Diet Recommendation Suggested by DR Pankaj Naram 2

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As told to Dr. Naram in Nepal by his master --
BABA RAMDASJI, at the age of 124.

To live with vibrant health is the greatest accomplishment in life.
Without a healthy body, a sound mind and emotional tranquility, all other aspects of our
lives will be negatively impacted. Our intention for sharing with you the gift of Siddha-
Veda lifestyle is only to empower you, and not to limit you.
To become independent and free of disease one needs inspiration, guidance and an
understanding of how our body responds to certain foods, lack of sleep, environment,
relationships, social life, too much or too little physical activities, work schedule, and so
According to the philosophy and the ancient teachings of Siddha-Veda, there are six
essential instruments necessary to achieve a lasting and vibrant health. These include:
Herbal supplements,
Ashta-karma, and
Home remedies.
These six instruments act like pillars that hold and support the well-being of your
physical, mental and emotional body. To create and maintain balance and harmony in
your life, the ancient art and science of Siddha-Veda offers simple and precise guide

At first the lifestyle and the diet may seem restrictive and at times impossible to follow.
With modern lifes busy schedules and so many distractions it is no surprise that many
people gravitate towards recipes that are familiar, many ingredients which are easily
available, ready-made food loaded with additives, preservative and fillers and so on.
Some people may also think that healthy diets are less convenient and more expensive.
This may be true in the short term, but in the long run by continuing to consume the kinds
of toxic foods and the gigantic portions, we are all paying a heavy price that can no
longer be ignored.
Also the occurrence of so many preventable diseases such as:
Type 2 Diabetes,
high cholesterol,
and many more
should be a wake-up call to everyone in our society.
The subject of food is not only a cultural part of
everyones upbringing but also a highly emotional aspect
of our lives. Whether it is the process of purchasing the
ingredients or preparing the food or it is simply
remembering the tastes and the aromas associated with
memories of holidays and sitting around with family and
friends. These memories shape the very foundation of our
approach to health and life style and influence the choices
we make on daily basis.
Also our environment plays a very important role in the
choices we make. Whats being offered in the
supermarkets and the food trends emphasized through
media and the press sways us in a certain direction. The flood of information affects our
belief system and creates different emotions in connection to food and the overall well-
There have been numerous occasions where someone in complete panic expressed fear
about recent blood reports or how they were deficient in certain vitamins such as D or
B or some form of minerals. Let us look at the subject of vitamins and minerals from
the point of view of Dr. Narams Siddha-Veda lineage.
In the ancient teachings of Siddha-Veda the emphasis is on complete and proper
digestion of food and the prevention of Aam accumulation (toxins), not on the amount of

Vitamins and minerals present in the food. A correct and complete digestive process in
turn guarantees the balance in the bodys doshas (constitution). Every food has its own
characteristics and attributes. For example, according to Ancient Siddha-Veda Principles,
Milk and Dairy products attributes are heavy, cold and mucus producing, or we can say
that they create an imbalance
of the Kapha dosha.
Fermented and sour foods
have the acidic characteristic,
and therefore they create an
imbalance of the Pitta dosha.
Dry and raw food has
inflammatory attributes and
creates an imbalance of the Vata dosha. In other words the purpose of eating is that the
attributes of the food must help to balance the Vata, Pitta and Kapha, and not add to the
toxins accumulated in the body in the form of undigested food. Vitamin or mineral
contents of the food could only benefit the body if the food is fully digested, metabolized
and the elimination process is regular and successful.
The following recommendations will help you to balance all three doshas and create a
healthy digestion and a strong immune system. Even if you are able to follow only one or
two of the recommendations at first, you will find that over time you can incorporate
more changes. It is important to be consistent, but please remember to enjoy your food.
Eat only eat when hungry
Do not eat large meals after the dark
Enjoy lots of Moong/Mung soup (green whole moong/mung)
Do not drink water with meals, leave a half an hour gap before or after eating (In
case you feel the need to drink, enjoy warm or room-temperature beverages)
Avoid icy cold drinks at all times
Avoid milk and dairy products (except Ghee)
Avoid sour and fermented food
Avoid wheat in any form: white wheat flour, whole wheat flour, multi grains
containing wheat, wheat flour as a thickener for sauces, as filler in ready-made
food, etc.
Enjoy local, seasonal, and organic fruits and vegetables
Enjoy plenty of cooked, green, leafy vegetables
Enjoy fresh-squeezed juices, and avoid bottled juices as a rule

Avoid all soft drinks, flavored water, Red Bull, vitamin drinks, including sugar-
free kinds
Completely avoid artificial sweeteners and refined sugar, Aspartame (Equal,
NutraSweet), Saccharin (SweetN Low), Sucralose (Splenda, Altern), Xylitol,
Sorbitol, Acesulfame (found in diet sodas), Neotame (used in baked goods), etc.
Enjoy natural sweeteners in moderation such as jaggary (gud), agave extract,
pure Maple Syrup and Stevia. Honey should only be added when food or drinks
are cool. Never heat up honey since it has a tendency to become toxic in high
Enjoy home-cooked meals using fresh ingredients
Avoid fast food, ready-made food, chain restaurants, etc.
Avoid multitasking while you are eating, such as: watching TV, reading, working
at the computer or driving
These general suggestions are explained in more detail below
One of the first and probably most important dietary advices that we learn from Dr.
Naram is to avoid milk and dairy products, except Ghee. Due to the process of preparing
Ghee, the milk solids are removed and Ghee transforms into a medicinal formula with
amazing healing properties to balances all three doshas,
Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Dr.Naram recommends 1 TBS of
Ghee daily, even in the case of people with high cholesterol.
There are studies done to support the claim that Ghee taken
in small amounts benefits the body.
Fresh soft cheese such as Cottage Cheese, Ricotta Cheese,
fresh Feta Cheese and Paneer are preferred for occasional consumption. Eggs are not
considered dairy; they are a good source of protein and you may enjoy them if it does not
conflict with your personal/religious beliefs.
All other dairy products create mucus and consequently cause digestive problems such as
bloating, indigestion, nausea, and could contribute to respiratory complications such as
Allergies, Asthma, frequent cough and cold; they could also cause skin allergies, eczema,
and rashes. This information is quite startling to many people and they might have a
difficult time accepting it.
The importance placed by our society on drinking milk, having cheese and yoghurt as a
part of a balanced diet makes giving up dairy products a very difficult decision. We are

all raised on milk, cheese, yoghurt, drinks made out of yoghurt, milk shakes and ice
cream, and the list is almost endless.
Yoghurt, due to its sourness and fermentation is damaging to the bones, to the digestive
tract, creates inflammation and arthritis. This includes all fruit yoghurts and yoghurt
As many advertisements as there are promoting dairy products, there are also many
organizations dedicated to exposing the dangers of consuming milk and other dairy
products. This information is readily available to the public, simply check the internet by
typing in dangers of milk and dairy product, and you might find some very useful
The calcium content convinces many parents to encourage their family members to
consume milk and other dairy based products on daily basis. There are many ways to
provide your body with the much needed and necessary calcium without having to
depend on milk.
The dairy-free products you can enjoy to name a few are:
Sesame seeds (280 mg, in one
Steel cut Oatmeal (105mg, in
White beans (100mg, in1/2 cup),
Almonds (80mg, in one ounce),
Edemame or soy beans (261mg,
in one cup),
Figs (55mg, in two figs),
Broccoli (180mg, in one cup
Sun flower seeds (50mg, in one
and more

Milk substitutes are available in abundance in almost all supermarkets. They are delicious
and nutritious without the side effects of milk, rich in calcium and vitamin D. For
example regular milk could be substituted for: Soy milk, Almond milk, Rice milk, Hemp
milk, and many other milk substitutes to satisfy even the pickiest of children.


Comparison of Milk Substitutes
Recipe For Homemade Raw Almond
1 cup raw almonds
Water for soaking nuts
3 cups water
2 dates (optional)
tsp vanilla (optional)
Soak the almonds in water overnight or for at least 6 hours. Drain the water from the
almonds and discard. Blend the 3 cups of water, almonds and dates until well blended
and almost smooth. Strain the blended almond mixture using cheesecloth or other
Homemade raw almond milk will keep well in the refrigerator for three or four days.
Vegetables to enjoy:
You can enjoy, for example: Artichoke, Arugula, Asparagus, Beans (many varieties),
beet, Bell peppers; enjoy the ripe red and yellow variety the green bell peppers are not
ripened yet, Bok Choy, Broccoli, Broccoli rabe, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Carrot,
Cauliflower, Celeriac or Celery root, Celery, Chard, Chicory, Chinese cabbage, Collard
greens, Cucumber, Endive, Fennel, Garlic, Gourd, Kale, Kohlrabi, Leek, Lettuce, Lima
bean, Mushrooms*, Mustard Greens, Onion, Parsnip, Pea, Pumpkin, Radicchio, Radish,
Rhubarb, Rutabaga, Seaweed, Shallot, Spinach, Squash (Summer, Winter, Spaghetti,
Acorn, Butternut, etc), Sweet potatoes, Turnip, Winter squash, Yam, Zucchini, basically
all vegetables except the vegetables mentioned below.
(* In the past Dr Naram recommended avoiding mushrooms because it was difficult to
help people distinguish between poisonous and non-poisonous. Now that we have the
ability to access non-poisonous mushrooms, we can enjoy the taste and the nutritional
value of several types of mushrooms: e.g. Shiitake, king oyster, bunapi-shimeji,
enokitake, buna-shimeji, chanterelles, etc.)
Grams/8oz Milk(Whole) Soy Almond Rice Coconut
Calories 146 105 60 120 552
Total Fat 8 4 2.5 2 57
Sat. Fat 5 0 0 0.1 51
Chol. 24 0 0 0 0
Sodium 98 114 150 86 36
Total CHO 13 12 8 25 13
Fiber 0 0 <1 0 5
Sugars 13 9 7 10 8
Protein 8 6 1 0.5 5
Vitamin A 5% 9% 10% 0% 0%
Vitamin C 0% 0% 0% 2% 11%
Calcium 28% 30% 20% 2% 4%
Iron 0% 6% 2% 1% 22%
* Note that there are other, lesser known, milk substitutes such as
oat milk, hemp milk, and milk made from other grains.

Vegetables to avoid:
Tomatoes (in ANY form including: Tomato paste, Tomato sauce, Ketchup,
cooked tomatoes, etc.)
Potatoes (in ANY form including: red-skinned potatoes, potato chips, French
fries, baked potatoes, etc.).
NOTE: Sweet potatoes or Yams are not from the potato family. Please enjoy them
however, they are not recommended for people with diabetes.
Please remember, for the ease of digestion, avoid raw vegetables and raw salads. All
vegetables should be thoroughly cooked (except for vegetables like cucumber and
lettuce, which can be enjoyed occasionally raw).

Fruits to enjoy:
Pomegranates and Papayas come highly recommended. (Even people with Diabetes
could enjoy both Pomegranates and Papayas, although all other fruits, due to their
high sugar content, are to be avoided.)
Fruits are to be enjoyed ripe and sweet, seasonal and preferably locally grown. Enjoy all
locally and organically grown fruits, according to their season: Apples, Pears, Apricots,
Grapes, Cherries, Plums, Blueberries, Strawberries, Raspberries, other berries, fresh figs,
variety of Melons, Cantaloupe, Peaches, Lychee, Coconut, Gooseberry and Persimmon
and many more seasonal and local fruits. Enjoy Mangos if they are sweet and ripe.
NOTE: Bananas are cold in nature and they create mucus. Enjoy them in warm
weather, or you may eat very ripe or cooked bananas during cooler time.
Due to the sugar content, fruits should be enjoyed during the day, not after dark.
Do not eat fruit with other foods best to enjoy them by themselves (at least 2
hours before or after meals)


Fruits to avoid:
Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes, tangerines and grapefruits, etc. are not
recommended, due to their pitta increasing properties. Pomegranates are highly
recommended and they do not belong to the citrus family. Their sour taste is due
to the anti-oxidant content and beneficial to all.
NOTE: You may enjoy oranges and tangerines occasionally if they are not sour.
Dried fruits are hard to digest, please soak them overnight or cook them to
become soft and easily digestible.
Pulses (Beans) to enjoy:
The King of all beans and the food of the sages has always been Mung (Moong) beans.
You can enjoy Mung in the whole green form or split, yellow Mung. Mung in all forms is
easy to digest, full of nutrients and, in itself, a wonderful nourishing meal. Tur Dahl,
Lentils, and other beans could be enjoyed also. Sprouted Mung can also be used, but
needs to be fully cooked.
Pulses to consume in moderation:
The heavier, starchier beans, like Chana Dahl (Chickpeas), Black-Eyed peas, Kidney
beans, Soy beans (Edamame) etc, can be taken occasionally and preferably be soaked
overnight and cooked thoroughly.

Grains to enjoy:
Rice, and
Wild Rice

Instead of wheat (whole or white) you can use spelt flour to make all your baked goods.

Grains to avoid:
Wheat is the most difficult grain to digest and should be avoided at all times. Wheat
creates many blocks which increases inflammation throughout the body, especially in the
digestive system.
Dr. Naram strongly recommends substituting any of the above mentioned grains/flours to
be used instead of wheat. Due to its similarity in taste and texture to wheat, Spelt can be a
good substitute for all forms of wheat. (*For people with gluten intolerance, spelt and rye
should also be avoided in favor of other grains).
Teff is an ancient grain, small in size and packed with nutrition. Because the grains of teff
are so small, the bulk of the grain consists of the bran and germ. This makes teff nutrient
dense as the bran and germ are the most nutritious parts of any grain. This grain has a
very high calcium content, and contains high levels of phosphorous, iron, copper,
aluminum, barium, and thiamin. It is considered to have an excellent amino acid
composition, with lysine levels higher than wheat or barley. Teff is very high in protein,
carbohydrates, and fiber. It contains no gluten so it is appropriate for those with gluten
The grain has been widely cultivated and used in the countries of Ethiopia, India and it's
colonies, and Australia. Teff is grown primarily as a cereal crop in Ethiopia where it is
ground into flour, and used for baking purposes. It is also eaten as porridge. At this time
it is not widely known or used in the U.S., though it is cultivated in South Dakota and
Idaho and is available in many health food stores.
The common English names for teff are teff, lovegrass, and annual bunch grass. The
color of the Teff grains can be ivory, light tan to deep brown or dark reddish brown
purple, depending on the variety. Teff has a mild, nutty, and a slight molasses like
sweetness. The white teff has a chestnut-like flavor and the darker varieties are earthier
and taste more like hazelnuts.
Teff is a very versatile grain. Teff flour can be used as a substitute for part of the flour in
baked goods, or the grains added uncooked or substituted for part of the seeds, nuts, or
other small grains. It is a good thickener for soups, stews, gravies, and puddings and can
also be used in stir-fry dishes, and casseroles. Teff may be added to soups or stews in
either of two ways: 1) Add them, uncooked to the pot a half-hour before serving time. 2)
Add them cooked to the pot 10 minutes before serving. Cooked teff can be mixed with

herbs, seeds, beans or tofu, garlic, and onions to make grain burgers. The seeds can also
be sprouted and the sprouts used in salads and on sandwiches.
To cook teff place 2 cups purified water, 1/2 cup teff, and 1/4 tsp. sea salt (optional) in a
saucepan. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer covered for 15 to 20 minutes or until
the water is absorbed. Remove from heat and let stand covered for 5 minutes.
Teff should be stored in a cool, dark, dry place in tightly covered containers such as glass
jars. Cooked Teff can be kept in the refrigerator, but should be used within a few days.
This grain would be a worthy and healthful addition to your diet. Be creative, use your
imagination, and enjoy this wonderful nutritious grain.

Spelt is similar to wheat in appearance, but it has a tougher husk than wheat that may
help protect the nutrients inside the grain; in fact spelt is an ancestor of modern wheat. A
wonderfully nutritious and ancient grain, spelt is an excellent source of protein, copper,
phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and fiber. It has vitamin E and B-complex vitamins too
(selenium, zinc, iron, and manganese especially niacin). It has vitamin E and B-complex
vitamins too (selenium, zinc, iron, and manganese especially niacin). The fiber in spelt
can also help to reduce total and LDL cholesterol levels.

Avoid whole wheat, white flour, whole purpose flour, cake flour, wheat crackers,
store bought cookies, most breakfast cereals, thickeners and many snack foods
made from wheat.
Oils to enjoy:
Coconut oil, organic canola oil, and especially Ghee are the best for cooking. Olive oil is
beneficial when used in the Extra-Virgin form and drizzled on top of cooked dishes, but
is not suitable for cooking or heating.
Oils to avoid:
Peanut and Mustard oils are Pitta aggravating, and should be avoided for people with
pitta constitution or pitta imbalance; Margarine, lard, Crisco and cooking sprays and
all imitation oils should be completely avoided.


Seeds and Nuts to enjoy:
Seeds and nuts such as Pumpkin, Sesame, Poppy and Sunflower, Pine nuts, Almonds,
Walnuts, Hazelnuts, and Pistachios are best consumed in small amounts as they are heavy
to digest and can be Vata increasing. They are more easily digested if cooked, ground,
soaked overnight or made into a paste or milk. The milk, cream and flakes of coconuts
can be used.
Seeds and Nuts to avoid:
Due to their heavy nature and difficult digestion, avoid peanuts, cashew nuts and peanut
butter. Almond butter is a good substitute for peanut butter.
Protein to enjoy:
Eggs, organic tofu, are to be enjoyed in moderation.
Spices to enjoy:
Spices aid in the digestion and absorption of nutrients and improve the flavor of foods.
Food should be spiced to have an overall warming effect but not a hot effect. It is the
overall effect of the combination of spices that is most important.
Cumin, coriander, fennel and saffron should be used liberally. Also enjoy black pepper,
fresh ginger root and ginger powder, turmeric, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, mustard
seeds, fenugreek and nutmeg. Dill, anise, basil, oregano, poppy seeds, marjoram, sage,
mineral salt (unrefined sea salt); thyme, bayleaf and Asafoetida (hing) may also be used.

NOTE: Please avoid hot spices (red chillies and cayenne pepper).

Completely avoid artificial sweeteners and refined sugar, Aspartame (Equal,
NutraSweet), Saccharin (SweetN Low), Sucralose (Splenda, Altern), Xylitol, Sorbitol,
Acesulfame (found in diet sodas), Neotame (used in baked goods), etc.
Enjoy natural sweeteners in moderation such as jaggary (gud), agave extract, pure
Maple Syrup and Stevia. Honey should only be added when food or drinks are cool.
Never heat up honey since it has a tendency to become toxic in high temperature


Drinks to enjoy:
Tea and coffee should be consumed in moderation. Ginger tea made from fresh roots is
warming, agni increasing, removes mucus and toxins and is an excellent remedy for
cough and colds. Plain hot water is also good for clearing the digestive tract. Fresh
vegetable and fruit juices are very nourishing, but should be avoided in cold weather or
while suffering from colds.
Drinks to avoid:
All soft drinks, such as Coke, Diet Coke, Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Root Beer, 7-Up, Sprite,
caffeinated, decaffeinated, sugar-free, flavored water, Gatorade, Vitamin Water, Red
Bull, and all bottled juices, etc are to be avoided. Ice-cold drinks extinguish the
digestive fire. They are best avoided totally. Warm or room temperature drinks are better
for the digestion.
Other Important Points to Remember:
Avoid ready-made, frozen, canned, processed, and microwaved foods. They are
devoid of nutrition and life force (prana), deplete the digestive fire and produce toxins in
the body. This includes fast foods and condiments such as ketchup, mustard, and
Excessive intake of dry foods such as crackers, chips, granola and bread will cause
Vata imbalance and should be only taken in small amounts. If constipation or other Vata
ailments are present, they are better avoided.
Fermented food, such as vinegar, soy sauce, tamari, yogurt, alcohol, hard cheeses and
yeast-containing foods such as marmite, yeasted breads and beer must be avoided. All
fermented foods are sour in nature and therefore have Pitta-increasing qualities.
Whenever there is too much Pitta and heat in the intestines, fermentation is multiplied,
thus resulting in gas and decreased digestive capacity. Fermented foods are also tamasic
in nature and therefore contribute to dullness of mind and lethargy.
Keeping a regular schedule, getting plenty of rest and most importantly, a good
nights deep sleep will boost the immune system, reduce stress, clear the mind and
balance the emotions.


Both Khichari and Mung soup recipes included here are very helpful for reducing toxins
and strengthening digestion. Mung beans combined with basmati rice are an excellent
source of complete protein. Both the whole mung beans (green) and split mung beans
(yellow) may be found in natural and Indian food stores. Vegetables may be added to
each of these recipes to make a complete meal!
1 cup basmati rice (rinsed twice)
split mung beans (yellow mung dahl)* (rinsed twice)
1 tbsp ghee (clarified butter) or oil
1 tsp black mustard seeds
tsp cumin powder*
tsp turmeric powder*
1 tsp coriander powder*
Pinch asafoetida powder (Indian spice called hing)*
Serve with grated coconut, sea salt, and chopped cilantro
*These quantities can be doubled or modified for more flavour or different properties.
Heat the oil or ghee in a large deep saucepan and add the black mustard seeds. When the
mustard seeds pop, add cumin, coriander, turmeric and hing. Saut for a minute or so,
then add the split mung beans and finally the rice.
Stir until all foods are flavoured and mixed with the spice mixture. Add 4 cups of water
and let the food come to a boil. After 5 minutes, reduce heat to simmer and let cook for
about 30-35 minutes or until the beans are completely soft. Then add a little salt.
Serve the dish with ghee and freshly chopped cilantro. You can add more water if you
like a more soupy consistency. As mentioned above you can experiment with different
vegetables and spices to create different flavours and different properties. You can add
your choice of vegetables during the last 10-15 minutes of your cooking time.


Mung Bean Soup
1 cup whole green mung beanssoaked overnight
2 cups water + 1 tsp salt to cook beans in pressure cooker
2 cups water to achieve the soup
1 tbs sunflower oil or ghee
tsp black mustard seeds*
1-2 pinches hing (asafoetida in the West)*
1 bay leaf
tsp turmeric
1 tsp mixed cumin and coriander powder*
1 tsp fresh ginger, chopped
tsp. Garlic chopped
2 or 3 pieces of Kokum
2 tsp salt
Preparation time: 45 minutes
*You can double the amount of these spices if you prefer
Soak the mung beans overnight in water. Drain the mung beans, clean and finely grind
ginger and garlic, and cook in a pressure cooker with the indicated amount of water until
tender. It takes around 25 minutes, according to your pressure cooker. (The beans have to
be broken.)
If you use a regular pot, it will take 40-45 minutes for the beans to be fully cooked. Heat
the oil or ghee in a large deep saucepan, and add mustard seeds. When the seeds start to
pop, add the hing, bay leaf, turmeric, cumin, coriander, ginger, and a pinch of black
pepper. Mix well and do not allow to burn. Place the cooked beans with the fresh water
and remaining ingredients into the saucepan. Bring to a boil then simmer a few minutes
more. Enjoy!
Ginger Tea
Ginger water is the ideal remedy when you have a cough, cold or excess mucus
accumulation in your throat and sinuses. Being hot in nature, ginger has the quality to cut

into and loosen mucus as well as stimulate the digestive fire so that the stomach can clear
the mucus effectively. Due to this stimulating action on the digestion it is also the perfect
drink to be taken either before a meal or half an hour afterwards.
Cut 4-5 slices of fresh ginger root and place in a pan of water. Bring it to a boil and allow
it to simmer for at least 5 minutes. Strain into a mug and enjoy! If you wish to sweeten it
with honey, add it only after the liquid has cooled to a slightly warm temperature as
honey is not heat stable.
Ghee (Clarified Butter)
To make ghee, use unsalted and good quality butter. Place the butter in a pan and let it
melt and simmer on the lowest possible heat. At first, it will sputter and make a lot of
noise, the butter will look thick and cloudy, and foam will appear on the top. During the
first five minutes, stir the liquid occasionally to encourage the water content to evaporate.
Then allow the liquid to continue simmering for 35-40 minutes.
Slowly, milk fat particles will sink to the bottom, the foam will diminish on top and the
pure butter oil will become clear. The moment the sputtering stops, and the sediment on
the bottom of the pan starts to turn golden or light brown, remove the pan from the heat,
and let it cool down. Finally, strain the liquid through a very fine sieve or muslin into a
clean canning jar; being careful not to allow any of the sediment on the bottom of the pan
to enter the jar (the sediment will cause the ghee to turn rancid). Do not place the top on
the jar until totally cooled down.
Use ghee for cooking (it does not burn as quickly as butter does) or add a teaspoon to
your cooked food. You do not need to store ghee in the refrigerator as it does not go
rancid. It will keep for months if you do not contaminate it by getting in contact with
food particles or water.

Energy Drink
Soak the following ingredients overnight in a cup of pure water:
2-4 blanched almonds,
4 dates or 1 fig,
2 cardamom pods, and
1 teaspoon of fennel seeds.

Use a blender to thoroughly mix in the morning and take before breakfast.
This is a highly nutritious drink that is high in iron, potassium (which promotes the
absorption of calcium), protein and B group vitamins. It increases digestive energy and
gives strength.


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