Dynamics - Chapter-13

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Prepared by Masum
Chapter-13: Kinematics of Particles (Energy and Momentum Methods)
Sample Problems: 13.1- to 13.17
(Book: Vector Mechanics for Engineers Dynamics <eighth edition > by P. Beer & Johnston)
1. The 7-kg block A is released from rest
in the position shown. Neglecting the
effect of friction and the masses of the
pulleys, determine the velocity of the
block after it has moved 0.6 m up the

2. An 8-kg plunger is released from rest in

the position shown and is stopped by
two nested springs; the constant of the
outer spring is k1 = 3 kN/m and the
constant of the inner spring is k2 = 10
kN/m. If the maximum deflection of the
outer spring is observed to be 150 mm,
determine the height h from which the
plunger was released.

3. A bag is gently pushed off the top of a

wall at A and swings in a vertical plane
at the end of a rope of length l
Determine the angle θ for which the
rope will break, knowing that it can
withstand a maximum tension equal to
twice the weight of the bag

4. A spring is used to stop a 200-lb

package which is moving down a 20°
incline. The spring has a constant k =
125 lb/in. and is held by cables so that
it is initially compressed 6 in. Knowing
that the velocity of the package is 8 ft/s
when it is 25 ft from the spring and
neglecting friction, determine the
maximum additional deformation of the
spring in bringing the package to rest
Prepared by Masum

5. A satellite describes an elliptic orbit of

minimum altitude 376 mi above the
surface of the earth. The semi major and
semi minor axes are 10840 mi and 8670
mi, respectively. Knowing that the
speed of the satellite at point C is 2.97
mi/s, determine (a) the speed at point A,
the perigee, (b) the
speed at point B, the apogee

6. An experimental space probe is

launched from the earth and enters a
highly eccentric elliptic orbit as it
reaches point A. Knowing that its
velocity there is observed to be Va =
30,000 km/h at an angle of 60° with the
vertical, determine the minimum
altitude of the orbit

7. A 20-kg block is at rest on an incline

when a constant horizontal force P is
applied to it. The static and kinetic
coefficients of friction between the
block and the incline are 0.4 and 0.3,
respectively. Knowing that the speed of
the block is 15 m/s after 6 s, determine
the magnitude of P.
Prepared by Masum
8. A 1-oz bullet is fired into an 8-lb
wooden block and becomes embedded
in it. Knowing that the block and bullet
then move up the smooth incline for 1.2
s before they come to a stop, determine
(a) the magnitude of the initial velocity
of the bullet, (b) the magnitude of the
impulse of the force exerted by the
bullet on the block

9. A 1.1-kg ball A is falling vertically with

a velocity of magnitude VA = 2.5 m/s
when it is hit as shown by a 0.7-kg ball
B which has a velocity of magnitude VB
= 2 m/s. Knowing that the coefficient of
restitution between the two balls is e =
0.75 and assuming no friction,
determine the velocity
of each ball immediately after impact

10. A girl throws a ball at an inclined wall

from a height of 3 ft, hitting the wall at
A with a horizontal velocity V0 of
magnitude 25 ft/s. Knowing that the
coefficient of restitution between the
ball and the wall is 0.9 and neglecting
friction, determine the distance d from
the foot of the wall to the point B where
the ball will hit the ground after
bouncing off the wall.

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