Incometer Topometer en 10037930

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Hommel-Etamic provides precision metrology products and services for industrial applications such as engine development and production.

Hommel-Etamic provides incometer systems, topometer systems, and consulting/training services for engine measurement tasks.

Incometer systems are used to measure cylinder distortion, cylinder wear, temperature influences, and piston ring dimensions during engine development and production.

Dynamic systems for form measurement and

surface inspection of engines

Precision is our business.
Hommel-Etamic, the Industrial Metrology Division of
the Jenoptik Group, is a leading manufacturer and
system provider of high-precision, tactile and non-
tactile production metrology. The range of products
provided include total solutions for a wide range of
measurement tasks such as testing surfaces, form,
and determining dimensional tolerances throughout
all phases of the production process, for nal inspec-
tion or in a metrology lab. Our product portfolio is
rounded off by a wide range of services in consulting,
training and service, including long-term maintenance
Hommel-Etamic. Precision is our business.
Precise measurement in engine development and
Our products are used in the automotive industry for
engine development - both for monitoring research
and development results and for quality control and
documentation. Our products are always up-to-date
with customer requirements. For over 25 years, major
engine manufacturers and their suppliers have been
using incometer and topometer products because they
trust their quality.
Measurement of distortion and wear of engines with
incometer technology
The piston ring and cylinder bore system has an essen-
tial inuence on the quality of modern internal combus-
tion engines. Insufcient sealing of the combustion
chamber results in higher exhaust emissions, increased
oil consumption and increased wear. If the cylinder
bore deviates from its nominal shape, the piston ring
can only seal within the frame of its limited lling
capacity. This reduces with increasing form error of the
cylinder bore.
From early development until nal series production,
appropriate measurements and corresponding tests
concerning shape deviation of the cylinder bore are
necessary in order to guarantee the function of the
piston ring and cylinder wall system.
Our incometer systems create fast, reliable and precise
measurement data for the analysis of the cylinder
piston conguration.
Your partner for
industrial metrology
Industrial Metrology
Overview of our measuring systems
incometer V
Flexible measuring system for form and roundness
in cylinder bores. Measures cylinder distortion,
cylinder wear, temperature inuences and piston ring
dimensions in engine development and production.
incometer VS
Flexible measuring system for form and roundness.
Measures cylinder distortion, cylinder wear,
temperature inuences and piston ring dimensions
in small engines (e.g. 2-stroke engines).
incometer V110
Flexible measuring system with extended neck section
for form and roundness in cylinder bores. Measures
cylinder distortion, cylinder wear, temperature
inuences and piston ring dimensions, ideally in
extremely at V-engines.
incometer P
The multi-sensor head measures roundness and form in
engine production.
topometer for optical and tactile surface inspection
The topometer allows optical and tactile inspection of
the structure and roughness of ne-machined
(e.g. honed) surfaces in cylinder bores. It allows
complete identication of surface characteristics such
as honing angle, valley structure, blowhole size,
residual turning valleys, and roughness of cylinder bores
in development and production.
incometer for measuring form and roundness
Our incometer systems allow fast, precise measurement of form and roundness in cylinder bores. They are
particularly used for measurements of cylinder bores in combustion engines. Their small, compact design
enables them to be used as stationary tools in the measuring room or as mobile tools on the production line.
Measuring systems
Flexible measuring system for form
and roundness in cylinder bores
Measurement of
cylinder distortion
cylinder wear
temperature inuence
piston ring dimensioning
for engine development and production
Inner diameter
The incometer V offers quick, accurate measure-
ments for analytic examination of cylinder piston
congurations in engine block development.
Flexible and mobile
The incometer V has a compact design. Its clamping
mechanism makes it easy to adjust to various cylinder
dimensions, ensuring it can be used on a exible
and mobile basis during development and testing.
Its insensitivity to vibrations means it is also ideal for
measuring during production.
The probes self-adjustment facility eliminates time-
consuming alignments of the workpiece. Any
eccentricities or inclined positions of the cylinder axes
to the measuring probe are automatically corrected
by the INCOWIN software.
incometer V
Easy to use
The PC-driven system is controlled via the user-friendly
Windows Software INCOWIN. Measuring routines are
predened so only the appropriate values are
chosen and entered. This eliminates time consuming
programming. By changing the appropriate parts
(measuring tips and clamping jaws), the probe easily
adapts to different diameters.
Measurement of cylinder distortion
The incometer V is especially suited for measuring and
evaluating the inuence of cylinder heads and gaskets
on bore distortion in combustion engines.
It can be installed on the crankshaft side for measuring
in cylinder bores with a mounted cylinder head. The
wear rates and cylinder distortions can also be monitored
during long-term testing.
Temperature distortion
Simple xturing and high speed allow for measure-
ment of engine blocks, even under high temperature
conditions. This makes it possible to analyze the critical
warm-up phase, where there are extreme temperature
differences between cylinder head and engine block.
Probe V200 with electronics
External plate for xing the probe
Mounting device
and accessories
incometer V
Form measuring system for
small cylinder bores
Measurement of
cylinder distortion
cylinder wear
temperature inuence
piston ring dimensioning
for engine development and production
Roundness Parallelism
Straightness Inner diameter
Cylindricity Concentricity
The incometer VS offers rapid and reliable measure-
ment with maximum precision for detailed testing of
cylinder bores on small engines. The system has been
developed on the basis of the invometer V. The large
range of diameters from 39-100 mm enables its use in
many different engine types.
Mature system
Thanks to the scanning measuring method with up
to 14,400 points per position and up to 40 positions
(as with the incometer V), the incometer VS delivers
maximum distortion information within the markets
fastest measuring times. This and the correction of the
inclination and eccentricity of the probe to the bore
make the system unique.
For small engines
The incometer VS has been specially designed for the
measurement and analysis of cylinder distortions of
small engines (e.g. 2-stroke engines). They are mainly
used in small agricultural and forestry appliances.
Other applications include compressors in large cooling
systems. The incometer VS is predominantly used in
measuring rooms for research and development, but
can also be used in production thanks to its design.
Simple and rapid use
The INCOWIN software allows for easy adaptation
and programming of the system through a menu. This
minimizes operator training and enables its simple and
effective use. Measurement data can be saved centrally
with a network connection and easily printed out via
the document assistant.
Isometric form
with 40 levels
Isometric form with
automatic masking-off
External plate for
xing the probe
incometer VS
Flexible form measuring system for
special engine block geometries
Measurement of
cylinder distortion
cylinder wear
temperature inuence
piston ring dimensioning
for engine development and production
Roundness Parallelism
Straightness Inner diameter
Cylindricity Concentricity
The incometer V110 is a fast, reliable and highly accurate
way to determine measuring data for analytical testing
of the cylinder-piston conguration during engine
development for engines with very difcult installation
requirements (e.g. extremely at V-engines).
Flexible and mobile
The incometer V110s compact design and clamping
mechanism make it easy to adjust to various cylinder
dimensions, ensuring it can be used on a exible and
mobile basis during development and testing.
Simple operation and handling
The PC-controlled system is operated by the convenient
Windows software INCOWIN. Measurement routines
are pre-dened; only corresponding values are entered
and selected. As a result, there is no need for time-
consuming programming tasks. The device can be
adapted to different diameters quickly and easily by
changing accessory parts such as measuring tips and
clamping jaws.
The probes self-adjustment facility dispenses with
time-consuming alignments of the workpiece. Any ec-
centricities or inclined positions of the cylinder axes to
the measuring probe are automatically corrected by the
INCOWIN software.
Measuring cylinder distortion and temperature
The incometer V110 has the same characteristics as the
incometer V in this area.
incometer V110
mounted on the crankshaft side
incometer V110
Quick measurement of form in
cylinder bores
Precision measurement in seconds of
in production areas
Roundness Parallelism
Straightness Inner diameter
The incometer P quickly and reliably generates
highly accurate data of cylinder bores, directly in the
production area.
Minimal concact
High demands are placed on the system during
production-related measuring. The incometer P has
minimal direct connection with the vibrating inuences
that disrupt the object being measured.
The automatic correction of inclinations and
eccentricities by the INCOWIN software means
there are no longer any lengthy adjustment
processes, which is a signicant factor in production.
Flexible application
The replaceable measuring tips allow the system to
be modied to different bore diameters quickly,
which makes it ideal for exible production lines.
Probe with 5 sensors and electronics Protocol of a cylinder block measurement
incometer P
Simple operation
The clearly structured INCOWIN software ensures that
operating the measuring system is easy, even with
no previous experience. Once the measurements
have been taken, all procedures such as saving and
printing the results and their statistical evaluation
can be performed automatically. The advanced user
administration (optional) allows hierarchical access to
the individual functions of the INCOWIN software.
Easy handling and fast measurement
To take a measurement, the incometer P is inserted into
the cylinder bore. Plastic guide rails are integrated into
the measuring head to avoid damage to the cylinder
wall. A centering collar on the incometer P unit and a
xture plate mounted on the engine block are coupled
together by a clamping lever. This ensures that the
incomter P is in the correct measuring position on the
engine block. After starting the measurement, the
head begins a scanning rotation of 360. Measurement
values from each sensor are taken simultaneously at a
constant speed. This means it only takes a few seconds
to measure the cylinder bore, and the measured values
are immediately available. The head can optionally be
used with up to seven sensors.
Mobile use
Thanks to its small size and light weight, the incometer P
is ideal for use on different production lines.
Inserting of the probe
Fixing of the probe
Radial plot of a cylinder bore Isometric plot of a cylinder measurement Axial plot of a cylinder bore
incometer P
The advantages of INCOWIN at a glance
Multi-tasking Windows application
User-friendly interface
Central data backup possible via network operation
Rapid setup of all customer specic requirements
High-resolution scanning measurement
Software options for R&D and production
Optimum system portability with notebook PC
Upgrading of older systems possible
The control and evaluation software INCOWIN offers
all the advantages of the Windows environment:
A user-friendly interface, simple creation of new
measuring reports and network-compatibility for data
There are also several display options to make it easier
to analyze results. The screen and printout forms can
be designed freely and customized to your company.
Dynamic measurement
The system offers extensive measuring functions and is
equipped with a standardized high-resolution scanner.
It has a maximum of 14,400 steps and allows
evaluations of up to 1024 measuring points per
position. Scanned axial measurements are also
possible with a maximum of 600 measuring points per
This ensures a very high-resolution and detailed
representation of the actual geometry of the cylinder
bore. The high data density allows standardized lter
methods to be used (e.g. Fourier and Gauss lter or
median lter for eliminating individual outliers) with a
wide variety of choices.
Despite this high resolution, measuring time for
the scanning method is only approx. 10 seconds per
measurement position.
Control and evaluation software
for incometer
Clearly arranged desktop
Language selection
The INCOWIN software is available in three languages
(German, English, and French). You can select the
user language you require during the application. The
printing language can also be selected independently
of this setting.
Optimal mobility
The INCOWIN control and evaluation software can
be used in a multi-task environment. The overall logic
is generated on the INCO2 interface card, which is
installed in the EC110 electronics unit. A serial inter-
face cable is used to connect the computer and EC110
electronics unit, thereby enabling mobile operation of
the incometer system with a notebook.
Retrot possibilities
Measuring systems not equipped with the INCO2 inter-
face and the EC110 electronics can be retrotted at any
time. Depending on the age and technological status
of the system, the extent of the retrotting differs and
must be dened individually.
Range of functions can be customized individually
The standard INCOWIN software version can be
enhanced by optional software packages to provide
customized functions, ensuring maximum transparency.
Ofine software (option)
This module allows external (ofine) evaluation and
analysis of measurement data on a separate computer.
Numerous support tools Print preview
Wear measurement
To determine and measure the wear in TDC of cylinder
bores, the bore is measured in high-resolution with
equally distributed axial scans. Measurement results
can be displayed in a wide range of display options.
Measuring temperature distortion
Rapid cylinder measurement (only approx. 1-3 minutes)
means, it is also possible to use the incometer
to measure hot engines ( 100 C). Temperature
distortions can therefore be measured on live
objects, and not just simulated.
Fourier analysis
Distortions are calculated using the Fourier analysis
for a more precise description of the cylinder form.
Coefcients can be calculated for the 255th order and
displayed as a graph for better clarity.
Copy & paste/Data export
Graphs and parameter lists can easily be pasted into
other Windows applications to customize reports and
documentation. Alternatively, data can be exported
into a different format (jpg, txt, etc.).
For analyzing changes of the distortion with different
congurations of the cylinder head, cylinder head seal,
and crank case, or for heat distortion evaluations, a
difference value for measurements that were carried
out at different times can be generated in order to
compare the results directly.
Data import
External data (Polar, Cartesian or as Fourier coef-
cients) can be imported into the INCOWIN software,
evaluated with the same algorithms as the normal
measurements, and compared with the incometer
Software options for research
and development
Wear measurement
Fourier analysis
Block measurement and complete evaluation
For measuring a complete crank case with one-time
input of the reference data. The operator is guided
through the entire measuring procedure via diagrams.
All cylinder measurements of a crank case are saved to
a single le. The evaluation contains the printout of the
form parameters for all cylinders in a table and provides
a graphic display of the radial and axial measurement
and the isometries for all cylinders on one page. The
user can specify the maximum number of graphs per
page (max. 20).
Data transfer to qs-STAT

The qs-STAT

-interface certied by Q-DAS allows the

measurement results to be transferred to a statistics
package for further process data analysis.
Determining the absolute diameter
For determining the absolute diameter of the cylinder
of a crank case. The incometer must be calibrated to
the nominal dimension of the cylinder diameter before
each measurement. This calibration is implemented in a
special support, which either has integrated calibration
rings or a support plate with integrated calibration rings
for assembly on the cylinder head seal surface. Another
option is production of a calibration cylinder with the
nominal dimensions of the cylinder bore.
Advanced user administration
For creating different users and user groups with their
own proles. Individual users can each be assigned to a
specic group. Access to the software can be protected
for each user by a personal password.
Automatic functions
For automating processes such as data backup,
printing, etc., in order to reduce errors resulting from
incorrect inputs or user mistakes.
Software options for production
Block measurement

User administration
Surface inspection system for
cylinder bores
Measurement and assessment of surface features
such as
Dimension of surface structure
Area of blowholes
Stroke reversal radius
Laser honing structures
of cylinder bores in R&D and production areas
The topometer is the ideal inspection system for fast,
precise, and reliable testing of nely machined
(e.g. honed) surfaces of cylinder bores during develop-
ment, tests and production. Optical testing of
surface structure characteristics and tactile testing
of surface roughness is carried out using a compact
measuring probe.
High exibility
The topometer is available in two versions: The basic
model for pure optical testing, and the advanced
version, which includes roughness measurement. It is
possible to upgrade the basic model with the func-
tions from the advanced version. The probes have a
working length of 150 mm or 210 mm, and can be
used in bores from 60 mm cylinder diameter. Different
bore diameters can be modied by simply replacing
adapter collars. These are also used for positioning and
centering the probe.
Easy handling
The complete system is controlled centrally via a PC
that is equipped with additional circuit boards for
digital image processing and roughness measurements.
The TOPOWIN software is clearly structured and guides
the user through the measuring program step-by-step.
All important functions (e.g. motorized axial positioning
or setting the zoom and regulating illumination) are
either carried out directly on the probe itself or using
the input function on the PC. The radial positioning of
the probe in the cylinder is set manually. As soon as
the probe is inserted into the cylinder bore, the
enlarged image of the surface appears on the monitor.
Complete evaluation of the cylinder surface
With a great number of optical measurements and
roughness analyses at every desired position, the
system allows a complete evaluation of the cylinder.
Other standards are also available. Sensitive, adjustable
light sources provide good illumination of the surface
section to be inspected.
Mobile use in production
The topometer size and weight mean the system is
ideal for mobile use on site. A special mobile workshop
vehicle ensures the system can be transported easily
within the production area.
Industrial housing for use in production environments
Lighting unit and roughness probe
Display of surface roughness prole Display of the cylinder surface, angle denition
The user-friendly TOPOWIN software enables measure-
ment of such values as the honing angle, mean width
of the prole elements and the curve radii, and the size
of silicon crystals, blowholes or other defects.
Optical measurements and roughness measurements in
the optical range are possible via automatic reposition-
ing of the probe. The results are available on the screen
within a few seconds and can then be documented.
High inspection rates
A reference eld with the respective tolerance widths
is displayed on the screen for fast inspection of the
honing angle. The user places the reference image at
the crossing of an angle and can determine whether
the target honing angle is correct.
A color printer provides an immediate printout of the
screen section, including the reference lines displayed
and the determined measurement data of the surface.
The numerical and graphical output of the roughness
indicators and the proles can be combined with the
screen evaluations in one report to provide compact
and informative documentation.
Data transfer to qs-STAT

The qs-STAT

-interface allows measurement results

to be transferred to a statistics package for further
Control and evaluation software
for topometer
Main window
Measurement functions
main window
Measurement and evaluation of laser-structured surfaces
In combustion engines, grooves can be cut into the upper
reverse area of the piston with a laser to reduce wear
rates. This creates a higher oil pressure volume for improved
lubrication of the piston rings.
This software module makes it easy to determine the geo-
metric dimensions of the laser hone structures. A measuring
assistant guides the user through the measuring process.
Automatic positioning at preselected inspection heights
This software module allows the user to preselect specic
measuring heights, which are then used to automatically
carry out a sequence of several roughness measurements.
Analysis of laser hone structures
Sample printout
Technical data
HOMMEL-ETAMIC incometer incometer V incometer VS incometer P
V80 V115 V150 V200 V110 VS100 P100
Diameter of the cylinder* 65 155 mm 39 100 mm 60 110 mm
Clamping length min. 20 mm 20 mm 25 mm 30 mm 40 mm ext. xture ext. xture
Axial measuring range 80 mm 115 mm 150 mm 200 mm 110 mm 100 mm max. 300 mm
Measuring path on the circumference 360 360 360
Radial measuring range 400 m 500 m 500/1000 m***
Resolution 0.1 m 0.1 m 0.1 m
Number of measured values per rotation 14,400/1,024 14,400/1,024 14,400/1,024
Number of sensors 1 1 max. 7
Repeating accuracy
Roundness 1.0 m 1.0 m 1.0 m
Cylinder form 1.5 m 1.5 m 1.0 m
Parallelism 1.5 m 1.5 m
Measuring accuracy
Roundness 1.0 m 2.0 m 1.0 m
Cylinder form 1.5 m 2.0 m 1.5 m
Parallelism 1.5 m 2.0 m
Temperature range of use** 20 40 C 20 40 C 20 40 C
Power supply 230 V / 50 Hz 230 V / 50 Hz 230 V / 50 Hz
115 V / 60 Hz 115 V / 60 Hz 115 V / 60 Hz
Power consumption 150 W 150 W 150 W
Weight of the sensor 2.9 kg 1.9 kg 8 kg***
* Further diameters on demand
** Measuring of the warm distortion on demand (up to 130C)
*** Dependant on diameter
Product range for incometer
min/max Height / Depth Width of part Laboratory Ofine
Cylinder bore 39 155 mm 200 mm 200 mm incometer VS incometer P
incometer V
Cylinder liners 39 155 mm 200 mm 200 mm incometer VS incometer P
incometer V
Camshaft bearing bore 39 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm incometer VS
Technical data
O150 / O210 OR150 / OR210
Diameter* 60 110 mm
Axial measurement length 150 / 210 mm
Optical zoom 30 120 times (on the screen)
Test zone (approx.) 40 times: 5.0 x 5.0 mm
100 times: 1.1 x 1.0 mm
120 times: 0.8 x 0.8 mm
Resolution CCD camera 752 (H) x 582 (V)
Presentation on the screen 512 (H) x 512 (V)
Illumination Direct / indirect
Axial position Motor-driven
Radial position Manual
Focus adjustment Motor-driven
Power supply 230 V / 50 Hz
115 V / 60 Hz
Power consumption 200 W
Operating modes Scanning mode Scanning mode
Measuring mode Measuring mode
Roughness measuring
Evaluation (optic) Hone angle
Stroke reversal radius
Spaces / width of grooves
Detection of porous spots
Tolerance zone (angle)
Metric / inch
Laser structure (optional)
Evaluation (Roughness) All standard parameters
according to DIN and ISO such as
Ra, Rpk, Rvk, Tpi etc.
Documentation Axial height of view
Set magnication
Date / time
Parts identication
* Further diameters on demand


Subject to change without notice.
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