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International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 - 6510(Online),

Volume 5, Issue 6, June (2014), pp. 71-76 IAEME



Dr. Abhijeet Shelke

Associate Professor, Department of Management Science,
Dr.B.A.Marathwada University, Aurangabad

Sunil Jajoo

Department of Management Science,
Dr.B.A.Marathwada University, Aurangabad


Economic indicators and statistics are the baseline of any measurement, but when it comes to
measuring innovation, the schools of thoughts are divided on what are the most relevant and reliable
indicators and metrics to assess the development of a specific technology not only within its wide
range of applications, but also against another technology? The younger the technology in question,
the more difficult it is to find the right indicators for the measurement of its innovative power at a
time when such measurement is most needed, in order to evaluate the efficiency of policy making
regarding this technology.
The measurement of the innovative power of a General Purpose Technology (GPT), like
nanotechnology, can benefit from adoption of commonly accepted economic indicators, such as
intellectual property creation, creation of enterprises, manufacture of value-added products and
supply of relevant services, but new indicators need to be proposed, in order to specifically grasp the
disruptive and revolutionary power of the GPT.
This study aims to stress-test the use of traditional indicators for the measurement of
nanotechnology innovation, in order to specifically allow for comparison with other technological
developments and between economic markets, while gaining insight into the shortcomings of these
traditional indicators and aiming to identify needs for better suited future indicators to be created.

Keywords: Nanotechnology, Economic Statistics, Economic Indicators, Commercialisation.


ISSN 0976-6502 (Print)
ISSN 0976-6510 (Online)
Volume 5, Issue 6, June (2014), pp. 71-76
Journal Impact Factor (2014): 7.2230 (Calculated by GISI)

International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 - 6510(Online),
Volume 5, Issue 6, June (2014), pp. 71-76 IAEME


Various definition of nanotechnology exists. The definition of nanotechnology, which was
accepted across world is as follow

Nanotechnology - The purposeful engineering of matter at scales of less than 100 nanometres (nm)
to achieve size-dependent properties and functions.
To understand the scale, 10 hydrogen atoms in a row side by side measures about one
nanometre in width. A strand of DNA is about two nanometres wide.

Nanotechnology is enabled technology which has affected a wide range of industries. It has
impact of $254 billion worth of products across globe in 2009 and this effect is expected to grow
to $2.5 trillion in 2015.

Nanotechnology is multidisciplinary thus extracting information from science and technology
data is difficult and uncertain. There is no exact clarity in the definition of nanotechnology. Exact
and clear definition forms the base to gather effective indicators data on investment. All definitions
utilised by a number of selected national and global organisations broadly cover similar aspects in
terms of materials within a size range of 1 to 100 nanometres (nm) that exhibit novel properties as a
function of this size.

Defining nanotechnology products and processes
Due to lack of a stable definition it is difficult to asses the contribution of nanotechnology to
specific process and products .In this paper we will use following definitions that align with those
being used Working Party on Nanotechnology (WPN):

Nanotechnology product: product based on nanotechnology fundamentals. The product would
not exist without it. e.g. novel batteries.
Nano-enabled product: products whose functions is based on utilising size dependent
phenomenon underlying nanotechnology
Products that utilise nanotechnology: nanotechnology has improved or enabled more efficient
or cost effective production or processing due to which finished product may or may not
contain nanomaterial. e.g. anti-fouling coatings for food processing equipment.

Therefore in terms of economic impact assessment it is relatively simple to determine
nanotechnology product and material. However in later stages the definition stated above make
assessment more complex.


The large number of application of nanotechnologies across all sectors and their enabling
nature creates a complex and difficult situation for analysis. Due to these difficulties and short time
span of investments in nanotechnology, the development of consistent and widely accepted nano-
specific economic indicators has been quite slow.
This challenge exists on both national as well as international front to ensure that indicators
developed or revised can be compared on global WPN has been considering the need for
nanotechnology related statistics and indicators since 2007. In 2009 WPN published
Nanotechnology: An Overview Based on Indicators and Statistics (STI Working Paper 2009/7)
addressing the policy considerations of moving towards a statistical framework for nanotechnology,
and report findings from a pilot survey of business activity in nanotechnology
International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 - 6510(Online),
Volume 5, Issue 6, June (2014), pp. 71-76 IAEME

In addition, the OECDs National Experts on Science and Technology Indicators (NESTI) is
currently developing a conceptual and methodological framework for statistics on the development,
application and impact of technologies .NESTI target to design a conceptual and methodological
framework which can be utilised for other technologies like biotech etc.
Selection of such indicators (that measure input, output, and impact) which are currently used
in assessing nanotechnology are described further in terms of performance and challenges faced.
Reliable assessments of nanotechnology development and its potential impact could not be
measured as there is no worldwide accepted definition of nanotechnology and its assessment
methods. This has affected data collection and analysis and hampered the development of reliable
indicators and statistics. While we acknowledges the need for further work on nanotechnology
metrics and its existing data limitations, it draws on available statistics, indicators and other sources
in order to provide a useful overview of emerging developments related to nanotechnology
innovation and commercialization and to support a more informed policy discussion.


Public-Sector Investment The growth of nanotechnology has been benefited from rapidly
increasing public R & D investment over a short span of time. In terms of total investments, the
United States, the European Union and Japan are the primary locations for nanotechnology R&D.
However investments on a per capita basis in some smaller countries like Ireland, Israel, Taiwan,
New Zealand, the Netherlands, Finland and Australia are also remarkable.

Private-Sector Investment 2006 data on private-sector investments which were compiled by the
European Commission indicate that the United States and Japan have a higher percentage of total
R&D, originating from the private sector (54 percent and 63 percent, respectively) when compared to
the European Union (33 percent).

Publications as in most of cases of emerging technology number of publication are much higher
than number of patent so far. This holds true for nanotechnology. Recently the rate of growth of
nanotechnology related publication and patent is much higher compared to total publication and
patent. Publication activity is dominated by the United States, Japan and the large countries of the
European Union where R&D investments are largely located (around 51 percent of total publications
identified). However, the number of Chinese publications has grown rapidly in recent years,
including several highly cited publications. Other "newcomer" countries, such as Korea, India,
Taiwan, and Singapore, show impressive growth rates, although from low starting levels.
Publications indicate a broad range of disciplines, including materials science, applied/condensed
matter physics, polymer science, chemistry, pharmacology and biochemistry.

Patents The United States is a world leader in nanotechnology patenting. Few states accounting
for a significant share of United States are California, Massachusetts and New York. The other major
leaders in patenting are France, the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany and Korea. It is estimated that
patenting activity has increased comparatively last 1213 years after key enabling inventions were
made in instrumentation (for example, similar to patenting trends observed in biotechnology).


Most of patent has been issued in nanomaterials and nanoelectronics. Nanomaterials
application has enabled broad range of patents in various fields. Nanoelectronics are confined mainly
to electronics, machinery and consumer goods applications.
International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 - 6510(Online),
Volume 5, Issue 6, June (2014), pp. 71-76 IAEME

Nanotechnology patenting in the fields of electronics, chemicals and instruments has grown
the most while sub-fields with above-average growth rates include machines and tools, materials and
metallurgy, materials processing, information technology and semiconductors.
Majority of nanotechnology patent are assigned to companies. Ownership of patent by
universities is frequent in nanotechnology than other general patent. This suggests that technology
transfer to companies may be a key issue in the commercialization of nanotechnology.
The ranking of assignees of nanotechnology patents is largely dominated by multinational
enterprises located in the United States, Japan and Europe; many of which are major players in the
electronics industry. However, a few smaller European companies also rank high, along with several
American and Japanese universities and public research institutes.


Competitiveness Indicators are a source to count or benchmark a geographical regions
impact in innovation to commercialization cycle. Indicators are available for both inputs to
competitiveness (the presence, strength and funding available to support development) and outputs
(means to measure or benchmark). Typical economic indicators used for new technology are market
share, revenue or trade but these are not available for nanotechnology. Therefore, the output
indicators for measurement of nanotechnology development are basically non economic and focus on
means to gauge spill over potential in areas such as knowledge generation and human capital.
Alternatives available for nanotechnology are listed in the table below and are measurable on an
absolute or a per capita basis. Several benchmarking strategies using different combinations of the
competitiveness indicators below currently exist for nanotechnology economic development.

TABLE 1: Nanotechnology Competitiveness Indicators
Inputs Outputs
Economic Inputs: Public and private investment Support
for Nanotechnology Activities
Public: Government
National and state level budget allocated for nanotechnology
Direct: Start-up Funds: NIST TIP, NIST ATP, NSF,
SBIR, and STTR grant recipients
Indirect: Infrastructure Development
Government and academic lab provide
Facilities to incubate or aid commercial efforts
Formal nanotechnology initiatives
Indirect: Industrial or consumer tax incentives
Private: Corporations or Venture Capital
Corporations: internal funding specified for
nanotechnology: funding may indicate concept is closer
to commercialization if firms are investing
Venture Capital: investments by VC firms; VC funding
is most popular in the United States
Start-up investment rounds: total number of rounds of
investment in nanotechnology start-ups headquartered in
a state within a time frame.
Public/Private: Joint Initiatives
Non-Economic Outputs: Publications, Patents,
People, & Participants as proxies to measure
knowledge generation, innovation, human capital, and
Publications: Knowledge Generation
Quantity: Number of Articles Published
Lead or Corresponding Authors
All Authors
Fraction of All Authors
Quality: Author Citations
Articles in High Impact Journals
Patents: Innovation
Quantity: Number of patents
Quality: Citations to patents
People: Human Capital
Highly-cited researchers
Journal editors
Doctoral dissertations
Prize winners
Participants: Companies
Number of firms
Number of supporting organizations (federal and
university nanotechnology centers): presence and
strength of supporting environment

International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 - 6510(Online),
Volume 5, Issue 6, June (2014), pp. 71-76 IAEME


Small/Large Companies surveys conducted in few countries revealed that a relatively large
number of small companies involved in nanotechnology. The surveys, however, suggest that the
larger companies may be better placed to manage nanotechnology developments due to their critical
mass in R&D, production and marketing.

Company Specialization the companies surveye is distributed across a broad range of
manufacturing industries, reflecting the general purpose nature of nanotechnology. In terms of
nanotechnology sub-areas, the majority of companies are involved in nanomaterials,
nanobiotechnology or nanoelectronics.

Opportunities and Challenges Nanotechnology is considered to provide opportunity for new
markets as well as enhance competition in traditional market.

Company Trends The surveys figure out towards increasing number of companies involved in
nanotechnology related production over a period of time as well as growth of R& D investments and
demand of skilled worker in field of nanotechnology. The surveys highlight the problem faced by
companies in recruiting skilled workers in the field of nanotechnology. All major companies expect
commercialization of their R&D in coming next 2 years.

Challenges for Commercialization various surveys focuses on challenges being faced by
commercialization of nanotechnology, although it is still not clear whether these challenges ar unique
for nanotechnology. High processing costs, problems in the scalability of R&D towards prototypes
and industrial production, the basic research orientation of the field and concerns about health and
safety issues (especially public perceptions of these issues) have emerged as key challenges. High
investment costs and lack of funding are also highlighted in the survey.
While company surveys provide valuable insights, further qualitative analysis of company
challenges is important, particularly with regards to commercialization. Company challenges may
also differ significantly according to company size, nanotechnology sub-area and application field.


Nanotechnology supports both unparalleled opportunity and unprecedented challenge for
commercialisation. As nanotechnology has moved from laboratory to industrial manufacturing and
commercialisation taking place through distribution network ,huge potential for human and
environmental exposure exists hence commercialization of nanotechnology have become an priority
and reality of todays world economic statistics and indicators of nanotechnology is further
challenged by the broad range of technologies and products encompassed within the term
nanotechnology, both in terms of current products and applications and even more in terms of
future generations of products
This paper analyzes the applicability of economic statistics and indicators and the approach
towards nanotechnology, and finds these available approaches to be inadequate and unworkable.
Nanotechnology will therefore require and force the development of new economic statistics and
indicators. As we look to other technology revolutions looming in the future, including emerging
developments in telecommunication technologies, surveillance technologies, genetic enhancement,
cognitive sciences, and many others, the need to develop new, better models for risk management
(starting with nanotechnology) becomes all the more urgent.
International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 - 6510(Online),
Volume 5, Issue 6, June (2014), pp. 71-76 IAEME


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