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A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R

2Otis Spunkmeyer
cookie dough kick off
5 No School
13 First Grade
Curriculum Night
15 Kindergarten Curriculum Night
16 Teacher In-service
No school for students
26-30 Homecoming
Spirit Week

Monroe Primary School

225 Macready Ave.
Monroe OH. 45050
Office phone: 360-0700
Fax 360-0720
. . . T H E




Monroe Primary is Buzzing with excitement!


5-6 K & 1 vision and
hearing screening
10-14 Fall Book Fair
13 Family night at the
Book Fair 5-7
14 end of first Quarter
18-21 Square One Art
24-28 Red Ribbon
27 Parent Teacher


Flyers for non-school

related events will no
longer be sent home
with students. These
flyers can now be found
on the home page of our
www.monroelocalschoo , under the
Community Flyers
tab. Please check there
often for information
from various community organizations. Nonschool related flyers are
posted for informational
purposes only. The
Monroe Local School
District does not endorse or sponsor these

Doors open at 8:40. Car rider pick up will begin at 3:40

Car rider drop-off can sometimes have a long line,
but we will do our best to keep the traffic flowing. If
you are not in the line by 8:55 your child will be counted tardy even if we are still allowing students to be
dropped. Please do not enter the drop off line past
8:55, you need to sign you child in at the office. Never
drop your child off without staff being present. ALL
car riders must be dropped off in the back of the
building. There is to be NO children dropped off in
the front of the school. During the drop off time period.
To ensure a quicker drop off please do the following;
Make sure your child has their things together
when they approach the drop zone.
The front car needs to pull forward to the lead
staff member before stopping.
There should be room for at least three cars to
drop off once stopped between staff members.
Make sure your child exits from the right side of
the vehicle . Please do not allow them exit the
vehicle on the left and pass between cars.
Parents are not to enter the back doors. All parents must sign in at the office.
Bus Drop off:

Please do not park in the front parking lot between the hours of 8:308:55 and between the
hours 3:30-4:00 During these times you may
park on the street in front of the school, or at
the end of the parking lot. The driveway is reserved for bus drop off only during these restricted times. Once the buses have pulled in
and have parked the drivers are not permitted to
move their bus to allow cars to get
out of parking spots, due to safety
code requirements. (Please do not
ask them to move the bus for you
to exit)
Please follow the rules and policies,
they are in place for the safety of
Questions regarding transportation, please call 539-0324.


Please make sure

your child is present
and on time every
day! This helps your child get off
to a good start and not have to try
to get caught up with their class.
Teachers begin activities at 8:45 as
soon as the students enter the
building and attendance is taken at
8:55. Thank you for helping your
child arrive at school on time and
every day.
Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast is available daily breakfast
begins at 8:40. Please make sure
that your child arrives early enough so
that they have time to eat their food
Breakfast is $1.35 and can be paid for
using the EZ-pay account.
Lunch is $2..60 milk is .60. There are
lunch options for students. There are
at least 3 main entre items to choose
from as well as several fruit and vegetable items to choose from. There
are also water, chocolate, strawberry
and 2% regular milk as drink options
(all milk options come with a plate
lunch price) Water is extra. Please Do
not send soda or bring fast food
into the cafeteria for yourself or
your child.
*If you plan to eat lunch with your
child, you must contact your childs
teacher ahead of time, so we can
order your meal and plan for seating
arrangements. The cafeteria is very
full and space is limited. Please try to
limit the number of visitors and visits,
due to the lack of space.

From the Principal

Monroe Primary is Buzzing with excitement once again.

in the hallways! We look forward to a great year and
hope to work with you to ensure a positive learning experience for your child. The best way to do
this, is to stay involved with your childs education. Keep up on the latest school and district news,
keep in close contact with your childs teacher and share the love of learning with them. It is essential to continue the learning process at home by reinforcing concepts learned at school, reviewing
skills and practicing reading. Just because the school day is over, doesnt mean that learning has to stop. By working together as a team, it will greatly impact your childs educational development. To stay informed with district and Primary
news please subscribe to our monthly newsletter and email updates. Click on Communicate with us (top right) on and register, also follow us on twitter at monroeprimary@monroeprimary there is also a link at the
bottom of the main page of the school website.

Bus Transportation:

Please be patient with the bus routes for the next few weeks as our little ones learn to ride the
bus. It will take longer to unload at each stop until the children learn to be looking ahead and to be ready for their stop when
they approach. Once they have done it several times, it will shorten the route drop times. Please try not
to have a conversations with the bus driver at your stop, as they have a schedule to keep and other parents are waiting on their child to be dropped off. If you need to discuss something with the driver please
write a note for your child to hand to the driver and the driver can call you after they finish their route, or
call Petermann Transportation directly at 539-0324 for a quicker response.

How to ease the transition to being in school all day:

Be sure they get a good night's sleep. Sleepy children and long school days are not a good match. Sleep-deprived children show poor attention span and cranky behavior. Most 5
and 6 year-olds need at least ten to eleven hours of sleep at night. Begin the school year by making sure she gets an extra hour of
sleep at night, just to be sure they are well rested.
Start the day with a brainy breakfast. Studies show that school children who eat a nutritious breakfast make higher grades and are
better behaved than children who either skip breakfast or eat a junk-food breakfast. Make sure your child gets the three main ingredients that make up a brainy breakfast: protein, nutritious carbohydrates (such as fruits, whole grains, and high-fiber cereals),
and healthy fats (like those found in eggs).
Join the PTO or volunteer: School is only as good as the parents supporting it. Get involved at school , it will help you to relate to
how your child spends their day.
Notify the teacher of your child's special needs. It's important for teachers to know if your child has difficulty separating from
home or any other emotional issues your child may have. If they are dealing with something emotional at home ( ie death of a
loved one, illness etc.)
Watch for red flags. If your previously sweet child turns sour after starting school, that's a sign of an adjustment problem. It's important that the child's first year of full-day school be a positive one, because the main goal of education in the first couple years
is to instill into the child a love of learning. Some other warning signs: vague pains (such as tummy aches and headaches) that only
occur on school days, change of emotions from happy to sad, and overall less energy.
Prepare the night before. It is a good idea to prepare for school the night before, pack their lunch with them, lay out clothes
check book bag for necessary items and preview the next day. Explain to your child that they need to go to school to learn and do
their work, explain what you will be doing while they are away. ( .e. going to work, cleaning, appointments etc.) often children
worry about what they are missing while they are away.

News from the Primary PTO

Welcome Back! There are a lot of ways for our families to get involved throughout the school year. Please fill out the volunteer form we sent home and return it to school with your student so we know in what way you are interested in being
involved. 1st up is our big fundraiser: Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Sale will run from 9/2-9/12. Students will be sent home
with details the week of the 2nd . They will have several opportunities to win prizes for themselves and their class. Last
year we were able to purchase new carpets for the classrooms, additional chrome books, and a buddy bench which will be
installed on the playground. Another way to support our school is by purchasing pizza from Marcos Pizza in Monroe on the
second. Tuesday of the month starting in September. Details will be sent home with your student. You can stay connected
with what is happening by liking our facebook page

We encourage you to join us at our next PTO meeting on Thursday, September 15th from 7:00pm to
8:00pm in the cafeteria. New faces and ideas are always welcome.
We look forward to working with you this school year as we support the teachers and staff at Monroe
School Fees for 2016-2017

Kindergarten $48.00
First Grade $ 49.00
To pay on-line, you need to set up an EZPay account. Follow the link to get directions. You will need your childs password which can be obtained

by calling 360-0700.

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