OIL-SU-02 Rev 0

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Oil System
Initial Start Up
Table of Contents Page 2 to 2
Action Pages 3 to 34
! Safety Action
" # $erification
% & Action
'e( )o* +ate Prepare, by $erifie, by Appro(e, by
0 Feb. 2004 PFI G.Faber P.L. dHaussy
Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
1 I)ITIAL PLA)T STATUS***************************************************************************************3
2 P'-LI9I)A'I-S***************************************************************************************************3
3 I)ITIAL STA'T UP P'OC-+U'-************************************************************************4
3.1 Testing and Lining up of 2
stage Separator for ondensate !o""e!tion...................4
3.2 Line up of #S$320% &#esa"ter'.................................................................................(
3.3 Line up of #S$320) &#esa"ter'.................................................................................*
3.4 Line up of G+$,22 %-).............................................................................................. *
3.( Line up of %$310.&Stabi"i.er'..................................................................................,
3.* Line up of /$310 &Stabi"i.er 0eboi"er'....................................................................1
3., Line up G+$311%)................................................................................................... 1
3.1 Line up /$313........................................................................................................ 2
3.2 Line up /)$311......................................................................................................... 2
3.10 Line up /$312..................................................................................................... 2
3.11 Line up G+$312%-)............................................................................................. 10
3.12 Line up 143 e4port "ine........................................................................................10
3.13 Line up at tan5 far6............................................................................................ 11
4.1 Lea5 test and pressuri.ation of #S$302.................................................................12
4.2 Lea5 test 7 Pressuri.ation of #S$320%-) 7 %$310-/$310..................................12
4.3 ondensate !o""e!tion............................................................................................13
> I)ITIAL STA'T UP O5 T-ST / P'O+UCTIO) S-PA'ATO'***************************12
(.1 Line up of #S$300 &Test separator'........................................................................1*
(.2 Line up #S$301 &1
stage separator'......................................................................1,
(.3 Line up of 103 test 6anifo"d at P"ant side................................................................12
(.4 103 test 8eader "ine up at "uster side....................................................................20
(.( Line up of 113 produ!tion 8eader at p"ant side.......................................................20
(.* Line up of 113 Produ!tion 8eader at "uster side...................................................21
2 L-A: T-ST A)+ P'-SSU'I<ATIO) O5 +S0300********************************************22
*.1 Lea5 test - Pressuri.ation of #S$300......................................................................22
*.2 Lea5 test 7 Pressuri.ation of #S$301....................................................................23
? STA'T UP O5 T=- OIL PLA)T A5T-' T=- L-A: T-STS****************************2>
,.1 9i" p"ant initia" start up t8roug8 test separator.......................................................2(
,.2 Initia" start up of #esa"ter........................................................................................ 2,
,.3 Initia" start up of stabi"i.er....................................................................................... 21
,.4 Start up of oi" pu6ping and !oo"ing syste6............................................................22
,.( Start up of Produ!tion Separator............................................................................31
@ 5I)AL PLA)T STATUS***************************************************************************************33
A APP-)+IB***********************************************************************************************************34
2.1 F"o:!8art for 9i" syste6 Initia" Start up..................................................................34
Page 2
Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
%"" pre$!o66issioning; o66issioning and pre start !8e!5s 8a<e been !o6p"eted.
Fire :ater syste6 is in operation 7 net:or5 pressuri.ed.
Fire 7 Gas dete!tion syste6s on t8e p"ant are in operation.
Instru6ents air is a<ai"ab"e 7 a"" instru6ents operationa"
S8ut do:n syste6 <erified.
#iese" Fue" syste6 is in operation for t8e Turbines and )oi"ers.
F"are syste6 is in operation.
Turbo po:er generators are running and po:er is a<ai"ab"e.
Sea :ater syste6 running Fres8 :ater and boi"er feed :ater units in operation
Stea6 boi"er is in operation and stea6 is a<ai"ab"e to use.
8e6i!a" in=e!tion s5id is ready for start up.
>e""8ead !"uster 6anifo"d f"o: "ine -?e: p"ant 6anifo"d - e@uip6ents under nitrogen
>e""8ead !ontro" pane"s and safety s8utdo:n syste6s !o66issioned.
Separators; pu6ps; #esa"ters; Stabi"i.er; oi" !oo"ers; oi" e4port "ines ready for start
%"" spe!ta!"e b"inds are in nor6a" operating !ondition.
Tan5 far6 area is ready to re!ei<e oi".
2 P'-LI9I)A'I-S
A B Infor6 #or$3 0.&entra" !ontro" roo6'
A B /nsure a"" personne" 8a<e H
S dete!tors 7 /s!ape 6as5s.
A B /nsure t8at a"" F7G syste6s are in auto6ati!.
A B %ny F7G or pro!ess In8ibitions to be entered in t8e C0/# )99D3.
Page 3
Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
3.1 Testing and Lining up of 2
stage Separator for Condensate collection
Line .p +S0302* "LP separator#
0efer to P7I# ?oE$I040$)$11$)02$#S302$%%%$12(3.
A B )ypass #S 302 PSLL 3021 "o: "o: pressure fro6 #S and enter in
t8e C0/# )99D3
A B )ypass #S 302 LSLL 3024 "o: "o: "e<e" fro6 #S and enter in t8e
C0/# )99D3
& ' /nsure !o"d side 1*3 !o66on in"et 8eader is !"osed to /313%-)--#
and t8e 1*3 bypass "ine <a"<e is open.
& ' /nsure S#F$3021 and S#F$3020 are !"osed &oi" and :ater'
G H Line up a"" instru6ents on #S$302.
&PT$3021-3022; LT$3024; FT$3020; TT$3021; LG$1-2-3$3023; LSHH$
3024; LSLL$3024; FT$3021; LT$302(; L#G2$3020; L#T$3021; L#T$
3022; L#SLL$3021'.
& ' /nsure t8at a"" 43 drain "ine <a"<es are !"ose.
& ' /nsure t8at a"" spe!ta!"e b"inds and spa!ers are in t8e nor6a" operating
G H Lo!5 open t8e u-s and d-s iso"ation <a"<es on t:o &out of 3' PSFs$
& ' /nsure t8at t8e stand by PSFs$3020 u-s L 7 d-s <a"<e L9.
G H 9pen )#F$3023 d-s iso"ation <a"<e.
G H 9pen PF$3022 u-s and d-s iso"ation <a"<es.
G H 9pen L#F$3022 u-s and d-s iso"ation <a"<es.
& ' /nsure t8at G+$310 %-) drain "ines are !"ose.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e fo""o:ing instru6ents are on "ine.
PG$3113%-); PT$3113%-); PSLL$3113%-); PG$3110 %-); PT$3111%-);
PSHH$3111%-); PSLL$3111%-).
& ' /nsure t8at FT$3110 and FT$321( are on "ine.
Page 4
Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
&LI$302( and FI$321( are in as!ade !ontro"'
& ' /nsure t8at G+$310 %-) 13 pri6ing "ines fro6 t8e pu6p !asings are
!"osed and t8e 13 <a"<es in t8e degassing "ines fro6 t8e su!tion "ines to
#S$302 are opened.
G H 9pen G+$310 %-) 113 su!tion iso"ation <a"<e and 103 dis!8arge
iso"ation <a"<es.
& ' /nsure t8at FF$3110 u-s 7 d-s iso"ation <a"<es are !"osed
&G+$310%-) 6ini f"o: "ine to be opened after "ea5 test'
3.2 Line up of DS-320A (Desalter)
0efer to P7I# ?oE I040$)$11$)04$I%320$%%%$12((
G H Line up PSF-%$3200% by "o!5ing open u-s and d-s <a"<es.
& ' /nsure t8at a"" t8e fo""o:ing instru6ents are "ined upE$
&PG$3200%; TG$3202%; LT$3203%; L#T$3201%; L#T$3202%; L#G$
& ' /nsure t8at a"" 33 drain "ines are !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at a"" spe!ta!"e b"inds and spa!ers are in t8e nor6a"
operating position.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 103 #$320% bypass "ine is !"osed.&103GH320 021
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 43 :as8 :ater in"et of #$320% is !"osed &43T> 320 023
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 123 #S$320) bypass "ine is !"osed&123 GH320 02,
& ' /nsure t8at a"" sa6p"e points are !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at a"" J3 <ent "ines are !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 43 PSF-%$3200% bypass "ine is !"osed.&43 GH320 004
& ' /nsure t8at S#F$3200 to :as8 :ater pre 8eater /$321 is !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at a"" !8e6i!a" in=e!tion "ines are !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 23 P#F$3201% bypass g"obe <a"<e is !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at P#F$3201% is on 6anua".
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 23 P#F$3201) bypass g"obe <a"<e is !"osed.
Page (
Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
& ' /nsure t8at P#F$3201) is on 6anua".
G H 9pen #S$320% oi" in"et P#F$3201% u-s and d-s iso"ation ba"" <a"<es.
G H 9pen t8e 123 #S$320% oi" out"et "ine <a"<e.
3.3 Line up of DS-320B (Desalter)
0efer to P7I# ?oE$I040$)$11$)04$I%320$%%%$12((
G H Lo!5 open t8e u-s and d-s iso"ation <a"<es on PSF$3200)
G H Line up a"" t8e fo""o:ing instru6entsE$
&PG$3200); TG$3202); LT$3203); L#T$3201); L#T$3202); L#G$
& ' /nsure t8e a"" t8e 33 drain "ines are !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at a"" spe!ta!"e b"inds and spa!ers are in t8e nor6a"
operating position.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 43 PSF-%$3200) bypass "ine is !"osed.&43 GH320 002
& ' /nsure t8at a"" t8e sa6p"e points are !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at a"" t8e J3 <ent "ines are !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at S#F$3201 to G+$320%-) is !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 23 pro!ess :ater re!y!"e "ine fro6 G+$320%-) is !"osed
to #S$320).
G H 9pen t8e u-s and d-s iso"ation ba"" <a"<es to P#F$3201)
3. Line up of !"-#22 A$B
0efer to P7I# ?oE$I040$)$11$)04$G+,22$%%%$11(1
& ' /nsure t8at t8e *3 butterf"y <a"<e fro6 I)$,11 is !"osed
&ba!5 up 6ode operation.'
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 94ygen s!a<enger J3 in=e!tion "ine is iso"ated.
)oteC 0
94ygen s!a<enger is to be in=e!ted :8en using t8e ba!5 up 6ode of
Page *
Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
G H Lo!5 open t8e 13 !o66on 8eader su!tion "ine <a"<e.
G H Lo!5 open t8e *3 su!tion "ines butterf"y <a"<es to bot8 pu6ps.
G H Lo!5 open t8e 43 dis!8arge butterf"y <a"<es fro6 bot8 pu6ps.
G H Lo!5 open t8e duty PSF-%-)$,220 u-s iso"ation <a"<e and !"ose t8e J3
drain <a"<e.
G H Lo!5 !"osed t8e standby PSF-%-)$,220 u-s iso"ation <a"<e 7 !"ose t8e
J3 drain <a"<e.
& ' /nsure t8e fo""o:ing instru6ents are "ined upE$
&PG$,222%-); PT$,221%-); PG$,220%-); FT$,220; PT$,223'
& ' /nsure t8at a"" t8e J3 drain <a"<es in t8e pu6p su!tion and dis!8arge
"ines are !"osed.
G H Lo!5 open FF$,220 u-s and d-s 33 butterf"y <a"<es.
& ' ensure t8at t8e 3-43 drain <a"<e d-s FF$,220 is !"osed.
G H Lo!5 open FF$,220 33 butterf"y <a"<e to t8e 203 in"et "ine %$,12.
3.% Line up of CA-310.(Sta&ili'er)
0efer to P7I# ?oEI040$)$11$)03$%%310$%%%$12(*
G H Line up PSF$3100% or ) by L9 t8e u-s 7 d-s iso"ation <a"<es.
&Deep t8e standby PSFs <a"<es u-s L and d-s L9.'
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 33 drain "ine is !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at a"" spe!ta!"e b"inds and spa!ers are in t8e nor6a"
operating position.
& ' /nsure t8at S#F$310* is !"osed &pro!ess :ater to 9> pa!5age'
& ' /nsure t8at S#F$3100 is !"osed &oi" out"et'.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e fo""o:ing instru6ents are "ined upE$
&PT$3102; PSHH-PSLL$3102; TT$3103; FT$3101; PT$3101;
PG$3100; TT$3100; LG$1-2-3$3100; LT$3101; LT$3103; LSHH-LSLL$
3103; PT$3102; L#G$3102; L#T$3102; L#T$3110'.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e in"et oi" "ine FF$321( is fu""y !"osed.
G H 9pen t8e gas out"et PF$3101 u-s and d-s iso"ation <a"<es.
G H 9pen FF$321( u-s and d-s iso"ation <a"<es.
Page ,
Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
G H 9pen t8e pro!ess :ater L#F$3102 u-s and d-s iso"ation <a"<es and
ensure t8at t8e L#F fu""y !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 13 bypass g"obe <a"<e to L#F$3102 is !"osed.
3.( Line up of )C-310 (Sta&ili'er *e&oiler)
0efer to P7I# ?oEI040$)$11$)03$%%310$%%%$12(*
& ' /nsure t8at a"" spa!ers are in t8e nor6a" operating position.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e fo""o:ing instru6ents are "ined upE$
&LT$3101; LSLL$3101; LG$310(; TT$3110; TT$3104;
TSHH-TSLL$3104; PT$10,; TG$310*; PG$310*; FT$310(; TG$310(;
PG$310(; LT$310,; LG$310,'
& ' /nsure t8at t8e in"et stea6 to S#F$310( is !"osed.
G H 9pen FF$310( u-s and d-s iso"ation <a"<es and ensure t8at FF$310( is
fu""y !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 103 bypass "ine g"obe <a"<e to FF$310( is !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at LF$310, stea6 !ondensate out"et "ine u-s and d-s iso"ation
<a"<es are !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at LF$310, 43 bypass "ine g"obe <a"<e is !"osed.
3.# Line up !"-311AB
0efer to P7I# ?oEI040$)$11$)0($G+311$%%%$12(,
& ' /nsure t8at a"" drains and <ent "ines are !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e CT3 type strainer is insta""ed.
& ' /nsure t8at po:er is a<ai"ab"e for t8e pu6ps.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e fo""o:ing instru6ents are "ined upE$
&PG$3120 %-); PT$311, %-); PSLL$311, %-); PG$3111 %-);
PT$3112 %-); PSHH$3112 %-); FT$3102'.
G H 9pen t8e 113 su!tion "ine <a"<es.
G H 9pen t8e 143 dis!8arge <a"<es.
G H 9pen FF$3102 &6ini$f"o: "ine' u-s and d-s iso"ation ba"" <a"<es.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 13 pri6e "ines to %$310 are open.
Page 1
Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
3.+ Line up )C-313
0efer to P7I# ?oEI040$)$11$)02$/313$%%%$12(3
& ' /nsure t8at a"" drain- <ent <a"<es are !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8e 13 in"et "ine T$type strainers are insta""ed in 8ot and !o"d
& ' /nsure t8at t8e fo""o:ing instru6ents are "ined upE$
&Hot sideE PG$3130; P#G$313(%-)--#; TG$3133; PG$3131'
&o"d sideE PG$3132; TG$3132; PG$3133; TT$3134; P#G$3134
G H 9pen t8e u-s and d-s iso"ation ba"" <a"<es to TF$3134 on t8e 8ot side.
G H 9pen t8e 13 in"et and out"et <a"<es on t8e 8ot side &stabi"i.ed oi"'
" # -ns.re t4at t4e 14D common inlet (al(e is close,*
3., Line up )B-311
0efer to P7I# ?oEI040$)$11$)0($%%310$%%%$12(1
& ' /nsure t8at a"" t8e drain- <ent <a"<es are !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at po:er is a<ai"ab"e to t8e 6otors.
G H Line up TT$3111.
G H 9pen a"" t8e *3 in"et-out"et <a"<es.
G H 9pen t8e 143u-s and d-s <a"<es of TF$3111.
3.10 Line up )C-312
0efer to P7I# ?oEI040$)$11$)0($%%310$%%%$12(1
& ' /nsure t8e 23 drain "ine to t8e !"osed drain syste6 is !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e fo""o:ing instru6ents are "ined upE
&Hot sideE TT$311(; TT$311*; P#G$3123'.
&o"d sideE P#G$3124'.
G H 9pen t8e 143 in"et iso"ation <a"<e.
G H 9pen t8e 143 out"et iso"ation <a"<e.
Page 2
Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 103 /312 bypass <a"<e is !"osed.
G H Line up TSF$311( by opening t8e u-s iso"ation <a"<e.
G H 9pen t8e 103 out"et !oo"ing :ater butterf"y <a"<e.
G H 9pen t8e 103 in"et !oo"ing :ater butterf"y <a"<e.
G H 9pen TF$311( u-s and d-s iso"ation butterf"y <a"<es and ensure t8at TF$
311( is fu""y !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at &TF$311(' 13 bypass butterf"y <a"<e is !"osed
3.11 Line up !"-312A$B
0efer to P7I# ?oEI040$)$11$)0($%%310$%%%$12(1
& ' /nsure t8at a"" drains 7 <ent "ines are !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e CT3 type strainer is insta""ed.
& ' /nsure t8at po:er is a<ai"ab"e for t8e pu6ps.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e fo""o:ing instru6ents are "ined upE$
&PG$3122%); PG$3121%); FT$311*'
G H 9pen t8e 43 !o66on in"et <a"<e.
G H 9pen t8e 43 su!tion <a"<e of G+$312%-).
G H 9pen t8e 43 dis!8arge <a"<e of G+$312%-).
G H 9pen LF$3101 u-s and d-s iso"ation <a"<es.
G H 9pen FF$311* u-s and d-s iso"ation <a"<es.
3.12 Line up 1- e.port line
0efer to P7I# ?oEI040$)$11$)0($%%310$%%%$12(1
& ' /nsure t8at a"" t8e J3 drain "ines are !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 143 strainer is insta""ed u-s t8e turbine 6eter.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e fo""o:ing instru6ents are "ined upE$
&FT$311(; PT$311(; TT$3112'
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 13 drain "ine d-s of S#F$3114 is !"osed.
G H Line up TSF$311, by opening t8e u-s and d-s iso"ation <a"<es.
G H Line up TSF$311* by opening u-s 7 d-s iso"ation <a"<es to !"osed drain.
Page 10
Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
G H 9pen t8e 143 turbine 6eter &FT$311(' u-s and d-s <a"<es.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 143 bypass "ine of FT$311(. is !"osed.
G H 9pen LF$3101 %-)-% u-s and d-s iso"ation <a"<es and ensure t8at LF$
3101 is 6anua""y !"osed.
G H 9pen S#F$3114.
G H 9pen /S#F$311( at p"ant battery "i6it.
3.13 Line up at tan/ far0
0efer to P7I# ?oEI040$)$11$)0($%%310$%%%$12(1
& ' /nsure #or$1 7 #or$2 are infor6ed.
& ' /nsure instru6ent air is a<ai"ab"e for /S#F$311* !ontro" pane".
G H /nsure t8at PSLL$311*%-)- are "ined up.
G H For!e open /S#F$311* by resetting "o!a" pane"
& ' /nsure t8at K9F$3110 to K9F$3112 are a<ai"ab"e to open as re@uired
Page 11
Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
4 L-A: T-ST; P'-SSU'I<ATIO) A)+ CO)+-)SAT-
Lea5 test 7 unit pressuri.ation !an be done eit8er fro6 #or$2 sour gas
t8roug8 #S 30( or #or$1 s:eet gas t8roug8 #S 101%-) if fue" gas is a<ai"ab"e
fro6 #or$1.
.1 Lea/ test and pressuri'ation of DS-302
G H Set PI$3022 of #S$302 at 1.0 barg.
G H 9pen S"ug !at!8er out"et S#F$30(1 &for!e open by o<erriding LSLL$
30(1. /nter in t8e 0/# )99D'.
G H ra!5 open LF$30(2.
G H Konitor #S$302 pressure bui"d up.
G H 9n!e t8e pressure rea!8es 1.0 barg fu""y !"ose LF$30(2 and perfor6 a
"ea5 test.
& ' If t8ere is any sign of a "ea5 depressuri.e to f"are and re!tify.
If s7eet gas from +or01 is .se,C0
G H 9pen S#F$1011%-) of #S$101%-) &for!e open by o<erriding LSLL$
1011. /nter in t8e 0/# )99D'.
& ' /nsure t8at a"so t8e 6anua" 23 <a"<e do:nstrea6 LF$1012%-) is
G H ra!5 open LF$1012%-)
G H Konitor #S$302 pressure bui"d up.
G H 9n!e t8e pressure rea!8es 1.0 barg fu""y !"ose LF$1012 and do a "ea5
& ' If t8ere is any sign of a "ea5 depressuri.e to f"are and re!tify.
.2 Lea/ test 1 2ressuri'ation of DS-320A$B 1 CA-310$)C-310
G H Set PI$3101 at 2.0 barg.&%$310 gas out"et to LP f"are'
G H >8en t8e "ea5 test of #S$302 is su!!essfu""y !o6p"eted; open S#F$
3021 by o<erriding LSLL$3024.
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Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
& ' ?o: gas is passing t8roug8 G$310%-).
& ' /nsure P#F$3201% is in 6anua" and fu""y !"osed.
G H Gradua""y open t8e 23 bypass "ine of P#F$3201%.
G H >8en t8e pressure rea!8es 1barg stop pressuri.ation .
G H arry out a "ea5 test up to #S$320%. If any "ea5 depressuri.e to f"are 7
& ' /nsure P#F$3201) is in 6anua" and fu""y !"osed.
G H Gradua""y open t8e 23 bypass "ine of P#F$3201).
G H 9n!e t8e pressure rea!8es 1 barg stop pressuri.ation .
G H Perfor6 a "ea5 test of #S$320). If any "ea5 depressuri.e to f"are 7
G H 9pen gradua""y FF$321( to pressuri.e %$310 to 1.0 barg.
G H arry out a "ea5 test up to /$310.
G H 9n!e t8e "ea5 test is satisfa!tory open bot8 P#Fs$3201%-) u-s 7 d-s
iso"ation <a"<es and !"ose t8e 23 bypasses.
G H Gradua""y in!rease t8e pressure of #S$302 to 2 barg by in!reasing
setting of PI$3022 to 2 barg and a""o:ing t8e re@uired @uantity of gas
to f"o: fro6 t8e S"ug !at!8er.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e !o6p"ete syste6 is "ea5 proof
.3 Condensate collection
G H Put t8e P#Is$3201%-) in CK%?I%L3 and "ose fu""y bot8 P#Fs$
G H Put FF$321( in 3Kanua"3 and C"ose3.
G H Set S"ug !at!8er out"et LF30(2 to %uto.
G H Set PI$3022 to its nor6a" setting (.4 barg &t8e a!tua" pressure :i""
8o:e<er on"y rise to t8is "e<e" on!e fres8 !ondensate is f"o:ing into
G H ?o: start$up of fue" gas syste6 :it8 gas i6ported fro6 #orood$2 !an
begin &0efer G%S-SI-02'. ondensate !o""e!ted in t8e S"ug !at!8er
and s!rubber in t8e fue" gas syste6 :i"" be routed to 2
Separator #S$302.
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Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
G H 9n!e t8e "e<e" in t8e S"ug !at!8er 8as risen abo<e LSLL; re6o<e t8e
o<erride on LSLL$30(1 7 update C0/# )99D3
T4e con,ensate 7ill slo7ly fill t4e (ol.me +S0302 .pstream of t4e baffle first*
T4en it 7ill start flo7ing o(er t4e baffle an, fill t4e s.ction lines of t4e 8ooster
P.mps EB0310A/8* Since t4e piping from t4e 8ooster P.mps to t4e +esalters
crosses a roa, (ia an o(er4ea, line; t4e con,ensate 7ill not flo7 on its o7n
to7ar,s t4e +esalters; t4erefore; t4e con,ensate le(el in +S0302 7ill contin.e
to rise* It 7ill taFe a n.mber of ,ays before =ig4 liG.i, le(el is reac4e,;
,epen,ing on t4e amo.nt of gas importe, from +oroo,02 ,.ring t4is perio,
an, t4e ambient temperat.re* T4e le(el 4as to be monitore, on a reg.lar basis*
G H 9n!e t8e "e<e" in t8e #S$302 8as risen abo<e LSLL; re6o<e t8e
o<erride on LSLL$3024 7 update t8e C0/# )99D3.
& ' 9n!e t8e "e<e" 8as rea!8ed HLL !ondensate :i"" f"o: to #S$320%.
G H 9pen t8e 43 by$pass of PSF-% $3200; depressuri.e #S$320 % to 0.(
G H 9pen t8e 23 by$pass <a"<e of P#F$3201%.
& ' #ue to t8e differentia" pressure; t8e !ondensate :i"" be pus8ed o<er t8e
road !rossing and f"o: fro6 #S$302 to #S$320%.
G H Konitor t8e "e<e"s and pressures in #S$302 and #S$320%. T8e
pressures in #S$320% 8a<e to be 6aintained around 0.( barg by
6anua" 6anipu"ation of t8e 43 by$pass <a"<e of PSF-%$3200.
G H >8en t8e LL "e<e" is rea!8ed in #S$302; !"ose t8e 23 by$pass <a"<e of
P#F$3201% and t8e 43 by$pass <a"<e of PSF-%$3200 and stop t8e
!ondensate f"o: fro6 # S$302 to #S$320%.
)ote t4at P$03022 in t4e flare line from +S0302 is an @D (al(e; 74ic4 is (ery
m.c4 o(ersiHe, for t4e small (apor flo7 anticipate, ,.ring t4is p4ase* I4en it
appears t4at t4e a.tomatic control is not able to maintain a stable press.re in
+S0302 reG.ire, to for7ar, con,ensate to +S0320A; t4is (al(e s4o.l, be p.t
into man.al*
G H T8e abo<e pro!edure is to be repeated unti" #S$320% is fu"" of
& ' 9n!e #S$320% is fu""; t8e !ondensate fro6 #S$302 8as to be routed to
#S$320) instead.
Page 14
Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
G H 9pen t8e 103 by$pass of #S$320%.&103 GH 320 021 (23%$H'
G H /<ery ti6e t8e HH "e<e" is rea!8ed in #S$302; !ondensate is to be
routed to #S$320) in a si6i"ar 6anner as :as des!ribed for #S$320%.
+.ring t4is p4ase Oil0Iater inter0p4ase le(els 4a(e to be monitore, in +S0302
an, +S0320A/8 "7ater 7ill be present ,.e to con,ensation from t4e +oroo,02
gas#* +.ring t4is p4ase it 7ill be allo7e, t4at 7ater in +S0302 eJcee,s LIS=
le(els an, flo7s to7ar,s +S0320A/8* Un,er no circ.mstance s4o.l, t4e 7ater
in +S0320A/8 rise abo(e LIS== le(el* I4en; ,espite t4e fact t4is is not
eJpecte,; it looFs liFe t4is is going to 4appen; it 7ill be necessary to start t4e
oily 7ater system to ,rain 7ater to t4e oily 7ater system*
& ' In t8e une4pe!ted e<ent t8at #S$320) be!o6es fu"" of !ondensate; it
needs to be routed to t8e botto6 se!tion of t8e stabi"i.er !o"u6n.
G H Set PI$3101 to 0.( barg on t8e gas out"et of %$310.
G H 9pen t8e 123 by$pass of #S$320) &123 GH 320 02, (23%$H'.
G H S"ig8t"y open FF$321( in order to for:ard !ondensate fro6 #S$302 to
t8e Stabi"i.er unti" t8e "o: "e<e" in #S$302 is rea!8ed.
G H "ose t8e 103 bypass of #$320% &103 GH 320 021 (23%$H' and 123
#S$320) bypass &123GH 320$02,$(23%$H' before "etting oi" in.
Contin.e 7it4 neJt step 74en t4e f.el gas system is r.nning 4ealt4y an, oil
pro,.ction can be starte,*
"5.el gas a(ailable for t.rbines; OI pacFage an, Amine system is on line*#
Page 1(
Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
9<errides re@uired for t8e start up of t8e Test - Produ!tion 1
stage separator.
A B PSLL$1++3P$ >e""8ead pressure "o: "o: fro6 :e""8ead Pane".
A B PSLL$1010-101*-1011 $ Test 6anifo"d fro6 #S.
A B PSLL$1012-101,-1012 L Produ!tion 6anifo"d fro6 #S.
A B PSLL$3002 L Test separator pressure "o: "o:.
A B PSLL$3011 $ 1st stage separator pressure "o: "o:.
T8e Se@uen!e of opening t8e <a"<es s8a"" be starting fro6 t8e separator to t8e
:e""8ead to pre<ent in!rease in 6anifo"d pressure during start up. H%M9P a!tion
ite6 1.*
%.1 Line up of DS-300 (Test separator)
0efer to P7I# ?oE$I040$)$11$)02$#S300$%%%$12(0
A B /nsure t8at t8e /S# syste6 is 8ea"t8y.
& ' onfir6 t8at #S$302 7 d-s strea6 syste6 is ready to re!ei<e oi" &See
step 3.1'.
& ' /nsure t8at &!orrosion !oupon' 7 P &!orrosion probe' are
& ' /nsure t8at a"" 43 drain "ines are !"osed to t8e !"osed drain syste6.
& ' /nsure t8at a"" spe!ta!"e b"inds are in t8e nor6a" operating position.
& ' /nsure t8at a"" J3 drain "ines on t8e gas -oi" -:ater out"et "ines are
& ' /nsure t8at a"" !8e6i!a" in=e!tion s5ids are ready to start up.
&#e6u"sifier; S!a"e In8ibitor; %ntifoa6 type$2; orrosion In8ibitor'
G H /nsure t8at a"" instru6ents are on "ine.
&PG$3000; PT$3002; PSHH-PSLL$3002; PG$3001; PT$3003
TT$3001; FT$3002; LT$3004; LSHH-LSLL$3004; LT-LI$300(
LG$3003; TG$3000; L#G$3000 L#T$3002; L#I$3002; L#T$3001
Page 1*
Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
FT$001; FT$3000.
G H Line up one PSF$3000% or PSF$3000) &5eep stand by PSF u-s <a"<e
!"ose 7 d-s open'.
G H 9pen )#F$3003 d-s iso"ation <a"<e.
G H 9pen gas out PF-1$3003 u-s t:o 7 d-s one iso"ation <a"<es and "ine up
to t8e HP f"are.
G H Deep PF-1$3003 in 6anua" and fu""y !"ose fro6 #S.
G H Deep iso"ated bot8 PF-2%)$3003 gas to s"ug !at!8er.
G H Deep S#F300, !"osed; gas to s"ug !at!8er.
G H Deep t8e :ater out"et !"osed S#F$3004.
G H 9pen LF$3002 u-s and d-s iso"ation <a"<es.
& ' /nsure LF$3002 bypass 33 g"obe <a"<e is !"osed.
G H Deep !"osed oi" out"et S#F$300(.
G H 9pen LF$300( u-s and d-s iso"ation <a"<es and 5eep LF fu""y !"osed in
6anua" fro6 #S.
& ' /nsure LF$300( bypass 43 g"obe <a"<e is !"osed.
G H Line up one PSF$3130 % or ) in 1*3/$313 bypass "ine.
G H 9pen oi" out"et to 2
stage separator bypassing /$313%-)--# by
opening 1*3 bypass iso"ation <a"<e "-C0313 can be taFen on line
74en stabiliHer t4e cr.,e oil transfer p.mp starts#*
G H Deep !"osed t8e 123 oi" in"et "ine S#F$3000.
G H 9pen t8e 23 in"et bypass S#F$3001 for pressuri.ation.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 23 in"et bypass "ine 09$3002 is insta""ed.
%.2 Line up DS-301 (1
stage separator)
0efer to P7I# ?oE$I040$)$11$)02$#S301$%%%$12(1
A B /nsure t8at t8e /S# syste6 is 8ea"t8y.
& ' /nsure t8e oi" in"et "ine &!orrosion !oupon' 7 P &!orrosion probe'
are insta""ed.
& ' /nsure t8e :ater out"et "ine &!orrosion !oupon' is insta""ed.
& ' /nsure t8at a"" t8e 43 drain "ines are !"ose to t8e !"osed drain syste6.
Page 1,
Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
& ' /nsure t8at a"" b"inds are in t8e nor6a" operating position.
& ' /nsure a"" J3 drain "ines on gas -oi" -:ater out "et "ines are !"ose.
& ' /nsure t8e !8e6i!a" in=e!tion s5ids are ready to start up
&#e6u"sifier; S!a"e In8ibitor; %ntifoa6 type$2; orrosion In8ibitor;
0e<erse #e6u"sifier.'
& ' /nsure t8at t8e fo""o:ing instru6ents are "ined upE$
&PG$3010; PT$3011; PSHH-PSLL$3011; PT$3012
TT$3011; FT$3010; LT$3014; LSHH-LSLL$3014; LT-LI$301(; LG$1-2
3013; TG$3010; L#G$3010
L#T3011; L#T$3012; L#I$3012; L#SLL$3011; FT$3011.
G H Line up t8ree PSFs $3011%-)- and PSF$3011# in standby.
&Deep t8e stand by PSF u-s <a"<e !"osed and t8e d-s <a"<e open.'
G H 9pen )#F$301* d-s iso"ation <a"<e.
G H 9pen gas out PF-1$3012 u-s t:o <a"<es and d-s one iso"ation <a"<e and
"ine up to t8e HP f"are.
G H Deep PF-1$3012 in 6anua" and fu""y !"ose fro6 #S.
& ' /nsure t8at PF-2%-2)$3012 gas to s"ug !at!8er are iso"ated.
& ' /nsure t8at S#F$3014 is !"osed & gas to s"ug !at!8er'.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e :ater out"et S#F$3012 is !"osed.
G H 9pen LF$3012 :ater out"et u-s and d-s iso"ation <a"<es.
& ' /nsure one PSF3130 % or ) in 1*3/$313 bypass "ine is on "ine.
& ' /nsure t8e oi" out"et to t8e 2
stage separator bypassing
/313%-)--# 1*3 bypass iso"ation <a"<e is open.
"-C0313 can be taFen on line 74en stabiliHer cr.,e oil transfer
p.mps start#
& ' /nsure t8at t8e oi" out"et S#F$3013 is !"osed.
G H 9pen LF$301( oi" out"et u-s and d-s iso"ation <a"<es and ensure t8at t8e
LF is fu""y !"osed in 6anua" fro6 #S.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 323 oi" in"et "ine S#F$3011 is !"osed.
G H 9pen t8e 23 in"et bypass S#F$3010 for pressuri.ation.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e off spe! oi" in"et S#F$301( fro6 G+$312 %-) is !"osed.
G H 9pen t8e 43 off spe! "ine iso"ation <a"<e d-s of S#F301(.
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Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
%.3 Line up of 10- test 0anifold at 2lant side.
0efer to P7I# ?oE$I040$)$11$)02$%%300$%%%$1240
& ' /nsure t8at a"" drain and sa6p"e point "ines are !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 103 test "ine &!orrosion !oupon' 7 P &!orrosion
probe' are insta""ed.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 23 <ent 8eader at 103 GH 100 044 /(23 is !"osed to t8e
HP f"are.
G H Line up PSF%-)$1000 of ?ort8 /ast; PSF%-)$ 00* of ?ort8 >est;
PSF%-)$1001 of Sout8 !"uster "ine.
&Fa"<es to be L9 or L as per t8e P7I#'
/nsure t8at t8e fo""o:ing instru6ents are "ined upE $
?/ !"uster 103 "ineE TG$1000; PG$1000; PT$1020; PT$1010;
?> !"uster 103 "ineE TG$100*; PG$100*; PT$102*; PT$101*;
Sout8 !"uster 103 "ineE TG$1001; PG$1001; PT$1021; PT$1011;
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 103 /S#F$1000 of ?/ !"uster "ine is !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 103 /S#F$100* of ?> !"uster "ine is !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 103 /S#F$1001 of Sout8 !"uster "ine is !"osed.
G H 9pen t8e 23 bypass /S#F$1020 of ?/ !"uster "ine.
G H 9pen t8e 23 bypass /S#F$101* of ?> !"uster "ine.
G H 9pen t8e 23 bypass /S#F$1011 of Sout8 !"uster "ine.
G H 9pen t8e 103 6anua" iso"ation <a"<es at ?/; ?>; Sout8 !"uster "ines.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 103 test 8eader <a"<es to t8e produ!tion 8eader are
Page 12
Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
%. 10- test 3eader line up at Cluster side.
0efer to P7I# ?oE$I040$#$11$%0*$%%100$%%%$1,11.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 23 <ent 7 drain "ines are !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at po:er is a<ai"ab"e for t8e !8e6i!a" in=e!tion pu6ps and
t8at t8ey are ready to start.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 13 future 6et8ano" "ine is iso"ated.
G H Line up PSHH$101(%-)- at ?/ !"uster.
G H Line up PSHH$102(%-)- at ?> !"uster.
G H Line up PSHH$110(%-)- at Sout8 !"uster.
G H Line up t8e !orrosion in8ibitor "ine to t8e test 8eader by opening
/S#F$1011 and t8e d-s ba"" <a"<es.
G H 9pen t8e 103 /S#F$110* of sout8 !"uster.
G H 9pen t8e 103 /S#F$101( of ?/ !"uster.
G H 9pen t8e 103 /S#F$102( of ?> !"uster.
G H 9pen t8e :e""8ead f"o: "ine /S#F a!!ording to t8e :e"" start up and
ensure t8at t8e 103 f"o: "ine <a"<e is !"osed.
%.% Line up of 1+- production 3eader at plant side.
0efer to P7I# ?oE$I040$)$11$)02$%%300$%%%$1240
& ' /nsure t8at a"" drain and sa6p"e point "ines are !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 113 produ!tion "ine &!orrosion !oupon' 7 P
&!orrosion probe' are insta""ed.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 23 <ent 8eader on t8e 113 produ!tion "ines fro6 ?/;
?>; Sout8 !"usters are !"osed to t8e HP f"are.
G H Line up t:o PSF%-)-$1002 of t8e ?ort8 /ast; PSF%-)-$ 100, of t8e
?ort8 >est; PSF%-)-$1002 of t8e Sout8 !"uster "ine.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e fo""o:ing instru6ents are "ined upE$
?/ !"uster 113 "ineE TG$1002; PG$1002; PT$1023; PT$1012;
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Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
?> !"uster 113 "ineE TG$100,; PG$100,; PT$102,; PT$101,;
Sout8 !"uster 113 "ineE TG$1002; PG$1002; PT$1022; PT$1012;
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 113 /S#F$1002 of ?/ !"uster "ine is !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 13 /S#F$100, of ?> !"uster "ine is !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 113 /S#F$1002 of Sout8 !"uster "ine is !"osed.
G H 9pen t8e 23 bypass /S#F$1022 of ?/ !"uster "ine.
G H 9pen t8e 23 bypass /S#F$102, of ?> !"uster "ine.
G H 9pen t8e 23 bypass /S#F$1022 of Sout8 !"uster "ine.
G H 9pen t8e 113 6anua" iso"ation <a"<es d-s !8e!5 <a"<e of ?/; ?>;
Sout8 !"uster "ines.
%.( Line up of 1+- 2roduction 3eader at Cluster side.
0efer to P7I# ?oE$I040$#$11$%0*$%%100$%%%$1,11.
& ' /nsure t8e 23 <ent and drain "ines are !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at po:er is a<ai"ab"e for t8e !8e6i!a" in=e!tion pu6ps and
t8at t8ey are ready to start.
& ' /nsure t8e 13 future 6et8ano" "ine is iso"ated 7 b"inded.
G H Line up PSHH$101*%-)- at ?/ !"uster.
G H Line up PSHH$102*%-)- at ?> !"uster.
G H Line up PSHH$110*%-)- at sout8 !"uster.
G H Line up t8e !orrosion in8ibitor "ine to t8e produ!tion 8eader.
G H 9pen t8e 113 /S#F$110, of sout8 !"uster.
G H 9pen t8e 113 /S#F$101* of ?/ !"uster.
G H 9pen t8e 113 /S#F$102* of ?> !"uster.
G H 9pen t8e :e""8ead f"o: "ine /S#F a!!ording to t8e :e"" start up.
Page 21
Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
2 L-A: T-ST A)+ P'-SSU'I<ATIO) O5 +S0300
'efer to OIL/SU/01
(.1 Lea/ test $ 2ressuri'ation of DS-300
G H Line up t8e :e"" as per C9i" Produ!er start up pro!edure$9IL-SI-013.
G H Set PF-1$3003 of t8e test separator to 1 barg.
G H Start !orrosion in8ibitor at !"uster and at p"ant side; ad=ust t8e in=e!tion
rates a!!ording"y.
G H Gradua""y open t8e oi" !8o5e unti" t8e pressure rea!8es 1 barg in t8e
test separator.
G H "ose t8e !8o5e :8en t8e syste6 rea!8es 1 barg.
G H arry out a "ea5 test of t8e f"o: "ine; !ross !ountry "ine 7 up to t8e test
& ' In t8e e<ent of finding a "ea5 depressuri.e t8e :8o"e syste6 to t8e f"are
and !orre!t it.
G H 9n!e t8e "ea5 test is satisfa!tory ; open t8e !8o5e s"o:"y and in!rease
PI-1 3003 set point step by step to its nor6a" HP 6ode operating
pressure &20., barg'.
Increase t4e press.re in stages by 2 barg an, perform a leaF test*
G H "ose t8e :e""8ead oi" !8o5e.
G H Iso"ate t8e :e"" fro6 t8e test 8eader by !"osing t8e 103 ba"" <a"<e.
G H 0edu!e t8e pressure fro6 t8e test separator to 12.4 barg &LP 6ode of
A B #o not forget to !8ange PSHH$3002 setting on #S a!!ording to t8e
6ode of operation &HP N 24 barg; LP N 1(.4 barg'.
G H Stop t8e !orrosion in8ibitor and iso"ate t8e pu6p.&!"uster 7 p"ant side'
G H "ose t8e 23 bypass on /S#F$1020 of ?/ !"uster and open t8e 103
G H "ose t8e 23 bypass on /S#F$101* of ?> !"uster and open t8e 103
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Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
G H "ose t8e 23 bypass on /S#F$1011 of Sout8 !"uster and open t8e 103
G H 9pen t8e 123 in"et S#F$3000 and !"ose t8e 23 bypass on S#F$3001.
G H 9pen S#F$300, gas to s"ug !at!8er.
G H 9pen PF-2 % ) $3003 u-s and d-s iso"ation <a"<es.
G H Set PF-2 % )$ 3003 to 12.4 barg and PF-1$3003 s"ig8t"y abo<e t8e s"ug
!at!8er pressure and set a"" !ontro""ers in auto.
" # T4e Test Separator is press.riHe, an, rea,y for start .p*
(.2 Lea/ test 1 2ressuri'ation of DS-301.
G H Line up t8e :e"" as per C9i" produ!er start up pro!edure.3
G H Set PF-1$3012 of 1
stage produ!tion separator to 1 barg.
G H 9pen t8e :e"" to t8e 113 6anifo"d.
G H Start t8e !orrosion in8ibitor to t8e !"uster; p"ant side and ad=ust t8e rate
G H Gradua""y open t8e oi" !8o5e unti" t8e pressure rea!8es 1 barg.
G H "ose t8e !8o5e :8en t8e syste6 rea!8es 1 barg.
G H Perfor6 a "ea5 test of t8e f"o: "ine; !ross !ountry "ine and up to t8e
produ!tion separator.
& ' In t8e e<ent of a "ea5 depressuri.e t8e :8o"e syste6 to t8e f"are and
!orre!t it.
G H 9n!e t8e "ea5 test is satisfa!tory at 1 barg s"o:"y in!rease PF-1$3012
set point step by step to its nor6a" HP operating 6ode &operating
Increase t4e press.re in stages by 2 barg an, perform a leaF test*
G H "ose t8e :e""8ead oi" !8o5e.
G H Stop t8e !orrosion in8ibitor and iso"ate t8e pu6p.
G H "ose t8e 23 bypass on /S#F$1022 of ?/ !"uster and open t8e 113
G H "ose t8e 23 bypass on /S#F102, of ?> !"uster and open t8e 113
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Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
G H "ose t8e 23 bypass on /S#F$1022 of Sout8 !"uster and open t8e 113
G H 9pen S#F$3014 gas to S"ug !at!8er.
G H 9pen PF-2 % )$3012 u-s and d-s iso"ation <a"<es.
G H Set PF-2 % )$3012 to 12.4 barg and PF-1$3012 s"ig8t"y abo<e s"ug
!at!8er pressure and set a"" t8e !ontro""ers to auto.
G H Iso"ate t8e :e"" fro6 t8e 113 8eader by !"osing t8e 103 ba"" <a"<e fro6
t8e test "ine.
G H 0edu!e t8e pressure fro6 t8e 1
stage separator to 12.4barg
&LP 6ode of operation.'
! +o not to forget to c4ange PS==03011 setting from +CS accor,ing
to t4e mo,e of operation "=P K 24 barg; LP K 1>*4 barg#*
" # T4e Pro,.ction separator is press.riHe, an, rea,y for start .p*

Page 24
Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
? STA'T UP O5 T=- OIL PLA)T A5T-' T=- L-A: T-STS
#.1 4il plant initial start up t3roug3 test separator
& ' /nsure T8at steps 3.1 are !o6p"eted.
& ' /nsure t8at a"" syste6s are "ea5 proof.
& ' /nsure t8at #S$302 and d-s syste6 are ready to re!ei<e oi"E
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 103 and 123 #S$320%-) by$pass "ines are !"osed.
G H 9pen t8e 23 by$pass <a"<es on P#F$3201%-)
G H Deep FF$321( to CKanua"3 and C"osed3
G H Set PI$3101 to its nor6a" <a"ue of 1.( barg
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 9> pa!5age is ready to re!ei<e separated :ater.
G H arry out a fun!tiona" test of a"" instru6ents of #S$300.
G H Deep LF$300( in 6anua" fu""y !"osed or in auto at (0O set point in LI$
G H For!e open S#F$300( by o<erriding LSLL$3004 and enter in t8e C0/#
G H Deep LF$3002 in 6anua" fu""y !"osed or auto at (0O set point in L#I$
G H Start t8e #e6u"sifier; S!a"e in8ibitor and %ntifoa6 to t8e in"et of #S$
300 and ad=ust t8e f"o: rate a!!ording"y.
! To start 7ells refer to t4e 7ell4ea, start .p proce,.re*
G H 9pen t8e test 8eader 103 "ine to #S$300 test separator.
G H 9pen t8e oi" !8o5e s"o:"y to t8e 103 test 8eader.
G H S"o:"y ad=ust t8e !8o5e to in!rease t8e produ!tion to t8e desire rate.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e separator is :or5ing nor6a""y.
G H 9pen S#F$3004 on!e t8e oi"$:ater interfa!e is operating at t8e !orre!t
G H Start 0e<erse #e6u"sifier 7 S!a"e in8ibitor to t8e :ater out"et and
ad=ust t8e f"o: rate a!!ording"y.
Page 2(
Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
" # -ns.re t4at t4e Oil o.tlet from +S0300 is bypassing -C0
313A/8/C/+ an, flo7ing to +S0302*
! C4ecF t4at all s4.t ,o7n systems are in a.tomatic an, registere,
in t4e L'-+ 8OO:D*
& ' /nsure t8at Separated :ater is f"o:ing to t8e 9> pa!5age.
& ' /nsure t8at #S$302 started to re!ei<e oi".
G H Put PF$3022 gas out"et to LP f"are in auto and in!rease t8e pressure
s"o:"y to (.4 barg.
G H Start t8e S!a"e in8ibitor !8e6i!a" into t8e in"et of t8e separator and
ad=ust t8e f"o: rate a!!ording"y.
G H Start t8e #e6u"sifier and %ntifoa6 !8e6i!a"s if re@uired and ad=ust t8e
f"o: rates a!!ording"y.
G H Start t8e !orrosion in8ibitor to t8e gas out"et and ad=ust t8e f"o: rate.
G H Deep LI$302( in 6anua" !ontro" .
G H 9pen S#F$3021 oi" out"et of #S$302 :8en LSLL$3024 is 8ea"t8y.
G H Deep L#F$3022 in 6anua" or auto at (0O set point in L#I$3022.
G H 9pen S#F$3020 :ater out"et on!e t8e interfa!e is at t8e !orre!t
operating "e<e".
G H Start re<erse de6u"sifier to t8e out"et :ater and ad=ust t8e rate
& ' /nsure t8at separated :ater is f"o:ing to t8e 9> pa!5age and t8e
interfa!e "e<e" is being !ontro""ed.
G H Pri6e t8e pu6p G+$310%-).
" # Oil transfer from +S0302 to +esalter maybe possible by Feeping
open EB0310 S.ction an, +isc4arge (al(es; ,epen,ing on t4e
flo7 rate*
G H Start t8e pu6p fro6 #S if re@uired; fo""o: t8e steps.
G H Set FF$3110 at 230 6
-8r and in auto.
G H 9<erride t8e pu6p dis!8arge PSLL$3111%-) for pu6p start up.
&/nter in C0/# )99D3'
& ' Ka5e sure t8e pu6p is running nor6a".
&Su!tion; #is!8arge pressure and 6otor !urrent; te6p.; <ibration'
G H ?or6a"i.e dis!8arge PSLL$3111%-) and register in t8e C0/# )99D3.
Page 2*
Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
#.2 5nitial start up of Desalter
& ' /nsure t8at t8e #esa"ters "ea5 test is satisfa!tory.&step 4.2'
& ' /nsure t8at a fun!tiona" test of a"" instru6ents for #S$320%) and %$
310. 8as been !arried out.
& ' ?o: oi" is f"o:ing into #S$320% t8roug8 P#F$3201% 23 bypass &see t8e
"ine up'.
G H 9pen t8e 43 PSF bypass "ine to degas #S$320% and !"ose it on!e it is
G H 9n!e t8e #esa"ter is fu"" of oi" open P#F$3201% u-s and d-s iso"ation
G H Set P#I$3201% at 1.(barg de"ta pressure and put into auto !ontro".
G H "ose t8e 23 P#F bypass.
G H 9pen a"" t8ree transfor6ers J3 <ent "ines.
G H !8e!5 t8e interfa!e "e<e" in #S$320% by opening try !o!5 points
G H 9n!e t8e inter fa!e is at operating "e<e" start t8e transfor6ers and
6onitor t8e !urrent.
G H 9pen :ater out"et S#F$3200.
G H 9pen L#F$3202% :ater out"et bypassing /$321 to 9> pa!5age.
G H Start t8e re<erse #e6u"sifier and ad=ust t8e f"o: rate a!!ording"y.
& ' /nsure t8at oi" is f"o:ing into #$320) t8roug8 P#F$3201) 23 bypass.
G H 9pen 43 PSF bypass "ine to degas #S$320) and !"ose it on!e it is fu"".
G H >8en t8e #esa"ter is fu"" of oi" open P#F$3201) u-s and d-s iso"ation
G H Set P#I$3201) at 1.( barg de"ta pressure and put it in auto !ontro".
G H "ose t8e 23 P#F bypass.
G H 9pen a"" t8ree transfor6ers J3 <ent "ines to d-s of FF$321(.
G H !8e!5 t8e interfa!e "e<e" in #S$320) by opening try !o!5s points
G H 9n!e t8e inter fa!e is at operating "e<e" start t8e transfor6ers and
6onitor t8e !urrent.
G H ontro" t8e "e<e" in #S$302 by 6anua""y !ontro""ing FF$321(
G H 9pen S#F$3201 :ater out"et to G+$320%).
G H Line up L#F$3202) to #S$320% in"et oi" "ine u-s of 6i4ing <a"<e.
Page 2,
Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
G H Line up G+$320%-) and pri6e t8e pu6ps.
G H Line up L#F$3202) to 9> pa!5age #S$400 and FF$3204 of G+$320 to
#$320) a"so.
" # In case t4e oil filling is too slo7 to t4e +esalters ; EB0310 can be
starte, to fill +S0320A8 74ile maintaining +S0302 le(el*
G H >8en t8e interfa!e is at operating "e<e" put L#F$3202) in auto6ati!.
G H Start G+$320 % or ).
G H 9pen t8e !o"d side 43 in"et - out "et of /$321.
G H S"o:"y !"ose t8e 43 bypass <a"<e of /$321.
G H Start :as8 :ater pu6p G+$,22 % or ).
G H 9pen FF$3200 to t8e in"et of #S$320) u-s P#F$3201) 6i4ing <a"<e.
G H 9pen /$321 8ot side by opening t8e *3 in"et - out"et "ine and !"ose t8e
bypass "ine.
G H Put L#F$3202% in auto to 6aintain t8e interfa!e "e<e" of #S$320%.
#.3 5nitial start up of sta&ili'er
& ' /nsure t8at %$310 is pressuri.ed and PF$3101 to LP f"are is set at
1.( barg and PF in auto6ati! !ontro".
& ' /nsure t8at t8e reboi"er stea6 is :or5ing and stea6 is !8arged up to
!ontro" <a"<e FF$310(.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e stea6 traps on t8e in"et "ine are :or5ing fine.
& ' /nsure t8at #S$302 "e<e" is !ontro""ed 6anua""y at (0O and oi" is
f"o:ing to %$310.
G H Start t8e antifoa6 in=e!tion to %$310 if re@uired and ad=ust t8e f"o:
rate a!!ording"y.
G H 9pen t8e J3 <apor <ent "ine fro6 t8e #esa"ter to d-s of FF$321(.
G H 9n!e t8e LSLL$3101 of t8e reboi"er be!o6es 8ea"t8y open up t8e
stea6 to t8e reboi"er &open S#F$310('.
G H 9pen FF$310( 6anua""y and !ontro" t8e reboi"er o<er 8ead
te6perature to 120 P.
Page 21
Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
" # If t4e stabiliHer is fille, 7it4 only con,ensate from t4e con,ensate
collection p4ase 7it4o.t cr.,e oil pro,.ce, from t4e 7ells being
present; all t4e liG.i, 7ill e(aporate 74en 4eate,* =ence t4e liG.i,
le(el in t4e stabiliHer col.mn 4as to monitor caref.lly 74ile
controlling t4e steam flo7 t4ro.g4 t4e reboiler*
& ' 9n!e t8e "e<e" is stabi"i.ed in %$310 at operating "e<e".
G H S"o:"y in!rease TI$3100 to 140
and put t8e !ontro""er in auto6ati!.
G H 9pen t8e oi" out"et S#F$3100

#. Start up of oil pu0ping and cooling s6ste0
& ' /nsure t8e pu6ps and !oo"ing syste6 8a<e been "ined up.
&Step 3.* up to 3.12'
& ' /nsure G+$311%-) and G+$312%-) are energi.ed fro6 K.
G H 9n!e t8e stabi"i.er LSLL$3103 is 8ea"t8y open S#F$3100.
G H Pri6e G+$311%-) and !"ose t8e <a"<e
G H 9pen fu""y G+$311 6inif"o: FF$3102 in 6anua".
G H Start G+$311 as per <endors instru!tions.
G H ?o: t8e oi" is !ir!u"ating in to %$310.
& ' ontro" t8e in"et oi" fro6 t8e :e"" to 6aintain "e<e" - f"o: t8roug8out t8e
G H Put FF$3102 in auto and !8e!5 t8e running para6eters.
G H 9n!e %$310 is stabi"i.ed open /$312 !oo"ing :ater.
G H Set TI$311( to (0
and TF$311( in auto6ati!.
& ' /nsure t8at /$313 "ined up and t8e 143 !o66on in"et <a"<e is !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at /)$311%-)--# in"et-out"ets are open.
& ' /nsure t8at /) 311%-)--# po:er is a<ai"ab"e for t8e 6otors.
G H Set TI$3111 to *0
and TF$3111 in auto !ontro".
& ' /nsure t8e 8ot side of /$312 in"et - out"et <a"<es are open.
& ' /nsure t8at /$312 103 bypass is !"osed.
& ' /nsure t8at G+$312 is "ined up for startup.
Page 22
Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
G H 9pen G+$312 out "et to %$310 by opening FF$311* 6anua""y.
G H Deep !"osed LF-$3101 off spe!. 9i" to t8e 1
stage separator.
G H 9n!e t8e separator "e<e"s are stabi"i.ed gradua""y open t8e !o"d side
of /$313 1*3 !o66on 8eader oi" fro6 #S$301 unti" t8e <a"<e is fu""y
G H S"o:"y fu""y !"ose t8e 1*3 bypass <a"<e of /313 !o"d side.
&H%M9P 3.1'
G H Gradua""y open t8e /$313 8ot side 143 !o66on 8eader <a"<e unti" it
is fu""y open.
& ' /nsure t8at oi" is partia""y f"o:ing t8roug8 t8e !oo"ing syste6.&/$313 L
/)$311 and /$312'
& ' /nsure t8at t8e entire !oo"ing syste6 !ir!uit is fu"".
G H Pri6e G+$312 and start t8e pu6p; no: t8e oi" is being re!y!"ed to %$
" # )o7 t4e off spec oil can be recycle, to t4e 1
stage separator*
G H 9n HS$3110 se"e!t !ontro" LI$3101 to LF-$3101 in #S.
G H 9pen S#F$301( and its iso"ation <a"<es.
G H 9pen LF-$3101 to 2(O and start t8e oi" re!y!"e to t8e 1
& ' /nsure t8at %$310 "e<e" is stabi"i.ed.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 2
stage separator "e<e" is fine and a"" !ontro""ers are
in auto.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e Tan5 far6 is ready to re!ei<e oi" fro6 t8e ne: p"ant.
& ' /nsure t8e e4port "ine is open.
G H #o an oi" @ua"ity !ontro" ana"ysis.
& ' /nsure t8e Stabi"i.er !o"u6n 6eets t8e H
S &,0pp6' 7 0FP &A1.(
psig' spe!ifi!ation.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e #esa"ter out"et dry oi" !ontains A 0.2O by <o"u6e of
G H Se"e!t LF-%$3101 or LF-)$3101 fro6 HS$3110 in t8e #S for LI$3101.
G H 9n!e t8e ana"ysis resu"ts and operating para6eters are in
spe!ifi!ation; oi" e4port !an be started.
Page 30
Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
G H 9pen se"e!ted LF-% or )$3101 10O to f"o: oi" to e4port "ine and
6aintain %$310 "e<e" by ad=usting t8e LF.
G H ?o: t8e produ!tion !an be in!reased to t8e test separator to its
6a4i6u6 rate.
G H Set LI$302( and FI$321( in !as!ade !ontro".
#.% Start up of 2roduction Separator
& ' /nsure t8e pre<ious steps 8a<e been !o6p"eted.
& ' /nsure t8at a"" syste6s are "ea5 proof.
& ' /nsure t8at #S$302 and d-s syste6 are operating nor6a""y.
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 9> pa!5age is ready to re!ei<e separated :ater fro6
G H arry out a fun!tiona" test of a"" instru6ents of #S$301.
G H Deep LF$301( in 6anua" fu""y !"osed or in auto at (0O set point in LI$
G H For!e open S#F$3013 by o<erriding LSLL$3014 and enter in t8e C0/#
G H Deep LF$3012 in 6anua" fu""y !"osed or auto at (0O set point in L#I$
G H Start #e6u"sifier; S!a"e in8ibitor; %ntifoa6$2 in=e!tion to t8e in"et of #S$
301 and ad=ust t8e rates a!!ording"y
A B To open a 7ell; refer to t4e Oil Pro,.cer Start .p proce,.re*
& ' /nsure t8at t8e 113produ!tion 8eader is "ined up.
G H 9pen t8e :e"" f"o: "ine 103 <a"<e to 113 produ!tion "ine.
G H 9pen t8e oi" !8o5e s"o:"y to t8e produ!tion 8eader.
G H S"o:"y ad=ust t8e !8o5e to in!rease produ!tion to t8e desired rate.
G H 9n!e t8e separator is :or5ing nor6a""y put ba!5 a"" t8e !ontro""ers in
G H 9pen S#F$3012 on!e t8e interfa!e is at t8e !orre!t operating "e<e".
G H Start t8e re<erse #e6u"sifier and !orrosion in8ibitor and ad=ust t8e
rates a!!ording"y.
Page 31
Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
G H Put LI$3101 in auto6ati! for se"e!ted LF-%$3101 or LF-)$3101.
! All t4e s4.t ,o7n systems are in a.tomatic an, registere, in t4e
L'-+ 8OO:D*
& ' )o7 t4e pro,.ction can be increase, by opening more 7ells
smoot4ly so t4at t4e system ,oes not get .pset ,.e to s.,,en
increase in t4e flo7 rates* "=A<OP action no A*?#
G H %d=ust t8e !8e6i!a" in=e!tion a!!ording to t8e f"o: rates.
& ' /nsure t8e Stabi"i.er !o"u6n 6eets t8e H
S 7 0FP spe!ifi!ation.
G H #o a oi" - pro!ess :ater @ua"ity !ontro".
& ' /nsure a"" t8e operating para6eters are :it8in t8e e4port spe!ifi!ation.
Page 32
Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
T8e 9i" syste6 is started and t8e operating !onditions are :it8in spe!ifi!ation.
%"" s8ut do:n bypasses are re6o<ed and t8e 0/# )99D updated.
9i" e4port is on at 10;000 bopd.
Separated gas is routed to #S30( or to t8e f"are.
Pro!ess :ater is sent to t8e 9> pa!5age.
Fire :ater syste6 is in operation and t8e net :or5 pressuri.ed.
T8e Fire and Gas dete!tion syste6 is in operation.
Instru6ents air is a<ai"ab"e and a"" instru6ents are operationa".
T8e #iese" and Fue" gas syste6 is in operation for t8e Turbine and )oi"ers.
T8e %6ine syste6 is running.
T8e F"are syste6 is in operation.
T8e Turbo po:er generators are running and po:er is a<ai"ab"e.
T8e Sea :ater syste6 is running and Fres8 :ater and boi"er feed :ater units are in
T8e Stea6 boi"er is in operation.
%"" !8e6i!a" in=e!tion pa!5ages are running at t8e opti6u6 in=e!tion rate.
T8e >e""8ead !"usters are in produ!tion.
>e""8ead !ontro" pane"s and safety s8utdo:n syste6s are in operation.
%"" spe!ta!"e b"inds are in t8e nor6a" operating !ondition.
%"" <a"<es are "ined up L9 7 L !onfir6ed as per P7I#.
Page 33
Petrofac International Lt,* -lf Petrole.m Iran
/I0123 +oroo, Pro3ect Ons4ore 5acilities 6 )e7 Plant
+oc* )o* OIL/SU/02 'e( 0 Oil System Initial Start Up
,.1 7lo8c3art for 4il s6ste0 5nitial Start up
Page 34
Start up 8e!5sE
Iti"ities %<ai"ab"e
F"are is "ig8ted
Lining up of #S 302 for Sour
gas pressure testing and
ondensate !o""e!tion fro6
S"ug at!8er
%!!u6u"ate !ondensate
in #S 302; #S 320 %-)
Fue" gas syste6 start up
on #or$2 gas
Start up t8e test
separator on one of t8e
9i" :e""s
Start t8e 2
stage separator; #esa"ter
7 Stabi"i.er :it8 oi" fro6 Test separator.
Ise off spe! pu6p to re!y!"e oi" ba!5
to separator.
>8en oi" is on spe!;
start e4port.
Line up oi" :e""s and
start produ!tion t8roug8
stage separator
9i" syste6 Start up

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