This document provides guidelines for open access in Madhya Pradesh, India. It outlines:
1. The process for applying for long-term open access (LTOA) or short-term open access (STOA), including required application forms and fees.
2. Procedures for processing LTOA and STOA applications, conducting technical studies, and establishing connectivity and metering points.
3. Requirements for energy accounting, recovering applicable charges from transmission licensees, SLDC, and distribution licensees, and applying UI charges.
4. Applicability of cross-subsidy and wheeling charges, and the formula for calculating cross-subsidy surcharge.
This document provides guidelines for open access in Madhya Pradesh, India. It outlines:
1. The process for applying for long-term open access (LTOA) or short-term open access (STOA), including required application forms and fees.
2. Procedures for processing LTOA and STOA applications, conducting technical studies, and establishing connectivity and metering points.
3. Requirements for energy accounting, recovering applicable charges from transmission licensees, SLDC, and distribution licensees, and applying UI charges.
4. Applicability of cross-subsidy and wheeling charges, and the formula for calculating cross-subsidy surcharge.
This document provides guidelines for open access in Madhya Pradesh, India. It outlines:
1. The process for applying for long-term open access (LTOA) or short-term open access (STOA), including required application forms and fees.
2. Procedures for processing LTOA and STOA applications, conducting technical studies, and establishing connectivity and metering points.
3. Requirements for energy accounting, recovering applicable charges from transmission licensees, SLDC, and distribution licensees, and applying UI charges.
4. Applicability of cross-subsidy and wheeling charges, and the formula for calculating cross-subsidy surcharge.
This document provides guidelines for open access in Madhya Pradesh, India. It outlines:
1. The process for applying for long-term open access (LTOA) or short-term open access (STOA), including required application forms and fees.
2. Procedures for processing LTOA and STOA applications, conducting technical studies, and establishing connectivity and metering points.
3. Requirements for energy accounting, recovering applicable charges from transmission licensees, SLDC, and distribution licensees, and applying UI charges.
4. Applicability of cross-subsidy and wheeling charges, and the formula for calculating cross-subsidy surcharge.
Sub: - Guidelines for Open Access. Ref: - This office letter no CMD/MK/Comm./1735 dated 05/12/2011.
Preamble Open Access is one of the most important features of the Electricity Act 2003, wherein, Distribution Companies and eligible consumers have the freedom to buy electricity directly from generating companies or Trading Licensees of their choice and correspondingly the generating companies have the freedom to sell it to any Licensee or to any eligible consumer.
As per Electricity Act 2003, Open Access may be allowed on payment of Cross-Subsidy Surcharge, Additional Surcharge, Wheeling Charges, etc. as may be determined by the State Commission. The purpose of Cross Subsidy Surcharge has been clearly spelt out as a charge to be paid by Open Access Consumer to offset, the Cross Subsidy which he would have normally paid to the Distribution Licensee had he continued to be the consumer of the said Distribution Licensee.
Vide this office circular referred above, the connectivity terms & conditions for open access users having non-conventional/thermal/mini-micro hydel power plants have been standardized. In order to streamline the processing of applications given by open access consumers for connectivity with the grid as well as methods of examining necessary technical parameters, these guidelines are being issued. MPERC vide Order dated 21/12/12 has constituted Open Access Monitoring Dispute Resolution and Decision Review Committee for resolution of Open Access disputes. Unless the context otherwise requires, words and expressions used in these Guidelines and not defined but defined in the MPERC Regulation shall have the same meaning. Incase of any discrepancy between these guidelines and MPERCs regulations, the regulations of MPERC shall prevail.
Director (Commercial) MPMKVVCL BHOPAL These Guidelines are issued without prejudice to any of the rights & contentions of MPMKVVCL that have already been raised or will be raised in any of the presently pending or future proceedings before any Court or Authority, as the case may be. 3
Contents 1. GUIDELINES FOR OPEN ACCESS .............................................................4 1.1. Objective .................................................................................................... 4 2. CATEGORIZATION OF OPEN ACCESS CUSTOMERS ...................................4 2.1. Tenures of Open Access Customers ............................................................... 4 3. PROCESSING OF OPEN ACCESS APPLICATIONS ........................................4 3.1. Application Procedure .................................................................................. 4 3.2. Processing of Long Term Open Access Applications .......................................... 5 3.3. Processing of Short Term Open Access Applications ......................................... 6 3.4. Open Access Agreements .............................................................................. 6 3.5. Connectivity and Interface points .................................................................. 7 3.6. Provisions of Meter and Metering equipment at Generating point. ...................... 8 3.7. Provision of meter and metering equipment at Consumer premises. ................... 8 4. ENERGY ACCOUNTING. .........................................................................9 4.1. For Auxiliary Consumptions ......................................................................... 9 4.2. For Non-Conventional sources: ..................................................................... 9 5. RECOVERY OF OPEN ACCESS CHARGES. .............................................. 10 5.1. Payable to Transmission Licensee ................................................................ 10 5.2. Payable to SLDC........................................................................................ 10 5.3. Payable to Distribution Licensee .................................................................. 10 5.4. Other Charges .......................................................................................... 11 6. GUIDELINES FOR IMPLEMENTING UI CHARGES ..................................... 11 6.1. Consumer having contract demand with MPMKVVCL, Bhopal and importing power through open access .......................................................... 11 6.2. Consumer having contract demand with MPMKVVCL, Bhopal and exporting power through open access to 3rd party ......................................... 13 6.3. Consumer having contract demand with MPMKVVCL, Bhopal and exporting power to MPMKVVCL, Bhopal / MPPMCL, Jabalpur ........................ 14 6.4. Consumer having contract demand with Discom and importing power from his renewable captive power plant located elsewhere in the state. ............ 14 7. APPLICABILITY OF CROSS-SUBSIDY AND WHEELING CHARGES ............... 14 8. FORMULA FOR CALCULATION OF CROSS SUBSIDY SURCHARGE .............. 15 8.1. Surcharge Formula .................................................................................... 15 9. CERTIFICATION OF COMMISSIONING OF PROJECTS .............................. 16 AnnexureI (APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF LTOA) ................................................... 17 Annexure-II (APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF STOA) .................................................. 20 Annexure-III (Technical Feasibility Report Format) ................................................... 22 Annexure-IV (Abstract of Delegation of Power) ......................................................... 25 Annexure-V (List of Tests to be conducted for ABT Meters & MEs) ............................. 27 Annexure-VI (Wheeling Power Subsidy Claim (4%) for the Month of () ................... 28
1.1.1. To describe the procedure to be followed by officers of MPMKVVCL for finalising Intra-State Open Access contracts with reference to MPERC Open Access Regulations. 1.1.2. To enlist various requirements as per prevailing Act & Regulations for: (i) Addressing requirements emerging in finalisizing Open Access contracts; (ii) Ensuring uniformity and consistency in providing Open Access to the aspiring/eligible Consumers. 1.1.3. To consolidate the MPERCs Open Access Regulations 2005 and all related amendments till date. 2. CATEGORIZATION OF OPEN ACCESS CUSTOMERS 2.1. Tenures of Open Access Customers 2.1.1. MPERC Regulations 2005, Clause-5, an open access customer availing open access for a period of 10 years or more shall be termed as Long Term Open Access Customer (LTOA) and all other open access consumers shall be termed as Short Term Open Access Customers (STOA). 3. PROCESSING OF OPEN ACCESS APPLICATIONS 3.1. Application Procedure 3.1.1. As per MPERC Regulations 2005 Clause-8, Sub-clause-8.1 & 8.2, the request for availing Open Access shall be made in triplicate, as follows:- Type Of Open Access Nodal Agency Designated Officer Long Term Open Access (LTOA) MPPTCL(STU) Chief Engineer(Plg & Design) Short Term Open Access(STOA) SLDC Chief Engineer
3.1.2. The long term open access application (Annex-I) should include the following:- 5
(i) Non-Refundable application fees amounting to Rs. 50,000/- (Fifty Thousand only) in the form of Demand Draft payable at Jabalpur and Drawn in favour of M.P. Power Transmission Co. Ltd.. (ii) A copy of MOU/Agreement entered between buyer/seller/trader, clearly stating the details of allocation of power from each generator/beneficiary. (iii) In case open access is desired for power generated from new generation project, then the technical details as indicated in the application format should be furnished. (iv) Scheme of injection and drawl of electricity and its metering along with a schematic diagram. (v) Confirmation of acceptance of terms and conditions as per application format.
3.1.3. The following time schedule shall be adhered to by the Nodal Agency for processing of the application for grant of Long Term Open Access:-
Intimation regarding feasibility of access without system strengthening Intimation of result of studies for system strengthening with cost estimates and completion schedule Processing time 30 days from date of receipt of application Processing time 90 days from the date of request by prospective OA customer to conduct studies
3.1.4. An amount of Rs.5000/- in case of STOA is required to be paid to State Load Dispatch Centre, Jabalpur in the form of Demand Draft Drawn in favour of State Load Dispatch Centre Jabalpur, along with the application (Annex-II). 3.2. Processing of Long Term Open Access Applications 3.2.1. On receipt of the Open Access application, the nodal agency shall conduct evaluation of the case in consultation with MPMKVVCL and communicate to the applicant whether or not the long-term open access can be allowed without further system strengthening within 30 days.
3.2.2. On receipt of the Open Access application, the Nodal Agency (the STU) shall forward a copy of the application to Director (Commercial) MPMKVVCL. The copy of the application shall further be sent by Director (Commercial) MPMKVVCL to the concerned GM (O&M/City) of the company (MPMKVVCL) at generating site and beneficiary site, who shall evaluate and examine the following;
i) Feasibility regarding Drawl/Injection point i.e. through 132/33/11KV bus from 220/132KV/33KV Substation or 33/11KV substation. ii) Certificate regarding contract demand, metering arrangement at drawl point /injection point. 6
iii) Details of system strengthening if any required.
3.2.3. The concerned GM (O&M/City), MPMKVVCL at generating site and beneficiary site will furnish the feasibility report through concerned CGM (BR/GR) within 15 days to Dir (Commercial) as per the format given at Annex:-III. This feasibility report will be forwarded to CE (Plg &Design) MPPTCL Jabalpur. The C.E (Plg &Design) MPPTCL, Jabalpur based on the feasibility report received from MPMKVVCL and his own analysis, shall intimate to the open access applicant the status of his application within 30 days of the receipt of application. 3.2.4. Based on the feasibility report submitted by the GM (O&M/City), the Nodal Agency (the STU) in his reply to the applicant shall indicate whether Long Term Open Access can be allowed without further system strengthening or not. If in the opinion of the STU, further system strengthening is required and if the applicant desires, STU shall conduct system studies to estimate the cost required for the system strengthening. 3.2.5. After approval of Open Access by CE (Plg &Design) Jabalpur, where system strengthening is required, the GM (City/O&M), shall prepare and approve the estimate of cost of the system strengthening for the LTOA applicant (or forward the estimate to the competent authority for approval), as per the delegation of Power (Annex-IV). A copy of the estimate shall be sent to the Dir (Commercial), MPMKVVCL.
3.3. Processing of Short Term Open Access Applications
3.3.1. On receipt of the Open Access application, the Nodal Agency (the SLDC) shall forward a copy of the application to Director (Commercial) MPMKVVCL. The copy of the application shall further be sent by Director (Commercial) MPMKVVCL to the concerned GM (O&M/City) of the company (MPMKVVCL) at generating site and beneficiary site for processing the same in lines with the MPERC Regulations 2005, on Open Access, as amended from time to time, and procedures finalized by SLDC in this regard as per MPERC Regulations 2005. Concerned GM (City/O&M) will examine the network congestion and constraints and then submit the Feasibility report (Annex-III) to Director (Commercial) through CGM (BR/GR) for onward submission to CE.SLDC Jabalpur. 3.4. Open Access Agreements
3.4.1. In case of sale of power to M.P. Power Management Co. Ltd. (MPPMCL) the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) shall be signed between the Developer and MPPMCL. In case of captive use or 3 rd party sale a tripartite Power Purchase & Wheeling Agreement (PP&WA) shall be signed between the Developer, MPPMCL and MPMKVVCL. 7
3.4.2. Draft of the agreement and terms & conditions will be intimated to the Open Access Costumers by MPPMCL. 3.4.3. Within three days of furnishing the executed agreements and subject to completion of infrastructure, metering, protection and operating system the date of commencement of open access shall be informed to the open access customer by MPPMCL. 3.4.4. Further any addition as per time to time will be communicated separately.
3.5. Connectivity and Interface points 3.5.1. Regarding connectivity/protection system the provisions of this office circular CMD/MK/Comm/1735 dtd. 05-12-11 and amendment as issued by the commission from time to time should be complied with.
3.5.2. As per GoMP Solar Policy 2012 Clause 16 and MPEGC Grid code Clause 16 sub clause 16.12.2 ,the arrangement of metering at Generating plant shall be as follows:-
(i) Line Isolator of outgoing feeder on H.V. side at pooling substation in case of Wind Energy Projects & Solar Photovoltaic Projects. (ii) Line Isolator on outgoing feeder on H.V. side of generator transformer in case of Small Hydro Power, Biomass Power and Non-fossil fuel based cogeneration power projects and Solar Thermal Power Projects. (iii) Drawl point in respect of third party sale and CPP consumers will be at the substation in case of independent feeders laid by existing consumers or interface point of 33kV or 11kV line emanating from the nearest 33/11KV substation. 3.5.3. Modem should be provided on meters at developers cost
3.5.4. As per MPERC Gazette 9 th Nov 2010 (Rev-1) Regulation 2010 (Cogeneration and Generation of Electricity from Renewable Sources of Energy)and GoMP Incentive Policy for encouraging generation of power in Madhya Pradesh through Non conventional energy Sources (Solar, Wind, Bio-Energy etc.) issued vide notification dtd.17-10-2006, arrangement for evacuation of electricity from point of generation up to point of connection through nearest Transco/Discom substation shall be provided by developer at his cost through LILO (Loop In & Loop Out) arrangement. Such infrastructure laid, not withstanding that the cost of which has been paid for by the developer shall be property of concerned licensee for all purpose. The licensee shall maintain it at the cost of the Developer and shall have the right to use the same for evacuation of power from any other Developer subject to condition that such arrangement shall not adversely affect the existing Developers.
3.6. Provisions of Meter and Metering equipment at Generating point. 3.6.1. As per provisions of Grid code Part -5, Section 16, clause 16.12.2., two sets of high precision ABT compatible energy Meter/Import-Export Meter of Class 0.2s with associated set of metering equipments are to be installed at generating point as detailed below:- (i) For 132kV generator, CTs-3Nos and PTs-3Nos of Class 0.2s accuracy shall be provided by the developer. (ii) For 33kV generator, 2 Nos. of combined CT-PT units of Class 0.2s accuracy shall be provided by the developer at point of injection to serve to main meters and check meters for billing purpose, at developers cost. (iii) The developer has to get the equipment tested as per Annex:-V from Central Power Research Institute (CPRI) or any National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) accredited lab before installation at site, as per parameters defined in MPEGC Part-5, Sec-16. (iv) The GM (O&M/City) shall have to certify the meters, metering equipments as per grid standards in consultation with meter testing division before installation at site. (v) Main meter shall always be maintained in good condition at developers cost. (vi) Annual charges for testing of meter/metering equipment may be recovered from the developer, as indicated in the Schedule of miscellaneous charges G-31(1) of 2009.
3.7. Provision of meter and metering equipment at Consumer premises. 3.7.1. As per MPERC Regulation 2005, developers who wish to avail open access facility for Captive use/Third party sale shall install two sets of ABT compatible Class 0.2s special energy meters as main meters and check meters associated with two sets of required capacity metering equipment of class 0.2s accuracy at developers cost.
(i) For 132kV (i.e. CTs-3Nos and PTs-3Nos) 0.2s accuracy class. (ii) For 33kV combined CT-PT unit of Class 0.2s accuracy.
3.7.2. The GM (O&M/City) shall have to certify the meters, metering equipments through concerned EE (MT) as per Guaranteed Technical Particulars (GTP) and M.P. Electricity grid code Part-5, Sectiom-16, before/after installation at site through standard procedures laid i.e. the developer has to get the equipment tested at CPRI or NABL Accredited Lab. Concerned CGM(BR/GR) will ensure suitable compliance in stipulated time.
3.7.3. If any developer requires the licensee to provide meters and metering equipment, he shall provide security deposit to licensee and shall pay for its metering charges. In this case, the meters and metering equipment shall be maintained by the licensee. 9
4. ENERGY ACCOUNTING. 4.1. For Auxiliary Consumptions 4.1.1. Accounting of energy for auxiliary consumption imported from Discom or tapped off from generating plant itself will be made separately and suitable energy meters shall be installed by the developer for this purpose. DGM (O&M/CITY), MPMKVVCL concerned will ensure the compliance of installation of suitable energy meters. 4.2. For Non-Conventional sources: 4.2.1. For leased plant: Presently 2 Nos. of Mini Hydel plants (1). Satpura Return Cannel Mini Hydel Project Betul Capacity (3X335KW) (2). Morend Mini Hydel Project Hoshangabad Capacity2X500KW) have been leased by company for O&M of these plants and O&M charges are paid to the lease holders on the basis energy generated from these plants at the approved rates as per lease Agreement. Energy accounting for these plants is as follows:- High Precision import-export meters are installed at the point of generation. Concerned AE (O&M/City) takes monthly reading of these meters in the presence of generator representative, which is intimated to EE (O&M/City) of that area. EE (O&M/City) verifies and prepare the bill as per approved rate as per lease Agreement and send these bills to RAO of that area for payment.
4.2.2. For Captive Generators: In this category the methodology for energy accounting shall be as follows:- a. If the generator is located in the Discom other then Central Discom the concerned officer of that Discom not below the rank of EE will intimate to concern R.A.O & S.E of the Central Discom and C.E SLDC Jabalpur, the gross energy delivered at point of injection. b. On receipt of this information the concerned RAO will provide the credit of units as intimated by that Discom, where generator is located, in the bills of captive users after deducting 2% of the energy injected towards wheeling charges in terms of units. c. For energy accounting purpose, as per the provision of Tariff Order issued by MPERC for Solar & Wind Power in Aug 12 & May 10 respectively, the Distribution Company in whose area the energy is consumed (irrespective of the point of injection) shall deduct 2% of the energy injected towards wheeling charges in terms of units. The 10
energy recorded at generating point (energy injected) less wheeling charges is adjusted in monthly energy bill of open access consumer. d. As per the provision of Tariff Order issued by MPERC for Solar & Wind Power in Aug 12 & May 10 respectively subsidy from the State Government towards wheeling charges @ 4% of the energy injected, at the rate of prevailing energy charges for the user in terms of provisions made in the Government of M.P. Policy for implementation of solar power based projects in Madhya Pradesh, 2012 notified on 20.07.2012 is also to be claimed from the Govt. GM (O&M/City) should submit the claim in prescribed format (Annexure-VI) to Director(Commercial), MPMKVVCL through concerned CGM (BR/GR) for onward submission to GoMP.
5. RECOVERY OF OPEN ACCESS CHARGES. 5.1. Payable to Transmission Licensee 5.1.1. Transmission Charges: - The annual Transmission Service Charges (TSC) as determined by the Honble Commission from time to time shall be shared by the long term Open Access customers, as per the allotted transmission capacity. 5.1.2. Reactive Energy Charges: - The Open Access customer (connected to transmission network) shall adopt all possible measures to provide compensation for reactive energy at their end. The reactive energy charges as approved by the commission from time to time shall be payable by the long term Open Access customer, to MPPTCL. 5.1.3. Connectivity Charges: - The actual interconnection expenses incurred by licensee at the time of interconnection of generator and load with the grid or as may be prescribed by Honble Commission shall be payable by the long term Open Access customer. 5.2. Payable to SLDC 5.2.1. Operating Charges:- The long term Open Access customer shall pay to the State Load Despatch Centre the scheduling and system operation charges as determined by the Honble Commission in accordance with MPERC (Levy and collection of fee and charges of State Load Despatch Centre) Regulation 2004. 5.3. Payable to Distribution Licensee 5.3.1. Reactive Energy Charges: - The Open Access customer (connected to distribution network) shall adopt all possible measures to provide compensation for reactive energy at their end. The reactive energy charges as 11
approved by the commission from time to time shall be payable by the long term Open Access customer, to MPMKVVCL. 5.3.2. Cross Subsidy Surcharge: - Payable by open access customer to the distribution licensee under section 38(2-d), 39(2-d) & 42(2) of the Electricity Act 2003, as determined by the Honble state Commission. In terms of provisions of Regulation12.2 of MPERC (Cogeneration and Generation of Energy from Renewable Sources of Energy) (Revision-I)-2010 and retail supply order dtd. 31.8.12, the Commission has directed that the cross subsidy surcharge shall not be made applicable on open access consumers procuring power from renewable sources of energy, unless it is specifically determined by the commission. 5.3.3. Additional Surcharge:- Additional surcharge shall be payable by the Open Access customer to the distribution licensee as per section 42(4) of the Electricity Act 2003 as may be determined by the Honble state Commission. 5.3.4. Wheeling Charges: - As approved by Honble MPERC for use of Sub- transmission/Distribution system. 5.4. Other Charges 5.4.1. Imbalance Charges:- The mismatch between the scheduled and actual drawl at drawl point(s) and scheduled and the actual injection at injection point(s) shall be governed by Balancing and Settlement Code applicable to intra state transaction, for which separate bill shall be issued to the Open Access customers. 5.4.2. Any other charges as may be specified by the Honble Commission shall be payable by the Open Access customer. 6. GUIDELINES FOR IMPLEMENTING UI CHARGES 6.1. Consumer having contract demand with MPMKVVCL, Bhopal and importing power through open access
6.1.1. A consumer having a contract demand with MPMKVVCL, Bhopal may draw power through open access from other sources including from his own captive power plant located elsewhere or from a renewable source generator. The RAOs are required to bill the open access charges and charges against HT contract as under:- i) The scheduled energy (kWh) purchased by the consumer during the month in each 15 minutes block during peak hours, off peak hours and normal period shall be intimated by SLDC, MPPTCL Jabalpur to RAO concerned and 12
EE(MT)/SE (O&M/City) of the area which shall be adjusted from the units (kWh) recorded in the consumers HT meter in each corresponding 15 minutes block of the same month and the balance units shall be considered as drawn against the contract demand for billing purpose. In case, the units recorded in a particular 15 minutes block is found to be less than the scheduled energy then entire energy of the said block shall be adjusted against Open Access Drawl and shall not be counted in the consumption of consumer against HT contract demand.
ii) After adjustment of scheduled energy in all the blocks of the billing month in aforesaid manner, total arithmetic sum of balance energy in all the 15 minutes block of the billing month shall be considered as energy drawn against contract demand during that month.
iii) The SLDC shall intimate the scheduled energy drawn during peak hours, off peak hours and normal hours during the previous month by 2 nd or 3 rd day of the next month. The RAO concerned and EE (MT)/ SE (O&M/City) of the area shall compute the energy drawn against contract demand in the aforesaid manner separately and reconcile the same with each other prior to preparation of HT bill.
iv) Energy Charges may be computed and billed on the consumption so obtained after adjusting the scheduled energy.
v) The demand charges may be computed without any adjustment in the maximum demand recorded in HT billing meter as per terms and conditions of prevailing tariff order.
vi) Load factor may be computed on the basis of energy (kWh) scheduled by the open access consumers against the HT contract demand with MPMKVVCL in the manner as prescribed in prevailing tariff order.
vii) The power factor may be calculated on the basis of formula given in prevailing tariff order without any adjustment of scheduled energy from the total energy (kWh);recorded in HT billing meter viii) The ToD consumption against contract demand may be worked out after adjustment of ToD consumption against scheduled energy in each 15 minutes block in the manner prescribed in sub para (i) above.
ix) Billing of minimum consumption and fixed charges shall be done strictly on the basis of HT agreement and Retail Tariff Order in force irrespective of energy drawn by the consumer from the grid under open access. 13
x) The electricity duty may be billed and recovered on the entire energy (kWh) recorded in the HT billing meter. In case of drawl of power from own captive power plant (renewable or conventional) of the consumer in the Madhya Pradesh, electricity duty is not required to be billed on the energy drawn against open access If the captive power plant of consumer is exempted from payment of duty for the period under consideration. In case, no such order of exemption from payment of electricity duty is produced by the consumer, the electricity duty may be billed on the entire consumption recorded in the HT billing meter without any adjustment of scheduled energy. In case of renewable energy source, conditions of clause 34 of the Incentive Policy of State Government dated 17.10.2006 as amended from time to time should be complied with.
xi) Separate bills towards payment of UI charges/reactive energy charges in respect of consumers connected at EHV/HV shall be issued to the consumer by RAO concerned as soon as the scheduled drawl of UI charges/ Reactive energy charges intimated by SLDC for payment with due date after 10 days of the date of bill. In case of default in making payment within stipulated time period by the consumer, simple interest @ 0.04% per day beyond 12 days of date of issue of demand note shall be recovered from the consumer.
xii) Separate bills towards payment of wheeling charges/ cross subsidy surcharge in respect of consumers connected at 132kV/33kV network shall be issued to the consumer by RAO concerned as soon as the scheduled drawl of energy is intimated by SLDC for payment within due date after 10 days of the date of bill. In case of default in making payment within stipulated time period by the consumer, the matter may immediately be brought to the information of CE (SLDC), MPPTCL and this office also with complete details for further needful. 6.2. Consumer having contract demand with MPMKVVCL, Bhopal and exporting power through open access to 3rd party i. In such cases when a consumer of MPMKVVCL, Bhopal is exporting power of his captive power plant under open access permission, the billing of HT connection under contract demand should be made as per the terms and conditions of tariff order and HT agreement. This would mean that the billing of minimum consumption and fixed charges shall be done strictly as per the provisions of HT agreement and Retail Tariff Order. ii. Separate bills towards payment of UI charges/ Reactive energy in respect of consumers connected at 33 kV shall be issued by RAO 14
concerned as soon as the UI charges/ Reactive Energy Charges are intimated by SLDC for payment within due date i.e. after 10 days of the date of bill. In case of default in making payment within stipulated time period by the consumer, simple interest @ 0.04% per day beyond 12 days of date of issue of demand note shall be recovered from the consumer. 6.3. Consumer having contract demand with MPMKVVCL, Bhopal and exporting power to MPMKVVCL, Bhopal / MPPMCL, Jabalpur i. In such cases, consumer is not required to obtain open access permission. Charges (if any) are to be recovered from the consumer as per power purchase agreement executed by the consumer with MPPMCL, Jabalpur. 6.4. Consumer having contract demand with Discom and importing power from his renewable captive power plant located elsewhere in the state. In such cases, developer/consumers have executed a connectivity (wheeling) agreement with the Distribution Companies in which the method of adjustment of units exported by the renewable source generator against the HT connection has been detailed out. The other charges such as wheeling charges/reactive energy charges etc are also described in wheeling agreement in each case separately. Necessary credit of wheeled energy should be given in the HT bill of the consumer as per terms and conditions of wheeling agreement. Further, for the purpose of duty/cess, action should be taken as per clause 34 of the Incentive Policy of State Government dated 17.10.2006
7.1.1. Cross subsidy surcharge and wheeling charges as defined in the following orders: SMP No 65/08 dated 07.03.08, SMP 101/10 Dtd 03/03/2011, SMP 60/2011 Dtd 4/11/2011 and Tariff Order 2012-13 dtd. 10/04/2011 of MPERC for the year 2008- 2011, and 2011-2012.
7.1.2. The scenarios and the applicability of charges shall be as below; a. Scenario 1: Generator is connected to Transmission network (EHT Voltage), while the consumer is connected to the distribution network (33kv and below) of Distribution Licensee: The scenario will attract both transmission and Distribution wheeling charges since power required by the open access consumer will flow downstream from the transmission network through distribution network up to the consumers connection.
b. Scenario 2: Generator is connected to distribution network (33kv or below) of Distribution licensee while the consumer is connected to the transmission network(132kv or above):
In this scenario the consumers requirement will be met by power flow over transmission network alone .The power generated by the open access generator will be locally consumed within the Discom and will not flow upstream to the open access consumer. Hence such transaction shall attract only the transmission charges.
c. Scenario 3: Both Generator and consumer are connected to the transmission network (132kV or above): Only transmission charges shall apply, since there is no usage of distribution network.
d. Scenario 4: Both Generator and consumer are connected to the distribution system of any of the Distribution Licensee: The power generated by the open access generator will be consumed within the Discoms under the conditions of uniform retail tariff throughout the M.P, and hence it will contribute to meeting the demand of the open access consumer. Therefore there is no additional usage of transmission in this transaction. Hence, such transaction shall attract only the wheeling charges. 8. FORMULA FOR CALCULATION OF CROSS SUBSIDY SURCHARGE 8.1. Surcharge Formula 8.1.1. The Tariff Policy prescribes the following formulae for determination of cross-subsidy surcharge for various categories of consumers for open access:- S=T-[C (1+L/100)+D] Where, S is the surcharge, T is the Tariff payable by the relevant category of consumers, C is the Weighted average cost of power purchase of top 5% at the margin excluding liquid fuel based generation and renewable power, D is the Wheeling charge. L is the system Losses for the applicable voltage level, expressed as a percentage. 8.1.2. Wheeling charges should be determined on the basis of same principles as laid down for intra-state transmission charges and in addition would include average loss compensation of the relevant voltage level. 8.1.3. As per Electricity Act 2003 Sec-42(2), surcharge shall not be leviable in case open access is provided to a person who has established a Captive generating plant for carrying the electricity to the destination for his own use. 16
8.1.4. As per MPERC Gazette Notification 19-11-2010 (Cogeneration and Generation of Electricity from Renewable Sources of Energy) Regulation - 2010 (Revision-I){RG-33(I) of 2010} Sub Clause 12.2, Wheeling charges, Cross subsidy surcharge and applicable surcharge on wheeling charges shall be applicable as decided by the commission from time to time. Captive consumers and Open Access Consumers shall be exempted from payment of Open Access charges in respect of energy procured form Renewable Sources of Energy. 8.1.5. As per MPERC Gazette Notification 19-11-2010 (Cogeneration and Generation of Electricity from Renewable Sources of Energy) Regulation - 2010 (Revision-I){RG-33(I) of 2010} Sub Clause 10 The Generator/Co-generation from Renewable Sources would be entitled to draw power exclusively for its own use from the Distribution Licensees network during shutdown period of its Plant or during other emergencies .The energy consumed would be billed at the rate applicable to Temporary Connection under HT Industrial Category.
9. CERTIFICATION OF COMMISSIONING OF PROJECTS 9.1.1. In order to streamline and follow uniform approach with regard to certification of commissioning of projects following procedure may be adopted:- a) Two different snapshots indicating meter reading before commissioning of the plant and after commissioning at sometime during the day, so as to confirm that power has flown into the grid. b) Commissioning of the project shall be certified by a committee comprising of at least three members headed by an officer of the rank not lower than the rank of Executive Engineer and the committee may preferable include officer from Discom, STU and officer from M.P. Urja Vikas Nigam. c) Photographs taken from various angles covering installation of important components of the power project should be enclosed.
9.1.2. A certificate indicating the plant has been synchronized with the grid along with the documents prescribed above may be submitted by the Regional Chief General Manager of Discom to Dir (Commercial) of Corporate Office.
(To be submitted by an Open Access Customer)
Sl No Particulars Details 1 Name of the Long Term Open Access Customer
2 Would the transaction involved Utilization of the distribution network? Yes ____________ No ____________ 3 Address of Correspondence: 4 Contact Address Prime Contact Person A Name B Designation C Phone No D Fax E E-mail Alternate Contact Person A Name B Designation C Phone No D Fax E E-mail 5 Details of Power Transfer Requirement A Quantum of power to be transmitted (MW)
B Peak load to be transferred C Average load to be transferred D Names of the Injecting Utilities I Point(s) of injection of power II Its Quantum III Name of EHV Sub-station where power is proposed to be fed
IV Voltage Level of Interfacing E Names of the Drawee Utilities I Point(s) of injection of power II Its Quantum III Name of EHV Sub-station where power is proposed to be fed
IV Voltage Level of Interfacing Note: The quantum of injection of power as compared to drawal should take into consideration the transmission losses. 7 Expected Date of commencement of Open Access
8 Duration of availing Open Access 9 In case of Generating Station A Name of the Promoter B Generation Capacity C Location of the Generation Plant D No. of Units & Capacity of each unit 18
E Type of fuel F Base load station or peaking load station
G If peaking load, then what is the total hours of running?
H If it is a hydro plant, then whether it is Run of the river/Reservoir/ Multipurpose/Pump storage
I MU generation in an year in case of Hydro plant
J Specify the step-up generation voltage 400 KV or 220 KV or any other voltage
K Whether it is a identified project of CEA
L Is it a captive Power Plant (Yes/No) M If Yes, details of utilization N Status of the Project: Existing/ Extension of existing Project/New Project
10 In case of Surplus Power A Daily period of transaction B Details of allocation of power from each beneficiary/generator
C MOU/Agreement for surplus power availability
11 In case of New Generating Station Capacity (MW) Commissioning Schedule A Unit wise capacity and commissioning Schedule:
I Unit-I II Unit-II III Unit-III IV Unit-IV B Name(s) of the beneficiaries and their allocation of power
C Status of various clearances for the Generation Project
I Land acquisition II Fuel Agreement III Environment and forest clearance IV IEC clearance, wherever required V How power purchase agreement with beneficiaries
12 Name of Trader, if any 13 Details of Bank Draft I Name of the issuing bank II Draft No. III Date of issue IV Amount (Rs.) 19
14 All utilities (including buyer, seller, trader) to the transaction shall abide by the Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Intra-State Open Access in Madhya Pradesh) Regulations, 2005 dated 16.06.2005, as amended from time to time. 15 The applicant hereby agrees to keep the Commission, the Nodal Agency and the Licensees indemnified at all times and undertakes to indemnify, defend and save the Commission, the Nodal Agency and the Licensees harmless from any and all damages, losses, claims and actions relating to injury to or death of any person or damage to property, demands, suits, recoveries, costs and expenses, court costs, attorney fees, and all other obligations by or to third parties, arising out of or resulting from the transaction under this Approval. 16 The applicant hereby agrees to provide the operating protection and metering equipments at both injection and drawal point as may be approved by the Nodal Officer.
Authorized Signatory Place: ___________ of the Open Access Customer Date: __________
Annexure-II (APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF STOA) Advance Reservation / First-Come-First-Served Basis (to be sent by Short-Term Open Access Applicant)
1. Application No. Date: 2. Name of the Applicant 3. Address for Correspondence Phone No. E-mail Id:
(Off.) (Fax) 4. Agreement / MOU Details : Applicant Type - Buyer / Seller / Trader / Captive Generator (needs to fill up only relevant agreement details) With No. Date Valid Upto Max. MW Capacity already Utilized earlier Balance MW Buyer Seller 5. Coordinator details Name: Designation: Phone No: (Off.) (Res.) (Fax) (Mobile) e-mail id 6. Capacity Applied : Period Time Period Capacity (MW) From Date To Date From (Hrs.) To (Hrs.)
7. Injecting Utility Details Name: Point of Injection: Name of the Concerned Discom: 8. Drawee Utility Details Name: Point of Drawl: Name of the Concerned Discom: 9. Name of Trader, if any 10. Intervening Transmission and Distribution System Details Intervening Discom Intervening Transmission Utility 11. Non-refundable application fees: Rs. 5000/- 12. Details- if payment through Electronics Clearing Scheme (ECS)
If by Bank Draft /Cheque No.: In favour of: Payable at: Dated
13. It is hereby certified that 21
a. All Utilities (including buyer, seller, trader) to the transaction shall abide by the provisions of the MPERC (Open Access in intra-State Transmission and/or Distribution) Regulations, 2005. b. M/s ______________________have a valid license (No. _________ issued by _____________ and valid up to__________) for Intra-State trading. c. (Note: This clause is applicable only in case applicant is a trader.) d. The Applicant herby agrees to keep the SLDC indemnified at all times and undertakes to indemnify, defend and save the SLDC harmless from any and all damages, losses, claims and actions relating to injury to or death of any person or damage to property, demands, suits, recoveries, costs and expenses, court costs, attorney fees, and all other obligations by or to third parties, arising out of or resulting from the transactions under this Approval. 14. The provisions of the Procedures for reservation of Transmission and/or Distribution capacity to Short Term Open Access customers issued by SLDC are here by agreed.
Signature Place : Name: Dated : Designation: Enclosures:
1. Copy of agreements. 2. Bank draft /Cheque. (if payment by Bank Draft / Cheque)
Copy : a) The Chief Engineer (Plg & Design) MPPTCL Jabalpur. b) Concerned Discom(s) involved in transaction
Date & Time of Receipt of Application (to be filled by SLDC)
To, The Director (Commercial), MPMKVVCL, Bhopal. Nistha Parisar, Bhopal
Sub: Feasibility report of M/s. _________ for grant of LTOA/STOA.
Ref: Your letter No. _________ Bhopal dated ___________ seeking the feasibility report of M/s. _________ for grant of LTOA/STOA.
With reference to your letter No.., Bhopal dtd. On subject cited above, this is to submit that the undersigned has conducted the feasibility study and the details are as mentioned below and enclosed in the desired format.
1. Technical Parameters
Sl No Technical Parameters Details 1 Name of the Consumer applying for the OA 2 Consumer No 3 Contract Demand (kVA) 4 Tariff Category of the Consumers 5 Name of the Feeder the consumers is connected to 6 Present Meter Sl No. 7 Accuracy class of the existing meter 8 Meter CT Ratio 9 Meter PT Ratio 10 Feeder CT Ratio 11 Feeder PT Ratio 12 External Multiplying Factor 13 Accuracy of the Metering CTs 14 Accuracy of the Metering PTs 15 Whether the supplying Feeder is a dedicated feeder to the consumer or not? (Y/N) 16 What is the distance of the MPMKVVCL sub-station from the consumer location (km)?
17 Whether, space is available for the installation of additional metering unit for the check meter? (Y/N) 18 Whether Open Access can be extended without any system strengthening? (Y/N) 19 If system strengthening has to be made what is the cost of the entire expenditure? Rs. ________ (Lakhs/ Cr) 20 The estimated cost of the work under Sl. No. 19 is under whose Delegation of Power?
2. Proposed Connectivity Details
[The details of the proposed connectivity should be described here.]
3. Single line Diagram (SLD)
A certified single line diagram of the power supply and metering arrangement is also enclosed for reference.
Encl: As above Superintending Engineer (O&M/City) _________Circle, MPMKVVCL 24
Sample Single Line Diagram (SLD)
Feasibility Report
Note: (The above depicted SLD is given for both injection and drawl points together. Care has to be taken to provide either for injection /drawl /both injection & drawl points depending upon the requirement)
Annexure-IV (Abstract of Delegation of Power)
Abstract of Delegation of Power Part-B Section-III Commercial Issued vide letter no. MD/Mk/Adm.-PGR/9624 Bhopal Dated 08/11/2012
S.No . Nature of Power Authority Limit ** 13 (A) Non Conventional Generators:-
I. Preparation proposal and Estimate for connectivity of Non Conventional Generating source such as Wind, Solar Photovoltaic, Small Thermal or Non-fossil fuel based Cogeneration power projects to Distribution grid on request of developer.
II. To sanction grid connectivity proposal of Non-Conventional generators prepared as above.
III. To decide point of injection and Metering point in case of Non- Conventional Generators.
I. SE/GM(O&M)/(City)Circle.
II. CGM (Comm.) in consultation with CGM (Works) of Corporate office on recommendation CGM (Region).
III. S.E/GM(O&M)/(City)Circ le.
I. Full Powers
II. Full Powers
III. Full Powers subject to the Condition that the grid connectivity has been approved as per delegation of power 13 (ii) above.
(B) Open AccessConsumers:- I. To decide Feasibility of drawl point including issue of certificate regarding metering arrangement at drawl point as per condition of Open Access regulation. II. To receive application for Grant of Long term/Short term Open Access, Its study and issue of technical feasibility to Nodal Agency.
I. S.E- GM(O&M)/(City)Circle.
II. C.E-CGM (Comm.) of corporate office in consultation with C.E- CGM (Region). OR Designated Nodal Officer (corporate office).
I. Full Powers
II. Full Powers
Abstract of Delegation of Power Part-B Section-I Works and Projects
Sl No Nature of Power Authority Limit 1 Administrative approval of works under:-
(a). Normal Development, system strengthening ISSTD including Normal, SCSP, TSP) subject to availability of budget in the Corporate Budget for the particular administrative unit, which are not included in the annual works plan. (b). All deposit works (c). All contributory Works Managing Director Full Power CE-CGM (W&P) Upto Rs. 2 Crore Regional CE-CGM Upto Rs. 1 Crore SE-GM Upto Rs. 30 Lakhs EE-AGM/DGM Upto Rs. 10 Lakhs (Except ND, SSTD)
Annexure-V (List of Tests to be conducted for ABT Meters & MEs)
Acceptance Test For ABT Meters
a. Limits of error as per IS 14697:19999. b. Influence Quantity test for voltage, current and frequency variation as per IS 14697:19999. c. Capability of recording frequency in every 15 minutes. Load survey data of meter may be verified. d. Capability of meter for recording of Reactive High & Reactive low parameters with voltage range as defined in ABT regime(Reactive High for voltage > 103%,Reactive low when voltage is < 97 %.). e. Recording of Import and Export energy for every 15 Min. f. Recording of mid night energy for Active and Reactive Parameters.
For Metering Equipment
i. 33 kV CT
a. Accuracy test (determination of Error) b. Verification of terminal polarity. c. OVIT Test. d. HV test on secondary winding. ii 3 phase 33 kV PT
a. Accuracy test (determination of Error). b. Verification of terminal /polarity. c. High Voltage power frequency test on secondary winding. d. Induced over voltage test.
Annexure-VI (Wheeling Power Subsidy Claim (4%) for the Month of ()
Sr. No Regi- on / Circle
Consu- mer Service Connec- tion no. Energy Generated by Solar/ WEG in kWh 4% of Energy Generat- ed (Unit) (4% of 5) Prevai- ling Rate of energy charges for user (Rs) Claim to the state Govt. for 4% of energy generated (Amt. in Rs) (6*7) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8