CDF600-22xx Fieldbus Module For PROFINET IO 2014-09-16 04-14-18

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Supplements to the operating instructions.

Mounting, electrical installation and configuration.
Fieldbus Module for PROFINET IO
Technical Information CDF600-22xx fieldbus module PROFINET IO
8015924 / 2014-04-04 SICK AG Germany All rights reserved Subject to change without notice 2
This document describes the CDF600-22xx fieldbus module for PROFINET IO (firmware version V1.10 or
higher) in both Proxy and Gateway mode. The required handling on the part of the PROFINET controller is
described here using a Siemens S7 CPU with integrated PROFINET based on Step7 V5.5 as example. The
CDF600-22xx fieldbus module for PROFINET IO is simply referred as "CDF600-22xx" in this document.

1 Functions of the CDF600-22xx ............................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Range of functions in Proxy mode .................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Range of functions in Gateway mode ............................................................................................. 5
1.3 Mode overview for the CDF600-22xx ............................................................................................. 6
1.4 Overview of the communication protocols of the CDF600-22xx ...................................................... 7
2 Electrical connection ........................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 CDF600-2200 M12 version .......................................................................................................... 8
2.2 CDF600-2201 AIDA version ......................................................................................................... 8
3 ID sensor connection .......................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Prerequisites for the safe operation of the CDF600-22xx in a system ............................................. 9
3.2 ID sensor connection, e.g., bar code scanner CLV62x 65x ...................................................... 12
3.3 Connecting the CLV62x 65x with subnetwork (CAN bus) to the CDF600-2200 (M12 version) . 13
3.4 Connecting the CLV63x 65x bar code scanner with heating .................................................... 14
3.5 Connecting a hand-held scanner .................................................................................................. 15
3.6 Connecting other devices with RS-232 interface .......................................................................... 16
4 Configuration via USB on the CDF600-22xx .................................................................................... 17
4.1 Configuring the ID sensor via USB on the CDF600-22xx in Proxy mode ...................................... 17
4.2 Parameter cloning in CDF600-22xx in Proxy mode / device replacement ..................................... 20
4.3 Configuring the CDF600-22xx in Gateway mode .......................................................................... 22
5 Handling on the PLC side ................................................................................................................. 24
5.1 Installing the GSDML file .............................................................................................................. 24
5.2 Adding sensors in HW Config ....................................................................................................... 25
5.3 Assigning PN names automatically ............................................................................................... 26
6 Data channel of the CDF600-22xx..................................................................................................... 27
6.1 Handshake mode / Confirmed Messaging (Proxy/Gateway mode) ............................................... 27
6.1.1 Using the SICK function block for PROFIBUS/PROFINET ....................................................... 29
6.1.2 CDF600 byte layout .................................................................................................................. 29
6.1.3 Receiving data.......................................................................................................................... 30
6.1.4 Example 1, receipt of a single block telegram (HS mode): ........................................................ 31
6.1.5 Example 2, receipt of a blocked telegram (HS mode): .............................................................. 32
6.1.6 Send data ................................................................................................................................. 33
6.1.7 Example 3, transmission of a single block telegram (HS mode) ............................................... 34
6.1.8 Example 4, transmission of a blocked telegram (HS mode): ..................................................... 36
6.1.9 Binary status bits In .................................................................................................................. 37
6.1.10 Binary Status Bits Out .............................................................................................................. 38
6.2 No-Handshake mode (only in Proxy mode) .................................................................................. 38
6.2.1 Byte layout in No-Handshake Mode (NH): ................................................................................ 39
6.2.2 Receiving data in No-Handshake Mode ................................................................................... 39
6.2.3 Example 5, receive telegram (NH mode): ................................................................................. 40
6.2.4 Example 6, send telegram (NH mode) ...................................................................................... 41
7 Function of the CDF600-22xx in Gateway mode .............................................................................. 43

Technical Information CDF600-22xx fieldbus module PROFINET IO
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8 Digital inputs/outputs ........................................................................................................................ 45
8.1 Ctrl bits ......................................................................................................................................... 45
8.1.1 Ctrl bits In ................................................................................................................................. 46
8.1.2 Ctrl bits Out .............................................................................................................................. 47
9 GSDML configuration in Proxy mode (optional) .............................................................................. 48
10 Appendix ............................................................................................................................................ 49
10.1 Quickstart ID sensor on the CDF600-22xx in Proxy mode via USB .............................................. 49
10.2 Quickstart ID sensor on the CDF600-22xx in Proxy mode without USB ....................................... 50
10.3 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................ 51
10.3.1 Proxy mode troubleshooting ...................................................................................................... 51
10.3.2 Gateway mode troubleshooting ................................................................................................. 52
10.4 Overview of the mode switch of the CDF600-22xx ....................................................................... 53
10.5 Read switch setting with GETDIAG via SOPAS terminal .............................................................. 54
10.6 Resetting the CDF600-22xx to the default settings / clearing the cloning memory ........................ 55
10.7 Monitoring data output via the SOPAS terminal ............................................................................ 56
10.8 Function of the LEDs of the CDF600-22xx ................................................................................... 57
10.8.1 Display of the Power LED ......................................................................................................... 57
10.8.2 Status of the "SF" LED ............................................................................................................. 58
10.8.3 Status of the "BF" LED ............................................................................................................. 58
10.8.4 Status of the "EXT. IN 1" LED .................................................................................................. 58
10.8.5 "P1 LNK/ACT" status LED ........................................................................................................ 58
10.8.6 "P2 LNK/ACT" status LED ........................................................................................................ 58
10.9 Firmware update of the CDF600-22xx (mode E) via SOPAS ........................................................ 59
10.10 Firmware update of the attached ID sensor (mode F) via SOPAS ............................................. 60
10.11 Software versions of the CDF600-22xx ..................................................................................... 61
10.12 Tools for checking and assigning PN name and IP address from the PLC side ........................ 61
10.13 Checking and, if necessary, assigning a PROFINET name from the PLC side via HW Config .. 63
10.14 Checking the PROFINET name using the PST (Primary Setup Tool) ........................................ 63
10.15 Searching the network using SOPAS Auto IP Scan .................................................................. 64
10.16 Configuration of a hand-held scanner from the IDM product family ........................................... 65
10.17 Notes regarding operation on other PROFINET IO controllers .................................................. 66

Technical Information CDF600-22xx fieldbus module PROFINET IO
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1 Functions of the CDF600-22xx

1.1 Range of functions in Proxy mode

The Proxy mode (rotary coding switch "Mode" to 0) can be used for the ID sensors listed below.
In Proxy mode, the GSDML file of the respective ID sensor must be used.

ID sensor Type / Version
GSDML file to be used
(or newer version)

CLV61x-Fxxx / V1.21 or higher GSDML-V2.3-SICK-CLV61x_via_CDF600-

CLV62x-65x / V5.26 or higher GSDML-V2.3-SICK-

CLV69x / planned -

Lector62x / planned -

RFH6xx / planned -

RFU6xx / planned -

In this mode, the complete range of functions of the CDF600-22xx is available:
Communication with the PROFINET/PLC (data channel for sending and receiving).
Depending on the ID sensor, communication can occur in CDF mode and CDF-NoHandshake
The "EXT. IN1" switching input can be used directly to trigger the ID sensor.
Ctrl bits for the PROFINET/PLC (according to the digital switching inputs/outputs on the ID sensor
and EXT. IN1)
The USB connection can be used to configure and monitor the ID sensor via SOPAS.
(The connection is converted to the serial AUX port of the ID sensor.)
Cloning parameter integrated in CDF600-22xx (same as parameter CMC600 memory module)
Configuration of the ID sensor from the PLC via GSDML file (depending on the ID sensor)
Configuration of the ID sensor via PROFINET with SOPAS when the PC is directly connected to the
network (Ethernet TCP/IP connection) via the IP address of the CDF600-22xx via port 2111/2112.
In the CDF600-22xx, this is converted to the serial AUX interface of the ID sensor. The ID sensor in
SOPAS is also displayed at the AutoIP scan (for IP addresses that are not 0).

The following triggering types of the ID sensor are possible:
a) Triggering by photoelectric switch or hardware signal at "EXT. IN1" input (configure ID sensor to
EXT. IN1) or
b) Triggering by software trigger (configure ID sensor to command)
c) Triggering by trigger bit in the Ctrl bits (configure ID sensor to fieldbus input)

If the ID sensor supports it, it can also be operated in free-running mode.

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1.2 Range of functions in Gateway mode

In Gateway mode (rotary coding switch "Mode" to 2 or 4), any device can be connected that can generate
the required communication parameters such as RS-232, 57.6 (position 2) or 9.6 kBd (position 4), the data
format 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit) and an STX/ETX framing, e.g., hand-held scanner of the IDM or
LECTOR65x product family.

In Gateway mode, the range of functions of the CDF600-22xx is limited:
Communication with the PROFINET/PLC (data channel for sending and receiving).
Only CDF mode with handshake is available.
The PLC can read the input "EXT. IN1" via the Ctrl bits.
The USB connection has a limited function here and cannot be used to configure the ID sensor.
There is no parameter cloning function for the connected ID sensor

In this mode, the GSDML file of the CDF600-22xx must be used.

Sensor Type / Version
GSDML file to be used
(or newer version)

CDF600-2 / V1.10 or higher GSDML-V2.3-SICK-CDF600-20130602.xml

The CDF600-22xx is a PROFINET gateway for transfer from RS-232 to PROFINET. It has a serial RS-232
interface that can connect to an ID sensor as follows:
57.6 kBd or 9.6 kBd
8, n, 1
Data must be framed by STX (Hex 02) and ETX (Hex 03)
Data can be sent and received

The interface is connected to the AUX interface of the ID sensor (pins 2, 3 and 5 of the 15-pin HD socket).

If triggering should be carried out from the PLC, a software trigger must be used.
The PLC can read the input "EXT. IN1" via the Ctrl bits, but the input cannot be used for direct triggering of
the ID sensor.

If the ID sensor supports it, it can also be operated in free-running mode.

A separate connection box can be used to integrate a bar code scanner of the CLV42x 49x product
family or 2D code reader of the ICR84x-2/85x product family and the host interface of the device can then
be connected to the CDF600-22xx. The CDF600-22xx must then be operated in Gateway mode.
For electrical connection, see chapter 2.

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1.3 Mode overview for the CDF600-22xx

Operation of the CDF600-22xx depends on the position of the "Mode" rotary coding switch and the
communication protocol set in the ID sensor. The switch is located under the cover.

"Mode" switch
modes (configured in
the sensor)
Data channel Digital I/Os
Handshake /
messaging (CM)
Operation of the
SICK function
blocks possible

Mode 0

(57,600 baud)
X Ctrl bits
CDF600 NoHandshake
(57,600 baud)
X Ctrl bits
Mode 2

(57,600 baud)
X Ctrl bits
Mode 4

(9,600 baud)
X Ctrl bits
Table: CDF600-22xx operating modes

In Gateway mode, the communication protocol is fixed to CDF600 (with handshake) and cannot be
changed. In Gateway mode, no GSDML configuration is permitted.

Operation of the SICK function blocks for PROFIBUS / PROFINET is only possible in Handshake mode /
Confirmed Messaging (CDF600).

In Proxy mode, the communication protocol can be configured in the ID sensor.
Depending on the sensor, various communication protocols are supported:

ID sensors
Communication protocol
GSD configuration
CDF600 CDF600

(not CLV61x-Cxxx or
V1.21 or
CLV62x 65x
V5.26 or
CLV69x Planned X X ---
Lector62x Planned X X X
RFH6xx Planned X X X
RFU6xx Planned X X X

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1.4 Overview of the communication protocols of the CDF600-22xx

In Proxy mode (mode 0):
The CDF600-22xx offers two communication protocols. The communication protocol can be set in the ID
sensor under "Parameter / Network Interfaces / IOs / Fieldbus Gateways":

CDF600 Handshake mode / Confirmed Messaging (default, recommended)
Data channel compatible with the Byte Handshake mode of the CDF600 PROFIBUS, CMF400
PROFIBUS, CDM425, and PROFINET on Board.
Send and receive with max. telegram length of 4000 bytes (with blocking)
A handshake is required on the PLC side.
The SICK function blocks can be used for PROFIBUS / PROFINET
Ctrl bits can be used to trigger or to set I/O's and to monitor.

CDF600 No Handshake Mode:
Data channel compatible with the No-Handshake mode of the CDF600 PROFIBUS, CMF400
The max. telegram length is limited by the size of the input/output range and is max. 123 bytes.
There is no fragmenting / blocking.
No handshake is required on the PLC side.
Ctrl bits can be used to trigger or to set I/O's and to monitor.

In Gateway mode (mode 2 or 4):
The communication protocol cannot be set in Gateway mode. Here, the CDF600-22xx always works in
CDF600 Handshake mode:

CDF600 Handshake mode / Confirmed Messaging
Data channel compatible with the Byte Handshake mode of the CDF600 PROFIBUS, CMF400
Send and receive with max. telegram length of 4000 bytes (with blocking)
A handshake is required on the PLC side.
Ctrl bits may be used. However only the DevReady bit and ExtIn1 are allocated.

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2 Electrical connection

The electrical connection incl. pin assignment and wire colors of the cables can be found in the operating
instructions for CDF600-2200 (8015922) and the CDF600-2201 (8016853) or online at

2.1 CDF600-2200 M12 version

2.2 CDF600-2201 AIDA version

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3 ID sensor connection
3.1 Prerequisites for the safe operation of the CDF600-22xx in a system
The CDF600-22xx fieldbus module is connected to other peripheral devices, such as bar code scanners,
read cycle sensor(s), PLC/host, power supplies, via screened cables. The cable shields lie on the metal
housing of the CDF600-22xx. The device can either be connected to the system ground via the elongated
holes or the shield of the power supply cable, for example.
If the peripheral devices have metal housings and if the cable shields also lie on their housings, it is
assumed that all devices involved in the installation have the same ground potential. This is ensured by:

Mounting the devices on conductive metal surfaces
Correctly grounding the devices/metal surfaces in the system
If necessary, low-impedance and current carrying equipotential bonding between areas with
different ground potentials.

If these conditions are not met, e.g., on devices in a widely distributed system over several buildings,
potential equalization currents may, due to different ground potentials, flow along the cable shields between
the devices.

Due to insufficient ground potential equalization, voltage differences arise between the grounding points 1
and 2. The current loop closes via the screened cables and housing.

Risk of injury/risk of damage via electrical current
Potential equalization currents between the CDF600-22xx and other grounded devices in the system can
have the following effects:
Dangerous voltages on the metal housing, e.g., of the CDF600-22xx
Incorrect function or irreparable damage to the devices
Damage/irreparable damage of the cable shield due to heating and cable fires

Where local conditions are unfavorable and thus do not meet conditions for a safe earthing method
(same ground potential at all grounding points), take measures in accordance with the following formats.

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Remedial measures
The most common solution to prevent potential equalization currents on cable shields is to ensure low-
impedance and current carrying equipotential bonding. If this is not possible, the following solution
approaches serve as a suggestion.

We expressly advise against opening up the cable shields. This would mean that the EMC limit values can
no longer be complied with and that the safe operation of the device data interfaces can no longer be

a) Measures for widely distributed system installations

On widely distributed system installations with correspondingly large potential differences, we recommend
setting up local islands and connecting them using commercially available electro-optical signal isolators.
This measure achieves a high degree of resistance to electromagnetic interference while at the same time
complying with all the requirements of EN 60950-1.
The following figure shows how these measures work:

The ground loop is isolated by using the electro-optical signal isolator between the islands. Within the
islands, a stable equipotential bonding prevents equalizing currents on the cable shields.

b) Measures for small system installations

For smaller installations with only slight potential differences, insulated installation of the CDF600-22xx and
of peripheral devices may be a sufficient solution.
The following figure shows how these measures work:

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Even in the event of large differences in the ground potential, ground loops are effectively prevented. As a
result, equalizing currents can no longer flow via the cable shields and metal housing.

The power supply of the CDF600-22xx and the connected peripheral devices must also guarantee the
required level of insulation.
Under certain circumstances, a tangible potential can develop between the insulated metal housings and
the local ground potential.

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3.2 ID sensor connection, e.g., bar code scanner CLV62x 65x
CLV6xx and other ID sensors with fixed connecting cable and 15-pin D-Sub HD plug can be connected to
the CDF600-22xx directly. The max. length of the cable is 5 m incl. possible extension cables.

ID sensors with 12-pin M12 plug connector (e.g., CLV62x 65x Ethernet version) can be connected
using one of the following cables:

ID sensors with 17-pin M12 plug connector (e.g., LECTOR62x or RFU6xx Ethernet version) can be
connected using one of the following cables:

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3.3 Connecting the CLV62x 65x with subnetwork
(CAN bus) to the CDF600-2200 (M12 version)

The CAN bus can be used to connect additional ID sensors to the CLV6xx. The devices operate together
as a master/slave or mux/server configuration.

CAN bus:
Master / slave: max. 5 devices
Mux / server: max. 5 devices

The CDF600-2200 (M12 version) offers the option of connecting the CAN bus via the power plug.

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3.4 Connecting the CLV63x 65x bar code scanner with heating
The supply voltage feed (24 V DC 10 %) must be protected on the user-side by a 3 A fuse in the control
cabinet. A separate fuse must be used for each unit consisting of a fieldbus module and bar code scanner
with heater.

The supply voltage for the fieldbus module is routed via a temperature-dependent switch for the bar code
scanner's heating. After a warm-up phase of approx. 40 min (at 35C and 24 V DC), the temperature-
dependent switch releases the supply voltage for the fieldbus module. The fieldbus module now supplies
the electronics of the bar code scanner.

Cable lengths
The supply cable (cable 3) from the 24 V DC switched/power supply unit (GND) to the fieldbus
module must not exceed 2 m. This ensures that the required supply voltage for the heating is
available on the bar code scanner.
The supply cable (cable 2) from the power supply to the heating for the bar code scanner is 2 m and
must not be extended.
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3.5 Connecting a hand-held scanner
Connection of a hand-held scanner of the IDM product family in Gateway mode using an adapter via
RS-232. The adapter includes a voltage converter from DC 24 to 5 V for the voltage supply of the hand-
held scanner, which means that a separate plug-in power supply is not necessary.

For information on how to configure the hand-held scanner: See appendix, chapter 10.16

Set the CDF600-22xx to mode 2.
The CDF600-22xx is then fixed to 57600 baud and the communication protocol is set to CDF600
(see chapter 1.3)

Data can be received via SICK function block (data receipt only).

The S7 function block for CLV6xx/LECTOR62x PROFINET/PROFIBUS can be used for data receipt.
Optional actions such as trigger or COM test cannot be used. Likewise, if error message No. 9 or No. 1
occurs, this can be ignored. This does not affect the data receipt from the hand-held scanner.

Cable with power on pin 9:
No. 6041540 (IDM12x/IDMx4x/IDMx61)
No. 6045196 (IDMx60)
Adapter No. 2057709 (0.3 m)
or No. 2056475 (0.2 m)
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3.6 Connecting other devices with RS-232 interface
If the CDF600-22xx is operated in Gateway mode, other devices with RS-232 interface can be connected.
The following communication parameters are required:

RS-232 data interface with 57.6 or 9.6 kBd transmission rate
Data format 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit
Data must be framed by STX (Hex 02) and ETX (Hex 03)

Receive data (e.g., read result from sensor to PLC):
The data string must always be framed by STX/ETX.

Send data(e.g., commands from PLC to sensor):
The CDF600-22xx always adds the STX/ETX frame.
This cannot be suppressed.

15-pin HD socket device: External RS-232 device:

TxD, pin 2 ------------------------>----- RxD
RxD, pin 3 ----<------------------------- TxD
Gnd, pin 5 ------------------------------- Gnd

If an ID sensor (e.g., CLV6xx, LECTOR62x, RFH6xx, RFU6xx, etc.) is connected to the CDF600-22xx
and operated in Gateway mode, the serial AUX interface of the ID sensor is connected to the
CDF600-22xx. The serial AUX interface may need the appropriate output format with STX/ETX frame.

In Gateway mode, the USB interface of the CDF600-22xx cannot be used to configure the connected ID
The ID sensor must then be configured, for example, via a direct Ethernet interface or USB.

In Gateway mode, the PLC can read the "EXT. IN 1" input via the Ctrl bits but the input cannot use it for
direct triggering of the ID sensor.
The "EXT. IN 1" input read via the Ctrl bits can be used to send a software trigger to the sensor from the
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4 Configuration via USB on the CDF600-22xx
4.1 Configuring the ID sensor via USB on the CDF600-22xx in Proxy mode
If the CDF600-22xx is operated in Proxy mode (rotary coding switch at position 0), a USB cable can be
used to configure the ID sensor via SOPAS V2.36 (or higher). The Micro-B USB socket is located under the
cover for the rotary switch.

USB Micro-B

Select the network wizard in SOPAS and connect USB. SOPAS shows the USB connection of the CDF600-
22xx as the communication interface, but the attached ID sensor itself is recognized as the device and
not the CDF600-22xx.

The USB interface is converted by the CDF600-22xx on the serial AUX interface (RS-232) of the ID sensor.
No images, for example, can be transferred from the LECTOR62x. If available, of course, a direct
Ethernet or USB interface of the ID sensor can be used for configuration or to transfer images.

In the SOPAS Network Scan Assistant, USB activated is required to search. The required SDD file of the
ID sensor must be installed on the PC under SOPAS. It can take a relatively long time depending on the ID
sensor if not installed and the SDD file has to be loaded from the device. It is recommended to install the
required SDD file in advance under "Device Catalog / Install" either online or by data transfer.

If the USB connection is established, SOPAS or SOPAS Single Device launches automatically.
To use separately, SOPAS ET must be launched separately and the connection to the ID sensor re-
established using the network scan assistant via USB.

For the CDF600-22xx, no direct configuration is required, i.e., the connected ID sensor automatically
recognizes the CDF600-22xx. SOPAS shows this as a system status in the "System Information" display
window of the ID sensor as "CDF600 detected". The firmware version of the CDF600-22xx is also

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In the configuration, the option "Profinet Proxy CDF600" automatically appears under the device page
"Network / Interfaces / IO / Fieldbus Gateways":

The PROFINET station name (=PN Station Name) is displayed here and can be changed. The PROFINET
station name can also be changed by the PLC. See appendix, chapter 10.12.

This PROFINET station name is also used as the device name in the default settings.
The device name is displayed in the parameter tree in SOPAS and helps when searching for devices.
If required, this function can be deactivated using the "Use 'PN Station Name' also for 'Device Name'"
check box.

If the CDF600-22xx is not yet active in the PROFINET - data exchange to the IO Controller (PLC), the PN
IP-Address, PN Subnet-Mask and the PN Default Gateway of the CDF600-22xx can also be set here.
However, note that this is normally carried out automatically by the IO controller (PLC) if the PN station
name matches. If the IP is automatically assigned by the IO controller (PLC), the IP address is temporarily
accepted and then displayed as not remanent in SOPAS.

Remanent: (IP address)
This indicates whether the PN IP address, subnet and gateway are permanently stored and also
immediately available once power is restored or whether these have only been temporarily assigned and
the IP address is following a restart.

Remanent: (PN station name):
This indicates whether the station name has been permanently stored.

PN state: connected The CDF600-22xx with ID sensor is exchanging data with PROFINET.
This corresponds to the "BF" LED = off.

After changing the PN name or IP address, click "Apply" to use the new settings.

The Communication mode for the CDF600-22xx can also be set here. If changed from the default
setting, the parameters must be saved permanently and the CDF600-22xx restarted. For details about the
modes of communication, see chapter 1.3.

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Likewise, the IM data, such as Plant designation, Location designation, Installation date (mandatory format
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) and Additional information, can also be displayed and set here. This data is only
used for organization and can be read and written by the IO controller (PLC) or by the higher-level system.

The required output format must also be set. The format does not require a STX/ETX frame because
transport works in Proxy mode without this ID. If STX/ETX is set as the frame, the characters are entered in
the data for the PLC as control characters, which is not normally desirable.

Set output format without STX/ETX in Proxy mode:

The "CDF600 Proxy" SOPAS configuration block is solely responsible for operation of the CDF600-22x.
Additional configuration of other fieldbus gateways must be avoided. The connectable fieldbus gateway
CMF400 / CDM425 must be OFF:

Only one fieldbus sensor must be operated simultaneously in the ID sensor.

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4.2 Parameter cloning in CDF600-22xx in Proxy mode / device replacement

The CDF600-22xx also features a cloning parameter memory for the ID sensor in Proxy mode.
The function is identical to the CMC600.

When powered up the ID sensor checks whether a valid, matching parameter set is stored on the CDF600-
22xx. If it is, then this is also stored and used on the ID sensor. If the parameter set on the CDF600-22xx is
empty (delivery state) when powered up, then the ID sensor stores its current parameters on the CDF600-
22xx. When it is next time powered up, the ID sensor loads this again from the CDF600-22xx.

During the configuration of the ID sensor, the parameters, incl. PN name, are stored on the ID sensor and
also on the CDF600-22x every time they are stored permanently. As a result the storage process takes
longer. In this way the parameter set on the CDF600-22xx is synchronized with the ID sensor.

ID sensor replacement:
If the ID sensor is replaced with a sensor of the same type, it is ready for operation as soon as it is switched
on, as all parameters, incl. PN name, are transferred directly from the CDF600-22xx to the ID sensor.
The previous configuration of the exchange unit (ID sensor) is not relevant and is overwritten.

CDF600-22xx replacement:
If the CDF600-22xx is replaced with a device of the same type, it is important that the new CDF600-22xx:
does not contain any cloning parameters. If necessary, this can be checked by using the GETDIAG via
Terminal command in mode 2.
See appendix, chapter 10.5. See also "Clear cloning memory" on the next page or in the appendix,
chapter 10.6.
If the parameter set on the CDF600-22xx is empty when it is switched on (delivery state), then the ID
sensor stores its current parameters on the CDF600-22xx. When it is next switched on, the ID sensor loads
this again from the CDF600-22xx.

CDF600-22xx and ID sensor replacement:
If both are replaced and both components have default settings, the PN name is empty.
If automatic name assignment has been activated in PN and the topology has been taught-in, the station is
assigned the PN names by the PROFINET IO controller (PLC).
Normally, the IP address is then also assigned. The CDF600-22xx is then active in PN.
Configuration can then be carried out either via SOPAS through USB or via TCP/IP (IP address of the
CDF600-22xx, port 2111 or 2112) or a GSDML configuration is stored.

GSDML configuration:
If a GSDML configuration is stored in the HW Config of the PROFINET IO Controller (PLC), then
configuration is always carried out automatically whenever the PROFINET IO is started. This overwrites the
existing parameters.
Any existing GSDML configuration therefore always overrides any parameters. This cannot be
suppressed locally in the ID sensor or the CDF600-22xx.

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Clearing the cloning memory in the CDF600-22xx via SOPAS:
In Proxy mode, the cloning memory in the CDF600-22xx can be cleared in SOPAS when configuring the ID
sensor via "CLV / Parameter / Clear cloning parameters: CMC600/CDF600". A prompt then appears.

Alternatively, the cloning memory in CDF600-22xx can be cleared in mode 2 via a command.
See appendix, chapter 10.6.
The cloning memory can also be checked using the GETDIAG via Terminal command in mode 2.
See appendix, chapter 10.5.

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4.3 Configuring the CDF600-22xx in Gateway mode

In Gateway mode (rotary coding switch set to 2 or 4), it is not necessary to configure the CDF600-22xx
via SOPAS. Both the PROFINET station name and the IP address can be assigned by the PLC.
See appendix, chapter 10.12. This is also normally recommended.

Alternatively, the PROFINET station name and the IP address can also be assigned and checked by

If the CDF600-22xx is operated in Gateway mode and the PC is connected via USB, the CDF600-22xx
itself appears as a device in SOPAS during scanning.
To display the device parameters, the SDD file of the CDF600-22xx must be loaded in SOPAS in
advance. If missing, the SDD file cannot be loaded from the CDF600-22xx.

The PROFINET station name can be displayed and changed on the "Parameter" tab. This can also be
changed from the PLC.

If the CDF600-22xx is not yet active in the PROFINET - data exchange to the IO Controller (PLC), the PN
IP-Address, PN Subnet-Mask and the PN Default Gateway of the CDF600-22xx can also be set on the
"Parameter" tab.
However, note that this is normally carried out automatically by the IO controller (PLC) if the PN station
name matches. If the IP is automatically assigned by the IO controller (PLC), the IP address is temporarily
accepted and then displayed as not remanent in SOPAS.

SOPAS CDF600-22xx / Parameter:

Likewise, the IM data, such as Plant designation, Location designation, Installation date (mandatory format
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) and Additional information, can also be displayed and set here. This data is only
used for organization and can be read and written by the IO controller (PLC) or by the higher-level system.

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The switch setting and the PROFINET status can be viewed on the System Status tab for the CDF600-22xx.
TIP: In this mode, changes to the rotary switch are also directly displayed.
However, a change to the mode is only applied once the CDF600-22xx has been switched on/off.

SOPAS CDF600-22xx / System Status:

SOPAS CDF600-22xx / Operating Data:

In this mode, the connected ID sensor cannot be configured via the CDF600-22xx or the serial data

The ID sensor to be connected must be set previously in a suitable way. If the ID sensor has a direct USB
or Ethernet interface, these can also be used for configuration.

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5 Handling on the PLC side
5.1 Installing the GSDML file
The current GSDML files for the relevant sensors to be connected can be downloaded from the following
product page on the Internet:, Select software type "GSD data file / GSDML.

Install the GSDML file associated with the ID sensor to be connected as follows:

Select "Options > Install GSD File" in HW Config.
Then select "Options > Update Catalog".

The selected device is installed and displayed in the catalog as follows:

For IDpro devices that can be operated in the Proxy mode of the CDF600-22xx:
"PROFINET IO / Additional Field Devices / Ident Systems / CLV61x"
"PROFINET IO / Additional Field Devices / Ident Systems / CLV62x-65x"

For other serial devices connected in the Gateway mode of the CDF600-22xx:
"PROFINET IO / Additional Field Devices / Gateway / CDF / CDF600-220x"

As shown in HW Config:

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5.2 Adding sensors in HW Config
To add the ID sensors to be connected in the system, select the required device, e.g., "CLV61x", and drag-
and-drop to the PROFINET line.

You can select the Device name, for identifying the device in PROFINET by double clicking on the module.
This name must match the name that you have given or will give to the CDF600-22xx via SOPAS-ET or via
PLC HW Config.

If you activate "Assign IP address via IO controller", the PLC automatically assigns the IP address when a
device with the corresponding PROFINET device name has been found.

Make sure that duplicate IP addresses are not used. If the IP sensor has its own Ethernet interface and
this is also connected to the network, ensure that the CDF600-22xx and IP sensor have different IP
addresses. If two devices have the same IP address, change one address before continuing. Use the
SOPAS-ET Auto IP Scan, for example, to change the IP address of the sensor, or change the IP address of
the CDF600-22xx via the PLC HW Config.

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5.3 Assigning PN names automatically
The PN name can be automatically assigned by the PROFINET IO Controller (PLC), if:

a) This has been activated in the CPU (is activated by default):
Support device replacement without exchangeable medium = active

b) The topology has been taught-in. A PN partner is then firmly assigned to each used port.

c) The switches used must support this function, e.g., Scalance X200 series.

If a PN device is connected with an empty name and its type matches, the PN name stored on the
PROFINET IO Controller (PLC) is assigned.

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6 Data channel of the CDF600-22xx

Various communication protocols can be selected for the data channel in the CDF600-22xx.
These modes are specific to SICK and require appropriate handling on the software side.
The various communication protocols are described in the chapters below.
6.1 Handshake mode / Confirmed Messaging (Proxy/Gateway mode)

In Proxy mode, the data channel of the CDF600-22xx is operated in Handshake mode / Confirmed
Messaging, when the communication protocol has been set to CDF600 Handshake mode (default setting).
In Gateway mode, the data channel is always fixed to this mode.

The data channel is compatible with the Byte Handshake mode of the CDF600 PROFIBUS, CMF400
PROFIBUS, CDM425, and PROFINET on Board. Send and receive with max. telegram length of 4000
bytes is possible with blocking.

In this mode, one input and one output module must be added in the HW Config for the ID sensor or
CDF600-22xx. The size can be selected.
A data size of up to 128 bytes (= 64 words) can be selected.
In the input/output modules, 5 bytes are used for administration. A module may contain from e.g., 32 bytes
to 27 bytes of user data without having to use blocking.

Input module (1 128 bytes) Output module (1 128 bytes)

Standard: "32 byte input" and "32 byte output"

Adding one input and one output module as well as the Ctrl bits:
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Note: In the case of the CLV61x and CLV62x-65x via CDF600-22xx, the input and output modules are
added when the device is added. These can be changed if required.

In addition, the I/O address must be selected.

The data must be handled consistently. Therefore, the I/O address for an S7-300/400 either must be
assigned so that it lies within its process image or the SFC 14/15 modules are used for consistent data

The size of the process image can be viewed by double-clicking on the CPU in the hardware configuration
of S7. More details are available in the S7 documentation.

A process image size of 512 bytes is used for the S7 CPU here:

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6.1.1 Using the SICK function block for PROFIBUS/PROFINET
If the optional SICK function block is used, the addresses of the I/O range incl. the correct length must be
assigned to the block. The block then takes over the handling of the Handshake mode and can thus also
receive data longer than the input range.
Download at software category "Function block".

If desired, optional actions such as triggering via command can also be used.
More details are available in the documentation of the function block.

The function block for CLV6xx/Lector is shown below as an example:

6.1.2 CDF600 byte layout

The data storage area is set up in CDF600 mode as shown below.
The length of the data storage area is up to 128 bytes depending on the module selected.

Address Inputs (Data CLV PLC) Output (Data PLC CLV)
1 Binary Status Bits In Binary Status Bits Out
2 ReceiveCount (counter)

ReceiveCountBack (counter)
3 TransmitCountBack (counter)

TransmitCount (counter)
4 ReceiveLength Lowbyte TransmitLength Lowbyte
5 ReceiveLength Highbyte TransmitLength Highbyte
6 ReceiveData, Byte 1 TransmitData, Byte 1
7 ReceiveData, Byte 2 TransmitData, Byte 2

n ReceiveData, Byte n - 5 TransmitData, Byte n 5

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6.1.3 Receiving data
Transmission from the ID sensor in Proxy mode of the CDF600-22xx requires no STX/ETX framing
characters. If the output format contains STX/ETX, it is transmitted as data content to the PLC. The output
format must be formatted without STX/ETX in the sensor:

The bus module puts the received data in the ReceiveData field and also adds the ReceiveLength.
The ReceiveCount value is also incremented to show that new data has been received.

Byte handshake:
To show that the PLC has correctly received the data, the PLC must respond to the CDF600-22xx by
copying the ReceiveCount value to the output side for ReceiveCountBack within 10 seconds. The second
input byte must be copied to the second output byte. (byte handshake ). If the CDF600-22xx determines
that both values are identical, it can send the next data block. The ReceiveCount runs from 1 to 255.
0 is omitted in normal operation.

If the CDF600-22xx sets the value to 0 during operation, it indicates that an error has occurred. In such
case, the count must be restarted. To restart the count, the PLC must respond with 0. Otherwise, the count
and data transmission does not continue. The PLC must always copy the ReceiveCount value to the
ReceiveCountBack without restriction.

Longer data telegrams are divided into blocks (fragmentation):
If the received data is too long and does not fit in the input range of the PLC completely, it is automatically
divided into blocks. The ReceiveLength always shows the length of the remaining data. In the first block,
the length corresponds to the complete telegram length. If the block was answered with the byte
handshake, the next block is sent and the length decremented.

Receipt of 100 bytes with a block size of 32-byte input (may contain up to 27 bytes in one block)
ReceiveCount ReceiveLength ReceiveData
1 100 first 27 data bytes
2 73 next 27 data bytes
3 46 next 27 data bytes
4 19 last 19 data bytes, the rest if filled with 00

The ReceiveLength must be checked to determine whether a single block or the start of longer fragmented
data was received. If ReceiveLength is longer than the data input variable, then fragmentation occurs. If
shorter, it is a single telegram.

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6.1.4 Example 1, receipt of a single block telegram (HS mode):
Input: 16 bytes, output: 16 bytes, data telegram with up to 11 bytes single block
This can be done by triggering the ID sensor, e.g. via the hardware. Only data can then be received by the PLC.

Time: 1 2 3 4

Time 1: The initial data block "CLV6xx-Data" (11 bytes) has been received and the PLC shows ReceiveCount = 1.
Time 2: The PLC has detected the data and confirms it by copying from ReceiveCount to
ReceiveCountBack. The CDF600-22xx is now ready for the next data block.
Time 3: The next data block "123456789" (9 bytes) has been received by the CDF600-22xx and the PLC shows
ReceiveCount = 2
Time 4: The PLC has detected the data and confirms it by copying from ReceiveCount to
ReceiveCountBack. The CDF600-22xx is now ready for the next data block.
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6.1.5 Example 2, receipt of a blocked telegram (HS mode):
Input: 16 bytes, output: 16 bytes, data telegram "CLV6xx-12345" with up to 12 bytes divided into 2 blocks
This can be done by triggering the ID sensor, e.g. via the hardware. Only data can then be received by the PLC.
Time: 1 2/3 4

Time 1: The first data block "CLV6xx-1234" (the first 11 bytes) has been received and the PLC shows
ReceiveCount = 1. The ReceiveLength is 12 bytes.
Time 2: The PLC has detected the data and because it has noted that 12 bytes does not fit in the input range,
it knows that additional blocks follow. It confirms the first block by copying ReceiveCount to
Time 3: The CDF600-22xx sends the next block "5" (just 1 byte is left) to the PLC with ReceiveCount = 2 and
ReceiveLength = 1.
Time 4: The PLC has detected the next block and confirms it by copying from ReceiveCount to
ReceiveCountBack. Transmission of the entire telegram has been completed.

The transportable data volume depends on the input range selected.
Input size minus 5 Input block size
The max. length of a data telegram is 4000 bytes divided into several blocks.
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6.1.6 Send data

The PLC can also send data, such as commands, to the CDF600-22xx or ID sensor. This is optional and only
required if actions such as serial triggering must be carried out. In the Proxy mode of the CDF600-22xx, only
commands that produce an echo or response, e.g., SOPAS commands, are permitted.

Data can be sent and received independently. It is recommended to first implement data receipt in the PLC
and then to start creating the send routine.

To send data, it must be copied to the output range of the CDF600-22xx. The send data is entered without
the STX/ETX frame.

PLC output range: 4 bytes with content: s R I 0
Sent as SOPAS command to ID sensor and answered with "sRA ...".

The Send begins by incrementing the TransmitCount value by 1. The value must run from 1 to 255 and
then start again at 1. The 0 must be omitted.

By copying the TransmitCount to TransmitCountBack, the CDF600-22xx confirms that the data has been
sent. Before the next data block can be sent, the PLC must wait until these values are again identical.

If the CDF600-22xx has set the TransmitCountBack to 0, it indicates that an error has occurred and the
count must start again. The PLC also has to set the TransmitCount to 0 for about 1 second to confirm that
the error was detected. Data can then be sent again.

The cause of an error may be:
Invalid length > 4000 bytes
A transmission started with the first block, but subsequent blocks could not be sent or were faulty.
TransmitCount was not incremented in the correct order.
The counting must be 1, 2, 3, 255, 1, 2, 3, etc.

Longer send data must be divided into blocks (fragmentation):
If a longer data telegram needs to be sent, it can be transmitted to the CDF600-22xx in blocks.
Therefore, start with the first block and always set the length to the data length to be sent. If the block was
answered by the CDF600-22xx with TransmitCountBack as a byte handshake, the next block can be sent
and the length decremented. The next block must follow within 10 seconds. Otherwise, a timeout occurs.

Transmission of 100 bytes with a block size of 32-byte output (may contain up to 27 bytes in one block)
TransmitCount TransmitLength TransmitData
1 100 first 27 data bytes
2 73 next 27 data bytes
3 46 next 27 data bytes
4 19 last 19 data bytes

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6.1.7 Example 3, transmission of a single block telegram (HS mode)
Input: 16 bytes, output: 16 bytes, data telegram with 4 bytes "sRI0" is sent.
The ID sensor responds with "sRA ...".
The command can be used to query the software version of the sensor / SDD file or to generally check the
communication channel. This command can be used for all IDpro sensors (CLV6xx, Lector62x, RFH6xx, RFU6xx,
etc.) irrespective of the configuration.

Time: 1/2 3/4 5 6/7 8

Time 1: First data telegram "sRI0" (SDD version) was sent by setting TransmitCount = 1 on the output side. If the
CDF600-22xx has sent the data, it confirms it by copying TransmitCount to TransmitCountBack on the
input side.
Time 2: The ID sensor responds with "sRA 0 6 CLV62x 5 V5.11" (22 bytes). The first 11 bytes ("sRA 0 6 CLV") are
reported to the PLC with ReceiveCount = 1 and ReceiveLength 22 bytes (total length).
The PLC has detected the data and because it has noted that 22 bytes does not fit in the input range,
it knows that another block follows. It confirms the first block by copying ReceiveCount to ReceiveCountBack.
Time 3: The CDF600-22xx immediately sends the next (last) block "62x 5 V5.11" (11 bytes) to the PLC with
ReceiveCount = 2 and ReceiveLength = 11.
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Time 4/5: The PLC has detected the additional data and confirms it by copying from ReceiveCount to
ReceiveCountBack. The CDF600-22xx is now ready for the next data block.

Time 6: The next data telegram "sRIX" (here a faulty command) was sent by
incrementing TransmitCount on the output side to 2. The CDF600-22xx confirms this by
TransmitCountBack = 2 on the input side.

Time 7: The ID sensor responds here with an error message "sFA 11" (6 bytes, FA = error response,
11 = character error). This is reported to the PLC with ReceiveCount = 3 and ReceiveLength 6 bytes.

Time 8: The PLC has detected the data and confirms it by copying the ReceiveCount to
ReceiveCountBack. The CDF600-22xx is now ready for additional data.

It is also advisable to test the required commands in advance e.g., using the SOPAS terminals connected to the serial
AUX interface or the AUX port of the Ethernet interface of the ID sensor. The ID sensor can process SOPAS
commands from any of its data interfaces.

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6.1.8 Example 4, transmission of a blocked telegram (HS mode):
Input: 16 bytes, output: 16 bytes, data telegram software trigger "sMN mTCgateon with 13 bytes.
Because the telegram is too long, 2 blocks are required.
This command can be used for all IDpro sensors (CLV6xx, Lector6xx, RFH6xx, RFU6xx, etc.) to trigger.
The trigger source must be configured to (SOPAS) command.
A successful reading with output is immediately shown. If desired, the command "sMN mTCgateoff" (14 bytes) can
also be used to terminate the trigger. This is not shown here.

Time: 1 2/3 4 5 6 7

Time 1: The first data block of 11 bytes has been sent by setting TransmitCount = 1
with TransmitLength = 13.
If the CDF600-22xx has received the first data block, it confirms it by copying from TransmitCount to
TransmitCountBack on the input side.
Time 2: The second data block of the last 2 bytes has been sent by incrementing from
TransmitCount = 2 with TransmitLength = 2.
When the CDF600-22xx has received the second data block, it confirms it by copying from TransmitCount
to TransmitCountBack on the input side.
Time 3: The ID sensor sends the echo of the trigger command "sMN mTCgateon" to the PLC with ReceiveCount
= 1 and ReceiveLength 15 bytes.
Time 4: The PLC confirms receipt of the first 11 bytes with ReceiveCountBack = 1.
The ID sensor then sends the remaining 2 bytes to the PLC with ReceiveCount = 2 and RecLength = 2.
Time 5: The PLC confirms receipt of the data with ReceiveCountBack = 2.

Time 6: With "Output immediately", the ID sensor sends the result immediately e.g. upon detection of the bar code.
10 bytes ("1234567890") are reported to the PLC with ReceiveCount = 3 and ReceiveLength 10 bytes.
Time 7: The PLC confirms receipt of the data with ReceiveCountBack = 3.

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The TransmitCount must begin again with 1 when 255 is reached, i.e., 0 must be omitted.
The transportable data volume depends on the output range selected.
Output size minus 5 Output block size
The max. length of a data telegram is 4000 bytes divided into several blocks.
6.1.9 Binary status bits In
The first input byte (see chapter 6.1.2) displays the binary status bits In.
It contains some status bits and one heartbeat bit.

Bit Name Meaning
D7 Reserved
D6 Transmit Buffer
0: No error
1: The CDF600-22xx has received send data from the PLC and the queue is
Reset: With the next successful transmit telegram sent from the PLC.
D5 Receive Buffer
0: No error
1: The receive buffer is full and the received data must be discarded.
Reset: With the next modified ReceiveCountBack from the PLC side.
D4 Reserved
D3 PLC Error 0: No error
1: The CDF600-22xx identified a handling error when sending data in the
fieldbus master (PLC). The fieldbus module does not accept the
transmitted data if this error occurs and requires resynchronization with
the fieldbus master. The PLC program must be corrected based on the

Possible causes:
- Impermissible length (e.g. length > 4000)
- The subsequent block was not received within 10 seconds
- TransmitCount was incremented in the wrong sequence.

If "PLC-Error" bit is set, no send data is transmitted.
However, the receiver side is further processed.
If "PLC-Error" bit is set, TransmitCountBack is set to 0.

The "PLC-Error" bit is deleted after TransmitCount is reset to 0 by the PLC.
D2 Heartbeat 0/1: Changes every second shows the presence of the CDF600-22xx
D1 Reserved
D0 Reserved
"Binary Status Bits" - Assignment in Handshake / No-Handshake mode

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6.1.10 Binary Status Bits Out
The first output byte in the header is reserved. It must be set to zero.

Bit Name Meaning
D7 Reserved
D6 Reserved
D5 Reserved
D4 Reserved
D3 Reserved
D2 Reserved
D1 Reserved
D0 Reserved
"Binary Status Bits Out" - Assignment in Handshake / No-Handshake mode

6.2 No-Handshake mode (only in Proxy mode)

In Proxy mode, the data channel of the CDF600-22xx is operated in No-Handshake mode, when the
communication protocol has been set to CDF600 No-Handshake.

The data channel is compatible with the No-Handshake mode of the CDF600 PROFIBUS, CMF400
PROFIBUS, CDM425, and PROFINET on Board. The max. telegram length is limited by the size of the
input/output range and is max. 123 bytes. There is no fragmenting / blocking.

In this mode, one input and one output module, Ctrl bits In and Ctrl bits Out must be added in HW
Config for the ID sensor or CDF600-22xx. The size can be freely selected. In the input/output modules,
5 bytes are used for administration. So a module of e.g. 32 bytes may contain up to 27 bytes of user data.

This mode is only recommended if the length of the received data does not exceed the input range minus 5.
It is also necessary to ensure that the PLC always has enough time to receive the data before the next data
block arrives. Therefore, this mode is only recommended for testing or for individual devices with low
communication load.

To select No-Handshake mode, "CDF600 No-Handshake" must be configured and permanently saved in
the ID sensor. The mode is only active after restarting the CDF600-22xx with the attached ID sensor.

For the data channel, one input module and one output module must be selected as in CDF600-22xx
Handshake mode. In terms of the layout, the mode is identical to the HS mode except that fragmentation is
not possible on both the receiver and transmission sides.

The binary inputs and outputs are identical to the Handshake mode.
The Ctrl bits can also be used.

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6.2.1 Byte layout in No-Handshake Mode (NH):

Address Inputs (Data CLV PLC) Output (Data PLC CLV)
1 Binary inputs Binary outputs
2 ReceiveCount (counter)

ReceiveCountBack (counter)
3 TransmitCountBack (counter)

TransmitCount (counter)
4 ReceiveLength Lowbyte TransmitLength Lowbyte
5 ReceiveLength Highbyte TransmitLength Highbyte
6 ReceiveData, Byte 1 TransmitData, Byte 1
7 ReceiveData, Byte 2 TransmitData, Byte 2

N ReceiveData, Byte n - 5 TransmitData, Byte n 5

The length of the data storage area is up to max. 123 bytes depending on the module selected.
The first 5 bytes are used for administration and have special meaning. The remaining bytes from byte 6
onward are the ASCII data for sending / receiving.

The binary inputs and outputs are identical to the Handshake mode.
6.2.2 Receiving data in No-Handshake Mode

The data format is set as in Handshake mode without the STX/ETX frame.

The CDF600-22xx puts the received data in the ReceiveData field and also adds its ReceiveLength.
The ReceiveCount value is also incremented to show that new data has been received.

If the data is too long, the overhanging data is truncated and lost during transmission.

If additional data is received, it is always presented to the PLC directly. It is not checked if the user program
in the PLC has already received the data. As a result, data may be overwritten without warning. However,
the user program can check whether the ReceiveCount value is incremented by more than 1 to determine
that data has been overwritten.

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6.2.3 Example 5, receive telegram (NH mode):
Input: 16 bytes, output: 16 byte, data telegrams with up to 11 bytes are possible. No handshake is required.
This can occur, for example, by triggering the ID sensor via hardware, so that the PLC only has to realize data receipt.

Time: 1 2 3


Time 1: The first data block "12345678" (8 bytes) has been received and the PLC shows ReceiveCount = 1.

Time 2: The second data block "SICK" (4 bytes) has been received and the PLC shows ReceiveCount = 2.

Time 3: The third data block "NoRead" (6 bytes) has been received and the PLC shows ReceiveCount = 3.

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6.2.4 Example 6, send telegram (NH mode)
Input: 16 bytes, output: 16 bytes, data telegram with 4 bytes "sRI0" is sent.
The ID sensor responds with "sRA ...".
The command can be used to query the software version of the ID sensor / SDD file or to generally check the
communication channel. This command can be used for all IDpro sensors (CLV6xx, LECTOR62x, RFH6xx, RFU6xx,
etc.) irrespective of the configuration.

Time: 1/2 3/4


Time 1: First data telegram "sRI0" (SDD version) was sent by setting TransmitCount = 1 on the output side. If the
CDF600-22xx has sent the data, it confirms it by copying TransmitCount to TransmitCountBack on the
input side.
Time 2: The ID sensor responds with "sRA 0 6 CLV62x 5 V5.11" (22 bytes). The first 11 bytes ("sRA 0 6 CLV") are
reported to the PLC with ReceiveCount = 1 and ReceiveLength 22 bytes (total length). The remaining 11
bytes of data are lost. You may want to select a larger input range.

Time 3: The next data telegram "sRIX" (here a faulty command) was sent by
incrementing TransmitCount on the output side to 2. The CDF600-22xx confirms this by
TransmitCountBack = 2 on the input side.

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Time 4: The ID sensor responds here with an error message "sFA 11" (6 bytes, FA = error response,
11 = character error). This is reported to the PLC with ReceiveCount = 2 and ReceiveLength 6 bytes.

The TransmitCount must begin again with 1 when 255 is reached, i.e., 0 must be omitted.
Before sending again, TransmitCount and TransmitCountBack must be identical.

It is also advisable to test the required commands in advance e.g., using the SOPAS terminals connected to the serial
AUX interface or the AUX port of the Ethernet interface of the ID sensor. The ID sensor can process SOPAS
commands from any of its data interfaces.

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7 Function of the CDF600-22xx in Gateway mode

This mode is active if the rotary coding switch "Mode" of the CDF600-22xx is set to 2 or 4, and then the
CDF600-22xx is restarted.
In this mode, the GSDML file of the CDF600-22xx (GSDML-V2.3-SICK-CDF600-20130602.xml or newer)
must be used, an input and output module must be selected for the data channel, and the Ctrl bits in and
Ctrl bits out must be integrated as in the Gateway mode of the CDF600-22xx.

Mode 2: Serial interface is fixed on 57.6 kBd, 8, n, 1
Mode 4: Serial interface is fixed on 9.6 kBd, 8, n, 1

In Gateway mode, the following features apply:
- For the PLC, the transmission mode CDF600 (with handshake) is fixed for the data channel
- The data on the serial interface must be framed with the control characters STX / ETX.

Receive data:
The data on the serial line must have STX at the beginning and ETX at the end.
These framing characters are removed, not displayed in the data field for the PLC and not counted in the

Serial line: STX a b c ETX PLC input range: 3 bytes with content a b c

Send data:
The data must be sent from the PLC without the STX/ETX frame and the framing characters are also not
counted in the length.
The CDF600-22xx adds the framing characters to the serial line independently. This cannot be


PLC output range: 4 bytes with content: s R I 0 Serial line: STX s R I 0 ETX

Connection of the ID sensor:
The serial interface is on pins 2, 3 and 5 in the CDF600-22xx. If an IDpro sensor is connected, the
connection must be made using the serial AUX interface of the ID sensor and not using its host interface.
The serial AUX interface may need to be assigned the appropriate output format and the output format
must be configured with STX / ETX.

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Output format 1 with STX/ETX:

As digital I/O bits, only the "EXT. IN 1" input is available in the least significant bit of the first byte as an
input. See chapter 8.1.1.
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8 Digital inputs/outputs

The PLC can read and control the information for the digital inputs/outputs of the ID sensor or CDF600-22xx.
This depends on the mode of communication selected.

8.1 Ctrl bits

The Ctrl bits can be added in the HW Config before or after the data channel.

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8.1.1 Ctrl bits In

By adding the Ctrl bits In, the PLC can monitor the digital inputs and outputs of the ID sensor.
Assignment of the Ctrl bits In can vary depending on the ID sensor. Assignment with bar code scanner
CLV62x 65x is used here as an example.

Add. Bit Name Meaning
Add.+1 D0 Device Ready Status of the attached ID sensor or CDF600-22xx
DevReady of
the ID sensors
DevReady of
the CDF600
Add.+1 D1 System Ready ** The connected ID sensor is OK (device ready)
and the monitored CAN devices are accessible
(display in the net monitoring system status OK).
X ---
Add.+1 D2 Good Read * Status of the last read results * X ---
Add.+1 D3 No Read * Status of the last read results * X ---
Add.+1 D4 External output 1 Not available in CDF600-22xx
Add.+1 D5 External output 2 Not available in CDF600-22xx
Add.+1 D6 Result 1 Not available in CDF600-22xx
Add.+1 D7 Result 2 Not available in CDF600-22xx
Add. D8 External input 1 Input EXT. IN 1 on CDF600-22xx X X
Add. D9 External input 2 Not available in CDF600-22xx
Add. D10 Sensor 1 Not available in CDF600-22xx
Add. D11 Sensor 2 Not available in CDF600-22xx
Add. D12 Reserved
Add. D13 Reserved
Add. D14 Reserved
Add. D15 Toggle ** Inverted after each read cycle. ** X ---

Observe byte order: D0 stands for the least significant bit of Add.+1
* The bits are valid if the "Toggle" bit changes.
** Not supported by every ID sensor.
The assignment of the Ctrl bits for the respective ID sensor is available in the respective GSDML

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8.1.2 Ctrl bits Out

By adding the Ctrl bits Out, various functions can be activated in the ID sensor.
For this to be allowed, the respective function must be configured in the ID sensor to "Fieldbus Input".

Assignment of the Ctrl bits Out for the CLV62x 65x bar code scanner is used here as an example.
The scope can vary depending on the ID sensor.
The Ctrl bits Out are only assigned in CDF600-22xx Proxy mode. In Gateway mode, the Ctrl bits Out are

Add. Bit Name Meaning
Add.+1 D0 Trigger Object trigger for the ID sensor X ---
Add.+1 D1 Sensor Idle ** The attached ID sensor is put into sleep
mode. **
X ---
Add.+1 D2 Teach In 1 ** The Teach In 1 teach-in process is triggered.
X ---
Add.+1 D3 Teach In 2 ** The Teach In 2 teach-in process is triggered.
X ---
Add.+1 D4 External output 1 Not available in CDF600-22xx ---
Add.+1 D5 External output 2 Not available in CDF600-22xx ---
Add.+1 D6 Result 1 Not available in CDF600-22xx ---
Add.+1 D7 Result 2 Not available in CDF600-22xx ---
Add. D8 Reserved
Add. D9 Reserved
Add. D10 Reserved
Add. D11 Reserved
Add. D12 Distance_Config_0 ** Controls bit 0 under dynamic (focus)
switchover **
X ---
Add. D13 Distance_Config_1 ** Controls bit 1 under dynamic (focus)
switchover **
X ---
Add. D14 Distance_Config_2 ** Controls bit 2 under dynamic (focus)
switchover **
X ---
Add. D15 Distance_Config_3 ** Controls bit 3 under dynamic (focus)
switchover **
X ---

Observe byte order: D0 stands for the least significant bit of Add.+1
** Not supported by every sensor.
The assignment of the Ctrl bits for the respective ID sensor is available in the respective GSD

Set CLV62x 65x to read cycle start via "Fieldbus Input" and read cycle stop via "Read Cycle Source".
The ID sensor can be triggered by the PLC using the bit Do "Trigger":

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9 GSDML configuration in Proxy mode (optional)

In Proxy mode, the ID sensor can also be firmly configured using modules in the HW Config as an option.

The configuration modules of the ID sensor are added after the data channel / Ctrl bits. First, the module
"Start remote config" must be selected and the module "End remote Config" must be added last.
Depending on the configuration task, one or more configuration modules can be added.

Through this GSDML configuration, the scope of the configuration for a typical task can be handled with
a single ID sensor (stand-alone). Very extensive or special configurations must be carried out per SOPAS
directly in the ID sensor.

If the GSDML configuration is used, the ID sensor is configured every time the PROFINET is restarted.
This cannot be suppressed in the ID sensor.
If the ID sensor is locally reconfigured using SOPAS in the meantime, the existing configuration is lost when
PROFINET is restarted. In such a case, it may be necessary to change or remove the GSDML
configuration in the PLC in advance.

Example: CLV61x bar code scanner

More information is available in the relevant GSDML documentation of the ID sensor.

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10 Appendix
10.1 Quickstart ID sensor on the CDF600-22xx in Proxy mode via USB
The Quickstart describes the commissioning of a proxy-capable ID sensor with manual configuration via
Connect the ID sensor to the 15-pin D-Sub-HD female connector of the CDF600-22xx.

In SOPAS, make sure that the required SDD file of the ID sensor has already been loaded.
Set the CDF600-22xx to mode 0 and restart the CDF/ID sensor.
The ID sensor can be configured via the USB interface of the CDF600-22xx.
The Micro-B USB socket is located under the cover for the rotary coding switches.

USB Micro-B

Select the network wizard in SOPAS and connect USB. SOPAS shows the USB connection of the
CDF600-22xx as the communication interface after scanning, but the attached ID sensor itself is
recognized as the device and not the CDF600-22xx.

Configure the ID sensor via SOPAS:
Assign the planned PN name via SOPAS or later via HW Config on the sensor.
Configure triggering. There are three options:
Trigger source = EXT. IN 1 Triggering by photoelectric switch on EXT. IN 1
Trigger source = Fieldbus input Triggering by trigger bit in Ctrl bits Out
Trigger source = (SOPAS) command Triggering by function block
Configure output format: Remove STX/ETX, not required.
If necessary, adjust other parameters to suit the application,
e.g., block code types that are not required, optimize read configuration.

PLC HW Config:
Install the GSDML file of the ID sensor on the PLC. The sensors appear in the catalog under
"PROFINET IO / Additional Field Devices / Ident Systems / SICK / "
Add the required ID sensor in HW Config in PROFINET and assign the planned PN name.
The following modules are automatically added:
Ctrl bits In
Ctrl bits Out
32 byte input (can also be replaced by 8 128 byte input)
32 byte output (can also be replaced by 8 128 byte output)
If necessary, assign the planned PN name via HW Config on the sensor.

PLC program:
Load function block and transfer I/O addresses. Note hex/dec representation.
The function block is used to receive the read result data, regardless of the selected trigger option.
The FB can also be used for triggering via command.
Check the PROFINET communication (SF and BF LED on the CDF600-22xx and on the PLC)
Check the triggering and data receipt

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10.2 Quickstart ID sensor on the CDF600-22xx in Proxy mode without USB
The quickstart describes the commissioning of a proxy-capable ID sensor without using a USB interface.
Connect the ID sensor to the 15-pin D-Sub-HD female connector of the CDF600-22xx (Mode 0).
It is assumed that the ID sensor and the CDF600-22xx have the default settings.

PLC HW Config:
Install the GSDML file of the ID sensor on the PLC. The sensors appear in the catalog under
"PROFINET IO / Additional Field Devices / Ident Systems / SICK / "
Add the required ID sensor in HW Config in PROFINET and assign the planned PN name.
The following modules are automatically added:
Ctrl bits In
Ctrl bits Out
32 byte input (can also be replaced by 8 128 byte input)
32 byte output (can also be replaced by 8 128 byte output)
If desired, configure the ID sensor via GSDML configuration by adding the desiredmodules.
See chapter 9.
Scan for PN devices via HW Config and assign the planned PN name.
See appendix, chapter 10.12.

If configuration via GSDML modules is not desired, the ID sensor can also be configured using SOPAS
through the network via TCP/IP:
In SOPAS, make sure that the required SDD file of the ID sensor has already been loaded.
Reloading the SDD from the ID sensor may take some time. See chapter 4.1.
Scan for ID sensors via IP address:
SOPAS shows the IP address of the CDF600-22xx as the communication interface after scanning,
but the attached ID sensor itself is recognized as the device and not the CDF600-22xx.

Configure the ID sensor via SOPAS:
Configure triggering. There are three options:
Trigger source = EXT. IN 1 Triggering by photoelectric switch on EXT. IN 1
Trigger source = Fieldbus input Triggering by trigger bit in Ctrl bits Out
Trigger source = (SOPAS) command Triggering by function block
Configure output format: Remove STX/ETX, not required.
If necessary, adjust other parameters to suit the application,
e.g., disable code types that are not required, optimize read configuration.

PLC program:
Load function block and transfer I/O addresses. Note hex/dec representation.
The function block is used to receive the read result data, regardless of the selected trigger option.
The FB can also be used for triggering via command.
Check the PROFINET communication (SF and BF LED on the CDF600-22xx and on the PLC)
Check the triggering and data receipt
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10.3 Troubleshooting
This chapter provides some information on troubleshooting in the form of a condensed list.
10.3.1 Proxy mode troubleshooting
Check the proxy capability of the attached ID sensor.
Can this type/version be operated in Proxy mode on the CDF600-22xx?
(See chapter 1.1) Check rotary coding switch on CDF600-22xx: Mode OK?
Switch on the CDF600-22xx: "Power" LED must light up permanently ID sensor has been
In SOPAS, read the system information of the ID sensor via USB CDF600-22xx must have been
recognized in the system status:

Check the PN name and, if necessary, the IP address on the "PROFINET Proxy CDF600" tab under
the device page "Network/Interfaces/IOs/Fieldbus Gateway":

Check the PN name via HW Config or the PST tool. Name, IP address, and type OK?
"Power" LED: Lights up continuously or flashes cyclically? For error codes, see chapter 10.8.1
Does the LED light up continuously if PROFINET is not connected?
Check GSDML: Was the GSDML file of the ID sensor used?
(not that of the CDF600-22xx) Modules correct or consistent with the communication mode?
If necessary, remove configuration modules for testing purposes.
PROFINET line OK? P1 Lnk and P2 Lnk LEDs OK?
If necessary, check cable to another device.
If necessary, use CDF600-22xx in Mode 2 and load the GSDML of the CDF600-22xx.
Does the PROFINET work?

If no data arrives:
Check modules in hardware configuration.
Address for inputs and outputs correctly applied in the block? (Hex/dec representation)
If no block is used, is the I/O address within the process image?
Or get data with SFC 14/15.
Heart bit appear?
Does only the first data block appear and no others?
Then the handshake does not work correctly? Check addresses.
Set handshake manually or with function block.
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10.3.2 Gateway mode troubleshooting
Check rotary switches on the CDF600-22xx: Mode correct?
Switch on the CDF600-22xx: "Power" LED must illuminate CDF600-22xx OK
(For error codes, see appendix, chapter 10.8.1)
Check GSDML: Was the GSDML file of the CDF600-22xx used?
(not that of the ID sensor)
Check modules:
Ctrl bits In
Ctrl bits Out
32 byte input (can also be replaced by 8 128 byte input)
32 byte output (can also be replaced by 8 128 byte output)
PROFINET line OK? P1 Lnk and P2 Lnk LEDs OK?
If necessary, check cable to another device.
Check the PN name via HW Config or the PST tool. Name, IP address, and type OK?

If no data arrives:
Check the attached device.
Electrical connection OK on pin 2, 3, and 5 of the 15-pin D-Sub HD male connector?
Data format of the attached device OK? (See chapter 7)
Address for inputs and outputs correctly applied in the block? (Hex/dec representation)
If no block is used, is the I/O address within the process image?
Or get data with SFC 14/15.
Heart bit appear?
Does only the first data block appear and no others?
Then the handshake does not work correctly? Check addresses.
Set handshake manually or with function block.

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10.4 Overview of the mode switch of the CDF600-22xx
The operating mode rotary switch is located under the cover.
The CDF600-22xx must be restarted after each change.

Mode Function
0 SICK devices (Proxy mode)
DEVICE RS-232 data transmission rate 57600 baud, parameter cloning active, GSD configuration
1 Reserved.
2 Other devices (Gateway mode)
DEVICE RS-232 data transmission rate 57600 baud
3 Reserved.
4 Other devices (Gateway mode)
DEVICE RS-232 data transmission rate 9600 baud
5 Reserved.
6 Reserved
7 Reserved
8 Reserved
9 Reserved
A Reserved
B Reserved
C Reserved
D Reserved
E Firmware update for the CDF600-22xx via USB. PROFINET is not active
F Transparent mode: Is used for a firmware update via USB or TCP/IP of the connected ID sensor
DEVICE RS-232 data transmission rate 57600 baud. PROFINET is not active

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10.5 Read switch setting with GETDIAG via SOPAS terminal
Under certain circumstances (see below), the settings of the rotary coding switch and some additional
details of the CDF600-22xx can be read using the GETDIAG command.
The command can be used via the USB connection as well as via a TCP/IP connection with the IP
address of the CDF600-22xx and port 2111 and 2112.

To do so, open the SOPAS terminal and establish a connection via USB or TCP/IP.
The "GETDIAG" command must be entered in the input line in uppercase.
As a response, the CDF600-22xx reports the current switch setting and the switch setting used when
The command always displays the current switch status.
If the rotary coding switch is changed, the command must be sent again to display the current switch

The content of the cloning memory which is used in Proxy mode to configure the ID sensor is also
displayed. This configuration has no effect in Gateway mode.

The CDF600-22xx cannot respond to the GETDIAG command when:
Mode E is selected. This mode is only used to update the firmware of the CDF600-22xx.
Mode 0 is selected and an ID sensor is not yet attached or ready.
The USB connection or TCP/IP connection is faulty.

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10.6 Resetting the CDF600-22xx to the default settings / clearing the cloning

In mode 2 (Gateway mode), the CDF600-22xx can be completely reset to the default settings by using
commands. This deletes all data such as PN name, IP address, and the cloning parameters for the ID
sensor in Proxy mode.

Open the SOPAS terminal via USB connection and send the following commands. The CDF600-22xx must
then be restarted:
sMN SetAccessMode 3 7A99FDC6
sMN mSCloadfacdef

The "GETDIAG" command can be used to check the result of the deletion process.

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10.7 Monitoring data output via the SOPAS terminal
To do so, open the SOPAS terminal and establish a connection via USB or TCP/IP.

Proxy mode:
In Proxy mode, the output of the serial AUX interface, e.g., read diagnostics, is displayed on the terminal,
both via USB and TCP (port 2111/2112). Note that the output of the serial AUX interface is switched off
again by the ID sensor in Proxy mode each time it is started.
If SOPAS commands are entered in the terminal, these reach the ID sensor and not the CDF600-22xx.

Gateway mode:
Here, the terminal must be opened directly (Options / Terminal) via SOPAS ET instead of the connected

In Gateway mode, the serial input data, e.g., output format #1 is displayed on the terminal, both via USB
and TCP (port 2111/2112). Send data (commands) from the PLC are not shown.
If SOPAS commands are entered in the terminal, these reach the CDF600-22xx and not the ID sensor.

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10.8 Function of the LEDs of the CDF600-22xx
Statuses and errors for the CDF600-22xx are indicated via 6 (M12 version) or 8 (AIDA version) status

POWER (green)
EXT. IN 1 (yellow)
SF (System Failure, red)
BF (Bus Failure, red)
P1 LNK/ACT (green/orange)
P2 LNK/ACT (green/orange)

Once the CDF600-22xx is switched on, the EXT.IN1 LED lights up first and then all 6 LEDs light up
together for 500 ms.

If mode E (firmware update of the CDF600-22xx) is active, all 6 LEDs flash together.

If mode F (firmware update of the connected ID sensor) is active, the Power LED flashes cyclically 3 times
and the BF LED lights up.

LED status "ready for operation":
The "Power" LED shows the status of the CDF600-22xx. If the LED is continuously ON and the "SF / BF"
error LEDs are OFF, the CDF600-22xx is ready for operation and the PROFINET connection established.

10.8.1 Display of the Power LED
The flash sequence of the power LED indicates more diagnostic information.

Blink sequences (3) permanently ON

ON The CDF600-22xx is ready for operation (PROFINET communication does not
have to be established yet)
Proxy mode (mode 0):
Communication with the attached ID sensor is established
Gateway mode (mode 2 / 4):
Communication with the ID sensor is not checked.
1 Proxy mode only (mode 0): CDF600-22xx is booting (device start) or searching
for an attached ID sensor.
2 Position of the "Mode" rotary switch was changed during operation. This has no
effect on operation, the CDF600-22xx only operates in the new operating mode
once it has been restarted.
3 "Transparent operation" mode of the CDF600-22xx for updating the attached ID
No PROFINET communication

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10.8.2 Status of the "SF" LED
The "SF" LED indicates the internal status of the CDF600-22xx.

CDF600-22xx without internal error
ON Proxy mode (mode 0): CDF600-22xx is searching for an attached ID sensor.

10.8.3 Status of the "BF" LED
The "BF" LED indicates the status of the PROFINET.

Data exchange OK, CDF600-22xx operates OK as PROFINET slave
ON No connection to PROFINET IO controller (PLC). No data exchange.
Possible reasons:
Bus not connected
Master not available / OFF
Incorrect PROFINET name
Wrong GSDML file used
Wrong GSDML module selected
(0.5 Hz)
Parameterization / configuration error in IO controller, no data exchange

10.8.4 Status of the "EXT. IN 1" LED
The "EXT. IN 1" LED is directly controlled by external input 1.
The LED also flashes twice briefly only when starting.

External input 1 is not powered or open
ON External input 1 is powered
10.8.5 "P1 LNK/ACT" status LED
OFF The CDF600-22xx is not connected to any active network; no data traffic
ON (green)
Active network connected
ON (orange) LED flickers when the CDF600-22xx is sending or receiving data, data traffic

10.8.6 "P2 LNK/ACT" status LED
The CDF600-22xx is not connected to any active network; no data traffic
ON (green) Active network connected
ON (orange) LED flickers when the CDF600-22xx is sending or receiving data, data traffic

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10.9 Firmware update of the CDF600-22xx (mode E) via SOPAS
In this mode, the CDF600-22xx can be updated in SOPAS via USB.

1. Set the "Mode" rotary coding switch to position "E" and switch the CDF600-22xx off and on.
All the LEDs flash in this mode E.
2. Use the SOPAS Network Scan Assistant to scan the network The CDF600-22xx is found via USB as a
"Bootstrap Device"
3. Add attached CDF600-22xx to the project:

4. Open the download window from "Communication / Download Firmware":

5. Select the current firmware (.fwp file) in the download window and the matching *.key file:

6. Start download. Password for user-level service: "servicelevel":

7. The download to the CDF600-22xx takes approx. 3 - 5 min. and the message "Download succeeded" will
appear once it is complete:

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10.10 Firmware update of the attached ID sensor (mode F) via SOPAS
In this mode, an ID sensor attached to the CDF600-22xx (e.g., CLV61x, CLV62x-65x, LECTOR62x,
RFH6xx) can be updated in SOPAS via USB or via TCP/IP (port 2111 and 2112). The CDF600-22xx uses
the last used IP address. If necessary, this can also be changed using the SOPAS Auto IP Scan.
The CDF600-22xx routes the USB and the TCP connections to the serial AUX port of the ID sensor.

1. Attach ID sensor to the CDF600-22xx, set the "Mode" rotary coding switch to position "F", and
switch the CDF600-22xx off and on.
2. Use the SOPAS Network Scan Assistant to scan the network The ID sensor is found via USB.
3. Add attached ID sensor to the project:

4. Log into the device using the password for user-level service: "servicelevel":

5. Use the command "CLV ... > Firmware Download" to open the download window:

6. Select the current firmware (.fwp file) in the download window and the matching *.key file:

7. Start download. Password for user-level service: "servicelevel":

8. Depending on the ID sensor, the download can take up to approx. 40 min. and the message "Download
succeeded" will appear once it is complete:

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10.11 Software versions of the CDF600-22xx
V1.00 First firmware version of the CDF600-22xx, Update recommended
V1.04 Second firmware version of the CDF600-22xx, Update recommended
V1.10 Third firmware version of the CDF600-22xx, contains all the functions that are listed in this

10.12 Tools for checking and assigning PN name and IP address from the PLC
You can use this tool in the S7 manager to search for a PROFINET device and to check or change the
PROFINET device name and IP address.

Or you can start it in the S7 HW Config:

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Either way, the following window appears:

You can scan the network using "Browse":

You can search for a device (MAC address) and assign this a device name or an IP address.

Technical Information CDF600-22xx fieldbus module PROFINET IO
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10.13 Checking and, if necessary, assigning a PROFINET name from the PLC
side via HW Config
You can use this tool to check the PROFINET names of the PROFINET devices.
Select the PROFINET line and start this function:

If some names are not available, a name can be assigned here.

10.14 Checking the PROFINET name using the PST (Primary Setup Tool)

Alternatively, you can use the PST tool from Siemens to scan the PROFINET devices in the network and
assign the IP addresses and device name.

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10.15 Searching the network using SOPAS Auto IP Scan
The SOPAS Auto IP Scan can also be used to scan the network for SICK devices. To do so, start a new
project in SOPAS ET and call up the Network Scan Assistant:

Then enable IP communication and select the AutoIP settings:

Now you can search for SICK sensors. The search is based on MAC addresses and includes all SICK
devices (MAC address = 00 06 77 xx xx xx), regardless of whether these are activated or not in PN.
A CDF600-22xx is only found if the IP address is not

You can also change the IP address by double-clicking on the device.
In the case of CDF600-22xx, the IP address can only be adjusted if the CDF600-22xx is no longer actively
exchanging data with the PROFINET IO controller (PLC).

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10.16 Configuration of a hand-held scanner from the IDM product family
To set a hand-held scanner of the IDM (IDM12x/x40/x41/x60/x61) product family to the required data format
for Gateway mode 2, scan in the program codes below in order.

Warning: This deletes the previous configuration of the hand-held scanner.

Data format: STX data ETX RS-232, 57600 baud, 8, n, 1

Warning: Resets all parameters to their default settings.

For hand-held scanners with Bluetooth only:
Pair Mode

For hand-held scanners with Bluetooth only:
Place the scanner on the smart cradle, then you will hear one short beep to indicate the pairing process is activated. The
scanner will give continuous short clicks and the link indicator of scanner will flash blue quickly during the pairing process.
When you hear 4 beeps in ascending tone, the pairing process is completed. You will see the link indicator of scanner giving
1 blue blink per 2.5 seconds and the center indicator of the smart cradle turning steady blue


Data transmission rate

Option code 8 (57600 baud)

Data format

Option code 0 (8,n,1)

STX / ETX frame

Option code 1

Record suffix

Option code 0

FIN (Finish)

Technical Information CDF600-22xx fieldbus module PROFINET IO
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10.17 Notes regarding operation on other PROFINET IO controllers
If the CDF600-22xx is operated on a different controller to an S7, for which no ready-made function block is
available, we recommend the following procedure:

- In Proxy mode, first set the mode to No-Handshake.
- First set triggering to hardware trigger or slow (e.g. 5 sec.) auto cycle for testing purposes and only
examine the data receipt to start with.
- Use Hex representation for the first 10 input bytes: Can the Heartbeat bit be identified? Can the data
be identified according to chapter 6.2.3., example 5, receive telegram (NH mode)?
Check the representation of bytes per integer/value variable. Byte order?
- Then, if necessary, switch to Handshake mode and a different trigger, e.g., trigger via fieldbus byte.

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SICK AG | Waldkirch | Germany |





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