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Lab #3: Resampling, Reconstruction, Aliasing and the DFT

To gain experience in resampling, reconstructing and analyzing digital signals within MATLAB. In
particular, you will look at resampling, reconstruction and aliasing of 2-dimensional images and
acoustic waveforms, and spectral analysis using the discrete Fourier transform (DFT).
- Your grade for this lab will be based on your ability to create and work with digital systems within
MATLAB, and on your reporting of the results. The report should contain any mathematical
calculations or derivations carried out, MATLAB plots of results with brief descriptions, the
MATLAB code with which you obtained your results, and answers to specific questions below.
- Clearly label all plots and their axes (points for style will be deducted otherwise)
- Please attend the lab section to which you have been assigned.
- You should complete this lab with one lab partner. If there are an odd number of students, then
one group of three will be created by the TA.
- Each pair of students should complete one lab report together, which is to be submitted one week
from the date of the lab. Those students in the At Home section must submit their reports one
week from the day on which they demonstrated their lab to Jeff Bondy.
- Carefully read through this lab description, so that you know what is required.
- Read through the lecture notes (and bring them with you) so that you know how to answer the
- Familiarize yourself with the MATLAB commands that may be required for this lab see the list at
the end of this lab description for some hints.
1. Images, resampling and reconstruction:
So far in this course we have primarily been considering discrete-time signals and systems.
However, many of the same principles apply to discrete-space signals and systems and can
consequently be applied to images (2D or 3D).
The 2D image you will be using in this lab is a 256-level gray-scale portable networks graphic
(.png) file taken by Jeff Bondy on a recent trip to Killarney National Park on Georgian Bay,
a. Import KillarneyPic.png, and report its size, bytes and class.
b. Most MATLAB functions require arrays to be of the double class. Convert the imported
picture into a double-class variable and display it in a MATLAB figure using the imagesc()
Dr. Ian C. Bruce October 9, 2003 Page 1 of 3
c. Set the colormap to gray. Next try a colormap of (1gray). What effect does this have on
the image? Now return the colormap to gray.
d. You will be using this image to explore different resampling and reconstruction effects.
Produce new images by resampling, and in some cases reconstructing, the original as follows:
i. Impulsive sampling at 1/5 of the original rate (i.e., set 4 out of every 5 samples to zero);
ii. Downsampling by a factor of 5 (i.e., discard 4 out of every 5 samples);
iii. Zero-order hold reconstruction (back to the original rate) from the downsampled image
created in part ii above; and
iv. First-order hold reconstruction (linear interpolationback to the original rate) from the
downsampled image created in part ii above.
This resampling and reconstruction must be done both horizontally and vertically. Since the X
and Y directions are ORTHOGONAL, you can resample and reconstruct in each direction
INDEPENDENTLY. Ensure that you have the expected number of rows and columns after
each operation.
e. Of the 4 resampled/reconstructed images plotted in gray-scale, which one most closely
resembles the original picture? Rank the images in order of FIDELITY compared to the
2. Introduction to the DFT:
The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is not the same as the discrete-time Fourier transform from
Lab #2. The main difference is in the resulting frequency resolution. When the DFT is computed
for an array of length N, the frequency resolution is inherently determined. In contrast, the result of
the DTFT has continuous or infinite frequency resolution and thus requires that frequencies be
specified for the purpose of computation and plotting in MATLAB.
a. Create a MATLAB function for computing the DFT of an arbitrary length N input array x, for
the set of frequency sampling points k = 0:length(x)-1.
Hint: Either update one or two lines in your DTFT function to compute the DFT, or try
writing a new function for the DFT that implements the matrix formulation of the DFT.
b. Use your function to compute the DFTs of the 5 rectangular signals of different lengths N:

n x
, 0
15 0 , 1
] [

with N = 16, 32, 64, 128 and 256.
c. Describe what happens to the magnitude of the output as the zero-padding at the tail end of the
rectangular signal increases in length.
d. Use the function that you created in Lab #2 to compute and plot the DTFT of the same input set.
What frequency vector w do you need to provide as input to the DTFT function to return the
same outputs as the DFT?
e. Use the built-in MATLAB command for the Fast Fourier Transform fft() to compute the DFT
for the input set. Compare the results of these three Fourier transform methods.
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Dr. Ian C. Bruce October 9, 2003 Page 3 of 3
3. DFT Resolution:
a. Load the .wav file aaa.wav. This is a synthesized vowel /A/. What is the sampling
b. Plot the waveform (i.e., in time-domain) of the first 300 samples. You should see a natural
repetition. What is the period of this natural repetition?
c. Take the magnitude of the DFT of one natural period and compare it with that of two natural
periods. How does the spectrum change?
d. Zero-pad the same two signal pieces to 1024 points and plot the magnitude of the DFTs. From
section 2 above, zero-padding should change the frequency sampling resolution. Is the
frequency sampling resolution changing as you would expect?
e. Compute and plot the magnitude of the DFT of the signal windowed at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 times
the natural period. Using your knowledge of the effects of windowing on spectral resolution,
explain the change in the spectrum due to an increase in the number of samples used to
compute the DFT.
4. Aliasing:
You will be using the same wavefile as section 3, aaa.wav.
a. Listen to the sound. Discard every second sample then duplicate the resulting array (i.e.,
concatenate the array at the end of itself) to make an output.wav which is the same length
as aaa.wav resampled at the original sampling rate. Play output.wav. Describe any
differences that you hear.
b. Plot the magnitudes of the DFTs of aaa.wav and output.wav. Are there any similarities
and/or differences in the spectrums?
c. Can you derive a prediction of the DFT of output.wav by shifting and combining the DFT
of aaa.wav according to downsampling theory?
Potentially useful MATLAB commands
Note that this is not an exhaustive list! You are not required to incorporate all of these in your scripts.
help <topic> helpwin figure plot stem
hist subplot hold on xlabel ylabel
legend title function clear close
clc imread double imagesc colormap
conv conv2 upsample downsample interp1q
interp2 repmat if for end
size zeros ones abs sum
fft fftshift soundsc wavread wavwrite

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