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for Climate Change Research

Technological Change, Industry Structure

and the Environment

Paul Dewick, Ken Green, Marcela Miozzo

January 2002

Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research Working Paper 13

Technological Change,
Industry Structure and
the Environment

Paul Dewick, Ken Green and Marcela Miozzo

Manchester School of Management,
UMIST, PO Box 88,
Manchester M60 1QD,

Tel: +44 161 200 3400/3435/3423,

Fax: +44 161 200 3505/8787,
e-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Tyndall Centre Working Paper No. 13

January 2002

The authors gratefully acknowledge research support received from the Tyndall
Centre for Climate Change Research. We are also grateful for comments on early
drafts by Jonathan Köhler, Haoran Pan and Frans Berkhout and for the participation
of Rod Coombs, Clair Gough, Ian Miles, Simon Shackley and Vivien Walsh in the
workshop at the Manchester School of Management, UMIST.

Technological Change, Industry Structure and the Environment

This paper seeks to contribute towards the construction and application of a method
to assess the long-term impact of the development of technologies on the
environment. The paper identifies the effect of three pervasive technologies –
biotechnology, information technology and nanotechnology – on the production of a
range of sectors and their consequent environmental effects. The sectors are
selected according to taxonomies of their technological characteristics. The
technological impact is assessed qualitatively in terms of changes in production
scale and resource intensity and their resulting impact on industrial greenhouse gas

1. Introduction
The patterns of production and trade arising from technological changes are bound
to have important implications for the future state of the environment. This is
especially the case with regard to greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). This paper is
part of an ongoing project that seeks to construct an Economy-Energy-Emissions
model that incorporates the likely developments in technological change and their
environmental implications over timescales of 5 to 100 years.

The paper takes further the comments of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (Nakicenovic and Suart
2000) that:

“Economists and others who study technological change have

developed models that take a variety of dynamics into account… Some
models focus on technologies themselves, for example, examining the
various sources of ‘increasing returns to scale’ and ‘lock-in’… Other
models focus on firms and other decision-makers, and their process of
information assimilation, imitation, and learning… Few of these
dynamics, apart from 'increasing returns to scale', have been applied to
the projection of GHG emissions from the energy sector” (p.141).

This paper extends the work of the IPCC, by considering the insights from students
of technological change on the evolution of technologies that are not directly
concerned with energy generation or efficiency and their effect on the environment.
The dynamic and evolution of these 'non-energy technologies' are not discussed in
the IPCC report.

The concept of technology we use is not one where firms and countries can produce
and use innovations by dipping freely into some general globally available ’stock’ or
‘pool’ of technological knowledge. Rather, we see technological innovation activities
as, if to different degrees, having four features; namely:
• innovations are firm specific, emerging from those particular combinations of
knowledge, capital and market power that individual firms exhibit,
• innovations are localised, with firms ‘searching’ for alternative innovations
according to their existing production techniques and organisation, using rules of
thumb and proximate targets,

• innovations are cumulative, firms learning from the operation of complex
systems, and successful innovation usually (but not always) building on previous
successes, and
• innovations are appropriable, with significant differences between sectors in the
importance of the various ways of protecting innovations.

In attempting to incorporate insights from the theories of the dynamics and evolution
of technologies, there are important points to make about four aspects of economic
activity: the emergence, development and decline of different sectors/industries; the
location of industry (and subsequent country specialisation); industry structure; and
patterns of trade. These processes, such as changes in main branches of
production (e.g. from ‘polluting’ goods handling industries to ’clean’ information
handling industries (Castells, 1996)) and shifts in geographic structure of production
and trade (e.g. the pattern of trade of machinery and equipment between developed
and developing countries (Panayotou, 2000)) have important effects on the
environment through GHGs emissions from production and transportation; though
these will differ by country and region. These differences in environmental effects by
regions and countries are important to capture, given the popularity of proposals for
trade in pollution rights, for example.

In this paper, we seek to identify the impact of the development of pervasive

technologies on the production of a range of sectors and the consequent effects on
their industrial GHG emissions. The sectors are selected according to their
technological characteristics. The classification we use to consider the sectoral
effects of technological change is based on Pavitt’s taxonomy of sectors (Pavitt,
1984), modified to include service sectors by Soete and Miozzo (1989) (see also
Miozzo and Soete, 2001). Pavitt (1984) argues that patterns of innovation are
cumulative and that the technological trajectories of innovating firms are largely
determined by what they have done in the past as well as their current principal
activities. Pavitt differentiates between ‘supplier dominated’ sectors, ‘production
intensive’ sectors – subdivided into ‘scale intensive’ and ‘specialised equipment
suppliers’ – and ‘science based’ sectors. These generate different technological
trajectories determined by sectoral differences in three characteristics: the source of
the technology used, users' needs and the means of appropriating benefits. The
sectors differ as to whether technological change is product- or process-centred,
internally or externally generated, radical or incremental in nature; there are also
differences in the methods of appropriation of innovation, and technological
diversification of innovating firms.

Whereas Pavitt’s (1984) taxonomy classified services as supplier driven, Soete and
Miozzo (1989) show that innovative practices in services can be fitted into a slightly
modified set of categories. Service sectors, like manufacturing sectors, can be
categorised as ‘supplier dominated’ sectors, ‘scale-intensive’ sectors (which can be
further sub-divided into ‘physical networks’ and ‘information networks’) and
‘specialised suppliers and science based’ sectors.

Table One shows the Pavitt/Soete & Miozzo (P/S&M) classification, into eight
sectors, with examples of core sectors. This paper will assess the impact of
technological change on the structure of production of these PS&M sectors in terms
of changes in production scale and in resource intensity, asking such questions as:

will pervasive technologies lead to an increase or decrease in production and by
what magnitude?, and, as a result of the application of pervasive technologies, will
production techniques be more or less resource intensive and by what magnitude?

Table One: Pavitt (1984)/Soete and Miozzo (1989) classification of industrial

Category of firm Typical core sector
Supplier Dominated General Agriculture
(Pavitt) Traditional manufacturing
Supplier Dominated Services Personal services (restaurants, laundry)

(Miozzo & Soete) Public and social services (health, education)

Scale Intensive General Bulk materials (steel, glass), Assembly
(consumer durables, cars)

Specialised Suppliers General Machinery
Scale Intensive Physical Networks Transport
(Miozzo & Soete)
Scale Intensive Information Networks Finance
(Miozzo & Soete) Communications
Science Based General Pharmaceuticals

Specialised Suppliers/Science Based Software
Specialised Business Services
(Miozzo & Soete)

The paper describes a qualitative method to assess the impact on the structure of
production of different sectors of the economy of pervasive technologies that might
change the level of GHGs emissions in the P/S&M sectors up to 2050. The paper
does not try and quantify the effects of technological change on the level of industrial
GHG emissions but does suggest the likely magnitude of the effect (large decrease,
decrease, no change/negligible, increase, large increase).

The paper is structured as follows. The next section describes the methodology by
which the technologies likely to become prevalent during the first half of the twenty-
first century were assessed. It draws on the concept of 'long waves' (or Kondratieff
cycles), in which each economic wave is marked by a key cluster of technologies,
the development of which is accompanied by the establishment of an appropriate
and supportive structure of institutions (which together have been called the 'techno-
economic paradigm') and which drive economic growth. Then the paper reports the
results of the application of a method to assess the impact of developments in three

pervasive (‘general purpose’) technologies on the resource intensity and structure of
production across examples of industries from the eight P/S&M sectors in terms of
their GHGs emissions up to 2050. A final section draws implications for future work
in this area.

2. Methodology
To assess the likely effects on the production systems of technological change over
the next 50 years, 'long-wave’ theory points to the need to identify the key elements
of future ‘techno-economic paradigms' (Perez, 1983). These key elements would be
significantly different from those in current paradigms and affect inputs, cost
structures and the conditions of production and distribution (Freeman and Perez,
1988). The key elements are also associated with a ‘cluster’ of inter-related radical
and incremental innovations (product, process, technical, organisational and
managerial innovations) that have a so-called 'pervasive' effect throughout the whole
economy. We know that the key elements of all previous Kondratieff cycles
developed in the techno-economic paradigm that preceded each one. This suggests
therefore that we might be able to identify the key elements of future paradigms
within industries that are in their infancy today.

The fifth Kondratieff cycle, the current long wave that began in the 1970s/1980s, is
built on the core technological input of microelectronics. One can identify the new
infrastructure (telecommunications and the internet), carrier branches (computers
and software) and associated organisational changes (such as ‘network’ firms) and
other features of national systems of innovations derived from this key input
(Freeman and Louca, 2001). The key factor involved in this information and
communication technology (ICT) Kondratieff wave will not be superseded until it (and
its cluster) shows distinct signs of diminishing returns and limits to productivity

Reviewing the technology forecasting literature (see, for example, Coates et al.
1997), we can already guess which technologies are going to be important in the
next Kondratieff wave. Biotechnology, for example, had its roots in 1960s
biomedicine (Sharp, 1994) but the biotechnology industry has been growing rapidly
and biotech firms becoming financially stronger through the 1990s and into the
2000s. In 2000, for example, US biotech firms raised $33bn on Wall Street (more
than the previous five years combined) and remained fairly unscathed by the global
downturn with the AMEX biotech Index outperforming the Nasdaq composite and
Dow Jones Industrial Average between July 1999 and June 2001 (Ernst and Young,
2001). Interestingly, as internet firms (measured by the AMEX Internet Index)
dependent on the manipulation of information, fell by 39% over the two years to June
2001, biotechnology companies (measured by the AMEX biotech Index) increased
by 177% (Ernst and Young, 2001). Biotechnology has the potential to create many
generic platforms and have a pervasive effect across a wide range of industries:
pharmaceuticals, health care diagnostics, agriculture, food, materials technology,
energy, and environmental monitoring (DTI, 2000a). Characteristic of an industry in
its infancy, most economic effects are concentrated on the supply side as the core
science is developed and the key technologies mastered (DTI, 2000a). There are
many overlaps between biotechnology and information technology; without the
mature ICT system facilitating distributed working for product development,
biotechnology could not have grown so fast.

Nanotechnology is also a fledgling technology that has had its birth within the ICT
wave.1 Developments during the 1980s and 1990s have led to significant
government funded projects in the USA and other developed countries (e.g. the
creation of the US National Nanotechnology Initiative in 2000 has meant that nearly
half of global nanotechnology funding is provided by the US government (Stix,
2001)). Also, some big spending research companies, such as Hewlett Packard,
IBM and 3M, are currently devoting one third of their research budgets to
nanotechnology (New Scientist, 2001). Developments in nanotechnology could
maintain the ICT revolution beyond Moore’s Law, increasing chip performance
through 'nano-manufacturing' using novel materials such as nano-tubes.
Nanotechnology could facilitate biotechnology developments through the application
of nanocomputers, for example, to understand better the structure and workings of
the biological cell. Nanotechnology might also have an impact on all areas of
manufacturing, using nanoparticles to improve basic material properties (Stix, 2001).
Nanotechnology's most pervasive impacts seem some way off, most likely after
2050; nevertheless, one can point to early developments in nanofabrication,
nanoelectronics and nanomedicine that will impact upon some of the P/S&M sectors
before 2050. For example, Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs estimates that the
use of nanotechnology in Taiwan’s chemical and pharmaceutical industry is
expected to create US$180 billion and US$100 billion in production value annually
by 2003 respectively (www.fuelcelltoday.com accessed 17 September 2001).
Taiwan also estimates that within 10 years the use of nanotechnology in materials
and manufacturing processes is expected to create US$340 billion annually and
US$300 billion annually in electronic semi-conductor industry applications through
improved display monitors, optical storage, fuel cells, memory chips and other
electronic components (www.fuelcelltoday.com accessed 17 September 2001).

Based on our current understanding of the role of technological change in economic

development in the long term, it is reasonable to assume that, during the next 50
years, the most significant technological developments will be energy technologies,
biotechnologies, information technologies and (to a lesser extent) nanotechnologies.
Existing modelling work includes changes in emissions brought about by the
introduction of new energy technologies (e.g. see Nakicenovic and Suart, 2000); but
the impact of other technological changes, and in particular the impact of the other
three pervasive technologies (biotechnologies, information technologies and
nanotechnologies, or as we will call them, the BIN technologies), has not yet been
estimated. During September 2001, we co-ordinated a workshop involving a panel
of experts from UMIST and Manchester University.2 The participants involved were
experts on the role of technological change in economic development; some had an
awareness of climate change issues and experience of scenario-based analysis.
Nanotechnology can be defined as a technology dealing with materials and systems that have three
properties: at least one dimension of between 1 to 100 nanometres (a nanometre is 100 billionth of a
metre), designed through a process that exhibits fundamental control over the chemical and physical
attributes of molecular scale structures, and capable of being combined to form larger structures
(Scientific American, 2001).
The method, best described as ‘open Delphi’, a structured exchange between a panel of experts
which seeks consensus but does not force it. This type of method had been previously used by the
Centre for Research on Innovation and Competition (CRIC) as part of a DTI study into ‘success’ in the
field of biotechnology and information and communication technologies in the UK by 2005 (see DTI,
2001a, 2001b).

Prior to the event, the authors provided the participants with notes explaining the
aims of the workshop, the industrial aggregation into the eight P/S&M sectors, an
indication of current GHGs emissions of the different sectors and assumptions
regarding the technologies likely to be pervasive over the next 50 years.3
Participants were first asked to identify the most pervasive technologies in the next
50 years and then consider their impact on changes in the structure of production
and consequently on GHGs emissions.

The first question considered by the group was whether classifying the relevant
technologies into the BIN categories would capture appropriately the expected future
dynamics of technological change. Materials technologies, for example, are
historically one of the most pervasive, though it is difficult to attribute developments
in materials technology to any one technology or sector, particularly when there has
been considerable convergence between technologies and when the trajectories of
mechanisation and automation are different across industries. For example, there
are materials technologies being developed using knowledge and applications of
biotechnology (e.g. in the application of genetic modification technologies to the
production of biomass for energy, food and chemicals and nanotechnology (e.g.
carbon nanotubes) in addition to developments outside of the BIN categories (e.g.
memory plastics). Thus, a slightly different classification was suggested focusing on
the trajectories of knowledge development that underlie the emergence of specific
technologies. Thus, likely technological developments of the next few decades are
likely to be concerned with three manipulations: of organisms, of information and of
materials. Developments in what we currently call biotechnology are an expression
of developments in organism manipulation, though they include the rapidly
developing scientific areas (and the technologies that might emerge from these) of
genomics, proteomics and metabolomics. Similarly, nanotechnology, to differentiate
its effects from information technology or biotechnology materials, should be seen
more in terms of 'micro-engineering' materials manipulation.

To sum up, the experts agreed that up to 2050, the most pervasive activities will be
in organism, information and materials manipulation; but these manipulations will
express themselves at different times in different technologies, most immediately
called biotechnologies, information technologies and nanotechnologies, though there
will be others in the future that are not currently embraced by these names. The next
section examines the impact of these technologies on changes in the structure of
production and GHGs emissions.

3. Assessing the impact of BIN technologies on the P/S&M Sectors to 2050

This section explores the impact of the BIN technologies on GHGs emissions in the
different sectors. For that purpose, we aggregated the different industrial sectors of
the economy, as classified by the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes, into
eight P/S&M sectors. Global data on output and CO2 emissions was available for 18
sectors from the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) Version 4 Database.4 The 18
GTAP sectors were an aggregation of 50 industries and we re-categorised them into

Disaggregated across the SIC sectors, and aggregated into the eight P/S&M sectors, UK carbon
dioxide emissions figures were given from 1998.
For details of the Global Trade Analysis Project, see www.gtap.agecon.purdue.edu

P/S&M sectors.5 Data from the GTAP database is presented for seven global
regions (see Tables Two and Three). Where no global disaggregated data were
available, this scoping study used UK data, predominantly from the Marshall Report
(HM Treasury, 1998) and the Climate Change Draft UK programme (DETR, 2001).
Carbon dioxide emissions figures for the global regions were used to approximate
total greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 is the most significant greenhouse gas,
accounting, for example, for over 85% of UK GHG emissions). Analysing both output
and emission levels data gives us an idea not only of the size of industrial production
in a particular country or region but also how ‘clean’ that production is. For example,
where output is significantly different across two countries but emissions levels are
the same, one can infer that industrial production is ‘dirtier’ in the low output country.
Knowing the emissions levels associated with a set output also lets us better predict
the likely effect of technological change on production and emissions levels.

For the period to 2050, we assume that changes in the industrial structure will be an
incremental development of the current structure (i.e. the SIC code industries of
2000 will adequately conform to the industrial structure of 2050). The following sub-
sections of the paper take an example from each of the P/S&M sectors and consider
the likely effects of technological change in the ‘general purpose’ technologies and
their subsequent implications, in terms of productivity (i.e. resource intensity) and
output and their subsequent effect on emissions.6

This may overstate/understate the true values of some of the output and emissions totals for the
P/S&M sectors. For example, the actual figures for the SIIN sector are likely to overestimated since
they include ‘water’ (the collection, purification and distribution of water) – which should be included in
the SDG sector – and ‘dwellings’ (the emissions from dwellings) – which should not be included in the
P/S&M sectoral classification.
It is important to note that the 'impacts' of technological change in all sectors were discussed without
assuming any adaptation by the system to the effects of climate change.

Table Two: Global Output Data by P/S&M Sector 1995 in US$ billion

SDG 01 Agriculture 41.82987 9.32461 30.74134 27.58101 13.24618 59.53202 46.26056
SDG 02 Coal 3.05885 1.72022 2.86446 0.07217 1.12417 4.72018 0.66746
SDG 03 Oil 18.71363 10.52153 20.60598 9.04858 7.20761 14.50138 43.9078
SDG 04 Gas 10.61989 4.96535 16.03842 9.91684 3.95968 3.50787 7.02507
SDG 05 Electricity 20.333 5.84369 16.6981 15.94094 4.73059 12.54197 12.29461
SDG 13 Construction 104.1801 11.5242 89.83511 94.98537 20.3873 41.92388 32.88109
SDG 16 Textile Industry 34.18626 6.54546 23.44955 21.00049 5.4301 38.58879 25.24247
SDS 18 Non Market Services 195.6379 11.8589 145.6842 47.84981 28.13263 36.16702 51.03992
SIG 06 Ferrous and non ferrous metals 32.58799 6.30593 19.86919 25.14454 7.18177 21.56132 15.10008
SIG 07 Chemical Products 75.42113 7.69724 51.21866 52.56607 13.08874 30.39657 29.36997
SIG 08 Other energy intensive 59.2712 7.72302 41.74447 39.45969 13.65729 23.88251 23.8694
SIG 09 Electronic Equipment 27.79273 3.26365 31.17932 42.03233 3.08115 20.38622 7.59213
SIG 10 Transport equipment 65.30823 3.66682 56.31272 24.29708 11.04536 12.49554 14.39804
SIG 12 Other Manufacturing products 39.78689 3.64462 19.88366 18.68102 6.76564 14.78522 10.2109
SIG 14 Food Industry 83.48803 11.22296 54.04098 54.96207 15.78329 34.09488 46.24312
SIIN 17 Other Market Services 430.1112 22.59975 308.5697 198.3544 55.72682 49.04977 70.57572
SIPN 15 Trade and Transport 241.2007 22.67522 221.9026 175.69 59.29994 85.40998 76.58457
SSG 11 Other Equipment Goods 114.3159 8.26058 73.31166 75.73104 17.56582 45.04015 20.43084

SDG: Supplier Dominated General EU15: European Union
SDS: Supplier Dominated Services CEU: Central Europe and FSU
SIG: Scale Intensive General NAM: USA
SIIN: Scale Intensive Information Networks JAPZ: Japan
SIPN: Scale Intensive Production Services OEC: Other Europe Canada Australia and New Zealand
SSG: Specialist Supplier General ASIA: China India
ROW: All other regions
Source: Adapted using data from GTAP Data Package Version 4

Table Three: Global Emissions Data by P/S&M Sector 1995 in billion tonnes of CO2

SDG 01 Agriculture 0.07341 0.1028 0.02509 0.01548 0.03004 0.11323 0.13945
SDG 02 Coal 0.00513 0.01471 0.01128 0 0.00257 0.03295 0.00295
SDG 03 Oil 0.21614 0.32586 0.46171 0.02254 0.09096 0.18382 0.29046
SDG 04 Gas 0.14837 0.09503 0.42636 0.05748 0.02686 0.10543 0.10131
SDG 05 Electricity 0.44135 0.9648 0.93512 0.07542 0.09322 1.41 0.24758
SDG 13 Construction 0.07452 0.11025 0.15252 0.04615 0.02286 0.15937 0.11433
SDG 16 Textile Industry 0.01782 0.04484 0.01465 0.02081 0.00388 0.11542 0.02432
SDS 18 Non Market Services 0.1002 0.12045 0.09141 0.03491 0.0243 0.1153 0.14314
SIG 06 Ferrous and non ferrous metals 0.11502 0.21929 0.16558 0.17076 0.051 0.54258 0.15139
SIG 07 Chemical Products 0.08959 0.27509 0.18197 0.14295 0.02647 0.18762 0.10614
SIG 08 Other energy intensive 0.12652 0.17082 0.13605 0.06318 0.03936 0.45251 0.16087
SIG 09 Electronic Equipment 0.00418 0.02035 0.01465 0.02712 0.001 0.02033 0.00641
SIG 10 Transport equipment 0.03397 0.02904 0.03387 0.03059 0.00489 0.02386 0.01077
SIG 12 Other Manufacturing products 0.02149 0.03348 0.01785 0.01752 0.00488 0.07489 0.04446
SIG 14 Food Industry 0.04721 0.06393 0.03003 0.03055 0.01788 0.09974 0.09704
SIIN 17 Other Market Services 0.22228 0.12276 0.19087 0.08489 0.04082 0.14427 0.08094
SIPN 15 Trade and Transport 0.42505 0.3105 0.42796 0.09317 0.17516 0.58034 0.48529
SSG 11 Other Equipment Goods 0.05961 0.06231 0.0553 0.06834 0.01268 0.13959 0.04537

SDG: Supplier Dominated General EU15: European Union
SDS: Supplier Dominated Services CEU: Central Europe and FSU
SIG: Scale Intensive General NAM: USA
SIIN: Scale Intensive Information Networks JAPZ: Japan
SIPN: Scale Intensive Production Services OEC: Other Europe Canada Australia and New Zealand
SSG: Specialist Supplier General ASIA: China India
ROW: All other regions
Source: Adapted using data from GTAP Data Package Version 4

Graph One: Regional 1995 Output by P/S&M Sector (US$ billion)


SSG Total

SIPN Total

Output (US$ bn)

SIIN Total

SIG Total


SDS Total

SDG Total

Regions of the World

SDG: Supplier Dominated General
SDS: Supplier Dominated Services
SIG: Scale Intensive General
SIIN: Scale Intensive Information Networks
SIPN: Scale Intensive Production Services
SSG: Specialist Supplier General
EU15: European Union
CEU: Central Europe and FSU
JAPZ: Japan
OEC: Other Europe Canada Australia and New Zealand
ASIA: China India
ROW: All other regions

Note: Diagrammatic interpretation of Table 2: Adapted using data from GTAP Data Package
Version 4

Graph Two: Regional 1995 Emissions by P/S&M Sector (CO2 emissions billion tonnes)

4.5 SSG Total

CO2 Emissions (billion tonnes)

SIPN Total

SIIN Total


2 SIG Total

SDS Total

0.5 SDG Total

Regions of the World

SDG: Supplier Dominated General
SDS: Supplier Dominated Services
SIG: Scale Intensive General
SIIN: Scale Intensive Information Networks
SIPN: Scale Intensive Production Services
SSG: Specialist Supplier General
EU15: European Union
CEU: Central Europe and FSU
JAPZ: Japan
OEC: Other Europe Canada Australia and New Zealand
ASIA: China India
ROW: All other regions

Diagrammatic interpretation of Table 3: Adapted using data from GTAP Data Package
Version 4

3.1 Supplier Dominated General: Agricultural sector

What we have called Supplier Dominated General (SDG) firms are likely to be found
in the 'traditional' sectors of manufacturing, such as textiles, housebuilding,
agriculture, energy production, etc. Firms in the SDG sector are generally small,
their in-house R&D and capabilities are weak and most innovation stems from
equipment and manufacturing suppliers, large clients and government funded
research. Technology tends to be appropriated on the basis of professional skills,
design, trademarks and advertising. Technological trajectories are focused on cost-

cutting to meet the demands of the price-sensitive user. These industries can be
described as predominantly mature and are just as likely to be located in developing
countries as in developed countries.

The SDG sector is very important in terms of GHG emissions, accounting for 44% of
global industrial carbon dioxide emissions (see Graph Two). Emissions from the
SDG sector are particularly important in the USA, Central Europe and the former
Soviet Union. Most of these emissions can be attributed to the energy production
and energy extraction sectors, accounting for 80% of total global SDG emissions.
Also important within the SDG sector are the construction and agriculture industries.
Agriculture contributes 6% to global CO2 emissions through practices such as peat
and fenland drainage, timber harvesting or conversion of grassland into arable land
and is a significant contributor to other greenhouse gases, notably methane and
nitrous oxide, which stem from animal digestive processes, animal wastes and
fertiliser use. Agricultural output is concentrated both in developing countries (e.g.
China, India and other East Asia and Latin America countries) and developed
countries (e.g. Western Europe, North America and Japan), though CO2 emissions
are significantly lower in the latter (see Graphs One and Two).

In the agriculture sector, technological change affects production of both food and
non-food products. Biotechnology is already beginning to transform the agriculture
and food industry, with the production of genetically modified foods (though less so
in Europe than in other global regions). Developments in newer organism
manipulation technologies, particularly those that draw on rapidly growing knowledge
of plant and animal genomes, leading to new food products (e.g. nutraceutical
products), new crop management methods (reducing the need for harmful fertilisers
and pesticides (DTI, 2000a)) might, in the timescale we are considering, win over
currently sceptical public opinion and lead to increased production of more
'biotechnology'-based foods.

In non-food agriculture, biotechnology is also likely to play a significant role over the
next fifty years; for example, in wood-related innovations such as faster growing
methods, and cell cultures to grow wood and fruits in alternative locations. The
impacts of these developments may lead to change in the site of production and
impact on bio-diversity (with as yet unknown effects) and the consumption of other
materials due to substitution effects. As with food production, the less-energy-
intensive developments in organism manipulation may replace conventional
chemical production.

While future biotechnologies could fundamentally change the cultivation process of

food and non-food produce, developments in information technologies and nano-
technologies could significantly affect the harvest (reaping) process. These
developments may have different effects in different parts of the world. For instance,
developments in and the increased diffusion of information technologies may lead to
more energy-intensive production in developing countries through, for example,
increased mechanisation in agriculture. Conversely, progress in nanotechnology
and materials manipulation (particularly nanofabrication and nanoelectronics) will
play a major role in producing more energy-efficient harvesting equipment
(incorporating lighter, smarter materials) for use in developed countries. Also,
nanometre scale engineering might be employed (nano-structured alloys and

composites, advanced functional polymeric materials) to create novel functional and
structural materials of superior performance (EC, 2001).

The impact of technological change in organism manipulation in the agricultural

sector also has the potential to transform sectors beyond the agriculture industry as
a result of improvements in biomass. There will be increased demand for the
production of certain crops if biomass realises its potential and we move toward a
more 'carbohydrate economy' (e.g. if cost reductions in industrial enzymes enable
plant extracts to be used in the production of high quality-low cost industrial
products). Other downstream growth sectors, using products from a biotechnology-
boosted biomass industry, may include food, pharmaceuticals, textiles, construction,
chemicals, fuels and fertilisers.

In summary, if we consider both food and non-food agriculture, resulting from the
advanced manipulation of organisms (in particular), output from the agricultural
sector is likely to increase quite significantly over the next fifty years in both
developed and developing countries. Higher production in the SDG sector will lead
to higher GHG emissions, the extent of which is driven largely by locational aspects
of the diffusion of advanced information and materials technologies. The associated
effect on GHG emissions are likely to be negligible in the developed world but large
in the developing countries, particularly in China, India and other East Asian and
Latin American countries.

3.2 Supplier Dominated Services: Health and Education

Supplier Dominated Services (SDS) firms can be divided into providers of personal
services (e.g. restaurants, hotels) and public/social services (e.g. health, education
and defence). In general, firms in these sectors make only a minor contribution to
their process technology; any innovations that they introduce are embedded in or
stem from equipment, information and materials provided by manufacturing sectors.
The technological trajectories of the two types of SDS firms are governed by the type
of user, performance-sensitive for personal services and quality-sensitive for
public, and innovations are geared toward (service) product design and improving

Output and emissions are considerably smaller in the SDS sector than in the SDG
sector, constituting nearly 9% of global output but less than 4% of total CO2
emissions in 1995 (see Graphs One and Two). Health and education services are
probably responsible for the largest GHG emissions across the SDS sector, for
example contributing over half of the sector's total CO2 emissions in the UK. The
output of the SDS sector is by far the greatest in Europe (particularly Germany), the
USA and Japan. However, the delivery of services in these areas is relatively
energy efficient; emissions in China, the former Soviet Union (FSU) and Northern
Africa are equivalent to those in the USA despite output being significantly smaller.7
Emissions can be attributed to the delivery of health and education services,
especially from hospitals, GP surgeries, schools, government laboratories, etc. This
includes all energy-related costs incurred throughout the life cycle of buildings
(maintenance, heating and lighting, etc) and from the operation of capital housed
For instance, according to GTAP data, output from the SDS sector in China in 1995 was equal to
US$8.09bn compared to 145.68 US$bn in the USA. CO2 emissions in the two countries were 0.08bn
tonnes and 0.091bn tonnes respectively.

inside the buildings (e.g. in the health service, intensive-care machines, operating
theatres etc).

Developments in BIN technologies are likely to affect the minimum efficient scale
and move sectors toward the point of consumption, particularly with the wider
diffusion of communication technologies. Improvements in medicines through
biotechnology advances are likely to be reflected in increased demand for advanced
medicines. Information and communication technologies are likely to lead to
increased decentralisation with internet-based/virtual health care and education
provision. For example, virtual TV-based self-diagnosis technology could increase
resource efficiency by reducing demand for GPs (and hence surgeries). Information
technologies will lead to increased awareness of treatments through internet advice.
Developments in organism manipulation may increase the chance of preventing
(rather than curing) disease, requiring more, cheaper healthcare provision earlier
rather than more expensive treatment later; perhaps this emphasis on preventive
medicine might break the tendency for curative medical advances to increase
demand for treatments. Putting to one side the potential developments that may
result from biotechnology conducted at the nanoscale (such as increasing the speed
of biomedical tests), advanced materials manipulation could create the nanodevices
both to facilitate the creation of ICT-based self-diagnosis equipment and to help
combat disease effectively. Future nanotechnologies will also help combat disease
with improvements in detection, diagnosis and treatment; for example, imaging using
new or improved contrast agents may be able to reveal tumours only a few cells in
size, nano-particles could ‘deliver’ treatments to specifically targeted sites,
nanometer scale modifications of implant surfaces could improve durability and
biocompatibility (Alivisatos, 2001). These developments could enhance resource
management and resource efficiency in the health sector. These advances could
also be applied to the education sector, through the personalised access to, and
delivery of, advanced learning workplaces in schools, universities, the workplace and
homes (EC, 2001). Advances in information technologies will improve
administration, offering a small efficiency increase but they would also increase the
volume of energy-using equipment.

The resulting balance of the scale effects associated with the growth in output (and
hence energy consumption) on the one hand and the expected improvements in
energy efficiency on the other, is not clear. Manipulations of information, organisms
and materials are likely to increase output whilst (particularly the latter two) also
contributing toward lower resource intensity. In developed countries, output
increases as a result of technological change are likely to offset by improvements in
resource efficiency leading to lower GHG emissions. Very high growth in output in
the developing countries, coupled with lower resource intensity gains, will give large
increases in GHG emissions over the next fifty years.

3.3 Scale Intensive General: Chemicals

The Scale Intensive General (SIG) sector is made up of those industries, for
example in the chemical, electrical goods and motor vehicle industries, that provide
bulk or assembly products. Important sources of process improvements come from
the production engineering departments and from small-specialised external
companies that supply the specialised machinery (see section 3.4). In-house

engineering departments focus on improving the performance of complex integrated
production processes – identifying and correcting imbalances and bottlenecks to
improve productivity. Technological advances are reflected in the efficient
continuous running of large-scale integrated production processes to produce a final
good and are protected through in-house know-how, secrecy and patents.

The SIG sector is the largest P/S&M sector in terms of global output but it is
significantly ‘cleaner’ than the SDG sector, contributing just over one quarter of
global CO2 emissions (see Graphs One and Two). Production in the SIG sector is
highest in most developed countries and is especially important in Japan – in
contrast, output in the SDG sector is higher, for example, in developing countries
within Central Europe, the former Soviet Union and Asia. SIG output is concentrated
in the food and chemicals industry and emissions are associated with their energy-
intensive production processes. The ferrous and non-ferrous metals industry is
another significant industry in the SIG sector in terms of CO2 emissions, despite its
relatively low output. Output in chemicals is dominated by Europe (and Germany in
particular), the USA and Japan; however emissions are relatively low. The largest
polluters in the chemical industry relative to their output are producers in Central
Europe and the Former Soviet Union and Asia (and China in particular).8 Chemical
industry production covers the spectrum from low value-added bulk chemicals to
high value-added low volume chemicals; from organic chemicals to dyes and paints
and highly sophisticated speciality products for the pharmaceutical and
agrochemicals industry (Sharp, 1994). The large chemicals firms provide products
across this spectrum, arguably operating in two different markets: a concentrated
organic chemicals mature market and a fiercely competitive specialised chemicals
growth market. Therein lies the distinction between the likely effects of technological
change. Within the chemicals sector there is likely to be decreased demand for bulk
chemicals and increased demand for specialist (less mass-produced and more
energy-intensive) chemicals.

Future manipulation of organisms will be particularly important in terms of

agrochemicals and specialised chemical products and the chemical multinationals
are likely to devote departments to organic manipulation science or buy up dedicated
biotechnology firms, increasing sector output. New dedicated biotechnology firms
will also exploit niche markets expanding sector output. Developments in organism
manipulation may also improve environmental waste treatments, increasing the
output of biotechnology based environmental processing methods (DTI, 2000a). As
referred to above, wide availability of cheap industrial enzymes may facilitate the
production of high quality-low cost industrial products from plants (such as
degradable plastics and foams from maize and soy oil).

As output increases through advances in biotechnology, developments in information

and materials manipulation are likely to lead to increased resource efficiency in the
production of chemicals, particularly in developed countries where we could see a
very significant reduction in GHGs (with a less significant reduction in developing
countries). Developments in the manipulation of information (e.g. improved sensing
devices) should result in better monitoring of industrial processes, allowing firms to
For instance, although emissions of CO2 are similar in China and Japan (both produced 0.142bn
tonnes of CO2 emissions in 1995), output in Japan was nearly five times greater than in China
(US$52.57bn and US$10.96 respectively).

eliminate waste and use capacity more efficiently (Leadbetter and Willis, 2001).
Also, nano-machines may provide valuable tools for chemical synthesis and sensing
devices (Whitesides and Love, 2001).

In summary, the effects of technological change, particularly in the manipulation of

organisms, will increase output of SIG industries. However, advanced materials and
information technologies will increase resource intensity and overall, in the
developed countries, there is likely to be a negligible effect on GHG emissions. In
the developing countries, output growth will be large, dwarfing gains in resource
intensity and resulting in a large increase in GHG emissions.

3.4 Specialised Supplier General: Instrument engineering firms

The Specialised Supplier General (SSG) sector includes firms that, despite
producing a relatively large proportion of their own process innovation, are a major
source of innovation for other larger firms, including, for example, those in the SIG
sector, complementing innovations sourced from their engineering departments.
These firms include mechanical and instrument engineering firms, such as those in
machinery production and transport equipment production. These small firms, with
specialised knowledge and experience, supply the equipment and instrumentation to
the SIG firms and because the cost of poor performance is high, technological
trajectories are geared toward providing high-quality performance-increasing product
innovation. In contrast to the production engineering departments of SIG firms,
external competitive pressures ensures that the appropriation of technology depends
on providing a continually improving, reliable product that meets the users'
requirements. Compared with the SDG and SIG sectors, output in the SSG is small
and production is concentrated in the EU, USA and Japan (see Graph One).
Emissions predominantly stem from the production of specialised machinery and
instrumentation for external users and SSG firms in these three global regions are
not a significant source of CO2 emissions. Polluting industries can be found in
Central Europe and especially in the former Soviet Union, where despite output
being nearly 14 times less than in the EU, emissions are greater (see Graph Two).9

For firms in the SSG sector, improvements in the product design are likely to be
aimed at improving quality and the manipulation of information and materials are
likely to have an important impact on product design. The production of sensors are
likely to be significantly increased as their potential number of applications increase
(e.g. through increased automated production) and as their reliability and
performance with improvements in the manipulation of information (e.g. more energy
efficient production), materials (e.g. less material intensive production) and
organisms (e.g. environmental sensors). In particular, there may be advanced
production technologies with superior energy efficiency characteristics, through, for
example, the integration of information technologies with sensing and control
technologies (EC, 2001). Also, from developments in organism manipulation one
may anticipate, for instance, increased demand for analytical instruments and
sensors (e.g. to detect the presence of proteins and biological contaminants in the
food chain) (DTI, 2000a).
In 1995, output from the SSG sector in the EU was US$114.3bn contributing 0.0596bn tonnes of
CO2 emissions. In Central Europe and the former Soviet Union output totalled US$8.26 with
emissions of 0.062bn tonnes of CO2 emissions.

Advances in materials manipulation will develop a new generation of instrumentation
for analysis and manufacture at the nano-scale, for example, advanced techniques
for nanoscale manufacture, such as lithography or microscopy based techniques
(EC, 2001; see also Whiteside and Love, 2001). Developments in materials
manipulation also have the potential to transform the properties of instruments, both
in terms of their tensile strength (e.g. carbon nano-tubes have 60 times the tensile
strength of steel) and electrical properties (e.g. different ‘twists’ built into carbon
nanotube’s hexagonal carbon lattice and they can conduct or semi-conduct) (Red
Herring, 2001b). As production technologies make these products cheaper, carbon
nanotubes could be applied widely, replacing silicon chips, their size, strength and
electronic versatility allowing them to function in extreme heat and demanding
environments (Red Herring, 2001a).

Nano-electromechanical systems (NEMS) have the potential to operate using a

millionth to a billionth less power than traditional transistors. This offers the possibility
of widespread diffusion of cheap, ultraminiature ‘smart’ sensors that could
continuously monitor all the important functions in hospitals and manufacturing
plants (Roukes, 2001). However, the adoption of these nano-devices will require
firms to invest in new infrastructure and abandon, for example, semi-conductor
processing plants that cost more than US$1 billion (Roukes, 2001).

In summary, output of SSG firms, due to developments particularly in the

manipulation of information and materials, is likely to increase as demand for the use
of advanced technologies in more productive industrial processes increases.
Though the outputs from this sector are likely to lead to increased resource efficiency
in other sectors of industry, particularly in the SIC and SDG firms, output effects will
probably override increased efficiency in the manufacture of instruments, sensors,
etc. Thus, we can hypothesise increased output, lower resource intensity and
slightly higher (or negligible) GHG emissions in the developed countries. In the
developing countries, the benefits of technological change will be slower to diffuse
and higher output is likely to be associated with increased GHG emissions.

3.5 Scale Intensive Physical Networks: Wholesale and Transport

Firms in the Scale Intensive Physical Networks (SIPN) sector are capital intensive,
involved in large-scale processes with advanced labour specialisation. The
development of the sector has been linked to developments in information
technologies with the aim of creating networks and reducing costs. Firms in the
wholesale, retail and transport industries are good examples of SIPN sector firms.
The SIPN sector is very important in terms of output and GHG emissions, accounting
for around 15% of each (see Graph One and Two). Output is dominated by
production in the EU, USA and Japan; industries in the first two are ‘dirty’ but Japan
is relatively clean.10 Heavily polluting SIPN industries (relative to their output) are
found in Central Europe and in the former Soviet Union and China in particular.
Within the SIPN sector, transport is the over-riding ‘dirty’ industry, contributing nearly
three-quarters of sector emissions in the UK, for example, but retailing and
Output in the EU, USA and Japan is valued at US$241.2, US$221.9 and US$175.69 billion
respectively. However, where emissions from the EU and USA are equivalent to 0.42bn tonnes of
CO2, emissions from Japan are equivalent to 0.093bn tonnes of CO2.

wholesaling activities also contribute 8% and 5% of sector emissions respectively
(Marshall Report, 1998). Emissions in wholesale and retail predominantly stem from
the building and use of estates (warehouses, shops, etc). Transport encompasses
emissions from ‘road’ (e.g. passenger cars, lorries, vans, buses, etc), ‘off-road’ (e.g.
rail) and ‘other’ (e.g. aviation, shipping) sources. It is the fastest growing sector in
terms of emissions.

Developments in information technologies will have a significant impact on the retail

sector, in terms of increased resource efficiency, for example, through greater
prevalence of microchips. Developments in information manipulation and materials
manipulation will decrease the price of, and increase the demand for, consumer
goods. Lower prices, combined with greater access to secure, easy-to-use,
computers and networks, as a result of their integration into ‘everyday environments’,
will increase the demand for goods and services purchased both conventionally and
digitally.11 Improved logistics, facilitated through developments in the manipulation
of information are also likely to increase the efficient use of resources by, for
example, ensuring that distribution and transport networks operate at capacity (e.g.
ensuring lorries leaving and returning to the distribution depot are full) (Leadbetter
and Willis, 2001). Thus, distribution, waste and capacity efficiencies may be
facilitated through information technologies. However, as the volume of goods
bought over virtual media increases (e.g. in what is now called internet shopping or
TV-shopping), distribution outlets may work continuously to satisfy demand,
producing greater emissions through increased operations and out-weighing the
lower emissions associated with fewer shops. In addition, there are likely to be
higher emissions associated with more air-freight and more light goods vehicle
delivery, plus increased demand for warehousing (James and Hopkinson, 2001).
Also, when one factors in the necessary additional transport emissions involved in
delivery and increased packaging waste, increased output for the SIPN sector may
lead to increased greenhouse gas emissions (Wilsdon, 2001; James and Hopkinson,
2001). There are likely to be different changes in output and efficiency between and
within sectors. Developments in information technologies may lead to the creation of
merged wholesale-retail-distribution firms, creating niche opportunities for small
specialised shops, which are also more likely to be less energy efficient.

The impact of organism manipulation technologies on this sector will not be direct;
rather it will be in the materials that are intricately bound up with the networks of
material product movement that distribution, retailing and wholesaling put together.
So, we might expect new fuels from biotechnologically-enhanced biofuels biomass
being widely diffused into transport systems, according to availability and price. We
might also see new developments in packaging, using new organic materials, which
might alter the total weight of goods moved (and therefore its gross energy usage)
as well as reduce the volume and quantity of waste. Through materials manipulation,
nanostructured materials could be used to transform the size, weight and propulsion
properties of the materials used to make the carriers involved in distribution networks
(e.g. lorries, vans), making the distribution process more resource efficient, despite

Developments in information manipulation may also increase the demand for virtual goods (that
have no physical manufacture, storage and travel impacts of physical goods). Past evidence shows
that the growth of alternative mediums are largely dependent on a consumer culture change and are
more likely to enhance and complement, rather than displace, the real economy of goods (see
Leadbetter and Willis, 2001).

the increased output. Developments in materials manipulation are also likely to
facilitate the use of alternative fuels in vehicles.

As a result of future materials and information technologies, there is likely to be

increased output in the retail and distribution sector. However, it is also likely that
resource intensity will fall. In the developed countries, which effect will be the
strongest is difficult to judge and depends greatly on ‘transport’ issues (e.g. the type
of transport used to distribute the increased output from the retail industry, the fuel,
etc) and ‘consumer’ issues (e.g. how consumers react to new, alternative methods of
shopping). However, judging by recent trends, it is likely that GHG emissions will
increase overall as output increases exceed resource intensity savings. In the
developing countries, the result is likely to be less ambiguous with a large increase in
output associated with higher GHG emissions.

3.6 Scale Intensive Information Networks: Telecommunications

Firms in the Scale Intensive Information Networks (SIIN) sector are dependent on
information networks and can be found in the finance, insurance and
communications sector. Innovations are geared toward end-users of the service
and may stem from firms in the manufacturing sector. The SIIN is a rapidly growing
industry sector and is the largest P/S&M sector in terms of output in countries in the
EU and USA. SIIN production is also a significant part of the economy in other
developed countries: Japan, Canada, New Zealand and Australia for example.
However, production of the SIIN firms is relatively ‘clean’, less energy intensive than
manufacturing firms and CO2 emissions are small in comparison (see Graphs One
and Two).12

Developments in information technologies are likely to lead to the increased growth

of the service sector of the industry, both in terms of its relative contribution to
developed countries’ GDP and in terms of employment. Information technologies
have helped transform the telecommunications industry and further manipulation of
information and materials in the future will increase both outputs and resource
efficiency. CO2 emissions from the telecommunications industry stem from the
provision of the most advanced and widely available (in terms of coverage) service.
Optical improvements from future information and materials technologies will vastly
increase capacity and, moving beyond Third Generation (3G) developments, IT
advances will contribute toward complete coverage, optimal service connection,
allowing global personalised access to networked systems (EC, 2001). Output,
productivity and efficiency savings will be facilitated through advanced materials
such as nano-optics (pulses of light to increase data through high bandwidth by
optical networks – there are already prototypes of 3D micro-electromechanical
systems of MEMS switches). The widespread diffusion of these and similar
technologies are likely to lead to increased output (increased optical switching
production), improved productivity for voice calls and internet data, reductions in time
(current switches have to be converted to electrical signals, therefore redirection will
be easier), reductions in prices and costs and increased reliability of the network
(Red Herring, 2001b). These effects will be seen first in the developed economies
but when diffused into the developing countries over the next fifty years are likely to

The actual figures for the SIIN sector are likely to overestimated since they include “water” (the
collection, purification and distribution of) which should be included in the SDG sector.

be much greater. In the developing countries the telecommunications companies
will have to establish infrastructures suitable to provide a network for service
provision. This in itself will involve a large capital intensive, GHG intensive operation.

The impact on the SIIN sector of future developments in the manipulation of

information and materials, particularly in the developed countries but also in the
developing countries, is set to increase demand for information services greatly over
the next 50 years. Emission levels in the developed countries will probably increase
as the growth in output will offset improvements in resource efficiency but the biggest
changes will be seen in the developing countries. There will be large increases in
output and the GHG emissions associated with creating an infrastructure suitable for
providing an advanced information network service will increase substantially and
are likely to dwarf any increases in resource efficiency associated with developments
in information and materials technologies.

3.7 Science Based General: Pharmaceuticals

Science Based General (SBG) firms are to be found, for example, in the
pharmaceuticals and electronic/electrical sectors. The main sources of technology
are the R&D activities of firms in the sectors, based on the rapid development of the
underlying sciences in the universities and elsewhere. Successive waves of
innovations have been built on the prior development of relevant basic science. This
pervasiveness has dictated the technological trajectories of firms in the science
based sectors and has meant a wide variance in the relative emphasis on production
and process technology. Dynamic learning economies in production have been an
important barrier to entry for imitators.

Although no global data is available for the SBG sector, it is reasonable to assume
that the sector contributes only a fractional proportion of a country’s or region’s GHG
emissions. For example, in the UK in 1998, the SBG sector accounted for 3% of
total gross output and contributed less than 1% to total UK CO2 emissions (HM
Treasury, 1998).13 We also know that much of this type of production is
concentrated in developed countries and can assume that the sector will see
significant growth in production over the next 50 years as a result of technological
change. For instance, the pharmaceuticals industry is likely to grow rapidly as
developments in organism manipulation lead to more pharma-products.
Developments in organism manipulation, particularly in genomics, are likely to
increase output in pharmaceutical products, including more ‘designer drugs’.
However, the development time of new products (and resource intensity) is likely to
fall as biotechnology expertise grows.

Advanced information technologies will also facilitate the development of new

pharmaceutical products, contributing to increased output, increased product
differentiation whilst also helping to cut development time and resource intensity of
drug discovery. For instance, bioinformatics will be able to apply advanced
information technologies to the management and analysis of biological data to solve
biological problems (CRIC, 2001). Bioinformatics is particularly important when
considering developments in gene sequencing.
Figures for the SBG sector in the UK are taken from the Marshall Report into "Economic
Instruments and the business use of energy" (HM Treasury, 1998) including output and emissions
data from the pharmaceuticals (SIC 24.4) and electronics (SIC 30, 32) industries.

Nanotechnologies are also likely to facilitate the success of biotechnology induced
designer drugs by, for example, providing very small (less than 100 nanometers)
casing for new drugs. Also, nanoparticles may deliver drugs where they are needed
and control their release. Developments such as these are likely to increase the
output of the pharmaceuticals industry.

In summary, firms in the SBG sector are not significant contributors to GHG
emissions. However, higher output stemming from developments in organism (and
to a lesser extent information and materials) manipulation will outweigh resource
efficiency savings brought about by the latter two technologies, particularly in the
developing countries but also in the developed countries. Thus, one can
hypothesise increased GHG emissions from the SBG sector over the next 50 years
in the developed countries and significantly increased GHG emissions in the
developing countries.

3.8 Specialised Suppliers/Science Based Services: Business Services

In addition to pharmaceuticals and electronics science based firms in the
manufacturing sector, the 1990s have seen rapid growth in the number of business
service firms developing and applying information technologies. Most innovation that
stems from R&D conducted by small firms within this sector is concentrated on
system design and geared toward improving the performance of the technology

Although no global (or UK) data at a sufficiently disaggregated level is available, one
can assert that output from the SBS sector is small in comparison to other P/S&M
sectors. One can also argue that the sector is likely to grow rapidly over the next 50
years as outsourcing increases and business services deliver state-of-the-art
technology to firms across the P/S&M sectors, particularly in agriculture and
manufacturing. These services will typically be computer services, management
consulting services, especially in human resource management and finance
functions. Demand for business services will also increase with growth in the
number of firms involved in information processing and those that require high levels
of communication between providers and customers. Developments in the
manipulation of information and materials will further boost output by improving the
performance of software. This increased output will require a developed
infrastructure to be delivered but this is not the role of SBS firms – the
telecommunications sector will provide future advanced networks.

In terms of GHG emissions, although output will increase rapidly, so too will resource
intensity within the sector. Most business services involve the temporary transfer of
staff from the customer to the provider. Developments in information technologies
may reduce the ‘human traffic’ between the customer and provider through the
application of, for example, virtual technologies and 3D information transfer.
Similarly, future information technologies are likely to further collapse time and space
at lower costs facilitating global (as oppose to local) provision and consumption of
business services. Multinationals' customers will be able to source their business
services centrally – probably at the headquarters – and multinationals will behave in
a ‘hub and spoke’ way, providing foreign subsidiaries and affiliates with updated

information technologies. Growth in GHG emissions associated with higher sectoral
output may also be tempered by information and materials manipulation (e.g. more
energy efficient, less material intensive).

In summary, output growth in the SBS sector is likely to be high, particularly when
one considers the potential markets in China and other developing nations. GHG
emissions will also increase, despite improved energy efficiency. The extent of GHG
emissions growth will depend on the prevalence and diffusion of virtual technologies
and the degree of acceptance of ‘local production, global consumption’ business
service provision. One can hypothesise increased GHG emissions in both developed
and developing countries over the next fifty years.

4. Implications and conclusions

This paper seeks to make a contribution towards the construction and application of
a method to assess the long-term impact of the development of pervasive
technologies on the environment. As such, it seeks to integrate insights from studies
of technology regarding long-term growth with questions of sustainability. Using a
methodology based on long-wave theory and an industrial classification based on
technological characteristics, the likely effects of three technologies on the
production and resource intensity of firms within the eight aggregated sectors on the
emission levels of industrial greenhouse gases have been considered. Table Four
shows a summary of the results of the analysis.

Table Four: Effect of technological change in key pervasive technologies on P/S&M
sector GHG emissions in developed and developing countries 2000-2050

P/S&M sector Key Net effect on Net effect on

(Example industry) technology* developed countries developing countries
GHG emissions** GHG emissions**
Supplier Dominated General B No change Increase
Supplier Dominated Services BIN Decrease Large Increase
(Health and Education)
Scale Intensive General B No change/increase Increase
Specialised Suppliers General IN Increase Large Increase
Scale Intensive Physical IN Increase Increase
(Wholesale and transport)
Scale Intensive Information IN Increase Large Increase
Science Based General B Increase Increase
Science Based Services IN Large Increase Large Increase
(Business Services)

* Developments in information and materials manipulation are important in improving

resource efficiency across all eight P/S&M sectors. Output increases were primarily driven
by the ‘key technology(ies)’ shown.
** The net effect on GHG emissions reflects the trade off between increased resource
efficiency (as a result of improvements in the manipulation of information and materials) and
increased output (dependent on the ‘key technology’).

B = Biotechnology (Organism manipulation)
I = Information technology (Information manipulation)
N = Nanotechnology (Materials manipulation)

Two of the most significant sectors in terms of GHG emissions currently – the
Supplier Dominated General sector (SDG) and the Scale Intensive General (SIG)
sector – are both likely to see increased sectoral output as a result of developments
in the manipulation of organisms, information and materials. The contribution of
future information and materials technologies in increasing the resource efficiency of
these sectors will be significant and the effect on GHG emissions will depend on the
magnitude of each effect. Locational aspects will clearly be important for the
Supplier Dominated General and Scale Intensive General sectors and it is likely that
GHG emissions will either change negligibly or will increase only slightly in the
developed countries whilst increasing (sometimes greatly) in the developing
countries. Similarly, the trade-off between higher output and lower resource
intensity, as a result of developments in information, organism and materials
manipulation, will result in lower GHG emissions in the developed world and higher

emissions in the developing countries for firms in the Supplier Dominated Service
sector. Another big polluter in terms of GHG emissions is the Scale Intensive
Physical Networks (SIPN) sector. Here, increased output is likely to more than offset
efficiency savings facilitated through future manipulation of information and
materials. Starting from an already high level, GHG emissions from the SIPN sector
is likely to increase steadily over the next fifty years in both developing and
developed countries. The application of information and materials technologies by
firms in the specialised Supplier General sector, a sector which is the source of
machinery and components for all other sectors, is particularly important in
increasing the resource efficiency of production processes of firms in the SDG, SIG
and SIPN sectors. For firms within the Specialised Supplier General sector though,
increased emissions from increased output is likely to exceed lower emissions from
lower resource intensity for the developed countries – a net effect of slightly
increased GHG emissions. The developing countries will probably see a net effect
of increased GHG emissions as a result of more dominant technologically- induced
increased output.

Firms in the Science Based General sector, the Science Based Services sector and
the Scale-Intensive Information Network sector are not currently responsible for high
GHG emissions. However, these are the three sectors that are, relatively speaking,
likely to see the most significant growth in terms of output and GHG emissions in the
developed countries but also especially in the developing countries. For Science
Based General sector firms, organism manipulation will be very important in creating
demand for advanced biotech/pharmaceutical products, though production is likely to
remain in the developed countries. GHG emissions are likely to increase, off-setting
the application of resource efficient technology. For firms in the Scale Intensive
Information Networks and Science Based Service sector, increased output will be
based on the advanced manipulation of information and materials. Although
resource intensity will undoubtedly increase, the mass unexploited markets of
developing countries will increase GHG emissions over and above any gains. One
can hypothesise slightly higher GHG emissions in the developed countries and a
large increase in GHG emissions in the developing countries.

The method we have described and the (provisional) results we have reported are
qualitative. We are currently seeking to develop an extension of the method which
will try to quantify the effects of technological change. The collation of time-series
data on disaggregated sectoral output and GHG emissions across regions of the
globe, and a more explicit consideration of quantifying the likely effects of
technological change on emission levels is essential for such an analysis. Future
work will also consider the impact of technological change after 2050. This is more
hypothetical since one must consider how the structure of the economy will change
over the next fifty years – some industries will die and new ones will emerge.
However, the conceptual framework laid down in this paper – aggregating industry
into sectors according to their technological characteristics and considering the
impact of technological change according to output and resource intensity
dimensions – should facilitate this process. The starting point for an analysis
between 2050 and 2100 could thus be based on the consideration of the impact of
the development of technologies on the eight clustered P/S&M sectors that we have
described in this paper.

Our findings suggest that industrial policy addressing the development and diffusion
of pervasive technologies may have an important role in forging a path of economic
growth that can meet the challenge of sustainability from an ecological point of view.
The scope of these changes will vary in different countries, but they will have in
common, both at national and at firm level, the assimilation and effective use of
biotechnology, information and communication technology and nanotechnology. The
next step for our research is to assess the long-term effects of these pervasive
technologies on the movement of goods, finance and technology between countries.
The effects of the development of these pervasive technologies on the patterns of
trade, foreign investment and the transfer of technology are likely to have a
significant effect on the level of industrial GHG emissions.

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The inter-disciplinary Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research undertakes integrated
research into the long-term consequences of climate change for society and into the
development of sustainable responses that governments, business-leaders and decision-
makers can evaluate and implement. Achieving these objectives brings together UK climate
scientists, social scientists, engineers and economists in a unique collaborative research
Research at the Tyndall Centre is organised into four research themes that collectively
contribute to all aspects of the climate change issue: Integrating Frameworks; Decarbonising
Modern Societies; Adapting to Climate Change; and Sustaining the Coastal Zone. All
thematic fields address a clear problem posed to society by climate change, and will generate
results to guide the strategic development of climate change mitigation and adaptation
policies at local, national and global scales.
The Tyndall Centre is named after the 19th century UK scientist John Tyndall, who was the
first to prove the Earth’s natural greenhouse effect and suggested that slight changes in
atmospheric composition could bring about climate variations. In addition, he was committed
to improving the quality of science education and knowledge.
The Tyndall Centre is a partnership of the following institutions:
University of East Anglia
Southampton Oceanography Centre
University of Southampton
University of Cambridge
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
SPRU – Science and Technology Policy Research (University of Sussex)
Institute for Transport Studies (University of Leeds)
Complex Systems Management Centre (Cranfield University)
Energy Research Unit (CLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
The Centre is core funded by the following organisations:
Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC)
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
UK Government Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)

For more information, visit the Tyndall Centre Web site (www.tyndall.ac.uk) or contact:
External Communications Manager
Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research
University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK
Phone: +44 (0) 1603 59 3906; Fax: +44 (0) 1603 59 3901
Email: [email protected]
Other titles in the Tyndall Working Paper series include:

1. A country-by-country analysis of past and future warming rates, November 2000

2. Integrated Assessment Models, March 2001
3. Socio-economic futures in climate change impact assessment: using scenarios as
‘learning machines’, July 2001
4. How high are the costs of Kyoto for the US economy?, July 2001
5. The issue of ‘Adverse Effects and the Impacts of Response Measures’ in the
UNFCCC, July 2001
6. The identification and evaluation of suitable scenario development methods for the
estimation of future probabilities of extreme weather events, July 2001
7. Security and Climate Change, October 2001
8. Social Capital and Climate Change, October 2001
9. Climate Dangers and Atoll Countries, October 2001
10. Burying Carbon under the Sea: An initial Exploration of Public Opinions, December
11. Representing the Integrated Assessment of Climate Change, Adaptation and
Mitigation, December 2001
12. The climate regime from The Hague to Marrakech: Saving or sinking the Kyoto
Protocol?, December 2001
13. Technological Change, Industry Structure and the Environment, January 2002

The Tyndall Working Papers are available online at:


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