The Nature Meditations. Sufism Islam

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Anyone who has some knowledge of mys!"!sm and of he l!#es of he
mys!"s knows ha wha
always a$a"s he mys!" mos !s na%$e& Na%$e !s h!s '$ead and
w!ne( na%$e !s h!s so%l)s no%$!shmen(
na%$e !ns*!$es h!m+ %*l!fs h!m+ and g!#es h!m he sol!%de fo$ wh!"h
h!s so%l "on!n%ally
longs& E#e$y so%l 'o$n w!h a mys!"al enden"y !s "onsanly d$awn
owa$ds na%$e+ fo$ !n na%$e
ha so%l ,nds !s l!fe)s demand& As ! !s sa!d !n he -adan. /A$ !s dea$
o my hea$+ '% na%$e !s nea$
o my so%l&0
U*on hose who a$e w!ho% any enden"y owa$ds mys!"!sm na%$e
has a "alm!ng e1e"( o hem
! means a *ea"ef%l amos*he$e& 2% o he mys!" na%$e !s
e#e$yh!ng& No wonde$ ha he mys!"s+
sages+ and *$o*hes of all ages so%gh $ef%ge !n na%$e f$om all he
d!s%$'!ng !n3%en"es of da!ly
l!fe& They "ons!de$ed he "a#es of he mo%na!ns o 'e 'ee$ han
*ala"es( hey en4oyed he shele$
%nde$ a $ee mo$e han 'ea%!f%l ho%ses( hey l!ked look!ng a he
$%nn!ng wae$ 'ee$ han wa"h!ng
he *ass!ng "$owds( hey *$efe$$ed he seasho$es o he g$ea "!!es(
hey en4oyed wa"h!ng he
$!s!ng and he fa!l!ng of he wa#es mo$e han all he show ha he
wo$ld "an *$od%"e( hey lo#ed o
look a he moon+ a he *lanes+ a he sa$s !n he sky mo$e han a all
he 'ea%!f%l h!ngs made 'y
To a mys!" he wo$d na%$e has a w!de$ mean!ng& A""o$d!ng o he
mys!"al *o!n of #!ew na%$e
has fo%$ d!1e$en as*e"s& The fo$es+ he dese$+ h!lls and dales+
mo%na!ns and $!#e$s+ s%n$!se and
s%nse+ he moonl! n!gh+ and he sh!n!ng sa$s a$e one as*e" of
na%$e& 2efo$e a mys!" hey sand
l!ke lee$s+ "ha$a"e$s+ ,g%$es made 'y he 5$eao$ o $ead !f one !s
a'le o $ead hem& The s%$a of
he 6%$)an wh!"h "ona!ns he ,$s $e#ela!on of he 7$o*he !n"l%des
he #e$se+ /Read !n he name
of yo%$ 8o$d & & & who a%gh w!h he *en&0 The mys!"+ he$efo$e+
$e"ogn!9es h!s man!fesa!on as
a w$!en 'ook( he $!es o $ead hese "ha$a"e$s and en4oys wha hey
$e#eal o h!m& To he mys!" !
!s no only he wa:!ng and wan!ng of he moon+ ! has some ohe$
s!gn!,"an"e fo$ h!m( ! !s no
only he $!s!ng and he se!ng of he s%n+ ! ells h!m someh!ng else( !
!s no only he *os!!ons of
he sa$s+ '% he!$ a"!on and he!$ !n3%en"e $elae someh!ng o he
hea$ of he mys!"&
The mo%na!ns sand!ng so s!lenly+ he *a!en $ees of long $ad!!on+
he 'a$$en dese$+ he h!"k
fo$es+ no only ha#e a "alm!ng e1e" %*on he mys!"+ '% hey
e:*$ess someh!ng o h!m& The
3%e$!ng of he lea#es "omes o h!s ea$s as a wh!s*e$+ he m%$m%$ of
he w!nd falls on h!s ea$s as
m%s!"+ and he so%nd of l!le s$eams of wae$ $%nn!ng !n he fo$es+
mak!ng he!$ way h$o%gh
$o"ks and *e''les+ !s a sym*hony o he ea$s of he mys!"& No m%s!"
"an 'e g$eae$ and h!ghe$ and
'ee$ han h!s& The "$ash!ng of he h%nde$+ he so%gh!ng of he w!nd+
he 'low!ng of he mo$n!ng
'$ee9e+ all hese "on#ey o a mys!" a "e$a!n mean!ng wh!"h !s h!dden
'eh!nd hem& Fo$ a mys!"
hey make a *!"%$e of l!fe+ no a dead *!"%$e '% a l!#!ng *!"%$e wh!"h
a e#e$y momen "on!n%ally
$e#eals a new se"$e+ a new myse$y o h!s hea$&
And hen we "ome o he ne: as*e" of na%$e+ an as*e" wh!"h
man!fess h$o%gh he lowe$ "$ea!on&
The s!len l!le "$ea%$es "$awl!ng on he ea$h+ he '!$ds s!ng!ng !n he
$ees+ he l!on w!h !s
w$ah+ he ele*han w!h !s g$ande%$+ he ho$se w!h !s g$a"e+ and he
dee$ w!h !s 'ea%y. all hese
ell he mys!" someh!ng& He 'eg!ns o see he mean!ng of he w$ah
of he l!on and of he modesy
of he dee$( he l!sens o he wo$ds ha "ome o h!s ea$s h$o%gh he
s!ng!ng of he '!$ds+ fo$ o h!m
! !s no a wo$dless song& The an"!en mys!"s !n+ he!$ sym'ology %sed
he head of he !ge$+ he
fo$m of he l!on+ he !mage of he eagle+ and also *!"%$es of he snake
and he "ow& They *!"%$ed
hem as a "ha$a"e$ wh!"h hey had $ead h$o%gh o'se$#!ng h!s as*e"
of na%$e&
The$e !s an as*e" of na%$e wh!"h !s s!ll mo$e !ne$es!ng+ and o see !
he mys!" need no go away+
fo$ he sees ! !n he m!ds of he wo$ld& ;ha !s !< I !s o $ead h%man
na%$e and o wa"h !s
"on!n%al "hange+ !s *$og$ess+ !s deg$ada!on+ !s !m*$o#emen& I !s
so !ne$es!ng ha !n s*!e of
all he d!="%l!es ha he wo$ld *$esens+ one feels l!fe wo$h l!#!ng
when one 'eg!ns o no!"e how
hose who we$e go!ng fo$wa$d 'eg!n o go 'a"kwa$d+ and how hose
who we$e go!ng 'a"kwa$d
'eg!n o go fo$wa$d( when one o'se$#es how a *e$son+ w!ho% s!nk!ng
!n he wae$+ !s d$owned !n
l!fe+ and how a *e$son who was d$own!ng 'eg!ns o sw!m and !s sa#ed(
when one sees how f$om he
o* a *e$son "omes down o he 'oom !n a momen+ and how a
*e$son >NM 7age ?@A who was
"$ee*!ng on he g$o%nd has a las a$$!#ed a he o*( when one sees
how f$!ends %$n !no '!e$
enem!es+ and how '!e$ enem!es one day 'e"ome f$!ends& To one who
o'se$#es h%man na%$e
keenly+ ! g!#es s%"h an !ne$es !n l!fe ha he 'e"omes s%="!enly
s$ong o 'ea$ all+ o end%$e all+
o sand all h!ngs *a!enly& One may o'se$#e h!s mo#!ng *!"%$e all
h$o%gh l!fe+ and ! !s ne#e$
eno%gh( one ne#e$ !$es of !&
And he fo%$h as*e" of na%$e !s see!ng he d!#!ne na%$e+ $eal!9!ng
he mean!ng of he say!ng ha
man *$o*oses and Bod d!s*oses& ;hen one !s a'le o see he wo$ks of
Bod !n l!fe+ anohe$ wo$ld !s
o*ened 'efo$e one& Then a man does no look a he wo$ld as
e#e$y'ody else does+ fo$ he 'eg!ns o
see no only he ma"h!ne go!ng on '% he eng!nee$ sand!ng 'y !s
s!de+ mak!ng he ma"h!ne wo$k&
Th!s o1e$s a s!ll g$eae$ !ne$es+ he g$eaes !ne$es !n l!fe& If one
we$e o 'e 3ayed o$ "$%"!,ed one
wo%ld no m!nd+ fo$ one $!ses a'o#e all *a!n and s%1e$!ng+ and one
feels ! wo$hwh!le o 'e l!#!ng
and look!ng a h!s *henomenon ha g!#es one !n one)s l!fe!me he
*$oof of he e:!sen"e of Bod&
I !s hese fo%$ as*e"s of l!fe ha a$e "alled /na%$e0 'y he mys!"s( o
a S%, hey a$e h!s holy
s"$!*%$e& All he ohe$ sa"$ed 'ooks of he wo$ld+ howe#e$ h!ghly
eseemed 'y he followe$s of he
d!1e$en $el!g!ons+ a$e !ne$*$ea!ons of h!s 'ook+ g!#en 'y hose who
we$e g$aned "lea$ #!s!on
and who $!ed he!$ 'es o g!#e al hey had lea$n f$om ! o h%man!y
!n o%$ h%man lang%age+
wh!"h !s a lang%age of l!m!a!ons&
Na%$e does no ea"h he glo$y of Bod( ! need no ea"h h!s+ as
na%$e !self !s he glo$y of Bod&
7eo*le w!sh o s%dy as$ology and ohe$ s%'4e"s !n o$de$ o
%nde$sand 'ee$& 2% !f we s%dy
as$ology hen we a$e s%$e o a$$!#e a an !ne$*$ea!on wh!"h !s g!#en
'y a man( whe$eas wha we
sho%ld $ead f$om na%$e !s wha na%$e g!#es %s+ no wha any 'ook
ea"hes %s&
The$e "omes a !me+ w!h he ma%$!y of he so%l+ when e#e$y h!ng
and e#e$y 'e!ng 'eg!ns o
$e#eal !s na%$e o %s& ;e do no need o $ead *eo*le)s l!#es( we do
no need o $ead he!$ heo$!es&
;e know hen ha h!s w!de na%$e !n !s fo%$ as*e"s !s e#e$C$e#eal!ng
and ha one "an always
"omm%n!"ae w!h !+ '% ha !n s*!e of h!s ! !s no he *$!#!lege of
e#e$y so%l o $ead !& Many
so%ls $ema!n 'l!nd w!h o*en eyes& They a$e !n hea#en+ '% no allowed
o look a hea#en( hey a$e
!n *a$ad!se+ '% no allowed o en4oy he 'ea%!es of *a$ad!se& I !s 4%s
l!ke a *e$son slee*!ng on a
*!le of gems and 4ewels& F$om he momen man)s eyes o*en and he
'eg!ns o $ead he 'ook of
na%$e he 'eg!ns o l!#e( and he "on!n%es o l!#e fo$e#e$&
Note: The following phases are given so that they can be repeated
silently on the breath. This is indicated by
regular type for the inhalation, parentheses where the breath is held,
and italics for the exhalation.
T$ees w!h '$an"hes downwa$ds.
I see Thy hand
blessing me.
T$ees $!s!ng %*wa$ds.
7$ay!ng fo$ me
with hands raised upwards.
T$ees !n he n!gh.
My hea$ sands !n wa!!ng and ho*e
as the trees stand still through the darkness of night.
I see Thy 'elo#ed 'ea%y
in all colors and forms.
8e my s*!$! $e3e"+ D 2elo#ed+
the beauty of Thy color and form.
A feld with corn:
Tho% a$ he l!fe
and Thou are lifes sustenance.
I feel Thy *$esen"e !n h!s lands"a*e
which draws my heart so close to Thee.
Th!s lands"a*e !n my hea$
is a refection of Thy beauty.
8e me sand 'y $%h !n all "alam!!es
as the mountain stands unshaken through storms.
S$enghen my hea$ !n Thy fa!h
as the rock of the mountains.
Hel* me o "l!m' he mo%na!n *ah
which leads to Thy shrine.
I look %* o Thee w!h $a!sed head and hands s$e"hed
in worship as the mountains.
s invisible as space
>and as !n"on"e!#a'le as !meA
!s Thy 'e!ng+ O 8o$dE
To rise above worry and fear:
Tho% a$ *$esen
all through space.
To seek the truth in mystery:
I 'ehold h$o%gh s*a"e
thy limitless presence.
8e me g$ee hee !n s*a"e+
! formless and colorless "od.
F!ll my hea$ w!h Thy 'ea%y
as Thou #llest with thy creation empty space.
En#elo*e me as !n he l!gh of Thy d!#!ne s*!$!(
raise me from the denseness of the earth.
8e he s%n of Thy glo$y
shine in my heart.
Ra!se my so%l owa$ds Thee
with the rise of the sun.
8e me %n!e w!h Thee
at the sunset.
8e my hea$ $e3e" Thy l!gh
as the moon refects the sun.
Rising moon:
8e my so%l ad#an"e owa$ds Thee
as the rising moon progresses towards fullness.
Waning moon:
8e Thy l!gh 'e my o$"h
through the darkenss of mind.
>Aga!ns $o%'les of wo$ldly l!fe&A
8e Thy l!gh g%!de my *ah
Through the darkness of mind.
>Aga!ns "onf%s!on !n he s*!$!%al *ah&A
Fo$ he day of he f%ll moon.
F!ll my hea$ w!h Thy l!gh
so fully as the full moon.
Th$o%gh he da$kness of n!gh
my soul seeks for Thee.
8e my hea$ 'e"ome a *lane
in Thy heaven.
8e me $e"e!#e Thy d!#!ne message
as the stars receive light from Thy hidden face.
F!ll my hea$ w!h Thy lo#e+
that my every teardrop may become a star.
>Femal ask!ng fo$ w!sdom and 'ea%y&A
Still clouds flled with color and light:
8e me $e3e" Thy l!gh h$o%gh my ho%ghs
as the clouds refect in color the light of the sun.
8e f$om my hea$ $!se "lo%ds
bringing to view Thy beauty and color.
8e Thy 'ea%y sh!ne h$o%gh my hea$
as through the clouds come and spread out the rays of the
Rain clouds and clouds of storm:
$hile the clouds of Thy mercy are to be sent on earth,
he feel!ngs of my hea$ as"end owa$ds Thee&
$hen dark clouds surround the sky and people seek for the
so !n my da$k ho%$s I look fo$ Thee&
The sky is surrounded by dark clouds
and my hea$ 'y gloom+ seek!ng afe$ Thy l!gh+ my 'elo#ed
$hen the sun is covered by clouds and darkness prevails,
hen my hea$ "$!es alo%d+ /My s%n+ my 'elo#ed s%n&0
The dark clouds brought romance
'eween Thee+ my 2elo#ed+ and me&
Send he showe$ of Thy me$"y and "om*ass!on
on humanity.
8e Thy knowledge "o#e$ my hea$
as the snow covers the ground.
8e my hea$ mel !n Thy l!gh
as the snow before the sun.
8e my hea$ show he *%$!y of snow
in the path of righteousness.
7o%$ on me Thy ee$nal l!fe
as snow on earth.
%ake my heart delighted
'y he snowfall of Thy knowledge of T$%h&
8e he s$eam of Thy w!sdom and 4oy $!se !n my so%l
as the spring of water.
O*en my hea$
that Thy stream may rise up as the spring.
8e my l!fe 'e"ome he s*$!ng of Thy !n,n!e l!fe+
running eternally forever and ever.
Running water:
My l!fe !s $%nn!ng owa$ds Thee+ my o"ean+
as the river runs to the sea.
Still water:
8e my hea$ $e3e" Thy "alm
as the stillness of the water.
Note: The most inspiring is the spring& next comes running water& and
the least inspiring is still water
'divinity is not in still water(.
Strong wind:
My so%l 'lows owa$ds Thee
as the wind.
!entle" soft wind #the wind $uttering in leaves%:
Tho% 'lowes my hea$)s ,$e
by fanning it with the futtering leaves.
E#e$y leaf 'e"omes Thy ,nge$
when Thou #llest the fute with Thy breath.
8e me $e"e!#e Thy message
as the branches which swing in ecstasy.
My so%l !s s!ll *o!n!ng o Thee
though my life is going through a storm.
Thy !n#as!on as ho%gh he so$m
arouses my deepest passion for Thee.
I hold o he de*h of Thy 'less!ng
when the storm breaks through lifes sea.
8e my hea$ 'e"ome he o"ean
of Thy divine perfection.
My head 'ends !n h%m!l!y and $!ses w!h Thy m!gh
as the ever)rising waves of the sea.
The wa#es of 4oy $!se !n my hea$
when * see Thy nature manifest in the sea.
I sand l!ke he '%''le
in Thee, my ocean.
My l!fe !s a wa#e
of the ocean of Thy eternal life.
Tho% a$ he o"ean
and * am the wave.
8e me no 'e d$owned
in the sea of mortal life.
Tea"h me+ 8o$d+ o walk
over lifes sea.
S*eak+ Bod+ o me
through the air.
Heal me+ Bod+
by the waves of the air.
*n the air * hear
Thy "onsol!ng #o!"e&
*n the touch of the air
I feel Thy sym*ahe!" "a$ess&
8!f my so%l+ a!$+
and carry it to +is divine spheres.
The a!$ mo#es my hea$
to tears in Thy love.
The a!$ '$!ngs Thy message
and turns me into ecstasy.
I $!se a'o#e '!$h and deah
through the waves of the air.
F!$e+ d!#!ne *%$!,e$+
purify my heart.
F!$e+ O *owe$ of Bod+
purify my mind from all evil.
,ire, in thee * see
he make$+ 7%$!,e$+ and Heale$+ Bod&
8e lo#e)s ,$e $ema!n !n my hea$
and all else be burnt.
8e me l!#e !n Thy wa$mh(
raise me above the coldness of the earth.
K!ndle+ 8o$d+ ,$e !n my hea$+
that life may become clearer to me.
8e he o$%$es of l!fe '%$n %* all
which keeps me from rising to Thy spheres of freedom and
-estroy, .ord, my in#rmities
'y he ,$e of Thy lo#e&
Ra!se my so%l %*
as the rising of the fame.
.et my false self be turned into ashes
ha my $%e self 'e 'o$n as a *hoen!:&
!rou of animals:
I am s%$e ha Tho% "a$es fo$ me
as Thou lookest after Thy speechless creatures.
/ 0hepherd of humanity,
Tho% lookes afe$ all Thy "$ea%$es&
&uman beings #for both men and women%:
In man I see+ my 'elo#ed 8o$d+
Thine own image.
I sand a Thy gae
when * am in the presence of man.
$hen * greet man,
I 'ow a Thy gae&
I ,nd Thy sh$!ne
at the heart of man.
Woman #meditations for man on woman%:
* gently approach woman
les I may d!s%$' Thy womanly ende$ness&
Thy d!#!ne me$"y !s $e3e"ed
through the heart of the mother.
I $e"ogn!9e Thy d!#!ne g$a"e
in the tenderness of womans heart.
*n womans virtue
I $e"ogn!9e Thy d!#!ne *%$!y&
I e:*e$!en"e Thy d!#!ne *e$fe"!on
with woman who completes my life.
Man #meditations for woman on man%:
*n man * recogni1e
Thy lo#!ng *$oe"!on&
My so%l)s !deal !s man!fes o me
in the form of man.
*n the arms of man
I e:*e$!en"e Thy d!#!ne em'$a"e&
I e:*e$!en"e Thy d!#!ne *e$fe"!on
with man, who completes my life.
2aise me above the denseness of life
and allow me o $e"ogn!9e man !n Thee&
Tho% a$ he man+
all souls look to Thee for love.
I see Thy d!#!ne *%$!y
in the innocent face of the child.
Thy message I $e"e!#e
through the happy smiles of the infant.
The a!$ of hea#en he "h!ld '$!ngs o me
when it comes on earth.
I de*end en!$ely on Thy *$oe"!on+ my 8o$d+
as an innocent child.
B%!de me a$!gh+ my 8o$d(
* am as a child in Thy divine path.
7%$!fy my hea$
as the heart of an innocent child.
(ld age:
8e me a**$oa"h nea$ o Thee
as * grow old.
In my #ene$a!on fo$ he aged+
* worship Thee, / .ord.
in the grey hair of the aged
I see Thy *%$!y+ D 8o$d&
The aged are my messengers
o Thee+ D 8o$d&
2less me h$o%gh he k!nd glan"e of he aged
and teach me in their words.
The Sage o$ godly man.
To the godly man to whom all angels bow,
I 'ow&
.et Thy servant, / .ord,
'e my mase$&
My holy *!lg$!mage
is the sacred dwelling of the sage.
The *$esen"e of he godly man
for me is the holy river.
I !s Tho% who "omes on ea$h
to save humanity in the form of the sage.
8e my hea$ $e3e"
the spirit of the holy ones.
8e me ene$ Thy dwell!ng
through the heart of Thy holy one.
8e me 'e"ome Thy 'ody+
thou become my spirit, / holy one.
On he *$o*he.
8e me $e"ogn!9e Thy #!sage
in the image of Thy avatar.
Tea"h me+ D 8o$d+
through the words of Thy messenger.
;a$n me+ 8o$d+ h$o%gh Thy *$o*he+
before * step into error.
Heal my so%l
through the inspiring glance of Thy messiah.
I see Thy s*!$!+ D $as%l+
under the veil of my spiritual guide.
D!#!n!y I see
in Thy spirit of risalat.
Th!ne own !deal I see
in the perfection of rasul.
%y heart is no more mine,
! !s h!ne own+ my s*!$!%al g%!de&
My so%l !s hy s*!$!+ D $as%l(
now * exist no more.
I ga#e hea$ and so%l o my g%!de+ my ea"he$+
and what remains now is Thine, / .ord.
Through the silence of nature,
I aa!n Thy d!#!ne *ea"e&
/ sublime nature,
!n hy s!llness le my hea$ $es&
Tho% a$ *a!enly awa!!ng he momen
to manifest through the silence of sublime nature.
D na%$e s%'l!me+ s*eak o me h$o%gh s!len"e+
for * am awaiting in silence like you the call of "od.
/ nature sublime,
h$o%gh hy s!len"e I hea$ Thy "$y&
My hea$ !s %ned o he G%!eness+
that the stillness of nature inspires.
All l!gh !s Thy $ad!an"e+
and shade is the shadow of Thy beauty.
Tho% a$ !n 'oh. !n l!gh as $ad!an"e+
in the dark as shade.
Thou changest thy place,
'% no hyself+ D l!gh&
8!gh !s Thy man!fesa!on(
shade is Thy withdrawing.
In he l!gh Tho% a$ man!fes(
in the shade Thou art hidden.
8!gh !s Th!ne eye
and shade is its pupil.
The shade adds o he l!gh
as 1ero adds to the #gure.
8!gh $e*$esens Thy hea#ens
and shade Thine earth.
*n yellow * see
he 3ame of Thy l!gh&
* see in yellow
Thy lo#e and Thy l!gh&
Tho% has ado$ned w!h yellow
the earth and Thy heavens.
8e my hea$ $!*en
as a green leaf ripens to yellow.
I see Thy wo w!ngs
in the green water and the yellow earth.
8e he yellow 3ames of Thy d!#!ne l!gh
turn my false ego into ashes.
>Yellow !s a wonde$f%l "olo$+ a "olo$ of s!llness&A
*n sa3ron shineth
he l!gh of Thy ma4esy&
0a3ron is the color
of Thy k!ngly g$ande%$&
*n sa3ron * feel
Thy *ass!onae lo#e&
0a3ron brings
en"hanmen and hea#enly 4oy o my hea$&
*n brown * watch
Thy sof sm!les *$o#!ng o me Thy m!ld na%$e&
Thy ripe nature
man!fess !n '$own&
*n brown * see
Thy "onsan end%$an"e&
Thy "ha$!y of hea$
manifests in the color brown.
/ lchemist eternal,
%$n my hea$ !no gold&
*n orange * see
Thy l!gh "%lm!naed+ *e$fe"ed&
The s%n '$!ngs o me
Thy greetings, clad in an orange garb.
* see in orange
he glo$!o%s #!s!on of Thy hea#enly $!"hes&
Th$o%gh o$ange Tho% '$!nges del!gh
to my yearning heart.
*n orange * see
Thy w!sdom and Thy "om*ass!on&
*n the red color * see
Thy glow!ng "o%nenan"e&
*n red * see
he 'leed!ng of Thy hea$ !n sym*ahy fo$ Thy "$ea%$es&
2ed shows me
Thy l!fe !n !s *e$fe" glow&
Red '$!ngs l!fe
to my hungry)heart.
-ye my heart red,
ha ! may ake he "olo$ of Th!ne own l!fe&
/ ever)youthful 4eloved, from violet * hear
Thy s!len g$oan of hea$&
2elo#ed+ I hea$ Thy sof lamena!on
in violet.
>In #!ole !s no l!gh( ! !s G%!e anohe$ h!ng f$om he ohe$
"olo$s+ mo$e on he
s!de of 'la"k&A
*n purple * #nd
Thy dee*es woes&
I sym*ah!9e w!h Thy g$!ef
seeing it manifest in purple.
Thy dee* so$$ow s*ea$es h$o%gh my hea$+
rising through the scarlet blood.
0carlet brings to my heart
Thy ee$nal ma$y$dom&
>-!ole+ s"a$le+ and *%$*le a$e a $!n!y&A
The color pink raises in my heart
lo#e fo$ Thy 'e!ng&
*n the blue color * get
he gl!m*se of Thy hea#ens&
I see hea#en sh!n!ng o%
in Thy blue eyes.
I 'ehold he 'l%e of Th!ne eyes
in the sky.
O% of 'l%e "omes Thy %*l!f!ng !n3%en"e+
which raiseth me from earth.
*n blue * see
he *%$!y of Thy na%$e&
2aise me high
!n he 'l%e s*he$es of Thy hea#en&
I feel Thy *$esen"e mos
when all is blue to me.
*n the green color * see
Thy l!fe s*$!ng!ng&
I see Thy wo w!ngs
in the green water and the yellow earth.
The g$een "a$*e of Thy hea#en
is spread on the earth.
Re3e"+ Bod+ Thy "om*ass!on
in the tone of the green nature.
Thy hea$)s emo!ons
are expressed in the ever)rising waves of the green sea.
Th$o%gh g$een Tho% s*eakes(
through blue Thou art silent.
8e my so%l mo#e !n Thy ho%gh
as the green in the forest.
B!#e me he *a!en"e of he g$een $ees
that stand still, awaiting Thy command.
* ask for the bowl of green poison
ha '$!ngeh he l!fe ha follows deah&
>F$om he !n!!a!on of Sh!#a( "om*a$e 'owl of '!e$ness&A
In wh!e I see Thy *%$!y
manifested to my eyes.
*n white lilies * bring Thee
an o1e$!ng of my o*en hea$&
*n the color black
I feel he de*h of Thy 'e!ng&
Thou showest in black
Thy ee$nal 'e!ng&
*n black Thou givest me a proof
of 'e!ng a'o#e all "hanges&
$ho is behind utter darkness,
Thy endless self&
4lack is death,
ye l!fe ee$nal&
I $e"ogn!9e Thy fa"e
covered under the grey veil.
in grey * see the sign
of he ma%$!y of Thy s*!$!&
*n the heart of grey
he wo$ld !s $e3e"ed&
Thy hea#ens a$e s%**o$ed
by grey ceilings.
%y deep sigh rises as a grey vapor
fo$ Thy "onsol!ng wo$ds as $a!n&
Tho% knowes all my needs
and Thou shalt grant them.
D Knowe$ of my hea$+
ful#ll my desires.
I !s Tho% whom I see
in all names and forms.
Tho% a$ "lose$ o me
than myself.
8e Thy m!gh s$enghen me+
>Thy l!gh !ns*!$e meA+
and let Thy love move my soul to the ultimate 5oy.
Make me "ons"!o%s of Thee+
that * may lose the consciousness of my being.
8e e#e$y mo#emen of l!fe
whisper Thy name to my ears.
Bod+ 'e Tho% 'efo$e me when I am awake+
and with me when * am asleep.
In Thy na%$e
* feel Thy presence.
D 5$eao$+
who art hidden under Thy wonderful creation.
S*eak+ Bod+ o me
through Thy nature.
I sand as a '$!dge
between Thee and Thy nature.
8!f+ Bod+ he "%$a!n
which divides Thee from me.
Remo#e he wall f$om my s!gh
that * may attain Thy presence.
Un#e!l Thy fa"e+ D 8o$d+
that * may behold Thy vision.
Fo$ gene$al "ases and o $a!se he fa"%ly o ,nd new ones.
8e ea$h $e3e" hea#en+
that * may read life as an open book.
8e he s%n of Thy d!#!ne s*!$! $!se f$om my hea$
that man may break out of the darkness of life.
8e Thy wo$ld 'e"ome
my lifes expression.
Talk h$o%gh me+ my 8o$d(
the ears of my heart are listening.
8e my l!fe 'e f$%!f%l
in its every aspect.
I o%"h Thy l!fe !n mo#emen+
and feel Thy spirit in stillness.
8e Thy e#e$y mo#emen 'e"ome a wo$d fo$ me+
which was lost for me so long.
6very movement of nature
!s a s!gnal f$om Thee&
6very movement covereth
Thy #o!"e&
The whole universe is an instrument
whose $hyhm !s "ond%"ed 'y Thy 'aon&
8e me see Thy d!#!ne mo#emen
in all moving things of the universe.
8e me see he se"$e
hidden behind Thy movement.
Inwa$d mo#emen means s$engh and "on$ol&
O%wa$d mo#emen means e:ha%s!on and e:*%ls!on&
Z!g9ag mo#emen means s$engh '% des$%"!on&
S!de mo#emen d!$e"ed f$om $!gh o lef means s$engh
and *owe$&
S!de mo#emen d!$e"ed f$om lef o $!gh means genleness
and modesy&
S!de mo#emen d!$e"ed %*wa$ds means lo#e and *%$!y&
S!de mo#emen d!$e"ed downwa$ds means a1e"!on and
*n the straight line
Tho% a$ s!ll&
The straight line tells me
Tho% a$ he Only 2e!ng&
The straight line speaks
of Thy 4%s!"e&
The straight line shows me
he *ah o Thee&
The straight line expresses
he 'eg!nn!ng of "$ea!on&
The straight line tells us
ha Tho% a$ One Alone&
The straight line cries aloud
ha he$e !s none 'es!des Thee&
The straight line promises
H!s ease&
The straight line represents
The ho$!9onal l!ne e:*$esses he h!nd$an"e on he *ah&
The ho$!9onal l!ne "on#eys deah&
The ho$!9onal l!ne s%ggess s!llness&
The ho$!9onal l!ne !s he o'sa"le&
The ho$!9onal l!ne !s *$e#en!#e of a"!on&
The ho$!9onal l!ne !s he s!gn of des$%"!on&
The ho$!9onal l!ne shows ann!h!la!on&
The ho$!9onal l!ne !s e:*$ess!#e of mo$al!y&
The ho$!9onal l!ne !s a& s!gn of fa!l%$e&
The ho$!9onal l!ne w!h he #e$!"al !s he s!gn of *e$fe"!on&
The ho$!9onal l!ne w!h he #e$!"al !s he s!gn of l!fe&
The ho$!9onal l!ne w!h he #e$!"al !s he s!gn of *e$fe" 4oy&
The ho$!9onal l!ne w!h he #e$!"al !s he s!gn of e:*e$!en"e&
The ho$!9onal l!ne w!h he #e$!"al !s he "a%se of
The ho$!9onal l!ne w!h he #e$!"al !s he means of d!#!ne
The "!$"le !s he s!gn of Bod&
The "!$"le !s he s!gn of *e$fe"!on&
The "!$"le !s he s!gn of %n"hangea'leness&
The "!$"le !s he s!gn of he 'eg!nn!ng of l!fe and of he
e:!n"!on of l!fe&
The "!$"le !s he s!gn of 'eg!nn!ng and of end!ng&
The "!$"le !s he s!gn of he so%$"e and of he goal&
The "!$"le means noh!ng+ e#e$yh!ng+ and all h!ngs&
The "!$"le !s l!fe and !s deah&
The "!$"le !s $!"hness&
The "!$"le !s an %nend!ng *a!n and an e#e$las!ng 4oy&
The "!$"le !s he lake !n wh!"h he so%ls a$e los and he
fo%na!n whe$e he so%ls
The "!$"le e:*$esses he wh!$lw!nd h$o%gh all he as*e"s of
The "!$"le $e*$esens he wo$ld&
The "!$"le $e*$esens he *lanes&
The "!$"le $e*$esens he se"$e&
The "!$"le $e*$esens he o*en!ng and he "los!ng&
The "!$"le $e*$esens he a'so$*!on and he e:*%ls!on&
I see Thy myse$y
hidden under the petals of the fowers.
,lowers are
Thy dan"!ng $hyhm&
*n fowers * see
he female 'ea%y of Thy s*!$!&
The fowers tell me
how 'ea%!f%l Tho% a$&
*n the color of fowers
I see he "olo$ of Thy "o%nenan"e&
*n the form of fowers
I 'ehold Th!ne !mage&
I see Thy sk!ll+ D *e$fe" A$!s+
in the making of fowers.
Flowe$s s*eak o me
of Thy lo#el!ness&
O% of 3owe$s "omes a f$ag$an"e
which moves my heart to ecstasy.
The sweet fragrance of the fowers
'$!ngs o me he message of Thy sweeness&
;ho made he 3owe$s so 'ea%!f%l+
>"olo$ed hem and ga#e hem f$ag$an"eA+
it is Thee, my .ord.
>The syle of Za$ah%sh$a&A
The $ose o1e$s o me Thy message of lo#e(
* o3er to Thee my devotion in rose.
*n the rose * see
Thy del!ghf%l "o%nenan"e&
8e my hea$ 'loom !n Thy lo#e
as the rose.
My l!*s a$e "losed w!h *$aye$ !n hem
as the rosebud.
Em*owe$ my hea$ ha I may *%ll myself ogehe$
like the heart of the rose controlling its petals.
8e me $ea!n Thy 'ea%y+
which * have as the rose.
The d!#!ne s*a$k !n me !s as a d$o* f$om Th!ne o"ean(
let me preserve it as the rose preserves the dewdrop.
*n the red rose * see
Thy hea$ 'leed!ng o#e$ he "o$$%*!on of h%man!y&
*n the white rose * see
he *%$!y of Thy d!#!ne 'e!ng&
*n the pink rose * see
Thy d!#!ne lo#e and "om*ass!on&
*n the cream rose * see
Thy w!sdom+
*n the yellow rose * see
Thy d!#!ne l!gh&
Oh+ %$n my hea$ $ed
like Thy lovely red rose.
%y heart turns into a pink rose
!n Thy d!#!ne lo#e&
A se"ond se* !s no !n wo$ds+ '% !n look!ng a he *!"%$e !n
he m!nd& A f%$he$ sage
!s no say!ng he *$aye$s alo%d '% hold!ng he *!"%$e !n he
m!nd and h!nk!ng o$
say!ng he *$aye$ w!ho% e:*$ess!ng ! !n wo$ds& Kee* ! !n
feel!ng and $e"ogn!9e !n !
he d!#!ne 'e!ng& Make yo%$ '$eah $hyhm!" as yo% do h!s&
A sage !n *ass!ng f$om he ,$s se* o he se"ond one !s
no see!ng ea"h se*a$ae
h!ng as an a"!on !n Bod+ '% see!ng he whole na%$e as
one l!#!ng fa"e of Bod&
The *$aye$s of h!s *$a"!"e a$e.
6very form * see is
Th!ne own fo$m+ my 8o$d&
6very sound * hear is
Th!ne own #o!"e&
*n the fragrance * smell
he *e$f%me of Thy s*!$!&
*n every word spoken to me
I hea$ Thy #o!"e+ my 8o$d&
ll that touches me is
Th!ne own o%"h&
*n everything * taste
I e:*e$!en"e he sy$%* of Thy del!"!o%s s*!$!&
*n every place
I $e"ogn!9e Thee+ my 8o$d&
E#e$y wo$d ha o%"hes my ea$s !s
Thy message.
6verything that touches me thrills me
w!h he 4oy of Thy k!ss&
$herever * roam
I need Thee(
wherever * reach
I ,nd Thee+ my 8o$d&
$herever * look * see
Thy glo$y!ng fa"e(
whatever * touch
I o%"h Thy 'elo#ed hand&
$homever * see,
I see Thee !n h!s so%l&
,rom whomever * take anything,
I ake ! f$om Thee&
$homever * give something,
I g!#e ! h%m'ly o Thee&
$hoever cometh to me,
o me ! !s Thy "all&
To whomever * call,
I "all a Th!ne own gae&
$henever * nod to anyone,
I 'ow 'efo$e Thy h$one&
*n showing my sympathy to anyone
I e:*$ess my lo#e o Thee+ my 'elo#ed&
In he se"ond *$o"ess no wo$ds a$e %sed& The$e a$e wo
ways of do!ng h!s+ w!h o*en
eyes ,:ed %*on na%$e o$ w!h "losed eyes "$ea!ng he
*!"%$e of na%$e !n one)s own
m!nd& In"l%d!ng he *$aye$s+ he$e a$e h$ee d!1e$en
*$o"esses+ w!h a *ass!ng se* f$om
he ,$s o he se"ond&
One sho%ld %se.
Fo$ a dy!ng *e$son+ wh!e 3owe$s+ w!h he ho%gh ha h!s *ass!ng
sho%ld 'e *ea"ef%l&
Fo$ d!so$de$s of he 'lood+ wh!e 3owe$s+ *$efe$a'ly 4asm!ne&
Fo$ ne$#o%s yo%ng *eo*le of an emo!onal na%$e who ha#e no fo%nd
hemsel#es+ wh!e l!l!es&
Fo$ ne$#o%s *e$sons %nsa'le !n m!nd and 'ody+ yellow 3owe$s& T%l!*s
a$e 'es+ '% all k!nds of
yellow 3owe$s a$e good&
Fo$ anem!a+ $ed %l!*s+ $ed $oses+ $ed 3owe$s of any k!nd&
Fo$ a *e$son who fea$s deah+ who !s $esless and !n des*a!$ on h!s
s!"k'ed+ *!nk $oses o$ *!nk
Fo$ *e$sons who a$e so s$ongly !m*$essed 'y !llness ha hey "an)
ge 'ee$+ 'l%e 3owe$s&
Fo$ o'sessed *e$sons o$ hose who a$e !ll f$om some e#!l s*!$!)s
!n3%en"e+ any k!nd of o$"h!d&
>2% always $emem'e$ he ho%gh 'eh!nd he 3owe$&A
The $ose g!#es de#elo*men&
The o$"h!d g!#es a$!s$y&
;h!e 3owe$s g!#e de#elo*men of "ha$a"e$&
Flowe$s w!h *e$f%me g!#e *e$sonal!y&
Yellow 3owe$s g!#e '$!ll!an"e&
Sa**h!$e 3owe$s g!#e 4oy&
7%$*le 3owe$s g!#e we!gh o he *e$sonal!y&
Eme$ald H *$og$ess+ *$od%"!#!y+ es*e"!ally !n 'ea%y and
Sa**h!$e H a$ and !ns*!$a!on&
R%'y H lo#e( so$$ow and d!="%l!es&
To*a9 H ha$mony&
D!amond H $!gheo%sness&
Ne#e$ %e a *ea$l& I sands fo$ !m*$!sonmen 'e"a%se !
"omes o% of a shell& I '$!ngs
"on,nemen and wealh+ w!h all he so$$ows wh!"h 'elong o
Do no wea$ an o*al& I has all "olo$s( ! $e*$esens *os!!#e
and nega!#e+ and ha !s
no good& The$e m%s 'e e!he$ one o$ he ohe$& They a$e
'oh good+ '% no a he
same !me&
Heal!ng "olo$s a$e l!gh "olo$s. ;h!e+ "$eam+ s*$!ng g$een+
sky 'l%e+ 3owe$ yellow&
Fo$ sk!n d!sease. ;h!e+ "$eam&
Fo$ ne$#o%s !llness and "ons%m*!on. Sky 'l%e&
Fo$ ne$#o%s !llness. Flowe$ yellow&
Fo$ wo$nCo%+ de*leed+ and old *eo*le. S*$!ng g$een&
Fo$ "$!**led *eo*le. Sandalwood "olo$ >yellowC'$own ea$hA&
Fo$ o$*hans. S*$!ng g$een+ yellow+ *!nk+ sky 'l%e&
Fo$ he 'l!nd. Sky 'l%e&
Fo$ he !nsane. Sandalwood "olo$&
Fo$ "$ema!on halls. Smoke "olo$+ f$om g$ey o wh!e go!ng
>Ne#e$ %se ma%#e fo$ h!s o""as!on& I !s he "olo$ of
mo%$n!ng and !s 'ad fo$ he
dead& A *e$son who !s e:*e"!ng dange$ o$ so$$ow has a
ma%#e a%$a&A
Fo$ s%dens) '%!ld!ngs. Da$k am'e$ and $ed+ w!h an am'e$
l!gh fo$ !ns*!$a!on+ fo$
yo%h+ !mag!na!on+ !nelle"%al s%d!es&
Fo$ *$!sons. 2l%e of all shades&
Fo$ '%s!ness *la"es. Dee*+ s$!k!ng "olo$s( 'l%e+ *!nk&
Fo$ "h%$"hes and de#o!on. Red+ *!nk+ 'l%e+ g$een+ yellow+
s!l#e$+ gold&
Fo$ he h!ghe$ as*e" >!ll%m!na!onA. Yellow&
Fo$ he $el!g!o%s emo!on >fa!hA. Red&
Fo$ as*!$a!on. 2l%e&
Fo$ s*$ead!ng a $el!g!o%s message. B$een&
Fo$ #!$%e >*!eyA. S!l#e$&
Fo$ g$a"e and 'ened!"!on. Bold&
Fo$ "loh!ng. In da!ly l!fe do no wea$ *%$*le+ es*e"!ally no
*%$*le !n wh!"h $ed
dom!naes+ fo$ ! '$!ngs des$%"!on& Fo$ mys!"!sm and
s*!$!%al *%$*oses *%$*le !s
good+ '% no fo$ da!ly l!fe&
Do no wea$ $ed and 'l%e !n "om'!na!on& Th!s '$!ngs
h%nde$+ and when ,$e !s !n
he a!$ ! '$!ngs des$%"!on&
Fo$ "on#ens In%nsJ. Ma%#e >no s"a$leA&
Fo$ monase$!es ImonksJ.7!nk+ "$eam&
Fo$ #!$g!n g!$ls. T%$G%o!se&
Fo$ f%%$e '$!des. 5o$al $ed&
Fo$ "onsol!ng. S*$!ng g$een+ yellow&
To "alm down.
The leas s$!k!ng "olo$s+ yellow!sh '$own& Mo%na!ns+ h!"kly
"o#e$ed w!h g$een+
dee* #alleys&
Aga!ns melan"holy.
A*$!"o& The mo$e sky+ sa$s+ s%n+ moon+ he 'ee$&
To ge a'o#e lowe$ ho%ghs. 5$eam& Angels+ "h%$"hes+
The med!a!ons follow!ng we$e des!gnaed /fo$ h!ghe$ !n!!aes >!n he
S%, O$de$A only0 !n he
o$!g!nal man%s"$!*.
8e my m!nd 'ea$ swee f$%! and f$ag$an 3owe$s+
as this tree is planted on the soil of Thy spirit.
8e Thy m!gh 'e my m!gh
to lift the mountains of lifes responsibility.
I 'end owa$ds he Mohe$ Ea$h
in delight of the ,ather in heaven.
Ea$h !no ea$h+ wae$ !no wae$+
le my so%l !mme$se !n Thee h$o%gh s*a"e&
8e he s%n of Thy d!#!ne s*!$! $!se f$om my hea$+
that morn may break out of the dance of life.
8e Thy *e$fe"!on 'e m!ne+
and my imperfection be lost as the darkness in the full
!pen a way through Thy heavens,
ha I may a$$!#e a Thy dwell!ng *la"e&
.et my soul refect Thy light,
ha e#e$y glan"e I "as may 'e"ome a "ome&
>Felal ask!ng fo$ *owe$&A
I shall *ene$ae he 'la"k hea$
of the clouds to reach Thee, my .ord.
A!$+ "a$$y he message of my feel!ng hea$
far and beyond.
8e he 3ame ha $!ses !n my hea$
illuminate my path.
;oman Imed!a!ons fo$ man on womanJ.
$oman, my steppingstone
!n he as"en owa$ds Thy sh$!ne&
I e:*e$!en"e Thy *e$fe"!on
in the union with my other half.
>Fo$ 'elo#ed and ma$$!ed ones&A
Tea"h me !nno"en"e+ D 8o$d+
through the child, an angel on earth.
I $!se a'o#e all wo$$!es and '!e$ness of l!fe
as a child.
Old Age.
My so%l !s ge!ng o 'e aged
and my hea$ !s %$n!ng g$ey 'y Thy s!l#e$ l!gh&
The Sage o$ Bodly Man.
I lose my self !n he self of he godly man
o %n!e w!h Thee&
/ nature sublime, pregnant of divine spirit,
man!fes as a *$aye$+ wh!"h $!ses f$om my hea$&
S*eak+ Bod+ !n s!len"e+
this moment my heart is in tune with the stillness of Thy
Though the ever)moving is my nature,
ho% a$ my #e$y 'e!ng+ D s!llness&
In he l!gh I see Thy 'ea%y(
in shade * #nd Thy mystery.
8!gh !s Thy fa"e+
and shade is Thy bosom.
8e my self %$n
into Thy being.
8e my l!fe 'e"ome
Thy soul.
8e me fo$ge myself
in Thy consciousness.
I d$!nk he w!ne of Thy *$esen"e
and lose myself in its intoxication.
One mo$e "%*+ my 'elo#ed+
that * may entirely lose myself.
8e me 'e d$owned !n Thy d!#!ne o"ean
as a pearl in wine.
Unfold Thy se"$e h$o%gh na%$e
and reveal Thy mystery through my heart.
>Th!s one w!ll $o%se he fa"%ly of ,nd!ng ohe$ na%$e *$aye$s fo$ oneself( !f
he *$aye$ !s "on!n%ed+ one
,nds ohe$s&A
8e my m!nd 'ea$ swee f$%! and f$ag$an 3owe$s+
as this tree is planted on the soil of Thy spirit.
K ?LMD 'y S%, O$de$& All $!ghs $ese$#ed&
S%, O$de$ 7%'l!"a!ons
7&O& 2o: NOM
8e'anon S*$!ngs+ NY ?P??@

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