Tutorial Chapter 4 - Question

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Chapter 4 (Kinetics of Rigid Bodies)

Question 1
Determine the mass moment of inertia of the thin plate about an axis perpendicular to the page and
passing through point O. The material has a mass per unit area of 20 kg/m

Question 2
The sports car has a mass of 1.5 Mg and a centre of mass at G. Determine the shortest time it takes for it
to reach a speed of 80 km/h, starting from rest, if the engine only drives the rear wheels, whereas the
front wheels are free rolling. The coefficient of static friction between the wheels and the road is
Neglect the mass of the wheels for the calculation. If driving power could be supplied to all four wheels,
what would be the shortest time for the car to reach a speed of 80 km/h?

Question 3
The hose is wrapped in a spiral on the reel and is pulled off the reel by a horizontal force of P = 200 N.
Determine the angular acceleration of the reel after it has turned 2 revolutions. Initially, the radius is r =
500 mm. The hose is 15 m long and has a mass per unit length of 10 kg/m. Treat the wound-up hose as a

Question 4
If the truck accelerates at a constant rate of 6m/s
, starting from rest, determine the initial angular
acceleration of the 20 kg ladder. The ladder can be considered as a uniform slender rod. The support at
B is smooth.

Question 5
A man having a weight of 150 lb crouches down on the end of a diving board as shown. In this position
the radius of gyration about his centre of gravity is

. While holding the position at

, he
rotates about his toes at A until he loses contact with the board when

. If he remains rigid,
determine approximately how many revolutions he makes before striking the water after falling 30 ft.

Question 6
The 30 kg pendulum has its mass centre at G and a radius of gyration about point G of k
= 300 mm. If it
is released from rest when

, determine its angular velocity at the instant

. Spring AB has
a stiffness of k = 300 N/m and is unscratched when


Question 7
Determine the mass moment of inertia of the pendulum about an axis perpendicular to the page
and passing through point O. The slender rod has a mass of 10 kg and the sphere has a mass of 15 kg.

Question 8
Determine the mass moment of inertia of the thin plate about an axis perpendicular to the page and
passing through point O. The material has a mass per unit area of 20 kg/m

Question 9
A force of is applied to the cable, which causes the 175-kg reel to turn without slipping on the
two rollers A and B of the dispenser. Determine the angular velocity of the reel after it has rotated two
revolutions starting from rest. Neglect the mass of the cable. Each roller can be considered as an 18-kg
cylinder, having a radius of 0.1 m. The radius of gyration of the reel about its center axis is k
= 0.42 m.

Question 10
When the slender 10-kg bar AB is horizontal it is at rest and the spring is unstretched. Determine the
stiffness k of the spring so that the motion of the bar is momentarily stopped when it has rotated
clockwise 90.

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