This document provides a user manual for a single line block proving system using a single section digital axle counter (SSDAC) and unified fail-safe block interface (UFSBI). The key components of the system include a block panel, UFSBI, relay rack, block telephone, and SSDAC. The block panel provides indications, push buttons, counters and alarms to control train movement. The UFSBI interfaces the block panel with the relay interlocking circuit. The SSDAC verifies train occupation of the block section. Detailed instructions are given on the sequence of operations, installation, maintenance and dos/don'ts for signaling train movements on the single line block section.
This document provides a user manual for a single line block proving system using a single section digital axle counter (SSDAC) and unified fail-safe block interface (UFSBI). The key components of the system include a block panel, UFSBI, relay rack, block telephone, and SSDAC. The block panel provides indications, push buttons, counters and alarms to control train movement. The UFSBI interfaces the block panel with the relay interlocking circuit. The SSDAC verifies train occupation of the block section. Detailed instructions are given on the sequence of operations, installation, maintenance and dos/don'ts for signaling train movements on the single line block section.
This document provides a user manual for a single line block proving system using a single section digital axle counter (SSDAC) and unified fail-safe block interface (UFSBI). The key components of the system include a block panel, UFSBI, relay rack, block telephone, and SSDAC. The block panel provides indications, push buttons, counters and alarms to control train movement. The UFSBI interfaces the block panel with the relay interlocking circuit. The SSDAC verifies train occupation of the block section. Detailed instructions are given on the sequence of operations, installation, maintenance and dos/don'ts for signaling train movements on the single line block section.
This document provides a user manual for a single line block proving system using a single section digital axle counter (SSDAC) and unified fail-safe block interface (UFSBI). The key components of the system include a block panel, UFSBI, relay rack, block telephone, and SSDAC. The block panel provides indications, push buttons, counters and alarms to control train movement. The UFSBI interfaces the block panel with the relay interlocking circuit. The SSDAC verifies train occupation of the block section. Detailed instructions are given on the sequence of operations, installation, maintenance and dos/don'ts for signaling train movements on the single line block section.
Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With Axle Counter Using SSDAC & UFSBI As per RDSO/SPN/188/2004 Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With SSDAC using UFSBI Ver No.: BPAC/UM/SL 0.0
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As the days are progressing the tec hnologic al advanc ement is also taking plac e. With this advanc ement and from the experienc e, the Bloc k Instrument Theory is also getting c hanged for high-speed traffic c ontrol. A system is required to grant the LINE C LEAR to an approac hing train within minimum possible lapse of time. As suc h Researc h Development & Standards Organisation of Railways formed a spec ific ation, whic h gives LINE C LEAR to the approac hing train with a flawless verific ation of the Bloc k Sec tion status by the help of the Axle C ounter. The system also helps the verific ation of the parting of train inside the Bloc k Sec tion. The L.V.V helps the Stationmaster to give the LINE C LEAR to the other Train. With this method of c irc uit designing Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. has developed the Push Button type Bloc k Instrument that c ould be c ommissioned with the Digital Axle C ounter working with OFC . The detail of the system is desc ribed inside the manual.
Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With SSDAC using UFSBI Ver No.: BPAC/UM/SL 0.0
Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 2 of 50 CONTENTS
Sl.No. Description Page No. 01. Brief System description & working Principle of working
03. 02. System components I) Block Panel I.1. Indication I.2. Push Buttons and Keys I.3. Counters & Buzzers II) UFSBI II.1. DC-DC converter II.2. UFSBI-DS II.2.i. Input Card II.2.ii. CPU Card II.2.iii. Control & Communication Card II.2.iv. Output Card II.2.v. Reset Box MODEM II.2.vii. UFSBI Alarm panel III) Relay Rack & Signalling Relays III.1. Relay disposition chart III.2. Nomenclature of Relays III.3. Relay sensing by UFSBI IV) Block Telephone V) Single section digital axle counter
04 05 06 07 07 10 11 12 12 13 13 14 15 17 19 19 19 22 23 23 03. Sequence of various operation of signaling a train between two stations I) Normal Train movement II) Refusal to Line Clear enquiry III) Method of Line Clear cancellation IV) Closing of block after a push back operation V) Method of push back operation VI) Block Back Operation VII) Shunting of Train
29 31 05. Maintenance 31 06. Dos & Donts 32 List of Drawings I. Block Section & Cable Plan II. Block Panel III. Block Panel IV. Power Supply arrangements V. Line Circuit VI. Line Circuit VII. Line & reset Box circuit VIII. Push buttons & Indication Circuits IX. Relay logic circuit X. External circuits XI. Digital axle counter proving relay circuit XII. Relay indication circuit
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Annexures A. Error code list & recommended actions B. Details of Quad cable connections
45 49 Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With SSDAC using UFSBI Ver No.: BPAC/UM/SL 0.0
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1. Brief System Description & Working: The system works as per Absolute Block system, incorporating the features of Block Proving by Axle Counter to control the movement of trains on single line block section from one block station to another. The work instructions are in conjunction with the General Rules (GR) of 1976 and its amendment in 2002. These instructions do not supersede any rule laid down in GR.
Principle of working
The trains are worked on Absolute Block system. Each block section is provided with an Axle Counter to verify the occupation or clearance of block section and indicated on Block Panel. It is not possible to obtain Last Stop Signal to OFF unless LINE CLEAR has been obtained from the station in advance. It is not possible to take LINE CLEAR unless block section and an adequate distance beyond first stop signal of station in advance is clear of trains. The Last Stop Signal assumes ON aspect automatically on entry of train into block section and retains this ON position, till a fresh LINE CLEAR is obtained. Block section automatically shows TRAIN ON LINE on block panel when a train enters into the block section on LINE CLEAR. Audio Visual alarms for Train entry/exit, to/ from block section are provided and are to be acknowledged. LINE CLOSE feature is automatic after complete arrival of train. LINE CLEAR cannot be taken without taking consent of receiving station. LINE CLEAR cancellation is Co-operative. Typically 10-20 Km UFSBI - 1 Block Interlocking Circuit with Q-type relays (designed by RDSO) 2/3 Fail-Safe Digital Mux - UFSBI ( as per RDSO/SPN/147/97) Push Button type Block Operating Panel (designed by RDSO ) Status of Vital Relay (through potential free contacts) AXLE SENSOR EVALUATOR SSDAC - 1 4 4 UFSBI - 2 Block Interlocking Circuit with Q-type relays (designed by RDSO ) 2/3 Fail-Safe Digital Mux - UFSBI ( as per RDSO/SPN/147/97) Push Button type Block Operating Panel (designed by RDSO ) Status of Vital Relay (through potential free contacts) AXLE SENSOR EVALUATOR SSDAC - 2 4 4 STATION - A STATION - B BLOCK SECTION Block Proving with single section Digital Axle Counter & UFSBI Station Interlocking System (MACL, RRI, PI, SSI Station Interlocking System (MACL, RRI, PI, SSI 1 Quad Cable or4 Wire Voice Channel on OFC 1/2 Quad Cable or 2 Wire Voice Channel on OFC Block Panel - 1 Block Panel - 2 Relay interlocking ckt.-2 Relay Interlocking ckt.-1 1/2 Quad Cable or2 Wire Voice Channel on OFC Block Telephone Block Telephone Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With SSDAC using UFSBI Ver No.: BPAC/UM/SL 0.0
Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 4 of 50 2. System Components
The System comprises of the following items as per RDSO/SPN/188/2004
I BLOCK PANEL (As per drawing no. RDSO/S 32019) II UFSBI (As per RDSO/SPN/147/2005 with ammdt. 1) III RELAY RACK (As per drawing no. RDSO/S 32020) IV Block Telephone (As per RDSO/SPN/191/2006) V Single Section Digital Axle Counter (As per RDSO/SPN/177/2003)
I. BLOCK PANEL (As per drawing no. RDSO/S 32019) fitted with Block telephone (As per drawing no. RDSO/S 32019)
BLOCK PANEL FITTED WITH BLOCK TELEPHONE (SINGLE LINE) BLOCK PANEL FACE PLATE (SINGLE LINE) The body of the Panel is made up of 16 SWG CRC- MS sheet (IS 513 Grade D) and is powder coated with Siemens gray color. The mechanical dimension conformed to the Specification as laid down in RDSO/SPN/188/04. Drg. No. RDSO/S 32019. Proper gasket ting is done to prevent the ingress of water, dust, insects/ pests etc. Sealing arrangement with double locking is provided at the back door of the panel. The faceplate is made of 2 mm SS and is covered with anodized Aluminium facia with legends painted legibly on the faceplate as per specified in the drawing. Faceplate of the Block Panel is covered with transparent acrylic sheet of 3mm thickness.
The Block Panel is provided with Indications, Push Buttons, Keys, Counters and Buzzers for providing audio visual indications and alarms depending on the train movement in the block section. The individual features of the system are discussed later on in this chapter. 445 350 550 Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With SSDAC using UFSBI Ver No.: BPAC/UM/SL 0.0
Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 5 of 50 I.1 Indications a. LINE CLOSED Indication (Yellow): The indic ation is provided to indicate the Block Section is free from vehicles and LINE CLEAR is not granted / received at train receiving / sending station respectively. It is provided as a circular indication in between the directional arrowheads. b. TRAIN COMING FROM Indication (Green): The indic ation is provided to indicate that a LINE CLEAR has been granted by the station in rear. The indication flashes when the Block section has been cleared after arrival of train at receiving station, but associated Signals and their controls are not normal or unintentional insertion of Shunt Release Key IN at either station. It also flashes when a Cancellation of LINE CLEAR is done before entry of a train in the Block Section. It is provided as arrowhead indications pointing downward for incoming traffic at train receiving station and a rectangular indication named TCF. c. TRAIN GOING TO Indication (Green): The indic ation is provided to indicate that a LINE CLEAR has been received. The indication flashes when the Block section has been cleared after arrival of train, but associated Signals and their controls are not normal or unintentional insertion of Shunt Release Key IN at either station. It also flashes when a Cancellation of LINE CLEAR is done before entry of a train in the Block Section. It is provided as arrowhead indications pointing Upward for Outgoing traffic at train sending station and a rectangular indication named TGT. d. TOL Indication (Red): The indic ation is provided to indicate that a train has entered into the Block Section on LINE CLEAR. It is provided as arrowhead and rectangular indications named TOL pointing downward or upward for incoming or outgoing traffic respectively at both Train Receiving and sending stations. e. Cancel CO-OP Indication (Yellow): The indic ation is provided to indicate that Co-operation is extended by the station at other end for cancellation of LINE CLEAR. f. Cancel Indication (Yellow): The indic ation flashes to indicate that cancellation of LINE CLEAR is in progress and would last for 120 seconds. After that its got steady until the line is closed. g. SNK Indication (Yellow): The indic ation is provided to indic ate that all signals and there c ontrols are at On/ Norma l. It is provided near TGT direc tional arrowhead. h. SNOEK Indication (Yellow): The indic ation is provided to indic ate that at other end the advanc e starter signal and its c ontrols are at On/ Norma l, Shunt Release Key is in OUT position and Shunt key of EKT is in IN position. It is provided near TC F direc tional arrowhead. i. LSS Indication (Red): The indic ation is provided to indic ate that Advanc e starter signal is at ON c ondition. It is provided in monogram of signal. j. LSS Indication (Green): The indic ation is provided to indic ate that Advanc e starter signal is at OFF c ondition. It is provided in monogram of signal. k. LINE FREE Indication (Green): The indic ation is provided to indic ate that there is no train in the bloc k sec tion. It is provided near the TC F arrowhea d. Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With SSDAC using UFSBI Ver No.: BPAC/UM/SL 0.0
Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 6 of 50 l. LINE OCCUPIED Indication (Red): The indic ation is provided to indic ate that there is train in the bloc k sec tion or axle c ounter failure. It is provided near the TC F arrowhead. m. SHK IN Indication (Red): The indic ation is provided to indic ate that Shunt Key of EKT is OUT or Shunt release key is in IN position. It is provided near the TGT arrowhead. n. SHK OUT Indication (Green): The indic ation is provided to indic ate that Shunt Key of EKT is IN or Shunt release key is in OUT position. It is provided near the TGT arrowhead. o. MUX / UFSBI Status OK Indication (Green): The indic ation is provided to indic ate that UFSBI is func tional. p. MUX / UFSBI Status Fail Indication (Red): The indic ation is provided to indic ate that UFSBI is in failure mode. q. Communication Link Fail Indication (Yellow): The indic ation is provided to indic ate c ommunic ation link failure. I.2 Push Buttons & Keys: a. Bell Button (Black): It performs a number of func tions. i. Transmit c all attention ii. To rec eive Line C lear when Pressed with Train Going To Button. iii. For c anc ellation of line c lear when pressed with C anc el Button. b. Train Going To Button (Red): The Push button is provided to receive LINE CLEAR when pressed along with Bell button. c. ACKN Button (Black): The Push button is provided to acknowledge audio visual indication for occupation/ clearance of the train in the block section. d. Cancel Co-op Button (Green): The Push button is provided to extend co- operation from sending station to cancel LINE CLEAR at receiving station. e. Cancel Button (Yellow): The Push button is provided to cancel the LINE CLEAR when pressed with Bell button. f. SMs Key: This key c ontrols the transmission of c all attention, LINE C LEAR enquiry and LINE C LEAR c anc ellation. When this key is taken out these operations are not possible. g. Shunt Release Key: This key c ontrols the taking of LINE C LEAR and taking out Shunt Key from EKT. When this key is taken out taking of LINE C LEAR is possible but taking out the Shunt Key from EKT is not possible. To prevent taking of LINE C LEAR or to take out the Shunt Key this Shunt release key has to put in IN c ondition. h. SMs Key: This key c ontrols the transmission of c all attention, LINE C LEAR and LINE C LEAR c anc ellation. When this key is taken out these operations are not possible I.3 Counter & Buzzers: Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With SSDAC using UFSBI Ver No.: BPAC/UM/SL 0.0
Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 7 of 50 a. Counter: The c ounter is provided to register the number of LINE C LEAR C anc ellation. b. Buzzer: Audio alarm is provided for c all attention sent by other end SM & to register the occupation and clearance of the train.
General: The UFSBI system is a digital multiplexer used for communicating the status of relay(s) between stations in a fail safe manner. The communication is full duplex. The medium of communication is voice / data channels on Optical fibre or copper cable. The multiplexer with its accessories, relays and power supply are housed in a cubicle as described in pg. no. 8.
Parts of UFSBI: UFSBI consists of the following parts: 1. DC-DC Converter 2. UFSBI-DS 3. Relay Rack
Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With SSDAC using UFSBI Ver No.: BPAC/UM/SL 0.0
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DC DC CONVERTER UFSBI - DS RELAY RACK UFSBI FRONT VIEW B I P R 1 T I M E R T G T X R S H K R T G T R A S G N C R H S G N C R T C F R F R 1 B I P R 2 L F R T C F X R T C F C R T G T Y R A S G N C P R T G T Z R B L R F R 2 C A R B T S R T A R 2 T A R 1 H S B T P R H S A T P R T G T P R A Z T R C N R T G T N R A S C R 1 2 0 J P R B P N R T C F Z R Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With SSDAC using UFSBI Ver No.: BPAC/UM/SL 0.0
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Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 10 of 50 The functionalities of each part is Described Below
II.1. DC-DC Converter :-
DC DC Converter Front View DC DC Converter back View DC-DC Converter is provided to derive the necessary voltages to operate the UFSBI from the external 24V source provided. These internal power supplies are in hot standby mode. The system operates with nominal 24V DC input supply. DC-DC Converter derives different supplies from the input. The specifications for the power supply are shown in the table below: Input 24V DC +20% - 10%, 10 Amps Output 1. 24V DC 4 Amps 2. 5V DC 4 Amps 3. +12V DC 1.5 Amps 4. 12V DC 1.5 Amps
The features of the power supply are: Input-output isolation. Input over voltage and under voltage protection. Output short circuit and over load protection. 24V DC output is isolated from other outputs. Ripple is less than 50mv at rated value. Efficiency is more than 70%. Works on HOT STAND-BY mode. PSMON(Power Supply Monitoring Unit) is provided to initiate audio visual alarm in SMs room on UFSBI ALARM PANEL discussed in a later chapter.
24V INPUT 24V OUTPUT 5V OUTPUT +12V OUTPUT -12V OUTPUT 24V OUTPUT 5V OUTPUT PSMON ON / OFF Switch Fuses Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With SSDAC using UFSBI Ver No.: BPAC/UM/SL 0.0
Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 11 of 50 II.2. UFSBI-DS consisting of the following parts i) Input card ii) CPU card iii) Control cum Communication Card (CCC) iv) Output Card v) Reset Box. vi) MODEM. vii) UFSBI Alarm Panel The functionalities of each card is Given below
Input Card 1-6 CPU Card 1-3 Output Card 1&2 CC Card Reset Box MODEM Version Display Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With SSDAC using UFSBI Ver No.: BPAC/UM/SL 0.0
Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 12 of 50 II.2. i) Input Card:-
It is responsible for complementary sensing of the relay status of UFSBI. i.e. for sensing one pick up and one drop contact of each input relays.
The sensing of relays are described in the figure below:
II.2. ii) CPU Card:-
The UFSBI system is works on a 2 out of 3 majority voting logic i.e. if one CPU card or its corresponding Input cards goes bad then also system can work. CPU A read the Inputs through Input Card 1&2, CPU B read the Inputs through Input Card 3&4& CPU C read the Inputs through Input Card 5&6. Thereafter validates the data by Interprocessor communication, adds CRC code and send this to CC card for transmission. On the other end after receiving the data from CC card it decodes it and sends that to Output card to pick up the Output relay.
The process of CPU card working principle is shown in the figure below:
INPUT CARD 1&2 a. Opt isolation of Relay Inputs. b. Conversion of 24V to5V I/P RELAY O/P RELAY & BIPR1 & BIPR2 INPUT CARD 3&4 a. Opt isolation of Relay Inputs. b. Conversion of 24V to 5 V INPUT CARD 5&6 a. Opt isolation of Relay Inputs. b. Conversion of 24V to 5 V CPU CARD A a. Input debouncing b. Input Data validation after interprocessor communication c. adding CRC code CPU CARD B a. Input debouncing b. Input Data validation after interprocessor communication c. adding CRC code CPU CARD C a. Input debouncing b. Input Data validation after interprocessor communication c. adding CRC code I/P RELAY 1- 8, O/P RELAY 1-8 & BIPR1 & BIPR2 INPUT CARD 1 a. Opt isolation of Relay Inputs. b. Conversion of 24V to 5 V INPUT CARD 3 a. Opt isolation of Relay Inputs. b. Conversion of 24V to 5 V INPUT CARD 5 a. Opt isolation of Relay Inputs. b. Conversion of 24V to 5 V I/P RELAY 9 - 16, O/P RELAY 9 16 INPUT CARD 1 a. Opt isolation of Relay Inputs. b. Conversion of 24V to 5 V INPUT CARD 3 a. Opt isolation of Relay Inputs. b. Conversion of 24V to 5 V INPUT CARD 5 a. Opt isolation of Relay Inputs. b. Conversion of 24V to 5 V Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With SSDAC using UFSBI Ver No.: BPAC/UM/SL 0.0
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II.1. iii) CCC Card:-
The CCC Card mainly performs two important functions a) It drives health check relays (BIPR1 & BIPR 2) and b) It converts the data provided by the CPU card as per RS 232 protocol and sends it to the Modem. The process of functioning of CCC Card is shown in the figure below:
II.2. iv) Output Card:-
2 numbers of such cards are provided for driving Output relay. 1 st Output card drives Output relay 1 to 8 and rest 9 - 16 number output relay is driven by Output card 2.
Input Card 1 & 2 1. Opto Isolation of Relay Inputs 2. Noise & Surge suppressor Input Card 3 & 4 1. Opto Isolation of Relay Inputs 2. Noise & Surge suppressor Input Card 5 & 6 1. Opto Isolation of Relay Inputs 2. Noise & Surge suppressor CPU A 1. Input De-bouncing 2. Input data validation by Inter Processor communication 3. Adding CRC codes CPU B 1. Input De-bouncing 2. Input data validation by Inter Processor communication 3. Adding CRC codes CPU C 1. Input De-bouncing 2. Input data validation by Inter Processor communication 3. Adding CRC codes PICK UP DROP OUT TO MODEM Control & Communication Card 1. Data received from 3 CPUs on Time Division basis 2. TTL to RS232 level conversion Complementary sensing of an Input Relay State FROM MODEM OUTPUT RELAY Output Card 1. Hardware 2/3 Voter Unit 2. Output through DC to DC converter 3. Decesion Read back by each CPU CPU A 1. Received data validation by Processor 2. Performing 2 out of 3 Software Voting Control & Communication Card 1. RS232 toTTL level conversion 2. Data sent to 3 CPUs CPU B 1. Received data vali dation by Processor 2. Performing 2 out of 3 Software Voting CPU C 1. Received data validation by Processor 2. Performing 2 out of 3 Software Voting Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With SSDAC using UFSBI Ver No.: BPAC/UM/SL 0.0
Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 14 of 50 II.2. v) Reset Box:-
The functions of all the components are given below:
1. Counter: It keeps track of the number of Reset operations taking place. The counter is non- resettable electro-magnetic type.
2. RESETButton: Sometimes the power-off and power-on sequence may not lead to display "0b (ready to press BI- ON button) on all CPUs. In that case press the RESET button so that the CPUs again resets itself to show 0b(ready to press BI-ON button) on all CPUs.
3. BI-ON Button: This button is required for starting the system. Whenever all the CPUs display 0b, it indicates that it is ready for start. The user has to press this button for starting the system.
4. BZ-ACK Button: This button is required for acknowledging the buzzer whenever it sounds due to dropping of Shut down relays (BIPR1 & BIPR2).
5. BI-OK IND.: This indication (green) glows when the UFSBI is in working condition.
6. BI-FAIL IND.: This indication (red) glows when the Block Interface is in failure mode.
7. LINK FAIL IND.: This indication (yellow) glows steadily when the modem fails to receive any data form remote station. In normal working condition, when the modem receives data from remote station, this indication (yellow) will flicker continuously.
POWER-ON-RESETOperation The following steps are to be performed for carrying out the RESET operation of the UFSBI: Turn off the system power. Wait for 1 minute. Power-on the system. Check the display of the CPU. Wait till the display on all the CPUs display 0b If 0b is not displayed, try by pressing the RESET button. If the problem persists check corresponding codes in the error code list and take appropriate action as suggested in the remedial action column. If all the CPUs display 0b then press the BI-ON button. RESET BOX FRONT VIEW RESET BOX BACK VIEW Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With SSDAC using UFSBI Ver No.: BPAC/UM/SL 0.0
Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 15 of 50 Observe that both BIPR1 and BIPR2 pick up immediately after BI-ON is pressed. Once BIPR1 and BIPR2 pick up, BI fail (Red) indication goes off and BI OK (Green) indication comes on. Link fail (Yellow) steady indication goes off & starts flickering as soon as the modem starts communicating with remote station modem and all the CPUs display 00
RESETOperation The following steps are to be performed for carrying out the RESET operation of the UFSBI: Press the Reset Button and see that the display in all 3 CPUs becomes -- Wait till the display on all the CPUs display 0b If 0b is not displayed, try by pressing the RESET button. If the problem persists check corresponding codes in the error code list and take appropriate action as suggested in the remedial action column. If all the CPUs display 0b then press the BI-ON button. Observe that both BIPR1 and BIPR2 pick up immediately after BI-ON is pressed. Once BIPR1 and BIPR2 pick up, BI fail (Red) indication goes off and BI OK (Green) indication comes on. Link fail (Yellow) steady indication goes off & starts flickering as soon as the modem starts communicating with remote station modem and all the CPUs display 00
II.2. vi) MODEM :- Modem is provided to convert the data as per RS232 to Voice Frequency. The following Fig shows the front and back view of the Modem. Modem works on 4 wire, Asynchronous, 2400 bps mode. Maximum permitted loss between to modem is 30db.
MODEM FRONT VIEW MODEM BACK VIEW Loop / Normal Switch To Test the Modem Data Connector from Mother Board to Modem MODEM ON/OFF Switch
ANS/ORG Switch To select the mode PWR IN Line Connector from MODEM to OFC or QUAD Cable Steady Red. To Indicate the MODEM Power ON Condition Steady Red to Indicate The Carrier Detect Flashing Red. To Indicate the MODEM receives Data Flashing Red. To Indicate the MODEM Sends Data Steady Red when Modem Put in LOOP position
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Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 17 of 50 II.2. vii) UFSBI Alarm Panel :- The UFSBI alarm panel provided at SM room to give preventive alarm for single CPU failure, Redundant DC-DC converter failure and System total failure.
The UFSBI alarm panel box consists of following components is given below:
1. ACKN. Button for Single CPU fail: To mute the buzzer if any one of the CPU of UFSBI goes bad.
2. ACKN. Button for redundant DC-DC Converter: To mute the buzzer if any module of DC-DC converter goes bad.
3. ACKN. Button for system failure: To mute the buzzer if UFSBI system goes to shut down mode.
4. Indication (R) for Single CPU fail: It glows when any one of the CPU of UFSBI goes bad and remains ON till the fault rectified.
5. Indication (R) for Redundant DC-DC: It glows when any module of DC-DC converter goes bad and remains ON till the fault rectified.
6. Indication (R) for system failure: It glows when UFSBI system goes to shut down mode and remains ON till the fault rectified.
Note: - The System failure indication (audio & visual) would be ON till the UFSBI functioning normally (BIPR1 and BIPR2 picks up).
Connectivity between UFSBI Alarm panel to BPAC & Datalogger.
Sl. no. UFSBI Alarm panel terminal no. BPAC terminal No. Potential Free Contact for Data Logger Remarks 1. 1 141 142 For Power Supply Monitor 2. 2 137 143 3. 3 144 145 For Single CPU Failure (SCFD) 4. 4 137 146 5. 5 147 138 For System Failure 6. 6 137 139
Size of the alarm panel : Size of the ALARM PANEL : L 10 X W 6 X H 4
Material : 20 SWG CRC MS sheet with bicolour powder coating.
Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 18 of 50 1 3 6 E 1 3 6 E 1 3 9 1 3 9 E 1 3 8 1 3 8 U F S B I
D I A G R A M 1 4 0 E 1 4 0 E 1 4 6 1 4 6 E 1 4 5 1 4 5 E 1 3 7 1 3 7 E 1 4 7 1 4 7 E 1 4 4 1 4 4 E 1 4 3 1 4 3 E 1 4 2 1 4 2 E 1 4 1 1 4 1 I N S I D E
S M / A S M
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Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 19 of 50 III. Relay Rack & Signaling Relays: All the relays used as per the circuit diagram are of RDSO approved make. Relay rack is housed inside the same UFSBI cabinet. The Electronic Fail Safe Timer (IRS: S 61/2000) is micro controller based. III.1. Relay disposition chart is given below. BIPR1 QN1 (8F/8B) TIMER (120EJ) TGTXR QN1 (8F/8B) SHKR QN1 (8F/8B) TGTR QL1 (11F/4B) ASGNCR QNA1 (8F/8B) HSGNCR QNA1 (8F/8B) TCFR QL1 (11F/4B) FR1 QN1 (8F/8B) BIPR2 QN1 (8F/8B) LFR 4R-3-24 (3 CO) TCFXR QN1 (8F/8B) TCFCR QN1 (8F/8B) TGTYR QN1 (8F/8B) ASGNCPR QN1 (8F/8B) TGTZR QN1 (8F/8B) BLR QN1 (8F/8B) FR2 QN1 (8F/8B) CAR QN1 (8F/8B) BTSR QN1 (8F/8B) TAR2 QN1 (8F/8B) TAR1 QNA1 (8F/8B) HSBTPR QNA1 (8F/8B) HSATPR QNA1 (8F/8B) TGTPR QN1 (8F/8B) AZTR QNA1 (8F/8B)
III.2. Nomenclature of relays for Single line with UFSBI as per drawing number- RDSO/S-32020. The nomenclature of various relays in the relay rack used at each station is given below:
1. TGTR QL1, 11F.4B DROP Train Going To Relay. Operates to pick up on receipt of LINE CLEAR at train sending station. Normalizes, when station in advance sets to LINE CLOSE after train arrival or cancellation of LINE CLEAR. 2. TCFR QL1, 11F.4B DROP Train Coming From Relay. Operates to pick up on receipt of LINE CLEAR enquiry from train sending station. Normalizes after complete train arrival or cancellation of LINE CLEAR.
QN1, 8F.8B DROP Advance Starter Signal Control Relay Picks up, when LINE CLEAR is available and necessary controls are reversed by SM. Drops in any of the under-mentioned cases: a) Entry of train in Block Section. b) Withdrawal of any SM control.
4. TGTXR QN1,8F.8B DROP Train Going To code Relay. Picks up at train sending station on pressing of buttons for LINE CLEAR enquiry. Drops when train sending station releases buttons for LINE CLEAR enquiry or picking up of TGTR whichever is earlier.
5. TCFXR QN1, 8F.8B DROP TRAIN COMING FROM code Receive Relay. Picks up on receipt of LINE CLEAR enquiry from train sending station. Drops when station in rear releases buttons for LINE CLEAR enquiry or TGTR pick up whichever is earlier. Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With SSDAC using UFSBI Ver No.: BPAC/UM/SL 0.0
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6. TGTYR QN1, 8F.8B DROP Train Going To code Receive Relay. Picks up on receipt of LINE CLEAR at train sending station Drops in any of the under-mentioned cases: a) Entry of train in Block Section. b) Cancellation of LINE CLEAR. 7. 120 J PR QN1, 8F.8B DROP Timer mature repeater Relay. Picks up on maturity of Timer for cancellation. Drops when block status set to LINE CLOSEd.
8. BPNR QN1, 8F.8B DROP Bell Push button Relay. Picks up on pressing of BELL push button with SMs Key IN, else drops. 9. TGTNR QN1, 8F.8B DROP Train Going To button Relay. Picks up on pressing of TRAIN GOING TO push button else drops. 10. CNR QN1, 8F.8B DROP Cancel button Relay. Picks up on pressing of CANCEL push button else drops. 11. FR1 QN1, 8F.8B DROP Flash controller Relay No. 1. Toggles when Cancellation commenced or any other abnormal condition occur. 12. FR2 QN1, 8F.8B DROP Flash controller Relay No. 2. Toggles when Cancellation commenced or any other abnormal condition occur.
13. TAR1 QNA1, 8F.8B DROP Train Arrival First Relay. Picks up when control on Reception Signal is Reverse and HS AT occupied by train and HS BT clear. Drops when AT clear with a delay. 14. TAR2 QN1, 8F.8B DROP Train Arrival Second Relay. Picks up when Train arrival Relay 1 (TAR1) is picked up and HS AT is clear and HS BT occupied by train. Drops when block status set to LINE CLOSEd. 15. CAR QN1, 8F.8B DROP Cancel relay. Picks up at Train receiving station on initiation of cancellation, provided all controls pertaining to Advance Starter and Reception Signal/Signals and signals controlled by them are at Normal at both the stations. Drops when cancellation matures and system goes to LINE CLOSEd condition.
16. BTSR QN1, 8F.8B PICK UP Block Track Stick Relay. Picks up when Block status is LINE CLOSED and Block track is clear. Drops in any of the under-mentioned cases: a) Entry of train in Block Section. b) Cancellation of LINE CLEAR.
17. AZTR
QNA1, 8F.8B PICK UP Block Section track Relay. Drops in the under mentioned cases: (a) Entry of train in block section, or (b) Axle Counter failure
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DESCRIPTION 18. TGTZR QN1, 8F.8B PICK UP Home signal normal checking repeater Relay. Picks up at sending station to repeat LINE CLOSEd condition at train receiving station after arrival of train or after a LINE CLEAR cancellation has been initiated, else drops. 19. 120 EJ Electronic Time delay unit (Fail Safe) Timer unit for cancellation time of 120 seconds.
20. HS ATPR QNA1, 8F.8B PICK UP First track for direction proving repeater Relay. Picks up when HSAT track circuit is vacant else drops. 21. HS BTPR QNA1, 8F.8B PICK UP Second track for direction proving repeater Relay. Picks up when HS BT track circuit is vacant else drops.
22. AS GNCR QNA1, 8F.8B PICK UP Advance Starter Signal Normal Checking Relay. Picks up when Advance Starter Signal and all its controls are at Normal, else drops. 23. HS GNCR QNA1, 8F.8B PICK UP Reception Signal Normal Checking Relay Picks up when Reception signal/ signals and all its controls are at Normal, else drops. 24. TCFCR QN1, 8F.8B DROP Train Coming From Cancellation Relay. Picks up at receiving station when CANCEL CO OP button is pressed at sending station else drops. 25. TCFZR QN1, 8F.8B PICK UP Train Coming From Normal Proving Relay. Picks up at receiving station when TCFR drops, else drops 26. TGTPR QN1, 8F.8B PICK UP Train Going To Normal Proving Relay. Picks up at train sending station when TGTR drops, else drops 27. SHKR QN1, 8F.8B PICK UP Shunt Key Indicating Relay Picks up when Shunt Key in EKT is IN & Shunt Release Key is OUT, else drops 28. AS GNCPR QN1, 8F.8B PICK UP Advance Starter Signal Normal checking (for other station) Relay Picks up when Advance Starter Signal and all its controls are Normal at the other station, else drops. 29. BIPR1 QN1, 8F.8B TOGGLE UFSBI health checks Relay.
30. BIPR2 QN1, 8F.8B TOGGLE UFSBI health checks Relay.
31. BLR QN1, 8F.8B DROP Bell Relay Picks Up When Other Station Presses the Bell Button 32. LFR O/ E/N, 4R-3-24 Pick Up Link Fail Relay Picks Up When UFSBI communication link is OK else drop. 33. Cancel Co-Op Relay O/ E/ N, 4R-3-24 Pick Up Cancel Co-op Push Button Relay Picks Up When Cancel Co-op Push button is pressed else drop. Placed inside SM panel.
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Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 22 of 50 III.3. Relay Sensing by UFSBI:- These all relays are sensed by UFSBI through WAGO Board. Typical connection is given below
The detailed interconnectivity diagram between WAGO Board to Mother Board is given below:
I/P RELAY, O/P RELAY & BIPR1 & BIPR2 INPUT CARD 1 & 2 a. Opt isolation of Relay Inputs. b. Conversion of 24V to5V INPUT CARD 3 & 4 a. Opt isolation of Relay Inputs. b. Conversion of 24V to5V INPUT CARD 5 & 6 a. Opt isolation of Relay Inputs. b. Conversion of 24V to 5 V WAGO BOARD MOTHER BOARD WAGO TERMINAL FRC TERMINAL FRC CONNECTOR (Flat Cable) FRC TERMINAL WAGO BOARD TO MOTHERBOARD INTERCONNECTIVITY 1 st Upper I/P Connector (I/P -1 to I/P 8 Complementary) On MB 1st Lower I/P Connector (O/P -1 to O/P 8, BIPR1 & BIPR2 Complementary) 1st Lower I/P Connector (O/P -1 to O/P 8, BIPR1 & BIPR2 Complementary) On WAGO Board 1 st Upper I/P Connector (I/P -1 to I/P 8 Complementary) On WAGO Board 2 nd Upper I/P Connector (I/P -9 to I/P 16 Complementary) On WAGO Board 2 nd Lower I/P Connector (O/P -9 to O/P 16 Complementary) On WAGO Board 2 nd Lower I/P Connector (O/P -9 to O/P 16 Complementary) On MB 2 nd Upper I/P Connector (I/P -9 to I/P 16 Complementary) On MB O/P 1 to O/P 8 Relay Drive O/P 9 to O/P 16 Relay Drive MB to MODEM Data Connector MB 6 Pin Power Connector BIPR1 & BIPR2 Relay Drive on MB BIPR1 & BIPR2 Relay Drive on WAGO Board Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With SSDAC using UFSBI Ver No.: BPAC/UM/SL 0.0
Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 23 of 50 IV. BLOCK TELEPHONE This is provided for speech communication with SM at other end of Block Section. Separate block telephone is provided for separate block section. Block Panel has provision for hanging block telephone as shown in Drg. No. RDSO /S 32019 Sheet no 3 of 3. V. SINGLE SECTION DIGITAL AXLE COUNTER This is as per RDSO/ SPN/ 177/ 2003. This is provided for verification of Train in the block section as well as last vehicle verification. Vital Relay contact of Axle Counter is repeated in the UFSBI relay rack.
3. Sequence of various operations of signaling a train between two stations 3. I. Normal Train movement If the block section is clear and the LINE CLOSED indication is displayed on Block Panel at both the stations, the action is taken by the sending station SM as under: ATSENDING STATION ATRECEIVING STATION The following relays are normally energized in LINE CLOSED ASGNCR, HSATPR, HSBTPR, AZTR, BTSR, ASGNCPR, SHKR, HSGNCR. The following indications are ON LINE CLOSED Yellow, SNK-Yellow, SNOEK- Yellow, LINE FREE green, Shunt Key - Green, Last Stop Signal Red, BI OK Green, Communication Link Fail OFF The following relays are normally energized in LINE CLOSED BTSR, HSATPR, HSBTPR, HSGNCR, AZTR, ASGNCR, ASGNCPR, SHKR. The following indications are ON LINE CLOSED Yellow, SNK-Yellow, SNOEK- Yellow, LINE FREE-Green, Shunt Key Green, Last Stop Signal Red 1 a) The SM at sending station inserts its SM key and turns to IN position. SM Key Green. b) Presses BELL button. BPNR c) BLR, Buzzer Sounds. SM advises station at the other end about the intended movement of the train on Telephone and asks for the consent of LINE CLEAR.
2 a) BLR, Buzzer Sounds. b) SM acknowledges the call Attention signal by pressing BELL button. BPNR
c)Ensures the following indications are at On condition LINE CLOSED Yellow, SNK-Yellow, SNOEK- Yellow, LINE FREE-Green, Shunt Key Green, Last Stop Signal Red, BI OK Green, Communication Link Fail OFF And Grants Verbal LINE CLEAR. 3 a) Presses BELL button. BPNR And TRAIN GOING TO button. TGTNR. b) TGTXR relay picks up, provided the conditions for receiving LINE CLEAR exist and transmits LINE CLEAR enquiry. Waits for TRAIN GOING TO Indication to light up GREEN. 4 a) TCFXR picks up.
b) TCFR operates and latches, provided the conditions for granting LINE CLEAR exist.
c) LINE CLOSED turns OFF. d) TCFK (G) TRAIN COMING FROM indication GREEN turns ON. e) Sends LINE CLEAR granted code. i.e TCFR + BTSR + ASGNCR + SHKR + TGTYR +TGTR 5 a) TGTYR picks up. b) TGTZR. c) TGTR picks up and latches and TGTXR. d) LINE CLOSED indication turns OFF. e) TGTK (G) TRAIN GOING TO indication lights up GREEN. f) Releases BELL and TRAIN GOING 6
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Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 24 of 50 TO buttons. BPNR TGTNR. g) Advance Starter signal can be taken OFF by SM control. ASGNCR , ASCR, SNK OFF, LSS Green.
ASGNCPR, SNOKE turns OFF. 7 a) Train enters Block Section ASCR, AZTR, BTSR. b) LINE OCCUPIED indication turns RED. c) TGT (Green) indication changes to TOL (Red). LSS Red. d) SECTION Buzzer sounds with indication near ACKN button. e) SM presses ACKN to silence the SECTION buzzer and turn OFF aforesaid indication. f) TGTYR. g) Restores all Signal controls to Normal. ASGNCR, SNK-Yellow h) Train in section. 8 a) Train enters Block Section.
c) LINE OCCUPIED indication turns RED. d) TCF (Green) indication changes to TOL (Red).
e) SECTION Buzzer sounds with indication near ACKN button. f) SM presses ACKN to silence the SECTION buzzer and turn OFF aforesaid indication. g) ASGNCPR, SNOKE- YELLOW. h) Train in section. 9 a) Train is received by reversing the Home Signal Lever, HSGNCR, SNK- OFF. b) Train occupies HSAT, HSATPR, TAR1 and sticks. c) Train occupies HSBT, HSBTPR and clears HSAT, HSATPR TAR2 and sticks. d) TAR1. e) AZTR, Line Free Green. f) SECTION Buzzer sounds with indication near ACKN button. g) SM presses ACKN to silence the SECTION buzzer and turn OFF aforesaid indication. h) FR1 and FR2 operate to give flashing indications. i) TCF(Red) changes to TCF (flashing green). 10. a) AZTR. b) LINE FREE indication turns GREEN. c) FR1 and FR2 operate to give flashing indications. d) TOL (Red) changes to TGT (flashing green). 11. a) Normalizes all controls to pick up HSGNCR. b) De-latches TCFR. c) BTSR. d) LINE CLOSED indication turns ON. e) TCFK (flashing green) turns OFF. 12 a) TGTZR, TGTR. b) LINE CLOSED indication turns ON. c) TRAIN GOING TO (Flashing Green) indication turns OFF.
3. II. Refusal to LINE CLEAR Enquiry When a block section is blocked by the presence of a train in the section or train parting or shunting or opening of level crossing in mid section or for any other reason, the SHUNT key of EKT shall be taken out and kept in safe custody. Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With SSDAC using UFSBI Ver No.: BPAC/UM/SL 0.0
Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 25 of 50 If the block station at other end refuses the IS LINE CLEAR enquiry signal, no train shall be allowed to leave until a fresh IS LINE CLEAR enquiry signal has been given to block station at other end and accepted. On removal of obstruction, the Shunt Key of EKT shall be inserted and turned to IN position and the Shunt Release Key should be taken OUT.SM shall immediately inform SM of other end about the fact, so as to enable him to send a fresh IS LINE CLEAR signal.
3. III. Method Of LINE CLEAR Cancellation After a train sending station has taken LINE CLEAR, the receiving station can carry out LINE CLEAR cancellation with the consent of other end station. Method of Cancellation SENDING STATION RECEIVING STATION 1. PUTS back LSS to `ON, if already taken `OFF, ensures SNK at YELLOW, Advises receiving end station SM about cancellation on telephone after prescribed BELL code. 2. Agrees to request, ensures SNK at YELLOW and SNOEK at YELLOW and gives consent on telephone after prescribed BELL code. 3 After verbal consent from other end SM, presses cancel co-operation button and releases on receipt of bell code. 4. Waits for co-operation light up yellow and presses, bell & cancel button with SM key IN. Cancel counter increments. TRAIN COMING FROM indication turns to flashing green. Cancel indication lights up flashing yellow & continues flashing for 120 seconds. 5. TRAIN GOING TO indication turns flashing green.
7. TRAIN GOING TO Indication turns off LINE CLOSED indication lights up. 6. On expiry of 120 seconds, TRAIN COMING FROM Indication & cancel indication turns off. LINE CLOSED indication lights up.
3. IV. Closing of Block after a Push back operation After a train has been pushed back at the sending station, the sending station advises the receiving station. The receiving station can close the section by pressing BELL and CANCEL button after getting cooperation from the other end station.
3. V. Method of Push back operation
SENDING STATION RECEIVING STATION 1. Train clears the Block Section. LINE FREE indicator turns GREEN. SECTION buzzer starts ringing. ACKN indicator lights up. 2. Train clears the Block Section. LINE FREE indicator turns GREEN. SECTION buzzer starts ringing. ACKN indicator lights up. TRAIN GOING TO arrowhead indication turns to FLASHING GREEN. TRAIN COMING FROM arrowhead indication turns to FLASHING GREEN. Acknowledges the buzzer by pressing ACKN button. ACKN indicator turns off. Acknowledges the buzzer by pressing ACKN button. ACKN indicator turns off. 3. Advises receiving end station SM about cancellation on telephone after prescribed BELL code.
4. Agrees to request, ensures SNK indicator YELLOW, SNOEK indicator YELLOW, SHUNT KEY indicator GREEN and Gives consent on telephone after prescribed BELL code Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With SSDAC using UFSBI Ver No.: BPAC/UM/SL 0.0
Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 26 of 50 5. After verbal consent from other end SM Ensure SNK indication YELLOW, SNOEK indication YELLOW, SHUNT KEY indication GREEN
6. 8. Presses CANCEL CO-OP button and releases on receipt of BELL code. 7. CO-OP to light up YELLOW. Presses BELL & CANCEL button with SM key IN. CANCEL COUNTER increments. CANCEL indication lights up FLASHING YELLOW & continues flashing for 120 seconds. On expiry of 120 seconds, TRAIN GOING TO arrowhead indication turns off.
LINE CLOSED indication lights up. TRAIN COMING FROM arrowhead indication and CANCEL indication turns off. LINE CLOSED indication lights up.
3. VI. Block Back Operation The SM, who intends to Block Back the line, shall inform the SM of station at other end on telephone for permission to Block Back, who will acknowledge the message and grant permission supported by a private number. SM takes SHUNT key of EKT OUT and keeps in safe custody. The SM will then issue necessary authority to driver of train to perform shunting in Block Section. On completion of shunting, section clear message will be sent to SM of station at other end on telephone about obstruction removed supported by a private number, who in turn will acknowledge the same supported by a private number. Thereafter SM will insert SHUNT key of EKT and turn to `IN' position and takes out the shunt release key. All the entries in Train Signal Register (TSR) for this operation should be make in RED ink. The reasons for Block Back shall be recorded in remarks column against each entry. Station in rear Station intending BLOCK BACK 2. Block Panel displays; LINE CLOSED - YELLOW LINE FREE - GREEN SNOEK - YELLOW SHUNT KEY - GREEN 1. Block Panel displays; LINE CLOSED - YELLOW LINE FREE - GREEN SNOEK - YELLOW SHUNT KEY GREEN 4. Acknowledges call attention / attend telephone signal. 3. Inserts SM key & turns, Gives call attention / attend telephone signal. 6. Attends telephone. 5 Attends telephone. 8. Acknowledges & gives consent by private number. 7 Inform intention to perform shunting in Block Section. 10 SNOEK turns off. 9 Takes Shunt Key 'OUT' from EKT and keeps in safe custody. Issue necessary authority to driver of train to perform shunting in Block Section. SHUNT KEY indication turns to RED. 12 . On entry of train in Block Section, SECTION buzzer starts ringing & ACKN indication lights up. 11. On entry of train in Block Section, SECTION buzzer starts ringing & ACKN indication lights up. LINE OCCUPIED indication turns to RED. LINE CLOSED indication turns off. LINE OCCUPIED indication turns to RED. LINE CLOSED indication turns off. Acknowledges the buzzer by pressing ACKN button. ACKN indication turns off. Acknowledges the buzzer by pressing ACKN button. ACKN indication turns off. 14 On clearing of Block Section. 13. On clearing of Block Section. Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With SSDAC using UFSBI Ver No.: BPAC/UM/SL 0.0
Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 27 of 50 . SECTION buzzer starts ringing & LINE CLOSED indication lights up. ACKN indication lights up. SECTION buzzer starts ringing & LINE CLOSED indication lights up. ACKN indication lights up. LINE FREE indication turns to GREEN. LINE CLOSED indication lights up YELLOW. LINE FREE indicator turns to GREEN. LINE CLOSED indication lights up YELLOW. Acknowledges the buzzer by pressing ACKN button. ACKN indication turns off. Acknowledges the buzzer by pressing ACKN button. ACKN indication turns off. 16 . Acknowledges call attention / attend telephone signal. 15. On completion of shunting, SM verifies the line between opposite STARTER (if any)/ Shunt signal or Stop Board/ Fouling mark and FSS, free from any vehicle. Inserts SM key & turns, Gives call attention / attend telephone signal. 18 . Attends telephone. 17. Attends telephone. 20 . Acknowledges supported by a private number. 19. Inform shunting is completed supported by a private number. 22 . SNOEK lights up YELLOW. 21. Inserts SHUNT KEY of EKT & turns to `IN'. SHUNT KEY indication turns to GREEN.
3. VII. Shunting of train Where shunt signals are not provided for shunting on line leading towards Block section, the driver of shunting train shall be given shunting order at the foot of STARTER SIGNAL / STOP BOARD/FOULING MARK before allowing any shunting. While shunting, the LAST STOP SIGNAL should be kept at ON.
Shunting of Train up to Last Stop Signal
SHUNT KEY of EKT shall be taken OUT and kept in safe custody. The driver of shunting train shall be given shunting order to shunt up to LSS. On completion of shunting, the line between STARTER/ Shunt Signal/ Stop Board/ Fouling mark and LSS should be checked free from any vehicle. SHUNT KEY of EKT shall be inserted and turned to IN position. When an IS LINE CLEAR enquiry is received from Block Station at other end of block section, permission for shunting up to LSS shall be granted only after compliance of GR 8.09 & 8.10 and as permitted by Station Working Rules (SWR).
Shunting behind a train Shunting behind a train should be performed with message to station at other end. SM shall take out SHUNT KEY of EKT after entry of train beyond LSS and hand over to Driver of shunting train along with shunting order. On completion of shunting, Driver of shunting train hands over SHUNT KEY of EKT to SM. SM ensures clearance of line between STARTER/ Shunt Signal/ Stop Board / Fouling mark and LSS from any vehicle. The message regarding completion of shunting shall be sent to station at other end. SM inserts SHUNT KEY of EKT and turns to IN position. In case train arrives at station at other end before completion of shunting, TRAIN GOING TO/ TRAIN COMING FROM arrowhead indication will remain at RED, till shunting train clears the section. During such period line shall be BLOCKED BACK as per procedure laid down in the specification (RDSO/SPN/ 188/2004) at Cl. 9.5.
Shunting Of Train Beyond Last Stop Signal The shunting is done under protection of Block Forward only.
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Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 28 of 50 Shunting Of Train in face of an approaching Train Shunting in face of an approaching train, towards LSS, where permitted in SWR by special instructions, can be performed. The driver of shunting train shall be given shunting order to shunt up to LSS. On completion of shunting, the line between STARTER/ SHUNT SIGNAL/ STOP BOARD / FOULING MARK and FIRST STOP SIGNAL should be checked free from any vehicle. Shunting in face of an approaching train, beyond LSS and up to FSS can be performed only, when approaching train has been brought to a stop at FSS of the station. Whenever such shunting is to be performed, SM key shall be taken OUT and kept in safe custody. The driver of shunting train shall be given shunting order to shunt up to FSS. On completion of shunting, the line between STARTER/ SHUNT SIGNAL/ STOP BOARD / FOULING MARK AND FSS SIGNAL should be checked free from any vehicle and only then SM key shall be inserted and turned to IN position. Shunting of Train beyond LSS in cases other than shunting behind a train or shunting in face of approaching train The shunting should be done under protection of Block Back only. Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With SSDAC using UFSBI Ver No.: BPAC/UM/SL 0.0
Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 29 of 50 4. Installation & Commissioning:- 4. I. Installation prerequisites
Sl. No. Description Specified Value / nos. Obtained Value / Nos. (if any) Ok / Not Ok 1. Environment Spacious, Clean, Dry, Well ventilated room preferably with a fan/ exhaust fan.
2. Battery 24 V / 120 AH
3. Battery Charger i) Good Quality low ripple battery charger (Axle Counter type) as per IRS: S-86/2000 or IPS module as per RDSO/SPN/165/2004 Nominal Voltage 24 V/10A (-10% to +20%) at The Output voltage at following 2 conditions must be within 21.6V to 28.8V: Charger ON & UFSBI ON Charger OFF (for 15 min) & UFSBI ON
ii) Separate Power Supply provided for each of BPAC, SSDAC & Block Telephone.
_________ V _________ V
4. Earthing Value of Earth resistance: < 2 5. Communication Channel
4 wire Voice Channel on OFC (2400 bps , asynchronous) S/N ratio: At least 20 dB Max. TX Signal: -7 dBm to -5 dBm Min. RX Level: -12 dBm to -14dBm
BER: Better than 10
________ dB ________ dBm ________ dBm
6. Communication Cable Jelly filled Quad Cable as per specn: IRS: TC 30-05. Out of the 6 Quad or 4 Quad One Full Quad is to be assigned for UFSBI. Do not make Four different wires of different Quads for making a Quad to run the system. Length of quad cable : The cable insulation (must be better than10 M /Km when tested with 500V Megger): Loop resistance (should be less than 55 /Km): Signal loss (should be less than 30 dB at 2.5 KHz): The armour of the cable must be properly earthed. The cable shall be terminated as stated in Annexure D
_______ Km
________ M
________ dB
________ dB
________ dB
7. External Terminals (Centre Link Open type )
All inputs from the Field and the Relay room shall be terminated with proper identification in a separate location to connect to the UFSBI terminals
8. V/F Tapping Transformer Charecteristics impedence 470 in cable side and 600 on UFSBI side. If the communication link between two UFSBI is QUAD cable then only it is required.
Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With SSDAC using UFSBI Ver No.: BPAC/UM/SL 0.0
Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 30 of 50 9. Relays Following number of relays required for each pair QN1 44 , QNA1 12, QL1 4, TIMER 2
10. Signalling Cable (0.9 mm dia) From SM Panel at SM Room to UFSBI cubicle placed at relay room 60 core
Details of the Block Panel, Relay Interlocking Circuit & UFSBI Installed: Sl. No. & Date of manufacture the UFSBI unit: Sl. No. of Input Cards: _________________________________________________________
Sl. No. of Output Cards:________________________________________________________
Sl. No. of CCC Cards: _________________________________________________________
Sl. No. of CPU Cards: _________________________________________________________
Sl. No. of Mother Board: _______________________________________________________
Sl. No. of Reset Box: __________________________________________________________
Sl. No. & Date of manufacture of DC-DC Converter:__________________________________
Sl. No. of Modem: ____________________________________________________________
Initial count of the Reset Counter: __________________
Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With SSDAC using UFSBI Ver No.: BPAC/UM/SL 0.0
Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 31 of 50 4. II. Installation Procedures:- Installation & Testing Guidelines All the units including the modules, connectors and other accessories are factory-checked. However, after unpacking, following pre-installation test schedule is being recommended to examine if any kind of damage has occurred during transshipment. Physical Examination required for a) Connectors b) Relays and Relay-bases c) All the PCB modules d) Rack and the mainframe e) Card Guides f) Motherboard g) Interconnecting ribbon cables and wires h) Reset Box i) Modem Power Supply a) Battery Voltage should not exceed the range: 21.6V to 28.8V DC. b) Ensure that the above supply is not arbitrarily grounded. c) Before insertion of other modules, DC-DC converter is to be connected to the Battery Supply and its correct output levels should read as: i) 5V [+/- 3%) ii) +12V [+/ - 2%] iii) 12V [+/- 2%] iv) 24V [+/- 5%] Starting the BPAC with UFSBI Installation of system is kept very simple; as such no elaborate procedure is required except those given as under: a) Plug in all the relays to the respective relay bases as per Relay disposition chart. b) Connect The Cable from SM panel to UFSBI Cubicle using terminal marked as panel terminal in page number 9. c) Connect The External circuit with UFSBI relay rack using the terminal marked as external in page Number 9. d) Connect 24 V DC supply to the Fuse Terminal shown in page number 36. e) Connect 4wire communication cable to the TX & RX terminal shown in page number 16. WARNING: For removing and fitting PCB in the unit, please switch off the power supply. Now switch ON the power supply of the unit and check for: a) All the indications in DC-DC converter. b) Red indication in Reset Box and Buzzer sounds. Press the RESET switch and wait for 5 seconds. c) Press the BIPR ON switch. BIPR1 and BIPR2 relays will pick up. d) Buzzer stops and red indication in reset box changes to green. e) All CPUs will display 00 indicating UFSBI is normal. f) Now UFSBI starts functioning in loop. g) Now check all the indication in SMs panel. h) Now check all the external circuits connected with UFSBI. i) Now perform Two to Three test signaling rounds and check all the signal interlocking safety aspects. j) Put the system online and observe for two days before commissioning.
5. Maintenance Preventive maintenance Power supply: In tropical countries power supply unit of any type is the single source responsible for most of the equipment faults and malfunctioning. A regular check on power supply units such as battery banks, battery charger and DC-DC converters is mandatory. Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With SSDAC using UFSBI Ver No.: BPAC/UM/SL 0.0
Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 32 of 50 Relays: UFSBI has used most reliable type of relays, but special care and testing is required for those to be used after long storage. No attempt is to be made to repair a relay. Use a new one. DOs and DONTs given below can be a formidable guideline for Preventive Maintenance. Maintenance of Communication Link Telecom cable is to be protected from injury during other kinds of installation at its vicinity. If disconnection of cable is required, the cable terminal is to be refitted firmly. The loss of signal due to lossy cable is to be kept under check. The display indication 33 indicates link failure. If the modem is found to be O.K, next to be checked is the telecom cable. Maintenance of Equipment a. UFSBI unit will automatically trip-off if the Battery supply goes below 19.2V & above 28.8V DC. In case of repeated trip-off, both the DC supply level and the loading are to be checked. A healthy UFSBI should not draw more than 2.5 Amp DC without any Input or Output relay in Pick up condition. b. No attempt of resetting is to be made in case of supply impairment or link failure. c. If a faulty UFSBI system is not brought back to normal after resetting one must check: i) If there is any loosely fitted connector or improperly pressed PCB module. ii) Connecting leads inserted in Terminal. iii) The DC supply levels of the DC-DC converter. d. For specific information on faults, refer UFSBI Error Code List. e. Once a fault is found, the user should not attempt repairing at component level. The impaired module / PCB needs to be replaced by a spare one.
6. Dos & Donts UFSBI system is to be operated or maintained only by trained persons No attempt is to be made to operate the equipment at Battery Voltage ranging bellow 21.6V and above 28.8V DC. Connectors or PCBs is to be plugged in or out after switching off the Power Supply. RESET should not be applied in case of Link Failure or Supply Break Down. Replacement of components or modules is to be done with spares supplied / prescribed by the manufacturer. While plugging in / out a PCB, care is to be taken to avoid application of excessive force. Arbitrary grounding should not be done to any common terminal inside the equipment. Relay testing should not be performed involving forced pick-up or drop while the instrument is ON. Standard restrictions against mishandling and opening of Block Instrument are applicable also to UFSBI.
WARNING: No violation of above MESSAGE OF CAUTION is desirable for safe & reliable signaling operation.
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Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 45 of 50 ANNEXURE A Error code list & Recommended actions for Block Working With UFSBI & DAC in case of Faults/Errors NOTE: BEFORE TAKING OUTOR INSERTING A CARD, ALWAYS TURN-OFF THE POWER SUPPLY
Codes Failure Cause Recommended Actions 00 NORMAL MODE. a) Flashing 00 indicates that the system is healthy & functioning properly. b) If this code becomes steady in certain CPU and an error code of 37, 38 or 39 appears (according to the stuck CPU) on the other CPUs try RESETTING the system as stated in item no. II.16. c) In case the problem persists change the CPU showing the steady code. 01 Output Latch 1 Read-back bad a) If the code is displayed simultaneously in more than 1 CPU: Then check if the CCC card is inserted properly in the slot. If the problem still persists replace the CCC card. b) If the code comes on a single CPU: i) First swap the faulty CPU with another slot. ii) If the code shifts with the CPU to the new slot, change the CPU card else change the Output card 02 Output Latch 2 Read-back bad 05 UFSBI source address mismatch in receive message Check Address jumpers of both mother cards of connected UFSBI units for their correspondence refer page 33. If the fault is in one CPU card only (unlikely) replace the CPU card. 06 UFSBI destination address mismatch in receive message Check Address jumpers of both mother cards of connected UFSBI units for their correspondence refer page 33. If the fault is in one CPU card only (unlikely) replace the CPU card. 07 TXENABLE-A/ B/C signal produced by Inter-block data selector logic in CCC not matching with Inter-block phase. If this occurs in all the CPUs, change the CCC Card. This can also happen when the UFSBI is working in 2/2 mode and a further failure occurs. This is not a serious problem and will go up on RESET. 08 CPU failed to transmit a) Swap the CPU with another slot, if the problem shifts with the CPU , then change the CPU card. b) Check the system, if the fault persists in the same slot, change the CCC card. 0A Clear input to U9 low 0B(Ob ) Ready to accept 'start' command after POST a) Press BI-ON button to start the system within 30 sec. If the button is not pressed in time then all the three CPUs will display 99 code and go to shut down. To recover from this problem the power supply is to be turned off and the on. After the POST process all the CPUs will display Ob again. b) In case anyone CPU is showing steady 0B, while others are running with 37, 38 or 39, try RESETTING the system. 0C PS monitor test in progress in POST Wait for all CPUs to display Ob. 10 IN1 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W2 & W10) Manually RESET the system. If the problem persists then
i) In case the Error Code is appearing in 1 of the 3 CPUs, a) Swap the Input Card 1 with another Input Card 1 for Error Codes 10 to 1F, observe the outcome b) Swap the Input Card 2 with another Input Card 2 for Error Codes 20 to 2F, observe the outcome. 11 IN2 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W3 & W11) 12 IN3 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W4 & W12) 13 IN4 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W5 & W13) Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With SSDAC using UFSBI Ver No.: BPAC/UM/SL 0.0
Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 46 of 50 14 IN5 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W6 & W14) In case (I)-a,b fails to solve the problem, c) Change Input Card 1 for Error Codes 10 to 1F d) Change Input Card 2 for Error Codes 20 to 2F Manually RESET the system and observe its operation ii) If the Error codes are appearing in at least 2 of the 3 CPUs simultaneously then check voltages at the respective relay contacts and wago terminals as per circuit diagram Sh. 6A and 6B of 12 of RDSO/S/32018 (attached in the Manual) for the inputs IN1-IN7 (Wago W2-W8) and inputs IN1-IN7 (Wago W10-W15). For other inputs like IN8, IN9- IN16 (Wago W9, W64-W71) and IN8, IN9-IN16 (Wago W17, W72-W79) check the looping as per circuit referred above. Manually RESET the system and observe its operation iii) If the problem still persists check the flat cable connections between the wago board and motherboard as per dig. 2.1. Manually RESET the system and observe its operation iv) In case the error still persists, replace- a) Input Card 1 for Error Codes 10 to 1F b) Input Card 2 for Error Codes 20 to 2F Manually RESET the system and observe its operation 15 IN6 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W7 & W15) 16 IN7 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W8 & W16) 17 IN8 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W9 & W17) 18 OUT1 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W18 & W26) 19 OUT2 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W19 & W27) 1A OUT3 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W20 & W28) 1B OUT4 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W21 & W29) 1C OUT5 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W22 & W30) 1D OUT6 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W23 & W31) 1E OUT7 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W24 & W32) '1 ' (1F) OUT8 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W25 & W33) 20 IN9 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W64 & W72) Manually RESET the system following the same process as stated in item no. ****. If the problem persists then In case the Error Code is appearing in 1 of the 3 CPUs, a) Swap the Input Card 1 with another Input Card 1 for Error Codes 10 to 1F, observe the outcome b) Swap the Input Card 2 with another Input Card 2 for Error Codes 20 to 2F, observe the outcome. In case (I)-a,b fails to solve the problem, c) Change Input Card 1 for Error Codes 10 to 1F d) Change Input Card 2 for Error Codes 20 to 2F Manually RESET the system and observe its operation If the Error codes are appearing in at least 2 of the 3 CPUs simultaneously then check voltages at the respective relay contacts and wago terminals as per circuit diagram Sh. 6A and 6B of 12 of RDSO/S/32018 (attached in the Manual) for the inputs. Manually RESET the system and observe its operation i) If the problem still persists check the flat cable connections between the wago board and motherboard as per dig. 2.1. Manually RESET the system and observe its operation ii) In case the error still persists, replace- a) Input Card 1 for Error Codes 10 to 1F b) Input Card 2 for Error Codes 20 to 2F Manually RESET the system and observe its operation 21 IN10 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W65 & W73) 22 IN11 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W66 & W74) 23 IN12 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W67 & W75) 24 IN13 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W68 & W76) 25 IN14 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W69 & W77) 26 IN15 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W70 & W78) 27 IN16 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W71 & W79) 28 OUT9 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W80 & W88) 29 OUT10 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W81 & W89) 2A OUT11 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W82 & W90) 2B OUT12 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W83 & W91) 2C OUT13 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W84 & W92) 2D OUT14 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W85 & W93) 2E OUT15 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W86 & W94) '2 ' (2F) OUT16 complementary failure (Ckt ref. W87 & W95) 30 BIPR1 complementary failure Take similar steps as in the case for other relays. 31 BIPR2complementary failure 33 Link Fail (SSB mode) If the error code appears in any one of the CPU card: Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With SSDAC using UFSBI Ver No.: BPAC/UM/SL 0.0
Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 47 of 50 i) Swap it with other slot. If the error shifts with the card Change the CPU card. If the error code appears in any one of the CPU card: i) Check the communication link from crone box, terminal, to modem RJ 11 jack. If external communication link is confirmed OK change the CCC Card. ii) If the problem still persists, Switch off the Modem, and then restart it after 60s. iii) If the problem still persists perform Power-On Reset of the System and observe its operation 34 RSSB mode This mode indicates that the UFSBI on the other side is not receiving data. Try by checking the channel, modem and communication in that order as stated for error code 33. Ensure that the other side System is working and showing error code 33 only. 37 CPU A bad i) Change corresponding CPU Cards in which the static error code is showing. Manually RESET the system and observe its operation. ii) If this indication is on all the CPU cards then change the CCC (Communication) Card. Manually RESET the system and observe its operation 38 CPU B bad 39 CPU C bad 3A Inter-processor communication channel failure (common mode) If occurs in all the CPUs, change the communication card. Manually RESET the system and observe its operation 40 OUT1 forced pickup [LFR Non-vital relay] Manually RESET the system following the same process as stated in item no. II.15. If the problem persists then For codes 40 to 4F check the corresponding relays as follows i) Check if the relay is properly plugged and the retaining clip is place correctly. Also ensure that all its receptacles are rightly placed and locked in the plug board. Manually RESET the system and observe its operation. ii) Check the corresponding relays to see if the front contacts somehow got voltage or back contacts got broken or if the relay has got picked up out of sequence by some stray feed given externally. Manually RESET the system and observe its operation. iii) Check the wago terminals for unwanted shorting between terminals other than those showed in circuit. In case any such short circuits found please remove the same. Manually RESET the system and observe its operation. 41 OUT2 forced pickup [TCFXR vital relay] 42 OUT3 forced pickup [TCFCR vital relay] 43 OUT4 forced pickup [TGTYR vital relay] 44 OUT5 forced pickup [ASGNCPR vital relay] 45 OUT6 forced pickup [TGTZR vital relay] 46 OUT7 forced pickup [BLR vital relay] 47 OUT8 forced pickup 48 OUT9 forced pickup Manually RESET the system following the same process as stated in item no. II.15. If the problem persists then For codes 40 to 4F check the corresponding relays as follows iv) Check if the relay is properly plugged and the retaining clip is place correctly. Also ensure that all its receptacles are rightly placed and locked in the plug board. Manually RESET the system and observe its operation. v) Check the corresponding relays to see if the front contacts somehow got voltage or back contacts got broken or if the relay has got picked up out of sequence by some stray feed given externally. Manually RESET the system and observe its 49 OUT10 forced pickup 4A OUT11 forced pickup 4B OUT12 forced pickup 4C OUT13 forced pickup 4D OUT14 forced pickup 4E OUT15 forced pickup Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With SSDAC using UFSBI Ver No.: BPAC/UM/SL 0.0
Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 48 of 50 4F OUT16 forced pickup operation. vi) Check the wago terminals for unwanted shorting between terminals other than those showed in circuit. In case any such short circuits found please remove the same. Manually RESET the system and observe its operation. 50 IN1 jitter J ittery contacts of the relay may occur when a particular relay does not stabilize, i.e. it chatters. This may happen due to low coil voltage, faulty receptacles (coil or contacts) or improper plugging of the relays without retaining clips. The following actions are suggested: a) Check the setting in the plug board for proper plugging b) Check firmness of the contacts and all connections from output connector coil (for output relays). c) Check coil and contact voltage for each input paths from the circuit. Try removing and re-plugging each relay in the circuit path separately ensuring that it is fitted firmly to the plug board and the retaining clip is in the right place d) For output relays, try to measure the coil voltage at the corresponding wago terminal as well as the relay coil R1- R2. Note that this voltage is available for less than sec, so using an analog voltmeter is preferred. It is advisable to try by changing the corresponding output card. Manually RESET the system and observe its operation. 51 IN2 jitter 52 IN3 jitter 53 IN4 jitter 54 IN5 jitter 55 IN6 jitter 56 IN7 jitter 57 IN8 jitter 58 OUT1 jitter [LFR Non-vital relay] 59 OUT2 jitter [TCFXR vital relay] 5A OUT3 jitter [TCFCR vital relay] 5B OUT4 jitter [TGTYR vital relay] 5C OUT5 jitter [ASGNCPR vital relay] 5D OUT6 jitter [TGTZR vital relay] 5E OUT7 jitter [BLR vital relay] 5F OUT8 jitter 60 IN9 jitter 61 IN10 jitter J ittery contacts of the relay may occur when a particular relay does not stabilize, i.e. it chatters. This may happen due to low coil voltage, faulty receptacles (coil or contacts) or improper plugging of the relays without retaining clips. The following actions are suggested: a) Check the setting in the plug board for proper plugging b) Check firmness of the contacts and all connections from output connector coil (for output relays). c) Check coil and contact voltage for each input paths from the circuit. Try removing and re-plugging each relay in the circuit path separately ensuring that it is fitted firmly to the plug board and the retaining clip is in the right place d) For output relays, try to measure the coil voltage at the corresponding wago terminal as well as the relay coil R1- R2. Note that this voltage is available for less than sec, so using an analog voltmeter is preferred. It is advisable to try by changing the corresponding output card. Manually RESET the system and observe its operation. 62 IN11 jitter 63 IN12 jitter 64 IN13 jitter 65 IN14 jitter 66 IN15 jitter 67 IN16 jitter 68 OUT9 jitter 69 OUT10 jitter 6A OUT11 jitter 6B OUT12 jitter 6C OUT13 jitter 6D OUT14 jitter 6E OUT15 jitter 6F OUT16 jitter 70 BIPR1 jitter 71 BIPR2 jitter 73 Shut down relay phase generator failure (phase not changing within 30 minutes) If this indication is on a single CPU card change the CPU card. If all the 3 CPUs show this code then change the communication card. 75 Timer2 input bad RESET the system by pressing RESET button and then BI-OK button in a sequential manner. If problem persists change corresponding CPU card. 78 Data bus check failed 79 EPROM Checksum failed 7A BIPR1 input to GAL stuck at low RESET the system by pressing RESET button and then BI-OK button in a sequential manner. If problem persists change corresponding CPU card. If the problem still remains change CCC Card. When all CPUs show the code, change CCC. 7B BIPR2 input to GAL stuck at low 7C BIPR1 command output not matching with shutdown relay phase. RESET the system by pressing RESET button and then BI-OK button in a sequential manner. If problem persists change corresponding CPU card. 7D BIPR1 command output not matching with shutdown relay phase.
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Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 49 of 50 ANNEXURE B
Details of One Quad Colour:
X X X X A B C D White Orange Red Grey
Quad Position in the cable:
X X X X A B C D White Orange Red Grey X X X X A B C D White Yellow Red Grey X X X X A B C D White Blue Red Grey X X X X A B C D White Black Red Grey X X X X A B C D White Green Red Grey X X X X A B C D White Brown Red Grey 1 2 3 4 5 6
Pair 1: White & Orange colour i.e. A wire and B wire of designated colour quad.
Pair 2: Red & Grey colour i.e. C wire and D wire of designated colour quad. Each Quad is binded by the respective quad colour BINDER 1 ORANGE QUAD
6 BLACK QUAD Users Manual For Single Line Block Proving With SSDAC using UFSBI Ver No.: BPAC/UM/SL 0.0
Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 50 of 50 Quadding arrangement of cable:
Table 1
Colour scheme of PE insulated Quads Quad Colour Quad Number Colour of Conductor Insulation A wire B wire C wire D wire Orange 1 White Orange Red Grey Blue 2 White Blue Red Grey Brown 3 White Brown Red Grey Green 4 White Green Red Grey Yellow 5 White Yellow Red Grey Black 6 White Black Red Grey
Wire A & B shall form a pair and C & D shall form another pair of quad colour.
Precautions to be taken during wiring / connections of Axle Counter systems during Installation or maintenance
In a quad of each colour, the designated pair of quad (mentioned in Table I) should be used for circuits. A wire & B wire : Pair 1 of each colour of quad C wire & D wire : Pair 2 of each colour of quad No parallel signaling / other cable should be connected to the quad cable for the circuit operation If any wire of the pair of quad is broken / non-functional, then use fresh pair of other quad colour Do not make the two different wires of different quad pairs (colour) for making a pair to run a circuit operational.