Chemistry v1.00 For TI-92+ / Voyage 200 Flash Application Senior Programmer: Matt Acosta

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Chemistry v1.00 for TI-92+ / Voyage 200 Flash Applicatio !e ior "rogrammer# $att Acosta Co te ts# 1. Getting Started 1.1) Introduction 1.2) Requirements 1.3) Starting and Exiting the App 1.4) Na igating 2. !o" to... 2.1) #se the App$ication 2.2) %or& "ith the 'hemistr( App 3. )ore In*ormation 3.1) Insta$$ing the App 3.2) +e$eting the App 3.3) #sing the ,-R)A. +ia$og 3.4) Error )essages 4. Index /. 'ontact In*ormation 1. %etti g !tarte& 1.1 Introduction .he 'hemistr( app$ication *or the .I0122 3 4o(age 255 is a great app$ication *or "or& in schoo$ or an occupation. 1.2 Requirements .I0'onnect 1.3 *or %indo"s "ith ca6$e or .I0Graph 7in& "ith ca6$e .I0122 3 4o(age 255 ca$cu$ator "ith A)S 2.51 or higher 1.3 Starting and Exiting the App$ication Starting the App$ication %ith the Apps des&top turned on (ou can 8ust press to go to the des&top9 high$ight the 'hemistr( app and press . %ith the Apps des&top turned o** 8ust press to access the *$ash apps menu9 se$ect the 'hemistr( app and press . Exiting the App$ication :ust press . 1.4 Na igating .o na igate through the 'hemistr( app$ication 8ust use the *unction &e(s ,1...,; and the arro" &e(s. 2. 'o( to... 2.1 #sing the App$ication

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1) Start the 'hemistr( App$ication

2) Se$ect a menu 6( pressing an( *unction &e( ,1...,;

3) !igh$ight an( item and press .

4) Enter in an( necessar( data and press . 2.2 %or&ing "ith the 'hemistr( App$ication .here are t"o "a(s to "or& "ith this app$ication. 1) #sing .I0<ASI' extensions *rom the !-)E screen.

N-.E@ A$ease see the index *or more in*ormation a6out the 'hemistr( .I0<ASI' extensions.

2) #sing the +ia$ogs *rom "ithin the App$ication. ). $ore I formatio 3.1 Insta$$ing 1) #sing A) <) ') 2) #sing A) <) ') the App .I0'onnect... -pen %indo"s Exp$orer and *ind "here (ou sa ed the *i$e. 'onnect (our .I0122 3 4o(age 255 to (our computer. Right c$ic& and se$ect the *o$$o"ing =Send .o>0?>'onnected .I +e ice>0?>RA)> or =Archi e> .I0Graph 7in&... Start <$ac& 7in& Ser ice i* necessar(. 'onnect (our .I0122 3 4o(age 255 to (our computer. Se$ect the *o$$o"ing...

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=7in&>0?>Send ,$ash So*t"are>0?>App$ications and 'erti*icates> +) 7ocate the *i$e on (our computer and c$ic& =-B> 3.2 +e$eting the App 1) Cuit the app$ication. 2) Aress to disp$a( the 4AR07INB DA$$E screen. 3) Aress to disp$a( the D,$ash AppE screen. 4) Aress 1# *elete or . /) Aress to de$ete app$ication. 3.3 #sing the ,-R)A. +ia$og -ption 4ie" Extra Aeriodic In*o +escription Vie( the seco & page of perio&ic eleme t &ata.

3.4 Error )essages )essage In a$id Input !o" to ,ix... +etry e teri g &ata. *o ,-T .se a y separators /#0 or other characters that (o.l& a co te1t s(itch. These i cl.&e 2*ispI-3 or a y other comma &s as 2*efi e3. "ress to s(itch to f.ll scree or press to &isplay the '-$4 scree . *o ot e ter a .m5er o.tsi&e of this ra ge (he .si g the perio&ic ta5le search. Cha ge a . it i the &ialog.

'hemistr( does not support sp$it screen mode. %ou$d (ou $i&e to s"itch to *u$$ screen modeF In a$id Range. )ust 6e 6et"een 10115. 'annot con ert to same unit.

'oe**icients )ust <e 7ess .han 19555

I the molar mass &ialog &o e ter a coefficie t greater tha 16000.


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7. I &e1

'!E)S.RG.di$ute expr1,expr2,expr3[,mode] => expr 'omputes di$ution gi en the mo$arit( o* a stoc& so$ution Hexpr1)9 mo$arit( o* the ne" so$ution Hexpr2)9 and the o$ume o* the ne" so$ution Hexpr3). I* mode I 5 then expr3 "i$$ 6e computed as 7. I* mode I 1 then expr3 "i$$ 6e computed as m7.

'!E)S.RG.di$uteH1592593595) '!E)S.RG.di$uteH1592593591) ;5. .5;

'!E)S.RG.e**mass expr1,expr2,expr3 => expr 'omputes e**usion Hmass) gi en the mo$ar mass o* the *irst gas Hexpr1)9 the mo$ar mass o* the second gas Hexpr2)9 and the rate o* the second gas Hexpr3).

'!E)S.RG.e**massH15925935) 21.2132

'!E)S.RG.e**rate expr1,expr2,expr3 => expr 'omputes e**usion Hrate) gi en the rate o* the *irst gas Hexpr1)9 the rate o* the second gas Hexpr2)9 and the mo$ar mass o* the second gas Hexpr3).

'!E)S.RG.e**rateH15925935) J./



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'!E)S.RG.ienerg( expr1,expr2 => expr 'omputes interna$ energ( gi en the heat Hexpr1) and the "or& Hexpr2).



'!E)S.RG.&inetic expr1 => expr 'omputes a erage &inetic energ( gi en the temperature Hexpr1) in degrees Be$ in.

'!E)S.RG.&ineticH15) 124.J1K

'!E)S.RG.m$rt(mo$ expr1,expr2 [,mode] => expr 'on erts mo$arit( to mo$es gi en the mo$arit( Hexpr1) and the amount o* su6stance Hexpr2). I* mode I 5 then expr2 "i$$ 6e computed as m7. I* mode I 1 then expr2 "i$$ 6e computed as 7.

'!E)S.RG.m$rt(mo$H1592595) '!E)S.RG.m$rt(mo$H1592591) .2 255.

'!E)S.RG.periodic expr => list -utputs periodic ta6$e in*ormation gi en an atomic num6er Hexpr) in the range o* 1 0 115. -utput@ LE$ement9 S(m6o$9 Atomic Num6er9 Atomic )ass Hg)9 -r6its9 E$ectronegati it(M

'!E)S.RG.periodicH/5)> =Sn> /5. 11K.J1 =)0N0-> 1.KM

'!E)S.RG.rtmeansq expr1,expr2 => expr 'omputes root mean square e$ocit( gi en the temperature Hexpr1) in degrees Be$ in and the mass Hexpr2) in &i$ograms per mo$e.

'!E)S.RG.rtmeansqH15925) 3./31/4

'!E)S.RG.stoich expr1,expr2 [,mass] => expr Aer*orms a stoichiometric ca$cu$ation gi en the num6er o* mo$es Hexpr1) and the mo$e0to0mo$e ratio Hexpr2). Enter the mo$ar mass o* the su6stance Hmass) to con ert resu$ts to grams9 other"ise resu$t "i$$ 6e in mo$es.

'!E)S.RG.stoichH15925) '!E)S.RG.stoichH15925935) 255. ;555.



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'!E)S.RG."or& expr1,expr2 => expr 'omputes "or& gi en the pressure Hexpr1) and the change in o$ume Hexpr2).



8. Co tact I formatio A$ease send comments9 suggestions9 and 6ug reports to@ mNacosta12JKJO(

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