Adverse Claim Precautionary Notice Ibabao

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I, LOLITO IBABAO, of legal age, Filipino, married, resident of and with
post office address at Catabana, Madalag, Aklan, Philippines, after
having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, depose and say:

That I am the donee in the Deed of Donation duly executed by the
Donor Ludovico Remilla and myself, dated September 17, 1990 at the
Municipality of Kalibo, Province of Aklan, before Notary Public Liberato R.
Ibadlit and docketed as Doc. No. 271, Page No. 56, Book No. 103, Series of
1990 in the notarial registry of said Notary Public;

That the subject of the aforesaid donation is that certain parcel of
land located at Catabana, Madalag, Aklan, Philippines and more
particularly described as follows:

A parcel of unirrig. upland and cogonal land
with an area of about 25, 680 square meters, more or
less, declared in the name of Ludovico R. Remilla with
an area of 25,680 square meters more or less,
assessed at P2,560.00 and bounded on the North by
Catabana Creek; on the East by Catabana Creek;
and South by Cipriano Rose; and on the West by
Ludovico Remilla.
That the Bureau of Internal Revenue issued a Certification with Ass.
No. 51-64-226-90/90 dated September 28, 1990, certifying that the Donors
Gift Tax inclusive of interest in relation to the aforesaid Donation has been
That the said Certificate from the Bureau of Internal Revenue has
been received by the Registry of Deeds on September 15, 1990, by Grace
A. Buaron, Records Officer II;
That by virtue of the said donation, I have become the owner of the
said parcel of lot;
That from the time the above-described property has been
donated to me in September 1990, I and my family have been in
possession thereof, openly, continuously, exclusively, adversely and
That the aforesaid parcel of land has not been registered;
That the same property is now declared under ARP/TD No. 05-008-
000154 still in the name of Ludovico Remilla, with Tax effectivity year 2006;

That I am currently seeking for the transfer of the tax declaration
from Ludovico Remilla to my name;

That while the property is still declared in the name of Ludovico
Remilla, there is danger that his heirs might sell or in any way dispose or
attempt to sell or dispose the same by virtue of the tax declaration
despite the fact that the property has already been transferred to me;
That unless an adverse claim is annotated on the Tax Declaration,
me and my heirs are in jeopardy of being defrauded and deprived of our
just and valid right over the afore-described parcel of land and, as such, I
am executing this Affidavit in support of my request for the annotation of
an Adverse claim/ Precautionary Notice over the parcel of land
described herein.
That I am executing this affidavit to attest to the truth of the
foregoing facts and to request that an Adverse Claim/Precautionary
Notice be annotated in ARP/TD No. 05-008-000154 and all other tax
declarations cancelling the same before the property is declared in the
name of Lolito Ibabao.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature this
________________________________ at Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, a notary public in and for
the Province of Aklan this _____________________________. The affiant,
whom I identified through his Senior Citizen ID no. 0705, personally signed
the foregoing instrument before me and avowed under penalty of law to
the whole truth of the contents of said instrument.

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