ECE R29 Safety Analysis of The New Actros Megaspace Cabin

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The paper discusses using numerical simulation to analyze the load cases of the ECE-R29 regulation for cabin safety of commercial vehicles.

The paper is about using LS-DYNA finite element modeling to simulate safety tests for the new Actros Megaspace cabin according to the ECE-R29 regulation.

The paper discusses the legal requirements for cabin safety in Europe which are specified in the ECE-R29 regulation.

Safety Analysis of the New Actros Megaspace Cabin

According to ECE-R29/02
Horst Raich
DaimlerChrysler AG, Stuttgart, Germany
Horst Raich
DaimlerChrysler AG
HPC: B209
D-70546 Stuttgart
Tel: +49-(0)711-17-24268
Fax: +49-(0)0711-17-23721
e-mail: [email protected]
Commercial Vehicles, Safety analysis, ECE-R29,
finite element modeling,
European LS-DYNA Users Conference Crash / Automotive Applications I
B I - 11
During the development of truck cabins the safety of the driver and the front seat
passenger in an accident is considered. The cab must be designed in such a way
that in an accident a sufficient survival space is guaranteed. The legal
requirements of cabin safety are fixed in Europe in the regulation ECE-R29.
In order to reduce the number of iteration loops during the development process,
a computational simulation method for the load cases roof strength test, front
impact test and rear wall strength test of the ECE-R29 was introduced.
The explicit finite element program LS-DYNA was used for that purpose. The
deformations of the drivers cab and the loads of the individual components within
the elastic and plastic range of the material behaviour can be determined before
the first tests are carried out. These tests can then be limited to a minimum by
the numeric simulation.
In this paper, the application of this numerical method by the example of the new
of ACTROS Megaspace cab is presented and compared to the results from the
acceptance test according to ECE-R29.
1. Introduction
The risk of injury for truck occupants is statistically seen relatively low, compared
with the high road performances. Nevertheless the automobile industry is
endeavored to further increase safety for the occupants. For this purpose specific
design measures are necessary.
In several FAT studies [1,2] the accident details of commercial vehicles were
examined. According to these studies the highest risk exists in frontal collisions,
which lead in approximately three from four accidents to injuries of the truck
occupants. Here seat belts and airbags can protect against injuries and
reinforced cab structures can reduce the risk of getting jammed. In order to
exclude the danger of injury of the occupants to a large extent, the drivers cab
must be dimensioned in such a way that in case of a rear end collision, rolling
over of the vehicle on the side or on the roof, or by load slipping in the case of a
front impact, the strength and stiffness of the cab structure is sufficient enough to
secure the necessary survival space for the occupants.
From investigations of the accident details with commercial motor vehicles
different characteristic test loads were derived, which the drivers cabs must
withstand. The legal requirements of drivers cab safety are fixed in Europe in the
regulation ECE-R29 and in Sweden in the state-specific VVFS 1994:22.
For weight- and cost-optimized dimensioning of truck cabins the numeric finite
element simulation is suited very well already in the design phase. Before a first
test vehicle is built, the behaviour of cabs under most different load conditions
can be examined. Thus the number of tests and possibly necessary cost- and
time-intensive tool changes can be substantially lowered.
In this article a computational simulation method is presented which was
developed by the numerical analysis department commercial vehicles of the
DaimlerChrysler AG to analyse the load cases of the ECE-R29 numerically . The
effectiveness of the method is shown on the basis of a comparison with the
results from the acceptance test according to ECE-R29.
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2. Legal requirements of the ECE-R29 Regulation
The legal requirements of cabin safety are fixed in Europe in the regulation ECE-
R29. As from 1, October 2002 ECER29 approvals can only be granted, when
the requirements as specified by the 02 series of amendments are fullfilled. A
short description of the tests demanded in this regulation and the requirements
for the vehicle for fulfilling these tests is given in this paragraph.
This European regulation ECE-R29 /02 series of amendments contains a three-
part test of the cab:
Front impact test (A)
Roof strength test (B)
Rear wall strength test (C)
Fig 1: Cabin safety tests according to ECE-R29
2.1. Front impact test (A)
The rigid pendulum with a striking surface of 2500 mm x 800 mm and a mass of
1500 kg 250 kg must be so postioned, that in its vertical position the centre of
gravity is 50 +5/-0 mm below the R-Point of the drivers seat. This is different to
the preceding version of this regulation where the vertical position of the centre of
gravity was 150 +5/-0 mm below the R-Point of the drivers seat with a maximum
height above ground of 1400 mm. This change leads to the fact that the
pendulum now impacts the front panel of the cab with most vehicle versions,
while in the preceeding version of ECE-R29 mostly the cab suspension or the
frame front end was impacted. Fig. 2a and 2b show the different pendulum
positions according to ECE-R29, by the example of the ACTROS-Megaspace
cab, which are prescribed after and before 1, October 2002.
The impact energy of the pendulum has to be 30 KJ for vehicles of a permissible
maximum weight up to 7000 kg and 45 kJ for vehicles for which the permissible
maximum weight exceeds this value.
Roof Strength Test (B)
P = max. load front axle
P < 100 kN
P = 2 kN / tload
Front Impact
Test (A)
E = 30 kJ
perm. weight < 7000 kg
E = 45 kJ
perm. weight > 7000 kg
Rear Wall
Strength Test (C)
1500 kg
50 mm
400 mm
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Fig. 2a: Pendulum position according to
Fig. 2b: Pendulim position according to
2.2. Roof strength test (B)
The roof of the cab has to withstand a static load corresponding to the maximum
load authorized for the front axle of the vehicle, subject to a maximum of 10
tonnes. This load is to be distributed uniformly over all the bearing members of
the roof structure by means of a rigid plate. Deformation of the cab suspension
shall be eliminated by means of rigid members.
2.3. Rear wall strength test (C)
The rear wall of the cab must withstand a static load of 2kN per tonne of the
vehicles permissible payload. This load shall be applied by means of a rigid
barrier perpendicular to the longitudinal median axis of the vehicle, covering at
least the whole of the cab rear wall situated above the chassis frame and moving
parallel to that axis.
It is left to the manufacturer whether all three tests A, B and C or only the tests A
and B are carried out. Furthermore the tests can be carried out successively on
the same cabin or in each case with a new cab.
2.4. Requirements
The cab of the vehicle must be so designed and so attached to the vehicle as to
eliminate to the greatest possible extent the risk of injury to the occupants in the
event of an accident.
After undergoing each of the tests referred to above a survival space has to be
present, allowing accomodation of the test dummy defined in ECE-R29 on the
seat in the centre position, without contact between the test dummy and non-
resilient parts. The survival space so defined has to be verified for every seat
provided by the manufacturer.
During the tests the parts with which the cab is fastened to the chassis frame
may deform or break, as long as the cab remains connected with the frame. The
doors may not open during the tests, but the doors shall not be required to be
opened after testing.
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3. Numerical Simulation of the ECE-R29 tests
With the example of the ACTROS Megaspace cab the simulation method used at
the DaimlerChrysler AG is presented.
3.1. Description of the model
3.1.1. Geometry and Boundary constraints
The cab structure, the cab suspension, the tilt cylinders, the steering system, the
instrument panel, the structural frame of the front-end flap, the front part of the
vehicle frame with engine and radiator and the subframe with the chains, usually
used during the testing for clamping the test set-up were meshed with finite
elements (Fig. 3). The overall model consists of 428.000 nodes, 320.000 shell
and 172.000 solid elements.
Fig. 3: FE-Model of the Test Set-Up
The underintegrated Belytchko Tsay shell element (Type 2) was mainly used for
the shell structure. However these elements show a noticable lower bending
stiffness than fully integrated elements, caused by their single integration point.
Underintegrated shell elements are unably to carry in plane bending loads and
can be sensitive to hourglass modes under arbitrary loading. Therefore load-
bearing parts were modelled with the fully integrated shell element (Type 16),
especially when the recommended using of 3 underintegrated elements per side
of any open or closed section [3] could not be used, due to time step reduction.
Additionally 5 integration points through the thickness were selected for all shell
elements in order to guarantee a correct elasto-plastic behaviour for out-of-plane
Solid structures like bearing brackets are meshed with solid elements. If
hexahedrons are mixed with tetrahedrons and pentahedrons under the same part
id, degenerate tetrahedrons and pentahedrons are used. These elements,
especially pentahedrons, sometimes occured to be unstable and led to error
termination of the job, propably caused by an uneven mass distribution in the
element [4]. It was tried to mesh the whole part with eight-node solid hexahedron
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elements, avoiding pentahedrons at all costs. For some solid properties fully
integrated solids (Type 2) had to be used due to hourglass problems.
Some solid components however were taken over from existing FE-models which
were modelled as pure tetrahedron mesh. For these parts the four node
tetrahedron element with one integration point (Type 10) was used.
An AUTOMATIC_SINGLE_SURFACE (Type 13) Contact was used for general
contact conditions. In some regions of the model an AUTOMATIC_GENERAL
Contact (Type 26) had to be introduced to ensure that edge to edge contacts
work properly.
Spotwelds were meshed as element to element connections with beam elements
(Type 9, MAT_SPOTWELD) and are conected to the corresponding shell
3.1.2. Material Model
The isotropic elastic-platic material model
effects were considered by stress versus strain curves for various strain rates,
when available. This material model describes the deformation behaviour
occurring with the safety tests with an appropriate fine mesh density for sheet
metal materials with good accuracy.
This material model was used also for the solid components made of cast
aluminum and grey cast iron. For this component/material combinations no
suitable material models were available in order to better predict cracks, crack
propagation and fracture in the components. Shear failure was considered in the
material models for bolt connections.
3.1.3. Load Conditions
Front Impact Test
The pendulum was idealized as a shell structure, which was set rigid with the
MAT_RIGID card. At the same time only the rotation around the y-axis was set
free. The energy of the pendulum was controlled via the PART_INERTIA card.
The INERTIA Option allows the inertial properties and initial conditions to be
defined rather than calculated from the finite element mesh. This applies to rigid
bodies only. The correct length of the pendulum arms was set via the input of the
centre of gravity for the rigid body in this card.
Roof and Rear Wall Strength Test
The plate which applies the roof load and/or rear wall load to the structure was
also meshed as a rigid shell structure.
The roof crush test was carried out at very low speed and should be regarded as
a quasistatic test. In terms of the analysis this means ignoring strain rate effects
and applyinig the fixed velocity to the ram plate at sufficient low velocity not to
induce dynamic effects. Several analyses showed that by applying the load with
a velocity of 1 m/s, a very good agreement with the appropriate test results is
achieved. The BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_MOTION_RIGID card was used for
this purpose. The cabs roof/rear wall load was output by using a
CONTACT_FORCE_TRANSDUCER_PENALTY (Type 25) contact in the rcforc
file. Modelling with these specifications achieved a workable compromise
between accurate deformations and CPU time.
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3.2. Results of the Numerical Simulation
3.2.1. Front Impact Test
Fig. 4: Position of pendulum in FE-model
Due to the change for the pendulum
position in the 02 series of
amendments of the ECE-R29 the
centre of gravity of the pendulum is
now, as in paragraph 2 already
mentioned, 50 mm below the R-
point of the driver's seat in centre
position. With this arrangement the
pendulum impacts with most vehicle
versions the front wall and the front
wall crossbar above the front cab
To verify the influence of this
change of the pendulum level on the
survival space, the front impact test
was numerically simulated in a first
analysis without any changes made
to the cab.
It was shown that the survival space for the driver was not sufficient. The
pendulum first strikes the hand grips and windshield wiper axles of the vehicle,
over which the energy of the pendulum is applied into the upper part of the front
wall. This causes a tilting of the front wall around the y-axis. As the steering unit
is fastened to the front panel, a strong lowering of the steering wheel rim towards
the driver's seat was caused. This resulted in the steering wheel rim contacting
with the drivers seat. Thus the dummy could not be inserted anymore.
An effective solution had to be found, in order to ensure the survival space for the
For the harmonization of the deformations within the front panel area, the
corresponding contact zones and stiffness distribution were optimized in such a
way that the front panel was now pushed inward relatively parallel and thus
strong tilting of the steering wheel was prevented. This was caused by the fact
that the pendulum hits the stiffness and strength optimized front panel briefly
after the contact with hand grips and wiper axles.
Fig. 5: Front Panel and Pedal box before and after Optimization
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Figures 6a and 6b show the effect of the new versus the old pedal box during the
simulation process.
Fig. 6a: Deformation Sequence with Original
Pedal Box
Fig. 6b: Deformation Sequence after
Integration Of the Stiffness
Optimized Front Panel
0 ms
5 ms
10 ms
20 ms
30 ms
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Figure 7 shows the deformed
structure of the front end area of the
cab after the pendulum impact. One
can recognize the hand grips and the
structural frame of the front-end flap
distorted strongly by the impact of the
pendulum. Also the front wall which
was moved parallel to the rear by the
effect of the optimized front panel
and pedal box and thus the reduction
of the tilting of the steering column
towards the drivers's seat can be
seen. Apart from the movement of
the steering column the pedal
intrusion was also considered. Both
remained small enough and so the
survival space for the driver remained
sufficient (fig. 8). A good matching for
the remaining survival space of the
driver between analysis and
acceptance test results was seen.
The rear bolted connection of the adapter console with the frame fails as desired
(fig.9). All other bolted connections of the cab suspension and the tilting cylinder
remain however intact, thus the cab remains connected with the chassis frame.
The bolt connections of the cab suspension with the frame are however highly
loaded. In order to guarantee that these bolt connections do not fail in any case,
these were overdimensioned. In order to make more exact predictions, the
influence of the pre-load should be considered in future analyses.
The stresses and strains for the components of the front and rear cab suspension
as well as the tilting cylinders coming out from the pendulum impact did not result
in exceeding of the permissible limit values.
Fig. 8: Survival Space Resulting from Numerical Simulation
Fig. 7 : Deformed Structure after Pendulum
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Fig. 9: Comparison of Bolt Failiure Resulting from Numerical Simulation and Acceptance Test
Fig. 10: Strain Distribution in Optimized Pedal
The pedal box this is highly loaded as a
result of the impact of the pendulum on
the domes. For this reason the material
of the pedal box was changed from
from EN ACAlSi8Cu3 to
Magsimal 59 (GD-AlMg5Si2Mn). This
alloy was developed for innovative
constructions of safety components
using pressure casting.
In several steps the ripping of the pedal
box was optimized. This optimized
pedal box made of Magsimal 59 has an
acceptable stress and strain behaviour
(fig. 10).
3.2.2. Roof Strength Test
The maximally permissible front axle load for the ACTROS with megaspace cab
amounts to 9 tons. This corresponds to a roof load of 88.29 KN, which has to be
reached in the acceptance test. As in the test, the rear shock absorbers in the
computational model were replaced by rigid components.
The test load causes the roof panel to intrude into the cab in the roof lid area.
The backside of the roof and the lateral roof panels showed buckling. A roof load
of 90 kN could be achieved together with the sufficient survival space required by
the ECE-R29 (fig. 11, 12). Deformations resulting from the computational results
matched very well with the deformations seen in the acceptance test after ECE-
R29 (fig. 13).
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Fig. 11: Roof Load Curve Resulting from Numerical Simulation
Fig. 12: Deformation of Roof Structure Resulting from Numerical Simulation
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Fig. 13: Comparison of Roof Deformation Resulting from Numerical Simulation and
Acceptance Test
3.2.3. Rear Wall Strength Test
A load of 66.4 kN coressponding to a maximum payload of 33 tons has to be
applied for the rear wall strength test. This rear wall load could be achieved
together with sufficient survival space for all occupants required by the ECE-R29.
The load curve shown in fig. 14 still contains the movements of the cab in the cab
suspension as well as elastic deformations of the cab. Again a good matching
between numerical and test results was seen.
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Fig. 14: Rear Wall Load Curve Resulting from Numerical Simulation
4. Summary and Outlook
With the numerical method presented in this paper and the FE model coordinated
with it, it is possible to compute safety tests according to ECE-R29 with sufficient
accuracy. This was shown with the example of the new of ACTROS megaspace
Within a short time by means of the numeric simulation a solution was found for
fullfilling the requirements of the front impact test, which was critical due to the
change of the pendulum level according to ECE-R29 series 02 of ammendments.
With the numerical simulation of the safety tests the number of development
loops could be reduced leading to a reduction of tests for different design
variants. Thus development time can be substantially shortened.
To further improve this numerical method the following steps are planned:
Using LS-DYNA Implicit for the quasi-static load cases roof load and rear wall
load to realize a possible reduction of computing time and costs.
Development of a suitable material model for the solid parts made of grey
cast iron and cast aluminum to better predict damages such as incipient
cracks, crack propagation or fracture.
Introduction of a model to consider the influence of the pre-load in critical bolt
connections. First promising investigations to this topic were accomplished
in co-operation with DYNAMORE.
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[1] Langwieder K.: Retrospektive Untersuchung ber die innere Sicherheit von
Lkw-Fahrerhusern, FAT-Schriftenreihe Nr. 75, Frankfurt 1988
[2] Grandel J., Niewhner W.; Untersuchungen zur inneren Sicherheit von
Lkw-Fahrerhusern, FAT-Schriftenreihe Nr. 115, Frankfurt 1994
[3] Paul du Bois: Crashworthiness Engineering with LS-DYNA, 2000
[4] LS-DYNA, Keyword Users Manual Volume 1, Version 960
Livermore Software Technology Corporation, March 2001
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