OIL/SD/06: Cluster Isolation Draining and Water Flushing Procedure

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Cluster Isolation Draining and Water Flushing

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% & Safet# ction
' ( )erification
* + ction
,e- .o/ Date Pre0ared b# )erified b# 00ro-ed b#
0 Feb. 2004 PFI G.Faber P.L. dHaussy
Petrofac International Ltd/ 1lf Petroleu$ Iran
2I346! Dorood Pro5ect Onshore Facilities 6 .e7 Plant
Doc/ .o/ OIL/SD/068 ,e- 0 Cluster Isolation Draining and Water Flushing Procedure
4 I.T,OD:CTIO.////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////!
1.1 Initial Plant Status............................................................................................4
2 P,1LI;I.,I1S///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<
! OIL P,OD:CTIO. FLOWLI.1 ISOLTIO. .D D,I.I.=////////////////////////////"
3.1 Isolation and initial depressurization of te flo!line........................................"
3.2 #onne$tin% te portable spools.......................................................................&
3.3 Pur%in% te drain syste' and li%tin% te Pilot...............................................(
3.4 Final depressurization of te flo! line.............................................................)
3." *is$onne$tin% te Portable Spools.................................................................)
3.& +ater flusin% of produ$tion flo! lines............................................................,
3.( -ily !ater draina%e fro' te produ$tion flo! lines.......................................11
3.) Final Status....................................................................................................13
< CL:ST1, P,OD:CTIO. ;.IFOLD ISOLTIO. .D D,I.I.=//////////////4<
4.1 Isolation and initial depressurization of te produ$tion 'anifold..................14
4.2 #onne$tin% te portable spools.....................................................................1"
4.3 Pur%in% te drain syste' and li%tin% te pilot.............................................1"
4.4 Final depressurization of te produ$tion 'anifold........................................1"
4." *is$onne$tin% te portable spools................................................................1"
4.& +ater flusin% of produ$tion 'anifold...........................................................1"
4.( -ily !ater draina%e fro' te produ$tion 'anifold........................................1&
4.) Final Status....................................................................................................1(
" CL:ST1, T1ST ;.IFOLD ISOLTIO. .D D,I.I.=/////////////////////////////4>
".1 Isolation and initial depressurization of te test 'anifold.............................1)
".2 #onne$tin% te portable spools.....................................................................1,
".3 Pur%in% te drain syste' and li%tin% te Pilot.............................................1,
".4 Final depressurization of te produ$tion 'anifold........................................1,
"." *is$onne$tin% te portable Spools................................................................1,
".& +ater flusin% of test 'anifold......................................................................1,
".( -ily !ater draina%e fro' te test 'anifold...................................................20
".) Final Status....................................................................................................20
6 =S I.21CTIO. FLOWLI.1 ISOLTIO. .D P:,=I.=//////////////////////////////24
&.1 Isolation and initial depressurization of te flo!line......................................21
&.2 #onne$tin% te portable spools.....................................................................22
&.3 Pur%in% te drain syste' and li%tin% te Pilot.............................................23
&.4 Final depressurization and draina%e of te flo! line.....................................24
&." Final Status....................................................................................................2"

Pa%e 3
Petrofac International Ltd/ 1lf Petroleu$ Iran
2I346! Dorood Pro5ect Onshore Facilities 6 .e7 Plant
Doc/ .o/ OIL/SD/068 ,e- 0 Cluster Isolation Draining and Water Flushing Procedure
.is pro$edure $an be used for -il and Gas in/e$tion +ellead 0 #luster 'anifolds
Isolation1 *epressurization1 +ater Flusin% and *rainin%.
2efer to P3I* 4o. "0)31 "0)4 for depressurizin%1 drainin% and !ater flusin%.
.o pre5ent e6uip'ent fro' bein% operated !ile it is bein% drained a per'it to !or7
!ill be re6uired for safe 'e$ani$al and ele$tri$al isolation of te e6uip'ent.
n# e?ui0$ent to be drained shall be isolated and de0ressured first/
#are sould be e8er$ised !en drainin% e6uip'ent due to residual pressures1 !i$
'ay be trapped !itin te syste' pipe !or7.
So$e 0i0e 7or@ $a# contain che$icals and reference should be $ade to the
rele-ant haAard data sheets for additional 0recautions
The instructions in this 0rocedure shall be follo7ed -er# $eticulousl# and in
eBactl# the order as gi-en here/ Perfor$ing actions in the 7rong order can
result in o-er 0ressuriAation / failure of the s0ools/
'CDOP action ite$ 4/2(
Pa%e 4
Petrofac International Ltd/ 1lf Petroleu$ Iran
2I346! Dorood Pro5ect Onshore Facilities 6 .e7 Plant
Doc/ .o/ OIL/SD/068 ,e- 0 Cluster Isolation Draining and Water Flushing Procedure
1.1 Initial Plant Status
#luster in produ$tion
*or93 all te plant is in operation
.e Fire 3 Gas dete$tion syste' in te #luster is in operation.
:ll fire e8tin%uisers are pla$ed in lo$ation
+ellead $ontrol panels 0 safety sutdo!n syste's are in auto'ati$.
:ll spe$ta$le blinds are in te nor'al operatin% $ondition.
2 P,1LI;I.,I1S
; < Infor' *or93 ##2. =#entral $ontrol roo'>
; < Infor' 2S?S if ri% is present in te $luster
; < ?nsure all personnel a5e H
S dete$tors 3 ?s$ape 'as7s.
; < ?nsure tat all F3G syste's are in auto'ati$.
; < :ny F3G or pro$ess Inibition to be entered in te @2?* A--BC.
= > ?nsure proper tools are a5ailable at site.
= > ?nsure tat te 'obile burner and a$$essories are installed at te
$luster $at$'ent pit.
= > ?nsure nitro%en s7id is a5ailable for pur%in%
Pa%e "
Petrofac International Ltd/ 1lf Petroleu$ Iran
2I346! Dorood Pro5ect Onshore Facilities 6 .e7 Plant
Doc/ .o/ OIL/SD/068 ,e- 0 Cluster Isolation Draining and Water Flushing Procedure
3.1 Isolation and initial depressurization of the flowline
D E Sele$t te !ell flo! line !i$ needs to be isolated and drained.
D E Sutdo!n te !ell as per te pro$edure -IL0S*00( =ensure tat at
least tree 5al5es are $losed>
Fa/or depressurization of te flo! line to be done at *or93 plant 5ia test
separator. Onl# residual de0ressuriAation is carried out at the cluster/
D E Line up flo!line to $luster test 'anifold and isolate fro' $luster
produ$tion 'anifold.
= > ?nsure tat oter flo!lines are isolated fro' $luster test 'anifold
D E -n *orood931 line9up te $on$erned $luster test eader to te test
'anifold and isolate fro' te produ$tion 'anifold.
D E -5erride te PSLL on te $on$erned test eader and enter in te @2?*
= > ?nsure tat oter $luster test eaders are isolated fro' *orood93 test
= > ?nsure tat te test eader is lined up to te .est Separator.
D E Lo!er te li6uid le5el in te .est Separator to LLL by lo!erin% te
settin% of LI#9300".
D E *epressurize te .est separator by lo!erin% te set point of PI#019
3003 to 0 bar% step by step.
D E +en te pressure as dropped belo! & bar%1 $lose li6uid outlet to te
se$ond sta%e.
D E #arefully 'onitor te li6uid le5el in te .est Separator.
If depressurization is prefor'ed slo!ly1 te fluid 5elo$ity in te lines
to!ards te test separator !ill be lo! and it is e8pe$ted tat no li6uid
!ill be $arried into te test separator. Ho!e5er1 in $ase durin% te
depressurization li6uid $ontinues to flo! into te .est Separator and
Pa%e &
Petrofac International Ltd/ 1lf Petroleu$ Iran
2I346! Dorood Pro5ect Onshore Facilities 6 .e7 Plant
Doc/ .o/ OIL/SD/068 ,e- 0 Cluster Isolation Draining and Water Flushing Procedure
te le5el approa$es LSHH1 te e8$ess li6uid sall be drained
'anually to te $losed drain as per te follo!in% pro$edureG
Stop te feed inlet by $losin% te inlet S*H 3000. 4o! open te $ontrol
5al5e on te %as outlet line to flare to depressurize te separator. :fter
te depressurization is o5er1 drain te li6uid to te $losed drain dru'.
-n$e te le5el rea$es LLL1 stop te drainin% and a%ain start te feed
to te separator by openin% S*H 3000. 2epeat if re6uired.
D E #ontinue te depressurization and drainin% operation till te test
eader0line is $o'pletely depressurized to te HP flare eader
D E #lose and disable ?S*H =fro' inad5ertent openin%> on te indi5idual
!ell ead line $onne$tion to te $luster 'anifold and do!nstrea'
5al5es so tat tere are t!o barriers of isolation fro' te $luster
3.2 Connecting the portable spools
= > ?nsure te proper portable $o'bination $onne$tion is a5ailable.
= > ?nsure 4itro%en s7id is ready to use
= > ?nsure tat te po!er is a5ailable for te pilot i%nition panel
D E Sele$t proper portable spools 1=a>1 2=a>1 314 for 2"00I rated oil lines
= > ?nsure tat te isolation 5al5es in te 5ent point on te flo! line d0s te
$o7e =2 nos. ball 5al5es> and te 1C bleed point are $losed.
D E #e$7 te pressure bet!een te t!o 2C ball 5al5es !it te pressure
D E Aleed tat pressure a!ay 5ia te *AA 5al5e of te pressure %au%e and
$lose it.
D E 2e'o5e te 2C blind flan%e fro' te 5ent point.
D E #onne$t te spool =1a> for depressurizin%
D E #onne$t te depressurizin% ose =4> to spool =1a> and te nearest
$onne$tion on te drain eader.
Pa%e (
Petrofac International Ltd/ 1lf Petroleu$ Iran
2I346! Dorood Pro5ect Onshore Facilities 6 .e7 Plant
Doc/ .o/ OIL/SD/068 ,e- 0 Cluster Isolation Draining and Water Flushing Procedure
D E #onne$t spool =2a> to spool =1a>.
D E #onne$t spool =3> to spool =2a>.
= > ?nsure tat all oter $onne$tions on te drain eader are ti%tly $losed
!it blind flan%es. 'CDOP action ite$ 4/!(
3.3 Purging the drain system and lighting the Pilot
= > ?nsure tat te portable burner is $onne$ted to te drain eader
D E -pen te 1C 5al5e in spool =3>
D E -pen te 1C and 2C 5al5es in spool =1a>
D E #onne$t te nitro%en s7id to spool =3>
D E -pen te nitro%en supply and pur%e te drain eader !it nitro%en.
Pur%in% sould be done for at least " 'inutes. 'CDOP action ite$
D E #lose nitro%en supply.
D E #lose bot te 5al5es in spool =1a>.
D E *is$onne$t te nitro%en s7id
D E *is$onne$t spool =2> and =3> fro' spool =1a>. Failure to dis$onne$t te
nitro%en 'anifold $an result in o5er pressurization and failure of te
nitro%en 'anifold. 'CDOP action ite$ 4/2(/
D E Install te blind flan%e ba$7 on te 1C $onne$tion on spool =1a>.
Pur%in% 'ay be re6uired fro' additional drain $onne$tions on te fartest
point on te eader based on te eader routin%. 'CDOP action ite$ 4/E(/
.e follo!in% pro$edure is to be follo!edG
D E 2e'o5e blind fro' te drain point tat is to be pur%ed.
D E #onne$t nitro%en ose on tat drain point.
D E -pen nitro%en supply and pur%e for at least " 'inutes.
D E #lose nitro%en supply.
D E *is$onne$t nitro%en ose.
D E Install te blind flan%e ba$7 on te drain point.
Pa%e )
Petrofac International Ltd/ 1lf Petroleu$ Iran
2I346! Dorood Pro5ect Onshore Facilities 6 .e7 Plant
Doc/ .o/ OIL/SD/068 ,e- 0 Cluster Isolation Draining and Water Flushing Procedure
In $ase pur%in% is perfor'ed fro' drain eader end1 spool =&> sall be
used to $onne$t nitro%en ose.
D E Slo!ly open te LPG %as to te pilot line.
D E Li%t te 1C pilot fro' te i%nition panel
3.4 inal depressurization of the flow line
D E -pen 2C ball 5al5es on te 5ent point
D E -pen 2C %lobe 5al5e on spool =1a> %radually to depressurize te flo!
D E #e$7 te pressure %au%e lo$ated in te portable spool. Globe 5al5e
position sould be ad/usted if re6uired so as not to o5er pressurize te
do!n strea' drain eader
D E Fonitor te pilot $ontinuously. If te pilot %oes off1 te depressurization
operation sall be stopped. 'CDOP action ite$ 4/44(
D E 4ote te initial ti'e and final ti'e of depressurization.
D E -n$e depressurization $o'pleted $lose te 2C ball 5al5es on te 5ent
3.! "isconnecting the Portable Spools
D E 2e'o5e te 1C blind flan%e fro' te 1C $onne$tion on spool =1a>
D E #onne$t spool =2a> to spool =1a>.
D E #onne$t spool =3> to spool =2a>.
D E #onne$t te nitro%en s7id to spool =3>
D E -pen te 1C 5al5e in spool =3> and te 1C 5al5e in spool =1a>
= > ?nsure te 2C %lobe 5al5e in spool =1a> is open
D E -pen te nitro%en supply and pur%e te Portable Spool0drain eader
!it 4itro%en. Pur%in% sould be done for at least " 'inutes. 'CDOP
action ite$ 4/6(
D E Put off te burner
D E #lose te nitro%en supply
D E *is$onne$t te nitro%en s7id
Pa%e ,
Petrofac International Ltd/ 1lf Petroleu$ Iran
2I346! Dorood Pro5ect Onshore Facilities 6 .e7 Plant
Doc/ .o/ OIL/SD/068 ,e- 0 Cluster Isolation Draining and Water Flushing Procedure
D E *is$onne$t te spool =3> fro' spool =2>
D E *is$onne$t spool =2> fro' spool =1a>
D E Install 1C blind flan%e ba$7 on spool =1a>
D E *is$onne$t ose =4> fro' spool =1a> and drain eader
D E Alind te 2C drain point on te 'ultipurpose eader
3.# $ater flushing of production flow lines
*ue to te po!er $onstraints1 !ater flusin% syste' is to be operated only durin%
day ti'e !en tere is no po!er re6uire'ent for li%tin% in te $luster. 'CDOP
action ite$ 4/4!(
= > ?nsure tat ade6uate !ater sour$e is a5ailable trou% eiter !ater
in/e$tion line or fro' tan7ers. 'CDOP action ite$ 4/42(
= > ?nsure tat te 4C 5al5es in te !ater in/e$tion eader flus $onne$tion
at te $luster are $losed.
D E #onne$t !ater flusin% tan7 feed ose asse'bly to te !ater in/e$tion
eader flus $onne$tion.
D E Fill te !ater flusin% tan7 by %radually openin% te 4C %lobe 5al5e on
te feed line.
D E :d/ust te o8y%en s$a5en%er addition to te inlet of te !ater flusin%
D E #onne$t !ater flusin% $onne$tion at spool =1a>1 !i$ is still
$onne$ted to te flo! line 5ent point d0s te $o7e.
D E Le5el in .est Separator sould be brou%t do!n to LLL.
D E Pressure in te test separator to be brou%t do!n to te lo!est
possible le5el.
D E Line up te test separator to $losed drain dru'.
D E -pen te 2C %lobe 5al5e in spool =1a>
D E -pen te 2 2C ball 5al5es in te flo!line 5ent point.
D E -pen te flo! line ?S*H and te d0s 'anual 5al5e $onne$tin% to te
$luster test 'anifold.
D E -pen u0s and d0s 5al5e of pu'p GJ9(40.
Pa%e 10
Petrofac International Ltd/ 1lf Petroleu$ Iran
2I346! Dorood Pro5ect Onshore Facilities 6 .e7 Plant
Doc/ .o/ OIL/SD/068 ,e- 0 Cluster Isolation Draining and Water Flushing Procedure
D E Start pu'p GJ9(40 and displa$e te ydro$arbon trou% te !ellead
flo! line 0 $luster pipeline=test line> 0 test eader in *or93 plant to test
separator *S9300.
D E 2eplenis te !ater flusin% tan7 fro' te !ater in/e$tion line. If
re6uired1 ad/ust te %lobe 5al5e on te !ater feed line to 'aintain a
steady le5el in te !ater flusin% tan7.
D E Flus at least 394 ti'es te 5olu'e of !ell flo! line pipin% !it !ater.
D E Fonitor te flusin% pu'p operation. Pu'p strainers to be $leaned
periodi$ally. 'CDOP action ite$ 4/4"(
D E Fonitor te le5el in test separator to a5oid floodin% te 5essel.
D E Li6uid drained into te $losed drain dru' !ill be auto'ati$ally
transferred to 2
sta%e separator by $losed drain dru' pu'p
D E Stop te pu'p GJ9(40 on$e suffi$ient flusin% is ensured
D E #lose u0s and d0s 5al5e of GJ9(40
D E #lose te 2 2C ball 5al5es at flo! line 5ent point.
D E #lose te 2C %lobe 5al5e in spool =1a>.
D E #lose te flo! line ?S*H and te d0s 'anual 5al5e to te test 'anifold.
D E #lose te 4C ball and %lobe 5al5e in te +I flus $onne$tion.
D E *is$onne$t te !ater flusin% arran%e'ent fro' spool =1a> and
reinstall te 2C blind flan%e on spool =1a>.
D E 2e'o5e spool =1a> fro' te flo!line 5ent point.
D E *is$onne$t te !ater flusin% arran%e'ent fro' te +I eader flus
D E #lose te test separator $onne$tion to $losed drain dru' and line up
te !ater outlet route ba$7 to oily !ater pa$7a%e.
Pa%e 11
Petrofac International Ltd/ 1lf Petroleu$ Iran
2I346! Dorood Pro5ect Onshore Facilities 6 .e7 Plant
Doc/ .o/ OIL/SD/068 ,e- 0 Cluster Isolation Draining and Water Flushing Procedure
3.% &ily water drainage from the production flow lines
:fter te !ater flusin%1 still so'e oil 'ay be left in te pipeline tat !as
trapped at i% point. .e follo!in% pro$edure is to be used for drainin% te
oily !ater fro' te flo!lineG
= > ?nsure tat te portable burner is $onne$ted to te drain eader
= > ?nsure tat te 2 2C ball 5al5es in te flo! line drain point u0s te ?S*H
are $losed.
D E Aleed te pressure fro' bet!een tese t!o 5al5es 5ia te 1C bleed
5al5e and ensure tat it is $losed a%ain.
D E 2e'o5e te 2C blind flan%e fro' te flo! line drain point and $onne$t
spool =1a> to te drain point.
D E #onne$t spool =2a> to spool =1a>.
D E #onne$t spool =3> to spool =2a>.
D E #onne$t te depressurizin% ose =4> to spool =1a> and te nearest
$onne$tion on te drain eader.
= > ?nsure tat all oter $onne$tions on te drain eader are ti%tly $losed
!it blind flan%es. 'CDOP action ite$ 4/!(
D E -pen te 1C 5al5e in spool =3>
D E -pen te 1C and 2C 5al5es in spool =1a>
D E #onne$t te nitro%en s7id to spool =3>
D E -pen te nitro%en supply and pur%e te drain eader !it nitro%en.
Pur%in% sould be done for at least " 'inutes. 'CDOP action ite$
D E #lose nitro%en supply.
D E #lose bot te 5al5es in spool =1a>.
D E *is$onne$t te nitro%en s7id
D E *is$onne$t spool =2> and =3> fro' spool =1a>.
D E Install te blind flan%e ba$7 on te 1C $onne$tion on spool =1a>.
Pur%in% 'ay be re6uired fro' additional drain $onne$tions on te fartest
point on te eader based on te eader routin%. 'CDOP action ite$ 4/E(/
.e follo!in% pro$edure is to be follo!edG
Pa%e 12
Petrofac International Ltd/ 1lf Petroleu$ Iran
2I346! Dorood Pro5ect Onshore Facilities 6 .e7 Plant
Doc/ .o/ OIL/SD/068 ,e- 0 Cluster Isolation Draining and Water Flushing Procedure
D E 2e'o5e blind fro' te drain point tat is to be pur%ed.
D E Install nitro%en ose on tat drain point.
D E -pen nitro%en supply and pur%e for at least " 'inutes.
D E #lose nitro%en supply.
D E *is$onne$t nitro%en ose.
D E Install te blind flan%e ba$7 on te drain point.
In $ase pur%in% is perfor'ed fro' drain eader end1 spool =&> sall be
used to $onne$t nitro%en ose.
D E Slo!ly open te LPG %as to te pilot line.
D E Li%t te 1C pilot fro' te i%nition panel
D E -pen te 2C ball 5al5es in te flo! line drain point and draina%e of te
li6uid !ill start. In te burner te ydro$arbon %ases !ill be burned1
!ile te li6uids !ill be $olle$ted in te #at$'ent Pit.
D E #onne$t nitro%en s7id to te flo! line 5ent point 5ia spool ="a>.
D E -pen te 2 2C ball 5al5es in te flo! line 5ent point
D E -pen te nitro%en supply to te flo! line 5ent point and pur%e te
syste'. Pur%in% is to be $ontinued for at least " 'inutes.
D E Put off te burner
D E #lose te nitro%en supply
D E #lose te 2 2C ball 5al5es in te flo! line 5ent point
D E #lose te 2 2C ball 5al5es in te flo! line drain point
D E *is$onne$t te nitro%en s7id and reinstall te blind flan%e on te 2C flo!
line 5ent point.
D E *is$onne$t te spool =3> fro' spool =2>
D E *is$onne$t spool =2> fro' spool =1a>
D E Install 1C blind flan%e ba$7 on spool =1a>
D E *is$onne$t ose =4> and spool =1a> fro' te flo! line drain point and
reinstall te 2C blind flan%e on te flo! line drain point.
D E *is$onne$t ose =4> fro' te drain eader and blind te 2C drain point
on te 'ultipurpose eader
D E Infor' 2i% 2S?S1 ##29 *or93 tat te operation is o5er
Pa%e 13
Petrofac International Ltd/ 1lf Petroleu$ Iran
2I346! Dorood Pro5ect Onshore Facilities 6 .e7 Plant
Doc/ .o/ OIL/SD/068 ,e- 0 Cluster Isolation Draining and Water Flushing Procedure
3.' inal Status
.e $luster !ells are in operation e8$ept te !ell !ose flo! line is depressurized
and drained.
.e $luster test 'anifold1 plant test 'anifold and .est Separator are depressurized.
:ll fire e8tin%uisers are pla$ed in lo$ation
#at$'ents pit pilot is off.
-ne !ell flo! line is depressurized1 isolated and pur%ed
Portable $o'bination spool is dis$onne$ted
Fultipurpose drain line is blinded
+ellead $ontrol panels 0 ?S*H $ontrol panels 0 safety sutdo!n syste' is in
:ll spe$ta$le blinds are in nor'al operatin% $ondition.
Pa%e 14
Petrofac International Ltd/ 1lf Petroleu$ Iran
2I346! Dorood Pro5ect Onshore Facilities 6 .e7 Plant
Doc/ .o/ OIL/SD/068 ,e- 0 Cluster Isolation Draining and Water Flushing Procedure
4.1 Isolation and initial depressurization of the production manifold
:ll flo!lines sall be isolated fro' te $luster produ$tion 'anifold. Sin$e
double blo$7 3 bleed is re6uired1 also te flo! line ?S*Hs sall be $losed.
?ffe$ti5ely tis 'eans a produ$tion sut do!n of te $luster.
D E Sut do!n all !ells in a$$ordan$e !it te pro$edure -IL0S*00(
=ensure tat at least tree 5al5es are $losed>.
D E #lose and disable all flo! line ?S*Hs
D E #lose all flo! line isolation 5al5es on te tie9ins to produ$tion and test
'anifolds =te 5al5es on te test 'anifold sall be $losed in order to
a$ie5e *AA isolation bet!een produ$tion and test 'anifold>.
Fa/or depressurization of te 'anifold to be done at *or93 plant 5ia te HP
Flare. Onl# residual de0ressuriAation is carried out at the cluster/
D E -n *orood931 $lose te isolation 5al5e in te $on$erned $luster
produ$tion eader to te produ$tion 'anifold.
D E -5erride te PSLL on te $on$erned produ$tion eader and enter in
te @2?* A--BC.
= > ?nsure tat te li6uid le5el in te HP Flare B- dru' is at LLL.
D E -pen te 2C ball 5al5e in te depressurin% line on *orood93 fro' te
$on$erned $luster produ$tion eader.
D E Slo!ly open te %lobe 5al5e d0s tis ball 5al5e and start depressurizin%
te pipeline. :ny li6uid fro' te pipeline !ill be separated in te HP
flare B- dru' and pu'ped to te 2
Sta%e Separater by te HP Flare
Li6uid 2e$o5ery Pu'p GJ9200:0A.
D E #arefully 'onitor te li6uid le5el in te HP Flare B- dru'.
Pa%e 1"
Petrofac International Ltd/ 1lf Petroleu$ Iran
2I346! Dorood Pro5ect Onshore Facilities 6 .e7 Plant
Doc/ .o/ OIL/SD/068 ,e- 0 Cluster Isolation Draining and Water Flushing Procedure
D E #ontinue te depressurization until te produ$tion eader0line is
$o'pletely depressurized to te HP flare eader pressure =te
depressurin% is trou% a 2C 5al5e only1 so it 'ay ta7e a !ile>.
4.2 Connecting the portable spools
#onne$tin% te portable spools to te i% point 5ent on te produ$tion
eader is si'ilar as des$ribed in se$tion 3.2 for te flo!line 5ent point.
4.3 Purging the drain system and lighting the pilot
See se$tion 3.3
4.4 inal depressurization of the production manifold
See se$tion 3.4
4.! "isconnecting the portable spools
See se$tion 3."
4.# $ater flushing of production manifold
*ue to te po!er $onstraints1 !ater flusin% syste' is to be operated only durin%
day ti'e !en tere is no po!er re6uire'ent for li%tin% in te $luster. 'CDOP
action ite$ 4/4!(
= > ?nsure tat ade6uate !ater sour$e is a5ailable trou% eiter !ater
in/e$tion line or fro' tan7ers. 'CDOP action ite$ 4/42(
= > ?nsure tat te 4C 5al5es in te !ater in/e$tion eader flus $onne$tion
at te $luster are $losed.
D E #onne$t !ater flusin% tan7 feed ose asse'bly to te !ater in/e$tion
eader flus $onne$tion.
D E Fill te !ater flusin% tan7 by %radually openin% te 4C %lobe 5al5e on
te feed line.
D E :d/ust te o8y%en s$a5en%er addition to te inlet of te !ater flusin%
D E #onne$t !ater flusin% $onne$tion at spool =1a>1 !i$ is still
$onne$ted to te flo! line 5ent point d0s te $o7e.
Pa%e 1&
Petrofac International Ltd/ 1lf Petroleu$ Iran
2I346! Dorood Pro5ect Onshore Facilities 6 .e7 Plant
Doc/ .o/ OIL/SD/068 ,e- 0 Cluster Isolation Draining and Water Flushing Procedure
D E Le5el in HP Flare B- dru' sould be brou%t do!n to LLL.
D E -pen te 2C %lobe 5al5e in spool =1a>
D E -pen te 2 2C ball 5al5es in te flo!line 5ent point.
D E -pen u0s and d0s 5al5e of pu'p GJ9(40.
D E Start pu'p GJ9(40 and displa$e te ydro$arbon fro' te 'anifold
into te !ellead.
D E 2eplenis te !ater flusin% tan7 fro' te !ater in/e$tion line. If
re6uired1 ad/ust te %lobe 5al5e on te !ater feed line to 'aintain a
steady le5el in te !ater flusin% tan7.
D E Flus at least 394 ti'es te 5olu'e of produ$tion 'anifold pipin% !it
D E Fonitor te flusin% pu'p operation. Pu'p strainers to be $leaned
periodi$ally. 'CDOP action ite$ 4/4"(
D E Stop te pu'p GJ9(40 on$e suffi$ient flusin% is ensured
D E #lose u0s and d0s 5al5e of GJ9(40
D E #lose te 2 2C ball 5al5es at flo! line 5ent point.
D E #lose te 2C %lobe 5al5e in spool =1a>.
D E #lose te 'anual 1)C isolation 5al5e on *orood93 in te $on$erned
$luster produ$tion eader u0s te $orrosion inibitor in/e$tion point.
D E -n te $luster $lose and disable te pipeline ?S*H d0s te produ$tion
D E #lose te 4C ball and %lobe 5al5e in te +I flus $onne$tion.
D E *is$onne$t te !ater flusin% arran%e'ent fro' spool =1a> and
reinstall te 2C blind flan%e on spool =1a>.
D E *is$onne$t spool =1a> fro' te 5ent point .
D E *is$onne$t te !ater flusin% arran%e'ent fro' te +I eader flus
4.% &ily water drainage from the production manifold
*raina%e of te produ$tion 'anifold fro' its lo! point drain is si'ilar as
des$ribed in se$tion 3.( for draina%e of te flo! line fro' its drain point.
Pa%e 1(
Petrofac International Ltd/ 1lf Petroleu$ Iran
2I346! Dorood Pro5ect Onshore Facilities 6 .e7 Plant
Doc/ .o/ OIL/SD/068 ,e- 0 Cluster Isolation Draining and Water Flushing Procedure
4.' inal Status
.e $luster !ells are sutdo!n.
.e #luster Produ$tion Fanifold is isolated1 depressurized1 drained and pur%ed.
.e $luster produ$tion pipeline to *orood93 is depressurized and isolated.
.e #luster .est Fanifold is isolated.
:ll fire e8tin%uisers are pla$ed in lo$ation
#at$'ents pit pilot is off.
+ell flo! lines isolated
Portable $o'bination spool is dis$onne$ted
Fultipurpose drain line is blinded
+ellead $ontrol panels 0 ?S*H $ontrol panels 0 safety sutdo!n syste' is in
:ll spe$ta$le blinds are in nor'al operatin% $ondition.
Pa%e 1)
Petrofac International Ltd/ 1lf Petroleu$ Iran
2I346! Dorood Pro5ect Onshore Facilities 6 .e7 Plant
Doc/ .o/ OIL/SD/068 ,e- 0 Cluster Isolation Draining and Water Flushing Procedure
!.1 Isolation and initial depressurization of the test manifold
:ll flo!lines sall be isolated fro' te $luster test 'anifold. Sin$e double
blo$7 3 bleed is re6uired1 also te flo! line ?S*Hs sall be $losed. ?ffe$ti5ely
tis 'eans a produ$tion sut do!n of te $luster.
D E Sut do!n all !ells in a$$ordan$e !it te pro$edure -IL0S*00(
=ensure tat at least tree 5al5es are $losed>.
D E #lose and disable all flo! line ?S*Hs
D E #lose all flo! line isolation 5al5es on te tie9ins to produ$tion and test
'anifolds =te 5al5es on te produ$tion 'anifold sall be $losed in
order to a$ie5e *AA isolation bet!een produ$tion and test 'anifold>.
Fa/or depressurization of te 'anifold to be done at *or93 plant 5ia te .est
Separator. Onl# residual de0ressuriAation is carried out at the cluster/
D E -n *orood931 line9up te $on$erned $luster test eader to te test
'anifold and isolate fro' te produ$tion 'anifold.
D E -5erride te PSLL on te $on$erned test eader and enter in te @2?*
= > ?nsure tat oter $luster test eaders are isolated fro' *orood93 test
= > ?nsure tat te test eader is lined up to te .est Separator.
D E Lo!er te li6uid le5el in te .est Separator to LLL by lo!erin% te
settin% of LI#9300".
D E *epressurize te .est separator by lo!erin% te set point of PI#019
3003 to 0 bar% step by step.
D E +en te pressure as dropped belo! & bar%1 $lose li6uid outlet to te
se$ond sta%e.
D E #arefully 'onitor te li6uid le5el in te .est Separator.
Pa%e 1,
Petrofac International Ltd/ 1lf Petroleu$ Iran
2I346! Dorood Pro5ect Onshore Facilities 6 .e7 Plant
Doc/ .o/ OIL/SD/068 ,e- 0 Cluster Isolation Draining and Water Flushing Procedure
If depressurization is prefor'ed slo!ly1 te fluid 5elo$ity in te lines
to!ards te test separator !ill be lo! and it is e8pe$ted tat no li6uid
!ill be $arried into te test separator. Ho!e5er1 in $ase durin% te
depressurization li6uid $ontinues to flo! into te .est Separator and
te le5el approa$es LSHH1 te e8$ess li6uid sall be drained
'anually to te $losed drain as per te follo!in% pro$edureG
Stop te feed inlet by $losin% te inlet S*H 3000. 4o! open te $ontrol
5al5e on te %as outlet line to flare to depressurize te separator. :fter
te depressurization is o5er1 drain te li6uid to te $losed drain dru'.
-n$e te le5el rea$es LLL1 stop te drainin% and a%ain start te feed
to te separator by openin% S*H 3000. 2epeat if re6uired.
D E #ontinue te depressurization and drainin% operation till te test
eader0line is $o'pletely depressurized to te HP flare eader
!.2 Connecting the portable spools
#onne$tin% te portable spools to te i% point 5ent on te test eader is
si'ilar as des$ribed in se$tion 3.2 for te flo!line 5ent point.
!.3 Purging the drain system and lighting the Pilot
See se$tion 3.3
!.4 inal depressurization of the production manifold
See se$tion 3.4
!.! "isconnecting the portable Spools
See se$tion 3."
!.# $ater flushing of test manifold
See se$tion 3.&. -nly at end of pro$edure follo!in% a$tions to be perfor'ed
instead of $losin% flo! line ?S*H and isolation 5al5eG

D E #lose te 'anual 10C isolation 5al5e on *orood93 in te $on$erned
$luster test eader u0s te $orrosion inibitor in/e$tion point.
Pa%e 20
Petrofac International Ltd/ 1lf Petroleu$ Iran
2I346! Dorood Pro5ect Onshore Facilities 6 .e7 Plant
Doc/ .o/ OIL/SD/068 ,e- 0 Cluster Isolation Draining and Water Flushing Procedure
D E -n te $luster $lose and disable te pipeline ?S*H d0s te test
!.% &ily water drainage from the test manifold
*raina%e of te test 'anifold fro' its lo! point drain is si'ilar as des$ribed in
se$tion 3.( for draina%e of te flo! line fro' its drain point.
!.' inal Status
.e $luster !ells are sutdo!n.
.e #luster .est Fanifold is isolated1 depressurized1 drained and pur%ed.
.e #luster Produ$tion Fanifold is isolated.
.e $luster test pipeline to *orood93 is depressurized and isolated.
.e .est Separator is depressurized.
:ll fire e8tin%uisers are pla$ed in lo$ation
#at$'ents pit pilot is off.
+ell flo! lines are isolated
Portable $o'bination spool is dis$onne$ted
Fultipurpose drain line is blinded
+ellead $ontrol panels 0 ?S*H $ontrol panels 0 safety sutdo!n syste' is in
:ll spe$ta$le blinds are in nor'al operatin% $ondition.
Pa%e 21
Petrofac International Ltd/ 1lf Petroleu$ Iran
2I346! Dorood Pro5ect Onshore Facilities 6 .e7 Plant
Doc/ .o/ OIL/SD/068 ,e- 0 Cluster Isolation Draining and Water Flushing Procedure
#.1 Isolation and initial depressurization of the flowline
D E Sele$t te !ell flo! line !i$ needs to be isolated and drained.
D E Sutdo!n te %as in/e$tion syste' and !ells as per te pro$edure
G:S0S*003 =ensure tat at least tree 5al5es are $losed>
Fa/or depressurization of te flo! line to be done fro' *or93 plant 5ia HP
Flare. Aot te flo! lines at Sout #luster plus te $o'plete 10C %as in/e$tion
line fro' *or93 to Sout #luster !ill be depressurized. Onl# residual
de0ressuriAation is carried out at the cluster/
= > ?nsure tat te flo! line isolation 5al5es are open =2 )C 5al5es in ea$
flo! line>.
= > ?nsure tat ?S*H91001 and ?S*H91011 are open
D E -5erride PSLL91021 and enter in te @2?* A--BC.
= > ?nsure tat 10C 5al5e u0s P.91021 is open.
= > Fanually open PH91022.
= > ?nsure tat 10C ball 5al5e d0s S*H "111 is open.
D E #lose S*H9"111.
= > ?nsure tat te 'anually 2C $o7e 5al5e in te depressurizin% line is
D E -pen te L# 5al5e in te depressurizin% line.
D E -pen te 2 1C 5al5es in te 'etanol in/e$tion point u0s te
depressurizin% $o7e 5al5e.
D E Start Fetanol In/e$tion Pu'p GJ9)10:0A.
D E Start depressurizin% te %as in/e$tion line by slo!ly te 2 $o7e 5al5e
The 0ressure dro0 o-er the cho@e is eBtre$el# high so eBtre$e
care is to be ta@enF Initiall# onl# a s$all o0ening shall be a00lied
and ear 0rotectors shall be 7orn/
D E Fonitor te pressure on PI#91022 on *or93 and on PG91001 at Sout
Pa%e 22
Petrofac International Ltd/ 1lf Petroleu$ Iran
2I346! Dorood Pro5ect Onshore Facilities 6 .e7 Plant
Doc/ .o/ OIL/SD/068 ,e- 0 Cluster Isolation Draining and Water Flushing Procedure
D E +en te %as in/e$tion line as rea$ed te sa'e pressure as te HP
flare syste'1 stop Fetanol In/e$tion Pu'p GJ9)10:0A.
D E #lose te $o7e 5al5e.
D E Lo$7 $lose te 2C ball 5al5e u0s te $o7e 5al5e
D E #lose te 2 1C 5al5es at te 'etanol in/e$tion point.
D E #lose te 10C ball 5al5e d0s S*H9"111 and ensure tat te by9pass
5al5es o5er it are also $losed.
D E #lose te )C isolation 5al5e of te sele$ted flo! line $losest to te
#.2 Connecting the portable spools
.ere !ill be nor'ally no li6uids in te %as lines. If any1 it !ill be 'inor
6uantities. :lso te residual pressure in te flo! line sould be 5ery lo!.
.erefore1 residual depressurizin% and draina%e of te flo! line $an be
perfor'ed at sa'e ti'e fro' te flo! line drain point tat is lo$ated bet!een
te t!o )C flo! line isolation 5al5es.
= > ?nsure te proper portable $o'bination $onne$tion is a5ailable.
= > ?nsure 4itro%en s7id is ready to use
= > ?nsure tat te po!er is a5ailable for te pilot i%nition panel
D E Sele$t proper portable spools =1b>1 =2b>1 =3>1 =4> for 101000 I rated %as
= > ?nsure tat te isolation 5al5es in te drain point on te flo! line =2
nos. ball 5al5es> are $losed.
D E Aleed te pressure bet!een te t!o 2C ball 5al5es a!ay 5ia te 1C
bleed 5al5e and $lose it.
D E 2e'o5e te 2C blind flan%e fro' te drain point.
D E #onne$t te spool =1b> for depressurizin%
D E #onne$t te depressurizin% ose =4> to spool =1b> and te nearest
$onne$tion on te drain eader.
D E #onne$t spool =2b> to spool =1b>.
D E #onne$t spool =3> to spool =2b>.
= > ?nsure tat all oter $onne$tions on te drain eader are ti%tly $losed
!it blind flan%es. 'CDOP action ite$ 4/!(
Pa%e 23
Petrofac International Ltd/ 1lf Petroleu$ Iran
2I346! Dorood Pro5ect Onshore Facilities 6 .e7 Plant
Doc/ .o/ OIL/SD/068 ,e- 0 Cluster Isolation Draining and Water Flushing Procedure
#.3 Purging the drain system and lighting the Pilot
= > ?nsure tat te portable burner is $onne$ted to te drain eader
D E -pen te 1C 5al5e in spool =3>
D E -pen te 1C and 2C 5al5es in spool =1b>
D E #onne$t te nitro%en s7id to spool =3>
D E -pen te nitro%en supply and pur%e te drain eader !it nitro%en.
Pur%in% sould be done for at least " 'inutes. 'CDOP action ite$
D E #lose nitro%en supply.
D E #lose bot te 5al5es in spool =1b>.
D E *is$onne$t te nitro%en s7id
D E *is$onne$t spool =2> and =3> fro' spool =1b>. Failure to dis$onne$t te
nitro%en 'anifold $an result in o5er pressurization and failure of te
nitro%en 'anifold. 'CDOP action ite$ 4/2(/
D E Install te blind flan%e ba$7 on te 1C $onne$tion on spool =1b>.
Pur%in% 'ay be re6uired fro' additional drain $onne$tions on te fartest
point on te eader based on te eader routin%. 'CDOP action ite$ 4/E(/
.e follo!in% pro$edure is to be follo!edG
D E 2e'o5e blind fro' te drain point tat is to be pur%ed.
D E #onne$t nitro%en ose on tat drain point.
D E -pen nitro%en supply and pur%e for at least " 'inutes.
D E #lose nitro%en supply.
D E *is$onne$t nitro%en ose.
D E Install te blind flan%e ba$7 on te drain point.
In $ase pur%in% is perfor'ed fro' drain eader end1 spool =&> sall be
used to $onne$t nitro%en ose.
D E Slo!ly open te LPG %as to te pilot line.
D E Li%t te 1C pilot fro' te i%nition panel
Pa%e 24
Petrofac International Ltd/ 1lf Petroleu$ Iran
2I346! Dorood Pro5ect Onshore Facilities 6 .e7 Plant
Doc/ .o/ OIL/SD/068 ,e- 0 Cluster Isolation Draining and Water Flushing Procedure
#.4 inal depressurization and drainage of the flow line
D E -pen 2C ball 5al5es on te flo! line drain point
D E -pen 2C %lobe 5al5e on spool =1a> %radually to depressurize te flo!
D E #e$7 te pressure %au%e lo$ated in te portable spool. Globe 5al5e
position sould be ad/usted if re6uired so as not to o5er pressurize te
do!n strea' drain eader
D E Fonitor te pilot $ontinuously. If te pilot %oes off1 te depressurization
operation sall be stopped. 'CDOP action ite$ 4/44(
D E 4ote te initial ti'e and final ti'e of depressurization.
D E -n$e depressurization $o'pleted $onne$t nitro%en s7id to te flo! line
5ent point 5ia spool ="b>.
D E -pen te 2 2C ball 5al5es in te flo! line 5ent point
D E -pen te nitro%en supply to te flo! line 5ent point and pur%e te
syste'. Pur%in% is to be $ontinued for at least 1" 'inutes.
D E Put off te burner
D E #lose te nitro%en supply
D E #lose te 2 2C ball 5al5es in te flo! line 5ent point
D E #lose te 2 2C ball 5al5es in te flo! line drain point
D E *is$onne$t te nitro%en s7id and reinstall te blind flan%e on te 2C flo!
line 5ent point.
D E *is$onne$t te spool =3> fro' spool =2>
D E *is$onne$t spool =2> fro' spool =1a>
D E Install 1C blind flan%e ba$7 on spool =1a>
D E *is$onne$t ose =4> and spool =1a> fro' te flo! line drain point and
reinstall te 2C blind flan%e on te flo! line drain point.
D E *is$onne$t ose =4> fro' te drain eader and blind te 2C drain point
on te 'ultipurpose eader
D E Infor' *or93 ##2 tat te operation is o5er
Pa%e 2"
Petrofac International Ltd/ 1lf Petroleu$ Iran
2I346! Dorood Pro5ect Onshore Facilities 6 .e7 Plant
Doc/ .o/ OIL/SD/068 ,e- 0 Cluster Isolation Draining and Water Flushing Procedure
#.! inal Status
.e #luster In/e$tion syste' and !ells are sutdo!n.
-ne $luster %as in/e$tion flo! line is isolated1 depressurized1 drained and pur%ed.
.e %as in/e$tion pipeline and $luster 'anifold are depressurized.
:ll fire e8tin%uisers are pla$ed in lo$ation
#at$'ents pit pilot is off.
Portable $o'bination spool is dis$onne$ted
Fultipurpose drain line is blinded
+ellead $ontrol panels 0 ?S*H $ontrol panels 0 safety sutdo!n syste' is in
:ll spe$ta$le blinds are in nor'al operatin% $ondition.
Pa%e 2&

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