The Grid Code
The Grid Code
The Grid Code
Version 2
2 Policy .......................................................................................................................................................3
3 Authority.................................................................................................................................................4
3.1 Legislation................................................................................................................................................4
3.3 Applicability.............................................................................................................................................5
4 Grid Code................................................................................................................................................5
4.2 Objectives.................................................................................................................................................6
5.1 Definitions................................................................................................................................................8
7 Acknowledgement ................................................................................................................................18
8 References .............................................................................................................................................18
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1 Introduction
(1) The preamble provides the context for the Grid Code and its various sub-sections. It also contains detailed
definitions and acronyms of the terms used in the Grid Code documents.
2 Policy
(1) The current structure of the power sector in Tanzania is illustrated in Figure 1 below.
(2) The Ministry of Energy and Minerals (MEM) oversees the power sector direction, and appoints
TANESCO’s Board of Directors. The Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority (EWURA or the
Authority) is an autonomous multi-sectoral regulatory authority. It is responsible for technical and economic
regulation of, among others, the electricity sector.
(3) The Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited (TANESCO) is a state owned, vertically integrated
company carrying out generation, transmission and distribution. Under the current market structure, the
System Operator is part of TANESCO Transmission.
(4) Independent Power Producers (IPPs) are licensed to operate in the generation segment. In addition,
interconnections with Zambia and Uganda enable imports of electricity. TANESCO Transmission acts as
the single buyer for the purchases of this power.
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(5) Tanzania electricity market is vertically integrated; TANESCO generates, imports and buys power in bulk
from IPPs under a single buyer model and transports it over the transmission and distribution networks for
resale to its customers.
(1) Tanzania will continue to pursue its ongoing reform programme for the power sector.
(2) In the medium-term, reform plans for unbundling of TANESCO into separate generation, transmission, and
distribution companies encompass the ring-fencing of separate business areas (internal restructuring) while
retaining state-ownership.
(3) In the long term, the plan ultimately envisages the evolution from a single buyer market structure, with long-
term PPAs with TANESCO, to a wholesale power market, in which the producers sell directly (or through
a pool or voluntary electricity exchange) to distribution companies. Under this future market structure, it is
likely that the roles and relationships associated with Transmission and the System Operator may change
and that the Grid Code will need to be updated to reflect this.
(4) In order to ensure that the goals of the reform process are achieved, it is imperative that various arrangements
are put in place that outline how the various parties in the electricity supply industry are expected to interact.
The Tanzanian Grid Code represents one such arrangement with the aims of facilitating and governing open
and non-discriminatory access to the transmission system, setting standards for reliable and stable operation
of the interconnected system, technically and commercially. The Grid Code thus addresses the needs of
the current market structure while taking cognisance of anticipated market reforms.
3 Authority
3.1 Legislation
(1) The Grid Code derives its legal authority from the Electricity Act and from the Energy and Water Utilities
Regulatory Authority (EWURA) Act.
(2) In terms of Section 5 of the Electricity Act, the Authority shall have powers to:
(3) Sections 8(1) and (2) of the Electricity Act specify the following activities as requiring a license, unless the
person or activity is exempted by the Authority:
(a) Generation;
(b) Transmission;
(c) Distribution;
(d) Supply;
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(f) Cross-border electricity trade
(4) Furthermore, Section of the 45(b) (v) of the EWURA Act states that the Authority may make Rules with
respect to the operation and management of the transmission system to be known as the Grid Code.
(1) Several of the licenses identified above may be held by a single entity. The decision to grant multiple
licenses to a single entity depends on the functions that the company must fulfil.
(2) A transmission company may, for example, hold licenses for transmission, supply, system operation, cross-
border electricity trade, physical and financial trade in electricity; and electrical installation.
3.3 Applicability
(1) All licensees are required to comply with the provisions of the Act and approved codes and Regulations.
Any breach could result in the suspension or withdrawal of the license or fine.
(a) Section 17(2)(a) of the Electricity Act stipulates that a transmission licensee shall be required to
comply with the Grid Code.
(b) Section 20(3) of the Electricity Act stipulates that the System Operator shall abide by the Grid Code.
(c) Section 21(2) of the Electricity Act stipulates that a distribution licensee shall, subject to conditions
of licence and rules issued by the Authority comply with the applicable requirements of the Grid
(3) In terms of Section 18(1) of the Electricity Act, the Authority may grant exemptions to the licence conditions
and code requirements.
(4) Transmission-Connected Customers are required to comply with certain provisions of the Grid Code in
order to give full effect to its objectives.
(5) The Grid Code is applicable to all Grid Code Participants registered in accordance with the Grid Code
Governance Code.
4 Grid Code
4.1 Definition
(1) The term Grid Code is widely used to refer to a document (or set of documents) that legally establishes
technical and other requirements for the connection to and use of an electrical system by parties other than
the owning electric utility in a manner that ensures reliable, efficient, and safe operation.
(2) The Electricity Act defines the Grid Code as the technical and procedural rules and standards issued by the
Authority on transmission and system operation.
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4.2 Objectives
(1) The fundamental function of a Grid Code is to establish the rules and procedures that allow independent
parties to use the power system and to permit the power system to be planned and operated:
(a) Safely,
(b) Reliably,
(d) Economically.
(a) Be objective,
(b) Be transparent,
(c) Be non-discriminatory,
(a) To the Authority, the assurance that the licensees operate according to the respective license
(b) To customers, the assurance that licensees operate transparently and provide non-discriminatory
access to their defined services.
(c) To licensees, the assurance that customers will honour their mutual Grid Code obligations and that
there is industry agreement on these.
(1) The Grid Code covers a range of technical, operational, commercial and governance issues. In order to
address these comprehensively in a structured way, the Grid Code is broken down into a number of “sub-
codes”. These are:
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(f) The Information Exchange Code;
(2) The key aspects of each of these are set out briefly below.
(3) The Grid Code Preamble provides the context for the Grid Code and its various sub-sections. It also
contains detailed definitions and acronyms of the terms used in the Grid Code documents.
(4) The Network Code focuses on the technical requirements and standards of the high voltage network. It is
broken down into sections defining:
(5) The System Operation Code sets out the responsibilities and roles of the Grid Code Participants as far as
the operation of the Interconnected Power System (IPS) is concerned. It addresses, amongst other things:
(6) The Scheduling and Dispatch Code sets out the responsibilities and roles of the Grid Code Participants as
far as the Scheduling and Dispatch of the Interconnected Power System (IPS) is concerned and more
specifically issues related to: -
(7) The Metering Code: This code ensures a Metering standard for all current and future Grid Code
Participants. It specifies Metering requirements to be adhered to, and addresses levels of responsibility.
The code sets out provisions relating to:
(a) Main Metering Installations and check Metering Installations used for the measurement of active
and reactive energy;
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(b) The collection of Metering data;
(d) The accuracy of all equipment used in the process of electricity Metering;
(8) The Information Exchange Code defines the obligations of parties with regard to the provision of
Information for the implementation of the Grid Code. The Information requirements as defined for the Grid
Code Participants are necessary to ensure the non-discriminatory access to the Transmission System and the
safe, reliable provision of Transmission services. The Information requirements are divided into:
(9) The Transmission Tariff Code sets out the objectives and principles of Transmission service pricing,
application of charges and fees and the procedure to be followed in applications by licensees to change
revenue requirements, tariff levels or tariff structure. It covers the:
(e) Procedure for the Authority Approval and Tariff Change Notifications
(10) The Governance Code sets out how the Grid Code will be maintained. It describes the process that will be
followed to update the Grid Code to improve safety, reliability and operational standards. It sets out how
Grid Code Participants can influence the amendment process and defines who has the authority to
recommend and ultimately approve and enforce the changes. In addition the document also explains
oversight and compliance requirements that need to be observed by all Grid Code Participants.
(1) The glossary of definitions and acronyms is set out taking cognisance of the international and regional
context, recognising that some terms are, however, only used in the Tanzanian market.
5.1 Definitions
(1) Ancillary Services - Services supplied to the Transmission company by generators, distributors or end-use
customers necessary for the reliable and secure transport of power from generators to distributors and
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customers, i.e. to maintain the short-term reliability of the IPS. They include the various types of reserves,
Black Start, reactive power etc.
(2) Area Control Error - The mismatch between the instantaneous demand and supply of a Control Area. It
combines the frequency error and the tie line schedule error.
(3) Authorised Area – means an area in which a Distribution licensee has a non-exclusive right to sell or
provide services to consumers.
(4) Authority – means the Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority established under EWURA Act.
(5) Automatic Generation Control - The automatic centralised closed loop control of generating units by
means of the computerised EMS of the System Operator. Unit output is controlled by changing the set point
on the governor.
(6) Auxiliary Supply - Supply of electricity to auxiliary systems of a Unit or substation equipment.
(7) Black Start - The provision of generating equipment that, following a total system collapse (black out), is
able to:
(b) Energise a defined portion of the Transmission System so that it can act as a start-up supply for other
capacity to be synchronised as part of a process of re-energising the Transmission System.
(8) Busbar - An electrical conduit at a substation where lines, transformers and other equipment are connected.
(9) Co-generator - A generating unit that is part of a specific industrial or production process and is not
connected to the Transmission System.
(10) Constrained generation - The difference between the energy scheduled at the Point of Connection of the
generator under the unconstrained schedule, and the energy scheduled at the Point of Connection under the
constrained schedule derived to accommodate Transmission System constraints.
(11) Control Area - A subset of IPS that adheres to the minimum requirements for a control area as defined in
the Power Pool Operating Guidelines. Control area services such as AGC are under their control.
(12) Control Centre - means a place from where controlling and / or directing the safe operation of the
generation, transmission and distribution of electric power to customers is carried out.
(13) Cross-border electricity trade – means trading in electricity between two states sharing a common border
through an interconnector power line, but linked through a power pool which involves export or export of
energy between the states.
(14) Customer Service Charter – means a document which sets out terms and conditions of provision of service,
rights and duties of a licensee and customers.
(15) Customer – means a person who purchases or receives electricity for own use or sale.
(17) Day - A period of 24 consecutive hours commencing at 00:00 and ending at 24:00 Tanzanian Standard Time.
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(18) Distribution - Means the transportation of electric energy and power by means of medium to low voltage
lines, facilities and associated meters, including the construction, operation, management and maintenance
of such lines, facilities and meters.
(19) Distribution Code – means the technical and procedural rules and standards issued by the Authority
governing matters pertaining to the distribution of electricity.
(21) Distribution System - An electricity network consisting of assets (including: substations, transformers,
cables, lines and associated equipment) which are operated at Medium Voltage and Low Voltage.
(22) Distributor - A licensed entity that owns operates and maintains a Distribution system.
(23) Economic regulation – means an intervention to modify, as and when deemed appropriate, the economic
behaviour of a regulated supplier aimed at narrowing choices in certain areas including prices, rate of return
and methods of procurement.
(24) Electricity supply industry – electricity generation, electric power transmission, electricity distribution
and electricity supply.
(25) Eligible Customer – means any person who is authorised by the Authority to enter into contract for the
supply of electricity directly with any person licensed to generate electricity.
(26) Embedded generator - A Unit, other than a co-generator, that is not directly connected to the Transmission
(27) Emergency - A situation where Transmission or Distribution licensees have an unplanned loss of facilities,
or another situation beyond their control, that impairs or jeopardises their ability to supply their system
(28) Emergency outage - An outage when plant has to be taken out of service so that repairs can immediately
be affected to prevent further damage or loss.
(29) End-use customer - Users of electricity of different classes such as Domestic, Commercial and Industrial.
(30) Energy Management System - means usually a system of computer-aided tools used by operators of
electric utility grids to monitor, control, and optimize the performance of the generation and/or transmission
system. The monitor and control functions are known as SCADA; the optimization packages are often
referred to as "advanced applications”.
(31) EWURA Act – The Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authorities Act, 2008.
(32) Fair Competition Commission – the Commission established by the Fair Competition Act.
(33) Franchise area – means the area within which a distribution licensee has the exclusive right to provide
service to any customer who is not an eligible customer in that area.
(34) Firm supply - is defined such that if any parallel circuit is out for maintenance or on an unplanned outage,
the supply can still be supplied via the remaining parallel circuit within its transfer capability.
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(37) Generation licensee – means a licensee authorised to undertake electricity generation services.
(38) Generation – means the production of electric energy and power from any primary source of energy.
(40) Generator - A legal entity operating a licensed Generating Unit or Power Station.
(41) Governing - A mode of operation where any change in system frequency beyond the allowable frequency
dead band will have an immediate effect on the Generating Unit output according to the governor droop
(42) Governor droop Characteristic - means the ratio of the per unit steady state change in speed, or in
Frequency to the per unit steady state change in power output.
(43) Grid Code – means the technical and procedural rules and standards issued by the Authority on transmission
and system operation.
(44) Grid Code Participant - Any legal entity that falls under the mandate of the Grid Code and registered as
set out in the Grid Code Governance Code.
(45) High Voltage – means ac or dc voltage whose nominal r.m.s. value lies in the range 33kV < Un ≤ 220kV
plus or minus ten per cent.
(46) Information - Any type of knowledge that can be exchanged, always expressed (i.e. represented) by some
type of data. Information is made into data to be stored and processed either electronically or otherwise.
(47) Information Owner - The party to whose system or installation the Information pertains
(48) Instruction – means any command, given by the network operator either orally (via telephone), written or
via remote control, to a generator in order to perform an action, enable/disable or block functionalities of a
power station.
(49) Interconnected Power System - The transmission system and any other connected system elements
including Customers, Power Stations and International Interconnections.
(50) Interruptible Load - Customer load or a combination of customer loads that can be contractually
interrupted or reduced by remote control or on instruction from the System Operator. Individual contracts
place limitations on usage.
(51) Interruption of Supply - An interruption of the flow of power to a Point of Supply not requested by the
(52) Licence – means a licence issued by the Authority pursuant to the EWURA Act, relating to the electricity
supply industry.
(53) Licensed activity – means the activities specified as requiring a licence grant as set out in Sections 8(1) of
the Electricity Act.
(54) Licensee – means any person licensed to provide electricity market administration services.
(55) Low Voltage – ac or dc voltage voltage whose upper limit of nominal r.m.s. value is 1 kV plus or minus
five percent.
(56) Losses - The technical or resistive energy losses incurred on the transmission system.
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(57) Manual load shedding - The load reduction obtained by manually shedding load at convenient points on
the distribution system within 10 minutes of the instruction being issued by the System Operator.
(59) Medium Voltage – ac or dc voltage whose nominal r.m.s value lies in the range 1kV < Un ≤ 33kV plus or
minus ten percent.
(60) Maximum Continuous Rating - The capacity that a generating unit is rated to produce continuously under
normal conditions.
(61) Metering - All the equipment employed in measuring the supply together with the apparatus directly
associated with it.
(62) Metering Installation - An installation that comprises an electronic meter that is remotely interrogated has
an electronic communication link and is connected to the TMA’s Metering database.
(64) Month - A calendar month comprising a period commencing at 00:00 hours on the first day of that month
and ending at 24:00 on the last day of that month.
(65) Net Capacity - Is defined as the maximum capacity that can be supplied, measured at the point of outlet to
the network, excluding the power taken by the station’s auxiliaries and the losses in the transformers that
are considered integral parts of the station.
1. The generation technology does not allow a dispatch. This is mainly the case for fluctuating
primary resources, like wind power or solar power. Such non-dispatchable power stations can
be of any size in terms or MW. Depending on its size the point of connection might be at high,
medium or low voltage, i.e. in transmission or distribution network.
2. The power generating installation is too small for individual consideration in the scheduling
and dispatch process. This is the case for distributed generation in the low-voltage networks.
(67) Off-grid – means an electricity supply system that is not electrically connected, directly or indirectly to any
part of the transmission system.
(68) Operating Reserves - are required to secure capacity that will be available for reliable and secure balancing
of supply and demand. There shall be three categories of operating reserves: Spinning Reserve, Regulating
Reserve and Non-Spinning Reserve.
(70) Performance Agreement – means an agreement between a licensee and the Authority which establishes
incentives and penalties related to the measurable performance of the licensee, and which is designed to
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the licensee.
(71) Planned Interruption - A Planned Outage that will interrupt customer supply.
(72) Planned Outage - An outage of equipment that is requested, negotiated, scheduled and confirmed a
minimum of 14 days prior to the outage taking place.
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(73) Point of Common Coupling - The electrical node, normally a busbar, in a transmission substation where
different feeds to customers are connected together for the first time.
(74) Point of Connection - The electrical node in a transmission substation where a customer’s assets are
physically connected to the transmission company assets.
(76) Point of Supply - A transmission substation where energy can be supplied to customers.
(77) Power Pool - Interconnection to SAPP or EAPP and the rules associated with each Power Pool.
(78) Power Station - One or more Generating Units at the same physical location.
(79) Power System Expansion Plan – means a planning document prepared by the Minister and updated on an
annual basis by the System Operator, dealing with indicative medium and long-term plans for the expansion
of the transmission system to cater for expected generation and demand developments.
(81) Priority customers – means customers of a distribution licensee who, due to the essential nature of their
activities, are prioritised by the Authority to receive supply when the licensee suspends electricity supply
(82) Protection - The process of clearing a fault on the IPS in order to protect plant and people.
(83) Quick Reserve - Interruptible Load or capacity readily available which can be started and loaded within ten
(10) minutes to meet the system demand. This includes hydro plant, gas turbines, pumped storage and
Interruptible Load.
(84) Regulating Reserve - Generation capacity (or customer loads) available to respond within 10 seconds and
be fully responsive in 10 minutes. The purpose of this is to allow for enough capacity on AGC to control the
frequency and Control Area tie-lines power within acceptable limits in real time.
(85) Related business – means any business or company which directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, is
owned by the licensee; or is owned by a company which owns or is owned by the licensee.
(86) Scheduling - A process to determine which unit or equipment will be in operation and at what loading.
(88) Service Provider - Any licensed entity that provides services to Grid Code Participants pursuant to the
Grid Code including.
(89) Spinning Reserve - the additional output from generating plant that must be automatically fully realisable
within 10 - 30 seconds to arrest a drop of frequency due to a loss of generation or a loss of external inter-
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Preamble (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 13 of 18
connector or mismatch between generation and demand. Spinning reserve can also be provided by demand
side participants who can automatically reduce their output through under frequency load shedding relays.
(90) Stakeholders - The entities affected by or having a material interest in the Grid Code. This includes
customers and other industry participants.
(91) Standardized Small Power Purchase Agreement – means the agreement between a utility entity and a
developer entered for purposes of selling power to the grid not exceeding 10MW but not less than a 100kW.
(92) Standardized Small Power Purchase Tariff – means the tariff agreed on in the Standardized Power
Purchase Agreement.
(95) System Frequency - The frequency of the fundamental AC voltage as measured at selected points by the
System Operator. The scheduled (target) system frequency for the interconnected networks in the Southern
African region is 50 Hz.
(96) System Minutes - The normalised performance indicator for interruptions, defined as energy
interrupted (MWh) * 60 / system peak demand (MW).
(97) System Operator – means a person licensed to provide system operation services.
(98) Transmission – means the transportation of electrical energy and power by means of high voltage lines,
facilities and associated meters, including the construction, operation, management and maintenance of such
lines, facilities and meters.
(100) Transmission Equipment - Equipment that is needed for the purpose of Transmission.
(102) Transmission Metering Administrator - A party that is responsible for all transmission tariff
metering Installation, maintenance and operations.
(104) Type 1 generating unit – A generating units is of Type 1, if it uses a synchronous generators, which
is synchronously connected to the grid (directly or via a machine transformer). A Type 1 generating unit is
for example the synchronous generator of a steam power plant, a hydro power plant or a conventional
combustion engine unit. In this paragraph, the term “generator” refers to the electric device (not to the entity).
(105) Type 2 generating unit – A generating unit is of Type 2, if it uses any generator technology which
is different from a synchronously grid-connected synchronous generator. A Type 2 generating unit is for
example a photovoltaic inverter, a wind turbine with fully rated converter, a wind turbine with doubly-fed
induction generator, etc. or a simple induction generator. In this paragraph, the term “generator” refers to
the electric device (not to the entity).
(106) Unit Islanding - The capability of generating units to settle down at nominal speed, supplying own
auxiliary load after separation from the grid, at up to full load pre-trip conditions.
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5.2 Acronyms
(1) Note: Standard SI symbols and abbreviations are used throughout the Grid Code without re-definition here.
Hz: Hertz
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IPP: Independent Power Producer
MVA: Megavolt-Ampere
MW: Megawatt
O/C: Over-Current
OVRT: Over-Voltage-Ride-Through
TRFR: Transformer
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Um, Umax: Maximum Rated Voltage
UVRT: Under-Voltage-Ride-Through
(1) Communication with the Grid Code Secretariat in respect of the normal operations of this Grid Code shall
be sent to the following chosen address:
Morogoro Road
(2) Communication with the Authority in respect of the normal operations of this Grid Code shall be sent to the
following chosen address:
Samora Avenue
(3) Communication with TANESCO Transmission in respect of the normal operations of this Grid Code shall
be sent to the following chosen address:
Morogoro Road
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(4) Any notice given in terms of this Grid Code shall be in writing and shall -
(e) if delivered by hand, be deemed to have been duly received by the addressee on the date of delivery
and a receipt will have to be produced as proof of delivery;
(f) if posted by pre-paid registered post, be deemed to have been received by the addressee 14 days
after the date of such posting;
(g) if successfully transmitted by facsimile, be deemed to have been received by the addressee one day
after dispatch.
(5) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Grid Code, a written notice or communication
actually received by one of the parties from another, including by way of facsimile transmission, shall be
adequate written notice or communication to such party.
7 Acknowledgement
(1) This Grid Code, although uniquely Tanzanian, has drawn on regionally and internationally available grid
codes and other documents where applicable. In particular the grid codes of Kenya, Namibia, South Africa,
Uganda, United Kingdom and Zambia were consulted.
8 References
[1] Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS): Tanzania Standard – Power quality – Quality of supply
[2] IEC 61000-4-7, International Standard: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-7: Testing and
measurement techniques – General guide on harmonics and interharmonics measurements and
instrumentation, for power supply systems and equipment connected thereto
[3] IEC 61400-21, International Standard: Wind turbines – Part 21: Measurement and assessment of power
quality characteristics of grid connected wind turbines
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Version 2
List of Figures
Figure 3.1: P-Q-Capability Diagram (generation oriented), solid curve: requirement, dashed curve: power
factor = 0.95 dotted curve: area of 10% reactive power below 10% active power ................................. 9
Figure 3.2: U-Q-Capability Diagram solid line = requirement for 20% to 100% nominal active power ...... 10
Figure 3.3: Time vs. system frequency plot, minimum operating range of a turbo-alternator unit................ 11
Figure 3.7: Requirement for additional reactive current Note: The diagram is drawn in a generation-oriented
way, i.e. positive additional reactive current is overexcited operation, increasing the voltage............. 19
Figure 9.1: Summary of the requirements applicable to specific classes of units ......................................... 45
Figure 9.2: Summary of the requirements applicable to specific classes of units ......................................... 48
List of Tables
Table 5.1: Selection of Dead Line charging end of the line. ......................................................................... 30
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 2 of 79
1 Introduction
(1) This code contains a set of connection conditions for generators, distributors and end-use customers,
and the standards used to plan and develop the Transmission System (TS).
(1) The (Transmission) System Operator (TSO) shall provide Quotes for new connections (or for upgrading
existing connections) according to an approved Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority
(EWURA) tariff methodology and within time frames agreed with prospective customers.
(2) The agreed time period for connecting customers or upgrading connections shall be negotiated between
the (Transmission) System Operator (TSO) and the customer in every instance.
(3) Applications for new or revised connections shall be lodged with the (Transmission) System Operator
(TSO) at the address specified in the Preamble.
3 Connection conditions
(1) This section on connection conditions specifies both the acceptable technical, design and operational
criteria which must be complied with by any customer connected to or seeking connection to the TS or
by embedded or co-generators, and the minimum technical, design and operational criteria with which
Transmission and the System Operator shall comply in relation to the part of the TS where the
connection will take place.
(2) The objective of the connection conditions is to ensure that by specifying minimum technical, design
and operational criteria, the basic rules for connection to the TS are similar for all customers of an
equivalent category and will enable Transmission and the System Operator to comply with its statutory
and licence obligations. Since quality of supply and grid integrity are shared responsibilities between
Transmission and the System Operator and their customers, these conditions furthermore ensure
adherence to sound engineering practice and codes by all the Participants.
(1) This section defines acceptable requirements for generator connections. Note that some of the sections
below refer to a Grid Code requirement (GCR) for brevity and later reference.
(2) Compliance with the GCR shall be read in conjunction with the Generating Unit characteristics and
sizes as specified in Table 1(a) and (b) in Appendix 1.
(3) Transmission shall offer to connect and, subject to the signing of the necessary agreements as specified
in section 2, make available a Point of Connection to any requesting generator licensed to generate
(4) For new units special consideration shall be given to the impact of the risks on future operating costs,
e.g. for ancillary services. The System Operator is to quantify these expected costs. The special
consideration may include obtaining the Authority approval for including these costs in the tariff base
or obliging the generator to purchase reserves.
3.1.1 Protection
(1) A Generating Unit’s, unit step-up transformer, unit auxiliary transformer, associated Busbar ducts and
switchgear shall be equipped with well maintained Protection functions, in line with international best
practices, to rapidly disconnect appropriate plant sections should a fault occur within the relevant
Protection zones which fault may reflect into the TS.
(2) The following Protection functions shall be provided as defined to protect the TS:
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 3 of 79 Backup Impedance
(1) An impedance facility with a large reach shall be used. This shall operate for phase faults in the unit, in
the HV yard or in the adjacent TS lines, with a suitable delay, for cases when the corresponding main
Protection fails to operate. The impedance facility shall have fuse fail interlocking.
(1) All Type 1 generating units shall be fitted with a loss of field facility that matches the system
requirements. The type of facility to be implemented shall be agreed with Transmission.
(1) Type 1 generating units shall be fitted with a pole slipping facility that matches the system requirements,
where the System Operator determines that it is required.
(1) This Protection shall operate in the event of a complete loss of load. For example if all the feeder
breakers open at a Power Station, power flow into the system is cut off and the generators will
accelerate. At 51.5 Hz the over-frequency facility shall pick up to start the house loading process. At this
stage the HV breakers will still be closed. There will be power swings between the units and as soon as
a unit has a reverse power condition the Protection shall open the HV breaker. The units shall island
feeding their own auxiliaries. When system conditions have been restored then the islanded units can
be resynchronised to the system
(2) Paragraph (1) of Section (Trip to House load) does not apply to power stations / power generating
facilities, which have only Type 2 generating units (but no Type 1 generating units).
(1) This is an IDMT facility that shall monitor the current in the unit transformer neutral. It can detect faults
in the transformer HV side or in the adjacent network. The back-up earth fault facility shall trip the HV
(1) The “breaker fail” Protection shall monitor the HV circuit breaker's operation for Protection trip signals,
i.e. fault conditions. If a circuit breaker fails to open and the fault is still present after a specific time
delay (nominally 120 ms), it shall trip the necessary adjacent circuit breakers.
(1) The pole disagreement Protection shall cover the cases where one or two poles of a circuit breaker fail
to operate after a trip or close signal.
(1) This Protection shall be installed in the HV yard Substation or in the unit Protection panels. If this
Protection is installed in the unit Protection panels then the DC supply for this Protection and that used
for the circuit-breaker closing circuit shall be the same. This Protection safeguards the generator against
an unintended connection to the TS (back energisation) when at standstill or at low speed.
(2) This section (Section, Unit Switch onto Standstill Protection) applies to Type 1 generating units
or power stations with Type 1 generating units only. It does not apply to Type 2 generating units.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 4 of 79 Overcurrent Protection of Power Station with Type 2 Generating Units
(1) For short-circuit protection at least over-current protection shall be provided as minimum requirement.
(2) The connection of a power station to the HV network is usually implemented by means of circuit
(3) A power station shall be equipped at least with overcurrent time protection as short-circuit protection.
(4) The short-circuit protection devices of the power station must be integrated into the overall protection
concept of the network operator. For this reason, the protection scheme shall be agreed with the network
operator at the stage of planning. The protection equipment settings are specified by the network
operator as far as they have an impact on his network. Protective disconnection devices for Power Stations with Type 2 Generating Units
(1) The function of protective disconnection devices described here is to disconnect the power station or the
individual generating units from the network in the event of disturbed operating conditions. Examples
are network faults, islanding, or a slow build-up of the network voltage after a fault in the transmission
system. The reason for disconnection can be either to avoid unstable or unsecure operation of the power
system, or to protect the installations and other customer facilities connected to the network. The
generator is responsible for a reliable protection of his power station.
(2) The following functions of the protective disconnection equipment shall be realized:
(3) The settings of the protective disconnection devices are not allowed to counteract other requirements.
(4) The parameter settings have to be agreed with the responsible transmission system operator.
(5) The settings for the under-frequency protection shall allow to ride through typical under-frequency fault
cases which might happen in the system and which shall be withstand by the system, for example the
temporary frequency drop subsequent to the loss of a power station in the system.
(6) If a power station consist of more than one generating unit, the settings must be chosen in a way to
disconnect the individual generating units at slightly different thresholds or time settings in order to
minimize the power change to the system at one instant in time. The transmission system operator may
provide accordingly different settings to different power stations in the network to minimize the power
change to the system at one instant in time.
(7) Protective disconnection shall be realized within a self-sufficient device. The loss of the auxiliary
voltage of the protection equipment must lead to an instantaneous tripping of the switch.
(8) Protective disconnection devices are installed at the Point of Connection and/or at the terminals of the
power generating units.
(1) In addition, should system conditions dictate, other Protection requirements shall be determined by the
System Operator in consultation with the generator and these should be provided and maintained by the
relevant generator at its own cost.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 5 of 79 Fault Clearance Times
(1) Required HV breaker tripping, fault clearance times, including breaker operating times depend on
system conditions and shall be defined by Transmission. Guidelines for operating times are:
(2) Further downstream breaker tripping (away from the system), fault clearing times, including breaker
operating time, shall not exceed the following:
(5) Where system conditions dictate, these times may be reduced. Where so designed, earth fault clearing
times for high resistance earthed systems may exceed the above tripping times.
(1) All Protection interfaces with Transmission shall be co-ordinated between the Participants.
(2) The settings of all the Protection tripping functions on the unit Protection system of a unit, relevant to
TS performance and as agreed with each generator in writing, shall be co-ordinated with the
Transmission Protection settings. These settings shall be agreed between Transmission and each
generator, and shall be documented and maintained by the generator, with the reference copy, which
reflects the actual plant status at all time, held by Transmission. The generator shall control all other
(3) For system abnormal conditions, a unit is to be disconnected from the TS in response to conditions at
the Point of Connection, only when the system conditions are outside the plant capability where damage
will occur. Protection setting documents shall illustrate plant capabilities and the relevant Protection
(4) Competent persons shall carry out testing, commissioning and configuration of Protection systems.
Prototype and routine testing shall be carried out as defined Appendix 2, Section 10.5.1
(5) Any work on the Protection circuits interfacing with Transmission Protection systems (e.g. bus zone)
must be communicated to the System Operator before commencing with the works. This includes work
done during a unit outage.
(1) Every unit that does not have black start capabilities of less than one hour without power from the TS
shall be capable of unit Islanding.
(2) Islanding testing shall be contracted as an ancillary service. The procedure for testing is given in
Appendix 2, Section 10.5.2.
(3) Section 3.1.2 (Ability of units to island) does not apply to non-dispatchable generation.
(1) A continuously-acting automatic excitation control system (AVR) shall be installed to provide constant
terminal voltage control of the unit, without instability, over the entire operating range of the unit. (Note
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 6 of 79
that this does not include the possible influence of a power system stabiliser.) Excitation systems shall
comply with the requirements specified in IEC 60034.
(2) The excitation control system shall be equipped with an under-excitation limiter, load angle limiter and
flux limiter as described in IEC60034-16-1.
(3) The excitation system shall have a minimum excitation ceiling limit of 1.6 pu rotor current, where 1 pu
is the rotor current required to operate the unit at rated load and at rated power factor.
(4) The settings of the excitation system shall be agreed between the System Operator and each generator,
and shall be documented, with the master copy held by the System Operator. The generators shall control
all other copies. The procedure for this is shown Appendix 2, Section 10.5.3.
(5) In addition, the unit shall be capable of operating in the full range as indicated in the capability diagram
supplied as part of the Information Exchange Code. Test procedures are shown in Appendix 2, Section
(6) The active power output under steady state conditions of any unit shall not be affected by voltage
changes in the normal operating range. Units with water-cooled stator windings shall be capable of
delivering rated Megavolt-Ampere (MVA) at terminal voltages between 95 and 105% of rated voltage.
Units with gas-cooled stator windings are specified to be capable of delivering rated MVA at terminal
voltages between 100 and 105% of rated voltage, and rated stator current at voltages below 100%.
(7) Power system stabilisers as described in IEC60034-16-1 are a requirement for all new units, and for
existing units retrofitting may be required depending on IPS requirements. The requirements for other
excitation control facilities and AVR refurbishment shall be determined in conjunction with the System
(8) Routine and prototype response tests shall be carried out on excitation systems as indicated in Appendix
2, Section 10.5.3 and in accordance to IEC60034-16-3.
(9) Section 3.1.3 (Excitation system requirements) does not apply to Type 2 generating units.
(1) For power stations with Type 2 generating units which have the point of connection (PoC) of the power
station at high voltage, the following requirements apply:
(a) A power station with Type 2 generating units shall provide the capability of the following control
modes effective at the point of connection (PoC) of the power station:
(b) For power stations with Type 2 generating units, the network operator selects the control mode
which has to be activated for operation and specifies the parameter settings, depending on the
location of the PoC in the network.
(c) A power station with Type 2 generating units shall be able to operate in any operating point of the
reactive power capability diagram specified in Section 3.1.5, for the active power range which is
possible to operate with respect to the primary power source of the power station.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 7 of 79
(d) For an adjusted control mode and parameter set, the power station with Type 2 generating units
shall be able to settle each accessible operating point with respect to the control mode within 30
(e) If the share of the sum of the nominal power of all Type 2 generation units with PoC at HV becomes
larger than 15% of the installed capacity in the system, newly commissioned generators must have
voltage control capability, in addition to the reactive power / power factor control capabilities
described in Paragraph a.
(f) In order to run stable with neighbouring power stations, the voltage control has to be equipped with
a voltage/reactive power droop functionality.
(1) All new Type 1 generating units shall be capable of supplying rated power output Megawatt (MW) at
any point between the limits 0.85 power factor lagging and 0.95 power factor leading at the unit
terminals. Reactive output shall be fully variable between these limits under AVR, manual or other
(2) Routine and prototype response tests shall be carried out to demonstrate reactive capabilities as indicated
in Appendix 2, Section 10.5.4.
(3) For power stations with Type 2 generating units, the following requirements apply:
(a) If the generating units run with nominal active power, the reactive power flow at the point of
connection (PoC) of the installation shall be sufficient to provide a power factor at the PoC of at
least 0.95 overexcited to 0.95 underexcited, i.e. 0.95 or lower for voltage increasing operation and
0.95 or lower for voltage decreasing operation, if the voltage at the PoC is within 0.95 through 1.05
(b) In partial load operation, the power station shall have the capability to inject/absorb the same
amount of reactive power as at nominal active power of the generating units, down to 20% of the
nominal active power of the power station, as depicted in Figure 3.1.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 8 of 79
Figure 3.1: P-Q-Capability Diagram (generation oriented),
solid curve: requirement,
dashed curve: power factor = 0.95
dotted curve: area of 10% reactive power below 10% active power
(c) Between 10% and 20% of the nominal active power of the power station, the reactive power
requirement is as depicted Figure 3.1.
(d) Below 10% of the nominal active power of the power station, the reactive power
injection/absorption shall not be larger than 10% based on the value of the nominal active power
of the installation (i.e. inside the dotted line of Figure 3.1). This requirement does not apply, if an
operation in synchronous condenser or STATCOM mode has been agreed with the network
(i) above 1.02 p.u. voltage at the PoC, the same underexcited reactive power (absorption of
reactive power) is required as at 1.00 p.u. voltage, but less overexcited reactive power
(injection of reactive power), as depicted in Figure 3.2,
(ii) below 0.98 p.u. voltage at the PoC, the same overerexcited reactive power (injection of
reactive power) is required as at 1.00 p.u. voltage, but less underexcited reactive power
(absorption of reactive power), as depicted in Figure 3.2.
(iii)Above 1.05 p.u. and up to 1.10 p.u. voltage at the PoC, only underexcited reactive power
absorption of reactive power) is required), as depicted in Figure 3.2.
(iv) Below 0.95 p.u. and down to 0.90 p.u. voltage at the PoC, only overexcited reactive power
absorption of reactive power) is required), as depicted in Figure 3.2.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 9 of 79
Figure 3.2: U-Q-Capability Diagram solid line = requirement for 20% to 100% nominal active power
(f) The generator shall document the maximum possible reactive power capability in terms of five P-
Q-Capability Diagrams of the power station as follows, and a U-Q/Pmax-Profile of the power
station and provide the information to the network operator. The reactive power capability can be
examined by means of network calculations, taking the voltage-dependent reactive power
capability curves of the generating units into account. Voltage drop and voltage rise within the
power station and loading of the equipment within the power station (e.g. cables, transformers) has
to be considered.
(i) P-Q-Capability Diagram of the installation for 0.90 p.u. voltage at the PoC
(ii) P-Q-Capability Diagram of the installation for 0.95 p.u. voltage at the PoC
(iii) P-Q-Capability Diagram of the installation for 0.98 p.u. voltage at the PoC
(iv) P-Q-Capability Diagram of the installation for 1.02 p.u. voltage at the PoC
(v) P-Q-Capability Diagram of the installation for 1.05 p.u. voltage at the PoC
(vi) P-Q-Capability Diagram of the installation for 1.10 p.u. voltage at the PoC
(g) In order to achieve the requirement at the PoC, usually the generating units have to provide a larger
reactive power capability at their terminals. If the generating units cannot provide sufficient
reactive power to fulfil the requirement of the installation at the PoC, additional devices such as
capacitor banks, shunt reactors, STATCOMs or synchronous condensers can be installed within
the power station.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 10 of 79
3.1.6 Multiple Unit Tripping (MUT) risks
(1) A Power Station and its units shall be designed, maintained and operated to minimise the risk of more
than one unit being tripped from one common cause within a short time.
(2) Routine and prototype response tests shall be carried out to demonstrate MUT withstand capabilities as
indicated in Appendix 2, Section 10.5.5.
3.1.7 Governing
(1) All units above 2.5 MVA shall have an operational governor that shall be capable of responding
according to the minimum requirements set out in this document.
(1) Because of the uncertain dynamic behaviour of the Tanzanian system, frequency variations cannot be
specified in this document. New Generators will need to do comprehensive system studies to ascertain
the dynamic behaviour of the system as applicable to their position on the network. The frequency
tolerances apply to voltage tolerances as specified in section 3.1.9.
(2) The design of turbo-alternator units must enable continuous operation, at up to 100% active power
output, within the range as defined in Figure 3.3.
(3) Type 2 generating units must be able to operate in steady-state in a frequency band of +/- 2.5% around
the nominal frequency of 50 Hz, i.e. 48.75 Hz through 51.25 Hz.
(4) Tripping times for units in the range of 47.5Hz to 48.5Hz shall be as agreed with the system operator.
Sections to shall be used as guidelines for these tripping times.
Figure 3.3: Time vs. system frequency plot, minimum operating range of a turbo-alternator unit.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 11 of 79 High Frequency Requirements for Turbo-alternators
(1) All synchronised units shall respond by reducing active power to frequencies above 50 Hz plus allowable
dead band described in section Speed governors shall be set to give a 4 % governor droop
characteristic (or as otherwise agreed by the System Operator). The response shall be fully achieved
within 10 seconds and must be sustained for the duration of the frequency excursion. The unit shall
respond to the full designed minimum operational capability of the unit at the time of the occurrence. High Frequency Conditions in the Range 51.0 to 51.5 Hz (Stage H1)
(1) When the frequency goes above 51.0 Hz but less than 51.5 Hz the requirement is that the unit shall be
designed to run for at least 10 minutes over the life of the plant. The turbo-alternator units shall be able
to operate for at least 5 minutes continuously without tripping in this range.
(2) Exceeding this limit shall prompt the generator to take all reasonable efforts to reduce the system
frequency below 51.0 Hz. Such actions can include manual tripping of the running unit. Tripping shall
be staggered in time and be initiated once the frequency has been greater than 51.0 Hz for 5 minutes.
The generator will trip a unit, and if the system frequency does not fall below 51.0 Hz, the other units
shall be tripped in staggered format over the next five minutes or until the system frequency is below
51.0 Hz. The System Operator shall approve this tripping philosophy and the settings.
(1) When the frequency goes above 51.5 Hz the requirement is that the unit shall be designed to run for at
least 1 minute over the life of the plant. The turbo-alternator units shall be able to operate at least 30
seconds continuously without tripping in this range.
(2) When the system frequency exceeds 51.5 Hz, the generator can start tripping units sequentially.
Tripping shall be spread over a 30-second window. If a generator chooses to implement automatic
tripping, the tripping shall be staggered. The System Operator shall approve this tripping philosophy
and the settings. As an example, the first unit will trip in 5 seconds, the second unit trip in 10 seconds,
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 12 of 79 High Frequency Requirements for Hydro Alternators
(1) All synchronised hydro units shall respond by reducing active power to frequencies above 50 Hz plus
allowable dead band described in section Speed governors shall be set to give a 4 % governor
droop characteristic (or as otherwise agreed by the System Operator). The response shall be fully
achieved within 30 seconds and must be sustained for the duration of the frequency excursion. The unit
shall respond to the full load capability range of the unit.
(2) As the Tanzanian system is not designed for n-1 contingencies high over-frequency withstand
capabilities are required. When the frequency goes above 54 Hz the requirement is that the unit shall be
designed to run for at least 120 seconds over the life of the plant. It is expected that there will be less
than 30 events of this nature for the lifetime of the unit (50 years). Hence the hydro-alternator units shall
be able to operate at least 4 seconds in this range.
(3) When the system frequency increases to 54 Hz for longer than 4 seconds, the generator shall start
staggered tripping of units as per the procedure for turbo-alternators. Settings shall be agreed with the
System Operator.
(1) Low frequency response is defined as an ancillary service as Spinning Reserve. However all units shall
be designed to be capable of having a 4 % governor droop characteristic (or as otherwise agreed by the
System Operator) with a minimum response of 3% of Maximum Continues Rating (MCR) within 10
seconds of a frequency incident. The response must be sustained for at least 10 minutes.
(1) When the frequency goes below 48.5 Hz but greater than 48.0 Hz the requirement is that the unit shall
be designed to run for at least 10 minutes over the life of the plant. The unit shall be able to operate at
least 5 minutes continuously without tripping while the frequency is in this range.
(2) If the system frequency is in this range for more than 5 minutes, independent action may be taken by a
generator to protect the unit.
(1) When the frequency goes below 48.0 Hz but greater than 47.5 Hz the requirement is that the unit be
designed to run for at least 1 minute over the life of the plant. The unit shall be able to operate at least
30 seconds continuously without tripping while the frequency is below 48.0 Hz but greater than 47.5
(2) If the system frequency is in this range for more than 30 seconds, independent action may be taken by a
generator to protect the unit.
(1) If the system frequency falls below 47.5 Hz for longer than 6 seconds, independent action may be taken
by a generator to protect the unit.
(2) If the system frequency falls below 47.0 Hz for longer than 200 milliseconds, independent action may
be taken by a generator to protect the unit.
(1) All reasonable efforts shall be made by the generator to avoid tripping of the hydro-alternator for under
frequency conditions provided that the system frequency is above 46 Hz.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 13 of 79
(2) If the system frequency falls below 46 Hz for more than 1 second, independent action may be taken by
a generator to protect the unit. Such action includes automatic tripping. Droop
(1) The speed governor of a Type 1 generating unit must be capable of being set so that it operates with an
overall speed droop of between 2% and 10%.
(1) The maximum allowable dead band shall be 0.15 Hz for governing. This means that no response is
required from the unit while the frequency is greater than 49.85 to and less than 50.15 Hz.
(2) Routine and prototype response tests shall be carried out on the governing systems as indicated in
Appendix 2, Section 10.5.6.
Type 2 generating units must be able to run in a limited frequency sensitive mode in cases of over-frequencies:
(a) In cases of frequency above 50.5 Hz (which is the upper frequency band limit under normal
operation in the EAPP Interconnected Transmission System), power stations shall reduce active
power output with a droop of between 2% and 10% (default value 4%), starting from 50.5 Hz.
This refers to as Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode – Over-Frequency (LFSM-OF). The droop s
of the LFSM-OF is defined as given in the equation below with the momentary value of the
active power output of the installation at the instant of time when exceeding the 50.5 Hz
threshold as Pref.
[%] = 100 ∙ ∙
. |∆ |
The value for the setting has to be specified by the responsible TSO, if no value is provided, the
default value of 4% shall be used. The responsible TSO can specify other values for the droop
and the activation threshold for LFSM-OF, is technically justified. At 52.0 Hz and above it is
allowed to reduce active power output to zero, if agreed with the responsible network operator.
Hint: In other African Grid Codes the LFSM-OF may refer to as “power curtailment during over-
(b) The following equation defines the required power change for cases in which the frequency f is
higher than 50.5 Hz.
( . )
∆ = [%]
∙ ∙
(c) The power station shall be capable of activating active power frequency response as fast as
technically feasible with an initial delay that shall be as short as possible (usually within 2 seconds).
(d) The power station shall be capable of continuing operation at its minimum regulating level when
reaching it.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 14 of 79
Figure 3.4: Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode – Over-Frequency (LFSM-OF)
(e) If the share of the sum of the nominal power of all Type 2 generation units with PoC at LV becomes
larger than 30% of the installed capacity in the system, newly commissioned generators must be
able to run in full frequency sensitive mode, i.e. they must be able to participate in frequency
control of the system.
(i) In case of over-frequency, the active power frequency response is limited by the minimum
regulating level.
(ii) In case of under-frequency, the active power frequency response is limited by maximum
capacity, which depend on environment conditions in cases of wind and solar for example.
(iii)The initial activation of active power frequency response required shall be provided within
2 seconds.
(v) The power station shall be capable of providing full active power frequency response for a
period of 10 minutes.
(viii) During operation of the power station, the responsible network operator can ask
to activate or deactivate the frequency sensitive mode via instruction. The generator has to
follow the instruction. The network operator and the generator have to mutually agree on
the way how the instruction is transferred and received.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 15 of 79
Figure 3.5: Frequency Sensitive Mode (FSM)
|Δ |
[%] = 100 ∙ ∙
. |Δ |
(Δ ∓ )
Δ = [%]
∙ ∙
(1) A Power Station and a unit is to be capable of being restarted and synchronised to the IPS following
restoration of external auxiliary AC supply without unreasonable delay resulting directly from the loss
of external auxiliary AC supply.
(2) For the purposes of this code, examples of unreasonable delay in the restart of a Power Station are:
(3) Restart of the first unit that takes longer than 1 hour after restart initiation
(4) Restart of the second unit that takes longer than 1 hour after the synchronising of the first unit.
(5) Restarting of all other units that take longer than 30 minutes each after the synchronising of the second
(6) Delays not inherent in the design of the relevant start up facilities and which could reasonably be
minimised by the relevant generator and
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 16 of 79
(7) The start up facilities for a new unit not being designed to minimise start up time delays for the unit
following loss of external auxiliary AC supplies for two hours or less.
(8) Routine and prototype response tests shall be carried out to demonstrate capabilities as indicated in
Appendix 2, Section 10.5.7
(1) A Power Station and a unit is to be capable of being restarted and synchronised to the IPS following
restoration of external auxiliary AC supply without unreasonable delay resulting directly from the loss
of external auxiliary AC supply.
(2) For the purposes of this code, examples of unreasonable delay in the restart of a Power Station are:
(3) Restart of the first unit that takes longer than 30 minutes after restart initiation
(4) Restarting of all other units that take longer than 30 minutes each after the synchronising of the first
(5) Delays not inherent in the design of the relevant start up facilities and which could reasonably be
minimised by the relevant generator and
(6) The start up facilities for a new unit not being designed to minimise start up time delays for the unit
following loss of external auxiliary AC supplies for 30 minutes or less.
(7) Routine and prototype response tests shall be carried out to demonstrate capabilities as indicated in
Appendix 2, Section 10.5.7
(1) Power Stations that have declared that they have a station black start capability shall demonstrate this
facility by test as described in Appendix 2, Section 10.5.8.
(2) Back start capable Power Stations may be called from time to time not to carry out a full station black
start but a unit black start as described in Appendix 2, Section 10.5.8.
(1) Any unit and any Power Station equipment shall be designed with anticipation of the following voltage
conditions at the Point of Connection:
(a) A voltage deviation in the range of 90% to 110% for protracted periods
(b) A voltage drop to zero for up to 0.2s, to 75% for 2s, or to 85% for 60 s provided that during the 3
minute period immediately following the end of that 0.2s, 2s, or 60s periods the actual voltage
remains in the range 90-110% of the nominal voltage. This requirement is referred to as “Under-
Voltage-Ride-Through” (UVRT).
(c) Unbalance between phase voltages of not more than 3 % negative phase sequence and or the
magnitude of one phase not lower than 5 % than any of the other two for 6 hours.
(d) A requirement to withstand the ARC cycle for faults on the transmission lines connected to the
power station, being three single phase faults, each of 150 ms duration, within 31 seconds.
(2) The voltage tolerances apply to frequency tolerances as specified in Figure 3.6.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 17 of 79
Figure 3.6: Voltage tolerances for various frequency ranges
(3) Routine and prototype response tests shall be carried out to demonstrate capabilities as indicated in
Appendix 2, Section 10.5.10.
(4) Power stations with Type 2 generating units shall be designed to withstand and ride through a voltage
rise to 120% for 2 s, or to 115% for 60 s provided that during the 3 minute period immediately following
the end of that 2 s, or 60 s periods the actual voltage remains in the range 90-110% of the nominal
voltage. This requirement is named “Over-Voltage-Ride-Through” (OVRT).
(5) For power stations with Type 2 generating units, for Paragraph 1.a, 1.b and 4 of Section 3.1.10 (External
supply disturbance withstand capability) the voltage to be considered is:
(a) the lowest of the three line-to-line voltages in cases of voltages below 100% of the nominal voltage,
(b) the highest of the three line-to-line voltages in cases of voltages above 100% of the nominal
(6) Type 2 generating units shall inject additional reactive power to support the voltage during the above
specified Under-Voltage-Ride-Through (UVRT) and Over-Voltage-Ride-Though (OVRT).
(a) Generating units of Type 2 shall start to inject an additional reactive current ΔI Q at their terminals
in proportion to the deviation of the voltage U from the pre-fault voltage U0, following the
equation given below, if the voltage at the unit’s terminal is 10% (percentage based on nominal
voltage) below the pre-fault voltage U0, as depicted in Figure 3.7.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 18 of 79
Δ ⁄ = ∙ (−Δ )⁄ =− ∙( − )⁄
(b) The equation is written generation oriented, i.e. the additional current is an overexcited reactive
current (supporting voltage) in case of a voltage dip.
(c) The factor K is an integer number and has to be adjustable in the range from 0 to 8. The default
setting is 2. The network operator may require a different value within the range from 0 to 8, if
(d) The voltage U in the equation given in Paragraph a is the positive sequence value of the
fundamental frequency at the generating unit terminals.
(e) The pre-fault voltage is the 1-minute mean value of the RMS value of the voltage at the generating
unit terminals.
(f) It is allowed to adjust the threshold for activating the additional reactive current injection (10%
below the pre-fault voltage U0) to a value closer to the pre-fault voltage U0, i.e. 0%-10% below U0
(0% means a permanent voltage control).
(g) With the pre-fault reactive current IQ0, the total injected reactive current IQ is:
= +Δ
(h) The tolerance band for accuracy of the magnitude |ΔIQ| of the additional reactive current is -10%
and +20% of the nominal current of the generating unit, as depicted in Figure 3.7.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 19 of 79
(i) In case of a three-phase fault, the generating unit must be able to inject a reactive current IQ of at
least 100% of the generating unit’s nominal current.
(j) In case of a single-phase fault or a two-phase fault, the generating unit must be able to inject a
reactive current IQ of at least 40% of the generating unit’s nominal current.
(k) The additional reactive current has to be settled within 60 ms after beginning of the fault, i.e. 60 ms
after beginning of the fault the additional reactive current has to be and stay within the tolerance
(l) The additional reactive current has to reach the tolerance band for the first time within 30 ms after
beginning of the fault.
(m) Note: There is no deadband for the additional reactive current. Once the voltage is below the
activation band of 10% below the pre-fault voltage, the additional current has to be injected
according to equation given in Paragraph a.
(n) During UVRT or OVRT generating units of Type 2 shall give priority to reactive current injection,
it is allowed to reduce active current. It is recommended (but not mandatory) to reduce active
current IP in proportion to the deviation of the voltage, as indicated by the following equation or
⁄ =( − ∆ )⁄ =( ⁄ ) − |(−∆ ⁄ )| = ( ⁄ ) − |( − )⁄ |
(o) The responsible TSO has to announce if this functionality of dynamic voltage support (additional
reactive current during UVRT and OVRT) shall be activated and which value shall be used for the
K factor (default value is 2). The TSO has the right at any time in the future to require the activation
of this functionality.
(1) All new generating unit step-up transformers shall have on-load tap changing which can be remotely
controlled. The range shall be agreed between Transmission and the generator.
(1) All generators shall specify their units’ capabilities for providing real power above rated capability.
(1) Frequency control under system island conditions shall revert to the Power Stations as the last resort,
and units and associated plant shall be equipped to handle such situations. The required control range is
from 49 to 51 Hz.
(1) It may be agreed with the System Operator that a unit that is capable of automatically starting within 10
minutes shall have automatic under-frequency starting. This starting shall be initiated by frequency-level
facilities with settings in the range 49Hz to 50Hz as specified by the System Operator.
(1) A connection of a commissioned Type 2 generating unit shall be admissible only if the network voltage
at the PoC is inside its normal operating voltage band (0.90 p.u. – 1.10 p.u.) and the frequency is between
47.5 Hz and 50.5 Hz (which are the lower frequency band limit under extreme system operation of fault
conditions and the upper frequency band limit under normal operation in the EAPP Interconnected
Transmission System).
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(2) If the voltage at the PoC is outside of the above mentioned voltage band (0.90 p.u. – 1.10 p.u.),
connection shall be blocked.
(3) If the frequency is is below 47.5 Hz or above 50.5 Hz, connection shall be blocked. A different value
for the setting may be applied in agreement with the responsible TSO.
(4) The reconnection of a power generating unit after being disconnected for protection is only allowed:
(a) if the voltage at the PoC is within a band of 0.80 p.u. – 1.10 p.u.,
(b) if the frequency is below 47.5 Hz or above 50.5 Hz (a different value for the setting may be applied
in agreement with the responsible TSO,
(c) if there is no Instruction from the network operator for disconnection or for power limit of 0%,
compare Section 3.1.16.
(5) If the power station consists of several generating units, the responsible DNO can specify a minimum
delay time interval between the connection/reconnection of the individual units in order to limit impact
on voltage and ensure desired power quality (e.g. flicker).
(1) Power stations with Type 2 generating units must have a remote control connection to reduce power
injection to zero (i.e. stop of power injection) by the responsible TSO. To run the customer’s facility in
an isolated mode, disconnected from the network of public supply, is allowed.
(2) Power stations with Type 2 generating units must have a remote control connection to reduce the power
by the responsible TSO in pre-defined steps. The responsible TSO shall defines the required power steps
(e.g. steps of 25% of the nominal power of the power station).
(3) The technical requirements for the remote control connection have to be specified by the responsible
3.1.17 Harmonics
(1) A power station with Type 2 generating units shall withstand and function correctly in the presence of
harmonic voltages up to the compatibility levels for HV or EHV networks specified in the TBS Standard
“Power Quality – Quality of Supply” [1] (long-term and short-term).
(2) The power station with Type 2 generating units is not allowed to inject harmonic currents into the
network which lead to harmonic voltages or a THD at the PCC which are higher than the compatibility
levels for HV or EHV networks specified in TBS Standard “Power Quality – Quality of Supply” [1].
The responsible TSO may provide lower planning limits in order to ensure that the compatibility levels
at the PCC are met.
(3) If the compatibility levels for harmonic voltages or THD at the PCC are exceeded in operation, the
responsible TSO has to carry out measurements in accordance to [1] in combination with IEC 61000-4-
7 [2] or if applicable in combination with IEC 61400-21 [3] in order to find the most disturbing device.
If this device belongs to the power station, the generator has to do countermeasures to lower the
harmonic disturbance.
(1) A generator shall keep records relating to the compliance by each of its units with each section of this
code applicable to that unit, setting out such Information that the System Operator reasonably requires
for assessing power system performance (including actual unit performance during abnormal
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(2) Within one Month after the end of June and December, a generator shall review, and confirm to the
System Operator, compliance by each of that generator’s units with every GCR during the past 6 Month
(3) A generator shall conduct tests or studies to demonstrate that each Power Station and each generating
unit complies with each of the requirements of this code. Tests shall be carried out on new units, after
every outage where the integrity of any GCR may have been compromised, to demonstrate the
compliance of the unit with the relevant GCR(s). The generator shall continuously monitor its
compliance with all the connection conditions of the Grid Code. The Authority may waive this
requirement parties to the PPA have testing obligations agreed under their PPAs.
(4) Each generator shall submit to the System Operator a detailed test procedure, emphasising system
impact, for each relevant part of this code prior to every test.
(5) If a generator determines, from tests or otherwise, that one of its units or Power Stations is not
complying with one or more sections of this code, then the generator shall:
(7) promptly advise the System Operator of the remedial steps it proposes to take to ensure that the relevant
unit or Power Station (as applicable) can comply with this code and the proposed timetable for
implementing those steps;
(8) Diligently take such remedial action as will ensure that the relevant unit or Power Station (as applicable)
can comply with this code. The generator shall regularly report in writing to the System Operator on its
progress in implementing the remedial action;
(9) And after taking remedial action as described above, demonstrate to the reasonable satisfaction of the
System Operator that the relevant unit or Power Station (as applicable) is then complying with this code.
(10) Power stations with Type 2 generating units shall install a power quality monitoring device and a fault
recorder within their facility at the connection to the PoC.
(iv) recording of the currents IL1, IL2, IL3, I0; current measurement capability shall include 4 ×
In continuously
(v) recording of the active power, reactive power, apparent power and power factor
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 22 of 79
(xii) FIFO buffer
Pmax, Qmax
individual for all analogue and binary input signals which are used for triggering
(c) The generator has to provide recordings of the power quality monitoring and fault recording to the
TSO upon request.
(1) If at any time the System Operator believes that a unit or Power Station is not complying with this code,
and then the System Operator must notify the relevant generator of such non-compliance specifying the
code section concerned and the basis for the System Operator’s belief.
(2) If the relevant generator believes that the unit or Power Station (as applicable) is complying with the
code, then the System Operator and the generator must promptly meet to resolve their difference.
(1) If a generator proposes to change or modify any of its units in a manner that could reasonably be
expected to either adversely affect that unit's ability to comply with this code, or changes the
performance, Information supplied, settings, etc, then that generator shall submit a proposal notice to
the System Operator which shall:
(3) state when the generator intends to make the proposed change or modification; and
(4) Set out the proposed tests to confirm that the relevant unit as changed or modified operates in the manner
contemplated in the proposal, can comply with this code.
(5) If the System Operator disagrees with the proposal submitted, it may notify the relevant generator, and
the System Operator and the relevant generator shall promptly meet and discuss the matter in good faith
in an endeavour to resolve the disagreement.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 23 of 79 Implementing modifications
(1) The generator shall ensure that an approved change or modification to a unit or to a subsystem of a unit
is implemented in accordance with the relevant proposal approved by the System Operator.
(2) The generator shall notify the System Operator promptly after an approved change or modification to a
unit has been implemented.
(1) The generator shall confirm that a change or modification to any of its units as described above conforms
to the relevant proposal by conducting the relevant tests, in relation to the connection conditions,
promptly after the proposal has been implemented.
(2) Within 20 business days after any such test has been conducted, the relevant generator shall provide the
System Operator with a report in relation to that test (including test results of that test, where
(1) Where the generator needs to install equipment that connects directly with Transmission equipment, for
example in the high voltage yard of Transmission, such equipment shall adhere to Transmission design
requirements as set out in this code.
(2) Transmission may require customers to provide documentary proof that their connection equipment
complies with all relevant standards, both by design and by testing.
(1) This section describes connection conditions for distributors and end-use customers.
(2) Transmission shall offer to connect and, subsequent to the signing of the relevant agreements, make
available a Point of Connection to any requesting distributor or end-use customer.
(3) A customer may request additional reinforcements to the TS over and above that which could be
economically justified as described in the section on TS Planning and Development. Transmission shall
provide such reinforcements if the customer agrees to bear the costs, which shall be priced according to
the Tariff Code provisions.
(1) Distributors and end-use customers shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the power factors at the
Point of Supply is at all times 0,90 lagging or better, unless otherwise agreed to in existing contracts
between the Participants. This requirement applies to each Point of Supply individually for customers
with more than one Point of Supply. A leading power factor shall not be acceptable, unless specifically
agreed to in writing.
(2) Should the power factor be less than the said limit during any 10 (ten) demand-integrated half hours in
a single calendar Month, the Participants shall co-operate in determining the plans of action to rectify
the situation. Overall lowest cost solutions shall be sought.
3.2.2 Protection
(1) Each Participant shall take all reasonable steps to protect its own plant.
(2) The System Operator Protection requirements, with which the customers shall interface, are described
in section 5. The detailed Protection applications, insofar as the equipment of one Participant may have
an impact on the other, shall be agreed to in writing by the relevant Participants. Distributors who have
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customers connected directly to the Transmission substations are responsible for ensuring that such
customers comply with the relevant Protection standards.
(3) The Participants shall co-ordinate Protection to ensure proper grading and Protection coordination.
(1) Minimum fault levels at each Point of Supply shall be maintained by Transmission under normal
operating conditions to ensure compliance with the relevant Quality of Supply standards and to ensure
correct operation of the Protection systems.
(2) Transmission shall liaise with customers as per the process defined in the section on Network planning
and development, on how fault levels are planned to change and on the best overall solutions when
equipment ratings become inadequate. Overall lowest cost solutions shall be sought and a joint impact
assessment shall be done covering all aspects. Transmission shall communicate the potential impact on
safety of people when equipment ratings are exceeded.
(3) The System Operator shall annually, or when substantial deviations have taken place, publish updated
minimum and maximum normal operating fault levels for each Point of Supply. The customer shall
ensure his equipment is capable of operating at the specified fault level ranges.
(4) If equipment fault level ratings are or will be exceeded, the customer shall promptly notify Transmission.
Transmission shall seek overall lowest cost solutions to address fault level problems. Corrective action
shall be at the cost of the relevant asset owner.
(1) If the distributor or end-use customer network performance falls below acceptable levels and affects
the quality of supply to other customers or causes damage (direct or indirect) to Transmission equipment,
the process for dispute resolution, as described in the Governance Code, shall be followed.
(b) Performance that complies with Transmission operating and maintenance procedures at that
Substation, and
(c) Performance that complies with the minimum agreed standards of Quality of Supply QOS, see
3.2.5 below.
(3) If distributors or end-use customers are aware that their network performance could be unacceptable as
described above, they shall take reasonable steps at their own cost to overcome the shortcomings, for
example by improving line maintenance practices, improving Protection and breaker operating times,
if necessary by replacing the said equipment, installing additional network breakers, changing operating
procedures, by installing fault-limiting devices if the number of faults cannot be reduced, etc. These
changes should be effected in consultation with Transmission on both the technical scope and the time
(4) Where QOS standards are transgressed, the parties shall co-operate and agree in determining the root
causes and plans of action.
(1) Quality of supply is a shared responsibility between Transmission and its customers, and based on
Tanzanian QOS standards [1] as agreed with all Stakeholders.
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(2) Transmission shall agree in writing with its customers, for every Point of Supply, at least on the
following QOS parameters, taking local circumstances, historical performance and the relevant
standards into account:
(g) Customer responsibilities in terms of harmonic current injection, unbalanced currents and addition
of voltage dips to the network could also be included in the agreement.
(3) A reasonable time period for monitoring performance shall be allowed before performance is agreed to
for the first time in terms of interruptions and dips. This time period shall be three years unless otherwise
agreed. For harmonic voltages and voltage unbalance, performance can be monitored after one week of
measurements is done.
(4) Where Transmission fails to meet the agreed QOS parameters, they shall take reasonable steps at own
cost to overcome the shortcomings, for example by improving line maintenance practices, improving
Protection and breaker operating times, if necessary by replacing the said equipment, installing
additional network breakers, changing operating procedures, by installing fault-limiting devices if the
number of faults cannot be reduced, etc. These changes should be effected in consultation with the
customer on both the technical scope and the time frame.
(1) Where the distributor or end-use customer need to install equipment that connects directly with
Transmission equipment in Transmission substations, such equipment shall adhere to Transmission
design requirements as set out below in 4. (These can be at any voltage level.)
(2) Transmission may require customers to provide documentary proof that their connection equipment
complies with all relevant standards, both by design and by testing.
(3) Any distributor or end-use customer wishing to install a new series capacitor, shall at his expense and
according to Transmission’s requirements, arrange for sub synchronous resonance, harmonic and
Protection coordination studies to be conducted to ensure that sub synchronous resonance will not be
excited in any generator.
(1) The purpose of this section is to document the design and other technical standards that Transmission
shall adhere to.
(1) Primary Substation Equipment shall comply with IEC specifications. Application shall cater for local
conditions, e.g. increased pollution levels and should be determined by or in consultation with the
(2) Transmission shall design, install and maintain equipment in accordance with the standards.
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(3) Customers may require Transmission to provide documentary proof that their connection equipment
complies with all relevant standards, both by design and by testing.
4.2 Clearances
(1) Clearances shall at least comply with the The Electricity Rules, Section 84, requirements.
(1) CT and VT ratios and cores shall be determined by or in consultation with Transmission.
(1) Substations on the Grid System (GS) shall be configured according to the principles described in this
(1) The reliability and availability of the Grid System is not dependent only on TS lines, transformers, and
other primary and secondary plant; the busbar layout also plays a part. It is important that the busbar
layout and what it can do for the reliability and availability of the customer's supply be prudently
assessed when planning the TS.
(2) The standard arrangement shall be based on providing one busbar zone for every main transformer/line
normally supplying that busbar. Transmission shall however consider local conditions, type of
equipment used, type of load supplied and other factors in the assessment of the required busbar
redundancy. System reliability criteria as described in the TS Planning and Development Section should
also be adhered to.
(1) Bypasses provide high line availability by allowing circuit breakers to be taken out of service for
maintenance and testing without affecting line availability
(2) The bypass with single busbar selection shall be used at 132 kV on single line radial feeds to provide
continuity of supply when maintaining the line breakers
(3) The bypass with double busbar selection shall be used on new 220 kV and above lines where justified.
(1) The provision of motorised isolators at new substations is to be based on the following:
(a) All 220 kV and above isolators shall be motorised at new substations.
(b) Isolators of 132 kV and below shall be specified on individual merit (importance ranking vs. cost
vs. remoteness)
(1) Earthing isolators shall be provided at new substations where the fault level is designed for 15 kA and
(1) For busbar Protection schemes, single sets of CT's shall be used on bus couplers and bus section
breakers (i.e. 3 CT's instead of 6 CT's) to reduce the probability of a double bus zone outage for a CT
fault on a bus coupler or bus section breaker (i.e. non-overlapped zones will apply).
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(2) At Power Station, overlapped bus zones shall be retained to ensure fastest possible clearance of busbar
4.8 Telecontrol
(1) Either Participant may be permitted to have telecontrol equipment in the substations / yards / buildings
of the other Party, to perform agreed monitoring and control. Access shall be provided to such
(2) Distributors shall have reliable SCADA facilities (including telecommunications, computers and RTUs)
for the distribution system connected directly to the TS, to provide the necessary response where system
conditions require.
(1) Transmission shall install automatic tap changing facilities on all new transformers.
(2) Transformers used in the TS at 220kV and above are normally not on automatic tap change.
Transformers supplying a customer are usually on automatic tap change. Voltage levels, sensitivity and
time settings and on/off auto tap changing shall be determined by the System Operator in consultation
with the customer, and Transmission.
(1) The following set of drawings shall be made available by the respective asset owners for all points of
supply, if required by the other Party for the purposes of connection:
(j) Sections
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5 Protection requirements
(1) This section specifies the minimum Protection requirements for Transmission’s as well as typical
settings, to ensure adequate performance of the TS as experienced by the customers.
(2) Transmission shall at all times install and maintain Protection installations that comply with the
provisions of this section.
(3) Transmission shall conduct periodic testing of equipment and systems to ensure and demonstrate that
these are performing to the design specifications. Tests procedures shall be according to the
manufacturers’ specifications.
(4) Transmission shall make available to customers all results of test performed on equipment for reasonable
(1) New feeders shall be protected by two equivalent Protection systems – Main 1 and Main 2.
(2) The Main 1 and Main 2 Protection systems shall be fully segregated in secondary circuits.
(3) An additional earth fault function shall be incorporated in the main Protection relays or installed
separately to alleviate possible deficiencies of distance relays in detection of high resistance faults.
(1) The Protection relays shall provide reliable Protection against all possible short circuits, provide remote
and/or local back up for not cleared busbar faults and are set to provide overload tripping.
(2) Where specifically required, the feeder Protection may be set, if possible, to provide remote back up for
other faults as agreed upon with other Participants.
(2) The System Operator shall decide on ARC selection based on real time system, environmental
constraints and consultation with customers, with regard to equipment capabilities and in accordance
with the ARC philosophy below. All ARC settings and methodology shall be implemented by
Transmission and be made available to customers on request.
(1) Either of the following two ARC cycles for single phase faults shall be used:
(a) Double attempt ARC cycle for persistent fault:1ph fault – 1ph trip – 1ph ARC – 3ph trip – 3ph ARC
– 3ph trip – lockout
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(b) Single attempt ARC cycle for persistent fault: 1ph fault – 1ph trip – 1ph ARC – 3ph trip – lockout
(c) The ARC cycle for a multiphase (mph) fault shall be: mph fault – 3ph trip – 3ph ARC – 3ph trip –
(2) On some lines the ARC is being switched off according to the following operational needs:
(a) Sporadically, when high risk of line fault is recognised, for live line work or to reduce breaker duty
cycle where breaker’s condition is questionable.
(c) Permanently, on lines with the highest fault frequency throughout the year or on customers’
(d) Whenever an ARC could initiate a severe power swing or an Out-Of-Step condition in weakly
interconnected systems.
(1) In most applications the dead time of Single Phase ARC is selected to 1 second but may differ for
different system requirements. The closing of the breaker is performed without synchronisation as the
synchronism is maintained via remaining phases that are closed during the whole incident.
(1) Fast ARC i.e. fast closing of the breaker without checking synchronism is not used on the TS to avoid
stress to the rotating machines at the Power Stations and at the customers’ plant. This option is available
on Protection panels and can be selected in case of emergency i.e. when as a result of outages or
disturbance load/generation islands are interconnected via a single line. The operating practice,
however, is to use only single phase ARC (fast by its nature) in such situations as a compromise between
supply reliability and stress to the equipment.
(1) The Dead Line Charging (DLC) end is selected in line with the Table 5.1 below based on fault level
(FL) at the connected substations A and B.
End B
(2) In most applications the dead time of slow ARC is selected to 3 seconds at DLC end of the line. At the
synchronising end of the line the ARC dead time is usually selected to 4 seconds. The close command
will be issued only after synch-check is completed. This may take up to 2 seconds if synchronising
relays are not equipped with direct slip frequency measurement. The breaker may take longer to close
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 30 of 79
if its mechanism is not ready to close after initial operation at the time when the close command is
(3) On the line between two Power Stations the dead time at the DLC end should be extended to 25 seconds
to allow generators’ rotors oscillations to stabilise. The dead time on the synchronising end is then
extended accordingly to 30 seconds.
(4) The synchronising relays are installed at both ends of the line to enable flexibility in ARC cycles and
during restoration.
(1) New distance relays on the TS shall be equipped with power swing blocking facility. All unwanted
operations of distance relays during power swing conditions shall be blocked on the TS.
(1) These feeders shall be protected by a single Protection system, incorporating either distance or
differential Protection relays, unless otherwise agreed. Back up shall be provided by definite time and
inverse definite minimum time (IDMT) over-current and earth fault relays.
(2) The Protection shall be equipped with automatic re-closing. Synchronising relays shall be provided on
feeders that operate in “ring supplies” and are equipped with line voltage transformers.
(1) Protection relays shall provide reliable Protection against all possible short circuits, provide remote
and/or local back up for Un-cleared busbar faults and should not be set to provide overload tripping
where measurements and alarms are provided on SCADA system. In isolated applications where SCADA
system is not available, overload tripping will be provided. Where overload conditions are alarmed at
control centres, it is the control centre responsibility to reduce load to an acceptable level as quickly as
(1) The customer shall determine ARC requirements. The System Operator may specify additional ARC
requirements for system Security reasons, which could extend beyond Transmission substations.
(1) New distance Protection systems shall be equipped with tele-Protection facilities to enhance the Speed
of Operation.
(1) The standard schemes for transformer Protection comprise a number of systems, each designed to
provide the requisite degree of Protection for the following fault conditions:
(c) Overheating
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(2) Transmission shall consider the application of the following relays in the design of the Protection
(1) The MV E/F Protection is to discriminate with the feeder back-up E/F Protection for feeder faults
(1) The System Operator requires that the IDMT O/C does not operate for twice transformer full load.
Overloading of the transformer is catered for by the winding and oil temperature Protection. However,
network requirements may be such that the above standard cannot be applied. In this case, a mutually
agreed philosophy may be used.
(1) This back-up Protection is to cater for flash-overs external to the Transformer (TRFR) on the HV side
or MV side and should operate for minimum fault conditions (possibly as well for an E/F condition).
However, the overriding requirement is not to operate for through faults or for magnetising inrush
(1) This Protection is to operate for external faults between the main delta winding of the TRFR and the
auxiliary TRFR, but not for faults on the secondary side of the auxiliary TRFR. The auxiliary TRFR is
protected by Buchholz and temperature Protection.
(1) This is the main transformer Protection for E/F and phase to phase faults. Maximum sensitivity is
required, while ensuring no incorrect operation for load, for through fault conditions or for magnetising
inrush current, with its attendant decaying offset.
(1) This Protection is an additional Protection for the TRFR differential relay to cater for earth faults close
to the star point of the TRFR winding, where phase to phase faults are most unlikely to occur.
(1) Winding temperature and oil temperature relays, supplied by the manufacturer are used to prevent
transformer damage or life time reduction due to excessive loading for the ambient temperature or during
failure of the cooling system.
(1) Busbars shall be protected by current differential Protection (bus-zone) set to be as sensitive as possible
for the “in-zone faults” and maintain stability for any faults outside the protected zone, even with fully
saturated CT.
(1) Bus-coupler and bus-section panels are equipped with O/C and E/F Protection.
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5.1.7 Transmission System shunt capacitor Protection
(1) All the new high voltage capacitor banks shall be equipped with sequence switching relays to limit
inrush current during capacitor bank energisation. Inrush reactors and damping resistors shall also be
employed to limit inrush current.
(2) The following Protection functions shall be provided for all types of Protection schemes:
(c) Earth fault Protection with instantaneous and definite time sensitive function
(f) Circuit breaker close inhibit for 300 seconds after de-energisation
(1) Primary Protection against high transient over-voltages of magnitudes above 140% (e.g. induced by
lightning) shall be provided by means of surge arrestors. To curtail dangerous, fast developing over-
voltage conditions that may arise as a result of disturbance, additional over-voltage Protection shall be
installed on shunt capacitors and feeders.
(2) Over-voltage Protection on shunt capacitors is set to disconnect capacitor at 110% voltage level with a
typical delay of 200 milliseconds to avoid unnecessary operations during switching transients.
(3) Over-voltage Protection on the feeders is set to trip the local breaker at voltage level of 120% with a
delay of 1 to 2 seconds.
(1) Protection systems are equipped with auxiliary functions and relays that enable adequate co-ordination
between Protection devices and with bay equipment. Transmission shall consider the following
functions for all new Protection system designs:
(1) Each individual Protection scheme is equipped with breaker fail / bustrip function to ensure fast fault
clearance in case of circuit breaker failure to interrupt fault current.
(1) Breaker pole discrepancy Protection compares, by means of breaker auxiliary contacts, state (closed or
opened) of breaker main contacts on each phase. When breaker on one phase is in a different position
than breakers on remaining phases a trip command is issued after time delay.
(1) To prevent repetitive closing of the breaker in case of fault in closing circuits the standard Protection
schemes provide breaker anti pumping timer. Circuit breakers are often equipped with their own anti
pumping devices. In such cases anti pumping function is duplicated.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 33 of 79 Pantograph Isolator Discrepancy
(1) The pantograph isolator discrepancy relay operates in the same manner as breaker pole discrepancy and
is used to issue local and remote alarm.
(1) Transformer and reactor Protection schemes are equipped with latching master relay that require manual
reset before the circuit breaker is enabled to close. The master relay is operated by unit Protection that
indicates possibility of internal failure.
(1) The actions taken on the power system during an under-frequency condition is defined in the System
Operation Code.
(2) Under-frequency load shedding relays shall be installed in the TS as determined by the System Operator
in consultation with distributors and end-use customers. The respective asset owners shall pay for the
installation and maintenance of these relays.
(3) Under-frequency relays shall be tested periodically. Distributors and end-use customers shall submit to
the System Operator a written report of each such test, within a Month of the test being done, in the
format specified in the Information Exchange Code. The testing shall be done by isolating all actual
tripping circuits, injecting a frequency to simulate a frequency collapse and checking all related
(1) The purpose for the out-of-step tripping Protection is to separate power system in a situation where a
loss of synchronous operation takes place between a unit or units and the main power system. In such
a situation system separation is desirable to remedy the situation. Once the islanded system is stabilised
it can be reconnected to the main system.
(2) The System Operator shall determine and specify the out-of-step tripping (OST) functionality to be
installed at selected locations by Transmission.
(1) Under-voltage load shedding Protection schemes are used to prevent loss of steady-state stability under
conditions of large local shortages of reactive power (voltage collapse). Automatic load shedding
tripping of suitable loads is carried out to arrest the slide.
(2) The System Operator shall determine and specify the under-voltage load shedding functionality to be
installed at selected locations by Transmission.
(1) The sub-synchronous resonance (SSR) condition may arise on a power system where a generator is
connected to the main power system through long series compensated TS lines. The potential for
unstable interaction is sensitive to system topology and is greater with the higher degree of compensation
and larger thermal turbo-generators are employed. The SSR condition is addressed either through
Protection or mitigation. In case of Protection, a suitable relay shall be deployed as part of the turbo-
generator Protection that will lead to the unit disconnection on detection of the SSR condition. The
Protection does not reduce or eliminate the torsional vibration, but rather detects it and acts to remove
the condition leading to the resonance. Mitigation, on the other hand, acts to reduce or eliminate the
resonant condition. Mitigation is needed only under conditions when it is desirable or essential to
continue operation when the power system is at or near a resonant condition.
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(2) New generators shall liaise with Transmission regarding SSR Protection studies. Least-cost solutions
shall be determined by Transmission in accordance with the TS planning and Development Section, and
implemented by the relevant asset owner.
(1) Due to the length of the TS network in Tanzania and due to the relatively low load conditions, a near 50
Hz resonance may arise on the TS network. Adequate reactive compensation therefore needs to be
installed on the Transmission System and the influence of the System Operator and clients on this near
50 Hz resonance needs to be reduced. Transmission’s has to ensure that the near 50 Hz resonance is
catered for in any old or new networks.
(1) Minimum clearance times for Protection in Distributor or end-use customer networks will be
determined on a case by case basis in order to ensure Transient Stability of the TS.
(1) To maintain high level of Protection performance and long term sustainability, Transmission shall
monitor Protection performance.
(2) Each Protection operation shall be investigated for its correctness based on available Information.
Transmission shall provide a report to customers affected by a Protection operation when requested to
do so.
6 Nomenclature
(1) All safety terminology shall comply the requirements of the Employment and Labour Relations Act
(2004), specifically the Regulations relating to Occupational Health and Safety Act (2003).
(1) This section specifies the technical, design and economic criteria and procedures to be applied by
Transmission in the planning and development of the TS and to be taken into account by customers in
the planning and development of their own systems. It specifies Information to be supplied by customers
to Transmission, and Information to be supplied by Transmission to customers.
(2) The development of the TS, will arise for a number of reasons including, but not limited to:
(b) the introduction of a new TS Substation or Point of Connection or the modification of an existing
connection between a customer and the TS;
(3) The cumulative effect of a number of such developments referred to in (a) and (b) by one or more
(4) The need to reconfigure, decommission or optimise parts of the existing network.
(a) at a Substation where customer's plant and/or apparatus is connected to the TS;
(b) on TS lines or other facilities which join that Substation to the remainder of the TS;
(c) on TS lines, TS substations or other facilities at or between points remote from that Substation.
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(6) The time required for the planning and development of the TS will depend on the type and extent of the
necessary reinforcement and/or extension work, the need or otherwise for statutory planning consent,
the associated possibility of the need for public participation and the degree of complexity in undertaking
the new work while maintaining satisfactory Security and quality of supply on the existing TS.
(1) Transmission shall follow a planning process divided into major activities as follows:
(c) Studying these options to ensure compliance with agreed technical limits, and justifiable reliability
and quality of supply standards.
(d) Costing these options on the basis of present-day capital costs and using appropriate net discount
rates, establish the net present cost of each option.
(f) Building a business case, bankable documentation for the required financing, for the preferred
option using acceptable justification criteria.
(1) Transmission shall source relevant data from relevant national planning studies, specific customer
Information, Governmental, new IPP’s and customer development plans to establish the needs for
network strengthening.
(1) Transmission is responsible for producing the TS demand forecast for the next five years and updating
it annually and for estimating the load forecast for the next 10 years.
(2) The TS demand forecast shall be determined for each Point of Supply. Generation and import capacity
plans shall be used to obtain the annual generation patterns.
(3) To forecast the maximum demand (MW) for each TS Substation, Transmission shall use distributor and
end-use customer load forecasts. Final loads are reconciled with data from various sources.
(4) The load forecast shall be adjusted at various levels (making use of diversity factors determined from
measurements and calculations) to line up with the higher-level data.
(5) All distributors and end-use customers shall annually, by end October, supply their 5-year ahead load
forecast data and an estimate for the 10 years ahead demand as detailed in the Information Exchange
(1) The limits and targets against which proposed options are checked by Transmission shall include
technical and statutory limits which must be observed, and other targets, which indicate that the system
is reaching a point where problems may occur. If technical or statutory limits are not achieved,
alternative options shall be evaluated. If targets are not achieved, some options may be still acceptable
as per the investment criteria.
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7.4.1 Voltage limits and targets
Nominal continuous operating voltage on any bus for which equipment is designed UN
Note: To ensure voltages never exceed Um, the highest voltage used at sending-end
busbars in planning studies should not exceed 0.98 Um
Minimum voltage on Point of Common Coupling (PCC) during motor starting 0.85 UN
0.075 UN
Statutory voltage change on bus supplying customer for any period longer than 10 0.10 UN
consecutive minutes (unless otherwise agreed in Supply Agreement)
UN + OR -
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(2) Target voltages for planning purposes are as in Table 7.3:
With single feeder supplies and after contingency for multiple feeder 0.95 UN
0.90 UN
Maximum voltage change due to load varying N times per hour: (4.5 LOG10N)%
Maximum voltage decrease for a 5% load increase at receiving end of system 0.05 UN
(without adjustment):
(1) Thermal ratings of standard TS lines shall be determined and updated from time to time. The
temperatures used are 90ºC for aluminium conductor steel reinforced lines providing a firm supply
(under single contingencies), and 75ºC for lines of copper or aluminium alloy or aluminium conductor
steel reinforced lines not providing a firm supply. The thermal ratings shall be used as an initial check
of line overloading. If the limits are exceeded the situation shall be investigated as it may be possible
to defer strengthening depending on the actual line and on local conditions. Transformers
(1) Standard transformer ratings shall be determined and updated from time to time using IEC
specifications. The permissible overload of a specific transformer depends on load cycle, ambient
temperature and other factors. If target loads are exceeded the specific situation shall be assessed as it
may be possible to defer adding extra transformers, depending on the actual transformer and on load
(1) With the system healthy, the maximum steady state current should not exceed the rated current of the
series capacitor.
(2) IEC 143 standards call for cyclic overload capabilities as follows:
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(c) 10 minutes in a 2 hour period: 1.5 times rated current
(4) The particular rating to be used must match the duration of the contingency with the required overload
capability. Duration of contingency will depend on ability to pick up generation or shed load and the
load profile.
(5) Any Transmission wishing to install a new series capacitor or modify the size of an existing series
capacitor, shall at his expense and according to the Transmission’s requirements, arrange for sub
synchronous resonance, harmonic and Protection coordination studies to be conducted to ensure that
sub synchronous resonance will not be excited in any generator.
(1) Shunt capacitors shall be able to operate at 30% above their nominal rated current at Un to allow for
harmonics and voltages up to Um.
(2) Reactive compensation, whether new or modified, may cause harmonic resonance problems. Any
Participant wishing to install or modify such equipment shall at his expense arrange for harmonic
resonance studies to be conducted. If such studies indicate possible harmonic resonance conditions
which could impact on the TS, such Party shall inform the System Operator before proceeding with the
installation or modification.1
(1) Normal and fault current ratings for standard switchgear are determined and updated from time to time.
These ratings, and the following limits specified for circuit breakers, shall not be exceeded:
(b) Peak making current: 2.55 times 3 phase rms fault current
(1) A system cannot be made 100% reliable as planned and forced outages of components will occur, and
multiple outages are always possible, despite having a very low probability of occurrence. From an
economic point of view optimum reliability is obtained when the cost involved in reducing the load not
supplied by one kW is just equal to the value of this unsupplied kW to the economy or to the specific
customer involved. The appropriate degree of reliability depends on the probability of loss of supply
and the probable amount of load not supplied when an outage does occur.
(2) Transmission shall formulate long-term plans for expanding or strengthening the TS on the basis of the
justifiable redundancy.
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7.4.4 Contingency criteria for planning purposes
(1) A system meeting the n-1 (or n-2) contingency criterion must comply with all relevant limits outlined
in 7.4.1 (voltage limits) and the applicable current limits, under all credible system conditions.
(2) For contingencies under various loading conditions it shall be assumed that appropriate, normally-used,
generating plant is in service to meet the load and provide Spinning Reserve. For the more probable n-
1 network contingency the most unfavourable generation pattern within these limitations shall be
assumed, while for the less probable n-2 network contingency an average pattern shall be used. More
details of load and generation assumptions for load flow studies are given in section 7.4.5.
(3) The generation assumptions for the n-1 and n-2 network contingencies do not affect the final justification
to proceed with investments, but merely check that the backbone of the network is still sufficient to meet
an n-1 or n-2 contingency.
(1) When planning the integration of Power Stations the following criteria shall apply:
(1) With all connecting lines healthy it shall be possible to transmit the total output of the Power Station to
the system for any system load condition. If the local area depends on the Power Station for voltage
support, connection shall be done with a minimum of two lines.
(2) Transient stability shall be maintained following a successfully cleared single phase fault where
economically justifiable.
(3) If only a single line is used it shall be able to be selected to alternative busbars and be able to go on to
bypass at each end of the line
(1) With one connecting line out of service (n-1) it shall be possible to transmit the total output of the Power
Station to the system for any system load condition
(2) With the two most onerous line outages (n-2) it shall be possible to transmit 83% of the total output of
the Power Station to the system
(a) a three-phase, line or Busbar fault, cleared in normal Protection times, with the system healthy and
the most onerous Power Station loading condition, or
(b) a single phase fault cleared in “bus strip” times, with the system healthy and the most onerous
Power Station loading condition, or
(c) a single-phase fault, cleared in normal Protection times, with any one line out of service
and the Power Station loaded to average availability.
(2) The above conditions will only apply to Power Stations larger than 500 MW. For Power Stations smaller
than 500 MW, the conditions will only apply where it is economically justifiable.
(3) The cost to ensure transient stability shall be carried by the generator if the optimum solution, as
determined by Transmission, results in unit or Power Station equipment to be installed. In other cases,
Transmission shall bear the costs and recover these as per the approved tariff methodology.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 40 of 79 Busbar arrangements
(1) Busbar layouts shall allow for selection to alternative busbars and the ability to go on to bypass, and not
more than 300 MW of generation shall be connected to any bus section, even with one bus section out
of service.
(1) To enable Transmission to successfully integrate new Power Stations, detailed Information is required
per unit and Power Station, as described in the Information Exchange Code.
(1) The planning limits, targets and criteria form the basis for evaluation of the long-term development of
the TS.
(2) Transmission shall only invest in the TS when the required development meets the approved investment
criteria specified in this section. Transmission shall invest if the development meets the approved
criteria, however it may be mutually agreed with affected customers to waiver certain investments.
(3) Any one of the following investment criteria, each applicable under different circumstances, can be
(4) Calculations will assume a typical project life expectancy of 25 years except where otherwise dictated
by plant life or project life expectancy.
(5) The following key economic parameters shall have the Authority approved process of being established:
(b) COUE.
(1) When investments are made in terms of improved supply reliability and/or quality, this would be the
preferred method to use. This methodology should also be used to determine and/or verify the desired
level of network or equipment redundancy. The methodology requires that the cost of poor network
services needs to be determined. These include the cost of interruptions, load shedding, network
constraints, poor quality of supply (QOS), etc. Statistical analysis of network outages is also required.
(2) The least-cost investment criterion equation to be satisfied can be expressed as follows:
(a) Value of improved QOS to customers > Cost to the Service Provider to provide improved QOS
(3) From the equation above it is evident that if the value of the improved QOS to the customer is less than
the cost to the Service Provider, then the Service Provider should not invest in the proposed project(s).
(4) Equation above can be stated differently as: Annual value (TZS/kWh) x Reduction in EENS to
Consumers (kWh) > Annual cost to the Service Provider to reduce EENS (TZS)
(5) The reduction in EENS (expected energy not served) is calculated on a probabilistic basis based on the
improvements derived from the investments
(6) The cost of unserved energy is a function of the type of load, the duration and frequency of the
interruptions, the time of the day they occur, whether notice is given of the impending interruption, the
indirect damage caused, the start-up costs incurred by the consumers, the availability of customer back-
up generation and many other factors.
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(7) Figure 7.1 indicates the concept of a load profile, while Figure 7.2 indicates the energy not served. This
is in the event of a load growing to 125 MVA whereas the firm transformer rating is 100 MVA.
Load Profile
125 EEAR
EENS = EEAR x Probability of failure
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7.5.2 Cost reduction investments
(1) Proposed expenditure which is intended to reduce Service Providers’ costs (for example, shunt capacitor
installations, telecommunication projects and equipment replacement which reduce costs, external
telephone service expenses and maintenance costs respectively) or the cost of Losses or other ancillary
services, should be evaluated in the following manner:
(2) Firstly, it is necessary to calculate the net present value of the proposed investment using the discounted
cash flow method. This should be done by considering all cost reductions (e.g. savings in system Losses)
as positive cash flows, off-setting the required capital expenditure. Once again, sensitivity analysis with
respect to the amount of capital expenditure (estimated contingency amount), the annual average
incremental cost of generation (when appropriate) and, future load growth scenarios is required. As
before, a resulting positive net present value indicates that the investment is justified over the expected
life of the proposed new asset.
(1) It must also be stressed that Tanzania is still a developing country and certain strategic decisions would
therefore need to be taken in order to encourage development in the country.
(a) Investments formally requested by government. This includes investments that will allow Tanzania
to become more self-sufficient in electricity supply and issues pertaining to the electrification of
(b) Increased connection with neighbouring countries and SAPP requirements to allow the Tanzanian
Electricity Industry access to other markets.
(c) Projects necessary to meet environmental legislation, for example the construction of oil
containment dams.
(d) Expenditure to satisfy the requirements of the Employment and Labour Relations Act (2004),
specifically the Regulations relating to Occupational Health and Safety Act (2003). This
classification is intended to ensure the safety of operating and maintenance personnel who are
exposed to possible danger when busy with activities related to electricity transmission.
(g) This category shall not be used for justifying projects that are merely not of economic benefit.
(1) Transmission shall compile, before any development of the TS is approved, a detailed development
investigation report. The report shall be used as the basis for making the investment decision and shall
as a minimum contain the following elements:
(b) Alternatives considered (including non-transmission or capital) and an evaluation of the long-term
costs/benefits of each alternative.
(c) Detailed techno-economic justification of the selected alternative according to the approved
investment criteria.
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7.7 Transmission System Master Plan
(1) Transmission shall annually publish a five year ahead network expansion plan, indicating the major
capital investments planned (but not yet necessarily approved).
(2) This plan shall be based on all customer requests received at that time, network load forecasting, as well
as Transmission initiated projects.
(2) Network constraints shall be regularly reviewed by Transmission. Economically optimal plans shall be
put in place around each constraint, which can involve investment, the purchase of the constrained
generation ancillary service or other solutions.
(1) Transmission shall ensure regular interfacing with customers regarding network development. One
objective shall be to achieve overall optimal plans, ensuring economically efficient investment.
(1) Should a customer require a more reliable connection than the one provided for by Transmission, and
the customer is willing to pay the total cost of providing the increased reliability, Transmission shall
meet the requirements at the lowest overall cost.
(2) Customers paying extra for reliability should be able to recoup some of the expenses from other
customers. Details regarding recovery of direct costs should be included in connection agreement.
8 Network maintenance
(1) Participants shall operate and maintain the equipment owned by them. The cost of such operation and
maintenance shall be borne by the respective Participants unless such equipment is proved to have been
damaged by a negligent act or omission of a Participant other than the owner, its agents or employees,
in which case the responsible Participant shall be liable for the costs of repairing such damage.
(2) Participants shall monitor the performance of their plant and take appropriate action where deteriorating
trends are detected.
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9 Appendix 1 Generator Connection Conditions
GCR3 Protection
Requirements Requirement
Requirement Requireme
s nts
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 45 of 79
- Main Protection - - Depends - -
(monitored) or main on System
and backup
Requireme Requirements
GCR7 Multiple Unit - Depends on If the total station output is greater If more
tripping System than the single largest contingency as than
defined for instantaneous reserve
Requirements 1 unit at
GCR9 Restart after Station - Depends on If the total station output is greater If more
Blackout System than the single largest contingency as than
defined for instantaneous reserve
Requirements 1 unit at
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 46 of 79
GCR1 Black Starting - If agreed If agreed If agreed If agreed If agreed
GCR1 External Supply Depends If more than If the total station output is greater If more
1 Disturbance on System than the single largest contingency as than
Withstand Capacity 5 unit at station defined for instantaneous reserve
Requireme 1 unit at
nts station
GCR1 On load tap Changer Depends Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
2 for generating Unit on System
Requireme Requirements
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Figure 9.2: Summary of the requirements applicable to specific classes of units
GCR3 Protection
Requirements Requirement
Requirement Requireme
s nts
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 48 of 79
- Main Protection - - Depends - -
(monitored) or main on System
and backup
Requireme Requirements
GCR7 Multiple Unit - Depends on If the total station output is greater If more
tripping System than the single largest contingency as than
defined for instantaneous reserve
Requirements 1 unit at
GCR9 Restart after Station - Depends on If the total station output is greater If more
Blackout System than the single largest contingency as than
defined for instantaneous reserve
Requirements 1 unit at
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 49 of 79
GCR1 External Supply Depends If more than If the total station output is greater If more
1 Disturbance on System than the single largest contingency as than
Withstand Capacity 5 unit at station defined for instantaneous reserve
Requireme 1 unit at
nts station
GCR1 On load tap Changer Depends Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
2 for generating Unit on System
Requireme Requirements
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10 Appendix 2 Surveying, monitoring and testing for generators 2
10.1 Introduction
(1) This section specifies the procedures to be followed in carrying out the surveying, monitoring or testing
to confirm the:
(b) provision by Power Stations of ancillary services which they are required or have agreed to
10.2 Scope
(1) The System Operator may at any time (although it may not do so more than twice in any calendar year
in respect of any particular Power Station except to the extent that it can on reasonable grounds justify
the necessity for further tests or unless the further test is a re-test) issue an instruction requiring a Power
Station to carry out a test, at a time no sooner than 48 hours from the time that the instruction was issued,
to demonstrate that the relevant Power Station complies with the Grid Code requirements.
(1) A generator shall monitor each of its units during normal service to confirm ongoing compliance with
the applicable parts of this code. Any deviations detected must be reported to the System Operator
within 5 working days.
(2) A generator shall keep records relating to the compliance by each of its units with each section of this
code applicable to that unit, setting out such Information that the System Operator or Transmission
reasonably requires for assessing power system performance (including actual unit performance during
abnormal conditions).
(3) Within one Month after the end of June and December, a generator shall provide to the System Operator
a report detailing the compliance by each of that generator’s units with every code section during the
past 6 Month period. The template is attached as an Appendix 2 in the Information Exchange Code.
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10.5 Procedures
Parameter Reference
Function and
Setting Integrity Prototype study: All new Power Stations coming on line or Power Stations where major refurbishment or upgrades of
Study Protection systems have taken place.
To ensure that the relevant Protection functions in the Power Station is co-ordinated and aligned with the system requirements.
1. Establish the System Protection function and associated trip level requirements from Transmission.
2. Derive Protection functions and settings that match the Power Station plant, Transmission plant and system requirements.
3. Confirm the stability of each Protection function for all relevant system conditions.
4. Document the details of the trip levels, stability calculations for each Protection function.
5. Convert Protection tripping levels for each Protection function into per unit base.
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6. Consolidate all settings in per unit base for all Protection functions in one document
7. Derive actual relay dial setting details and document the relay setting sheet for all Protection functions.
8. Document the position of each Protection function on one single line diagram of the generating unit and associated
9. Document the tripping functions for each tripping function on one tripping logic diagram.
10. Consolidate detail setting calculations, per unit setting sheets, relay setting sheets, plant base Information the settings are
based on, tripping logic diagram, Protection function single line diagram and relevant Protection relay manufacturers
Information into one document.
12. Provide Transmission with one original reference copy and one working copy.
3. Provide Transmission with one original reference copy and one working copy.
All Protection functions are set to meet the necessary Protection requirements of the TS and Power Station plant with minimal
margin. Optimal fault clearing times and maximum plant availability.
Submit a report to Transmission one Month after commissioning for prototype study or 5 to 6 yearly for routine tests.
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Parameter Reference
Integrity Tests
Prototype test: All new Power Stations coming on line and all other Power Stations after major modifications or
refurbishment of Protection or related plant.
Routine test: All Power Stations 5 to 6 yearly or after major overhaul of plant.
To confirm that the Protection has been wired and function according to the specified.
2. With the generator unit off load and de-energized, inject appropriate signals into every Protection function and
confirm correct operation and correct calibration. Document all Protection function operations.
3. Carry out trip testing of all Protection functions, from origin (e.g. Buchholz relay) to all tripping output devices
(e.g. HV Breaker). Document all trip test responses.
4. Apply short circuits at all relevant Protection zones and with generator at nominal speed excite generator
slowly, record currents at all relevant Protection functions, and confirm correct operation of all relevant
Protection functions. Document all readings and responses. Remove all short circuits.
5. With the generator at nominal speed, excite generator slowly recording voltages on all relevant Protection
functions. Confirm correct operation and correct calibration of all Protection functions. Document all readings
and responses.
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All Protection functions fully operational and operate to required levels within the relay Original Equipment
Manufacturer (OEM) allowable tolerances.
Measuring instrumentation used shall be sufficiently accurate and calibrated to traceable standard.
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10.5.2 Unit Islanding Capability Grid Code Requirement GCR 4
Parameter Reference
Islanding Prototype test: For all other fossil and Nuclear Power Stations
Routine test: For stations that have contracted to Island under the Ancillary Services Agreement. 5-6 yearly or after
modifications done to plant that may effect Islanding Capability
Continuous monitoring: Where in the day to day running of the plant, a real condition arises where a Generating Unit is
required to Island, and the Islanding takes place successfully, and the Islanding condition is sustained as specified under
acceptance criteria below or is called to synchronize and complete synchronizing successfully it shall be considered as a
successful Islanding test.
To confirm that a Generating Units that have specified and/or contracted to provide an Islanding service, complies. Islanding is
the ability of a Generating Unit to suddenly disconnect from the TS by the opening the HV breaker, and automatically control
all the necessary critical parameters sufficiently to maintain the turbine-generator at speed and excited and supplying its own
auxiliary load. This Islanded mode must be sustained for at least 20 minutes without tripping of the turbine, boiler, excitation
system, or other systems critical to sustain an Islanding condition.
Generating Unit running at steady state conditions above 60% full load conditions.
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No special modifications to the plant for the purpose of the test, accept installation of monitoring equipment, is allowed.
The Unit supplies all its own auxiliary load during the test
No operating is allowed for the first 5 minutes following the initiation of the Islanding.
Equipment is connected to the Generating unit that records critical parameters. The following minimum parameters is
The turbine must settle at or close to its nominal speed, the excitation system must remain in automatic channel, supplying all
the unit’s auxiliary load. The Islanding condition must be sustained for at least 20 minutes.
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10.5.3 Excitation System Grid Code Requirement GCR 5
Parameter Reference
To ensure that the Excitation systems in the Power Station is co-ordinated and aligned with the system requirements.
2. Derive a suitable model for the excitation system according to IEEE421.5 or IEC 60034.16.2. Where necessary, non
standard models (non IEC or IEEE) shall be created.. This may require frequency response and bode plot tests on the
excitation system as described in IEEE 421.2.1990.
4. Derive excitation system settings that match the Power Station plant, TS plant and system requirements. This includes the
settings of all parts of the excitation system such as the chop-over limits and levels, limiters, Protection devices, alarms.
5. Confirm the stability of the excitation system for relevant excitation system operating conditions system conditions.
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6. Document the details of the trip levels, stability calculations for each setting and function.
7. Convert settings for each function into per unit base and produce a high level dynamic performance model with actual
settings in P.U. values.
8. Derive actual card setting details and document the relay setting sheet for all setting functions.
9. Produce a single line diagram / block diagram of all the functions in the excitation system and indicate signal source.
10. Document the tripping functions for each tripping on one tripping logic diagram.
11. Consolidate detail setting calculations, model, per unit setting sheets, relay setting sheets, plant base Information the
settings are based on, tripping logic diagram, Protection function single line diagram and relevant Protection relay
manufacturers Information into one document.
13. Provide Transmission with one original master copy and one working copy.
Provide Transmission with one original master copy and one working copy update if applicable.
Excitation system is set to meet the necessary control requirements in an optimized manner for the performance of the TS and
Power Station plant. Excitation system operates stable both internally and on the network.
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Submit a report to Transmission one Month after commissioning for prototype study or 5 to 6 yearly for routine tests, within
one Month after due date expiry.
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Parameter Reference
Response Tests
Prototype test: All new Power Stations coming on line and all other Power Stations after major modifications or refurbishment
of Protection or related plant.
Routine test: All Power Stations 5 to 6 yearly or after major overhaul of plant.
Prototype test: All new Power Stations coming on line and all other Power Stations after major modifications or refurbishment
of Protection or related plant.
Routine test: All Power Stations 5 to 6 yearly or after major overhaul of plant.
With the generator off line, carry out frequency scan / bode plot tests on all circuits in the excitation system critical to the
performance of the excitation system.
With the generator in the open circuit mode, carry out the Large signal performance testing as described in IEEE 421.2
Determine Time response, Ceiling voltage, voltage response,
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 61 of 79
With the generator connected to the network and loaded, carry out the small signal performance tests according to IEE
421.2.. Also carry out power system stabiliser tests and determine damping with and without Power System stabiliser.
Excitation system meets the necessary control requirements in an optimised manner for the performance of the TS and Power
Station plant as specified. Excitation system operates stable both internally and on the network. Power System stabilisers set
for optimised damping.
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10.5.4 Unit Reactive Power Capability Grid Code Requirement GCR 6
Parameter Reference
The duration of the test will be for a period of up to 60 minutes during which period the System voltage at the Grid Entry Point
for the relevant Generating Unit will be maintained by the Generator at the voltage specified by adjustment of Reactive Power
on the remaining Generating Units , if necessary.
Generating Unit will pass the test if it is within ±5% of the capability registered with Transmission
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10.5.5 Power Station Multiple Unit Trip Grid Code Requirement GCR 7.
Parameter Reference
Power Stations where major modifications or changes have been implemented on plant critical to Multiple Unit Tripping.
Applicable item(s) listed 1 to 5 below.
Routine testing: All Power Stations. Review and confirm the status every 6 years, and test if
To confirm that a Power Station is not subjected to unreasonable risk of MUT as defined in Network Code Section 3.1.5.
On all emergency supplies (e.g. DC supplies) common to more than one generating unit, isolate supply for at least one second,
with the unit running at full load under normal operating conditions. Tests are carried out on one unit at the time. Where two
supplies feed one common load, isolation of one supply at a time would be sufficient. Confirm that that the unit or part of the
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 64 of 79
unit plant does not trip. No change in the unit output shall take place. Document results. This test does not apply to nuclear
On all DC supplies common to more than one unit, carry out a survey of the immunity of all devices that are part of tripping
circuits, to supply voltage according to IEC specifications. All devices on DC supplies common to more than one unit that form
part of tripping circuits or that can cause tripping or Load Reduction on a unit must comply to IEC specification. Document
On all UPS’s supplying critical loads that can cause tripping of more than one generating unit within the time zones specified in
3.1.5, isolate the AC supply to the UPS for a period of at least 1 minute. Where two UPS’s supply one common load, one UPS
at a time can be isolated. Load equipment must resume normal operation. Document results. This test does not apply to nuclear
Carry out an inspection and tests on all parts of the Power Station earth mat that is exposed to lighting surge entry and in close
proximity to circuits vulnerable to damage that will result in tripping of more than one unit within the time zones specified in
3.1.5 (e.g. Chimney on fossil Power Stations or penstock on hydro Power Stations) Confirm that all the earthing and bonding
are in place, and measure resistances to earth at bonding points. Document findings and results.
Identify all power supplies, air supplies, water supplies, and other supplies / systems common to more than one unit than are
likely to cause the tripping of more than one unit within a short time.. Calculate the probability of all the MUT risk areas for the
Power Station. Document all findings listing all risks and probabilities.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 65 of 79
No unreasonable MUT items shall be present. .
Report to be submitted to the System Operator one Month after testing. Routine studies, and survey reports to be submitted one
moth after expiry of due date.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 66 of 79
10.5.6 Governing System Grid Code Requirements GCR 8
Response Tests
Prototype test: All new Power Stations coming on line and all other Power Stations after major modifications or refurbishment
of Protection or related plant.
Routine test: All Units to be monitored continuously, additional tests may be requested by the System Operator
Prove the unit is capable of the minimum requirements required for Governing
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 67 of 79
10.5.7 Unit Restart after Station Blackout Capability Grid Code Requirement GCR 9
Parameter Reference
To confirm that a Power Station can restart unit simultaneously to the criteria outlined in section after a station blackout
Identify all supply systems common to two or more systems (e.g. Power supplies, crude oil, air, demin water)
Determine the quantity and supply rate required to simultaneously restart the number of units specified in section
Document list of critical systems, required stock, study details and findings.
For each of the applicable critical systems identified, document the average stock for the year, minimum stock and duration
below critical stock levels.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 68 of 79
More than 95% of the time of the year, all stocks above critical levels.
Report to be submitted to Transmission one Month after commissioning. Routine survey reports to be submitted one moth after
expiry of due date.
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10.5.8 Power Station Black Start Capability Grid Code Requirement GCR 10
Parameter Reference
All the Auxiliary Gas Turbines and/or Auxiliary Diesel Engines in the Black Start Station in which that Generating Unit is
situated, shall be Shutdown.
The Generating Unit shall be De-Loaded and De-Synchronised and all alternating current electrical supplies to its
Auxiliaries shall be disconnected.
The Auxiliary Gas Turbine(s) or Auxiliary Diesel Engine(s) to the relevant Generating Unit shall be started, and shall re-
energise the Unit Board of the relevant Generating Unit.
The Auxiliaries of the relevant Generating Unit shall be fed by the Auxiliary Gas Turbine(s) or Auxiliary Diesel Engine(s),
via the Unit Board, to enable the relevant Generating Unit to return to Synchronous Speed.
The relevant Generating Unit shall be Synchronised to the System but not Loaded, unless the appropriate instruction has
been given by Transmission.
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All Black Start Tests shall be carried out at the time specified by Transmission in the
notice given under and shall be undertaken in the presence of a reasonable number of representatives appointed and
authorised by Transmission, who shall be given access to all Information relevant to the Black Start Test.
A Black Start Station shall fail a Black Start Test if the Black Start Test shows That it does not have a Black Start Capability
(i.e. if the relevant Generating Unit Fails to be Synchronised to the System within two hours of the Auxiliary Gas Turbine(s) or
Auxiliary Diesel Engine(s) being required to start).
Parameter Reference
All Generating Units at the Black Start Station, other than the Generating Unit on which the Black Start Test is to be
carried out, and all the Auxiliary Gas Turbines and/or Auxiliary Diesel Engines at the Black Start Station, shall be
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 71 of 79
The relevant Generating Unit shall be Synchronised and Loaded.
All external alternating current electrical supplies to the Unit Board of the relevant Generating Unit, and to the Station
Board of the relevant Black Start Station, shall be disconnected.
An Auxiliary Gas Turbine or Auxiliary Diesel Engine at the Black Start Station shall be started, and shall re-energise either
directly, or via the Station Board, the Unit Board of the relevant Generating Unit.
The Auxiliaries of the relevant Generating Unit shall be fed by the Auxiliary Gas Turbine(s) or Auxiliary Diesel Engine(s),
via the Unit Board, to enable the relevant Generating Unit to return to Synchronous Speed.
The relevant Generating Unit shall be Synchronised to the System but not Loaded, unless the appropriate instruction has
been given by Transmission.
All Black Start Tests shall be carried out at the time specified by Transmission in the
notice given under and shall be undertaken in the presence of a reasonable number of representatives appointed and
authorised by Transmission, who shall be given access to all Information relevant to the Black Start Test.
A Black Start Station shall fail a Black Start Test if the Black Start Test shows that it does not have a Black Start Capability (i.e.
if the relevant Generating Unit fails to be Synchronised to the System within two hours of the Auxiliary Gas Turbine(s) or
Auxiliary Diesel Engine(s) being required to start).
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10.5.9 Unit Intermediate Load Capability Grid Code Requirement GCR 11
Routine test: All Units to be monitored continuously, additional tests may be requested by the System Operator
Prove Unit can meet the minimum requirements of the Grid Code
1. A section of the Unit is to be tripped that will cause a 15% of MCR reduction of the output of the Unit. Should nothing
be found to induce this reduction a sudden reduction of the Unit output shall be done manually.
2. The plant is to be monitored and recorded to ensure the plant continues to operate in a stable and controlled mode after
the reduction.
The Unit shall be in a stable and controlled mode after the trip or reduction in the Unit output.
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The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 74 of 79
10.5.10 External Supply Disturbance Withstand Capability Grid Code Requirement GCR 12
Parameter Reference
Routine testing and survey: All Power Stations. Review items 1 to 3 every 5 to 6 years. Carry out item 5 every 5 to 6 years.
To confirm that the Power Station and its Auxiliary Supply loads conforms to the requirements of supply frequency and voltage
magnitude deviations as specified (to be determined).
Critical plant: Equipment or systems that is likely to cause tripping of a unit, parts of a unit or that is likely to cause a Multiple
Unit trip (MUT
Carry out a survey on the capability of critical plant confirming that it will resume normal operation for frequency deviations as
defined figure Document Findings.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 75 of 79
A generating unit or Power Station must not trip or unduly reduce load for system frequency changes in the range specified in
Carry out a survey on the capability of critical plant confirming that it will resume normal operation for voltage deviations as
defined in Document Findings. Also consider Protection and other tripping functions on critical plant. Document all
A generating unit or Power Station must not trip or unduly reduce load for system voltage changes in the range specified in
Generating unit must be off load. Relevant board isolated and earthed. For outside or central plant, section of plant must be
off boards off and isolated.
Injection test DPIs according to OEM requirements. DPI must be capable of producing the VA Output and change-over
time faster than that specified by the OEM. Every five years on every critical board.
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Subject the DPI supply to an interruption of 0.5 s.
Report to be submitted to Transmission one Month after testing. Routine studies, and survey reports to be submitted one moth
after expiry of due date.
10.5.11 Unit Load and De-loading Rate Capability Grid Code Requirements GCR 13
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Network Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 77 of 79
Loading and De- TYPE
loading Rates
Prototype study: All new Power Stations coming on line or Power Stations where major refurbishment or upgrade of the Unit
have taken place.
Routine test: All Units to be monitored continuously, additional tests may be requested by the System Operator
Prove Unit can meet the minimum requirements of the Grid Code
2. The plant is to be monitored and recorded to ensure the plant continues to operate in a stable and controlled mode during
and after the ramps.
The Unit shall be ramped up and down in a stable and controlled mode and shall meet the minimum requirements of the
Grid Code.
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Version 2
The Tanzanian Grid Code – System Operation Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 3 of 19
1. Introduction
(1) This code sets out the responsibilities and roles of the Participants as far as the operation of the
Interconnected Power System (IPS) is concerned, and more specifically issues related to -
(d) Scheduling and Dispatch operation actions required by the System Operator;
(f) Operation of the IPS under normal and abnormal conditions; and
(1) The System Operator shall be responsible for the safe and efficient operation of the IPS.
(2) The System Operator shall operate the IPS in accordance with the provisions of this code.
(3) All Participants shall co-operate in setting up operational procedures under the direction of the System
Operator to ensure proper operation of the IPS.
(4) The System Operator shall have ultimate authority and accountability for the operation of the IPS.
(5) Power Pool and other international tie-line operations shall be governed by the Power Pool and
related agreements.
(1) The IPS shall be operated to achieve the highest degree of reliability practicable and appropriate
remedial action shall be taken promptly to relieve any abnormal condition that may jeopardise reliable
operation. Power transfers as determined by the energy Scheduling arrangements, and other transfers
as far as feasible, shall be adjusted as required to achieve or restore reliable IPS operation
(2) Voltage control, operating on the IPS and Security monitoring shall be co-ordinated on a system-wide
basis in order to ensure safe, reliable, and economic operation of the IPS.
(3) During or after a system disturbance, high priority shall be given to keeping all synchronised units
running and connected to the IPS, or islanded on their own auxiliaries, in order to facilitate system
(5) The System Operator shall make all reasonable endeavours to retain international interconnections
unless it becomes evident that continued parallel operation of the affected parts of the IPS would
jeopardise the remaining system or damage equipment.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – System Operation Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 4 of 19
(6) Should it become unsafe to operate units in parallel with the system when critical levels of frequency
and voltage result on the IPS from a disturbance, the separation and/or safe shut down of units shall be
accomplished in such a way as to minimize the time required to resynchronise and restore the system
to normal.
(7) In the event of a system separation, the System Operator shall ensure that the part of the IPS with a
generation deficit shall automatically remove sufficient load to permit early recovery of voltage and
frequency so that system integrity may be re-established.
(8) Customer load shall be shed for a reasonable period of time rather than risking the possibility of a
cascading failure or operating at abnormally low frequency or voltage for an extended period of time.
(9) An internationally Interconnected Power System Operator may request that the System Operator takes
any available action to increase or decrease the active energy transfer into or out of its external system
by the way of emergency assistance. Such requests shall be met by the System Operator providing it
has the capability to do so.
(1) The IPS shall be operated as far as practical so that instability, uncontrolled separation or cascading
outages do not occur as a result of the most severe double contingency. Multiple outages of a credible
nature shall be examined and, whenever practical, the IPS shall be operated to protect it against
instability, uncontrolled separation and cascading outages.
(2) The System Operator is responsible for efficient restoration of the Transmission System (TS) after
supply interruptions.
(3) The System Operator shall operate and maintain primary and emergency control centres and facilities
to ensure continuous operation of the IPS.
(1) Operating instructions, procedures, standards and guidelines shall be established to cover the operation
of the IPS under all system conditions.
(2) The IPS shall, as far as reasonably possible, be operated within defined technical standards and
equipment ratings.
(3) The System Operator shall manage constraints on the TS through the determination of operational
limits the scheduling of sufficient generation, demand and ancillary service to relieve constraints.
(4) To achieve a high degree of service reliability, the System Operator shall ensure adequate and reliable
communications between all control centres, Power Stations and substations. Communication
facilities to be provided and maintained by customers are specified in the Information Exchange Code.
(5) The System Operator shall be responsible for the determination of the TS Protection philosophy (as
contrasted to equipment Protection) by means of applicable analytical studies.
(6) The System Operator shall determine, and review on a regular basis, relay settings for main and back-
up Protection on the IPS.
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3. Operation Planning
3.1.1 Introduction.
(1) The generators and the System Operator are responsible for maintaining a set of current plans which
are designed to evaluate options and set procedures for reliable operation through a reasonable future
time period. In addition, each generator, working with the System Operator, is responsible for using
available personnel and system equipment to implement these plans to assure that the IPS reliability is
3.1.2 Objectives.
(a) to inform all generators, distributors or big consumers whose Systems are connected to the TS,
of the procedures and responsibilities which are required to execute the operations plans; and
(b) to enable the System Operator to co-ordinate operations and outages of centrally dispatched
generating units taking into account transmission system outages, so as to provide the maximum
reliability of electric power delivery at the lowest cost.
(1) The operations plans for the IPS shall cover at least the following
(a) Normal Operations, where each generator, working with the System Operator, shall plan its
future operations so that normal interconnection operation proceeds in an orderly consistent
manner and each distributor shall provide its best estimate of demand to the System Operator so
that the System Operator can develop the total demand forecast.
(b) Emergency Operations - A set of plans shall be developed, maintained and implemented, by each
generator and the System Operator, to cope with operating emergencies. These plans shall be
conducted with other generators and the System Operator as appropriate.
(1) The annual operations plan shall contain sufficient information in a suitable form to assess the
(a) the adequacy and capability of generating units to meet forecast demand and energy for the next
year to 5 years ahead.
(b) verification that generation and transmission outages are planned to maximise resource
utilisation, optimise placement of generation outages to produce a minimum running cost.
(c) ensure that the operational problems likely to be encountered are highlighted and alternative
solutions considered and evaluated; and
(d) verification that the actions taken and emergency procedures issued to deal with possible
abnormal system conditions are adequate and satisfactory.
(2) The formal operations planning procedures to implement these major steps require-
The Tanzanian Grid Code – System Operation Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 6 of 19
(b) determination of the responsibility for the System Operator and the generators and distributors to
produce and provide data;
(c) definition of the work necessary for the System Operator and the generators and distributors to
contribute towards the annual operations plan; and
(d) the lines of communication and interaction between the System Operator and the generators and
(1) These procedures shall be prepared by the System Operator and published in a document for reference
by relevant parties.
(1) A list of response capability data required in connection with spinning reserve for each generating unit
shall be submitted to the System Operator before the unit comes into commercial operation and shall
be updated by the end of April each calendar year and shall be within the parameters set out in the
Connection Agreement between the System Operator and the generator. The System Operator shall be
informed promptly of any change in these parameters.
(1) Each week by 15.00 hours on Thursday the System Operator shall issue a preliminary weekly
operations plan which shall run from 00.00 hours on the following Monday to 00.00 hours on the
subsequent Monday. The weekly operations plan shall include all generating units that are on standby
duty as quick reserve.
(2) By 10.00 hours on Saturday, the System Operator shall prepare a Weekly Operations Plan that takes
into account the generating unit’s unavailability.
(3) Each week the System Operator shall determine the allocation of reserve margin to each generator,
with due consideration to start-up prices, response characteristics of the generating units on the TS,
system constraints, availability of generating units, hydro dam levels and the lake inflows rates in its
Weekly Operations Plan.
(4) The weekly operations plan shall state the amount of operating reserve to be utilised by the System
Operator in the scheduling and dispatching process.
(5) The Weekly Operations Plan may include the possibility of shared spinning reserves with
neighbouring systems.
3.4.1 Introduction.
(1) Reliable operation of the TS facilities requires co-ordination among all participants. A high level of
reliability is achieved in the operation of a IPS when-
(a) transmission equipment is operated within its normal rating, except for temporary conditions
after a contingency has occurred;
(b) the capability of components of the TS for both normal and emergency conditions has been
established by technical studies and operating experience;
(c) when line loading, equipment loading or voltage levels deviate from normal operating limits or is
expected to exceed emergency limits following a contingency, and if reliability of the bulk power
supply is threatened, the System Operator shall take immediate steps to relieve the conditions.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – System Operation Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 7 of 19
These steps include notifying other systems, adjusting generation, changing schedules between
control areas, initiating load relief measures, and taking such other action as may be required;
(d) system operation shall be co-ordinated among systems and control areas. This includes co-
ordination of equipment outages, voltage levels, MW and MVAR flow monitoring and switching
that affects two or more systems of transmission components.
(1) In order to accomplish the needed level of co-ordination, the System Operator shall perform studies to
determine the TS operating configurations, how the system is to be operated within emergency transfer
limits, how protective relaying is to be co-ordinated and how maintenance outages are to be co-
(a) to determine the facilities on each system which may affect the operation of the co-ordinated
(b) to determine operating limitations for normal operation when all transmission components are in
service; and
(2) In determining ratings of transmission facilities, consideration shall be given to thermal and stability
limits, short and long time loading limits and voltage limits.
(3) Periodic studies shall be made to determine the Emergency Transfer Capability of transmission lines
interconnecting control areas. Studies shall be made annually or at such other time that changes are
made to the bulk-system which may affect the Emergency Transfer Capability.
(4) Studies shall be made to develop operating voltage or reactive schedules for both normal and outage
(5) Neighbouring systems shall use uniform line identifications and ratings when referring to transmission
facilities of a Transmission System network. This shall foster consistency when referring to facilities
and reduce the likelihood of misunderstandings.
(6) The scheduling of outages of transmission facilities which may affect neighbouring systems shall be
co-ordinated with the relevant Power Pool.
(7) Any forced outage which may have a bearing on the reliability of the TS shall be communicated to all
systems which may be affected.
(1) Emergency Transfer Capability is defined as the total amount of power above the net contracted
purchases and sales which can be scheduled with assurance of adequate system reliability for transfers
over the transmission network for periods up to several days, based on the most limiting of the
following constraints-
(2) all transmission loadings initially within long-term emergency ratings and voltages initially within
acceptable limits;
The Tanzanian Grid Code – System Operation Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 8 of 19
(3) bulk power system capable of remaining stable after absorbing the initial power swings and upon the
loss of any single transmission circuit, transformer, bus section, or generating unit; and
(4) all transmission loadings within their respective short-time emergency ratings and voltages within
emergency limits after the initial power swings following the disturbance but before system
adjustments are made (and in the event of a permanent outage of a facility, transfer schedules may
need to be reviewed).
(1) The satisfactory operation of the TS, especially under abnormal conditions, is greatly influenced by the
relay equipment and relay schemes in effect. Relaying of tie points between the TS is of primary
concern to the respective systems, although internal system relaying often directly affects the adjacent
(2) Individual generators and distributors have an obligation to implement relay application, operation,
and preventive maintenance criteria according to the specifications on relays in the Technical Code.
(3) The application of the relay systems of the generators and distributors shall be co-ordinated by the
System Operator to enhance the system reliability and yet have the least adverse effect on the TS.
(1) The System Operator shall provide the scheduling and dispatch of generation, demand forecast and
ancillary services for the IPS in accordance with the Scheduling and Dispatch Code.
(2) The scheduling of the operation of the generators shall ensure reliable operating margins.
(3) The responsibility for executing the energy and ancillary services schedules shall lie with the System
(4) Rescheduling during unplanned events shall be undertaken by the System Operator on the basis of
rules provided by the Scheduling and Dispatch Code.
(5) International tie-line operations shall be co-ordinated from the Tanzanian side by the System Operator
within the common Power Pool arrangements.
5. Ancillary services
(1) The System Operator shall be responsible for the technical specification and execution of all short
term (daily) reliability services for the IPS. These include restoration, the balancing of supply and
demand, the provision of quality voltages and the management of the real-time technical risk. Suitable
ancillary service levels for the following year shall be calculated annually.
(2) Reliability targets shall be selected to minimise the sum of the cost to the IPS of providing the
reliability plus the cost to the customer of limited reliability.
(3) The System Operator shall be responsible for procuring the required ancillary services that are
economically efficient and needed to provide the required reliability.
(4) All Generators shall inform the System Operator of their ancillary services technical capability and
shall not withhold ancillary services for non technical reasons
(5) The acquisition of ancillary services shall take place on a non-discriminatory basis.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – System Operation Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 9 of 19
(b) Black Start
(1) Operating reserves are required to secure capacity that will be available for reliable and secure
balancing of supply and demand. If there is a larger share of non-dispatchable generation in the power
system, the planning of reserve power will have to consider possible power gradients of the non-
dispatchable generation as well. There shall be three categories of operating reserves: Spinning
Reserve, Regulating Reserve and Quick Reserve.
(1) The requirement is to keep the frequency above 49.0 Hz following all credible single contingency
Losses. The largest loss is the loss of a unit at full load, i.e. currently a Kihansi unit at 60 MW.
(2) The Spinning Reserve requirement for the System shall be determined by the System Operator at least
once a year. The requirement shall be made available to all Participants.
(1) Quick Reserve is a less frequently used reserve and is used when the IPS is not in a normal condition.
The reserve can be used for supply and demand balancing, network stability and voltage constraints.
This reserve must be activated, on request, within 10 minutes and must be sustainable for two hours.
(2) The Quick Reserve requirement for the System shall be determined by the System Operator at least
once a year. The requirement shall be made available to all Participants. Individual contracts may be
aggregated into blocks executed as defined. The aggregated block must be contracted as one block.
The reserve must also be under direct control from the System Operator control centre. These
requirements are due to the need to take quick action when abnormal conditions prevail on the system.
(1) Regulating Reserve is reserve that is under AGC and can respond within 10 seconds and be fully active
within 10 minutes of activation. This reserve is used for second-by-second balancing of supply and
demand. The reserve is also used to restore instantaneous reserve within 10 minutes of the
(2) Sufficient Regulation Reserve shall be maintained at all times to ensure that under normal conditions
the frequency is maintained within:-
(b) Stringiest Power Pool requirements when interconnected to one or more Power Pools
(3) The Regulating Reserve requirement for the System shall be determined by the System Operator at
least once a year. The requirement shall be made available to all Participants. The IPS needs
Regulating Reserve every hour to balance supply and demand and to keep the frequency and tie-lines
within acceptable limits.
(1) Units capable of Black start shall be certified by the System Operator and entitled to payment for the
(2) To ensure optimal operation of the IPS, the System Operator may deploy network Islanding schemes
on the network, e.g. an out-of-step tripping scheme.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – System Operation Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 10 of 19
(3) The System Operator shall determine the minimum requirements for each Black start supplier and
ensure that the contracted suppliers are capable of providing the service.
(1) Voltage control and the supply or consumption of reactive power is inter-related in the sense that the
voltage is affected by changes in the reactive power flow. System stability depends on the voltage
profile across the system. In view of these considerations it is necessary from time to time to employ
certain Power Stations to supply or consume reactive power whether or not they are producing active
power, for the purpose of voltage control.
(2) The unit shall be able to provide reactive power without having to produce or consume a large
quantity of real power. The amount of reactive power shall be controlled by the System Operator. This
may be done directly through the energy management system or by telephone.
(3) When a unit is generating or pumping, reactive power supply is mandatory in the full operating range
as specified in the Network Code.
(4) The System Operator shall ensure there is sufficient reactive power and reactive power reserve to
maintain transmission voltages within prescribed limits for single contingencies
6. Operational authority
(1) The System Operator shall have operational authority over the TS. Operational authority for other
networks shall lie with the respective asset owners.
(2) Normal control of the various networks shall be in accordance with the operating procedures as agreed
between the Participants.
(3) Except where otherwise stated in this section, no Participant shall be permitted to operate the
equipment of another without the permission of such other Participant. In such an event the asset
owner shall have the right to test and authorise the relevant operating staff in accordance with his own
standards before such permission is granted.
(4) Not withstanding the provisions of section 2.1, Participants shall retain the right to safeguard the
health of their equipment.
7. Operating procedures
(1) The System Operator shall develop and maintain operating procedures for the safe operating of the TS,
and for assets connected to the TS. These operating procedures shall be adhered to by Participants
when operating equipment on the TS or connected to the TS.
(2) Each customer shall be responsible for his own safety rules and procedures. The System Operator shall
ensure the compatibility with regard to the safety rules and procedures of all Participants. However, if
a dispute affecting the interpretation and/or application of safety rules and procedures should arise,
such dispute shall be resolved in accordance with the procedures specified by the System Operator.
(3) The Power Pool operating agreements shall apply in the case of operational liaison with all
international power systems connected to the TS.
(1) The System Operator shall sanction the switching, including shutting down and synchronising, of units
and changing over of auxiliaries on all units.
(2) If any Participant experiences an emergency, the other Participants shall assist to an extent as may be
necessary to ensure that it does not jeopardise the operation of the networks/plant.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – System Operation Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 11 of 19
(3) A customer shall enter into an operating agreement with the System Operator, if it is physically
possible to transfer load or embedded generators from one Point of Supply to another by performing
switching operations on his network. This operating agreement shall cover at least the operational
communication and notice period requirements and switching procedures for such load transfers.
(1) The System Operator shall develop and maintain contingency plans to manage system contingencies
and emergencies that are relevant to the performance of the IPS. Such contingency plans shall be
developed in consultation with all Participants, shall be consistent with internationally acceptable
utility practices, and shall include but not be limited to -
(b) Meeting disaster management requirements including the necessary minimum load requirements;
(2) Emergency plans shall allow for quick and orderly recovery from a partial or complete system
collapse, with minimum impact on customers.
(3) Emergency plans shall comply with applicable Power Pool agreements and guidelines.
(4) All contingency/emergency plans shall be periodically verified by actual tests to the greatest practical
extent, as agreed by the parties, without causing undue risk or undue cost. The costs of these tests shall
be borne by the respective asset owners. The System Operator shall ensure the coordination of the
tests in consultation with all affected Participants.
(5) The System Operator shall specify minimum emergency requirements for distributor control centres,
Power Station local control centres and substations to ensure continuous operation of their control,
recording, enunciator and communication facilities.
(6) Other Participants shall comply with the System Operator’s requirements for contingency and
emergency plans.
(7) Automatic and Manual Load Shedding schemes shall be made available under the direction of the
System Operator.
(8) The System Operator shall be responsible for determining all operational limits on the TS by means of
the applicable analytical studies.
(9) Load flow studies shall be conducted regularly to determine the effect that various component failures
would have on the reliability of the IPS. At the request of the System Operator, distributors shall
perform related load flow studies on their part of the network and make the results available to the
System Operator.
10. System frequency and ACE control under abnormal frequency or interchange imbalance
(1) The System Operator shall be responsible for the balancing of supply and demand in real time through
the implementation of the energy schedules and utilisation of ancillary services.
(1) The control area is considered to be under normal frequency conditions when -
The Tanzanian Grid Code – System Operation Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 12 of 19
(a) The immediate demand can be met with the available scheduled resources, including any
expensive contingency resources; and
(b) the ACE deficit does not exceed the available reserves for longer than 10 minutes; and
(c) the frequency is not less than 49.8 Hz for longer than 10 minutes; and
(d) Applicable Power Pool control performance criteria are not violated; and
(e) The frequency is within the range 50-2.5% to 50+2.5% Hz; and
(2) The control area is considered to be under abnormal conditions if it is not in a normal condition as
defined above.
(1) When abnormal conditions occur, corrective action shall be taken until the abnormal condition is
(2) The corrective action includes both supply-side and demand-side options. Where possible, warnings
shall be issued by the System Operator on expected utilisation of any contingency resources.
(3) The System Operator shall have a designated person to refer to in periods of abnormal operation in
particular, emergencies.
(4) The order in which emergency resources are to be used may change from time to time. An updated list
shall be issued by the System Operator.
(5) Termination of the use of emergency resources shall occur as the plant shortage situation improves and
after frequency has returned to normal.
(1) Each Participant shall have the right to reduce or disconnect a Point of Connection under emergency
conditions if such action is necessary for the Protection of life or equipment. Advance notice of such
action shall be given where possible and no financial penalties shall apply for such action. Examples
include hot connections, solid breakers, malfunctioning Protection, etc.
(2) During emergencies that require load shedding, the request to shed load shall be initiated in
accordance with agreed procedures.
(3) Following such emergency operations as may be necessary to protect the integrity of the IPS or the
safety of equipment and human life, the Participants shall work diligently towards removing the cause
of the emergency and the supply shall be reconnected immediately after the emergency conditions
have passed.
(1) A connection or re-connection of a commissioned Type 2 generating unit shall be admissible only
under the conditions specified in Section 3.1.15 of the Network Code (Document 2 of the Tanzanian
Grid Code).
The Tanzanian Grid Code – System Operation Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 13 of 19
13. Voltage control
(1) The System Operator shall be responsible for the voltage control of the TS, at Transmission level
voltages as well as at the interface between Transmission and its customers.
(2) Electricity shall be supplied at three phase alternating current which shall have a nominal voltage
between phases and range, at the points of supply, as agreed between the Participants from time to
(3) TS voltages shall be controlled during normal operation to be at least within statutory limits at the
points of supply, except where otherwise agreed between participants.
(1) Generators shall report loss of output and tripping of units and governing to the System Operator
within 15 minutes of the event occurring.
(2) Distributors and end-use customers shall report the loss of major loads (>5MVA) to the System
Operator within 15 minutes of the event occurring. Warning of the reconnection of such loads shall
similarly be given with at least 15 minutes advance notice.
(3) Incidents on the IPS involving sabotage or suspected sabotage, as well as threats of sabotage shall be
reported to the System Operator.
(4) Any incident that materially affected the quality of the service to another Participant shall be formally
investigated. These include interruptions of supply, disconnections, under or over voltage incidents,
quality of supply contraventions, etc. A preliminary incident report shall be available after three
working days and a final report within three months. The System Operator shall initiate such an
investigation, arrange for the writing of the report and involve all affected Participants. All these
Participants shall make all relevant required information available to the System Operator. The
confidentiality status of information is described in the Information Exchange Code.
(a) Any Participant shall have a right to request an independent audit of the report, at their own cost,
if they are not satisfied with it.
(b) Recommendations shall be implemented by the Participants within the time frames specified.
(7) Incidents shall also be reported to the Authority as defined in the licence conditions.
(8) System Operator shall be responsible for developing and maintaining an adequate system of fault
15. Commissioning
(1) The System Operator shall verify commissioning/maintenance programmes concerning operating at
major substations as far as is needed to ensure adequate co-ordination and reliability of the IPS.
(2) All aspects of commissioning, by customers, of new equipment associated with the Transmission
connection, or re-commissioning of such existing equipment, shall be agreed with the System
Operator in writing before such commissioning starts.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – System Operation Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 14 of 19
(3) The said aspects shall include, but not be limited to the following:
(4) A minimum notice period of one Month shall apply from the date of receipt of the request for all
commissioning or re-commissioning.
(5) When commissioning equipment at the connection point, the Transmission shall liaise with the
affected customers on all aspects that could potentially affect the customers’ operation.
(6) Transmission and customers shall perform all commissioning tests required in order to confirm that
the Transmission and the customers’ plant and equipment meets all the requirements of the Grid Code
that have to be met before going on-line.
(7) Where commissioning is likely to involve a requirement for dispatch and/or operating for test
purposes, the customer shall, as soon as possible, notify the System Operator of this requirement,
including reasonable details as to the duration and type of testing required.
(1) Generators shall identify and report all tripping risks to the System Operator. The reporting shall be
done after commissioning and when there are changes from the previously reported tripping risks.
(2) Participants shall minimise the risk of tripping / loss of output on their own plant and equipment,
associated with their operation and maintenance.
(3) Special care shall be taken by all Participants when planning or executing work on Protection panels.
The normal outage process described in the maintenance coordination / outage planning section shall
be followed. All such work shall be treated as Risk-related Outages by the System Operator.
(4) When a risk of trip of equipment or loss of output with an impact exceeding 5MW could occur on any
part of the IPS, owing to such operation and maintenance, the affected Participants shall be consulted
as to who shall accept the risk before work may commence. The System Operator shall always be
informed of such events and shall in general coordinate these requests and accept the risks.
(5) The affected Participants shall be informed when the risk has been removed.
(1) Optimal reliability of the IPS shall be achieved by co-ordinating scheduled outages of generation,
Transmission, distributor , end-use customer, Metering, communication and control facilities affecting
IPS operation. The maintenance coordination / outage planning shall be done in collaboration with the
Single Buyer.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – System Operation Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 15 of 19
17.1 Definition of roles and responsibilities
(1) An outage requester is a person requesting an outage on plant for planned maintenance, repairs,
auditing, emergency repairs, construction, refurbishment, inspection, testing or to provide safety
clearance for other activities such as servitude clearance, line crossings and underpasses. This shall be
a distributor , generator, end-use customer or Transmission employee or agent, formally nominated.
(1) Transmission outage scheduler is a person appointed by Transmission to check for multiple requests
for an outage of the same network unit. If another outage request for the same bay(s) is noticed, the
Transmission outage scheduler requests the parties involved to combine their requests into a single
outage. In the case of conflicting outages, the Transmission outage scheduler considers the priority
and relative urgency of the requests and reflects this against the validated request. The Transmission
outage scheduler is also responsible for ensuring that negotiations of Risk-related Outages have taken
(1) The System Operator outage scheduler is appointed to assess the viability of a scheduled outage and
either to confirm or to turn down the request. The System Operator outage scheduler shall develop
and implement a non-discriminatory mechanism for resolving any scheduling maintenance conflicts.
This scheduler shall optimise plant utilisation by evaluating network load capabilities, different system
configurations and risk factors. It is also the responsibility of the scheduler to co-ordinate and
schedule plant that affects international customers.
(1) The System Operator controller on shift at the time of the outage is responsible for finally sanctioning
(or alternatively refusing) the outage and ensuring that the relevant operating instructions are issued.
(2) The System Operator shall develop and maintain an electronic TS maintenance Scheduling system for
the coordination of all TS outages.
(3) Transmission shall inform all customers of the name and contact details of the respective the
Transmission outage scheduler(s) in the different geographic parts of the country.
(4) The System Operator shall make available to customers an outage schedule of all Planned Outages on
the TS. The outage schedule shall cover a period of one year rolling and shall indicate the status of the
outage, i.e. whether confirmed or not.
(5) When the need for an outage is first identified it shall be entered into a Transmission maintenance
Scheduling system as a requested outage with Planned Outage dates, times, reason, type of
maintenance and request urgency assigned to it. The outage requester shall enter this request into the
maintenance Scheduling system if the requester has access to this system. If no access is available, the
requester shall contact the relevant Transmission outage scheduler or the System Operator outage
scheduler with the request.
(6) When the Transmission outage scheduler is satisfied with the request(s) and, in the case of a calculated
risk, has ensured that negotiation has taken place with the relevant Stakeholders this scheduler shall
mark it as a scheduled outage.
(7) At this point the System Operator outage scheduler shall confirm the outage if it satisfies all the
necessary requirements. If acceptable this scheduler shall change the validated request to a confirmed
booking. If it is subject to the outcome of another booking, the booking shall reflect that it is linked to
The Tanzanian Grid Code – System Operation Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 16 of 19
another confirmed booking. If the request cannot be accommodated, it shall be marked as refused,
with a reason and/or an alternative suggestion for a time being given
(8) When it is time for the confirmed booking to be executed (the outage becoming effective), the status
shall be changed to taken by the System Operator shift controller if sanctioning (i.e. not refusing) the
outage. While an outage is in progress the responsible Participants may report the actual state of the
progress to the System Operator shift controller, who shall enter this information into the system. This
allows for the progress of the outage to be monitored by those concerned.
(9) When the outage has been completed it shall be the responsibility of the System Operator shift
controller receiving the hand back, to change the status of the outage as completed.
(10) When an outage is cancelled or refused it is the responsibility of the person cancelling or refusing the
outage to furnish the reasons for cancellation or refusal. The person receiving the cancellation or
refusal shall then enter this information into the system when changing the status to cancelled.
(1) All Risk-related Outages shall be scheduled a minimum of 14 days in advance with an executable
contingency plan in place. The compilation of the contingency plan is the responsibility of
(2) These contingency plans are, in some cases, of a permanent nature and will be in force every time the
same system conditions apply. These contingency plans will therefore only have to be prepared once
and will come into force again (with minimal changes if needed) when the same outage is scheduled.
(a) Security linking prior to the outage, to ensure minimal risk to customers.
(b) Returning the plant that is on outage back to service as soon as possible.
(d) Load shedding if necessary (load profiles shall be made available by the customer).
(a) The System Operator shall be responsible for identifying Risk-related Outages.
(b) The System Operator and customer control centres shall be responsible for the Security-linking
instructions in the said contingency plan.
(c) It shall be the responsibility of Transmission to supply the information relating to returning the
plant to service.
(d) Transmission shall develop by-pass schemes with assistance from the System Operator and the
customer control centre.
(e) The System Operator and customer control centres shall be responsible for identification of the
load at risk and load shedding in the said contingency plan.
(f) With an increasing number of embedded generation, load shedding schemes have to take into
account that with disconnection of a network feeder, embedded generation may be disconnected
as well (depending on the installed embedded generation in the particular feeder).
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(5) If the contingency plan indicates that load shedding must take place it shall include the following
(a) The total amount of load to be shed in relation to the load profile.
(b) The point at which customers' load must be shed for optimal results.
(6) The relevant control centres shall confirm that it is possible to execute the contingency plan
(7) To ensure that the control centre is in possession and aware of the contingency plan the outage
scheduler shall contact the control centre a day prior to the outage.
(8) Negotiation of all Risk-related Outages, shall take place with affected customers a minimum of 14
days prior to the outage being executed, unless otherwise agreed. Where a request comes from a
generator with a requirement for 28 days’ notice, this time period shall be respected by the parties.
Customers shall be involved in the planning phase of projects and outages that will affect them.
(9) These conditions shall also apply to all outages affecting international customers.
(10) Transmission shall give distributors and end-use customers at least 14 days’ notice of Planned
(1) Over and above the requirements mentioned above, all generators shall provide the System Operator
with the following documents in the pro-forma format specified in the Information Exchange Code,
Appendix 4, to enable it to execute its short-term power system reliability responsibility:
(a) A 52-weeks-ahead outage plan per Power Station, showing Planned Outage and return dates and
other known generation constraints, updated weekly by 15:00 every Monday (or first working
day of the week).
(b) An annual maintenance / outage plan per Power Station, looking five years ahead, showing the
same information as above and issued by 31 December of each year.
(c) A monthly variance report, explaining the differences between the above two reports.
(2) Each generator shall invite Transmission to provide inputs into the compiling of the five-year-ahead
annual maintenance plans mentioned above, on the basis of ensuring system reliability, and shall not
unreasonably reject such inputs. Any such rejection shall be substantiated by providing Transmission
with documentary proof of the reasons.
(3) Plant versus system risks shall be carefully weighed up by the affected Participants under all
circumstances. Joint risk assessments shall be undertaken and joint contingency plans under these
outage conditions shall be prepared by the affected Participants.
(4) Each generator shall ensure the absolute minimum deviation from its annual outage plan. Each
deviation shall be negotiated with the System Operator.
(5) The System Operator shall coordinate network outages affecting unit output with related unit outages
to the maximum possible extent.
(6) The objectives to be used by the System Operator in this maintenance coordination, are firstly
maintaining adequate reserve levels at all times, secondly ensuring reliability where TS constraints
exist, and thirdly maintaining acceptable and consistent real-time technical risk levels.
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17.5 Refusal/cancellation of outages
(1) No Participant may unreasonably refuse or cancel a confirmed outage, or the risks associated with that
refusal/cancellation shall be transferred to that Participant. In the case of the System Operator
cancelling the request owing to system conditions, the outage requesting Party shall bear the cost of
such cancellation.
(1) The System Operator shall determine system conditions from time to time, and communicate these, or
changes from a previous determination, to all Participants.
(2) These system conditions shall typically be based on a steady state and dynamic simulation of the IPS
and include measures that will enhance reliability.
(3) The System Operator shall be responsible for providing Participants with operational information as
may be agreed from time-to-time and as specified in the Information Exchange Code. This shall
include information regarding planned and forced outages on the IPS.
(4) The System Operator shall report on both technical and energy aspects of IPS performance monthly
and annually. This shall include daily demands, energies, Losses, interruptions and QOS aspects as
detailed in the Information Exchange Code. This information shall be available to all Participants on
19. Tele-control
(1) Where tele-control facilities are shared between Participants, operating procedures shall be agreed.
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Version 2
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Scheduling and Dispatch Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 2 of 10
1. Introduction
(1) This code sets out the responsibilities and roles of the Participants as far as the Scheduling and
Dispatch of generators is concerned, and more specifically issues related to -
2. Generation Scheduling
(1) Scheduling the operations of generating units is a major component of operations plans. Scheduling of
the generating units depends upon the pattern of demand by the system, the order-of-merit operation
of generating units, the availability of generating units, the flexibility of operation of generating units,
constraints on the TS, security requirements, and system losses.
(a) The submission of an Availability Declaration by each generator to the System Operator.
(b) The submission to the System Operator of any revised generation scheduling and dispatch
parameters for the following availability Declaration Period by each generator.
(c) The submission of certain system data by each generator to the System Operator.
(d) The issue to the System Operator of a Generation Schedule the day before the schedule day.
(e) Where an externally interconnected party outside the country is connected to the IPS for the
purpose of system security enhancement and economic operation (e.g. sharing of spinning
reserve), the generation scheduling and hence, power transaction shall be governed by Power
Pool Rules, Inter-Utility Joint Operation Agreements and any other Inter-Utility Agreements.
(f) Generation scheduling requires generator data to enable the System Operator to prepare a Merit
Order to be used in scheduling (Unit Commitment) and dispatch (Economic Dispatch) and the
preparation and issue of a Generation Schedule. Based on this data, the System Operator is
required to ensure that there is sufficient generation to meet system demand at all times in the
most economic manner, together with an appropriate margin of reserve, while maintaining the
integrity of the IPS and security and quality of supply.
(1) The computation of the generation schedule shall require the following information-
(2) By 10.00 hours each day, each generator shall submit to the System Operator in writing (or by such
agreed electronic data transmission facilities) the above information which shall be applicable for
generation for the next period (following day) from 00.00 hours to 24.00 hours.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Scheduling and Dispatch Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 3 of 10
(3) The generation data to be submitted shall be as specified by the Grid code - Information Exchange
(4) The generation schedule shall be submitted by the System Operator to the relevant generator by 14.30
(a) The Availability Declaration is to be expressed in a whole number of MW per generator unit, in
respect of any time period (specifying the time at which each time period begins and ends). Such
Availability Declaration shall replace any previous Availability Declaration Period. For existing
plant which has availability declaration obligations set out in a PPA, the requirement to only
declare availability per unit is not enforced. The code allow for flexibility of expressing declared
availability either per unit or per plant capacity.
(b) A revised Availability Declaration for a generating unit which, since the time at which the
availability declaration for that generation unit under this paragraph was prepared, has either-
(i) become available at a different wattage to that which such generating unit was proposed
to be made available for generation in any such Availability Declaration whether higher
or lower (including zero); or
(ii) in the case of a generating unit declared to be not available for generation in an
Availability Declaration, has become available for generation. A revised Availability
Declaration submitted by a generator under this clause shall state, for any generating unit
whose availability for any generation is revised, the time periods (specifying the time at
which each time period begins and ends) in the relevant availability declaration and, if
such generating unit is available at what wattage, expressed in a whole number of MW,
for each such time period.
(1) The generation Scheduling and Dispatch Parameters shall reflect the true operating characteristics of
generating units. Any revision to the generation scheduling and dispatch parameters from those
submitted under a previous declaration shall be submitted for application for the following period. If
such parameters are not revised, the previously submitted generation scheduling and dispatch
parameters shall apply for the next following Availability Declaration period.
(2) A generation schedule shall be compiled daily by the System Operator as a statement of which units
may be required for the next following schedule day-
(a) In compiling the generation schedule, the System Operator shall take account of and give due
weight to the following factors-
(i) TS constraints from time to time, as determined by the System Operator and as advised by
(ii) for generating units, their parameters registered as generation Scheduling and Dispatch
Parameters (including indications of generating unit inflexibility);
(iv) the need to provide operating margins (by using the various categories of reserves as
specified in Grid code – System Operations Code), as determined by the System Operator;
(v) the requirements as determined by the System Operator for maintaining Frequency
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Scheduling and Dispatch Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 4 of 10
(vi) the weather forecast for network areas with a considerable number of generation based on
wind or solar power (embedded generation may be treated as negative load).
(b) The Generation Schedule shall be compiled by the System Operator to schedule such generating
units taking into account the above factors and in accordance with Offered Availability
(i) in accordance with the Merit Order Table and taking into account the start-up price
element of the Generation Offer price;
(ii) as shall in aggregate be sufficient to match at all times (to the extent possible having
regard to the offered availability) the forecast system demand together with an appropriate
margin of reserve, as identified in the Weekly Operational Policy; and
(c) After the completion of the scheduling process, but before the issue of the Generation Schedule,
the System Operator may deem it necessary to make the adjustments to the output of the
scheduling process. Such adjustments may be made necessary by the following factors-
(iv) changes to generating unit requirements within constrained groups, following notification
to the System Operator of the changes in capability;
(v) changes of generating unit requirements within constrained groups, following re-appraisal
of Demand forecast within that constraint group;
(vi) changes to any conditions which in the opinion of the System Operator, would impose
increased risk to the IPS and would therefore require the System Operator to increase
operational reserve levels. Such conditions include-
4. severe (unpredicted) weather conditions imposing high risk to the IPS; and
(d) For the following situations, a written record of these adjustments shall be kept by the System
Operator, for a period of at least 12 months-
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Scheduling and Dispatch Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 5 of 10
(ii) a yellow warning has been issued;
(3) These factors may mean that a generating unit is chosen other than in accordance with the Merit
Order. Any other deviations from the use of the Merit Order by dispatch shall be reported by the
System Operator including those responsible for the deviation. These reports shall be consolidated into
a weekly report by the System Operator to the generators, Distributors and the Authority.
(a) The information contained in the Generation Schedule shall indicate for a generating unit or
Interconnection Power Transaction, the period for which it is scheduled during the following
Schedule Day. It shall also include generating units or Interconnection Power Transactions
running as a result of non-System reason (such as test purposes) and system requirements (such
as Reactive Power Reserve) and generating units and Externally Interconnected Parties assigned
to a specific reserve role.
(1) The Generation Schedule may be followed by a list of special actions (either pre or post-fault) that the
System Operator may request a generator to take in respect of generating units, or an Externally
Interconnected Party to take in respect of a Generation Power Transaction, in order to maintain the
integrity of the IPS. For consumers directly connected to the Transmission System to which power
station or consumers are also connected, these special actions shall generally involve Load Transfer
between the Grid Supply Points or arrangements for Demand reduction by manual or automatic
(2) For Externally Interconnected Parties these special actions shall generally involve an increase or
decrease of net power flows across an External Interconnection by manual or automatic means.
(3) These special actions shall be discussed and agreed upon with the generator, externally interconnected
party, distributor or consumer concerned. If not agreed, generation may be restricted or demand may
be at risk.
(a) details of any special factors which in the opinion of the generator may have a material effect on
the likely output of such generating units;
(b) details of any generating unit’s commissioning or changes in the commissioning programs
submitted earlier.
(1) By 10.00 hours each day, Distributors shall submit to the System Operator in writing confirmation or
notification of the following for the following Availability Declaration period-
(a) constraints on its distribution system which the System Operator may need to take into account;
(b) the requirements of voltage control and MVAR reserves which the System Operator may need to
take into account for system security reasons. The form of the submission shall be that of a
Generation output (both MW and MVAR) required in relation to that Distribution System
following Availability Declaration Period.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Scheduling and Dispatch Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 6 of 10
2.6 Revision of generation schedule.
(1) If a revision in the Availability Declaration, distribution scheduling and dispatch parameters or other
relevant generation data is received by the System Operator prior to 15.00 hours on the day prior to
the relevant schedule day, the System Operator shall, if there is sufficient time prior to the issue of the
generation schedule, take into account the revised Availability Declaration, generation scheduling and
dispatch parameters or other relevant generator data in preparing the generation schedule.
(2) If a revision in Availability Declaration generation scheduling and dispatch parameters of other
relevant generation data is received by the System Operator at or after 15.00 hours in each day but
before the end of the next following schedule day, the System Operator shall, if it re-schedules the
units available to generate, take into account the revised Availability Declaration, generation
scheduling and dispatch parameters or other relevant generation data in that re-scheduling.
(1) The Generation Schedule shall be issued to generators and distributions or otherwise to the generator
direct by 14.30 hours each day. If an event on the IPS (for example loss of generation in a critical part
of the IPS) occurs which requires a substantial amendment in the data being used in preparing the
generation schedule, the System Operator reserves the right to issue a revised generation schedule to
the extent necessary as a result of such Events.
(2) The System Operator may instruct units before the issue of the Generation Schedule Day to which the
instruction relates, if the length of the Notice to Synchronise requires the instruction to be given at that
(3) When the length of the time required for the Notice to Synchronise is within 30 minutes of
Synchronisation causing the unit to be unable to meet the indicative Dispatch instructions, the
generator shall immediately inform the System Operator.
(4) The Generation Schedule received by each generator shall contain only information relating to its
3. Generation Dispatch
(1) To meet the continuously changing demand on the IPS in the most economical manner, generating
units shall, as far as practicable be put on load and loaded up in accordance with the least “variable
operation and maintenance costs inclusive of cost of fuel (where applicable) and consumables”
(hereinafter “operating costs”) of producing electricity from each generating unit. Fixed costs are not
taken into consideration. At any time the total generating plant with the least Operating Costs is used
to meet the demand with a satisfactory margin.
(2) For this purpose generating units are listed according to the lowest-to highest operating costs for each
generating unit and such a list is known as an “Order-of-Merit-Schedule”.
(3) The order-of-merit schedule for a hydro System is divided into 2 sections-
(a) Merit Order for scheduling generation on and off the system. The next unit that is not operating
with the lowest operating cost is the next to go on the system and the last unit is the first to go
(b) For a merit-order-for determining the generated output of generating units which are on load, the
flexibility of the units shall determine how they operate on the system. The more flexible a unit
is, the more likely it shall be used to follow the load changes that occur during the day. The less
flexible units shall operate better at more constant loads. This merit order shall take into account
the costs of operating the units at different loading of the turbine along with constraints in
changing loads to determine the operational sequence of the generating units.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Scheduling and Dispatch Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 7 of 10
(4) The order-of-merit shall be updated by the offered generator data for the next availability declaration
period. The updating shall take into account not only changes to the cost of fully loaded units, but also
the difference in the loading cost curves for each unit and for each plant.
(1) The efficiency of a hydro turbine varies with the changes in head across it and loading charts are
prepared for each unit to show the relationship between efficiency and output over the range of turbine
heads which can occur due to fluctuation in storage and tailrace levels. For convenience, these changes
normally take the form of water consumption or output for various station gross heads. Significant
tunnel or tailrace losses are taken into account when preparing the charts.
(2) The rate of change of water consumption in hydro turbines gives the incremental rate curve. When
several turbines are operating in a station, the minimum consumption of water is achieved by loading
each set at the same incremental rate. Similarly, incremental rate curves of turbines at different
stations, when calculated for equivalent heads, are used to allocate loading.
(3) When additional generation is added to meet a load less than that of one machine, average rate curves
are used in order to determine if it is more economical to run one or two machines. This method is
used to determine Merit Order.
(1) Each day is divided into a number of operating periods, depending upon the number of peaks, troughs
and constant levels in the estimated demand curve.
(2) For each operating period, unit commitment requirement on line is determined by computer
simulations. This value is the sum of the estimated maximum demand for the period and the specified
spinning reserve units.
(3) Units which are required to run for security or inflexibility purposes are allocated first. This is
followed by hydro units in accordance with the required Hydro Merit Order.
(4) In cases where only partial loading of a set is required for security or inflexibility reasons, the
assessment of whether or not to use the remainder of the set capacity is determined, by the hydro
loading curves specified in section 3.2.
(5) When scheduling over a trough, the duration of the period may be too short to shut down a less
flexible unit and bring it on load again for the next period. In this case, this unit is considered as
inflexible and allocated a minimum load equal to its minimum stable generation.
(6) Scheduling shall also take into account the rates of loading and unloading of units and other station
constraints such as the time intervals between synchronising or shutting down sets to each station.
(1) In order to operate the IPS, the System Operator shall prepare generating units operations schedules
and issue unit dispatch instructions.
(2) The Information which the System Operator shall use in issuing dispatch instructions are as follows-
(a) The generation schedule used in dispatching the generating units shall be based on the schedule
prepared and supplied under the generation scheduling procedures in this clause. This takes into
account information regarding Availability Declaration, unit commitment, offer prices, and
system security constraints, Grid demand forecast, generation trading contracts and other
relevant operational data.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Scheduling and Dispatch Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 8 of 10
(b) Commercial Ancillary Services.
(1) The System Operator shall re-optimise the schedules when in its judgement a need arises. As it may be
the case that no notice shall be given prior to this re-optimisation, it is important that generators
always keep the System Operator informed of changes of availability declarations and dispatch
parameters immediately as they occur.
(2) Indicative synchronising and de-synchronising times of generating units in the re-optimised schedule
shall be made available to the generators who shall immediately acknowledge the times, together with
their compliance of the synchronising instructions.
(1) The System Operator shall issue Dispatch Instructions to all generators for the schedule day at any
time during the period beginning immediately after the issue of the Generation Schedule for that
schedule day.
(2) Dispatch instructions shall recognise the Offered Availability Declared, Generation Scheduling and
Dispatch Parameters and other relevant generation data supplied to the System Operator. A Dispatch
Instruction may be subsequently cancelled or varied. Units declared available but not included in the
generation schedule may be Issued Dispatch Instructions.
(3) In addition to instructions relating to dispatch of active power, Dispatch Instructions may include-
(a) details of the reserve to be carried on each generating unit including specification of the time
scale in which that reserve may be transferable into increased generation output;
(c) Target (at instructed MW level) voltage levels or the individual reactive power output from
generating units. In the event of sudden change in system voltage, generating units shall not take
any action to override automatic MVAR response unless instructed otherwise by the System
Operator, or unless immediate action is necessary to comply with stability limits. Generators
may take such action as is necessary to maintain the integrity of the generating units;
(d) notice and change in notice to synchronise or desynchronise generating units in a specific time-
(e) an instruction for generating units to operate in Synchronous Compensation mode; and
(f) an instruction to carry out tests as specified in Grid code System Operations Code.
(4) The form of instructions and terms to be used by the System Operator in issuing instructions together
with their meanings are to be mutually agreed by all relevant parties.
(1) System regulation shall be performed automatically using Automatic Generation Control (AGC)
facilities by the System Operator or Dispatch Instruction shall be given by telephone or voice links
(and shall include exchange of operator names) or by automatic logging devices and shall be formally
acknowledged immediately by generators. In the event that while carrying out Dispatch Instructions,
an un-foreseen problem arises caused by safety reasons, the System Operator shall be notified without
delay by telephone. Additional or backup means of communication to be used by the SO, Generators
and distributors are to be mutually agreed by all relevant parties.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Scheduling and Dispatch Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 9 of 10
4.4 Action required by generators.
(1) Each generator shall comply with all Dispatch Instructions properly given by the System Operator. If
an unforeseen problem arises which affects the safety of the plant or personnel, the generator shall
disregard Dispatch Instructions and take necessary corrective actions after which the System Operator
shall be notified immediately.
(2) De-synchronising may take place without the System Operator’s prior agreement if it is done purely
on safety grounds. Synchronisation or de-synchronisation or desynchronisation as a result of inter-trip
schemes or low frequency relay operation shall be reported to the System Operator immediately.
(3) Each generating unit shall be operated with AVRs and VAR limiters in-service unless released from
this obligation by the System Operator.
(4) To preserve the IPS synchronously connected system integrity under emergency conditions, the
System Operator may issue Dispatch Instructions to change generation output even when this is
outside the parameters so registered or amended. This may, for example, be an instruction to trip a
generating unit. A refusal may only be given on safety grounds (relating to person or plant).
(1) The response times for units operating under different modes, and the procedure by which the
response time shall be changed, shall be agreed from time to time between the System Operator and
(1) Generators shall without delay notify the System Operator by telephone of any changes or loss
(temporary or otherwise) to the operational capability of any unit that is synchronised or units that had
been instructed to synchronise within 3 hours.
(1) The System Operator shall issue instructions directly to distributors for Special Actions and Demand
Control. These instructions may include-
(a) a demand reduction, disconnection or restoration of load and load transfer; and
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Scheduling and Dispatch Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 10 of 10
Version 2
(1) This code ensures a Metering standard for all current and future Participants. It specifies Metering
requirements to be adhered to, and clarifies levels of responsibility.
(2) The NRS 057:2008 Metering specification shall be used as the Metering requirements for the Grid Code.
The Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority (EWURA) however reserves the right to override
some sections of the NRS specifications should it find them inadequate or divergent from the principles
of the Grid Code.
(3) This code covers some aspects not fully or clearly addressed within the NRS 057 specification. All
areas written into this code will therefore take precedence over the mentioned specifications.
(4) All the standards refer to in this code complies with IEC standards.
(1) This code shall apply to all Participants in respect of any Metering point at the boundary of the Grid.
(a) Main Metering Installations and check Metering Installations used for the measurement of active
and reactive energy;
(d) The accuracy of all equipment used in the process of electricity Metering;
(b) Each Point of Connection between a generating unit and a distributor or the Grid.
(2) The type of Metering Installation at each Metering point shall comply with NRS 057 Metering
(3) Each Metering point shall be installed with main and check Metering where practical and economical.
Customers with a maximum demand of at least 5 MVA or with a maximum generation of at least 5 MVA
shall have main and check Metering. There shall be separate main and check CT cores but one dedicated
VT shall be allowed.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Metering Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 3 of 7
(4) A Metering point may be located at a point other than the Point of Connection or the Point of Supply by
mutual agreement between the Participants.
(5) Customers may request the installation of their own separate check meters. Any extra costs shall be
borne by the requesting Party. The Transmission Metering Administrator (TMA) shall install and control
such meters.
(1) For the purposes of this code the (Transmission) System Operator (TSO) shall fulfil the role of the
Transmission Metering Administrator (TMA) and is the owner of the meter.
(2) The (Transmission) System Operator (TSO) shall be responsible for ensuring that all points identified
as Metering points in accordance with the principles of the previous section’s have Metering
(3) The TMA shall be responsible for managing and collecting Metering information.
(4) Participants connected to or wanting to connect to the Transmission system (TS) shall provide the TMA
with all information deemed necessary to enable performance of its Metering duties.
(5) In the event of a Metering Installation being positioned between two distributors, the following shall
(a) Both distributors shall be responsible for installing and maintaining the Metering Installation in
accordance with the requirements of this section.
(b) All costs related to this Metering Installation shall be borne by both distributors.
(c) The distributors shall ensure that the TMA is given remote/electronic access to the Metering
Installation. Should access to the Metering Installation compromise the Security of the installation,
then Metering data shall be supplied to the TMA on a daily basis in an appropriate format.
(a) The meter(s) or recorder(s) shall be able to store data in memory for 35 days or more.
(b) Data stored in either a meter or a recorder shall be remotely (where possible) and locally
(c) A meter shall be remotely interrogated on a daily basis where possible or as mutually agreed by
the affected Participants.
(d) A meter shall be visible and accessible, but such access shall be restricted to authorised access
only. Data for customers shall be historical data situated on a secure server. As and when required,
Metering impulses shall be provided.
(f) The meter data retrieval process shall be a secure process whereby meters or recorders are directly
interrogated to retrieve billing information from their memories.
(g) The accuracy of meters and recorders shall be in accordance with the minimum requirements of
NRS 057-2.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Metering Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 4 of 7
(h) Commissioning of the Metering Installation and Metering data supporting systems shall take place
in accordance with the requirements of NRS 057.
(i) Both active and reactive energy shall be measurable without compromising any requirements of
this code.
(j) The meters shall measure both active and reactive energy flow in both directions.
(k) The meters shall be configured to store/record Metering data in half-hourly integration periods.
(2) In the event of a Metering Installation being used for purposes other than Metering data –
(a) Such use shall not in any way obstruct Metering data collection and accuracy requirements;
(b) The secondary use shall be communicated to all Participants who may be affected by the secondary
use of the installation;
(3) Metering Installations shall be audited in accordance with NRS 057 or equivalent.
(1) Data validation shall be carried out in accordance with NRS 057.
(b) Estimation or substitution subject to mutual agreement between the affected parties
(c) Profiling
(4) In the event of an estimation having to be made, the following shall apply:
(b) No estimation shall be made on three or more consecutive time slots, and if such estimation had to
be made, the TMA shall ensure that the meters are downloaded for the billing cycle.
(5) Not more than ten (10) slots may be estimated per meter point per Month. If such estimation had to be
made, the TMA shall ensure that the meters are downloaded for the billing cycle.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Metering Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 5 of 7
6.2 Meter verification
(1) In addition to the NRS057 verification requirements, meter readings shall be compared with the
Metering data base at least once a year.
7. Metering database
(1) The TMA shall create, maintain and administer a Metering database containing the following
(e) Telephone numbers used to retrieve information from the Metering Installation
(2) Information relating to raw and official values as indicated in NRS 057-4 section 4.2 shall form part of
the Metering database and shall be retained for at least five years for audit trail purposes.
(1) Commissioning, auditing and testing of Metering Installations shall be done in accordance with the NRS
057-4 specification.
(2) Any Participant may request the Authority or agency acting on its behalf that testing of a Metering
Installation be performed. Such a request shall not be unreasonably refused. The costs of such test shall
be for the account of the requesting Participant if the meter is found to be accurate and to the account
of the TMA if the meter is found to be inaccurate.
(1) In the event of testing revealing that data in the Metering database is inconsistent with the data in the
meter, the TMA shall inform all affected Participants and corrections shall be made to the official
Metering data.
(1) Metering data shall be accessed through a central database that shall store all customer information.
(3) No electronic access to the meters shall be granted to the customer or any other Party unless special
permission has been granted by the Authority.
(4) Schedules for accessing Metering data from the central database shall be administered by the TMA in
line with NRS 057-4 section 4.2.3.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Metering Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 6 of 7
(5) All Security requirements for Metering data shall be as specified in NRS 057.
11. Confidentiality
(1) Metering data and passwords are confidential information and shall be treated as such at all times.
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Version 2
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Table of Contents
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1. Introduction
(1) The Information Exchange Code defines the reciprocal obligations of parties with regard to the provision
of information for the implementation of the Grid Code. The information requirements, as defined for the
service providers, the Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority (EWURA) and customers, are
necessary to ensure non-discriminatory access to the transmission system (TS) and the safe, reliable provision
of transmission services.
(2) The information requirements are divided into planning information, operational information and post-
dispatch information.
(3) Information criteria specified in the Information Exchange Code are supplementary to the other codes
within the Grid Code. In the event of inconsistencies between other codes and the Information Exchange
Code with respect to information exchange, the requirements of the Information Exchange Code shall prevail.
(1) The parties shall identify the following for each type of information exchange:
The name and contact details of the person(s) designated by the information owner to be responsible for
provision of the information
The names, contact details of, and the parties represented by persons requesting the information
(2) The parties shall agree on appropriate procedures for the transfer of information.
(1) Customers shall provide such information as TANESCO may reasonably request on a regular basis for the
purposes of planning and developing the TS. Customers shall submit the information to TANESCO without
unreasonable delay. Such information may be required so that TANESCO can plan and develop the TS,
monitor current and future power system adequacy and performance, and fulfil its statutory or regulatory
(2) Customers shall submit to TANESCO and to all relevant service providers the information listed in
Appendix 2 (for distributors or end-use customers) or Appendix 3 (for generators) and Appendix 9.
TANESCO may request additional information reasonably required.
(3) Transmission shall provide the generators with information about equipment and systems installed in HV
yards as defined in Appendix 10.
(4) TANESCO shall keep an updated technical database of the IPS for purposes of modelling and studying
the behaviour of the IPS.
(5) TANESCO shall provide customers or potential customers, upon any reasonable request, with any
relevant information that they require to properly plan and design their own networks/installations or comply
with their other obligations in terms of the Grid Code.
(6) TANESCO shall make available all the relevant information related to network planning as described in
the Network Code, section 7.
(7) Customers shall, upon request to upgrade an existing connection or when applying for a new connection,
provide Transmission with information relating to the following:
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Information Exchange Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 1 of 52
Commissioning Projected or target commissioning test date
Reliability of connection Number of connecting circuits, e.g. one or two feeders, or firm/non-firm
requested supply required (subject to Network and Tariff Code requirements)
Location map. Upgrades: name of existing point of supply to be upgraded and supply
New connections: provide a 1:50 000 or other agreed scale location map,
with the location of the facility clearly marked. In addition, co-ordinates of
the point of connection to be specified
Site plan Provide a plan of the site (1:200 or 1:500) of the proposed facility, with the
proposed point of supply, and where applicable, the transmission line route
from the facility boundary to the point of supply, clearly marked
Electrical single-line Provide an electrical single-line diagram of the customer intake substation
(8) TANESCO may estimate any system planning information not provided by a customer as specified in
Appendix 2 or 3. TANESCO shall take all reasonable steps to reach agreement with the customer on estimated
data items. TANESCO shall indicate to the customer any data items that have been estimated. The obligation
to ensure the correctness of data remains with the customer.
(9) Generators shall submit weekly to Transmission and the System Operator all the maintenance planning
information detailed in Appendix 4 with regard to each unit at each power station.
(10) Transmission shall provide the generators with a monthly rolling maintenance schedule for all planned
work in HV yards for a period of one year in advance. Log books on all vessels under pressure for receivers
installed in HV yards shall be made available on request from the generator.
4. Operational information
(1) Customers shall meet all system planning information requirements before the commissioning test date.
(This will include confirming any estimated values assumed for planning purposes or, where practical,
replacing them with validated actual values and with updated estimates for the future.)
(2) The System Operator shall perform pre-commissioning studies prior to sanctioning the final connection
of new or modified plant to the TS, using data supplied by customers in accordance with section 3, to verify
that all control systems are correctly tuned and planning criteria have been satisfied.
(3) The System Operator may request adjustments prior to commissioning should tuning adjustments be
found to be necessary. The asset owner shall ensure that all system planning information records are
maintained for reference for the duration of the operational life of the plant. Information shall be made
available within a reasonable time on request from the System Operator upon notification of such a request.
(1) All participants shall ensure that exciter, turbine governor, FACTS and HVDC control system settings are
implemented and are as finally recorded by the System Operator prior to commissioning.
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(2) Participants shall give the System Operator notice, as defined in the System Operation Code, of the time
at which the commissioning tests will be carried out. The System Operator and the participant shall agree on
the timeout provision of operational data items as per Appendix 5.
(3) Records of commissioning shall be maintained for reference by the asset owner for the operational life of
the plant and shall be made available, within a reasonable time, to the System Operator upon notification of
such request.
(4) The asset owner shall communicate changes made during an outage to commissioned equipment, to the
System Operator and Transmission, before the equipment is returned to service. TANESCO shall keep
commissioning records of operational data as per Appendix 5, for the operational life of the plant connected
to the TS.
(1) Measurements and indications to be supplied by customers and Transmission to the System Operator
shall include the formats defined in Appendix 5. Where required signals become unavailable or do not
comply with applicable standards for reasons within the control of the provider of the information, such
participant shall report and restore or correct the signals and/or indications as soon as reasonable.
(2) The System Operator shall notify the participant, where the System Operator, acting reasonably and in
consultation with the customer, determines that additional measurements and/or indications in relation to a
participant’s plant and equipment are needed to meet a TS requirement. The costs related to the participant’s
modifications for the additional measurements and/or indications shall be for the account of the providing
(3) On receipt of such notification from the System Operator the participant shall promptly ensure that such
measurements and/or indications are made available at the unit’s communications Gateway equipment.
(4) The data formats to be used and the fields of information to be supplied to the System Operator by the
various participants are defined in Appendix 5.
(5) Transmission shall provide periodic feedback to customers regarding the status of equipment and systems
installed in the substations where they are connected to the TS. The feedback shall include results from tests,
condition monitoring, inspections, audits, failure trends and calibration. The frequency of the feedback shall
be determined in the operating agreement, but will not exceed one year.
(6) Plant status reports provided by Transmission will also include contingency plans where applicable.
(7) The System Operator needs to inform customers where in the network out-of-step relays are installed,
and how the relays are expected to operate. Furthermore, the characteristics of such an islanded network shall
be provided, based on the most probable local network configuration at such a time.
(8) The cost of the installation of the data terminal equipment will be paid for by the participant.
(9) The participant shall decide on the location of the data terminal equipment (DTE).
(10) The participant will be responsible for the maintenance of communications links between the generating
plant Gateway and the data terminal equipment.
(11) The System Operator shall be responsible for the maintenance, upkeep and communications charges of
the DTE.
(1) The System Operator shall provide the data defined in Appendix 6 to relevant Participants.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Information Exchange Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 3 of 52
4.4.1 Schedules
(1) The System Operator shall provide the relevant Participants with the next day’s twenty-four (24) hours
day-ahead energy schedule not later than 21h40 each day. The energy schedule shall be made available hourly
on the day, 10 minutes before each hour. The System Operator shall import the energy schedule hourly, at
five (5) minutes to the hour, for dispatch.
(2) The System Operator shall provide the relevant Participants with the daily twenty-four (24) hours day-
ahead ancillary service schedule before 21h40 each day. The ancillary service schedule shall be made
available hourly thereafter to ensure the transfer of a new schedule owing to a reschedule by the System
Operator. The System Operator shall import the ancillary service schedule hourly, at five (5) minutes to the
hour, for dispatch.
(3) All information exchange requirements for ancillary services that are contracted annually shall be
included in the contract between the parties.
(1) The format of the file used for data transfer through file transfers shall be decided by the System
Operator. The data shall be made available in a common, electronically protected directory.
Dispatch schedule The combined 24-hour day-ahead energy and Generation Daily
ancillary services schedules. Hourly day-ahead dispatch schedule
energy and other schedules that identify the
unit with the next 24 hourly values for it.
(1) Customers shall ensure that their control centres provide the System Operator with network information
that is considered reasonable for the security and integrity of the TS on request. The System Operator shall
communicate network information as requested to the customer control centres, as required for safe and
reliable operation. The information exchange between control centres shall be electronic and/or paper-based,
and within the time frame agreed upon between the participants.
(2) The participants shall optimise redundant control centre facilities where required for the safe operation
and control of the TS.
(1) The minimum communication facilities for voice and data that are to be installed and maintained
between the System Operator and participants shall comply with the applicable IEC standards for SCADA
and communications equipment.
(2) The communication facilities standards shall be set and documented by the System Operator, acting
reasonably, in advance of design. Any changes to communication facility standards impacting on customer
equipment shall be designed in consultation with customers and shall be informed by a reasonable business
4.6.1 Telecontrol
(1) The participant’s plant shall support data acquisition to and from the plant Gateway. The System
Operator shall be able to monitor the state of the IPS via telemetry from the Gateway connected to the
participant’s plant.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Information Exchange Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 4 of 52
(2) The signals and indications required by the System Operator are defined in Appendix 5, together with
such other information as the System Operator may from time to time reasonably require by notice to the
(3) Participants shall interface via the standard digital interfaces, as specified by the System Operator.
Interface cabinets shall be installed in the participant’s plant and equipment room if required. The provision
and maintenance of the wiring and signalling from the participant’s plant and equipment to the interface
cable shall be the responsibility of the participant.
(4) Participants shall comply with such telecontrol requirements as may be applicable to the primary control
centre and, as reasonably required, to the emergency control centre of the System Operator. Any changes to
telecontrol requirements impacting on customer equipment shall be designed in consultation with customers
and shall be informed by a reasonable business motivation.
4.6.2 Telephone/facsimile
(1) Each participant shall be responsible for the provision and maintenance of no fewer than one telephone
and one facsimile unit on separate lines that shall be reserved for operational purposes only, and shall be
continuously attended to and answered without undue delay.
(2) The System Operator shall use a voice recorder for historical recording of all operational voice
communication with participants. These records shall be available for at least three (3) months. The System
Operator shall make the voice records of an identified incident in dispute available within a reasonable time
period after such a request from a participant and/or the Authority.
(1) The participants shall provide the System Operator with the electronic mailing address of the contact
person as defined in this Information Exchange Code and vice versa. The provider of this service shall be
selected to meet the real-time operational requirements of the System Operator
(1) The System Operator shall agree with participants the procedures governing security and access to the
participants’ SCADA, computer and communications equipment. The procedures shall allow for adequate
access to the equipment and information by the System Operator or its nominated representative for purposes
of maintenance, repair, testing and the taking of readings.
(2) Each participant shall designate a person with delegated authority to perform the duties of information
owner in respect of the granting of access to information covered in this code to third parties, and shall
disclose that person’s name and contact details to the Authority. A party may, at its sole discretion, designate
more than one person to perform these duties.
(1) All information exchange shall be GPS satellite time signal referenced. The System Operator shall ensure
broadcasting of the standard time to relevant telecommunications devices in order to maintain time coherence.
(1) Where the electrical plant does not belong to TANESCO, TANESCO shall enter into an agreement with
the customer for the provision of reliable and secure facilities for the housing and operation of TANESCO
equipment. This includes access to, at no charge to TANESCO, an uninterruptible power supply with an
eight-hour standby capacity.
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4.8 Data storage and archiving
(1) The obligation for data storage and archiving shall lie with the information owner.
(2) The systems that store the data and/or information to be used by the parties shall be of their own choice
and for their own cost.
(3) All the systems must be able to be audited by the Authority. The systems must provide for clear and
accessible audit trails on all relevant operational transactions. All requests that require an audit on a system
shall be undertaken with reasonable notice to the parties.
(4) The information owner shall store the information in a manner that will allow for such information to be
retrieved on request and shall ensure that the contents remain unaltered from its original state. The
information shall be retained for a period of at least five (5) years (unless otherwise specified in the Grid
Code) commencing from the date the information was created.
(5) Parties shall ensure reasonable security against unauthorised access, use and loss of information (i.e.
have a backup strategy) for the systems that contain the information.
(6) Parties shall store outage planning information as defined in clause 3(9) and clause 3(10) electronically
for at least five (5) years. Other system planning information as defined in section 3 shall be retained for the
life of the plant or equipment concerned, whichever is the longer.
(7) The System Operator shall archive operational information, in a historical repository sized for three (3)
years’ data. This data includes
(8) An audit trail of all changes made to archived data should be maintained. This audit trail shall identify
every change made, and the time and date of the change. The audit trail shall include both before and after
values of all content and structure changes.
5. Post-dispatch information
(1) The System Operator and TANESCO shall provide participants, with the information specified in the
Scheduling and Dispatch Code.
(1) The Marketing Group shall request all data required for settlement of the energy from System Operator.
The System Operator shall make this information available, within an agreed time period. Should this
information be classified as confidential, both parties shall treat it accordingly.
(1) The Marketing Group shall request all data required for settlement of the ancillary services from
TANESCO. The TANESCO shall make this information available, within an agreed time period. Should this
information be classified as confidential, both parties shall treat it accordingly.
(1) The System Operator shall provide operational information regarding unit dispatch and overall dispatch
performance as specified in Appendix 7.
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5.1.4 Hourly demand metering data
(1) The TANESCO shall provide participants with hourly-metered data pertaining to their installations.
(1) The format of the files used for data transfer shall be negotiated and defined by the supplier and receiver
of the information. The file transfer media shall be negotiated and defined by both parties involved.
(2) The parties shall keep the agreed number of files for backup purposes so as to enable the recovery of
information in the case of communication failures.
AGC pulses The total pulses sent to a unit by the AGC Ongoing, file created Hourly
system to move the set-point up or down at end of hour
Power Pool As required by relevant Power Pool Rules Ongoing, file Daily
Performance and appended at end of
settlement data hour
System near real- Historic near real-time system data files Communication To be agreed
time data on readings as required for post-dispatch failure
Unit near real-time Historic near real-time unit data files on Communication To be agreed
data readings as required for post dispatch failure
(1) Generators shall provide the System Operator monthly with performance indicators in relation to each
unit at each power station in respect of availability, reliability, etc., as detailed in Appendix 8.
(2) Generators shall report significant events, such as catastrophic failures, to the Authority within one (1)
week of occurrence of such event.
(1) The performance measurement of all distributors and end-use customers shall be supplied to
Transmission in accordance with the operating agreement requirements as defined in the Network Code,
section 3.2.
(2) Distributors shall report periodic testing of under-frequency load shedding relays in the following
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Information Exchange Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 7 of 52
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
(1) TANESCO shall make the following TS performance indicators available monthly to the Authority and
No. of interruptions
Mandatory under-frequency
load shedding
GS losses %
(2) Transmission shall provide customers with all performance indicators at each point of supply in
accordance with the Network Code, section 3.2.
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Information Exchange Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 8 of 52
5.3.4 System operational performance information
(1) The following IPS operational information shall be published by the System Operator to all participants:
The reserve amounts over the morning and evening peaks of the previous day (MW)
For each abnormal network condition the action taken by the SO to restore normal operations.
(2) Transmission shall make available all information collected via recorders installed at substations, to the
System Operator for analyses. The System Operator shall make this information available to affected
customers on request.
6. Confidentiality of information
(1) Information exchanged between parties governed by this code shall not be confidential, unless otherwise
(2) Confidential information shall not be transferred to a third party without the written consent of the
information owner. Parties shall observe the proprietary rights of third parties for the purposes of this code.
Access to confidential information within the organisations of parties shall be provided as reasonably
(3) Parties receiving information shall use the information only for the purpose for which it was supplied.
(4) The information owner may request the receiver of information to enter into a confidentiality agreement
before information, established to be confidential, and is provided. A pro forma agreement is included in
Appendix 1.
(5) The parties shall take all reasonable measures to control unauthorised access to confidential information
and to ensure secure information exchange. Parties shall report any leak of information that is governed by a
confidentiality agreement as soon as practicable after they become aware of the leak, and shall provide the
information owner with all reasonable assistance to ensure its recovery or destruction (as deemed appropriate
by the information owner).
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Information Exchange Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 9 of 52
APPENDIX 1: Information confidentiality
1. The Recipient agrees to treat all information (hereinafter referred to as the Information) received
from the Information Owner, whether in hard copy or electronic format, as strictly confidential.
2. The Recipient agrees to disclose the Information only to persons who are in his permanent employ,
and who require access to the Information to perform their duties in respect of the Work on behalf of
the Client.
3. Persons other than those described in Clause 2 above, including but not restricted to temporary
employees, subcontractors, and sub-consultants, shall enter into separate Confidentiality Agreements
with the Information Owner prior to receiving the Information.
4. The Recipient undertakes to use the Information only to perform the Work on behalf of the Client,
and for no other purpose whatsoever.
5. On completion of the Work, the Recipient shall at his expense return to the Information Owner all
hard copy material and electronic media containing the Information supplied to him by the Information
Owner. The Recipient shall furthermore ensure that all duplicate copies of the Information in his or his
employees’ possession (electronic as well as hard copy format) are destroyed.
6. The Recipient shall take all reasonable measures to protect the security and integrity of the
7. If requested to do so by the Information Owner, the Recipient shall forthwith at his expense return
to the Information Owner all hard copy material and computer disks containing the Information
supplied to him by the Information Owner. The Recipient shall furthermore ensure that all duplicate
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Information Exchange Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 10 of 52
copies of the Information in his or his employees’ possession (electronic as well as hard copy format)
are destroyed.
8. The Recipient shall report any leak of the Information, howsoever caused, to the Information
Owner as soon as practicable after he/she becomes aware of the leak, and shall provide the Information
Owner with all reasonable assistance to ensure its recovery or destruction (as deemed appropriate by
the Information Owner).
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Information Exchange Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 11 of 52
APPENDIX 2: Distributor and end-use customer data
Unless otherwise indicated, the following information shall be supplied to TANESCO prior to
connection and then updated as and when changes occur.
Measured and forecast data For each point of supply, the information required is as follows:
A 10-year demand forecast (see Appendix 9)
Standby supply data The following information is required for each distributor and end-
(annually) use customer that can take supply from more than one supply
General information For each new connection from a distributor or end-use customer,
the following information is required:
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Temporary construction supply requirements
Disturbing loads Description of any load on the power system that could adversely
affect the System Operator target conditions for power quality and
the variation in the power quality that can be expected at the point
connected to the TS. (The areas of concern here are, firstly, motors
with starting currents referred back to the nominal voltage at the
point of supply exceeding 5% of the fault level at the point of
supply; and secondly, arc furnaces likely to produce flicker levels
at the point of supply in excess of the limits specified in NRS048.
The size limit for arc furnaces is subject to local conditions in
respect of fault levels at the point of supply and background flicker
produced by other arc furnaces and other equipment that will
produce harmonics and/or negative and zero sequence current
components, such as large AC/DC rectification installations.)
Symbol Units
Number of windings
Vector group
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(Delete what is not
Transformer test certificates, from which actual technical detail can be extracted as required, are to be
supplied on reasonable request.
For each shunt capacitor or reactor or power factor correction equipment or harmonic filters with a
rating in excess of 1 MVAr connected to or capable of being connected to a customer network, the
customer shall inform TANESCO and, if required, shall provide TANESCO with the specific shunt
capacitor or reactor data as well as network details necessary to perform primarily harmonic resonance
studies. The customer shall inform TANESCO of his intention to extend or modify this equipment.
If any participant finds that a capacitor bank of 1 MVAr or less is likely to cause harmonic resonance
problems on the TS, he shall inform TANESCO. The 1 MVAr minimum size limit shall thereafter be
waived in respect of the affected network for information reporting purposes in respect of this code,
and TANESCO shall inform the affected participants of this fact and request the additional data. If the
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affected network is modified or reinforced to the extent that capacitor banks of 1 MVAr or less no
longer cause harmonic resonance problems on the TS, TANESCO shall inform the affected participants
that information reporting requirements have returned to normal.
Any party to this code investigating a complaint about harmonic distortion shall have the right to
request such additional information (including, but not restricted to, data from harmonic distortion
measuring devices) from parties in the vicinity of the source of the complaint as may reasonably be
required to complete the investigation.
Voltage rating kV
Fixed or switched
Series capacitors are installed in long transmission lines to increase load transfer capability.
Series reactors are installed to limit fault levels, or to balance load sharing between circuits operated in
parallel that would otherwise not share load equitably, or to balance load sharing on an interconnected
Voltage rating kV
Hours A
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Hours A
Note: if a series capacitor or reactor is located in a dedicated reactor or capacitor station (i.e. a
substation built to hold only the series reactor or capacitor), the lines or cables linking it to each remote
end substation must be specified as separate circuits under line or cable data.
FACTS devices
FACTS devices enable system parameters (voltage, current, power flow) to be accurately controlled in
real time. Because of their cost, they are generally used only if cheaper, more conventional, solutions
cannot deliver the required functionality.
Voltage regulation following loss of a system component, generation, large load, or HVDC link
The most commonly used FACTS device is the SVC (static Var compensator). Other FACTS devices
made possible by advances in power electronics and control systems include STATCOM (static
compensator), TCSC (thyristor controlled series capacitor), thyristor controlled tap changer, thyristor
controlled phase shifter, BES (battery energy storage), and UPFC (unified power flow controller). The
common factor is rapid control capability.
Because FACTS devices are purpose-designed for their specific applications, the following data is
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Control system: provide a block diagram of the
control system suitable for dynamics modelling
Customers are required to perform, or cause to be performed, harmonic studies to ensure that their
installation does not excite harmonic resonance, and that harmonic distortion levels at the PCC with the
TS do not exceed the limits specified in NRS048.
Strictly speaking, HVDC is a form of FACTS device because of the rapid control capabilities.
However, HVDC is treated separately because its primary function is the transmission of real power.
HVDC is used to connect two systems that are not necessarily interconnected via the AC network (and
thus in synchronism), or even at the same nominal frequency.
Customers wishing to connect HVDC systems to the TS shall supply a single line diagram showing all
HV plant (including valve bridges) forming part of the HVDC system, plus additional HV plant
required for its proper operation, e.g. harmonic filters, synchronous condensers, FACTS devices, etc.
Customers and TANESCO shall co-operate in performing, or causing to be performed, studies to
determine network strengthening requirements needed to accommodate the HVDC system without
violating the planning criteria specified in the Network Code. In addition, customers shall thereafter
perform, or cause to be performed, studies to demonstrate that the proposed HVDC system does not
contravene the QOS parameters specified in NRS048, and where applicable shall specify what
additional HV plant will be required to ensure compliance with NRS048.
If a customer will have two or more points of supply from the TS, including the one applied for, the
customer shall specify the amount of load to be transferred from existing points of supply to the new
one under normal conditions as well as under contingencies. The same requirement applies to any
embedded generators within the customer’s network, since they affect fault levels as well as net load
on the system.
The customer shall also specify whether he intends to interconnect two or more transmission points of
supply via his network. In such circumstances the customer shall provide detailed information on the
lines and cables used.
Where a circuit consists of two or more segments of different characteristics (different overhead line
tower and/or conductor bundle types and/or underground cable types), each section shall be specified
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Line voltage (specify separately for dual voltage multi- kV
circuit lines)
Single/double/multiple circuit
Earthwire description
Line length Km
Conductor parameters (R, X, B, R0, X0, B0) Ohm values or p.u. on 100MVA
base (specify)
Cable data
Voltage rating kV
Size mm2
Length Km
Continuous and (where applicable) emergency current Amp or MVA at nominal voltage
rating and time limit (specify), hours maximum at
emergency rating
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APPENDIX 3: Generator planning data
Unless otherwise indicated, the following information shall be provided to TANESCO prior to
connection and then updated as and when changes occur.
Generator name
Number of units
Primary fuel type/prime mover For example, gas, hydro, fossil or nuclear
“Restart after station blackout” capacity Provide a document containing the following:
Start-up time for the first unit (time from restart initiation to
synchronise) and each of the following units assuming that
restarting of units will be staggered
Black starting capacity A document stating the number of units that can be black
started at the same time, preparation time for the first unit
black starting, restarting time for the first unit, and restarting
time for the rest of the units
Partial load rejection capability A description of the amount of load the unit can
automatically govern back, without any restrictions, as a
function of the load at the point of governing initiation
Multiple unit tripping (MUT) Risks A document outlining all systems common to more than one
unit that is likely to cause a MUT; discuss the measures
taken to reduce the risk of MUT
Unit number
Description Units
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Unit auxiliary active load MW
Governor droop
Short-circuit ratio
Description Data
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Capability chart showing full range of operating capability of the Diagram
generator, including thermal and excitation limits
Systems that are common and can cause a multiple unit trip Description
V curves Diagram
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Documents Description
Protection settings A document agreed and signed by the System Operator containing the
document following:
A section defining the base values and per unit values to be used
Excitation setting document A document agreed and signed by the System Operator containing the
A section defining the base values and per unit values to be used
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Unit model document The document shall include models of the turbine, boiler, engine, reactor,
penstock and the relevant controls, which together can be used by the SO
to simulate the dynamic performance of the unit, specifically load
ramping and frequency support within the normal operating range of the
unit. The generator may obtain guidance about the modelling
requirements from IEEE documentation or any other standard agreed to
by the SO.
The document, to be agreed and signed by the SO, will contain the
The operating parameters on which the model is based, with the per
unit and corresponding base values
The generator shall provide the System Operator with the reserve capability of each unit at each power
station. The reserve capability shall be indicated as per each reserve category: spinning reserve, standby
reserve and regulation reserve.
Symbol Units
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Negative phase sequence synchronous reactance % on rating
X 2
Tq’ sec
Quad axis short-circuit transient
Tq’’ sec
Quad axis short-circuit sub-transient
Speed damping D
The generator shall fill in the following parameters or supply a Laplace domain control block diagram
in accordance with IEEE or IEC standard excitation models (or as otherwise agreed with the System
Operator) completely specifying all time constants and gains to fully explain the transfer function from
the compensator or unit terminal voltage and field current to unit field voltage. Customers shall
perform, or cause to be performed, small signal dynamic studies to ensure that the proposed excitation
system and turbine governor do not cause dynamic instability. The criteria for such dynamic instability
shall be supplied by the System Operator. Where applicable, a PSS (power system stabiliser) shall be
included in the excitation system to ensure proper tuning of the excitation system for stability purposes.
Symbol Units
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Excitation system type (AC or DC) Text
The generator should supply any additional Laplace domain control diagrams for any outstanding
control devices (including power system stabilisers) or special protection relays in the unit that
automatically impinge on its operating characteristics within 30 seconds following a system
disturbance and that have a minimum time constant of at least 0,02 seconds.
Symbol Units
Symbol Units
Number of windings
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Vector group
Tapped winding
The generator shall provide TANESCO with expected maintenance requirements, in weeks per annum,
for each unit at a power station.
Mothballing of generating plant is the withdrawal of plant from commercial service for six months or
longer, with the intention of returning it to commercial service at a later date. Mothballing can have a
profound impact on the operation and integrity of the TS. Customers wishing to mothball generating
plant shall supply TANESCO with the following information:
Generator name
Unit number
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Once the customer has decided to return mothballed generating plant to service, TANESCO requires
the information specified for new connections.
Decommissioning of plant is the permanent withdrawal from service of generating plant. The
TANESCO requires the following with a one-year notice period:
Generator name
Unit number
Auxiliary supplies required for dismantling and demolition kVA, point at which supply is
require, duration
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APPENDIX 4: Generator maintenance plan
a) The 52-weeks-ahead maintenance plan per week per generator shall be supplied weekly to the
System Operator.
Power Station 1 0 0 0 0
Power Station 2 0 0 0 0
Power Station 3 0 0 0 0
Power Station n 0 0 0 0
b) The annual maintenance/outage plan per generator, looking five years ahead, shall be supplied to
the System Operator.
The format shall be as per the 52-weeks-ahead outage plan per week per generator, but extending for
five years.
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c) A monthly variance report, explaining the differences between the above two reports, shall be
supplied to the System Operator.
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APPENDIX 5: Operational data
This appendix specifies the data format to be used by the SCADA system for the mapping of Gateway
data into the SCADA database. The database has a definition for each bay in the HV yard. Each bay
definition specifies a different bay type, e.g. transformers, units, feeders, etc., and is accompanied by a
picture showing the bay and all its associated devices as they would be indicated on the system
operator operational one-line displays. In each instance, the picture defines the primary devices and is
followed by the points belonging to each device.
Device : Gives the name of the device and acts as a collector of all point information
belonging to the device. The System Operator shall define the requirements
where grouping is used.
Each binary status point can be mapped to one or two binary bits. In the case of a
breaker or isolator, the state is reported via two bits. In the case of single-bit
alarm points, only one bit is used to report the state of the indication.
In the following sections, the TYPE column indicates the number of bits used to
report the state of the point in question. The column headings indicate two bits
but for single-bit points ignore the left-hand 0 or 1 value in the headings “01-
State” and “10-State”.
Double bit Where an indication uses two bits to report the state, the right-hand bit is used
report that the state is OPEN and the left-hand bit to report the state when it is
CLOSED. Thus an open condition will be “01” and a closed state will be “10”.
It is thus illogical for a device to have a permanent value of either “00” or “11”.
However, if the device is in transit between “01” and “10” then a temporary
value of “00” is possible. The SCADA system reports a state of “00” as “In
transit”, which will normally only be seen on slow-moving devices such as
Category Defines the category the point belongs to: Health, Main Protection, Back-up
Protection or Information.
Classical alarm systems attempt to set priorities on alarm points. However, the
priority of a point changes as the system changes, which means having a fixed
priority is not useful. As an alternative, the approach used here is to assign the
point to the area that is affected by the indication. In this case we have four areas,
Health All alarm indications that refer to the health of the primary or secondary plant
are assigned to this category.
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Main Protection All protection activity that is triggered by the Main 1 protection circuits is
assigned to this category.
Backup Protection Where backup protection is installed, such as on transformers, or where Main
2 protection is used, these alarms are assigned to this category.
Information Pure state change data such as the state of a breaker or isolator are assigned to
this category. As such, no alarming is associated with these points – the data
presented is pure information.
Type Indicates the type of point – single-bit, double-bit, analogue or binary change
A5.1 Generator
The generator shall install operational measurements to specification from the System Operator so as to
provide continuous operational information for both real-time and recording purposes in relation to
each unit at each power station in respect of the following:
Measurements of MW, MW set point and Mvar analog shall update the SCADA value from the source
to the Gateway if the value changes by more than 0.5 MW or 0.5 Mvar. The maximum delay in this
update shall be no longer than one second as shown in Figure 1 - Data collection time frame.
1 second 2 second
maximum maximum
(Gross) DTE
400 MW Energy
d(MW)/dt > 0.5
320 Mvar d(Mvar)/dt > 0.5 Management
Gross and Net values are required
AGC Gateway
Generating Unit Control System
Telecoms Interface
(Data Terminal
Equipment )
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Figure 1 - Data collection time frame
Data Acquisition
The participant is responsible for the provision of communications facilities between the plant and the
data terminal equipment as shown in Figure 1. See section 4 above for additional clarity related to the
participant’s communication obligations.
The maximum delay for updating the Energy Management System shall be no longer than two seconds
as shown in Figure 1.
The generator will provide the facility to set the jitter value of the measured data to a value between 1
and 5 bits to prevent the unnecessary messages being sent whilst maintaining the 0,5 MW or 0,5 Mvar
accuracy required above. The System Operator will determine the exact number of bits required to be
set for jitter tolerance for every installation.
Unit 99 kV Stop 1
1 Note that where modes or functions are not available, such as SCO, the associated signals
are not required.
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Engine B Ready Not ready Health Single
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Unit Step Up
Transformer 999 MW
999 MVAr
Isolator 1 Isolator 2
Unit 99 kV
2Note that where modes or functions are not available, such as SCO, the associated signals
are not required.
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SCO to GEN mode Active Off Info Single
Unit Step Up
Transformer 999 MW
999 MVAr
Unit LV Breaker
Unit 99 kV
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Unit islanded Alarm No Health Single
All generating units providing AGC shall provide and receive the following signals
Signal description
This value gives the maximum allowable output AGC can raise the active power output. This is set at
the generator. The high regulating limit can either be net active power or gross active power
This value gives the minimum allowable output AGC can lower the generator. The low regulating limit
can either be net active power or gross active power.
This is the maximum rate in (MW/min) which the unit can change whilst on AGC.
Setpoint Value
The setpoint value comes from the control equipment of the generator. To change the active power
output of the generator, the output setpoint has to be adjusted. AGC controls the setpoint when AGC is
on. The setpoint can either be net active power or gross active power.
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AGC – Generator Status – (Set by the Power Station staff)
This signal indicates if the generator is allowing AGC. Only when signal is “on” can the System
Operator select the generator to AGC operation. When this signal is “off”, all raise/lower commands
from System Operator should be ignored.
Frequency Bias On
Raise Block
In the event that the generator chooses not to allow AGC raise commands then the Raise Block is set.
When this indication is set, all raise commands from the System Operator should be ignored.
Lower Block
In the event that the generator wants to prevent AGC lower commands then the Lower Block is set.
When this indication is set, all lower commands from System Operator should be ignored.
The AGC Setpoint command consists of a message from the System Operator‘s AGC program
instructing a particular unit to a particular active power output.
All units that are not manned for full or portion of the day or if it is agreed that the generator must be
capable of remote operation by the System Operator, then the following signals shall be provided and
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Unit local AGC status AGC Local Info Double
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A5.2 Distributor and end-use customer
The Customer shall provide operational information for both real-time and recording purposes in
relation to each feeder, transformer and compensation device at each substation required for the full
functionality of an SVC, as well as full control by the System Operator.
All interruptible loads shall meet the minimum requirements. The System Operator shall negotiate and
integrate the conditions as presented in bilateral agreements and additional contracts without reducing
the requirements as defined in this Grid Code.
Load 9999 MW
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Load active power Info Analogue False
The availability of the interruptible load shall be integrated into the ancillary service schedules by the
System Operator.
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APPENDIX 6: Schedule information
The System Operator shall provide the following minimum day-ahead schedule information for each
hour of the following day in relation to each unit at each power station:
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APPENDIX 7: Post-dispatch information
The System Operator shall provide the following minimum operational information in near real time
and as historic data in relation to each unit at each power station:
The system operator shall provide the following minimum operational information in near real time in
relation to the overall dispatch performance:
Data description
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7 Control area total actual interchange Integer 99999 MW
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APPENDIX 8: Generator performance data
Measurement of availability
The Unipede/Eurelectric standard for the measurement of plant availability must be used. Availability
is measured with the use of an indicator known as the energy availability factor (EAF).
The EAF has the same conceptual content as the equivalent availability factor used by USA operators,
e.g. the NERC-GADS data bank.
Energy availability factor is defined as the ratio of the available energy generation (b) over a given time
period (PH) to the reference energy generation over the same period, expressed as a percentage. Both
of these energy generation terms are determined relative to reference ambient conditions.
Available energy generation (b) for the purpose of calculating EAF is the energy that could have been
produced under reference ambient conditions considering limitations within and beyond the control of
the plant management.
o b Pd PH
Reference energy generation (Y) is the energy that could be produced during a given time period if the
unit were operated continuously at reference unit power (PM) under reference ambient conditions
throughout the period.
Reference ambient conditions are environmental conditions representative of the annual mean (or
typical) ambient conditions for the unit.
Alternative definition: The "energy availability factor" (f), over a specified period, is the ratio of energy
(b) that the available capacity (Pd) could have produced during this period to the energy (Y) that the net
maximum electrical capacity (PM) could have produced during the same period.
The energy produced (b) (or capable of being produced) by the available capacity (Pd) may also be
calculated as the difference between the energy (Y) (the maximum electrical capacity – PM – that
could have been produced) and the unavailable energy (c) (which was not produced or not able to be
produced) by the total unavailable capacity (Pit).
b Y c 100%
o f
Note: For the Eskom reporting systems c is calculated from a summation of unavailable MWh due to
outages and restrictions (planned, unplanned, external and non-engineering) occurring throughout the
period from MW capacity loss x duration (hr) of the loss.
The purpose of this indicator is to monitor industry progress in minimising outage time and power
reductions that result from unplanned equipment failures or other conditions. This indicator reflects the
effectiveness of plant programmes and practices in maintaining systems available for safe electrical
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Other capability loss factor (OCLF)
Other capability loss factor is an indicator to monitor outage time and power reductions due to causes
beyond the control of plant management.
Planned capability loss factor is defined as the ratio of the planned energy losses during a given period
of time to the reference energy generation expressed as a percentage.
Planned energy loss is energy that was not produced during the period because of planned shutdowns
or load reductions due to causes under plant management control. Energy losses are considered to be
planned if they are scheduled at least four weeks in advance.
The purpose of this indicator is to monitor progress in attaining high unit and industry energy
production availability. This indicator reflects effectiveness of plant programmes and practices in
maximising available electrical generation and provides an overall indication of how well plants are
operated and maintained.
The Unipede/Eurelectric standard for the measurement of plant reliability must be used.
Reliability is measured with the use of two specific indicators, namely unplanned automatic grid
separations (UAGS) and successful start-up rate (SSUR)
The purpose of this indicator is to enable monitoring of an important aspect of the reliability of service
supplied to the electrical grid. It takes into account success in improving reliability by reducing the
number of turbo generator trips. It also provides an indication of plant operation and maintenance
Taking account of the number of operating hours when the turbo generator set is connected to the
electrical grid enables assessment of required reserves. Furthermore, using a common standard for all
grid separation data for each unit provides a uniform basis for comparison among units with values for
the industry as a whole.
Intentional (manual) grid separations are not taken into account since operators should not be
discouraged from taking action to protect equipment.
This indicator may be defined as corresponding to the number of unplanned (unintentional) automatic
grid separations of internal origin that occur per 7 000 operating hours. This definition can be clarified
as follows:
"Unplanned" means that grid separation is not an anticipated part of a planned test, nor part of an
operating programme designed to adjust output to demand (e.g. a controlled shutdown). Controlled
shutdowns of units where the line circuit breaker is manually or automatically opened at loads equal to
or below the first automatic synchronising load should not be considered when computing this
"Grid separation" means the opening of the generator breaker or HV yard breaker where no generator
breaker exists. This could be an opening signal actuated by overshooting of a safety threshold, or a
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spurious trip. Grid separation can only occur during grid service of the units. Grid service is obtained
when the start-up is successful for requested start-ups or when loads in excess of the first synchronising
load are reached for “contracted” or “other start-ups” (i.e. house or block load as programmed into the
automatic synchronising equipment).
“Automatic” (unintentional) means that the grid separation is not the result of an action by the operator
either on one of the switches to trigger a unit trip or grid separation or to simulate operation of a
protection system.
Trips caused by the operator in error, e.g. opening the wrong switch leading to a trip, are excluded from
the “manual” category. Controlled shutdowns of units where the line circuit breaker is manually or
automatically opened at loads equal to or below the first automatic synchronising load should not be
considered when computing this indicator.
“Operating" means that the turbo generator set is connected to the off-site grid (transmission of
generated power) even if the alternator is operating in synchronous motor mode owing to exceptional
"Of internal origin" means that the trip is due to an unspecified internal installation failure resulting in a
loss of reliability – even if the initial event can be traced to an off-site cause. The signal that triggered
grid separation must originate from one of the sensors (or protection logic) for monitoring unit
parameters (turbo generator set and power transmission, up to and including the generator transformer
HV breaker, and boiler). Grid separations actuated by protection systems for the physical parameters of
the grid are not included unless they were incorrectly controlled.
The selected figure of 7 000 hours represents the typical number of on-line hours for most plants
operating at base load or semi-base load. The indicator thus represents an approximate value of the
actual number of grid separations occurring in one year.
The following data are required to determine the value for this indicator:
The number of unplanned automatic grid separations (U) with the generator circuit breaker (or
HV breaker where no generator breaker exists) in initially closed position
All automatic trips are counted for the UAGS indicator, including those auto trips occurring within +30
minutes of all requested start-ups that comply with the ±15-minute time limit for synchronisation.
UAGS U 7000
7000 h OPH
Data for new units is included in the calculation of industry values beginning January 1 of the first
calendar year following the start of commercial operation. However, in order to be included in the
industry value, the unit must have at least 1 000 operating hours per year. This minimum operating
period requirement reduces the effects of plants that are shut down for long periods of time and for
which limited data may not be statistically valid.
Summarised definition of UAGS per 7 000 hours: This indicator tracks the average grid separation rate
per 7 000 operating hours (approximately one year of operation) for units having at least 1 000
operating hours during the year. Only trips of internal origin to the installation are included and trips
for the physical parameters of the grid are not included unless they were incorrectly controlled.
The "successful start-up rate" is the ratio of the number of successful start-ups to the number of
contracted start-ups over a given period of time. It measures the reliability of the service that is
rendered to the customers.
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NumberOfSuccessfulStartUps 100%
Start-up comprises the set of operations that enable the unit to be connected to the off-site power grid.
Connection of the unit to the grid (closing the line circuit breaker) is the purpose of the first start-up
phase, before loading and stabilisation at the required power level. Only this initial start-up phase, the
success of which results in sustained grid connection, is considered here.
The contracted start-up refers to an agreement between the grid administrator (through any medium,
e.g. verbally, telephonically, etc.) and the station, following a request from the grid administrator or the
station. This forms part of a grid management schedule (hereafter referred to as the “real” National
Control programme) for the full range of power generation resources (excluding tests). The request for
a start-up in advance of the synchronising time corresponds to the technical delay due to equipment
start-up times. This delay time can be reduced to almost zero in the case of start-up of peak-supply gas
turbines with centralised, automatic control systems. For any given start-up contract, a precise time for
grid connection and an implementation schedule are required (except for peak-load gas turbines). In the
event of a sudden modification by the grid administrator of the grid connection contract time, within
the start-up capabilities of the unit, a new contract needs to be entered into.
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APPENDIX 9: Planning schedules
Measured (year 0)
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
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Schedule 2: Embedded generation > 5MVA
Generat Tx Operatin Installed Plant On-site usage Net sent out Generation net sent out contribution at peak
or substation g power capacity type
name at factor
closest (MW) Norma Peak Norma Peak Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea
connection l l r 1 r 2 r 3 r 4 r 5 r 6 r 7 r 8 r 9 r 10
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Information Exchange Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 49 of 52
APPENDIX 10: Generator HV yard information
Transmission shall provide the following information to generators about equipment and systems
installed in HV yards from TANESCO. The TANESCO shall provide the stability criteria.
Equipment Requirement
Circuit breaker MCR rating, peak rating, operating time, OEM, installation date
Power consumption List the power consumption requirement by equipment requiring supply
from power station, including from AC, DC and UPS
Outgoing feeder MCR rating, peak rating, erection date, length, impedance, transposition
characteristics, thermal limits, installed protection, shielding
Compressed air system Compressed air system specifications including schematic drawings
Fault recorder Fault recorder specifications including resolution, record time, triggering
criteria, data format shall be provided on request; TANESCO shall
review the fault levels and impedance to network centre from HV yard,
The Tanzanian Grid Code – Information Exchange Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 50 of 52
Version 2
Tanzanian Grid Code – Transmission Tariff Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 2 of 9
(1) This code sets out the objectives of transmission service pricing and the broad approach to revenue and tariff
regulation with reference to the procedure to be followed in applications to change revenue requirements or the
tariff structure.
(2) The Authority shall regulate the setting of prices and the structure of tariffs in the industry. Licensees shall
therefore be regulated with regard to the prices and pricing structures they may charge customers.
(3) Customers shall contract with their service provider for the payment of charges related to transmission services.
These charges shall reflect the different services provided.
(1) In terms of the Electricity Act, 2008 and the EWURA Act, the Authority is mandated with the obligation and is
granted the powers approve and enforce tariffs and fees charged by licensees within the electricity supply
(2) Such regulation of charges covers tariffs and fees for services the various licensed activities set out in the
Electricity Act, 2008. In line with the medium term plans for the ring-fencing of separate business areas within
the power sector, the Transmission Tariff Code sets out key aspects relating to the economic regulation of
licensed transmission services.
(3) The Tariff Code sets out the objectives and principles of transmission service pricing, application of charges
and fees and the procedure to be followed in applications by licensees to change revenue requirements, tariff
levels or tariff structure.
(1) The Authority will review and approve the levels of costs and the resultant revenue requirement for TANESCO.
The Authority will furthermore regulate the structure of transmission service charges in the industry. This will
serve as input into the total revenue requirement and associated charges to customers via end-user tariffs.
(2) TANESCO is operated as a vertically integrated company carrying out generation, transmission and
distribution services. As such the revenue requirment and tariffs are regulated for TANESCO as a whole.
(3) Short to medium term reform plans for the industry encompass the ring-fencing of TANESCO into separate
generation, transmission, and distribution companies. This would entail the establishment and regulation of
separate revenue requirements for each of the ringfenced entities.
(4) The Transmission Tariff Code sets out the key principles and approach to the establishment of the revenue
requirement for the TANESCO transmission business. It also outlines the options and considerations in respect
of tariff structure for transmission services. These aspects are applicable to the tariffs charged by TANESCO.
(5) The Transmission Tariff Code shall be read in conjunction with other documents associated with the regulation
of tariffs and charges in the electricity supply industry. These include:
(6) In the longer term, depending on the reform process the Transmission Tariff Code may be amended to provide
for full unbundling of the transmission business and the application of separate transmission charges to
customers and between the different business entities in the electricity supply industry.
Tanzanian Grid Code – Transmission Tariff Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 3 of 9
(1) The Tariff Code shall support the duties of the Authority as set out in the EWURA Act, namely to:
(e) Enhance public knowledge, awareness and understanding of the regulated sectors; and
(f) Take into account the need to protect and preserve the environment.
(2) The Transmission Tariff Code is aimed at ensuring that the approved revenue requirement supports a
viable and efficient transmission business.
(3) In the longer term, taking cognizance of the reform goal of unbundling, the Tariff Code will seeks to
ensure that transmission tariffs are designed in pursuit of the following objectives:
(a) Open access to transmission services at equitable, non-discriminatory prices for all customers;
(b) Pricing levels that recover the approved revenue requirements of transmission licensee(s);
(c) Revenue requirements that support a viable and efficient transmission business;
(e) Pricing signals that reflect the underlying cost structure of the services provided;
(g) Unbundling of service offerings and cost-reflective pricing of each service component.
(1) The Authority shall employ a published regulatory guideline to define the form of regulation and the
methodology by which the revenue requirements and associated tariffs/charges shall be determined.
(2) In broad terms, the revenue requirement and tariffs/charges approved by the Authority shall reflect prudently
incurred costs, including depreciation, interest expense, applicable taxes, operating expenses and a reasonable
return on invested capital for facilities that are used and useful in providing the regulated service.
(3) The regulatory framework applied is set out in the “Tariff Application Guidelines of 2009” published by the
(1) The regulatory tariff methodology shall identify the key considerations in respect of cost elements insofar as
they impact on the revenue requirements of the transmission business.
Tanzanian Grid Code – Transmission Tariff Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 4 of 9
(2) The high level categories of costs that make up the revenue requirement shall include:
(a) Depreciation
(3) Key considerations realting to each of these are set out below.
(1) Together with regulatory returns, an allowance for depreciation ensures that investors are properly compensated
for their capital investments. There are a number of factors to be considered in determining the allowed
depreciation levels. Given that depreciation is based on asset values, the charge methodology identifies
allowable versus non-allowable assets as well as the method of asset valuation to be applied. These aspects
enable the establishment of the regulatory asset base (RAB), which serves as a vital determinant of the revenue
requirement and associated prices.
(1) It is noted that the following asset classes are typically included in the rate base:
(a) Used and Useful Assets - assets used in the transmission of electricity as well as in the operation of the
wholesale market and control of the power system.
(b) Inventory. This includes materials, spares and fuel stock holdings.
(2) The methodology identifies certain asset classes to be specifically excluded from the regulatory asset base.
These typically include:
(a) Subsidized Assets. These are assets not paid for or funded by the utility. Partially paid for and funded
assets are allowed on a proportional basis. The inclusion of subsidized assets in the regulatory asset
base would allow the benefit of an income stream that the regulated entity has not financed.
(b) Future Assets. These should be excluded from the regulatory asset base until they are used and useful
(i.e. enter into commercial operation).
(1) The most common asset valuation methods are identified below, noting that the methods vary substantially and
yield diverse asset valuations, each with specific preferred areas of application. These include
Tanzanian Grid Code – Transmission Tariff Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 5 of 9
(d) Absolute valuation (revaluation) approach.
(1) The depreciation method and period are important in determining the depreciation expense allowed as well as
depreciated asset values. It is anticipated that, unless agreed otherwise, depreciation is based on the prevailing
accounting approach for each regulated entity.
(1) Transmission infrastructure is highly capital-intensive with long asset lives. Hence it is pointed out that
regulators do not typically allow transmission companies to recover the cash costs associated with investments
via tariffs, but rather facilitate such recovery via an allowable return. This approach implicitly takes account of
the cost of capital and, if set at the appropriate level, allows the utility to fund investments.
(2) In this regard it is important to ascertain the regulatory asset base upon which such return is earned as well as a
fair return level to sustain the business(es). The allowed Rate of Return (ROR) is a key regulatory parameter
for the revenue requirement.
(3) The choice of a real or nominal ROR is informed by the valuation approach adopted. The Historic Cost
Accounting approach proposed requires the application of a nominal ROR to ensure that inflationary impacts
are properly incorporated. Similarly, current or revalued asset values require the application of a real ROR.
(4) The methodology, furthermore defines whether a pre-tax or a post-tax ROR is applied.
(5) The determination of a “fair” or “reasonable” ROR is defined as the risk-adjusted return that suppliers of funds
to the business would require. In general, businesses use a combination of debt and equity to finance
investments. The appropriate return on capital is thus the weighted average cost of debt and equity financing.
This debt weighted average is referred to as the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC).
(1) Network operating and maintenance costs are the costs associated with operation and maintenance of the
various lines and substations. This includes a range of costs including the cost of employees associated with the
maintenance and operation of the network equipment and facilities.
(2) There are may also be operating costs related to the activities of the System Operator (and Market Operator).
This includes costs associated with control centres, facilities and staffing for power system operations and
management and administration of the wholesale market as well as supporting information, control and
scheduling, dispatch and settlement systems.
(1) Customer Service costs generally include the costs associated with meter reading, billing, invoicing, and
customer support as well as all the other costs related to customer and revenue management cycle activities.
Administration costs include the costs of buildings, administrative staff, overheads etc.
(2) For transmission network companies, these costs are typically small and are therefore often included with the
operating and maintenance cost category.
Tanzanian Grid Code – Transmission Tariff Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 6 of 9
(1) Electrical losses arise from the physical laws that govern the transport of electricity. The cost of losses thus
represents a legitimate expense that must be recovered.
(2) In terms of costing losses, charges may be based on marginal or average losses. Although marginal loss based
charges tend to provide stronger pricing signals, these result in over-recovery against the actual costs of losses.
By contrast charges based on average losses would be more cost-reflective and consistent with the overall
approach of ensuring full cost recovery.
(3) The tariff methodology spells out the approach followed in respect of network losses.
(1) Tariff differentiation represents an important element of tariff structuring. In broad terms, pricing may be
differentiated on the basis of a number of cost drivers. For electricity pricing, the most important of these
include geographic location, voltage level, and time-of-use.
(1) Geographically differentiated tariffs are typically considered where there are significantly different costs
imposed by delivery to particular geographic locations. There are several possibilities for geographic variation
(2) In terms of geographic differentiation, postage stamp and nodal pricing approaches represent two extremes
ranging from the simplest to the very complex. Zonal pricing is often deemed to represent a good compromise
between the two extremes.
(1) Electricity supply tariffs are often differentiated by voltage level as different customer off-take voltages
generally entail different infrastructure and associated different costs. In particular, electricity delivery at a
lower voltage is often deemed to use both higher voltage and lower voltage networks whereas electricity
delivery to higher voltage is deemed to use only higher voltage networks.
(1) Time differentiation of tariffs is based on the recognition that costs vary by time. In particular, network use
during times of peak stress on particular network elements drives the need for new capacity and hence
occasions greater costs than network use at other times.
(2) Time-of-use differentiation is considered to be a powerful tool for ensuring cost-reflectivity and promoting
energy efficiency and to align with the approach applied in the Generation Charge Methodology for energy
charges it is proposed that time of use differentiation be applied to the network energy charges that cover losses.
Tanzanian Grid Code – Transmission Tariff Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 7 of 9 S PECIAL T ARIFF
In the event of customer demanding for specific quality of power supply than the TSO network performance, the
following procedure would be used:
1) If the customer claims for better contractual levels than the normal ones, he/she can ask TSO for customized
contractual levels in his contract, paying an extra charge (i.e. special tariffs). Customers who have customized
contractual levels must have a monitoring recorder installed (it can be owned by the customers themselves or by
TSO). The procedure for attaining such power quality contract would be:
i) TSO would declare its network power quality status for the customer to verify if is satisfied or not
satisfied with the level of quality of power supply.
ii) A customer will requests a level of electricity quality that exceeds what the TSO system can deliver.
iii) TSO will perform a technical study of the customers plant and power networks in order to determine
the sensitivity of plant equipment and how often power disturbances occur.
iv) TSO will develop and design the solutions to meet the required power quality performance levels
required by customer.
v)Both parties (TSO and Customer) will negotiate and agree on a monthly charge for the required
performance level.
vi) TSO will purchase, install and commission the necessary power conditioning equipment at the
customer plant.
vii) TSO will carry out maintenance on the supplied equipments during the period of agreement.
viii) The special Tariff agreement processes must involve TSO, CUSTOMER and The Authority.
2) With regards to power supply reliability, the network configuration should be taken into consideration. If
there is no possibility feeding the customer from more than one point in case of tripping (as the case of
radial circuit) TSO would not guarantee reliability of power supply for 24 hours a day, 30 days a month
and 12 months a year due to the limiting factors in the power system configuration.
3) TSO would try to do its level best to achieve the maximum reliability of power supply possible to its
customer as per targets to be set by the Authority.
(1) In terms of Section 24(2) of the Electricity Act, the Authority is required to make amendments to or review
tariffs charged by a licensee once in every 3 years.
(2) In addition, Section 24(3) of the Electricity Act makes provision for the inclusion of automatic tariff
adjustments, as approved by the Authority to incorporate periodic changes in:
(3) In addition, the EWURA Tariff Application Guidelines of 2009 stipulate that, subject to sector legislation, the
Authority shall not consider a new rate or charge application within twelve months after the effective date of an
Tanzanian Grid Code – Transmission Tariff Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 8 of 9
initial or changed tariff or methodology. A licensee may, however, petition the Authority for a waiver of this
provision if it can be shown that a material undue hardship would occur in the absence of such a revision.
(1) The transmission applicant shall submit the tariff application in accordance with the EWURA Tariff
Application Guidelines of 2009.
(2) The tariff application shall be accepted, evaluated and approved by the Authority in accordance with the
provisions of the EWURA Tariff Application Guidelines of 2009.
(3) The transmission applicant shall notify its customers as set out in the EWURA Tariff Application Guidelines of
Tanzanian Grid Code – Transmission Tariff Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 9 of 9
Version 2
1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................................4
Tanzanian Grid Code – Governance Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 2 of 12
6.1 Complaints about the operations of the GCS or the GCAC...........................................................................9
7 Compliance .........................................................................................................................................................11
8 Code audits..........................................................................................................................................................12
9 Contracting .........................................................................................................................................................12
10 Version control................................................................................................................................................12
Tanzanian Grid Code – Governance Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 3 of 12
(1) The Governance Code describes the provisions necessary for the overall administration and review of the
various aspects of the Grid Code. This code shall be read in conjunction with the relevant legislation,
licences issued to generators, transmission companies and distributors, and other operating codes that
relate to the electricity supply industry.
(2) The accountabilities of various entities in the governance of the Grid Code are set out in Figure 1 below.
Body Function
(1) The Energy and Water Regulatory Authority (EWURA) is the administrative authority for the Grid Code.
The Authority shall ensure that the Grid Code is implemented for the benefit of the industry.
(1) The Authority shall constitute the Grid Code Advisory Committee (GCAC). Subsequent to its constitution
the Authority shall ensure the proper functioning of the GCAC.
(a) Ensure a consultative stakeholder process is followed in the formulation and review of the Grid
(b) Review and make recommendations regarding proposals to amend the Grid Code,
(c) Review and make recommendations regarding proposals for exemption to comply with the Grid
Code and
(d) Facilitate the provision of expert technical advice to the Authority on matters related to the Grid
(2) Members of the GCAC shall ensure that they consult with their constituencies with respect to their
respective roles on the GCAC.
(3) The Authority shall annually review the composition of and constituencies represented by the GCAC to
ensure that it is at all times reflective of the evolving industry. The Authority may decide to expand the
Tanzanian Grid Code – Governance Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 4 of 12
composition of the GCAC as part of the membership review process in consultation with the GCAC. The
Authority shall ensure that members on the GCAC are able to make meaningful contributions towards the
review process. The GCAC shall consist of at least the following:
(f) Two EWURA members, one to chair and the other to assist the GCS.
(a) If an industry association represents the larger part of the constituency, the association will be
requested to make the nomination(s).
(b) If the constituency consists of more than one association and/or a relatively small number of
entities, calls for nominations will be sent to all entities. The Authority may decide on the
member if more than the required number of nominations is received. The Authority may choose
the member if no nominations are received.
(c) If there is no identifiable entity, a public call for nomination will be sent out by the Authority. The
Authority may decide on the member if more than the required number of nominations is received.
(5) The Authority shall publish changes in membership within 14 days, on the Authority website.
(6) GCAC members shall serve a three-year term, after which they shall be eligible for re-appointment. Their
constituency may also replace members at any given time, provided 14 days’ written notice is given to the
GCS and the Authority. The Authority may request the replacement of members by their constituency
upon recommendation of the GCAC, if they have not attended three consecutive meetings.
(7) Members shall nominate an alternative representative. Such nomination shall be made in writing to the
(1) The GCAC shall review all proposals for amendment of or exemptions from the Grid Code.
(2) The GCAC shall schedule at least annual review sessions. The format of a session may be determined by
the GCAC, but should include a work session if proposed changes are of a substantive nature. Agenda
items shall be circulated at least 14 days in advance of the review session.
(3) The GCAC shall determine its own meeting procedures and code of conduct subject to the constitutional
provisions set out in this section. These procedures and code of conduct shall be published on the
Authority website.
(4) The Authority member shall chair the GCAC meetings. When the Authority member or alternate is unable
to attend the GCAC meeting, he/she shall make arrangements for an alternative chairperson for the duration
of the meeting.
Tanzanian Grid Code – Governance Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 5 of 12
(5) A quorum shall consist of 50% of members plus one member of the GCS. Decisions by the GCAC shall be
taken by means of a majority vote of the duly constituted GCAC. If votes are even then the Chairperson
shall have the deciding vote.
(6) Alternate members shall be allowed to vote only when the main member is not available for voting.
(7) If a quorum is not present within 30 minutes of the stipulated starting time of the meeting, provided the
GCS gave proper notice, the meeting shall make the necessary recommendation(s). The GCS shall
circulate this electronically to all GCAC members for decision within five work days and such decisions to
be returned to the GCS. Such decisions shall be immediately effective if voted on by a quorum. These
decisions shall be minuted as confirmed at the next GCAC meeting where a quorum is present.
(8) Decisions of the GCAC shall be recorded together with dissenting views expressed by GCAC members.
(9) The Authority shall fund the administrative activities of the GCAC. Members shall be responsible for their
own travel and subsistence expenditure.
(10) The GCAC may co-opt experts with the purpose of allowing expert opinion to be obtained regarding
complicated submissions. Industry participation and consultation shall be encouraged in, and obtained
through, the activities of these experts. The GCAC shall provide the experts with a full scope of work and
an urgency indicator for each task referred to them.
(1) The System Operator is appointed as the Grid Code Secretariat (GCS). This decision may be reviewed by
The Authority. The GCS is accountable to the Authority and the GCAC for its activities.
(a) Ensure procedures are developed and published for the review of proposed amendments and
exemptions by the GCAC,
(d) Prepare amendment and exemption proposals for submission to the Authority following review by
the GCAC,
(g) Inform participants of the progress with applications for amendment or exemption,
(i) Keep and circulate minutes of meetings and documentation of proceedings of the GCAC and
(3) The GCS shall make the latest version of the Grid Code available electronically and notify all participants
of approved amendments or exemptions within one week of receipt of approval from the Authority.
Tanzanian Grid Code – Governance Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 6 of 12
(4) The GCS shall make hard copies of the latest version of the Grid Code available to requesting entities, for
which a nominal fee may be charged to recover reproduction costs.
(1) The GCS shall be responsible for making entries in the register of Grid Code Participants upon receipt of
notification from the Authority of licensed entities and from Transmission of Transmission Connected
(2) Grid Code Participants shall be registered in different categories: Generator, Distributor, Transmission,
System Operator, Electricity Trader, Transmission-Connected Customer etc.
(3) No entity shall have access to the Transmission System before being registered as a Grid Code Participant.
(4) A Grid Code Participant whose license has been withdrawn by the Authority ceases to be a Grid Code
(5) A Grid Code Participant who wishes to de-register shall notify the GCS at least six months before the
intended date of de-registration. De-registration will be carried out in accordance with guidelines as
determined by the Authority.
(1) The Authority is the approval authority for the Grid Code. Only The Authority shall therefore approve any
amendments to or exemptions from the Grid Code upon recommendation by GCAC.
(2) Any Grid Code Participant, member of the GCAC or the Authority may propose amendments to the Grid
(3) Any Grid Code Participant can apply for an exemption. Exemption from the obligation to comply with
provisions of the Grid Code may be granted by the Authority for the following reasons:
(a) To provide for existing equipment that has not been designed with consideration for the provisions
of the Grid Code,
(4) The procedure for amendment to or exemption from the Grid Code is set out in Figure 2 below:
Expert Y
Draft Submit Review by Review by
proposal GCS GCAC ? Expert
Review by
Tanzanian Grid Code – Governance Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Y Page 7 of 12
GCS Updates
Grid Code
(1) The GCS shall make available a list of submission dates aligned with GCAC annual meetings for each year
by November of the preceding year.
(2) Urgent submissions shall be dealt with at ad hoc meetings of the GCAC as decided by the Chairperson
upon advice from the GCS.
(3) The GCS shall issue guidelines for submissions to the GCAC. The guidelines shall be published together
with the submission dates on the Authority website.
(4) All applications for an amendment or exemption shall be submitted, in accordance with the guidelines, to
the GCS. The applicant shall state the relevant clauses of the Grid Code and give reasons for the
(5) The GCAC shall initiate the review process without delay and shall:
(a) Firstly, if deemed necessary, ensure that the submission is referred to an expert team(s) for
detailed assessment, clarification, reformulation and/or recommendation, and
(b) finally forward the recommendation to the Authority for consideration once it has been finalized.
(6) The GCAC shall take the complexity and importance of the amendment/exemption into account in deciding
on the composition of the expert team that will deal with the submission.
(7) The GCS shall inform the applicant of the expected time frames for dealing with the submission.
(8) The applicant shall be allowed to make representation to the expert team sessions and/or the GCAC prior to
the formulation or finalization of the GCAC recommendation to the Authority.
(1) Once the GCAC has reviewed submissions, the GCS shall prepare the formal recommendation to the
Authority for a decision on all proposed amendments and exemptions to the Grid Code. The
recommendation(s) to the Authority shall also include a clear expression of divergent views on such
proposals, if any were received. The recommendation shall include an appropriate implementation date for
the proposed amendments and exemptions.
(2) Full or partial exemption from complying with a certain provision of the Grid Code may be granted to Grid
Code Participants.
(3) All exemptions granted shall prevail over the relevant section of the Grid Code.
(4) Amendments and exemptions shall become effective after approval by the Authority .
Tanzanian Grid Code – Governance Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 8 of 12
(5) EWURA shall give notice to the GCS of the decisions reached by the Authority . The GCS is responsible
for communicating these decisions to Grid Code Participants.
(6) The GCS shall update the Grid Code with the approved amendments and exemptions.
(1) In addition to the provisions of the Electricity Act that address dispute settlement, registered Grid Code
Participants shall have access to a documented procedure for handling disputes arising under the Grid
Code. The procedure shall cover the aspects described in Sections 6.3 and 6.4.
(1) Any complaint regarding the operations of the GCS or the GCAC shall firstly be addressed in writing to the
GCS. The GCAC shall attend to such complaints at or before the next session.
(2) If the complaint is not resolved, the matter shall be referred to the Authority as a dispute as described in
Section 6.33.
Grid Code Participants may appeal to the Fair Competition Tribunal against decisions made by the
(1) The procedure for handling complaints shall include the incident report and non-conformance report
requirements as described in Sections 6.3.1 and 6.3.2.
(2) The Authority shall develop a database of disputes resolved to assist in the resolution of future disputes.
Where the outcome of a dispute resolution proceeding would require or imply an amendment to the Grid
Code, the Authority shall first consult with the GCAC.
(2) A customer may issue an Incident Report to a Grid Code Participant on becoming aware of a problem or a
possible breach of the Grid Code. The Grid Code Participant shall provide a reasonable explanation and, if
appropriate, indicate what action it will take to address the problem.
(3) A Grid Code Participant may issue an Incident Report to a customer, where the customer is suspected of
not complying with the necessary Grid Code requirements. The customer shall provide the Grid Code
Participant with a reasonable explanation and, where appropriate, indicate the measures that will be taken
to address the problem.
(4) Grid Code Participants shall keep a log of all Incident Reports received and a log of all incident reports
communicated to customers.
(5) Incident Reports are operational in nature and generally require action only by technical and customer
relations staff.
Tanzanian Grid Code – Governance Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 9 of 12
(a) the Grid Code Participant has failed to provide a reasonable explanation,
(b) the Grid Code Participant has wilfully misrepresented the facts concerning an incident,
(c) the Grid Code Participant has failed to implement the agreed preventative actions within the
agreed time frame,
(e) the actions/undertakings arising from a mediation or arbitration process have not been
performed/adhered to.
(2) A Grid Code Participant may issue a non-conformance report when it is suspected that:
(b) the customer has wilfully misrepresented the facts concerning an incident,
(c) the customer has failed to implement the agreed preventative actions within the agreed time frame,
(e) the actions/undertakings arising from a mediation or arbitration process have not been
performed/adhered to.
(3) Non-conformance reports are indications of problems that require managerial intervention by the Grid
Code Participant or customer.
(4) In the case where the parties agree with the NCR, recommended action shall be agreed upon. Both
participants shall implement these recommendations within an agreed time frame.
(5) Grid Code Participant shall report annually to the Authority on the following aspects of the procedure:
(b) Number of closed out NCRs for each customer category and
(6) A dispute may be declared when the parties cannot agree on the NCR or the recommendations of the NCR
or when the agreed recommendations are not implemented in the agreed time frame.
(1) Disputes are unresolved complaints between parties that require intervention. Any Grid Code Participant
may submit a dispute to the Authority provided the required process of either Section 6.1 or Section 6.3 has
been followed.
(2) When a dispute is raised with the Authority, parties shall provide the following information:
(b) Detailed NCR and accompanying information that gave rise to the dispute and
(c) Written report from each participants detailing the reason for not being able to close out the NCR.
Tanzanian Grid Code – Governance Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 10 of 12
(3) When a dispute that has not followed the relevant procedure reaches the Authority, the Authority shall
generally refer the party to the correct process.
(4) Any dispute between Grid Code Participants that remains unresolved after following the procedures set out
above may be referred to the Authority for mediation.
(5) Should the dispute mediation process succeed, the parties shall strive to honour their respective
undertakings/actions agreed upon to the best of their abilities.
(6) If mediation by the Authority fails to provide the parties with an agreed solution, the parties shall refer the
matter for arbitration for final decision.
(7) There shall be one arbitrator who shall be, if the issue is:
(8) The appointment of the arbitrator shall be agreed between the parties, but failing agreement between them
within a period of 14 days after the arbitration has been demanded, either of the parties shall be entitled to
request the Authority to make the appointment and, in making its appointment, to have regard to the nature
of the dispute.
(9) The following shall be considered, amongst other things, during the arbitration process:
(10) The ruling of the arbiter shall include a time frame for implementation and shall be final and binding on the
(1) All Grid Code Participants shall comply with the Grid Code as updated from time to time.
(2) Grid Code Participants shall inform the Authority of any non-conformance report of a material nature that
has been submitted to another participant in accordance with Section 6.3.2.
(3) The Authority may require a Grid Code Participant to provide information that is deemed necessary for the
proper administration of the Grid Code. This information shall, upon request, be treated as confidential.
Tanzanian Grid Code – Governance Code (Version 2 – 1st March 2017) Page 11 of 12
(1) A Grid Code Participant may request from another Grid Code Participant, any material in the possession
or control of that Participant relating to compliance with a section of the Grid Code. The requesting
participant may not request such information in relation to a particular section of the Grid Code within six
months of a previous request made under this clause in relation to the relevant section.
(2) A request under this clause shall include the following information:
(b) name of the representative appointed by the requesting participant to conduct the investigation,
(3) The relevant participant may not unreasonably withhold any relevant information requested. It shall
provide a representative of the requesting participant with such access to all relevant documentation, data
and records (including computer records or systems) as is reasonably requested. This information shall be
treated as confidential if requested. Any request or investigation shall be conducted without undue
disruption to the business of the participant.
(1) The Tanzanian Grid Code shall comprise one of the standard documents that form part of the contracting
arrangements players in the electricity supply industry. Other contractual documents and arrangements
(1) The Grid Code will evolve as the electricity supply industry in Tanzania evolves.
(2) Each of the sections and codes that collectively form the Tanzanian Grid Code shall have separate version
control and approvals.
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