Assignment 0910 Spring Set2

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CE222 Spring 2009-2010

Assignment #2

Q1. The motor M pulls in its attached rope causing

an acceleration of 6 m/s2 . Determine this towing force. The
coefficient of kinetic friction between the 50-kg crate and the
plane is µk=0.3. Neglect the mass of the pulleys and rope.

Q5The van is traveling at 20 km/h when the coupling of the

trailer at A fails. If the trailer has a mass of 250 kg and coasts
45 m before coming to rest, determine the constant horizontal
Q2. If a horizontal force of P=10 N is applied to block A,
force F created by rolling friction which causes the trailer to
determine the acceleration of block B. Neglect friction.
Hint: Show that aB=aA tan 15º.

Q6. A girl having a mass of 15 kg, sits motionless relative to

the surface of a horizontal platform at a distance of r = 5 m
from the platform’s center. If the angular motion of the
platform is slowly increased so that the girl’s tangential
component of acceleration can be neglected, determine the
maximum speed which the girl will have before she begins to
Q3. Block A has a mass of 10 kg and is hoisted using the rope- slip off the platform. The coefficient of static friction between
and-pulley system shown. If the collar is moving to the right at the girl and the platform is µk=0.2.
10 m/s and has a deceleration of 5 m/s2 at the instant shown, b) Solve the same problem by assuming that the platform starts
determine the tension in the cable connected to the collar at this rotating from rest so that the girl’s speed is increased uniformly
instant. at v̊ = 0.5 m/ s2 .

Q4. The 800-kg car at B is connected to the 350-kg car at A by

a spring coupling. Determine the stretch in the spring if
a) the wheels of both cars are free to roll, Q7. The 6-kg block is confined to move along the smooth
b) car B applies brakes to all four wheels. parabolic path. The attached spring restricts the motion and,
Take µB=0.4. Neglect the mass of the wheels. due to the roller guide, always remains horizontal as the block
descends. If the spring has a stiffness of k=10 N/m and an
unstretched length of 0.5 m, determine the normal force of the
path of the block and the instant x=1 m and the block has a

speed of 4 m/s. Also what is the rate of increase in speed of the

block at this point?
Neglect the mass of the roller guide and the spring.

Q10. The 0.5-kg ball of negligible size is fired up the vertical

circular track using the spring plunger. The plunger keeps the
spring compressed 0.08 m when s=0. Determine how far s it
must be pulled back and released so that the ball will just make
it around the loop and land on the platform at B. What is the
ball’s speed when it reaches the platform?
b) Determine how far s it must be pulled back and released so
Q8. The 6000-N (~600-kg) “wrecking ball”, suspended from a that the ball begins to leave the track when θ=135°.
15-m chain, swings from rest at point A, θ=30°, toward a wall.
After striking the wall it rises to point B, φ=20°. Determine the
amount of energy which is lost during the collision and
compute the tension in the chain just before the collision, θ=0°.
Neglect the size of the ball for the calculation. Point C does not
move, and when θ=0° the ball is at its lowest point.

Q11. The 50-N (=5-kg) crate is hoisted by the motor M. If the

crate starts from rest and by constant acceleration attains a
speed of 12 m/s after rising s=10m, determine the power that
must be supplied to the motor at the instant s=10m. The motor
has an efficiency ε=0.65. Neglect the mass of the pulley and
Q9. The 1-kg brick slides down a smooth roof, such that when
it is at A it has a velocity of 1.5 m/s. Determine the speed of the
block just before it leaves the surface at B, the distance d from
the wall to where it strikes the ground, and the speed at which it
hits the ground.

Q12. The 100-N (=10-kg) collar starts from rest at A and is

lifted by applying a constant force of F=250 N to the cord. If
the rod is smooth, determine the power developed by the force
at the instant θ=60°.

Q16. Determine the velocity of the 20-kg block A after it is

released from rest and moves 2 m down the plane. Block B has
a mass of 10 kg and the coefficient of kinetic friction between
the plane and block A is µk = 0.2. Also, what is the tension in
the cord?

Q13. If the1-kg smooth collar is given a velocity of 1.8 m/s to

the right when s=0.9m, determine the maximum distance,
s=smax, the collar travels before momentarily stopping. The
spring has an unstrecthed length of 0.6m.

Q17. Determine the height h to the top of the incline D to

which the 200-kg roller coaster car will reach, if it is launched
at B with a speed just sufficient for it to round the top of the
loop at C without leaving the track. The radius of curvature at C
is ρc = 25 m.

Q14. The car and its contents have a weight of 600kg, whereas
block B has a weight of 200kg. If the car is released from rest,
determine its speed when it travels 30m down the 20° incline.
Suggestion: To measure the gravitational potential energy, Q18. The girl throws the 0.5 kg ball toward the wall with an
establish separate datum at the initial elevations of B and C. initial velocity vA = 10 m/s. Determine
a) the velocity at which it strikes the wall at B.
b) the velocity at which it rebounds from the wall if e=0.5
c)the distances from the wall to where it strikes the ground at C.

Q15. The 2-kg ball of negligible size is fired from point A with
an initial velocity of 10 m/s up the smooth inclined plane.
Determine the distance from point C to where it hits the
horizontal surface at D. Also, what is its velocity when it strikes
the surface?

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