Chapter 2-The Research Enterprise in Psychology-Psych 111-Student Version
Chapter 2-The Research Enterprise in Psychology-Psych 111-Student Version
Chapter 2-The Research Enterprise in Psychology-Psych 111-Student Version
A. Measurement and Description
B. Understanding and Prediction
C. Application and Control
II. What Are the Steps in Scientific
A. Step 1: Translate a Theory or an Idea
into a Testable Hypothesis
B. Step 2: Select the Research Method &
Design the Study
C. Step 3: Collect the Data
D. Step 4: Analyze the Data and Draw
E. Step 5: Report the Findings
III. What Are the Different Types of
Research Methods?
A. Descriptive-Correlational Research
1. Naturalistic Observation
2. Case Study
3. Survey
B. Experiments
A. Measurement and Description
B. Understanding and Prediction
A. Step 1 is to translate a theory or an
idea into a testable hypothesis
individuals to be considered.
(2) Sample-Small number of people from
the population
(3) Random sample-A sample in which
every individual in the population has an
equal chance of being selected.
of study
e. Double-blind procedure-A research
strategy in which neither the participants
nor experimenter knows which participants
are in the experimental or control groups.
E. Step 5: Report the findings
Research Methods
A. Descriptive-Correlational Research
1. Naturalistic Observation
a. Careful observation of what happens
under more or less natural conditions
b. Jane Goodal
Naturalistic Observations
c. Observer effect-Changes in participants
Case Study
2. Case study
a. Thorough description of a person,
Case Study
b. Dr. Harlow
c. Phineas Gage
3. Survey
a. A study of the prevalence of certain
(2) people not think carefully about
(3) wording of questions, and
(4) socially desirable responses
Correlational Studies
4. Correlational Studies
a. Researchers measure the correlation
Correlational Research
b. Correlation is the measure of the
f. Correlations tell us that variables are
5. Advantages of descriptive/correlational
a. Study matters could not study by experimental
b. Greater external validity
c. External validity-When research findings apply
to the real world
d. In some cases can use to make predictions
6. Disadvantage: Cannot establish causation
B. Experiment
1. Only research method that can
establish causation
2. Only can be used when researcher can
control the level of the independent
variable the participants are assigned to
3. Usually conducted in laboratories
4. Experimental results may not generalize
5. Three steps in experiment:
a. Directly vary a condition you think might
affect behavior
b. Create two or more groups of
participants that are alike in all ways
except for the condition that varies
c. Record if varying condition has any
effect on behavior
6.Simplest experiment consists of two
c. Dependent variables measure the
d. Extraneous variables-Conditions that a