account
and cautions to place little confidence in the names rendered therein
. However, his
improvements on the same also remains very limited

The above two pioneer books on Nepal were followed by the prolific writings of Hodgson. He
was with British Residency in Kathmandu during 1820-1843 and lived next 15 years in
. Hodgson was a keen student and collector of materials on Buddhism, ethnography,
languages and zoology of the Himalaya. According to a catalogue of the Royal Society, he had
contributed 127 papers on mammals and birds
. Among the 19-essay compilation, mostly
reprinted from Journal of Bengal Asiatic Society (1828 to 1853), seven were concerning
. These included papers on aborigines of the Himalaya, military tribes of Nepal, and
notes on Nuwakot tribes, Chepang and Kusunda. According to the "Notice" (preface) of the
above compilation, "...... those bearing on the ethnology and glossology of the Himalayan tribes,
he has almost exclusively remained master of a field of research which he had been the first to
break ground"
. Reflective of his prodigious writings, a modern bibliography of Nepal includes
35 entries of Hodgson
. Another compilation on Nepal lists 174 books and articles written by

During the 19
century, 26 books were published relating to Nepal. Of these, 13 were specific to
Nepal dealing with general description, travel, history, language and religion. All the authors,
except one Indian, were British and naturally the books were in English language. The
publication of books referring to Nepal was five during pre-1850, eight during 1851-1874 and
eleven during 1876-1899. The first quarter (1900-1925) of 20
century had 16 books published
that referred to Nepal. Only four of these were specific to Nepal: Levi (1905) on history, Brown
(1912) on travel, Massieu (1914) on geography, and Kilgour (1923) on language. Of these 16
books, three were in French, two in German and the rest in English language.

Nepal by Landon, in two volumes, can be considered the first comprehensive book on Nepal
Much of the material, including geographic description of country outside Kathmandu Valley,
were drawn from official sources. There is mine of information on various aspects in the 25
appendices. Landon records acknowledgement to the work of 21 earlier writers. However, only
11 of these are cited in the list of important books and articles on Nepal (Appendix XI). These
reference works given in chronological order includes only 17 books and 5 articles.

Morris attempted a more comprehensive bibliography with 200 articles and manuscripts on
. These included 62 books and according to the compiler "is believed to contain all the
books on Nepal in the principal languages of Europe which have up to date been published"

These four publications are cited in most of bibliographies on Nepal.
Hamilton, 1819, p. 5.
Gurung, 1996.
Hunter, 1896
Landon, 1928, Vol. I, Appendix XII.
Hodgson, 1874
op. cit., p. vi
Wood, 1959, pp. 57-59
Kambara, 1959, pp. 63-78
Landon, 1928, p. ix
Morris, 1931
Morris, 1936, p. 180, Footnote to Appendix 7

They are classified as 51 on the country and people and the rest eleven on language. Among the
books listed, 22 are specifically on Nepal.

Wood's bibliography of Nepal was published 26 years after that of Morris and the number of
entries had increased by six- fold in the quarter century. It is the first comprehensive compilation
of materials on Nepal in Western languages and the compiler noted: "I believe I have succeeded
in finding about 90-95% of the materials"
. Most of the entries are qualified by a sentence as the
annotation. The number of entries according to the author's categories were as follows:

Categories No.

Books/Pamphlets 310
Magazine articles 749
Newspaper items 54
Unpublished materials 72
Nepali language items 38
Total 1,223

Hugh Wood was in Nepal during the 1950's as an American advisor on education. About this
time, Tatsu Kambara (an undergraduate of Waseda University) was engaged in compiling a
bibliography of Nepal before he was assigned to Nepal (1960-65)
. His preliminary
bibliography includes 1,251 entries with the following classification:

Books, pamphlets, theses and articles - 510
Language studies and dictionaries - 29
Books and articles by Hodgson - 174
Books and articles on Mount Everest - 427
Books and articles on mountaineering - 111

During 1969-1984, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) published a series of
bibliography of Nepal on a systematic basis.

Table 1: CNRS Bibliographies on Nepal

Compiler (Year) Vol. Tome Subject Entries
1. Boulnois & Millot (1969)
2. Boulnois (1973)
3. Dobremez, Vigny & Willims (1972)
4. Cloitre- Trincano (1984)
Social Sciences

The above Vol.1 on Sciences/Humanities in European language has 4,495 entries arranged in 18

Wood, 1959, p. 1
Kambara, 1959

The Royal Nepal Academy's Nepal Bibliography draws heavily on Wood and CNRS
compilations and includes new entries up to 1972
. It lists 8,327 items but some are cross-
referenced when related to more than one subject category. The author and entry title are
translated in Nepali in Devanagari script. The entries are classified under 10 sections including
one on people that has five sub-sections. The most recent bibliography on Nepal by Whelpton is
very selective with only 917 entries.
These are classified into 33 sections with a higher
representation of humanities and social sciences. The most useful part of this compilation are the
concise and clear annotations accompanying each entry.
1. Ethnographic Coverage

There has been significant increase in publications on Nepal since 1950's. Among the 310 book
entries included in Wood's bibliography (1959), 137 or 44.2 percent was post1950. The number
of entries in comprehensive bibliographies increased from 1,223 in 1959 to 8,327 in 1975 (Table
2). In other words, bibliographic items on Nepal increased nearly seven-fold during the 23 years
period (1959-1972).

During the same period, entries related to the indigenous people (IP) increased five- fold from 75
to 375 and ranged between 6 to 10 percent of the total entries (Table 2). Malla bibliography had
54.2 percent more entries than that of Boulnois & Millot due to later additions and also inclusion
of cross-subject referencing of some entries. However, the former had only 60 IP entries more
than the latter one. This was due to paucity of ethnographic writings in Nepali language. Thus,
the share of IP entries in the Malla bibliography was only 4.5 percent. It covered 13 ethnic
groups under the 'people' category, same as Boulnis & Millot (1969) under 'ethnies' category. In
contrast, Whelpton (1990) compilation of European languages has 10.5 percent as IP entries
included under categories 'languages' and 'society'.

Table 2: I ndigenous People (I P) in Bibliographies

Compiler (Year) Total Entry IP Entry IP %
1. Wood (1959)
2. Boulnois & Millot (1969)
3. Malla (1975)
4. Whelpton (1990)

The extent of IP entries also varied widely in other supplementary bibliographies on Nepal. Six
of these are sampled below. Japan Nepal Society had a collection of 2,100 documents and source
materials covering the period 1950-1970.
Of the total, tribal language category has 17 entries
and ethnology only 3 IP entries, accounting for only 1.1 percent of this bibliography. The above
bibliography is devoted to English and Nepali language materials published in Nepal. A decade
later, Japan Nepal Society published a bibliography of Nepal mostly of Japanese language
It included 3,939 entries of which 40 percent was on mountaineering. Of the 179
entries under culture and ethnography, 82 deal with seven ethnic groups.

Malla, 1975
Whelpton, 1990
Japan Nepal Society, 1973, p. iii
Kawakita & others, 1984

Table 3: I P Entries is Supplementary Bibliographies

Complier (Year) Total Entry IP Entry IP %
1. Japan Nepal Society (1973)

2. Kawakita & others (1984)
3. Wezler (1985)
4. Amatya (1988)
5. Amatya (1989)
- English
- Nepali
6. CNRS (1994)

The first accession list of Nepalese National Bibliography Compilation Project covered 292
entries for the year 1982 (B.S. 2039)
. It had only one item (Magar) under culture category and
two (Dhimal, Magar) under anthropo-geography category.

Amatya has compiled two specialized bibliographies on Nepal. One is in Nepali language as a
cumulative index of Nepali quarterly for the period 1959-1985. The second one is bilingual as
cumulative index to seven selected journals published in Nepal and spanning the period 1973-
1986. Of the 480 articles published in Nepali quarterly over a span of 27 years, there are only
six items under the category Jati (ethnic). Of these, three are on Matwali Chhetri of Jumla, two
on Raute and one on Sunwar.
The second Amatya compilation includes 604 English and 1,351
Nepali language entries.
The English section has 50 IP entries covering 18 groups which
comes to 8.3 percent of total entries. The Nepal section has 25 IP entries related to 13 groups. Of
the total 1,955 items in the seven Nepalese journals, IP entries constitute 3.8 percent. The
acquisition list of Centre d'etudes Himalayannes for 1994 includes 382 titles on Nepal.
these, ethnology category has 42 and sociology category six entries. This accession list has the
highest representation of IP entries (12.6%) among the six supplementary bibliographies sampled
(Table 3).
Hodgson was the pioneer of ethnographic and linguistic study on Nepal.
The impetus was both
one of scientific enquiry and his advocacy of recruitment of hill tribes in the British service as a
strategy to curb Nepal's military adventures. He was the first to list the clan names of Brahman,
Khas, Magar and Gurung and also the vocabulary of Chepang, Gurung, Lepcha, Limbu, Newar,
Sunuwar and Tamang (Table 4). The British knowledge on Nepal's people was initially compiled
as "Notes on Gurkhas (1890)" by Vansittart.
Its subsequent editions became the standard
manual for Gurkha recruitment.
It was revised by B.U. Nicolay in 1915 and entirely rewritten
by Morris in 1932 that had a second edition in 1936.
Much of these books are devoted to the
history, manners, customs, clans and kindred of those considered as military tribes (Table 4).

Wezler, 1994, pp. 1-49
Amatya, 1988, p. 12
Amatya, 1989
CNRS, 1994
Hodgson, 1833
Vansittart, 1890/1980, p. i
Gurung, 1991
Morris, 1936, Preface to the first edition.

Table 4: British Sources on Races/Tribes of Nepal

1. Baramu
2. Bhotia

3. Bhujel/Gharti
4. Bote
5. Chepang

6. Chhetri*
Chhetree Khas/Khasia Khas Khas Chhetri
7. Danuwar
Dhenwar Denwar
8. Darai
9. Dotial
10. Dura

11. Gurung*

12. Kumal
13. Kusunda

14. Lepcha
Lapcha Lapcha
15. Limbu*
Limbooa Limboo
16. Magar*
17. Majhi
Mhanjee Kuswar
18. Newar Bhanra
19. Rai*
20. Sherpa

21. Sunuwar*

22. Tamang*
Bhottia Murmi Murmi Tamang
23. Thakuri*
Rajput Thakur Thakur
24. Tharu

25. Vayu

Total 6 11 13 12 12
* Designated as martial races or military tribes.

As evidenced by the various bibliographic compilations, ethnographic materials are extremely
limited in Nepali language. It was so due to the cultural homogenization ideology of Muluki Ain
(Law of Land) that recognized social division based only on caste system. Therefore, it seems
ironical that one of the first ethnographic treatises in Nepali language, Thargotra Pravarwali,
experienced a reverse stricture.
This booklet was a compilation on origin, clans and customs of
some ethnic/caste groups in verse and prose. The groups included were Purbiya (Eastern) and
Kumai (Western) Brahman, Jaisi, Hamal, Bhat among castes, and Gurung, Magar, Nagarkoti,
and Rai among ethnics. When some prominent Gurungs filed a case against the author that
described some of their clans as being slave progeny, the State Council (Bhardari Sabha) in
1921 fined him Rs. 20 with confiscation of the book and he to be arrested on return from Benaras
where he was residing.
In fact, Subedi's genealogy of Gurungs was based on a legend as
narrated by priest Bhojraj to Kaski ruler Jagati Khan (1468-1526). This booklet has been not

Subedi, 1911
Sharma, 1982, Appendix B, pp. 442-445. The decision was endorsement of a copper plate (tamrapatra) of 1827
and red seal (lal mohar) of 1867 that had decreed equality among Gurung clans.

only been a very popular reprint but all ethnographic accounts about the Gurung, except citations
No. 6 and 7 of Table 5, continue to recount the same version of caste schism among this tribe.

Table 5: I P's in Ethnographic Books

Author (Year) Groups Included Indigenous People
1. Subedi (1921)
2. Hermann (1954)
3. Bista (1967)
4. Sharma (1982)
5. Gautam & Thapa (1994)
6. Salter & Gurung (1999)
7. Ukyab & Adhikari (2000)
8. Bista (2002)

Most British writers on Nepalese ethnography were pre-occupied with the tribes amenable for
army recruitment. In contrast, Father Hermanns had a wider historical and cultural coverage to
describe the tribes of Nepal and Sikkim.
The description of ten ethnic groups is supplemented
by 65 photographs in the genre of physical anthropology to show the complexity of the
'Mongoloid problem'.

It was unusual that People of Nepal
was officially sponsored when the Panchayat regime
policy happened to be one of Hindu hegemony. This pioneer ethnographic work described 10
groups from the mountain, 13 groups from the hill and 12 groups from the tarai. Of these, 29
were indigenous people (Table 5). The book went through three editions in nine years.

People of Nepal was translated in Nepali as Sabai Jatko Phulbari (Garden of All Flowers) in
1973 and had the sixth edition in 1995. Its latest edition includes 29 groups of which 22 are
This edition diverges from the English version in three aspects. First, the groups
described are not organized by geographic regions (mountain, hill, plain) but listed in
alphabetical order. Second, he gives a distinct status to the Khasa (Matwali Chhetri) after his
field experience with Karnali Institute he founded in Jumla. Third, loathe to use the pejorative
term 'Bhote' for the northern border people, he suggests the term 'Himali' for them. Accordingly,
this Nepali version includes 22 indigenous peoples out of the 29 described.

Sharma's work is a broad survey of cultural anthropology of Nepal.
It includes sections on
human evolution, ethnic/caste groups and their religious practices. Each chapter is provided with
a list of detailed references. Out of 23 groups described, 15 are about ethnic groups. The two
appendices are concerned with the red seal (1867) and State Council verdict (1921) affirming
equality among the Gurung clans.

Hermanns, 1954
Bista, 1967
Bista, 2002
Sharma, 1982

The most comprehensive account of social groups of Nepal is that compiled by Gautam and
The authors' equate tribe with Jat which is erroneous. Such a definition seems to
be based on the basis of Gurkha handbooks that included Thakuri and Chhetri also as tribes.
the Nepalese context, Jat means caste and Jati means tribe or ethnic group. Thus, this so-called
'tribal ethnography' includes 12 social groups who are not tribal. These are Bhand, Badi, Dom,
Gaine, Hudke, Kami, and Kunwar in Volume I and Musahar, Musalman, Sarki and Thakuri in
Volume II. These are caste people except Muslim (religious group) and not ethnic groups. Thus,
out of the total 50 included in this compilation, 38 are indigenous people. The book Preface
states: "Whatever we have written in this book is what we have personally collected through
observation and interviews, and therefore all the matter here is firsthand as perceived and
collected by us." The compilation does include materials from such field sources but much of
substantial descriptions are derived from secondary sources. Thus, lack of references citing
sources is the main lacunae of this useful compilation.

Faces of Nepal includes painted portraits and textual description of 23 social groups.
Out of
these, 16 are ethnic groups. The select reference at the end lists the sources on the basis of which
each social group has been described. The text incorporates population data on ethnicity/caste
groups first made available through the census of 1991. The most recent ethnographic
compilation Nationalities of Nepal, is an official brochure.
The 61 nationalities included are
according to the list of Nepal Gazette, 7 February 2002. However, according to their linguistic
affinity, 12 are Himali (Bhotiya) dialectic or regional sub-groups. Similarly, Bankariya is related
to Tharu on linguistic evidence. Each nationality is provided with very brief description along
with color photograph in their traditional attire.


Amatya, Purna P., 1988. Nepali Sanchit Nirdeshika, 2016-2042 (1959-1985), Lalitpur, 88 p.

________, 1989. Cumulative Index to Selected Nepalese Journals, 2 vols, Kathmandu: CNAS,
286 p.

Bista, Dor Bahadur, 1967. People of Nepal, Kathmandu: Department of Publicity, 176 p.
Reviewed by H. Gurung, The Motherland (Daily), 5 September 1967.

________, 2002. Sabai Jatko Phulbari (Garden of All Flowers), Kathmandu: Himal Books, 127
p. Introduction by H. Gurung.

Boulnois, Lucette, 1973. Cartes du Nepal, Paris: CNRS, 177 p.

Boulnois, Lucette & Millot, H., 1969. Bibbiographie du Nepal, Vo. 1: Reference en langues
europeennes, Paris: CNRS, 289 p.

Centre National de la Research Scientifique (CNRS), 1994. List de Acquisitions, Centre d'etudes
Himalayannes, Paris, 39 p.

Gautam & Thapa-Magar, 1994
Morris, 1936, p. 38
Salter & Gurung, 1996/99
Ukyab & Adhikari, 2002

Cloitre- Trincano, Isabelle, 1984. Geologie de l'Himalaya Central, Paries: CNRS, 340 p.

Dobremez, J.F.; Vigny, F. & Williams, L.H.J., 1972. Botanique , Paris: CNRS, 126 p.

Father Giuseppe, 1807. "Account of Nepal," Asiatic Researches, Vol. II, No. 7, pp. 307-322.

Gautam, Rajesh & Thapa-Magar, Asoke K., 1994. Tribal Ethnography of Nepal, 2 Vols., Delhi:
Book Faith India, 380+369 p.

Gurung, Harka, 1991. "The Gurkha guide," Himal, July/August, p. 20.

________, 1996. "Nepaul to Nepal: place-names in two early accounts", Contributions to
Nepalese Studies, Vol. 23, No. 1, January, pp. 47-64.

Hamilton, Francis Buchanan, 1891. An account of Nepal and the territories annexes to this
dominion by the house of Gorkha, Edinburgh: Archibald Constable, 365 p.

Hermanns, Mathias, 1954. The Indo-Tibetans. The Indo-Tibetan and Mongoloid Problem in the
Southern Himalaya and North-Northeast India, Bombay: K.L. Fernandes, 159+ XXXVIII

Hodgson, B.H. 1833. "Origin and clarification of the military tribas of Nepal", Journal of the
Asian Society of Bangal, Vol. 2, pp. 217-24, May.

________, 1874. Essays on the Languages, Literature and Religion of Nepal and Tibet, London:
Trubner, 145+124 p.

Hunter, William W., 1896. Life of Brian Hodgson, British Resident at the Court of Nepal, etc.,
London: John Murray, 390 p.

Japan Nepal Society, 1973. Bibliography of Source Materials Published in Nepal, Tokyo, 186 p.

Kambara, Tatsu, 1959. Nepal Bibliography, Tokyo, Mimeograph, 118 p.
Kawakita, Jiro & Others, 1984. Bibliography of Nepal: List and Notes of Japanese Literature
(Language), Toko: Japan Nepal Society, 468 p.

Kircher, Athanasisu, 1667. China monumentis, qua sacris qua profanes nec non variis naturae &
artis spectaculis aliarumque rerum memorabilium argumentis illustrata (China illustrated
through its monuments, both sacred and profane, and diverse wonders of nature and of
art together with accounts of other memorable things), Amsterdam: Jaco Meurs, 249p.

Kirkpatrick, William, 1811. An account of the kingdom of Nepaul being the substance of
observations made during a mission to that country in the year 1793, London: W. Miller,

Landon, Perceval, 1928. Nepal, 2 Vols., London: Constable, 354+363 p.

Malla, Khadga Man, 1975. Bibliography of Nepal, Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy, 529 p.

Morris, C.J., 1931. "A bibliography of Nepal", Journal of the Royal Central Asian Society, Vol.
18, pp. 547-59.
________, 1936. Gurkhas: Handbooks for the Indian Army, Delhi: Manager of Publications, 183

Salter, Jan & Gurung, Harka, 1999, Faces of Nepal, Kathmandu: Himal Books, 100 p.

Sharma, Janaklal, 1982. Hamro Samaj: Ek Adhyayan (Our Society: A Study), Kathmandu: Sajha
Prakashan, 508 p.

Subedi, Shikarnath, 1911. Thargotra Pravarwali (Clan-Sept Origins), Benaras, 99 p.

Vansittart, Eden, 1890/1980. The Gurkhas , New Delhi: Anmol, 231 p.

Ukyab Tamla & Adhikari, Shyam, 2002. Nepalka Adivasi Janajati-haru (Nationalites of Nepal).
Kathmandu: National Committee for Development of Nationalities, 69 p.

Wezler, W. (Editor), 1985. "Nepalese national bibliography for 1982", Journal of the Nepal
Research Centre , Vol. VII, Part B, 1-49.

Whelpton, John (Compiler), 1990. Nepal, World Bibliographical Series, Volume 38, Oxford:
Clio Press, 295 p.

Wood, Hugh B., 1959. Nepal Bibliography, Kathmandu: College of Education, 108 p.


- Krishna B. Bhattachan

Rationale of Compilation

Recent years have seen extensive publications and unpublished dissertations/reports/ articles on
the ethnography, language and culture of the indigenous peoples or Adivasi /Janjati of Nepal.
There are three reaons for this state of affairs.The first is the novelty of the subject. Nepalese
scholars, mostly non-Janjatis, criticise foreign researchers' undue interest in indigenous peoples
as promoting social conflict. The reason why foreign scholars give less attention to Hindu culture
and castes is that these aspects have been already covered in the 19
century in India of which
the Nepal context is only an extension. Thus, their interest in the indigenous peoples of a country
which had a closed door policy until 1950.The second reason is Nepal's comparative
accessibility. Since the early 1960s, the Himalayan areas of India and Pakistan became a conflict
zone where foreigners were restricted. Thus, Nepal was the only country where outside
researchers could work. Moreover, Nepal's increasing dependency on foreign aid led to over-
exposure to external probe into the country situation including cultural matters.The third reason
is the proliferation of ethnic publications after the restoration of democracy in 1990. Despite
their mediocre quality in research depth, these publications reflect new consciousness for identity
assertion by the Janjati community.This volume fulfills a long overdue need for compilation of
published materials on Nepal's Janjati in a single volume. This volume will be useful for
reference and comparative purposes. Some ethnic groups (e.g. Newar and Sherpa) have many
publications while other Janajtis have very few published material. Such comparative mapping
should be useful to prioritize future research agenda.

Sources of Compilation

This compilation is based on published and unpublished bibliography, bibliography available in
websites, and books and articles. Some of the importants sources were as follows:

1. Amatya, Purna, P., 1997.
CNS, (Silver Jubilee special issue no. 2. Contributions to Nepalese Studies Vol.24,
December1997). Kathmandu: CNAS.

2. Chhetri, Ram Bahadur, n.d.
Anthropological works on Nepal: A Bibliography. Personal Collection.

3. Kramer, Karl-Heinz, 2005.
Nepal Bibliogrpahy. Extract from the data file of Karl- Heinz Kramer, South Asia
Institute, University of Heidelberg, Germany, Updated on 11 February 2005.

4. Parajuli, Ramesh, 2004.
Maoist Movement of Nepal: A Selected Bibliography, Kathmandu, Martin Cahutari.

5. SIL, n.d.
Nepal Studies in Linguistics.

6. The Royal Nepal Academy, 1975.
Bibliography of Nepal, Compiled and Edited by Khadga Man malla, Kathmandu: RNA.

7. Tamang, Amrit Yonjan, 1998.
A Development of Tamang Publications. Ramechhap: Pema Ghising.

8. Toba, Sueyoshi, 1998.
A Bibliography of Nepalese Languages and Linguistics. Kathmandu: CDL.

9. Tuladhar, Nirmal M.& Vaida Damini, 2001.
Annoted Bibliography of CNAS Publications.1969-2001. Kathmandu: CNAS.

10. Vinding, Michael & Bhattachan, Krishana B., 1985.
"Annotated Bibliography on the Thakalis". Contributions to Nepalese Studies. CNAS,
Kathmandu: TU, vol 12,no.3

11. Wezler, Albrecht,1990.
Nepal Research Center Publications Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.

12. Whelpton, John, 1990.
World Bibliographical Series: Nepal. Oxford England, Santa Barbara, California Denver,
Colorado. Vol.38

13. Nepal Collection, Central Library, Kathmandu: TU.

14. Library of Social Science Baha, Lalitpur, SSB

Grouping of Indigenous Nationalities

This compilation diverges from the schedule of 59 indigenous nationalities recognized by His
Majesty's Government of Nepal. They are as follows:
Kusbadiya and Dhanuk are caste groups.
Indigenous peoples of the mountain region have been grouped under the category of
Himali (Bhotiya).
In the list of 59 indigenous scheduled nationalities, Manangba is omitted with a
perception they are Gurung. Here, they are treated as a Himali group.
Similarly, the Thakali grouping is according to anthropological evidence that diverges
from the official schedule.
Entries on different sub- groups of the Rai are based on their languages reported in census

Analysis of Entries

Publications on Adivasi/ Janjati: The higest number of publication is on Newar with 352 ,
followed by Tamang with 305 , Gurung with 210, Sherpa with 151, Magar with 133, Limbu with
112, Thakali with 108 and Tharu with 95 entries.With exception of a few booklets on there
organizations, there are no publications on Baramu, Bhujel, Chantyal, Gangai, Hyolmo, Mugali,
Siyar, Tangbe, Thudam, Topkegola, Walung, Jhangad, Kumal, Larke, Surel and Tajpuria.

Table 6: Entries on I ndigenous Peoples by Year

Up to
n. d. Total
1.1. Himali (Bhotiya) - - 5 12 2 - 19
1.1.1. Baragaunle - - 2 6 2 1 11
1.1.2 Byansi (Sauka) - - - 5 3 - 8
1.1.3. Dolpo - - 5 6 5 - 16
1.1.4. Hyolmo - -

1 2 - 3
1.1.5. Larke - - 1 - 1 - 2
1.1.6. Lhomi (Shingsawa) - - 1 3 2 - 6
1.1.7. Lhopa - 1 3 6 1 - 11
1.1.8. Manangba - - 3 7 2 1 13
1.1.9. Mugali -

2 2 - 4
1.1.10. Sherpa - 3 40 103 4 1 151
1.1.11. Siyar - - 1 - 1 - 2
1.1.12. Tangbe - -

- 1 - 1
1.1.13. Thudam - - 1 - 2 - 3
1.1.14. Topke Gola - - 1 - 1 - 2
1.1.15. Walung - - - - 3 - 3
1.2. Thakali - - 29 70 6 3 108
1.2.1. Chhairotan (Thakali) - - 1 1 1 - 3
1.2.2. Marphali Thakali - - 9 15 1 2 27
1.2.3. Tin Gaunle (Thakali) - - 8 11 1 4 24
2.1. Bankaria

2 5

2.2. Baramu - - - 2 1 - 3
2.3. Bhujel - - - 2 2 - 4
2.4. Chepang 2 - 12 26 14 2 56
2.5. Chhantyal - - - 11 3 - 14
2.6. Dura - - 1 10 4 1 16
2.7. Gurung - 1 42 122 37 8 210
2.8. Hayu 3 - 1 8 3 - 15
2.9. Jirel - - 4 15 1 - 20
2.10. Kusunda 1 - 3 1 6 - 11
2.11. Lepcha 11 15 32 7 1 2 68

2.12. Limbu 2 3 21 69 15 1 112
2.13. Magar 1 2 19 80 28 3 133
2.14. Newar 3 16 50 257 19 7 352
2.15. Pahari /Frin - - 1 4 3 - 8
2.16. Rai 1 2 4 24 8 - 39
2.16.1. Athpahariya - - - 5 3

2.16.2. Bantava - - - 15 4 1 20
2.16.3. Chamling - - - 8 2 - 10
2.16.4. Khaling - - 5 10 - 1 16
2.16.5. Kulung - 1 3 8 - - 12
2.16.6. Lohorung - - - 3 1 - 4
2.16.7. Mewahang - - - 6 2 - 8
2.16.8. Puma - - - 1 - - 1
2.16.9. Sampang - 1 - - - - 1
2.16.10. Thulung - 1 1 12 1 - 15
2.16.11. Yambule - - - - 1 - 1
2.17. Sunuwar - 2 6 17 4 - 29
2.18. Surel - - - 2 1 - 3
2.19. Tamang - 2 37 238 26 2 305
2.20. Thami - - 1 4 8 - 13
2.21. Yakha - - 2 4 1 - 7
3.1. Bote - - - 13 6 - 19
3.2. Danuwar - - 1 10 7 - 18
3.3. Darai - - 4 5 3 - 12
3.4. Kumal - - - 10 10 - 20
3.5. Majhi - - 1 7 2 - 10
3.6. Raji - - 1 3 3

3.7. Raute - - 2 11 4 1 18
4.1. Dhimal - - 2 15 8 1 26
4.2. Gangai - - - 1 2 - 3
4.3. Jhangad - - 1 1 1 1 4
4.4. Kisan - - - - 1 - 1
4.5. Meche - - 1 2 5 - 8
4.6. Rajbansi - - 1 6 2 - 9
4.7. Satar - - 2 12 4 - 18
4.8. Tajapuria - - - 1 1 - 2
4.9. Tharu - 10 60 24 1 95
Total 24 50 381 1378 330 44 2207

Publications by Year: Out of 2,207 entries, publications specific to Adviasi/ Janjatis was (1.0%)
in the 19
century, increased a bit (2.2%) in the first half of the 20
century, increased
moderately (17.1%) in the third quarter of the 20
century and reached at climax (62.7%) in the
last quarter of the 20
century (Table 7). The last five years (2000 to 2005) recorded 15% entries
and 2.2 % had no date of the publication.

Table 7: I P Entries by Duration

Duration Years No. of IPs No. of Entries Percent
Pre 1899 92 8 24 1.04
1900 - 1949 49 14 51 2.22
1950 1974 25 45 393 17.13
1975 1999 25 59 1,439 62.71
2000 - 2005 5 64 337 14.68
not dated - 21 51 2.22
Total 196 209 2,207 100.00

Authors and publishers: Out of the total 1058 authors, 600 are Nepali and 458 foreigners.
Foreign authors' works were published in both international and Nepalese publications. The
Nepalese authors' works are mostly in Nepalese publications, a few works are published in
international publications and most of those are Indian publications. Majority of foreign authors
are men. There are significant number of foreign women authors. Men dominate among
Nepalese authors. Some authors, such as Dor Bahadur Bista, Rajesh Gautam and Ashok-Thapa
Magar and Tamla Ukyab are cited under different indigenous nationalities as their books provide
comprehensive information about the indigenous people of Nepal.

Works on Languages: Language is one of the basic identity of indigenous peoples. Maximum
number of studies on indigenous language is of the Newar with 184 entries, followed by Tamang
with 82 entries and Rai language groups with 73 entries, Gurungs with 58 entries, Limbu with 42
entries and Magar with 36 entries (Table 8). Among the indigenous peoples of mountain,
maximum studies on language is of the Sherpa with 27 entries followed by Thakali with 18
entries. Studies on languages of other indigenous peoples are lacking. Clearly, studies on
languages of indigenous peoples of inner tarai and tarai regions are conspicuously lacking.

There may be numerous errors in the entries made and that many articles, books, reports,
dissertations, could not have been included etc. We, therefore, suggest the readers to point out
deficiencies and provide information about books, articles, reports, and dissertations missed in
this volume to the National Foundation for Development of Indigenous Nationalities (NFDIN) so
that these could be included in the updated. NFDIN can be reached at [email protected].

Table 8: Entry on Languages of I ndigenous Peoples

S.N. Indigenous Nationalities Number of Entry on Language
1.1. Byansi (Sauka) 3
1.2. Chhairotan (Thakali) 0
1.3. Himali

1.3.1. Baragaunle 0 Tangbe 0
1.3.2. Bhotiya 0
1.3.3. Dolpo 1
1.3.4. Hyolmo 0
1.3.5. Lhomi (Shingsawa) 4
1.3.6. Lhopa 0
1.3.7. Mugali 0
1.3.8. Sherpa 27
1.3.9. Siyar 0
1.3.10. Thudam 0
1.3.11. Topke Gola 0
1.3.12. Walung 0
1.4. Larke 0
1.5. Manangba 2
1.6. Marphali Thakali 7
1.7. Thakali 18
1.8. Tin Gaunle (Thakali) 7
2.0. HILL
2.1. Bankaria 0
2.2. Baramu 0
2.3. Bhujel 0
2.4. Chepang 21
2.5. Chhantyal 4
2.6. Dura 0
2.7. Gurung 58
2.8. Hayu 9
2.9. Jirel 9
2.10. Kusunda 9
2.11. Lepcha 20
2.12. Limbu 42
2.13. Magar 36
2.14. Newar 184
2.15. Pahari/Frin 0
2.16. Rai

2.16.0. Rai in General 1
2.16.1. Athpahariya Rai 5
2.16.2. Bantawa Rai 21
2.16.3. Chamling Rai 8
2.16.4. Khaling Rai 17
2.16.5. Kulung Rai 10
2.16.6. Lohorung Rai 1
2.16.7. Mewahang Rai 1
2.16.8. Puma Rai 0
2.16.9. Sampang Rai 1
2.16.10. Thulung Rai 7
2.16.11. Yambule Rai 1
2.17. Sunuwar 18
2.18. Surel 0
2.19. Tamang 82
2.20. Thami 7
2.21. Yakha 1
3.1. Bote 8
3.2. Danuwar 4
3.3. Darai 7
3.4. Kumal 4
3.5. Majhi 1
3.6. Raji 1
3.7. Raute 0
4.1. Dhimal 4
4.2. Gangai 0
4.3. Jhangad 0
24.4. Kisan 0
4.5. Meche 1
4.6. Rajbansi 2
4.7. Satar 3
4.8. Tajapuria 0
4.9. Tharu 9


1.1. Himali (Bhotia)
1. Fisher, James F., 1988.
Trans-Himalayam Traders: Economy, Society and Culture in Northwest Nepal.
Berkeley: University of California Press.
2. Furer-Haimendr of, Christoph von, 1975a.
"Bhotias of the Arun and Tamur regions," Himalayan Traders; Life in Highland
Nepal. London: John Murray, pp. 106-131.
3. ----1975b.
"Traders of the Karnali Zone," Himalayan Traders; Life in Highland Nepal,
London: John Murray, pp. 223-285.
4. ----1983
"Bhotia Higlanders of Nar and Phu," Kailash, vol. 10, no. 1 and 2, pp. 63-117.
5. Gurung (Bhote), Gambhir Singh, 2001/2(@) %*).
ah' /] nLef] 6]hghflt bk{ g . g]kfn ef]6]hghflt ; ]j f ; ldlt dft {bLMafh'/f .
6. Gurung, Harka, 1980.
Vignettes of Nepal. Kathmandu: Sajha Prakashan.
7. Gurung, N. J., 1977.
"An ethnographic note on Nar-Phu valley," Kailash, vol. 5, pp. 229-244
8. Jest, Corneille, 1974.
Tarap: une vallee dans Himalaya. Paris: Seuit.
9. ----1975.
Dolpo: Communautes de lange Tibetanie du Nepal. Paris: CNRS.
10. Kawakita, Jiro, 1957a.
"The Bhotea: Ethno-Geographical Observations on the Nepal Himalaya," in People
of Nepal Himalaya, vol.III, edited by H. Kihara, Kyoto: Kyoto University, pp.93-
11. ----1957b.
"A survey of Tsumje, A Bhotea village Ethno-Geographical Observations on the
Nepal Himalaya," in People of Nepal Himalaya, vol.III, edited by H. Kihara,
Kyoto: Kyoto University, pp.227-362.
12. ----(editor), 1960.
The Bhotia of Nepal (in Japanese text and photos of Dolpo in 1958). Tokyo.

13. ----1990/91(@)$&).
ef]6] x?g]kfn lxdfnsf hghfltx?, cg' j fbs v8\udfg dNn, ; Dkfbs 8f=lk=cf/=zdf{, sf7df8f}+M
Rj ; fkf; f, kfgf () .
14. Levine, Nancy E., 1988.
The Dynamics of Polyandry: Kinship, Domesticity, and Population on the
Tibetan Border. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
15. Nakane, Chie, 1966.
"A plural societis in Sikkim: A case study of the interaction of Lepchas, Bhotias and
Nepalis," Caste and kin in Nepal India and Ceylon, edited by Christoph von
Furer- Haimendorf, pp.213-263.
16. Olson, R.F., 1974.
Central Kham Tibetan: A phonemic survey," Kailash. vol. 2, pp. 217-277.
17. Salter, Jan & Gurung, Harka, 1999.
"Bhotia," Faces of Nepal. Lalitpur: Himal Books, pp. 13-16.
18. Schrader, Heiko, 1988.
"Trade through Walunglung Gola," Trading Patterns in the Nepal Himalayas,
Saarbracken: Fort Lauderdate, pp.264-291
19. Ukyab, Tamla & Adhikari, Shyam, 2000.
"Bhote," The Nationalities of Nepal. Kathmandu: NCDN, pp. 13.
1.1.1. Baragaunle
20. Bennett, Lynn, 1979.
Tradition and Change in the Legal Status of Nepalese Women. The Status of
Women in Nepal. vol. 1: Background Report. Part 2. Kathmandu: CEDA, TU.
21. Bista, Dor Bahadur, 2004.
"Baragaunle," People of Nepal. Kathamndu: RPB, pp. 215-218.
22. Ehrhard, F. K., 1993.
"Tibetan sources of Muktinath, individual reports and normative guides," Ancient
Nepal. no. 134, pp. 23-41.
23. Gurung, Harka, 1980.
Vignettes of Nepal, Kathmandu: Sajha Prakshan.
24. Gutschow, N., 1994.
"Kagbeni: Structural analysis of dendrochronological data," Ancient Nepal. no. 136,
pp. 23-50.

25. Huttel, H. G., 1994.
Archeologische Siedlungsforschung in Hohen Himalaya. Die Ausgrabungen Der
Kava im Muktinath-Tal/Nepal,1991-92," Beitragezur Allgemeinen und
Vergleichenden Archaologie, Band 14, Mainz : Verlag Phillip von Zabern.
26. Jhendi Magar, Yam Bahadur, n.d.
afxufp+ n]hghflt -lj j /0f_ . sf7df08f}+M/fli6o hghflt lasf; ; ldlt .
27. Kawaguchi, Ekai, 1955.
Three Years in Tibet.Kathmandu: RPB.
28. Macdonald, A. W., 1979.
"A Tibetan guide to some of the holy places of the Dhaulagiri Muktinath area of
Nepal," Studies in Pali Buddhism, A memorial volume in honour of Bhikkhu
Jagdish Kashyap edited by A. K. Nain. New Delhi: B. R. Publishing Corporation,
pp. 243-253.
29. Snellgrove, David, 1961.
Himalayan Pilgrimage. Oxford: Bruno Caesirer.
30. Ukyab, Tamla & Adhikari, Shyam, 2000.
"Barahagaunle," The Nationalities of Nepal. Kathmandu: NCDN, pp. 10.
1.1.2. Byansi (Sauka)
31. Allen, Nicholas J., 1975.
Byansi kinship terminology: A study in symmetry," Man, vol. 10, pp. 8-94.
32. Gautam, Rajesh & Thapa-Magar Ashok K., 1994.
Byansi," Tribal Ethnography of Nepal, vol. I, Delhi: BFI. pp. 72-75.
33. Katsuo, Nawa, 1997.
Rang, Sauka, or Byansi? Ethnic categories and their usages in Byans, Far-Western
Nepal," Japanese Journal of Cultural Anthropology, vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 543-566.
34. Manzardo, A. E., Dahal D. R. & Rai N. K., 1976.
The Byanshi: An ethnographic note on at trading group in Far Western Nepal,"
CNS, vol. 3. no. 2. pp. 84-118.
35. Schrader, Heiko, 1988.
"Trade flows through Byans," Trading Patterns in the Nepal Himalayas.
Saarbracken: Fort Lauderdale.
36. Sharma, S. R., 2000.
A sketch of Byangsi grammar," Seri Ethnological Reports, 19, New Research on
Zhangzhung and Related Himalayan Languages, edited by Y. Nagano &R. J.
Lapolla, Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.

37. Sharma, Suhnu Ram, 2001.
A sketch of Byangsi grammer in ethnological reports 19," New Research on
Zhangzhung and Related Himalayan Language edited by Y. Nagamo and R. J.
Lapolla. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, pp. 271
38. Ukyab, Tamla & Adhikari Shyam, 2000.
Byangsi," The Nationalities of Nepal. Kathamndu: NCDN, pp. 15.
1.1.3. Dolpo
39. Bauer, Kenneth M., 2003.
High Frontiers: Dolpo and the Changing World of Himalayan Pastoralism. New
York: Columbia University.
40. Bista, Dor Bahadur, 1967/04.
Dolpo people," People of Nepal. Kathmandu: RPB, pp. 219-222.
41. Cluett, C., 1966.
Report on a field trip to Dunai, Dolpo District, U.S. Agency for International
Development (mimeographed).
42. Craig, Sienna, 2004.
Clear Sky, Red Earth: A Himalayan Story. Kathmandu: Mera publication.
Illustration by Tenzin Nurbu.
43. Fisher, James F., 1986.
Trans-Himalayam Traders: Economy, Society and Culture in Northwest Nepal.
Berkeley: University of California Press.
44. Gurung, Harka, 1980.
"Phoksumdo and Tarakot" in Vignettes of Nepal. Kathmandu: sajha, pp. 76-92.
45. Jest, C. ,1975.
Dolpo; Communautes De Language Tibetain du Nepal. Paris: Editions du Centre
National de la Research Scientifique.
46. Kind Marietta, 2002.
Mendrub: A Bonpo Ritual for the benifit of Living Beings Dolpo. Kathmandu:
WWF Nepal Program.
47. Macdonald, A. W., 1978.
"Dolpo-Tibetan-speaking communities of Nepal-French-Jest, C.," Homme, vol. 18,
no. 1& 2, pp. 214-215.
48. Sakya, K., 1991.
Dolpo: The Hidden Paradise; A Journey to the Endangered Sanctuary of the
Himalayan Kingdom of Nepal. Jaipur: Nirala Publication.

49. Sharma, Janaklal, 1983/84(@) #().
sfOs],xfd|f]; dfhMPs cWoog, sf7df8f}+M; femf k|sfzg . kfgf #*@$)& .
50. Snellgrove, David, 1961.
"The Land of Dolpo," Himalayan Pilgrimage: A study of Tibetan religion.
Oxford: Bruno Cassirer, pp.70-162.
51. ....1967.
Four Lamas of Dolpo; Tibetan Biographies. vol. I: Introduction & Transtations,
Oxford: Bruno Cassirer.
52. ....2000.
"Nepal and Tibetan frontier regions," Asian Commitment : Travels and Studies in
the Indian Sub-continent and South-East Asia. Bangkok: Orchid press, chapter
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:oft g hghflt Ps cWoog . sf7df8f}M/fli6o hghflt lj sf; ; ldlt .
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hgu0fgf / t d'x?,hghflt ; ]/f]km]/f], kfgf g+ =&#&& .
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u'?8=hflt sf]k'vf{s'g dfgj dxfj +zsf x'g <, /f]wL+, j if{@c+s @, kfg g+=# !) .
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sKt fg c+ub 3n],k| 1f, j if{!!, c+s !, kfgf g+=#& $( .
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u? ; dfhdf bz} + sf]alxisf/ j f ckl/xfo{ t f MPs lj j ] r gf,-l/efg r f} / gfy' k| Nxfb kl/j f/
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t d' Nxf]5f/ dgfpg]k4lt MPs lj j ]r gf,-Go"/f]lb Sna, sf7df08f}4f/f @) %( d+l; / @* ut ]
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u? ; dfh / nfdf af} 4 wd{ MPs kl/r r f{ ,-@)^0a} zfv @! ut ]sf7df08f} df ; DkGg ePsf]
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617. ----2005/06 (@)^@).
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; +s6df t Gg]/Lsf]Rof]sL/f]wL+, j if{!) c+s !#, kfgf g+=!@ !$ .
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?Dhf6f/sf]u'? ; +:s[lt Ps emns . sf7df08f} Mdf]xg s[i0f u'? .
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1881.---- 1993/94 (@) %) )a.
cfdf zAbsf]cWoog / lj Zn] if0f, nf:; f], sf7df08f}Mnf::ff]y]Tdf, aif{-!, c+s- ! .
1882.---- 1993/94 (@) %) )b.
:j fb]z zo zAbsf]t fdf -g]kfnLsf]z,:of] Dx] Gbf] , sf7df08f}Mt fU; ]; ], aif{!$, c+s & !#.
1883.-----1993/94 (@) %) )c.
t fdf efiff af]nsn . sf7df08f}Mg]kfn efiff 8Dk'm; dfh .
1884.--- 1993/94 (@) %) )d.
t fdfefiffsf]dfgsn]vg lsg / s; /L<, sf7df08f}Mt fU; ]; ].
1885.----1993/94 (@) %) )e.
t fdf efiff af]nrfn, sf7df08f}Mg]kfn 8Dkm'; dfh .
1886.---- 1993/94 (@) %) )f.
t fdf y/ Aoj :yfsf]cWoog,t fdf y/sf]vf]h / r r f{, sf7df08f}Mt fU; ]; ].
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t fdf / g]kfnLefiffsf]j fl0f{s t yf cfIfl/s ; +/.r gfsf]t 'ngfTds cWoog,:of]Dx]Gbf], sf7df08f}M
:of]Dx]Gbf]y]Tdf, aif{!%, c+s %* .

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t fdf efiff k|zf/0fsf ; Df:of / lg/fs/0fsf pkfox?, t fU; ] ; ] 4f/f cfof] lht sfo{ zfnf uf] i7Ldf
k|:t 't sfo{kq, ebf}.
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/fli6 o Joj :yflksfdf t fdf hgk|lt lgwLx?,:of] Dx] Gbf] , sf7df08f}Mt fu; ]; ], aif{!(, c+s $ ^ .
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g]kfn t fdf zAbfy{, sf7df08f}Mt fU; ] ; ].
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t fdf efiffsf]kl/r o,; okqL, sf7df08f}Mg]=/f=k|=k|= aif{!, c+s @kfgf g+ =(& !#) .
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:ofmuf/, -t fdf gf6s ; + u| x_, sf7df08f}Mt fU; ]; ].
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t fdf n] vgdf lnkLsf]k| Zg / sfo{lbzf, l; =t f=af} =; 4f/f @)%@, k' if !@ut ]ufGt f] sdf cfof] lht
t fdf lnkLuf]i7Ldf k|:t 't sfokq, sf7df08f}Mt fU; ]; ].
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tfdf ; fgUo' / ; fg:o' uf], sf7df08f}Mt fU; ]; ].

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t fdf efiff kl/r o,; okqL, aif{!, c+s @, kfgf g+=(& !@& .
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t fdfefiffsf]j t { dfg cj :yf, g] kfn 8Dkm' ; dfh 4f/f @) %#, k' if !@ut ]sf7df08f} df cfof] lht
sfo{zfnf uf]i7Ldf k|:t 't sfo{kq, ebf}.
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!^ @!, c; f/, @) %%.
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t fdf8=hflt MO{lt xf; / j t {dfg, 5f/Uofd, j if{@, c+s !, kfgf g+=@$ @& .

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Name Page
Acharya, Ajanta 186
Acharya, Byash Kumar 181
Acharya, Chiranjivi 186
Acharya, Harihar 77
Acharya, Krishna Raj 172
Acharya, Pramod Kumar 186
Acharya, Shankar Raj 186
Acharya, T. R. 185
Acharya, Tara 187
Adam, C. 133
Adam, Leonhard 94
Adams, Vincanne 25, 26
Adhikari, Biswabandhu 59
Adhikari, Damaru Prasad 185
Adhikari, Kamal Raj 94
Adhikari, Krishna Prasad 61,147
Adhikari, Manoj 181
Adhikari, R. K. 59
Adhikary, Ramesh 54
Ahearn, Laura Marie 94
Alirol, Phillipe 94
Allen, Michael R. 104
Allen, Nicholas J. 20, 26, 143
Amatya, Bhavani 136
Ammann, Olga & Giulia Barletta 26
Anderson, Eva K. 147
Anderson, G. S. 185
Anderson, Mary M. 104
Andors, Ellen B. 61
Angbahang, Mahendra 85
Angbahang, Nagendra Bahadur 85
Angdambe, T. M. 94
Angdambe, Tej Man 85
Aniz, P. M., & Joshi, S.K. 104
Anonymous 61, 80
Antweller, C. 147
Aryal, Gokarna Raj 176

Aryal, Jivanarayan 94
Aryal, Yam Lal 187
Aslop, Ian, rev. 105
Axelson, Hans Guldberg 26
Bagchi, G. 80
Bairagi Kaila 85
Bajracharya, Purna Harsha 105
Bal-Tamang, Pratap 147
Bandhu, C. M., Chalise K. P. & Khatiwada, Karnakar 172
Bandhu, C. M., Dahal, B. & Caughley, R. C. 54
Bandhu, Chudamani 179
Bandhu, Chudamani and et al 147
Banerjee, S.K. 80
Bangham, C.R.M. & J. M. Sachers 26
Banjade, G. 173
Bantava, Dik 137
Baral, Iswar 187
Baral, Keshar Jang Magar 94
Barre, Vincent, L. Berger, Laurence Feveile & Gerard Toffin 105
Baske, Dilip Kumar 185
Basnet, Dharma Raj 181
Basnet, Narayan 187
Basnyat, Laxmi Kuber 147
Bastakoti, Tirtha 176
Basu, Amitabha 27
Basumatari, Santalal 183
Basyal, Anita 176
Bauer, Kenneth M. 21
Baumgartner, Rudolf 26, 27
Beall, C.M. & Goldstein, M.C. 27
Beames, J. 94
Beauvior-Stocks, C. de, 80
Becker-Rittersbach, R. 105
Belbase, Narayan Prasad 179
Bell, C. A. 80
Benedict, P. K. 80
Bennett, Lynn 19
Bernier, Ronald M. 105
Bhandari, Bhabendra 173
Bhandari, Bishnu 27
Bhandari, Kavita kumari 187
Bhandari, Khimananda 176
Bhasin, M. K. 105

Bhaskara Rao, Peri & S.K.Joshi 105
Bhatta, B. 53
Bhatta, Badari Nath 176
Bhatta, Thakur Prasad 187
Bhattachan, Krishna Bahadur 39
Bhattarai, Lekha Nath 187
Bhattarai, N. K. 27
Bhattarai, Tank Prasad 184
Bieri, Dora 144
Bieri, Dora & M. Schulze 144
Bieri, Dora, M. Schulze & A. Hale 144
Bihari, B. K. 85
Bishap, Naomi Hawes 27
Bista, Dor Bahadur 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 38, 39,
48, 50, 54, 61, 77, 86, 95,105,
133, 145, 147, 173, 175, 177,
179, 181, 183, 184, 185, 187,
Bista, Jyoti 94
Bista, K.B. 132
Biswas, P. C. 80, 86
Bjonness, Inger-Marie 27, 28
Blangero, J. 77
Blangero, Sarah Williams 77
Blon, Bhakata Bahadur 147
Boehm, E. D. 187
Bohora, Jhyan Bahadur 187
Bomjan, Jangabir & Pakhrin, Harka Bahadur 148
Boyd, Michaelovsky 86
Bradely, D. 137
Brough, J. & Clark, T. W. 105
Brower, Barbara Anne 28
Brusky, Jeannie 105
Budamagar, Hars Bahadur 86
Buddha Magar, Dr. Harsha Bahadur 95
Buggeland, Anne 185
Burton, P. John 61
Campbell, A. (C.) 80, 87, 142, 148,
Caplan, Lionel 86
Carala 61
Caughley, R. C. Dahal, B. M. & Bandhu, C. M.. 54
Caughley, Ross C 53, 54, 55, 145
Caulagain, Tilak Prasad 106

Chalise, Krishana Prasad 148
Chamling, Tilak & Rai Tek Bahadur 138
Chantyal, D. B. Gharabuja 58
Charency, de 80
Charkrabarty, P.B. 80
Chatterji, Suniti Kumar 86, 106, 133,
Chattopadyay, K.P. 106
Chaudary, A. K. 187
Chaudhary, K. 86
Chaudhary, Kamal 183
Chaudhary, Lalan 187
Chaudhary, Lekhnath Tharu 187
Chaudhary, Manoj Kumar 188
Chaudhary, Ram Sagar 188
Chaudhary, Santi 188
Chaudhary, Sharvan Kumar 188
Chemjong, I. S. & B. Kaila 87,
Chemjong, I.S. 80, 86,87, 133, 171
Chemjong, Janak Bahadur Limbu 87
Chepang, Jitendra 56
Chepang, Santa Bahadur 56
Chhattopadhya 81
Chhetri, Ram Bahadur 39
Childs, Geoff 28
Clarke, Grahm 148
Clarke, H. 81
Cluett, C. 21
Coburn, Broughton 61
Comrie, B. 139
Conrady, August 106
Cook, K. 106
Cooke, M. T. 24
Cooper, K. 81
Cox, Thomas 28
Craig, Sienna 21
Cuppers, C. 106
Cuppers, C., K. Tamot & P. Pierce 106
Dahal, Chintamani 181
Dahal, D. P. 174
Dahal, Dilli Ram 136
Dahal, Dilli Ram et al. 181
Dahal, Janardan 183
Dahal, S. S. 95

Dahal, Shri Prasad 148
Dahal, Sitaram 181
Dangol, Binda 76
Daniggelis, Ephrosine 28
Darai, L. 175
Darai, Netra Bahadur 175
Darai, Rudra Bahadur 175
Das, Amal Kumar & Banerjee, Swapan Kumar 81
Das, Amal Kumar & Raha, Manish Kumar 81
Das, Kali Kumar 81
Davids, I.M.H. & G.L. Van Driem 87
Davies, E. P. & W. R. Flinn et al. 106
Delancy, S. 106
Des Chene, Mary Katherina 61
Desales, A. 95
Desjaralais, R. R. 22
Dhakal, Kedar Nath 181
Dhakal, Shiva 28
Dharbaja (Chhantyal), Dil Bahadur 58
Dhital, Nita 107
Dhital, Sarada Prasad 95
Dhungana, Ananta 60
Dhungana, Deepak 107
Dhungana, Kiran Kumar 148
Dhungana, Laxman Prasad 149
Dhungana, Narayan Prasad 174
Dhungana, Radha 188
Dhungel, Harka Bahadur 174
Dhungel, Ram Man 55
Ding, Manbahadur and et al. 149
Ditari, Thetmai 149
Divasa, Tulasi 181
Dixit, Shova 149
Dobreiner, David rev. 107
Doherty, Victor S. 61, 62, 107
Donaldson, F. 81
Donner, Wolf 39
Dow, G. D. 149
Draper, John 28
Driem, G. L. Van 141
Drouin, R. 81
Druckman, D. A. et al 28
Dumont, L. 107

Dura Sewa Samaj 60
Dura, Bhuvan 60
Dura, Gokul Prasad 60
Dura, Kishor 60
Dura, Yaam Bahadur 60
Ebert, K. H. 136, 138
Edingo, Dilli Bikram 87
Ehrhard, F. K. 19
Ellison, P. T., & C. Panter Brick 149
Eppele, J. & J. Grimes 184
Epple, J. 137
Euler, Clauss 149
Everrit, F. 149
Fantin, Mario 28, 29
Fantin, Mario & R. J. Ahluwalia 29
Fischer, Sushila Manandhar 107
Fisher, James F. 18, 21, 29, 95
Fisher, Willima F. 39
Flemming, R. L., Jr. 39
Forbes, C. J. 55
Forrest, R. A. D. 81
Fort, Monique 39
Fortier, Jana 179
Fournier, A. 145
Frank, Walter A. 107, 149
Freer, L. 81
Frerks, W. 29
Fricke, T. E., Dahal, D. R., Thornto, A., Axinn, William G.,
& Rimal, Krishna Prasad
Fricke, T. E., Thorton, A. & Dahal, D. R. 150
Fricke, T., Axinn, W. G. & Thorton, A. 150
Fricke, Thomas E. et al 150
Fricke, Thomas Earl 150
Fridman, L.C. et al. 107
Funke, F.W., Thingo, T. T, & Tsering, P. 30
Funke, Friedrich W.,& Wilhelm Ziehr 29
Furer-Haimendorf, Christoph von 18, 29, 30, 40, 107, 151
Furukawa, Uichi 62
G. C., Kamal Hari 55
G. C., Krishna Bahadur 176
Gadal, Bimal 175
Gaennszle, Martin 142
Ganesh, S. L. 183

Garcia-Armand, Asun 151
Gauchan, Manakanti & Bhattacahan, Krishna 40
Gauchan, Prakash 40
Gauchan, S. & Vinding 40
Gauchan, Tej Prasad 40
Gautam, Basudev 177
Gautam, Bhim Lal 176
Gautam, Bijaya 188
Gautam, Chitra Rekha 188
Gautam, Giri Raj 185
Gautam, Rajesh & Thapa-Magar Ashok .K 20, 25, 30,.40, 53, 54, 55, 60,
62, 76, 77, 87, 95, 107, 132,
133, 146, 151, 170, 172, 174,
175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 181,
183, 184, 185, 188,
Gautam, Surendra 95
Gautam, Teknath 188
Gellner, David & Quigley, Declan (Ed) 108
Gellner, David N. 107, 108
Genetti, C. 108,145
Georg, S. 48
Ghale, Mira 56
Ghimere, Narayan Hari 96
Ghimire, Devendra 188
Ghimire, Durga Prasad 151
Ghimire, Narayan Prasad 188
Ghimire, Premalata 185
Ghising, Sharan Bahadur 151
Ghising, Udayakumar & Tamang, Sombahadur 151
Given,T. 108
Glover, J., Warren Glover & Deu Bahadur Gurung 63
Glover, J.R & Deu Bahadur Gurung 63
Glover, Jessie R. 62, 63
Glover, W. W. & Landon 64
Glover, W.W., Glover, J. R. & Gurung, D.B. 64
Glover, Warren William 63, 64
Goldstein, M.C. 30
Goldstein, Melvyn C, Beall & Cynthia M. 30
Gole, Gyanbahadur 151
Gompa, Chiwong 30
Goodman, Jim 40
Gordan, K. H. & Gordon, S. 30
Gordan, K.H. &.Schottelndreyer, B. 30

Gorer, Geofrey 81
Grandin, Ingemor 109
Greenwold, Stephen M. 109
Greve, R. 40
Greve, Reinhard 51
Grierson, G. A. (Compiler and ed.) 76, 81, 96
Grierson, George, A. 151
Grunwedel, A. 81, 82
Guba, Shree Padmadhoj 151
Gubhaju, Bina, 109
Guldberg, H.A. 30
Gunaratne, Arjun 188, 189
Gurung (Bhote), Gambhir Singh 18
Gurung, A. B. 64
Gurung, Amar Bahadur 64
Gurung, Bal Narsingh 64
Gurung, Bhim 64
Gurung, Bhuvansing 64
Gurung, Chandra Kumar 189
Gurung, Chet Kumari 64
Gurung, Chun Bahadur 53, 64
Gurung, D. 65
Gurung, D. B., Glover, J. R. and Glover, W. W. 65
Gurung, Dev 65, 96
Gurung, Dillijung 65
Gurung, Dinesh 179
Gurung, Ganesh Man 56, 60, 65, 189,
Gurung, Ganesh Man & Gurung, Jag Man, (eds.) 65
Gurung, Gol Man 65
Gurung, Harka 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 65, 66,
Gurung, Hasta 66
Gurung, Indira 66
Gurung, Jagman, 66, 67, 68
Gurung, Juddhabahadur 68
Gurung, Jumkaji 151
Gurung, Lal Bahadur 68
Gurung, Lilbahadur 68
Gurung, Major Bhupal, Gurung, Chij Bahadur, Gurung,
Binod, Gurung, Ganesh Man, (eds.)
Gurung, Major Bhupal, Gur ung Uma, Gurung, Ganesh Man,
Gurung, Narayan & Gurung, Dev, (eds.)
Gurung, N. J. 18, 24,
Gurung, Narayan 68

Gurung, Om 68
Gurung, Om Prasad 96
Gurung, R. B. 68
Gurung, Rajendra 68
Ishii, Hiroshi 112
Jackson, David 23, 24, 42
Jeeves, Stanley 31
Jerstad, Luther Gerald 31
Jest, Corenille 18, 21, 42, 43, 51, 56, 82
Jhendi Magar, Yam Bahadur 20, 49, 51
Jirel, Olak Bahadur 78
Jirel, Suman Krishna 77
Jirel, T.B. 78
Jnavali, Chandra Kant 172, 177
Jones, Clifford Reis, rev. 113
Jones, Rex Lee 88
Jones, S. K. 88
Jones, Shirley Kurz 88
Jorgensen, H. 88, 112
Jorgensen, H. & S. K. Jones 88
Joshi, H. R. 113
Joshi, S.K. 113
Joshi, V. P. 113
K. C., Mohan Bahadur 154
K. C., Prem Nidhi 176
K. C., Shital 185
Kadel, Rajannrsi 177
Kafle, Bihnumani 174
Kafle, Gangadhar 189
Kaini, Prabhadevi 172
Kainla, B. 88
Kainla, Bairagi 79
Kandanagwa, Lok Bandhu 89
Kandangwa, Ganesh Man 88
Kandangwa, Lakhadhoj 88
Kansakar, Tej Ratna 113, 114, 115, 116, 154
Kapali, Ram Hari 116
Kaphle, Dolaraj 69
Karki, Kumar 154
Karki, Laxman 56
Karki, Prem Bahadur 89
Katsuo, Nawa 20
Kattel, Krishna Raj 176

Kawaguchi, Ekai 20, 24, 43, 49, 51
Kawakita, Jiro 18, 19, 43, 49, 69, 96, 97, 116,
117, 154
Kerung, Machindra Bahadur 89
Ketyang, K. 31
Khadka, Dhiragraj 134
Khadka, Indra Bahadur 146
Khadka, Shree 97
Khaling, S. K. 139
Khanal, Bal Krishna 189
Khanal, Karuna 176
Khanal, Kumar Prasad 154
Kharel, Naraya Prasad 184
Kharel, Rudra Prasad 57
Khatiwada, Karnadhar 182
Khatri, Man Bahadur 97
Khatri, Prem Kumar 116
Khatri, Rubina 189
Khatry, Prem 174
Khoyahang, K. B. 89
Khungba-Tamang, Singman 155
Kind Marietta 21
King, J. T. 182
Kirat Yakthung Chumlung 89
Kiryu, K. 116
Kittelsen, Tove C. & Gurung, Ganesh Man 189
Klafkowsky, P. 82
Kleinert, Christian 43
Kohi, Bi. Na. 155
Kohn, Richard Jay 31
Koirala, Mohan 178
Koirala, Visvesvar Prasad 171
Kolver, Ulrike 116, 117
Kolver, Ulrike & B. Kolver 117
Koppert, Georgius Ja. 155
Korvald, Tordis 189
Kotapish, Carl & Sharon Kotapish 175
Kotapish, S. 175
Krauskopff, G. 97, 190
Krishna, S. 178
Krishnaraj, Sarvahari 190
Kuegler, Klaus & Kuegler P. 174
Kumar, B.B., Subba, P. S. & Subba, B. B. 89

Kumvar, Dhan Bahadur 76
Kunwar, Ramesh Raj 31
Kuroda, Shinichiro 69
Kvaerne, Per, tr. 117
LAAPHAA 32, 57, 59, 60, 57, 70, 76, 78,
89, 97, 117, 134, 145, 155, 182,
183, 184, 185, 190
Labriffe, Marie-Laurede 117
Lahtinen, Pirkko & Matti, Lahtinen 69
Lal, Keshar 155
Lama (Hyolmo), Kancha, Sudarshan Acharaya, Pemba
Donwa & N.B. Lama (Hyolmo)
Lama, A. P. N. & Schottelndreyer, B. 32
Lama, Bhimraj 155
Lama, Chandrabahadur 155
Lama, Dharmaraj 155
Lama, G. D. 155
Lama, Jyamyang 155
Lama, Kunga Dubsang 155
Lama, Lhakpa Bamjan 156
Lama, Manbahadurand et al. 156
Lama, Mikchan, Sankhabuddha, 156
Lama, N. G. and et al. 156
Lama, Nirmal Kumar 156
Lama, P. Pakharin 156
Lama, Pemba & Sherpa, Tshering 32
Lama, Prem Dhoj 156
Lama, R. P. 156
Lama, Santabir 157
Lama,Thupgyal 156
Lama- Tamang, Muktasing; Amrit Yonjan & et al. 156
Lamichane, Dhana Bahadur Tamu Gurung, 69
Lamichhane, Bhubaneshwar 190
Lamichhane, Puskar Prasad 157
Lamichhane, Puspa 190
Lamsal, Birendra 190
Lamsal, J. P. T., Dinbahadur 59
Lamsal, Suneel 32
Larsen, H.J. & Williams, R. G. 182
Laudari, Rajendra Prasad 157
Leal, D. 190
Leal, W. 190
Lecomtetilouine, M. 190

Lecomte-Tiloune, Marie 97
Lee, S.W. 157
Leonleuquin, J. 157
Levi, Robert I. 118
Levi, S. 117
Levine, Nancy E. 19
Levy, Robert I. 118
Lewis, J.W. 32
Lewis, Todd T. 118
Lewis; Todd, Thornton Lewis & Shakya, Daya Ratna, 1988.
Lichtenberg-Van Mierlo, M. A. 157
Lienhard, Siegfried 118
Limberg, W. 32
Limbu, Bhajbat 89
Limbu, Birhang 178
Limbu, Durga 89
Limbu, Rita 157
Limbu, Sukraraj Sanyoak 134
Lingden, Keshersingh 89
Locke, John K. 118, 157
Lohani, Puskar 157
Lohorung 141
Loli, Padam Bahadur 157
Lowdin, P. 118
Luintel, Youbaraj 179
Luitel, Govinda 183
Maag, Bettina 157
Mabuhang, Bal Krishna 90
Mac Kean 82
Macdonald, A. W. & Anne Vergati Stahl 119
Macdonald, ALexander W. 20, 21, 32, 119, 157, 158,190
Macfarlane, Alan 70
Macfarlane, Alan, & Gurung, Indra Bahadur 70
Madge, Leila 60
Magar, Bam Kumari Budha 97
Magar, Basanta Gharti 97
Magar, Gore Bahadur Khapangi 98
Magar, H. B. 98
Magar, Jhakendra Gharti 97
Magar, K.J.B. 98
Magar, Kamalbahadur Thapa 98
Magar, Kesharjung Baral 98

Magar, Lok Bahadur Thapa 98
Magar, Suresh 98
Magarat Rastriya Mukti Morcha 98
Maharjan, Basanta 119
Maharjan, Sudha 119
Maibaum, A. & E. Strahm 78
Mainali, Dhanpati 184
Mainwaring 82
Mainwaring G. B., & A. Grunwedel 82
Mainwaring, G.B, 82
Majupuria, Trilok Chandra and Majupuria, Rohit Kumar 32
Mali, I. 119
Mali, I. N. 133,
Malla, Dinesh Kumar 57
Malla, Kamal Prakash 119, 120
Malla, Nirmala 191
Malla, Ravindra Kumar 133
Manandhar, A. 120
Manandhar, Badri Prasad 57
Manandhar, Shila 158
Manandhar, T. L. 120
Manandhar, Tri Ratna 70
Manneschmidt, Sybille M. K. 98
Manzardo, A. E. & Shrama K. P 43
Manzardo, A. E., Dahal D. R. & Rai N. K. 20
Manzardo, Andrew Eric 43, 44,
March, Kathryn S 32, 158
Mayer, Kart M. & Deuel, Pamela 191
Mazaudon, Martin 24, 44, 49, 51, 52, 70, 158, 159
McDonaugh, Christian 191
Mcdougal, Charles 140
McHugh, Ernestine & Kathleen Riley rev.; Liechty Mark 71
McHugh, Ernestine L. 70
McIntosh, S. & Linda 134
Menyangabo, Akalbahadur 98
Messerchmidt, Donalad A. 44, 71,
Messerschmidt, Donald A. & Sharma, J. 44
Messerschmidt, Liesl; Gurung, Tsering Dolma &
Meyer, K. D., Pamela 191
Michailovsky, B. 77, 89,90, 139, 144
Mikesell, Stephen L 120
Miki, Toshiyuki & Hasekura, Hayato 83

Miller, R. 33
Milliet-Mondon, Camille 44
Millot, Jacques 121
Minab 71
Mishra, Y. R. 121
Mitra, Sarat Chnadra 83
Modi, B.V. 121
Moisala, Pirkko 71
Moktan, Dhana Bahadur 53
Moktan, Parman Singha 159
Moktan, Puspa Raj 159
Moktan-Tamang, D. 159
Molnar, Augusta 99
Molnar, Augusta Maupin 99
Morillon, Francis & Phillipe Thouveny 44
Morpurgo, Giorgio 33
Morris, C. J. 33, 71, 90, 99, 121, 134, 145,
Morris, J 83
Muhlich, Michael 33
Mukarung, Rajan 134
Muller, B. 145
Muller,Ulrike 121
Muller-Boker, Ulrike & Wezler Albracht ed. 191
Mumford, Stanley Royal 71
Muringla, B. B. 159
Nagano, Y. 121
Naidu, Sushil K. 72
Nakane, Chie 19, 83
Namgel, Tamgi Lama 33
National Indigenous Women's Forum 53
Neap Chhantyal Sangh 59
Nebesky-Wojkowitz, R. & Gorer, G. 83
Nebesky-Wojkowitz, R. de 83
Nebesky-Wojkowitz, Rene von 79
Neis, L. 57
Nepal Chepang Praja Sangh 57
Nepal Chhantyal Sangh 59
Nepal, Arun 178
Nepal, Madhav 33, 134
Nepal, Purnaprakas Yatri," 179
Nepal, Yashoda 174
Nepali, Gopal Singh 121

Neupane, Anju 174
Neupane, T. P. 136
Neupane, Tirtha Raj 191
Newa, J. B. 121
Niraula, Gita Devi 185
Nishi, Y. 57, 90, 137, 159
Nishida, T. 99
Noonan, M. 59
Noonan, Michael, Bhulanja Ram Prasad, Chhantyal Jag man
& Wlliam Pagliuca
Norman, Marie 159
Ojha, Bhima 182
Okada, F. E. 122
Olson, R.F. 19
Onesto, Li. 99
Oppitz, Marc 33
Oppitz, Michael 99, 122,100
Ortner, Sherry B. 33, 34
Owens, Bruce McCoy 122
Pace, N. 34
Pandey, Sudershan 57
Panta, S. D. 59
Panta, Sewan 172
Panter-Brick C. 159
Parajuli, Krishna Prasad 177
Parish, Steven M. 122
Park, I. 77
Parker, B. 45, 49, 50
Parker, B. & D. W. Patterson 50
Pathak, Bhishma Raj 191
Pathak, Goma 177
Pathak, Keshav Raj 174
Paudel, Ashim 160
Paudel, K. P. 160
Paudel, Narayan Datta 72
Paudyal, Ek Nararan 172
Paudyal, Krishna Prasad 191
Paudyal, Ram Chandra 191
Paudyal, Sushil Kumar 191
Paul, Robert A. 34, 160
Peissel, M 24
Peters, Larry G. 160
Pettigrew, Juidith & Tamu, Yarjung 72

Pigg, Stacey L 34
Pignede, Bernard 72
Pike, K. L. & B. Schoettelndreyer 34
Pitman, Richard 34, 45, 50, 52, 57, 72, 160
Piwa, S. B. 122
Pokharel, Khemnath 184
Pokharel, Postraj 178
Pokharel, Pujan 133
Pokharel, Shiva 57
Pokhareli, Gehendraman Udas 72
Poudel, Gyanendra Raj 72
Poudyal, H. S. 172, 177
Poudyal, Indira Devi 177
Poudyal, Kamal 172
Poudyal, N. P 175
Pradhan, B. 122
Pradhan, J. 122
Pradhan, K. L. B. 122
Pradhan, Rajendra 123
Pramanik, Paramananda 84
Prasai, Tuba Raj 186
Prasain, Balaram 172, 173
Pun, Tek B. 100
Puri, Mahesh Chandra 192
Pyakurel, Kailash Nath 192
Quigley, Declan 123
Ragsdale, T. A. 72, 73
Rai, Avinath, Sampa 144
Rai, B. 138
Rai, B. K., K. Kuegler and P. Kuegler 174
Rai, B. S. 138
Rai, Bina 141
Rai, Bisnu Prasad 134
Rai, Chandra Kumar 'Hatuvali' & Ajaya Kumar Tamang 171
Rai, Dhan Raj 137
Rai, Dhanpal 137
Rai, Durgahang Yakkha 134
Rai, Ganesh 134
Rai, Jit Bahadur 141
Rai, Jitpal Kirat 134
Rai, K P., Holzhausen, A & Holzhausen, A. 141
Rai, K. B. 141
Rai, K. R. Khambu 135

Rai, Khadga Prasad 90, 135
Rai, Krishna Kumar 135
Rai, N. K. 137, 138
Rai, N.K. & W. Winter 138
Rai, Narayan Kumar 174
Rai, Navin Kumar 57
Rai, Nir Kumar 144
Rai, Novel Kishore 138
Rai, R. P. 138
Rai, Ramesh Kumar Gaule 171
Rai, S. 138
Rai, T. B. 139
Rai, Tanka Bahadur 135
Rai, Tara 135
Rai, V. S. 139
Rajaure, Dronaprasad 192
Rajbanshi, Phool Singh 184
Rajbansi 184 184
Rana Magar, Bhaikaji 100
Rana, B. K. 79
Rana, Jagadish 123
Rana, Purna Bahadur 100
Rana, Sunita 192
Rapacha, Lal 145, 146
Rasaily, Leela 123
Regmi, B. N. 100
Regmi, Bijay 192
Regmi, Dilli Raman 123
Regmi, J. C. 123
Regmi, M. P. 73
Regmi, Mahesh C. 45, 46
Regmi, Mahesh Chandra 52
Regmi, Rishikeshav Raj 182
Regmi, Vednath 179
Reinhard, J. & Toba 79
Reinhard, J. G. 178
Reinhard, Johan 79, 179
Rempt, B. 100
Riboli, Diana 58
Riccardi, Theodore 123
Rijal, Bharat Mani 192
Riley-Smith, Tristram 123, 124
Rimal, Madan 177

Rocher, L. 142
Rogers, Clint 25
Roy, Sarat Chandra 84
Rutgers, R 58
Ryan, Stephen D. 124
Sacherer, Janice 34, 35
Sagant, Philippe 90, 91
Sagar, P. R. 124
Sahi, Krishna Bahadur 25
Sakya, C. D. 124
Sakya, Hem Raj 124
Sakya, K. 21
Sales, A. de 100
Salter Jan & Gurung, Harka 19, 35, 46, 73, 91, 100, 124,
135, 146, 160, 173, 175, 179,
182, 186, 192,
Samsuhang, Tej Bahadur 78
Samuel, G. 35, 161
Sangraula, Hari Prasad 186
Sanyal, C. C. 184
Sarankoti, Ramesh Singh 100
Sarma, Candara Sampa 135
Sarma, Tikaram 186
Schmidt-Athome, M. & Thingo, T. T. 35
Schneiderman, S. & Turin M. 170
Schoettelndreyer, B. 35
Schoettelndreyer, B. & H. Schoettelndreyer 35,
Schott, W. 84
Schrader, Heiko 19, 20, 25, 35, 46,
Schuler, Sidney 46
Schulze, M. 146
Seeland, K. 135
Semino, O., et al. 192
Senior, H.W.R. 91
Sestini, Valerio, Eknzo Somgli & Timothy Paterson 36
Shafer, R. 124
Shafey, Omar 192
Shah, Shiva 183
Shahi, Krishna Bahadur, Sampa 179
Shakya, D. R. 124
Shakya, Pawan Raj 125
Sharma, Chandra Kumar 91
Sharma, Chandra Prasad 100

Sharma, Janaklal 22, 36, 52, 73, 91, 101, 125,
135, 161, 182, 192
Sharma, Kamal Raj 101
Sharma, Narayan P. 46
Sharma, Nutan Dhar; Wegner, Gert-Matthias 125
Sharma, Prayag 125
Sharma, Prayag Raj 73
Sharma, R. 125
Sharma, Ravi Raj 177
Sharma, Rishi Ram 173
Sharma, S. L. 186
Sharma, S. R. 20
Sharma, Sita 161
Sharma, Suhnu Ram 22
Shastri, S. 125
Shepard, J. W. 125
Shepherd, Gary 101
Shephered, G. & B. Shephered 101
Sherchan, Gobinda Man, Bhattachan, Basanta & Gauchan,
Sherpa, Mingma Norbu 36
Sherpa, Nima Wangchu 36
Sherpa, P. 36
Sherpa, Shobha 38
Sherpa, Yangala 36
Shivakoti, U. S. (eds.) 125
Shrestha, Anil Kumar 193
Shrestha, Anila 126
Shrestha, Bal Gopal 125
Shrestha, Basan 58
Shrestha, Bhagawan 192
Shrestha, Bhola Kumar 177
Shrestha, Bimala 161
Shrestha, I. K. 161
Shrestha, Kavitaram 135
Shrestha, Laxman Lal & Subarna Man Amatya 125
Shrestha, Mangila 193
Shrestha, Maniklal 126
Shrestha, Nina 125
Shrestha, Pratima 161
Shrestha, Purushottam 161
Shrestha, R. L. 125, 126
Shrestha, Rabita 126

Shrestha, Shashi Prabha 192
Shrestha, Sita Kumari 126
Shrestha, Uma 126
Shresthacharya, Iswaranand 126, 127
Shresthacharya, Iswaranand & Fridman, Lindsay Criper 127
Siiger, H. 84
Siiger, H. & Rischel, J. 84
SIL 58, 73, 78, 101, 127, 146, 161
Singh, Nanda Bahadur 180
Singh, Ramanda Prasad, Chaudhary, Brija Narayan,
Chaudhary, Prabhu Narayan, Chaudhary, Shiva Narayan &
Khaa, Amrit Prasad
Singh, T. L. 127
Sitaula, Sarada 193
Sitaula, Susmita 193
Sja, Mema 101
Skar, Harald O. & Others 193
Slusser, Mary Shepherd 127
Smith, Cherry 36
Snellgrove, David 20, 22, 25, 46,
Somlai, Ivan 46
Spengen, Wim van 25
Sprigg, R. K. 84, 91, 92, 127, 135, 138, 161,
Srivastava, S. K. 193
Stablein, S. K. 127
Stein, G. 170
Steinman, Brigitte 161, 162
Steven, Stanley Francis 36
Sthaphit, S. K. 128
Stolke 85
Stonor, Charles Robert 37
Strahm, E. 78
Strahm, E. & A. Maibaum 78
Strahm, E. & M. Anita 78
Strickland, S. S. 37, 73,74
Strickland, S.S. & Tuffery, V. R. 74
Subba (Sambhangphe), Chhabi 38, 53, 92
Subba, B.B. 92
Subba, Chaitanya 92
Subba, S. 101
Subba, Sunita 92
Subba, Suraj 173
Subedi, Bhakta Prasad 186

Subedi, Laxmi 173
Subedi, Pabitra 58
Sunuwar, B. , L.D. 146
Sunuwar, L. 146
Suptihang, Rajan 142
Suvedi, Laxmi 182
Tailhet, Jehanne H. 128, 129
Tamang, A.Y. 54
Tamang, G. 162
Tamang, Mukta Singh 142
Tamang, Parshuram 162
Tamang, Pemba 163
Tamang, Ramesh Kumar 163
Tamang, Ramesh Kumar Sank 163
Tamang, Ravindra 163
Tamang, Ravindrasing 163
Tamang, Singman 163
Tamang, Sitaram Khyungva 163
Tamang, Suryaman, Holmberg, David et al 163
Tamang, Sworneem 163
Tamnang, Parman Singh Lama (Moktan) 162
Tamu (Gurung), Dhan B. L. 74
Tamu, Balnarsingh 74
Tamu, Bhim 74
Tamu, Bhobar Palchai 75
Tamu, Chandramani 74
Tamu, Dev 74
Tamu, Devendra 74
Tamu, Dhin 74
Tamu, Dik Bahadur Pachyu 74
Tamu, Dillijung 74
Tamu, Ganesh Bahadur 75
Tamu, Indra Kaji 75
Tamu, Jagman Krhonghi Lama 75
Tamu, Krishna 37, 46, 75, 163
Tamu, Lil Bahadur 75
Tanaka, T. 129
Tandukar, Ratna Baha 163
Tarme, Lahure 75
Tautscher, Gabriele 164
Taylor, Doreen 164
Taylor, Doreen- Fay Everitt & Tamang Karna Bahadur 164
Teranish, Y. 129

Teschke, G.C. 37
Thakali, Shanta Ram 22
Thami, Kaviraj 170
Thami, Kumbhalal 170
Thami, Ramkaji 170
Thapa Magar, Bhoj Bahadur 101
Thapa, Bhoj Bahadur Magar 101
Thapa, Dharm Prasad Shirish 101
Thapa, Ganesh Prasad 193
Thapa, Jeewan Kumar 85
Thapa, Kamala 164
Thapa, Krishna B. 60
Thapa, Rudra 133
Thapa, Shankar 164
Thapaliya, Anup Raj 193
Thapaliya, Indira Devi 165
Tharu, Lok Bahadur 193
Thebe, Kul Bahadur 92
Thebe, Prem Prakash 92, 135
Thing, S.R. 165
Thingo, T. T. 37
Thingo, Tsering T. 165
Thokor, Kamising 165
Thokor, Rombahadur 165
Thokor, Sherbahadur 165
Thulung J. B. Rai 144
Thulung, Narad Muni 144
Tidung, K. M. 165
Toba, S., N. Dhimal & C. Dhimal 182
Toba, I., 139
Toba, S. 79
Toba, S. & Toba, I. 140
Toba, S. & Y. Nishi 140
Toba, S., Khaling, S. & Khaling, C.B. 140
Toba, Sueyoshi 135, 139, 140, 141, 170
Toffin, Gerard 129, 130
Toffin, Gerard, Barre, Vincent , Laurence, Berger & Patrick 130
Tolma, G. J. 141
Tolsma, G. J. 144
Trail, Ronald L. 194
Tripathee, Daya Raj 165
Tripathi, Chandraprasad 165
Tucci, Guiseppe 46

Tulachan. Karunasingh 47
Tuladhar, Amita 131
Tuladhar, J. 131
Tuladhar, Suchita 131
Tuladhar, Sugat Das 131
Tumbahanfe, Govind Bahadur 92
Tumbahang, Mohan Kumar 93
Turin, Mark 47, 170
Ukyab, Tamla & Adhikari, Shyam 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 37,
38, 46, 47,48, 50, 52, 53, 54,
58, 59, 60, 75, 77, 78, 79, 85,
93,101, 131, 133, 135, 146,
165,170, 173, 175, 177, 178,
180, 182, 183, 184, 186, 194,
Upadhya, Rajya Laxmi 194
Upadhyay, Jagannath 165
Upadhyaya, M. 75
Upadhyaya, Thaneshwar 178
Updhaya, Padam Prasad 75,76, 102, 136
Upreti, Bed Prakash 93, 194
Upreti, Pushpa Padhya 166
Upreti, Shiva Prasad 166
Uprety, Prem Raman 47
Vaidya, Biku B. 131
Vairgi Kaila, Sampa 93
Vajracarya, A. 131
Vajracharya, Gautamvajra 166
Vajracharya, Vajramuni 131
Valeix, Pierre 50
Van Driem, G. 93
Van Kooij, K. R. 131
Vansittart, Eden 47, 60, 76, 93, 102, 132, 136,
146, 166, 194,
Vantawa, Dik 138
Varenkamp, Brayn, 166
Vartman 171
Vergati-Stahl, A. 132
Vesalainen, O. & Vesalainen 23
Victor, Jean-Christoph C. 166
Vinding, Michael 47, 48, 50, 52,
Vinding, Michael & Bhattachan Krishna B. 48, 50, 52,
Vinding, Michael & Gauchan, Surundra 48
Viswakarma, Hira 132
Waddell, L. A. 85

Wagle, Roopa 166
Walali, Samsing 139
Walsh, E. H. C. 85
Watkins, Joanne 25
Watters, David 102, 103
Watters, David & N. Watters 103, 104
Watters, S. . 23
Watters, S. A. 37
Webster, J.D. 93
Webster, Peter 132
Wegner, Gert- Matthias 132
Weidert, A. K. 132
Weidert, A.K. & Subba B. 93
Weitz, Charles A. 37
Whitehouse, Paul 79
Wiehler-Schneider, S. & H. Wiehler 132
Williams-Blangero, S., & J. Blangero 78
Winter, W. 139
Wolfenden, S. N. 141, 143, 144
Wolley, Veronica, Dennis, R. L. H. & Sunderland, E. 76
Wolley, Veronica, R. L. H. Dennis, & E. Sunderland 104, 136
Woodubury, A. C. 37
Yadav, Nandlal Ray 58
Yakkharai, Durgahan 171
Yakso, Tej 94
Yanghang, Narbahadur 94
Yatri, Purnaprakash Nepal 180
Yogi, Narayan 194
Yogi, Narhari Nath 76
Yonjan Tamang, Amrit 166, 167, 168, 169
Yonjan Tamang, Amrit & Tamang, Rameshkumar 169
Yonjan, Ganesh 169
Yonjan, Gyasar 166
Yonjan, Kumar 169
Yonjan-Pyasi, Jas 169
Zangbu, Ngawang Tenzin & Frances Klatzel 38

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