Ch14 Energy

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Nuclear ScienceA Teachers Guide to the Nuclear Science Wall Chart

1998 Contemporary Physics Education Project (CPEP)

Chapter 14 Energy from Nuclear Science
The isotope
U, with an abundance of only 0.7% in natural uranium, is
commonly used to produce electricity in nuclear fission reactors. This isotope has the
distinctive and useful property of undergoing nuclear fission through interaction with
thermal-energy neutrons (neutrons with average speeds of only a few km/s). The other
main isotope of uranium,
U, does not undergo nuclear fission with thermal neutrons,
but it does capture neutrons to form the isotope
Np which then decays to
Pu. This
isotope of plutonium undergoes nuclear fission with thermal neutrons with a higher
probability than that of
U. The energy released in the fission of
U and
Pu, mainly
in the form of kinetic energy of the fission fragments, provides the heat to run the turbines
that generate electricity at a nuclear fission power plant.
Nuclear Fission Energy
Fig. 14-1. Fission of
U after absorption of a thermal neutron.
The relevant nuclear reactions can be written as follows:
U +
n fission products + neutrons + energy (~200 MeV) (1)
U +
U + gamma rays (2)

Pu (a series of beta decays). (3)
An integer number of neutrons, for example, either two, three or four, are emitted
in the reactions leading to different pairs of fission products described in reaction (1). The
average number is 2.43. Some of the neutrons in reaction (1) can be used to induce fission
in another
U nucleus, thus continuing a controlled, self-perpetuating nuclear chain
reaction. Some fraction of the remaining neutrons from reaction (1) are utilized in reaction
(2) to produce
Pu. The rest are absorbed in other nuclei without further effect.
The isotope
Th, although not fissionable with thermal neutrons, is a possible
energy source because it absorbs thermal neutrons to produce long-lived
U, which also
Chapter 14Energy from Nuclear Science
undergoes thermal neutron fission with a high probability. Thus the big three readily
fissionable nuclei are:
Pu, and
Fig. 14-2. The reactor vessel of a commercial reactor is inside this containment building.
A typical pressurized (or boiling) water nuclear reactor consists of a core of
fissionable material (UO
, enriched to 3.3% to 4% in
U) in which the chain reaction
takes place. A picture of a reactor is shown in Fig. 14-2. The energy released in the fission
process, which is primarily in the form of the kinetic energy of the fission fragments, heats
the water. The water serves both as a neutron moderator (it slows down the fission
neutrons to thermal energies), and as a heat transfer fluid. The chain reaction is controlled
by rods of neutron-absorbing material inserted into the core. The thermal energy is
removed from the core by the water to an external thermal-energy converter. In the
pressurized water reactor (PWR), the thermal energy produces steam for the turbine
through the use of a heat exchanger, whereas in a boiling water reactor (BWR), the steam
is produced for direct use in the turbine.
Nuclear reactions liberate a large amount of energy compared to chemical reactions.
One fission event results in the release of about 200 MeV of energy, or about 3.2 10
watt-seconds. Thus, 3.1 10

fissions per second produce 1 W of thermal power. The
fission of 1 g of uranium or plutonium per day liberates about 1 MW. This is the energy
equivalent of 3 tons of coal or about 600 gallons of fuel oil per day, which when burned
produces approximately 1/4 tonne of carbon dioxide. (A tonne, or metric ton, is 1000 kg.)
Nuclear reactors manufacture their own fuel, since they produce
Pu from
With the total worldwide installed nuclear capacity of 3.4 10
(megawatt electrical),
one can estimate that more than 100 tonnes of
Pu are produced each year in reactors
whose primary energy source is the fission of
U. This
Pu can be reprocessed from
used fuel rods and used to power other reactors.
It is actually possible to generate more
Pu than is used up in the reactor by
surrounding the core with a uranium blanket and generating
Pu in this blanket. This is
called a breeder reactor. A breeder reactor needs to be operated with fast neutrons, a so-
called fast breeder reactor. In a fast-breeder reactor, water cannot be used as a coolant
because it would moderate the neutrons. The smaller fission cross sections associated with
the fast neutrons (as compared with thermal neutrons) leads to higher fuel concentrations in
the core and higher power densities, which, in turn, create significant heat transfer
problems. Liquid sodium metal may be used here as a coolant and heat-transfer fluid.
Research on breeder reactors has essentially stopped in the United States because of
concerns over nuclear proliferation since the plutonium bred in the reactor might be used
for making weapons. Due to such concerns and the complexities of construction and
Chapter 14Energy from Nuclear Science
operation, it is unlikely that breeder reactors will ever come into general operation within
the next several decades, if ever.
In a yearly operating cycle of a typical (1000 MW
) pressurized water reactor, the
spent fuel contains about 25 tonnes of uranium and about 250 kg of
Pu. Some 40% of
the energy produced in the course of a nuclear fuel cycle comes from
Pu. Since 22% of
the electricity generated in the United States comes from nuclear power plants, about twice
as much electricity is generated from
Pu as is generated from oil-fired electrical
generating plants.
Some 435 nuclear power plants operating around the world generate about 345,000
of electricity in 35 countries, nearly one-fifth the worlds electricity supply. Some
countries depend vitally on the electricity generated by nuclear energy. France generates
76% of its electricity from nuclear power plants; Belgium56%, South Korea36%,
Switzerland40%, Sweden47%, Finland30%, Japan33%, and the United
Kingdom25%. Bulgaria generates 46% of its electricity from nuclear power, Hungary
42%, and the Czech Republic and Slovakia combined20%. Although the United States is
not a leader in percentage, it has the largest total electric output from nuclear power: 99,000
from 109 plants, generating 22% of US electric power.
However, the United States, which led the world in early nuclear electric power
development, was also first to be affected by its decline. Over the past two decades the US
nuclear electric power industry has received no new domestic orders due to concerns over
reactor safety, waste disposal, regulatory uncertainty, increased costs, and decreased
electrical demand growth. These same pressures are now affecting nuclear power
worldwide, although countries such as France and South Korea still have vigorous
programs. A rebirth may be imminent because of impending solutions to some of these
problems and because of the problem of global warming due to the release of greenhouse
gases in the combustion of fossil fuels.
The public has become suspicious of nuclear energy partly because of the elaborate
methods used to address safety concerns. Most worrisome is the need for external electrical
power to supply the pumps used in emergency core cooling systems in the types of reactors
now used in the United States. In an accident, this external supply could possibly be
disrupted leading to a release of radioactivity. New reactor designs use passive safety to
address this problem. Passive safety features can be thought of as characteristics of a
reactor that, without operator intervention, will tend to shut or cool a reactor down, keep it
in a safe configuration, and prevent release of radioactivity. These features fall into two
broad categoriesfeatures that are designed to prevent accidents, and those that mitigate
the effects of accidents. Many current problems arise from the huge scale of reactor
construction projects. Typically, 1000 MW reactors have been constructed on site. The
new types of reactors are smaller (e.g. 600 MW) and may be constructed in factories where
uniformity and quality control can produce reactors and operating procedures less prone to
failure. Examples of these new designs are two types of Advanced Passive Light Water
Reactors (APLWRs), the Liquid Metal Reactor (LMR), and the Modular High Temperature
Gas-cooled Reactor (MHTGR). The APLWR is the most developed of these new reactor
Chapter 14Energy from Nuclear Science
types. The AP-600 (Advanced Passive 600 MW
), a pressurized water reactor. It runs at
lower temperatures and with larger water inventories than current light water reactors, and
has a passive emergency core-cooling system that utilizes gravity. It uses passive natural
circulation for the removal of heat from the core.
Nuclear fission reactors, usually pressurized water reactors with energy conversion
based on a steam-turbine cycle, have been used extensively to power ships. The United
States has built and launched an impressive number of nuclear powered shipsa total of
155 attack and missile submarines, 9 guided missile cruisers (18 reactors), and 5 aircraft
carriers (with a total of 24 reactors) and has operated 9 prototype reactors on land. Of this
total, 22 submarines have been decommissioned or are non-operational. Shipboard reactors
are constructed smaller than similar installations ashore, with special attention given to
maintenance, protection from collision, and leakage. Although the primary use of nuclear
power has been in submarines and other military vessels, a few non-military marine
installations have been demonstrated. Examples include the Russian icebreaker Lenin and
the United States demonstration merchant ship NS Savannah.
Nuclear Fusion Power
Nuclear fusion reactors, if they can be made to work, promise virtually unlimited
power for the indefinite future. This is because the fuel, isotopes of hydrogen, are
essentially unlimited on Earth. Efforts to control the fusion process and harness it to
produce power have been underway in the United States and abroad for more than forty
Nuclear fusion is the source of energy in the sun and stars where high temperatures
and densities allow the positively-charged nuclei to get close enough to each other for the
(attractive) nuclear force to overcome the (repulsive) electrical force and allow fusion to
occur. Fig. 3 shows one fusion reaction. The most promising fusion reaction,
H +
He + n + 17.6 MeV
involves the radioactive nuclide tritium (
H), available from the nuclear production reaction
Li + n
H +
Fig. 14-3. A diagram showing a typical fusion reaction.
Chapter 14Energy from Nuclear Science
To produce energy using this reaction, both the magnetic confinement reactor with a
high temperature plasma (a gas that has been completely ionized) and the inertial
confinement reactor (which utilizes laser implosion technologies) have been investigated.
Extremely high plasma temperatures are required in the magnetic confinement reactor and
difficult laser implosion techniques are required for the inertial confinement reactor.
Although significant progress has been made in these investigations, no working reactor
that produces more energy than it consumes has been built. Unfortunately, the funding for
continuing this work has declined, and the work is proceeding at a slower pace.
Although these types of reactors would not have the fission product waste disposal
problem of fission reactors, fusion reactors generate large number of fast neutrons, leading
to large quantities of radioactive byproducts.
Another approach to nuclear fusionan approach that could lead to aneutronic
power (power without neutrons) and non-radioactive nuclear energyuses the concept of
colliding-beam fusion (CBF). One aneutronic method features the
H +
He reaction
leading to the products
H +
He. However, this requires
He as fuel and terrestrial
sources of this are limited. The Moon is a potential source of
He produced by cosmic-ray
protons hitting the Moon directly and not being absorbed by an atmosphere as on Earth.
Another potential approach for colliding beam fusion is the
B +
H reaction leading to the
He nuclei. The energy release is in the form of charged particles whose kinetic
energy can be converted to electricity with a very high efficiency. Current research predicts
that this energy source has an extremely high degree of cleanness and efficiency. In all
current energy sources, approximately two-thirds of the energy is lost in the form of waste
heat or thermal pollution. In the CBF approach, there is virtually no waste. This design
favors small size for the greatest efficiency (100 MW
or less), and would lead to either
power plants with several reactors or decentralization of energy production.

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