2nd Announcement
2nd Announcement
2nd Announcement
1. Universal primary education; gender equality and women empowerment - Contributions here will address
issues of governments and other stakeholders involvements in sustainable primary education; gender equality
and women empowerment
2. Food and nutritional security & Millennium Development Goals 4 &5 - Contributions here will link
nutritional security to human capital development
3. Reducing child mortality; improving maternal health; combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases This session will address increasing diversity of food production and making more resources available to
manage childhood illnesses and to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
4. The role of engineers/ applied scientists in sustainable rural development Contributions here will address
the roles of engineers (electrical, mechanical, civil, agricultural, etc) in sustainable rural development as a
means of achieving MDGs
5. Environmental sustainability; and global partnership for development - Discussions will include issues on
environmental sustainability and global partnership for development
6. MDGs breakthroughs and challenges for the next generation Contributions here will include discussions on
policy issues on sustaining MDGs progress; mainstreaming the MDGs by translating a global agenda into
national action and addressing gap; addressing unfinished business of the MDGs and the emerging agenda
beyond 2015
Abstract Submission Deadline:
Notification of Acceptance:
Full Paper Submission:
Abstracts should be sent to: