GIS Theory

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Andrew U. Frank

Unpublished manuscript

November 2004

Frank: GIS Theory Draft Nov.2004 2
Table of Contents 2
Foreword 10
History of text 12
Teaching GIS 13
Acknowledgement 14
Part One Introduction 15
Chapter 1 What is a Geographic Information Systems? 16
1. Origins of Geographic Information Systems 16
2. Application Areas for GIS 19
Review Questions 20
Chapter 2 Focus of GIS Theory: Overview of Text 22
1. What is Geographic Information Systems Theory 22
2. Target of this Book 23
3. Formal Approach 25
4. Structure of the book 26
Review questions 27
Chapter 3 Information Systems 28
1. What is a System? 29
2. Model 30
3. Information Systems 31
4. Geographic Information System 31
5. Data and Information 31
6. Information Systems as Model 32
7. Computers as Machines for Symbol Manipulation 35
8. A rational model of decision making 35
9. Summary 35
Review Questions 36
Part Two GIS as a Repository of a description of
the World 37
Chapter 4 Formal languages and Theories 39
1. Formal Descriptions 39
2. Formal languages 39
3. Formal systems or Calculus 45
4. Formal Theory 47
5. Classification of languages By Order 53
6. Typed Languages 54
Review Questions and Exercises 54
Chapter 5 Algebras and Categories 56
1. Introduction 56
2. Definition of Algebra 57
3. Duality 61
4. Functions are Mappings from Domain to Codomain 61
5. Algebraic Structure 63
6. Transformation between Representations 65
7. Categories 66
8. Representation as Mappings: Practical Problems 69
9. Conclusions 70
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Review Questions 71
Chapter 6 Observations Produce Measurements 72
1. Representation using a language 73
2. Entities and Values 73
3. Types of Measurements 73
4. Functors 75
5. Measurement Scales 76
6. Nominal Scale 77
7. Ordinal Scale 77
8. Interval Scale 79
9. Ratio Scale 79
10. Other Scales of Measurements 80
11. Measurement Units 82
12. Operations on measurements 84
13. Combinations of Measurements 85
14. Observation Error 85
15. Abuse of Numeric Scales 86
16. Conclusion 86
Review Questions 87
Part Three Space and Time 88
Chapter 7 Continuity: The Model of Geographic Space and
Time 90
1. Different Geometries 90
2. Different Models for different applications 92
3. Space Allows an Unlimited Amount of Detail 93
4. Multiple representation 95
5. Space and Time allows many relations 95
6. Differentiation of geometries by what they leave invariant 96
7. Definition of geometries as those properties which are invariant under
transformations 96
8. Different types of Geometry 97
9. Transformations useful for clarification of geometries 98
10. Map projections 100
11. Summary 100
Review Questions 102
Chapter 8 Time: duration and Time Points 103
1. Introduction 103
2. Experienced time 104
3. Totally ordered model of time 105
4. Branching time (time with partial order) 106
5. Duration (time length) 107
6. Time Points, Instants 108
7. Granularity of time measurements 108
8. Origin of the time line 109
9. Conversion of Dates and arithmetic operations with dates 111
10. Summary 112
Review Questions 112
Chapter 9 Vector algebra: Metric operations and
Coordinated Points 113
1. Geometry on a Computer? 114
2. The algebra of vectors 115
3. Distance 116
4. Geometric interpretation in 2d 117
5. The Module of n-tuples over R 117
6. Points in space: position expressed as coordinates 118
7. Right handed system of Vectors 119
Frank: GIS Theory Draft Nov.2004 4
8. Vector is a functor from real to Points 119
9. Vector operations 120
10. coordinate systems 125
11. Summary 126
Review Questions 126
Chapter 10 Transformations of Coordinate Space 128
1. Linear algebrathe algebra of linear transformations 129
2. Linear transformations 130
3. Transformations of vector spaces 131
4. Definition of matrix 131
5. Transformations between Vector Bases 136
6. Linear Transformations form a vector space 137
7. General Linear Transformations 138
8. transformations in 2d 141
9. Summary 142
Review Questions 142
Part Four Functors transform local operation to
apply to spatial and temporal data 143
Chapter 11 Fluents: values changing in time 146
1. Changing Values in Time 146
2. Synchronous Operations on Fluents 147
3. Fluents as functions 148
4. Fluent as a functor 148
5. Intensional and Extensional definition of Functions 150
6. Discretization of observations to obtain a finite number of measurements150
7. Transformations of fluents 151
8. Summary 151
Review Questions 152
Chapter 12 Map layers 153
1. Introduction 154
2. Tomlins Map algebra 154
3. Local Operations Are Homologically Applied Operations 156
4. Map layers are functions 157
5. Map Layers are functors 157
6. Map Layers are Extensionally defined Functions 158
Review Questions 159
Chapter 13 Convolution: Focal operations for Fluents and
Layers 160
1. Introduction 160
2. Convolution for Fluents 161
3. Convolution in 2d for layers: Focal Operations within Neighborhoods 163
4. Other focal operations 165
5. conclusions 168
Review questions 168
Chapter 14 Zonal operations using a location function 169
1. Definition of Zones 169
2. Closedness of zonal operations 170
3. Computational schema of zonal operations 170
4. Number of zones in a Layer 171
5. Centroid and other moments 171
6. Zonal operations with meaningful second layer 173
7. Set operations on zones 174
8. Summary for zonal operations 174
Review Questions 175
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Part Five storage of Measurements in a database176
Chapter 15 Centralizing storage: the Database Concept 177
1. From Input-Processing-Output to Databases 177
2. Database concept 179
3. Data Models 182
Review Questions 184
Chapter 16 A Data Model based on Relations 185
1. Relations 185
2. Access to data in a program 186
3. data storage as a function 187
4. Structure of Observations 187
5. Facts and Relations 187
6. Example Relations 188
7. Relation Algebra 189
8. Relation Calculus 190
9. Partial Order and Lattice 192
10. Properties of relations expressed pointless 194
11. Finding data in the database 194
12. Example Queries 195
13. The relational datamodel 196
14. Assessment of Relational Database 198
15. Summary 199
Review Questions 200
Chapter 17 Transactions: The interactive programming
paradigm - 201
1. Introduction 201
2. Programming with Database 202
3. Concurrency 202
4. The Transaction concept 203
5. ACID: The four aspects of transaction processing 204
6. Long transactions 209
7. Granularity of transactions and Performance 211
8. Summary 211
Review Questions 212
Chapter 18 Consistency and Expressiveness of Data
Description Language 213
1. Introduction 213
2. The Logical Interpretation of a database 214
3. The logical interpretation of data collection 215
4. Information System: a Database plus Rules 217
5. Redundancy 218
6. Expressive power 219
7. Consistency vs. Plausibility Rules 219
8. Summary 220
Review Questions 220
Part Six geometric objects 222
Chapter 19 Duality: Infinite geometric Lines 223
1. Representation of lines 223
2. Intersection of two infinite lines 225
3. Models for Projective geometry 227
4. Dual Spaces: from Points to Flats 228
5. Transformation between space and dual space 232
6. Customary Representations of Lines 232
7. Lattices: Join and MeetThis is duplicated 233
8. Lattice of Points and Lines 235
Frank: GIS Theory Draft Nov.2004 6
9. Conclusions 237
Review Questions 238
Chapter 20 11 TOPOLGOY 239
1. Projective Geometry and Homogeneous Coordinates 239
2. Scalar, vectors and matrices are of different type 240
3. Generalization of line gives flat (hyperplane) 240
4. Dimension independent geometric operations 240
5. Duality in n dimensions 241
6. metric relations 245
7. Point relations 246
8. Constructions 247
9. Conclusion 247
Part Seven Bounded geometric objects 249
Chapter 21 Point Set Topology 250
1. Topology as a Branch of Geometry 251
2. Set Theory - deleted 251
3. Rigorous definition of neighborhood and continuous transformation 251
4. Open and closed sets 253
5. Boundary, interior, exterior 254
6. Jordan curve theorem 255
7. Intuition and topology 255
8. Topology and implementation 257
Review Questions 257
Chapter 22 Topological relations 259
1. Introduction 259
2. Topological relations for simply connected regions 260
3. Allens Relations between intervals in time 266
4. Dominance between topological relatins 266
5. Topological relations based only on intersection of interior and exterior267
6. extension to gestalt relations 269
7. Projections and topological relations 269
8. Conclusion 270
9. Review Questions 270
Chapter 23 Geometric Primitives: Simplices 272
1. Introduction 272
2. Simplex Definition 273
3. Simplex as a join of simpler simplices 274
4. Topological view of simplex 274
5. Dimension, Rank, 274
6. Codimension 275
7. Boundary 276
8. Metric Operation: length, area, volume, etc. 276
9. Orientation 276
10. Equality 277
11. Parameterization 278
12. Point in Simplex Test using paramterization 279
13. Point in simplex test by checking sides 280
14. Intersection of simplices 280
15. Calculation of the intersection geometry 281
16. Interpolation 282
17. Contour lines 282
18. Conclusions 283
Review questions 284
Part Eight Aggregates of lines give Graphs 286
Frank: GIS Theory Draft Nov.2004 7
Chapter 24 Cells: Collections of Simplices to represent
Cartographic Lines 287
2. Introduction 287
3. Generalization of Simplex to Cell 289
4. Operations on collections 292
5. Cells represented as Collections of simplices 292
6. Conversions between the representations 294
7. Collections of Points interpreted as Points 296
8. Polylines 298
9. Collections to represent areas 299
10. Conclusion 299
Review Questions 300
Chapter 25 Abstract Geometry: Graphs 301
1. Introduction 301
2. Mathematical Theory of Graphs and the algebra of incidence, adjacency,
and connectivity 302
3. Operations of a Graph Algebra 306
4. Representations 306
5. Special Types of Graphs 309
6. Special forms of directed graphs 310
7. Planarity 311
8. Shortest path algorithm in a weighted graph 311
9. Hierarchical analysis of a network 316
10. Conclusion - Transitivity 317
Review Questions 317
Chapter 26 Networks: Embedded Graphs 319
1. Introduction 319
2. Data sharing 319
3. Operations for embedded graphs 320
4. Shortest Path in an embedded graph 321
5. Shortest Path between points on Segments: Dynamic Segmentation 322
6. Overlay operations on graphs 324
7. planar embedded graph 324
8. Optimization of a graph 326
9. Conclusions 327
10. Review Questions 328
Part Nine Subdivision 330
Chapter 27 580 - Partitions, often called Topological data
structures 332
1. Introduction 332
2. Definition of Partition 333
3. Subdivision 333
4. Euler operations on polygonal graph 336
5. Invariants used for testing partitions 337
6. Summary: Operations on Partitions 337
7. Detailed example: Construct Partition from Collection of Lines
Spaghetti and Meatballs 338
8. Graph Duality 339
9. Conclusion 340
Review Questions 340
Chapter 28 Edge Algebra 342
1. Operations for changing subdivisions 342
2. Next Edge on a Node 343
3. An Algebra to store cyclic sequences: The Orbit Algebra with the
operation Splice 344
4. Orbits in a polygonal graph 345
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5. Operations to maintain the polygonal graph 348
6. What graphs are maintained by these operations? 350
7. Assessment Algebra for polygonal graph 351
Review Questions 352
Chapter 29 Subdivisions A Graph and its Dual 353
1. Subdivisions 353
2. Quad edges a representation of a graph and its dual 355
3. Basic Edge Functions 356
4. Algebra for subdivision of orientable manifolds 360
5. Initial configurations 361
6. Splicing quad edges 361
7. Constructing the Euler operations 362
8. Limitations 364
9. Data structures 365
Review questions 368
Part Ten complexes 369
Chapter 30 Delaunay Triangulation and Voronoi Diagram371
1. Voronoi diagrams 371
2. Delaunay triangulation is the dual of a Voronoi diagram 372
3. Properties of the delaunay triangulation 372
4. Construction of Voronoi diagram and delaunay triangulation 372
5. Voronoi with given edges 376
6. Voronoi diagrams used in cartography 376
7. Summary 377
Review questions 377
Chapter 31 Chains 388
1. Introduction 389
2. Generalization of Directed Path 390
3. Addition of generalized path 391
4. The Group of Polynoms 392
5. Simplicial Complex 393
6. Operations on Chains in a Simplicial Complexes 394
7. Simplicial complexes with oriented simplices 397
8. Union and Intersection of Regions as operations on chains 397
9. Overlay operation 399
10. Topological Relations between 2d simple regions 401
11. General intersection of simplicial complexes 404
12. Review Questions 405
Part Eleven Temporal Data for Objects 406
Chapter 32 Movement in Space: Changing Vectors 407
1. Introduction 407
2. Moving points 407
3. Functor Changing applied to Vector 407
4. Distance between moving objects 408
5. Accelerated movements 408
6. Events 408
7. Special Case Bounded, Linear Events 409
8. Movement of extended solid objects 410
9. Movement of regions 410
10. Asynchronous operations for movements 411
11. Review Questions 413
Chapter 33 Spatio-temporal databases constructed with
functors 414
1. Introduction 414
2. Concept of time 415
Frank: GIS Theory Draft Nov.2004 9
3. World time perspective 415
4. Database time 418
5. Errors and Corrections 419
Part Twelve Afterwards 420

I want to tell a storythe story of the parts from which a GIS is
constructed. It is a story with small, easy to understand
chapters, which are combined to form the complex whole. This
helps to understand the functioning of todays GIS.
I believe that the complexity of the world results from the
composition of small and simple components. The chapters of
this book describe the small number of fundamental concepts,
which can be combined to produce the complex Geographic
Information System. We observe that the same operations are
repeatedly used and in current systems often implemented in
different ways. My goal in writing this text is to show that there
are mathematical principles behind the construction of
Geographic Information Systems and to present these principles
as a formal theory. These principles are the same for all the
applications of GIS and the goal is to demonstrate this
commonality. They are based on mathematical theory and are
hence likely to be independent of the rapidly changing
technology and valid for decades.
Formal treatment is necessary to overcome the
terminological confusion in GIS. Geographic Information
Science connects with many different, well-established sciences:
Computer Science, Information Science, Geography, Geology,
Surveying, etc. Each of these sciences has a long established
tradition of terms with corresponding definitions. It is not
possible to find a single terminology that suits all participating
scientists; misunderstandings are rampant in the GIS literature.
I select an algebraic treatmentand the corresponding
terminologybecause it allows to integrate in a single coherent
picture the treatment of geometric and descriptive information.
Algebra links to category theory and allegories (Bird and de
Moor 1997), where I believe the definitions of many problems of
semantics will ultimately become feasible. I use therefore
transformations, mappings, morphism, and functors to stress the
relevant structural invariants that must be preserved when
representing real-world phenomena in computers.
The rules for composing components to construct a complex
system is sometimes addressed as design principles or patterns
master all v13a.doc 11
(Gamma, Helm et al. 1995). Unlike practical computer scientists,
I use here methods to compose functionality based on a
mathematical framework: category theory and in particular
functors are the guiding principles to identify components and to
compose them. Composition is only possible if the components
are clean and I will put more effort to establish the foundation
than is usual; this will be compensated later when composition is
effortless (Wadler 1989). The cleanliness of the components can
be judged by the ease with which they compose. This will
become more apparent in the companion to this book, which
demonstrates the translation of the formulae presented here to a
complete, comprehensive executable model GIS (Al-Taha and
Frank 1991).
The goal of the book is to cover in a formal way all the
theory necessary to understand the core of a Geographic
Information System including temporal data and what is
necessary to represent change. The focus on formal processing of
spatial data results in a number of the most important topics of
todays scientific research in GI to be left out:
Ontology of geographic data and the Semantics of data;
Any aspect of implementation and performance of algorithm;
User interface and interaction;
Approximations, uncertainties, and error.
These limitations are necessary to allow concentrating on what
we know well before we start addressing what we do not know
and perhaps will never know. I have presented my understanding
of these areas in other publications (Frank 1991; Frank 2001;
2003; accepted 2004) and expect that a division of the discussion
in formal theory of geographic data handling, separated from
ontology and semantics, performance and user interfaces leads to
a well-structured, effective discussion. The contribution here is
restricted to areas where I assume that our current understanding
will remain valid for many years. I hope I am right.
In a nutshell: this text embraces a constructive approach to
GIS Theory: I want to show how a GIS is constructed from a
small set of primitive notions and axioms defining them. The
analytical approach to consider the applications in the world and
deduce the necessary theory will be covered in a book starting
with an ontological focus.
master all v13a.doc 12
Some parts of the text go back nearly 20 years, to course notes
on formal aspects of geographic information systems, which I
wrote to support my teaching at the University of Maine (Frank
1985c) and the research program that I stated there is still very
much the program I follow now (see insert). Some of the text
was originally written for a graduate course at the University of
California in Santa Barbara, where I taught formal GIS theory in
Spring 2000. I have improved and rewritten it for teaching my
course "GIS Theory" at the Technical University Vienna. Some
parts were used to teach a course for the Ph.D. students in
Surveying and Geomatics at the University of Tehran.
a quite generic treatment, suitable for the discussion of any
complex information system that deals with a significant part of
realityOften enough a spatial information system is discussed
as if it were only a computerized mapping system. Computer
cartography is the subject of a number of courses and a few
books have recently appeared on the topic. They discuss how
maps can be drawn using a computer and show results that are
achieved using typical software packages. Their focus is on the
graphical process of map creation and to a lesser degree on map
design; very little is said about the source and organization of
knowledge about the world that is necessary to draw the map.

[These] texts on spatial information systems take a
radically different approach, trying to encompass the problem
of constructing systems that will collect, maintain, and
disseminate spatial information. It will be shown that it is
clearly beneficial to discuss these problems in context and to
understand the interaction among their different components.
Using this view, a map is a spatial information system and can
be analyzed in these terms, from data collection to map usage.
This treatment strives for theoretical correctness and for the
formal analysis and specification of a spatial information
system. It is based on the observation that many of the problems
with present day systems start with shortcuts and seemingly
reasonable abbreviations, which later turn out not to be correct
and which demand extensive remedial countermeasures. We
start with the assumption that a good theory is the most
practical tool and try to find the principles human
cartographers intuitively apply. We try to cast them into a
formal language that we can then use to program computerized
information systems.(Frank 1985a)
Nearly 20 years later, cartography still influences GIS
teaching. Cartography has two closely related foci:
communication of spatial knowledge and analysis of spatial
situations using maps. Waldo Tobler, one of the original
members of the quantitative revolution in geography in his
Ph.D. thesis (Tobler 1961) gives a framework for analytical
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cartography based on mathematical transformations. His insight
to give a mathematical formulation to traditional cartographic
methods will be continued here. However, (carto-)graphics and
computer analysis should be clearly separated (Frank 1984a;
Frank 1985b) to liberate the GIS from the limitations of the
paper map, which limited Tobler in his approach.
I use this text for a second course in GIS in the last year of an
undergraduate degree or the first year of graduate studies. The
students have followed an introductory course and used some
commercial GIS software to work on example problems. They
have achieved a basic understanding of the typical GIS
applications. This is a three credit course of 15 weeks duration,
where usually one part is dealt with in one week. Students at TU
Vienna have covered before discrete mathematics and the
sections on formal languages, algebra, graphs are reviewed only.
They also had a course in linear algebra and vector and matrix
operations. Many chapters of the book are for these students only
review material, but they are included here, to make the text self
contained and not dependent on any special math requirements
beyond high school.
I do not know of another textbook intended for a second,
rigorous GIScience course. The question what to include and
how to structure is not less difficult then for the introductory
course where several text books exist with very different content.
During the 1980s, I divided my teaching in a course on the
storage and retrieval of geographic data and another one
covering geometric aspects of geographic data processing. This
division became obsolete as the integration of databases and
graphical data processing into mainstream progressed.
For a post-graduate course we asked users what to include
and how to structure the material. The result were three volumes:
theory, implementation, and usage (Unwin 1990; Kemp 1993;
Kemp, Kuhn et al. 1993). Later, the focus moved towards
understanding what the input data meant and how to interpret the
results produced by the GIS: spatial cognition and ontology
(Frank 1995a; 1995b; 1995c; 1997). Studentsespecially
students in an engineering curriculumhad difficulties to grasp
the very demanding problems of semantics, data quality, etc.
while at the same time learning the technical aspects of
master all v13a.doc 14
Geographic Information Systems. An attractive course outline
based on different aspects of cognitive space (Couclelis and Gale
1986) did not include enough of the basic knowledge necessary
for actual use; I abandoned it as yet another attractive but not
pedagogically suitable guideline.
The approach followed here is novel as it concentrates on the
part of the GIS theory we can explain with formal
(mathematical) methods. It should appeal to engineering and
computer science students with a bend to formal sciences. Our
knowledge during the past years has sufficiently increased and
concepts clarified that the fundamental aspects can be covered in
a formal way. This is only possible, because all discussion of
semantics, performance issues, user interfaces, and
approximations are relegated to other courses. The goal of the
text is to describe what we know sufficiently well that I can hope
that it will be valid for the next decade and beyond. Time will
The translation of the formulae to code and to demonstrate
that this is sufficient for a model GIS was done in parallel to
the writing of this text. It demonstrated that this foundation is
comprehensive and no major holes are left. A number of typical
GIS application questions can be solved with the theory
presented here. Nevertheless, I invite students, fellow teachers,
and researchers in GI Science to send me suggestions for
important topics I left out.
A very large number of people have contributed in one or the
other form to my understanding of GIS.

This short first part of the book surveys the territory of
Geographic Information Systems. I explain first my
understanding of what I think a Geographic Information System
is and which major applications I consider when I speak about
GIS. A brief history of GIS and my involvement with it over the
past 25 years should help the reader to understand the
perspective from which the book is written.
The second chapter gives an overview of the text and how it
is structured. It details also what is left out and why.
The third chapter here describes the GIS as a repository of a
description of the real world. It establishes terminology and
gives the frame for the rest of the book.

Geographic Information Systemscommonly abbreviated as
GIShave evolved in the past 35 years from systems for
specialist to produce maps with computers to systems that
ordinary people use to solve ordinary, daily problems. Readers
have most likely encountered different GIS and seen them used
to solve many different problems.
A GIS has traditionally been visualized as a layered cake
(Figure 1): different aspects of reality are represented as
individual layers, which are coordinated. The central concept is
to integrate data describing the world in general and specifically
the variation of properties in space and facilitate exploitation of
these data with respect to location. A GIS contains functions to
manipulated geographic data and is separated from other
programs that treat text, photographs, etc., but integration of
geographic data with other data in a single environment has
This chapter lists the different strands of evolution that lead
to present day GIS and reviews application areas: each discipline
and application area has contributed its own conceptual
framework and terminology, influences that are still felt today.
The roots of Geographic Information Systems can be seen in
different developments that all introduce electronic data
processing to some parts of geographic practice. A
comprehensive view of the history of GIS is found at (1997) and
the chapter in (Tomlinson, Calkins et al. 1976; Rhind 1991a;
Rhind 1991b; Kemp, Kuhn et al. 1993) by David Rhind gives a
graphical representation of the family tree of todays systems.
The pioneering work of Roger Tomlinson introduced
electronic data processing to the enormous task of management
of the natural resources of Canada and coined the name of
Canadian Geographic Information System in 1967(Tomlinson
1984). The Canadian GIS maintained maps showing an
inventory of the natural resources of the Canadian territorya

Figure 1: The layered cake: GIS brings
together data related to the same location
in space
A. Frank: GIS Theory DRAFT Nov. 2004 17
task that was beyond the possibility to achieve with manual
cartography .
At about the same time, researchers at the Harvard Graphics
Lab ported the classical method of overlaying maps for
cartographic analysis used in urban and rural planning from
translucent paper sheets to the computer (McHarg) (Steiner and
Gilgen 1984). The electronic system can combine more layers
than cartographers using paper maps and it can integrate data
from different sources and in different scales (Chrisman,
Dougenik et al. 1992). For example, different administrative
boundaries, and the national census can be combined with
topographic maps.
Jack Dangermond left the Harvard Graphics Lab and
founded the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) in
1969. It offered geographic data processing and analysis
services. They later sold the programs they had been using
themselves. In 1980 they packaged them as ArcInfo Geographic
Information System, geared primarily to planners. David Sinton
(Sinton 1978) left the Harvard Graphics Lab to join Intergraph,
whichtogether with Synercomwhere the two companies
producing GIS for public utilities.
The US Bureau of the Census investigated the use of
computers to produce the maps to organize the collection of
census data in the field. They had mathematically trained staff,
including James Corbett (Corbett 1975), Marvin White (White
1979; White and Griffin 1979) and later Alan Saalfeld, who
made early theoretical contributions, which lead to the widely
used, standardized, topological Dual Independent Map Encoding
(DIME) (Corbett 1975).
The utility of the electronic computer to automate the labor
intensive tasks of cartography was recognized early on. The
Experimental Cartographic Unit of the Ordnance Survey UK
focused on the computer-assisted production of high-quality
printed maps (Rhind 1971; Tobler and Wineberg 1971).
Application of the computer to produce topographic maps, to
construct thematic maps, and to maintain the large collections of
relatively simple line graphs for public utility and real estate
cadastre became possible and the corresponding systems
emerged (Messmer 1984).
A. Frank: GIS Theory DRAFT Nov. 2004 18
In Germany, a working group on the conversion of cadastral
maps to computer databases (Automatisierung der
Liegenschaftskarte ALK) was active since 1970 (Neumann
1978). This project is not completed yet and holds most likely
the record for the longest running GIS project ever! In 1973 the
preparation for the conversion of the Austrian cadastre started
and the conversion was completed in 1984 (Hrbek 1993). Public
utilities reported successful and cost effective use of early GIS
that integrated computer drawn maps with the corresponding
administrative databases (Frank 1988b).
These different applications lead to different communities of
users and developers, with limited communication. In 1978 the
two first general GIS conferences were organized by the
Harvard Graphics Lab (Dutton 1978) and in Darmstadt by the
Geodesists of the Technical University (Eichhorn 1979). The
series of AutoCarto conferences were started in 1974.
Application oriented and regional conferences emerged in the
USA and Europe during the 1980s. In 1984 the Spatial Data
handling Conference started (SDH) and replaced the AutoCarto
series (Frank 1984b; Blakemore 1986).
The US National Center for Geographic Information and
Analysis was the result from a national competition (Abler
1987b; 1987a; NCGIA 1989a); it is a consortium of the
University of California Santa Barbara, the New York State
University Buffalo, and the University of Mainetwo
geography and a surveying engineering departmentconnected
by a common research agenda (NCGIA 1989). It organized
numerous research meetings, called specialist meetings, to
document the state of the art and to identify important research
questions [ncgia publication list]. Researchers associated with
the NCGIA initiated several successful series of bi-annual
conferences with specific foci:
SSD for large spatial databases in 1989 (Smith)[smith?]; this
conference takes a Computer Science perspective and
discusses spatial access methods, query processing, etc. for
geographic information.
COSIT for Spatial Information Theory (COSIT) in 1992
(Frank, Campari et al. 1992; Frank and Campari 1993),
collecting contributions from an interdisciplinary range of
disciplines: human geography, cognitive science, mathematic,
computer science, etc.
A. Frank: GIS Theory DRAFT Nov. 2004 19
GI Science conference is held bi-annually and addresses the
whole field of GI.
Humans live in the spatial environment; all human activities
require space and management of spacefrom real estate
markets to urban planning (Abler, Adams et al. 1971). Space
controls fundamental aspects of human interaction (Hillier and
Hanson 1984; Hillier 1999). Humans are navigating in space and
require information about the location of desirable locations and
the path to them. All human activities require space. It is
estimated that 80% of all data contains some relation to space
which indicates how prevalent spatial aspects in information
handling are and that 80% of all decisions are influenced by
spatial information or the outcome of the decision has spatial
Application areas for GIS are many and a systematic
classification difficult. In the abstract, three roles for a GIS are
sometimes differentiated:
maintain an inventory of some objects in space;
analyses of spatial situations, mostly for urban and regional
planning; and
mapping of geographic data.
The management of resources located in space is of
universal import. These are primarily the natural resources, the
environment, forest and mineral resources. Decision support
includes tools for the analysis and assessment of the impact of
planned actions. Improvement in the management of land, real
estate cadastres, facilities management systems, forest
information systems, etc., can contribute immediately to the
economic development of a country.
GIS are used in urban and regional planning. Computers
improve substantially the comprehensive depiction of the current
situation and the systematic evaluation of options in the planning
process and visualize different scenarios.
The maintenance of large map collectionstopographic
maps produced by National Mapping Agencies and the
collection of maps showing the lines of a public utility, e.g., the
gas or water lines buried in the streets of a citywere the
dominant applications in the 1980s.
A. Frank: GIS Theory DRAFT Nov. 2004 20
The combination of cartographicmostly graphicaldata
with descriptive data permits analytical use of the data: one can
identify objects and regions based on some criteria. For example,
the water authority can identify all water mains, constructed
from a particular type of pipe material, being of a certain age,
etc. and thus produce a plan for preventive maintenance of its
water distribution network. This reduces interruption of services
to customer and also cost for repair. Similar analytical functions
help the forest manager to identify the forest stands to cut during
the next years.
Geographic information is used in business. For example,
the decision to locate a new multiplex cinema or the selection of
bank branch offices that should be closed are both dependent on
the spatial distribution of potential clients around the locations.
The analytical functions in a GIS produce the information on
which rational decision can be based.
The different applications, but also the different disciplines
contributing historically to GI Science used different concepts of
GIS. Most important is probably the clash between the graphical
paradigm of cartographya truthful graphical representation of
the real worldremains very influential for GIS and GI Science
(MacEachren 1995) and the paradigm of knowledge
representation that dominates administration, database design,
and decision support systems, which all build conceptual models
of reality (Kent 1978; Lockemann and Mayr 1978).
In general GIS are used to make decisions: users retrieve
information that they think is relevant for their decision and use
it to improve their decision. This is, incidentally, the only use
one can make of information.
What were the first functions GIS precursors fulfilled?
When was the first GIS (with this name) constructed? For
what purpose? By whom?
How can the application of GIS be classified in three large
What are the primary application areas of GIS? (Name five)
What is the difference between GIS and cartography?
Describe the evolution of GIS.
The only use of information is to
improve decisions.
A. Frank: GIS Theory DRAFT Nov. 2004 21
Do you believe that 80% of all decisions we make involve
spatial information? Give examples for decisions that are not
influenced by spatial information and the outcomes should not
influence space.

A. Frank: GIS Theory DRAFT Nov. 2004 22
How should we understand GIS? How can we explain software
that took hundreds of person-years to write and have manuals
many hundred pages long? The commercial GIS courses train
people on how to use a specific GIS product and explain GIS
concepts from the perspective of this product (ESRI 1993). An
academic course explains the core of a GIS, disregarding many
difficult questions of semantics of data, user interface and
performance and completely abstract from the details of
commercial products.
The title of this book seems to be contradictory: In general it is
assumed that Geographic Information Systems are a tool and do
not need a theory. Many have pointed out that there is no science
of hammers and other tools and have suggested a science of
Geographic Information Science, but denied the existence of a
science for GIS (Goodchild 1990b; 1992b; Goodchild,
Egenhofer et al. 1999).
A number of application areaswhat may be called topical
scienceswork on problems that connect to space. Geography
concentrates not on the topical applications, but on the general
understanding of processes in space (Abler, Adams et al. 1971).
Geographic Information Science is investigating the questions of
treatment of geographic information in generalit is an
abstraction from different parts of geography and related
sciences. Geographic Information Science investigates
commonality between these different methods to treat
geographic information and to establish some coherent body of
knowledge, as a common foundation for geographic analysis.
Geographic Information Systems Theory concentrates on the
representation and treatment of description of geographic facts
and processes. It is the science of Geographic Information
Systems, which are the technical means by which geographic
information is treated. GIS are used in most topical
applications, which relate to geographic space. GI science is a
substantial subfield of geography. GIS theory is a subfield of GI
science, founded on mathematics and computer science, with
A. Frank: GIS Theory DRAFT Nov. 2004 23
contributions from geodesy and measurement sciences (Krantz,
Luce et al. 1971).
This book is a theory of GIS. It is intentionally a theory of
the tool, a theory of the hammer so to speak. There exists,
despite the aforementioned opinion to the contrary, a theory of
hammers: it is physics, in particular mechanics, which deals with
movement of masses, levers, impulse transfer from one mass to
another upon impact, etc. Similarly, the theory of GIS, presented
here underlies the implementation of the currently available
commercial GIS programs. It identifies and addresses short-
comings of available systems and shows the path forward. To
overcome two of the most obvious shortcomings of todays
commercial GIS software, the GIS theory must show how
different representations of space can be integrated and contain
methods to deal with temporal aspectsincluding changing
values, processes, etc.
The goal of this book is to describe formally methods that are
used in Geographic Information System software. It stresses the
concepts that remain likely invariant under the changes that are
brought on by technologyfrom ever faster CPU to the
revolution of the World Wide Web and its potential for sharing
of data. It seems futile to teach students facts that are
immediately superseded by the rapid advances of technology.
Mathematical truth does not change with the years!
The description concentrates on what the functions do, not
how they are implemented. I think it is necessary to understand
the basic algorithm before one starts to decide on its
implementation. Implementations involve trade-offs depending
on the particulars of the application and the current state of
technology (Frank 1991). Much of what is currently maintained
as well-known rules in GIS software design depends probably
more on past technology than we are aware of. Some of these
'well-known' rules may be patently wrong today, made obsolete
by new technology and its different performance characteristics
and its relevance for tomorrows implementation extremely
Identifying the fundamental conceptsindependent of
application and technologyhelps to separate what is logically
necessary and what is baggage that was once necessary but can
Geographic Information Systems
today are computerized systems,
which treat geographic data.
Geographic data processing is the
processing of data that has a relation
to the world (see chapter 3).
A. Frank: GIS Theory DRAFT Nov. 2004 24
be shed today to construct lean systems. The novel aspect of this
treatment is the focus on the construction of a formal theory of
GIS software.
A theory of geographic data processing can be developed if
one is ready to leave out areas where we have only limited
Ontology and Semantics: All aspects of the meaning and use
of the data in real world are excluded (Frank 2001; 2003). We
assume that data with fixed and known interpretation is fed
into the system and the results are interpreted in the same
context, the details of which are left out. This excludes all
considerations of what the data means, how it relates to the
reality it represents and how treatment in computer systems of
spatial information corresponds to the human cognitive
User interface: The communication between user and GIS is
an important impediment to effective use of GIS technology.
It is closely linked to questions of semantics and for the same
reasons excluded here (Frank 1982; Egenhofer and Frank
Errors and uncertain data: Current GIS deal well only with
data that is precisely known. Real world situations are neither
well-defined nor precisely known. Understanding spatial data
processing in the precise case contributes to handle imprecise
and erroneous data later (Goodchild and Gopal 1990;
Burrough and Frank 1996; Goodchild and Jeansoulin 1998;
Shi, Fisher et al. 2002; Pontikakis and Frank 2004).
Performance: Technology advances affects primarily how fast
operations perform (Frank 1991). Transformation to convert a
nave algorithm to a more performing one are studied in
computer science and is left here to the implementor (Bird and
de Moor 1997).
Some will argue that the topics excluded are all the really
interesting and difficult onesand I readily agree. These
excluded topics are difficult because they appear currently as ill
posed problems, not amenable in the form they are presented to
formal treatment. There are no criteria available to determine the
best ontology, to compare two implementations or to judge the
effectiveness of a user-interface. The topics excluded are those
that link the formal treatment of geographic data to its use, to the
give and take of the world, to politics and power. In this book I
- Ontology and semantics of data
- User interface
- Errors and uncertainty in the data
- Performance
A. Frank: GIS Theory DRAFT Nov. 2004 25
try to cover all the areas that I see fit today for formal treatment.
I hope to provide a firm ground for future approaches to some of
the problems excluded here. Without this clear separation, we
taint the description of the things we presently understand with
our ignorance in other areas.
It is interesting to note that the focus used hereexcluding
application areas, performance or the specifics of interactionis
very similar to the point of view taken by current standardization
efforts, especially in the Open GIS Consortium (OGC 2000) and
the ISO TC 211 (ISO 2004)(ref url to their web page).
Standardsif understood correctlymust concentrate on fixing
what should be done and leave the different vendors free to
select how they want to achieve it.
Each part of mathematics comes with its own terminology. To
integrate them in a single system, the insights must be expressed
in a common notation. This was the overall goal of the
monumental effort by Whitehead and Russle writing the
Principia Mathematica (1910-1913), but also of the project
Bourbaki. These two groups saw in set theory the foundation and
attempted to build all other parts of mathematics on this base. I
follow here the lead of theoretical computer science using
algebra (Goguen, Thatcher et al. 1975). Standard engineering
mathematics, mostly calculus, is useful, but discrete mathematics
and algebra (MacLane and Birkhoff 1967b) are more important
for GIS Theory (Ehrig and Mahr 1985; Ehrich, Gogolla et al.
1989). To make the text self-containing, these foundations are
reviewed as far as they are used.
The focus of the book is on the mathematical concepts and
not the implementation, thus a mathematical notation using the
framework of category theory (Pitt 1985; Barr and Wells 1990;
Herring, Egenhofer et al. 1990; Asperti and Longo 1991; Walters
1991; Pierce 1993; Frank 1999b) is usually sufficient. In a few
rare exceptions, programming languages must be borrowed,
where I prefer the Functional Programming Language (Backus
1978), specifically using the syntax and semantics of Haskell
(Hudak, Peterson et al. 1997; Peterson, Hammond et al. 1997;
Bird 1998) and the imperative language Pascal (Jensen and
Wirth 1975). No knowledge of these languages is assumed
A. Frank: GIS Theory DRAFT Nov. 2004 26
The text consists of eleven parts. This introduction explains the
relation between the world, GIS and GI Theory. The second part
sees the GIS as a repository of a description of the world. It
introduces the formal languages and methods to build theories
and uses them to describe measurements.
The third part covers continuous space and time. It
introduces time points and vectors to represent points in space,
with the pertinent operations and develops a general theory of
spatial transformations.
Part fourth then constructs functions that operate on map
layers (like figure 1.1) or time series from functions relating
properties of points.
With the fifth part we enter the world of objects in space and
how descriptions are stored in a database. Sharing of data among
many programs lead to the centralization of data where it can be
accessed with standardized functions. It is important to maintain
this data consistent and for long periods of time, despite many
and concurrent uses.
The sixth fifth part concentrates on infinite geometric
objects: infinite lines, planes, etc., the relations between them
and operations applicable to them. It uses projective geometry to
give a most general and dimension independent description.
The seventh part focuses on geometric objects with
boundaries: line segments, triangles, etc. The simplest geometric
objects for each dimension are called simplices and operations
applicable to them, again independent of dimension are given.
The eight part looks at cartographic lines and similar
geometric objects consisting of collections of simpler objects.
Practically important are graphs that generalize properties of
street or stream networks.
The ninth part discusses the spatial subdivisions and the
operations that the Euler formula for polyhedron invariant. It
concludes with an algebraic treatment of a subdivision of a
manifold and its dual.
The tenth part specializes to a specific form of subdivision,
namely triangulation. It shows how they are constructed and
used for the representation of Digital Terrain Models, or for the
determination of service areas around service points using the
A. Frank: GIS Theory DRAFT Nov. 2004 27
Voronoi diagram, which is the dual of the Delaunay
triangulation. It also gives a method to compute intersections
between arbitrary geometric figures.
Part eleven finally covers temporal data. It demonstrates that
the framework from part 10 is general enough to treat moving
objects. Spatio-temporal database with the necessary two time
perspectives are constructed.
Each part consists of several short chapters, which are
motivated by a practical example of geographic data processing,
which connects them to real applications of GIS. The summary
at the end indicates what concepts to retain and links them to the
following chapters. Each chapter contains a list of review
What is the focus of GIS Theory? Compare with GIScience.
Why is the content of GIS Theory very similar to the efforts to
standardize GIS functionality to achieve interoperability
between GIS managed by software from different vendors?

We are interested in understanding the world (Figure 2a).
Therefore, we construct representations of it, for example as a
topographic map (Figure 2b). In this chapter, the relations
between reality and representations are explored. We will see
that Information Systems are models of reality such that a
correspondence exists for some operations and objects in the
world and their representation in the model; we say that the
model (i.e., the topographic map) has an interpretation (i.e., the
map legend). The goal is to explain the utility of a GIS in terms
of a structure preserving mapping (morphism) between reality
and the information system.
master all v13a.doc 29
The word system is often used, not always with a clear
understanding what is meant. General systems theory
(Bertalanffy 1973) emerged from Biology and considers a
system as a delimited collection of interacting parts (Figure 5).
The system has an outer boundary. Closed systems have no
exchange with their environment, all interactions are among
elements within the system boundary (Figure 4), open systems
interact with elements outside the system boundary (Figure 3).
Important are systems that can maintain their internal state
constant with a feedback loop; these systems are called
homeostatic ( ). Figure 7 gives the familiar heating control
system as a concrete example for a feedback loop to stabilize
the temperature in a room.

Figure 2 (a) Realitya landscape near Geras with (b) the
corresponding map

Figure 3: Open System

Figure 4: Closed System

Figure 5: A system, its boundary, its
elements and the interaction between them.
master all v13a.doc 30
To consider something as a system, it is necessary to
describe its boundary and its interaction with the environment,
the parts are identified and their interactions described.
Interactions can be material or informational. Systems are often
analyzed in a hierarchical fashion. Starting with a coarse
decomposition, it is possible to further decompose and study
each part, e.g., the thermostat itself may be considered another
system with interacting parts.
Model is another commonly used word, but often without a clear
understanding what it means. A model represents a system that
is a part of reality. The model railway I played with as a boy
(Figure 8) represents a real train that I was not allowed to play
Models are used for the study and prediction of the behavior
of a system without affecting the original; they are important
whenever experimenting with the real system is impossible,
hazardous, or very expensive. Scientists and engineers build
formal models of systems in which they are interested and work
with the model instead of the real system. We do not want to
build bridges with a trial and error methodsome hold up and
some crumblenor do we want to actually test the effects of
major accidents in nuclear power plants!
A model is an image of a part of reality (Figure 9). The
appropriateness of the model is determined by the usefulness of
information it provides about the part of reality modeled. What
elements and what relations from the real world should be
included in the model? This is the question of how to limit the
system that is modeled. There are many cost-benefit trade-offs to
consider in choosing a model. We can make them more complete
by adding more detail; but this will not necessarily result in a
more accurate model. Often the inclusion of more detail makes
the model more difficult to use or introduces too many
Many models are reduced scale artifacts that are similar in
shape and have similar behavior. We call these analog models
(Figure 8). Maps are graphical models of reality (Figure 2b).
Computational models are constructed with symbols
manipulated according to rules in a computer (see Part 2),
simulating the behavior of the system. The observations in the

Figure 6: Homeostatic system with

Figure 7: Self stabilizing heating system
with feedback loop

Figure 8: Railway and model

Figure 9: The connection between real
system and model
master all v13a.doc 31
real world must be in a known relationship to the representations
in the model as shown in Figure 2. The mapping from a real
system onto a formal system is what makes the model useful.
Mathematically we can see a situation similar to a
homomorphism (see later chapter 5), which is a mapping that
preserves (algebraic) structure.
A system that has the main task to produce information is an
information system (Figure 10); other aspects of the physical
data processing machinery, e.g., the consumption of energy and
the production of heat are disregarded. Information systems
contain data and programs that are used to answer queries of
human users; sometimes one information system connects to
other information systems to obtain the answers on behalf of its
users (Figure 11).
A geographic information system is an information system
where data is related to physical (geographic) space and
operations exploit the data with respect to the spatial location of
the objects represented. For each GIS one must determine what
part of the world it is describing; this amounts to a definition of a
part of the world as a system, which is of interest and
represented in the GIS (a separate system, consisting of
electronic equipment, programs, procedures, etc.). Typical
applications of GIS were discussed in the previous part (see
Not every collection of data with some geographic
references makes a GIS: there must be analytical functions
programmed, which allow users to analyze the data with respect
to spatial location. For example, a telephone directory contains
addresses but does not allow spatial questionsone cannot ask
"What is the closest police station to this phone number?" A GIS
can geocode the addresses and then use the coordinates to
answer this and many similar questions.
The term information will be reserved for contributions to the
users' mental models. Only signs that can be perceived and
A system is a conceptualizatoin, not a
reality. Different systems can be
identified at the same location.

Figure 10: An information system contains
data and programs to process the data; it
answers questions

Figure 11: Users connect indirectly to an
information system through the net
master all v13a.doc 32
interpreted by humans should be called information. It could be
argued that information is only that which humans actually
perceive and add to their mental models, and is not the raw
material, that is, data, from which they get this information.
Information is relevant only as it is used to make decisions that
lead to actions.
This definition excludes a number of things that are often
considered information:
A telephone directory is not, by itself, information, as humans
do not ordinarily read and comprehend it. We rather use it as
an information system for extracting the information we need
when we want to call someone.
Newspapers and television are not (necessarily) information,
as they provide entertainment, but do usually not inform in the
sense of providing answers to questions; what we read in the
newspaper very seldom leads to decisions and actions.
Information must be (1) perceived by humans and (2) added to
their mental models in order to use it for decision making. This
includes both the question that initiated the request for the
information and the perception of the answer.
The word data, on the other hand, will be used for symbols
represented in a formal language and assumed to have a fixed
and known interpretation. Data are in a form accessible to
computer hardware, e.g., encoded and stored on media that are
accessible to computers.
The word document denotes information recorded in a
natural language. Documents require a human to interpret their
content. Examples are the registry of deeds, libraries, and maps.
Documents are not information unless they are read by a human
user, but it is also not data, as it cannot be manipulated within a
formal model.
Data is in the formal realmlinked by the interpretation to
the physical realityand is thus amenable to mathematical rigor.
Data is also represented with some physical means (Frank 2003),
but this is usually ignored.
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is an indispensable
companion ... In case of major discrepancy it is always reality
thats got it wrong. (Adams 2002, p. 172)
Information is an answer to a
humans question.
Data =
Signs (symbols) in a formal
Information =
Material for constructing mental
Document =
Signs in a natural language that
needs human interpretation.
master all v13a.doc 33
An information system is useful if the information in it
corresponds to the situation in the real world, if it is a
(computational) model of a part of reality. If we ask the
information desk of the Austrian Railways Company what is
the next train from Vienna to Graz and get the information that
one is leaving at 12:20 p.m. at WienSdbahnhof we expect
this information to correspond to the real world time when the
train actually leaves the station and we will be ready at the
platform a few minutes earlier. The train information system
accessible at is a model of some aspects of the
Austrian railway system.
For the information system to inform about the world there
must be a defined relationship between the data and the objects
in reality. We say that information is correct, if it follows the
conventional, agreed interpretation of the data (Kent 1978). The
mapping between data and real objects must preserve the
structure that exists between the objects: the connection between
train to Graz and 12:20 pm must be the same as the relation
between the actual train and its time of departure. It is not
sufficient that we model the elements of the system, but we have
also to model the relations between the elements (Figure 9). We
will use the term interpretation for this relation between the
features in the world as we experience them and the things in a
computer program. The computer program with a known
interpretation is a modelsimilar to a small mechanical model
used to see how a machine works.
In mathematics this mapping is described as morphism: a
structure preserving mapping. The real world objects and their
connections must have the same structure than the corresponding
data objects and the links between them. Algebra gives a
succinct definition of structure (see Part 2, chapter 6). Asking
about the path between Wien and Graz must result in the
information about the stations that the train will stop in. If this
correspondence does not exist the information obtained from the
information system is not useful; a system that informs us that
the train leaves at 12:20, but arriving at the station at 12:10 we
just see the train pulling out of the station is useless, because the
information is not correct, not following the conventional

Figure 12: Train information system as a
Interpretation: a convention to
connect symbols to real world
Morphism: a mapping that preserves
algebraic structure.
master all v13a.doc 34
Users of information systems assume implicitly that they gain
the same information (i.e., the same mental models) by
consulting the information system, as they would by going out
and gathering the information themselves through direct
perception of reality ( Figure 13).
You assume that the telephone number you receive from
directory assistance is the same you would obtain by going to
a person's home and reading it from their phone.
The tax assessors consulting their lists of parcels and
frontages assume that the results are the same as if they went
out and measured for themselves.
Data stored in the database of an information system must be
correct to be useful, that is, faithful representation of the
structure in reality. A computerized system cannot, by itself,
guarantee factual correctness; it has no way of actually going out
and checking that the grass is green, that the moon is not made of
cheese, or that the house at 16 Maple Street has fourteen
windows. To assert correctness, we have to leave the information
system (the formal model) and compare it with reality (Figure
Within the information system, formal checks can only
assert the weaker notion of consistency, which means that the
database must be free of internal contradiction (see xxx). For
instance, the database should never contain information that the
building at 16 Maple Street has ten and 14 windows at the same
The abstract view of an information system retained sees it as a
system of symbols together with an interpretation that links the
formal symbols to reality (Figure 2). A computerized
information system is a formal model of a part of reality. The
formal system, executed by the computer, operates on symbols
that have a specific interpretation in the model perceived by
people. Information systems are useful if the mapping between
symbols and real objects preserve this structure.

Figure 13: The information system
provides the same information than
investigating reality

Figure 14: The Banana Jr. computer
inspects correctness of the data in the
master all v13a.doc 35
All operations of computers are symbol manipulation. Human
users often tend to interpret computer operations differently, for
example as a numerical computation, or even as a complex
operation like booking an airline passage. The internal operation
of a computer is never anything more than a manipulation of
symbols according to formal rules laid down in programs.
Computers represent symbols internally in bit patterns. Hardware
and software operations are built to manipulate those patterns in
a way consistent with our understanding of arithmetic or logical
The information retrieved from a GIS is used to improve some
decision a user must make (see chapter 2). Human decision
making is a complex and not completely rational process. It is
poorly understood today [refs]. For present purposes, it is useful
to have a simple model of a rational decision process.
A decision is a selection between several possible actions
(Figure 15); a rational decision selects the action that produces
the most beneficial situation. The user applies a valuation
function v to each of the future states s
and selects the one which
has the highest value v(s
) = v (a
(s)). Sometimes, some
conditions are expected from the outcome of the action, which
excludes some a
before the valuation is made; such K.O. criteria
can be integrated into the valuation function v.
The role of the GIS is first to produce the detailed
information about the state s
; then the GIS may help to produce
descriptions of the resulting states s
for actions a
. The GIS can
further realize (part of) the valuation functions, which assess the
future states s
and combine different aspects to a single value,
with which to order the states s
and the actions a
. It is then the
human decision maker, which picks the best course of action.
A GIS is a representation of a part of reality. The interpretation
of the symbols in stored and treated in the GIS link the model to
a part of reality. The treatment of the symbols in a useful
information system corresponds to the part of reality represented.
In the remainder of this book only the rules for symbol

Figure 15: Decision between three actions
master all v13a.doc 36
manipulation that preserve the intended geographic interpretation
will be discussed.
What is the definition of an information system; what is
specific about a geographic information system?
In what sense do computers know about a one-way street?
What is the (only) use of information?
Why is an ordinary phone directory an (non-automated)
information system, but not a GIS?
Explain the concept of indirect communication?
What is the difference between rules of modelization and
rules of representation?
What is the difference between information and data?
What is the difference between correctness and consistency?
What is an interpretation of a model?
What is a structure preserving mapping? What is meant by
structure in this context?

Observations are the linkage between the real world in which we
and the GIS operates (Figure 16). Observations of the outside
world are stored in the information system. Therefore, a
description of the GIS must start with a discussion of
observations, measurements and how they are represented in the
GIS. This part introduces methods to construct symbols to
represent the result of observations and to manipulate these as
well as methods to measure information content.
In general, I will use the term observation for the process
that connects the real world with the realm of information;
measurement will be used for the representation of the result
of an observation, measurements are often, but not always
expressed on a numerical scale.
The previous chapter reviewed the concept of an information
system, which is a system that transforms symbols. Symbols
represent the outside world in an information system. In order to
describe the GIS Theory, three issues must be addressed, namely
the representation of
values obtained from observation of reality,
rules that describe acceptable representations, and
rules for transformations of representation (i.e., data
The first chapter introduces formal languages to produce
representations for the results of the observations in an
information system. First order predicate calculus is an important
example of a formal language, widely used for the description of
information systems (Gallaire 1981; Gallaire, Minker et al.
The second chapter reviews algebras and categories, which
seem more apt to represent processes that change the world.

Figure 16: Observations of the world are
put into the GIS
Observation processes result in
master all v13a.doc 38
Category theory is considered the theoretical foundation of
computation (Asperti and Longo 1991).
The third chapter discusses what operations can be applied to
measurements. It starts with Stevens classical scales of
measurement and the limitations on operations they impose. It
links clearly the scales of measurement to fundamental, well-
known, simple algebras, like monoid, group and field and
motivates the introduction of the concept of homomorphism. It
justifies using algebra for the description of a temporal GIS.

Information systems use computers to manipulate symbols
according to some formal rules, called programs. Programs have
a different appearance and are more complicated than the axioms
of the formal system we encountered in mathematics.
Nevertheless, they are formal definitions of systems. Computers
execute them to transform some input symbols into output
symbols. Programs are written in a formal language with a well-
defined semantics. In this book we concentrate on studying
formal systems, which are introduced in this chapter.
Formal systems consist of a set of symbols and rules on how
these can be combined to form valid expressions in a language.
The symbols do have significance only within the formal
systemthe symbols do not mean anything without us adding an
interpretation to them (see previous chapter 4). A theory is such
a language together with additional rules on how to attribute
truth values to the expressions in the language; a calculus gives
rules for the evaluation (simplification) of expressions.
Programs instruct computers to perform certain actions. They are
written in programming languages, which are formal languages
with formally defined syntax and vocabulary. Computers
systems follow rules, as the action performed are completely
determinedeven if at times they appear to us to be non-
deterministic. There may exist dialects of programming
languages as they are implemented: Two machines may execute
a program differently.
A formal language is a set of symbols that represents the
vocabulary of the language and a set of rules how they can be
combined to form legal sentences in the language. Formal
languages are a very abstract concept and the analogies to the
vocabulary and the syntax of natural languages is limited.
Natural languages have much more complex rules for the
formation of words or sentences (Saussure de 1995). Applying
Language = A set of symbols + rules
for their combination.

Formula = A syntactically correct
sequence of symbols in a

Theory = A formal language + rules
concerning valid relationships
within the language.

Formal System or Calculus = A
language + rules for the
transformation of formulae in
other valid formulae.
021 Languages 40
the production methods described here for formal languages to
natural languages has met with limited success (Chomsky 1980).
A set of symbols (words, technically often called tokens)
together with a set of rules for their combination, forms a
language. The set of symbols is often called the alphabet and
compares with the lexicon (vocabulary) of a natural language.
The rules for the combination can be called the syntax of the
languageroughly equivalent to the grammar of a natural
language. A symbol or valid combination of symbols constructed
by some appropriate application of the rule will be called
sentence or well-formed formula. When using a programming
language, we speak of a syntactically correct program.
In general, languages are thought of as producing linear
sequences of symbols, similar to the text in a natural language.
This is not a fundamental restriction; languages to construct
spatial, two dimensional, arrangements have been explored in
biology (Lindenmair grammars) and in spatial planning (Hillier
and Hanson 1984).
A language is constructed from an alphabet, which is a finite set
of symbols. These symbols can be combined to words; the set of
all words of infinite length over an alphabet A is often described
as A*.
Alphabet A = {a,b}
A* = {a, b, aa, ab, bb, ba, aaa, aab, aba, abb, baa, bab, bba, bbb, aaaa, aaab,
Strings are sequences of symbols over an alphabet. Strings
with the operation concatenation ++, which merges two strings,
form a monoid, which is a semi-group with a unit (namely the
empty string ""). The algebra of group is given later (in xxx).
Monoid <S, ++, "">
associative a ++ (b ++ c) = (a ++ b) ++ c = a ++ b ++ c
identity "" ++ a = a ++ "" = a
not commutative a ++ b /= b ++ a
Attention: string concatenation is not commutative! The
length of a string is the number of elements in it. The number of
different strings in A*, where A contains k different elements
with length exactly l is k
. This can be seen by comparing the
Syntax: rules of combination of
symbols to well-formed formulae.
021 Languages 41
elements in A to the digits of the base k; with l digits we can
form k
different numbers.
String <S, length>
distributive length (a) + length (b) = length (a ++ b)

Production rules explain how a symbol is replaced with other
symbols in the course of the production of a sentence of the
language. Production rules have the form
n ::= u
where n stands for a non-terminal symbol and u is a sequence of
terminal and non-terminal symbols. The alphabet for a language
consists of three different sets of symbols:
a close set of fixed symbols T, called the terminal symbols,
a set of non-terminal symbols N, which are not part of the
language (N and T must be disjoint),
a special non-terminal symbol S, which is called the start
Only the terminal symbols appear in sentences of the language.
For many languages, the terminal symbols are characters or
numbers. Other languages have terminal symbols that are words,
e.g., BEGIN and END in Pascal. The non-terminal symbols
appear only in rules that lead to intermediate steps in the
production of a language. For example, the language A* above is
produced by
S = a | b | a S | b S
The production rules contain always a rule that translates the
non-terminal start symbol S into a production. Production rules
are applied repeatedly till all non-terminal symbols are replaced
and only terminal symbols appear. An example for a simple
language RN (which stands for a simplified form of Roman
Numerals) with an alphabet containing the non-terminal symbols
S and N and two terminal symbols I and + is given with two
production rules:
Example language RN:
S :: = N | N "+" N
N ::= "I" | "I" N.
This language can produce an infinite number of sentences,
namely I, II, III, but also I + II, etc. Legal sentences in a
language are all the sequences of terminal symbols that can be
In a production rule "|" stands for
choice, either the left or the right part
is selected.
021 Languages 42
produced by repeated application of the production rules till the
string does not contain any non-terminal symbols.
The production rules are typically written in Backus-Naur-Form
(BNF). The BNF language is a formal language, it is a meta-
language to describe other languages (the target language). BNF
can be described in BNF, which is something like the famous
Baron Mnchhausen pulling himself out of a bog by his own
hair! BNF uses the following terminal symbols:
: : = i s r epl aced by, or , pr oduces
| or ( sel ect one or t he ot her )
[ ] opt i onal ( zer o or one t i mes)
{} any number ( zer o, one, sever al t i mes)
( ) par ent heses can be used f or gr oupi ng
" " quot es encl ose t er mi nal symbol s
The production rules of BNF are:
synt ax : : = { st at ement }
st at ement : : = i dent i f i er : : =" expr essi on
expr essi on : : = t er m{ " | " f act or }
t er m: : = f act or { f act or }
f act or : : = i dent i f i er | " ( " expr essi on " ) " | " [ "
expr essi on " ] " |
" {" expr essi on " }"
i dent i f i er : : = st r i ng
st r i ng : : = char act er { char act er }
char act er : : = " A" | " B" | . . . | " a" | " b" | . . .
Production rules are used to produce sentences, but are equally
useful to determine if a given sequence of symbols represents a
legal sentence in the language. Compilers typically use
production rules to analyze a given program. An input text is
parsed into tokens (see figure 220-10). In many cases, a program
to parse the input can be produced automatically from the
production rules. Parsing the string III of the language RN give
the parse tree shown in ( ), where the branches of the tree are
labeled with the rule and the selection from the rule, which was
021 Languages 43
A simple example for some formal language constructed after
rules important for the construction of main sentences in natural
languages like English. The alphabet is:
Start Symbol: S (for sentence)
Non-Terminal symbols: {S, NP, VP, Det, N, V}
(standing for sentence, noun phrase, determiner, verb pharse, noun, verb
Terminal Symbols: {"the", "a", "Peter", "student", "professor", "saw", "met",
"talked to"},
and the production rules are:
S ::= NP VP (1)
NP ::= "Peter" | Det N (2)
VP ::= V N (3)
Det ::= "the" | "a" (4)
N ::= "student" | "professor" (5)
V ::= "saw" | "met" | "talked to" (6)
With this grammar, sentences can be derived using the steps:
Start with the start symbol
Uses repeatedly till all non-terminal symbols are replaced:
replace a non-terminal symbol with (one of the choices) of the
right hand side of the associated production rule:
This produces for example:
NP VP r ul e 1
Pet er VP r ul e 2. 1
Pet er V NP r ul e 3
Pet er saw NP r ul e 6. 1
Pet er saw Det N r ul e 2. 2
Pet er saw a st udent r ul e 4. 1 and 5. 1
Other choices would give other sentences like:
A st udent t al ked t o t he pr of essor
Parsing is the reverse process, where a sentence of a language is
given and the sequence of rules applied for its production are
determined; one can think that the meaning of a sentence is in
the sequence of production rules used. Figure 18 shows the parse
tree for "The professor saw Peter".
The language of propositional logic is used later. It describes
combination of symbols that stand for logical proposition, which
can be combined to form more complex logical expressions. Its
terminal symbols are:
"(", ")", "not", "and", "or", "implies", "=", and symbols to represent propositions
like P, Q, etc.
"and", "or", "implies", "=", and "not" are special symbols called Boolean

Figure 17: Parsing III from RN

Figure 18:Parsing 'the professor saw peter'
021 Languages 44
The non-terminal symbols are: literal, wff, variable, constant,
operator, predicate, term, and atomic formula, usually shortened
to just atom. The language in BNF is:
wff ::= literal | (wff "or" wff) | (wff "and" wff)
| (wff "implies" wff) | (wff "=" wff)
literal ::= ["not"] atom
atom ::= proposition
proposition ::= "P" | "Q" |
The language just describes the appearance of a wff of
propositional logic. Examples of wff are
not (P or Q) = not P and not Q
P or not P.
Example sentences are:
Mortal (Socrate),
Human (Socrate),
if Human (x) then Mortal (x).
The syntax of a language enumerates a set of words of the
language. They are all distinct and can be used as constants to
describe things. Such collections of representations are called
domains and the symbols tokens or (data) values. Programming
languages describe data types, which are domains, in a form
similar to the BNF. Consider the recursively defined data type
tree. A tree is either a leaf (Leaf ) or a tree with two trees (Left
Tree or Right Tree). This is defined in a program as:
Tr ee = Leaf | ( Tr ee, Tr ee) .
The similarity to BNF is striking: Tree is a non-terminal symbol,
Leaf and "(", "," and ")" are terminal symbols. A small tree
would be (Leaf1 (Leaf2, (Leaf3, Leaf4))) (Figure 19).
The information content in a sentence of a language corresponds
to the number of binary choices that are necessary to select this
sentence from all the possible sentences in the language of equal
length. Assume a situation like Figure 20: A sender encodes a
message and the receiver tries to reconstruct the same message
from the symbols received. The information content of the
message is the minimal number of binary signals a sender must
transmit to a receiver to recreate (re-select) a symbol from all
possible symbols (Shannon 1938; Shannon and Weaver 1949)

Figure 19: A simple tree
021 Languages 45
The information content of the representation isfollowing
H = ld card (s)
where ld is the logarithmus dualis and card (s) the number of
different messages the sender may send and the receiver is
prepared to receive. If a message has length l and is encoded
with an alphabet of k symbols, then the number of different
messages is k
(see 2.2 above) and the information content
H = ld k
= l * ld k.
This shows that the information content increases linearly with
the length of a message. H is the maximum amount of
information content a sequence of symbols (tokens) from one
representation can carry. Information content is linear in the
length of the string and the content of two messages is the same
as the content of the concatenated message (written as a ++ b):
H (a) + H (b) = H (a ++ b).
If the symbols are not selected with equal probability, then the
information content of a representation must take into account
the probability a symbol is selected and the formula becomes:
H = - K (p
ld p
).This can be used to optimize the
representation; tokens that are selected more often are
represented by shorter and tokens that are selected rarely are
represented by longer strings of simpler tokens.
A calculus consists of a language and rules for the
transformation of representations into other equivalent
representations. These transformations are called evaluation, if a
complex expression is reduced to a simpler one. For example, 3
+ 5 is evaluated to 8 or from "When it rains I use the umbrella"
and "it rains" follows "I use the umbrella".
A formal system has rules for the transformation of sentences.
These are rules, which say that two sentences are equivalent and
we can transform one into the other (Carnap 1958). For example,
logical proof, use the rule modus ponens, which says "(A implies
B) and A implies B". Arithmetic is another formal system, where
complex expressions are evaluated to simpler ones: 3+5
becomes 8. This is rewriting. The language RN with the two

Figure 20: - Sender channel receiver
021 Languages 46
following rules is a calculus (lower case letters stand for
variables). The sentences II + III can be evaluated to IIIII.
Rul e 1: I x + y = x + I y
Rul e 2: I + y = I y.
II + III apply rule 1 gives
I + IIII apply rule 2 gives
Rewriting is the principle behind the evaluation of functional
programming languages (like Haskell [report]) or logical
expressions in the language Prolog (Clocksin and Mellish 1981).
Predicate calculus models human rational thinking in a formal
system (Lakoff and Johnson 1999). Logic discusses the
deduction of the truth value of some combinations of logical
propositions for which truth values are given (Sowa 1998 p. 20).
Only well-formed formulae have truth values and are either true
or false, other combinations are just meaningless.
& a (not wff because & needs 2 parameters)
(~b) & a (wff)
Propositional logic is a calculusa symbolic computation based
on fully defined rules. Predicates are expressions formed
according to the rules for propositional logic (see above 2.7), like
q (x), p (a,b), which can be used to represent facts like mortal
(Socrate) or relations like son (Robert, Henri). The calculus of
predicate follows rules that we intuitively accept as logical.
Syllogismsformulae that are always true, independent of
the values assigned to P and Q are o used in reasoning. Given the
predicates P, Q, and R and the truth values T and F (for true and
false, correspondingly) the following identities hold:
Idempotent laws:
P and P = P
P or P = P
Identity laws:
P and F = F
P or F = P
P and T = P
P or T = T
Complement laws:
not F = T
not T = F
P and not P = F
P or not P = T
not not P = P
Commutative laws:
P and Q = Q and P
P or Q = Q or P
Associative laws:
P and (Q and R)=(P and Q) and R
P or (Q or R) = (P or Q) or R
Evaluation is the simplification of an
expression (wff) till it cannot be
further simplified.
021 Languages 47
Distributive laws:
P and (Q or R =(P and Q) or (P and R)
P or (Q and R)=(P or Q) and (P or R)
Absorption laws:
P and (P or Q) = P
P or (P and Q) = P
DeMorgan's Rules:
not (P or Q) = not P and not Q
not (P and Q) = not P or not Q
Modus ponens:
((P implies Q) and P) implies Q
Modus tollens:
((P implies Q) and not Q) implies not P
Modus barbara:
((P implies Q) and (Q implies R))
implies (P implies R)

These rules can be used to simplify complex expressions. For
instance, the following Pascal conditional expression is difficult
to decipher:
I F NOT ( ( name < > " Bob" ) OR ( count < = 72) ) THEN
After the application of DeMorgans rule, we obtain an
equivalent expression that is much easier to read:
I F ( name = " Bob" ) AND ( count > 72) THEN
Modus ponens is most often used for logical conclusions,
such as
IF all humans are mortal
AND Socrates is human
THEN Socrates is mortal.
In the language of propositional logic:
If Human (x) then Mortal (x)
Human (Socrate)
Mortal (Socrate).
We are interested in a formal system where some facts and rules
are interpreted as true and deduce other true statements,
respective demonstrate that certain statements given are
deductible (proofable) from the accepted axioms. A formal
theory is a mechanism whereby rules are employed to associate
an initial set of well-formed formulae with all others. If the
appropriate associations can be made, the other wff's are said to
be true in, or proven in, or deduced from, the theory.
In a formal logic system, atomic formulae (predicates) are
assigned values (called truth value: True or False) depending
upon what they represent, that is, the relationship they describe.
Only for well-formed formulae is it meaningful to discuss
whether it is true or can be proven.
An initial assignment of truth values must be made by some
agent external to the logic system; there is nothing intrinsically
true about a particular formula. Mathematicians call an
Some useful terminology:
Given P implies Q: then
the converse is: Q implies P.
the inverse is: not P implies not Q,
the contrapositive is: not Q implies
not P.
a conjunction is consist of some
propositions joined by AND,
a disjunction consist of some
propositions joined by OR.
In an implication, A => B, A is the
antecedent, B the consequent.
021 Languages 48
assignment of truth values an interpretation (in the sense of
(Tarski 1977), similar as above in chapter 3). Most wff are either
true (provable) or not; it can either be derived from with the
axiom set using the rules or it cannot. Gdel has shown that
using unusual mechanism, it is possible to construct formulae of
which neither can be proven, nor can we show their negation
(Hofstadter 1985). Using a typed calculus avoids this problem.
The Boolean operators and, or, not, =, and implies are in the
calculus defined by truth tables; these are equivalent to the
syllogism given above.

P not P
true false
false true
The table above simply states that if P has a value true assigned,
not P is false and vice versa. The next table shows the values
obtained for P and Q, P or Q, P = Q, P implies Q and Q if P, for
different assignments of True and False to P and Q.
P Q P and Q P or Q P =Q P implies
Q if P
true true true true true true true
true false false true false false false
false true false true false true true
false false false false true true true
P implies Q is false if and only if P is true and Q is false. If P is
true the results depend on the value of Q (which seems "logical"
in the ordinary sense); however, if P is false, it doesn't matter
what Q is! The result is always true, which may surprise and
does not correspond to our natural language ideas of what
implies means. What it is saying, however, is something like: "If
you start with a false premise, anything is possible." This
demonstrates why consistency is important: a contradiction is
always false and then anything can follow 'logically' (as a
syllogism: P and not P = F).
An axiom is a statement (a wff) in a theory that is assumed true.
Any non-trivial theory must have some axiom(s). Sometimes the
rules that explain how to prove some (non-axiom) wff are called
the logical axioms of the theory. Usually, the axioms given
above for first order predicate calculus are assumed. The other
axioms are called non-logical. The non-logical axioms of the
The meaning of logical operators is
defined by truth tables (or the rules in
3.2 above); their meaning does not
completely correspond to our
everyday understanding.
021 Languages 49
theory that do not contain variables are called ground axioms,
ground rules, or simply facts.
A theory serves to test, whether a proposed statement, called
a theorem, can be proven. This is the same as stating that it has a
truth value of True. If the proposed wff can be derived from the
facts using the logical axioms it is then (and only then) true
statement in that theory.
Since many wff can be logically equivalent, it is desirable to have
a standard form. clausal form are implications where a number
(possibly zero) of joint conditions implies a number (possibly
zero) of alternative conclusions: The antecedent of the
implication is a disjunction and the consequent is a conjunction.
Any wff can be rewritten in this form:
A1 and A2 and A3 and and An implies B1 or B2 or B3 or Bm .
Ai and Bj are predicates, and n, m 0. Since A implies B is
equivalent to B if A, we often write clauses in the following
alternative clausal form:
B1 or B2 or B3 or or Bm if A1 and A2 and A3 and An
For example:
gfa (H, S) or gma (H, S) if pa (H, x) and pa (x, S)
clauses are classified by the number of predicate terms in their
consequent sides as:
definite (if there are zero or one term) or m <= 1
indefinite (if there are two or more terms). m > 1
The definite clauses are called Horn clauses. In the case where m
= 1, and n = 0, we have a definite clause that represents a fact or
ground axiom.
fa (A, S) if ()
Since no antecedent is required for the consequent, it is always
true. Usually the empty if is discarded in this situation. Definite
clauses where m = 1 and n > 0 are called rule clauses. They
represent a logical axiom.
B1 if A1 and A2 and A3 and An
For example:
gfa (x, z) if fa (x, y) and fa (y, z)
With a definite clause which has no consequent (i.e., m = 0, n >
0), the antecedents are considered to be negative facts, that is,
facts which are known to be false.
if fa (A, I)
Axiom = A fundamental statement in
a theory-it needs no proof.
Logical Axiom = An association rule.
Non-logical Axiom = All other
Ground Axiom, Fact = A non-logical
axiom that contains all constant
Theorem = A statement you wish to
021 Languages 50
When both m, n = 0, it is the empty clause, which is always false
by definition. It is a definite clause. The next sub-section shows
two mechanical (programmable) logic proof mechanism that
expects its input as Horn clauses. Other clausal forms lead to
much more complex logical reasoning; clausal form seems to be
a nice compromise between expressability and performance
(Figure 21). Horn clauses are sufficient to express definite facts,
but it is not possible to include negative statements (Peter is not
the father of Henri). Relations are even less expressive; they
allow only collections of facts, but deductions are much faster
and reduce to search in the facts (see part 5).
A proof of a formula within the logical system of a given set of
formulae, which are assumed as true, is a sequence of logical
transformation following the deduction rules given above (3.2),
which show how the hypothesis can be derived from the axioms.
The given true formulae are called axioms, the formula to derive
is the hypothesis.
For each step in the process, unification between the
variables and constant in the formula to proof with the axiom
that is used in this step is required. Variables can be matched
with variables, and variables can take on the values of a constant
expression, but it is not possible to unify a constant with another
4.5.1 Example Theory: Family Relations
The theory we build is representing some facts about a family
written as Horn clauses. Constants will be marked by upper case
symbols (A, B, C, ), variables with lower case letters (x, y,

Figure 21: Trade-off between expressiveness and
021 Languages 51
fa (A, S)
fa (H, A)
fa (G, H).
From these facts and the rule
gfa (x, z) if fa (x, y) and fa (y, z)
we can conclude (using only formal symbol manipulation
without reference to any interpretation of the symbols involved)
that the following statements are true as well:
gfa (H, S)
gfa (G, A).
The next two subsections show how to proof the first of
these formulae.
4.5.2 Forward chainingfrom facts to conclusions
Forward chaining uses modus ponens:
fa (x, y) and fa (y, z) implies gfa (x, z)
(1) Select the first fact and substitute it into the logical axiom
(x=A, y=S), gives
fa (A,S) and fa (S,z) implies gfa (A,S)
There is no fact that can be unified with fa (s,Z). Return to (1)
and select another fact: fa(h,a) gives substitutions (x=H, y=A):
fa (H,A) and fa (A,z) implies gfa (H,z)
fa (A,S) can unify with the fact fa(A,z) and gives substitution
fa (H,A) and fa (A,S) implies gfa (H,S) q.e.d
Reasoning with modus ponens starts with the facts and combines
these in all possible ways till it reaches the theorem to proof.
This works quickly in small examples, but the number of
combinations explodes in practical applications. The algorithm
has no guideline in which direction to go, where interesting
combinations are and explores mostly blind allies. The
processing time increases exponentially with the number of rules
included; this is called 'combinatorial explosion'.
4.5.3 Backwards chainingfrom conclusions to supporting
A more effective form of reasoning is backward chaining, that
is, starting with the questionwhich is only oneand try to find
facts to prove it. In this case, we use modus tollens
((P implies Q) and not Q) implies not P
and try to proof the negation of the question. Given the question
which value of U stands in relation gfa to h
gfa (H, u)
we start with its negation:
not gfa (H, u).
021 Languages 52
using the formulae
gfa (x, z) if fa (x, y), fa (y, z)
we have substituted x -> H, z -> u
gfa (H, u) if fa (H, y), fa (y, u)
and we search now for a fact fa (H, y), which we find only with
the substitution y -> A, this leaves us with
gfa (H, u) if fa (H, A), fa (A, u)
now we search for a fact fa (A, u) that we find only with the
substitution u -> S
gfa (H, u) if fa (H, A), fa (A,S ).
Therefore not gfa (H, u) is not true, because gfa (H, A) is
provable. This leaves us with the useful result that a is in the
relation gfa to h. As you have noticed, the search for useful
facts is automatic; if none would have been found, we had
concluded that nothing stands in the relation gfa to a. Languages
like Prolog (Clocksin and Mellish 1981) using such backward
chaining, sometimes called "Robinson resolution" [ref to
robinson's paper?].
4.5.4 Comparison
Forward chaining uses modus ponens and moves from facts to
conclusions, backward chaining uses modus tollens and moves
from conclusions to facts. Both are often used in AI and are
applicable in geographic expert systems (Frank, Robinson et al.
1986c; 1986a; 1986b; Frank, Hudson et al. 1987; Frank and
Robinson 1987). Forward chaining gives us to a set of facts all
possible conclusions from; it works well for small numbers of
facts, because the number of possible conclusions increases with
the number of facts exponentially. Backward chaining searches
for the facts that support a given conclusion. It is useful when a
conclusion is given and we need to test, if it is following from a
collection of facts and rules; backward chaining is selective and
can be used even with large collections of facts.
Usually the range of the values is restricted to either True or
False, although multi-valued logics have frequently been
employed, e.g., with values: True, False, Maybe; or real number
values ranging between 0 and 1 representing various degrees of
certainty of a statement (Zadeh 1974).
021 Languages 53
Logic described so far treats predicates that are not changing. To
reason about changes requires either a temporal logic, of which
several are known (Sernadas 1980; van Benthem 1983; Everling
1987; Galton 1987)[refs], which are somewhat difficult to use.
Alternatively, situation calculus separates a changing world in
snapshots, called situations and then describes each of them
separately, assuming that the constant symbols stands for the
same individuals at different times (McCarthy 1996). An
improved version of situation calculus was presented by Reiter
{Reiter, to appear #10015}; however, it uses some extralogical
devices to arrive at a usable structure. Bittner has compared
situation calculus as method to describe a GIS problem (real
estate cadastre) (Bittner and Frank 1997) with an algebraic
Logical formulae are written using variables and it is usually
implied that the rule should be valid for all values of these
variables. This is expressed with the all quantor:

The existential quantor, states that there is at least one x such that
the formula is true:

A variable occurring in a quantor is said to be bound. It is
customary to drop the all quantors whenever obvious and write
only the existence quantors. Formulae in the sequel assume that
all variables are bound by all quantors, which are implied but not
explicitly written.
Languages can be classified by orders. We pay attention what
role variable symbolswhich can be bound by quantifierscan
A zero order language has no variables, only constants.
A first order language has variables, which stand for objects,
but not for predicates or functions.
A second order language has variables that can stand for
objects, predicates, or functions.
Classical logic, as used by philosophers, is typically first
order. Functional programming languages are the most important
021 Languages 54
example of second order (sometimes called higher order)
languages (Backus 1978; Bird and Wadler 1988). In principle,
all formulae can be expressed in first order languages (McCarthy
1985), but the expressions become complicated and very
difficult to understand. I will use in the sequel second order
expressions, whenever appropriate.
It is useful to subdivide the constants in disjoint sets. One then
says, that the constant x has type t, for example, the constants
Andrew, Stella, etc. all have type Human. The predicate father
establishes a relation between two constants of type Human, and
is meaningless if connected with constants of other types.
Variables in formulae have corresponding types and formulae
can be checked if they are consistently typed.
The type information that belongs to some formulae is called
its signature; we write it typically after a double colon: fa ::
Human -> Boolean.
A typed language is not more expressive than an untyped
one, but typed formulae exclude many a non-sense from
consideration. Typing is not necessary when considering simple
examples with few formulae, but becomes important when
describing large systems. Most modern programming languages
are typed. Then a compiler for a typed language can formally
check not only the syntax of the program, but also assure that the
program is consistently typed. This excludes a large class of
errors from occurring when the program is executed (Cardelli
What is a production rule? Give an example.
What are the elements of BNF? What is it used for? Give
examples and explain them.
What is the difference between formal language and formal
What is redundancy?
What is the relationship between language and representation?
Explain the information measure of Shannon and Weaver.
Why are the following sentences of the language 'small subset
of English' not well-formed:
021 Languages 55
Simon saw Peter.
A Peter saw student.
What is a parser? What does it produce? How does it use
production rules?
Describe the BNF for Roman numerals (simplified, numbers
up to 100 = C).
Extend the language "Small Subset of English" to include
and in sentences like "Peter and the professor talked to a
student". Give the parse tree for the sentence.
Express the conditions for a construction site as conditions on
size, reachability, exposition, etc. and simplify the expression
using the formulae for Boolean expressions.
Simplify the expression for leap years:
leapYear y = ((mod y 4 == 0) && (mod y 100 /= 0)) ||
(mod y 1000 == 0)
What is modus ponens? Give an example.
What is the difference between forward and backward
chaining? Give an example for each.
Why is the III + I = II wrong (using the rules stated above)?
What is meant with quantification of a logical formula? Give
an example.
Extend the family example with the fact fa(R,H).
Demonstrate the deduction of gfa(R,A) using backward
What is a horn Clause?
What is modus ponens? Make an example for its application.
Explain the difference between forward and backward
What are truth tables?
What is the difference between a typed and non-typed
language? Is there a difference in expressiveness?
Show that if A then B and B implies A is equivalent using the
truth respective truth tables.

Algebras give a sharp definition to the previously introduced
notion of 'structure' (Chapter 3). It discusses mappings between
representations such that the structure is preserved. This is
fundamental for information systemas argued in chapter 3
and will be justified in the next chapter discussing
Logic describes properties of things; algebras center around
the notion of transformations (mappings) from states to states.
This seems an attractive mathematical tool for geography that
purports to study processes in space and time (Abler, Adams et
al. 1971).
Logic describes properties of individuals; algebra studies the
properties of functions. Category theory studies the properties of
algebras. It is well-known, that everything can be expressed in
logic (Lifschitz 1990), but also in algebra. The goal here is
eminently practical: to find a mathematical tool that leads to a
description of a complex system like a GIS that is compact and
easy to understand. The following chapter demonstrates its use to
describe the measurement scales of Stevens (Stevens 1946).
Algebra is a development of mainly the 20
century. It has
emerged from a view that algebra deals with the properties of
numerical operations to investigations of the structure of
operations. Algebra does not deal primarily with the
manipulation of sums and products of numbers (such as
rationals, reals, or complex), but with sums and products of
elements of any sortunder the assumption that the sum and
product for the elements considered satisfy the appropriate basic
laws or axioms (MacLane and Birkhoff 1967 p. vii).
The development in mathematics in the 20
century has
stressed generality. Operations, which are not necessarily
satisfying the laws of sum and product are considered.
Increasingly, separate parts of mathematics are dealt with in an
algebraic fashion; we will introduce Boolean Algebra (in
contradistinction to the closely related Boolean operators of
propositional logic or predicate calculus shown in the previous
an algebraic system is thus a set
of elements of any sort on which
functions such as addition and
multiplication operate, provided only
those operations satisfy certain basic
rules (MacLane and Birkhoff 1967a,
Permanence 57
chapter 4) and later use algebraic topology (chapter xx). Logic is
closely related to the theory of databases (Gallaire, Minker et al.
1984); with equal justification one can say that algebra and
category theory is the theory of computation (Asperti and Longo
Operations are divided in constructors, which produce all the
different expressions and in observers, which report the
differences between the expressions (Parnas 1972). The meaning
of the operations is defined as properties of the result, as these
are observed with other operations in the same algebra. This
allows definitions independent of other previous definitions and
circumvents the grounding problem of logic definitions by
enumeration of properties.
Algebra discusses the structure of operation and defines very
precisely what is meant by structure. Structure of operations
means properties of operations that are independent of the
specific objects the operations are applied to. Algebra describes
the structure of a real world system in a very precise meaning
and independent of the representation. It is possible to describe
the structure of complex real world systemse.g., a coke
vending machineas an algebraic system and investigate its
properties. The descriptions of the structure are independent of
the realizations that behave the same; we say the descriptions are
determined up to an isomorphism.
An algebra describes an abstract class of objects and their
behavior, and is thus fundamental to the current object-oriented
discussion of software engineering and beyond (Guttag and
Horning 1978). An algebra consists of a collection of symbols,
operations, and axioms.
The next subsection list as examples the basic algebraic
structures that will be used later. We have already seen Monoid
(chapter 4). Here we introduce:
Natural Numbers (integers)
Boolean Algebra
The next chapter will give:
Equality, Order
Algebraic structure captures the
essence of the semantics of
operations and objects.
Algebra is
- a set of symbols (domains)
- a set of operations
- a set of axioms that describe the
Permanence 58
Ring and Field
Later chapters will use
We will always assume that an equality relation is defined
for the domains and that all variables in axioms are implicitly
all-quantified; existential quantification, if necessary, is stated.
A group is an algebra that has an operation (written here as +),
an inverse for this operation (inv) and a unit value (e) often
called zero and written as here as 0. The standard example is
natural numbers with plus, minus, and zero, but, for example,
translation (or rotations) in geometry form a group; the zero
element is translation by the zero vector (i.e., not doing
Group <+,-,0.
associative (a+b)+c = a +(b+c)
unit e+a = a+e = a
inverse (- a): a + (- a) = (- a) + a = e
Important are commutative groups (also called Abelian
grouphonoring the mathematician Niels Abel, 1802 - 1829).
Ordinary addition is commutative and integers with plus form an
Abelian group (a + b = b + a).
The natural numbers are as fundamental as points and lines in
geometry. The axioms for geometry in were studied by the
Greek and formulated by Euclid around xx 300 BC in his
Elements (Heath 1981b; Adam 1982; Blumenthal 1986). An
axiomatic definition for natural numbers was only given in the
later 19
century by Peano (Kennedy 1980).
The carrier for this algebra are the natural numbers, where
there is a special element 1 and an operation to get the successor
(the Mark I in the representation given as a simple language
RN in chapter 4). The axioms following the original description
by Peano include a definition for equality of two numbers and
for addition of two numbers
1. 1 elem N
2. for all m (m elem N) exist a unique m' (m' elem N), called the successor of m.
3. for each m elem N, m'/= 1 (That is, 1 is not the successor of any natural
4. If m, n elem N such that m' = n' then m=n
5. let K be a set of elements of N. Then K=N provided the following conditions:
Permanence 59
(i) 1 elem K
(ii) if k elem K, then k' elem K.
Def. Addition: Let m, k be arbitrary elements of N. We define m + 1 = m'. If m +
k is defined then m + k' = (m+k)'
(McCoy and Berger 1977).
Natural numbers, with addition form a group, with 0 as a unit,
which was not included in the above axioms by Peano.
Boolean algebra is a very simple algebra. Its carrier has only two
symbols (customary notations are T and F or True and False
or 0 and 1) and a unary operation not and binary operations and,
or, implies, etc. It is named after George Boole (1815-1864).
Boolean Algebra <and, or, not>
not :: b -> b
and, or, implies:: b -> b > b
idempontent not (not p) = p
associative a and (b and c) = (a and b) and c = a and b and c
a or (b or c) = (a or b) or c = a or b or c
commutative a and b = b and a
a or b = b or a
units a and T = a
a or F = a
inverse a and (not a) = F
a or (not a) = T
distributive a and (b or c) = (a and b) or (a and c)
a or (b and c) = (a or b) and (a or c)
The axioms of this algebra are equivalent to the rules given
earlier as Boolean Logic (chapter 4). The laws like de Morgans
law (not (a or b) = (not a) and (not b)) and similar can be added
here as well. Implication, exclusive or (xor) etc. can be derived
from the above definitions.
2.4 SET
Sets are an abstraction from the collection of elements as we
encounter them in real life everywherefruit in a bowl, sheets
of paper in a folder, glasses on a table, etc. (Figure 22). Nave set
theory preserves from real world objects the property that an
object can be only in one set at a time. For nave sets card (a) +
card (b) = card (a union b) is true.

Figure 22: Examples of real world sets
Permanence 60
For ordinary sets, an element can be in more than one set at a
time, but it cannot be multiple times in the same set (a structure
that permits multiple membership is called a bag [ref]). Nave set
theory can only consider union of set, ordinary set theory can
also compute intersections.
Venn Diagrams are a useful tool to visualize sets and
operations with sets. For example the intersection of the sets 'left
padock', 'right padock', 'down', 'up' from Figure 23 is shown
Figure 24.

Set <union, intersection, complement, null, all>
associative a union (b union c) = (a union b) union c
a intersect (b intersect c) = (a intersect b) intersect c
commutative a union b = b union a
a intersect b = b intersect a
identity a union null = a
a intersect all = a
inverse a union (comp a) = all
a intersect (comp a) = null
distributive a union (b intersect c) = (a union b) intersect (a union c)
a intersect (b union c) = (a intersect b) union (a intersect c)
involution comp (comp a) = a
idempotent a union a = a
a intersect a = a
null a union all = all
a intersect null = null
absorption a union (a intersect b) = a
a intersect (a union b) = a
For the operation cardinality, which computes the number of
elements in a set the following rules apply:
card (a union b) = card a + card b card ( intersection a b)
0 < card (intersection a b) < min (card a, card b)
It is possible to determine if an element a is in set A with a
membership function or element of (written as ) relation. The
expression 'a A' is true if a is an element of set A.
A set X is a subset of another set Y if every element of X is
also an element of set Y, often written as X Y. The subset
relation is a partial order. Venn diagrams express subsets
relations by inclusion (see Figure 24 above). The converse
relation is called superset (Y X). Subsets form a partial order
(Figure 26).

Figure 23: Sheep grazing on a hill

Figure 24: Venn diagrams of four sets

Figure 25: Union with the empty set

Figure 26: Subset relations form a partial
Permanence 61
The Boolean algebra is the restriction of the set operations to just
the two units all-set (for True) and null-set (for False). Then
union corresponds to the Boolean operation or and intersection
corresponds to Boolean and.
Mathematicians have constructed sets that can contain sets that is
different from a set just containing the elements in the set; the set
on the left of Figure 27 contains three elements, namely the sets
E, F and G, whereas the set on the right contains the 12 elements
which are in E, F and G. Allowing unrestricted sets and set
membership can lead to antinomies. One might ask if the set that
is defined as containing all sets that do not contain itself,
contains itself. Operating in a typed universe, these problems
cannot occur, because as set of x is a different type than the set
of (sets of x).
The axioms for Boolean Algebra and for Sets exposed a
surprising regularity: every axiom formulated for the operation
union had a corresponding axiom for intersection. A valid
formula can be converted in another valid formula, if we
systematically exchange every operation for the dual and equally
exchange the units. Duality could have been used to reduce the
number of axioms stated; it will become more useful later
replacing operations difficult to compute with others that are
easy (see xxx).
A function from a domain A into a codomain B maps each value
from A to a values of B (Gill 1976). A function assigns to a
single value from A only a single value from B (unlike relations,
which can have multiple result valuessee later 598 xxx).
Computer science speaks of the domain and codomain as types
(Cardelli 1997); the signature of a function f : A -> B lists the
types of domain and codomain. The application for single
element x is written as x |-> f (x), and f (x) is the element
assigned to x.
Functions with more than one input or more than one result
can be seen as function of a single input and single result, if the
inputs or results are seen as tuples. The function a + b can be

Figure 27: Set containing sets
Duality for set:
union <-> intersection
allset <-> null set

A function f : A -> B
maps from domain A to codomain B.
Permanence 62
transformed into the function plus (a,b), which has a single
input, namely the tuple (a,b).
A function f : A -> B that has a result for any value in its domain
is called total. Functions that have results only for some of the
input values are called partial (Figure 28). The mapping of all
values of the domain form a subset of the codomain that is called
the image f(A) of the function. A function that does not assign to
each element in its domain a value from the codomain is a partial
function (Figure 29).

Examples: Increment, written as (1+), is the function that
adds 1 to a number. It is total. Division is partial, as division by 0
is not defined (Ehrich, Gogolla et al. 1989)see (Wilson,
Barnard et al. 1988, p. 6).
If a function has an inverse function, then it is an injection: for
each value of the domain there is a different value in the range
(Figure 30): a /=b implies f(a) /= f(b). Injective functions carry
distinct elements in the domain to distinct elements in the
codomain (Gill 1976, p. 53). An injective function has an inverse
function from the range to the domain: f . f
= id
Functions are onto (surjective) if every element of T is the image
of some element of S (Figure 31). The function f has a right
inverse g such that g . f = id, which is the same as stating that g
has a left inverse f. The image is the whole codomain.
If a function is surjective and injective, it is called bijective or
on-to-one (Figure 32). Such functions have inverses that are

Figure 28: TotalFunction with image f(A)

Figure 29: Partial function
Functions are total if they take every
element of S to an element of T; they
are called partial if there are
elements of S that are not mapped.

Figure 30: Injective Function (inverse is

Figure 31: Surjective Function (has no

Figure 32: Bijektive function (has inverse,
which is total)
Permanence 63
A function f: S -> T is injective if no two inputs are
mapped to the same result.
A function is surjective if every element of its range
is the result of some element in the domain.
A function is bijection if it is both injective and
Algebras describe structure of operations, which is independent
of an implementation or a previous understanding. The same
algebra describes the behavior of many different things if their
behavior is structurally equivalent. For example, the operations
with counts and operations that apply to the result of the
counting, are the same, independent of what we count: beers,
sheep, matches, gold bars, whatever.
The structure is described in form of axioms, which can
often be expressed as the observation of the result of on
operation in terms of other observations. For example for all
algebraic structure 'group' above includes an axiom that adding
zero to the a number yields the same number: a + 0 = a.
Numbers represented as Roman numerals, Arabic numbers, or as
binary numbers in a computer work the same. The algebra
describes behavior up to an isomorphism, meaning it describes
many things that behave, under the limited perspective of the
operations defined in the algebra, the same. Differences that can
not be observed with the operations in the algebra are not
The definition of equality or addition on the Count data type is
only of interest as it is useful for solving real world problems.
How many beers do I have to pay if my count reads I11 and my
friends I1? Using the rules from RN (see chapter 4) I11 + I1 =
I1111, which is 5 in ordinary language (Figure 33). The
algebraic definition of addition corresponds to the natural adding
of counts. This correspondence was introduced before when we
discussed information systems as a morphism (see chapter 3).
A morphism, is a structure preserving mapping between
things of different type. The addition (operation + above) is the
same if applied to Roman numerals II + III = V or to Arabic
numbers 2 + 3 = 5, but it is also the same if we tackle any set

Figure 33: 2 + 3
The homomorphism h : A -> B
carries also the operations f : A -> A
to operations f' : B -> B, such that h
(f (a)) = f' (h (a)).
Permanence 64
with cardinality 2 (e.g., a pair of sheep, Figure 33) and merge it
with a set with cardinality 3 (e.g., another flock of 3 sheep).
The algebraic structure of addition is preserved across the
mapping F from one kind of numbers to the other: We can add
the Roman numerals and transform (map) the result to Arabic
numbers or we can transform first to Arabic and then do the
addition, the result is the same. In category theory (MacLane and
Birkhoff 1967a; Barr and Wells 1990; Asperti and Longo 1991)
this is succinctly shown as a commutative diagram (Figure 34).
A morphism does not imply that the operation maps to the 'same'
operation. The example with different counts (Figure 33) may be
misleading: the operation was always add. Logartithm gives a
different, familiar example (Figure 35).
A mathematical definition is found in MacLane/Birkhoff: Let *
be a binary operation on a set X, while * is another such
operation on a set X. A morphism f: (X,*) -> (X, *) is defined
to be a function on X to X which carries the operation * on X
to * on X, in the sense that
f (x * y) = (f x) * (f y)
for all x, y elem X. On the left (Figure 36), one applies to an
element (x,y) elem X x X first the operation *, then the function f;
on the right one applies first f x f [i.e., apply f to both elements in
the pair] and then *. In other words, f is a morphism if and only
if the diagram below is commutative." (MacLane and Birkhoff
1967a p. 37)
A categorical diagram is said to be commutative if we can
travel both path from top left to bottom right and arrive at the
same result. In 220-01 it does not matter if we take the logarithm
first and divide by two (right and down path), or if we square and
take the logarithm (down and right path).
The representation relation between the things in the world and
the things in an information system is not a simple static
mapping, relating objects in the world to objects in the program;
the two sheep to the numeral II in (Figure 33). We must also map
the operations in the worldmerging the two sets of matches
to the operations in the computerthe addition. We need two
kinds of mappings: objects to representation and operations we
can perform in the world mapped to operations applied in the

Figure 34: Commutative diagram
An algebra with axioms describes a
structure independent of the carriers
or the names of the operations

Figure 35:log a + log b = log (a*b)

Figure 36: Commutative diagrams (after
MacLean, Birkhoff, p. 37)
Permanence 65
information system to the representations. To be useful, the
outcome of an operation in the world and the corresponding
operation in a computer must correspond (see chapter 3). I called
thisin analogy to the commutative diagrams of category
theoryclosed loop semantics (Frank 2001; 2003).
Algebras are abstract constructions. If we want to implement and
experiment with an algebra, we have to build a model with a
specific carrier that we can represent and operate on. A specific
representation for an algebra is a model of this algebra. Roman
numerals are a model of natural numbers. For computational
models, the representation are computer data types (see chapter
4). Models of algebras with different carriers have the same
behavior, because the behavior is the abstract property of the
algebra. Some models of algebras are special (initial algebra,
terminal algebra, Herbrand model) but this is not of importance
in this context; technically we will assume initial algebras as
models for our specifications (Ehrich 1981; Loeckx, Ehrich et al.
We have encountered two morphisms in the previous chapter,
namely the operation to determine the length of a string length
and the operation to determine the information content of a string
H. For both we have stated that they combine with string
concatenation ++:
length (a) + length (b) = length (a ++b)
H (a) + H (b) = H (a ++ b)
These are both morphism that map strings to numbers and
concatenation to addition, such that the two diagrams commute
(Figure 37, Figure 38).
The classification of functions (see 0 above) carries over to a
classification of morphism:
injection monomorphism
surjection epimorphism
bijection isomorphism
If the domain and the codomain are the same, then an injection
results in an endomorphism and a bijection gives a
automorphism (MacLane and Birkhoff 1967a p. 75)
Morphism is a method to connect

Figure 37: Length is a string morphism

Figure 38: Information content H is a
string morphism
Permanence 66
Any isomorphic transformation f between two representations is
irrelevant and does not change anything; they are just used for
convenience. Isomorphic systems are identical "up to
For example, computers are faster adding binary
representations of integers than integers represented as Roman
numerals or strings of digits. Hence it is customary to represent
integer numbers in most cases as binary numbers and have all
operations executed with them. Practically, computer
representations are not isomorphic to integers, because only
numbers up to a certain magnitude can be represented as binary
numbers in the standard format and operations. The
transformation is isomorphic only for the restricted domain, but
this is practically nearly always sufficient.
A homomorphism f: A -> B, where f is a surjection, which maps
every element of A to a distinct element of B, is called an
epimorphism. Epimorphismlike isomorphismpreserve many
important postulates, such as the commutative, associative,
distributive, identity, and inverse laws (Gill 1976 p. 109)
The image of G in H is the set of values that are the result of
applying to all values in G. The image of has the same
structure as G (for example if G is a group then the image of is
a subgroup of H).
In the other direction we can ask, what are all the elements
of G that map to a unit of H. This set is called the kernel or null
space. It indicates how much this morphism "collapses" G
(MacLane and Birkhoff 1967a p. 75).
Image and kernel can be used to identify different types of
If : G -> H is an
Epimorphism <-> Im () = H
Monomorphism <-> Ker () = 1
Isomorphism <-> Ker () = 1 and Im () = H
Constructing computational models reduce the complexity of the
world to constants and variables, procedures and functions. The

Figure 39: The Image of G under f
Figure 40: Kernel(null space) of G under f
Permanence 67
conceptual diversity can be reduced further and procedures,
functions and constants all seen as functions with a different
number of arguments; constants are functions with no argument
(Bird 1998). This simplification allows a view of operations that
can describe the semantics of operations without resorting to
specific representations: we describe the semantics of the
operations by formulae without reference to the objects they are
applied to. This approach is typical for mathematical category
theory (Pitt 1985; Barr and Wells 1990; Asperti and Longo 1991;
Walters 1991)
Mathematical category theory is an application of concepts
of algebra to algebras themselves. It is not related to the category
theory of cognitive science and ontology, where classes
(categories) of similar objects are formed (Rosch 1973; 1978).
Mathematical category theory deals with categories, which
consist of functions over some domains. Category theory
discusses a simple, very general algebra, where the objects are
mappings (functions) from a range to a domain and the operation
of interest is the composition of two mappings. There is also a
unit, the constant function id that does nothing: for all x: id x =
a. The domains itself are not further investigated.
The primary operation in a category is the composition of
functions. It is written as . and must be associative; this makes
parentheses unnecessary as (a.b).c= a.(b.c) = a.b.c. Function
composition is defined as
All f, all g, all x: (f.g) x = f (g (x)).
Comment on notation: When taking a functional point of view,
function application is the most common operation: f is applied
to x. In analysis multiplication is the most common operation a b
means a * b and function application is written as f (x). In a
functional context, where function application is the most
common operation, we just write f x to indicate the application of
f to xno parenthesis required (parentheses are grouping as
usual). This is not used consistently in this text; when it is
convenient, then the traditional f(x) notation with parenthesis is
Note that function composition is a second order function
(see chapter 4)the arguments are functions (and the above
A category is "a collection of
algebraic systems and their
morphism" (MacLane and Birkhoff
1967a p.129)
Categories treat algebras the same
way than algebras deal with entities
(Frank 1999b).
Permanence 68
defining formula is clearly second order, quantifying over all
functions f and g).
Category <.,id>
dot, (.) :: f -> f -> f
condition: a . b defined only for codomain b = domain a
id :: f
domain :: f -> a
codomain :: f -> b
associative: (a.b).c= a.(b.c) = a.b.c.
unit: id.f = = f
Category theory gives us a very high level, abstract
viewpoint: instead of discussing the properties of individual
objects we directly address the properties of the operations. This
corresponds to the interest in geography, where the discussion
concentrates on processes that occur in space, not on the
collection of locations and properties of spatial objects (Abler,
Adams et al. 1971; Frank 1999b).
The properties of operations are describedas far as
practicalwithout reference to the objects the functions are
applied to. To state that two functions op and inv are the inverse
of each other, we simply write op . inv = id. For the two
functions increment inc and decrement dec the composition is
the identity function: = id.
To state that a function can be applied any number of times
and producing the same result as a single applicationwe say
the function is idempotentone writes op. op = op.
A categorical viewpoint demonstrates that semantics of
operations are independent of the representations they are
applied to. A pointless definition is independent of the
representation and this is documented by the absence of the
objects the functions are applied on in the definition.

The axioms for a group can be expressed as commutative
diagrams. The commutative law (a + b = b + a) is the simplest
(in Figure 41: Commutative law the function twist is twist :: A x
In a category, composition combines
functions like ordinary operations
(e.g., addition) combine numbers.
Figure 41: Commutative law
Permanence 69
B -> B x A, twist (a,b) = (b,a)). The associative law (a + (b + c)
= (a + b) + c) gives
To show these axioms as commutative diagrams stresses that
they are generally applicable, for many carriers and operations;
the function f can be +, but could be some other operation that
follows these laws. For a more complex example, the distributive
law is given as (Figure 43: Distributive law), where the function
delta is an isomorphism (Walters 1991 p. 55).

Many common problems in Computer Science and GIS can be
analyzed in terms of properties of operations and mappings from
real world to computer representations. That the division is not a
total function (no division by 0!) is well-known, but even
commercial programs fail for this reason.
A systematic solution for such cases is the extension of the
codomain of the division with an additional value 'not a number'
[ref iso standard for numeric computation] or similar, to which
all division by 0 are mapped. The new function is then total! We
will later call such a morphism a functor (see next chapter 6).
Rational numbers can be represented as pairs of integers, like
(1/2, 2/4, 3/4, etc.), but many pairs, for example, the pairs 2/4
and 1/, are the same value. Generally, all values i*n/i*d for any i
are equivalent. We select the value n/d as the representative of
the equivalence class. This defines a surjective function from
pairs P to the (reduced) rational numbers R. This function has no
inverse, given a rational number 3/4, we can not determine if this
was originally 3/4, 6/8, 9/12, etc.

Figure 42: Associative law
Figure 43: Distributive law

Figure 44: Extension of Natural Numbers
to make division total

Figure 45: Construction of rational
numbers with a surjective function to map
to the rational numbers
Solution for too many equivalent
solutions: select a canonical value to
represent each equivalence class.
Permanence 70

Figure 46: Canonical factorization (after(Gill 1976 p.56))
The solution is found through canonical factorization. Given
a function f: A -> B, the equivalence kernel of f is a relation a b
true when f (ai) = f(aj). is an equivalence relation and induces
an partition A/ , where each equivalence class consists of all
elements whose image is a given element in the range of f (Gill
1976 p. 57)
Representations that cannot represent all values of interest cause
difficulties. Here a geometric example: straight lines can be
represented as functions f (x) = y, with y=m*x+c, which suggest
a representation of straight lines as pairs of values m and c. This
mapping from straight lines to pairs of reals is partial, because
lines parallel to the y-axis (vertical lines) have no representation
in this form. We will later give a different representation for
straight lines (xxx), which has for each straight line multiple
representations, that is, a case of 'too many representations'.
Representations that allow much many more tokens than are
needed to represent the intended values can be used to guard
against errors. A rule that defines the unused tokens as illegal
allows differentiating between intentionally produced legal
tokens and erroneous tokens (Figure 49Redundancy allows
separation between valid and non-valid tokens). Errors in the
transmission can be detected if they result in an erroneous token.
A typical example is the introduction of a parity bit, to guard
against transmission errors.
Formal methods rely on the manipulation of symbols according
to some rules, which are written as sequence of symbols and
typically called programs. The logical approach shows how true
Where is equivalence relation discussed?

Figure 47: A straight line represented as

Figure 48: A vertical line is not
representable as a pair m and c

Figure 49Redundancy allows separation
between valid and non-valid tokens
Permanence 71
statements are transformed to other true statements; the algebraic
viewpoint stresses the general rules of such transformations.
Formal systems show how to translate one representation
into another one, preserving some properties of interest.
Algebras are descriptions of the structure of formal systems and
define the concept of structure precisely as that which is
preserved across morphism between domains. It is possible to
understand the production rules in the language definitions as
functions (morphism) (Ehrich, Gogolla et al. 1989). This is
useful as it shifts the focus of the (often infinite) set of sentences
in a language to the finite set of production rules and leads to
conclusions about a language based on properties of the
production rules.
Morphism is used here to "construct from simple parts
complex systems"; we have seen how length of string is an
epimorphism from strings to integers, which maps string
concatenation to addition. In the next chapter, we will further
generalize this notion, using the concept of a functor from
category theory.
Mathematical category theory is a very abstract treatment,
where we concentrate on the operations, independent of the
representation. It can be further generalized to a theory of
allegories (Bird and de Moor 1997), which are essentially
categories over relations, and allows us to deal with
indeterminacy of relations. This will be used when discussing
storage of facts in a database in the next part.
What is an algebra? What does it consist of? Give an example.
Explain the difference between a total and a partial function.
Give examples.
What is a homomorphism? Give three examples.
What is the connection between Boolean Algebra and
Boolean Logic?
What is a category? Why are we interested in it? What is the
most important operation in a category?
What is the . (dot) operation? Explain in a formula in a style
you are familiar with.
Why are isomorphism practically important? Why can we say
that they are 'transparent'?
Algebras describe abstract structure,
which can be preserved across
transformations between different
Permanence 72
GIS store observations of the outside reality. We will use the
notion 'measurement' for the representation of the results of such
observations in a very general sense. Measurements can be the
result of surveying operations with instruments, counts resulting
from statistics or other observations of physical properties.
We can observe reality and these observations are recorded
as values on some measurement scale. Observations can be the
color of some field, the height of a point or the force of gravity.
The result of an observation is expressed as a value on the
appropriate measurement scale; for different observations
different measurement scales apply: color is recorded perhaps as
a value like red or a RGB triple (red, green, blue intensity),
whereas the height of a point is 324.4 m above mean sea level or
the force of gravity is 9.413487 mgal. Typed functions then
connect these values to other values on different measurement
scales; for example, the area of a rectangle is calculated as the
product of two meter values and expressed as square meters.
Ultimately 'valuation functions' (chapter 3) are used to combine
very different aspects to a single criteria.
The representation for measurement is produced by some
language (see chapter 4). Observations are typed expressions on
some measurement scale. Measurement scales are algebras,
understood best as sets of operations that are possible with these
values such that operations with the values relate to operations in
reality. Measurement scales determine, for example, what
statistical operations are meaningfully applied to some
Measurement units are functors, they map numbers to
measurements, the functor maps also the operations that we want
to apply to measurements, to operations on the numbers. This is
a first example of the principle of composing small components
to complex systems.
Scales of measurements arein the terminology of
programming languagestypes. Functors map between types.
They transform types, preserving the intentions, the semantics,
ortechnicallythe algebraic structure. These three words are

Figure 50: A surveyor observes a distance
and produces a measurement
Permanence 73
used here as synonyms. This is different from 'type cast'
operations, which change just the type and do not preserve the
algebraic structure, the intention (Stroustrup 1991).
The values must be represented. A formal language, for example
the language of decimal point numbers, produces distinct values,
but the representation and the type is not the same: one kind of
representation can be used to represent values that have different
semantics and allow different operations. In many currently used
programming languages, type and representation is incorrectly
For example, the representations of soil observations are
made on a scale of sand, gravel, podsol, etc. These nominal
values may be represented with numbers, but this does not imply
that numerical calculations make sense. It is not meaningful, to
sum such numbers, for example calculations that the average
between podsol and sand is gravel are utter nonsense!
Observations presuppose that we observe something distinct. We
will call these things 'entities'. Anything for which we assume a
distinct existence and durability in time is an entity. Entities can
be observed.
The result of an observation is a value selected from a
collection of values. For example, observations of color are
sometimes selected from the set of values red, yellow, blue,
etc. or the observation of todays temperature in degrees Celsius
results in the value 13, a distinct value of type integer, that is,
from the set of values 0, 1, 2 , etc. Some people describe the
temperature more precisely as 13.5 deg C, a value from floating
point numbers, which are the approximations used in a computer
to represent real numbers.
The set of values from which an observation selects one is a type
(Cardelli 1997). Different observations of the same kind all
result in values of the same typebut distinct values. The
temperature yesterday was perhaps only 10 degrees Celsius
another value of type integer. The distinction of types makes it
Soil types:
sand = 1,
gravel = 2,
podsol = 3,
An entity is anything conceptualized
as having a distinct
existence(Zehnder 1998).
An observation connects an entity
with a measurement value.
Permanence 74
possible to guard against nonsense operations, like the one
shown in Figure 51.
Measurements are not just representations, because
representations alone would not be typed. Representations alone
do not have an algebraic structure. Measurements are typed and
must be treated as such. A typed formalization allows automatic
type checking of all formulae; this increases our confidence in
the formalizationmany common mistakes in human reasoning
are discovered by type checking. Type checking in a formal
language is very similar to the checking of dimensions for
formulae in physics. Most students of Physics classes learn to
control their formulae by checking that they are correct for the
dimensions. Multiply 3 m by the number 3, gives 9 m (3 m * 3 =
9 m), or we divide 5 m by 2.5 m and obtain 2 (not 2 m!).
s = v * t, where
v velocity in m/sec
t time in sec
s distance in m
[s] = [v * t] = [v] * [t] -> m = m/sec * sec
Such formulae, connecting measurements of one type with
measurements of another type are the fabric that makes an
information system! They are expressions of the semantics of the
corresponding measurement types.
Conversions of measurements between units are not changes
in types (the same operations apply to the length measured in m
or in feet); it is only a conversion of the numerical values that
represent the multiplicity of the unit to achieve the desired value.

Figure 51: The description of New Cuyama, California (Mike Goodchild
holding, picture by Helen Couclelis)
Measurements are typed
representations, which is a
representation and an algebraic
Types represent an important part of
the structure of reality (Asperti and
Longo 1991).
Permanence 75
Measurements are expressed on scales appropriate for the
observation and preserving important structures that we assume
to exist in reality. But most of the time we forget the specific
algebraic properties of the measurements and operate with them
as if they were just ordinary numbers without the special
properties of measurements. This custom to calculate with the
numeric values of measurements is most often justified
(examples above and in fig. xx show the exceptions) because the
algebraic structure of the measurement scale and the numbers are
the same. We can see the measurements scales as functors that
construct new algebraic systems from the given number systems.
Given two categories A and B and two objects A1 and A2 in A
(these objects are domains and codomains for the functions in A)
then a functor from A to B consists of functions
F :: obj A -> obj B (i.e. it maps an function in A to a function in B),
and for each pair of objects A1, A2 of A, with
g :: A1 -> A2, F (g) :: F (A1) -> F (A2),
F (id) = id,
F (k.l) = F (k) . F (l) (when k :: A2 -> A3 and l :: A1 -> A2) (Walters 1991 p. 93)
A functor maps the operations with their axioms, but also
maps units to units.
Example: Take a stack of integers with the operations
emptyStack to construct an empty stack and push, to push an
element on a stack, and pop, to take the top element from the
stack. We can apply an operation s : N
-> R, which calculates
for each integer the square root (which is a real) to a stack of N+.
by pointwise application. The function s is a morphism,
preserving order and also a group morphism for multiplication
(sqrt (a * b) = sqrt a * sqrt b).
The functor Stack :: Sets -> Sets takes elements of a domain
stack of X to construct a domain stack of Y. The functor Stack
maps an empty stack to an empty stack (unit is mapped to unit)
and Stack (f) is the function that applies f pointwise to all
elements in the stack.
Physical dimension are different
types but not different measurement
"many constructions of a new
algebraic system from a given one
also construct suitable morphism of
the new algebraic system from
morphism between the given ones.
These constructions will be called
'functors' when they preserve identity
morphism and compositive
morphism."{MacLane, 1967 #2727,
p. 131}.
Pointwise application of a function:
Apply the function to each element.

Figure 52: Stack of Nat is mapped to Stack
of Real

Permanence 76
We will see that dimensioned measurements are type,
constructed by a functor. We will use the name of the
measurement unit for these functors (e.g., meter). The functor
meter takes a (typically numeric) domain and constructs the
domain of 'length measurements', e.g., real numbers -> length in
real numbers (i.e., R -> Length R); the same functor meter takes
a function add:: R x R -> R, such that meter (add) :: Length R ->
Length R and the diagram in Figure 53 commutes.
Different observations result in very different kinds of values:
the determination whether a student passes a course is a Boolean
value (True or False), the grade is on a scale A, B, C, D, and F,
todays temperature is 13 deg C and my height is 182 cm.
Stevens (1946) identified differences in the way measurements
must be treated; he called them levels of measurement, but I
prefer the more current term measurement scales. In our
terminology, a measurement scale is an algebra, which defines
what operations can be applied. The operations applicable
determine then, what statistical operations are possible, because
statistical operations need some base operations.
Traditionally four measurement scales are differentiated and
correspond to algebraic structures that are well-known (Stevens
Nominal -> equality
Ordinal -> order
Interval -> 1D affine space
Ratio -> field
Arguments to consider absolute, logarithmic scale, count, and
cyclic scale as measurement scales have been published
(Chrisman 1975; Frank 1994; Fonseca, Egenhofer et al. 2002)
Measurement scales are today mostly discussed in
cartography and statistics. In cartography they help to select an
appropriate graphical representation for a set of observations: the
graphical properties of the representation must correspond to the
properties of the value scale of the observation (Chrisman 1997
p. 13). The graphical representations must have the same
algebraic structure and the transformation from an internal
representation to a graphical representation must preserve the
algebraic structure (Bertin 1977). Transformations of
measurement scales should be functors. Increasingly other

Figure 53: Functor meter
Categories generalize algebras;
Functors generalize morphism.
Permanence 77
applications find the concept of measurement scales useful (e.g.,
a discussion of software metric.
The least structured measurement scale is a nominal scale: the
result of an observation is a value, of which we can only say if it
is the same or different from another one. Examples:
Soi l t ypes: gr avel , sand, podsol , et c.
Land use cl asses: agr i cul t ur al , r esi dent i al , f or est
Names of peopl e: Pet er , Fr i t z, J ohn ( names i n gener al )
A special case of a nominal scale are the two truth values True
and False encountered before.
The algebraic structure is the algebra of equality. The algebra of
equality has two binary operations, namely a test for equality and
a test for not-equality that result in a Boolean value, and a single
axiom, which says that not equal is the same as not-equality. The
equality relation (for details about relations see later ) must be
transitive, symmetric, and reflexive:
inverse not (=) = /=
transitivity (a==b) && (b==c) => a == c
commutative (a==b) => (b==a)
reflexive (a==a).
Observation can result in values that are ordered; one can tell if a
value is more or less than another value, but not how much more.
Examples: Size of T-shirts: Small, Medium, Large, Xlarge.
Grades in School: A, B, C, D, and F. In each case, we know that
Large < Xlarge or A > C, etc.
On an ordinal scale, one can compare two values and
determine which one is bigger, but it is not possible to say
whether the difference between two values is the same than the
difference between two other values. It is true that an A is the
better grade than a B, but to state that the difference between an
A and a B grade is the same than the difference between B and C
is for most tests nonsense.
Values on the ordinal scale are supporting the operations of the
nominal scale, that is, we can differentiate two values. Order is
imposed on a collection of values by a relation (<=) that is
Permanence 78
transitive, anti-symmetric, reflexive (compare: equality is
transitive, symmetric, and reflexive). Other operations are
derived and need not be defined individually.
Total Order
transitive (A <= B) and (B <= C) => A <= C
anti-symmetric (A <= B) and (B <= A) => A == B
reflexive (A <= A)
For ordinal scales, the maximum or the minimum value from
two arguments can be computed.
max (a,b) = if a > b then a else b
min (a,b) = if a < b then a else b
In bounded data typesand all data types representable in a
computer are boundedthe maximum value is the unit for min
and the minimum value is the unit for max!
max (minVal, a) = a
max (maxVal, a) = a
It is common to impose on nominal scales that are not ordinarily
orderedfor example, names of persons that are on an ordinal
scalean arbitrary ordering, typically called lexicographic
order. Assuming that the letters of the alphabetwhich by
themselves are also on a nominal, unordered scalecan be
arranged in an order, namely the order of the alphabet, one can
deduce an order relation between any two names. This is very
convenient and can speed up search procedures considerably.
Imagine searching for a name in a telephone directory that was
not arranged in alphabetical order! The same principle can be
applied to many other values that do not have a natural order.
These are tricks to improve performance and do not correspond
to an order in reality! From the fact that Frank is ordered
before Heinrich one must not conclude anything about the
properties of the two families (Figure 54).
Beware of different alphabets and orders for different languages.
Austria adds the Umlaut , , and at the end of the alphabet
(Swiss translate them as Ae, Oe, and Ue and orders them at the
corresponding place). A Spaniard considers order A, B, L,
LL, M, N, , O, P, Q, R, RR etc. Figure 54: Two families
Permanence 79
The interval scale is the scale represented with numbers, which
are ordered, and for which the computation of a difference is
meaningful. On the interval scale, no absolute zero is defined
(Figure 55). The most common examples are temperatures
expressed on conventional scales (Centigrade or Fahrenheit).
One can calculate differences: the difference between days with
20 and 25 deg C is the same as the difference between 10 and 15
deg C. The difference of 5 deg is not the same as a day with 5
deg C temperature. The value of a difference is expressed on a
ratio scale (next section) and the operation difference has an
Mathematically, an interval scale is a one dimensional affine
space, where we have the numbers of the interval scale I and real
numbers R and the operations diff and plus that map from the
interval scale to the real numbers (MacLane and Birkhoff 1967a
p. 564):
diff (a,b) = r => plus (a,r) = b
diff (a,a) = 0, plus (a, 0) = a
plus ( plus (a,r), p)) = plus (a, r + p)
This is the foundation for statistical operations with interval data:
we take the difference to some arbitrary base (for example the
value zero) and then compute with these ratio values as usual.
The result of the average must then be added to the base. For
example the arbitrary zero of the scale, which does not change
the numeric value, but the type, it converts the ration type in
which differences are expressed back into the interval type.
If there is an absolute zerodetermined by properties of the
phenomenon, not an arbitrary selected point like the freezing of
water for 0 deg C, then we have a ratio scale. On a ratio scale, it
is possible, to compare two values and say that $20 are twice as
much as $10, which would be nonsensical for interval scales: a
day with 15 deg C noon temperature is not half as warm as a day
with 30 deg C at noon! For the temperature scale, 0 deg Kelvin is
an absolute zero. Length is measured on a ratio scalethe zero
is the distance from a point to itselfbut measurements for the
length may differ when users use different measurement units:
the 0 is fixed on the scale, but not the 1. For example, a sheet of
A4 size is 210 mm or 8.27 inches (Figure 56).

Figure 55: Different zero's
Permanence 80
the results of measurements expressed on the ratio scale
expresses lead to a the algebraic structure "field", with the
operations + and * ; inverses for both; and a defined zero and
one as units for the two operations. Fields are a special case of
rings, which are introduced first:
Ordinary calculations we carry out in daily life with integers,
(approximations) to real numbers or with fractions are assuming
more algebraic structure than just a group (see 022). They form a
ring, with 2 operations (+, *) and each with a unit (zero and one,
for + and *, respectively). A ring has for both the operations the
structure of a group, with units zero for + and for * one. The two
operations are connected by the axiom about distributivity.
Ring <R; +,*, 0> Abelian group for <R,+,0>
associative a* (b * c) = (a * b) * c
distributive a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c
A ring may have an identity for the multiplication, usually
denoted by 1:
identity 1 * a = a * 1 = a,
and it may be commutative
a * b = b * a.
An integral domain is a commutative ring with multiplicative
identity that satisfies the cancellation law (Gill 1976 p.288-289):
a * b = a * c => b = c
b * a = c * a => b = c
A ring which satisfies the cancelation law has no divisors of
zero, that is, it has no non-zero elements a and b such that a* b =
A field is a ring with an inverse for the multiplication with a
corresponding axiom.
b * (a/b) = a for b/=0
The real numbers form a field, but we always use finite
approximations, for example the ordinary floating point numbers
or the corresponding computer approximations. Rational
numbers (fractions) are another example for a field.
Besides the four classical scales, there are results of observations
of other types.

Figure 56: Measuring with meter and feet
Permanence 81
For probability, measured on a scale 0 to 1 not only the 0 is
fixed, but also the 1. There are no transformations possible and
10.2 COUNT
Counting results in positive integers. There is a zero and there is
a onewhich makes it an absolute scale expressed in integers,
but the ratio between two counts is expressed as a fraction
(which forms a field). The difference between two counts is
again a count,in this, counts differ from interval scales, but the
ratio of two counts is not a countwhich shows a difference to
the ratio scale.
There is a conceptual difficulty with statistics, if we expect
that the average is expressed on the same value scale as the
original observations. Take the example of number of persons
per car: The values are expressed as positive integers, but the
average will be a figure like 1.3 persons/carwhich is expressed
as a real. This is ok, as the value is not persons, but persons per
cara different type than persons.
The results of observations of regularly repeated properties: the
measure of an angle, the time of day or the date in a year. It is
difficult to say if 9 a.m. is before or after midnight, 9 hours after
midnight comes 9 a.m., but 15 hours after 9 a.m. comes
midnight. It is before and after and therefore order as defined for
a linear scale is meaningless. It is convention to say that 9.a.m. is
after midnight and 11 p.m. is before midnight, because 9 a.m. is
closer to the midnight before, whereas 11 p.m. is closer to the
midnight afterwards. The same problem arises for angles and
other cyclic measurements (Frank 1994).
This is an example for the problem where we have multiple
representations for the same value: the angle expressed as 20
deg, 380 deg, 740 deg, etc. are all the same. On the regular 12
hour dial, 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. (21 h) are the same. To make
processing simpler, we select one preferred representation for
each value, among the many, and call this canonical

Figure 57: Time Measurements on Cyclic
Permanence 82
The discussion of Image and Kernel (see 022) can be applied
here. The reduction of a very large set of values H to a smaller
(canonical) one G can be seen as a morphism : G -> H. In our
example, G is the real number line and H is the interval of
(0..2); the image of G is all of H (Figure 58).
The morphism arcus collaps the real numbers to the interval
[0..2]. In our example, the mapping from the real numbers to
the canonical values for angles maps all values n * 2 to 0,
which is the unit.
Measurements describe the quantity or intensity of some
properties at a given point in comparison with a standard
quantity (this corresponds to a representationalism position
(Michell 1993) [michell 1993 quoted in chrisman]. The same
observation process yields different values if applied at different
points in time or space. The observed measurements are in some
relations to the intensity of the property at that point. To make
results of observations comparable, standard values, with which
the observed values are compared, are selected. Well-known is
the former meter standard, defined as the distance between two
marks on a physical object manufactured from precious metal
(Platinum) and kept in Paris. It is superseded today by a new
definition, which links to a physical process that can be
reproduced in any location to the length. The current definition is
stating that a meter is the 1/299 792 458 part of the distance light
travels in the vacuum in a second (Kahmen 1993). The reference
point for the C scale of temperature is the temperature of
melting ice and the reference point for 100 C is the temperature
of boiling water.
The combination of a measurement unit with an observation
value can be seen as a mapping between two types, namely from
numbers to measurements. The value 3.2 is mapped to 3.2 m
Canonical representation is the
selection of one element of an
equivalence class to represent the

Figure 58: Mapping the real numbers to
Measurement = unit * value

Figure 59: Figure standard rod used to measure
Permanence 83
before we said, that 3.2 is multiplied with the unit 1 m, which is
the rule for the mapping. The measurement unit can be seen as a
functor, which converts a number in an element of domain with a
dimension and unit.
3 * (3.2 m) = (3 * 3.2) m
Observation systems are calibrated by comparing their results
with the standard. The raw measurement results are then
converted with some formulae to yield a measurement value,
expressed as a quantity times a unit, 3 m, 517 days or 21 C.
Different observation processes that measure the same physical
dimension (e.g., length, time) can be brought to a common base.
The selection of base units is extremely important, but also
arbitrary. People use appropriate units, based on the cultural
environment and such that the numerical values are in a
reasonable range: we use mm for table-top items, meters for
apartments and gardens, km for geography, etc. Conversions are
necessary during input and output of values, because a single
internal computations in floating point numbers is sufficient and
only a difference in the exponent results from different units (3.5
* 10**3 m = 3.5 * 10**6 mm).
The Systeme International d'Unites (SI) is founded on seven
SI base units for seven base quantities assumed to be mutually
independent (Table 1) and superseded the cgs-system
(centimeter-kilogram-second). For example, the unit of gravity
in the cgs-system was Gal, named after Galilei (1 Gal = 1 cm s
), newer books refer to the SI unit (m s
USA and some English speaking countries use traditional
units like feet and pounds. Additional confusion can result from
different definitions for different countries: imperial (English)
and U.S. definitions, sometimes with regional variants for
surveyors. Units may also differ, depending what is measured:
fluid ounces and troy ounces (for gold) are different. A rumor
has it that the loss of the probe to the Marsan important and
very costly NASA space exploration missionis said to be due
to passing a value from one program to another where the one
assumed SI units (i.e., meters) and the other assumed traditional
units (i.e., feet) for the height above ground.

Figure 60: Measurement is a functor
Table 1 : SI units

The mutually independent SI base
meter (length) m
kilogram (mass) kg
second (time) s
ampere (electric current) A
Kelvin (thermodynamic temperature)
mole (amount of substance) mol
candela (luminous intensity) cd
Permanence 84
Theoretically the conversion of one measurement unit to another
is usually a linear formula, like the conversion of inch to mm
(multiply by 27.9) or C to F. The general case is the conversion
between two measurement scales on interval scales, where the
units and the zero point are different. This is, as we will see later
(see xx), an affine transformation in one dimensional space.
Example: The conversion between deg C and deg F. The
definition of the Fahrenheits scale is: zero Fahrenheit is the
freezing point of alcohol (32 deg C) and 100 deg Fahrenheit is
the temperature of the human body (37.78 deg C).

In general, a one dimensional affine transformation is
determined by two parameters, such that (MacLane and Birkhoff
1967a p. 561):

The mathematical operations applicable to the numerical values
representing measurements on the ratio scale are those of a field,
which are the ordinary arithmetic operations generally used.
Measurements do not allow all of these operations when
carefully considering their types. Measurements can be added
and subtracted and multiplied or divided by a scalar value (i.e. a
real number with no measurement type). Other combinations,
e.g. the multiplication of two measurements give as a result
another measurement type. Consider the multiplication of two
length values resulting in an area value, not a length.
Measurements <M, S, +, -, 0, 1, *, 0m, 1m, />
Scalar Multiplication s1 * m + s2 * m = (s1 + s2) * m
m / s = 1/s * s
Measurements are functors, which map the real numbers to
measurements, such that these operations map from reals to the
measurements and other operations correspondingly but
respecting the changes in the units.

Figure 61: Two scales for temperature
Conversion is not a change of type
Permanence 85
Measurement instruments observe some easy to detect
quantityfor example, an electric currentwhich is in some
direct relationship with the quantity of intereste.g., the amount
of light. The instrument then includes an analog or discrete
computation to compute the value of interest. Such computations
are possible because measurements are derived with a functor
from numbers.
Users are interested in derived values, ultimately for decision
making in the value or utility of a situation, which link many
observations in a formula, which links to other formula, till it
ultimately includes observed values.
In a system where different dimensions are different types,
the multiplication of two length values give a value of area,
which is a different type. Addition and subtraction make only
sense if the two values have the same dimension: one can add 3
meters plus 4 meters, but not add 3 meters to 4 square meters
(Figure 51).
For example, the computation of an area results from
observation of two length measurements. The area is the product
of the two lengths. Operations are restricted to meaningful
combinations of values. Dividing 3 meters by 2 seconds gives
1.5 meter/sec, dividing 6 meters by 1.5 meters gives 4 (without a
ar ea : : Lengt h - > Lengt h - > Ar ea
This approach requires the definition of suitable types and
coding of the standard formulae and will guard programmers
against confusion between units and dimensions. It would be
interesting to see, what measurement types are useful in a GIS
most likely not really a large variety: length, mass, area, volume,
speed, momentum, etc.
All observations are imperfect realizations and imply error. This
is in the limit a fundamental consequence of Heisenberg's
uncertainty principle, but most practical observations are far
removed in precision from the fundamental limits.
Measurements better than 1 part in a million are generally
difficult. Distance measurements with an error of less than 1 mm
per kilometer are very demanding, few centimeters per kilometer
are standard performance of surveyors today. The best
Permanence 86
observations are for time intervals, where 10**-15 is achieved,
but the theoretical limit would be 10**-23.
Parts of the error of real observations are the result of
random effects and can be modeled statistically. Surveyors
report measured coordinates often with the associated standard
deviation, which representswith some reasonable
assumptionan interval with 60% chance to contain the true
value. Errors propagate through the computation. The Gaussian
law of error propagation approximates the propagation of
random error; it says that the error propagates with the first
derivation of the function of interest. Given a value a = f (b,c)
and random errors for b and c estimated as e.b and e.c (standard
deviations), then the error on a is following Gauss:
e.a = sqrt( (df/db*e.)b**2 + (df/dc * e.c)**2).
In this book, errors are not in the focus and all quantities are
assumed to be 'perfect' knowledge (see chapter 2)
Measurement scales determine what operations are possible with
the values; they determine, among other things, what statistical
operations are appropriate. Unfortunately, it is customary to
express values on a nominal or ordinal scale with integers or
realsand it is then technically feasible to calculate with values
that do not have the semantic properties for these calculations.
There are numerous examples for abuse of ordered scales,
representing them with numerical values and then compute
averages. Common is the computation of average grades in
school. Grades are expressed on an ordinal scale; a difference
between two grades is not a defined quantity. I do not believe
that the difference in knowledge of a student between a grade of
A and B and the difference between grade B and C is the same
but this is assumed to calculate the average. As long as we are
conscious that this is a method we use because we do not have a
better solution to arrive at a fair and equitable determination of
final grades in a class where multiple exams where taken.
Measurements describe observation of a physical dimension;
different physical dimensions are different types and cannot be
mixed, the logic of a typed language helps to avoid nonsensical
operations as adding a date and a length. Internally all
Permanence 87
measurements of one physical dimension can be expressed with
the same units, conversions are necessary for input and output.
Measurements are expressed on scales of measurements,
which each represent an algebra which determines what
operations are possible with measurements of this kind.
Many observations represent physical quantities at a given
location. This we call point properties. Other observations give
summary properties for objects; they are most often integrals of
point properties over the area of the object.
What is wrong with the panel in fig x? Would a type language
discover the problem (e.g., Pascal)?
What is a canonical representation? Why is it important? Give
a practical example from real life.
Define Group, Ring, Field. Give axioms.
What are scales of measurements? What are the classical
measurement scales?
Explain the concept of Functor? How is it applied to
measurements? What are the functors?
What is a partial order? Give an example.

Position in space and time are fundamental for a GIS. They
allow connecting other observations to locations in space and
time. Measurements of length and duration determine relations
between points.
But not for all applications of GIS these metric properties of
space are crucial and other aspects are more important. For
example, to determine a path in a network, connections between
the nodes are important. A GIS must connect different
conceptualizations of space and allow an integrated analysis of
facts related to them (Couclelis and Gale 1986; Frank and Mark
1991; Mark and Frank 1991).
This part is the first part discussing geometry. It starts with
the approach by Felix Klein (Klein 1872), defining the object of
study in geometry as properties that are invariant under a group
of transformations. Different aspects of space lead to different
conceptualizations of geometry and geometric properties. This
approach differentiates geometries as groups of transformations.
It discusses the theory for different types of geometries, which
have different approaches to discretization and abstraction of
continuous space and shows the transformations and invariants
in each. It is not separating geometry by dimension but tries to
achieve a dimension independent solution.
Quantitative approaches in geography are often based on
transformations of space, such that certain relations are
expressed more directly(Tobler 1961). For example, the map of a
city is transformed such that distance on the map directly
represents travel time to the center (fig. xx).
Geometry in gymnasium typically deals with geometric
constructions: geometric elements situated in space gives
structure to space and allow operations, which result in other
geometric elements. This is one of two classical viewpoints of
space: space consists of spatial elements and the properties of
space are the result of the properties of the spatial elements.
Geometry: properties that remain
invariant under a group of
Most of the properties of spatial elements depend on the metric
defined for the space and are expressed on an absolute scale,
using real numbers; they are metric properties.

The first chapter in this part gives methods to separate
different types of geometries; it concentrates on what remains
invariant under transformation. Each 'geometry' defined by
properties invariant under a transformation, defines one of the
different ways we conceive space and time.
The second chapter concentrates on observation of duration
and time points. The third chapter then introduces coordinates to
represent points in space in a computerized information system.
The last chapter of the part covers transformations of coordinate
space. The part reaches some unification of different aspects of
transformations of space and time into a single mathematical
The material here is often included in textbooks about
geometric computer vision (Faugeras 1993)[ Hartley and
zisserman] and modern treatment of photogrammetry (Frstner
and Winter 1995).

Produce values to describe points in

Applications field have different models of geographic space and
time. A GIS must be capable of integrating them in a single
formal system. The chapter lists the problems encountered when
representing information about space, time and objects in space-
time. It gives a partial answer to one of the fundamental question
of GIScience, namely What is special about space? (Egenhofer
1993). these ontological issues justify what the GIS Theory must
achieve: integration of different aspects of space and a uniform
treatment of different representations of space. The questions,
which should be answered here for each different concept of
space, are:
Why are there multiple representations?
What are the transformations?
What are the invariants?
What are the operations necessary?
A discussion of time follows in the next chapter.
As an application we may consider the value a tax assessor
appraises a property: he considers the area and the frontage of
the parcel and weights the value by the distance to the city
center. This uses three different 'spaces': an areal and a linear
space in which the property is evaluated and a model of
valuation with a decay from a center (Abler, Adams et al. 1971).
The discovery of other than the the ordinary ("god given"
(Kant 1877 (1966))) geometry of Euclid in the late 17
where frightening. Gauss was not willing to publish this insight
[ref where?]. Non-euclidean geometries were discovered in an
effort to proof the independence of Euclids fifth axiom about
parallel lines.
Euclid stated five axioms with which geometry (at least the
part constructed with ruler and compass) can be explained
logically: all observed properties of geometric figures follow
from these axioms (Heath 1981b). The properties of space and
geometry seem to be captured in these axioms and not limited to
measurements and numbers!
Line intersection p of two lines given
by 4 points:
p = (a x b) x (c x d)
master all v13a.doc 91
"Let the following be postulated:
I. To draw a straight line from any point to any point.
II. To produce a finite straight line continuously in a straight
III. To describe a circle with any center and distance.
IV. That all right angles are equal to one another
V. That, if a straight line falling on two straight lines makes the
interior angles on the same side less than two right angles, the
two straight lines, if produced infedinitely, meet on that side on
which are the angles less than the two right angles." (Blumenthal
1986 p. 2)
Lobachevsky demonstrated that a logical system with a
negation of the fifth axiom does not lead to a contradiction,
which would have shown its dependence from the other four
axioms, but produced a new logical system, a geometry with
axioms different from the ones given by Euclide. One of these
non-Euclidean geometries, namely projective geometry, in which
all lines intersect, will be used in chapter xx to find a single
formula to compute line intersections and avoid the ordinary
Euclidean computations that exclude parallel lines.
The discovery of non-Euclidean geometries lead Einstein to
the formulation of relativity theory. Fortunately, geography deals
with objects and spaces that are limited to the earth and we are
not concerned with very large distances and, correspondingly,
very high velocities. For the purposes of geography, not however
for geodesy, Euclidean geometry is sufficient and relativistic
effects are not relevant. The Lorentz-Transformations (Figure
63) reduce for all movements that are slow in comparison with
the speed of light to the ordinary Galilean-Transformations.
The power of abstract geometry, allows many kinds of
geometric objects that cannot exist in reality (Galton 2000)(fig
menger p.502). The art of modeling geometry in GIS is to find

Figure 62: Euclid's fifth axiom: P is on the
side where the angles are less then two
right angles

Figure 63Transformations of space
master all v13a.doc 92
subsets of geometries that cover the cases that are possible
within the physical objects and our experiential abilities of our
senses and to combine them to cover all necessary situations.
Space and time is fundamental for biological lifeall people and
animals are physical bodies that occupy space and move around
in space (Couclelis and Gale 1986). Space is also fundamental
for human cognition. Our daily experience with space and in
space shapes our theoretical understanding of space and time
(Lakoff and Johnson 1999). This understanding is formalized as
geometry [lakoff and nunes] and needs implementation in a
computer system that deals with spatial information.
Experience with space varies depending on the goals we
pursue: we may walk in space moving from one point to another
one, we may till the land for agriculture, and we may construct
dwellings. But space is also involved when we draw a picture on
paper, when we arrange the tools on our workbench etc.
(Couclelis 1992).
Couclelis and Gale have discussed the different aspects of
space and time: the concept of space used in mechanics, where
motion can be reversed, is different from the one used in
biology, where dissipation of heat is important and change
cannot be reversed (Couclelis and Gale 1986). In human
cognition, space is differentiated by the size of the space and
how it is apprehended; space with 2 or 3 dimension and time can
be merged in a 3 or 4 dimensional physical or mathematical
continuum. Human experience with these dimensions is very
different, time cannot usually be replaced by space and even in
space, and the vertical direction is more salient than front-back
or left-right. This motivates different conceptualizations, which
are each optimized for some applications. It is thus necessary for
a GIS, to provide a uniform frame in which these particular
geometric viewpoints can be integrated.
"Figurative space is smaller than the body, its properties
may be perceived from one place without locomotion".
"Vista space is larger than the body and can be visually
apprehended from a single place without locomotion".
"Environmental space is larger then the body and surrounds
it." It cannot be apprehended directly without considerable
master all v13a.doc 93
locomotion" and requires "the integration of information over
"Geographical space is much larger than the body and cannot
be apprehended directly through locomotion; ..., it must be
learned via symbolic representations." (Montello 1993 p.
For physical analysis, motion in space assumes continuous
time and continuous space and is itself continuous. Again,
human conscious thinking about motion and change reduces
these continua to discrete entities, which are represented in the
cognitive system (Figure 64), (Galton 2000 p. 321);(Kuipers
The representation of continuous time and space in a discrete
form is fundamental to human reasoning with spaceand it
seems that each approach captures some important features for
one class of activities leaving out others that are less important
for this application. Integrating these different concepts in a
unified frame is the goal for GIS theory.
The ways people treat different spatial experiences are not
important here, but they motivate the different discretizations
people use for the continuous space and time. Different
discretizations are essentially different theories of space,
different geometries so to speak: the geometry of graphs is
motivated by the network of streets (Figure 64), ordinary
Euclidean geometry by the movement of rigid objects in space
(Figure 65,).
Space, like time, can be observed at different levels of detail. We
select the appropriate level for the task at hand and observe more
precisely, when more detail is necessary (Timpf, Volta et al.
1992; Timpf and Frank 1997; Timpf 1998). There is always
more detail possible: from a map 1:1 Mio, we can go to a map
1:200,000 and then to 1:50,000, etc. But this does not end with
maps 1:50; maps of 1:1 are possible (Caroll 1893; Borges 1997)
and even a map 10:1 can be drawnthere is detail in space to be
shown, even if we cannot see it with our eyes directly.
The same applies to time: finer resolution is always possible.
Actions are composed of smaller and smaller detail; very often
we are not aware of the finer level of temporal resolution
because the activities at this level of detail are not visible to us

Figure 64: Graph representing the Street
Network around TU Wien

Figure 65: Euclidean geometry of solid
master all v13a.doc 94
and are of no interest in normal circumstances. Molecules move
slowly in an arbitrary movement, the speed of which is
proportional to the temperature of a substancewe are satisfied
with the temperature reading and are not interested in the
Brownian motion.
Scale was defined above as a numerical factor, obtained from
dividing the distance in a map by the corresponding distance in
reality. This concept of scale is of little use in computer
representations, where points are represented typically by their
(real world) coordinates; scale is only necessary when existing
maps are digitized or data is visualized as maps.
The map scale implies also how much detail from reality is
selected and represented on the map. Level of Detail describes
this better. The physical world in space and time can be observed
at (practically) unlimited level of detail. There are atomistic
limits, but these are not relevant for a discussion of geography
geographic objects are always many orders of magnitude larger
than the smallest particle that we consider as undividable
Continuity avails more detail as we increase the resolution. This
leads to a question for measurement: at what level of detail is
the correct observation? Richardson (Mandelbrot 1977) has
observed that measuring the length of a coastline depends on the
level of detail with which one measures: measure the length of a
line with a compass set to a fixed length and count how often
this unit is in the line (Figure 65). If you repeat the experiment
with a smaller unit distance, the total length of the line becomes
longer and longer (Figure 66). The length of the line depends on
the level of detail it is measured (Buttenfield 1984; 1989). For
artificially constructed lines, the increase in length is a function
of the reduction of the unit with which one measures. The ratio
log length / log unit is called the fractal dimension of a line; a
straight line has dimension 1, a line with fractal dimension 2
fills all of space. Figure 68 shows a construction of a fractal line
with fractal dimension 4/3. Fractal dimension can also be applied
to a surface; the surface in figure xx above has fractal dimension
xx). Mandelbrot has pointed out that fractal lines are self similar,
each part has the same form as the whole (Mandelbrot 1977)
Scale: ratio between distance on map
and distance in reality.

Figure 66: A coastline measured with
yardstick of 2 units

Figure 67: Coastline measured with
yardstick of 1 unit
master all v13a.doc 95
The infinite amount of detail leads to multiple representation of
the same reality, at different scales and with different intentions
(Buttenfield and Delotto 1989; Gnther 1989; Frank and Timpf
1994; Timpf and Devogele 1997). A town can be shown as a
point, an area, a grid of major roads, a collection of buildings,
etc.(Figure 70). Some of these representations use different
types of geometries: for example a road can be seen as a volume
of building materials, an area (as a street parcel), or as a street
line connecting two intersections.
The description of the individual methods to treat specific
aspects of geometry is only the conceptual foundation (Timpf
1998). For real systems, we must be able to link different
representations together and use reasoning across representation
boundaries (Timpf, Volta et al. 1992).
Between objects in space and time many different relations can
exist. We can consider topological relations, like Ufenau is in the
lake of Zurich (figure xx) or the distance between Vienna and
Salzburg and compare it with other distances between cities.
There is a nearly infinite number of relations between objects in
space and a GIS cannot represent them all explicitly. A GIS with
10000 named places could have 50 million distance relations
between them. The often seen tables for distances between
villages work only for a small island like Elba.
It is important to identify those properties from which others
can be derived. Only the first need be explicitly stored, the others
are computed. For example, a GIS stores the location of places
as coordinate pairs and computes the distances.
Experience shows that relations that remain invariantthat
is which are not changing, when some other aspects changeare
useful to remember. Concentrating on properties that remain
valid despite other changes reduces the need for constant
keeping track of the relation or property. For example, the length
and width of a taxi cab remains the same, while the location of
the taxi is changing. It is economical to identify the key
properties from which others can be deduced.

Figure 68: Fractal dimension
Figure 69: Koch's snowflake. A line with
fractal dimension 4/3

Figure 70: A town at different levels of
master all v13a.doc 96
Invariance under a group of transformation can be used to
separate large and internally connected parts of geometry. We
follow here what is known as the "Erlanger program", suggested
by the mathematician Felix Klein (Klein 1872).
The use of objects is determined by what we can do with them
for example move them in spaceand what properties they keep
when moved. The properties that remain invariant in the
preferred geometry of an application are the properties that are
important for this application. The prototypical geometric objects
are small, movable, rigid bodies (Figure 71), which preserve
their geometry even when moved in figurative space.
Continuity of space is preserved even in objects that are not
rigid: continuity is preserved in garments, which do not have a
definite form, but can be folded to be put in the wardrobe and
then put on, hung an a hook, etc.(Figure 72). Continuity is
preserved in objects that are even more flexible, e.g., rubber
sheets and balloons, which can be deformed in many ways, but
always preserve continuity (Figure 73).
Klein has proposed (1872) to study as geometry properties that
remain invariant under a group of transformation. This abstract
viewpoint captures very practical aspects of objects. Rigid
objects like a sword, a cup or the triangles and rulers used for
geometric constructions (Figure 71) work only because they
preserve a set of propertiesa sword made from rubber does not
work in the intended way, nor does a ruler. Garments made from
rigid materials like tin foil are an interesting idea for a show of
Haute Couture, but definitely not what we want to use everyday!
It is essential for garments to be flexible, but preserve continuity
(Figure 72). The same for a balloonif it is punctured and
bursts, it is not a balloon anymore.
Klein required that the transformations considered form a
group (see 205), meaning that there must be a unit
transformation, an inverse to each transformation and
transformations can be composed. These group properties are
important for the concept of a spatial transformationif a
transformation cannot be undone by its inverse or if there is no

Figure 71: Different solid objects

Figure 72: Different forms, but the same

Figure 73: A balloon changes its form
master all v13a.doc 97
option of doing nothing, then it seems not to be a geometry.
These requirements capture the fundamental properties of
abstract physical space, not the living space of animals and
plants, where movements cannot be completely undone as
energy is dissipated (Couclelis and Gale 1986).
Modern mathematics works towards unification: different
theories should be brought into a single context, connected to
work together and to be constructed on a common foundation.
This requires that common concepts are factored out. For
example, what are the common properties of different
geometries, what is the essence of geometry (Blumenthal and
Menger 1970). This is the same question as Egenhofer posed in
what is special about spatial? (Egenhofer 1993). A more
geographic but similar viewpoint is found in Abler, Adam and
Gould's work "Spatial Organization" (Abler, Adams et al. 1971).
A geometry is a group of mappings M of a space S onto
itself, where the geometry studies properties of a figure (a subset
of S) that are invariant under each transformation of the Group M
(Blumenthal and Menger 1970 p. 25-26). This definition is very
general and includes not only all what is usually studied under
the notion geometry, but also, for example, relativity theory,
which is the theory of the invariants of a four-dimensional
continuum (Minkowskis world) with respect to a given group of
collineations (the Lorentz group).
The geometrical essence of the definition of Klein is the
equivalence of transformed figures and the properties of these
equivalent figures. For example the three figures in Figure 74:
Object deformed are equivalent under topological
transformationstopology deals with the properties that they
have in common, that is which are invariant under the
transformations shown.
Blumenthal (Blumenthal and Menger 1970) defines a
geometry as
Factorisation and its use in ordinary
35 + 25 + 15 = 5 * 7 + 5 * 5 + 5 * 3
= 5 * (7 + 5 + 3) = 5 * 15 = 75

Figure 74: Object deformed
master all v13a.doc 98
A geometry G over a set is a system {, E}, where
E denotes an equivalence relation defined in the set of
all subsets (figures) of . The geometry {, E} studies
those properties of a figure F that the figure has in
common with all figures equivalent to F; these are the
invariant properties.
These transformations describe the movement of rigid objects.
They have various names: Euclidean[Hartley, p.38]or
congruence transformations They are transformations of space,
which preserve distances between the parts of the objectsthis
is the essence of rigidity. Rigid body motions can be separated in
translations and rotations.
9.1.1 Translation
Translations form a group of transformations (Figure 75). They
form a group because every translation has an inverse and there
is a zero translation, which does nothing. Translation leaves
distance invariant.
9.1.2 Rotation
Rotation (Figure 76) forms a group, with the rotation with angle
0 as zero and the inverse rotation is the rotation with the inverted
angle. Rotation leave distance invariant.
9.1.3 Congruence relations preserve angles
Translations and rotations leave distances unchanged and hence
necessarily also angles. We speak of metric properties when
discussing the preservation of distances and angles.
Translation leaves also invariant the azimuth, which is the
angle between a line connecting two points and one of the base
vectors of the space (see later xx). Rotation does not preserve
azimuth (Figure 78: Azimuth (positive turning)).
Isometries are all transformations which leave distances and
angles invariant. They are the Euclidean transformations (rigid
body motions) and the reflections. Reflections leave distances
invariant, but reverse the direction of angles.

Figure 75: Translation

Figure 76: Rotation

Figure 77: Congruence Transformation

Figure 78: Azimuth (positive turning)
master all v13a.doc 99
Scaling forms a group of transformations, with the unit
transformation is scaling with the value 1 and the inverse scaling
is scaling with the (multiplicative) inverse scale. This leaves
invariant azimuth and angles, but not distances. Areas are
multiplied with the square of the scale factor.
Transformations that leave the proportions of metric properties
the same; they consist of translations, rotations, and scale
changes. This is ordinary Euclidean geometry, where circles
remain circles.

Figure 80: Affine Transformation
A generalization of linear transformations leads to affine
transformations (Figure 80), which include translation, rotation,
and scale as special cases. They result from e.g. parallel
projection and transform parallel lines into parallel lines. They
preserve the ratio of length of parallel line segments. Affine
transformations can be seen as a composition of two different
scales on orthogonal axis and the areas are multiplied by the
product of the scale factors.

Figure 81perspective transformation
Projective transformations preserves collinearity (Figure 83) and
the cross ratio (Figure 82) (Stolfi 1991 p. 123). They are a
further generalization of affine transformations.

Figure 79: Scaling

master all v13a.doc 100

Figure 84: Puncture a balloon, glue an envelope shut and cut off a coupon
Continuous transformations are transformations that do not
allow puncturing, cutting, and gluing parts of objects together
(Figure 84). Closing the legs of a pair of pants by sewing them
shut is a practical joke, but make the pants non-functional.
Puncturing a hole in a cup renders it useless. Topological or
homoemorphic transformations preserve these important
properties of objects.

They are continuous transformations that preserve
neighborhoods (Figure 85) and exclude drastic changes in the
configuration, such as cuts, punctures, and gluing.
Such operations change the functionality of the object
fundamentally. Continuous
Map projections are a special case of transformations, namely
from the surface of a 3d sphere to a 2d plane. They leave
incidencespoints lying on a line remain on the linebut do
not preserve angles, distances, and azimuths all at once.
Geodesic lines are not always mapped to geodesic lines. Map
projections do not form a group of transformations and do not
define geometries in the sense of Klein's Erlanger Program.
There are various optimizations to preserve Gestalt, a concept
that can not be expressed so far in mathematical terms and many
subjectively optimal solutions exist; the resulting transformations
are in general not linear. A systematic treatment of cartographic
projections is not intended here (Bugayevskiy and Snyder 1995)
Many of the geometric constructionsespecially the classical
constructions of Euclidean geometry carried out through motions
of rigid bodies (compass, ruler)can be seen as translations,
rotations, etc. and the problems of classical geometry formulated
as transformations. These transformations have the properties of
a group (0, inverse) but are also a category (with composition .
and id=0 ). Transformations can be composed, similarly to the

Figure 82: Cross ratio

Figure 83: Preservation of collinearity
Note: homomorphism and
homoemorphism are two distinct

Figure 85: Neighborhood
Topological transformations preserve
master all v13a.doc 101
composition of functions by .. This makes a transformation
based approach attractive, because composition of ordinary
geometric constructions with compass and ruler is difficult to
describe. This will be the topic of part xx where the general form
of linear transformations is developed.
Geometry as transformation relates directly to the treatment
of geometry in computers when point positions are represented
with coordinates, and where transformations are expressed as
linear transformations, that is, matrices with the ordinary
operations of linear algebra. It is possible to classify
transformation matrices according to the transformation they
produce (see xxx) and the properties they have. This will be done
at the end of this part.
The space is continuous and contains infinite amount of
detail; our conceptualization and representation picks out aspects
that are relevant for some application; different applications pick
different aspects. It is not possible to construct a single
representation that suits all application areas, but we demand that
data and operations from different application areas can be

Figure 86: Different Transformations and what they leave invariant
master all v13a.doc 102
integrated. The question is hence to find a most general set of
operations that is applicable to many representations. The next
chapters will introduce a very general, mathematically well-
structured concept of space, namely space as an infinite
collection of points.
List 3 special problems with representing spatial situations.
Where does the impossibility to represent continuous space
practically show? Give example form real life and from
information system.
What is the Lorentz Transformation? Why is it not very
relevant for GIS?
Explain the difference between physical and biological time.
How was non-Euclidean geometry discovered?
How many degrees of freedom has a projective
transformation? How many a congruence transformation?
Demonstrate that affine transformations form a group.

master all v13a.doc 103
Time is a fundamental dimension of reality: people and all other
things exist and evolve in time. Support to manage temporal
aspects is usually not included in GIS. A GIS that includes time
needs a reference system to describe points in time, not only
duration as measurements (chapter xx). This chapter deals with
the conventional method of describing time points and how we
convert time as duration, which we can measure, to time points,
which we cannot measure. It gives the operations applicable for
time points and discusses the difficulties of converting time
observed in different reference frames. Time intervals are
introduced later (see part 6 xx)
Time observations and time points are covered before we
discuss observations and points in space. The one-dimensionality
of time makes it easier to discuss time and shows the issues with
more precision. There are more differences between time and
space than just the difference between 1 and 3 dimensions. Time
is fundamentally different from space: we can move freely in
space, but not in time; time is ordered and there is a special point
'now', which is constantly changing. There is also a conceptual
difference: time has a regular natural structure imposed,
through day and night; space hasat bestan irregular
structure, which we call geography.
An application for time and observations of time in GIS is
the collections of measurements of temperature during a day or
land registration (Al-Taha 1992).
Time and space are the fundamental dimensions of reality in
which people live. Without time no change, but life is change
hence without time no life (Couclelis and Gale 1986)!
Surprisingly, most GIS software today concentrates on the
management of spatial snapshots and ignore time (Frank 1998b).
They show the geographic reality as an immutable, unchanging
collection of facts. Printed maps focus on objects, which remain
unchanged for long periods of time; cartography does not deal
with change and this focus was inherited by GIS. Cartography
has only limited methods to represent change (Tufte 1997)[PhD.
master all v13a.doc 104
diss with monmonier; possibly something by ncgia babs?]; but
with electronic media, there is no need to concentrate on the
immutable part of reality. GIS could provide support for time
and changing situations. Aspects that change are of most interest
to humans: movement and change attracts attention; It is difficult
not to watch something moving within ones visual field. Change
in the socio-economic or the natural environment attracts the
politicians attention and we should make any effort possible, to
build GIS that can inform about change (Frank 1998c).
Efforts to introduce time into computing, in particular into
geographic data processing came late. Chrisman published early
(Langran and Chrisman 1988) and directed a Ph.D. thesis
(Langran 1989) on the subject. The original NCGIA research
plan (NCGIA 1989b) included Time as a special research focus
and organized an initial meeting in (Barrera, Frank et al. 1991)
and later a specialist meeting (Egenhofer and Golledge 1994). In
Europe a meeting was organized in the GISDATA series (Frank
1996). The Chorochronos project studied spatio-temporal
databases (Frank 2003; Sellis and Koubarakis 2003). The book
by Galton gives an AI perspective on time (Galton 2000).
Another recent book with Space and Time in its title is very
long on space and quite short on time (Peuquet 2002),
documenting that progress in understanding time in GIS is very
Time is experienced by humans in subjective, non-uniform
ways: sometimes time flies like an arrow, sometimes waiting
becomes unbearable and time progresses very slowly. Do You
remember how you were waiting for Christmas when you were a
child? We will concentrate here on the objective view of time
and assume an absolute time, which marches continuously and
uniformly from the past through the now to the future (Figure
We customarily use two metaphors to conceptualize time:
we (the now) is moving in time (Figure 88), or the time is
rushing past us and we are fixed looking towards the future
(Figure 89) there is no difference between the two for the
formal treatment. The third option: where the observer looks
towards the past and the future is approaching unseen from the
back (Figure 90) is customary for some American Indians; it

Figure 87: Time from Past to Future

Figure 88: March towards the future
Joke: Times flies like an arrow,
Fruit flies like bananas.
master all v13a.doc 105
seems more fitting with the facts: we know the past and do not
know the future.
We all are always at the same point in timethe now, and
can observe the world state at only this point. The now is the
same for all of us. This is different from space, where we can
move freely and observe at arbitrary points, where different
people see different locations (Franck to appear).
Time is a fundamental resource. Georg Franck has pointed
out that a persons time is the only resource that is fundamentally
scarce: every person has a lifetimejust one. An economic
assessment of the resource personal time leads to deep insights
in how we manage attention and helps to explain some of the
otherwise difficult to understand observations, of high payments
to celebrities and the economy of the media in general (Franck
Points in time are similar to points in spacethey are
dimensionless points, imbedded in the one-dimensional time
line. The time line is a single line, dense and continuous. This
model of time does not include the now.
It is customary to represent time by real numbers and
approximate them with floating point numbers in a computer.
Using a dense and continuous time line allows to apply the
apparatus of calculus to time, and later to space-time, which has
demonstrated great merits in physics and engineering.
Galton's model of time is totally ordered by a primitive relation
before (<).Galton adds unboundedness to the axioms, stating that
there is no first and last time point. Time can be either dense,
meaning that between any two points is another point; or,
alternatively, discrete, where there are immediately preceding
and following time points, such that no other time points are in
between. Either the dense or the discrete axiom gives together
with the other axioms a consistent and syntactically complete set
of axioms (Galton 2000).
Totally Ordered Time <
irreflexivity not ( t < t)
transitivity t < u and u < v => t < v
linearity if t /= u then either t < u or u < t
unboundedness For every t, exist u and v, such that u < t and t < v.

Figure 89: Time rushes past us

Figure 90: An Indian metaphor for time: it
approaches us from behind
Densebetween any two instants
there is another instant
Continuousno gaps
master all v13a.doc 106
dense For every t and u, t < u exist v such that t < v and v < u
discrete For every t an u, t < u, there are instants t and u such that t < t and
u < u, and for no instant v is it the case that either t < v and v < t or
u < v and v < u.
The ordinary ontological commitment is assuming only one
single world, which marches through time (Frank 1999a; Frank
2001; 2003). Science Fiction is often using other models of time,
where parallel universes exist in their separate times (Asimov
1957; Adams 1979). These branching times are not only
interesting to construct science fiction, but necessary to deal with
plans for the future and to represent uncertainty about the past.
Branching models of time are necessary for Game Theory
(Neumann von and Morgenstern 1944) and can represent the
uncertainty of events in the future (Galton 1987).

Planning describes future states of the world. We make
decisions between different courses of actions and reach then
different states of the world (see rational decision model, chapter
3). Alternatively, considering the current state of the world, we
may hypothesize about different sequences of actions that have
produced this state; this may be in a criminal story or describing
geological processes that have produced the current shape of the
Unrelated reports may give sequences of events, but not describe
their relations precisely. The sequence of actions necessary to get
to the office in the morning is the same for most of us: an alarm
goes off, we get up, dress, have breakfast and then go to the
office. It starts with both for Dr. Navratil and me both that we
are sleeping at 5 o'clock in the morning and we are both in the
office at 9 o'clock for a meeting. The events for each person are
totally ordered, but there is no order between events not in the
same sequence, they are only partially ordered. we can not
determine if I had breakfast before him or not (Figure 93). The
ontological commitments assure us only that the sequence of
events for each person is totally ordered (if precisely known).

Figure 91: Different planned futures
Figure 92: Hypothetical different pasts
master all v13a.doc 107

Practically important are models of branching time for the
determination of the critical paththat is the path that
determines the minimum time necessary to achieve some future
state. In a Critical Path diagrams, the arrows represent activities
that have a minimal and maximal duration and the nodes are
points in times. It is then possible to calculate the earliest and the
latest time a state is achieved. The path with the longest minimal
time determines when a state can be achieved the earliest and is
called the critical path to this event; only speeding up actions on
the critical path lead to an earlier achievement.
Game theory considers in its simplest case a special case of
branching time: in a two person game, the two adversaries have
each one decision to make and the outcome of the game (i.e., the
future state of the world) depends on the two decisions.
Game theory then evaluates the future state from the
perspective of each player and gives rules, what action a rational
player will select, and thus what you have to expect from a
rational opponent (Neumann von and Morgenstern 1944). Game
theory has found many applications in economy (Davis 1983)
and even law (Baird, Gertner et al. 1994)
Sometimes the transition from a current state to a future state are
taken with a known probability, diagrams to show the combined
probability to reach some future state are drawn. They are useful
to assess the likelihood of serious accidents that result from the
unlikely combination of small errorsfor example in the
management of nuclear plants.
time is measured as durationeven if it appears that we
determine duration as the difference between two time points.
Duration is a measurement, typically expressed in seconds or
multiple of seconds. It is a ratio type (see 240). For duration the
same operations that apply to other measurements apply:
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with a scalar
and ratio, comparing two durations.

Figure 93: Two totally ordered sequences
give a partially ordered sequence
Branching time is partially ordered

Figure 94: PERTCritical Path Diagram
master all v13a.doc 108
The SI unit is the secondwhich is defined today as the
time necessary for a determined number of oscillations of some
atomic state (Kahmen 1993). Other units are minutes, hours and
days, which are not decimal, but based on traditional Babylonian
divisions in 60 and 12. Week is the longest commonly used time
unit, which has a fixed length. neither month nor year have
always the same length, but are commonly used as if they were
of fixed length!
For scientific purposes, especially astronomy, other
definitions of day and year are used, based on rotation of the
earth and the movement of the earth around the sun (Figure 95).
These exact definitions of the length of day and year seem not to
be used in GIS.
Operations on duration map to operations on real numbers.
The sum of the duration of two durations is commutative, there
is a zero duration and the rules correspond to the rules for
measurements (see xxx); duration is a functor.
One can take instants as primitives and construct intervals from
them (Galton 1987) or to take intervals as primitives and
construct instants from them (Allen and Hayes 1985); we follow
here Galtons approach, which translates later more directly to an
The technology for measuring time is measuring time intervals,
but synchronization between clocks is so advanced that the
illusion of measuring directly time points is achieved. Accurate
radio signals giving time in the absolute frame of UTC
(Universal Time Coordinated), which is the mean time of the
Greenwich Astronomical Observatory (Greenwich Mean Time
Time, like space, can be investigated at different levels of
resolution. Depending on the task we are interested in, time is
measured in years, days, seconds, milliseconds, etc. The
precision with which we measure time varies accordingly and is
often fixed for particular application areas: in commercial
banking, duration is measured in days and all time points within
a day are considered as happening at the same time; banking was
an cyclic operation, with a cycle per day (Frank 1998a). In a

Figure 95: Tropical and sideral day
A year has
365.2422 sidereal or
366.2422 tropical days.
A sideral day has 24 hours 3 m and
56.6 seconds
A tropical day has 3 minutes 56.6
seconds more than a sideral day.
Instants have no duration, they are
points in time.

Figure 96: Measurement of duration gives
absolute time
master all v13a.doc 109
traditional world, where nights of silence and rest separate days
of activity, this makes perfect sensebut in todays global
economy, where stock is traded around the clock in one or the
other stock exchange around the globe, such conventions are
All events during a day or a year are considered concurrent,
whereas events, only seconds apart but in different years, are
treated differently. Usually days go from midnight 00:00 to
23:59:59, and similarly for a minute, month, etc. All the
customary intervalsseen as containerdo include the 0
moment, but not the ending moment.
This is different from measurements of limited precision in
space, where there is no dominant subdivision against which
measurements are taken and accepted as quantitative. The
subdivision of space is irregulare.g., the political
subdivisionand provides a frame for imprecise indication of
location (Bittner 1999; Bittner and Smith 2003b; 2003a; 2003
(draft)); but this is not treated as measurement. Rome is in Italy
is an indication of location comparable to x was born Feb 10,
1982but not treated similarly.
Customary Time Intervals are defined as half-open; they include
the start point, but not the ending point.
To determine time points an origin must be selected and time
points are determined by measuring the duration of the interval
from the origin to the desired point. Astronomical observations
are used to establish new, derived points of fixed and known
distance from the selected origin.
The origin of time systems for our western calendar, the year
of the birth of Christ is used and years are measured from 1 A.D.
following. The conventional system assumes a year 1 BC.,
immediately followed by a year 1 AD. (there is no year 0). The
creation of the earth is the origin for the civil Hebrew calendar,
conventionally at 3 760 BC, and the escape from Mekka of the
Prophet Muhammad, 622 A.C. is used as the year 1 in the Arabic
The length of the year is not an even number of days and the
difference is absorbed in a leap day in February every 4th year,
but not when the century is dividable in 4. This current calendar
is the result of the reform by Pope Gregory XXX in 1582; this

Figure 97: Granularity of Time

Figure 98: Irregular granularity of space

Figure 100: No year 0
master all v13a.doc 110
reform was not accepted by the Orthodox church and became
effective in Russia only with the Revolution.
l eapYear y = ( ( mod y 4 == 0) && ( mod y 100 / = 0) ) | |
( mod y 1000 == 0)
Conversion of historic dates and time is surprisingly
complicated! The year in medieval time started with Easter,
whereas the year today starts January first. Time within a day is
now measured from midnight, but a few centuries ago, each
town had its own convention. For example, Venetian time in the
18th century counted hours from sunset onwards, which varies
during the year.
Only Fast and regular transportation with railroads made it
necessary to abolish a different local time for each town and to
establish time zones. Within a time zone the local time of the
central meridian is the uniform time for the whole zone; the
zones are extended further than what would be geometrically
necessary to keep areas of intense commercial connections in the
same time zone. A time point must therefore be marked with the
time zone in which it was made to allow comparison with other
time observations in other zones.
Daytimes are further influenced by the so-called Daylight
Saving Time (in Europe often called summer time), which is a
change in the time of a zone to 1 hour earlier than the normal
time. It is believed to reduce the energy consumption by shifting
human activities further to the morning. The switch between
normal zone time ("standard" time) and Daylight Saving Time is
not everywhere at the same date; further adding complexity to
the conventional time measuring system.
GIS often integrate data collected at different locations and with
respect to different time systems; modern data collection in
geodesy is using UTC routinely, but other data collection efforts
may use local time. For example, consider the collection of
benchmark data for water level at the Danube River; data
collected may be time in 2 time zones (?) and different DST
schemes may apply.
If time points are not precisely collected, but described only
as a date, then conversion to a UTC interval may be necessary
for precise analysis, because the boundaries of days (midnight)
The time indicated by a sun dial differs up
to a 15 minutes from a uniform, mean
local time!
master all v13a.doc 111
are not coinciding for different time zones and the result
questionable (Figure 101).
The conversion of dates must consider what the origins are and
that the numbering of days starts with 1, not with 0 as in other
measurement lines (Figure 102). The most general way to
compute with dates is to count them from a fixed origin. We will
use for convenience Jan 1, 1900, but any other date would be as
good. It is desirable that no dates before this origin are ever used.
Once conversion from the customary date descriptions to a
number of days since an origin has been accomplished, the
computation with dates becomes simple. How to add 17 days to
Feb 24
? The result depends on the yearin leap years the
result is March 12 and in other years it is March 13.
toDays (24 Feb, nonLeapYear) = 55
fromDays (55 + 17, nonLeapYear) = March 13
using formDays ( toDays(x, nonLeapYear), nonLeapYear) = x
or fromDaysNL . toDaysNL = id
Time points, which may have granularity, and intervals must
be separated in computation. The length of the interval between
two dates d1 and d2 expressed in days is not d2 d1 but the
granularity g (=1 day) must be added: d2 d1 + g (Tansel,
Clifford et al. 1993), but sometimes it must be subtracted,
depending if we want to obtain the longest or the shortest
duration between the two dates (Figure 103).

Figure 101: Time points expressed in different time zones

Figure 102: Counting of days is different
from length
master all v13a.doc 112
Figure 103: Duration between two dates
To define the operations on time we need:
A value of type time, which represents measurement of time
intervals with the regular arithmetic operations for
A type to represent time points, measured from a conventional
origin with operations to convert conventional days into this
type and from this type. This time with fixed origin converts
time points in duration from the origin and makes the
arithmetic operations for measurements applicable.
Why are time intervals defined as half-open?
What is the meaning of a negative data (minus July 7)?
How many years between 10 BC and 10 AD?
What are intervals, what time points?
What is the difference between point 3:15 and duration (3h
Determine the date 45 days after Jan 15
How long something last from Aug 1 to Aug 12? What is the
maximal and what the minimal duration?

Observations in space are measurements of length and angles;
similar to time, a direct observation of positions in space are not
possible, all observations are relative. Metric geometry preserves
distances and angles, which are measured, invariant. This
geometry, is a model of the world of rigid bodies and their
In this chapter the familiar concept of coordinates that
describe points is introduced. A coordinate space is a most
intuitive model for space and computationally most powerful.
Goodchild used it as a foundation for his geographic reality
(Frank 1990; Goodchild 1990a). It is an example of the
application of a functor. Real numbers are sufficient to describe
points on a line for example time points but are not sufficient
for points in 2d space. The construction of new objects (pairs of
reals) gives a representation for each point and the construction
is such that the operations on single numbers translate to
operations on pairs, respecting the same axioms, having the same
units, permitting composition and identity operation.
Vector algebra and vector space are abstract concepts that
are not dependent on a coordinate frame, only the analytic
treatment is. The algebra of vectors as it represents our
manipulation of the geometry of rigid objects is mapped to
computational operations on coordinates; we can show that the
geometric axioms are preserved across this transformation.
Vectors are one of the most interesting algebra with
geometric interpretation. In this section we construct an
algebraic structure, called vector space, and give particular
operations that have strong geometric interpretation. The
introduction of vectors here follows the mathematical
construction of a module from a group and a ring as described in
any algebra text book (MacLane and Birkhoff 1967a; Gill 1976;
Reinhardt and Soeder 1991).
The stress in this chapter is to show how points and
operations with points form an algebra that captures essential
properties of our concepts of space, namely transformations that
Geographic Reality
F (x, y, z, t) = a
master all v13a.doc 114
form groups and leave geometric properties invariant (Klein
1872; Blumenthal and Menger 1970). This gives a treatment that
is independent of the dimension, but the discussion and the
examples are mostly in terms of a 2d space.
The application of vector algebra in a GIS is noted when we
compute the area of a parcel, of which we have measured
bearings and distances between the corner points; such
computations are often found in package historically called
COGO (computed geometry operations? (Miller 1963; DEC
The classical Greeks did geometry with ruler (straight edge) and
compass in the sand. Lines and circlesor rather
approximations for the ideal figureswere drawn with the help
of these rigid bodies. The arguments however were not about the
approximate figures, but the pure (ideal) concepts of point and
Descartes observed in the 17th century similarities between
geometric construction with ruler and compass and certain
computations: analytical geometry was invented [appendix
discour de la method]. Mapping real space to the coordinate
spacethat is, pairs of real valuesallows computational
operations with real numbers that correspond to the geometric
operations with ruler and compass in the plane. For example:
given two points, the point in the middle can be computed
(Figure 104).
For all the basic geometric constructions with ruler and compass
corresponding analytical operations are knownall of classical
geometry can be redone with numbers, such that a
homomorphism exists between the geometric construction and
the analytical computation (Figure 104).
The mapping seems to be an isomorphism but it is only a
homomorphism, because for some special configurations, the
computation failsfor example because it would require the
division by 0 (zero). In the following chapters, this limitation is
overcome. The available precision of the computation may also
not be sufficient that an isomorphism obtains perfectly.
master all v13a.doc 115
Figure 104: Homomorphism between construction and calculation
This chapter gives the theoretical foundation to make
geometry in a computer possible: the approximation of figures
drawn in the sand are replaced by approximations for points with
numbers and the drawing operations are replaced by numerical
Our experience with the manipulation of rigid bodies gives us
some insight in the rules regulating operations with them:
distance between points must be preserved, translations can be
added etc. From the formulation of such rules follow axioms for
the operations with vectors and we see that vectors form an
algebraic structure, namely a vector space. We first give the
algebraic structure and then show in the following sections, how
the axioms are justified by the geometric experience we have
with rigid bodies and the forces acting on them.
A module consists of two kinds of things: namely vectors, which
are a commutative group (M; +, 0) and the scalars, which form a
ring with unit (Q; +; *, 0, 1). These vectors and scalars are
combined with an external operator scalar multiplication .
(note that . means here scalar multiplication, whereas * is the
ordinary multiplication of reals, later we will write both with *)
linking the two domains.
Module <.> with group <M, +, >) and Ring with unit <Q, +, *, 0, 1>
for all q,p,.. from Q and all a,b, from M
q . (a + b) = q . a + q . b
(q + p) . a = q . a + p . a
Group (M, +, 0)
Operation: +, -
Rules: associative
(a+b)+c = a +(b+c)
Existence of identity
a+ 0 = 0 + a = a
Existence of inverse
(-x) + x = 0
Ring (Q, +, *, 0)
A ring is a commutative group with
an additional operation, usually
described as * which is distributive
a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c
(a + b) * c = a *c + b * c
master all v13a.doc 116
(q*p) . a = q.(p.a)
1. a = a
A vector space is a module over a field. Note: The term Field
is often used for the reals (with the algebraic structure field),
stressing more the continuous aspect than the algebraic
Field (F, +, *, 0, 1)
A commutative ring with a single unity for the multiplication (denoted as 1)
and a multiplicative inverse for every non-zero element of Q (denoted

a * a
= a
* a = 1 with (a0)
The scalar multiplication above was v . k, which is a right
module. Alternatively, we could have used a left module with a
scalar multiplication of k . v. (This is often done in text books).
The right and left module are dual to each other; if the
multiplication of scalars is commutative (which is the case for
real numbers!) then v.k = k.v.
The notion of distance between two points needs a formal
definition. A distance is a function from two points to a positive
real number, with three axioms: zero if the point is the same,
symmetry and the triangular inequality. Distance is a notion of
minimumit is the minimum length of a line connecting two
points (Figure 106).

These axioms do not uniquely define distance, many
different formulae are possible, some examples are given above,
first for the 2d case and then generalized for a space with n
dimensions. If a circle is the geometric locus of all points with

Figure 105: Addition of vectors

Figure 106: Distance relation

Figure 107: Circles for different distance
master all v13a.doc 117
the same distance from a given point, then the exact definition of
distance determines the shape of a circle (Figure 107).
The Minkoswki-Norm with n=1 gives d (dx, dy) = dx + dy
and is often called Manhattan or taxi-cab distance (Figure 108).
It gives the distance between any two points on a grid:
dist A A =0
symmetry dist A B = dist B A
triangular inequality dist A C <= dist A B + dist B C
Vectors are imagined as arrows in n-space, for example
translations. All vectors of the same length and direction are in a
single equivalence class. The zero vector has length 0. Vectors
are added by joining them geometrically (Figure 105); this
construction is commutative (a+b=b+a) and the zero is a unit,
that is, a group (as we have seen before, studying the
Multiplication of a vector with a scalar s extends the vector s
times, keeping the direction. This multiplication is distributive
over addition (Figure 109, Figure 111) and the other axioms can
be demonstrated similarly.
The figures here are all for the ordinary 2 dimensional space,
but the arguments are independent of dimension and valid for
any n-dimensional space.
For n-tuples of scalars, we define a pointwise addition and a
pointwise multiplication with a scalar:
(s + t)
= (s
+ t
(s * k)
= (s
* k)
Pointwise addition is commutative and has as a unit the n-
tuple (1,1,..1). Scalar multiplication is distributive over sum.
Note that this pointwise addition and multiplication with scalar
for n-tuples is the same as the corresponding operations for
p = p1 * x1 + p2 * x2 p
* x
= sum p
* x

p+q = sum (p
+ q
) * x

p * k = sum (p
* k) * x

Figure 108: Manhattan or taxi-cab metric

Figure 109: Multiplication is distributive
over addition

Figure 110: Geometric idea of vmult

Figure 111: (q+p).a = q.a + p.a
Geometric vectors form a vector

Figure 112: q . (p.a) = (q*p) . a
master all v13a.doc 118
Coordinates are a mapping of points in n-dimensional space to
n-tuples of scalars, with which the n base vectors (e1, e2, en)
must be multiplied to produce the point.
The base vectors must be linearly independent (i.e., there is
no n-tuple of scalars s
not all 0, such that sum s
* e
= 0, which
is saying that the mapping from scalars s
to v have kernel 0).
These n-tuples will be called coordinates of a vector; given that
the mapping is isomorphic, we can identify an n-vector with the
corresponding n-tuple (for a given basis) (MacLane and
Birkhoff 1967a p. 195).
In general, the base vectors (unit vectors) need not be
orthogonal and their length need not be the same. The regular
orthogonal base for a vector space are the unit vectors (1,0),
(0,1) or (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1) in 2 respective 3 dimensions. For
convenience we will usually draw two-dimensional examples
and have orthogonal base units of equal length.A vector is
therefore the product (pointwise product) of the sequence of
scalars with the sequence of base vectors (byproduct, Cartesian
product (MacLane and Birkhoff 1967a 179):
v = (v
) . (b
) where v = (v
, v
, v
) - the coordinate values
= (n
, n
.. n
) = (0, , 1, 0) with n
= 1 and all others
The vector operations defined geometrically map to the
corresponding operations on coordinates. Figure 118 shows how
addition is done component-wise. Figure 119 shows that
multiplication is equally component-wise.

Figure 113: 2D system

Figure 114: 3D

Figure 115: 2D coordinates

Figure 116: 3D coordinates

Figure 117: Coordinates x
, x
of p as
scalars with which to multiply the base e

Figure 118: Addition is component-wise
master all v13a.doc 119
A system is called right handed, if the vectors x, y, z in the order
given are in a configuration like the first three fingers of the
right hand. Mathematically, the positive z axis is directed such
that turning the first coordinate axis towards the second axis in a
positive direction,

Figure 122: Clockwise is negative turning
Surveyors typically use a left handed system, with north axis
and east axis (north and easting as coordinates) and z (height)
upwards. They measure the angles clockwise from North axis to
east axis as positive:

Figure 123: Geodesist use often negative turning
The construction of vectors as tuples of real numbers (scalars) is
a functor. For this we must show that it maps the scalars to
vectors (tuples) for which the new operations obey the same
axioms, i.e. that the mapping is a morphism, and that
composition and identity operation obtain. Consider the special
mapping, which maps every real x to the pair (x,0). It is quickly
seen that this is a group isomorphism for plus and multiplication
with a real maps to scalar multiplication.

For operations, e.g. +x are mapped to +(x,0). The composition of
an operation +y with an other operation +z maps also and the
identity operation is the mapping of +0:

Figure 119: Multiplication is component-
Figure 120: Right handed coordinate
Figure 121: Positive turning
Positive turning direction:
Mathematically defined
(conventionally) as counterclockwise.
master all v13a.doc 120
Our interpretation of vectors in space gives rise to a number of
geometric properties that can be expressed as operations on
vectors. Three additional operations for vectors which have
strong geometric properties can be defined and used to test for
geometric properties and to give computational equivalent
expression for geometric constructions (McCoy and Berger 1977
p. 433).
This completes the program of analytical geometry:
geometric properties are translated in algebraic properties and
geometric operations are translated in algebraic operations. What
follows defines vector operations and shows how they are used
to derive geometric properties; coordinates are not relevant here,
but we show how the operations are translated to basic
operations with the coordinate values.
The inner product of two vectors gives a scalar. Its definition is
valid for all dimensions. For 2 and 3 dimensional space, it has
interesting geometric properties.
Inner (dot) product . :: vector -> vector -> scalar
commutative a . b = b . a
distributive a . (b+c) = a.b + a.c
a sort of associative law s (a . b) = (s * a . b)
The dot product has a geometric interpretation, namely:
if a = 0 or b = 0 then a . b = 0
else |a| *|b| * cos (a,b)
where (a,b) denotes the angle between the two vectors
One can interpret a cos (a,b) as the projection of the vector a
onto the vector b (figure).
For tuples (a
.. a
) the dot product is defined as point wise
, a
, a
) dot (b
, b
, b
) = (a
, a
, a
Pointwise multiplication gives immediately the commutative and
the distributive property from the corresponding properties of the
multiplication in the ring of which the elements are formed from;
associativity is also achieved.

Figure 124: Orthogonal vectors

Figure 125: ab = |a| * cos (a,b)
master all v13a.doc 121

This gives for example for the 2 dimensional vectors
previously introduced
( V2 x1 y1) . | ( V2 x2 y2) = ( x1*x2) ( y1*y2) .
9.1.1 Test for orthogonality
The dot product is zero if the two vectors are orthogonal (i.e., the
angle between them is p
/2), because then v
= (x
, y
) and v
, y
) where x
= -y
and y
. Orthogonality depends on the
orthogonality of the base vectors (see 545)

Figure 126
The 0 vector is orthogonal to every vector.

9.1.2 Test for parallels
Two vectors with the same origin are collinear if a dot b = 1
(collinear but in opposite direction, if a dot b = -1).
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9.1.3 Length of a vector
The dotProd of a vector with itself is the square of its length and
often called norm |a|.
norm a =sqrt a . a

Figure 129
This is the so-called L2 norm, with norm expressed as a general
function norm
a = (a
**n, a
**n, a
**n) ** (1/n),
which gives with n=2 the ordinary Euclidean distance definition,
for L1 we get the so-called Manhattan distance.
The definition of norm satisfies the axioms for distance:
Norm 0 = 0
Norm a = norm (neg a)
Norm (a + b) <= norm a + norm b
Norm (a
, a
,... a
) = sqrt ((sqr a
) + (sqr a
) + + (sqr a
9.1.4 Unit vector in the direction of a given vector
It is often convenient to compute a vector in the direction of a
given vector but of known length (for example to compare the
direction of two vectors). An operation
unitVec :: m -> m -- a vector of unit length in direction of v
can be defined as Unit v = vmult (1/norm v) . v

Figure 127: Parallel vectors

Figure 128: Antiparallel vectors
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9.1.5 Angle between two vectors
The angle between two vectors can be computed as:
= arc cos (a dot b) / (norm a * norm b)

Figure 132
Angle a b c = acos (dotProd (a b) (c- b) ) / (unit a b ) (unit c - b)
The operation cross product is defined only for spaces with 3
dimensions. it takes two vectors and produces a vector.
(*|), VecProd :: vec -> vec -> vec
This special operation for a 3d space is useful for
understanding some of the next steps to construct dimension
independent operations. It will be replaced by a generalization
later (543).
Definition of Cross Product x :: vector -> vector -> vector
a x a = 0
anticommutative a x b = - b x a
Distributive: a x (b + c) = a x b + a x c, (a+b) x c= (a x c) + (b x c)
Sort of associative: s (a x b) = (s a) x b
The vector product is a vector orthogonal on the two vectors and
its length is the area of the parallelogram of the two vectors. The
three vectors form a right-handed system.
The vector product
a x b = 0 if a = 0 or b = 0
c with a,b,c forming a right hand system
and the norm of c = a sin (a,b)
9.2.1 Test for collinearity
a x b is also zero, when a and b are collinear, in particular is a x
a = 0.

Figure 130

Figure 133
master all v13a.doc 124
The result of a cross product has the same handedness as the
base vectors of the coordinate space (see 545).
Move remainder
9.2.2 Definition 3d vectors
For coordinates, the computation is
( x1 y1 z1) | * ( x2 y2 z2) =
( y1*z2 - z1*y2) ( z1*x2 - x1*z2) ( x1*y2 -
y1*x2) .
It can be shown with these definitions that the cross product
has the desired properties.
A general definition requires the notion of coordinate bases
(the unit vectors for each dimension). Then the regular
multiplication of sums gives the cross product when the
following assumptions are made:
x e
= e
, e
x e
= e
, e
x e
= e
and e
x e
= 0 for i= 1, 2
see groebner
9.2.3 Area between two vectors
The area between two vectors in 3d space is computed as
Area a b = norm (vecProd a b) /2

Figure 134: Area between two vectors
For 2dimensional vectors, a function area is defined directly as
var ea : : m- > m- > f
var ea v1 v2 = ( nor m( ( *| ) v1 v2) ) / ( f r omFl oat
( 2. 0) )
9.2.4 Collinear
Two vectors are collinear if the vecProd is 0; this does not
depend on the orthogonality of the base vectors.
Collinear a b = varea a b == 0 -- or vecProd a b == 0
Because sin = 0

The 0 vector is collinear with every vector.
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This operation combines three vectors yielding a scalar. It is a
combination of a cross product and a dot product. It is only
defined for vectors in 3d space, but can be generalized for n
dimensional vectors (see next chapter).
Triple Product Spat :: vec -> vec -> vec -> scalar.
Cyclic permutations Spat a b c = spat c a b = spat b c a
The scalar triple product is the same as the determinant of a 3 by
3 matrix (see later). The triple product gives the volume of the
parallelepiped of three vectors a b c. It is defined as
The triple product is zero if the three vectors are coplanar.
Coplanar a b c = spat a b c == 0
We observed that measurements require a unit, for time this was
second, for length; it is the meter (in the SI system). We found
that the determination of a point in time requires a fixed origin
from which relative measurements can be made. To establish a
conventional (orthogonal) coordinate system in space, we need
similarly a point that serves as an origin a unit of length and a
direction (Figure 136).
A coordinate system requires a convention for the fixed
origin, the direction of the base vectors and the units of
measurement for each of them. The conventional geodetic
systemWGS 84takes the center of gravity of the earth as the
origin, the direction of the rotational axis and the two orthogonal
vectors are fixed such that one crosses the meridian of the old
observatory in Greenwich (near London, UK). Most countries
use local coordinate systems that are defined as projections from
the earth surface to some convenient surface (typically cylinder
or cones).
These map projections are not linear and as such do not
preserve incidence of points and lines (geodesics) exactly. The
differences arefor small areasnegligible, and computations
for large distances and long lines should be made using a
spherical or other appropriate system. The whole problem of
coordinate systems used practically is part of approximations and
not discussed here.

Figure 135: The volume of a pyramid

Figure 136: Coordinates
master all v13a.doc 126
We have shown here a closed algebra for vectors and defined a
number of operations with immediate geometric interpretation.
The algebra is satisfying because it is closed: the result of the
operations is of the types other operations expect as inputs,
which permits combinations of them in formulae of arbitrary
complexity. This algebra is the result of the extension of real
numbers to pairs of real numbers, following the rules for a
The resulting operations have useful geometric
Length of a vector is the norm (= sqrt a . a),
Area of between two vectors (1/2 norm (a x b))
Construction of a vector orthogonal to two given ones (a x b)
Volume spanned by three vectors (1/3 spat (a,b,c))
collinearity and coplanarity
The operations are total (with some suitable definitions) or
can be made total when using the projective plane for the
computation (see next chapter). In the definitions we have not
made use of coordinates, but defined the properties of the
operations on geometric insights only.
Demonstrate that pointwise multiplication of an n-tuple with a
scalar s is distributive over addition.
What is the difference between a right handed and a left
handed system?
Give definition of azimuth in geodesy?
Explain dot and cross product. What are geometric
interpretations, how is it computed?
How do you determine if two vectors in a plane are
How to compute the area of a triangle with vector operations?
Why is the construction of vectors a functor? What needs to
be demonstrated?
What is meant by stating that surveyors use a left-handed
coordinate system?
What are the axioms for distance? Is the cost of a taxi ride a
distance function? When is it? When not?

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master all v13a.doc 128
Geometric transformation capture fundamental geometric
properties (Blumenthal 1986); this chapter concentrates on linear
transformations that transform straight lines into straight lines
and preserve incidence, that is, the intersection of two lines map
to the intersection of the mapped lines. This is the geometry of
projections and the invariant is collinearity.
These operations are expressed as vector operations, and do
not access the coordinates directly, which shows that the
operations are independent of the details of the underlying
coordinate systems, provided the vector operations have the
usual properties. The discussion here is using examples from 2d
and 3d space, but the result is independent of the dimension of
the space; it could be used to analyze situations in a space-time
continuum of 4 dimension or even more abstract, higher
dimensional spaces.
Linear algebra has many useful properties. We have seen the
algebra of vectors and will explore here some parts of matrix
algebra. Matrices represent transformations of coordinate
systems and a number of geometric problems can be expressed
as transformations between different coordinate systems,
including perspective projections. These are automorphism, they
are morphism (mappings) from space to space.
The introduction of matrix operations are motivated by
spatial transformations (rotations). The goal of the chapter is to
describe the general linear transformation, such that
transformation can be combined by multiplication. The concepts
of linear algebra, linear dependencies, etc. are later employed to
explain geometric properties of geometric figures like lines,
planes, etc...
The theory described here is applied when transforming or
producing images in a GIS; for example the construction of the
view of a landscape is using the projective transformation
described later. The inverse problem to construct a map given
photographs is the domain of photogrammetry (Wiggins, Hartley
et al. 1987; Faugeras 1993).

Figure 137: Incidence relations are
preserved by linear transformations
Focus of chapter:
Automorphism of space.
master all v13a.doc 129
Linear algebra is among the best explored algebraic structures.
We have seen the interesting algebra of vector spaces and how it
applies to geometric problems. Transformations between
different coordinate systems are represented as matrices, which
have a rich algebraic structure, namely the properties of a sheaf,
that is, a (skew) field, similar to the familiar real numbers, except
that multiplication is not commutative.
Many geometric transformations are linear transformations.
For example, stretching figures in one direction by a constant
factor, reflection on a line through the origin, etc. are all linear
transformations. They carry straight lines into straight lines,
planes to planes, etc. or more generally, geodesics transform to
geodesic, such that incidence is preserved. This means that when
two lines intersect, they intersect after the transformation as well.
This explains why linear transformations are important for
The goal of this chapter is an algebra for Linear
Transformations, such that the composition of two linear
transformations, which is again a linear transformation, can be
computed. Such transformations are represented by matrices and
this chapter shows the different transformation matrices that
correspond to the often encountered linear transformations like
translation, rotation, perspective projection, etc. We want to
achieve a representation of linear transformations, such that
composition of transformation translates to a multiplication of
transformation matrices.
Multiplicative transformations must leave invariant the
origin of the coordinate system; it is therefore not possible to
combine translationswhich move the origin of the coordinate
systemwith rotations and other transformations. This
Figure 138: General linear
transformations preserve collinearity
master all v13a.doc 130
unification can be achieved by using a space with one dimension
more than the space we are interested in. This chapter will
introduce these so-called homogenous coordinates and we will
see that the transformation from ordinary to homogenous
coordinates is a functor.
A linear transformation is any transformation t: R -> R which is
an automorphism between R and R, is additive and homogenous
(k is a scalar, t is a linear transformation)
t (a + b) = t (a) + t (b) additive
t (k * a) = k * (t (a)) homogenous
This can be expressed in the single formula
t (k * a + l * b) = k* ( t (a)) + l* (t (b))
and can be generalized to morphism applying to linear
combinations (i.e., vector spaces)
* a
+ k
* a
* a
where the above rule is respected {MacLane, 1967 #2727
t (k
* a
+ k
* a
+ k
* a
) = k
* (t (a
)) + k
(t (a
)) + k
* (t(a
)) (*).
The condition (*) is necessary that the matrix operations
compose and that matrices can be seen as a functor. The
composition of two morphism (i.e. transformations), when
defined, is again a morphism; there is a unit transformation, for
which 0.g = g.0 = g obtains.
The treatment here uses the right multiplication for the scalar
(see chapter 043 xx) alternatively a left multiplication with
exactly the same rules is possible and defines the dual algebra.
Linear independence means that
there are no scalars a,b,c not equal
zero for which
a . u + b . v + c . w .... = 0
master all v13a.doc 131
Linear transformation are usually seen as a transformation of a
figure (Figure 139) but an alternative view is also possible: A
vector describes a point with respect to a set of base vectors;
selecting other base vectors a different vector results for the
same point. we can see this as a transformation of space to itself:
to every point belongs a set of coordinates with respect to the
first and to the second set of base vectors. This is difficult to
visualize, because the point remains the same, but we can
imagine that the base vectors remain fixed and then see where
points are mapped (Figure 140)
Linear transformations are important enough to warrant a
specific algebra, the algebra of matrices as a collection of vectors
of the same size. A matrix represents a transformation between
two vector spaces, each with a particular base. The columns of
the matrix of a transformation are the transforms of the unit
vector (see Figure 148).
A matrix can be seen as a function from indices to a scalar value
(Figure 141):
m :: Int -> Int -> Scalar
A matrix is typically written as A = [aij].
Matrices form a module (see xx) and we define operations
pointwise, such that the module axioms obtain (see xx 540) and
multiplication is composition of linear transformations.
Matrices have a dimensionthe number of rows and columns in
the matrix. It is important to maintain the difference between a
scalar value and the 1 by 1 matrix with the same number as
single element.
The zero matrix (the unit for addition) is the matrix with all
elements equal zero; the unit matrix for the multiplication is a
matrix with all ones in the diagonal and the non-diagonal
elements equal to zero. One can think of the one matrix as a
collection of the base vectors.
A * I = A for any A (with the correct dimensions).

Figure 139: The image of the same figure
before and after transformation

Figure 140: The same figure in two
coordinate systems

Figure 141: A Matrix
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Both the zero and the one matrix exist for any square matrix
dimension; a zero or one matrix of size 2 is different from the
zero or one of size 3, etc.
Addition of two matrices of same dimension is pointwise sum
(like for vectors) and the multiplication with a scalar is the
multiplication of each element by the scalar.
Figure 144: sum aij + bij
Figure 145: Multiplication of matrix with scalar
The multiplication of two matrices producing a matrix is a new
mat Mul t : : mat - > mat - > mat
The multiplication of two matrices is defined as the dot product
of the (column and row) vectors in all combinations; it is only
defined if the number of rows of the first matrix is the same as
the number of columns of the second one. This definition assures
that the composition of linear transformation is multiplication of
the corresponding matrices {MacLane, 1967 #2727, p. 225}.
Figure 146: Multiplication of two matrices
This multiplication is associative, but not commutative A x B B
x A.

Figure 142: The zero matrix

Figure 143: one matrix

master all v13a.doc 133

The dot product of vectors can be defined as matrix
multiplication. If we think of vectors as a matrix of a single
column, then we have to transpose the first matrix before the

It is often necessary to exchange the rows and columns of a
matrix. This operation is called transposed. A matrix is
transposed by inverting row and column index which can be seen
as a mirror image around the diagonal.
AT ij = A ji
for transposed matrices applies AB = BT AT
A * v = t vT * AT = tT
4.6 RANK
The rank of the matrix corresponds to the dimension of the
vector space that is spanned by the matrix, taken the columns as
base vectors. It counts how many linearly independent vectors it
consists of. The rank of a matrix and the rank of its transposed is
the same; hence the rows can be considered to check rank as
easily as the columns. The rank of a matrix is the same as the
dimension of the vector space it spans.
rank (A) = rank (transp A)
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The determinant is a bilinear, alternating form. It is zero if any
two rows or columns are linearly dependent on each other. The
determinant of a matrix is computed as the sum of the products
along the main diagonals minus the sum of the product along the
alternate diagonal.

The determinant can be
The scalar tripe product is the determinant of a 3 by 3 matrix
constructed from the joining of the three vectors.
tripleProd a b c = (a . (b x c)) = det [a,b,c]
Square matrices
det A = det (transp A)
det (A * B) = det A * det B
det (A matMult B) = det A * det B.
det k * A = k**n * det A (where n is the dimension of A)
for orthogonal matrices, det A is 1.
In general, a matrix such that each entry is the value of the
determinant of the original matrix with the row and column of
the element crossed out, is called the cofactor matrix.
Cof : : mat r i x - > mat r i x.

Figure 147: Determinant of 3 by 3 matrix
master all v13a.doc 135
The transposed of the cofactor matrix is called the adjoint. It
is only a small step away from the inverse
a dot (transp (cof (A)) = det A dot I
inv A = (1/det A) * (transp (cof A))
adj A = transp (cof A).
Square matrices have inverses, such that:
= I.
A square matrix is singular if its rank is less than its dimension.
Then the determinant is zero. The inverse can be computed as
the adjoint matrix, that is, the matrix where each element is
replaced by the determinant of the submatrix obtained by
deleting the row and column of the element to be computed.
The inverse can be computed as the transpose of the cofactor
matrix multiplied with the inverse of the determinant of the
matrix, which is a scalar; it cannot be 0 for a non-singular
a-1 = (cof a)T * (1/det a)
Matrices where all the row vectors are orthogonal (i.e., the
pairwise dot product equal zero) are called orthogonal. For
orthogonal matrices, the column vectors are also orthogonal and
the determinant is either 1 or 1. The inverse of an orthogonal
matrix is the transposed (and if the matrix and its inverse is just
the transposed, then it is orthogonal). The product of orthogonal
matrices is again orthogonal [groebner, p, 54].
zi * zk = kronecker ik
where Kronecker ik = 1 for i=k and 0 for i/=k
Two m x n matrices A and B are equivalent if there is a sequence
of elementary operations on rows and columns carrying A to B
(MacLane and Birkhoff 1967a p. 225-229). Elementary
operations are:
Exchanging two rows (or column)
Multiplying a row (or column) by a scalar
Adding a multiple of one column (or row) to another column
(or row)
The effects of elementary operations on the determinant are
later important:
Exchanging two rows (or columns) multiplies the determinant
by 1
master all v13a.doc 136
Multiplying a row (or column) by a scalar multiples the
determinant by the same scalar.
Adding a multiple of one column to another column (or row)
leaves the determinant unchanged.
An alternative test for equality is A . B
= I because
(A A
) = I = (A (A
B) B
) = A I B
Not commutative A * B /= B * A
(A * B) T = BT * AT
The problem of transforming coordinates expressed in terms of a
set of vectors u, v as (p
, p
) into the coordinates in terms of a
set of vectors x, y .. , which will be (p
, p
) (fig 350-10) requires
that we have the coordinates for the vectors u, v in the system
given by x, y. These are (x
, y
) and (x
, y
The transformation between coordinates expressed in
different base vectors, but with the same origin, is for the 2D

Given p in system uv
Find p in system xy
1. find u, v in system xy (u -> u, v -> v)
2. write them as columns T= [u, v] gives p = T
* p'
3. invert matrix; this is the transformation
matrix: p = T
Proof: T [u,v] = [u, v]
[u,v] = I
This is just a linear transformation where the base vectors
expressed as coordinates of the new base are used. The
multiplication of the matrix is the multiplication of a sequence
of vectors with the point vector to be transformed (dotprod). The
individual vectors in the matrix are the coordinates of the old
base vectors in the new base. This justifies the definition of
matrix multiplication introduced before.
Figure 148: Transformation of a vector
from x-y to u-v coordinate system
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The transformation of a vector v by a matrix M is
written as M v, similar to the transformation of a value
by a function (f x). The vector v is a column vector.
Some texts use the alternative notation of v
multiplying the row vector by a matrix from the right.
In this case, the matrix is the transposed matrix to our
notation (see Duality in the next chapter).
Well-known linear transformations are translations, rotation,
perspective projections, etc. In this section we consider the
algebraic properties of transformations. They form groups and
with this preparation we can now proof that the transformation as
vector and matrix operations preserve the group properties of the
vector space. The transformations themselves form also a vector
Translation of a vector by a translation vector is vector addition
(pointwise addition). The operations for translations are the same
operations than for vectors and we can identify the translations
and the corresponding translation vectors. Translations form a
vector space. This can be unified to an understanding of Each
vector represents the point, to which the origin is translated with
this vector. The operations are the same for both interpretations.
This gives for a vector two different interpretations:
as a point
as a transformation (translation).
A translation cannot be expressed as a matrix multiplication,
because a matrix multiplication is a group isomorphism. The
translation is a one-to-one (bijektive) mapping (see 225) but not
an isomorphism of vector space with group properties. Observe
that the 0 vector is mapped by a translation F (t) to the vector t.
This violates the condition for an isomorphism, where the 0 must
be mapped to the 0 (the kernel of F (t) must be the unit. This is
called the universal mapping property).
f (a + 0) = f (a) = a + t
f a + f 0 = a + t + t

Figure 149: Addition of translation
Universal mapping property for an
Kernel f = {units}
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Figure 150: Rotation
Rotations are a group and they form, with suitable definition of
multiplication, a vector space. The rotation of a vector by an
angle alpha results in a vector:

The composition of rotation is just matrix multiplication: R1 (R2
v) = (R1 * R2) v. This is an isomorphism; for example it maps
the 0 to the 0. We see here that in a vector space, the origin (the
unit) plays a special role (MacLane and Birkhoff 1967a; Wilson,
Barnard et al. 1988, p. 561).
The general similarity transformation has 4 degrees of freedom
can be written as a matrix followed by a translation with a vector
t (tx, ty).

The affine transformation is composed by of a non-uniform
scaling by a non-singular 2 by 2 matrix followed by a translation.
It cannot be expressed as a single 2 by 2 matrix. The affine
transformation has 6 degrees of freedom.
Can we unify all the transformations in a single framework in
which all transformations preserving collinearity compose to
form other transformations (which again preserve collinearity)?
The general linear transformations form the General Linear
Group GL(n,F), where n is the rank and F the field over which
the transformations are constructed. They are the invertible
matrices of size n x n. It is isomorphic to the group of
Kernel R = {0}
master all v13a.doc 139
automorphism of any n-dimensional vector space V over F
{MacLane, 1967 #2727, p.247}.
this general linear group does not include all the
transformations preserving incidence we are interested in. A
similarity transformation preserving incidence for a space of
dimension v could be written as a rotation and a translation: x =
A . x + b, where A is a matrix of dim v * v, b a vector of dim v.
This transformations, and other similar ones, expressed in the
form of translation and rotation, cannot be composed through
matrix multiplication. Composition of transformation requires
that we are able to express a point that is transformed first by t

and then by t
as a single transformation operation t
applied to
p. This requires that t
= t
and we wish that the composition
of transformations is matrix multiplication, that is, t
= t
* t
In order to bring translations and rotationsand some other
transformationsin a single system, we have to add a dimension
and move to the projective space and the corresponding
homogenous coordinates to be able to express translations as a
matrix operation. Geometrically, we can see why: Matrix
operations must leave the origin invariant, because for any
matrix A a . 0 = 0; but translation moves the origin! The solution
is to go to a higher dimensional space (from 2D to 3D, from 3D
to 4D) and to keep the origin of this higher dimensional space
invariant, but move the point to which the origin of the space of
interest maps to. For these homogenous vectors, the
transformations map the origin to the origin
it is sufficient to embed the 2d plane into a 3d space as
shown in Figure 151 and to consider all the points through the
origin as equivalent representations of a point in the 2d plane (so
called homogeneity, Figure 152). This geometric interpretation
can help to understand the justification for the computation rules
with homogenous coordinates. it is a specific interpretation of
the projective plane, which we will introduce later (xx). This
additional dimension w (one more element in the vectors) is
sufficient to achieve the goal of composition of linear
transformations by matrix multiplication:
N (M a) = (N matmult M) a
Figure 151: The embeding of the 2d
coordinate plane in 3d homogenous
coordinate space
master all v13a.doc 140
Consider the plane of the w axis and point p (Figure 153).
The translation of p by t becomes a rotation followed by a
change of scale and scale transformation can be ignored,
because p1 is (homogenous) equivalent to p'.
Homogenous coordinates were invented by Maxwell () to
have a well behaved algebra for geometric objects, points, lines,
areas, and transformations. Note, that 2D vectors do not behave
nicelyremember that cross product is not defined, but 3D, 4D
(so-called quaternions, often used in geodesy for 3d space and
time) and 8D vectors allow definitions for a multiplication with
(some of) the regular properties, in 3d space the cross product.
Homogenous coordinates were often used in computer
graphics (Newman and Sproull 1981; Foyley and Dam 1982)
because they avoid divisionswhich were with the hardware of
the 1970s and 1980s much more time consuming than additions
and multiplicationsand collect them in the scale factor that is
applied only at the very end. This performance consideration is
however not our focus. We will explore homogenous coordinates
because they avoid divisions, and divisions are the place where
functions become partial. The goal is to write equations for total
functions in homogenous coordinatesthat is, using the
projective planewhere ordinary formulae would yield partial
functions. There are obviously more points representable as
homogenous coordinates than as ordinary coordinates:
The transformation of regular 2d coordinates to homogenous
coordinates is by adding the homogenous coordinate for w = 1.
The transformation from homogenous to Euclidean 2d is by
dividing the x and y values by the (scale factor) w.
Many texts add the 'homogenous coordinate' (the 1) at the
end of the vector. To prepare for a dimension independent
formalization, we have the first element in the vector represent
the homogenous value.

Figure 152The point p and all points
equivalent in homogenous space
Figure 153Translation becomes a rotation
ans a scale change
The algebraic entity a is called
homogenous if a and a, with 0
represent the same geometric entity
(Frstner and Wrobel Draft)

Figure 154: Transformation from 2d to
homogenous and homogenous back to 2d
master all v13a.doc 141
Here I show how the transformations we have seen before
expressed as matrices. Complex transformations, like similarity
and affine are composed by multiplication. But now we can also
include scale changes and translations and even perspective
projection can be expressed.
Assume that the optical plane of the lens is in the x
, x
(Stolfi 1991 p. 74; Frstner and Wrobel Draft):

Figure 158:Trasformation of points in 2d
The determination of a transformation of three points given in
two coordinate systems (a,b,c and a', b', c') is

A similarity transformation preserving angles is determined by
only 2 points. The transformation matrix has the form:

With a parameter for rotation, two for translation, and one for
scale. The approach above does not work, because we have only




Figure 155Affine transformation

Figure 156: Perspective Transformation

Figure 157: A lens with focal length f and a
point with its image
master all v13a.doc 142
2 points. We can either add constraints to the system of
equations or construct a third point C such that C A B is a
right angle (Figure 158) and compute the coordinates of C in
both systems. Then we have 3 points and can use the general
formula above.
In this chapter the unification of different transformations where
achieved using homogenous coordinates that are a representation
of projective space. Adding one dimension to the vector space it
was possible to achieve a simple, unified framework.
Transformations form a category, where composition is defined.
This is again a demonstration of the use of a functor to expand a
representation when it is insufficient to represent all cases.
The chapter also showed how to overcome the limitations
that some operations of vector algebra are restricted to 3
dimensional spaces. The transformation formulae are using only
matrix operations, which are valid for square matrices of any
Why are homogenous coordinates necessary? Give
transformations between homogenous and orthogonal
coordinates in both directions.
Answer: to be able to express translations and rotations in the
same framework of general linear transformations.
Explain the formulae for transformations (translations,
rotation, perspective transformation) using homogenous
Why are homogenous coordinates allowing us to combine all
different transformations into a single general linear
What is a general linear transformation?
Demonstrate that translation leave distances invariant.

We have defined measurement types and operations that
combine locally observations with interesting quantities (see Part
3, chapter 6). Soil type, exposure, annual rainfall and similar
locally observed values are combined in a formula to compute
the agricultural value of land, or, for example, potential for soil
erosion. These formulae express relationships between values
valid at a single point in space and time.
In this part in chapter 11 and 12, we show first how such
formulae can be applied in a principled way to time series
(Figure 159) and to spatial layers (Figure 160) of such data
values. We use here the methods to represent points in space and
time given in the previous part (part 3).
Time series of observed values can be combined to show
how a computed value changes with time. Similarly, with a
formula to compute the values for a point, we can compute
values for every point and produce a map showing how the value
changes in space.
The mechanism to expand local functions to apply to layers
of spatial data and time series are functors (chapter 6.4). A
functor is a morphism, which preserves composition and
identity. It is an often used method to construct new algebraic
systems from given ones. The functors introduced here initially
expand the domain of application of functions from local
application to values observed in space or time, or even space-
time. A functor is at the core of Map Algebra, one of the early
parts of GIS theory, which has survived for more than 20 years
without much change (Tomlin 1983); it will be formalized and
generalized in this part, but not altered in any substantial way.

Figure 159Temperature in function of time

Figure 160: The surface of the earth as a
function of position
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Map Algebra includes more operations than just the local
operations mentioned before. Tomlin separates
local operations (chapter 12) characterize a location,
focal operations characterize a location within its
neighborhood; Focal operations are similar to convolutions
well-known in image processing (Horn 1986) (chapter 13)
Zonal operations characterize a location within the area of
similar properties, its zone; they have a different structure and
link towards the identification of objects in space or events in
time (chapter 14).
Focal operations are an example of the general concept of
convolution. It is not only important for geographic image
processing, but can be seen as an analytical method to analyse
spatial, geographical situations. The properties of the areas
immediately around a location influence this location: for
example a lake influences the land in its vicinity and this
influence is visible enough that we have special words for it,
namely "beach". A local operation is not sufficient to find beach
areas, it is necessary to have an operation that considers the
neighborhood; a beach is where water and land meet. Tomlin
called this Focal Operations and included in this class all
operations which are considering values in the immediate
neighborhood. These are 2d convolutions with a weighting
function but also generalized forms of convolution (see chapter
13). Again, the part of map algebra which remained stable for so
long is found to be an application of a well-known and well-
structured mathematical theory.
In this part, the application of operations to time series and to
spatial map layers is unified in the same conceptual framework.
The treatment of time series is presented first (chapter 11),
because the graphical presentation is simpler and the
generalization to 2d and 3d space and the combination to spatio-
temporal data are straightforward.
This part treats values as functions of space or time or space-
time. Ontologically speaking, these are representations of point
properties which are observed and represented in a GIS (Frank
2001; 2003). Issues of representation, which have dominated a
fruitless debate (Peuquet 1983) can only be dealt with later (part
xx), where the fundamental divide between continuous functions
and the discretization of the world in limited objects (Couclelis
1992) is discussed.
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Values which change in time, for example the outside
temperature, are common examples to demonstrate the treatment
of data which represents observations varying with time or space
(next chapter 12). If we observe inside and outside temperatures,
we can compute for any point in time the difference between
them. The values changing in time can be seen as functions from
time to a specific value, in this special case a function from time
to a temperature value. Operations like difference can be applied
to such functions and return a function 'difference between inside
and outside'.
Functions from time to some value are functors and we will
see how functors apply to operations to make operations with
values changing in time nearly as easy as operations with
constant values.
All life is change; everything in the world is in flux. In this
chapter we concentrate on point observations at the same
location repeated in time, but change is also affecting the
properties of objects, which will be discussed later. Observations
which return different values varying with time are very
common and can be contrasted with values assumed to be
constant. McCarthy and Hayes in the situation calculus called
properties which change fluents (McCarthy and Hayes 1969).
if we observe the temperature at a fixed location inside a
building and outside of the building during a specific day, we get
the values shown in table x, which will serve as an example in
this chapter.
Time Inside temperature
Degr. C
Outside temperature
Degr. C
7:00 18 5
8:00 21 7
9:00 21 8
10:00 20 10

Values describing properties of objects change in time, some
rapidly, some very slowly. often One assumes that some values
are constant if they change more slowly than what is relevant for
the problem at hand. Essentially all values change with time

Panta rei all is flow
Fluent = value which change with
Table 2Temperature readings inside and
outside of a building
master all v13a.doc 147
with the exception of very few natural constants, e.g. Boltzman
constant - but some value change much more slowly than others.
On the other hand, some values change much faster than other
values relevant for a problem and appear then as (constant)
noise. These issues of selecting relevant influences and ignore
non-relevant ones is not covered here and will be treated
The treatment of values which change is difficult in first
order languages: values in a formula are constants and the result
of a computation is a (constant) value. In first order languages,
variables can only take a constant value. To gain a handle on
temporal data, we use a second order language (see chapter 4.5),
where variables can be functions. We will see that this approach
is very powerful and allows a formalized treatment. The
alternative, situation calculus{Lifschitz, 1990 #8065}, which is a
first order logic based approach and still needs second order,
extra-logical operations (Reiter in preparation).
Assume we measure the temperature inside and outside, then we
may also compute the difference between inside and outside for
any point in time (Figure 163). This difference exists for any
point in time:
d(t) =i(t) o(t).
We call such computation synchronous because the values
corresponding to the same time instant are combined in a
computation. The computation d = i o is inside one snapshot,
the computation is not dependent on the time. Every operation
on a snapshots can be extended to a comparing calculation on the
corresponding number of changing values. the definition of the
functor fluent is a mapping from values of type Float to
functions resulting in a value of type Float with the signature t -
> Float.
Figure 161: Slow changing, quasi constant
First Law of Time:
Everything changes, but some things
change slower (and are therefore
constant relative to the faster
changing ones).
Figure 162: Signal and noise
Second Law of Time:
Some changes are so fast that they
appear as noise compared to slower
changing things.
master all v13a.doc 148
The table above (Table 2) can be seen as a function, for each
time point we get a value on the temperature scale. Given that
we have only discrete observations, the temperature between
observation times must be interpolated (Vckovski 1998). this is
meaningful as we know from physics that temperature is a
continuous function!
temp :: w -> t -> Float.
A fluent is a function from time to a constant value.
Operations for fluents are defined as the synchronous application
of the operation for each time point. For example, the difference
between the two functions inside and outside temperature is a
it :: time -> temp -- inside temperature
ot :: time -> temp -- outside temperature
dt :: time -> temp -- difference inside outside

dt (t) = it (t) ot (t)

Fluent is a functor, a mapping from an ordinary value to a
function from time to a value such that that categorical diagram
commutes (Figure 164). The functor fluent maps a constant
value to a constant function, which returns the same value. The
function + is mapped to a synchronous operation on the
(a+b) t = a (t) + b (t).
This mapping preserves identity (0 for the operation +) and

Composition of functions:

The transformation of an operation applicable to a single value to
produce a function to work on a fluent is a second order
function, which we will call generally lift. different second order
functions are necessary to lift a constant function, a function
with one argument, a function with two arguments etc. These

Figure 163: a) Outside and inside
temperature, b) difference

Figure 164:Commutative diagram for
master all v13a.doc 149
will be called lift0, lift1, lift2 repsectively if necessary to
differentiate and their signatures for a functor f are (note that
lift1 is often called map (Bird 1998):
l i f t 0: : a - > f a
l i f t 1 : : ( a - > b) - > f a - > f b - -
synonymt o map
l i f t 2 : : ( a - > b - > c) - > f a - > f b - > f c
A functor must preserve function composition and identity
function, i.e.
lift (a . b) = lift a . lift b,
lift 0 = 0.

Composed functions given by formulae like xx above can
therefore be lifted by lifting each component of the function. For
example the calculation of the percent difference between inside
and outside temperature is obtained mechanically by first
converting the infix notation in the formula in prefix functions
with arguments. For example a b becomes plus (a, neg (b)).
Then these functions are lifted:

This lifting of functions with a functor is sufficiently mechanical
that it can be automated; for example the language Haskell
(Peterson, Hammond et al. 1997) includes such mechanism
which nearly automatically lift functions from working on a
single value to a series of values.
master all v13a.doc 150
Fluents can be constructed from any data type. Fluent is a
functor with a type variable, which describes the type of the
value which is changing. Gueting has proposed a second order
operator with the same intention [gueting tods paper; gueting in
chorochronos], but not considered it in the context of category
theory as a functor.
t ype Fl uent v = Ti me - > v
Mathematical functions are typically defined as formulae, which
permit to compute for any value x a corresponding function
value f(x). This is an intensional definition (it is not 'intentional',
but one can think that the formula gives the intention of the
function). The alternative is an extensional definition: the
function is given by a set of values, between which we may (or
may not) interpolate (Figure 165). Interpolation methods must be
selected appropriate to the type of process which changes the
value (Vckovski 1998; Vckovski and Bucher 1998). The table
above (Table 2) gives an extensional definition for inside and
outside temperature at a specific location and day.
Discretization is a form of approximation, namely sampling a
continuous signal by a finite number of measurements; this will
be discussed in context separately, but nevertheless some
comments are in order here.
Observations must necessarily be for specific points in time,
they sample the continuous value, which is often called the signa
(l. To replace a continuous function with a discrete
approximation reduces the information content something is
lost in the discretization. Unfortunately, sampling can also make
appear signals which were originally not there (called aliasing)
(Figure 167).

Figure 165: Functions with different
interpolation schemes
Figure 166:Discretization of signal
master all v13a.doc 151
The sampling (or Nyquist) theorem says: If a signal is
sampled with a frequency f then the signal must first be filtered
to exclude all frequencies higher than f/2. If the signal is not
limited and high frequencies not excluded, aliasing can occur.
Aliasing is the effect that a signal of a low frequency appears in
the sampled data where only higher frequencies where present
(Figure 167). we will discuss Methods to filter later in this part
(see chapter 13).
The converse is that if we sample a function which is
sufficiently smooth no information is lost. If no frequency higher
than f in the signal occurs, which means no detail smaller than
d=pi/f then sampling with an interval of d/2 is faithful. Actual
sensors are not point sensors but integrate over a time interval,
which acts like a filter which reduces frequencies which are
higher than twice the sampling frequency sufficiently to avoid
the negative effects of aliasing (Horn 1986 p. 149).
Imagine that a time series has been observed, for example the
temperature in Table 2Temperature readings inside and outside
of a building, and later we determine that the clock used was not
set correctly, but was 10 minutes late or was correct at 7:00 but
then was running fast, such that it showed 8:00 when it was only
7:55 etc. (Figure 168). Similar transformations may be necessary
to change the temperature values if the 0 point and the scale of
the thermometer was not correct.
o = f (t) -- the original observations
k (t) = c + l * t -- the correction
t' (t) = t + k (t)
o' = f (t' (t) -- o' = o . t'
This chapter has shown how observations of changing values, for
example the outdoor temperature during a day, can be seen as
functions, in this case a function from day time to temperature.
Values changing in time are called fluents. Functions and
operations with functions are well understood in mathematics.
Operations defined for a single point in time can be lifted to
work on time series. This systematic lifting is part of the functor,
which maps from measurement values, which are constants, to
observations in time, which are functions from time to
measurement values. The next chapter uses the exact same
approach for spatial data.

Figure 167: a low frequency signal results
from improper sampling of a high
frequency signal

Figure 168: Time correction as a shift and
a scale
master all v13a.doc 152
What is a fluent?
Why is fluent a functor?
Give an example how to use a synchronous operation.
What is the sampling theorem? What does it say?
What is meant by aliasing?

Chapter 12 MAP LAYERS
In this chapter we focus on space and observations of properties
in space, which result in measurement values related to locations
in space. Sensors, for example areal photographs and remote
sensing data captured from satellites produce such
measusrements. Processing representations of properties as
functions of a location is the topic in this chapter.
Space is continuous and we can observe properties at any
location at any time. The discussion here is restricted to
snapshots with fixed time:
This field view answers the question "what is here?"; the
alternative object view answers to the question "where is an
object" (Couclelis 1992) and will be treated in the second half of
the book.
Map layers are used, for example, to find an area which is
suitable for building a nice home, given data sets describing
exposition, zoning and current land prices (Figure 170). The
focus is on homological operations which are the most often
used operations from Dana Tomlins map algebra (Tomlin 1991;
Tomlin 1994); other operations are discussed in the next 2
Figure 169: a remote sensing image
A (x, t) = f (x,y,z, t)
Goodchilds geographic reality
(Goodchild 1990a; 1992a)

S (x) = f (x,y,z)
a snapshot of space, time fixed
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Space is continuous and varies continuously. Our observations of
properties at points are related to points in 2 or 3 spatial
dimensions and in 1 temporal dimension. The discussion in this
chapter is restricted to snapshots with fixed time and 2d space,
which results in a projection in a plane. This can be easily drawn
and aids imagination. Snapshots of 2d space represent the
practically important raster images from remote sensing and
standard raster GIS data processing (Tomlin 1991; Eastman
1993) but applies as well to other representations (see later
chapter xx). The extension from 2d to 3d and the combination
with the time varying values as discussed in the previous chapter
are trivial. The limitation to 2d in this chapter is didactic and
does not limit the generality of the results.
One of the original ideas which lead eventually to the
development of GIS was the manual map overlay procedures
used by planners and geographers for a long time (McHarg 1969;
McHarg 1992). Maps are drawn on translucent paper and
overlaid on a light table. Visual interpretation allows then to find
solution of questions like find the area where logging of pine
trees is permitted, avoiding areas closer than 100 m to a water
body. Dana Tomlin, then a student of Joseph K. Berry at Yale
University, saw in the late 80s that such questions can be
computerized. It is possible to expressed them as an algebra of
operations on raster. This algebra is closed: the result of one
operation is again a map and can be used as an input in the next
one (Tomlin 1983). He defined Cartographic Model and Map
Layer as follows:
A cartographic model is a collection of maps that are organized
such that each of these layers of information pertains to a
common site (Tomlin 1983 p.4). The elements of the
cartographic model are the layers and these are already
registered, which means that they cover the same area, have the
same orientation etc. (Figure 171).

Figure 170: Three data sets to help identify
an area where I want to build my new
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The notion map or thematic layer is used to describe a
description of one property with respect to its spatial distribution.
A map layer is one theme from a cartographic model, it is more
like a map of just one of an areas characteristics (Tomlin 1983
p. 6).
The metaphor layer is used because a GIS is sometimes seen
as a layered cake of thematic layers, which are stacked one
above the other (for a discussion of effects of this metaphor see
(Frank and Campari 1993). Molenaar has used the term 'single
value map' to differentiate it from maps which contain more than
one variable (Molenaar 1995; 1998). This is an unnecessary
differentiation, technically they are single values, which are a
tuple consisting of several values.
We will use the word field for the concept of continuous
space and raster for the square grid discretization of it. This use
of field should not be confused with the algebraic structure
field, encountered in chapter 5.
Map layers can be overlaid and areas where some combination
of values from one and the other layer occur identified. Planners
and cartographers used to trace such areas on a new sheet laid on
top of the pile (Figure 172). The overlay shows where the three
properties apply and this can be traced on a new sheet (McHarg
1969; McHarg 1992). This new sheet can then be used in another
overlay operation, meaning that these operations form a closed
The traditional manual operations on a light table limit the
number of layers which can be combined and the tracing of new
layers is a time consuming operation. Photographic processes
were occasionally used, but give little flexibility [ref to spies eth
zuerich 1979]. The computerization opens the door for a flexible
combination with more operations than the manual overlay.
Tomlin differentiated operations in map algebra into three
Local operations, which combine the value from the same

Figure 171: coordinated layers are
combined homologically
Field = continuous space
Raster= a regular (square)
discretization of a field

Figure 172: Overlay of the three layers of
figure Figure 170: Three data sets to help
identify an area where I want to build my
new home
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Focal operations, which combine values around a focal point
to a single value
Zonal operations, which combine values from a single zone.
A local operation is looking specifically at a single point and the
resulting value is the combination of values from this point; focal
operations consider the area around the point of interest (Figure
171); and zonal operations consider values from an area within
an irregularly formed zone (Figure 173).
Tomlin's definition of a zone is an area where the same value
obtains, but not necessarily connected. The three layers in figure
Figure 170 are showing each a zone before a background of null
Tomlins book gives a wonderful collection of functions
which can be used to transform and combine layers which are
meaningful in a planning application (Tomlin 1990). In this part,
his ideas are reviewed from a mathematical (categorical) point of
Homological operations combine values from one or several
layers for one location at a time. They cut the values from each
input layer at the same location and produce from this set of
values a single result, which is the value in the result layer.
Homological means at the same location. Homological
operations often combine the values with a Boolean operation,
but they are not restricted to this. The vertical "pin" in Figure
171 indicates this 'cutting' of homologous values.
Local operations are given as functions which take one or
several values as inputs and compute a single value as a result.
For example, given the function g to compute a new value from
values a, b and c from Layers A, B and C is v = g (a,b,c). We
combine the values for corresponding (homological some
location) points with the given function.
The number of values which are combined is arbitrary;
functions which take one layer and transform it into another
layer are often called classification or reclassification, and
functions which take two values and combine in a single new
value are the most often used ones; functions with more values
occur occasionally.

Figure 173 Local, focal and zonal
operations: area of support to compute a
single new value
A zone can be defined as a
geographic area exhibiting some
particular quality that distinguishes it
from other geographic areas. (Tomlin
1983 p.10).

master all v13a.doc 157
A simple example: given the two layers of male and female
average population per areal unit, we need to compute the
average population per areal unit. This is simple addition of the
value for each location and the extension to two dimensions of
the two time series. The result can tehn be classified for areas
with a average population higher than 5 (Figure 174).
The map layers can be seen as functions from a location to a
value. Observations will be available only for specific points and
other locations must be interpolated (Vckovski 1998).
layer: location -> value
Operations on layers are defined as homological application of
the function to each location in the layer. If the values a, b and c
are available for each point in space, i.e. if they are functions a
(x), b(x) and c (x) and we are interested in the values v = g
(a,b,c), then we can construct a function v (x) = g (a(x), b(x),
l = op (m, n) -- l, m and n are layers
l(x) = op (m(x), n(x))
Tomlin's description of Map Algebra is not typed and most
implementations today do not apply a type concept to the map
overlay operations. The combination of layers can be checked
for correct types: the operation must apply to a layer or layers
which produce the correct types for the operation; then the
resulting layer is a function from location to the result type of the
operation. The types for the above operation op combining two
layers must be:
op : : t ype1 - > t ype 2 - > r esul t Type
m: : l ocat i on - > t ype1
n: : : l ocat i on - > t ype2
l : : l ocat i on - > r esul t Type
The concept 'map layer' is a functor; it converts operations on
single values to operations on a function from a location to a
value. It is very similar to the construction of fluents, which are
also functors (see previous chapter).
Understanding that layers are functors gives us access to the
same second order function lift used to combine time series
(chapter 11). Lift takes a function on values and produces
functions on layers of values. Any operation with the right type
can be used to transform a layer or to combine layers. Often used
operations are:

Figure 174: Adding to layers and then
reclassify the result
master all v13a.doc 158
Classification: the values in a layer are classified according to
some criteria; such operations typically transform a layer with
floating point values to a layer with ordinal or nominal values.
Boolean operations used to combine layers and find areas
where two attributes apply (AND) (Figure 175) or where
either of two attributes applies (OR).
Arithmetic operations on values: +, -, *, /.
Operations using order: min, max.
Statistical operations: sum, average, median, most frequent
Other mathematical functions: square root, sine, cosine,
tangent, arc sine, arc cosine, arc tangent (Tomlin 1990 p. 65).
Homological operations are often used in combinations: firstly
values are changed through some formula and then a
classification is applied and last the result then combined with
some other layer. Because layer is a functor, composition of
functions is mapped correctly and it is often possible to simplify
such operations using the formulae about distribution of lift1:
(lift1 f . lift1 g) l = lift1 (f.g) l
If the functor layer is defined, then all operations on single
values can be lifted and used to combine layers as they would
combine single values; no particular efforts are necessary nor is
any special language required. This can be used to construct new
formulae or new rating methods and lift them to apply to layers.
For some operations, specifically constructed layers are
useful. For example, a layer which contains the coordinates of
the points (or its discrete equivalent), quasi a function id (f (x,y)
= (x,y)). With such constant layers, it is, for example, possible to
calculate the distance from a given point p, lifting the function
dist (p,_).
Layers which are defined intensionally as functions and given as
a formula are seldom in geography. Most often, values are
recorded for individual points and interpolated between them or
regions where the same value obtain are identified. Other
representations are possible for continuous functions. For
example, Waldo Tobler has computed the coefficients for a
approximation of the population density of the world using a
series of spherical harmonics.

Figure 175: Boolean AND gives
master all v13a.doc 159
The restrictions on discretization discussed in the chapter on
fluents (chapter 11), applies in two or three dimension as well. It
may be surprising to think of frequencies in space, but it opens
the conceptual framework of signal processing (Horn 1986) for
application to geography, which will be explored extensively
when discussing approximations.
What is meant by the expression homological operations?
give an example.
Define layer.
What is the notion field meaning here? What other meanings
do you know?
What are local, focal and zonal operations? How are they
In what sense is map algebra closed?
How would you calculate in a discrete raster representation a
layer which contains the distance to a given point p?
Give a local function which classifies a layer with the height
in meters, such that areas below zero, between zero and 500,
500 and 1000, etc. are separated.
Give a small part of a layer as an extensional definition.
How does the sampling theorem apply to space?

Map algebra does not only contain operations which work on a
single location using data from one or more layers, but includes a
number of methods to work on neighborhoods around a location.
'focal' operations focus on a point and the immediate neighbors
around it. Similar operations are common in smoothing time
series and in image processing as convolutions (German term:
Faltung) and are not covered with a functor.
Here we show first the mathematical origin of one group of
focal operations which can serve as a prototype to construct
other ones. Convolution is an operation which is often used in
image processing to produce a smoother (or blured) image, but it
is versatile and can be used for other purposes.
In this chapter the concept of focal operations is first
explained for time series (fluents) because the explanations are
simpler and then applied for layers. The chapter first
concentrates on the convolution operation which is defined for
continuous functions and generalized this concept in the last part
of the chapter to other focal operations which are not
immediately expressed as convolutions.

Figure 176Rate of influence decreases with distance from focal point
A large class of interesting operations on layers computes a new
value using all the values in the field but using a weighting
function to give more influence to the neighbors than to locations
further away. According to Waldo Toblers first law of
geography, in most cases influences of far away things are
negligible and we can restrict the area of influence to a small
neighborhood around the point of interest, the focal point (Figure
176). This general principle is very powerful and has wide
master all v13a.doc 161
applicability; it is used in signal processing and remote sensing
to smooth or enhance images, and it can also be used in GIS.

Figure 177: Original and smoothed values
Consider the practical problem of measurements in a time series.
for example the water height a water gauge station in a lake
reports. Waves, random errors and noise may produce rapidly
varying readings when we know that the water level varies only
slowly. a sliding average to smooth the time series is routinely
used; this is often computed with a formula which takes 1/4 of
the value before, 1/4 of the value after and 1/2 of the current
value and this formula is applied to every value in the series
(Figure 178). The smoothing effect of the sliding aveage is
clearly visible (Figure 177: Original and smoothed values)! This
is technically a convolution!

Convolution is defined as the integral of the product of two
functions; one is the signal f(t), the measured value, the other the
weighting function h(), which determines how much influence
the values have. The result at the point t is the integral of the
product of these two functions:

Convolution is commutative and associative. the sliding average
worked with discrete values and used a weighting function
which is 0 everywhere except 1 for -1 and 1 and 2 for 0. The
First law of geography:
All things influence all other things;
nearby things influence more

Figure 178: Sliding average
master all v13a.doc 162
following computation shows how convolution works as a
multiplication of two functions given as polynoms (Figure 179):
Figure 179: convolution of functions given as polynoms
The convolution operation has two properties which are
important for temporal and spatial problems: it is linear, which
means that twice the input gives twice the output:

It is also shift-invariant, which means that it is invariant under
shifting of the coordinate system:

It can be shown that all linear and shift-invariant transformations
can be described as convolution with some specific function h
{Horn, 1986 #6987,p.109}.
Convolution seems to be a complex operation. When
transforming a signal from the temporal (or spatial) dimension
into the frequency domain by a Fourier transformation, then we
can use the observation that a convolution in the time domain is
a multiplication of functions in the frequency domain. This is
often used in signal and image processing, taking advantage of
the Fast Fourier Transformation algorithm. It would be useful to
explore this for geographic data processing.
Convolutions can be discretized. The fluent is given by a
sequence of equidistant values v1, v2, vn and the weighting
function is given by a stencil (sometimes called the convolution
kernel) w1, w2, .. wm; The length of the stencil indicates the size

Functions which are linear are
independent of the units used for
A convolution is a multiplication in
the frequency domain.
master all v13a.doc 163
of the neighborhood which influences the result; usually the
stencils are small, three or five values are usually sufficient. The
computation consists of sliding the stencil along the time series
and multiplying the values with the corresponding weight in the
stencil and to sum these products (Figure 178).
The discrete form of convolution appeals to the intuition and
is easy to compute and visualize. It contrasts in this respect
sharply with the abstract definition of convolution as an integral
of the multiplication of two functions.
The best weighting function to smooth a fluent is a Gaussian
function (Figure 180):

The stencil in Figure 178 is a length three discrete form of a
Gaussian: 1/4, 1/2, 1/4 or 1/4 (1,2,1).
The derivation of a signal can be computed as a convolution,
because derivation of a function is linear and shift-invariant. The
derivation of a signal shows the edges. The values for the
weighting functions must give a high value to the center and
negative values to the neighbors.
To identify the function which is the equivalent convolution
to the derivation is not simple, given that derivation is not an
ordinary function f(x). For discrete values, the stencil is for
example: 1/2 (1, -2, 1).
Understanding convolution as the multiplication of two functions
permits the generalization of the operation to time series where
the values are not equidistant. The weighting function h is a
function of the distance to the focal point x.
Convolution can be extended from one dimensions to multiple
dimensions. It is typically used to process images, including
remote sensing images, and is therewith important for
geographic data processing. Convolution in 2 dimensions is

Figure 180: A Gaussian function

Figure 181: Laplace operator used as an
edge detecting convolution (Mexican hat)
master all v13a.doc 164
generally useful for spatial analysis, to smooth a surface or to
detect edges, etc.
Convolution for layers in 2 dimensions are defined like
convolutions in one dimension, except that both the signal and
the weighting function is are in two dimensions.

Convolution for layers is linear and shift-invariant. Shift-
invariance is fundamental for operations on images: an image of
an object taken from a position and the image taken from a
slightly shifted position should be very close to a shifted image
(Figure 182)!
A transformation in 2 variables is bi-linear, if a linear
transformation of any or both of the inputs produces a linear
transformation of the result (see above xx for the one
dimensional linearity). A transformation is shift-invariant if it
produeces the shifted output g (x-a, y-b) when given the shiftd
input f (x-a, y-b) (Horn 1986 p. 105); this is quickly verified by
inserting in the formula above (xx).

Figure 183 An example for H (Gaussian)
A convolution to smooth a layer uses a Gaussian function in two
dimensions (Figure 183). The effect is exactly the same as we
found for smoothing time series (Figure 178), but in two
dimensions. The Gaussian function is clearly rotationally
symmetric and its effect in the convolution is also rotation
invariant. This means that the convolution of an image is the
rotated convolution of an rotated image: R (conv a b) = conv (R
a) b. A stencil with discrete values for this function is given in
Figure 184: Convolution Stencil for a Gaussian.

Figure 182: A picture and a second ne
from a shifted position
master all v13a.doc 165
For the detection of edges, a rotational symmetric function the
Laplacian operator can be used:

Given that any shift-invariant and linear system is a convolution,
we have to derive the equivalent function which as a convolution
has the same effect as the laplace operator. Horn gives a function
which is the limit of a sequence of functions {Horn, 1986 #6987,

From this we can deduce a piece-wise constant function, which
then leads to a stencil (Figure 185):

Convolutions can be used to filter an image to exclude high
frequencies (detail); a Gaussian filter which attenuates higher
frequencies is often preferred over a sharp lowpass filter, that
cuts frequencies at a precisely defined limit (Horn 1986, p.127).
Convolution of multi-dimensional fields can be isotropic,
treating space in all directions the same. The functions used for
the convolution must then be rotationally symmetric, i.e.
invariant under rotation: R (f a) = f (R a) where R is a rotation
matrix (for the discrete raster case, only quarter turns are
permitted). The Gaussian and Laplacian convolutions (and their
discrete cases) are examples for rotationally symmetric
Convolutions can be anisotropic. Most important are
detection of edges in one direction. For this a function is used
which is not rotationally symmetric nor are the stencils.
Many of the functions mentioned in the Map Algebra texts can
be constructed as convolutions. For example, the local sum
operator is a convolution with a function which is constant for

Figure 184: Convolution Stencil for a

Figure 185:a stencil to detect edges
master all v13a.doc 166
some distance (Figure 186). The focal average is the the result of
local sum divided by the area in the convolution function, which
is * c
. The corresponding stencils are easy to derive.
Many of the focal functions described by Tomlin (Tomlin
1990) can be split in a part which depends on the focal area and a
second part, which is just an arithmetic (local) combination of
other values. Sometimes these values are obtained by local, some
by focal operations.Only the essentially focal (generalized
convolution) operations are discussed here.
Non-convolution focal operations are best (or only)
explained in terms of a discrete, raster representation of the
layer. For simplicity we will assume that the stencil is 3 by 3
raster cells larger stencils are in principle possible, but
seemingly seldom used. The generalized convolution is defined
by the size of the stencil and a function, which takes the values
cut out from the data by the stencil and computes an unique
value from it (Figure 187, Figure 188):

Some focal operations include the central value v22, some do not
(and sometimes it is unclear, if it is included or not). Many
useful functions are essentially statistics of the 9 (or 8) values cut
out by the stencil. This includes focal maximum and focal
minimum, which apply a max or min function to the values
returned, focal sum and average, but also focal variety, focal
majority, focal minority, focal median.
Some functions compare the environment with the central
value (v22). For example, local percentile gives the percentage
in the environment (v11 v33, but not v22) which is less than
v22. Tomlin shows how this function can be used to compute
how prominent a place is from the height data, by computing
how much of its environment is at a lower altitude.

Figure 186Function constant in an interval

Figure 187The values cut out by the stencil
Figure 188: An example layer and the
computation of a new value
master all v13a.doc 167
Other operations can be created from these operations; for
example FocalPercentage, which determines how much of the
neighborhood has the same value than a given point can be
computed as the focal maximum from the computation of the
percentage for each individual class in the map, which is in turn
the FocalSum for a map which contains only areas with one
With focal operations it is possible to compute the gradient
(terrain inclination, angle of the terrain with the horizontal
direction) and the aspect (direction of the maximum gradient). It
is also possible to determine the direction of water-flow over the
area, which may lead to a determination of streamlines (Frank,
Palmer et al. 1986).
An operation which is like a focal operation can be used to
compute the cost of traveling from a given point over an
anisotropic surface, i.e. a surface where travel cost are different
for each point and given as a layer travelCost:: x -> c.
Convolution operations calculates a new layer from a given one,
but this operation is based on spreading the cost of reaching a
location from the starting point over the surface; it is a repeated
application of a convolution till a fixed point f (x
) = f (x
) is
Tomlin gives in his book many operations, which require
attentive study to understand their function. I doubt that they are
often applicable. It seems more sensitive, to produce a general
'convolution like' method to include a function which takes the
neighborhood values and computes the user defined result. Such
functions can include computation of gradient, slope and aspect
To solve practical applications, the small stencils typical for
image processing are not always sufficient. Tomlin suggests that
focal operations with an extended neighborhood are defined,
such that the user can define the radius of the neighborhood
included. These operations can be seen as a combination of the
determination of a zone (see next chapter) around each focus and
then compute the value for this zone. He also includes visibility
based on line of sight from a given point as a focal operation and
an operation to identify connected areas with the same values,
which cannot be treated in the framework of convolution and
generalized convolution.
master all v13a.doc 168
The focal operations are again defined without reference to
the representation. Convolution is clearly explained in terms of
continuous functions and other focal operations will not likely be
specific for a representation. The generalization necessary to
include all focal operations suggested by Tomlin seems to lead
quickly to a discrete case assuming a raster representation
(Figure 189). Efforts to understand the continuous function help
to understand the fundamental properties of these practically
justified operations.
The connection between focal operations and convolution
and the further connection to continuous functions has not been
sufficiently explored. Continous functions avoid the problems of
discretization and guarantee that the results are not dependent on
the resolution selected. Understanding focal operations as
convolution leads towards the generalization of focal operations
from raster to other irregular tessellations (Figure 190).
A method to compute convolutions for subdivisions
represented as irregular tessellations is to converts the integral
into a finite sum and to sample the layer at the appropriate
points; this is essentially a conversion of the subdivision in a
raster representation of a suitable resolution, which can be
achieved without actually storing the raster. I feel that a careful
analysis of the functions required to solve practical problems is
warranted and expect that some generality is found.
Demonstrate by computing the linearity and shift-invariance
for (1 dimensional) convolution.
Detect the time when temperature dropped or increase most in
the time series: 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 16, 17, 12, 10. What
operation are you using? What is the stencil?
Give a stencil for a 2d local average.
Why is it important that convolution (and other functions in
GIS) are linear?

Figure 189: a regular subdivision

Figure 190: irregular subdivision

we can focus our attention In a layer on all areas which have the
same value: we can look at all the wooded or all the urbanized
area in a map, we can look at lakes etc. (Figure 191). Tomlin has
suggested to call such a selection of areas with the same value a
zone and MapAlgebra contains a number of functions operating
on zones. Zonal operations compute a new value for a location
based on all area which has the same value as this one; zonal
operations combine in a geometrically varying way a location
with other similar locations.

Figure 191A map with the forest and the water zone separated
Zones are an intermediate step towards the focus on objects,
which is the second half of this book. It is important to
differentiate zones from objects zones are all areas with a
value, they are a layer; the zone wooded area is different from
the two objects "wood" in Figure 191.
Zones are defined as all areas which have the same value. This is
immediately meaningful for layers which are functions from
space to discrete values (e.g. integer, nominal). For layers which
map to continuous values (e.g. reals), it is usually necessary first
to classify the layer into a small number of classes which assigns
to ranges of values a classification (this is a local function).
Some of the operations on a zone use a second layer, a layer
different than the layer used to form the zone, to obtain values
Zone = Area with the same value.
master all v13a.doc 170
which are then combined to give the value for the zone. For
example, on may ask "what is the average height of the forested
land". This forms zones based on land use and then computes the
average of height using the height layer.
Image processing thresholds images obtains images with
Boolean values which are called binary images; these are similar
to zones. The image as a function is then called a 'characteristic
function' (Horn 1986 p. 47), but produces only a single value
which is not filled back into the layer.
Tomlin assigns to each location a zone, namely the zone with the
same value than the value at the location. The result of a zonal
operation is the same for all locations in the zone. This is
necessary to make zonal operations produce a value for each
location and assure that map algebra is closed. the map in Figure
191 includes 4 zones, which are forest, water, street and open
land zones.
Zonal operations are combinations of local operations and a new
'all area' operation. Take a simple example, namely the
computation of the area of the 4 zones of Figure 191:
Assume a classified layer M :: x -> {f, w, s, l}.
1. create four Boolean layers lf, lw, ls, ll :: x -> Bool, where
true means that the location is in the zone and false outside.
2. classify these four layers with the function f(x), this gives
four layers :: x -> {0, 1}
3. aggregate all the values in each layer to compute a value v
for each zone: vf, vw, vs, vl.

4. classify the zones in the layer M with a map f -> vf, w ->
vw, s -> vs, l -> vl
master all v13a.doc 171
This is not necessarily an instruction for the implementation
but it describes the logic all all zonal operations. Special
operations differ in the function f which is used there a second
layer or even multiple layers may be involved and (perhaps)
the function to aggregate the values across the area.
The new operation 'aggregate over layer' is independent of the
representation. For a raster representation, the integral becomes a
sum (Figure 192), in the simplest case just a count. For other
representations, corresponding transformation of the integral will
be given.
The number of zones in a layer is less than or equal to the
cardinality of the set of values. in the limiting case, each location
is a zone by itself, but then zonal operations are the same as local
The center of gravity is a geographically meaningful concept. It
is instructive to draw, for example, the movement of the center
of gravity for the population of the USA over the past xxx years.
The movement of the center of gravity for the population shows
in a nutshell the movement first towards the west and later in the
20th century to the south (Florida, Arizona).
In statistics, the centroid is just a special case of moments, it
is the first moment divided by the area (which can be seen as the
zeroth moment), the second moment is the standard deviation.
The second moment has a physical interpretation as the inertia
against rotation around the axis. This can be used to determine
the axis of an object (the orientation of the object) (Horn 1986).
Higher moments can be constructed but are seldom meaningful.
Moments are characteristics of an zone which are additiv. If
two disjoint zones are combined to form a single one, the
moments add: M a + M b = M (a + b).
The centroid is the center of mass of an object. It is computed as
the first moment of the object divided by the area, because the
moment physically the force to turn the object around this
point - must be zero for the centroidal point.

Figure 192: Aggregate the values in the
values in a set are always different!
Disjoint = no common part
master all v13a.doc 172
We sum the contribution of each part of the object to turn around
the origin in direction of negative y (respective negative x)
(Figure 193). This must be equal to the total area (mass) of the
object times the distance of the centroid from the origin
X bar * m0 = m1x
Therefore the coordinates of the center of gravity is the first
moments divided by the zeroth moment (Figure 194).
Xbar = (m
/ m
, m
To calculate the center of gravity (in general all moments) a
second layer which gives the first or second coordinate is
necessary. The formulae for these layers are
f (x,y) = x
f (x,y) = y
Center of gravity and moments have an additive behavior (see
later xx additive property): they can be computed for parts and
the results for the parts combined. The center of gravity of a
figure is the center of gravity of the parts, each part represented
by its center of gravity multiplied with its mass.

Figure 193: sum the contribution of each
elemetn in the object

Figure 194: Object in equilibrium

master all v13a.doc 173
The axis of an object can be found as the direction for which the
second moments are minimal, i.e. the axis around which the
object is easiest to turn. To find the axis, the integral r**2 f(xy)
must be fund, where r is the distance of any point to the axis.
Expressing r as a function of the axis as Normal Form
x sin alpha y cos alpha + rho = 0
and integration leads to the solution of a quadratic equation
in sin 2 alpha.

The usual solution formula gives the minimum for the
solution with the + and the maximum for the solution with the -.
The same result is obtained when computing the eigenvectors
and the eigenvalues for the matrix. What we are looking for is a
rotation alpha which makes the 2 by 2 matrix of second moments
diagonal. This leads to an eigenvalue problem.

If m2b == 0 or m2a == m2c then the zone is too round to
determine an orientation. The roundedness of the zone can be
evaluated as (Horn 1986), p. 53:

Note that these values are derived for zones but also apply to
simply connected regions.
Operations using a second layer can compute arbitrary functions
which combine the values of this second layer in the zone in a
single value. It is not necessarily the function 'sum over the
whole area', but the + operation in the aggregation can be replace
by other operations. Functions which are often used are sum,
max, min, mean, product, variety, majority, etc (see xxx).

Figure 195: Axis of an object

Figure 196: Contribution of a mass
master all v13a.doc 174
Tomlin introduces Partial zonal operations: The values in a
zone can be compared with the value at the given location. For
example one asks for a each point in a zone, how much area of
the zone is higher than the given point.
Local operations can determine whether two zones intersect or
not (Figure 197). a zonal operation determines the intersection
area, computing the area in the zone 'intersection zone". The
intersection of two zones is the logical and of the values which
qualify for membership in the zone:

The use of set operations to determine topological relations
is restricted to complement, union, intersection (which are lifted
not, or, and and) (Figure 198). The inclusion of A inside B is
computed as A intersect B = A, if A is disjoint from B then A
intersect B = 0 (Figure 199). It is not possible to determine
touching directly with set operations, but one can determine
inclusion and disjointness. We will later show a solution (see
Zonal operations are selecting areas based on some similar
values and then compute a value for the whole zone using a
second layer. This computed value is then the value for all
location of the zone. The operations used for combining the
values in the zone are operations which can be used to combine a
set of values to a single characteristic value: sum, average etc.
Zonal operations are defined independent of the
representation and apply equally to raster representation or to
irregular subdivisions. For continuous representation the sum of
discrete values becomes the integral, respectively the appropriate
finite aggregation operation for this representation{Bird, 1997
Many practically useful functions are listed by Tomlin.
These functions are often only shortcuts for a combination of
other functions and one might argue how the additional cost of
learning these functions compares to a building the same

Figure 197: two zones and their
intersection (as Boolean raster)

Figure 198Two figures and their
intersection, union and complement of one

Figure 199Two figures disjoint and one
inside the other
master all v13a.doc 175
functions from other functions. Tomlin gives an example on how
several simple and easily understood operations are combined
(Tomlin 1990 p. 163).
We may retain that zonal operations sum some properties of
a zone; in the continous case, the sum is an integral over the zone
(Figure 200), for the discrete case it is the sum over the zone.
Zones can be seen as objects and zonal operations as a method to
obtain (summary) properties of an object: area, centroid, axis,
etc. The operations given here for a 2d case can be extended
directly to 3d volumes. They can also apply to 1d (temporal) data
or to the combination of spatial and temporal data.
What is the difference in the definition of boundary in point
set topology and in algebraic topology (i.e., for simplicial
complex) which one is used for the definition of Egenhofer
Explain how two curves, represented as (4-connected) cells
can intersect without having a point in common. Which
important theorem is violated?
What is a hybrid raster? How much more storage is required
to compute Egenhofer relations from raster objects?
How are objects represented in raster?
Review: when is each location a zone by itself? Draw a
simple example!
Proof that the center of gravity of a set of objects is the center
of gravity of the parts, each represented as a point mass at its
center of gravity.
Thesis topic: reformulate map algebra with strict mathematics
and show what the minimum number of functions is to
construct a useful and computationally complete system.

Figure 200: Integral is the sum for an area

A GIS consists of observations of the properties of the world
measurementsrepresented as data and permanently stored. The
concept of measurement is to be taken generally, direct
measurement and derived ones.
In this part, three fundamental issues are considered:
Centralizing storage: the data in a GIS are stored only once
and are available to many different applications
Accessibility: the data is stored such that it can be used by
many programs in the same way.
Permanence of storage: the data is stored such that it is
preserved after the close of a program and is available to be
processed by the same or other programs later.
The application here is 'storage of measurements': this can be
the results of a surveying operation, where distances and angles
between points are measured, it can be the recording of
temperature at a location, but it can be the results of more
indirect observations, like the number of people living in a town,
a social index describing the population, or the cadastre,
recording ownership relations between people and land.

Information systems, which are computational models of the
world (see chapter 3), are an important resource in
administration, planning, politics, and science. They consist of
data and rules connecting the data (Figure 201).
Databases serve as central repository of data, which gives
more control over the important resource data (Figure 202). The
development of databases was initiated by commercial
applications, hence the terminology is influenced by
administrative data processing. Administration stores records
of relevant administrative decisions and facts; the records in a
GIS are descriptions of observations of the real world.
Databases were invented in the 1960s (ANSI X3/SPARC 1975).
Data processing was then oriented around an Input-Processing-
Output paradigm (IPO) in which individual programs are
dependent on each other (Figure 203). Administrative
computations required so many steps and connections between
the steps that any change in one dataset propagated through all
the others. The flow graphs for the data processing in a Swiss
Bank in 1968 covered a wall! Changes became extremely costly
and eventually impossible. The bank started an ambitious project
to build a network and a central repository, but this was too
ambitious a project for 1970 and failed. The principles they
followed were valid and are the concepts of todays data
processing: central repository for data and networked access, but
the effort was premature and the technology not ready!

Admiral Grace Murray Hopper was one of the pioneers of
electronic data processing and promoted the use of computer
data processing for the US Navy for administration and logistics
and was instrumental in the development of the programming
language COBOL designed for administrative data processing
(Error! Reference source not found.), which organized data in

Figure 201: Computational models are
data and rules

Figure 202: Data storage and programs
managing the data serve many users

Figure 203: The Input-Processing-Output
paradigm for file based data processing in
the 1960s.
The observation that a large number
of interdependencies makes
programming difficult and will
eventually bring maintenance to a
standstill can be generalized and
retained to understand other
difficulties in information systems.

Complexity is the enemy!

master all v13a.doc 178
logically connected pieces, called records, which consists of
hierarchically nested fields.
r ecor d Per son
f i el d Name
f i el d Fi r st Name
f i el d Fami l yName
f i el d Addr ess
f i el d St r eet Name
f i el d Bui l di ngNumber
f i el d Town
The network data model extended these structures for data
and introduced connections between records, so-called 'sets'
(CODASYL 1971b; 1971a). It was widely used for
administrative applications.
The relational data model (Codd 1970; 1982) dominates
database applications today, administrative, and geographic
alike. It structures data in tables. Researchers today introduces
object-oriented concepts (Atkinson, Bancilhon et al. 1989;
Lindsay, Stonebraker et al. 1989; Stonebraker, Rowe et al. 1990)
and proposes object-oriented data models, which overcome some
of the limitations of modeling with the relational data model
(Codd 1979; Deux 1989; Bancilhon, Delobel et al. 1992; Tansel,
Clifford et al. 1993).
The development in GIS followed similar lines of
development as the commercial applications. Data storage in
GIS started as independent files, with proprietary structures
optimized for the application programs used. Later database
systems were used for storage of the administrative data, but the
geometric data continued in proprietary file structures because
the computer systems and databases of the time were not fast
enough (Frank 1988a). Only in the late 90s standard database
systems were extended to include special treatment of spatial
data (Frank 1981; Samet 1990b)in particular spatial search
methodsto allow the integration of all the geographic data of a
GIS in a single standard database, as was advocated earlier.
FirstName FamilyName StreetName BuildingNumber Town
Peter Meier Hauptstrasse 13 Geras
Susi Meier Hauptstrasse 13 Geras
Max Egenhofer Grove St 28 Orono
Andrew Frank Vorstadt 18 Geras
Table 3: Example Data

Figure 205: CODASIL example records
and sets
Figure 206: Relational Schema:
master all v13a.doc 179
The database collects records of data describing facts used in
the enterprise. It centralizes storage and controls access to the
data; assuring that all programs used the same routines for access
and writing to the data. Data is only useful if it is corrector at
least consistent (see chapter 3).
To use a database for programming a large, complex data
processing system is a substantial conceptual change from the
previously used Input-Processing-Output model. The linear flow
of data through processing units, where data was transformed a
record at a time, is replace with a central repository for all data
and all programs access the data from this central repository.
This has consequences for the organization of data processing in
an organization. It changes the way individual application
programs are written (see chapter 9).
The centralization of data in a single unit makes programs
independent from each other and only dependent on the database
(Figure 202). A database is not just a collection of records.
Compare with a bank or a library: these are not just collections
of money like the money jar in the kitchen or the books on the
shelf in the living room (Figure 208) do not make a bank or a
library. Banks and libraries have guards that follow specific
rules. Rules to control the flow of money (or books) in and out of
the bank or library (Figure 209). Without control of the flow, a
bank or library would be quickly deteriorate and not fulfill its
function. Similarly for databases: substantive efforts are
necessary to guarantee that all the data will always be available
in time, in good quality. The database management system
provides these functions of control of the central repository.
A database is a single logical unit. It is not necessarily stored in a
single unitstorage can be decentralized and even duplicated,
but for the programmer this distribution is transparent and
managed automatically by the database (Figure 210). The
programmer sees a logical view independent of the actual
organization of the storage and his view remains the same even
when storage organization changes.

Figure 207: A database serves many users
Data that are centralized and
independent from the programs are a
resource for an organization.

Figure 208: Money box

Figure 209: Bank
master all v13a.doc 180
It was observed, that the same date elements were stored
multiple times in different files and wasted much storage space,
which was at that time, an extremely expensive resource. Today,
saving in storage is not important for the organization of a
database, but the sharing of data (see xx).
When multiple users need the same data, why do we not simply
provide everyone with a copy of the data? This works well if the
data are not changed (or change very slowly: a digital terrain
model can be distributed as a copy), but it leads to
complications, if the data changes and the users depend on the
actual state. For example, only one copy of cadastral records
should exist and all changes inserted there to guarantee
consistency of decisions. If multiple would be updated
independently, a fraudulent owner could sell his property twice,
once by recording the sale in one registry, and a second time,
recording it in the other registry! Sharing of data is important
because it gives me instant access to the changes somebody else
has applied.
Having the data stored once and accessible for all potential
users (Figure 210) assures that the data used is up to date: there
is only a single copy and anybody using or updating this data
must access the same copy. Confusion in the organization
resulting from using differing copies representing the essentially
same facts, is impossible.
The goal of a database management system is to isolate the
management of the data from the processing of data in the
programs (Figure 210). The database concept separates and
integrates the management of the data in a single unit and
provides standardized interface to the programs to access and
update the datano program can directly change the physical
storage, but must pass through the database manager (Figure
The database as an integrated and consolidated repository
(Figure 204) of data was invented to develop working solutions

Figure 210: Centralized data as a resource
The sharing of updated, life, data
is the major reason for logical
integration of data in a database
management system.
master all v13a.doc 181
for an often encountered problem, which was too difficult to be
addressed with ad hoc programming. Individually programmed
solutions repeated the same bugs over and over again. Storing
data, it was observed, is surprisingly difficult.
The database management system (DBMS) is a
commercially available software that is adapted (Figure 211) to
the particular task of managing the data collection of an
organization with a description of these data in a data description
language (DDL).The application programs include statements in
a data manipulation language (DML) to access the database;
these are compiled with the database schema to produce
executable programs accessing the data in a safe manner.
A language is necessary to describe the special aspects of a
particular database for an application. The database is
constructed from a general set of routines that are specialized in
a compilation like process to work with the specific data of an
organization. A description of the datathe logical and physical
schemata are written in a Data Description Language based on a
data model. The compiler translates these descriptions in
programs that are then used to store and retrieve the data.
The application programmer accesses these data in his
program text by specific statements of the data manipulation
language based on the same data model as the one used for the
data description. An augmented compiler for the programming
language then compiles the program text with these statements
and generates the code that accesses the stored data or changes it.
The data descriptions are separated in three schemas, each
describing particular aspects of a data collection. These views
were standardized early (ANSI X3/SPARC 1975):

Figure 211: Data Description Language
and Data Manipulation Language
master all v13a.doc 182
Logical schema: A comprehensive, but abstract description of
all data in the database. It lists all the data for the whole
enterprise and the consistency constraints for them (see
chapter 9)
Application schema: a sub-set of the full logical schema,
which shows only those data elements that are visible and
used by an application, the programmer's view. It can hide
data from a program to enforce privacy rules.
physical schema: describes how the data is physically stored.
This separation relieves the application programmer from the
need to know about the physical storage structure or about data
that are not relevant for his program. Only the relevant part of
the logical structure of the data, as presented at the application
programmer interface is important. Compare this to a library: a
user has only to give the 'signature' (call number) of the book he
desires, it is not necessary to understand the organization of the
stairwells, elevators, rooms, and shelves where the books are
actually located.
The design and programming of effective and efficient database
management systems is extremely difficult and demanding. The
storage and retrieval of data seems relatively simple. The
difficulty is to achieve an implementation with acceptable
performance. There are two bottlenecks:
Databases are always so large and valuable, that they must be
stored on permanent storagetypically hard disks. Access to
data on a hard disk is extremely slow compared to the access
to data stored in main memory.
Many parallel users must access and possibly change the same
data, but maintain consistency (see 275).
Performance is influenced by:
(spatial) access methods (Samet 1990b; 1990a),
Buffer management (Reuter 1981),
Query execution strategies,
Transaction management implementation (Gray and Reuter
A data model describes the tools we have at our disposition to
describe the world, more precisely, the representation of the
subset of the world of concern in our application area. The data

Figure 212: 3 schemas
Access to data stored on hard disk 10
milli sec.
Access to data stored in main
memory 100 nano sec.
Disk storage is 10**8 times slower,
this is the same relation as between
one second and one year! This
relation seems constant and not
affected by changes in the
technology; it was about 10**7 two
decades ago.
master all v13a.doc 183
model lists the concept available to describe the representation
and limits therefore indirectly what aspects of reality can be
carried over into the computer representation of reality. This
applies to all three levels of the schema, but primarily to the
logical and application schema (ANSI X3/SPARC 1975). More
powerful data models can express more but are more difficult to
understand and implement (see chapter 4). The issues in data
modeling are:
How to construct representations of objects (see chapter 8)
How to model the relations between objects: classification,
generalization, association, and aggregation. ( see chapter
In the early 80s it was observed that the same concerns
appear in the database communitywhere they were called data
models, but also in the artificial intelligence and programming
language research community took and a conference
documented the different points of view (Brodie, Mylopoulos et
al. 1984):
Administrative (DB) programming: few types, many
occurrences; permanent.
Artificial Intelligence: many types, with few occurrences per
type. Limited lifespan (not always, sometimes permanent).
Programming languages: few types, few occurrences, limited
A database, builds a model of reality representing "knowledge",
that what an agent believes about the world. If the data model
used is closer to the conceptual or cognitive models humans use,
it is easier for the designer to produce an appropriate database
schema (Booch, Rumbaugh et al. 1997). The translation of her
view of reality to a formal description is simpler and requires
fewer steps. It is likely that the model contains fewer errors. If
the modeling language is closer to a computer implementation,
constructing the database and achieving acceptable performance
is more likely. In the past, modeling tools were more influenced
by implementation consideration, the object model in C++
(Stroustrup 1986) is perhaps the most recent and extreme
Insert someplace (Kernighan and Plauger 1978)
Data models give on the tools we use
to model realitynot about actual
models of reality.
Models which are closer to the
analyst but not formal make the
translation difficult.
Models, which are close to
implementation make the task of the
analyst difficult and contribute to the
'software crisis'.
master all v13a.doc 184
Apparently only solutions that have a convincing, simple
algebraic structure endure: good theory remains for decades (or
centuriesfor example infinitesimal calculus). The relational
DB theory, which has a mathematical foundation, remained for
more than 20 years and we will present later a simplification of it
(see 032). Ad hoc solutions are rapidly superseded by new and
improved versions produced by companies or standardization
What is a data model?
What are the 3 levels in the ANSI/SPARC/X3 model?
What is the difference between physical and logical
description of a database?
DML and DDLwhat are they?
Why is ER similar to the object oriented data model?
Explain the difference between logical and physical
What is meant by the expression 'sharing life data'? Why is it
Why centralization of data storage? What is achieved?
What are the conditions that data become a resource in an
What is the reason that DBMS are technology dependent?
What is the performance issue in a database management

Three important aspects to retain:
- a language to describe data and
how it can be accessed, independent
of programming languages (see
chapter 9);
- consistency of the data can be
controlled by the database through
the transaction concept; (see next
chapter 8);
- a logical data description is
separated from the description of the
physical storage (ANSI SPARC).

Data stored in a central repository must be accessible in a
uniform way. Programmers built often elaborate and complex
data structure to organize the data optimally for use in their
specific program. This approach is not acceptable if data is
centralized and must be used by many programs. A uniform
method of access must serve the different requirements of a large
variety of programs, many not yet conceived.
To achieve outmost flexibility a mathematically clean data
model is necessary. It is based on the mathematically
fundamental concept of function, generalized to relation (i.e., a
mapping that has always an inverse). It is shown with an
example database for persons with addresses. The relation of this
data model to the classical data models, like relational (Codd
1970; Codd 1979; Codd 1982) or Entity-Relationship data model
(Chen 1976) are shown towards the end of the chapter.
Relations between objects are important: Region A overlaps with
Region B in figure Figure 213. For a geographic example, the
lake of Zurich overlaps with the Kanton Zurich, Kanton Schwyz
and Kanton St. GallenFigure 214; in the same figure, we also
see that Kanton Zurich and Kanton St.Gallen are neighbors,
which is another relation.
We will write relations as predicates, that is, functions with
two arguments yielding a Boolean result (this is more flexible
than the often seen a R b for the predicate R (a,b)). Relations can
have several arguments, but relations with more than two
arguments can be split into binary relations. For example the
parents (Andrew, Irja, Stella)
is split in two relations
father (Andrew, Stella)
mother (Irja, Stella).
It is thus sufficient to develop the theory only for binary
relations. We will here always understand binary relation when
we use the term relation.

Figure 213: A overlap B

Figure 214Kanton Zurich overlap Lake
Data Model 186
Certain relations are functions: the relation rel (A, B) = true
is also a function r (A) = b. The two expressions are equivalent:
Rel (A,B) = True <=> r (A) = b
Programs access the data values at different times during their
execution. This translates to access functions in the program text;
typically at that place, a variable containing the data is inserted
in the program text. For example to calculate the circumference
of a circle with radius measured as 1.5 cm, where the circle
radius is contained in the variable r and a constant is defined, a
formulae like r * 2 * is used and then assigned to a variable c
in a program statement like (Pascal notation (Wirth 1971; Jensen
and Wirth 1975)):
c : = r * pi * 2. 0
The use of the variable name r on the right side of the
statement is accessing a data value, whereas the variable name c
on the left side of the statement is an assignment of the computed
value to the variable c. It changes storage such that the variable c
can be used to access this new value later (Figure 215).
If a program is database-oriented, it must get all data from
the database and write updated values back to the database.
Local variables are replaced with functions retrieving the value
from the centralized storage and all assignments (in Pascal the
:= operation) result in a storing the new value in the database
such that it is available for later use. One could replace the
retrieval with a function get and the assignment with a function
put, which is a function that changes the storage. In a
mathematically clean language, variables cannot change and an
update, a put operation, produces a new storage that has all the
same content except for the element changed:
st or age' = put ( st or age, c, ( 2. 0 * pi * get ( st or age,
r ) )
In a program we have a variable name for each value; in a
database the data is accessed based on identifiers and other
properties that characterize the entity. For example, the birthday
of a person is found by first finding the identifier the database
uses for this person and then find the birthday related to this
identifier. Codd has coined the expression 'relational complete'
for access methods that permit to find all data using the internal
relations between the data (Codd 1982).

Figure 215: Effect of the execution of the
statement X on storage location r and c
Data Model 187
Data storage can be seen as a function, which produces for an
identifier a value: get (i) = d or more detailed get (storage, i) =
d. If we want to update the value associated with an identifier we
produce a new state of the storage (written above as storage')
with the function put. The axioms are:
get (put (storage, i, v), j) = if i == j then v else get (storage, j)
get (new, j) = indetermined.
The hardware used for storing datahard disk or RAMhave
interfaces to read and write data, which can be used to
implement such a get and put function. The concern of this
chapter is the structure of the access function, specifically what
are the arguments.
Historical comment: the idea to see database access as a
function was first introduced by Shipman (Shipman 1981) and
later adapted to the then new programming language Ada [ref
adaplex, dayal?]. It did not find much attention, despite its
attractive clean structure; the concern for performance and
skepticism against functional approaches (Backus 1978)
convinced the database community that it would not lead to a
usable implementation.
The data in a GIS represent measurements, observations of some
property of the real world. We observed this morning at 07:12
the exterior temperature at the airport Vienna-Schwechat and the
result was 15.4 deg C.
The unit is the observation, which has a number of
properties, namely:
the type of observation: temperature
the location: Airport Vienna-Schwechat (outside)
the time: July 9, 2004, 07:12
the value: 15.4 deg C
Measurements can be generalized to facts that describe
properties of entities; the properties can be observed or derived
from other measurements.
The representation of the world in a data model can start with
facts that describe entities in the world. Each fact is a
(generalization) of a measurement, the result of an observation of

Figure 216: Data storage and retrieval is
like a store room! The clark translates the
locker number into a location and retrieves
the contents.
Die Welt ist, was der Fall ist.
(Wittgenstein 1960)
Data Model 188
a specific aspect of an entity. In a database, a fact links an entity
with a relation type to a value.
Entities are represented in the database by identifiers, which are
unique like entities are unique. There are no copies of me!
This is a most general approach to recording the knowledge we
have about the world. The identifiers stand for observation
operations, but we can also think of them as standing for objects
about which properties are recorded, my name is Andrew and
my height is 1.80 m; assume that the entity ID used for me is
get ( 3537, hei ght , db1) = 1. 80 m
get ( 3537, Name, db1) = Andr ew.
In this relation (not relational) datamodel the database is a
collection of relations, which consists of facts. The database
manages further the ID and assures that they are unique in the
context of the database.
In a relation data model, the observation is an entity. Assume
that the observation has the number 23411 then we can construct
four functions:
obser vat i on_Type ( 23411) = ext er i or t emper at ur e
l ocat i on ( 23411) = Ai r por t Vi enna- Schwechat
t i me ( 23411) = J ul y 9, 2004, 07: 12
val ue ( 23411) = 15. 4 deg C
and all access to get values from the database would consist of
these four functions. Similar functions would be used to store
(put) new recordings. To achieve a database with more
flexibility, we use a generalized get function:
Get : : obser vat i on_i d - > r el at i on - > dat abase - > val ue

get ( 23411, Locat i on, db1) = Ai r por t Vi enna- Schwechat
get ( 23411, Ti me, db1) = J ul y 9, 2004, 07: 12
get ( 23411, Val ue, db1) = 15. 4 deg C
Because we model facts describing entities, all relations have the
form ID -> value. The case that the fact recorded is a link
between an entity and another entity, which gives the function
ID -> ID, is subsumed if we take ID to be a special case of value.
This restriction which is part of the data model will make the
query language simpler.
The example data introduced (chapter 7) is now broken into
individual tables, each representing a single function. To break
up the data in table 1xx in relations, we have to introduce entities
and the corresponding entity identifiers. We select P1, P2, P3, P4
Relations are collections of facts of
the same type.
Facts links an entity with a relation
type to a value
An entity is anything conceptualized
as a unit with permanence. Entities
are represented by identifiers. They
have permanence in the database.
An entity is anything conceptualized
as having its independent existence
Data Model 189
for the persons, H1, H3, and H4 for their homes, S1, S3, and S4
for the streets, and finally T1 and T2 for the towns.

Per son - > Fi r st Name
P1 Pet er
P2 Susi
P3 Max
P4 Andr ew

Per son - > Home
P1 H1
P2 H1
P3 H3
P4 H4

Home - > St r eet
H1 S1
H3 S3
H4 S4

St r eet - > St r eet - Nr
S1 Haupt st r asse
S3 Gr ove St r eet
S4 Vor st adt

Home - > St r eet Number
H1 13
H3 28
H4 18

St r eet - > Town
H1 T1
H3 T2
H4 T1

Town - > Name
T1 Ger as
T2 Or ono

Town - > ZI P
T1 2093
T2 04469
Knowledge about the world is often stated as the existence of
relations between entities and logical rules are used to combine
such relations. Predicate calculus can be used (chapter 4). The
tables above each represent such a relation: for example
personName (p1, Peter). an algebraic treatment was suggested
by Schrder in the late 19
century (Schrder 1890) and todays
form mostly given by Tarski (Tarski 1941). This is the
mathematical foundations for the relation data model presented
here cast into a categorical framework (Bird and de Moor 1997).
Relations can be seen as functions, given a town, we obtain
the population, giving a country, we obtain the capital.
Alternatively, we can see a relation as a function from pairs to
Boolean, which yields true if the relation obtains for the objects
in the pair and false otherwise.
r el : : ( a, b) - > Bool
pr op : : a - > b
rel (a,b) = True <=> prop (a) = b
Relations can be defined intensional with a general rule, often a
mathematical formula. For example: the relation square are all
value pairs (x, x**2), but also equal, lessThan etc. are relations.
master all v13a.doc 190
Relations used to store facts are said to be defined
extensional. In a table, all the values are enumerated (like above
xxx). We will assume here that relations are defined by tables;
this is the Allegory over (tabular) Relations. A more general
approach based on axioms only is given by Bird and deMoore
Relations are a generalization of functions; every function is a
relation, for example square f(x) = x**2 is a function, but can be
seen as a relation. Not all functions have an inverse but all
relations have a converse (see chapter 4). Thus if we consider a
function as a relation, it has a converse, even if it has no inverse
(Bird and de Moor 1997). Like functions, relation map from a
domain A (the source) to a co-domain (the target).
An allegory is a category with some additional properties. From
categories we get composition and identity. Allegories are
specialized for relations and can thus deal with indeterminacy
to an argument there may be several results: who lives in Geras?
Possible answers Peter, Susi, or Andrew.
Composition is similar to function composition; it chains two
relations together. It is traditionally written as ;, but we will
see that it is equivalent to the function composition in category
theory and therefore write ..
Traditional: a R b ; b S c < == > a (R;S) c = a T c, where T = R;S
Allegorical: S (b,c) . R (a,b) <==> (S.R) (a,c) = T (a,c), where T =
For example, the relations (Person->Home) and (Home ->
StreetName) can be composed to give a relation (Person ->
StreetName). Composition of relations is only defined when the
types correspond, i.e., the type of the range of the first relation is
the type of the domain of the second one.
The identity relation, which is true for any a: I (a,a,) is the unit
for composition.
R = I . R and R = R . I
The identity relation can be imagined as a table, has for each ID
the same ID in the second column.
Relations are defined by tables.
Allegories assume operations:
- partial order
- intersection
- converse
- meet and join
The additional rules for
master all v13a.doc 191
If a relation R relates a to b then the converse relation C relates b
to a. The domain of the converse of a relation is the codomain of
the relation; the codomain of the converse relation is the domain
of the relation.
a R b < = > b C a
dom R = codom C dom . conv = codom
codom C = dom R codom.conv = dom
For example, the relation inside between an island and the
lake is a function. The converse, the relation contains between
the lake and the islands is not a function: the lake of Zurich
contains two islands, Ufenau and Lutzelau, and functions must
always have a single element as the result (Figure 214).
Relations can have particular properties(Bird and de Moor 1997
p. 89) that have names:
Reflexivity a R a
Irreflexivity not (a R a)
Symmetric a R b => b R a
Assymetric a R b => not (b R a)
Antisymmetric a R b and b R a => a == b
Transitive a R b and b R c => a R c
A relation is called simple, if for any b there is at most one a
the converse relation returns one or no element; it is a partial
A relation is called entire, if for any b there is at least one a
the converse relation returns one or more elements.
If a relation is simple and entire, then it is a total function
and has an inverse function.
In the category of relations the concept of injective can be
generalized. A function or relation f is said to be monic if for any
f . g = f . g => g = g.
A relation that is monic can be canceled on the left (MacLane
and Birkhoff 1967a p. 499). For the category of functions, a
function is monic if it is an injection. A relation e is epic, if it can
be canceled on the right, that is, for any g
g . e = g . e => g = g.
For the category of functions, a function is epic if it is a
surjection. A bijection is monic and epic.

Figure 218: Simple relation

Figure 219: Relation that is not simple

Figure 220: Entire relation

Figure 221: Relation which is not entire
master all v13a.doc 192
A relation and its converse relation are dual to each other. In
general, to a category C we can define the opposite category C
in which all arrows are reversed, that is, for every function A ->
B in C, there is a function f
B -> A.
Duality in categories maps monic to epic and epic to monic:
if f is monic in C, then f
is epic; if e is epic in C, then f
in C
monic. The dual of an isomorphism is an isomorphism.
The definition of a relation as a tablewhich is a set of pairs
gives orders relation by inclusion. A relation a is included in
another one b (a < b) if all the values of the b are also values of
a. In a table representing the relation one just adds deletes a few
rows and gets a smaller relation, which is included in the first
one. This order relation is only a partial order, because not every
relation can be compared with any other. Order relations induced
by > have a dual, namely the order induced by <.
Inclusion is distributive with respect to composition
(s1 < s2) and (t1 < t2) => (s1.t1) < (s2.t2)
A set of objects L with a partial order < has, in the general case,
interesting properties. The maximal element is the top (

) and
the minimal element is the bottom (

), if they exist. Partial

orders and lattice are theories which expose duality.
Poset (partially ordered set) ordered by >=
Reflexivity l <= l
Antisymmetri l <=m & m <= l => l == m
Transitivity l <= m & m <= n => l <= n

, (top, bottom)
Injection: every element from the
source maps to a different element in
the target domain
Surjection: no two elements from the
source map to the same element in
the target domain.

Figure 222: Partial order

Figure 223: Two relations S > R ( S
includes R)
master all v13a.doc 193
The elements above an element x (e.g., in Figure 224 for K, it is
D, E, F, A, B, top) and the element lower than x (e.g., in Figure
224 for K it is N and bottom only) are sets. Elements that are not
connected by an arrow are not directly comparable; they may be
indirectly comparable, using transitivity of the order relation.
These sets contain all the elements that are comparable with a
given element and are larger (smaller).
The upper bound may have a unique least element (lub) and
the greatest lower bound (glb) (Figure 224).
For a given set of elements, one can consider all possible sets
that can be formed from these elements, starting with the empty
set, then all the sets with one element (singletons), then the sets
with two elements, etc. till one reaches the set with all the
elements. The set of all possible subsets is called the powerset
and expressed for a set of elements U as 2
.The empty set and
the set S are both elements of the power set. The power set is
closed with respect to the operations union and intersection (in
this context sometimes denoted as sum and product).
Union a b el powerset s,
Intersection a b el powerset s.
The operations are associative, commutative, and idempotent.
Union a b = a if and only if intersection a b = b
The powerset with the subset relation and union and intersection
operation form is partially ordered by subset; it forms a lattice. In
a powerset, the meet is the union and the join is the intersection
of sets.
A lattice is <L, meet, join> is an algebraic structure on a set L of
partially ordered elements (by <), where for each pair of
elements l1 and l2 in L exist unique elements meet (l1, l2) and
join (l1 l2) (Gill 1976 p. 144). Meet and join are defined as the
least upper bound and the greatest lower bound.

Figure 224: Upper and lower bound for D
and E (with lub and glb)
master all v13a.doc 194
Lattice <L, meet, join>
x < (r meet s) = (x < r) and (x < s)
commutiative r meet s = s meet r
associative r meet (s meet t) = (r meet s) meet t = r meet s
meet t
absorption r meet (r joint s) = r
r meet s >= r
r join s <= r
idempotent r meet r = r
distributiv r. (s meet t) < r.s meet r.t
(r meet s) . t < (r.t) meet s.t
The properties of relations can now be expressed pointless (see
xx). The relations are elements of the powerset of all the values,
hence they are a lattice.
Reflexive id < R
Transitive r . r < r
Symmetric r < conv r
Antisymmetric r meet conv r < id
Simple s . conv s < id
Entire id < conv r . r
To find data in a database we need functions, which select some
elements from a relation, for example, all persons with name ==
Susi (gives P2) or all persons living in Geras (gives P1, P2 and
The database maintains that IDs are unique and all relations
are functions from ID to a value, we have a function
toValue :: ID -> relationType -> db -> value
(remember ID is a special case of value and subsumed). This is
using the functional view of a database (Shipman 1981) The
converse relation is not a function and could be transformed into
a function where the result is a set of IDs (this is the power
transpose (Bird and de Moor 1997 p. 103):
fromValue :: value -> relationType -> db -> [ID].
Complex queries should be composed from simple queries; this
is only possible if the result type of all functions and the input
types are the same. This is achieved by making both functions
take sets of values as inputs:

Figure 225: The lattice of the powerset of
{a,b,c}, subsets are linked upward to the
master all v13a.doc 195
t o : : db - > [ I D] - > [ val ]
f r om: : db - > [ val ] - > [ I D]
As the IDs stand for the facts, we can say, we may want to find
the ID from some value, or to find the value to a given ID. This
corresponds for to follow the direction of the arrow in the
diagram (xx) and for from to go in the direction opposed to the
arrow. In the following examples, a number of small functions
are used to convert lists to single value or back:
Singletonconverts a single input value into a list
Uniqueconverts a list of one element in just this element
and Nothing otherwise (result of type Maybe e)
The data given before is depicted in a diagram, similar to an
Entity-Relationship diagram (Figure 226). Arrows indicate
relations of a 1: n type, of which there are two types: one 1:1
leading from an entity to a value, where the tail of the arrow is
anchored at the entity, and one 1:n between entities, where the
tail of the arrow is anchored on the side with 1 element.
Relations with n:m must be broken into two 1: n relations.
The person has the attributes name, year of birth, the buildings
have a number, street name and number, and the towns have the
attributes ZIP and name.
To find the name of a person to a given ID, means converting the
single ID to a list of IDs, then move from this list to the list of
Person names (which must be one, or none) and convert it to a
maybe value
f i ndPer sonName i d o = uni que . t o o per sonName .
si ngl et on $ i d

Figure 226: The schema for the example data
master all v13a.doc 196
. For an i nput of P3 t he r esul t i s Max.
To find the name to a given zip code is more involved: we have
first to find the town from the given Zip and then take the result
(which is a list of IDs) and get the names to this list. Last check
that the list is unique.
f i ndTownNameFr omZi p zi p o = uni que. t o o t ownName
. f r omo t ownZi p . si ngl et on $ zi p
To an i nput of 2093 t he r esul t i s Ger as.
12.2.1 Find all persons living in a town, given by name
Even more steps are necessary to find the names of all persons
that live in a town, given by its name:

Figure 229: Names of person living in a town given by name
f i ndAl l Per sonNamesI n name o = t o o per sonName
. f r omo per sonBui l di ng
. f r omo bui l di ngTown . f r omo t ownName
. si ngl et on $ name.
Here we first find the town ID from the given name and then
find all buildings in this town (which is also a list of IDs) and
then find the ID of the persons living in the buildings, and last,
we find the names of the persons involved.
For an input of Geras, we find [Peter, Susi, Andrew].
The relational data model uses tables as the major structuring
element. It breaks the single table above (xx) that contains
redundancy (where?) in the normalization process into smaller
tables. A relational table collects many tuples. Each table has a
key and the relational table can be seen as a function from key to
tuple. Operations on relational tables are:
Select all tuples with a given condition
Project: retain only some columns of the table
Join: compose two relational tables using equal values
(comparable to the composition of relations)
The inputs and result of these operations are always tables.

Figure 227: Person to Name

Figure 228: From ZIP to name of town
master all v13a.doc 197

Figure 230: The data as a table PERSONS in a Relational Database
Every relation in the relational model represents a Functional
Dependency (FD). Functional dependencies describe the
intended semantics of the model and are crucial for
normalization in relational database theory [zaniolo algorithm
for normalization]. A functional dependency states that there is a
function from the key to the tuple: for each value of the key,
there is only one tuple. The key can be a single column or a
combination of columns.
Codd in the original proposal for the relational database
model suggested that relations (tables) should be normalized
(Codd 1970), to avoid inconsistencies, so-called anomalies in
updating (Vetter 1977). The normalization rules are based on
functional dependencies, which are existing in the data as (world
given) consistency constraints. Normalization demands a break-
up of relational multi-column table if there exist functional
dependencies between columns other than the key columns.
The database thus described is based on relations, not relational.
The data is structured in a different form than in a relational
database, but conversion from one to the other form is possible
and lossless.
The relation database stores each relation independently.
The relation database consists of relations, the relational
database consists of relational tables, which consist of tuples.
The tuples are broken up in the relation database in individual
facts, of which relations are consisting. A relation database
stores the functional dependencies between atomic values in the
relations; a relational database combines several relations into a
single tuple. One could say, the relation database is the ultimate
normalization in a relational model: every tuple is maximally
master all v13a.doc 198
The currently available commercial relational databases are the
best solution available for databases. It took more than 10 years
between the original publication of Codds ideas (Codd 1970)
and the first viable relational database management systems.
Only late in the 1980s the relational database achieved
acceptable performance for use in commercial applications.
Relational database is highly standardized and application
written for one can often be transferred with not too much
trouble to other. The clarity of the theory with formally defined
semantics has contributed enormously to the popularity of
relational database. The query language SQL is standardized by
ISO. Extensionsincluding spatial and temporal extensionare
currently considered for standardization.
Relational databases have however some conceptual
limitations that can be overcome by the relational based data
model presented:
The difference between objects and values is fundamental. The
value 3 exists in many copies, which are all identical. The
objects Antares (the horse I often ride) exists only once, and
we can have many references to it (one can think of 3 as an
abstract object and each use of the number is a reference to it,
but this is usually not a practical way to progress).
Relational theory is based on set theory and tuples in table
are not maintained in order (in theory). A tuple is an a values,
not objects. All tuples must be different. Projectionsdeleting
columns in a tablereduce also the number of rows (which is
counterintuitive and in practical implementations often avoided).
For example, projecting the table (xx) on the single colum Town
leaves two rows ([Geras, Orono] and not 4 as expected [Geras,
Geras, Orono, Geras] duplicates are removed). With this
foundation in values and sets, it is difficult to model objects and
their permanence in time.
It is necessary to introduce into the relational database a
concept of identity of an object, which cannot be duplicated.
Codd suggested 'surrogates'(Codd 1979), I use here the term
identifier and always abbreviate to ID. These IDs are managed
by the database and are only used to connect values to entities.
SQL is intergalactic data speak
Occammake things as simple as
possible, but not simpler.
Objects exist only once,
representations can be copied.
master all v13a.doc 199
The advantageand also disadvantageof a Relational DB is
that the connections between the tuples are only established
when they are needed. The corresponding drawback is that there
is no guarantee that they exist or are maintained during
The connection between tuples is based on equality of values
in both tuples. The building contains a street address, and the
street name relates therefore the building to the street. The
connection is broken, if the name of the street is changed and
one has not updated all the building records. Similarly, buildings
are not found if the name of the street is not spelled correctly.
For example, real addresses may contain a B. Pittermann Platz,
a Bruno Pittermannplatz, a Dr. Bruno Pittermann-Platz, etc.
etc. all referring to the same actual plaza in Vienna.
The database schema does not contain the information that
these two tables are linkedit only contains the information that
the field streetName in one and strName in the other are of the
same type and therewith a join is possible.

Figure 231: Two relations with the same codomain
The relation based data model connects only through IDs,
not values of properties. If a link must be constructed from
values, a new relation with a new ID must be introduced (Figure
231, Figure 232)
Relations are an elegant calculus to deal with collection of values
not objects; this creates conceptual difficulties for temporal
databases, where IDs (surrogates (Codd 1979)) are necessary to
maintain the continuation of an object in time (Tansel, Clifford
et al. 1993). The commercially often used Relational Databases
are based on set theory and values. The extensions and
improvements added since the initial design have made them
very powerful, but added also to conceptual complexity.
The major advantage of the relation data model is the full
generality. Commercial data models, primarily the relational data
model, but also the entity-relationship model and the older
network data model imply rules, which are reasonable in most

Figure 232: The two relations linked
master all v13a.doc 200
cases but not always. These rules and the special situations in
which they do not apply are difficult to identify and then to avoid
(see xx consistency).
What is an entity? What is a tuple?
What does the relational data model consist of? What the
relation model?
What is the data model for relations?
R, S, T are relations:
What is meant with R;Sgive an example.
Explain why we can say that relations are ordered? Give an
When is a relation symmetric, when transitive?
What does it mean to state, that a relational database is value
based? Give an example where this becomes visible.
What is the meaning of a statement like conections between
tuples are value based? Give example.
Given two relations from Clients to ZIP and Stores to ZIP.
Transform them to proper relation form and link Clients to

Storing the data in a central repository makes them available for
many processes occurring at the same time; the data remains
after the close of the program that collected them and is available
and valid in the future. An example application for the use of a
database with GIS is the land registry, where the long-term
permanence of entries is of vital interest to all land owners!
Making data permanent is the essential architectural step
towards interactive computing as we know it today. In the age of
batch processing, data was printed and the lists were distributed
to who ever needed the information. This is not acceptable
today: we want to use the computer to search for the data we
need now and present the information we need for a decision at
our screen at the time we need it. The database concept made
interactive computing for many applications possible.
Programming under the Input-Processing-Output paradigm starts
with a sequence of input records that are transformed (or
merged) and results in an output sequence of records (fig. 270.01
earlier). This processing was batch oriented, that is, all inputs are
collected and treated at once, for example once per day or month
and they result in form of a listing distributed to the users.
Modern computing is interactive, where the user starts
arbitrary operationssome of which result in updates other are

Figure 233Database in a Network with many users
master all v13a.doc 202
simply requests for informationand expects immediate
responses on his terminal or connected personal computer. This
paradigm of interactive computing is only possible with a central
repository of data that is always available for all users, and that
can perform updates and queries for many users concurrently.
This central repository of data is connected with a network to the
individual workstations of the users (Figure 233).
Programming with the Input-Processing-Output (fig 270-01)
paradigm is dominated by the structure and sequence of elements
in the input files. It is typically a transformation of the sequence
records in the input, one by one, or it is a merge of two
sequences of records. The output file is produced in nearly the
same order than the input. If something goes wrong, the process
is stopped, the error corrected and the process started from start
again. This translates to programs that read input files
sequentially, record by record, and write output files in a similar
Users expect today immediate answers from their computers.
Changes in the world are observed and recorded in the database
as they occur. Under this interactive paradigm the client process
interacts with the database process. Individual changes are
processed one at a time, they access data randomly in a pattern,
which is not predictable. The result of an interaction is an
updated state of the database, and many users interact with the
database at the same time.

Figure 234: Sequential and Concurrent Processes
A single computer cannot really execute several programs at the
same time, but the results of several processes executed in single
time-sharing system are such as if they were actual progressing
in parallel. Real parallelism of operations is only possible if
several processors cooperate as shown in Figure 233. Single
processors simulate parallel processing using time-sharing: they
execute some operations for a first process, then stop this process
master all v13a.doc 203
and advance another process, then go to another one, etc. till
eventually returning to the first one and advancing this one; this
continues till some processes are finished and other new ones
Database must be prepared to deal with concurrent users.
Sequential processing would restrict the access to the database to
a single user at a time. It is not acceptable that other users must
wait till the first user has finished and thus concurrency is
required for a GIS data server.
The consistency of a database is threatened during updatesjust
accessing values for reading does not change the database and
will not change a consistent database to an inconsistent one.
Concurrent update processes have the potential for destroying
the integrity of a database. The transaction concept is a logical
framework in which we can discuss methods to assure
consistency during an update.
Designing a database transaction system requires
imagination of what are all the possible ways, a system or the
people using it can fail such that the integrity of the database is
threatened. Then invent methods that guard against these
mishaps. This will never give a hundred percent security. The
goal is to achieve an acceptable level of security with acceptable
cost. More security has a higher cost and there is somewhere a
balance between what is achieved and what it costs.
The transaction concept postulates:
All changes to a database occur in a transaction,
A transaction transforms the database from a consistent state
to another consistent state.
The database is initially in a consistent state.
With these rules a database is always in a consistent state.
The transaction concept is crucial to maintain the database
usable over long periods of time. The transaction concept is the
framework in which all possible problems that result form the
interaction of multiple updates in an interactive, multi-user
environment are resolved.
Definition of concurrent: More than
one process is started before all other
are ended.
Murphys law: anything that can go
wrong will eventually go wrong.
master all v13a.doc 204
A database transaction is started by a process that intends to
update the database. A series of retrievals and updates to the
database are performed. Finally the process request termination
of the transactioneither asking to commit the changes to the
permanent record or to abort the transaction and to delete all the
changes. The database then confirms the end of the transaction,
either asserting that the changes were committed, or indicating
that a failure occurred and the changes could not be retained, the
transaction was aborted by the database management system. If
the transaction is aborted, no change to the database occurs.
A transaction has four properties, which can be remembered as
A - Atomicity: transactions are atomic operations.
C Consistency; any transaction must leave the DB in a consistent state.
I Isolation: Concurrently applied changes must not interact.
D Durability: If a transaction has completed, then the result of the
transaction must never be lost!
Atomicity means the logical isolation and indivisibility of
concurrent operations. Each transaction transforms the database
The initial database is assumed
A transaction changes the database
from a consistent state to another
consistent state.
All changes are in transactions.
The database is always consistent.

Figure 235Phases of a Transaction
master all v13a.doc 205
from a consistent state to a next consistent state. The transaction
is completely done or nothing of the transaction is executed.
db2 = doTr ansact i on ar gs db1
doTr ansact i on ar gs db = i f consi st ent db t hen db
el se db
wher e db = changeDB ar gs db
How to achieve atomicity? Typically by creating a copy of
all the changed data and then replacing the pointer to the original
data with a pointer to the new data (Figure 236). It is assumed
that changing a single pointer value in the database is atomicit
cannot be done half (even if electric power fails in the moment
of changing the pointer).
At the end of the transaction, the database is checking the new
state of the database against the consistency rules stated. These
rules are typically expressed as logical constraints on the data
stored and will be discussed later (see next chapter). Most
commercial databases allow only a limited set of checks at this
If the database is changed by multiple users at about the same
time, we must avoid all interactions between the changes of
these users: the resulting database must be in the state it where,
after the different transactions had been processed sequentially
(i.e., one after the other). Any sequence is acceptable, but it must
be a sequence, not an interaction between two concurrent
changes. It may well be that the result of the sequence of f before
g is different from f after g (f.g /= g.f), but both are acceptable
solutions of a transaction management.
5.3.1 Danger of concurrent processes
Example from banking to detail the need for transactions in
concurrent update situations:
Definition: A transaction is either
completely done or not at all.

Figure 236: Atomicity achieved by
changing only the main pointer
Concept: guard against unintended
interactions between programs;
correct execution is equivalent to
serial execution;
master all v13a.doc 206
Two account s, A has $100; B has $100, C has $100
Two concur r ent pr ocesses: 1. Put $20 f r omA t o B
2. put $50 f r omB t o C.
Consi st ency const r ai nt s: t he sumi n al l t hr ee account s
i s al ways $300.
With this execution the clients lose money without justification:
the three accounts together contain only $280. A correct solution
is one, which is obtained by sequential processing the two
requests; in this case, the result is the same, independent of the
Concurrent process have the potential to interact, when one
process reads data that the other process writes data based on
data he has read before. This is not restricted to banking, but can
occur in GIS as well (see long transaction later in this chapter).
5.3.2 Concurrency of read and update processes
Transaction management is necessary to protect the programs
that only read data and do not change it if other users change the
data. The rule is that no intermediate state of a transaction can be
observed by another user; during a read transaction, the data seen
must be from a single state of the database and not changed
during the read transaction by another update transaction.
Example: Process A records that Mr. Smith has moved from
X to Y, both communes in county Clare. At the same time
process B sums the population of all communes in county Clare.
If the process B is not protected by transaction processing to see
only a single consistent image of the database, the count can be
wrong by one person, either counting Mr. Smith twice or never.
5.3.3 Concurrency control
Do we conclude from the example that all transactions must be
executed sequentially? This is a safe solution, but not optimal

Figure 237: Two concurrent update

Figure 238 Interaction of two concurrent processes
master all v13a.doc 207
and not acceptable in todays world. Could one imagine that the
large databases that hold all the flight reservations for an airline
could only be updated one request at a time? In the banking
example above, a transfer between two different accounts M and
N can be done in parallel without interference.
The examples above demonstrate that problems occur when
two concurrent transactions access the same data elements.
Technically, we consider the set of data elements read and
written by the transactions (the so-called read set and the write
set of a transaction). Two transactions can progress concurrently
if their read and write set does not intersect (Gray, Reuter 1993).
Two different strategies are known:
Locking: a transaction locks any piece of data it reads or
intends to write; another transaction cannot access a locked piece
of data and must wait, till the first transaction has concluded and
released all locks. Under this two-phase locking protocol [ref],
all locks must be obtained before any unlocking happens; this is
achieved by releasing all locks at the end of the transaction.
Locking with two phase commit guarantees that all transactions
that can be serialized are executed in a serializable way (Ullman
1982; Haerder and Reuter 1983; Gray and Reuter 1993)
Optimistic strategy: all transactions are permitted to proceed
and at the end of a transaction we check if any of the items the
process wants to write has been written by a concurrent
transaction since it was read by the first one; if this is detected,
the transaction is aborted and starts with reading the now current
values, otherwise it can commit.
The two strategies allow the same amount of concurrency
and have in the general case the same cost. With the locking
strategy there is a potential for a deadlock: process A waits for a
lock that process B currently holds; but B waits to obtain a lock,
which A currently hasa deadlock has occurred and none of
the two processes can advance further. A database may check
occasionally for such deadlocks and abort one of the two
processes to break the deadlock.
In the presence of updating
processes, transaction management
is necessary even for processes that
only read data.
master all v13a.doc 208
Under the interactive computing paradigm data can be lost when
computers or the storage medium fail and stored values are lost.
Under the Input-Processing-Output paradigm, data security was
achieved by making copies of the inputs, which permits to repeat
the processing later again. This is not possible with databases
and interactive computing in general. Under the interactive
computing paradigm, the input data is not available for
reprocessing a second time. It is necessary to find a way to
assure that data that were entered and the transaction confirmed
as committed by the database is not lost by accident.
The durability rule states that the changes committed to a
database must not be lost ever. A nave answer is copying the
database before each transaction and all transaction to other
medium, such that it cannot be destroyed all at once. This is not
possible, because copying a complete database takes more time
than available between transactions.
Assume that a copy of the database was produced Jan. 1.
During every transaction, all the changed values are written to a
file before they are applied to the database. In this file, the state
of a database part is saved in the state it was after the update (so-
called after images). This file is stored off-line (e.g., on a
magnetic tape) (CODASYL 1971b; Gray and Reuter 1993).
Recovery is possible: assume the third state of the database
is lost, but the copy of the database in state 1 is available from
the archive. The changes for transaction 1 and 2 that are stored
as well are then played against the database and step by step, the
state of the database after transaction 1 and 2 reconstructed.
The same method can be used to reconstruct a previous
database state from the current one or to roll-back the database to
the beginning of a transaction: before a part of the database is
changed, the state it had before the change is saved in a file (so-
called 'before images').
Arbitrary high level of security can be achieved, but never
hundred percent. The more security, the more cost. Compare the
risk of a threat with the cost to guard against it:
Disk crashrecover the database from backup magnetic

Figure 239: Deadlock A waits for B and B
waits for A
Figure 240: Two Transaction overlap
Figure 241: Database recovery
master all v13a.doc 209
Fire in the computer roomrecover the database from
magnetic tapes stored in a secure storage vault outside of the
computer room;
Burning down of buildingrecover the database from tapes
stored in secure storage system at a different location.
One can clearly see how more security against loss of data
requires more and more effort; the more devastating an accident
is, the less likely the threat usually is, but the more costly the
method to secure against it. Truly dangerous and difficult to
prevent is human erroreither due to incompetence of personnel
or even evil intentions of e.g., disgruntled employees.
The transaction concept and the usual implementations are useful
to deal with short transactions, that is, transaction that complete
within seconds or minutes, because conflicts are resolved or at
least detected and one user is made to wait till the other has
finished his changes. It is assumed that a transaction is short and
can be aborted if necessary and repeated. This is acceptable in
many administrative and commercial processing: when a client
requests a reservation for a seat in a performance and the same
seat is sold in a concurrent transaction, then the transaction can
be stopped (aborted) and a new transaction for another seat can
be initiated or the client informed that the seat available a few
seconds ago has been sold in the mean time to somebody else.
This does not work for GIS: Assume a collection of maps in
a public utility. There is a map for each street, including the
water and the electricity lines. But updates are not really
randomly distributed (as one may assume in an administrative
context). Actions in the real world are correlated: constructing a
new building will require changes to the electricity, the water,
the sewer, and the telephone linesall in the same street with
possible conflicts and concurrency problems. Consider the
following sequence of actions: The electricity group requests a
copy of the map for the Bruhausgasse to perform some changes.
The water group requests a copy of the same street to update the
water lines. The changed map from the electricity group is
copied back into the archive and a little later the changed map
from the water group is also copied backeffectively wiping out
the changes entered by the electricity group (figure).
master all v13a.doc 210
In GISbut also in other applicationstransactions may be
very complex and require substantial preparation. It is not
acceptable to demand that such work is started again all over.
Transaction of this kind last too long for others to wait for their
completion. Consider a complex transaction of parcels: a road is
widened and all parcels on this side of the road must contribute
under eminent domain laws a strip of land to the widening of the
road. This can be seen as one big transaction including all the
parcels along the road and the road parcel as well (Figure 243: in
an actual case in Schlieren (Switzerland), the road was several
kilometers long and included literally hundreds of parcels; it was
pending for several years due to some court cases). Such a
transaction requires substantial preparation for the geometric
situation and may be delayed by court actions for years. Clearly
neither restarting the procedure nor locking all the parcels
involved is acceptable. More intelligent schemes of transaction
management must be found at the level of the application

Figure 242 Updates are lost because no concurrency control
master all v13a.doc 211
The transaction management has serious impact on the
performance of a database. When assessing a DBMS it is
customary to test functionality and observe the speed with which
some operations are executed. It is advisable to make sure,
transaction management is switched on; vendors will often
forget this, because a DBMS without transaction management
runs much faster (twice the performance or better).
Transaction managementespecially the concurrency
controlcan be established at different levels of granularity.
The simplest solution is to use the full database as the unit of
interaction: all transactions interact and must be executed
serially; this gives least concurrency and the simplest
implementation. The most difficult solution is to select a field in
a record or a single entry in a relation as the unit of transaction
management: only few transactions will be in conflict, because it
is unlikely that two programs need to change the same data field
in the same record at the same time; many concurrent actions are
possiblebut the cost for this fine granularity transaction
management in terms of performance may be higher than what is
achieved. Effective solutions are often selecting physical storage
units (disk pages or multiple disk pages) that can be read and
written effectively to disk.
Knowledge is an important resource in todays organizations.
Data is centralized to make it available to many parts of the
organization. If many users interact at the same time with the
data, safeguards must be in place to avoid negative interferences
between concurrent updates. The transaction concept achieves
this. It consists of four parts:
A Atomicity: transactions are done completely or not at all.
C Consistency; any transaction must leave the DB in a
consistent state.
I Isolation: Concurrently applied changes must not interact.
D Durability: If a transaction has completed, then the result
must never be lost!
Atomicity of transactions excludes intermediate states of a
transaction to become ever visible to any user except the one
executing the transaction. The database visible to other processes

Figure 243: A Transaction locking many
master all v13a.doc 212
is always in a state of consistency achieved at the end of the
transaction. Intermediate states, which are inconsistent cannot be
completely avoided, but these must never be visible to another
What are the four parts of the transaction concept?
What is the definition of concurrency? Why is it so detailed?
How to achieve long term usability of a DB using the
transaction concept?
Explain an example, in which data is lost by incorrect
concurrent processing.
What is a correct execution of several concurrent
What is the difference between an optimistic and a locking
strategy for concurrency?
What is excluded by the atomicity principle?
How is durability achieved?
Why is a transaction mechanism necessary for readers (in the
presence of concurrent users who change the data)?
When does interactive data processing require a database?
Explain for each of the four components of transaction
concept what they prohibit. What is not allowed to happen?
When can we subdivide a transaction a into two transactions f
and g, such that f.g = a? Can you explain a concept of
minimal transaction?

To maintain data useful is important but difficult. The database
can check consistency after each update and abort updates that
would lead to inconsistent databases. In this chapter we discuss
the methods to express the consistency constraints. The most
effective method to achieve consistent data is to reduce
Consistency can only be discussed in a formal framework. It
needs a data model and the rules that are implied in it. Using the
relation data model introduced (chaper 8), consistency rules are
set in the general framework of logic (chapter 4). Consistency
means that the data together with the formalizable rules about the
world are not containing contradictions; the expressive power of
the language used for the description of the consistency rules
determines how much (or how little) of world semantics can be
carried over into database. It shifts the focus from performance
to the power of expression in the data description language:
What rules can be stated and checked at the end of the
transaction? In the relation data model, only a minimal set of
rules are impliedthe so-called closed world assumptions.
A data collection is only useful if the deduced information is
correct, that is, the isomorphism between the real world and the
model world in the information system obtains. This cannot be
demanded and checked within the formal framework assumed
for the discussion of formal systems (see chapter 3).
Within the context of the information system, we can only
check formally that the data stored is consistent, that is, free of
contradiction (see 022). The integration of methods to assure
consistency in a database is practically very important. Gross
errors are detected during data entry and can be corrected
The importance of consistency in databases has been one of
the driving forces behind the development of the field. In the
early days numerous ad hoc attempts were made to identify
Redundancy breeds inconsistency!

Figure 244: The Banana Jr. computer
checks for correctness of color of flower
master all v13a.doc 214
practical rules useful for the design of database schemas {Vester,
1998 #10216}. It was driven by a hope that consistency of data
could be described by syntactic rules. It culminated in the
collections of rules about Normal Forms, from 2nd to 4th, 5th
and higher Normal Forms (Ullman 1982; Date 1983)
Parallel to the development of relational database theory by
Codd and other, a text book that summarizes the theory is
(Ullman 1988), investigations into a logical interpretation of a
database were pushed. The seminal paper by Gallaire, Minker,
and Nicolas (Gallaire 1981; Gallaire, Minker et al. 1984) and the
corresponding book (Gallaire 1981) opened a new way to
understand a database and the methods to express consistency
constraints using logic.
Standard database theory gives the semantics of the operations in
terms of algorithms, which deduce values from a given database
by a search method. Codd has shown that relational theory is
database complete, all facts stored in the database can be
retrieved with the operations given.
This view isfrom a mathematical point of viewa model
view: the operations are explained in terms of their effects on a
model (the representation, see 205) in computer storage (or at a
very simplified model of it). A logic view considers the database
a set of facts and a query a proof: does the query follow from the
stored facts.
Gallaire, Minker and Nicolas (1984) have pointed out that
searching a database is like a logical proof. The database can be
seen as a set of axiomsextensional definitions of relations
and the query as a proof. The query can be a question what x
fulfills the properties p and the result gives a value for x (see
backward chaining in 220).
The logical framework is more general than a specific data
model with its corresponding algorithms for computing the result
of a query. The relation framework is equally powerful to the
logical framework. Bird and deMoor (1997) show that for
unitary, tabular allegories (as used above in chapter 8),
everything that can be proven in a set theoretic framework is also
true there.
master all v13a.doc 215
The framework of logic and query as a proof allows the
classification of different collections of knowledge. Relational
databases have a very simple structure, namely collections of
tuples that describe facts (which means Horn clauses with m=1
and n=0, see xx). In such systems, proof reduces to search. A
trivial algorithm to find an answer is to start with the first
element and to check this and any following one till one reaches
the endthe answer to the query is there is no such element or
till a tuple is found that fulfills the condition.
Under a logical interpretation of a database, querying a
database is like giving a proof for a theorem (see chapter 4). This
view is promising, as it helps to discover:
What are the logical rules assumed and built into the database
without being clearly stated?
The expressive power of the database: what kind of facts can
be expressed in the database and specifically what cannot be
With the adoption of a logical viewpoint, database theory can be
compared to logic. In particular, one can ask, what are the
deduction rules and what axioms are implied in a relational
query processing.
Reiter has identified a number of assumptions, which are
automatically and tacitly made in relational data processing
(Reiter 1984). Implied rules in databases follow an
administrative logic, which is not always applicable for
information systems about physical reality.
There are three assumptions invoked:
the closed world assumption says, that we know all what is
there and what we do not know is false;
The domain closure assumption says that all the individuals
are known; and
The unique name assumption says, that distinct names relate
to distinct individuals.
The closed world assumption and the related rules allow the use
of a logical inference mechanism that can be translated to an
efficient program.
master all v13a.doc 216
In database query processing, the assumption that all facts about
the world are known, allows to conclude from the absence of
facts that something is not true. This is used in processing by a
rule known as negation as failure (e.g., in language Prolog
(Clocksin and Mellish 1981)): the negation of a fact is expressed
by its absence, and thus by failing when one searches for it.
Negated facts are not stored explicitlywhich is effective.
Consider how many things are not true in the world and how
much storage space would be needed!
This is effective in administration, where the database is the
ultimate arbiter on questions like is Z a client of this bank or is
A a student at UCSB. If Z or A are not in the database, they are
not a client or student!
For a GIS database, this is not as simple: we have never
complete knowledge of the world, thus from an absence of
knowledge one must only conclude we do not know f, but
usually not f is not the case. If a piece of land does not show a
building, we should not conclude that there is none on itjust
there was none of the kind considered important when the data
was collected. Land on a map without trees is at best a statement
that no trees were on the land when it was surveyed, but one
must not conclude that this land is currently not tree covered
trees could have grown since (Figure 245 and Figure 246).
The use of the closed world assumption in a GIS must be
very selective and each relation should be labeled for
completeness, thus indicating if absence can be interpreted as
negation. In a GIS one must be very careful with the use and
deduction of negative facts!
The relational database query methods assume that all
individuals have unique names. One can thus conclude that two
individuals with the same name are the same, and that two
individuals with different names are not the same.
Again, this is a dangerous assumptioneven in
administrative processing. For example, I had once a student
who had the exact same first name, middle initial, and last name
as another student at the University of Maine. The other student
was dismissed, because he had failed some courses and our
student found himself dismissedbecause for the
What we do not know is false!

Figure 245: A map with a wide meadow
between a road and a forest

Figure 246: The same area in reality, the
forest has grown to the brook and a
building was constructed
master all v13a.doc 217
administration, the two were only onethe billing however
seemed to have worked independently.
In a GIS, we may have the situation, that the same object is
entered with two different names (Milan and Milano for the
northern Italian city), or two times the same name appears, but
describes different thingsMoscow (Ke) and the Moscow in
Russia, or Calais Maine and Calais Francejust the
pronunciation is different!
It is further necessary that all the individuals that exist in the
worldand could figure in the proofare known in the
database and no other individuals exist. Unless we assume
domain closure, we could never answer questions like: find all
cities with more than 100000 inhabitants in Antarctica. The
response is, of course none, but only if we assume that we have
a complete inventory of all cities in Antarctica. Or, even more
tricky: ask whether two individuals ever went to the same
university; if we cannot assume that we have a complete list of
all universities, there could exist one, of which we do not know
anything and the two individuals both went there.
In an information system, the database is augmented with rules.
If the rules cannot be expressed in a form that can be stored in
the database, then the rules are included in the application
programs, but typically not in a format that makes it easy to see
what the rules are and where they are expressed. Rules in
programs are usually not used by the transaction management to
check consistency at the end of all transactions.
The database schema must contain as many of the
consistency rules as possibleinitially, it was hoped that all the
consistency rules can be expressed in the form proposed in
database schema languages. This is obviously not possible and
will not be possible, unless the language to express the
constraints has full computational power (i.e., a full
programming language).
The difficulty is further aggravated by interaction of rules
between transactions: assume there is a constraint stating that
either A in table X or B in table Y exist. In a routine to introduce
A we check for the absence of B in table Ybut how can we
master all v13a.doc 218
lock the absence in table Y? It is possible, that somebody is
inserting a B in Y while the transaction to insert A in X is
underway and the conflict is not detectable (unless the first
process locks all of table Y).
Data is stored redundantly if it is stored repeatedly. Redundancy
is desirable to guard against data loss: we archive copies of the
database. The actual database however should not contain
duplications, because duplication permits contradictions: if a fact
is stored twice it is possible that only one of the two copies is
updated and then they have different values, which is a
Redundancy is a more subtle concept than just duplication of
storage: a logical system contains redundant clauses if we can
delete a clause and still derive all the same conclusions as we
could from the whole system. In logic, we say that the clauses
are independent; dependent clauses indicate some form of
redundancy. Of course, if clauses are not independent, changing
one without the other can create an inconsistency. This was the
method used to show that the parallel axiom is independent of
the others: changing it does not create an inconsistent system,
but lead to non-Euclidean geometry!
Consistency considers data and rules. Even data that does not
duplicate directly the same measurements can contain
redundancy and hence inconsistencies. Take a simple case of
storing the noon temperature of a day for several cities of the
world in a table; to accommodate different cultures, we store
temperatures in degree centigrade (Celsius scale) and degrees
City Temperature C Temperature F
New York 32 95
Berlin 22 84
Vienna 24 88
Rome 30 30
The table itself has no redundancy, but with the knowledge of a
conversion formula from Centigrade to Fahrenheit (see 023)
redundancy becomes obvious: one of the two temperature
columns is superfluous and can be deleted and reconstructed
when needed using the function.
Famous example:
The proof that the fifth (parallel)
axiom in Euclid's elements is
independent of the others.
Observe the contradiction in the
temperature for Rome!
master all v13a.doc 219
In a logic view, one can investigate the expressive power of a
database and the rules it allows. The most general case of a proof
system accepts arbitrary collection of first order formulae and
deduces the result like a mathematical proof. No effective
method is known so far to find automatically a proof for the most
general logical system. The simplest case is a set of facts and
only simple queries that can be answered with a sequential
search are permitted. A wide spectrum of expressive power
andunfortunatelyperformance is open (see figure 300-02).
The relational database allows only facts with 0 terms on the left
and 1 term on the right, that is, ground facts; it does not allow
rules or negated facts ("Peter does not live in Vienna").
A fundamental shortcoming of relational databases: they are
not computationally complete (i.e., there are things that can be
computed, but cannot be computed with relational algebra).
What is missing in relational database is recursion, which seems
not of much use in administrationexcept for the processing of
bills of components, which have components themselves. It is
however for GIS, where operations that require closure are
Example: Find the connected wood area, given a set of plots
(some wooded) and their neighborhood connections. Starting
from a given wooded plot, say A in fig xx, and find all connected
wooded plots are included and then all the connected ones to
those, etc., till no more are found (this is called the fixed point: f
a = a). This is not the same result as to find all the wooded area
in fig xx!
Databases often add rules to check the plausibility of the data:
the age of a person cannot be more than 100 years, the number of
stories of a building must be less than 100, a year must be in the
range of 1900 till 1999, etc.
As the last example shows, for all these plausibility rules,
exceptions are possible. Plausibility rules are useful to check
data and ask for confirmation if values outside the plausible
range are entered, but they must not make it impossible to enter
such values, e.g., my grandmother who was 101 when she died
or the year 2001.

Figure 247: Find all connected wood
master all v13a.doc 220
A database is consistent, if the collection of data and the rules
are logically consistent. The framework of logic applied to
databases reduces database consistency to logical consistency
and makes clear, that the rules (which are typically hidden in the
application programs) together with the data must be considered.
Redundant is to store something twiceonce is sufficient; if
stored twice, the two copies can differ. The redundancy can be in
the data or result from the combination of data and rules, which
make it possible to construct stored data or deduced data in more
than one way. Redundancy is to be avoided, not because it
wastes storage, but because it can lead to inconsistence.
The observation whether some facts are redundantly stored or
not depends on the rules and the facts, not the facts only. If there
is a rule that says that the relation between zip code and name of
town is a function (i.e., a simple and entire relationsee xx),
then the relation table in the previous chapter contains
Unfortunately, I have never seen a country, in which such a
logical rule was maintained. Most postal systems allow the same
zip code for several small towns and biggest cities have multiple
zip codes, thus breaking the functional dependency between zip
and town name. For example, Pfaffenreith and Geras both have
ZIP 2093, 04473 and 04469 are both ZIP codes for the town of
Orono. The table XXs does in these countries not contain
The difficulty is that the world is not simply cut and there
seem to be very few rules that have no exceptions. Database
texts and functional dependencies assume that the relation
between zip code and town name is a function.
Explain Functional Dependency? What is different in a
Multivalued Dependency? Give examples for both.
Why is redundancy considered harmful?
What is lossless decomposition?
master all v13a.doc 221
What are the logical assumptions built into the query strategy
of a relational database? What is the Closed World
Assumption? Why is a domain closure assumption necessary?
What is meant by negation by failure?
How to represent negative facts in a database? Give an
example for a negative fact?
Why and how can a query be viewed as a proof in a logical

So far we have seen how to represent point locations with
coordinates. The last part introduced coordinate systems and
their transformations. Our conceptualization of the world uses
more complex geometric objects: parcels are defined by corner
points that are connected by straight lines. In this part, a first step
towards the representations for geometric objects is made,
namely the representation of straight lines and similar infinite
geometric objects. The part consists of two chapters only: the
first discusses straight lines in 2d space and presents a solution
for the calculation of the intersection. The second chapter then
generalizes the approach to planes and general n-dimensional
The part contributes one more step towards a small number
of powerful operations that combine to form a GIS. The
computation of intersection of two lines is an example why
geometric computations are complicated: besides the simple
case where the two lines intersect, there are numerous special
configurations that do not lead to a solution. The two lines can
be parallel or even collinear. The approach used hereusing the
homogeneous coordinates and projective geometryleads to an
operation that is total, i.e., produces a meaningful result for all
inputs. The same approach then gives also a dimension
independent solution for the general casethe intersection of
planes with lines, planes with planes, etc.
The application of the theory in this chapter are methods to
construct geometric objects, as often included in CAD and GIS
programs (Kuhn 1989). For example, construct a parcel with a
boundary parallel to another one of 15 m width from a given

Figure 248: (a) Simple case for line
intersection, (b) parallel lines do not
intersect and (c) collinear lines have
infinitely many intersection points

Figure 249: Geometric construction with

Points can be represented and stored in the database (see 350),
but we have not yet seen how to represent lines and more
complex geometric objects. In this chapter a representation for
infinite straight lines is presented that are the geometric objects
most often used to delimit spatial objects.
Straight lines in the plane and their intersection are studied
since the Greeks investigated geometry (Heath 1981b). The
analytical solution from high school using on the solution of two
linear equations works only for the 'normal' case of lines that
have a real intersection points. Using the embedding of the plane
into the projective space we used to generalize transformations
(see 350) a formula is found, which works for all situations and
does not need to separate cases.
Projective geometry corresponds to the use of homogenous
coordinates and avoids the difficulty of ordinary geometry where
we have always to separate the treatment of lines that intersect
and lines that are parallel; in the computation, parallel lines
typically lead to divisions by zero. In projective geometry, all
lines intersect!
This chapter concentrates on straight lines in 2d space, the
next chapter will discuss the general case in 3d and higher
dimensional spaces.
What is a suitable representation for infinite lines? Several
methods are often used, selected to suit particular applications. A
line given by two points p, q can be represented in vector
notation as (Figure 250):
p = a + . v = a + . (b a)
This formula can also be inverted and we ask what value of the
parameter is necessary to reach a given point p. This formula
can be written also
l = p (1-) + q ()
that can be read as a weighted middle of p and q.
Figure 250: Line in vector representation
with parameter
051 Duality 224
In coordinate space, the most often used representation is y =
m * x + c, (Figure 251) but this cannot represent lines parallel to
the y axis (Figure 252).
For lines in 2d space, a line is the locus of all vectors from a
given point and orthogonal to a vector on the line. This is the
definition of the Hesse Normal form. This gives the
representation (with the direction of the normal on the line):
x cos + y sin d = 0
where = + /2
This can be generalized to a representation of a line in the 2d
plane by three values a,b,c : a x + b y + c = 0. This
representation is homogenous, because the equation multiplied
by any value ( /=0) represents the same line.
Note that in the Hesse Normal Form a line is represented by
a single vector.
n . (p a) = 0

The same result is obtained by writing the line as the matrix
determinant (x, p
, p
) = 0.
The equivalence of the two descriptions can be seen:

Figure 251: y = m * x + c

Figure 252: Line parallel to y axis
051 Duality 225
The computation of the intersection of two straight lines is an
often needed operation. It is interesting in its own right, but leads
us also an important step to further abstraction, namely the use of
projective space and duality.
Given two lines represented as two homogenous equations in
two unknown, namely the coordinates of the intersection point p:
a11 * x + a12 * y + c1 = 0
a21 * x + a22 * y + c2 = 0
expressed in vectors and matrices:
A x+ c = 0.
The intersection p (px, py) is found as the solution of the two
simultaneous equations. Using the standard formula, this gives:
x = A
Attention is necessary to avoid division by zero, which occurs
when the two lines are parallel and have thus no intersection
point. This is the case when det A = 0. This function is partial
and does not always yield a result. Coding must test for parallel
lines and signal this case separately. This is difficult, error prone
and should be avoided. The next subsection gives a solution.
In projective space, two lines always intersect. A computation
with homogenous coordinates (see xx) will always produce a
result. The representation of the line as ax + by + c = 0 is also
homogenous, because the line * a * x + * b* y + * c = 0 is
the same line; a line has only two degrees of freedom and a
representation with 3 values. Therefore it is necessarily
.In homogenous coordinate space, a point is represented by
the line through the origin and the point (see xx). A line through
two points is hence represented by the plane through the origin
and the two points (recall: three points define a plane!). In figure
545-60 two lines are given in the z=1 plane with points p
, p

and points r
, r

Figure 253: Intersection of two lines
051 Duality 226
The points p
and p
determine a plane through the origin in
the homogenous space, so do r
and r
. The intersection point is
the line through the origin and the intersection point. This is the
intersection of the two planes determined by p
, p
and the
origin, respective r
, r
and the origin. If we construct the
normals to the two planes p and r, we know that each line in p
must be normal to the normal of p and the same for all lines in r.
The intersection line is in p and r and thus normal on the normal
to p and normal to the normal to r, that is, the normal on the
plane given by the two normals.
This leads to a formula expressed in vector notation in 3d
space: For each plane, the cross product gives the normal to the
plane. Consider the plane through the two normals (and again
through the origin). The normal on this plane is the intersection
of the planes from p
, p
and r
, r
, that is, the intersection of the
normal with the horizontal plane z = 1 is the intersection point.
This gives the formula:
v = x = (p1 x p2) x (r1 x r2).
is line p1 p2, is line r1 r2
This formula gives always a result, even for parallel lines, but
the intersection is not necessarily a real point. The intersection of
two parallel points give a result with a homogenous value of 0
and the transformation to the Euclidean representation is not
possible (see formulae xx).
The use of the homogenous coordinates has lead to a short and
attractive formula to compute the intersection of two lines. The
function is total, for any two lines, given by two points each, an
intersection point is computed. No test for parallel lines, etc.

Figure 254: Line in homogenous coordinates
051 Duality 227
must be made and if the two lines are parallel, then a point with a
homogenous value of 0 results, which cannot be mapped to a
regular 2d point (see xx).
Above we have used the homogenous coordinate space
represented as 3d and followed a Euclidean (3d) argument, using
vector operations in 3d. Homogenous coordinates are a
representation of the projective space and has a richer structure
than what we have used here. This will be explored in the
following sections to arrive at a very powerful and dimension
independent solution. Note that we have used the cross product,
which is defined for 3d vector space only, which limits this
formula to the important special case of lines in 2d space, which
transform to 3d homogenous coordinates.
Homogenous coordinates were introduced in computer graphics
to avoid division (Newman and Sproull 1981), but projective
geometry can contribute more to computational geometry than
just a trick.
Projective geometry is an example of a non-Euclidean geometry,
where straight lines always intersect (see 310, where different
types of geometry were discussed). There are three different
models for projective geometry (Stolfi 1991): the spherical
model, the straight model and the analytical model; so far we
have used only the analytical model.
The projective plane is the image of (half of) a sphere, projected
stereographically on a plane (Figure 255). The geodesics of the
sphere, the great circles, are mapped to straight lines. All great
circles on a sphere intersect, hence all straight lines in the
projection intersect as well, but some of the intersection points
are on the great circle of the sphere (the equatorial line if the
plane onto which is projected is at the pole). The equatorial line
is mapped to the infinite line, the intersection points go equally
to infinity, indicating the lines in the projection are parallel
(Figure 256).

Figure 255: The sphere with geodesic lines
051 Duality 228
The straight model is the projection of the half sphere to a plain
touching the sphere in a pole (Figure 257). It contains all the
points of plane plus the points of the infinite line, which is the
image of the equator (Figure 256).
It consists of the vectors [w, x
, x
, x
], which are considered
as homogenous, that is, they represent the same point when
multiplied with any constant (/= 0).
The three models are connected by central projection from the
origin. Computing with the projective plane is just a different
interpretation of the geometric situation and a different
representation. In lieu of the 2d vectors we use homogenous
coordinates of dimension 3 (see xx), where the mapping
between the two is:
x = xh / wh xh = x
y = yh / wh yh = y
wh = 1
the mapping to the unit sphere is
den = sqrt (sqr w + sqr x + sqr y)
xs = x/den; ys = y/den; ws = w/den.
This corresponds to a central projection of R
onto the unit
sphere or onto the plane tangential to the sphere at (1,0,0). The
additional coordinate w can be seen as a scale factor, with which
all coordinates are scaled at the end.
To detect if a homogenous coordinate represents a real point,
which maps to the regular coordinate plane, or whether this is a
point of the infinite line, indicating the direction of the two
parallel lines, one has to test the value of the w coordinate (w
/=0 indicates a true intersection). The advantage of the
computation in the projective plane is that the result of the
intersection of two lines can be used for further computation and
gives meaningful results.
Duality was found before linking the lattice operations meet and
join (see xx). The observation that the representation of a line
has the same form than the representation of a point suggests a
duality between lines and points in projective space. In the
projective plane,

Figure 256: Parallel lines in the projective

Figure 257: Projection of a half sphere to a
051 Duality 229
(i) Any two distinct points lie on a unique line;
(ii) Any two distinct lines intersect in a unique point.
The incidence properties (i) and (ii) are clearly dual to each
other, in the sense that the interchange of the words point and
line, plus a minor change in terminology, changes property (i)
into property (ii) and vice versa. (MacLane and Birkhoff 1967a
p. 592).
Duality is a method to reduce the amount of mathematics
necessary by half: a set of concepts may be linked such that
statements with X and Y remain true when systematically all
terms X are exchanged for Y and all Y for X. Duality reduces the
amount of axioms necessary, it reduces the number of proofs
required, etc.(Stolfi 1991) and can sometimes even be used for
implementation (Guibas and Stolfi 1987). An axiom that is self-
dual, that is, the dual of the axiom is the same again are
particularly interesting.
We have encountered duality before:
Boolean Algebra is dual: the axioms of Boolean Algebra are
valid when one exchanges systematically and for or and T for F.
In set theory we can exchange the union and intersection
operation and exchange the null set against the all set.
The duality between a right and a left module, which we have
encountered in section xx discussing the construction of a vector
space as a (right) module. Modules over a commutative ring (as
the ring of Reals is) are left and right modules.
To construct the projective plane, take a 3d vector space V over
F and define the points P as the one-dimensional subspaces of V
and the lines L as the two-dimensional subspaces of V. For this
the two properties hold:
(i) if p /= q then their sum is a 2d subspace of V, which
is the only line that contains p and q (Figure 258)
(ii) if l /= m then their sum must be the whole space and
the dimension of their intersection therefore
dim (l intersect m) = dim l + dim m dim (l + m) = 2 + 2
3 = 1,

Figure 258: Union of two points is a line
051 Duality 230
which is a point (Figure 259) (MacLane and Birkhoff
1967a p. 592).
This is visualized as in Figure 260: the points are the lines
through the origin, the lines the planes through the origin.
Parallel lines have intersection points in the infinite line, hence
the popular statement parallels meet in the infinite.
In 2d space, the dual from a dual space is the original space. The
dual of a point is a line, the dual of a line is a point. Duality
preserves incidence: if a point is incident with a line then the
dual line is incident with the dual point. Figure 261 shows a
construction of the duality between line and pointit clearly
reminds of the Hesse Normal Form. Transformations for dual
spaces are the transposed from the inverse. Note: this is not the
only geometric constructions that maintain the duality between
the incidences of points and the lines and for which
dual . dual = id.
The duality construction preserves incidence as can bee seen
in the following Figure 262. The lines a and b intersect in point l,
the dual points a and b are connected by the line l, which is
the dual of the point l.

Duality can simplify geometric computation: we have the
choice to compute in the primal space or in the dual space,
whatever is simpler. It is generally simpler to construct a line
connecting two points than to compute the intersection. The

Figure 259: Intersection of two lines is a

Figure 260

Figure 261: A line l and its dual (the point
Figure 262: Duality preserves incidence
051 Duality 231
figure shows, that we can determine the intersection of two lines
by connecting the corresponding two dual points and to
determine the primal point belonging to this line.
Considering the interpretation of homogenous coordinates as
points in 3d space, where a 2d point is a line in 3d space, which
goes through the origin and the 2d point in the horizontal plane z
= 1 (see Figure 263), duality can be explained in a visual form:
A line in 2d (given as 2 points) is a plane in the homogenous
spacenamely the plane through the origin and the two given
points. The dual of this homogenous plane (a 2d line) is the
normal on this planea line in homogenous coordinates and
correspondingly a point in 2d (the intersection of the normal with
the horizontal plane z = 1). The dual of a line given by two
points is thus simply the cross product.

Figure 541-10
The modules, and vector spaces so far, have been built upon a
scalar multiplication where the scalar was the left and the vector
the right argument:
( $*) : : scal ar - > vect or - > vect or .
These modules and vector spaces where hence left modules; the
exact same construction is possible with a scalar multiplication,
where the scalar is the right argument:
( *$) : : vect or - > scal ar - > vect or .
The vector space resulting from a right or left scalar
multiplication are dual to each other.
This has interesting, also geometric, interpretations. Duality
in a polynomials of the form a
* x
+ a
* x
+ a
* x
the coefficients and the unknowns: the polynomial is a polynom
with coefficients a
, a
, .. in x, but also a polynom with
coefficients x
, x
, .. in a.
In accordance with some of the literature (MacLane and
Birkhoff 1967a) we select a right module for the vector space
(*$). In this case, points are expressed as column vectors,
linear transformations are written before the point to which they
apply p = T p (premultiplication), where p and p are column
vectors. For this choice, the hyperplanes are then row vectors,
etc. Care must be applied when comparing different texts on the

Figure 263: A line is a plane in the
homogenous space
051 Duality 232
subjectthere are many which used the other convention (row
vectors for points, postmultiplication for transformations).
The choice is arbitrary, but makes some formulae more
intuitive. The application of a transformation is written like the
application of a function: T x looks like f x. Important is to
maintain the choice made; if reading other texts, assure if they
are using the same convention or not (for example, Stolfi uses
postmultiplication, and has points as rows (Stolfi 1991)).
The simplest dual module for a given module is the module
with the other multiplication, exchange right vs. left scalar
multiplication; vectors must then be the other vector, exchange
row vs. column.
The transformation between space and dual space is by moving
to the dual module and to invert and transpose the transformation
matrices. Space and dual space are linked, such that the
transformation of the space and the contragradient
transformation, that is, transpose of the inverse transformations,
of the dual space preserve the relation. The contragradient
transformation is often written as A

Duality allows us to select between two representation for points
and linesthe primal and the dual one. Of course, the
representation of a point and the dual representation of a line
should be the same, so there are two representations only.
Lines can be defined just by enumeration of the vectors (column)
of the two points which they are defined by. In the next chapter,
051 Duality 233
we will see that this generalizes to hyperplanes, which we will
call flats, of n dimension: a list of n points!

Straight lines and planes can be defined as equations with
vectors. A straight line is all points which are collinear with two
given points; a plane is all vectors orthogonal to a given vector
and starting in a given point (Figure 265).
We have seen above that intersection has a dual operation, which
was described as 'sum' above (see). This justifies to explore
lattice theory (German Verbandtheorie) for applicability to
geometry. Lattice theory is a generalization of the familiar
Boolean algebra, as we will see shortly.
In contradistinction to the usual program for geometric
studies based on objects of different dimension, that is, point,
lines and areas, Menger suggested a program which is focused
on joining and intersecting (Blumenthal and Menger 1970 p.
135). It suggested a fundamental algebraic structurewhich
became generalized to include other similar structures and is
called now Lattice theory (Birkhoff 1967) (German Verbnde)
[klein 30]. Lattices are perhaps as fundamental and important an
algebraic structure as groups; they have similar types of
properties and are closely related to order (see values
chapter), but unlike groups and related structures (rings, fields)
they are less number oriented and seemingly more useful to
treat geometry.
For flats Stolfi described a lattice algebra, which is based on
the two operations join and meet. Classical geometry is
dominated by the relations of perpendicularity and parallelism
probably because these are the relations easy to construct with
compass and ruler. The equally important operations of
intersection and merging are not often the focus, but these are
exactly the operations that are causing most difficulties because
they are not total functions.

Figure 264: A line given by two points

Figure 265: A line and a plane
051 Duality 234
A lattice is an algebraic system with two operations, called join
and meet (sometimes written as sum for join (+) and product for
meet (*)).These operations are commutative, associativelike a
groupand absorptive (German Adjunktivitt). I follow
standard mathematical notation and use V for join and ^ for meet
(following maclean and Stolfi [ref]). The literature on projective
geometry is not consistent, for example Frstner (Frstner and
Winter 1995) uses for join the wedge ^, as traditional for
Grassmanns exterior product.
Algebra Lattice l where
Join, meet :: l -> l -> l
a join b =b join a
a meet b = b meet a commutative
a join (b join c) = (a join b) join c
a meger (b meet c) = (a meet b) meet c associativ

a join (a meet b) = a absorptive
a meet (a join b) = a
Lattice may have two distinct elementscalled 0, 1 or
vacuum and universesuch that the regular axioms for unit
elements are satisfied; if a lattice has distinct elements, these are
a join 0 = 0 a meet 0 = a
a join 1 = 1 a meet 1 = 1
In a lattice with distinct elements an operation complement
can be defined:
complement : l -> l
such that
a join (comp a) = 0 a meet (comp a) = 1.
These lattices are called complemented.
Distributive lattices are those, in which the distributive law
is valid:
(a meet b) join c = (a join c) meet (a join c)
(a join b) meet c = (a meet c) join (a meet c).
051 Duality 235
Note: The later application of lattice theory to
projective geometry does not assume that join and
meet are commutative!
One observes immediately, that the ordinary Boolean algebra is a
special case of a complemented and distributive lattice with
exactly two elements. Set False for 0, True for 1, and for join
and or for meet, not is the complement. The rules previously
given for Boolean algebra obtain.
The German term Verband hints to the fact, that each element
in a Boolean lattice is connected up and down (verbunden).
Boolean lattices connect to partial orders nicely, but this is not
explored here.
The axioms of lattice theory have a particular structure, namely
the use of join and meet appear completely symmetric. One can
obtain one axiom from the other by replacing systematically
join with meet and meet with join and a valid axiom results.
A join of two points gives a flat (see xx above)this will be
generalized to higher dimensions in the next chapter: a join of
flats gives a flat of a higher dimension. For example from two
points we get a line, from three points a plane. The line
(represented by the orthogonal to it) is obtained by computing
the cross product of the two vectors that represent the two points.
This can be checked, as the two points are on this line (i.e., the
dot product of line and point is zero).

Join is only defined if there are no common points in the
definition of the two flats; if the same point appears twice, then
the resulting matrix is singular (because some of the points are
linearly dependent). This leads to a quick way to determine if
two points are the same in homogenous coordinates.

Figure 266: Boolean lattice for 3 elements

Figure 267: Boolean lattice for 4 elements
545-83 the Boolean lattices for 3 and 4
figure 545-38 2d points and lines; calculation in 3d homogenous coordinates
051 Duality 236
The meet of two flats is the common part. The meet of two lines
is the intersection point. Again, this will be generalized in the
next chapter to higher dimensions: the meet of two planes (545-
40) is the line in which they intersect.
The best way to calculate the meet is to use duality: the meet is
the dual of the join of the dual of the two lines. The meet of two
lines is the intersection pointthe calculation with the duals
leads to a simple formula (545-39).

Observe that the two lines are often given as two pairs of points
, p
) and (r
, r
). Then is p
x p
and is r
x r
(see 545-38).
The intersection point is then
v = x = (p1 x p2) x (r1 x r2).
This is exactly the formula that we found earlier, using
geometric arguments and figure 545-60.
Given the duality between points and flats (lines) and the
correspondence between join (connecting) and merge
(intersecting) (figure 541-14), we have commutative diagrams
like 541-13, which show that only one of the two operations and
duality must be given to construct the other.
merge a b = dual (join (dual a) (dual b))
join a b = dual (merge (dual a) (dual b))

Extensively this is shown in a situation with three points p
, p
and three lines l
, l
, l
and their duals.

Figure 268: Join of a b

Figure 269: A point p = intersect (l, m)
Figure: 545-39

Figure 270: Duality
Figure 271Commutative diagrams
051 Duality 237

We have seen above that join of two points is simply writing the
two column vectors into a matrix and that dual of a line
expressed as two points gives the cross product of the two
points; this is sufficient to implement the join (intersection)!

Coding intersection of lines is one of the most tricky parts of
geometric processing. The solutions here seem to be clean and
The potential of duality and projective geometry is much
more attractive for a treatment of 2d, 3d and higher dimensional
objects in a single approach. The approach should be paying off
even more when extending to 3d geometry in a GIS.
The arguments above apply to the 2d plane and the
corresponding 3d projective space. They use extensively the
cross product for computation (both to obtain the dual and the
join operation). Cross product is defined for 3d vectors only! The
next chapter shows the generalization to n dimension.
Figure 272
051 Duality 238
What is duality? Explain with already known algebras (set
What is the meaning of homogenous?
What is a lattice structure? In what sense is it dual?
How do the operations meet and join apply to geometry?
Explain the duality of points and line?
Why are we using projective space?
Give the formulae for the intersection of two lines given by
What is the difference between the geometric program by
Hilbert compared to the approach by Menger and

Chapter 20 11 TOPOLGOY
In the previous chapter we have seen how projective geometry
can lead us to simple formulae for calculation of the intersection,
using duality. Numerous hints have suggested that the approach
can be generalized to any number of dimensions. This chapter
achieves this and concludes with a single formula for all
intersection calculations, whatever the dimension of the space
and the object.
It starts with the identification of vector and matrix
operations that are dimension independent and generalizes vector
(cross) and triple product from 3 to n dimensions. This leads to a
generalized cross product on nearly square matrices (n by n-1).
With these operations, the dual of k dimensional objects in n
dimensional space can be defined for all k < n. The resulting
formulae can be translated to code to produce a dimension
independent set of routines for projective geometry and allows
for consideration of numerical conditioning.
Using the operations of vector space in the previous chapter to
deduce the formulae to compute the dual has lead to a formula,
which cannot generalize, because it uses the cross product,
which is defined for the 3d vector space (the homogenous image
of a 2d space). It is necessary to find an operation which
generalizes the cross product for all dimensions first.
Projective geometry is useful for the treatment of geometric
problems analytically because it avoids the many special cases of
parallel lines, etc., which makes computational geometry in
Euclidean space difficult. There are several models for the
embedding of the regular Euclidean space into projective space
(Stolfi 1991); we used the intuitive embedding of the 2d
Euclidean plane as the plane z=1 into a 3-space and identify the
points of the Euclidean plane with the lines through them and the
origin. A point in n-space, which has rank n+1, has (n+1)
homogeneous coordinate values (figure previous chapter).
Projective geometry is dimension independent; it becomes
only difficult to construct intuitive models! The translation of n-
master all v13a.doc 240
dimensional coordinates to (n+1)-dimensional homogeneous
coordinates is also dimension independent.
Mathematicians and engineer tend to ignore the homomorphism,
which embeds one type into another more complex one. We are
tempted to write a .| b = aT b, which is not correctly typed: the
dot product yields a real number, whereas the result of the matrix
multiplication is a matrix with a single element. It would be
correct to write a .| b = det (aTb). The determinant of a single
element matrix is the value itself, the operation determinant
converts a matrix in a scalar.
This was important in guiding the development of what
follows, where we will represent all geometric objects by
matrices; embedding vectors as special matrices of one column
(for points) or one row. Ultimately, only the right module was
used and the dual objects represented as transposed values of the
right module.
The construction of a line from two points is valid in any
dimension of space. It can be further generalized: take a k+1 one
points in an n dimensional vector space V (with k <= n). These
k+1 points define a k dimensional vector subspace of V. Two
points give the one-dimensional subspaces of V, which is a line,
3 points a plane, etc. We will use the term flat for such projective
subspaces, specifically k-flat where k is the dimension of the
subspace (and thus the rank of the projective geometric object).
If S incl T, that is, if S is a vector subspace of another vector
subspace, one has P(S) incl P(T). When P(S) incl P(T), we say
that P(S) is included in P(T). With this inclusion relation, the
projective subspaces form a lattice, where the meet is the
intersection and the join is the direct sum (MacLane and
Birkhoff 1967a p. 594/5).
Only few geometric operations are possible in spaces of arbitrary
dimension. Most important is the construction of linear
subspaces of higher dimension from points; which we call flats
(or specifically k-flats, where k is their rank). The flats have a
lattice structure with the operations join and meet, which
Remember that I use the convention
that the first element in a vector is the
homogeneous coordinate.
A k-flat is a k dimensional subspace
of the projective space.
master all v13a.doc 241
generalize directly from the 2d case and cover the important
operation intersection. Other operations like the distance
between two points and the volume of a simplex will be covered
in a later section (xx).
Note: The representations of lines (generally flats) in
a computer are oriented and many applications in a
GIS use oriented geometric objects: to fly from
Boston to New York is not the same as going from
New York to Boston! Following Stolfi's proposal, I
use here an oriented projective geometry, for which
join and meet form are not commutative!
The construction of geometric object of higher dimension from
objects of lower dimension: A line is constructed with two
points, a plane with three points (or a point and a line). k points
in n space (in general position) form a k dimensional subspace, a
k-flat. This join operation, which combines two flats to produce a
flat of higher dimension has (some) properties of a lattice.

Join is only defined, if the two objects have no common part.
Geometrically evident is the rank of the result of the join:

The primary representation here for k-flats in n space of is
the matrix with k columns and n rows, which results from joining
the column vectors standing for the points.
Intersection of two flats gives another flat. This is the lattice
operation meet, with the axioms:

There are units for meet, called the universe and the vacuum
(defined before xx)
We have seen that join is a simple operation, joining the point
vectors to form a matrix. This generalizes directly to k vectors in
n dimension (fig xx). Meet, the intersection computation, is more
master all v13a.doc 242
complex, but can be reduced to its dual, namely the simple join
operation. The calculation of the dual for points in 2d space uses
the cross product and does not directly generalize; a solution is
shown in this section.
m points in a n dimensional space (m < n) define a flat;
generalizing the join operation from the previous chapter gives
results in the representation of an m flat as a matrix of m vectors
and n rows.

The dual of a line (a 1 flat) in 2d space is the cross product of the
two point vectors (l' = l1 x l2). How to generalize to n-1 flats in
n space? This means, how to replace the cross product with an
operation which is available in all dimensions?
The dual of a point in n space is a (n-1) flat (subspace),
which is often called a hyperplane (i.e., hyperplanes are
subspaces of codimension 1). Using the equation for coplanarity
in n space, we find that for any point p in this hyperplane
det |x1, x2, x3 xk, p| = 0 where k= n-1.
This formula is independent of dimension. Can we use it to
determine p?
The hyperplane is defined by n points; which is a nearly
square matrix (n-1) by n, resulting from the join of k = n-1 point
vectors, its dual is a point (which in the special case of 2d points
computed as cross product). The expansion of the determinant
det |x1, x2, x3 xk, p| for the last column gives the vector q, for
which q .| p = 0 (see before cofactors of a matrix). The operation
gcp (for generalized cross product) takes a nearly square matrix
of k n-vectors x1, .. xk and computes a vector q = gcp (x1xk),
such that q .| p = 0. It is computed as the values of the
subdeterminants of the nearly square matrix, crossing out one
row after the other.
gcp (x1..xn) .| p = det (x1xn, p)
The computation of cofactors and the dot product is independent
of dimension. It is justified to use gcp as the computation for the
dual of a (n-1)-flat, that is, a hyperplane with codimension 1.
Footnote: The computation is connected to the Hodge operator
and the Eddington or Levi-Civita tensor (Faugeras 1993 p. 160-

master all v13a.doc 243
62); it follows from the Kronecker or outer product when
computing the products of the base vectors such that any product
of e
factors, where any of the e
appears twice is 0 and we
identify the product e
, e
, .. e
= e
. The argument using
the expansion of the determinant for the missing last column and
the analogy to the triple product seems simpler and suggest the
further generalization following in the next section.

dual = gcp
This derivation connects to the 2d case, where we have:

Apply to the problem of computing the intersection of three
planes in 3d space, which gives a point:
A flat (hyperplane) of dimension n-1 can be
represented by a nearly square matrix. It includes all
points p, such that det [f;d] is 0 (observe that join (f,d)
is square). It has a dual, which is represented as an n
vector, such that dual (p) .| p = 0. Hence the dual of p
is gcp p.
The definition of a straight line as the geometric locus of all
points collinear with given two points translates to the condition
that the vecProd of (b-a x (p-a) = 0, or (p-a) x u = 0 where u =
b a.
This definition is not useful in a 2d space, and i.
A plane is all points p for which the following equation in two
parameters is valid.
p = a + . v + . w = a + . (c-a) + . (b a)
The original definition (fig 540-12 b) using an orthogonal
vector is written as
n x (x-a) = 0 (exactly as for a line)
which is also
(v x w) . (x a) = 0.

Figure 540 13
master all v13a.doc 244
Note to the reader: A much more useful and compact
notation is given shortly!
Lines in 3d have codimension 2, they are 2-flats but not
hyperplanes. What is the dual of a line in 3d space? A line
again, because a line has dimension 2 and codimension 2.
The approach uses geometric reasoning, which is best explained
in 3d space, based on the equations above (xx): Consider the 3-
space (figure x): The dual of a line given by two points p
, p
obtained by considering two planes through this line add an
arbitrary point x
different from p
and p
), this gives a plane,
for which the dual is computed as described before. Take a
second arbitrary point x
, different from x
, p
, and p
; compute
the dual. This gives two points in the dual space. The dual of the
line is the join of these two points.

The approach results in a description of the line with 2 * 4
parameters, when only 4 are necessary.

Footnote: The method proposed by Plcker would use only 6
Plcker. The approach presented here and the methods using
Plcker coordinates produce results that are just one element of
an equivalence class. The major difference in the novel approach
presented here is that the arbitrary elements are introduced
initially (the selection of the two points x
, x
) and not a general
solution sought that then must be further constrained with the so-
called Plcker constraint. This approach is similar to the
approach selected in (Leonardis and Bischof 1996) for a very
different problem. It is attractive, because the x
, x
can be

Figure 273

Figure 274
master all v13a.doc 245
selected to produce numerically good conditions for the resulting
The generalization to lines in n dimensional space, given by 2
points with n coordinates (a 2 by n matrix); we select twice (n-3)
arbitrary points x
and compute the q
= gcp (p
, p
, x
Then join these two dual points to give the dual line.
In general, the dual for a k-flat in n space, we need to find (n-
k) dual points. For each such point, the k vectors of the flat must
be joined with n-k-1 (linearly independent) vectors to form the
nearly square matrix on which generalized cross product is
Footnote: The generalization of the above approach to higher
dimension is attractive, because the number of Plcker
coordinates in spaces of higher dimension grow rapidly for 4
dimensional space (i.e., homogenous coordinates of dimension
5). Stolfi suggests a reduced simplex representation (Stolfi
1991)[Stolfi, p. xx], which represents k-flats in n space for k <
n/2 as joins of the points used for the construction and others
their duals (which use (n-k) points). This reduced simplex
representation uses for objects of 2 or 3 dimension 10 coordinate
values, the same as necessary for Plcker coordinates, but these
changes when going to objects in 5 dimensional space where
objects with 2 dimension use 12 coordinate values for the
reduced simplex representation and 15 for Plcker coordinates.
Objects with 3 dimensions use 18 and 20 coordinates
respectively. Plcker coordinates lose attractiveness in higher
dimensions rapidly, because they grow with (n over k), whereas
reduced simplex representation uses min (k*n, (n-k)n). Not only
does the representation grow, but also the number of Plcker
conditions that must be enforced (Stolfi 1991 p 204).
The generally recognized dimension independent geometric
operations are the calculation of the distance between two points
and the volume (respective area) of a convex hull, which
translate to inner product and determinant.
master all v13a.doc 246
The distance between two points is a fundamental property of a
metric space. The distance between two points is calculated as
the length of the vector that translates the first into the second (or
the second into the first). In an ordinary vector space, it is
computed as the
sqrt (a dot a).
The area or volume of an n polytope given be n vectors in n
space is the determinant in the homogeneous space (with h=1).
The determinant of n vectors in n space gives the area of the
volume of the convex hull of these n linearly independent points
cut out from a hyperplane (flat of dimension n-1) and the origin.
If n+1 points are given to completely describe a polytope, then
the determinant is computed from their homogeneous
coordinates; the reason is easily seen, considering the 2d case
and the representation of the 2d plane in 3d homogeneous
coordinates as the plane h=1. A proof for the general case
follows from the definition of the vector operations and
homogeneous coordinates by simple algebraic computation.

The determinant of a k matrix in k-space is a dimensions
independent scalar. It is the core operation to determine relations
between geometric entities. It is, up to a factor, the volume of the
simplex defined by the k points. This is general for all
dimensions. The volume of a k-flat is the determinant of the k-
dimension space is the determinant of the matrix resulting from
the join; it must be normalized with the product of the
homogeneous values. This can be generalized to any dimension.

The metric operations can be used to determine some point

master all v13a.doc 247
The volume is signed and has a positive value if the points are
listed in counter clockwise order. The determinant can be used to
test for the counterclockwise ordering of the points.
The same determinant permit also the test if points are collinear,
resp coplanar: the determinant is 0.
The determinant is independent of how the k-flat was
constructed: from points, from lines or from points and lines.
Correspondingly the interpretation of the value of the
determinant can be used to in different dimensions for different
Plane: counterclockwise order (>0), collinearity (=0), area
of triangle, distance of point from line.
3d space: coplanarity (=0), volume of tetrahedron, distance
point from plane, distance between two lines.
Many geometric constructions involve the movement of an entity
by a vector: for example, the construction of a parallel line in a
fixed distance from a given line is the same as moving the line
by a vector, which is a transformation (see xx).
Other constructions are better described by constraints: the
parallel line in the previous example is the geometric locus of all
points with a specified distance from the given line. If enough
constraints are given, then the geometric figure can be computed.
If all constraints are linear, then solution of simultaneous linear
equations is sufficient.
The later method works even if more than the strictly
necessary constraints are given. Then solution that is in some
sense optimal is found using methods to find an optimum with
constraints, typically using lagrange multipliers. This will be
covered in the book [frank, error estimates].
The introduction of a generalized cross product for nearly square
matrices, together with join interpreted as building flats from
points and meet as intersections gives a compact and dimension
independent formalization of a computational operation for the
master all v13a.doc 248
part of projective geometry often used in computational
geometry, GIS, computer graphic, Photogrammetrie, image
analysis, etc.
The proposal avoids the use of Plcker coordinates (which
generalize only with increasing complexitysee Stolfi) and
gives a uniform representation for all infinite objects, albeit not
minimal, but the loss of storage space is today not a primary
The solution gives the foundation for a dimension
independent treatment of finite geometric objects (simplices) that
will be the topic of the next part.

The discussion so far was in terms of points and flats,
subspaces of limited dimension but infinite size. In this part,
finite objects, objects with boundaries are introduced. The
properties invariant so far were distance (metric property),
proportion between distances or proportions between proportions
(Doppelverhltnisse). This part introduces topological properties,
properties which are invariant under the class of continuous
transformations, which is a much larger class of transformations
than the general linear transformations, but including these.
The treatment follows the new approach to geometry,
which is dimension independent. As far as practical, the
discussion is not in terms of objects of specific dimension, but
independent of the dimension of the objects or the space in
which they are included.
The first chapter in this section introduces the concept of sets
of points and the concept of boundary in a continuous space. The
second chapter discusses specific topological relations, namely
overlap, The third chapter introduces the simples geometric
objects, combining the ideas of vector geometry with topology.
To reduce difficulties and exclude unreasonable objects, I
assume that space is continuous and dense like Rn and the
objects delimited have finite volume and finite surface. This
excludes objects with a fractal dimension (Mandelbrot 1977)
(see before xx), which are of some interest for geography to
model for example cities (Batty and Longley 1994).
Batty, M. and P. Longley (1994). Fractal Cites: A Geometry of Form and Function. London,
Academic Press Limited.
Mandelbrot, B. B. (1977). The Fractal Geometry of Nature. New York, W.H. Freeman & Co.

In this chapter space is conceptualized as a set of points and
fundamental operations for this concept justified. Space is a base
category of human experience and perception; it is seen as a
God given quality of reality (Kant 1877 (1966)). In this chapter
we concentrate on space as a continuum that is a fundamental
experience of people.
In this chapter, the focus is on the continuity of space,
considering this one of the essential aspects of the space in
which the geometric objects are embedded. Continuity plays an
essential role for each geometric objectobvious for lines or
areas; we captured continuity by mapping points in space to the
line of real numbers. In this chapter, continuity in more than one
dimension is in the focus: Most visible in Jordans curve
theorem. Continuity does also play a role in the axioms of
Euclid: the axiom postulating that there is always a middle point
between two points is essentially stating that the line is
Now we address space as a continuum and concentrate to
capture this property independent of numbers. It is a fundamental
experience of people and animals that spaceand timeis
continuous. That we can move continuously across a field and
that time flows continuously. There are no breaks in spaceonly
breaks in the geometric structure we impose on it. Similarly,
there are no breaks in time and the structure we impose on it
remains separate from the fundamental flow.
Point set topology is used in a GIS to convert a continuous
line to an area or when we ask for the boundary of an area, for
example, what is the boundary of the countries in the EU which
are port of the Schenggen agreement?
Point set topology assumes an infinite number of points,
which cannot be represented in a finite computer. Later chapters
will show methods to represent spatial objects with a finite
number of points.
master all v13a.doc 251
Relations in mathematics are often differentiated into order,
topological and metric relations. So far we have discussed the
metric properties of geometric figures as far as of importance in
a GIS. In the previous and in this part, topological relations are
discussed; order relations are discussed later (310).
Topological relations are the relations which remain the
same (invariant) under continuous transformations. Topology is
the branch of mathematics, which discusses topological
relations. It is best understood as topology is geometry on a
balloon (geometry of continuous transformations).
Topology is the geometry which investigates properties which
remain invariant under topological transformations, that is,
transformations which preserve neighborhoods. An
axiomatization of topology starts with capturing the properties of
a neighborhood and this then leads to the definition of
continuous transformations as transformations which map
neighborhoods into neighborhoods. Neighborhoods are
fundamental for the definition of other topological concepts as
well (alternatively, one can select open sets as fundamental and
then define neighborhoods from them). Point-set topology
understands a neighborhood as a set of infinitely many points
and applies the set operations to it.
A neighborhood in n-dimensional space is the homoemorph
image (topologically equivalent) of an n-sphere; a 2-sphere is a
disk, a 1-sphere is an interval.
Properties of a neighborhood of a point x (x element of M)
The axioms as formulated by Hausdorff:

Figure 590-01a Figure 590-01

Fig 590-21 1-sphere

Fig 590-21

Fig 590-21 2-sphere
master all v13a.doc 252
H1: To each point x there corresponds at least one neighborhood
U(x); each neighborhood U(x) contains the point x.
H2: If U(x) and V(x) are two neighborhoods of the same point x,
then there exist a neighborhood W(x), which is a subset of both.
H3: If the point y lies in U(x), there exists a neighborhood U(y),
which is a subset of U(x).
H4: For two distinct points x, y there exist two neighborhoods
U(x), U(y) without common point.

A topological space is a space M for which to each
point x in M exist a subset U of the powerset of M
(i.e. the set of all subsets of M), such that U is a
system of neighborhoods for which axioms U1
through U4 (respectively. H1 through H4) are valid.
Alternatively, one can define properties of open sets from
which we can then define the neighborhoods. Observe that the
definitions here are based on the definitions of sets with the
operations intersection and union, and the subset relation
between sets. This justified to call this view of geometry point
set topology because it is defined in terms of infinite sets of
points; as such, it is not directly implementable.
A mapping f of a topological space R onto a (proper or
improper) subset of a topological space Y is called continuous
at the point x. if for every neighborhood U(y) of the point y=
f(x) one can find a neighborhood U(x) of x such that all point
of U(x) are mapped into points of U(y) by means of f.
If f is continuous at every point f r, it is called continuous in
If there is a neighborhood around a pointwhatever small
which is not preserved (i.e. is not mapped to a neighborhood
around the point) then this points is a discontinuity point.
The dimension of a space is defined as the dimension of the
neighborhoods. Neighborhoods can be homoemorph for
example, to a 2d disk or a 3d sphere. Topological
transformation preserve dimension.


Fig 590-20 (a) topological transformation

fig 590-20, (b) not a topological

master all v13a.doc 253
The definition of neighborhoods structure the topological
properties of space. We say a definition of neighborhoods define
a topology for the space. The natural topology for geographic
space is the topology following from the metric. Other
topologies are possible, but seldom used in applications.
Different methods to calculate the distance between two points
are possible; a large class of distances is Minkowski metrics,
which are based on the formula
dist a b = ((delta x) ** n + (delta y) ** n ) ** (1/n)
which gives for n=2 the regular Euclidian metric, for n=1
the metric shown in figure 590-22 middle (see 310).
Point sets for which neighborhoods are defined can be open or
closed; ordinary sets without neighborhood definition have no
such properties.
Before we can define open and closed sets it is useful to define
interior and exterior points of a sets:
Interior Point: a point for which any sufficiently small
neighborhood contains only points which are in the set.
Exterior Point: a point for which any sufficiently small
neighborhood contains only points which are not in the set.
One can also define boundary points, as those points, for
which any neighborhood contains points which are inside and
points which are not inside the set.
This leads to the following theorems about open and closed sets,
which are subsets of a set M:
S1. The empty set and the set M are open
S2. The intersection of two open sets is open (as is the
intersection of finitely many open sets)
S3. The union of open sets is open (finite or infinite union).
The theorems S1 through S3 can be proven using the axioms
for neighborhood above. Alternatively, accepting S1 through S3
as axioms together with S4 can be used to define topological
space and the axioms U1 through U4 follow.
S4. A subset of U is a neighborhood of x iff there is an open
set O such that x is element of O and O a subset of U.

Figure 590-22

Fig d max

fig (a) interior point

Fig (b) exterior point

Figures 590-50 (c) boundary point

Fig A is closed
master all v13a.doc 254

Intuitively, an open set is a set which does not include
its boundary.
it is difficult to imagine an open set every set we consider
is automatically including a boundary. This will be discussed
later (see - non-intuitive point set topology)
The closed set is defined using the complement operation.
The complement of open set is closed; a set is closed, if the
complement is open. Sets can be half-open being open in some
place and closed in others.
The operation closure adds the boundary to a set, and
converts it to a closed set. An already closed set is not changed,
the operation is idempotent (closure.closure = closure).
The notions of importance for practical work are boundary,
interior and exterior. For every geometric figure, operations to
determine these parts will be required. The interior of a figure is
the (open) set of all interior points, the boundary of a figure is
the set of all boundary points. The figure is therefore the union
of interior and boundary, and typically closed. The exterior is the
complement of the figure and therefore typically open.
With the definition of neighbor we can proceed to define the
fundamental notions of boundary, interior and exterior of a
geometric figures. They are all defined in terms of sequences of
neighborhoods of decreasing size.
Boundary points which are neither interior nor
In any neighborhood of a boundary point whatever
small there are points which are outside and points
which are inside
Egenhofer has shown, how ordinary geometric relations like
touch, intersect etc. can be defined using only the notions of
interior, boundary and exterior (Egenhofer 1989).
The operation closure adds to a set its boundary. The closure of a
close set is the same closed set, the closure of a half-open or
open set is a closed set containing the given set.

Figure 590-03The complement of A (open)

Figure 590-02


fig a(a) simply connected

Fig, (b) not simply connected
master all v13a.doc 255

A region is connected if between any two points is a path which
is completely in the interior.
A region is simply connected, if it has no holes.
The Euler formula gives the dimension.
2d: k + e n = 2
3d : k + e n = 3
The codimension is the difference between the dimension of a
figure and the dimension of the embedding space. For example
the 2d -surface embedded in 3d has codimension 1; similarly, a
point embedded in 2d space has codimension 1.
Holes are extremely important for the way objects interact and
operations apply to them. Lakes are holes in the land (2d view)
and islands are holes in the water surface.
The Jordan curve theoremprobably one of the most important
theorems of geometrysays that a closed curve divides a plane
in two regions (and correspondingly for higher dimensions).
Point set topology is counterintuitive. Consider the following set
of statements describing the figure

Fig a

Figure 590-05

Fig 590-64

590-23 an island in an island in an island (replace with photograph from map)

figure 590-04
master all v13a.doc 256
The shore is the boundary of the lake.
The shore is the boundary of the parcel 367 and 368
The lake and the parcel do not overlap (meaning, they do not
have points in common)
WRONG: lake and parcel overlap, they have the boundary in
From a position of point set topology, either the parcels are
closed and the lake open (does not have a boundary) or the
parcel is partially open and the lake closed.
This solution is especially unreasonable, as all parcels then
have to be partially open, partially closed, such that the boundary
between any two parcels belongs to exactly one.
Intuitively, we seem to attribute the boundary to the harder
object. The solid body has a boundary, the water in which it
floats does not have a cognitively salient one. The boundary
between the river bed and the water is attributed to the earth, the
boundary between river and air above it is attributed to the river.
In the composition, the river seems half-open, half-closed, but
when surface of the earth, boundary of the river or the boundary
of the atmosphere is considered individually, each is treated
intuitively as closed.
If both lake and parcels are closed and have boundaries,
then they overlap and the overlapping part is the boundary (with
an area of zero).This is again counter-intuitive, as the partition of
parcels and lakes is made such that they do not overlap, but this
cannot be represented with open and closed sets.
To capture our intuitions about boundaries better, it is customary
to consider all regions as closed and a test for overlap yields a
positive answer only when more than just the boundary have

Figure 590-15

Fig 590-16.

Fig b

Fig 590-18
Fig 590-17
master all v13a.doc 257
points in common. If two objects have just the boundary in
common, then we say they touch.
The result of deducing an object B from another one A,
which is the intersection of A with the complement of B, is a
partially open, partially closed object A \ B. For a plausible
topological algebra, this object is again closed. A theory of
regular regions is suggested by (Randell, Cui et al. 1992).
Closure is applied to all objects.
The ordinary point set topology is constructed to capture the
continuity of space and differentiates this important notion in
various ways. Because it is based on infinite sets, it is not of
much use for the computerized treatment, where all objects must
be approximated with finite representations. Not all axiomatic
definitions of topology and topological relations result in
executable solutions. In particular the influential RCC theory is
not constructive, it cannot be implemented directly. Some of its
axioms are postulating the existence of some objects without
giving a rule how they are to be constructed [erf cohn review
article 2000?].
Point-set topology starts with the concept of space as a
(infinite, continuous) set of points. Algebraic topology defines
some concepts and operations applicable to objects in space, but
does not define these as infinite sets. The graph structures and
the partitions are part of algebraic topology (they are invariant
under topological transformations). Graphs consists of nodes and
edges with a topological relation adjacency. For point set
topology, the fundamental concept is the open neighborhood, for
which properties are defined. For algebraic topology, the
fundamental relation between object is incidence and adjacency
between geometric objects. In part 6 topology will be studied
from an algebraic point of view (see xxx).
What is the essential property of space?
Define boundary, boundary point?
What are open and closed sets? Why do they lead to counter-
intuitive rules?
Explain the concept of neighborhood.
Why is point set topology not directly implementable?

Fig 590-51
master all v13a.doc 258
What is the Jordan curve theorem?
Draw a simply connected region! Draw one which is not!

Egenhofer, M. J. (1989). Spatial Query Languages, University of Maine.
Kant, I. (1877 (1966)). Kritik der reinen Vernunft. Stuttgart, Reclam.
Randell, D. A., Z. Cui, et al. (1992). A Spatial Logic Based on Regions and Connection.
Third International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation
and Reasoning, Los Altos, CA: Morgan-Kaufmann.

The relations between two objects which are not affected by
topological transformations are cognitively salient and often
used. Natural language terms describe such topological relations
(the words 'inside' and 'overlap' are just two examples);
unfortunately, natural languages do not provide formal and strict
definitions for these terms [frank an auf in paper]. This chapter
gives formal definitions for a comprehensive and coordinated set
of topological relations.
Topological relations play an important role in geography and a
large variety of definitions and terminology were proposed for
spatial query languages and analysis functions (Frank 1982;
Frank, Raper et al. 2001). The concepts of point set topology are
used in a GIS query language, when we ask for all the towns in a
county or check, whether Lake Constance is inside Switzerland
or at its boundary. Point set topology provides the
axiomatization, but is of limited use for implementation.
Topological relations can be composed: If all our knowledge
about a situation covers the (topological) relations without
knowledge about the metric properties, we still are able to draw
interesting conclusions. For example, from knowing that the
hotel Faker see is on the island and the island is inside the faker
see and the faker see is in the land of Carinthya, we immediately
conclude that the hotel is in Carinthya (see figure xxx). The
composition of topological relations with other geometric
qualitative relations is the subject of the following chapter.
Among topological properties relations between objects stand
out. If two objects touch or overlap or are distant from each other
is often important, easily observable relations between objects,
which are invariant under topological transformations. There are
many ways an island can be inside a lake (590-23, 595-01), and
many of these situations can be transformed continuously into
each other and the functionally important properties are
preserved. It is therefore often sufficient to know the topological
relation, because it determines the functionality and we need not
know anything in particular about the metrics of the situation.
Egenhofer stated: topology
determines, metric refines.

Figure 598-01
master all v13a.doc 260
In this chapter we concentrate on the relations between two
simple (connected) objects (see xx for definition of simply
connected) which remain topologically invariant. To have the
instruments to describe the relations correctly, we use the
relation algebra (see 310), the mathematical theory of relations
and then apply this theory to temporal objects (i.e. in 1 d space)
and to space (2d) objects.
The topological relations were originally investigated for
intervals of time. Allen found that 13 relations which obtain in
an ordered 1 dimensional domain [allen]. This investigation of
relations between intervals of time mixes the aspect of continuity
with order (240 and 320). The subsequent generalization to
regions of (unordered) space by Egenhofer discussed the special
case of 2d simply connected regions (Egenhofer 1989). The
treatment here separates these two aspects of continuity and
order. First, the topological relations for unordered 1d space
intervals on a line are discussed before relations between
intervals of an ordered domainfor example time, or the z axis,
which is strongly ordered by gravity are discussed. Finally,
intervals and regions in 2d space are analyzed.
For intervals in any unordered space, the same 8 relations can be
separated: disjoint, meet, overlap, covers (with the converse
covered by), inside (with the converse contains) and equal.
These relations are independent of the dimension of the
unordered domain and require that the regions are simply
connected (590).


Topological relations (a) in 2d space and
(b) in an ordered domain
master all v13a.doc 261

Egenhofer proposed in his Ph.D. thesis an elegant formalization
and a unified terminology which has been widely accepted and
was recently introduced in the ISO 19110 standard [].
Egenhofers contribution was the observation, that topological
relations between simple connected areas can be expressed in
terms of the intersection of the interiors and the boundaries of
the two objects. Egenhofer originally considered the different
topological relations between simply connected 2d objects in 2d
space, for example to simple 2d-regions in 2d-space (i.e.
codimension 0), without holes. This is the base case from which
later refinements were possible.
For simply connected objects with co-dimension 0 it is
possible to differentiate between topological relations by
considering the pairwise intersection of boundaries and interiors
and testing only for emptiness or non-emptiness. This gives a
total of 16 different combinations of boundary or interior which
can be intersected and the result is either empty or non empty.
From the total of 16 different combinations, only 8 can be
realized with simply connected figures in 2d space with co-
dimension 0 (Egenhofer 1989).

(a) simply connected, (b) and (c) are not
simply connected regions
master all v13a.doc 262
In fig 595-06 for the eight possible topological relations
geometric configurations are shown, the termini Egenhofer
proposed and the defining 4 intersection values are given. All
these definition are in terms of a test of emptiness of the
intersection of boundary and interiors of the two figures. If the
intersection values in the matrix are in symmetric arrangement
then the relation is symmetric (disjoint, meet, overlap and equal),
if the intersection values are not in a symmetric arrangement,
then the relations have converses (A covers B = B is covered by
A, B inside A = A contains B) (see relations calculus and
allegories xx).

Fig 595-07 The four intersections for
boundary and interior
master all v13a.doc 263
Figure 595-06
master all v13a.doc 264
At about the same time as Egenhofer proposed the classification
of topological relations based on the intersection of boundaries
and interiors, Cohn and co-workers proposed a classification
based on a single predicate connected. They produced different
definitions for essentially the same 8 relations between simply
connected regions (Cohn 1995)[rcc papers by cohn].
This second definition of the same topological relations
confirms the fundamental nature of the relations identified by
Egenhofer. Egenhofers approach based on the intersection of
boundary, interior and, later, exterior of the regions connects
better to combinatorial topology (see later xx) and is therefore
directly implementable, whereas the RCC axiomatisation is
based on point set topology and therefore difficult to use as a
guidance for implementation. The RCC calculus is not
constructive [cohn overview paper].
The 8 topological relations can be arranged in a succession of
relations which are obtained if one figure is moved with respect
to the other figure.Freksa propose to call such diagrams
conceptual neighborhoods (Freksa and Mark 1999). First the two
figures (of unequal size) are disjoint, then they meet, overlap,
cover, are inside (if the two figures of equal size, then the
succession is disjoint, meet, overlap, equal). Relations equal,
meet and covers/coversBy are dominant (Galton 1997); they
hold only for one instant, whereas the other relations hold for
many different positions.
Figure 595-08 and 595-09

master all v13a.doc 265
From Egenhofers thesis sprang a rich literature discussing
extensions to the base set of topological relations. It was
compared to the RCC calculus, which separates essentially the
same topological relations but uses a different (and not
constructive) set of axioms [papers in codata book]. It was
extended to objects with co-dimension larger than 0 and to
objects with holes [ref to Egenhofer 9]. Another important
extension was to objects with indetermined boundaries, where
an Egg-Yolk theory was developed [cohn etc. in codata].
Most often used is the extension from 4 intersection to 9
intersections, where the relations are classified based on empty
or non-empty intersections between the interior, the exterior and
the boundary.
A further refinement was proposed by Clementini and
Egenhofer. Nine-intersections do not differentiate between
cases, which are topologically different, but the difference is not
captured in the test of emptiness of the intersections but is only
in the dimension of the intersection.
Example boundary boundary intersection: is there a single
tangential point or a line segment (0d or 1d)
For all these extensions, the tests applied and therefore the
number of possibly differentiated cases is larger than the cases
actually possible. Geometry restricts the combinations of empty
or non-empty intersections; already for the simple 4 intersection,
16 different cases would be possible, but only 9 are realized.
The topological relations relate to an order relations
between simply connected regions:
A inside B implies (size A) < (size B)
A equal B implies (size A) = (size B)
Inside imposes an partial order, whereas size a total order:
from (size A) < (size B) does not follow that A inside B (fig).
Many different topological relations could be identified (and
have) and various definitions would be possible. Mark and
Egenhofer have checked with extensive subject tests that the

An Egg-Yolk representation of two objects
with uncertain boundaries: Perhaps
overlap [cohn]

Figure 595-05

(size A) < (size B) but not A inside B
master all v13a.doc 266
topological relations differentiated by intersection of interior,
exterior and boundary are cognitively plausible: they are the kind
of relations people differentiate.
Allen has in a classical paper [allen] classified the relations
between time intervals. Time intervals are simply connected
regions of a oriented line. Oriented intervals have a start and an
ending point which is differentiated. This leads to a finer
distinction of the relations:
Note that some of the relations shown are not symmetric: A
finishes B is not the same as B finishes A, for theser relations
converse relations are introduced, e.g. finished by.
Galton (cosit semmering 95) observed that some relations hold
only for a very specific situation, whereas others hold for a
variety of similar configurations. Considering one of the two
intervals as fixed and the other as moving, there are punctual
relations which obtain only for a moment in continuous
movement and others which hold for some time. For example

The relations which are differentiated between simply connected regions of an
ordered domain
master all v13a.doc 267
consider an interval a moving with respect to an interval b, a
before b holds for a long time, but a meets b is true only of an
instant. Galton used the concept of dominance to describe this
situation (Galton 1995; 2000).

595-04 improve
Regions are often represented as collections of raster cells. For
such collections of raster cells, we can determine whether they
are disjoint, one is inside the other, they are equal, or they
overlap. These are slightly different relations with different
Using the same approach than proposed by Egenhofer, we
can determine the intersection of the interior and the exterior of
the regionsbut not the intersection of these with the boundary.
master all v13a.doc 268

Fig 595-20
The topological relations between two regions based on
interior and exterior are also related by conceptual
neighborhood. We conclude that the raster representation
without a concept of a boundary cannot express topological
relations with the granularity of the vector representation. This is
particularly limiting because the salient or dominant relations are
lost, as indicated by the undirected edges in the Figure.
master all v13a.doc 269
It is tempting to record in the values of the intersection matrix
an indication how much they intersect. For example, two areas
which meet a little bit and two areas which meet a lot have both
the same topological relation, but the Gestalt is different. The
same applies for overlap and the other topological relations. The
measure of how much the two boundaries or interiors overlap, is
best expressed as a ratio of the overlap, which makes the
measure independent of the size of the objects.
Such relations are not topological because they are not
invariant under a continuous transformation, but they are
expressing useful properties in a scale independent manner.
We often work with projections in a GIS. Most GIS deal with
the 2d projection in the x-y-plane of 3d objects, assuming that
the height information is not so important or perhaps, assuming
that commonsense knowledge can supplement the necessary
information. Unfortunately, the topological relations between
two regions in 3d space and the 2d projections are not simple
and I know of now coherent theory. The problem is that the
projection of the boundary of a 3d object is not the boundary of
its 2d projection, the projection of the interior is the interior of
the projection, but the projection of the exterior is not the
exterior of the projection.
Similar Projections are also very important when we
consider space and time. Hagerstrand has introduced the Space-
Time diagram into geographic research, where the projection of
the location of a moving object is combined with time shown on
the z axis:
In such space-time diagrams we can show as cones all the
points a person can possibly reach when we know her location
at a given time. One may then ask if two people can possibly

figure x

Figure 595-10

master all v13a.doc 270
have met, i.e. if their cones of reachability have intersected
A cognitively plausible set of topological relations has been
identified and formally defined. The relations are differentiated
by overlap of interior, boundary and exterior of the objects. To
compute these relations from geometric objects represented in a
GIS it is therefore necessary to be able to compute the interior,
boundary and exterior of the objects and to test these for
intersection or emptiness of intersection.
So far we have defined simple geometric objects points,
lines and triangles and have given operations to determine
their interior and boundaries, as well as methods to test
intersections of these figures. What we have not yet achieved is
the representation of arbitrary complex geometric figures; this
will be done next, with the goal to have the operations necessary
to compute topological relations as defined here.
What are the topological relations defined by Egenhofer?
How are they defined? Why are exactly these relations
What does it mean to say that a relation is dominant? Which
relations are dominant?
What relations can be differentiated when only interior and
exterior are considered?
What is a conceptual neighborhood?
What is the difference between 4 and 9 intersection relations?
What are space-time diagrams? Draw one for your trip from
home to the university

Cohn, A. G. (1995). A Hierarchical Representation of Qualitative Shape Based on Connection
and Convexity. Spatial Information Theory - A Theoretical Basis for GIS (Int.
Conference COSIT'95). A. U. Frank and W. Kuhn. Berlin, Springer-Verlag.
988: 311-326.
Egenhofer, M. J. (1989). Spatial Query Languages, University of Maine.
Frank, A. U. (1982). "MAPQUERY: Database Query Language for Retrieval of Geometric
Data and its Graphical Representation." ACM SIGGRAPH 16(3): 199 - 207.

A persons trip from home to work, lunch
at a restaurant and a stop at a shop on his
way home
master all v13a.doc 271
Frank, A. U., J. Raper, et al., Eds. (2001). Life and Motion of Socio-Economic Units.
GISDATA Series. London, Taylor & Francis.
Freksa, C. and D. M. Mark, Eds. (1999). Spatial Information Theory (Int. Conference
COSIT'99, Stade, Germany). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin,
Galton, A. (1995). Towards a Qualitative Theory of Movement. Spatial Information Theory
(Proceedings of the European Conference on Spatial Information Theory COSIT
'95). A. U. Frank and W. Kuhn. Berlin, Springer Verlag. 988: 377-396.
Galton, A. (1997). Continuous Change in Spatial Regions. Spatial Information Theory - A
Theoretical Basis for GIS (International Conference COSIT'97). S. C. Hirtle
and A. U. Frank. Berlin-Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag. 1329: 1-14.
Galton, A. (2000). Qualitative Spatial Change. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

This chapter progresses from point set topology to combinatorial
or algebraic topology. Combinatorial topology studies invariant
of bounded geometric objects under topological transformations.
It studies the simplest geometric configurations: points, straight
line segments and triangles, and figures constructed from them.
This chapter introduces these primitives, we will construct other
geometric objects in the following chapters.
The goal is to construct a closed algebra with the simplest
geometric figures, but unfortunately, we will only show, why
this goal cannot be reached at the present time and must be
postponed till the treatment of simplicial complices (chapter xx).
Hilberts program for geometry is to investigate objects of
each dimension and their interaction. The projective approach
gives some more uniformity in the operations which can be
formulated independent of the dimension of the objects. I will
stress the projective, dimension independent approach, because
the alternative leads to many non-generalizable formulae.
In this chapter, we show how different geometric objects
points, lines, and triangles are generalized to a single class
simplex. This is the first example of generalization, it will be put
in a theoretical context later, when we discuss abstraction
methods in general.
The vector algebra introduced geometric lines of infinite length,
which was generalized to the notion of flats, and, implicitly, half
planes and half spaces of infinite extension. In this chapter we
construct geometric values for the simplest geometric
configurations with finite geometries: points, straight line
segments, and triangles in each dimension.
The previous two chapters introduced topology, which
studies properties of figures invariant under topological or
continous (homoemorphic) transformations. The concepts were
introduced using point-set topology, which gives an intuitive
concept of continuous transformations, but is not suitable for
implementation. In this chapter the focus is on combinatorial
topology. Combinatorial topology is based on counting of finite
objects. What are the objects which can be counted to capture the
Geometric objects are composed of
points, lines, and areas. We study
here the simplest forms, called
master all v13a.doc 273
notion of continuous space? Obviously, countable, finite objects
are more amenable to implementation on computers.
There are two approaches to the study of geometric objects
and their properties: Hilbert suggested to investigate geometric
objects of each dimension separately and to study their
interaction. This is the traditional approach, which is cognitively
justified: dimension of objects is extremely important for their
usage and we understand 2d images as very different from 3d
volumes, we have different words for the size of objects
depending on their dimension (length, area, volume). This
approach is usual for computational geometry, GIS and CAD.
The experience with projective geometry suggests an alternative
approach: generalized flats (n dimensional objects) are studied
and their interaction described independently of the dimension
(Blumenthal and Menger 1970). This approach builds around the
lattice algebra with the two operations join and meet. It uses
extensively the algebras of matrices and vector spaces discussed
before; it will be used here as far as it leads to practical solutions
which are easy to understand; it does, unfortunately, not lead to a
single, straightforward algebra of simple geometric objects.
Simplices are the simplest finite, bounded geometric figure in
space of any dimension. They are simplest in the sense that they
are constructed from the least number of simplices of a lower
dimension. They are (figure):
0 simp point,
1 simp line,
2 simp triangle,
3 simp tetrahedron.
Rank = dim + 1
A simplex of rank n is spanned by n points.
Simplices are the topic of studies in Combinatorial (or
algebraic) topology; but here we concentrate on the
computational and specifically the metric aspects; the
topological aspects will not be used till later (xx).
The operations for simplices, which are independent of
dimension can be separated in metric and topological ones:

Figure 550-01
master all v13a.doc 274
Topological is the operation to get the boundary and the
inverse which gives to a boundary the simplex which is
bounded; dimension or rank is another topological operation.
Metrix are operations to determine the size of a simplex (length
or area, etc.), the distance between two simplices, or the
computation of intersections of simplices. The target of this
chapter is to make the same operations available for simplices
independent of dimension and the chapter gives detailed
explanation how the operations are defined and implemented.
Simplices are constructed form a number of points in most
general position (not collinear, no coplanar). One point gives 0-
simplex, two points give a 1-simplex, etc. The order of points is
significant, as the lines (a,b) and (b,a) or the triangle (a,b,c) and
(a,c,b) are not the same; they have different orientation. We have
pointed out before, that oriented projective geometry uses a
non-commutative lattice (see xx). The lattice operations join is
not commutative in 2 d space.
A simplex can, as a join, be constructed as a matrix of the
(column) vectors of the points. The matrix construction
maintains the order of the points (see figure 550-21).
The points must be in general position, otherwise the
simplex is degenerated (figure 550-20). A test for general
position reduces to the determination of the dimension of the
matrix; if it is less than the number of points in the simplex, then
the simplex is degenerated. The simplest test is to calculate the
determinant which is 0 for a degenerated simplex.
A simplex is the image (under continuous transformation) of the
unit sphere of the appropriate dimension. The sphere of 2
dimension is a circular disc, the sphere of dimension 3 is a ball
the other dimensions are somewhat more difficult to imagine,
but they are always the image of the unit interval (0..1) for each
dimension. The unit sphere is always a part of the flat of the
corresponding dimension.
A simplex is embedded in a flat this can be called the span of
the simplex. The dimension of the simplex and the dimension of
the span is the same, as is the orientation (see next). It is

Figure 550-19

Figure 550-21

Figure 550-20 degenerated simplices

figure 550-27
master all v13a.doc 275
convenient to define the rank of a simplex as its dimension +1,
the rank corresponds then to the number of points necessary for
its definition.

The dimension of a simplex is the dimension of the space it
spans (i.e., the dimension of its span, see xx). A simplex is the
topological image (continuous transformed) image of the circle
or sphere of the corresponding dimension.
The dimension indicates how many degrees of freedom, how
many parameters, are necessary to describe such a figure. The
simplex defines vectors, which can be seen as bases for a space.
The dimension of this space is the dimension of the matrix
formed from the points of the simplex, which is the question,
how many linearly independent vectors there are and this
corresponds directly to the notation of general position for the
points (not the same point, not collinear, which both translate to
linear dependence).
The dimension is 0 or positive integer; it will be typically
written as nD. The rank is dimension plus one and is always
positive. Note: fractals (xx) have a so-called Hausdorff
dimension which is measured as a real and describes how much
the figure is approximating the next dimension; Hausdorff
dimensions for simplex coincide with the dimension as defined
Note2: It is customary to describe surfaces of 2 dimensions
embedded in 3D space, for example a digital terrain model, as
2.5D; this cannot be justified from a theoretical point of view.
How should then a collection of points (1D) embedded in 3D be
described? 2D (1 + 3/2) or 2.1D? The correct descriptions give
dimension of object separated from the dimension of the
embedding space.
Simplices are embedded in geometric space. The codimension is
the difference between the dimension of the embedding space
and the dimension of the simplex. A point in 3D space has
codimension 3, whereas a line in 2D space has codimension 1.
Codimension is 0 or positive integer.

master all v13a.doc 276
Every simplex has a boundary, which has a dimension of one
less than the dimension of the simplex: the boundary of a line
(1D) are two points (0D). The boundary of a triangle (2D) are
the three lines (1D). The boundary points are the image of the
boundaries of the sphere, i.e., they are the points for which the
parameters lambda and my (the local coordinates) are either 0, or
their sum is 1 (and all positive).
Simplex with dimension higher than 0 have a size, 1-simplex
have a length, 2-simplex an area, 3-simplex a volume.
1-simplex (AB) -> norm (a-b)
2-simplex (ABC) -> det | A-B, A-C|
All 1-simplex have a length, this corresponds to the distance
function in the space and eventually to the norm operation for
vectors. All n simplices (rank n+1) have a volume, this is the
value of the determinant of the (n+1) vectors in homogenous
(n+1) coordinates, corrected for the product of the homogenous
The computation of the size yields usually a signed quantity
which gives also the orientation (signedSized); ordinary size is
the absolute value, expressed as a real (and approximated by a
Float). The size of a simplex of dimension 0 (point) is assumed
to be 0.
Simplices are oriented; they have a direction (except for 0-
simplex, which have always positive orientation). The direction
is either positive or negative (often represented by the values +1
or 1). The direction of a line is obviously either from point A to
point B or the reverse two directions. Areas have two
directions as well, usually defined as the sense in which the
points on the circumference are listed: anti-clockwise is positive,
clockwise is negative. One can think of a vector which is
orthogonal on the area and points away from the positive side
master all v13a.doc 277
Volumes have also two orientations, which is somewhat
surprising. The orientation of a volume is defined positive such
that the vectors which are erected on the faces of the volume
point outward of the volume; if they point inside, then the
volume has negative orientation.
Areas and volumes with negative orientation can be
interpreted as holes in an area or volume. Positive areas and
volumes contain a volume.
The orientation of simplices follow from the orientation of
the flats, which are already oriented; the orientation of projective
geometry is a difficult problem in general the projective plane
cannot be consistently oriented, it behaves somewhat like a
Moebius strip, which is the prototypical non-orientable surface.
The orientation in the projective representation is taken as the
sign of the determinant of the matrix which defines the simplex
(function clockwise respective counterclockwise):
This is immediately visible if simplices are seen as matrices
of their column vectors of their points, following the rule that
matrices are the same transformation when the rows are
exchanged following the rules given earlier (ref 545).
Exchanging twice a row against another one leaves the
determinant the same.
This can be generalized to simplices of n dimension: Cyclic
permutations (i.e., ABC to BCA) of n objects is equivalent to n-1
transpositions; therefore cyclic permutations leave simplices
with even rank (odd dimension) the same and reverse the
orientation of simplices of even dimension (i.e., the line AB and
BA have different orientation).
The sign of the determinant is expressed as value of type Sig
with 3 values: Pos, Neg , and OnZero. Degenerated simplices
have determinant zero!
Two simplices are equal if they consist of the same points in the
same order; for example, the triangles (ABC) and (BCA) are the
same. This simplification is correct only for 0-s, 1-s, and 2-sim,
not for 3-simp. For a 3 simplex (tetrahedron): (p,q,r,s ) is
positive, then (q;r;s;p) is negative, (r;s;p;q) is pos, (s;p;q;r) is
negative again.
Figure 550-28

Figure 550-11

Figure 550-29 triangle ABC with hole EFG

Figure 550-30
master all v13a.doc 278
To express this more precisely and such that it is dimension
independent: Two simplices are equal if they consist of the same
points and the order of the points can be transformed from one to
the other with an even number of exchanges between two points.
As an even number of exchanges of columns in a matrix leaves
the determinant the same, we can test for this by comparing the
determinants of the two simplices.
Example: ABC -> (exchange AB) -> BAC -> (exchange AC)
-> BCA. Two exchanges even -> same simplex. This is
generally true for all cyclic transformation of an odd number of
All simplices can be described as a parameterized set of points.
This is a consequence of the definition of the simplices as the
image of the unit sphere of the corresponding dimension under a
linear transformation. The dimension of the simplex indicates
how many parameter values are necessary. The simplex is then
the image of the transformation of the interval (0..1) for each
parameter, such that the parameter is non-negative and the sum <
0 (See figure 550-12).
A more general parameterization is achieved based on the
description of a line as a polynom of two points of the line
(figure 550-41) with two parameters. The point is in the simplex
if the two parameter values are both positive and the point is on
the line. The parameters are computed as a transformation of the
point p into the based spanned by the two vectors a and b. the
parameter values are obtained from multiplying the given point
with the inverse of the matrix of the simplex (using the points it
consists of as column vectors, as usual).If both parameters are
positive and the points is on the line (i.e. px + py = 1), then point
is inside the simplex. For the boundaries, one of the parameters
is exactly 1, the other 0.
Note, that m1 for points on the line is indicating where on
the line the point is; its value moves from 0 for point A to 1
for point B (figure for parametrization much earlier).
master all v13a.doc 279

This test becomes even simpler for the triangle, because
codimension is 0 and all points are in the flat of the triangle and
no test whether the point given is a point of the line is necessary.
This is a special case of using barycentric coordinates, where
the center of gravity (barycenter) of the triangle is the origin.
Barycentric parameterization uses a parameter for each point.
The triangular area is the weighted average from the three
corners, when the weights are all positive and the sum of the
weight is less or equal 1 (equal points on the boundary).

The parameterization is useful to test if a point is inside a
simplex: determine its coordinates given as coordinates with
respect to the base vectors provided by the simplex. If all
parameters are positive, then the point is inside. If one of the
values is 0 and the others positive or 0, then the point is on the
boundary and if any is negative, then the point is outside.
Figure 550-41

Figure 550-17 the general point p = ny * A + my * B + lambda * C, with ny + my +
lambda <= 1
master all v13a.doc 280
Alternatively, one can determine if a point is inside a
simplex by testing three times whether the point is to the left of
the boundary line, which can be computed using the function to
determine whether a point is to the left of the line (flat).
Note: figure 550-64 demonstrates how the positive turning
makes left to mean inside. We therefore identify Pos, Left, and
Inside. To determine if the point is inside, on the boundary or
outside, we have to use a 3 valued logic for which the tables for
the operations and and or are given here.

We say two simplices intersect, if they have points in common
and a test for intersection is checking this condition. The test for
point in simplex is a special case of this general intersection
operation. The result of this operation is a, again a value of type
Sig, differentiating between properly inside, on boundary, and
properly outside.
i nt er sect : : si mp - > si mp - > Si g
I have not yet found a truly generic solution.
Consider the following description for the test between line and
triangle as blueprint for further generalization. The determination
of the signs of the two points of the line with respect to the three
lines of the triangle should be sufficient to separate the different

Figure 550-43 - stolfi

Figure 550-64
Figure 550-62
master all v13a.doc 281
The intersection of two 1-simplices (line segments) is an often
encountered routine. It uses first the computation to determine
the intersection point of the two flats, using the formulae given
in the previous chapter (xx) and then tests whether this
intersection point is inside of the two line segments by
calculating the parameter (formula xx above).
It is useful to report not only that the two segments intersect, but
also to report the two parameters.
The determination whether to simplices intersect should be
complemented with the computation of the intersection geometry
i nt er sect i on : : si mp - > si mp - > si mp - - not
possi bl e
The difficulty is that the result is not always a simple. It can be
empty which could be covered by the introduction of a null-
simplex or it can be a complex figure, which is not a simplex
(550-02). It will therefore not be possible to implement a fully
general intersection operation with the signature given above.
The dimension of the intersection has the minimum of the
dimension of the two simplices involved, but special cases are
possible, where the dimension of the intersection is less: the
intersection of two triangles may be a line or a single point.
An approach based on the dimension of the objects reveals
that for 0- and 1- simplices the intersection geometry can be
computed, but not for the intersection of two 2-simplices (550-

Figure 550-02
master all v13a.doc 282
The difficulty with the algebra of simplices is that not all
operations are total: the intersection of two 1-simplices can result
in a point, in a line segment or in nothing (fig.).
This makes further analysis difficult and explains some of
the notorious difficulties with implementation of geometric
operations. The theoretical tools to address these issues are:
complete an algebra with partial functions such that
the functions become all total,
generalize the operations such that the arguments and
the results are both simplex (but not necessarily of the
same dimension),
intersection returning geometric figures which are not
simplices but these can be described as a set of
simplices (this will be postponed till chapter simplicial
Operations will be provided for the individual simplices to
prepare for the computation of the intersection result in the
chapter on simplicial complexes.
An often encountered problem is the interpolation of a point into
a simplex with co-dimension 1 (i.e., a line in 2d space or a
triangle in 3d space).
Expressing the position of the new point as a paramterization
(see above xx), one can then calculate the weighted average of
the values for the boundary points (fig ). This can be generalized
for linear interpolation in any dimension.

A function required for triangles with codimension 1: intersect
the triangle with a horizontal plane and determine intersection
lines. This is later used to construct the contour lines for surfaces
constructed from triangles.
Figure 550-18

Figures 550-30
master all v13a.doc 283
This requires the operation to intersect a line (with
codimension 2) with the same horizontal planes. This gives the
start and end points of the pieces of the contours.
Combinatorial topology considers topological relation of
simplices and figures constructed from simplices; it counts
distinct elements and is thus closer to an implementation than
point set topology we have used in the previous two chapters.
We have seen operations on simplices, some observing
topological properties, some observing metric properties.
Surprising is the connection between the two: very often metric
operations are at the base for topological. For example, the
orientation of a 2-simplex (a triangle) is quickly determined by
testing whether the determinant is positive or negative.

Figure 550-34
master all v13a.doc 284
What is the difference between Hilberts program for treating
geometry and the projective program?
Why can we not give a complete algebra for simplices?
How to compute the height of a point inside a triangle?
What operation on triangles are necessary to construct the
contour lines for a triangulaged surface?
Is the joint of two points commutative? What is the
difference between join a b and join b a?
What are the topological operations and relations that apply
to simplices?
Which operations on simplices require a metric space?

Blumenthal, L. M. and K. Menger (1970). Studies in Geometry. W.H. Freeman//512 pp.,

The goal of this part is to introduce representation of geometric
figures, which are aggregates of simpler geometric objects.
There is first a generalization from simplices to cells, which are
topologically equivalent, but do not consist of straight lines but
allow free from. For representation in a computer, they must be
approximated by collection of points and short straight line
segments between these points.
The first chapter discusses operations applicable to collections of
points, to lines and to areas and contrasts their implementation
when different representations are selected. We will see that the
same representation, namely a list of points, can be interpreted
differently, namely as a collection of points, a line or an area.
The difference in the interpretation is captured in the algebra
The second chapter is motivated by networks and abstracts
these from most of their geometric properties and reduces them
to a adjacency relation. Graphs have an abstract definition, but
are motivated and intuitively strongly related to networks of
lines. The second chapter investigates the specific structure of
graphs in the abstract. The third chapter then brings back the
geometric aspects and shows how additional knowledge about
the problemhere geometrycan be used to improve the
The whole part is focused on a 2d space, having therefore
more a 'map concept' of geography. GIS originally was mostly a
method to store maps and analytical functions were very close to
the former graphical counterparts. This traditional view shows in
the first and the third chapterwhereas the second chapter deals
with graphs in full generality, not restricted to continuous space
of any fixed dimension.

In this section we deal with methods to represent maps,
especially the lines on a map. (figure) The discussion is
restricted to lines, not the overall structure which is
communicated to a human map reader. The map structure we see
is not included in what we discuss here; the map is seen here as a
collection of isolated points, lines, and areas without the
additional structure we interpret when we read a map to find our
way, etc. The next chapters will investigate how we use the
network of lines to, for example, find the shortest route between
two points (570 and 575); the following part then investigates the
areal structure of a map.
This chapter generalizes simplices to cells. The geometry of
a cell is represented by coordinated points. A list of points can
have very different interpretations: it can represent a collection
of points, a line or even an area. These different interpretations
correspond to different algebras applicable to the same
This chapter shows how the geometric values of simplices
(points, line segments, triangles) can be combined to produce the
less restricted cells. Cells can be used to represent the points, line
segments, and areas shown on every map. In the example map
we see points which indicate the location of, for example, points
in reality for which the height was measured. We see lines which
stand for a path between two locations, or a brook running in a
valley. We see colored areas, which stand for a pond, a forest, or
a building. Some of the geometric map elements form symbols
which we interpret as text or as conventional symbols, but even
these are constructed from the geometric primitives point, line,
and area. Conventional signs and the lettering of the map are not
included in the discussion here and dealt with later.

Figure 560-99
master all v13a.doc 288
Geometric figures on maps are constructed from one or several
points, line segments, or areas. The map can be seen as a
collection of points, lines, and areas, and the lines and areas can
be approximated with collections from the geometric primitives:
simplices introduced before.

The curved lines on maps representing irregular forms in the
terrain are approximation to the real situation and can be
approximated again as closely as desired by straight line
segments. The quality of the approximation and how to manage
this quality is not discussed in this book; it is sufficient to
understand that the approximation can be pushed as far as
desirable, closer approximation however require more resources
(for more details, see [frank approx book]).
Chapter 550 has introduced the simplest geometric figures
simplices and in this chapter, collections of points, lines, and
areas are the focus. We want to see, how operations on simplices
carry over to collections of simplices and which new operations
become applicable. Collections of simplices can be used to
represent the generalized cells.
Operations on sets of geometric objects are often connecting
objects of one dimension with objects of another dimension. For
sets of points, operations to construct the convex hull, which is
the smallest convex area which includes all the points and
triangulation, is an operation on points, but resulting in a line.
Connection relations between line segments lead to
considerations of connected lines and closed lines. Lines can be
connected or disconnected and a connected line can be closed,
meaning returning on itself and thus delimiting a part of the
plane as an area. This is the statement in Jordans curve
theorem, which is the geometrically most fundamental aspect of
Fig 560-03 replace with copy from real
figure 560-04
master all v13a.doc 289
this chapter: discussing the relationship between a closed line
and the area it delimits. We will see that these are two different
algebras applied to, possibly, the same representation (namely a
list of points).
Geometric figures on maps are graphical representations of
ideal geometric figures. The graphical representation must have
an extension: a line has a width; a point is really a small area,
etc. In the discussion in this chapter, we stress the ideal
properties of the geometric figures and the non-ideal, realistic
consideration of graphical elements is left out here. Equally left
out is cartographic generalization, which simplifies lines. All this
will be deal with in a separate volume on approximation [frank

A generalization of simplices to arbitrary figures of the same
dimension is usual. This gives cells, with 0-, 1- and 2-cells as the
specific cells of dimension 0, 1, and 2. (fig 550-16).
The simplices are the simplest geometric figure in each
dimension; they are restricted to straight connections between
the points. The restriction to straight connections can be lifted
and the generalized concept of cell emerges: There are 0-cells, 1-
cells, 2-cells, etc., each topologically equivalent to the
corresponding unit sphere. Two differences compared to
0-cells are simple points and coincide with 0-simplex.
1-cells are curves between two 0-cells
2 cells consist of an undetermined number of 1-cells as
The cells can be approximated by collections of the simplices of
the corresponding dimension. This shows how the operations on
the simplices carry forward to the cells and demonstrates the
additional test and conditions cells must obey. The 0-celll
coincides with the 0-simplex and needs no discussion. The
construction of cells as collections of the corresponding
simplices is not the most effective one and not the one often
used; simplifications will be introduced later in this chapter.

Figure. 560-15
Jordan's curve theorem:
A closed line divides the space in two
parts, such that any line going from a
point in the one part to a point in the
other part must cross the line

Figure 550-16
master all v13a.doc 290
3.2 1-CELL
A 1-cell can be approximated as a sequence of 1-simplices.
Overall the 1-cell has the same properties and operations as
single simplex: a starting point, an ending point, a direction, a
length, etc., but internally it is a collection of 1-simplices, such
that one connects to the next one and the length of the 1-cell is
the sum of the lengths of the single simplices.
1-cells must not intersect each other and be connected from start
to end. This makes it necessary to introduce two tests with which
these properties can be assured.

3.3 2-CELL
A 2-cell is a closed sequence of 1-cells(560-07 a). It can be seen
as a collection of 2-simplices, which approximate the area of the
2-cell (560-07 b)

The properties of the 2-cell are the same as the properties of the
2-simplex: they have an area, which is again the sum of the area
of the simplices; they have a boundary, which is a 1-cell, etc.
The algorithm to deduce such properties from simple collections
of 2-simplices are involved; effective methods are achieved in
more structured arrangements of the data, which will be
discussed later.
It is usual to introduce the restriction that the 2-cells must
not be self-intersecting and must be connected, we do not allow
for holes at the cell level. The corresponding tests must be
defined as operations on the simplices.
For cells we must have the same operations as for simplices:
Boundary, interior and exterior,
Dimension, codimension, number of holes,
Topological relations

Figure 560-01 repeated here

Figure 560-05 approximation of line by
sequence of 1-simplices.
Figure 560-06

Fig. 560-07 (a) a 2-cell, (b) the
approximationof a 2-cell by 2-simplices

Fig. 560-08
master all v13a.doc 291
Size, orientation, point in polygon test
Parametrization is considerably more difficult, because
a 2-cell in 3d is not flat and therefore linear
interpolation is not sufficient (approximation by
triangulation is an often used method).
These operations related directly to the corresponding
operations on the simplicies from which a cell can be composed:
the length of a line is the sum of the length of the 1-simplices the
line consists of.
In general, if a n-cell is approximated by a collection of n-
simplices, then an operation on the cell is first mapped to all the
simplices it consists of and then the result is folded to produce a
single value.
Map and fold are two second order functions, which
are fundamental to deal with collections: map applies
a function to each element, fold combines the
elements to a single value.
For example the area of a 2-cell, which is represented as a
collection of 2-simplices is computed by first mapping the area
computation to each 2-simplex and then summing the results;
technically, we can say that we map 'area' over the collection and
then fold with '+'. A somewhat more involved problem is the test
for 'point in polygon', but it follows the same logic: map test for
point in simplex for the given point to each simplex, then fold
with 'OR'; this yields TRUE if the point is inside any of the
element simplices.
Terminology; I will use collection when order does not
matter and sequence (or list) when the order is important.
If non-simple cells are permitted, then an algebra with
intersection calculation would be possible: the intersection area
of two cells is always a cell, not necessarily a connect cell; the
intersection can have a hole or consist of several pieces, but
these are still (general) cells. On the other hand, dealing with
cells which are not simple calls for a number of difficult checks
in the calculation and a difficult data structure. It is not simple to
give a condition for a restricted set of cells which is closed under
intersection, i.e., a set of cells such that the intersection of any
two, again result in a cell of the same condition. Usually, one

master all v13a.doc 292
wants to restrict the cells to simple connected cells and then
intersection is not closed.
Collections are aggregates of elements. The collection is a
parameterized type, with a parameter for the type of the elements
in the aggregate. The generalized collection introduced in the
previous chapter has operations for introduction of an element,
removing of an element, creating a new (empty) collection,
counting the elements in the collection and applying an operation
to each element (map) or an operation to summarize properties
of all elements together (fold).
Operations on collections must be at least:
Insert an element
Delete an element
Check if an element is in the collection
If the collection is ordered, then additional operations are
Reverse the order, find first or last element,
Insert an element at a specific position (first, last, after
another one)
A collection of n-simplices can be interpreted in different ways,
often an interpretation as a cell of dimension greater than n is
possible. The operations which follow from these interpretations
are typically geometric and must be separated from the structural
operations on the collections.
Collections of points play an interesting role, because they
allow many different interpretations. We can see a collection of
points as a set of points (fig a) or as a line when we assume
that the points are connected by lines (fig b) or as a closed line
(fig c) or even as an area.
master all v13a.doc 293

Similarly a collection of 1-simplices which form a closed line
can be seen as an area (or several areas).
If a collection of n-simplices is interpreted as a m-cell, then this
means that the operations of m-cells are applicable (this is
exactly the meaning of the phrase is interpreted as) and this is
reflected in the code. From the structural type collection of
points we cannot deduce immediately if this should be
interpreted as area or as line. To guarantee that the interpretation
is always the same one, the behavioral properties are captured in
a type which encapsulates
The cells are approximated with simplicies of the same
dimension, but this is not the only representation possible: A list
of 0-cells (points) can be seen as a line. A closed line (1-cell) can
be interpreted as a 2-cell: we can see the area inside the line.
Ultimately, the geometry of a cell is always represented as a list
of coordinated points. One may connect first the points to
straight line segments and from these form triangles to construct
a 2-cell, or just consider the list of the points as the 2-cell. (fig).
The same representation has different interpretations, which
means different algebras, different operations apply. Many of the
operations of 2-simplices apply thus to the closed 1-cells. For
example, the 2-cell so defined has a boundary, an area, one can
test whether a point is inside etc.
figure 560-09

Different path to construct a 2-cell from a
sequence of points
master all v13a.doc 294

The difficulty is that the same type of collection say a
collection of points can be interpreted in different ways: a
collection of points can be just this, a collection of points, but it
can also be seen as a line connecting the points, or an area with
a closed line connecting the given points. It is important to
separate carefully these different interpretations, which
determine what operations are applicable.operations must work,
independent of the representation; the area computation must
work on a collection of points or a collection of lines, or a
collection of triangles.
Observe that in general, the representation of an n-cell by n-
simplex is not dependent on the order of the simplices. The
representations of an n-cell by m-simplices (where n > m) make
use of the order in which the simplices are listed.
Operations to convert between representations are in principle a
detail of implementation. The result of the operation on the
object must be the same, independent of representation.
op (a) = op (conv (a)) op = op.conv
The conversion operations are best defined such that they are
idempotent: applying a conversion operation to something which
has already the desired representation has no effect, applying the
conversion twice has the same effect as applying it once:
conv (a) = conv (conv (a)) conv = conv. Conv
Conversions have inverses, such that
conv . invConv = id

Fig: the same points, but connected in
different order give different figure

master all v13a.doc 295
Conversions are important in the design of algorithm: find a
representation and an algorithm which fit well together, and
construct separately a conversion from the given representation
to the one which is most suitable for the algorithm. An improved
implementation can later be achieved, by combining the
conversion with the algorithm; this optimization is sometimes
automatic and sometimes follows simple rules (Bird and de Moor
The conversion from list of points to lines uses an often used
method to connect the first with the second, the second with the
third, etc. namely combining two lists, where the second is
shortened at the start by one element (fig 560-21).
The conversion from lines to list of points takes simply the first
point and from each line segment the end point.

Exercise: show that these two conversions are inverses to
each other.
The conversions functions are different than the ones between
lines and sequence of points, because for the interpretation of a
sequence of points as an area, a connection between the last and
the first point is implied.

Fig 560-21

master all v13a.doc 296

Figure 560-22 figure 560-23
The inverse conversion is in two steps: add the first point to
the end of the sequence, which gives us the representation in 5.1
above, and then apply the conversion to sequence of line given

For a set of points there are not only the operations which we
know from single points, and the operations which are inherited
from the collection, but also new, particular operations, which
apply to the set of points.
Three operations come to mind for a collection of points,
Find the nearest neighbor to a given point,
the convex hull, and
the construction of a triangulation between the points
(respective a specific triangulation).
The operation determines for a given point x the point pn from a
collection of points which is closest to x. A straightforward
method to find the nearest neighbor is
determine the distance from each point in the collection to x; this is
an application of the second order function map, to apply
distance to x to each point
sort the points according to their distance to x
select the first
master all v13a.doc 297

The convex hull of a set of points is the set of points, which are
the extreme points of the collection, such that all points in the
collection are included between the connections of these extreme
The convex hull for a set of points is the smallest
convex set that contains all points [deberg p.2]
Incremental algorithm: Three points are always convex. Add
point by point: if point is inside, then return previous hull, if
point is outside, add the new point and determine which of the
previous points is now inside.
The computation of the complex hull has a dual problem:
given a set of half-planes limited by some flats, determine the
corners of the convex area delimited. This operation is useful for
finding an area where a number of conditions, expressed as
inequalities obtain.
There are many different triangulations between a set of points
possible. A straightforward algorithm would take the first three
points and then insert point by point. If the point is inside a
triangle, this one is split in three; if the point is not yet contained
in a triangle, the triangle is added. This may lead to a very
strange but correct triangulation. An alternative triangulation for
the same points is possible. Two questions arise: is there always
a triangulation and is there a single (canonical) triangulation for
a given set of points?
Figure 560-10
Figure 560-02

Aera where 5 conditions are fulfilled
master all v13a.doc 298
Lines consisting of different line segments can be represented as
a list of straight line segments, but they can also be represented
as a collection of points. We see that the aspects of
representation and the aspects of operations applicable
(semantics) are separable.
Lines have an intrinsic order, therefore operations for ordered
sequences apply and are important: For lines, operations to
extend the line at the beginning or at the end as well as an
operation to reverse the orientation of a line.
The length of a line is the sum of the length of the segments (1-
simplices) it consist of. The is possible with other
representations, but it is simpler to convert to collection of
simplices representation, because in this representation the
computation is the most direct one: apply length to each segment
and sum the length.
We can ask whether a line is self intersecting, but we can also
ask if one line intersects another line. To check for self
intersection, we have to check each line element against all the
remaining elements (indeed only half the tests are necessary,
because intersection is a symmetric test: intersect a b ==
intersect b a, for all a and b). These operations follow the same
pattern we have given above.
Test for intersection of a polyline with a 1-simplex: intersect
the given simplex with each simplex of the polyline and then
combine the result with OR; this is mapping of the intersection
test followed by a fold with OR.
Two test for intersection of two polylines, check every
simplex of the first one against the second line; this is again a
map, followed by a fold with OR.
Traditionally, computer graphic representations for lines
followed the instructions to plot a line with a pen: A sequence of
points contained additional marks when to lower the pen to draw
to the next point and when to lift the pen to move to a point

Figure 560-20
master all v13a.doc 299
without drawing a line. Modern interfaces expect a line, which is
then converted to raster and shown on the screen. Each sequence
move to followed by a number of draw to commands is a
polyline in the sense above.
An operation to check that a line is closed is useful; this property
is precondition that a line can be interpreted as an area. For the
check it is not sufficient to check that the first and the last point
are the same, but one must also check for every segment, the end
point of the preceding one is the start of the next one. This
condition is always fulfilled for a polyline represented as a
sequence of points. It may be advantageous to convert a line to
this representation and back to assure its internal connectedness.
a collection of points or a collection of lines forming a closed
line can be seen as an area and operations of areas applied.
The operations follow the familiar schema: transform to a
suitable representation, then map the appropriate operation and
collect the result with a fold operation. This schema works for:
Point inside area
Size (area)
For circumference, use the operation boundary to obtain the
border and then apply size to it.
The task of intersecting two 2-cells is not generally solvable
when we demand that 2-cells do not contain holes; unions of
cells can contain any number of holes.
We could generalize the 2-cells to include holes and not
necessarily to be connected and then both intersection and union
would always have a solution. The code to deal with 2-cells
with holes is notoriously tricky (the number of holes is not
limited). I prefer to postpone this problem till a more structured
approach is possible.
In this chapter, operations with collections of points, line
segments, and areas are discussed. In each case, we have

Figure 560-18

Fig 560-17
fig 560-16
master all v13a.doc 300
selected the simplest geometric figures and formed collections of
In this chapter we have identified systematically all
operations between points, lines, and triangles and for several of
them given implementations. For some others, the coding is
simpler to understand if we use a stronger structure than just
collections: simplicial complexes are polynoms in simplices and
this leads to an elegant algebra for some of the operations of
combinatorial topology.
What is the difference between a collection of points
interpreted as 1-cell or as 2-cells? What are the structural and
what the behavioral differences?
What is Jordans curve theorem stating?
Explain an algorithm to produce a collection of line segments
which are not intersecting each other.

The classical problem posed by Euler: can you walk through the
city of Knigsberg such that you cross each bridge exactly once
and return home? This does not depend on the form and position
of bridges in Knigsberg, but only on the connections between
the island. Graph theory is the geometry of connections, it is the
geometry of adjacency.
Graph theory is motivated by spatial situations, but it is in
the core an abstract mathematical theory. Street networks, rivers
and similar structures show specific properties, which are
captured with the mathematical structure of graphs. They are all
forms of connected lines and one can ask questions like: Is there
a connection between a and b? What is the shortest path from a
to b?
For such structures of connected lines exists an elegant
mathematical theory which concentrates on the lines and how
they are connected, not on the particulars of the form of the lines
or the position of the points in space. Such structures are called
in mathematics graphs and are discussed here.
Graph theory is constructed in a fully abstract way as a bi-
partite algebra over nodes and edges and a relation incidence of a
node with an edge. A transitive relation connected between two
nodes is derived from adjacency. Graphs are divided in
connected components, which are collected through a fixed point
operation transitive closure.
Graphs are invariant under topological transformation one part
of topology (homotopy?), indeed the treatment of graph
properties is related only to the identifiers of the nodes and does
not depend on the coordinates. In a graph, the geometric
properties can be separated from the connectivity description. In
this chapter, only the connectivity is considered. The next
chapter then concentrates on graphs where the position of the
nodes is given in a 2d coordinate system.
Graphs capture a situation encountered in different situations:
connectivity between nodes. Street networks are the most

Figure - Knigsberg see dtv
Graph a bi-partite structure of
nodes and edges, with an incidence
master all v13a.doc 302
obvious one, but airline connections form graphs as well as the
water lines or the sewage pipes in a city. They are all forms of
connected lines and one can ask questions like: Is there a
connection between a and b? What is the shortest path from a to
This theory originating with the classical problem posed by
Euler (see above) lead to a geometric theory which
concentrates on the connection between points. It sees the map
of Knigsberg only as nodes which are connected, with arbitrary
position in space (figure 570-30). Even in this abstract form, the
essence of the problem is present and one can demonstrate why
Euler cannot walk across all bridges and reach home again (fig.
570-30). Can you see why? Can you express this as an abstract
Graph theory defines terms like path, walk, etc. in a strict
way and then investigates what is the shortest path connecting
two nodes. Dijkstra has published in the early days of computers
an elegant, non-trivial algorithm to find the shortest path in a
graph(Dijkstra 1959). Graph theory is the geometry in which
incidence and adjacency between points are preserved invariant,
but other properties can vary without affecting the results.
Embedded graphs, i.e., graphs which are situated in 2D or
3D space and for which coordinates for the nodes are given lead
to the design of data structures in which some data are not
duplicated but shared between components.
In mathematical texts, graphs are introduced in a very abstract
way: Graphs are bi-partite algebraic structures, which consist of
Nodes and Edges and we are interested in the incidence relation,
i.e., the relation that a node is at the end of an edge and the
indirect relations of two nodes being adjacent when both are
incident with an edge.
A graph consists of a set of Nodes N1 Nn and a set of edges
E1 .. Ee, which are typically represented as the pair of the two
incident nodes. The edges are not oriented and therefore the edge
(ni, nk) and the edge (nk, ni) are equivalent. The edges can be

Figure 570-30
Copy a town map here this is the
Figure 570-03 a map in a town with a
shortest path
master all v13a.doc 303
seen as function from the edge to a pair of nodes (under the
equivalence Eq (nk,ni)=(ni,nk)) :
g:: e -> (n,n)/Eq.
The triple (N, E, g) is a graph.
The fundamental relations in a graph are
Incidence: a node is incident with an edge if the edge starts or
ends in it.
Adjacency between two nodes, meaning that the nodes are
connected by an edge.
n I e && m I e => n A m
A walk is defined as a sequence of edges ei such that ei and ei+1
are both incident with the same node. A walk can contain an
edge more than once (e.g., e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e2 is a proper
sequence, containing e2 twice) (figure 570-06).
A walk between n1 and nm is a alternating sequence of nodes and edges
n1, e1, n2, e2, . nj, ej, n(j+1). nm
where for all i incident (ni ei) and incident (ei, n (i+1))
A walk is closed if the last edge ej and the first edge e1 are
incident with the same node (e.g., 570-07).
A path is defined as a walk such that no edge appears twice; a
path can be closed and may be called a cycle (570-07 is a cycle).

Figure - 570-03 for N = {N1, N2, N3}, E= {E1, E2},
g (E1) = (N1, N2), g (E2) = (N2, N3)

Figure 570-06 and 07
master all v13a.doc 304
The length of a path is typically counted in the number of edges
it contains.
2.3.1 Completely connected graph
A graph in which between any pair of nodes an edge exists, is
called 'completely connected' (fig).
2.3.2 Connection between nodes
Two nodes are connected if there is a path between them. All
nodes which are adjacent to a given node are connected, but also
all nodes which are adjacent to the connected nodes are again
connected. The relation connection is transitive:
con a b and con b c => con a c.
One can imagine, connectivity spreading out, first
connecting the nodes with path of length 1 (i.e., directly
adjacent), then connecting nodes with path of length 2, then with
path of length 3, etc.
2.3.3 Connectivity measure
The connectivity of a network can be measured by comparing
the existing number of edges with the maximum number of
edges possible. This connectivity measure can vary from 0 to 1,
zero being a graph with no connectivity, no edges at all; 1 is
obtained for a completely connected graph (fig above). A graph
has minimum connectivity, if all nodes are connected to some
other node, with a connectivity value of 2/m (Abler, Adams et al.
1971 p. 259).

Completely connected graph

Figure 570-08
master all v13a.doc 305
Fixed point is a fundamental operation in modern mathematics
and computer science. It captures notions of approximation,
limits, etc. very nicely in a single idea and can be expressed, and
programmed, in a higher order language in a generalized form.
A widely known example of fixed point is used to compute
the solution to
f (x) = 0.
Where we search for a function g (x) such that the series x
(n+1) = g (x n) converges to the solution of f (x) = 0.
All nodes which are connected in a graph are called a component
of the graph, components from equivalence classes, as is
generally the case for transitive relations. Components are the
fixed point or closure of the adjacency relation; they contain all
nodes which are adjacent to a given start node (or adjacent to an
adjacent node, etc.).
To identify the components of a graph is costly and requires an
inspection of every element of the graph. We will in later
sections see which efforts are made to assume that a graph
consists of a single component (see 580).
We may ask for a node: how many edges are incident with this
node? This is called the degree of the node.
In analogy to the radius of a circle we can speak of the radius of
a graph, taking each edge as unit length. Starting with labeling
all nodes with degree 1 with 0 and then repeat till all nodes are
labeled: add one to each following node, taking the maximum at
branches. The maximum node label is the center of the graph and
its label the radius of the graph.

570-10 a graph with two components

Figure 570-11 graph with nodes labeled
with degree
master all v13a.doc 306
The graph algebra consists of constructors to construct an empty
graph and to insert a node or an edge into a graph and observers
to detect incidence and adjacency. It inherits operations and
axioms from collection. If we add a number of constraints and
limit the graph, simplifications are possible.
Only nodes which exist in the graph can be connected.
Nodes have no other information as an identifier.
Incidence is split in two relations: start and end of edge.
edges : : g - > [ e]
nodes : : g - > [ n]
get Edge : : n - > n - > g - > Maybe e - -
adj acency
connect edNodes : : n - > g - > [ n]

connect edEdges,
connect edEdgesSt ar t i ng,
connect edEdgesEndi ng : : n - > g - > [ e]
- - conver se of
i nci dence

nodeDeg : : n - > g - > I nt
- - t he degr ee of a node
Operations to construct the graph are:
i nser t G : : e - > g - > g
r emoveEdge : : e - > g - > g
r emoveNode : : n - > g - > g
- - r emoves al so al l edges connect ed t o
t he node.

There are many ways to represent a graph. All are based on the
storage of the incidence or the adjacency relation. We first
consider two mathematically interesting ones (Kirschenhofer
1995), but practically too wasteful ones and discuss then the
generally used ones. For each representation, the operations
given above must be possible.
A graph can be represented with storage of the adjacency
relation: which nodes are incident with the same edge. This can
be captured, for example, in a square matrix, where for each
combination of nodes 0 signifies that the nodes are not adjacent
and 1 when they are adjacent.

master all v13a.doc 307
The adjacency matrix A(G) of the graph G is an n x n-matrix
where n denotes the number of vertices in G. Its entries a
i, j
either 0 or 1 and determined in the following way. Let us assume
that the nodes of the graph are labeled 1,2,...,n. Then a
i, j
= 1 if
there exists a directed edge from node i to node j in graph G, and
i, j
= 0 if not. If G is an undirected graph, this results in a
symmetric matrix, if G is a digraph, A(G) will not be symmetric
in general as the following example shows.
The number of ones in the matrix from above counts the total
number of edges. For graphs with undirected edges, the matrix is
symmetric. The row or column sum gives the degree of a node.
The multiplication of such an adjacency matrix with itself
gives the connectivity of path length 2, further multiplication
path length 3, etc. We can define a power function,
A ** 2 = A * A
A **n = A * (A ** n-1);
we are interested in the transitive closure, i.e., the fixed point
of this power function.
The computations either represent the entries in the
adjacency matrix as numbers, using only the values 0 and
1.Several other applications make use of the algebraic
manipulations that can be performed with the matrix A(G). For
instance it can be shown that the entries of the k-th power A
A(G) count the walks of length k (i.e., with exactly k edges)
between a fixed starting point and the endpoint in G.
After a certain number of multiplications, the matrix does
not change anymore:
= A
We say that we have reached a fixed point. The resulting
matrix gives the connectivity in the graph and answers question:
can node j be reached from node i at all?
Typically the adjacency matrices have few entries of 1 and
most values are zero. Other representations for matrices, so-
called sparse matrices, are known and may be used for the
computation; this is purely an issue of computational efficiency
and does not affect the logic of the computation.
The incidence matrix B(G) of an undirected graph G is an n x m-
matrix (b
i, j
) of zeroes and ones, where n is again the number of
nodes and m is the number of edges. If the nodes are labeled

Fig 570-50 graph with adjacency matrix
master all v13a.doc 308
1,2,...,n and the edges are labeled e
, e
,..., e
, then entry b
i, j
1, if edge e
meets node i, and 0, if not.
In the case of digraphs we have to distinguish between
outgoing and incoming edges in a point and set b
i, j
= +1, if edge
starts in point i, b
i, j
= -1, if edge e
ends in point i, and b
i, j
0 otherwise.
Similarly as for the adjacency matrix, the incidence matrix
contains many zeros and does not offer a form of compact
storage for a graph. Observe that every column has exactly two
entries which are not zero.
The adjacency matrix stores for each pair of nodes in a graph
whether the two nodes are adjacent or not. For large graphs this
leads quickly to very large matrices, because the size of the
matrix increases with the square of the number of the nodes.
Most graphs have few connections between the nodes, typically
the number of nodes and the number of edges are about the
Storage in which only the existing edges are stored and non-
adjacency is deduced from the lack of information about
adjacency is much more effective when only few edges exist
between the nodes; this is an application of the 'closed world
assumption' (see xx). It assumes that the description is complete
and absence of information means not true.
It is possible to construct the lists as adjacency, which store
for each node the adjacent nodes saving compared to the
matrix as non-adjacency information is not explicitly
represented. Alternatively, the incidence matrix is stored as a list
of the edges and the nodes incident with them. This form is
preferred, as for each edge exactly two nodes are incident which
gives to simple functions from edge to node; adjacency requires
a function from node to list of nodes which is often more
complicated to deal with.

Fig. 570-51
master all v13a.doc 309
The selected representation excludes some special cases which
are either potentially difficult to handle in an algorithm or cannot
be represented.
4.4.1 Loops
An edge which connects to the same node is called a loop.
g (E4) = (N4, N4)
They are not a difficulty for representations. For most
applications loops do not make sense, and often algorithms
assume that a graph does not contain a loop and fail if there are
any present.
4.4.2 Zweieck
If two edges run between the same two nodes, we say they form
a zweieck (fig 570-05). Such edges are excluded in the original
definition of a graph (see above xx), where all edges with the
same incident nodes are equivalent.
g(E5) = (N5, N6)
g(E6) = (N5, N6).
A zweieck cannot be represented in a list of edge form of a
graph, because the two edges cannot be differentiated (note: we
defined (N5, N6) == (N6, N5). If zweiecke are required from the
application, then edges must have independent identifiers and we
cannot just use the pair of node identifiers as identifiers for the
edge, as we have done above.
From the basic graphs discussed so far a number of variations
are possible. Most variants are variants in the edges and the
properties of the edges; correspondingly changes affect not the
class graph and its operations but the class edge and the
applicable operations. An ordinary graph can only test if an edge
exist or not.
In a Labeled graphs every edge has a label, which contains some
information. Labels are functions from an edge to a value:
Label : edge - > val ue
Labels on the edges are often used in GIS to describe properties
of the edges of a graph width of a road, length of a road
segments, or the cost of traversing the edge. For a sequence of
edges or a path we can determine the total cost by summing over
all the edges included. In consequence, the task to determine the

Figure 570-52 and 53

Fig 570-04 and 05
master all v13a.doc 310
path with least cost between two nodes is an interesting and
practically relevant task.
A special case of a labeled graph is a weighted graph,
where the labels are all positive numbers. For example a graph
with labels indicating the length of the edge, is a weighted graph.
The edges in an ordinary graph are not directed. In directed
graphs, the edge (N5, N6) is different from the edge (N6,N5).
Two nodes a and b are then only adjacent if the edge (a,b) is in
the graph. Such directed graphs are necessary to model, e.g.,
street networks, where some roads are restricted to one way
streets. It is then necessary to use a single directed edge to
represent a one way street and two directed edges to represent
the two directional lanes of a two way street. Alternatively, a
directed graph can be labeled with labels oneWay, oneWay
the other direction, two ways.
For directed graphs, it is necessary to differentiate between
the in-degree (edges ending at the node) and the out-degree
(edges starting at the node). The adjacency matrix of a directed
graph is not symmetric and the sum of the rows give the
outdegree, whereas the sum of the column gives the indegree of
each node.
Code: t wo oper at i ons : : i ndeg, out deg : : n - > g e n - >
I nt
Certain applications lead to graphs which do not have cycles
for example, the networks representing critical path.
For acyclic graphs a partial order relation obtains and some
acyclic graphs are lattices.
A stream network is naturally a tree and processing can go from
the root upstream, investigating both branches recursively.
Trees are a special kind of acyclic graph. They have special
properties which makes them useful as a storage structure
internal to algorithm (Samet 1989). It supports quick search for
an element, by binary decisions between the left and the right
subtree. The tree starts with a root and has left and right subtrees,

Figure 570-54

Figure 570 55 Two-way edges are
typically modeled with two (anti-) parallel

Fig 570-13
master all v13a.doc 311
which end in nodes. Processing of a tree is typically a recursive
procedure, very similar to list processing.
In a tree, we can label edges from the roots forward, adding
one for each successive edge and taking the maximum value at
each node. For stream networks, these labels are called stream
order [??].
Graphs where we have coordinate values in 2 or 3 d for each
point are called embedded the graph is situated in space (see
next chapter). For such graphs, we can ask if they are non-
intersecting, i.e., no two edges crossing. This can be generalized
to the concept of planarity; we say a graph is planar, if it can be
drawn in 2D space (a plane) such that no two edges cross
independent of location of nodes and form of edges.

The interesting question, whether a graph can be drawn in a
plane without crossing of edges (other than the incidence in
nodes), can be answered without reference to the particular
location of the nodes. There are two fundamental non-planar
graphs, and any graph which contains one of the two cannot be
drawn in a plane and all other graphs are planar.
Determining a path between two nodes in a weighted graph is
one of the most important operations on a graph. Often there are
many paths between two nodes, in graphs with cycles often
even infinitely many. There is always an identifiable shortest
path where shortest means, the path with minimal sum of the
The algorithm shown here as shortest path assumes positive
weights length of an edge is always a positive value. The
algorithm can be applied to unlabeled graphs, assuming a label
of weight 1 on each edge; the result is the path with the least
edges in it.
Shortest path is a typical example of a large set of problems,
where a solution with a minimal sum of some property is
searched for. It is the discrete case of the search for a
Hamiltonian path, i.e., a path with minimal sum of a point

Figure 570-14

Planar graph: can be drawn in 2d
without intersection of edges.

Fig the two smallest non-planar graphs
[dtv p.250]
master all v13a.doc 312
property along the path; the path of light in a medium is, for
example, a Hamiltonian, i.e., it is the minimum of the integral of
the speed of light along the path, which makes it the path that is
traversed fastest.
In general, problems which ask for a combination of
elements resulting in a minimum value can be computed by
producing all possible combinations, evaluate them and select
the one with the minimal value. Unfortunately, for many
practical applications, such an approach is not meaningful, as the
number of possible combinations is very large consider all the
possible ways to get from A to B in a city (figure before) and
to produce all of them to identify the one that is fastest is not
practical. Dijkstras algorithm to determine the shortest path in a
graph is a good example how we can produce the candidate
combinations in order such that the shortest one is found initially
without exploring all the other possibilities.
Dijkstra has published a classical algorithm for the determination
of the shortest path in a graph where the labels are the length of
the edges. The algorithm requires that all labels are positive
(non-zero), which is automatically fulfilled for the length of the
edges; this is why it is typically mentioned as 'shortest path'. The
location of the nodes is not important for the algorithm.
The algorithm is explained in terms of cost to reach a node.
Cost is summing the weight at the labels; it is an abstract concept
of accumulation of weight and can often be seen as resource
utilization along the path. The algorithm identifies the path with
the minimal sum of cost.
The algorithm starts from a start node and a cost value of
zero. There starts an expansion step: For all nodes in the graph,
one obtains the cost of moving to them a cost of maximum
value indicates that there is no connection. The cost of reaching
the current node plus the cost of moving along the edge gives the
cost of reaching the next node. The list of nodes with the cost of
getting there and the edge traveled is added to the current list of
reachable nodes, where from two possible paths to a node only
the less expensive one is kept; this means a new entry is created
and the previous one deleted if the new path to a node is faster
than a previous one, otherwise the previous one is kept.
master all v13a.doc 313
The node which can be reached with minimal cost from the
start node is selected. If it is not the desired goal, then this node
is expanded according to the procedure just explained.
The shortest path search as proposed by Dijkstra searches
from the given node in circles of equal cost around the start node
till it hits the goal. The expansion goes in all directions, even the
direction opposed to the goal. (figure 570-40).

Figure 570-40 order of expansion
The following algorithm determines for a fixed node x V(G)
the distances d(x,y) to all other nodes y, i.e., the lengths of the
shortest paths between x and y. Furthermore it constructs a
function p in such a manner that starting from any node y the
sequence p(y), p(p(y)), p(p(p(y))),... of nodes determines a
shortest path connecting y with x.
In the algorithm the cost for connections between two nodes
which are not connected are set to infinity; when later selecting
the node with minimal cost so far (step (2)) and when a new cost
to a node is computed, a cost value of infinity excludes these
non-connections. In an implementation, these connections are
not considered, but this leads to a less attractive mathematical
(1) Initialize: Set

, : , set empty : V U W = =

( x):= 0, l
(y):= for all y x, p(y):= for all y V
(2) Determine the minimum of
( y) over all y U
master all v13a.doc 314
Choose a node z U such that
equals the
above minimum.
d( x, z):= l
(3) Set

= W {z}, U
:= U \ {z}
as well as for all
y U

(y):= min(l
(y), l
(z) + w(z, y)).

If in this last expression
( y) > l
(z) + w(z, y),

then set p(y):= z.
(4) If W
=V , the algorithm terminates. If l
( y) = for all
y U, then the graph is not connected, and there exists no path
from x to the nodes in U. Otherwise set U:= U
, W:= W
return to step (2).
Let us consider the following network with cost function defined
on its edges:
After initializing we have
W = empty set, U = V, l(x) = 0, l(y) = for all y x.
After having passed steps 2,3 for the first time we have
z = x, d( x, x) = 0, W
={x}, U
={b, c, d,e, f},

as well as the following new values of the l- and p-functions
l(b) = 4, l(c) =1; p(b) = p(c) = x.

If we attach to each node y the array (l(y),p(y)) we get the
following picture:
After the second run through steps 2 and 3 we have
z = c, d(x, c) =1, W
={x, c}, U
={b, d,e, f }

and the new values
l(b) = 2, l(d) = 7, l(e) = 8; p(b) = p(d) = p(e) = c :

After the third time
z = b, d(x, b) = 2, W
={x, c, b}, U
={d,e, f }

as well as
l(d) = 3, l( f ) = 10; p(d) = p( f ) = b :

The fourth time yields
z = d, d(x, d) = 3, W
={x, c, b, d}, U
={e, f}

l(e) = 6, l( f ) = 9; p(e) = p( f ) = d :



master all v13a.doc 315
After the fifth time we have
z = e, d(x, e) = 6, W
= {x, c, b, d, e}, U
= {f},

as well as
l( f ) = 7, p( f ) = e :
Finally the sixth time yields
z = f , d(x, f ) = 7, W
= V, U
= empty set
and the algorithm terminates.
All shortest paths between f and x have length 7, and the
( f , e), (e, d),(d, b), (b, c), (c, x)
is a shortest path of this kind.
Street networks have one way streets, but not all streets are one
way. We could either represent the network with all one
directional edges and have two one directional edge for every
two-way street or two have a graph with two kinds of edges:
two-way edges and one-way edges.
The difference when computing a shortest path in a street
network with one way streets is only in the operation
connectedNodes to a node: to the node A only the nodes B and C
are connected, D is not connected in the directional sense of the
edge D to A. This changes the function which identifies all the
connected nodes to a given one.
Implementationwise, the problem is reversed: internally storage
is always for directed edges, with a determined start and end. For
a two-way graph, the edges emanating and the edges terminating
in a node are found with two different searches, namely those
starting here and those ending here. For a graph with only one
way edges, finding the connected edges is finding all edges
starting at the given edge.
Street networks have also limitations on the possible turns. Not
from every street we may turn into any other, even respecting
one-way streets, further restrictions are frequent in cities.

Fig. City streets mostly one-way (the
Streets around TU Vienna)
master all v13a.doc 316
Networks representing driving operation in the real world must
also represent turn restrictions, modeling situations where signs
no left turn or no right turn are posted. Turn restrictions
require that the internals of a node are again a small network,
describing exactly which connections are possible. These edges
can be given waits, to indicate how much time is lost in waiting
and turning.
Fig: (a) full connected intersection, (b) a part of the street
network above with permitted turns
Space displays often a hierarchical structure, best known is the
political subdivision of a country in lnder, and the lnder in
counties, which in turn are subdivided in towns. Christaller has
pointed out that such a structure develops some regularity due to
human behavior (Christaller 1966).

Given a network structure of relations between towns, where
each town tends to be connected to each other to some degree,
how to detect the dominant connections which form the
hierarchy? Assume that we have a matrix which gives the
strength of the connection between any two towns in an area, for
example the number of phone calls exchanged between the two
nodes. Following a suggestion by Nystuen and Dacey (Tinkler
1988 p. 265), we identify for each node the total of strength (i.e.
the total of calls connecting this town) and the strongest link.
This gives first a 'greater than' relation between the towns in
terms of strength. A node is independent, if its largest flow goes
to a smaller node, a node is subordinate (or a satellite city) if its
largest flow goes to a larger city (Tinkler 1988 p. 266). This

A detail from the above street network with
turn restrictions shown

Central places of three different levels
master all v13a.doc 317
gives a subgraph of the original graph (which we assumed here
to be completely connected), which reveals the structure of
relations between the centers in the area.
The concept of transitivity which is motivated by the connection
in a path network and certainly forms one of the base
experiences with the real physical world in which we move
around is widely used. Transitive closure and fixed-point
operations have become fundamental and most powerful ideas
for the definition of semantics of functions.
a < b && b < c => a < c Transitivity
f (n) = f ( f (n)) fixed point
Transitivity in connection leads to the concept of a path, as a
sequence of connected edges and given different paths between
two nodes to the request for the shortest path between two
nodes; the computation of a shortest path in a graph is a discrete
form of the calculus of variation and the search for a
Hamiltonian. Dijkstras algorithm shows how this problem can
be solved efficiently.
The algorithm of Dijkstra to compute the shortest path in a
graph can be improved if we have additional information; we
will in the next chapter see how graphs which are embedded in
2d or 3d space lead to an improvement in the algorithm.
How can you compute the outdegrees resp. the
indegrees of the nodes from the entries of the
adjacency matrix?
Explain the goal of the shortest path determination
and list several applications (other than in a street
Explain the concept of Dijkstra's algorithm. How is
the search progressing?
Why is Dijkstras method not effective to find a
shortest path in a regular grid?
Does Dijkstras algorithm work for graphs with
negative weights? Why not?
master all v13a.doc 318
Why does the minPath operation not find the best
solution if trains on an edge can overtake each
other? How can it be improved?

Abler, R., J . S. Adams, et al. (1971). Spatial Organization - The
Geographer's View of the World. Englewood Cliffs, N.J ., USA,
Prentice Hall.
Christaller, W. (1966). Central Places in Southern Germany. Englewood
Cliffs, NJ , Prentice Hall.
Dijkstra, E. W. (1959). "A note on two problems in connection with graphs."
Numerische Mathematik(1): 269-271.
Kirschenhofer, P. (1995). The Mathematical Foundation of Graphs and
Topology for GIS. Geographic Information Systems - Material for a
Post Graduate Course. A. U. Frank. Vienna, Department of
Geoinformation, TU Vienna. 1: 155-176.
Samet, H. (1989). Applications of Spatial Data Structures. Computer
Graphics, Image Processing and GIS. Reading, MA, Addison-
Wesley Publishing Co.
Tinkler, K. J . (1988). Nystuen/Dacey Nodal Analysis (Monograph / Institute
of Mathematical Geography), Michigan Document Services.

Graphs for which the location of the nodes in space are known
are an important class of graphs with many applications in
geography. Street and river networks are perhaps the most
visible, but also the airline and the railways are a network as
well. Transportation in general follows networks and the cost is
in general proportional to the distance traveled. To determine
the shortest path in an embedded network is an often posed
question. This chapter will show an improved algorithm which
uses the additional information provided by the embedding of
the graph in 2d space.
Embedded graphs can be merged, which is a first type of
overlay operation: two embedded graphs are combined
respecting their location in space. At the intersection of their
edges, new nodes are introduced.
Finally, this chapter discusses the optimization of embedded
networks: connect a give set of nodes such that some quantity is
optimal, for example, connect all villages by the shortest set of
roads, or connect the villages to minimize travel time, etc.
Interesting is the connection between the form of a network and
the quantity optimized.
Graphs which represent networks in space are important for GIS:
street networks, the line networks of public utilities etc. But one
must not think that all graphs in a GIS are embedded graphs
are also used to represent activities, and one may ask for the best
sequence of activities to achieve a certain goal, which translates
exactly to a shortest path problem in a graph which is not
located in 2d space.
A graph is embedded if the location of the nodes in a 2d or 3d, or
higher dimensional, space are given. In principle, one could store
the coordinates for each node within the edge data:
master all v13a.doc 320
This is not desirable, not only is it using more storage (which is a
performance issue and not of interest here) but it does not
explicitly describe the connectivity in the graph. The
connectivity is only deduced from the coincidence of
coordinates. If a coordinate of a point changes, the change must
be applied to all coordinates stored for this point or we risk that
the graph changes not only in the location of the nodes, but also
in the connectivity a different graph results (570-15 b). This
sharing of data was the primary justification for the database
concept introduced earlier.
Networks in real-world space are always embedded and the cost
function we optimize in shortest path algorithm are the real
world distances between the nodes. To construct such graphs,
position information must be associated with each node, i.e. we
need a function nodePos :: n -> Coord.
This gives a number of the metric operations between points
which can translate to functions with the node identifiers as
inputs: distance between nodes, bearing between nodes etc.
di st EG : : gr aph - > nodeI d - > nodeI d - > f l oat
bear i ngEG : : gr aph - > nodeI d - > nodeI d - > angl e.
These functions are the combination of a function to find the
coordinates for a given node id and the function to compute
distance or bearing from coordinates (dist resp bearing above).

Figure 570-15 Change P (4,2) to P (4,1)
master all v13a.doc 321
di st anceNodes n mpl = ( l i f t 2 di st ' ) nv mv
wher e
nv, mv : : Maybe V2 - -
r est r i ct ed t o 2d
nv = posi t i on n pl
mv = posi t i on mpl
bear i ngNodes n mpl = ( l i f t 2 bear i ng) nv mv
wher e
nv, mv : : Maybe V2 - -
r est r i ct ed t o 2d
nv = posi t i on n pl
mv = posi t i on mpl
Edges can only be inserted when the two nodes were stored
before. For a graph in which the weights on the edges are the
distances regular to produce a shortest path - no weight need to
be given, because the distance between the nodes is computed.
cl ass Coor dGr aphs g wher e
- - t he edges t he nodes and t he vect or s
i nser t CG : : St ar t End - > Node - > Node - > g - > g
addNodeCG : : Node - > V2 - > g - > g
In an embedded graph, no specific labels for the length of an
edge are necessary. The distance can be computed from the
coordinates available for the point. Of course, if we are looking
to minimize some other measure then additional information for
the edges may be necessary; for example, one might want to
minimize travel time. The time necessary to drive along an edge
depends on the length of the edge, i.e. the distance between the
nodes, divided by the speed; the average speed for an edge
depends on the width of the road, the radius of the curves etc.
Design speed, width of the roadway etc. may be stored with the
With the same functions defined for the retrieval of connectivity
from the graph the original code given in the previous chapter
works for the embedded graph as well. It is however not the
optimal solution.
A more efficient, often used method to search for a minimal
value solution is the A* algorithm, which is more efficient than
Dijkstras algorithm because it uses additional information
compared to the algorithm given by Dijkstra. It is well suited to
spatial shortest path problems for embedded graphs.
The A* algorithm uses an additional information the
estimate how much additional cost will be incurred from the
master all v13a.doc 322
currently expanded node to the target. This estimate must be the
highest possible effort to reach the target (if actual effort is less,
the algorithm still works). It expands the node with the expected
minimal cost to reach the target, not the node with total cost to
reach till here. In spatial applications the estimation of cost to the
target is a function of distance, for example is expected travel
time at least the distance divided by the maximum speed.
Important for the working of the algorithm is only that the
estimated expected cost is always less than the actual one, which
is found later. If cost were larger, than a promising candidate
node would not be expanded and a solution perhaps not found.
Geometrically, an A* algorithm searches similarly than the
Dijkstra algorithm, but it adds to the cost of each node the cost to
reach from there the target this gives some directionality to the
search. Compare 570-41 with the figure in the previous chapter
The change in the code is minimal: when selecting the next
node for expansion, one has first to add to the cost to reach the
node the (minimal estimated) cost to reach the target; then the
node with least cost is selected for expansion. It is of curse
possible to compute the estimated cost only once and store it
with the candidate nodes or recomputed from coordinates each
Real world problem of navigation are not restricted to operations
between nodes in a graph; when we search for a shortest path
between two buildings, we start typically on an edge between
two nodes and the destination is again on an edge between two
nodes. In order to use one of the shortest path algorithms
discussed, the start and the destination must be inserted into the
graph as nodes. This requires a method to identify points on the

Figure 570-41
master all v13a.doc 323
The points along the edge can be identified by their distance
from the start point of the edge. This is a natural
parameterization of the edge. Functions to calculate the
coordinates of a point along a line have been defined before (see
class Lines).
A function to split a line with a given point is in the class line;
this is the counterpart to the calculation of a point identified by a
milepost. To have start and end points as nodes, the edges on
which the points are situated must be removed and replaced by
two new edges, carefully preserving the other properties of the
edge: travel direction must be preserved and the cost is unless
a better estimate is available distributed proportional to the
length of the two new segments.
The mileposting method can be seen as a coordinate system,
namely the coordinate system for a line with a single coordinate
(one degeree of freedom). This is often used practically:
everybody knows the milepost along a highway (photo).
This method is very convenient and widely used, from road
administration to railways. The systems used in practice are
slightly different from the one presented above: they use not a
single segment (a link between to nodes) but a longer route as
the unit along which the reference length is measured. In a stable
system, this is not an issue, but no road or railway network is
stable when considering periods of many years.
Consider the original road mileposting in fig xx. There are abut
11.5 km from A to B and mileposts are set along the road. Later,
the road is improved to avoid the town C with the narrow
passage and the town D on the hill. Avoiding C creates a longer
(but hopefully less congested) road which reaches the previous
road at milepost 4.3 (but with its own milepost 5) the same
mileposts are now used twice! Shortening the road at D is
simpler as here the mileposts between 8 and 9.6 are lost. The
clean solution to redo the mile posting from A to B is typically
avoided because it would require to physically relocate the
existing mile posts along the road, but it would also invalidate all
references to locations along the road using mile posts for
example in all the legal documents which pertain to the posting
of street signs, traffic restrictions and also accident reporting. In

Figure 570-44

Figure 570-45

Figure with original road and a new detour
at C and a shortcut at D
master all v13a.doc 324
practice, the doubly counted new miles at C are marked and it is
hoped that not too much confusion emerges!
Two graphs embedded in the same coordinate system can be
combined. For example the highway network and the rail
network can be combined in a single graph. ( fig 570 20,
21).The resulting combined graph maintains labels for each
edge with its origin is it a rail or a road connection (fig).
Assume that the edges are labeled with travel time, one can now
ask what is the fastest way between two points, allowing driving
or using the railway, or even mixing the two. This is an
important question when traveling from the countryside to a
major city, where we typically use multiple modes of
transportation: first with the car to the railway station, then with
the rail, then metro and ultimately streetcar to our destination.
This requires combining 4 different graphs, for the road, rail,
metro and streetcar network. In the combined graph the shortest
(fastest) path can be determined.
Not every network is a planar graph: streets may overpass each
other. the standard highway exit is certainly not a planar graph
While inserting new edges, the new edge must be checked
against all existing edges for intersection. One could use the
methods developed before for testing collections of lines for self-
intersection. This is wasteful in large graphs and better data
structures which represent the situation of a planar graph better
will be discussed in the next sections.
Embedded graphs which cover the same part of space can be
overlaid and made planar again. In the combination graph (fig

Figure 570 20 Southern Austria: (a) highway network, (b) railway network

Combination of highway and railway

master all v13a.doc 325
570 21) the intersection points of two edges must be converted to
nodes and inserted into the graph.

Overlay is one of the most important and oldest problems in
GIS. The calculation of all intersection points of a collection of
1-cells is a first step in this algorithm. The line elements are
subdivided such that the new line collection is not self
intersecting. This can be seen as the union of lines, preserving
A possible algorithm proceeds as in two major steps: first all
the intersection points are computed, then all the lines are broken
at the intersection points.
To compute all intersecting points, each line is tested for
intersection with any of the remaining lines (ips). Computing for
each intersection the two parameters where the intersection point
splits the two lines. For each line, the split points are then
computed and the line suitably subdivided into smaller line
segments, using the function to compute the points of a line
given a parameter and then using the function to convert a list of
points into a list of line segments.
The difficulty with all geometric algorithms using coordinates is
the imprecision of calculations introduced by the approximations
necessary to represent point coordinates in a computer; this
problems is excluded here and will be covered in another book
[frank approximation].
An alternative development of the code takes the incremental
approach: the union of two sets of lines is computed by repeated
insertion of a line from the first set into the second set.
consider the insertion of one line segment into the collection and
assume that the collection has the desired property, i.e., non-
Check this new segment s1 in turn against each segment li in
the second set. If an intersection is found, then the newSegment
and the intersecting segment seg are both split and two segments
results from each. The pieces coming from the old segment li'
and li'' will be kept in the result and need not be tested further.
However, intersection of the two pieces from the new segment

Fig 560-14

Fig: three steps to split a line
master all v13a.doc 326
s1' and s1'' must be checked against any remaining segment,
because it could intersect, for example, segment lj.

The problem to construct a graph which connects a given set of
nodes and optimizes some additional condition is important or
applications. For example, a number of buildings may need to be
connected to the water provider with a minimal length of pipes
The network with the shortest path is characterized by interior
angles of 120 degrees. Consider the three prototypical situations:
three collinear nodes, three nodes with an angle of less than 120
degrees and 3 nodes in general situation (fig):
For a larger set of nodes, the edges all meet at internal
(additional nodes) under 120 degree angles:
Consider constructing a railway or a highway, where the cost to
link to a node must be compared to the revenue obtained from
linking to this node. Connecting all the nodes is not always the
solution which maximizes the income.
Determine the shortest path to visit a number of nodes in a
graph; for example, a salesman has to visit a number of clients
in different villages. What is the shortest path for him? This
problem has been extensively studied and it has been proven
that no fast algorithm to certainly identify the shortest path is
feasible. Several reasonable methods to find a close to optimal
solution are known.

Figure 560-40

Minimal length connection of 6 buildings to
a water source

master all v13a.doc 327

A variant of the traveling salesman problem is the "Car pool"
(Paul Revere) path. Find a path from a start to a destination,
linking all given intermediate nodes in any order to obtain the
shortest path. (Tinkler 1988)[aag 278, original suggestion by
William bunge].
Studying the form of a network allows us to identify which
function was optimized. Internal angles of 120 degree indicate
that the cost of construction was minimized, generally, a shortest
set of edges was identified. If the graph is completely connected,
then convenience for use was optimized. A hierarchical
arrangement shows connections from one point out. A close path
(cycle) reveals an attempt to serve several points and return
Exercise: find solutions for all these problems
Many different types of graphs are possible embedded and not
embedded, embedded with different types of coordinates,
directed, weighted, labeled, etc. Each of these special types of
graphs gives rise to a different data structure for storing the data
and some particular store and access functions. Careful
factorization makes algorithms like shortest path relatively
immune to these changes, but care is required for each new
Graphs with cycles, especially graphs where all edges are
part of cycles can be interpreted as subdivision of space, the
cycles seen as areas (cf. Jordans curve theorem). In such graphs
additional information about the areas and the relations between
them (neighbors) must be maintained. This leads to a further
increase of variants of the base code for storage and processing
of graph like geometric data. This will be covered in the next
master all v13a.doc 328
What is the difference between A* and Dijkstras algorithm?
When can A* be used?
What is the effect if the estimate of remaining effort in A* is
How do we determine the shortest path between two points
located on a segment (not a node)?
When do we need Identifiers? Why?
Frank, A. U. (1986). Integrating Mechanisms for Storage and Retrieval of Land Data.
Surveying and Mapping//vol. 46, No. 2//pp. 107 - 121, separatum//.
Tinkler, K. J. (1988). Nystuen/Dacey Nodal Analysis (Monograph / Institute of Mathematical
Geography), Michigan Document Services.

Figure 575-50 Graph with all cycles
interpretation as subdivision possible

The overlay problem (figure x) is probably the most important,
central problem in GIS Theory: it is at the core of first questions
users expected computerized mapping systems to answer,
namely questions like find a location for a residence, such that it
is at a south sloping hill side, on well drained soil within 3 miles
from the village center and further than 500 m from a railway
line or highway. Dana Tomlin in his Ph.D. thesis analyzed such
questions and gave them in Map Algebra (Tomlin 1983) a form
which was implemented in many systems.
Practically, the computation of the overlay of two
subdivisions was the focus of the work at the Harvard Graphics
lab, one of the pioneering institutions researching and
developing GIS. WHIRLPOOL (Chrisman, Dougenik et al.
1992) was their answer, but the implementation issues remained
troublesome for many years to come.
The methods we have discussed so far do not give an
answer for the overlay operation: the intersection of two
arbitrary geometric figures simplex or cells can not be
computed in the algebras we have seen so far.
A closed algebra can only be achieved when we go to general
subdivisions of space and represent geometric figures as
collections of faces. This extends our discussion of geometric
objects as collections of simplices in restricted form: we will not
allow just arbitrary collections of geometric objects, but insist,
that the geometric objects fill space completely.
Different solutions are proposed in the literature. They all cover
'normal' subdivisions of the plane, but they differ in what special
cases are included or excluded. Are holes permitted? Can
isolated edges or isolated nodes be represented? Can they deal
with a two different edges between a node? If a representation
permits more than what we desire, care must be taken to avoid
constructing the objects which are not meaningful in the desired
interpretation. If meaningful situations cannot be represented,

The intersection of two simplices is not a
simplex; the intersection of two simple
connected cells is not a simple connected

Arbitrary collection of figures and space
filling subdivision
master all v13a.doc 331
then additional constructions to translate what needs to be
represented into what can be represented, are necessary.
This part completes the discussion of geometry all
operations necessary can be executed in this domain. the
algebraic approach to find a domain large enough in which all
necessary operations can be computed and which is complete
and closed under this operation has been a useful guideline,
helping us to avoid detours and pitfalls, often available as
shortcuts which lead nowhere.
The question to discuss here very carefully is the exact
model of space, in which we compute. We will see that we
cannot allow holes and that we must therefore permit a
subdivision of areas which are conceptually (semantically) a unit
into several smaller pieces.
The algorithms are simpler if we compute on the sphere the
projective space we have used before is convenient again, but we
will not require general 2d manifolds as suggested in the
literature (Guibas and Stolfi 1987) but restrict ourselves to the
orientable surfaces. For future work remains the generalization
of 2d subdivisions to 3d space.
The first chapter defines what subdivisions are and gives
additional terminology to lay the ground. The second chapter
constructs an algebra for polygonal graphs, which form the
boundaries of areas and the third then gives a very compact
algebra for spatial subdivisions, exactly 2 dimensional
Chrisman, N., J. A. Dougenik, et al. (1992). Lessons for the Design of Polygon Overlay
Processing from the ODYSSEY WHIRLPOOL Algorithm. Proceedings of the
5th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Charleston, IGU
Commission of GIS.
Guibas, L. J. and J. Stolfi (1987). Ruler, Compass and Computer//The Design and Analysis of
Geometric Algorithms. NATO Advanced Study Institute//"Theoretical
Foundations of Computer Graphics and CAD"//Il Ciocco, Italy, July 4-17, 1987,
Tomlin, C. D. (1983). Digital Cartographic Modeling Techniques in Environmental Planning,
Yale Graduate School, Division of Forestry and Environmental Studies.

Different types of subdivisions

Large agricultural parcel with week-end
home; requires subdivision

Chapter 27 580 - PARTITIONS,
Representation of areas is important in a GIS; isolated regions
are sometimes of interest, but in general, geography is interested
in the subdivision of space in regions, not only the buildings and
the streets are important, but also the 'free space' between them.
This part will discuss such subdivisions of space, for which a
prime example are cadastral parcels, where all the parcels
together should exhaust space every piece of land must belong
to some parcel and the parcels should not overlap.
We will see that this structure with the related operations is
a sufficient and convenient representation of space such that all
geometric operations can be executed. This chapter will give the
necessary definitions and the next then propose two different set
of operations to manipulate such subdivisions.
The representation of spatial subdivisions is a very important
issue for GIS. Subdivisions of space which are constructed such
that all the pieces exhaust (cover) all of the area and the pieces
are not overlapping are very common: political subdivisions are,
for example, constructed this way and any political map
showing the countries of Europe or the communes in a
bundesland has this structure.
A partition is formed by a collection of lines, which form a
graph; in addition to reading the lines as connecting points (as
boundary lines) we interpret the cycles in the graph as areas,
here called faces. The relations between the points and the lines
called adjacency can be extended to the relation between the
areas and the lines. We will say that two face are adjacent if
they are bounded by the same line. Many of the properties of
nodes and edges in a graph carry over to faces and edges as
well. For a graph to form a spatial subdivision, we demand that
no extra lines are included: all lines must be boundaries of areas
(fig 580-01)
In a GIS, the faces in the subdivision are associated with
some thematic value, for example the cadastral identifier of the

This and the next chapter discuss
how such structures are operated on
and maintained.
Figure original cadastral or tax
Change in simplex to 2-simplex ->
Terminology is uneven partition or
subdivision? Or both?
I will use
partition for a subdivision which is
JEPD (spatial or non-spatial),
polygonal graph for the graph which
forms the boundaries of a spatial
partition, and
subdivision for the generalized graph
structure, which is embedded in a
manifold and separates this in faces,
edges, and nodes.

Figure 580-01
master all v13a.doc 333
parcel, the owner etc, or the soil type, the amount of rainfall
annually etc. We will in a following chapter discuss how these
values are treated and how they influence the operations on
The graph of the boundaries of any political map is an example
of a polygonal graph, for example the boundaries of the Lnder
of Austria divide Austria into 11 faces. One of the faces has a
hole: The land Wien is inside of the land Niedersterreich and
two lnder consists of two faces, namely Tyrol and Burgenland
are not simply connected). The best representation for such
situations is the focus of this part.

Let pi = v11 sept be a set of non-empty subsets of A. The set pi
is called a partition of A if every element of A is in exactly one
of the Ai:
union over I, Ai = A
Ai intersection Aj = 0 whenever i/= j
This definition is not referring to any spatial intuition. This is the
reason, that we use the term partition here. An alternative,
equivalent but graphically motivated concept given in the next
section is starting with the graph which creates the partition, the
graph of the boundary technically known as polygonal graph
(Gill 1976 p. 391).
The set of boundaries in a partition form a graph, which is called
a polygonal graph. This graph has some specific properties,
which we will describe recursively (following (Gill 1976 p.

Fig 580-12 Austrian lnder
This property is often called JEPD,
which stands for Jointly exhaustive
(first line) and pairwise disjoint
(second line).
master all v13a.doc 334
A cycle is a closed, minimal path (see xx). A graph
consisting of a single cycle is a polygon.
(Basis of recursion): A polygon is a polygonal graph.
(Induction step): Let G = (V, E) be a polygonal graph.
Let a = vi, vm, vm+1, vn, vj
Be a proper path of length l > 1 which does not cross over G and where vi and
vj in V and vm. Vn not in V.
Then the graph G = (V, E) with
V = V union {vm vn}
E = E union {(vi,vm), (vm, vm+1), (vn, vj)}
Is a polygonal graph.
A polygonal graph is a connected, planar graph (condition that a
is not crossing G). It subdivides the a 2d plane (or the sphere, the
projective plane). It partitions the plane into regions (called
The recursive construction does not allow holes in a face.
One may allow cycles of length 2 or even length 1.
Each face is bounded by a minimal cycle. The maximal cycle of
the polygonal graph is its outside boundary. It is convenient to
consider this outside as an additional face (the infinite face, outer
void or similar names are customary), which is the completion of
the Euclidean plane to the projective plane. Two faces are said to
be adjacent if they share a boundary - this is an extension of the
use of the term adjacent from two points connected by a line to
two faces connected (i.e., bounded) by a common line.
A face is incident with the edge that is its boundary. We may say
an edge bounds a face or a face is bounded by edges.
For polygonal graphs a fundamental relation between the number
of nodes (n), edges (e) and faces (f) for a simply connected graph
n e +f = 1 Eulers formula for a disk
This formula is valid for simple connected graphs in 2d (not
counting the outer face). For example, the figure 580-13 has 5
nodes, 6 edges, and 2 faces: 5 6 + 2 = 1. The formula can be
proven using induction along the lines of the recursive
construction of the polygonal graph above. The Euler
polyhedreal formula is most often used for subdivision of the
surface of a sphere, where the formula is
n e +f = 2 Eulers formula for a sphere
because there, the outer (remainder) face counts as well. The
same formula is valid if we consider the projective plane, which
is topologically equivalent to a sphere.
Figure 580-11 recursive definition of
boundary graph

Fig 580-13
master all v13a.doc 335
We have seen by the recursive definition of the subdivision that
this does not allow the creation of isolated holes (figure).
Eulers formula uses the same restriction: the boundary graph
must be connected for the formulae to be valid. This restriction
is necessary to achieve a tractable algebra, but it does not hinder
us to construct subdivisions with holes (as necessary for a map
of Austria, fig xx) only they have to be constructed from
faces, where each face is equivalent to a disk. The figures (xx)
gives to equivalent solutions for such subdivisions; for both
Eulers formula applies.
Figure: not a subdivision two subdivision
constructed from cells
The treatment of geometry, and in particular the treatment of
subdivisions, is made difficult by special cases. It is often easy to
find effective algorithms for the prototypical case, but it is often
very difficult to find solutions which work for the degenerated
Restrictions what is necessary and meaningful for the
application and what is not differs from application to
application. The situation where a parcel touches another one in
exactly one point is a possible subdivision of land, but it is not an
acceptable blue-print to machine a part from metal. Therefore, a
CAD system may exclude this special case, but not the cadastral
To achieve an algebra which is easy to understand and does not
include many special cases, we will use the following
No isolated nodes; No node is not a start or end point
of an edge.
No isolated edge; Every edges is part of a cycle, there
are no nodes with in-degree 1.
No holes, the polygonal graph is connected.

Every face in a subdivision must be a
cell, i.e. equivalent to a disk

Figure 580-07
master all v13a.doc 336
The question, which special cases to include and which to
exclude is crucial, because it determines the structure of the
algebra. I will follow here the tradition of combinatorical
topology (Henle 1994) and consider complexes, in which each
face is topologically equivalent to a disk (a 2-cell), each
boundary is a 1-cell. The intersection of two 2-cells are 1-cells
which are part of the complex which is the same as saying that
every 1-cell bounds two 2-cells.
The exclusion of holes, as important as it is in practice,
translates to the requirement that the polygonal graph is
connected and consists of a single component. Remember that
identifying and counting the components in a graph is a difficult
and expensive operation (570); in the presence of holes, it is
difficult to maintain the consistency of the polygonal graph.
The elementary operations to change the polygonal graph are
called Euler operations.
Operations to change a polygonal graph into another polygonal
graph must leave the Euler formula invariant. Inserting edges
must divide faces; removing edges must merge faces.
Traditionally the operations are called merge or glue, divide,
split or cut.
Euler operations are the minimal steps which differentiate two
partitions. A glue operation produces a partition which is
coarser, a split operation one which is finer than the original.
Partitions of the same part of space are partially ordered. A
partition is said to be finer than another partition if at least one of
the areas in the coarser partition is divided in more than one area
in the finer one. Partitions form a lattice (see xx).
A single cut operation makes a partition an elementary step
finer than the original one; a single glue makes it an elementary
step coarser. Refinements or coarsening of partitions occurs
often, when an area is subdivided according to some hierarchical
structure of attribute space (e.g., land uses like urban,
agricultural, forest and then finer subdivided in, say, different
forest types). The subdivision of attribute space can be finer or

Figure 580-08

Figure 580-03 glue

Figure 580-04 cut
master all v13a.doc 337
coarser, and correspondingly is the subdivision of space, the
partitions, finer or coarser(Frank, Volta et al. 1997).
The U.S. Bureau of the Census used in the early 60s computers
to prepare the maps for all the enumeration districts. These
50000 ?? maps were given to the investigators who visited all
dwellings in the assigned area and counted the persons living
there; to assure that the whole population is covered, these maps
must be JEPD and it was necessary to check the graphs which
resulted from digitizing the street network for correctness.
Corbett in a classical contribution perhaps the first application
of topology to GIS proposed two fundamental tests which
check a graph to see if it forms a proper partition [(Corbett
1975)rep. 47]. These tests are related to Kirchhof's laws in
5.1.1 Test: Closed path around an area
The cycle around an area must be closed. The connection to
physics is Kirchhofer's law, which says that the sum of the
potential differences around a mesh in an electrical network is
This excludes isolated edges, missing edges, etc. but primarily
inconsistencies in the polygonal graph structure.
5.1.2 Test: Area closes around a point
The succession of face lines face must be closed around a
point. In physical terms, the sum of the influx and outflow of a
node must be zero.
This is the dual of the previous test!
5.1.3 Invariance: total area
The total area of all subdivisions must be the same as the area of
the partition.
Operations on partitions can be divided in two groups: those
which change a partition and those which observe or test
The operations which change a partition:

Figure 580-20
Figure 580-06 closed path around face
master all v13a.doc 338
Euler Operations Glue and Cut, the two operations to
merge or split a face in two, leaving the Euler
Overlay of two partitions.
Construct Partition from boundary lines;
Construct Dual graph;
Test nodes and faces for consistency;
Calculate areas for all faces.
Manual digitizing of a boundary map results in a collection of
lines, with arbitrary starting and ending points; instructions to the
operator may result in some additional structure in the order with
which the digitizing proceeded. Algorithms should not rely on
this and assume only that all boundaries are given.
To collect information about the region, the operator often
digitizes an arbitrary point inside a region and attaches the
attribute information to it. This follows very much the
cartographic tradition of regions with labels (name of land, value
of land, parcel number, etc.).
The result of digitizing boundary lines and labels for the
regions without any particular order is sometimes called
spaghetti and meatballs (after a popular dish in the USA). It is
necessary to have an operation to convert a collection of lines to
a partition and identify the nodes, edges, and faces represented
by the lines.
The code is relatively simple using previously constructed
functions: construct the polyline where all the lines are split to
avoid intersections (see..). Then convert this to a graph with
added information for faces. Then find for each meatball the
area in which it lies and insert the additional information.
There is a difficulty with such inputs as they may contain
isolated holes typically for choropleth maps, but also soils
map, political subdivisions etc. Islands and enclaves exist, but do
not form property subdivisions. It is necessary to add additional
lines to form proper cells. The difficulty is seen when

Figure 580-09
master all v13a.doc 339
constructing the algorithm and checking for each meat ball the
corresponding face: for an isolated hole, two faces can be
identified and then the code must deal with this special case
(figure x).
We have used duality before, most importantly in projective
geometry where we had a duality between points and
hyperplanes. For subdivisions, there is a duality between the
faces and the nodes. The dual graph shows adjacency relation.
The dual graph shows what faces are adjacent to each other. For
example, in fig 580-14 we can see which regions of Austria are
neighbors and which ones are not. the connections to the outer
face are left out, because they are not interesting; one could have
added the neighboring countries and then the dual graph would
again show, which lnder are neighbors of what other country).

In a graph with cycles we interpret the cycles as faces; this is a
result of Jordans curve theorem. The adjacency relations
between faces and edges are similar to the relations between
nodes and edges. An edge is adjacent to two nodes and it is also
adjacent to two areas.
This leads to the construction of the dual graph of a graph:
Represent each face as a node in the dual graph (including the
infinite face). Replace each edge with an edge crossing.
Duality: every correct sentence about a graph is
correct if node and face are systematically
Duality is its own inverse:
dual . dual = id
but the dual of an element is always different from the element;
duality separates the two graphs in two sets of elements, each
consisting of edges, nodes, and faces, where duality maps
between faces and nodes and maps edges to edges.

Point p is inside of face 17 and 21 not a
proper subdivision

Fig 580-12 Austrian lnder (not factually

Fig 580-14 dual of figure 580-12
master all v13a.doc 340
There are graphs which are self-dual, i.e., the graph and its dual
are identical, but I know of no such case for a set of real-world
The degree of each dual node representing a face is equal to
the number of edges bounding this face, and, by duality: the
number of edges of a dual face is equal to the degree of the
node. Therefore the dual of a triangulation (all faces have three
edges) results in a graph where all nodes have degree 3, but not
in a triangulation!
The two consistency tests are in fact only a single test,
duplicated by duality.

A subdivision has the properties of a partition, it is JEPD. The
operations on subdivision are restricted to operations which
maintain the invariants of the partition. The invariant is
succinctly expressed in Euler's polyeder formula. It is
sometimes necessary to combine several steps from a consistent
partition to a new consistent partition.
Why is a subdivision called topological data structure?
What is a winged edge structure; why this name?
Manual digitizing of partitions produces spaghetti and
meatballs what is meant with this jargon expression?
What does JEPD mean?
What are the Euler operations?
What are the tests to check the consistency of partition?
Why does the recursive construction of the subdivision not
permit the inclusion of isolated holes?
What is the dual graph to a given graph?
What is a complex? What is included, excluded?

Corbett, J. (1975). Topological Principles in Cartography. 2nd International Symposium on
Computer-Assisted Cartography, Reston, VA.
Frank, A. U., G. S. Volta, et al. (1997). "Formalization of Families of Categorical Coverages."
IJGIS 11(3): 215-231.
Gill, A. (1976). Applied Algebra for the Computer Sciences. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-
Henle, M. (1994). A Combinatorial Introduction to Topology. New York, Dover Publications.

Figure 580-02 strict duality

Fig cycle around a node
master all v13a.doc 341

The interpretation of a graph as delimiting faces creates a need to
be able to navigate around faces and nodes. This operation is
important to ascertain that the graph remains planar and
describes a subdivision. The same operation to visit all nodes
around a face is necessary to compute the area of the face, to test
if a point is inside a face, etc.
It is not sufficient to model this relation between face and
edges as a function from edge to faces or from face to edges.
The order in which the faces are encountered around the face
is important. It could be retrieved from the incidence relation
between edges and nodes, but this would make most algorithm
more complicated.
This chapter shows a method to operate on subdivisions. It
uses the sequence of edges around the node and around the
face; this is an order relation. The algebra with edges gives
operations for the most important operations without further
search: find the next edge around a node. We will see in the next
chapter, how from this base operation other operations can be
derived, for example to find the next edge around a face. The
solution will use duality!
The final algorithm is not very long, but its development is
quite complicated. The hidden redundancy in the representation
with nodes, edges and faces and the incidence relations between
them may be the cause for the difficulty in the algorithm: it is
easy to produce inconsistent representations.
The general operations glue and split are sufficient to change
subdivisions. They are unfortunately not easy to use, because
they have numerous preconditions.
Consider the operation to split a face: the new path must start
and end with nodes already in the boundary graph and not cross
any existing edge (see recursive construction rules for polygonal
graph, xxx). After insertion it will be necessary to reconstruct the
relations between edges, including the order of them around
nodes and faces.

Figure 582-01 operations to find the next
edge around a node and the next node around
a face

Figure 582-02 Partitions which are
difficult to further subdivide
master all v13a.doc 343
The goal here is an algebraic approach which is based on a
representation that can answer all next x question in constant
time, i.e. without inspecting the full polygonal graph, which in a
GIS can be quite large.
Using our representation of graphs (see xx), it is possible to
subdivide a an area, but this requires:
1. a check that the edge (or sequence of edges) does not intersect any already
existing edge (see operation for polylines)
2. the insertion of the new edge at the nodes, the order of edges around the node
must be reconstructed.
3. the sequence of edges around the nodes and faces must be reconstructed.
Observe that the addition that two edges can be added to a graph
in two different ways, resulting in the same graph but in a
different subdivision (figure x). Two graphs are the same if they
have the same adjacency relations, but they are not the same
In an embedded planar graph, it is often necessary to find the
next edge to a given edge; for example, when inserting a new
edge and the neighbor edges must be determined. The same
operation is necessary to check consistency around a node.
This is possible in an embedded graph (see 572?), but is
relatively complicated operation, requiring to retrieve all edges
and to sort them according to the azimuth of the edge:
Fi nd next edge at node ( e, n) :
1. r et r i eve al l edges st ar t i ng or endi ng at a gi ven
2. comput e bear i ngs f or each of t hem
3. sor t edges by bear i ng
4. f i nd t he gi ven edge
5. r et ur n t he next edge f r omsor t ed l i st
If this operation is often used while working with a subdivision.
It should be represented explicit. However, this will introduce
redundancy, and is thus a door open to introduce inconsistencies.
The next section introduces the supporting algebra, which
maintains the orbit around one node and the following section
discusses how this is used in a graph.

Two graphs with addition of a sequence of
edges between the same two nodes; the left
one is a polygonal graph, the right one not,
because the new edges intersect the
existing ones.

master all v13a.doc 344
In this section I show the algebra to deal with cyclic sequences,
which we will call Orbits (Guibas and Stolfi 1987).
Storing the relations between edges around a node calls for an
algebra for orbits. An orbit is a sequence of elements, which
result from repeated application of an operation; we may call the
result of the operation the successor of an element in an orbit.
The following of the edges around a node is such an operation,
where repeated application of next edge will eventually lead
back to the edge with which we began.
Unlike successor in natural numbers, for orbits the same
result is repeated after a certain number of repetitions:
for some n: ( succ ** n) p = p
a0 - given, a1 = f a0, a2 = f a1 . a0 = f an.
Orbits are typically graphically represented as chains of
links, as in figure 570-26.
One might expect that there are operations necessary to insert an
element in an orbit, to remove an element from an orbit, etc.
similar to the semantics of sets. This is a possible, but not
elegant, approach, because one would also desire to merge in
an orbit into another orbit or to extract a piece of an orbit as a
new orbit (570-28 for an example). The multitude of possible
operations stands against the encapsulation in a generalized
algebra which can be used everywhere and which is well tested
and save. This may be one of the reasons that maintaining orbits
(often called after the representation as linked list) as complex
and difficult. This is not necessarily the case, and there is a
surprisingly elegant algebra with a single operation splice:



Fig 575-01 orbit around node

Figure 570-26
master all v13a.doc 345
The operations splice has two arguments and switches the
successors of them. This "merges in" an orbit after the indicated
position, with the starting element the successor of the second
argument. despite this asymmetric explanation is the operation
commutative, splice a b = splice b a. Splice is further its own
inverse: splice a b. splice a b = id, which is quickly seen if one
considers the implementations a parallel assignment of two
pointers [ref (Knuth 1973) vol 1].

Fig 570-29 a and b
The implementation in an imperative language is typically
with pointers, which are identifiers. This gives direct (one step)
access to the desired element. It is one variant of the switch
operations suggested in several imperative languages [knuth?],
which exchanges the values of two variables. In a language
without destructive assignments, the environment must be
treated explicitly and splice returns a new environment, in which
the new orbits are created.
Orbits represented in this form are often called linked lists, when
functions lead forward and backward in the list, then they are
called doubly linked list [knuth?], we will later even see a case
where 6 linked lists are maintained for each element (quad edge
for partitions).
The operations to link after and to unlink can be written in terms
of splice and the inverse of successor as
else pn a (succ n) env.
This algebra is focused on the operation nextEdge (will be
called onext for historical reasons [Guibas]) in a graph.
Repeated application of nextEdge gives the cycle around a
node, in turning order. The edges returned are always leading
away from the node. This is primarily a preparation for similar
operations which apply o the subdivision.
Procedure Splice a b
a' = succ a
b = succ b := b := a

Fig The operation switch

master all v13a.doc 346
Each edge has two operations to retrieve the start and the end of
the edge; they are called orig and dest. The operation sym
changes the direction of the edge. Two of these must be provided
and the third one follows using the following rule, which can be
read off figure x.
dest (e) = orig (sym (e)) -> dest = orig.sym
dest(sym (e)) = orig (e) -> dest.sym = orig
sym.sym = id
Remember: In a deterministic computer, i.e. all currently
available computers are deterministic, it is very difficult to
represent an un-oriented edge. Therefore the edges have an
orientation, from origin to destination (see 570).
The operation to find for a given edge the next edge in positive
turning direction is next. The figure also shows the edge found
by composing next with sym:
Above, the edge is directed from origin to destination. This is
somewhat difficult and separates the edges starting at a node
from the edges ending at the node (as seen in computing with
graphs). Alternatively, we can conceptualize the edge as two
'half-edges', each starting at one of the nodes.
Half-edges are much easier to understand when considering
the edges leaving a node: all edges leaving a node can be
represented as half-edges with this node as the origin, but not
when considering full edges: some will be oriented towards the
node. A list of all edges incident with the node must include
flags for the orientation this leads to conditional treatment of
edges in later steps (as seen in the code for graphs and shortest
It is Obviously not possible to find an assignment of
directions, such that all edges at one node have the same
direction (fig 570-24), such an assignment of directions in a
graph is not globally consistent, these are local directions and a
reference to an edge in the following text is always a reference to
a locally directed edge, which may be the edge itself or the
symmetric edge (e or sym e) this must be considered for the set
operations, but it isolates the issue of direction of edges from
managing the structure in the graph.

Fig: next and next.sym
master all v13a.doc 347

The algebra of the operations sym, origin and dest remain the
same, independent how we conceive of edges:
sym (e) = f, sym(f) = e sym.sym=id
dest (e) = origin (f) = origin (sym e) -> dest = origin.sym

Fig 570-24
Two half-edges
master all v13a.doc 348

For the operation next, the same rules obtain. From the figure we
read off:

To maintain the polygonal graph we need the Euler operations,
which cut or glue a face by creating an edge. These edges must
start at nodes, which necessitates operations to split an edge by
inserting a node or to merge two edges by removing a node. We
observe here some duality between the operations on edges and
the operations on faces; this duality will be explored in the next
chapter (see xx).

These operations maintain the graph, but not necessarily a planar
graph. It is necessary to check before cutting a face that the new
edge does not intersect any existing edges.
Using the splice operations for the orbits and remembering
that slice is its own inverse, we may formulate the operations
such that only two operations are necessary, one which splits and
merges and edge and one which cuts and glues a face.

The two euler operations on faces and the operations on edges
master all v13a.doc 349
An edge e is split with a point T in several steps.

Now we have to check the next pointers and adjust them; the
next pointers for the new edge were created as pointing from f to
sym f and from sym f to f:
Therefore the next pointers are already ok:
The insertion of a new edge to split a face is not much more
difficult, but requires two splice operations. A new edge is
created, such that its next pointers at each end are pointing to
itself and the end and origin point already to the nodes where it
should be inserted (fig b). Then this edge must be spliced into
the next pointers around the origin (fig c) and around the
destination (fig d).
Edge e with origin S and destination E
Create a new edge f with origin and destination T (with the correct coordinates for
the new point)

Splice the endpoint points (i.e exchange them) between e and f; this is splice (sym e)
(sym f)

master all v13a.doc 350

Fig (a) start situation, (b) with new edge, (c) splice f e, (d)
splice (sym e) g
Observe that the arguments for splitting a face are not the
two nodes which the new edge should connect, but the two (half)
edges immediately after the insertion points; immediately after in
the turning direction around the face which is to be divided (fig).
Fig: to cut face from S to T the arguments are the edges f and
The operations defined maintain a graph. What are the properties
of the graphs constructed with them? What consistency
constraints are maintained?
The two operations maintain the order of edges around a
node, but are not checking for intersection of edges. First: what
is the initial graph? Fig xx shows the series of first steps in

master all v13a.doc 351
constructing a graph using the insert node and insert edge
operations only.

Fig xx shows a further construction with the same
operations. It is clearly visible, that edges can intersect, but
order of edges around nodes are maintained.

These operations may be useful to maintain graphs of
transportation networks, where lines may intersect (overpasses,
The algebra for the polygonal graph described above is minimal
but allows all necessary changes. It does only maintain the
orbits, but does not guarantee that the graph is planer and
properly polygonal. For this, one had, for example, to check for
an operation cut f g to check that f and g are indeed part of the
boundary of the same face, and that the new edge does not
intersect any other edge in the graph. Similar checks would be
necessary when deleting a node from an edge. These operations
are therefore cumbersome to use, because it is left to the user
(programmer) to find the right edges and potential for error is
One could try to formulate an interface at a higher level for a
graph algebra, where operations would be of the type connect
two nodes with the nodes in the signature. This has been tried
and several suggestions exist. Operation could include:
Add Node with Coord to create a node with given coordinates and no
Delete node (with all connected edges);
Connect nodes creates a new edge between to existing nodes;
Delete edge;
Split edge with a node insert a node into an edge;
Delete node from two connecting edges.
These operations would not maintain the invariants of a
polygonal graph and the user has to check at the end of a
transaction consisting of several changes that the result is

master all v13a.doc 352
consistent. There are numerous special cases which are easily
One may conclude that some of the problem originates with
the fact that the polygonal graph is a graph and does only
implicitly include the faces. We can see them, but they are not
present in the formalization. The next chapter will introduce a
structure, in which faces are explicitly dealt with.
What are orbits?
Why is splice its own inverse? What does this mean? Do you
know other operations with this property?
Why is the edge algebra outlined not easy to use?
What are the consistency constraints of the insert edge and
insert node operations?
What are the inverses of insert edge and insert node? Give a
graphical example.
For what applications will we use the insert edge and insert
node operations?

Guibas, L. J. and J. Stolfi (1987). Ruler, Compass and Computer//The Design and Analysis of
Geometric Algorithms. NATO Advanced Study Institute//"Theoretical
Foundations of Computer Graphics and CAD"//Il Ciocco, Italy, July 4-17, 1987,
Knuth, D. E. (1973). The Art of Computer Programming. Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley.

The dual graph which shows adjacency is very important and it
is useful to maintain a graph depicting a subdivision. The
subdivision is a polygonal graph and maintains two consistency
constraints, namely the walk around a node and the walk around
a face (see xx). The operations shown in the last chapter
maintain only the first which does not guarantee that the graph is
polygonal and represents a subdivision.
In this chapter, we will maintain the first and the second
invariant and use for this the graph and its dual. Remember that
the second invariant is the dual of the first one. Using the graph
algorithms from 570 twice for the primal and the dual graph is a
simple approach.

Figure 580-15
This chapter shows how formulae in geometric algebras can
be derived from inspection of carefully drawn figures. I learned
this the hard way.
In the treatment which follows, it is necessary to use a
generalized notion of partition, such that isolated edges are
permitted. The graphs here treated are therefore not exactly
polygonal. A subdivision can be seen as an embedding of a
(polygonal) graph on a plane; this can be generalized to the
notion of a subdivision, where a graph is embedded on a
manyfold, not necessarily a plane.
A subdivision is informally defined as a graph embedded on a
surface, such that
master all v13a.doc 354
every face is bounded by a closed chain of edges and
every vertex is surrounded by a cyclical sequence of
faces and edges.
This can be checked for figure 580-19: for example, edge BC is
boundary to f4 and f1, face f4 is bounded by B BE E EC
C CB B, and the vertex E is surrounded by f4 EB f2 ED
f3 E.G. f5 EC f4.
Formally, we have the definition (Guibas and Stolfi 1982 p.
A subdivision of a manifold M is a partition S of M into
three finite collections of disjoint parts, the vertices, the edges
and the faces, with the following properties:
S1. Every vertex is a point of M
S2. Every edge is a line of M (A line is subspace of M
homeomorphic to the open interval (0,1))
S3. Every face is a disk of M (A disk is a subspace of M
homeomorphic to the open circle with unit radius)
S4. The boundary of every face is a closed path of edges and
Two subdivisions S and S on two manifolds M and M are
equivalent, if a homeomorphism of M onto M gives an
isomorphism from S to S which maps each element of S onto an
element of S. The converse is not always true: Not for every
isomorphsim between two graphs S and S exist a
homeomorphsim between the manifolds. The difficulty is to
define a representation such that it represents all the valid
subdivisions, and not more and not less. The approach by Guibas
and Stolfi, which is followed in this chapter, does not allow for
holes in the faces. Such subdivisions are connected if (and only
if) the manifold is connected.
A topological property of a subdivision is a property that is
invariant under equivalence (Guibas and Stolfi 1982 p. 79).
The definition above constructs a subdivision not of a plane but a
manifold, which is more general. A manifold of 2 dimensions is
a topological space, where for every point its neighborhood is

Fig 580-19 - add isolated edges
subdivision (not partition)
master all v13a.doc 355
equivalent to a disk. This includes surfaces which are not planes,
for example the Moebious strip, the Kleinsche bottle etc.
There is a surprising asymmetry between primal and dual graph.
A graph with a hole has a dual with an isolated edge, but the dual
of the graph with the isolated edge does not give a hole. Figure
xx shows two applications of the operation dual: the first graph
has a whole and its dual is shown. The dual of this figure is a
connected graph with three faces (2 inner ones, one exterior),
which are not inside each other. The next figure shows that the
dual of this graph is again the second graph. We have found a
graph for which dual.dual = id. This cannot be achieved in the
presence of holes, because these graphs are not connected and
consists of multiple components.
A similar argument excludes isolated nodes. They do not show
in the dual graph and dual would not be a self-inverse.
No holes, no isolated edges guarantee that dual.dual
= id
For the graph, we have given a representation in which the orbits
of edges around a node are maintained (see 570). In a partition,
the relation between the faces and the edges are the dual of the
relations between the nodes and the edges: it should be possible,
to represent a partition as a graph and its dual. This is the idea
behind the quad edges as introduced by Guibas and Stolfi
(Guibas and Stolfi 1982). The quad edge are essentially two half
edges combined: one for the primal, one for the dual graph.

master all v13a.doc 356
Guibas and Stolfi demonstrate that this can be done for
graphs embedded in manifolds and the algebraic analysis leads
even to an efficient implementation which is widely used to
construct and manipulate spatial subdivisions. Unfortunately, it
is necessary to discuss the general case which constructs an
algebra with reasonable properties and from this general case the
special subdivision of a 2d plane can be deduced by
simplification. The general case treats arbitrary manifolds, but
does not allow for holes (i.e., a graph consisting of several
components), because there seems not to be an efficient method
to treat such cases. We will show alternative approaches in
higher levels of the modeling to represent real situations where
holes are necessary.
The method proposed by Guibas and Stolfi treating the
boundary and the dual graph at the same time can be seen as a
triangulation of the subdivision. This triangulation is also known
as the barycentric subdivision, which is a triangulation (Henle
1994 p. 130).

Every edge has a destination, an origin and is directed away from
this origin. The symmetric edge has the other end point as an
origin. The operation left produce the dual edge which goes to
the left face of the edge, right gives the dual edge which goes to

The quad-edge (g, l, h, m), where g,h are
primal half edges and l,m are dual half
master all v13a.doc 357
the right face. To get the left or right face, compose left or right
with the operation orig.
dest , or i g : : edge - > node
l ef t Face, r i ght Face : : edge - > f ace
l ef t , r i ght , sym: : edge - > edge
The following relations can be read off the figure:
sym (g) = h, sym (h) = g sym.sym= id
orig (g) = S, orig (h) = T,
dest (g) = T = orig (sym(g)) orig.sym=dest
left (g) = m, right (g) = l, left (h) =l = right (g)
leftFace (g) = A = orig (left (g)) leftFace =
rightFace (g) = B = orig (right (g)) rightFace = orig.right

dest = orig. sym orig = dest . sym
dest = flip dest orig = flip . orig
left =sym . right right =sym . left
left = flip . right right = flip . left
An operation dual must be self-inverse: dual.dual = id. This
follows from the construction of a strictly dual graph:
3.2.1 Strict dual graph for a subdivision
A strictly dual graph is constructed from a graph by replacing
every face with a node and every node with a face; edges are
replaced with edges crossing the primal edge and connecting the
two dual nodes which replace the primal faces left and right to
the edge.
3.2.2 Direction and the operation flip
Can we construct an operation dual with the basic edge functions
give above? Unfortunately, the answer is no. the edge m-l (in fig
xx) is dual to the edge g-h; the operation left gives left (g) = l. Is
left the desired duality operation? no, because left (l) = h, not g,
because left . left =/ id (only left**4 = id).
It is not possible to construct a dual graph (with dual.dual =
id) without flipping. This is seen in figure 580-31: the operation
right, which turns the primal edge to the dual edge
anticlockwise, must be repeated four times to achieve identity
operation, whereas we ask for dual to bring the graph back to
itself when applied twice a combination of rot and sym cannot
achieve this: (right.sym)**2= right **2, not id! Only with a dual
which rotates and flips the edge we can achieve dual.dual = id.
This is seen when considering that orig = orig (dual.dual), which
can only be the case when the dual is a quarter rotation forward
and then a quarter rotation back, which is only achievable, if the


master all v13a.doc 358
dual changes the sense of rotation such that the second rotation
becomes backward. The dual must be flip. right, and then flip.
right.flip. right = id.
To achieve a strict duality operation, we have to separate
direction and orientation of an edge. The orientation of an edge
determines what is left and what is the right face bounded by this
edge (above, orientation was fixed given the direction).
Orientation and direction are two properties and independent
from each other; one can picture the orientation and direction of
an edge as a small bug sitting on the surface over the midpoint
the edge and facing along it. The operation sym e corresponds to
the bug making a half turn on the same spot, and flip e
corresponds to the bug hanging upside down from the other side
of the surface, but still at the same point of the edge and facing
the same way (Guibas and Stolfi 1982 p. 80).
Around each node there is a locally defined orientation and this
gives for each edge an orientation and there is an order defined
in which for each edge is a next edge around its origin is found.
An undirected edge may appear twice in this ring (if it is a loop)
and then as sym e or sym (flip e), but not as flip e.
For the operation flip the following rules obtain:
flip.flip = id
right = flip.left.flip
dest = dest.flip orig = orig.flip
3.2.3 Strict dual needs flip
The operation flip gives us the possibility to construct
dual = flip. right
dual . dual = flip. right. flip. right
This can be read from the figure (xx), or calculated as
dual . dual = flip. right. flip. right = (flip. right.flip). right = left. right = id
We will later see that for orientable surfaces flip is not necessary
and we can work with a quasi dual operation like right (right
**4= id). To develop the theory in full generality, however, flip
is necessary.
Guibas and Stolfi have constructed an algebra which is
isomorphic to subdivisions of manifolds: for every (specific)
edge algebra exist a specific subdivision of a manifold.
Operations which transform an edge algebra preserving the rules
stated above produce legal subdivisions of manifolds.

580-21 -
master all v13a.doc 359
3.3.1 The edge algebra with flip, rot, and onext
Attention: change of names
rot -> right
onext -> next
lnext is around faces
The algebra consist of two sets of elements, which form the
primal and dual graph (S and S* respectively). Rot alternates
between the primal and the dual graph (S and S* respectively),
the results of onext and flip are in the same graph as the given
rot e elem S* iff e elem S
onext e elem S iff e elem S; flip e elem S iff e elem S
Rot = dual . flip = sym.flip.dual
Rot ** 4 = id
Onext.rot.onext.rot = id
Rot ** 2 /= id
flip**2 = id,
onext.flip.onext.flip = id
rot.flip.rot.flip = id
one can derive other properties
inv flip = flip
sym = rot**2
inv rot = rot ** 3 = flip.rot.flip
dual = rot.flip
invonext = rot.onext.rot = flip.onext.flip.
It is remarkable, that all the operations (except flip) - and
some others to move around the right face or the destination of
an edge (fig. 580-32), and their inverses can be expressed as a
constant number of rot and onext operations. For example:
lnext = rot . onext. invrot
invonext = rot.onext.rot

The edge algebra can be implemented with edge directed and
oriented edge represented by a triple of undirected edge an
identifier a rotation field (with values from 0 to 3) and a flip bit
(with values 0 or 1) to indicate if the edge is flipped or not.
For these triples we have the operations defined as:
Rot (e,r,f)= e, r+1+2*f, f)
Flip (e,r,f) = (e, r, f+1)
Onext (e.r.f) =flip**f.rot**f. (e[r+f].next)
where the rotation field is computed modulo 4 and the flip
field modulo 2. It is easy to see that these rules satisfy the stated

master all v13a.doc 360
For surfaces which can be consistently oriented (this is the case
for all surfaces occurring in a GIS), the flip value is always the
same, for example 0. Then a simplification for the representation
and the operations are possible and we get an edge algebra for
only onext and rot (no flip operation), but we will not be able to
construct a strictly dual graph but replace it with a quasi-dual
operation (rot**4 = id)
Rot (e.r) = (e, r + 1)
Onext (e,r) = e[r].next
Sym (e,r) = (e, r+2)
Invrot (e,r) = e, r+ 3)
For the implementation in GIS, the surface is certainly
orientable. Non-orientable surfaces are typically the Moebius
strip, Kleins bottle and similar manifolds.
The construction of the dual graph of quad edges in an
orientedable manifold which is triangulated based on
barycenters (see fig xx).
The dual of the primal edge (g,h) is the dual edge (m,l), the
dual of this is again (g,h) the order in which quad edges are
listed is not important.
The edges around a node can be obtained with the function next
(we will now use for historic reasons the name onext), which
was defined in the previous chapter (see x). The same operation
applied to the dual edge gives the next quad edge around a face:
Onext gives the quadedge starting around a node. It is also
possible to find the edge which precedes the given edge, i.e. the
operation invonext. We read off the diagram:
Invonext = rot. onext . rot
To follow the edges around a face is a bit more involved.
The operation lnext is shown in fig xx:
Which again can be read off the diagram as:
lnext = rot . onext . left = rot. onext . sym. rot

master all v13a.doc 361
The leading concept in the next sections is to use the
forward pointers in the dual graph as the backwards
pointers in the primal graph.
Oprev = lnext.dual
It is necessary to construct an initial graph from which we can
start to construct subdivisions with the insert node and insert
edge operations (and their inverses). There are two initial
configuration, but only one is used:
To store an edge independent of anything else must start with a
graph like 605-08, an edge with start and end node and a dual
edge which loops from the node representing the single face
back to it. This figure is not symmetric in edge and dual edge;
its dual is 605-09: an edge looping and dividing space in two
faces, which are connected by the dual edge.
The basic operation described here is the connection of two
separate nodes in a graph to form a single one (fig x). it is its
own inverse and can be used to split a node in two. The effect of
this operation is that a face is cut in two or that two faces are
merged (in this respect it is similar to the glue Euler operation).
This operation to splice to nodes has the effect on the dual
graph to separate two faces. The operation applied to the dual
graph is the same as the inverse operation applied to the primal.

Applying the same operation to the dual graph to splice to
faces drops an edge (observe that mergin two nodes adds a dual

Fig 589-02 initial graph

fig 589-03 dual initial graph (not used)

master all v13a.doc 362

The operation quadSplice splices the primal edges at the
origin of the given quad edges and and the dual edges before it at
the destination.
observe the following effects of the quadSplice operation:
quadSplice applied to two nodes in the primal graph: one
less node, one more face
quadSplice applied to one single node in the primal graph
(inverse): split the node in two, one more node, one less face
quadSplice applied to two faces in the dual graph: one less
face, one more node
quadSplice applied to a single face in the dual graph
(inverse): split face in two, one more face, one less node
We have seen 4 operations:
Insert node, splitting an edge
Remove node, merging two edges (remove edge)
Insert edge between two nodes splitting a face
Remove edge, merging two faces (remove face)
The are all constructed with the quadSplice operation. To
insert a node or splitting a face, we start with preparing the a new
edge and then splice the edge at the appropriate place. The
inverse operation to remove a node and an edge is similar.
master all v13a.doc 363

Fig: splice in a new edge to split an existing one
The splitting of a face starts again with a newly created edge
and then quadSplices it into the two nodes where the edge should
connect. QuadSplice will automatically maintain the pointers
along the faces. The merging of two faces uses the same
operation, which then produces the graph xx-a with the new
subdivision and the isolated edge.

Fig. cut a face in two with a new edge
master all v13a.doc 364
The implementation of these operations needs care because the
algebra covers only the maintenance of the orbits around the
nodes and the faces. It remains to the programmer to assign the
correct coordinate values for the origin of the edge, respective to
assign an identifier for the face.
The algebra here described has as an invariant that the number of
components of the graph and the number of components of the
manifold are the same. A newly constructed edge is a separate
manifold and must be connected.
The polygonal graph represents a manifold, not necessarily a
planar one. It remains the task of the programmer to add the
corresponding checks.
The algebra suggests a minimal interface, where quad edges
indicate the nodes and at the same time the insertion point into
the orbit. The quad edge e in fig xx indicates the node E and the
insertion between e and f.
Other concepts for algebraic systems for subdivisions are
possible. An often seen algebra was suggested by [ref] from
CMU. It is based on edges (not quad edges) and points. It uses
the duality and gives operations which are just the dual of each

master all v13a.doc 365
cl ass CMUSubdi vi si ons env node | env - > node wher e
- - uses node/ edge, not t he or i ent ed edges
t o i ndi cat e wher e t o change
makeVer t exEdge : : node - > node - > node - > env - >
env - - ( edge, env)
- - node ( t o spl i t ) , f ace l ef t , f ace r i ght - >
new edge bet ween t hese
makeFaceEdge : : node - > node - > node - > env - > env
- - ( edge, env)
- - f ace( t o spl i t ) , f r omor i g t o dest node
ki l l Ver t exEdge : : edge - > env - > env
- - r emoves edge and node dest edge
- - ki l l Ver t exEdge ( makeVer t exEdge v, l ef t ,
r i ght ) == no op
ki l l FaceEdge : : edge - > env - > env
- - r emoves edge and f ace r i ght edge
- - ki l l FaceEdge ( makeFaceEdge f or i g dest ) ==
no op
Many proposals for data structures to represent the topology of a
subdivision exist. They can be summarized in diagrams which
indicate the elements which are stored, typically face, edge (or
half-edge or quad-edge) and node. The arrows represent
functions which lead from one to an adjacent element directly in
constant time.
Figure 580-44 shows a comparison of different proposals for
data structures. Relations which are not shown as arrows are in
this data structure combined from other relations usually
following an orbit around a face or a node and take more time.
One can clearly see that the quad edge is one that has not more
pointers than the most efficient other ones, but gives at the same
time the dual graph.
Most often used is the 'winged edge structure'. Attractive is
also the representations by arrows, which is essentially the half-
edge plus a pointer to the face.
Fig 580-44 b
master all v13a.doc 366
The idea that a partition is a graph to represent the edges and
their adjacency with points and the dual graph to represent
the edges and their adjacency with the faces follows an often
used data structure to represent partitions:
This data structure has the advantage that each element has a
fixed number of components. An alternative, where areas are
represented by a list of the edges or a list of the boundary points
would be much less convenient to deal with. From a functional
point of view, we can say that the partition is represented by four
startNode, endNode :: e -> n
leftFace, rigthFace :: e -> f
which are all proper functions with a single result (accepting
the infinite face as a proper face).
The disadvantage is that following the edges around a node
or around a face is difficult and requires searching in the list of
edges and often requires the computation of angles and sorting
the edges leaving in a node.
In this representation, the edges are split in two half-edges or
arrows which emanate from an origin (the start node) and have a
twin, which has as an origin the end node of the boundary edge.
There are links leading from one half-edge starting at a node to
the next around the node. These links together with the links
between the twin half-edges make it easy to follow around a

Figure 580-10
Figure 580-17
master all v13a.doc 367

This data structure can be seen as the functions:
f i r st Edge: : n - > e
or i gi n : : e - > n
t wi n : : e - > e
f ace : : e - > f
next : : e - > e
pr ev : : e - > e
out er Boundar y: : f - > Maybe e
i nner Boundar y : : f - > Maybe e.
One can quickly see that this data structure is more
voluminous. Some of the relations which were immediate before
are now somewhat more difficult. An example is
startNode = origin, but endNode = origin.twin.
To get all the edges around a face is one follows the next
function. To go around a node, one follows; in both
cases checking for the end of the loop by comparing with the
element one has started with.
This structure appears simpler to use than winged edge,
because the direction of the edge is implied in the identifier. In a
quad edge, we use an undirected edge e with two directions; a
directed edge is identified by the pair (eid, dir), whereas here an
arrowId is always the edge directed away from the node. The
structure uses however one pointer more namely the twin
Figure 580-18
master all v13a.doc 368
pointer and uses operations to follow this pointer which may be
less direct than the corresponding operations with the quad edge.
What is the dual graph to a graph?
Why is it not possible to define a strict dual operation without
using flip?

Guibas, L. J. and J. Stolfi (1982). A Language for Bitmap Manipulation. ACM Transactions
on Graphics//vol. 1, No. 3, July 1982, P715505:1//(nicht vorhanden).
Henle, M. (1994). A Combinatorial Introduction to Topology. New York, Dover Publications.

The previous part has introduced the maintenance of graphs and
subdivision data structures. We have seen that there are subtle
points which differ separate graphs which can be interpreted as
subdivisions of manifolds and have concentrated on orientable
2d manifolds as the most important case for GIS, but not
forgetting that other graphs are sometimes necessary.
In this part, three different and very important special cases
are investigated:
first triangulations, which are often used to represent
approximations for 2d surfaces embedded in 3d space for
example the surface of the earth as a Digital Terrain Model (or
Digital Surface Model) [ref].
second, the delaunay triangulation and its dual the voronoi
diagram; The delaunay triangulation is in some respect an
optimal triangulation and has the advantage, that there is only
a single delaunay triangulation to a given set of nodes. The
dual of the delaunay triangulation gives the areas of influence
for the nodes, i.e. the areas consisting of all points which are
nearer to this node than any other node. These Voronoi
diagrams or Thiessen polygons are very important in
The third chapter observes that these triangulations are all
simplicial complexes and gives general properties of these and
shows how object geometry can be represented for arbitrary
shaped objects.
The next chapter then defines topological relations between
objects represented as collections of simplices.
The last chapter in this part then gives definition of
topological relations in raster representations of objects by
pointing out that a regular raster is a special case of a cell
complex; it is therefore possible to use the same definitions
used for objects represented as collections of simplices in a
simplicial complex.
In general, triangulations are of interest to achieve a
representation of geometric objects such that all the topological
relations (incidence and adjacency) are represented explicitly
(Frank 1983). This property of complexes lets us achieves two
important steps towards a fully integrated system:
master all v13a.doc 370
A closed algebra for the overlay of arbitrary formed regions in
space, by first integrating the two regions in a single
simplicial complex and then use a polynom-like computation
to obtain sum, differences etc.
The unification of the topological relations defined for objects
represented with defined boundaries and objects represented
in raster, again using the simplicial complex as the unifying
model of space.
Frank, A. (1983). Datenstrukturen fr Landinformationssysteme - Semantische, Topologische
und Rumliche Beziehungen in Daten der Geo-Wissenschaften. Institut fr
Geodsie und Photogrammetrie, ETH Zrich.

The determination of areas of influence around point objects is
an important application concept. A GIS must provide methods
to determine these areas of influence. For example what is the
area served by a hospital (fig 605-02)?
The area of influence is defined as the area of all points which
are closer to this node than to any other node and is given by the
voronoi diagram (also called Thiessen polygon) around the given
points. The construction of the voronoi diagram can be done
directly but it is more convenient to use duality and construct
first the dual of the voronoi diagram which is the Delaunay
The delaunay triangulation is an 'optimal' triangulation, where all
the triangles are as similar as possible to isocycle triangles.
There are many possible triangulations for a given set of points,
but only one Delaunay triangulation. It is unique and this alone is
sometimes convenient.
Consider a number of service points for example shopping
centers and delimit the area served by each point. This concept
of 'service area' is an often used concept, interesting for many
applications (Tinkler 1988).
The application concept of 'area of interest' or 'service area' must
be translated into a formal definition which captures the relevant
aspects of the concept. Start with a set of service points, which
we will call nodes. Assuming that the space is isotropic and
therefore any point will prefer service by the node which is
closest. This gives a definition of service area, as the region of
all points which are closer to one service point than to any other
service point. Each point of space is serviced by by the sercie
point closest, or, every service point provides service to all
points which are nearer to this point than to any other point.
This gives areas around each point as shown in 590-02.
Fig 588-01
The construction of a voronoi diagram therefore starts with the
middle points between any two points (M, M', M'' in fig.). These

605-02 the areas of influence for a number
of places

master all v13a.doc 372
points must be on the boundary between two regions. Then the
bisectors going through these points are potentially also part of
the boundary. Bisectors of three service points close have a
single intersection point. This gives the boundaries of the
voronoi regions. If many service points are given, then the
manual determination of which intersection points are important
may be confusing, but is not a principal problem.

The areas are delimited by the lines of equal distance to two
of the service points these are the bisectors between the two
points. Combining such a diagram with population density gives
us an idea how many persons are serviced by each point the
assumption that people go to the next service point is a best first
guess. .
The construction starting with the bisectors between any
two points is geometrically simple, but confusing it is difficult
to determine which points of the intersections are appropriate.
The voronoi diagram has the special property that always three
boundary segments meet in a single point (fig 588-03). These
intersection points of the boundaries will be the dual nodes
forming the graph of the voronoi diagram. The primal nodes are
the given service points. There are always three primary edges
connecting three service points around each of the dual nodes.
The dual is therefore a triangulation (fig 588-03).
We have assumed here that the service points are in general
position and not any 4 of them lie on a circle. Only then all the
nodes in the Voronoi diagram have degree 3 and therefore the
dual which is called Delaunay triangulation is a
triangulation (fig 650-65). This triangulation is well-determined
for this non-degenerated case: for any set of points there is
exactly one Delaunay triangulation.
the triangles approximate, as far as possible, equilateral
triangles (exactly, the minimal angle is maximal).

Fig construction of the voronoi diagram
which have the same distance to a service
determine how much
Fig 588-02

Fig 588-03
master all v13a.doc 373
The construction of the Voronoi diagram is somewhat
complicated and it is often easier to find the Delaunay
triangulation and then to construct the dual graph. If we maintain
the two graphs at once, then the result of the Delaunay
triangulation is automatically also the Voronoi diagram. This is
achieved with the quad-edge subdivision, which gives maintains
the primal as well as the dual graph.
The previously explained algorithm for the construction of a
triangulation produces a triangulation which depends on the
order of the points introduced. For a given set of points, many
triangulations are possible and the one produced depends on the
order the points are introduced. The Delaunay triangulation is a
particular (unique) triangulation for each set of points,
independent of the order.
For each insertion step, we have therefore to test, if the
triangulation produced has the Delaunay properties or not. This
is achieved with a test (encircle test) and if one of the triangles
does not have the property, it is swapped. The next two
subsections explain the incircle test and the swap operation.
We use a test for encircle, which must be false for any triangle
and any other point which is tested for any edge AB and points
X and Y (i.e., incircle (X, A, B, Y) must be false). For a
triangulation, it is sufficient to test an edge if it passes the
incircle test for a quadrilateral X A Y B. A triangulation is
Delaunay if all its edges pass the circle test. (Guibas and Stolfi
1982 p. 110).
4.2.1 A matrix formula for the test
Matrix operations give attractive closed formulae; they can be
derived with arguments along the lines shown above (see
(Guibas and Stolfi 1987)).
Given three points ABC, not collinear, incircle (A,B,C,D) is
true, if A B C define in clockwise order a triangle and the point
D is inside the circumcircle of this triangle. This is equivalent to
Angle ABC + Angle CDA < angle BCD + angle DAB.
Fig 580-43
master all v13a.doc 374
The test can be written as a determinant (for details see Guibas
and Stolfi (Guibas and Stolfi 1987):

This determinant gives the same formula as when we compute
the center of the circumscribing circle for the points A, B, C and
then compute the distance from this center to one of the points
and to the new point. The derivation is simpler, if we use a local
coordinate system with A = (0,0) and translate all other points to
this system.

fig 540-99
master all v13a.doc 375
Reversing the order of the points gives the negation of the
predicate (i.e. true becomes false, false becomes true), as does
transposing any adjacent pair.
4.2.2 Use of the test
The new edges which are created when inserting a point into a
triangle are Delaunay (see Lemma 10.1 (Guibas and Stolfi
1982)) and only the previously drawn edges in the triangle or
quadrilateral are suspect (i.e., the edges AB BC CA, or AB BC
CD DA). These must be tested by the incircle test and swapped
if necessary. If all suspect edges are tested, the triangulation is
Delaunay and the next point can be inserted.
The swap operation converts a quadrilateral which is not
Delaunay into one which is:
Fig 540-96, 95, 94, 93
master all v13a.doc 376
A service point may not reach all the location just based on
proximity hard boundaries in the terrain may make this
impossible. For example a river may make it impossible to reach
the nearest distance service point. Then the Delaunay
triangulation must include these boundaries and the Voronoi
diagram has non-straight edges.
The construction of a Voronoi diagram with nodes and edges
seems to be very similar to the construction of a triangulation
with given lines. This is however not the case, because the
introduced boundaries of the Voronoi diagram are now parabola
the geometric locus of all points having the same distance to a
point and a line).
The Voronoi diagram is not only useful for the determination of
service areas, but is also used in cartography. Maps show
important features, but most of the space is left in the
background color. Jones has suggested that the Voronoi diagram
for the features shown assign to each feature some of the open
space. This is then later useful to determine if two objects are
neighbors, for example to buildings, which are not touching are
considered neighbors if their Voroni area of influence are
master all v13a.doc 377
In the figure, some buildings along two streets are shown.
The neighborhood relation defined through the Voronoi diagram
makes 21 a neighbor or 23, but not 4 a neighbor of 2, because
their distance is, compared to the distances to other buildings too
large. The dual of this graph gives the neighborhood relation
The Voronoi diagram and the Delaunay triangulation are dual to
each other. They connect points boundaries and areas in a way
meaningful to many applications.
What is a Voronoi diagram? What does it show?
What is the dual of the Voronoi diagram?
What is particular about the Delaunay triangulation compared
to other triangulations?
Why did we not construct a which face is this point in
How do you determine the service area of some service
Where are the point-in-circle routines used? Why did we
define them earlier?

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Abler, R. (1987a). "The National Science Foundation - National Center for Geographic
Information and Analysis." IJGIS 1(4): 303-326.
Abler, R. (1987b). Review of the Federal Research Agenda. International Geographic
Information Systems (IGIS) Symposium (IGIS'87): The Research Agenda,
Arlington, VA.
Abler, R., J. S. Adams, et al. (1971). Spatial Organization - The Geographer's View of the
World. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., USA, Prentice Hall.
Adam, J. (1982). A Detailed Study of the Duality Relation for the Least Squares Adjustment
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Chapter 31 CHAINS
In this chapter, collections of faces in subdivisions, specifically
triangulations are analyzed from an algebraic point of view. The
previous chapter have shown how the geometry of objects is
represented as a simplicial complex or a subset of such a
complex in a most general way.
This chapter will generalize the notion of a path which we
have encountered in graphs (see xx) to the notion of a chain. For
chains, the algebra of polynoms, which forms an Abelian group
(see xx) applies. This will allow us to deal with the important
intersecting operation for simplices in the general case and show
how it can be extended to cover overlays of spatial figures form
arbitrary complex figures, including holes.
This chapter connects both of them to algebra (Alexandroff
1961) and demonstrates a path to avoid the non-intuitive
conundrum of the open and closed sets of topology. This chapter
gives definitions for union and intersection of regions which are
in agreement with our intuition and in the next chapter,
operations like boundary, area, etc. are defined for chains, to
extend the topological relations (see xx), representing arbitrary
object geometries.
The approach is using algebraic topology, which is the
branch of topology which solves spatial problems with algebraic
methods. In particular, it shows how the familiar algebra of
polynoms can be applied to geometric problems. Algebraic
topology is founded on counting, it is, unlike point-set topology,
basically object oriented.
This chapter shows how to deal with topology, avoiding the
problems of infinite sets fundamental for point-set topology. It
constructs objects and collections of objects based on the
boundary and adjacency relation. It will pave the way to
compute topological properties from finite representations.
Many discussions in GI Science at the very beginning
centered around a representation for topological relations
(Dutton 1979). Rules restricting representations to subdivisions
(Corbett 1975) and later to (essentially) simplicial complexes
(Frank 1983) were proposed early. The use of the algebraic
toplogy and specifically simplicial complexes were suggested
first in 1986 (Frank and Kuhn 1986b) and at about the same time
topology determines metric refines
master all v13a.doc 389
a commercial implementation of the overlay operation using cell
complexes presented (Herring 1990).
We have not yet achieved a fully general, simple treatment of
arbitrary regions in the plane, including holes. Such figures
result from, for example, the overlay operation, where all
intersections of the faces in a partition are computed (figure
earlier). The original faces then are composed from the resulting
(smaller) faces of the overlaid subdivision. In this chapter we
will show operations to determine area, boundary, and similar
properties of such sums of faces. One can think of collections of
triangles to represent areas, but we will require that all triangles
are chosen from a given triangulation of space. This approach
will then extend to topological relations between regions (in the
next chapter).
Algebraic topology, which is the branch of topology which
addresses spatial problems with algebraic methods show us how
the familiar treatment of polynoms can be applied to geometric
problems. Topology studies properties of geometric figures
which remain invariant under continuous transformations.
Algebraic topology identifies discrete objects and counts them.
Euler's polyeder formula is a prime example of algebraic
topology: it states an invariant for the sum of the counts of
nodes, edges and faces.
Algebraic topology (Alexandroff 1961; Giblin 1977)
analyzes geometric configuration with algebraic methods: it
considers the geometric configuration as a collection of objects,
to which operations are applied. This continues the tradition of
axiomatic treatment of geometry, starting with Euclid (Heath
1981a) and applies it to questions of topology.
The approach of algebraic topology followed here starts with
simplices and combines them to complexes. It generalizes the
concept of a path in graph theory as a collection of line segments
(1-simplices) to n-simplices, which will be called a chain. Chains
can consists of simplices of any dimension; a chain of k-
simplices is called a k-chain.
In contrast to the construction of cartographic lines as
collections of simplices (based on a set concept), the direction of
the simplexes is used. For each simplex its direction is noted and
the operations use this. Therefore a simplicial complex is like a
Figure 600-25
master all v13a.doc 390
polynom in geometric simplices, with the factors 0 (not
included), 1 or 1 for inclusion in the direction of the simplex
definition, respective the reverse direction. This is the same as
the orientation for a quad edge in an orientable surface, where
the edge has a forward (1) or backward direction (-1). The
resulting expressions can be added using the familiar algebra of
Triangulation of space, i.e. collectoins of simplices which
are subdivisions are simplicial complexes. Simplicial complexes
can be generalized to complexes built not from simplices but
from cells. They are tehn called cell complexes. Most of the
principles of simplicial complexes apply directly to cell
complexes; operations on cell complexes require an
implementation of cells as subdivisions of space with the
corresponding operations to maintain the topology for example
quad edge (see 580). The previous chapter has shown that
merging two cell complexes is much more difficult than merging
simplicial complexes.
A path was defined as a sequence of segments (see 570 xx), such
that the segments connected. A path was called closed, when the
last segment connected with the first one.

A directed path is a path where each segment has a direction.
The notion of a directed polygonal path can be generalized to
allow lines which intersect, to drop the requirement of
connections between the segments, line segments may be
included several times etc. A generalized directed path is a
collection of directed line segments.
Fig 570-06 and 07
master all v13a.doc 391
For example, the route of a bus in a small valley, branching
off the main road to drive into the village and serve one or
several stops in the village before returning to the main road
Remember that the definition of a subdivision required that
the path around a face is closed; for faces with holes, this is
achieved with a path containing some edges twice (fig).
Two paths can be added to result in a new path (fig). There are
several approaches to addition, a set theoretical one and an
algebraic one; the algebraic addition can be oriented with
values 0, 1 and 1 and the regular addition for these or
unoriented where the values or 0 and 1 and the addition is
modulus 2. These additions give answers to different questions
like how long did I walk, the other where am I now.
Fig: two path can be added: the sum of the black and the green
path is a closed path
the segments are summed as a set operation: this is a geometric
approach. The result consists of all the segments which were
present in both inputs, independent whether they appear in only
one or in both inputs, the result contains just one segment. It
corresponds to the question: which segments have been
traversed? The result is a set of segments. The segments can be
directed, and segments of different direction considered
different, or not directed when segments traversed in one or the
other direction are considered equal. The union of the segments
indicates how long the path was and helps to determine how long
it took to get here.
Alternatively, we can sum algebraically. In this case we have to
give segments a direction and drop segments which have been
traversed in both directions: going from a to b and then back
from b to a is equivalent to nothing. Therefore a traversal in
backward direction cancels a traversal in forward direction. For
this algebraic view, we can consider the path as an expression,
where each segment is given with its direction as a factor (+1 for
forward, -1 for reverse, 0 if not included). A path then is a
polynomial expression like
Fig 600-10 Bus route in the tztal

Fig 600-11
master all v13a.doc 392
a1 x1 + a2 x2 + a3 x3 = sum ai xi
where the a1 are the coefficients and x1 the undetermined. The
sum of two paths is then the algebraic sum of two such
expressions, using the familiar rules for addition of polynoms.
The algebraic sum of a path (or several paths) is not
necessarily a connected path (fig 600-12). The algebraic sum is
sufficient to determine where I am now; segments which I
traversed in both directions do not contribute to my overall
movement in space.
If the segments of the path are not oriented then we can represent
them as 0 and 1 and add them modulo 2 (0+0 = 0, 0+1=1+0=1, 1
+ 1 = 0). This gives the same result for an oriented path as the
algebraic addition (fig. 600-12): all segments traveled twice
cancel out.

The algebraic foundation for algebraic operations with path their
generalization chain is the Abelian (commutative) group of
polynoms. Polynoms are expressions of the type
a1 x1 + a2 x2 + a3 x3 = sum ai xi
where the coefficients are taken from some commutative ring.
Polynoms over the same undetermined (i.e., the x) can be
summed pointwise and multiplied. The rules are for addition of
two polynomials
p = sum pi ai and q = sum qi ai are
p + q = sum (pi + qi) xi
the rule for negation is
negate p = sum (negate ai) xi.
The zero polynom is the polynom with coefficient zero for
all undetermined (for all i, ai= 0). One can derived immediately
that if the corresponding operations for the coefficient form a
group then the polynoms form a group.
The question whether one computes the set union or
algebraic addition depends on the addition which is used for
pointwise operation. In the following we will use the symmetric
Fig 600-12
Fig: a fimilar example of subtraction of
two polynoms
master all v13a.doc 393
difference for unoriented simplices, and the addition modulo 2
for oriented simplices.
A general simplicial complex is an arbitrary collection of
oriented simplices, resulting from the triangulation of some
polyhedron (Alexandroff 1961). The triangulations are simplicial
complexes. The most important and interesting case is the
simplicial complex, which is a subcomplex of the triangulation
of a single polyhedron. Subcomplexes have no simplices which
intersect each other. A simplex of n points has dimension n-1;
any subset of the points are simplices of this complex (and do
not intersect).
In the following we will concentrate on subcomplexes of
complexes, i.e. a subset of the faces, edges and nodes of a
complex which form again a complex. The subdivision discussed
before (580) is the generalization of simplicial complex to cells
of arbitrary complexity, not just triangles and straight lines. They
are called cell complexes and many of the rules for simplicial
complexes generalize to cell complexes. Treatment of simplicial
complexes, which are triangulation, has less special cases which
require additional rules and we will therefore concentrate on
From the origin of a complex as a triangulation of a
polyhedron follows that a simplicial complex is a triangulation
of space. This is always possible for a 2D space and efficient
algorithms are known, but not always possible without additional
points for a 3D space.

A simplicial complex is a collection of oriented simplices, which
have some attractive properties:
The generalization to cell complex possible and gives the
axioms listed earlier for the subdivision (580xx).
Comment: graph theory is covering the 1-dim complex.
Symmetric difference:
0 + 0 = 0, 1 + 0 = 1, 0 + 1 = 1, 1 +
1 = 0
(Boolean: exclusive or, XOR)
This is the same as + modulo 2
A simplicial complex of dim n
consists of simplices, such that
for each simplex all
boundaries are in the complex
pairwise intersection is either
empty or simplex (dim n-1).
master all v13a.doc 394
The simplicial complex is most restricted and completely
represents the topological relations between the elements without
reference to the coordinates. A simplicial complex does not
allow edges which are not bounding two faces; therefore no
point can move without the topological relations represented in
the triangulation changes! This is the fulfillment of the motto:
topology determines, metric refines (Frank and Kuhn 1986a;
Egenhofer and Sharma 1992). For example in 600-28, the
movement of A changes the orientation of the triangle ABC
becomes ACB. In a cell complex, the location of x in figure
600-27 inside of ABC or inside BDC requires a test of metric
properties, using the point coordinates.
This is the result that the simplicial complex represents
exactly all the intersection between the faces (considered as
closed sets). This can be generalized to an abstract notion of
complexes over arbitrary sets and their intersections. The
complex then is the nerve of a system of sets (Alexandroff 1961
p. 39).
A chain is a collection of simplices from a single simplicial
complex. All simplices in a chain have the same dimension.
Therefore we speak of a k-chain, containing k-simplices.
Operations on chains can be carried out using polynom
operations and do not refer to the specific metric properties of
the simplices. This makes chain a valuable abstraction,
separating topological from metric properties.
The sum of two chains should form a group. The following
definition of + achieves this:

Figure 600-01 a 2-simplex, a 1-simplex and a 0-simplex

Fig 600-27

Fig 600-28
master all v13a.doc 395
The sum C1 + C2 of two k-chains C1 and C2 is
defined by the set of k-simplices contained in Ci or
C2 but not in both (Henle 1994 p. 148).
The empty set of k-simplices (the empty k-chain) is the identity
for this group. Each chain is its own inverse, therefore this is an
Definition Idemgroup
A group is called an idemgroup when x + x = 0 for all
elements of the group (Henle 1994 p. 147). In this
case x = -x for all x.
The boundary operator for simplices gives as a result a chain: the
boundary of a 1-simplex (an edge) is a 0-chain with two
elements: the start and the end point. This boundary operator
carries over to sums of chains, such that the boundary of a sum is
the sum of the boundaries.

apply the boundary operation to each simplex in the two chains
and then sum the result is the same as computing the sum of the
two chains and then apply the boundary operator.
Boundary W = a + c + b
Boundary V = e + d + b = e + d b
Boundary (W+V) = a + c + e + d
The boundary operation so defined works even for complex with
holes.The result is a single chain, not separated in outer and
inner boundaries.

The boundary of the boundary of a chain is empty, if one sets the
orientation for a start point as negative and the orientation of an
end point as positive. This gives a quick test for the closedness
of a complex.

Fig boundary of sum is sum of boundaries
(unoriented simplices)

Figure 600-03
master all v13a.doc 396

A cycle was earlier defined for a path (see xx). This can be
generalized to k-chains:
A k-chain with a null boundary is a cycle. Some
conventions are useful to deal with special cases:
All 0-chains are 0-cycles (because their boundary is null).
It is also useful to define a k-boundary:
A k-boundary is a k-chain which is the boundary of
some (k+1) chain.
By convention, only the null 2-chain is considered a 2-boundary
(restricting treatment to 2d surfaces) [henle, p. 149].
Evey boundary is a cycle.
Algebraic topology develops from here the theory of homology,
which is a method to capture invariants of surfaces. I have not
yet found an application for GIS so far. It is useful for a
generalization of the Euler polyeder formula to become the Euler
characteristic of a surface and contributes to the solution of the
'map coloring problem', which is to determine the minimum
number of different colors necessary to color a a map, such that
adjacent regions have different colors. It was proven that all
maps can be colored with just 4 colors (for a map on
theprojective plane, 6 colors are sufficient; is this
cartographically relevant?)
The skeleton of a simplicial sub complex is the set union of all
the boundaries of the components. The skeleton of an area (i.e., a
sub complex with triangles) is a set of boundary lines (Egenhofer
1989). Sometimes we are interested in the interior skeleton,
which is defined as the skeleton minus the boundary (i.e., only
the interior boundaries).
Figure 600-33
master all v13a.doc 397
Simplices are often oriented for example street segments in a
city are often one-way and the internal representation in a
compute ris 'naturally' oriented from a start to an end point of a
segment. Direction of edges give also an automatic way to
identify a hole in a surface: the direction of turning is contrary to
the direction of the outside boundary.
The operations for chains defined above carry over to these
integral chains.
Let K be a directd complex and let S1, S2, S3, Sn be the k-
simplexes of K (k=0,1,2). An integral k-chain of K is a sum
C = a1 S1 + a2 S2 + + an Sn
where the coefficient a1, a2, .. an can be any integers positive,
negative or zero (Henle 1994 p. 187).
For two such integral k-chains, addition is defined as
pointwise sum of the coefficients. With this operation, integral k-
chains form a group with unit and inverse.
The boundary of an integral chain C = a1 S1 + a2 S2 + an Sn
is defined as
b C = a1 (b S1) + a2 (b S2) + + an (b Sn).
With these definitions, the boundary of a sum is again the
sum of the boundaries (fig).
K-cycle and k-boundary can be defined for integral chains
similarly than above for (modulo 2) chains. Because this is not
an idemgroup, subtraction can now be introduced as usual, with
negation of a chain defined as the pointwise negation of the
neg C = (neg a1) S1 + (neg a2) S2 + + (neg an) Sn
Two operations are important for geometry of regions: the union
of all area either in A or B and the difference: the area in both A
and B. So far it was not possible to define operations for the
union or the difference between two arbitrary regions in 2d
space, such that the operations are closed, i.e. have a result of the
same type as the inputs:
Figure 600-34

Fig: A region with a hole (see above)
Figure 600-32
master all v13a.doc 398
uni on: : r egi on - > r egi on - > r egi on
symmet r i cDi f f er ence : : r egi on - > r egi on - > r egi on
This can be achieved when we triangulate the space
(generally, subdivide it in cells) giving a simplicial complex.
Then the two areas as subcomplexes of the resulting simplicial
complex, represented as 2-chains and the union and difference
can be computed using operations on chains.
A subcomplex from a complex is a (possibly empty) subset of
the simplices in the complex, such that for the subcomplex the
rules for the formation of a complex are maintained.

This definition of a sub-complex is comparable to other similar
definitions: a sub-group is a subset of a carrier A for which
operations are defined which follow the group axioms, such that
the operations applied to the subset maintain the axioms.
The union and symmetric difference of two sub-complexes
results in a subcomplex of the same complex. The operations are
carried out with the set operations union and symmetric
difference and the result is a complex not considering the

The algebraic addition of two subcomplexes may result in a
multiplicity of some simplices other than 1. For example, the
addition of A and B from 600-13 gives a simplex which contains
a triangle twice (BEF) (fig 600-15). A more geometric
Fig: two regions A and B, union A B,
symmetric difference A B
600-13 complex C with two sub-complexes
a and b
Figure 600-14 A union B Figure
600-31 A symmetric difference B
master all v13a.doc 399
interpretation is achieved when the addition is computed modulo
2, such that 1 + 1 = 0. Alternatively, we can define the addition
such that a simplex is in the result if it is either in one or the
other inputs, but not in both. This is the symmetric sum of sets
(see xx).
More interesting is the addition of the negative oriented complex
K to the full complex C: This requires that the simplices are
oriented. The addition of the negatively oriented complex K
results in a hole in C. Adding a complex with negative
orientation results in a subtraction of this area from the original
one (a + (-b) + b = a is valid)

Figure 600-16
Note: union, intersection and addition and subtraction
(addition of a negative complex) are carried out at the level of
the highest dimension elements. For the examples above, it is
always at the level of triangles; the boundaries of the triangles
are not dealt with during these operations. This assures that the
results are always closed figures.
The combination of two subdivisions is an often encountered
problem in applications. It is typically called overlay operation.
We have seen an algorithm to construct such overlays treating
only the line graph (see polylines). Here we will show a method
which treats the areal features (called regions).
The most often used operation for subdivisions is the overlay
operation: two subdivisions of the same area are superimposed.
This results in a subdivisions of faces, where each face is part of
one face in each source partitions. Examples are the overlay of
the ownership partition and the valuation partition of some land

Figure 600-15 addition of A and B
master all v13a.doc 400
The operation consists of a geometric and a thematic part: in
the geometric part, the smallest common areas are found; we
compute the most refined partition which is covering just the two
given ones. In lattice operations, this is the merge of the two.
The usual approach uses two steps: first of the determination
of all intersections between the boundary segments and then in
forming the areas from the new boundaries. Chrisman et al. has
published a first approach as WHIRLPOOL (Dutton 1979).
It was reported that the implementation was very difficult;
first because the complexities introduced by the errors
introduced through the approximation of real numbers with
computer arithmetic and second, by the many special cases, in
particular areas with holes. In the mid 80s all commercially
available overlay operations failed on some inputs!
The approach here uses the simplicial complex: the two
regions are merged into the same simplicial complex and are
tehn represented as 2-chains for which we have given operations
above. All the metric difficulties are covered in the first step of
constructing the simplicial complex, the computation of the
overlay properly is then only using integer arithmetic.
The algorithm given earlier for polylines can be seen as the
first step in the construction of the simplicial complex.
Triangulate both regions and then integrate one of the complexes
element by element into the other.
The approach here used separates the metric calculation,
which are necessary just approximations from the topological
construction. This avoids problems of inaccuracy in the metric
calculations causing difficulties in the topological part, as it is
often encountered in the past: The result of a decision based on
coordinate calculations may contradict another calculation using
the same coordinates or coordinates computed earlier. These
differences in the calculation with approximations result from
the point of view of the logic of the algorithm as
inconsistencies in the data structure, which algorithms can not
tolerate and stop. It has been tried to cover all special cases
which may occur, but this is a never ending task. In particular, an
algorithm which uses a computation to determine intersections
and another computation to determine the topology around a
node is bound to encounter such inconsistencies. The efforts to
avoid them computation with realms (Gting, Bhlen et al.
Fig 580-16

Fig: 2 regions, triangulation of the two
regions, integration
master all v13a.doc 401
2000) will be discussed in the implementation context (not this
book). The method proposed here using the quad edge structure
should be immune to such problems, because the determination
of topology is done once only, with a single computation
determining in which triangle a point must be inserted. A single
metric approximate computation cannot be in contradiction with
itself! A similar argument was proposed in (Frank and Kuhn
1986b) as an oracle, stressing the uncertainty of metric,
approximate calculation.
The two regions representing the object geometry are given
after triangulation of the region as 2-chains. Each of the 2-
simplices are split in several simplices when integrating the two
regions. We therefore construct two mappings from the resulting
integrated (finer) simplicial complex to the initial one.
Fig: two regions A and B and the resulting simplicial complex;
function f and g map back to A and B
Similar to the mapping from the faces to the object-area,
mappings to give the boundaries of the features etc. are
necessary. This is accounted for in the database as relations
between the original larger faces and the subdivisions in the
faces in the simplicial complex.
We have introduced (see part 6 590) eight topological relations
between simple regions Egenhofer has identified (Egenhofer
These eight fundamental topological relations are
differentiated by considering the intersection between the
interior and the boundary of the two regions A and B. 4 different
intersections can be computed, namely the intersection of the
interiors, the intersection of interior and boundary and the
intersection of boundaries. Topologically characterizing is the
state of the intersection set (being empty or not), and the size of
the intersection sets remains irrelevant. The values obtained can
be arranged in a characteristic 2 by 2 array.

Using this schema, between two simple regions eight relations
can be distinguished.

master all v13a.doc 402

In this chapter, we show how these toplogical relations are
computed if the two regions are given as chains from a complex.
The computation of topological relations between two objects as
defined by Egenhofer requires the determination of the interior
and the boundary of the two objects and the computation of the
intersection of these.
Given the two regions as simplicial (or cell) complexes, in a
first step the two regions are integrated in the same complex and
then the intersections between interiors and boundaries are
computed. Integrating both regions in the same cell complex
reduces the complexity of the computation of intersections
considerably, as no complex geometric operations are required
any more; they are all performed during the integration. This is
the same approach as used before for the calculation of union
and difference (intersection) of two regions.
After the integration in a single complex, the two regions are
represented as two chains. A nave approach is to apply the
boundary operator to each chain and then intersect the results to
obtain the characteristic matrix. This does not work, because the
boundary definition in point set topology and the boundary
operator on chains in a simplicial complex are not exactly the
Care is necessary because the definition of the boundary
operation of a simplex is not exactly the same as the topological
concept of boundary. The boundary of a simplex of dimension 2
is a chain of simplices of dimension 1 and does not include the
nodes (it is not a walk, if a walk is defined as a sequence of
edges and nodes). a 'naive' intersection with the boundary of the
other object detects cases where boundary segments are in
common, but not cases where only a boundary point is in
common (fig).
master all v13a.doc 403
It is therefore necessary to test for intersection of the boundary
(segments) and then compute the skeleton of the boundary,
which is the collection of boundary nodes, and intersect with the
skeleton of the boundary of the other object. Obviously, it is not
useful to compute the boundary of the boundary (which would
be of dimension 1), because the boundary of the boundary of a
closed objects is always empty.
In principle, a similar problem night occurs for the interior,
where the interior of a sub complex of a simplicial complex is
the chain of triangles and does not include the interior boundary
segments and nodes. However, if the two objects are sub-
complexes of the same complex, their interior must intersect in
faces and cannot intersect only in an interior boundary or node.
If we extend the operations to objects with co-dimension 1, i.e.,
considering the intersection of 2-d and 1-d objects, then the
intersection must be with the chains of line segments and chains
of nodes which form the skeleton of the 2-d object. In general,
the intersections are with chains of simplices of the same
dimension. For sub complexes and interiors, if dimension n is
tested, then a test for dimension n-1 is not necessary. In 595-14 it
is not necessary to test both the 1-skeleton and the 0-skeleton.
Every intersection is detected with the 1 skeleton alone. The 0-
skeleton is only necessary to test the Egenhofer relations
between a 1 or 2d object with a 0d object (595-15).
A tempting abbreviation is to define the intersection test for 1-
simplices (lines) to include the end-points and to detect not only
intersections of the interiors of the lines, but also of the lines
with the boundaries of the lines; such shortcuts work only for the
intersection of simple regions and the ordinary 4 intersections
and fail when topological relations between objects with
codimension 1 are computed.
For a simple region, given as a simplicial subcomplex:
The boundary is the boundary plus the skeleton (0-
skeleton) of the boundary (i.e., the boundary points).
The interior is the set of interior faces and the interior
skeleton (1-skeleton) and the interior 0-skeleton (the
interior points).

Fig 595- 12 (right intersection is not


master all v13a.doc 404
Note that for the intersections, only intersections between
objects of the same dimension must be tested, and these are
simple comparisons.
A general method to intersect any geometric figures can now
(finally!) be given. The problem in a nutshell: the intersection of
two triangles is not a single triangle, but 4 triangles (600-301). If
we take each triangle as a simplicial complex then the
intersection operation is just the geometric part of the overlay of
two simplicial complexes, resulting in a simplicial complex. This
is the desired closed operation!
The general case of integrating two simplicial complexes is
covered by an incremental algorithm. One of the two complexes
will be changed by adding all the elements of the other complex.
This breaks the problem into steps, which were dealt with in the
previous chapter:
Integrate a point from one simplicial complex into the
existing one. This has been covered as the insertion of
a point into a triangulation.
Integrate a line from one simplicial complex into the
existing one. This is covered in the first subsection,
differentiating several cases.
Integrate a face from one simplicial complex into the
existing one. If all the points and the lines were
integrated before then the new face is already a
subcomplex of the result complex and nothing in
particular needs to be done to achieve the desired
Simplicial complexes and specifically subcomplexes are the
missing part for the treatment of geometry. We have here
achieved two problems which were left unsolved before:
A geometric collection of areas, comparable to the polylines
introduced earlier.
The general intersection operation for geometric figures.
master all v13a.doc 405
If geometric figures are represented as sub complexes then
the basic operations necessary to compute the topological
relations based on the 4 or 9 intersection are provided.
Show a + 0 = a for a polynom.
What is meant with the attribute incremental for an
What is the difference between an algebraic and a set sum?
Why is the incremental overlay method less sensitive to the
problems of approximate calculation with coordinates?
What is the meaning of boundary and adjacency in algebraic
Why is this called algebraic topology? What is it contrasted
What is the difference between a cell complex and a
simplicial complex?
What is the definition of a simplicial complex?
What is the boundary of a boundary? Where is it used?
Alexandroff, P. (1961). Elementary Concepts of Topology. New York, USA, Dover
Corbett, J. (1975). Topological Principles in Cartography. 2nd International Symposium on
Computer-Assisted Cartography, Reston, VA.
Dutton, G., Ed. (1979). First International Study Symposium on Topological Data Structures
for Geographic Information Systems (1977). Harvard Papers on Geographic
Information Systems. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University.
Egenhofer, M. J. (1989). Spatial Query Languages, University of Maine.
Egenhofer, M. J. and J. Sharma (1992). Topological Consistency. Proceedings of the 5th
International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Charleston, IGU
Commission of GIS.
Frank, A. (1983). Datenstrukturen fr Landinformationssysteme - Semantische, Topologische
und Rumliche Beziehungen in Daten der Geo-Wissenschaften. Institut fr
Geodsie und Photogrammetrie, ETH Zrich.
Frank, A. U. and W. Kuhn (1986a). Cell Graph: A Provable Correct Method for the Storage
of Geometry. Second International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling,
Seattle, WA.
Frank, A. U. and W. Kuhn (1986b). Cell Graphs: A Provable Correct Method for the Storage
of Geometry. Second International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling,
Seattle, Wash.
Giblin, R. J. (1977). Graphs, Surfaces and Homology. London, Chapman and Hall.
Gting, R. H., M. H. Bhlen, et al. (2000). "A Foundation for Representing and Querying
Moving Objects." ACM Transactions on Database Systems 25(1): 1-42.
Heath, T. L. (1981). A History of Greek Mathematics, Vol. 1: From Thales to Euclid, Dover
Henle, M. (1994). A Combinatorial Introduction to Topology. New York, Dover Publications.
Herring, J. R. (1990). TIGRIS: A Data Model for an Object Oriented Geographic Information
System. GIS Design Models and Functionality, Leicester, Midlands Regional
Research Laboratory.

In this lastand very shortchapter, the functor changing
which we have used to extend operations from static and local
functions to time series is applied to value describing the
properties of objects. With this functor we construct a spatio-
temporal database from a snapshot database by applying the
same functor twice, once to achieve a database reflecting the
changes in the world and once to construct a database, where we
can ask what was known earlier (see concept of notice 275).
In preparation, the first chapter treats representation of
objects moving in space, showing in detail how the functor
changing is applied to what appears as single attribute value
here position. For a moving object, the position is a function of
time. It can be observed and we obtain a time series not different.

Movement of objects in space are important for us and their
representation in GIS gives an opportunity to investigate in detail
fundamental aspects of temporal data.
Real object movement is complex and an Information System
can only contain a simplified approximation. This chapter starts
with the approximation of movement as piecewise linear and
with a fixed speed (velocity v).
For the moment, we will concentrate on such uniform
movements, but other movements with changing speed can be
modeled with the same approach.
Movement can be abstracted to the movement of point objects,
or movement of the center of gravity of extended objects.
Movement is controlled by a vector v indicating the speed of an
object and the position p is the integration of this speed over time
with the initial position p0 (fig). Initial position, velocity and
momentary position are all expressed as vectors, time is a scalar,
as usual.
Such a moving point is a point changing its position in time,
this is a 'changing vector' and is the result of applying the functor
'changing' to a vector. The use of the functor changing converts a
simple point (data type vector) in a changing point (exactly
changing vector). Changing points, i.e. moving points, represent
movement. The location of a moving vehicle is described as a
function which yields a point for every moment in time.
p(t) = p0 + v * t
The use of the functor changing applied to vectors gives us the
moving point. The ordinary operations addition and subtraction
can lifted to work on changing vector. They can be used to
calculate the speed of an object which is moved relative to a
moving reference frame. If p1(t) is the location of the object
relative to the moving frame (e.g. a wagon) and the position of
the frame is p2(t) then the position of the moving object relative
to the outer reference frame is (p1 + p2) (t).

master all v13a.doc 408
An interesting question is the distance between two moving
objects. Given a function to calculate the distance between two
points p1 and p2. Lifting this function with the functor changing
(lift 2) means that all the constants xp, xq,etc, are replaced by
functions xp (t), xq (t). This gives the formula to calculate the
distance between moving points as a function of time. This is, of
course, a synchronous application of calculations valid for a
single time point.

If all the standard arithmetic functions are available lifted to
apply to changing values then lifting the distance function is
automatic, except for a a subtle conversion necessary: a
changing vector (of x and y) must be converted in a two
changing coordinate values.
Point movements with constant acceleration can be described
similarly: velocity is now a function of time and position is a
function of the (changing) velocity. The trajectory of a
accelereated movement is a straight line only if the initial
velocity and the acceleration are parallel, otherwise a curved
trajectory results.
Lifting with the functor changing is not sufficient here and it
is necessary to add (second order) functions for integration of
function values over time intervals. Software packages for
treatment of mathematical formulae [Mathematica wolfram;
mathCAd] can do symbolic differentiation and integration for
complex expressions and the same methods could be applied
here. For realistic complex functions, numerical integration and
differentiation is always an option to calculate approximations
[frank approximation].
Allen following the philosophic discussion in Hamblin [ref]
defined an event as the minimal interval over which a state
holds. This is essentially the same as a fluent of Boolean values,
which is true inside the interval and not outside.

fig 538-02
fig 538-03
Speed a scalar describing the
magnitude of the velocity vector
Velocity a vector descring
speed and direction of movemetn

master all v13a.doc 409
This definition of event is not conforming to common usage
of the word in the English language. Wordnet [ref] gives 4
senses for the noun event:
(62) event -- (something that happens at a given place and time)
2. (6) event, case -- (a special set of circumstances; "in that
event, the first possibility is excluded"; "it may rain in which
case the picnic will be canceled")
3. event -- (a phenomenon located at a single point in space-
time; the fundamental observational entity in relativity theory)
4. consequence, effect, outcome, result, event, issue, upshot --
(a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous
phenomenon; "the magnetic effect was greater when the rod
was lengthwise"; "his decision had depressing consequences for
business"; "he acted very wise after the event")
This definition however seems to be the one generally used in
Philosophy [barry smith?], AI [Galton?] and in discussion of
temporal GI [may yuan]. Given that no better terminology is
available, I will use it as well.
An event is therefore defined as an interval of time (not a
point in time) in which some property is uniform. This is exactly
parallel to the definition of objects as areas in space, which have
uniform properties. In both cases, the determination of properties
the uniformity of which make us identify an object or an event,
is entirely a question of application.
This definition, with intervals closed on both sides, means that
the end points belong to both intervals. This leads to the
inappropriate consequence, such as that at the begin or the end of
the interval the state holds and holds not is both, true and false,
which cannot be. Therefore it is essential that intervals are semi-
closed (which is, by the way, also the solution the
commonsense world of everyday life has selected: a lesson
from 4 to 5 starts at 4:00 and ends at 4:59).
An important case are events where we approximate an event by
a linear function for a limited interval. This is likely appropriate
for the interpolation of position of objects which move, or the
temperature of day, etc. In this first step, we define the event as a
single movement, from rest at a to rest at b, or a single raise of
temperature; continuous movement from a through b, c, d to
eventually z, or the rise of temperature during a day is a
sequence of such bounded, linear events and will be modeled
Note: event in this definition is not a
time point, but an interval.
Events and Objects are similar:
temporal or spatial intervals
(respective regions) with uniform

master all v13a.doc 410
Outside of the interval, the value is not defined, which makes the
function at a partial function (see xx). The interpolation for
values inside the interval is a special case of linear interpolation
and can be dealt with the methods described (see linear algebra,
matrices etc).
The movement of an extended object can be combined from a
movement of the center of gravity and a rotation around this
center. Rotations of objects are dealt with the same concept than
points: the angle of rotation is changing in time. The position and
orientation of the object are thus two functions of time and the
object geometry is transformed with the corresponding
translation and rotation.
Using homogenous coordinates, the translation and the
rotation can be expressed as matrices and the result of both is the
product of the two matrices. For moving objects, these matrices
are functions of time (compare with 530):

Movement of regions does not imply that the form is maintained
as it is the case for solid objects. A region can move and deform.
In this section we consider the change in form caused by
movements of the corners. We assume here that the region can
be approximated with a polygon with the same number of nodes.
The movement of the center of gravity is superimposed to a
movement of the center of gravity and represented as changes
relative to the center of gravity or which may be all what is
represented of the movement of the region. The movement of
corners relative to the center of gravity plus the movement of the


master all v13a.doc 411
center of gravity gives the total movement of each corner. This is
an application of relative vs. absolute movement (see above xx).
Assume that the region is represented by a polygon. Then the
movement of the region is a movement of the corners. A region
which is moving is thus nothing else than a polygon of moving
points. It is, for example, a list of changing points. If the region
changes form and therewith the number of corners changes, it is
still a moving region, but not s list of changing points, but a
changing list of points. The difference is only if the functor is
applied to the single points or to the polygon as a whole.
Movements of point objects are important in life; several kinds
of abstraction from a specific complex movement are used: we
identify the start and the end, the distance along the path or
between start and end, the trajectory, which is independent of
time. Intersections of trajectories are important because they are
potential points of interaction desirable, when we meet in a
restaurant to have lunch together, or undesirable, when cars
collide. These operations are asynchronous, as they use points
the object passes from different times. It is useful to study these
asynchronous operations because they can be used as models for
abstraction in other situations.
The trajectory of a moving point is the path the point covers, it is
the projection of the 2d + time space to 2d space, ignoring the
temporal behavior. Take as an example the trajectory of
airplanes (fig).
The visualization as a space time diagram helps the
intuition: in the 2d plane we show location, in the third
dimension, we show time. Moving points are then inclined lines,
synchronous operations compares and combines points in the
same (time) horizontal plane.
After projection into the space dimension, we can see
intersection of trajectories and we can ask questions like, how
close did two trajectories ever come. Intersection of trajectories
is not an actual collision, and the distance between two
trajectories is not the same question as how close did some
moving objects ever come. The two trajectories in fig xx have
an intersection point, but the two objects did pass at that point at
very different times, not colliding. The length of a trajectory is

Fig the movement of the center of gravity
(red) plus the differential movement of the
corners of the region (violet) give the total
movement of each corner (black).

master all v13a.doc 412
usually the length of the projection. In the projection we can also
determine start end end points of a trajectory.
Demonstrate that the intersection point of two trajectories is
not always the point where the distance between the two moving
object is smallest.
Questions of whether a moving object did ever enter a
region, stayed completely within a region or was always outside
of a region are also answered best when considering the
trajectory. If the trajectory is closed, meaning the projection of
start and end point are the same, then we can calculate the area
enclosed. One can also determine the Minimal Bounding
Rectangle of a trajectory.
Fig intersection of trajectory with region
Fig minimal bounding rectangle and trajectory
It should be evident, that only an operation to project a
space-time path to the space is necessary. Then all the above
described operation are operations with the resulting line, using
previously defined geometric operations.
pr oj ect ToSpace : : SpaceTi mePat h - > Li ne
A path has extreme points. For a flight path of an airplane, we
can ask, where is the highest point and what height did the plane
ever reach. Such questions are answered in other projections.

path a space time line
Trajectory the projection of a path
master all v13a.doc 413
10.2.1 Projection to a surface along the trajectory
A path has a natural parametrization (see xx) along the path. One
can project the path to a surface perpendicular through the path
(fig). In this projection many question are immediately
Speed of movement is the derivative of the curve in the
length-time space.
Highest and
If we start with a path in 3d space (x-y plus height or some other
domaine), then a projection along the path surface is again
possible. It answers questions like: Where is the heightest
point, where is the lowest point? One can also apply
thresholding in this space and ask, when was the first time the
height was higher than 1000 m? how long did the plane stay
above 5000 m? etc.
Explain how the functor changing is applied to vector. What
is the result?
Why is changing vector of Float different from vector of
changing float. Which one of the two is representing a

Fig: perpendicular surface through path

The extension of the current snapshot GIS to spatio-temporal
data is an important practical demand. In this short chapter, we
show that this step is with the preparation achieved now very
simple: we apply the functor 'changing' twice to the dabase, once
to obtain a database with values changing with the time in the
world and once to obtain a database where previous states of the
database can be retrieved to satisfy the 'giving notice' principle
of administration (see xx).
A temporal database must provide two time perspectives:
valid time, in which values describing reality are changing
(sometimes called World time [tansel Clifford, glossary 623],
Transaction time (sometimes called database time), in which
the knowledge in the database is changing.
Temporal extension for data storage seem to face two major
issues: a consistent and realistic calculus for intervals, including
the special, ever chaning constant 'now' (see xxx) and concept of
a stable object.
A relational database can easily include a concept of user-
time, which is a time, but without a defined semantics for the
database; user-time is often used to represent the time a snapshot
was valid or to report time points like date of birth or date of
The extension of a database relational or using another data
model - to support time points and intervals of time is not
particularly difficult, it is mostly to construct a calculus for time
time points and time intervals.
Note: temporal database literature uses the word event often
as synonymous to instant or time point [tansel Clifford book
glossary p. 625], which is different from the definition of event
as a interval for which a state obtains (see earlier).
master all v13a.doc 415
the pure relational database cannot provide a stable object
concept. The keys used to identify a tuple can change [codd
acm] and surrogates [codd Tasmania] or time-invariant keys
must be added to the model. For temporal relations additional,
not well understood rules of normalization seem necessary to
avoid complications during updates[tansel, Clifford book]. Much
of the discussion argues for different types of granularity what
changes with time: do we store changing relations (i.e. the full
relation is time-stamped), changing tuples or changing values
(fig.), sometimes refered to as object versioning versus attribute
versioning [Wuu & Dayal in tansel. P234]. This is primarily a
question of implementation, which seems to be visible at the user
interface. Logically, time intervals for relations, tupels or single
values are equivalent and can be transformed loss-less.

A temporal database is built around a discrete time where a fixed
granularity of time is assumed. "A chronon is the shortest
duration of time supported" [tansel p. 624]. Such time points are
isomorph to integers. Wuu and Dayal [in tansel] point out
shortcomings and limitations caused by these assumptions and
propose a concept of time which permits other specifications, for
example non-metric or partial order.
We will use here time points which are isomorphic to integers
and the previously defined algebra over intervals, which assumes
total order.
The world is changing. We can differentiate two types of
new objects emerge and previously existing objects disappear,
property values of objects change.
master all v13a.doc 416
The first type of change affects the lifespan of an object and the
relevant changes are discussed under the heading lifestyle of
objects, the second is dealt with using the functor changing.
Note: the term object in this section means the representation
of something which is continuing in time. It is not necessary a
physical object.
Objects have a lifespan, a time in which they exist. The lifespan
is an interval, in which the object representation is valid. After a
record becomes invalid, it still exists in the database and its value
can be accessed; care must be taken, that such 'old' data is not
mixed with data which is maintained. Consider for example a
database with employes for which the address is stored: after an
employe has quit, his last address is still available, but it is not
likely updated. Here special support by the query languages is
required to express a query to obtain the last known fact, clearly
separated from data which is current.
Technically, lifespans seem to be asymmetric: before an
object is created, nothing is known about it, not even that it will
later exist. When the object is not-existing anymore, the data is
still stored and it is possible to detect that the object has existed.
The creation and destruction of objects is not the only two
operations which can affect an object in its identity. Al-taha and
Barrera [88? Report meeting maine] have identified a total of 11
situations which change the identity of an object.
master all v13a.doc 417
Not all these possible changes apply to all objects. Medak
has identified lifestyles which restrict what changes are possible
to certain ontological classes. For example, liquids can be
identified (poured together), but not aggregated, because liquids
can be spawned (we can pour from a pitcher), but it is impossible
to disaggregate two liquids once poured together. Similarly, for
living things, it is ordinary not possible to suspend 'life' and
reincarnate a person again (fairy tales and comic-books
excempt), but a machine or car can be disassembled and does not
exist as a whole and can be reassembled to exist again, which is
either the changes killed and reincarnated, or disaggregated and
aggregated (which is also not acceptable for living things do
you regularly disaggregate your cat?).
The lifestyle changes can be carried over from physical
objects to geographic objects or objects created by social
construction. Hornsby [thesis, paper with Egenhofer] has
discussed lifestyles specifically for geographic objects like

master all v13a.doc 418
The properties describing the object, including the property
'existing', do change over the life of the object. These are
changing values.
We have so far used the functor changing and applied it to
values which changes continuously, but it is not restricted to this.
Changing values can be of any type, including Boolean. A
changing value of Boolean is true for some intervals and false
for others; a changing Boolean can be converted in a sequence of
intervals for which the value is true and an interval can be
converted in a changing Boolean.
Using paramerized types, the relation database used for
snapshots of the world was a 'database of values'. Applying the
functor changing to values, gives 'database of changing values'.
The interpolation of administrative values is typically different
from values for physical properties: physical properties change
most often smoothly and we can interpolate between two states.
Administrative facts are typically valid from a specific data till
further notice.
The query language (see xx) remains the same, but returns
now lists of changing values, from which the value for the time
of interest is retrieved with the operation 'at' (see xx). Selection
of objects is now not with a single value, but a value and the
time it is valid; instead of a condition to apply for the name of a
town ("Geras" ==), we have to write ("Geras" now), where
the condition 'name equals "Geras"' is composed with the
conversion from a chaning value to the value valid at time now.
A database changes with time: new values are added, values are
changed or objects are deleted. It is sometimes necessary to
know in what state a database has been earlier for example to
determine if a user could have known a fact, or if he could have
known if he had been careful. This is a principle of law and was
introduced earlier as 'giving notice'.
The database itself is a changing value, which changes its
value discretely and is valid from the change onwards till the
next change. It behaves like administrative data (fig xx right) and
the current state is valid, is the best current knowledge till a new
update is received. This does not preclude that for certain
smoothly changing value, an extrapolation is possible (for

Fig Changing boolean

Fig. Smoothly changing physical value
Fig. Stepwise change of administrative
master all v13a.doc 419
example, airplanes moving); again, care must be used to separate
extrapolated data from 'known' facts based on observations.
The database perspective is thus achieved by applying the
functor changing to the database as a whole: a temporal database
with the database perspective is a changing database of values, a
database with both time perspectives is a changing database of
changing values (the functor changing applied twice).
Most queries will use the current state, but it must be
possible to access previous states. For these special cases, the
function 'at time' applied to the chaning database returns a
snapshot database for the indicated time, i.e. the database which
was valid at that time. To this snapshot of the database, which is
in the case of a bi-temporal database a database of changing
values, i.e. a database with world time perspective. To the result
of the at function, query language expressions can be applied.
Databases can contain erroneous data. We have seen that
internally with the use of logic, we can only assertain that the
database is consistent with respect to the rules fixed (see xx). In
a database with an database time perspective, it could be possible
to record if a change is inserting a new value or a change is the
result of observing that a previously inserted value is in error
[tansel book]. This will require two kinds of transactions, namely
those which change values and those which correct values. I
have not seen implementations of this idea in database software,
but the concept is clearly included in instructions and laws, for
example for the maintenance of land registries [schweizer

It came together nicely. The first parts were heavy, very detailed
and sometimes painful. As a compensation, the end was easy and
swift. This justifies the hypothesis that a GIS is built from
components. If the components are well-designed, they combine
Let us review the components:
The language and the conceptual framework: Algebra, second
order functions and category theory. This gave us functors
that cover (nearly) all of spatial and temporal computations.
Typed measurements and functions that connect them (like
population density, connecting count of people with area).
These functions were lifted to work with layers in a GIS, but
also with time serieswithout additional new concepts for
users of the GIS to learn.
Simplification of data storage beyond the Relational Data
Model, which itself is a considerable reduction in concepts
and rules compared to the earlier Network Data Model. The
use of relations gives access to category theory, which results
in a query language with only 2 essential elements, which are
connected by function composition.
An algebra of intervals and topological relations between
them. This gives spatial and temporal topological predicates
for a spatial query language but also the methods to express
temporal conditions in the database query language.
Projective geometry gives geometric computations without
exceptions, which would then produce complication when
combining with other concepts.
Simplex and complex from combinatorial topology is the
realm in which all geometric operations can be carried out. It
gives a closed algebra for intersection and union of regions; it
includes as a special case graphs.
Objects as the entities that continue in time and have changing
attribute values (but not changing attributes).
master all v13a.doc 421
I also think that I have achieved two steps forward for GIS:
A bi-temporal GIS is constructed in a principled way by using
the functor 'changing' for values, which gives the valid time
perspective, and for the database as a whole, which gives the
database time perspective.
Unification of operations to apply for raster and vector
representation alike; there are very few areas where a full
unification is not yet achieved and I give not up yet.
I conclude the first complete draft of this book on one of the
last sunny fall days, the end of harvest, leaves fall, apple are ripe
and walnuts must be collected.
Geras, Oct. 17, 2004

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