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Title and Objectives: Economics Lesson Buy Local to help the Economy

Students will utilize their knowledge of Pennsylvania products from the local farms to learn about
where their food comes from, whether it is bought locally, or it is brought from other places across
the country, or from other countries around the world.
Students will gain an understanding of how buying local supports the economy of our state.

2. Essential Questions:

What is the economy?
How does it relate to our daily lives?
How do I affect the economy?
How does buying locally impact the economy of our state?

3. Vocabulary:

PA Preferred

4. Duration: Two 45-minute lessons for teaching the background information on economy and then
additional lessons for research about their chosen product.

5. Materials:

Notebook for notes
Introduction to Economics Power point (located on the website along with the list of all other PA
Preferred Lesson Plans)
Graphic Organizer: Ideas
Vocabulary list of economic words: above
Information from PA Preferred Website
o Pennsylvania Agriculture List
o Top Reasons to Buy Local Poster
Large chart paper
Laptop or tablet with projection system

PA Preferred: Introduction to Economics
Anticipatory Set: Begin by sharing the Introduction to Economics power point that introduces
students to the concepts of economics that are related to the lesson. Students will take notes using
the Graphic Organizer or vocabulary organizer to begin to learn about the related vocabulary
needed. In addition, students can also watch the videos on the educational website on economics. All of these related videos help to reinforce the vocabulary
terms related to economics.
6. Instructional Procedures:
a. Introduction - Explain that students will be learning about the economy in Pennsylvania by
exploring the PA Preferred website. They will learn about products made or grown in the state and
how those products impact the economy of Pennsylvania.
b. Development -
Connect a laptop or tablet to the projection system and project the website
( for the students to view. The teacher will take them to the
search/final local products in Pennsylvania to explore the products produced in their local area.
Ask students, Who loves strawberries? Show the options of where strawberries are grown.
Ask students to select a product that they are interested in from the PA Preferred website or the
Pennsylvania Agriculture List. Students will then use this product to find places where they can
purchase it locally.
Students will then use computers to research the same product to see where it can be brought into
their local grocery stores (from other states and countries) when it cannot be purchased locally.
Using a computer for research and using a student safe search engine, students will make a list of
other states and countries that grow the product they are interested.
Ask students which they think is better for the state of Pennsylvania: whether they buy it locally or
if it is purchased from another state or country?
After listening to student responses, share with the students that buying from local producers keeps
the money that the consumer spends in the state of Pennsylvania.
Pose the following questions to students: If you purchase a product from a local producer such as
strawberries, what do you think the producer does with the money from the sale of their
Collect student responses. Explain the connection between producers and consumers, and that this
pattern has been in effect since colonial times. If a person needed a saddle, they went to the saddle
maker. If the saddle maker needed new wheels for a carriage, he would then go to the wheelwright
with money that he earned making saddles. Explain that when producers earn money, they then
become consumers as well and help to keep the money in the state of Pennsylvania.
When consumers spend money in Pennsylvania, it helps the economy and the producers as well.
Also ask students what they think happens to the money people pay for products when those
products are purchased outside the state. Do they think products will cost more or less if they are
purchased outside the state?
Why might they cost more? (transportation, gas for the trucks, paying drivers, and advertising
their products)
c. Closure:
Ask students if they are producers or consumers?
Do they have a choice where they purchase their products?
Do they think it makes a difference to purchase products locally? Please explain.

7. Assessment:
Formative: Exit ticket Ask the students to list three key reasons supporting how buying local
impacts Pennsylvanias economy.
Summative: At the conclusion of the lesson, each student will have successfully completed a Graphic
Organizer Ideas containing background information on vocabulary related to economics. After this lesson
and a review of the Introduction to Economics powerpoint, students will write a paragraph explaining whether
buying locally impacts the economy of Pennsylvania using the vocabulary terms: producer, consumer, free
market system, profit, competition, and imports.
8. Related Materials and Resources:
Informational texts about Pennsylvania agriculture and farms.

9. Accommodations and Adaptations:

Computers at school will be made available if a student has no access at home.
A copy of products and farmers/producers will be provided if needed.
Adaptation of the worksheets if needed.
Provide a personal word bank for thoughts and correct spelling.

10. Lesson Evaluation and Reflection:

11. Grade Levels:

Grades 3-5. Please note that state standards listed begin at third grade, but are also expanded on
through fourth and fifth grades as well. This lesson is meant to be an introduction to economics within
the state of Pennsylvania.

12. Related Academic Standards:
Pennsylvania State Standards for Economics
6.1.3.D: Identify reasons why people make a choice.

6.1. 3.B: Recognize the difference between basic needs and wants. Explain the role of producers in
making goods and providing services.

Pennsylvania State Standard for Markets and Economic Systems
6.2.3. A: Identify goods, services, consumers, and producers in the local community.

6.2.3.B: Identify competing sellers in the local market.

13. Assessment Anchors:
R5.A.2: Understand nonfiction appropriate to grade level.
R5.A.2.1: Identify and interpret the meaning of vocabulary in nonfiction.
R5.A.2.3 Make inferences, draw conclusions, and make generalizations based on text.

14. Eligible Content:
R5.A.2.1.2: Identify and/or interpret meaning of content-specific words used in text.
R5.A.2.1.1: Identify and/or interpret the meaning of multiple-meaning words used in text.
R5.A.2.1.2: Identify and/or interpret meaning of content-specific words used in text.
R5.A.2.3.2: Cite evidence from text to support generalizations.

15. Big Ideas
Definition: Economics is the study of how people get the goods and services they need and want.
Understand that all consumers have a choice where to buy their products.
Understand the impact of choosing to buying local in the state of Pennsylvania or outside of the state.
16. Concepts: Economic concepts and vocabulary, consumer choice, and economic impact of purchases.
17. Competencies: Successful completion of the summative assessment paragraph showing the economic
impact of purchasing products locally or outside the state of Pennsylvania.

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