Attention All Youth Do You Know How To Take Pictures?: Fishing Tournaments Family Fishing Rockfest

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Touch the Heart Youth Ministry

Summer 2014 Newsletter

Let us know if you'd like to receie the Newsletter ia email!
Summer is in full swin"# The
$ond is full of water and there is
"reat fishin"# The shelter house
area is %ein" $re$ared for your
family or church $icnic#
So far this year we hae en&oyed
the annual Super Bowl Party
with 4' youth attendin"# (e had a
cou$le successful (ork )ays at
the *ock to "et it ready for the
summer# Thanks to all the
olunteers and s$ecial thanks to
the +elleue School ,ishin" -lu%
and the .ineyard Youth for all of
your hel$#
/ur After School Bible Studies
was a hu"e success this year# (e
hae %een ery fortunate to hae
had Mar Meyers and 0astor 1ohn
2inty lead those "rou$s for the
$ast seeral years# (e are sorry to
see them "o %ut trust they are
moin" where 2od is leadin"
them# Thank you so much#
The ASBS will resume in
Se$tem%er with *on and *ita
Smith3 and )ou" 2ildenmeister
as well as $ossi%ly (endy
S$adow and 1ustin#

Walt Christa!"
Walt has bee! so uch help i!
owi!# a!d #e!eral law!care
at the $oc%" Tha!% you Walt it
loo%s #reat"
Soe of the acti&ities for
'()* suer will be:
+ishi!# Tour!ae!ts
+aily +ishi!#
a!y others i! the
pla!!i!# a!d appro&al
Chec% out our Cale!dar of
,&e!ts o!thly at
i!istries"co or o!
Do you have a camera?
Do you know how to
take pictures?
e nee! a "oo!
photo"rapher or a #ew to
take pics !urin" our events.
$rin" your cameras to our
ne%t event an! sen! the pics
A!!ual $oc%fest will %e Sat#
Se$t# 14th from 1$m54$m#
There will %e food as always
and a lot of fun and "ames#
This years s$eaker will %e
Melin 6dams#
Melin 6dams has %een an
N-66 6ll56merican %asket%all
$layer3 $rofessional %asket%all
com$etitor and mem%er of the
world famous Harlem
2lo%etrotter# He is currently a
communicator and entertainer#
His ener"etic and en"a"in"
$resentation style make him a
faorite for eents of all kinds#
Melin has had the $riile"e
of s$eakin" to oer 430003000
youth throu"h school
assem%lies3 %asket%all
clinics7cam$s and other eents#
8n addition to s$eakin"
res$onsi%ilities3 he is also
fre9uently en"a"ed in
interiews and "uest
a$$earances in arious forms of
media# Melin's $assion for
reachin" 6merica's youth has
$roided countless
o$$ortunities to s$eak3 $erform
and share with "rou$s#
Touch the Heart Youth Ministry
Summer 2014 Newsletter
0erry's 0lantation has %een ery
"enerous in $roidin" some of
our needs to com$lete the
olley%all court and the $rayer
$ath# 0lans are to hae those
com$leted %efore the end of

6 0ersonal Note!
This .uarters /ewsletter
is featuri!#:
Greeti!#s1 y !ae is $o!
Sith" I curre!tly ser&e with
y wife $ita as Pastor of
Worship Ali&e Church i!
Belle&ue1 a!d I ser&e as the
Preside!t of Belle&ue City
Cou!cil1 a!d the Board of
Touch The Heart 2outh
0i!istries" Se&eral 2ears a#o
I helped co3fou!d Cou!ity
Outreach of Belle&ue a youth
orie!ted outreach focused o!
leadi!# youth a!d others to
ha&e a relatio!ship with 4esus
Christ as Sa&ior a!d 5ord"
That or#a!i6atio! !o lo!#er
e7its1 so whe! I was as%ed if I
would be willi!# to ser&e o!
TH20 I accepted" I belie&e
God has #i&e! e&eryo!e a
tale!t-#ift a!d whe! Christ is
the ce!ter of o!es life that
perso! ca! accoplish
#reatthi!#s" I trust that we
ca! ipart this to our youth"
We hope you will 8oi! us
throu#hout the year to
&olu!teer duri!# our
e&e!ts or 8ust coe to
show your support to the

Like us on #ace(ook an!
keep up to !ate on events
an! #un!raisers.

Our Board 0ebers:
0resident! Trina )onners%ach
.ice 0resident! 6aron 0etrie
Secretary! Trina )onners%ach
Treasurer! Mike +ecks
*on Smith
)ou" 2ildenmeister
Lynn Middleswarth

$OC9+,ST cont#
Melin was %orn in 1:'1
and "rew u$ in the "hetto of
Houston3 Te;as# He was
challen"ed early in life with
e;tremely ne"atie
circumstances< howeer3 he
dreamed of $layin" $rofessional
%asket%all# 6t the a"e of 143 his
father died# (ith the consistent
$ressure of financial %urdens
and surrounded %y ho$eless
situations3 Melin turned to
s$orts where hard work and
endless $ractices ke$t him from
trou%le# )urin" these years3 he
led the district in assists and
steals3 and aera"ed 1= $oints
$er "ame for the >isenhower
Hi"h School's >a"les#
Melin "raduated from San
1ose -hristian -olle"e where he
was a two5time N-66 888 6ll5
6merican %asket%all $layer# He
remains the all5time scorin"3
assists and steals leader in the
(arrior?s history# 6fter colle"e3
Melin continued to focus on
%asket%all and was "ien the
o$$ortunity to $lay $rofessional
%asket%all# He later &oined the
Harlem 2lo%etrotters and was
named Mr# 2lo%etrotter
numerous times# The award is
$resented yearly to the
teammate that most e;em$lifies
the e;citement and ener"y
associated with the Harlem
We at Touch the Heart are so
&ery tha!%ful for e&eryo!e:s
support a!d #e!erous
do!atio!s o&er the past years"
If you ca! help i! a!y way
please co!tact a!y of the
board ebers or eail us
throu#h the website
Our curre!t pro8ects i!clude:
Copleti!# Sa!d
&olleyball court @May 201AB
Buildi!# obstacles
@10 done %y May 201AB
Closi!# i! portio!s of
shelter house ;No# 2014B
Copleti!# Prayer
Path @6$ril 201AB
Obstacle Course Trail
@6$r# 201AB
What you ca! do at the $oc%:
>n&oy the Shelter House

Pic!ic tables
seatin" :05100 $eo$le

Charcoal #rill

Tu# O War "reat family "ame

+ootball +ield
Bas%etball Court
Grass &olleyball court

6nother +82 SH/CT /CT
to New Ho$e .ineyard Youth
and Leaders for "iin" of your
time and ener"y at the *ock#
Seatin" areas around the *ock
$OC9+,ST co!t"
/n March 1'3 2000
Melin 6dams retired from the
Harlem 2lo%etrotters to fulfill a
new dream 5 to challen"e
indiiduals to $ersonal success
throu"h focus3 work and
Today3 he is $riile"ed to s$eak
%efore student and adult
audiences sharin" his $ersonal
story and ins$irin" others to
fulfill their dreams#
Sa%red Grou!d6 will %e
$erformin" this year#
(e will hae many "ames a
some fun com$etition on the
o%stacle course#
(e are constructin" some fun
o%stacles for *ockfest that at
some $oint will %e $art of our
,7tree Obstacle Course"
-ome out to the *ock Sat"
Sept" )=th to en&oy the fun
"ames and food and of course
our "uest s$eaker and Sakred

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