(A Govt. of Maharashtra Undertaking) - CIN: U40109MH2005SGC153645

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(A Govt.

of Maharashtra Undertaking) - CIN: U40109MH2005SGC153645


Sr. No. Chapters Page No.
01 Preamble 02
02 Types of Open Access 02
03 Eligibility to Seek Open Access: 02
04 Revision in Contract Demand 05
Time frame for submission of online open access
05 06
06 Application Procedure for Open Access 06
07 Enclosures 07
08 Network Congetion 08
09 Technical Feasibility 08
10 Processing Time 09
11 Connection & Use of Distribution System Agreement 10
12 Commencement of Open Access 11
Energy Accounting, Scheduling and Operational Co-
13 11
ordination, Commercial settlement..
14 Scheduling of Power 15
15 Under/Non utilization of Day Ahead/STOA 15
16 Security Deposit & Letter of Credit 16
17 Submission of BG alongwith LTOA application 17
18 Applicable Charges 17
19 Default in Payment 17
20 Payment Security Mechanism 18
21 Installation of Remote Terminal Units 18
22 General 18
23 Fource Majeur 18
24 Trading Licensees 18

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1.1 Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) has notified the
MERC (Distribution Open Access) Regulations, 2016 on 30th March,
1.2 Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission has notified the MERC
(Distribution Open Access)(First Amendment) Regulations, 2019 on 8 th
June, 2019. Accordingly the Open Access Procedure is prepared for use
of all concerned. The Procedure includes relevant information about
application form, the processing fees / charges payable, eligibility to
seek open access for open access applicant.
1.3 MSEDCL reserves right to review / revise / modify / amend the terms
and conditions of this Procedure as and when considered necessary.


2.1 Long term Open access: Long term open access (LTOA) means the right
to use the Distribution system for a period exceeding 7 years.
2.2 Medium-term Open access: Medium term open access (MTOA) means
the right to use the Distribution system for a period exceeding 3 months
but not exceeding 5 years.
2.3 Short-term Open Access: Short term open access (STOA) means the
Open access of Distribution system for a period not exceeding one (1)
2.4 Day-ahead Open Access:
Day-ahead Open Access of MSEDCL's system shall be permitted, only if
surplus capacity is available in MSEDCL's system.

The Medium-term, short-term and day ahead Open Access users shall
be eligible and re-eligible to obtain Open Access after expiry of their
terms. However, the open access consumer will not be entitled to any
overriding preference for renewal of the term.


3.1 The open access may be sought for obtaining supply of electricity from a
Generating Company or Captive Power Plant or from a Distribution
Licensee other than MSEDCL or from Power Exchange or trader and any
combination thereof.

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3.2 The consumer shall have contract demand of 1 MW and above.
3.3 Open Access Consumers may avail Open Access from Multiple
Generating Companies.
3.4 Partial Open Access Shall be permitted to avail Open Access for the
capacity not exceeding its existing contract Demand with Distribution
3.5 Full Open Access Shall be permitted to avail Open Access for the
capacity not exceeding its sanctioned Load.
3.6 Open Access Consumers seeking to source power using Open Access
from RE based generators the above specified capacity limit up to
contract demand or sanctioned load shall not be applicable, subject to
conditions of resultant power flow specified under regulations 8.10 of
DOA Regulations 2016.
3.7 Installation of Special Energy Meter (SEM) as per the relevant Regulatory
Provisions and Specifications issued by the Competent Authority as may
be applicable and amended from time to time, at generation end as well
as at consumer end shall be the prerequisite to seek open access.
3.8 The Maximum Demand (MD) of consumer in each financial year
subsequent to his being granted Open Access shall be equal to or
greater than seventy (70) percent of the threshold level at which he has
become eligible for Open Access. If the consumer fails in achieving MD
equal to or greater than seventy (70) percent in two consecutive months,
a penalty equal to the two times wheeling charges will be levied for the
financial year or part thereof for which he had failed to achieve such
MD. Also, in such case, MSEDCL will initiate the process of re-
assessment and reduction of contract demand and the Open Access
permission will be liable to be cancelled.
3.9 Distribution Franchisee shall not be eligible for seeking Open Access.
However, individual eligible consumers of MSEDCL in the Distribution
Franchisee Area may apply for Open Access subject to compliance of all
Regulatory Provisions and requirements of metering and other
3.10 Consumers intending to have Roof-Top Solar Photo Voltaic system can
simultaneously applied Open Access subject to condition that in such
cases the credit for Solar Generation shall be adjusted on gross metering
basis. The applicable rate for sale under such gross metering
arrangement shall be equivalent to the rate stipulated under the yearly
generic tariff order for RE.
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3.11 The grant of open access to an eligible open access customer will be
subject to
 Settlement of all dues of the MSEDCL prior to applying for Open Access.
 In case of dispute between MSEDCL and an eligible Open Access
Customer relating to any charge for electricity or some other charge for
electricity claimed by MSEDCL from such consumer, then such
consumer shall be allowed Open Access, pending disposal of such
dispute, only upon deposit of the disputed amount with MSEDCL, in
accordance with Section 56 of the Electricity Act, 2003.
 Compliance & confirmation of all other terms & conditions and
obligations on the Open Access consumer by the way of Open Access
Regulations or any other provisions/ order of MERC.
3.12 Open Access permission will not be granted to the consumers availing
single point supply and sub-distributing it further to multiple
consumers. e.g. Commercial Malls, IT parks, commercial complexes,
software technology parks, multiparty agreements etc.
3.13 The mix load consumers i.e. having two different categories of load in
the same premises recorded with a common meter and where the bills
are issued with the help of sub-meter will be eligible for open access only
after sanction & release of separate electricity connection to individual
consumer and fulfillment of eligibility criterion by the individual
3.14 If the conventional/RE Generator, from whom the consumer is intended
to source power supply through open access, has already entered in to a
Long Term PPA/EPA with MSEDCL or any other Licensee, then the
consumer will not be eligible to get the permission for Open Access in
such case.
3.15 If the consumer has cancelled the existing MTOA permission and
applied for STOA for the same generation location then the consumer
has to provide the cancellation letter issued by MSEDCL for existing
open access MTOA permission while applying for Short term Open
Access permission.

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4.1 The Consumer seeking LTOA or MTOA may revise his Contract Demand
as per the provisions the Electricity Supply Code & MERC (Standard of
performance of Distribution Licensees, Period for Giving Supply and
Determination of Compensation) Regulations, 2014 as amended from
time to time:
4.2 A consumer availing STOA shall not be eligible to revise his Contract
Demand during the tenure of the STOA, but may do so at the time of
applying for Open Access.
4.3 Conventional consumer availing STOA,MTOA,LTOA who do not opt for
reduction in contract demand up to open access capacity the demand
charges at approved demand charge rate shall be applicable for
recorded demand up to Notional contract demand and incremental
demand charges at the rate of 1.25 times the approved demand charge
rate shall be applicable for demand beyond notional contract demand.

(a) CD with Discom: 10 MVA

(b) OA capacity applied: 2 MVA

(c) Notional CD: 8 MVA (a-b) (10-2)

(d) Highest Recorded MD: 9.5 MVA

For recorded MD of 9.5 MVA, demand charges shall be applicable

as under: -

 Normal Demand Charges for Demand upto Notional CD of 8 MVA

(Billed Demand as per existing methodology)
 1.25 x Normal Demand Charges for Demand beyond Notional CD of 8
= 1.25 X Applicable Demand Charges X (9.5-8) MVA.

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4.4 No such condition of Notional CD and levy of incremental Demand
Charges thereof, shall be applicable in case of RE based OA
4.5 As per the Supply code provisions the consumer should execute fresh
agreement with MSEDCL for such revised load before the second billing
cycle at respective Circle.
4.6 Revision in Contract Demand shall be applicable to existing Open
Access Agreements or contracts.



5.1 The application for open access shall be submitted online within the
timeframe as given below. The following time frame shall be applicable
only to existing grid connected eligible consumers. In case of
augmentation of the distribution system is required, then the time
frame as estimated by MSEDCL shall be applicable :

Long Term The application shall be submitted prior to six months

from intended date LTOA.
Medium The application shall be made between three months to
Term twelve months prior to the intended date of availing
medium-term Open Access.
Short Term The application may be made four months prior to
month of Short term open access but not later than the
tenth day of preceding month.
Day Ahead Day ahead open access application shall be submitted
only one day prior to the date of scheduling till 1200
Contingency The Contingency day ahead application shall be
Day Ahead. submitted only one day prior to the date of scheduling
till 1400 Hrs.


6.1 An application of open access in the prescribed format shall be
submitted online on MAHADISCOM Portal i.e. www.mahadiscom.in. The
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enclosures as specified below shall be uploaded along with the online
6.2 The computer generated acknowledgement receipt will be issued online.
However, the applicant shall submit additional documents/information
as may be required and asked for by MSEDCL. The online applications
complete in all respect only shall be considered by MSEDCL.
6.3 The open access consumer shall pay the processing fee (non–refundable)
through online payment gateway provided in the open access application
portal. (Refer Open access charges.)
6.4 The fee for contingency day ahead open access applications shall be five
times the otherwise application fee.
6.5 In case of open access consumers availing supply from multiple
generators, the consumer shall mention the details of all generators and
OA quantum sought in Annexure III along with documents. In case of
multiple wind generators, details of each metering point (injection &
drawl), Commissioning certificate of generation plant and NOC/
Permission of previous option availed for consumer and generator shall
be submitted along with the documents.
6.6 Separate application shall be made for each transaction in case injection
or drawal points are different.
6.7 As per DOA Regulations 2016 MSEDCL will be Nodal Agency for intra-
state open access consumers located in its license area and connected
on distribution system subject to consent of all the agencies involved. In
such case, the consumer shall also deposit the prescribed processing
fees of the other agencies involved as may be applicable with MSEDCL.

The following documents are required to be uploaded online along with the
Open Access Application:
I. Self-Certified copy of Power sale/purchase agreement entered between
the parties (buyer & seller) stating contracted power, period of drawl,
points of injection & drawl, fixed and variable charge or composite
charge for power supply etc.
II. In case of open access through Trader, copy of valid Trading License, the
copy of Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) between Open Access
Consumer and Trader and PPA between Trader and generator with the
detailed information as per point 1 above.
III. Latest HT Connection Monthly Energy bill (last 3 months) of open access
IV. SEM & CT/PT report issued by SE Testing & SE (O & M) Circle Office.

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V. No Dues Certificate issued by the concerned O & M Circle Office where
the eligible Open Access Consumer/ generator is located.
VI. Consent letter of consumer / applicant for reduction in Contract
Demand in case of partial OA consumers.
VII. Techno Commercial Report issued by the concerned O & M, Circle Office
where the eligible Open Access Consumer / generator is located.
VIII. In case of Open Access is intended through multiple generators, the
same shall be mentioned in Annexure III with details of all such
generators/suppliers and OA quantum sought from each generator.
IX. Documents related to Renewable Purchase Obligations compliance.
X. Open Access Permission/Consent from the concerned Distribution
Licensee, in case Open Access Consumer is located in other Licensee
XI. In case of Captive Generating Plant,
 Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association
 Chartered Accountant’s certificate for 100% ownership or equity
shareholding with voting rights as per Electricity Rules, 2005.
 Undertaking on non-judicial stamp paper stating that, more than
51% of the generated power shall be self-consumed on annual
basis, as mandated in Electricity Rules, 2005
 Solvency certificate.
XII. In case of purchase of power from power exchange:
 Registration/ Membership details,
 Member – Client Agreement.
 Memorandum of understanding (PPA) between consumer &
XIII. Copy of prevailing and previous Open Access permission, if any.
XIV. Commissioning certificate of generation plant and NOC/ Permission of
previous option availed for consumer and generator
8. Network congestion:
The decision of MSEDCL in respect of any perceived congestion shall be final
and binding.
9. Technical Feasibility:
Subject to the other provisions of Distribution Open Access Regulation 2016
and DOA (First Amendment) Regulations 2019 before giving consent for STOA,
MSEDCL shall verify the availability of:

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i) Infrastructure necessary for time-block-wise energy metering and
accounting in accordance with the provisions of the State Grid Code,
ii) Capacity in the Distribution System.


10.1 The applications complete in all respect as mentioned above, shall be
processed as per following time-frame.

Type of Open
Inter-state Intra-state

All the applications received till 1200 Hrs. on day ahead

Day Ahead basis shall be processed simultaneously and consent will be
issued on same day.

Contingency Such application shall be submitted latest by 1400 Hrs and

Day Ahead consent will be issued on same day.
All the applications received All the applications received
till 10th of the preceding till 10th of the preceding
month shall be considered month shall be considered for
for processing processing simultaneously.
Short Term simultaneously.
* Provided that, the period specified in Regulations 9,10,11
shall be applicable from the date of submission of an
Application which is complete in all respect.
Within 60 days if system augmentation is not required. If
the augmentation of distribution/ transmission system is
required, then the consent will be issued within 180 days
subject to the condition that, the MTOA shall commence
Medium Term
within six months of issuance of such consent.
*Provided that, the period specified in Regulations 9,10,11
shall be applicable from the date of submission of an
Application which is complete in all respect.
Within 120 days if system augmentation is not required. If
the augmentation of distribution/ transmission system is
required, then the consent will be issued within 180 days
subject to the condition that, the OA shall commence
Long Term
within six months of issuance of such consent.
*Provided that, the period specified in Regulations 9,10,11
shall be applicable from the date of submission of an
Application which is complete in all respect.

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10.2 If the consumer is located in the licensee area of MSEDCL, the
consent/approval shall be issued in the name of consumer only irrespective
of who has applied for open access (i.e. consumer, trader, generator or
10.3 MSEDCL shall act as nodal agency for the intra-state partial open access
consumers located in its licensee area and shall co-ordinate with other
distribution licensees, SLDC, STU for obtaining their consent for transaction.
However in case of interstate transactions, the MSEDCL will issue consent in
regard to use of MAHADISCOM’s distribution system only. The applicant
shall carry out the further formalities such as coordination with SLDC / STU
/ RLDC / Power exchanges etc. as applicable for arranging inter-state open
10.4 In case of inter-state transactions, the consumer shall submit the
necessary permissions received from SLDC / STU / RLDC / Power
exchanges before effective date of commencement open access for billing
(Note: As per DOA Regulations 2016 MSEDCL will act as nodal agency for
intra-state open access transactions only after all the agencies involved are
ready for same. Till such time MSEDCL will only issue consent for use of its
distribution system and the applicant shall carry out the further formalities.)
11.1 The consumer, if found eligible for grant of Medium term / Long Term
Open Access, shall execute Tri-Partite Agreement for Connection & Use of
Distribution System. The tripartite agreement shall be executed among:
i. Open Access Consumer
iii. Generator/ Licensee.
A notice will be given by MSEDCL for signing of the ‘Connection and Use of
Distribution System Agreement ---
(a) Confirming completion of all works and fulfillment of all requirements
under the Act and the Regulations for grant of Open Access.
(b) Intimating the date and time of the final meter reading of the consumer’s
premises, if applicable; and
(c) Intimating the date and time of termination of the agreement of supply,
if applicable, and commencement of the Connection and Use of
Distribution System Agreement:
The Open Access Customer shall initiate the process of signing of
Connection and Use of Distribution system within 30 days of grant of

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Open Access, failing which Open Access permission will be liable for
11.2 No agreement is necessary to be executed in case of short term / day ahead
open access.


12.1 The open access will be deemed to have been commenced from the
open access period mentioned in the open access permission / consent
issued by MSEDCL irrespective of the date of application.
12.2 Irrespective of which date the consumer schedules power (in case of
firm source) / provide GCN (in case of non-firm source), open access
shall commence from the effective date as per 12.1 above.
12.3 In case of inter-state transactions if the consumer / supplier is unable
to schedule the power for whatsoever reason, then it shall be the
responsibility of consumer to approach MSEDCL with a written
request to cancel the permission / consent issued by MSEDCL, in
order to avoid commercial implications if any. The permission will be
cancelled subject to applicability of charges. In case of drawl by the
Open Access consumer from the grid due to any reason whatsoever,
the charges will be levied as per the relevant provisions of Open Access
Regulations i.e. clause No.19.2.
The SE (OA), MSEDCL shall be the nodal officer to implement the open
access permission issued by the Chief Engineer (Commercial).


13.1 Open Access Energy Accounting will be carried out on 15 min time slot
basis in accordance with MERC DOA (First Amendment) Regulations
13.2 The priority for adjustment of energy drawl by an open access
consumer from different sources shall be as per the following sequence
of reducing priority and shall be implemented for each time block,
upon adjustment of applicable losses.
(a) Renewable Energy Generators
(b) Captive Generating Plant
(c) Banked Energy
(d) Long term Bilateral purchase
(e) Medium term open access
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(f) Short term inter-State open access including power exchange
(g) Short term intra – State Open access
(h) Distribution Licensee
Provided that in case of energy credit from more than one source from
the similar category shall be adjusted on pro-rata basis of the
contracted generation capacity from such source.
13.3 Availability of PF Incentive/ PF Penalty :
Entitlement to PF incentives or levy of PF penalty, as the case may be,
as specified under Tariff Schedule of the Tariff Order issued from time
to time shall be applicable only for the net energy supplied by
Distribution Licensee to the Open Access consumer and captive user
after adjusting the banked energy and actual open access
consumption during the month.
13.4 i) a) Transmission Charges in case of repeated STOA in Financial
Year:- (Conventional & RE)
Sr No STOA Transaction No STOA Transmission Charges (Rs/KWH)

1 First month Applicable transmission Charges

2 Second Month 1.25 X Applicable transmission Charges

3 Third Month 1.5 X Applicable transmission Charges

4 Fourth Month & onwards 2 X Applicable transmission Charges

b) The normal applicable charges shall not be applicable if the

consumer applies for MTOA and avails STOA till commencement of
For consumer availing STOA
• Provision in OA master: - Applied for MTOA (Y/N)
• If “yes” then levy applicable STOA Transmission charges till approval
of MTOA.
• If “No” then levy Transmission charges as per above table:1

ii) Transmission Charges for RE availing MTOA/LTOA: -

Transmission Charges = 2 X Applicable Transmission Charges on per
unit basis (Rs/kwh)
13.5 Wheeling Charges shall not be applicable in case a Consumer or
Generating Station is connected to the Transmission System directly
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or using dedicated lines owned by the Consumer or Generating Station
only if such dedicated lines are used for point to point transmission or
wheeling of power from Generating station to load centre without any
interconnection with distribution system.
13.6 Energy Accounting & Billing:-
 As per the DOAR First Amendment 2019, the 15 min generation
data is to be set off against 15 min consumption of OA
consumer as per above sequence.
 The open access consumer shall be allowed credit of
energy at drawl point after deduction of applicable
losses (Wheeling Losses & Transmission losses) from the
energy injected in the Grid.
 The generation credit units, after deduction of applicable
loss to the energy injected in the MSEDCL grid, shall be
adjusted / set off with the consumption in the corresponding
15 minutes time block.
 In case of Over drawal :- Over-drawal by a Partial Open Access
Consumer shall be settled at the higher of the following:
(i) the System Marginal Price (‘SMP’) plus other incidental
charges [Net Unscheduled Interchange (‘UI’) charges,
additional UI charges] or any other Charges for Deviation
as per Deviation settlement mechanism as identified
under the mechanism operating in Maharashtra from
time to time or
(ii) The Energy charge or Variable Charge of Temporary Tariff
category, whichever is applicable, as determined by the
Commission in respect of the Distribution Licensee:
Provided that the Consumer shall also be
liable to payment of penalty for exceeding Contract
Demand as provided in the Commission’s Orders
determining the retail tariff applicable to such Consumer.
 In case of Under drawal by an open access consumer:
i) Power sourcing Conventional Generator: - Open Access
consumer shall not be paid any charges by the
Distribution Licensee . The over injected units will be lapsed.

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ii) Power sourcing from RE Generator:- The surplus RE power
after 15 min adjustment with consumption will be considered
for Banking. Banking adjustment will be given as below:
a) Current month surplus generation in 15 min blocks
adjusted against current month remaining 15 min
consumption, considering the above priorities for
b) Banking of energy shall be permitted only on monthly basis.
Provided that the credit for banked energy shall not be
permitted to be carried forward to subsequent months and
the credit for energy banked during the month shall be
adjusted during the same month as per the energy injected
in the respective Time of Day (‘TOD’) slots determined by the
Commission in its Orders determining the Tariffs of the
Distribution Licensees ;
c) Provided further that the energy banked during peak TOD
slots (15 min) may also be drawn during off-peak TOD slots
(15 min), but the energy banked during off-peak TOD slots
(15 min) may not be drawn during peak TOD slots (min).

Slots Peak/Off Adjustment Adjustment Slots

Slot Hrs peak Provision
22.00 to 1-24 & Night Off A (corresponding 1-24 &
6.00 89 - 96 Peak 15 min) 89 - 96
6.00 to i) 25-36
9.00 25-36 & & 49-72
B Off Peak (corresponding 15
12.00 to 49-72 ii) 1-24 &
18.00 89 - 96
A,B & C ii) 1-24 &
9.00 to Morning
C 37-48 (corresponding 15 89 – 96
12.00 Peak
min) iii) 25-36
& 49-72
A,B & ii)1-24 &
18.00 to Evening
D 73-88 D(corresponding 89 – 96
22.00 Peak
15 min) iii) 25-36
& 49-72

13.7 The Peak/ off peak slots as per Time of Day and sequence of
adjustment of banked units.

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13.8 The unutilized banked energy at the end of the month, limited to 10%
of the actual total generation by such Renewable Energy generator in
such month is to be purchased at a rate equivalent to that stipulated
under yearly Generic RE Tariff Order applicable for respective

13.9 Consumer shall submit to MAHADISCOM, the contact details, Phone/

Mobile number, Fax number email address etc. of the Coordinator
appointed by him for scheduling & operational coordination and shall
keep MAHADISCOM updated in case of any changes in the same.
13.10 Contact details of MAHADISCOM for Scheduling purposes:
Open Access Cell, Contact no – 022 – 26474211 (2403)
E-MAIL: [email protected] /[email protected]

14. Scheduling of Power :

14.1 The scheduling of Inter-State Open Access transmission shall be in
accordance with the provisions of the Indian Electricity Grid Code.
14.2 Inter-state Open Access transmissions shall be scheduled by MSLDC
in accordance with the provisions of the state Grid Code.
14.3 From the Effective Date of the open access (as per para 10 above),
Consumer shall provide the schedule of power on day ahead basis
before 10 am of the preceding day.
14.4 In case generator of the Consumer is a State Pool Participant: The
Credit of energy based on the implemented 15 min. schedules finalized
by MSLDC will be provided to the consumer in the monthly billing.
14.5 In case generator is not a State Pool Participant: The Generator shall
submit its 15 minute time block wise schedule to MSEDCL. The credit
of energy will be based on actual scheduling provided by the
14.6 In case of Non-Firm power from Renewable Energy Generating Plants
shall be exempted from scheduling till such time as the Commission


15.1 Even if the consumer, generating company or licensee as the case may be is
unable to utilize for more than four hours the full or part of its allotted

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capacity then it shall be liable to pay the transmission & wheeling charges
applicable to original reserved capacity.
15.2 MSEDCL may reduce or cancel the capacity allocated, to the extent it is
underutilized after giving notice to the affected parties;
(a) When such capacity is underutilized for more than 3 days or
(b) When the Consumer, Generating Company or licensee as the case may
be, fails to inform MSEDCL of its inability to utilize the allocated


16.1 Consumer shall deposit with MSEDCL Security equivalent to one Month’s
Wheeling Charges, Cross-Subsidy Surcharge and Additional Surcharge
based on estimated open access usage.
16.2. In case of existing Consumers opting for open access, MSEDCL shall
estimate the additional Security, if any, required in view of above charges
vis-à-vis the Security Deposit already held with MSEDCL towards its
consumption charges and any additional demand shall be raised or credit
provided, as the case may be, on a yearly basis, in accordance with the
Regulation 14.9 of the Regulations.
16.3 In case of a new Consumer opting for open access along with connectivity
for the first time, MSEDCL shall estimate security deposit based on
anticipated use of the Distribution System of MSEDCL and estimated
charges for balance consumption, if any, from MSEDCL (in case of partial
open access) and raise the demand accordingly.
16.4 Security Deposit can be made in the form of cash, Irrevocable Letter of
Credit (L/C) or unconditional Bank Guarantee (BG). L/C or BG shall be
given as per format provided in Annexure – IV / V. Cash deposit shall be
entitled to earn interest at Bank Rate and interest will be credited to
Consumer account as per prevailing practice.
16.5 In case of Long-Term and Medium-Term Open Access:
Consumer shall open an Irrevocable Letter of Credit (L/C) in favour of
MSEDCL for the estimated amount of Transmission and SLDC charges for
period of two months. L/C shall be provided in the format given in
Annexure – V. This amount shall be communicated by MSEDCL to the
Consumer after issuance of Consent and the Consumer shall provide the
L/C within a period of one (1) month from the Effective Date of Open

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[Long/Medium]-Term Open Access Party would provide security in the form
of irrevocable Bank Guarantee (BG), in favor of MSEDCL, equivalent to two
months estimated average monthly billing, three months prior to the
scheduled date of Open Access. Initially the security mechanism shall be
valid for a minimum period of three years and shall be renewed from time
to time till the expiry of the Open Access. [For Medium Term Open Access
BG shall be valid till the expiry of the Open Access].


18.1 The bill will be raised on the Open Access Generator / Open Access
consumer whosoever is located in the MSEDCL’s area of supply.
The bill will include the following charges:
i) Wheeling Charges / Transmission Charges, as may be applicable;
ii) Cross Subsidy Surcharge, as may be applicable;
iii) Additional Surcharge on the Charges of Wheeling;
iv) Standby Charges;
v) Voltage Surcharge, as may be applicable;
vi) Operating Charges
vii) Charges in case of drawl from the grid.
viii) Any other charge or other sum recoverable.

All the above charges will be applicable as per relevant MERC orders
issued from time to time.
In case of partial open access, the energy used from MSEDCL will be
billed as per relevant MERC tariff order issued from time to time.
In case of all partial open access consumers/non state pool participants
the transmission charges shall be collected by the MAHADISCOM.
18.2 The Open Access consumer shall bear the approved wheeling losses of
the Distribution System as may be determined by the commission from
time to time.
18.3 The existing charges and losses pertaining to Open Access will be
applicable as determined by the Commission from time to time.
19. Default of Payment:
In the event of default in payment of any charge or sum of money payable
under DOA Regulations, 2016 MSEDCL shall discontinue Open Access with
prospective/retrospective effect.

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20. Payment Security Mechanism:
The Applicant for Long-Term or Medium-Term Open Access shall open an
Irrevocable revolving Letter of Credit in favor of MSEDCL to the extent of the
estimated amount of the various charges payable for a period of two months.
21. Installation of Remote Terminal Units:
All Full Open Consumers and Generating Stations connected to the
Transmission System shall install, at their cost, Remote Terminal Units
(RTU)-DC, in accordance with specifications provided by the STU.
Provided that the installed RTU-DCs shall be available for inspection by the
Distribution Licensee or the MSLDC at any time.
22. General:

Words and expressions used herein and not defined in this procedure but
defined in the Distribution Open Access Regulations, 2016 or in the Act or
Indian Electricity Grid Code or the Electricity Supply Code or the Rules and
other Regulations made under the Act, as the case may be, shall have the
meaning assigned to them therein.

23. Force Majeure:

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the DOA Regulations, 2016

MSEDCL shall not be liable for any loss or obligations due to the occurrence
of Force Majeure events as stipulated in Regulation 33.1.

24. Trading Licensees:

The Electricity traders applying for Open Access shall be governed by

relevant Open Access Regulations.

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