w04 - SF - Medical Device Regulation V02
w04 - SF - Medical Device Regulation V02
w04 - SF - Medical Device Regulation V02
• Penalties
• Product seizure
• Fines
• Jail-time
Classification of Devices
Quick check
What classification would you expect the following
devices to be?
• Cochlear implant
• Elastic bandages
• CT scanner
• Dental implant
• Pacemaker
• Crutches
Descriptionof adverse events
Exercise - Homework
• Identify 3 medical devices you’re familiar with or interested in; 1 from each of the 3 classifications (read
to see how the identify classification works)
• Find at least one adverse event associated with each device and read about the event
• Write a brief summary (approximately 1 page, single spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman, 1” margins) of what
you found (include the report numbers from the MAUDE database so the grader can find the same adverse
events) in the event and on the background of the devices.
• One great place to find background on devices is in the official instructions for use (IFU) of the device,
particularly for class II and III devices. For the Xience Alpine system, find the drug dose density for +5 points
and note the value and source at the end of your report.
• Include your name, section, date, and a title at the top of your report. Your file name should be like
“HW1_MedDevRep_JaneSmith.pdf” and submit via eLearning.