RTI - Authorization Letter
RTI - Authorization Letter
RTI - Authorization Letter
KNOW ALL to whom these present shall come that I ______________________ the above
Mr. Surendera M. Bhanot to be my Authorized Representation in the above referred case and
authorized to act, appear and plead in the above-noted case in this Court or in any other Court
in which the same may be heard and also in the appellate Court To sign, file verify and present
pleadings, appeals cross objections or petitions for execution review, revision, withdrawal,
compromise or other petitions or affidavits or other documents as may be deemed necessary
or proper for the examination of the said case in all its stage; to file and take back documents
to admit and/or deny the documents of opposite party; to withdraw or compromise the said
case or submit to arbitration any differences or disputes that may arise touching or in any
manner relating to the said case; to take/initiate execution proceedings; to deposit, draw and
receive money, cheques, cash and compensation receipts thereof; and to do all other acts and
things which may be necessary to be done for the progress and in the course of the
proceedings of the said case. And I the undersigned do hereby agree to ratify and confirm all
acts done by the authorized representative or his substitute in the matter as my/our own acts,
as if done by me/us to all intents and purposes. And I undertake that I or my duly authorized
agent would appear in the Court on all hearings. And I undersigned do hereby agree not to
hold the authorized representative or his substitute responsible for the result of the said case.
To appoint and instruct any other Legal Practioner, authorizing him to exercise the power and
authority hereby conferred upon the Advocate whenever he may think it to do so and to sign
the Power of Attorney on my behalf, and will inform the Advocates for appearance when the
case is called. The adjournment/compensation costs whenever ordered by the Court shall be
of the Authorized Representative which he shall receive and retain himself I will not be entitled
for the refund of the same in any case whatsoever. If the case lasts for more than FIVE
HEARINGS, the Authorized Representative / Advocate shall be entitled for additional fee
equivalent to half of the agreed fee for every addition FIVE HEARINGS or part thereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I/We do hereunto set my /our hand to these presents the contents of
which have been understood by me on this ____________ day of ____________20___.
Signature of the
Surendera M. Bhanot
Authorized Representative