Practice Problems Section 2.1-2.7

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Practice problems (Sections 2.1-2.


Find the domain and range of the relation:

{(0, 9.1), (10, 6.7), (20, 10.7), (30, 13.2), (40, 21.2)}


Find the domain and range of the relation:

{(3, 4), (3, 5), (4, 4), (4, 5)}

The domain is the set of all first components.

{0, 10, 20, 30, 40}.
The range is the set of all second components.
{9.1, 6.7, 10.7, 13.2, 21.2}

2a. Determine whether the relation is a function:

{(1, 2) , (3, 4) , (5,6) , (5,8)}

2a. Determine whether the relation is a function:

{(3, 4), (3, 5), (4, 4), (4, 5)}

5 corresponds to both 6 and 8. If any element in the domain

corresponds to more than one element in the range, the
relation is not a function.
Thus, the relation is not a function.
2b. Determine whether the relation is a function:
{(1, 2) , (3, 4) , (6,5) , (8,5)}

2b. Determine whether the relation is a function:

{(- 3, - 3) , (- 2, - 2) , (- 1, - 1) , (0, 0)}

Every element in the domain corresponds to exactly one

element in the range. No two ordered pairs in the given
relation have the same first component and different second
Thus, the relation is a function.

Solve each equation for y and then determine whether

the equation defines y as a function of x.

3a. 2 x + y = 6
Subtract 2x from both sides to solve for y.
2x + y = 6

2x - 2x + y = 6 - 2x
y = 6 - 2x
For each value of x, there is only one value of y, so the
equation defines y as a function of x.


Solve each equation for y and then determine whether

the equation defines y as a function of x.

3a. x 2 + y = 16

3b. x 2 + y 2 = 1

3b. x = y 2

Subtract x 2 from both sides and then use the square root
property to solve for y.
x2 + y2 = 1
x2 - x2 + y2 = 1 - x2
y2 = 1 - x2
y = 1 - x2

For values of x between 1 and 1, there are two values of y.

For example, if x = 0, then y = 1. Thus, the equation does
not define y as a function of x.
4. If f ( x ) = x 2 - 2 x + 7, evaluate each of the following.
4a. f(x + 4)


If g ( x ) = x 2 + 2 x + 3, evaluate each of the following.

4a. g(1)
Substitute x + 4 for x and then simplify. Place parentheses
around x + 4 when making the substitution.
Use ( A + B )2 = A2 + 2 AB + B 2 to expand ( x + 4)2 and the
distributive property to multiply 2(x + 4). Then combine like

4b. g(x + 5)

f ( x + 4) = ( x + 4) 2 - 2( x + 4) + 7
= x 2 + 8 x + 16 - 2 x - 8 + 7
= x 2 + 6 x + 15

4b. f(x)

4c. g(x)

Substitute x for x. Place parentheses around x when

making the substitution.
f (- x ) = ( - x ) 2 - 2( - x ) + 7
= x2 + 2 x + 7


Use the vertical line test to determine if the graph

represents y as a function of x.


Use the vertical line test to determine if the graph

represents y as a function of x.

The graph passes the vertical line test and thus y is a function
of x.
6a. The following is the graph of g.

6a. The following is the graph of g.

Use the graph to find g(- 20).

Use the graph to find g (- 4).

The graph indicates that to the left of x = - 4, the graph is at

a constant height of 2.
Thus, g(- 20) = 2.
6b. Use the graph from Problem 7a above to find the value
of x for which g ( x) = - 1.

6b. Use the graph from Problem 7a above to find the value of
x for which g ( x) = 1.

g(1) = - 1
The height of the graph is 1 when x = 1.
7. Use the graph of the function to identify its domain and
its range.

Inputs on the x-axis extend from 2, excluding 2, to 1,

including 1.
The domain is (- 2,1] .
Outputs on the y-axis extend from 1, including 1, to 2,
excluding 2.
The range is [- 1, 2) .


Use the graph of the function to identify its domain and

its range.


State the intervals on which the given function is

increasing, decreasing, or constant.


State the intervals on which the given function is

increasing, decreasing, or constant.


The graph of a function f is given below. Locate values at

which the function f has any relative maxima or minima.
What are these relative maxima or minima? Read y-values
from the graph, as needed, since the equation is not

The intervals are stated in terms of x-values.

When we start at the left and follow along the graph, at first
the graph is going up. This continues until x = 1. The
function is increasing on the interval (, 1).
At x = 1, the graph turns and moves downward until we get
to x = 1. The function is decreasing on the interval (1, 1).
At x = 1, the graph turns again and continues in an upward
direction. The function is increasing on the interval (1, ).

Look at the graph in Solved Problem #1. Locate values at

which the function f has any relative maxima or minima.
What are these relative maxima or minima?

The graph has a turning point at x = 1. The value of f(x) or y

at x = 1 is greater than the values of f(x) for values of x near
1 (for values of x between 2 and 0, for example). Thus, f
has a relative maximum at x = 1. The relative maximum is
the value of f(x) or y corresponding to x = 1. Using the
equation in the graph, we find that f(1) = (1) 3(1) = 2.
We say that f has a relative maximum of 2 at x = 1.
The graph has a second turning point at x = 1. The value of
f(x) or y at x = 1 is less than the values of f(x) for values of x
near 1 (for values of x between 0 and 2, for example). Thus, f
has a relative minimum at
x = 1. The relative minimum is the value of f(x) or y
corresponding to x = 1. Using the equation in the graph, we
find that f(1) = (1) 3(1) = 2. We say that f has a relative
minimum of 2 at x = 1.
Note that the relative maximum occurs where the functions
changes from increasing to decreasing and the relative
minimum occurs where the graph changes from decreasing
to increasing.

10. Determine whether each of the following functions is

even, odd, or neither.

f ( x) = x 2 + 6

10. Determine whether each of the following functions is

even, odd, or neither.

f ( x) = x3 + x


g ( x) = x 2 + x


h( x ) = x 2 - x 4

Replace x with x.
f (- x ) = (- x)2 + 6 = x 2 + 6 = f ( x)
The function did not change when we replaced x with x. The
function is even.


g ( x) = 7 x3 - x

Replace x with x.
g (- x ) = 7(- x )3 - (- x ) = - 7 x 3 + x = - g ( x )
Each term of the equation defining the function changed sign
when we replaced x with x. The function is odd.


h( x ) = x 5 + 1

Replace x with x.
h ( x ) = ( - x )5 + 1 = - x 5 + 1
The resulting function is not equal to the original function, so
the function is not even. Only the sign of one term changed,
so the function is not odd. The function is neither even nor
11. Find and simplify the difference quotient for
f ( x ) = - 2 x 2 + x + 5.

11. Find and simplify the difference quotient for

f ( x ) = x 2 - 4 x + 3.

f ( x + h) - f ( x)
[- 2( x + h ) 2 + ( x + h ) + 5] - ( - 2 x 2 + x + 5)
- 2( x + 2 xh + h ) + x + h + 5 + 2 x 2 - x - 5
- 2 x - 4 xh - 2h + x + h + 5 + 2 x 2 - x - 5
- 4 xh - 2h 2 + h
h( - 4 x - 2h + 1)
= - 4 x - 2h + 1, h 0
12. Write the point-slope form of the equation of the line
with slope 6 that passes through the point (2, - 5). Then
solve the equation for y.

12. Write the point-slope form of the equation of the line

with slope - 3 that passes through the point (- 2, - 3).
Then solve the equation for y.

Begin by finding the point-slope equation of a line.

y - y1 = m ( x - x1 )

y - (- 5) = 6 ( x - 2 )
y + 5 = 6 ( x - 2)
Now solve this equation for y.
y + 5 = 6 ( x - 2)
y + 5 = 6 x - 12
y = 6 x - 17

13. A line passes through the points (- 2, - 1) and (- 1, - 6).

Find the equation of the line in point-slope form and
then solve the equation for y.

Begin by finding the slope: m =

- 6 - (- 1) - 5
- 1 - (- 2) 1

Using the slope and either point, find the point-slope

equation of a line.
y - y1 = m ( x - x1 )
y - y1 = m ( x - x1 )

y - (- 1) = - 5 ( x - (- 2) )

y - (- 6) = - 5 ( x - (- 1) )

y + 1 = - 5 ( x + 2)

y + 6 = - 5 ( x + 1)

To obtain slope-intercept form, solve the above equation for


13. A line passes through the points (- 3, - 1) and (2,4). Find

the equation of the line in point-slope form and then
solve the equation for y.

y + 1 = - 5 ( x + 2)
y + 1 = - 5 x - 10


y + 6 = - 5 ( x + 1)
y + 6 = - 5x - 5

y = - 5 x - 11

14. Graph: f ( x ) =

y = - 5 x - 11
x +1

14. Graph: f ( x ) =

x- 2

The y-intercept is 1, so plot the point (0,1).

The slope is m = .

Find another point by going up 3 units and to the right 5

Use a straightedge to draw a line through the two points.

15. Find the slope and y-intercept of the line whose

equation is 3x + 6 y - 12 = 0.

15. Find the slope and y-intercept of the line whose equation
is 2 x + 3 y - 18 = 0.

Solve for y.
3 x + 6 y - 12 = 0

6 y = - 3 x + 12
6 y - 3 x + 12
y = - x+2
The coefficient of x, - , is the slope, and the constant term,
2, is the y-intercept.
16. Graph: 3x - 2 y - 6 = 0

Find the xintercept by setting y = 0.

16. Graph: 6 x - 2 y - 12 = 0

3x - 2 y - 6 = 0
3 x - 2(0) - 6 = 0
3x = 6
Find the yintercept by setting x = 0.
3x - 2 y - 6 = 0

3(0) - 2 y - 6 = 0
- 2y = 6
Plot the points and draw the line that passes through them.

17. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere,

measured in parts per million, has been increasing as a
result of the burning of oil and coal. The buildup of gases
and particles is believed to trap heat and raise the
planets temperature. When the atmospheric
concentration of carbon dioxide is 317 parts per million,
the average global temperature is 57.04F. When the
atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide is 354 parts
per million, the average global temperature is 57.64F.
Write a linear function that models average global
temperature, f(x), for an atmospheric concentration of
carbon dioxide of x parts per million. Use the function to
project the average global temperature when the
atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide is 600 parts per
Write the equation of the line through the points
(317, 57.04) and (354, 57.64). First find the slope.


y2 - y1 57.64 - 57.04 0.6

x2 - x1
354 - 317

Use this slope and the point (317, 57.04) in the point-slope

17. When the literacy rate for adult females in a country is

0%, the infant mortality rate is 254 (per thousand). When
the literacy rate for adult females is 60%, the infant
mortality rate is 110. Write a linear function that models
child mortality, f (x), per thousand, for children under five
in a country where x% of adult women are literate. Use
the function to predict the child mortality rate in a
country where 80% of adult females are literate.

y - y1 = m( x - x1 )
y - 57.04 = 0.016( x - 317)
y - 57.04 = 0.016 x - 5.072
y = 0.016 x + 51.968
Using function notation and rounding the constant, we have

f ( x) = 0.016x + 52.0
To predict the temperature when the atmospheric
concentration of carbon dioxide is 600 parts per million, find

f (600) = 0.016(600) + 52.0 = 61.6

The model predicts an average global temperature of 61.6F
when the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide is 600
parts per million.
18. Write an equation of the line passing through (- 2,5)
and parallel to the line whose equation is y = 3x + 1.
Express the equation in point-slope form and slopeintercept form.

18. Write an equation of the line passing through (- 8, - 10)

and parallel to the line whose equation
is y = - 4 x + 3. Express the equation in point-slope form
and slope-intercept form.

Since the line is parallel to y = 3x + 1, we know it will have

slope m = 3.
We are given that it passes through (- 2,5). We use the
slope and point to write the equation in point-slope form.
y - y1 = m ( x - x1 )

y - 5 = 3 ( x - (- 2 ))
y - 5 = 3 ( x + 2)
Point-Slope form: y - 5 = 3 ( x + 2)
Solve for y to obtain slope-intercept form.
y - 5 = 3 ( x + 2)

y - 5 = 3x + 6
y = 3x + 11
f ( x ) = 3x + 11
Slope-Intercept form: y = 3x +11
19. Write an equation of the line passing through (- 2, - 6)
and perpendicular to the line whose equation is
x + 3 y - 12 = 0. Express the equation in point-slope form
and general form.

19. Write an equation of the line passing through (4, - 7) and

perpendicular to the line whose equation is x - 2 y - 3 = 0

. Express the equation in point-slope form and general


First, find the slope of the line x + 3 y - 12 = 0.

Solve the given equation for y to obtain slope-intercept form.
x + 3 y - 12 = 0
3 y = - x + 12
y = - x+4
Since the slope of the given line is -

, the slope of any line

perpendicular to the given line is 3.

We use the slope of 3 and the point (- 2, - 6) to write the
equation in point-slope form. Then gather the variable and
constant terms on one side with zero on the other side.
y - y1 = m ( x - x1 )

y - (- 6) = 3 ( x - (- 2 ))
y + 6 = 3 ( x + 2)
y + 6 = 3x + 6
0 = 3x - y or 3x - y = 0

In 1990, there 9.0 million men living alone and in

2008, there were 14.7 million men living alone. Use the
ordered pairs (1990, 9.0) and (2008, 14.7) to find the
slope of the line through the points. Express the slope
correct to two decimal places and describe what it


In 1994, 617 active-duty servicemembers were

discharged under the dont ask, dont tell policy. In
1998, 1163 were discharged under the policy. Use the
ordered pairs (1994, 617) and (1998, 1163) to find the
slope of the line through the points. Express the slope
correct to the nearest whole number and describe what it

Change in y
14.7 - 9.0
Change in x 2008 - 1990


The number of men living alone increased at an average rate

of approximately 0.32 million men per year.
21. Find the average rate of change of the function from x1
to x2.

f ( x ) = x 3 from x1 = 0 to x2 = 1

f ( x2 ) - f ( x1 ) f (1) - f (0)
x2 - x1
1- 0
13 - 03

The average rate of change is 1.

21. Find the average rate of change of the function from x1 to


f ( x) = 3x from x1 = 0 to x2 = 5


f ( x ) = x 3 from x1 = 1 to x2 = 2


f ( x ) = x 2 + 2 x from x1 = 3 to x2 = 5

f ( x2 ) - f ( x1 ) f (2) - f (1)
x2 - x1
2- 1
23 - 13
8- 1

The average rate of change is 7.

23. True or false: The graphs of the standard quadratic

function f ( x ) = x 2 and the absolute value function
g ( x ) = x have the same type of symmetry.

24. True or false: The graphs of the identity function

f ( x) = x and the standard cubic function g ( x ) = x 3 have
the same type of symmetry.

True. Both functions are even and their graphs are symmetric
with respect to the y-axis.
25. Use the graph of f ( x ) = x to obtain the graph of
g ( x ) = x + 3.

25. Use the graph of f ( x ) = x 2 to obtain the graph of

g ( x ) = x 2 - 2.

The graph of g is the graph of f shifted vertically up by

3 units. Add 3 to each y-coordinate.
Since the points (3, 3), (0, 0), and (3, 3) are on the graph of
f, the points (3, 6), (0, 3), and (3, 6) are on the graph of g.

26. Use the graph of f ( x ) = x to obtain the graph of

g ( x ) = x - 4.
g ( x ) = x - 4 = f ( x - 4)

The graph of g is the graph of f shifted horizontally to the

right by 4 units. Add 4 to each x-coordinate.
Since the points (0, 0), (1, 1), and (4, 2) are on the graph of f,
the points (4, 0), (5, 1), and (8, 2) are on the graph
of g.

26. Use the graph of f ( x ) = x to obtain the graph of

g ( x) = x + 4 .

27. Use the graph of f ( x ) = x to obtain the graph of

g ( x) = - x .

27. Use the graph of f ( x ) = x 3 to obtain the graph of

h( x ) = - x 3 .

The graph of g is a reflection of the graph of f about the xaxis because g ( x) = - f ( x). Replace each y-coordinate with
its opposite.
Since the points (3, 3), (0, 0), and (3, 3) are on the graph of
f, the points (3, 3), (0, 0), and (3, 3) are on the graph of g.

28. Use the graph of f ( x ) = 3 x to obtain the graph of

h( x ) = 3 - x .

28. Use the graph of f shown below to obtain the graph of

g ( x) = f (- x).

The graph of h is a reflection of the graph of f about the yaxis because h( x) = f (- x). Replace each
x-coordinate with its opposite.
Since the points (1, 1), (0, 0), and (1, 1) are on the graph of
f, the points (1, 1), (0, 0), and (1, 1) are on the graph of h.

29. Use the graph of f ( x ) = x to obtain the graph of

g ( x) = 2 x .

29. Use the graph of f ( x ) = x 3 to obtain the graph of

h( x ) =

1 3
x .

The graph of g is obtained by vertically stretching the graph

of f because g ( x) = 2 f ( x). Multiply each
y-coordinate by 2.
Since the points (2, 2), (0, 0), and (2, 2) are on the graph of
f, the points (2, 4), (0, 0), and (2, 4) are on the graph of g.

30. Use the graph of f shown below to graph each function.

30. Use the graph of f shown below to graph each function.

31. g( x) = f (2 x)

31. g( x) = f (2 x)

Divide the x-coordinate of each point on the graph of

f by 2. The points (1, 0), (0, 3), (1, 0), (2, 3), and (3, 0) are
on the graph of g.

32. h( x ) = f ( 12 x )
Multiply the x-coordinate of each point on the graph of f by
2. The points (4, 0), (0, 3), (4, 0), (8, 3), and (12, 0) are on
the graph of h.

32. g ( x ) = f ( 12 x )

33. Use the graph of f ( x ) = x 2 to graph

33. Use the graph of f ( x ) = x 3 to graph

g ( x ) = 2( x - 1)2 + 3.

( x - 3) 2 - 2. (You can follow the example
problem or do as I taught you by doing it in steps and
describing each transformation!!)
h( x ) =

The graph of g is the graph of f horizontally shifted to the

right 1 unit, vertically stretched by a factor of 2, and vertically
shifted up 3 units. Beginning with a point on the graph of f,
add 1 to each x-coordinate, then multiply each y-coordinate
by 2, and finally add 3 to each
(1, 1) (0, 1) (0, 2) (0, 5)
(0, 0) (1, 0) (1, 0) (1, 3)
(1, 1) (2, 1) (2, 2) (2, 5)

24 - 3x
The function contains both an even root and division. The
expression under the radical must be nonnegative and the
denominator cannot equal 0. Thus, 24 3x must be greater
than 0.
24 - 3 x > 0
24 > 3 x
8 > x or x < 8
The domain is (, 8).

x- 2
x- 5

34. Find the domain of j( x) =

34. Find the domain of g ( x) =

35. Let f ( x ) = x - 5 and g ( x ) = x 2 - 1. Find each function

35. Let f ( x ) = 2 x 2 - x - 3 and g ( x) = x +1. Find each

and determine its domain.


( f + g )( x)

function and determine its domain.


( f + g )( x)

( f + g )( x ) = f ( x ) + g ( x )
= ( x - 5) + ( x 2 - 1)
= x2 + x - 6

The domain is (, ).


( f - g )( x)


( f - g )( x)


( fg )( x)

( f - g )( x ) = f ( x ) - g ( x )
= ( x - 5) - ( x 2 - 1)
= x - 5 - x2 +1
= - x2 + x - 4
The domain is (, ).

( fg )( x)

( fg )( x ) = f ( x ) g ( x )
= ( x - 5)( x 2 - 1)
= x3 - 5x 2 - x + 5

The domain is (, ).

36. Given f ( x ) =

and g ( x ) = , find each of the

36. Given f ( x ) =



37. ( f g )( x)

37. ( f g )( x)

( f g )( x ) =

g ( x) + 2


and g ( x ) = , find each of the

4 x
+ 2 x 1+ 2x

38. The domain of f g

The function g is undefined when x = 0, so 0 is not in the

domain of f g. The function f is undefined for x = 2, so any
values of x for which g(x) = 2 are not in the domain of
f g. Solving = - 2, we find that x = - .

38. The domain of f g

39. Express h ( x ) = x 2 + 5 as the composition of two


39. Express h( x ) = (3x - 1)4 as the composition of two


A natural way to write h as the composition of two functions

is to take the square root of g ( x ) = x 2 + 5.

Let f ( x ) = x and g ( x ) = x 2 + 5.
Then ( f g )( x) = g ( x) = x 2 + 5 = h( x).
40. Find the inverse of f ( x ) = 2 x + 7.

40. Find the inverse of f ( x ) = x + 3.

Replace f ( x) with y.
y = 2x + 7
Interchange x and y and solve for y.
x = 2y +7
x - 7 = 2y
x- 7
Replace y with f - 1 ( x ).
f - 1( x) =

x- 7

41. Find the inverse of f ( x ) = 4 x 3 - 1.

41. Find the inverse of f ( x ) = ( x + 2)3.

Replace f(x) with y.

y = 4 x3 - 1
Interchange x and y and solve for y.

x = 4 y3 - 1

x +1 = 4 y3
x +1
= y3
x +1

Replace y with f (x).

f - 1 ( x) = 3

x +1

42. Find the inverse of f ( x ) =

- 1.

42. Find the inverse of f ( x ) =

- 3.

Replace f(x) with y.

y= -1
Interchange x and y and solve for y.
x= -1

xy = y

1 y

y - 1y
xy = 3 - y
xy =

xy + y = 3
y ( x + 1) = 3
y ( x + 1)
x +1
x +1
x +1

Replace y with f (x).

f - 1( x) =
x +1

43. Use the horizontal line test to determine if the following

graph represents a function that has an inverse function.

43. Use the horizontal line test to determine if the following

graph represents a function that has an inverse function.

Since a horizontal line can be drawn that intersects the graph

more than once, it fails the horizontal line test.
Thus, this graph does not represent a function that has an
inverse function.

44. The graph of function f consists of two line segments,

one segment from (- 2, - 2) to (- 1,0), and a second
segment from (- 1,0) to (1,2).
Graph f and use the graph to draw the graph of its
inverse function.
Since f has a line segment from (- 2, - 2) to (- 1,0), then f - 1

44. The graph of a linear function f contains the points

(0, - 4), (2,0), (3,2), and (4,4). Draw the graph of the
inverse function.

has a line segment from (- 2, - 2) to (0, - 1).

Since f has a line segment from (- 1,0) to (1,2), then f - 1
has a line segment from (0, - 1) to (2,1).

45. Find the inverse of f ( x ) = x 2 + 1 if x 0. Graph f and f

in the same rectangular coordinate system.

Restricted to x 0, the function f ( x ) = x 2 + 1 has an inverse.

The graph of f is the right half of the graph of y = x 2 shifted
up 1 unit.
Replace f(x) with y: y = x 2 + 1.
Interchange x and y and solve for y. Since the values of x are
nonnegative in the original function, the values of y must be
nonnegative in the inverse function. We choose the positive
square root in the third step below.

x = y2 +1
x - 1 = y2
x- 1 = y

Replace y with f (x): f - 1 ( x ) = x - 1.


The graph of f is the graph of the square root function

shifted 1 unit to the left. The graph of f is also the reflection
of the graph of f about the line y = x.

45. Find the inverse of f ( x ) = ( x - 1)2 if x 1. Graph f and f

in the same rectangular coordinate system.

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