Lightweight Optimization of Bus Frame Structure Considering Rollover Safety

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The Sustainable City VII, Vol.

2 1185

Lightweight optimization of bus frame

structure considering rollover safety
C. C. Liang & G. N. Le
Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering,
Da-Yeh University, Taiwan, ROC

The transit bus is an important part of public transportation, while in a bus
rollover accident the deforming superstructure seriously threatens the lives of the
passengers and the crew in the bus. Thus, bus rollover safety and how to design a
bus superstructure with a good stiffness of vehicle frame is an important task for
bus manufacturers. The legislation regulation number 66 of the Economic
Commission for Europe (ECE R66) of bus rollover protection has been enforced
for bus rollover protection.
Strengthening the bus frame to maintain survivor space and reduce occupant
injury is necessary following the issue of ECE R66, whilst lightweight structures
in bus body design have also been highlighted. Therefore, this study presents a
lightweight optimization considering the bus rollover crashworthiness design. In
this study, the side wall section, and the roof section of bus frame are analyzed
based on energy absorption ability in order to specify the design variables. With
the aim of improving both the deformation of the bus frame versus the vehicle’s
survivor space and the body skeleton density of the vehicle structure,
optimization is performed by LS-OPT with the successive respond surface
method (SRSM), where LS-DYNA is used as the FE solver. An optimal vehicle
model was obtained with a lightweight structure and crashworthiness following
ECE R66.
The findings could be used by automobile manufacturers in a new design of
bus superstructure, incorporating the rollover safety legislation and lightweight
Keywords: bus rollover, superstructure, ECE R66, energy absorption, LS-DYNA,
optimization, lightweight, LS-OPT.

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1186 The Sustainable City VII, Vol. 2

1 Introduction
Today, transit buses are an integral part of each nation’s transportation system.
Although buses are one of the safest means of transportation, occupant injuries
and fatalities in bus crashes do occur. Many heart-breaking bus accidents
happen. In Europe, bus and coach manufacturers also are focusing more on
passenger safety in case of catastrophic rollover accidents. Spanish data from
1995 to 1999 showed a rollover frequency of 4 percent of all coach accidents on
roads and highways, and the risk for fatalities in a rollover was five times higher
than in any other type of coach accident [1]. Another statistic of Fatality
Analysis Reporting System (FARS) also showed that rollover occurs less
frequently than all other types of automotive accidents, but the probability of
fatalities and severe injuries is more in rollover type accidents.
Thus, rollover strength has become an important issue for bus and coach
manufacturers. For this problem, Europe has enforced bus rollover safety
regulation and standard to prevent catastrophic rollover accidents. Economic
Commission for Europe had enforced Regulation No.66 (ECE R66) for the Bus
Strength of Superstructure since 1987 in order to provide protection to the bus
and coach occupants during rollover accidents through the maintenance of a
survival space [2, 3].
In this research, a complete study based on optimal design of bus frame
structure considering the rollover strength has been carried out. In which aspect
of bus rollover safety standard will be also included. A complete procedure
lightweight and safety design of bus frame considering rollover strength has been
executed in this paper. The ability of energy absorption not only concern on the
highest energy absorption region that also concern on lowest energy absorption
region. It is believed that this research project will provide a profound
understanding of lightweight and safety design of the bus frame structure
considering rollover strength.

2 LS-DYNA introduction
LS-DYNA was developed by LSTC (Livermore Software Technology
Cooperation). It is a multifunctional applicable explicit and implicit Finite-
Element program to simulate and analyze highly nonlinear physical phenomena
obtained in real world problems. Usually such phenomena manifest large
deformations within short time durations, e.g. crashworthiness simulations. The
significant features of LS-DYNA are the fully automatic definitions of contact
areas, the large library of constitutive models, the large library of element types
and the special implementations for the automobile industry [4, 5].
This study uses the FE software to carry out the bus rollover and the bus roof
compressing simulation. The behavior of the bus rollover simulation belongs to
the area of transient, dynamic, nonlinear, large deformed problems. And the bus
roof compressing simulation belongs to the area of transient, quasi-static,
nonlinear, large deformed problems. The Finite Element Analysis code, LS-

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The Sustainable City VII, Vol. 2 1187

DYNA, is a favorite tool for both of these two problems which often include
contact and impact. The main solution is based on explicit time integration.

3 Numerical analysis procedures for bus rollover protection

3.1 ECE R 66 numerical procedure

Computer simulation of a rollover test on a complete vehicle is an equivalent

approval method, and is becoming an irreplaceable mathematical tool in the
vehicle design and development process. It allows manufacturers to test designs
and safety features virtually in the crash scenario until they obtain the safest and
optimum design, thus saving time and money in developing costly prototypes.
The analysis processes are as follows:
(1). Build the testing model from a full scale bus model and tilting platform
(2). Based on the testing conditions the material card, boundary condition
card, and contact card are set up and applicable load is applied to this
testing model.
(3). Determine the already tilting angle to reduce computing time.
(4). Use LS-DYNA 971 software to carry out the simulation of a rollover
accident of this testing model.
(5). Evaluate the status of testing model after completion of the test and
obtain simulation results.
The testing model is established by full scale bus model as in Fig. 1 and
tilting platform model as in Fig. 2.

Figure 1: Full-scale FE bus Figure 2: Tilting platform model.

3.2 Computational models

This FE vehicle model used for simulation is based on a full scale bus model
developed at Da-Yeh University, Taiwan for rollover crashworthiness
investigation and evaluation of reinforcement structures [6-8]. It includes 68132
elements. These consist of 67084 quadrilateral elements, 914 triangular
elements, 35 hexagons and 99 mass elements. All deformable parts are modeled

WIT Transactions on Ecology and The Environment, Vol 155, © 2012 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3541 (on-line)
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with the 4-noded Belytschko-Tsay shell elements with three integration points
through the shell thickness.
The CG (Center of Gravity) of the vehicle was measured using a test platform
at the ARTC (Automotive Research & Testing Center, Taiwan, R.O.C). The
measured values were in good agreement with the ones coming from the FEA
model. To exactly match the measures and calculated CG, the CG of engine,
gearbox and the axles were fine tuned in the FEA model. The unloaded vehicle
weight is 7716.47 kg (7.71647 ton), and its capacity is 49 passengers. The
vehicle size and its position of CG are shown in Fig. 1.
The FE modeling is done by the FEMB (pre-processing finite element model
builder) of LS-DYNA, and calculations were made by means of a non-linear,
explicit, 3-D, dynamic FE computer code LS-DYNA.

3.3 Survivor space definition of a bus

For estimation of ECE R66 requirements, the survivor space was specified in the
FEMB in line with the statement in the ECE R66. Throughout the whole vehicle,
the SR points are located on the seat-back of each outer forward or rearward
facing seat, 500 [mm] above the floor under the seat, and 150 [mm] from the
inside surfaces of the side walls of the vehicle. The model of the survivor space
consists of a rigid shell frame in each section along the vehicle interior (Fig. 3),
rigidly mounted in the stiff region under the floor. There is no stiff connection
between these rigid shell frames because these shell elements are modeled with
“NUL_MATERIAL” for visualization only.

Figure 3: The residual space of a bus [3].

4 Lightweight optimization considering rollover safety

Significant efforts have been made by automotive manufacture to meet the
increasing need to reduce production costs and improve fuel efficiency. Weight
reduction of vehicle body structures is pursued as one of the solution to meet the
requirements, and the lightweight design of vehicle body structures has become
an important issue for this purpose. In order to achieve a significant reduction in
vehicle weight, two aspects need to be considered:

WIT Transactions on Ecology and The Environment, Vol 155, © 2012 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3541 (on-line)
The Sustainable City VII, Vol. 2 1189

 The application of alternative lighter materials such as aluminum and

composites replacing conventional steels.
 A reduction in the number and weight of parts in the whole body
structure without replacing steel.
The investigation in this part of the study concerned with the latter, which not
only reduces the production cost reasonably but also avoids extra tooling
investments due to the replacement of material and the corresponding changes in
joining technology.
4.1 Lightweight and safety optimization of bus superstructure
4.1.1 The optimization problem
The strengthening of the bus superstructure with the effective use of material,
especially for a welded structure, where all the parts have same material, needs
to be optimally analyzed. In this study, the thicknesses of the component parts of
the roof section and the side wall section were used as design variables because
of their sensitivity to absorbed energy of the whole bus. The thicknesses of these
fifty component parts were changed to evaluate the side wall displacement in line
with ECE R66. The side wall displacements at concerned points, as shown in
Fig. 4, are constraint functions, and the weight of the vehicle is the objective
function. The optimization problem can be formulated as:
Minimize : F(xi) = W0 + Wi * ti , (i = 1, 2, …, 50).
Subject to : y1k(ti, t) – 150 ≤ 0, k = 1, 2, …, 8.
y2k(ti, t) – 400 ≤ 0, k = 1, 2, …, 8.
ti : the vector of design variables including thicknesses of
the roof section and the side wall section component
t : simulation time of the rollover event.
W0 : the unvarying weight of vehicle while considering
design variables.
Wi : the weight constant of each considered parts.
y1k, y2k : constraint functions of the side wall displacements for
upper and lower positions versus to survivor space at
concerned points, as shown in Fig. 4.

Figure 4: Concerned points on the bus frame for ECE R66 test.

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4.1.2 Design variables

Fifty variables problem is very expensive. In this paper, therefore, the
optimization problem was simplified by considering the correlation of the design
variables with energy absorption. The members of the roof and the side wall
sections are shown in Fig. 5. Based on the map of von Mises stress of bus frame
under rollover condition (Fig. 6), fifty design variables could be considered in
six groups: group 1, lateral bars of the roof section; group 2, longitudinal bars of
the roof section; group 3, cantrail and longitudinal of waist-truss; group 4, the
window pillars; group 5, the side wall truss; group 6, under floor frame.

Figure 5: Roof section and side wall section components considered for
changing thickness.

Figure 6: Von Mises stress of bus frame under rollover condition.

In each group, the correlation among group members was considered on the
basis of the reorganization of the energy absorption ability of each member so
that all group members, after reorganization, would be able to achieve the same
average of energy absorption ability. With the review of geometric configuration
and characteristics of the shell element displayed in (Fig. 7), the methodology of
the reorganization of energy absorption ability, and the way to parameterize to
obtain design variable for the relevant groups were summarized in Table 1.

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Figure 7: Geometry configuration of window pillars and side wall pillars.

Table 1: Reorganization of energy absorption ability and specification of

design variable.

With x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6 as design variables for the group 1 (i = 1~8),
group 2 (i = 9~11), group 3 (i = 12~15), group 4 (i = 16~22), group 5 (i =
23~40), group 6 (i = 41~50). The fifty variables problem is, therefore, made
simple and is now a six variables optimization problem, formulated as:
Minimize : F(x) = W0 + W1 × x1 + W2 × x2 + W3 × x3 + W4 ×
x4 + W5 × x5 + W6 × x6
Subject to : y1k(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, t) – 150 ≤ 0, k = 1, 2, …, 8.
y2k(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, t) – 400 ≤ 0, k = 1, 2, …, 8.
x1~x6 : the design variables for the concerned groups.
t : simulation time of the rollover event.
W0 : the unvarying weight of the vehicle while considering
the design parts.
W1~W6 the weight constants with respect to the concerned groups.
y1k, y2k : constraint functions of the side wall displacements for
upper and lower areas versus survivor space at concerned
points, as shown in Fig. 4.
A solution was reached by use of the LS-OPT and LS-DYNA combination
for optimization analysis; the optimization method is SRSM.

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1192 The Sustainable City VII, Vol. 2

4.1.3 Optimization process

The optimization process of LS-OPT is shown in Fig. 8. Preparation of inputs
included design variables, range of design variables, FE solver, parameterized
FE file as well as sampling type of design of experiment (DOE), constraint and
objective functions, etc. for generating the inputs of simulation jobs
automatically inside the optimization process. All of them were managed by the
LS-OPT main menu. Program files for automatic execution included COM,
LSOPT_INPUT and LSOPT_DB files that are automatically generated for
standard input of LS-OPT processing from preparation data. The output of the
optimization process was a LSOPT_REPORT file. Other ways of output can be
displayed in the viewer tab of LS-OPT’s main menu.

Figure 8: LS-OPT optimization process.

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4.1.4 Verification of design

Fig. 9 displays the optimization history of the objective. Optimal value obtained
after the thirteen iterations at 7598.8 [Kg] of vehicle weight. Fig. 10 is the
maximum constraint violation history, and showed that the obtained design
satisfied the ECE R66 requirements because upper and lower displacements of
side wall did not intrude into survivor space during the rollover at iteration
number 2, 6, 10, 13. Table 2 displays the optimized values of design parameters.
The results of the ECE R66 evaluation were the upper displacement
maximum of 399.97 [mm] and the lower displacement maximum of 115.92
[mm]. Compared with the values of the original model (upper displacement
maximum of 658.74 [mm], lower displacement maximum of 265.97 [mm]) there
was an improvement of 56.42 % for lower displacement and 39.28 % for upper
displacement of bus frame structure with 1.53% reduction in the vehicle weight,
and a 28 mm decrease in the height of CG.

Figure 9: Optimization history of objective.

Figure 10: Maximum constraint violation history.

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Table 2: Optimized value of design variables.

Design variable Lower bound Optimized value Upper bound

x1 1.5 2.0540 3
x2 0.5 0.8659 3
x3 0.5 2.2150 3
x4 0.5 2.8420 3
x5 0.5 1.8390 3
x6 0.5 0.6389 3

4.2 Summary

Lightweight and rollover safety optimization, the solution was performed by LS-
OPT. For design variables, the roof and the side wall sections were together
investigated and multi design variables problem was simplified by the absorbed
energy relevant as shown in Table 1.
The findings of the optimal design of bus superstructure were a set of optimal
thickness of the structural component of the roof section and side wall section
with the design variables, as shown in Table 2 for a bus prototype satisfied the
ECE R66. The different thickness of structural components implies that the
optimal design of bus frame is not only relevant to the weakest body section
because the ability of the energy absorption is different in each component.
The body skeleton density K is defined as K = W/L, where W is the body
structure mass (kg) and L is the body length (m). Generally, the K lies in the
range 110-170 kg/m [9]. Table 3 shows some improvement in lightweight
design. Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 display the maximum displacements of the bus
superstructure for the optimization and the original in rollover condition
following ECE R66. The findings presented a significant reduction in distortion
configuration of bus body (56.42 % for lower displacement and 39.28 % for
upper displacement of bus frame structure) and 1.53% reduction in the vehicle
weight. This is consistent with earlier findings suggesting that the SRSM is
strong and effective optimization analysis method, and is used for optimal design
of structure, especially complex one like bus superstructure.

Table 3: Skeleton factor and height of CG of considering vehicle models.

Body Skeleton factor,

Height of
Length, structure K (kg/m)
Vehicle model CG,
L (m) mass, W 110<K<170;
(kg) Average, K=139 [33]
Original 12.6 1602.31 127.17 1.080
Optimal strengthening 12.6 1739.52 138.06 1.097
(one variable optimization)
Optimal strengthening 12.6 1725.82 136.97 1.091
(two variables optimization)
Lightweight and safety 12.6 1484.62 117.82 1.052

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The Sustainable City VII, Vol. 2 1195

Figure 11: Upper displacement of bus frame: optimization vs. original.

Figure 12: Lower displacement of bus frame: optimization vs. original.

5 Conclusions and further study

This study was performed to determine the best design of the bus frame while
optimal strengthening of bus superstructure as well as lightweight and safety
optimization in rollover conditions. In the light of the numerical investigation
presented in this paper, the basis of analytical study and results achieved,
following recommendations can be stated:
(1). The approach outlined in this study should be replicated with varying
test conditions, such as orientation angles of ditch height in ECE R66, to
get more insights of those tests.
(2). The bus frame structure may be proposed following rollover energy that
the side wall section components including window pillars and side wall
pillars, and roof section should be organized following energy
absorption ability in equality.
(3). Some targets and measures are proposed that may provide designers
with relevant structural parameters and methodology to improve

WIT Transactions on Ecology and The Environment, Vol 155, © 2012 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3541 (on-line)
1196 The Sustainable City VII, Vol. 2

rollover safety and lightweight design and reduce design lead time for a
new product.
(4). Bus rollover crashworthiness design procedure followed ECE R66 in
optimization manner should be used for a new proposed vehicle with
the methodology guidelines presented in this study for optimal
strengthening as well as reducing the vehicle weight of a bus vehicle
that meets required safety standards.

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[3] JASIC, (2006). ECE Regulation No.66 01 - Strength of Superstructure,
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[4] J.O. Hallquist, (2006). LS-DYNA Theoretical Manual, Livermore Software
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[6] X.-T. Chiu, (2007). The design and Evaluation of Reinforcement Structure
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[8] R.-H. Chang, (2006). A Study on Increasing Structural Strength of Bus,
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WIT Transactions on Ecology and The Environment, Vol 155, © 2012 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3541 (on-line)

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