Nautical Notes: Principal's Column

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Week 3 is over and

our students are ad-

justing well to their
new routines and pro-
cedures. Our traffic in
the morning is running
smoothly. Thank you
for your patience as we
navigate the volume of
traffic at the first of the
year. So things seem to
be settling down.
I hope you have been
able to attend our cur-
riculum nights. We
have one more for our
kindergarten parents.
Along with this news-
letter, you will receive a
monthly parent calen-
dar. Each month we
revise the calendar that
you received with your
student handbook .
This will help to keep
you informed on any
upcoming activities for
the current month.
We are still missing
some of the forms that
were included in the
back to school packets.
If you have not re-
turned those forms,
please take a few mo-
ments to complete
them and send them
back to your childs
teacher. It is important
that we have your accu-
rate information and
the names of those
people you authorize to
pick up your child. We
have many events and
activities where photos
may be taken. We
must know if your child
has a Media Consent
form on file allowing us
to publish your childs
photo, name, etc. or to
be included in the di-
rectory and yearbook. If
a form is not returned,
it is assumed that the
child doesnt have per-
mission and will not be
I hope you have a
wonderful weekend.
Volume 1, Issue 3
Principals Column
September 4, 2014
Special points of interest:
Curriculum Nights
Sept 9 - Kindergarten -6pm
MAP Testing begins Sept. 3

S D 5 L R C
9 K5 Curriculum Night 6 pm
16 Innisbrook Fundraiser Ends
11:40 AM
22 Fall Pictures
Sept 29 Sept 29 Sept 29 Sept 29- -- -Oct 29 Oct 29 Oct 29 Oct 29
Grandparents Month

Sept 15-Oct 15:
Hispanic Heritage Month
Sept 17-23:
Constitution Week
Nautical Notes
Calendar of Events Calendar of Events Calendar of Events Calendar of Events
Inside this issue:
Nurses Notes 2
Reminders & Piano
A Page from the Media
PE News 3
Dismissal Changes 3
Picture Day 3
PTO News 4
What a busy, but
great start to the
school year!! We, as
parents and a com-
munity of teachers
and staff, can make
this school year the
healthiest it has ever been by
following some simple steps. It
is important for students to eat a
nutritious breakfast each day.
The cafeteria is open every
morning to serve students. It is
also important for your child to
get enough rest every night so
they can do their best during the
school day. Hand washing is
vital as to wash those unwel-
comed germs away. We at
LMES strive for students to do
their best and with these simple
steps, your student can perform
at their highest level.
Other friendly reminders
include: All medications will be
stored in the health room. If your
child needs to take medication,
please bring it to the health
room. Do not let your child
transport medications. It be-
comes a safety issue if a child is
transporting medication in their
back packs. All medication,
whether it is prescription or non-
prescription, needs a form to be
filled out by the parent and ALL
medications need a Physicians
signature. All forms can be
found on the schools homepage
under the Health Service " link.
Our School District follows
the DHEC guidelines for chil-
drens illnesses. The 2014-2015
School Exclusion List" is avail-
able on the district webpage.
This list provides information as
to when to keep your child at
home and when it is safe to send
your child back to school after
an illness.
Finally, if you have any ques-
tions, please feel free to call the
Health Room at 476-4609. If we
all work together, this school
year can be a healthiest ever!!!!
gram, helpful student re-
sources, and more!
Click on the link or scan
the QR code to view the
Aug/Sept newsletter from
the Library Media Center.
Topics include information
on flexible scheduling and
book checkout, changes to
the SC Book Award pro-
P a g e P a g e P a g e P a g e 2 22 2
Reminders Piano Lessons
Nurses Notes
A Page from the Media Center
Learning at LMES
doesnt end at 2:30!
Group Piano lessons at
Lake Murray Elementary
School have expanded!
Beginner classes are of-
fered Monday, Wednes-
day, Thursday, and Fri-
days right after school.
Intermediate classes are
taught at 3:30 on Monday,
Wednesday and Thursday
afternoons . Classes are $12 a
session and each class is lim-
ited to 5 students. Enroll-
ment for piano lessons can be
completed through the Boys
and Girls Club of the Mid-
lands website.

Cafeteria Reminders:
Parents, if you do not wish
for your child to order
extras when going to
lunch, please send a note
to the cafeteria. Also,
when you come to have
lunch with your child, re-
member that the cafeteria
cannot accept large bills.
N a u t i c a l N o t e s N a u t i c a l N o t e s N a u t i c a l N o t e s N a u t i c a l N o t e s



V o l u m e V o l u m e V o l u m e V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 1 , I s s u e 1 1 , I s s u e 1 1 , I s s u e 1
Active Gamecock Log
Who likes free stuff? Who
likes to be active? Who is a
Gamecock Fan? If you an-
swer YES to two or more
of these questions you will
want to participate in the Ac-
tive Gamecock Log event.
Students received their Active
Gamecock Physical Activity
Log last week. Students who
exercise after school for 30
minutes or more, most days
between Aug. 28
Sept.10 and log it will earn
free tickets. Student who
complete the challenge and
return their log will receive
one free ticket to 3 USC
events and 3 tickets for a par-
ent to take them to the game.
Forms are returned to your
childs PE teacher no later
than September 19
October 5, 2014 Womens
Soccer vs. LSU
Oct. 25, 2014 Mens Soc-
cer vs. Kentucky
November 9, 2014 Volley-
ball vs. Alabama

Fun Fitness Starts
September 8th

Fun Fitness is an opportunity
for students in grades 1-5 to
meet every other week to get
additional physical activity
time. Fun Fitness is in the
morning from 7:15-7:40 a.m.
Students will walk with stu-
dents in their own grade around
the gym. Toward the end of the
time the students will get to
participate in a fun moving
We are always looking for
parent volunteers to help. No
prior experience is necessary,
just a passion for being phys-
ically active with children. If
you are interested in helping
with Fun Fitness contact Mrs.
at [email protected]
or Mr. Nellems
at [email protected].

Week 1 (Sept. 8-12)
Monday = 3rd Grade,
Tuesday = 4th Grade,
Wednesday = 5th Grade

Week 2 (Sept.15-19)
Tuesday = 2nd Grade,
Wednesday = 1st Grade
email or text. If the teacher
is absent or our internet
goes down, the message
may not be received. If
you have several children,
please send a note to each
childs teacher.
Thank you for your help in
getting your children dis-
missed correctly.
Whenever you have a
change in your childs nor-
mal dismissal, please be
sure to send a note to
school indicating the
change. Even if you have
told your child, we must
have a note or the teacher
will send the student home
based on their normal dis-
We discourage sending
dismissal changes via
P a g e P a g e P a g e P a g e 3 33 3
September 22 is Picture Day! September 22 is Picture Day! September 22 is Picture Day! September 22 is Picture Day!
PE News
Dismissal / Transportation Changes Dismissal / Transportation Changes Dismissal / Transportation Changes Dismissal / Transportation Changes
at this time. Picture pack-
ets will be sent home
about 3 weeks after they
are taken. You will have
the option to buy the pack-
et or return it to school.
Mark your calendar and be
sure to wear your best
smile on September 22.
Strawbridge Studios will
be here to take our annual
yearbook pictures.
Please do not send money
The smallest act of
kindness is worth
more than the
Oscar Wilde
tes to

Student N
eacher N

Notes to the office include:
1. Transportation changes
2. Absence excuses
3. Early dismissals
Please include all of Please include all of Please include all of Please include all of
this information when this information when this information when this information when
sending notes to sending notes to sending notes to sending notes to
school. school. school. school.
Lake Murray Elementary Mission Statement Lake Murray Elementary Mission Statement Lake Murray Elementary Mission Statement Lake Murray Elementary Mission Statement
Our purpose at LMES is to educate, empower and
encourage students in a safe and
nurturing environment .
Administration Administration Administration Administration
Claire Thompson, Principal
[email protected]
Boyd Hainsworth, Assistant Principal
[email protected]
Kelly Reese, Admin. Assistant Principal
[email protected]
Lake Murray Elementary School
1531 Three Dog Road
Chapin, SC 29036
S D 5 L R C
Are you ready to get a
jump on your Christmas
shopping? There are
some wonderful gift ide-
as included in the PTO
fundraiser packets.
Your Innisbrook packets
were sent home last
week. The fundraiser
runs through September
Its not too late!! If you
have not returned your
Volunteer forms to the
PTO, please do so this
week. We are trying to
get our committees and
various activities orga-
nized and want to be
sure you are included.
These are the lavender
forms that were in your
Back to School packet.
Remember that if you do
not return a form, your
childs homeroom moth-
er will not be contacting
you to help with events
and activities.
16th. Get your shopping
done early and enjoy the
Be sure to keep up with
the PTO News in the
LMES Nautical Notes.
We will be scheduling
our Dining for Dollars
Spirit Nights and much
more in the coming
Join the PTO and help us
continue to make LMES
a great place to learn and
PTO Corner
Phone: 803-476-4600
Fax: 803-476-4620

Chart the course
Lead the way.
Lake Murray
Elementary School
Thank you to our
Business Partner Patrons. Business Partner Patrons. Business Partner Patrons. Business Partner Patrons.
Please support these
businesses, as they have
contributed to our
Platinum paw Platinum paw Platinum paw Platinum paw
AVSX Technologies
Human Capital Solutions
Integrity Insurance
Zesto of Chapin

Gold Paw Gold Paw Gold Paw Gold Paw
DK Nails

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