Audit Report Korangi Factory (07th June 2021)

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Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

In process (action has

01 Immediate fixture of broken Tile / floor been taken)
Broken tiles observed in Dispatch & Receiving need to be paved / fixed on priority to keep
Area. food manufacturing operations smooth with
rational food safety approach

02 Diesel storage area is identified but containers All kinds of unidentified commodity weather
Dispatch & Receiving Area containing diesel found without tagging for product, ingredient, or its container, or any
identification. utensils and / or equipment should be
identified with its dedicated purpose only to
avoid any occurrence of cross

Wall cracks observed near entrance to store All gaps including, holes, cracks and crevices
corridor area. need to be fixed on priority to avoid pest
entrance, dust accumulation and pest

7UP bottle is being used for drinking water in A dedicated / identified glass / bottle should
store corridor area. be in use for drinking water bottle
throughout the facility to avoid any cross
contamination chances.

Store Corridor Area Quotations have been

( Chicken & Vegetable taken (in process)
02 Alive cockroach observed in store corridor area A comprehensive IPM system needs to be
near underground tank and washing area for introduced in the facility to eliminate pest r
chicken & vegetables. elated issues
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

Quotations have been

03 A comprehensive IPM system needs to be taken (in process)
Alive lizard observed near goods storage area. introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
related issues

Action has been taken

04 Washing & Receiving Area ) Package integrity should consider on a top
Damaged sacs observed for potatoes received priority since any dis integrity may lead to
and stored in store corridor. product cross contamination issues and may
have adverse effect on product shelf life.
All products package integrity should be
evaluated on frequent basis to avoid such

Pallets containing potato sac found dirty from Adequate deep cleaning in hard to excess
underside area with debris and dirt evidence. areas on planned intervals to avoid such

In process
06 More than 500 Lugs are recommended in
Low light lugs observed in corridor storage area. food operations to execute operational
practices smoothly.

Pallets kept stacked on side found dust A prompt cleaning with proper surveillance
07 accumulated along with cob web presence in to be carried out to avoid such
store corridor area. circumstances.

Action has been taken

08 Rodents droppings observed inside pallet A comprehensive IPM system needs to be
containing onion sacs. introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
related issues
Store Corridor Area
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

In process

09 ( Chicken & Vegetable Corridor storage area overhead structure found All areas with obstacles and / or hard to
Washing & Receiving Area ) uncovered and contain scrap that has high access area with respect to cleaning should
potential for pest harborage. be identified and cleared on frequent
interval to avoid any pest harborage or
need to be maintained cleaned and fixed
with respect to structural gaps.

01 Package integrity should consider on a top
Inadequate / damaged seal observed in “ Dakni priority since any dis integrity may lead to
Mirch Powder “ with date of Manufacturing 23rd product cross contamination issues and may
Feb 2021 & Expiry instruction use within 01 year have adverse effect on product shelf life.
02 Main Store Proper MRD including information such as
“Cinnamon Masala “ found without MRD in date of receiving, date of production and
Masala Store. expiry date / limit should be in place on all
commodities to make assure operational
functions such FIFO/FEFO & traceability
norms are carried out adequately.

03 MS Trolly / rack found with flaking paint in Main

Proper MRD including information such as Done

Icing sugar bags found without identification & date of receiving, date of production and
01 MRD in pre-Mix Dept. expiry date / limit should be in place on all
Pre-Mix Dept. commodities to make assure operational
functions such FIFO/FEFO & traceability
norms are carried out adequately.
All kinds of unidentified commodity weather
product, ingredient, or its container, or any
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

utensils and / or equipment should be

identified with its dedicated purpose only to
avoid any occurrence of cross


02 Expired Product “ Pre Mix Breading Mix “ found Strict FIFO follow ups to be carried out with
with date of production “ 2nd Feb 2021 with strong “ Good Storage Practices & Protocols
expiry instruction use within 03 days in Pre-Mix to avoid such happenings

Expired Product “ Pre Mix Breading Mix “ found Strict FIFO follow ups to be carried out with
03 with date of production “ 2nd Feb 2021 with strong “ Good Storage Practices & Protocols
expiry instruction use within 03 days in Pre-Mix to avoid such happenings

Expired Product “ Malli Pre Mix “ found with date Strict FIFO follow ups to be carried out with
04 of production “ 25th Jan 2021 with expiry strong “ Good Storage Practices & Protocols
instruction use within 03 days in Pre-Mix Area. to avoid such happenings

Expired Product “ Pre Mix Cake Rudk ( Local ) “ Strict FIFO follow ups to be carried out with
05 found with date of production “ 2nd Feb 2021 strong “ Good Storage Practices & Protocols
with expiry instruction use within 03 days in Pre- to avoid such happenings
Mix Area.

06 No MRD is available for an unidentified pouch in Proper MRD including information such as
premix dept. date of receiving, date of production and
expiry date / limit should be in place on all
Pre-Mix Dept. commodities to make assure operational
functions such FIFO/FEFO & traceability
norms are carried out adequately.
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

Expired Product “Pre Mix Zeera Khaari “found Strict FIFO follow ups to be carried out with
07 with date of production “25th Jan 2021 with strong “ Good Storage Practices & Protocols
expiry instruction use within 03 days in Pre-Mix to avoid such happenings

Expired Product “Pre Mix FERRERO Sponge “ Strict FIFO follow ups to be carried out with
08 found with date of production “2nd Feb 2021 strong “ Good Storage Practices & Protocols
with expiry instruction use within 03 days in Pre- to avoid such happenings
Mix Area.

09 Expired Product “Pre Mix Sugar Free Cupcake “ Strict FIFO follow ups to be carried out with
found with date of production “ 2nd Feb 2021 strong “ Good Storage Practices & Protocols
with expiry instruction use within 03 days in Pre- to avoid such happenings
Mix Area.

10 Proper MRD including information such as
Unidentified aluminum pouch with no MRD in date of receiving, date of production and
premix dept. expiry date / limit should be in place on all
commodities to make assure operational
functions such FIFO/FEFO & traceability
norms are carried out adequately.

Expired Product “ Pre Mix Jam Phool Biscuit “ Strict FIFO follow ups to be carried out with
11 found with date of production “ 25th Jan 2021 strong “ Good Storage Practices & Protocols
with expiry instruction use within 03 days in Pre- to avoid such happenings
Mix Area.

Expired Product “ Pre Mix Sub Bread “ found with Strict FIFO follow ups to be carried out with
12 Pre-Mix Dept. date of production “ 2nd Feb 2021 with expiry strong “ Good Storage Practices & Protocols
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

instruction use within 03 days in Pre-Mix Area. to avoid such happenings

Expired Product “ Pre Mix Baqar Khaani “ found Strict FIFO follow ups to be carried out with
13 with date of production “ 25th Jan 2021 with strong “ Good Storage Practices & Protocols
expiry instruction use within 03 days in Pre-Mix to avoid such happenings

Expired Product “ Pre Mix Sugar Free Pound Strict FIFO follow ups to be carried out with
14 Cake“ found with date of production “ 2nd Feb strong “ Good Storage Practices & Protocols
2021 with expiry instruction use within 03 days in to avoid such happenings
Pre-Mix Area.

Expired Product “ Pre Mix Breading Mix “ Vanila Strict FIFO follow ups to be carried out with
15 Cup Cake“ 3rd Feb 2021 with expiry instruction strong “ Good Storage Practices & Protocols
use within 03 days in Pre-Mix Area. to avoid such happenings

Expired Product “ Pre Mix Sugar Free Cup Cake “ Strict FIFO follow ups to be carried out with
16 found with date of production “ 3rd Feb 2021 strong “ Good Storage Practices & Protocols
with expiry instruction use within 03 days in Pre- to avoid such happenings
Mix Area.

Expired Product “ Pre Mix Coffee cup cake “ Strict FIFO follow ups to be carried out with
17 found with date of production “ 3rd Feb 2021 strong “ Good Storage Practices & Protocols
with expiry instruction use within 03 days in Pre- to avoid such happenings
Mix Area.

Expired Product “Sugar free Bread “found with Strict FIFO follow ups to be carried out with
18 date of production “ 2nd Feb 2021 with expiry strong “ Good Storage Practices & Protocols
Pre-Mix Dept. instruction use within 03 days in Pre-Mix Area. to avoid such happenings
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

Expired Product “ Pre Mix Brownie “ found with Strict FIFO follow ups to be carried out with
19 date of production “ 2nd Feb 2021 with expiry strong “ Good Storage Practices & Protocols
instruction use within 03 days in Pre-Mix Area. to avoid such happenings

Expired Product “Pre Mix Bran Bread “ found Strict FIFO follow ups to be carried out with
20 with date of production “ 2nd Feb 2021 with strong “ Good Storage Practices & Protocols
expiry instruction use within 03 days in Pre-Mix to avoid such happenings

Expired Product “Pre Mix Naan Khatai “ found Strict FIFO follow ups to be carried out with
21 with date of production “ 2nd Feb 2021 with strong “ Good Storage Practices & Protocols
expiry instruction use within 03 days in Pre-Mix to avoid such happenings

22 03 expired bottles found containing “Propylene Strict FIFO follow ups to be carried out with
Glycol “ with date of Production 23rd July 2019 & strong “ Good Storage Practices & Protocols
expiry 23rd July 2020. In pre-Mix Area. to avoid such happenings

23 Proper MRD including information such as
A shopper found containing “Choker “inside with date of receiving, date of production and
no identification and MRD in premix area. expiry date / limit should be in place on all
commodities to make assure operational
functions such FIFO/FEFO & traceability
norms are carried out adequately.

24 Personals found wearing domestic slippers that All food handlers must wear proper covered
Pre-Mix Dept. are partially exposed. shoes to avoid cross contamination chances.

Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

25 Ingredient “ Maltitol powder” found with date of Raw materials technical shelf life limit may
production 27th Sept 2020 and expiry 26th Sept need to be revised for commodities that are
2023 in Lumps form in pre-mix section since critically sensitive to storage conditions
storage condition recommendation indicates “ challenges.
keep the container tightly closed in a dry and well
ventilated indoor area, away from light or heat or
moisture since there is no temperature and / or
humidity monitoring device is available in “
Mixing Room “.

26 Under pallets area found containing dust looms Adequate deep cleaning in hard to excess
along with cob webs in pre-mix room. areas on planned intervals to avoid such

Action taken
27 Alive cockroach found in Pre-mix room. A comprehensive IPM system needs to be
Pre-Mix Dept. introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
related issues.

28 All machineries need to adequate /
Flour Mixer top cover found missing in pre-mix sufficient with respect to safe food
section. operations all the time. All food safety
maintenance work needs to be carried out
on top priority.

29 Wooden pallet or board found being used as “Slip Since wooden material is not recommended
Sheet” for storing “Maida” and flour in premix in food operations as it creats opportunity
area. with respect to pest harborage and other
critical food safety concerns that may lead
to severe cross contamination.

Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

Store Corridor
01 (Chemical storage area, Freezers underside area found heavily Adequate deep cleaning in hard to excess
Pickles Storage Area, accumulated with dirt and dust in store corridor areas on planned intervals to avoid such
Quarantine & Freezers freezer section. happenings
02 In process
Low light lugs observed in store corridor area. More than 500 Lugs are recommended in
food operations to execute operational
practices smoothly.

03 Done
Store Corridor Underside racks area found containing dirt and Adequate deep cleaning in hard to excess
(Chemical storage area, debris in multiple racks such as racks in “ areas on planned intervals to avoid such
Pickles Storage Area, Quarantine Area, “ Chemical Area “ etc. happenings
Quarantine & Freezers
04 Dept.) Action taken
Rodents droppings evidences observed under A comprehensive IPM system needs to be
rack containing “Chemicals “in store corridor. introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
related issues

05 Done
A chemical “ Hand Foam Sanitizer “ found with All nonfood chemicals need to be kept in
dirty appearance along with eating evidences control area with limited access to avoid
such as a piece of biscuit found along with it in cross contamination.
chemical rack that has potential for pest
harborage in store corridor area.

06 Done
Eating evidence such as Paan Supari wrappers Eating practices should be only allowed in
found fixed in racks corner in chemical storage designated areas only such as canteen area.
area in store corridor.

01 done
Unidentified product seems to be “ Shaami Kabab All kinds of unidentified commodity weather
Frozen Packing Dept. “ found without any MRD in frozen Packing dept. product, ingredient, or its container, or any
utensils and / or equipment should be
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

identified with its dedicated purpose only to

avoid any occurrence of cross
contamination furthermore Proper MRD
including information such as date of
receiving, date of production and expiry
date / limit should be in place on all
commodities to make assure operational
functions such FIFO/FEFO & traceability
norms are carried out adequately

02 Wrong MRD and identification placement Proper MRD including information such as
observed on product date of receiving, date of production and
“ Cheese roll ” which has an MRD & identification expiry date / limit should be in place on all
of “ Sweet Corn Frozen” with only date of commodities to make assure operational
production mentioned on it as 23rd May 2021. No functions such FIFO/FEFO & traceability
expiry date is mentioned on it. norms are carried out adequately
Frozen Packing Dept.
03 Dirty plastic trays found in freezers in frozen A prompt cleaning with proper surveillance
packing area. to be carried out to avoid such

Done (picture attached

04 All product , raw material, packaging for reference)
Samosa trays found uncovered kept in freezer material, semi finished, product contact
furthermore it was observed that water droplets surface equipment are supposed to be kept
are dropping on product due to temperature covered properly to avoid cross
difference on every time a freezer is opened. contamination as Package integrity should
considered on a top priority since any dis
integrity may lead to product cross
contamination issues and may have adverse
effect on product shelf life.
All products package integrity should be
evaluated on frequent basis to avoid such
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

An unidentified container found being used for All kinds of unidentified commodity weather Done
05 drinking water storage purpose found in freezer product, ingredient, or its container, or any
in frozen packing dept. utensils and / or equipment should be
identified with its dedicated purpose only to
avoid any occurrence of cross

06 Flaking paint observed in frozen packing room. All flaking and sprouting paints issues need
to be fixed on priority to avoid any physical
Frozen Packing Dept. and / or chemical contamination chances

07 An unidentified SS drum found being used for All kinds of unidentified commodity weather
storage of miscellaneous item such as empty product, ingredient, or its container, or any
boxes for sheer khorma, tape dispenser, frozen utensils and / or equipment should be
packaging box identified with its dedicated purpose only to
( chatpata samosa, cheese roll etc ). avoid any occurrence of cross

08 Alive cockroaches found in a “ SS container “ A comprehensive IPM system needs to be
containing miscellaneous items in frozen packing introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
dept. related issues

09 Freezer and packing tables underside area found Adequate deep cleaning in hard to excess
containing dust, dirt and debris accumulation in areas on planned intervals to avoid such
Frozen packing dept. happenings
Biscuit Store
10 Temporary maintenance issues need to be
Open wiring issues observed in switch board for fixed on priority to avoid any food safety
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

freezer in frozen packing dept. outbreak.

01 MS trays found rusty in biscuit store. Food grade material such as SS 316 L should
be in use instead of MS or if not possible so
at least MS material be painted with Epoxy
paint with high surveillance with respect to
tempering that may lead to any flaking paint
and sprouting issues to avoid severe cross

02 Flaking paint evidences found in on walls and All flaking and sprouting paints issues need
ceiling structure in Biscuit store. to be fixed on priority to avoid any physical
and / or chemical contamination chances

Color job done

Eating practices should be only allowed in
03 Biscuit Store Pan spitting evidences observed in biscuit store. designated areas only such as canteen area.
Furthermore pan, naswar and other
unnecessary items need to be eliminated
via screening at gate while employee
entrance to the facility.

In process
04 Non foot operated dustbins found in biscuit Foot operated waste bins are
store. recommended to avoid cross contamination

In process
05 Flaking paint evidences found on Wall and ceiling All flaking and sprouting paints issues need
structure in biscuit store. to be fixed on priority to avoid any physical
and / or chemical contamination chances

06 Containers used for “Pickles “found being used All kinds of unidentified commodity weather
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

for drinking water purpose in Biscuit store. product, ingredient, or its container, or any
utensils and / or equipment should be
identified with its dedicated purpose only to
Biscuit Store avoid any occurrence of cross

Done(picture attached)
All product , raw material, packaging
Primary packaging material such as “ Cake Cards” material, semi finished, product contact
found kept with inadequate covering in surface equipment are supposed to be kept
01 packaging material store. covered properly to avoid cross
contamination as Package integrity should
considered on a top priority since any dis
integrity may lead to product cross
contamination issues and may have adverse
effect on product shelf life.
All products package integrity should be
Packaging Material Store evaluated on frequent basis to avoid such

Some food ingredients container such as “ Pine Packaging material should be kept away
02 Apple Chunks”, “ Sweet Corn “ etc in packaging with product raw materials to avoid any
material store . cross contamination issues.

Used face mask found kept next to primary All product , raw material, packaging
packaging material “ Cake cards “ that are not material, semi finished, product contact Done(picture attcahed)
03 properly covered in packaging material store. surface equipment are supposed to be kept
covered properly to avoid cross
contamination as Package integrity should
considered on a top priority since any dis
integrity may lead to product cross
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

contamination issues and may have adverse

effect on product shelf life.
All products package integrity should be
evaluated on frequent basis to avoid such
Packaging Material Store Furthermore a strict “ GMP “ protocol need
to be in place to keep a hygienic
environment all the time.


Primary packaging material such as “Butter All product , raw material, packaging
paper” found kept with inadequate covering in material, semi finished, product contact
packaging material store. surface equipment are supposed to be kept
04 covered properly to avoid cross
contamination as Package integrity should
considered on a top priority since any dis
integrity may lead to product cross
contamination issues and may have adverse
effect on product shelf life.
All products package integrity should be
evaluated on frequent basis to avoid such

Quotations have been

Rodent’s droppings found in different under rack A comprehensive IPM system needs to be taken
05 areas in packaging material store. introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
related issues

In process
Low light lugs observed in packaging material More than 500 Lugs are recommended in
06 store. food operations to execute operational
practices smoothly.
Packaging Material Store
07 Some butter paper sheets that is a primary A comprehensive “ GMP “ approach neeed
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

packaging found kept inside a pallet in packaging to be develop for all food handlers via
material store. Trainings to avoid such happenings.

Cob webs found under pallet structure in A prompt cleaning with proper surveillance Done
08 packaging material store. to be carried out to avoid such

09 Used hair nets found inside pallet in packaging Adequate deep cleaning in hard to excess
material store. areas on planned intervals to avoid such
happenings further more comprehensive
GMP protocols need to be practiced to
avoid unhygienic issues.

10 Rodent catching cage found containing poisonous A comprehensive IPM system needs to be
food bait in packaging material store. introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
related issues

Rodents urine / infestation and gnaw marks A comprehensive IPM system needs to be
evidences observed in packaging material store. introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
related issues

11 Packaging Material Store

Action will be taken. .

Cold store floor structure found to be made of Wooden material is not recommended in
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

01 wooden structure. food operations as it promotes pest

harborage and other serious food safety
concerns that may lead to severe cross
contamination chances.

Done (picture attcahed)

Frozen Samosa unpacked kept in trays found All product , raw material, packaging
without covering in cold store with evidence of material, semi finished, product contact
02 condensed water droplets dropping on product surface equipment are supposed to be kept
and making product contaminated in cold store. covered properly to avoid cross
contamination as Package integrity should
Cold Store considered on a top priority since any dis
integrity may lead to product cross
contamination issues and may have adverse
effect on product shelf life.
All products package integrity should be
evaluated on frequent basis to avoid such

Done (picture attached)

Raw chicken meat found kept in cold store All product , raw material, packaging
without covering has potential for causing cross material, semi-finished, product contact
03 contamination to other products in cold store. surface equipment are supposed to be kept Done
covered properly to avoid cross
contamination as Package integrity should
considered on a top priority since any dis
integrity may lead to product cross
contamination issues and may have adverse
effect on product shelf life.
All products package integrity should be
evaluated on frequent basis to avoid such
Cold Store observations.

Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

All kinds of unidentified commodity weather

Frozen dough found without any identification product, ingredient, or its container, or any
04 and MRD in cold store. utensils and / or equipment should be
identified with its dedicated purpose only to
avoid any occurrence of cross
contamination furthermore Proper MRD
including information such as date of
receiving, date of production and expiry
date / limit should be in place on all
commodities to make assure operational
functions such FIFO/FEFO & traceability
norms are carried out adequately.

Done(picture attached)

Boiled chicken / filling stuff (Intermediate All product , raw material, packaging
05 product) found uncovered in cold store. material, semi-finished, product contact
surface equipment are supposed to be kept
covered properly to avoid cross Done
contamination as Package integrity should
considered on a top priority since any dis
integrity may lead to product cross
contamination issues and may have adverse
effect on product shelf life.
Cold Store All products package integrity should be
evaluated on frequent basis to avoid such

Expired product “Frozen Lauki Halwa “with date Strict FIFO follow ups to be carried out with
06 of expiry 1st September 2020 “, Expiry date “ 25th strong “ Good Storage Practices & Protocols
October 2020” found in a big amount approx. 6 to avoid such happenings
to 7 cartons.

Expired product “Frozen Daal Halwa “with date of Strict FIFO follow ups to be carried out with
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

07 expiry 1st September 2020 “, Expiry date “ 25th strong “ Good Storage Practices & Protocols
October 2020” found in a big amount approx. 6 to avoid such happenings
to 7 cartons.

Expired product “Frozen Gajjar Halwa “with date Strict FIFO follow ups to be carried out with
08 of expiry 1st September 2020 “, Expiry date “ strong “ Good Storage Practices & Protocols
25th October 2020” found in a big amount to avoid such happenings
approx. 6 to 7 cartons.

Frozen Paratha packed in plastic packaging found All kinds of unidentified commodity weather
without any identification and MRD in cold store. product, ingredient, or its container, or any
09 utensils and / or equipment should be
identified with its dedicated purpose only to
avoid any occurrence of cross
contamination furthermore Proper MRD
including information such as date of
Cold Store receiving, date of production and expiry
date / limit should be in place on all
commodities to make assure operational
functions such FIFO/FEFO & traceability
norms are carried out adequately

10 Rodents dropping found at the entrance side of A comprehensive IPM system needs to be
cold store. introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
related issues

01 Under rack side area found dirty in plastic tray Adequate deep cleaning in hard to excess
washing room. areas on planned intervals to avoid such

Plastic Trays washing Area

Rodents droppings observed in plastic tray A comprehensive IPM system needs to be
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

02 washing area. introduced in the facility to eliminate pest

related issues

Exhaust fan has a prominent opening of more Fixed all gaps on immediate basis ensure
03 than 10 mm with other opening gaps / fixture in that no opening or gap of 5mm or more
in plastic tray washing area . remain to be closed out since this much gap
is sufficient enough for pest entrance and

Alive German cockroaches observed in plastic In process(action has

04 trays washing area. A comprehensive IPM system needs to be been taken)
introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
related issues

Done and some are in

05 Plastic Trays washing Area Flaking paint evidences observed in plastic trays All flaking and sprouting paints issues need process
washing area. to be fixed on priority to avoid any physical
and / or chemical contamination chances

06 Done
Fans fixture found dirty in plastic tray washing A prompt cleaning with proper surveillance
area. to be carried out to avoid such

In process
A drain cover observed in egg breaking dept. Fixed all gaps on immediate basis ensure
01 that no opening or gap of 5mm or more
remain to be closed out since this much gap
is sufficient enough for pest entrance and
Egg Dept. harborage.

Action taken
02 Alive German cockroaches observed in egg A comprehensive IPM system needs to be
breaking dept. introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
related issues
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

03 Dust bin found brimful with egg shells with no Foot operated waste bins are
covering in egg breaking dept. recommended to avoid cross contamination
chances. Furthermore waste bins need to
be emptied on a strict follow up to avoid
cross contamination chances.

Rodent catching cage found in egg breaking dept. A comprehensive IPM system needs to be
with food poisoned bait. introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
Egg Dept related issues.
Since rodent cages are placed only for
monitoring of any rodent activity further
bait like food is not recommended as it
allows other pest to enter facility.

05 Underside area of production table found Adequate deep cleaning in hard to excess
containing dirt and debris evidences in egg areas on planned intervals to avoid such
breaking dept. happenings

06 Fans found dirty in egg breaking dept. A prompt cleaning with proper surveillance
to be carried out to avoid such

07 Flaking paint evidences observed in egg breaking All flaking and sprouting paints issues need
dept. to be fixed on priority to avoid any physical
and / or chemical contamination chances
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

Under side area of racks found dirt and dust Adequate deep cleaning in hard to excess
01 accumulated in metal tray drying area. areas on planned intervals to avoid such

An unidentified nylon brush found inside Adequate deep cleaning in hard to excess
02 underside area of a rack in metal tray washing areas on planned intervals to avoid such
area. happenings further more comprehensive
GMP protocols need to be practiced to
avoid unhygienic issues.

An unidentified shopper (United King Brand) Adequate deep cleaning in hard to excess
03 Metal tray washing Area found inside underside area of a rack in metal areas on planned intervals to avoid such
tray washing area containing cotton waste inside. happenings further more comprehensive
GMP protocols need to be practiced to
avoid unhygienic issues.

Action taken
Rodents dropping evidences observed in MS tray A comprehensive IPM system needs to be
04 washing area. introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
related issues

Low light lugs found in metal tray washing area. More than 500 Lugs are recommended in
05 food operations to execute operational
practices smoothly.

Soft broom (Corn Husk or grass based) found Wooden / plant based material is not
06 inside a rack in metal tray washing area. recommended in food operations as it
promotes pest harborage and other serious
food safety concerns that may lead to
severe cross contamination chances.
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

Fans found dirty and dusty in metal tray washing A prompt cleaning with proper surveillance Done
07 area. to be carried out to avoid such

In process
Broken / damage tile structure observed in metal Immediate fixture of broken Tile / floor
08 tray washing area. need to be paved / fixed on priority to keep
food manufacturing operations smooth with
rational food safety approach..

Metal tray washing Area In process

Open drain found in metal tray washing area. Fixed all gaps on immediate basis ensure
09 that no opening or gap of 5mm or more
remain to be closed out since this much gap
is sufficient enough for pest entrance and

Requisition has been

No hand dryer found in metal tray washing area. Adequate number of Hand Dryers needs to given
10 be in place at all hand washing stations in all

In process
Cracks on wall found on side wall structure of Fixed all gaps on immediate basis ensure
11 metal tray washing area. That no opening or gap of 5mm or more
remain to be closed out since this much gap
is sufficient enough for pest entrance and

Action taken
Domestic house flies observed in metal tray A comprehensive IPM system needs to be
12 washing area. introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
related issues.
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

13 Metal tray washing Area No PVC curtains or air curtains are installed at A comprehensive IPM system needs to be
entrance of metal tray washing area. introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
related issues.

Action taken
01 Domestic house flies observed in Baking Oven A comprehensive IPM system needs to be
Section introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
related issues

Under side area of production table found dirt Adequate deep cleaning in hard to excess
02 and dust accumulated in Baking room. areas on planned intervals to avoid such

In process, and some of

Side fixture gaps between wall and Production Fixed all gaps on immediate basis ensure this matter has been
03 table SS sheets have a prominent gap of more that no opening or gap of 5mm or more resolved.
Baking Oven Section than 5 mm has potential for pest harborage in remain to be closed out since this much gap
baking section. is sufficient enough for pest entrance and

Oven floor side fixture found extremely dirty in Adequate deep cleaning in hard to excess
04 baking section. areas on planned intervals to avoid such

Dust and debris evidences observed on side Adequate deep cleaning in hard to excess
05 fixture of oven and wall. areas on planned intervals to avoid such

Unidentified buckets found in baking section. All kinds of unidentified commodity weather
06 product, ingredient, or its container, or any
utensils and / or equipment should be
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

identified with its dedicated purpose only to

avoid any occurrence of cross

In process
07 Flaking paint evidences observed in oven section All flaking and sprouting paints issues need
in baking dept. to be fixed on priority to avoid any physical
and / or chemical contamination chances

In process
08 Pans ,trays & trollies found rusty and tempered in A suitable material Such as SS 316 L should
baking section. be in place to avoid tempering and rusting

Action taken
09 Baking Oven Section Broken / damage tile structure observed in Immediate fixture of broken Tile / floor
baking dept. need to be paved / fixed on priority to keep
food manufacturing operations smooth with
rational food safety approach..

10 Eating evidences such as spoon and fork Eating practices should be only allowed in
observed on a trolley stand in baking section. designated areas only such as canteen area.

In process
11 Pan or any lubricant stain observed on wall A prompt cleaning with proper surveillance
structure in baking section. to be carried out to avoid such

In process
Exhaust Louver found dirty and with a gap on Fixed all gaps on immediate basis ensure
12 screen size more than 5mm in baking area has that no opening or gap of 5mm or more
potential for any pest entrance in baking dept. remain to be closed out since this much gap
is sufficient enough for pest entrance and
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

13 Hanging aprons, chef uniform and domestic Adequate number of lockers should be in
clothe observed in baking room. place to avoid such scenarios.

14 Baking Oven Section Dirt and debris observed on wall side structure Adequate deep cleaning in hard to excess
adjacent to baking cabinets in bakery room. areas on planned intervals to avoid such

15 Oven gloves found kept directly on tray trolley in A proper designated area should be in place Done
baking section. to keep PPE to avoid any cross

Action taken
01 Alive German cock roaches observed on side wall A comprehensive IPM system needs to be
wooden structure fixture in biscuit cutting dept. introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
related issues

02 Under side area of production table found dirt Adequate deep cleaning in hard to excess
Biscuit Cutting Dept. and dust accumulated in biscuit cutting dept. areas on planned intervals to avoid such

Action taken
03 Domestic house flies observed in biscuit cutting A comprehensive IPM system needs to be
dept. introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
related issues

04 An unidentified product seems to be “ Crushed All kinds of unidentified commodity weather
Cashew “ found in biscuit cutting dept. product, ingredient, or its container, or any
utensils and / or equipment should be
identified with its dedicated purpose only to
avoid any occurrence of cross
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

05 An unidentified product found “ Fried Onion “ in All kinds of unidentified commodity weather
Biscuit Cutting Dept biscuit cutting dept. product, ingredient, or its container, or any
utensils and / or equipment should be
identified with its dedicated purpose only to
avoid any occurrence of cross

06 An unidentified product seems to be “Margarine All kinds of unidentified commodity weather
“ found in biscuit cutting dept. with MRD without product, ingredient, or its container, or any
any expiry instruction. utensils and / or equipment should be
identified with its dedicated purpose only to
avoid any occurrence of cross

In process
Drain is not properly covered in Biscuit cutting Drain should covered properly with no gap
dept. to avoid any pest entrance and harborage.

08 Hand washing station sink underside area found Adequate deep cleaning in hard to excess Done
extremely dirty in biscuit cutting dept. areas on planned intervals to avoid such

Action taken
10 Heavy German cockroaches infestation along A comprehensive IPM system needs to be
with egg capsules evidences observed on introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
wooden support structure that is attached with related issues
wall in An unidentified product seems to be “
Crushed Cashew “ found in biscuit cutting dept.
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

Biscuit Cutting Dept. For calibration

11 Fridge temperature control devices found missing All fridge temperature monitoring device
in biscuit cutting dept. need to be in place and calibrated to match
the required temperature to avoid storage
condition outbreak.

01 Eating evidence such as “ Mountain Dew “ bottle Eating practices should be only allowed in
found in Biscuit Machine dept. designated areas only such as canteen area.

Action taken
Rodents dropping observed in SS cupboard in A comprehensive IPM system needs to be
02 Biscuit Machine dept. introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
related issues

Action taken
A comprehensive IPM system needs to be
03 Biscuit Machine dept. Domestic house flies observed in Biscuit Machine introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
dept. related issues.
Since rodent cages are placed only for
monitoring of any rodent activity further
bait like food is not recommended as it
allows other pest to enter facility.

An apron found kept in SS cupboard in biscuit Adequate number of lockers should be in
04 cutting dept. along with biscuit machine parts place to avoid such scenarios.
and dyes.

05 Alive German cockroaches observed inside SS A comprehensive IPM system needs to be
cupboard in Biscuit Machine dept. introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
related issues

06 Pans ,trays & trollies found rusty and tempered A suitable material Such as SS 316 L should
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

in Biscuit Machine dept. be in place to avoid tempering and rusting


07 A container found with identification “Bakels All kinds of unidentified commodity weather
Bacom “ Cream with filling date 2ND June 2021 product, ingredient, or its container, or any
with expiry found to be missing / tampered / utensils and / or equipment should be
Biscuit Machine dept. unreadable / legible in Biscuit cutting dept. identified with its dedicated purpose only to
avoid any occurrence of cross
Proper MRD including information such as
date of receiving, date of production and
expiry date / limit should be in place on all
commodities to make assure operational
functions such FIFO/FEFO & traceability
norms are carried out adequately.

An unidentified and uncovered bucket found All kinds of unidentified commodity weather
containing garlic paste inside with date of product, ingredient, or its container, or any
01 production 2nd June 2021 with expiry use within utensils and / or equipment should be
10 days in Baklava dept. identified with its dedicated purpose only to
avoid any occurrence of cross
Baklava / cup cake & variety
dept. Action will be taken
Baklava dept has strong smell of onions, ginger, A robust CIP system need to be in place with
garlic paste , since dept is being used for “ a buffer time of minimum 08 hours with
02 Baklava production in morning and “ Variet strict microbial surveillance on a frequent
Product “ in Baklava dept. interval to assess the product
microbiological behavior for both attribute
of products.

03 Freezer side fixture from inside found dirty. Adequate deep cleaning in hard to excess
areas on planned intervals to avoid such
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status


Underside rack / production table area found Adequate deep cleaning in hard to excess
04 dirty in baklava room. areas on planned intervals to avoid such

Domestic house flies observed in Baklava dept. A comprehensive IPM system needs to be Done
introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
05 related issues
Baklava / cup cake & variety
dept. Done
Unidentified sanitary utensils observed in baklava All kinds of unidentified commodity weather
06 dept. product, ingredient, or its container, or any
utensils and / or equipment should be
identified with its dedicated purpose only to
avoid any occurrence of cross

In process
Rodents dropping observed under side area of A comprehensive IPM system needs to be
07 production table in baklava dept. introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
related issues

In process
08 Wooden handled Viper found in variety dept. Wooden material is not recommended in
food operations as it promotes pest
harborage and other serious food safety
concerns that may lead to severe cross
contamination chances.

Requisition given
09 No hand dryer found installed at hand washing Adequate number of Hand Dryers needs to
station in “Variety Dept.”. be in place at all hand washing stations in all
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

In process
Wooden handled Pan found in variety dept. Wooden material is not recommended in
10 food operations as it promotes pest
harborage and other serious food safety
concerns that may lead to severe cross
contamination chances.

Underside area of production table found dirty in Adequate deep cleaning in hard to excess
11 Variety Dept. areas on planned intervals to avoid such
Baklava / cup cake & variety happenings
Done(picture attached)
Unidentified product ingredient items such as All kinds of unidentified commodity weather
“Coriander seeds” & some spice mix “found in product, ingredient, or its container, or any
12 variety dept. without MRD. utensils and / or equipment should be
identified with its dedicated purpose only to
avoid any occurrence of cross
Proper MRD including information such as
date of receiving, date of production and
expiry date / limit should be in place on all
commodities to make assure operational
functions such FIFO/FEFO & traceability
norms are carried out adequately

A gap between table side SS fixture and wall side Fixed all gaps on immediate basis ensure
fixture observed that has potential for pest that no opening or gap of 5mm or more
13 harborage in variety dept. remain to be closed out since this much gap
is sufficient enough for pest entrance and

Baklava / cup cake & variety

Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

Freezer underside area and backside area found Adequate deep cleaning in hard to excess
01 dirty. areas on planned intervals to avoid such

Flaking paint observed on side walls of freezer All flaking and sprouting paints issues need
02 dept. 2nd floor. to be fixed on priority to avoid any physical
and / or chemical contamination chances

Freezer dept. 2nd floor Done(picture attached

Un baked patties trays found uncovered kept in All product , raw material, packaging
freezer furthermore it was observed that water material, semi-finished, product contact
droplets are dropping on product due to surface equipment are supposed to be kept
03 temperature difference on every time a freezer is covered properly to avoid cross
opened. contamination as Package integrity should
considered on a top priority since any dis
integrity may lead to product cross
contamination issues and may have adverse
effect on product shelf life.
All products package integrity should be
evaluated on frequent basis to avoid such

In process
Rodents dropping observed under side area of A comprehensive IPM system needs to be
04 freezers in freezer dept. 2nd floor. introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
related issues

In process
01 Toilet Area Hand dryers are missing in toilet area. Adequate number of Hand Dryers needs to
be in place at all hand washing stations in all

In process
02 Non foot operated waste bin observed next to Foot operated waste bins are
toilet area. recommended to avoid cross contamination
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

Toilet Area
Hand soap dispenser found missing in toilet area. Hand sanitizer/ soap dispenser / station done
03 need to be surveillance for consumption
management as well as to observe weather
dispenser is operational.
In process
Exhaust fan louvers found screen gap of more Fixed all gaps on immediate basis ensure
04 than 5mm in toilet section. that no opening or gap of 5mm or more
remain to be closed out since this much gap
is sufficient enough for pest entrance and

In process
Space for ventilation found without any Fixed all gaps on immediate basis ensure
01 ventilation fan and screen in labor change room. that no opening or gap of 5mm or more
Fixed all gaps on immediate basis ensure that no remain to be closed out since this much gap
Labor Change room opening or gap of 5mm or more remain to be is sufficient enough for pest entrance and
closed out since this much gap is sufficient harborage.
enough for pest entrance and harborage.

02 Flaking paint observed in labor change room. All flaking and sprouting paints issues need
to be fixed on priority to avoid any physical
and / or chemical contamination chances

Action taken
Broken tiles fixture found in hyderabadi cake Immediate fixture of broken Tile / floor
01 Hyderabadi Cake Dept dept. need to be paved / fixed on priority to keep
food manufacturing operations smooth with
rational food safety approach

In process
Cutting board found inadequate with respect to Since Cutting boards rough surface have
02 cutting as it has extremely rough surface from potential for debris accumulation leading to
both sides. cross contamination to avoid this cutting
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

boards need to be evaluated on frequent

interval and should be replace accordingly
with a suitable one to avoid any cross
contamination occurrence.

A product ingredient “Choco Crave Bar “ packed semi-finished, product contact surface
found unsealed in Hyderabadi cake dept. equipment are supposed to be kept
03 covered properly to avoid cross
contamination as Package integrity should
considered on a top priority since any dis
integrity may lead to product cross
contamination issues and may have adverse
effect on product shelf life.
All products package integrity should be
evaluated on frequent basis to avoid such

Action will be taken

No hand dryer found installed at hand washing Adequate number of Hand Dryers needs to
04 station in “ Hyderabad cake Dept. be in place at all hand washing stations in all

All kinds of unidentified commodity weather
05 A bag found containing “ Dry Fuits “ with no product, ingredient, or its container, or any
identification and MRD in Hyderabadi cake dept. utensils and / or equipment should be
identified with its dedicated purpose only to
Hyderabadi Cake Dept avoid any occurrence of cross
Proper MRD including information such as
date of receiving, date of production and
expiry date / limit should be in place on all
commodities to make assure operational
functions such FIFO/FEFO & traceability
norms are carried out adequately
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Korangi Factory

Auditing Date : 07th June 2021

S.No # Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Status

Underside area of production table found dirty in Adequate deep cleaning in hard to excess
Hyderabadi Dept areas on planned intervals to avoid such
06 happenings

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