Thesis Topic Brochure May 2016

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Thesis topic brochure


Table of Contents

Introduction ..................................................................................... 5
This brochure ................................................................................... 5
Thesis Supervisors ........................................................................... 7
Research programme of the Environmental Policy Group .............. 8
Thesis topics .................................................................................. 11
Sustainable Food Transformations ................................................ 11
Sustainable Urban Infrastructures................................................. 17
Governing Environmental Mobilities............................................. 26
Governing Marine Futures............................................................. 35
Climate Governance ...................................................................... 43
Previous thesis titles ...................................................................... 50
Internships ..................................................................................... 53
How to get started… ...................................................................... 55

This brochure
This brochure presents a list of topics or themes for students who wish to
pursue their MSc thesis at the Environmental Policy Group. The purpose of
this brochure is to attract students to write an MSc thesis within the
domain of environmental policy and to provide inspiration to those who
wish to formulate their own thesis topic. The ENP group very much
stimulates students to develop their own ideas and research questions.
The topics presented in this brochure have been identified as interesting
topical areas by ENP staff members and can be used as a starting point or
source of inspiration while proposing your own thesis topic.

The topics and themes presented in this brochure are often linked to
research lines and running projects of staff members. This increases the
interest and commitment of staff members in the thesis research and the
impact of the knowledge generated. The thesis topics will be presented
categorized in the three research areas of the Environmental Policy Group
(for an overview see following section). Further information on the
content and running projects under each of these research areas check out
the ENP website:

ENP thesis students tend to originate from a broad range of MSc

programmes. It is worth mentioning that ENP has a junior position
available each year for an excellent MSc thesis student, who is offered a
one year contract to work on an article, assist in education, develop a PhD
proposal and possibly obtain research funding. Also, several ENP
supervised MSc theses have been nominated for prizes.

Besides potential thesis topics and themes this brochure includes a list of
recently completed ENP MSc theses, a list of companies and organizations
where ENP MSc students have recently performed internships, and the
next steps in the thesis writing process.

Internship possibilities are published on the ENP facebook page: For inspiration or more
information you can also check the education pages of the ENP website: .

Thesis Supervisors
Dr. Ingrid Boas Prof. dr. Peter Oosterveer
[email protected] [email protected]

Prof. dr. Simon Bush Dr. Mattijs Smits

[email protected] [email protected]

Dr. Aarti Gupta Prof. dr. Gert Spaargaren

[email protected] [email protected]

Prof. dr. Jan van Tatenhove

Dr. Sanneke Kloppenburg [email protected]
[email protected]

Dr. Kris van Koppen Dr. Hilde Toonen

[email protected] [email protected]

Dr. Maria Tysiachniouk

Dr. Machiel Lamers
[email protected]

Dr. Judith van Leeuwen Dr. Bas van Vliet

[email protected] [email protected]

Dr. Mandy de Wilde

Research programme of the Environmental Policy
The mission of the Environmental Policy chair group (ENP) is to develop
innovative ways of analysing and understanding social and political
transformations of the environment. Core to this mission is the analysis of
how and to what extent environmental considerations become
incorporated into and change modernisation and globalisation processes,
and the design of environmental governance arrangements that extend
across multiple levels and spatial scales.

The core objectives of the research programme are threefold:

1. Analyse and understand transformations in local, national and

global environmental governance arrangements, against the back-
ground of a rapidly changing cultural, political and economic global
2. Analyse how individuals, groups and organisations deal with and
respond to the environmental and health risks and uncertainties
that emerge as side effects of modernisation/globalisation.
3. Contribute to the institutionalisation of fair and equitable
environmental and sustainability standards, requirements and
criteria in (international) processes, networks and practices of
production, consumption and governance.
ENP research focuses theoretical development for understanding and
critically analysing social and political transformations of the environment.
Theoretical diversity characterises the group, but is organised into two
clear lines of inquiry. First, the group continues to develop an eco-
modernist perspective to environmental change, drawing on a
combination of macro-sociological theories of global risk and network
society, micro-sociological perspectives focused on social practices, and
institutional perspectives of political modernisation and transition theory.
Second, the group will invest in critical social science perspectives drawing
on international political economy, political ecology, and global production
chains and networks. Bringing these eco-modernist and eco-critical
perspectives together will enable the group to explore the tension
between the social innovations (e.g. policy instruments and governance
arrangements), and social consequences (e.g. inequality, control and
exploitation) inherent in environmental change processes.

The research programme of ENP is divided into five parallel thematic areas
that represent key, contemporary global environmental challenges (see
Figure 1). First, reflecting the challenges of ongoing population growth and
distributive challenges of global nutrition, ENP explores the governance
and practices of sustainable food transformations. Second, the design and
governance of sustainable urban infrastructures, exploring the dynamic
nature of cities and their regional and global environmental footprint.
Third, the challenges involved in global environmental mobilities
associated with tourism, migration and transport. Fourth, the marine
governance theme incorporates research on the largest single largest
global environmental resource, exploring issues related to spatial planning,
fisheries and offshore infrastructures. And fifth, climate governance, with
analysis focusing on both global and regional climate policies and their
intersection with strategies for renewable energy provision.

Next to thesis topics on these five core themes we welcome ambitious and
interested students to discuss and explore a more theoretical or
methodological thesis topic. Examples could be:
- Theories of modernity in sociology and political science
- Analysing globalisation from a non-western point of view
- The role of material objects in social theories
- Theories of social practices and sustainable consumption
- Transparency and accountability in reflexive modernity
- Sociological theories of mobilities
- Etc.

Thesis topics
Sustainable Food Transformations

Sustainability and/in Collaborative Consumption

Over the past 10 years, there has emerged a revived interest in the
‘sharing economy’ and all forms of ‘collaborative consumption’. From
AirBnB, Uber, Coach-surfing, Velib city bikes to all forms of car-sharing and
shared ownership of windmills, the basic idea is that by sharing goods and
services with others, there will be possible both economic and
environmental gains/savings while at the same time enjoying new forms of
collaboration with fellow citizens. From the literature on this topic it can
be concluded that next to the economic and the social dimension, also the
environmental dimension is a very important motive for people to enter
these new forms of consumption. This thesis will explore in more detail
the environmental gains that are (claimed to be) connected to the
collaborative economy.
Contact person: Gert Spaargaren

Access to Safe, Sustainable and Healthy (SSH-) food

In the discussion on sustainable food production and consumption, it is
argued that low income groups of the population have less easy access to
SSH-food when compared to consumers from middle-class or high-income
groups. Differential access to SSH-food can be witnessed both in OECD
countries as in other, less developed regions of the world-economy. This
project will explore in more detail what kind of barriers to SSH-food exist
for what groups of citizen-consumers, and in what respects these barriers
can be said to be specific for SSH-food when compared to other/normal
food. Next to premium prices for higher (SSH-)quality of food, also issues
of distance to the nearby shop for SSH-food and issues of cultural framing
(this is not our kind of food) of SSH-food are expected to play a role in
accessibility. The use of a comparative perspective between Asia
(China/Thailand/Vietnam), Latin-America (Brazil) and Europe (UK,
Netherlands) will make it possible to related differences in access to SSH-

food to regionally different cultures of consumption as well as different
structures of the food provision systems.
Contact persons: Gert Spaargaren and Peter Oosterveer.

Mapping the sustainable seafood movement

The push to sustainable seafood has emerged as one of the most globally
important environmental movements in the last decade. It has been
accompanied by a range of industry-NGO partnerships aimed at improving
the performance of fisheries and aquaculture production. Examples
include certification, corporate social responsibility programmes, and
fisheries and aquaculture improvement projects. In this project you will
contribute to a global study mapping and assessing the functionality and
legitimacy of a selection of these partnerships.
Contact person: Simon Bush, Peter Oosterveer
Transparency and traceability in global seafood trade
A recently published study concluded that almost one third of all
Indonesian seafood imports to the United States are from illegal,
unreported or unregulated fisheries (IUU). IUU fishing is thought to
contribute to unsustainable fisheries, and thus transparency in value
chains is one way to combat the global trade of IUU fish. Transparency can
either be driven by public policy, i.e., government regulation, or can be
driven by value chain actors. One way to operationalize transparency is
through traceable seafood, whereby information about the origin and
processing path of fish or seafood items is communicated. A wide range of
traceability systems are rapidly being developed and implemented in
seafood value chains, often with different goals, technologies,
requirements and users. How do traceability systems become embedded
at various nodes of seafood value chains? How do various stakeholders
define traceability? And how do traceability systems transform fisheries
management and global seafood trade? Field work is focussed on
producers and traders in the Philippines or buyers and retailers in Europe
or the United States.
Contact person: Simon Bush, Mandy Doddema

Circular models of production and consumption
Industrial ecology, Cradle-to-cradle, circular economy: these are all models
that aim at moving from 'linear' to 'circular' modes of production and
consumption. Particularly Cradle-to-cradle and circular economy have a
wide appeal to companies, designers, and policy makers. Upon a closer
look, however, such models are not as easily applicable as the success
stories suggest as they require a fundamental change in production and
consumption practices. What are, effectively, the potentials of these
models in promoting sustainable production and consumption? How can
they be better understood, especially from a social scientific perspective?
And how can policy makers and companies make progress in this field?
Students are invited to research these questions with a focus on specific
companies (Desso, Interface co, Adidas, G-star) industrial sectors (clothing,
shipping, dairy, etc.) or on specific aspects (closed loop recycling,
certification, stakeholder relationships, etc.).
Contact persons: Kris van Koppen, Judith van Leeuwen

Globalizing green consumption: developing the international SCP-agenda

Sustainable consumption is no longer restricted to OECD-countries and
developed economies. In this project students look at the role and impact
of new middleclass-consumers in transition economies in Asia in particular.
What strategies for the greening of consumption are used in countries like
China, India or Brazil? In what respects do they differ from the strategies
applied in OECD-countries when looking at the role of (retail)companies,
NGO’s, governments and organized citizen-consumers?
Contact persons: Gert Spaargaren, Kris van Koppen, Peter Oosterveer

Greening retail practices: food/clothing/appliances

For promoting sustainable consumption practices, the role of retailers (like
AH or C1000 in food; BCC or Media Markt in appliances; Bijenkorf or C&A
in clothing) turns out of being very important. When retailers offer good
quantities and qualities of green products and services, when they inform
consumers about green products by using labels, and when they actively
seek to connect to the perceptions and images about sustainable
development from the side of citizen-consumers, the chances for
successfully engaging citizen-consumers in practices of ‘buying green’ can
be significantly enhanced. In this research projects the students contribute
to developing green provision strategies of retailers which take into
account the ideas, perceptions and concerns of citizen-consumers with
respect to green food, green appliances or green clothes.
Contact persons: Gert Spaargaren, Bas van Vliet, Peter Oosterveer, Kris van

Sustainability performances in governing internationally traded

food/agricultural commodities
Multi-stakeholder non-state organizations promoting sustainability are
nowadays an integrated part of the political landscape in the governance
of global value chains. Examples are independent certification schemes
(FSC, MSC, UTZ certified, RSPO, Rainforest Alliance) and
convening/bridging organizations (IDH/Sustainable Trade Initiative, GIZ) .
These schemes and organizations come about in different forms and
constellations, have different strategies and visions, but are without
exception confronted with questions about their performances/impact.
They need to show whether they are relevant, effective, efficient, and the
extent to which they live up to their sustainability promises. MSc students
choosing this theme can work from different angles. Focus could be on an
organization’s contribution to a key impact area, such as smallholders,
deforestation, living wages, toxic loading. Such studies fit in to our
research related to the Impact Academy program. Another topic of
interest would be a comparison between different organizations in how
they deal with pressing demands to prove their impact. This links up to our
Next Generation Governance research program.
Contact person: Peter Oosterveer, Hilde Toonen

Certification schemes and labels and consumers

The number of private certification schemes and labels as instruments for
promoting sustainability in food is growing fast (organic, fairtrade, carbon-
labels, animal welfare schemes and biodiversity-conservation indications
like MSC). There is need to compare different certification schemes and
labels in terms of their organisation and of their relationships with
consumers. Concrete topics include:; what are the perspectives for carbon
labelling of food; is MSC turning into a hybrid public-private standard; how
are companies represented in a scheme’s organization, and how did this
changed over time; how do consumers interact with schemes through
products and through retailers; how can schemes profit better
understanding of consumers practices; and, how is the rising middle class
in emerging economies such as Brazil, China, India and South Africa
affecting these schemes??
Contact person: Peter Oosterveer, Hilde Toonen

Sustainable palm oil?

Palm oil is often criticised for its lack of sustainability, threat for
biodiversity and local livelihoods. The dominant alternative response to
this criticism is certification by RSPO (Roundtable for Sustainable Palmoil)
where stakeholders within and outside the supply chain have defined and
elaborated concrete criteria for ‘sustainable palm oil production’. However
different other strategies promoting sustainability with the palm oil supply
chain exist as well, such as organics, Rainforest Alliance, REDD+, national
GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) policies, Best Management Practices,
B2B (Business-to-Business) options, etc. Within the SUSPENSE research
program we are looking for an MSc-student to make an inventory of these
alternatives and to determine for the most interesting alternatives how
and what they can contribute to more sustainable and equitable palm oil
Contact person: Peter Oosterveer.

Food, feed or fibre?

Agricultural resources are increasingly not used for producing food, but
also for producing animal feed, energy, or other industrial products. These
different uses put an increasing claim on limitedly available natural
resources, such as water, phosphates and energy. These challenges call for
ways to address the sustainability of these different uses and leads to
debates on how to prioritise between them. The growing complexity of the
associated supply chains presents an extra complicating factor. Thesis
research may be oriented to compare different governmental and market-
based tools available to promote sustainability under these conditions.
Concrete topics for thesis research are: what ways to deal with the
production and use of biofuels; the climate impacts of producing and
consuming meat and how to address them; how to relate technological
optimal use of available natural resources in the agro-supply chain to
actual use by relevant social actors?
Contact person: Peter Oosterveer

Green procurement in municipalities

Dutch regulation requires from municipalities that they apply sustainability
requirements in buying goods and services (Duurzaam inkopen, zie Previous MSc research shows
that most municipalities do not use the opportunities that this offers for
greening local companies. The thesis research is directed to analyzing the
reasons why, learning from best practices and providing suggestions for
Contact person: Kris van Koppen

Sustainable Urban Infrastructures

Low-carbon cities: the right scale for climate change mitigation?

Greenhouse gas emissions are growing rapidly in urban areas, in
particularly in cities in the Global South. A variety of policies and
programmes exist to mitigate this growth, including setting up
programmes specifically for cities, so called ‘low-carbon cities’. These
might involve a combination of various policies and instruments that
contribute to lowering the urban greenhouse gas emissions. Students
working on this topic will evaluate the processes and outcomes of these
cities in the context of a broader project on emerging carbon markets and
mechanisms in the global south (see elsewhere in this booklet). Questions
that may be tackled are: what exactly are these low-carbon cities? What
concrete activities do they entail and what challenges do they face? Who
benefits from the development of such programmes? And, conversely,
who might lose out? Whether and how do these low-carbon cities
contribute to a low-carbon transition? This topic would provide the
opportunity to study one or more initiatives in greater detail, for example
in Southeast Asia.
Contact person: Mattijs Smits

What is energy for? Household energy practices in comparative

Rapidly growing energy demand underpins many current global
environmental, social and political problems, including climate change.
While energy studies often focus on the production side, there is much
less emphasis and (sociological) understanding of how the demand side
works and develops. The ‘energy practice’ perspective conceptualises and
analyses energy demand by asking ‘what energy is for’. It recognises that
energy-related practices are strongly context dependent, while at the
same time connected to social, technological and political developments
on a global scale. Relevant questions are: what is driving energy demand in
different context? What elements of energy practices are shared and
which are different? How do non-energy related policies influence energy

practices and demand? To which extent does the division between
‘developing’ and ‘developed’ countries hold when looking at household
energy demand? This topic is part of a project involving ENP and the
DEMAND Centre at Lancaster University (UK) which studies and compares
energy practices in Europe and Southeast Asia. Students can work within
this framework or develop their own approach, including in other
geographical areas.
Contact person: Mattijs Smits

Smart Grids and Smart Consumers?

Development of smart grids and smart cities in the Netherlands and
Europe can be studied from various social scientific perspectives. ENP is
coordinating an NWO project on E-practices: the study of newly emerging
practices at household level as a consequence of smart grid and smart
meter implementation. These practices involve the monitoring of
electricity, the generation of renewable energy at home or in the
neighbourhood, electrical mobility (cars, bikes) and participation in energy
cooperatives. Case study research in one or more of these areas can be
done within an MSc thesis project. The study may be done from a
consumer perspective, or focussing on providers or energy cooperatives.
The NWO project is a collaboration of ENP with grid operator Enexis and
consumer information organization MilieuCentraal and TU/e. There are
opportunities to link up with any of these partners in your thesis project.
Contact persons: Bas van Vliet, Robin Smale, Sanneke Kloppenburg, Gert

Energy Cooperatives and Grid Operators

Recently a huge growth in the number of Energy Cooperatives can be
observed in the Netherlands. These are community groups combining
efforts in the purchase of renewable energy technology (solar panels, CHP,
wind turbines) and the production and distribution of green electricity for
their community and beyond. Some of these cooperatives are very small
and only serving their own members with a single service (purchase of PV),
others very big and starting to act like alternative energy companies.

Grid operators are regional public corporations responsible for distribution
of electricity over existing infrastructure which they own and maintain.
They are the key responsible for balancing demand and supply in the
regional distribution grids. Now that electricity supply becomes distributed
as well, with the electricity production by energy cooperatives and
individual households, the challenge for grid operators is to manage this
patchwork of production and consumption sites in order to keep the
balance between demand and supply. ENP is working in a new research
project with Enexis, a regional grid operator that offers opportunities for
thesis research in the area of smart grids, smart meters, domestic
consumers and energy cooperatives.
Contact person: Bas van Vliet, supervisors: Bas van Vliet, Robin Smale, Gert

Amsterdam Metropolitan Solutions (AMS)

The world is urbanizing fast and the number of large metropolitan cities is
growing swiftly (with now over 600 cities with more than 750,000
inhabitants. To achieve and maintain a high quality of life in these cities is
of paramount importance. But the solutions of today will not automatically
work for the city of tomorrow. AMS is set up as a collaboration (in
Amsterdam) between Wageningen University, Delft University of
Technology and Massachusetts Institute of Technology to investigate and
design new solutions for sustainable and smart metropolitan areas. With a
focus on new technologies, new urban organizational models, new forms
of citizens and consumer involvement, new public private partnership, and
experiments within the city (living labs) solutions for tomorrow are
investigate in Amsterdam and other metropolitan areas in the world.
Within ENP we contribute to the AMS research-cum-design agenda by
carrying out research on smart energy systems where consumers are
closely involved; citizens science systems for urban quality of life (air,
water, waste, mobility); new models for decentralized sanitation and
drinking water provisioning involving households and neighborhoods;
urban agriculture/food systems with food waste minimization and re-use;
a sharing economy in mobility, durable goods and other services;

environmental transparency and information disclosure for urban citizens.
Contact person: Bas van Vliet, Ingrid Boas

Towards energy independence? Energy communities and storage of

renewable energy in Germany
In Germany, energy storage at household level is quickly becoming an
integral part of the transition towards a low-carbon society. Battery
storage systems that are located in households allow owners of solar
panels to store their self-generated energy for later use, for example in the
evening. This ‘storage revolution’ is expected to change the way we
engage with energy in fundamental ways. For citizens, new energy
practices will emerge around storage, such as charging, monitoring, and
the trading, and sharing of stored energy. Energy start-ups are developing
innovative concepts based on the idea of citizens becoming ‘energy
independent’. This includes the introduction of virtual communities such
as sonnenCommunity and SchwarmEnergie® in which members all around
Germany can share self-generated electricity, thereby bypassing
traditional energy companies. In this project you examine how German
citizens engage with storage systems and services and how these
developments challenge the existing distribution of tasks and
responsibilities in the energy system. Your thesis project will be part of a
wider project on small-scale storage at ENP in which developments in the
UK, the Netherlands and Germany are compared.
Supervisor: Sanneke Kloppenburg

Creating digital environments: the politics of eco-hacks and digital

environmental monitoring
Rapid developments in ICT, including the internet, social media, big data,
and smart sensors, allow for new ways of collecting, sharing, and using
data about our environment. The underlying idea is that gathering more
data helps to address environmental issues in better ways, often
connected to aspirations of citizen participation in the collection of data. In
this project you critically engage with these assumptions by focusing on
issues of transparency and inclusion in the design, development and use of
digital tools for measuring and monitoring environmental issues. This

includes questions such as who participates in deciding what is measured
and how? Who participates in data collection, and what skills and
expertise are required? Possible case studies include contestations over
the visualisation of environmental degradation, the creation of open
hardware for biodiversity monitoring, and ‘sustainability hackatons’
organised by city administrations. Your thesis project will be connected to
the development of a new ENP project on this theme and may include
contributing to a scientific publication.
Supervisors: Sanneke Kloppenburg, Ingrid Boas

Smart Urban Retrofitting in Amsterdam and Mianyang

ENP recently started a joint project with Chinese researchers on smart
urban retrofitting, which aims to identify the social and institutional
conditions under which smart retrofitting of urban housing in China and in
Amsterdam may lead to decoupling of domestic energy demand and
greenhouse gas emissions. Most commonly “smart systems” and “smart
retrofitting” refer to the use of smart technologies like smart meters and
smart energy systems in energy retrofitting. This projects adopts a social
scientific approach to “smartness” in which end-user perspectives and
energy practices are explicitly included. The energy practices that emerge
as an implication of smart urban retrofitting are central to this study, next
to the identification of new social relations amongst and between
householders and housing and energy providers. What are the implications
for consumers and providers of smart retrofitting projects in terms of new
emerging energy practices and new relations between consumers and
Contact persons: Bas van Vliet, Frank de Feijter, Gert Spaargaren

Urban water management

Megacities in the world have problems with developing the infrastructures
for the equitable and sustainable delivery of water services: drinking
water, sanitation, transport and purification of sewage water. The research
aim of this topic is to analyse the provision and development of urban
water infrastructures and services in terms of management, access and
use by diverse groups in urban societies, for instance by comparative case

study research between various cities in North and South.
Contact person: Bas van Vliet

Citizen generated transparency

The relationship between transparency and sustainability is often
approached through a top-down perspective, with a focus on institutions,
rules and technocratic monitoring systems. An alternative to this approach
is how transparency can be achieved bottom-up. Citizens are increasingly
involved in the analysis and provision of sustainability; in the creation of
smart city solutions; and influence sustainable governance through new
technologies, such as mobile apps. What do these developments mean for
transparency and sustainability? Do smart city technologies, social media
and open data platforms offer citizens more control over, and influence
on, sustainable development? Who are these citizens and in what ways do
they become empowered? Or do new technologies actually control and
constrain citizen involvement, demanding more top-down oversight?
Contact person: Ingrid Boas and Sanneke Kloppenburg

Smart citizens and citizen science

The concept of citizen science has often been used in the context of
projects where citizens are asked by scientists to generate data, or where
citizens generate data under the direction of professionals. But the form of
citizen science is evolving. There is a shift towards the trend that citizens
become "scientists" themselves and work independently from professional
science institutions. With the emergence of big data, mobile sensing,
gamification, and the role of open data sources, this latter role is
increasingly being promoted. For instance, citizens use sensors to measure
levels of air pollution in their city. Ideally, citizens do not only monitor
problems of urban sustainable development, but also have the means to
analyse this data themselves through open data sources and thereby
obtain more influence in the governance of urban sustainable
development. In this research domain, you scrutinize and conceptualize
this emerging form of citizen science and examine its effects for citizen
empowerment and local democracy.
Contact person: Ingrid Boas and Sanneke Kloppenburg

Smart Cities
Many cities around the world now frame themselves as a smart city. In the
most ideal form a smart city can be understood as a city in which smart
technologies will make it sustainable, safe and comfortable and as a city
that will enable citizens to have more control over their surroundings
(Zandbergen 2015). And all this should happen in a very efficient manner
facilitated by smart technologies. But how “smart” are cities really, and to
what extent is this based on a democratic process involving the urban civil
society? What is the role of big ICT companies in steering the smart city
versus small innovative-startups and citizen- initiatives? How are city
governments adjusting to the “smart” nature of its city? These are
questions a master thesis can address.
Supervisors: Ingrid Boas, Sanneke Kloppenburg

The urban nexus

Water, Energy and Food have long been acknowledged as essential inputs
to feed cities. Urban planners have, however, often treated water, energy
and food as separate domains. What is missing is an ‘Urban Nexus’
perspective which assumes that Environmental Flows of WEF interact and
relate to one another in achieving urban sustainable development. This
research seeks to contribute to theorize, analyze, identify and visualize this
Urban Nexus, which thus far remains quite obscure and complex to policy-
planners, producers and consumers. A master thesis can analyse how
urban policies on sustainable development interact and can better be
managed; or how citizens draw on and thus combine these different
environmental flows in their daily lives and how this interacts with systems
of provision and governance.
Supervisors: Ingrid Boas, Gert Spaargaren, Bas van Vliet

Cities: leaders of climate action?

Cities are active agents when it comes to climate action. Many cities have
organised themselves in international networks to promote climate action
and to learn from one another. Cities often take on more ambitious
mitigation targets than the respective nation state. In a master thesis, it
can be examined why cities are taking the lead in climate action. For what
reasons are they more ambitious than nation states? In addition or
alternatively, it can be examined what difficulties cities face in the context
of climate governance. What cities are excluded from city networks? In
what way are cities from the global north more powerful in determining
the nature of city climate governance compared to cities from the global
Contact person: Ingrid Boas

Decentralised energy generation: technological, policy and governance

The production and consumption of energy is involved in some of the key
global problems, such as local pollution, geopolitical conflicts and climate
change. Decentralised energy systems can provide an alternative to the
dominant large scale (fossil-fuel) based systems. These systems play a
historical and contemporary role, both in the Global North and in the
Global South. However, the dissemination of these systems are fraud with
technical and social problems, related to technologies, policies and
governance. What is the ‘best’ technology to be used in a certain context?
What interests are driving these seemingly neutral technologies? How can
policies stimulate these technologies? What policies (and discourses)
explicitly or implicitly inhibit the development of decentralised energy
systems? Whether and how can the transitions to decentralised energy
systems be governed? These are just some of the questions that can be
tackled using a variety of theoretical and empirical approaches.
Contact person: Mattijs Smits

Energy and environmental movements

As demand for energy is growing and resources become scarcer, energy
increasingly becomes the site of heated controversies. Examples are the
siting of coal-fired or nuclear power stations, but also transmission lines
and renewable energy projects. In these energy controversies,
environmental movements frequently play a central role, highlighting what
is at stake in these developments. Often, these movements are not merely
‘local’ phenomena, but link different actors, issues and policies at various

scales. Sometimes, they ‘fail’ and move quietly to the background, but
sometimes, they lead to lasting changes at national or even international
level. How can we study these environmental movements? How do they
transform something seemingly neutral, like energy, into a ‘matter of
concern’? What is the influence of movements on local and national
energy policy and vice versa? Students are encouraged to explore these
questions through existing research and networks in countries like
Thailand and Myanmar, or in other parts of the world.
Contact person: Mattijs Smits

Governing Environmental Mobilities

Tourism 2.0 and sustainability

During the last years the role of Web 2.0 tools, or social media, has
enabled internet users to create and exchange user generated content.
Particularly in tourism the social media now empowers tourists to actively
and simultaneously collaborate with others for producing, consuming and
diffusing internet based information and applications. Examples include:
wikis (e.g. Wikitravel), blogs (e.g. Travelblog) and microblogs (e.g. Twitter),
media-sharing sites (e.g. Flickr, YouTube, videos), review sites (e.g.
TripAdvisor,, or photo sharing sites (e.g. Instagram). Tourism
2.0 is expected to boost the development of tourism, but could also
promote and stimulate sustainable tourism. Little literature is currently
available on the greening role of tourism 2.0. Assisted by the informational
governance framework in this thesis you will explore this potential.
Research strategies could include case study work, carrying out content
analysis of tourist reviews or blogs, and carrying out interviews.
Contact person: Machiel Lamers

Climate adaptation in vulnerable tourism destinations

Coastal regions and islands are among the most popular tourist
destinations. They are also highly vulnerable to climate change. The
literature on vulnerability and adaption of tourism destination is still
scarce. There is still a dearth of knowledge on what vulnerable tourism
destinations can do to decrease their vulnerability, and how various
adaptive measures relate and interact. Thesis research can take the form
on in depth case studies of Mediterranean, Caribbean or South East Asia
islands, or comparing insights from a range of destinations.
Contact person: Machiel Lamers and Jillian Student

Energy tourism: a new frontier in sustainable tourism?

There are many different types of tourism. One relatively new type is
energy tourism, which falls more broadly under sustainable or eco-
tourism. Examples are tours to islands in Indonesia that want to switch to
100% renewable energy sources or day trips to villages in Thailand that
generate their own electricity through hydropower. There are more
questions than answers in this field. What is energy tourism exactly and
how ‘big’ is it? What types of people are attracted to this type of tourism?
What is the role of tourists, NGOs, tour operators and local people in these
projects? Does this type of tourism help to support more sustainable forms
of energy production and consumption or does it rather do the opposite,
for example by encouraging people to undertake long-distance travels?
Student choosing this topic have the opportunity to delve into this
uncharted territory, both theoretically and empirically.
Contact persons: Machiel Lamers and Mattijs Smits

Tourism and Marine Protected Areas

The objective of many Marine Protected Areas in the world is to generate
financial support for the protective measures as well as alternative
livelihood options for local communities through tourism (e.g. fishing
communities). Across the world different approaches for realising this
tourism potential are being developed assisted by nature conservation
organisations, such as WWF, Conservation International and The Nature
Conservancy, as well as local NGOs. The aim of this thesis topic is to
explore one, or to compare some, of these approaches, and to assess the
effectiveness of tourism in marine conservation and livelihood. In-depth
casestudy work in key marine environments, such as Indonesia, the
Caribbean, the Mediterranean, could provide the empirical basis for your
Contact person: Machiel Lamers

Tourism and water

Fresh water is crucial for life and livelihood, but its limited availability is
threatened by population growth, climate change and irreversible use.
Tourism is the largest service industry on the planet and therefore among
the largest consumers of water. To reduce tourism-related water use, a
better understanding of the behaviour surrounding its use is needed.
Social practices theory provides a relevant and fitting framework for
analysing tourism activity as a collection of ‘water-use practices’. By
focusing on one or relating more of these tourism-related water use

practices our understanding of the behavioural dynamics of water uses can
be enlarged. In addition, the research can focus on innovative measures
suggested by providers of water and tourism services and assess their
effectiveness in relation to the dynamics of the tourism related water use
practices, such as smart water meters, rainwater harvesting, recycle
showers, etc. An in-depth case study in one of many water scarce tourism
destinations (for example islands) forms the empirical basis of your thesis.
Contact person: Machiel Lamers

The governance of climate migration

Climate change is expected to cause human migration. Small island states
populations may be forced to move because their islands are at risk of
being submerged by sea-level rise. Vulnerable populations in developing
countries may move away from rural areas, in case of food and water
scarcity. While much research on this topic has been conducted, many
questions remain. For instance: Which groups tend to migrate due to
climate change impacts (the vulnerable, those that are relatively well-off)?
Where do they go (to cities, to neighbouring countries, do people remain
close to their original habitats)? Do affected communities perceive
migration as a threat or (also) as an opportunity to improve their
livelihoods? How can national governments and/or the international
community cope with the issue of climate migration? Who is responsible
for the protection of climate migrants (the national government or the
international community)? How should we define climate migrants (are
they refugees or migrants or displaced persons)? Such questions can be
addressed in a master thesis about climate migration.
Contact person: Ingrid Boas

Environmental migration in a digital age

Environmental impacts are a growing factor in human migration. Since
1970, the likelihood of being displaced by an environmental disaster has
risen with 60%. Since 2008, each year more than 25 million people were
forced to migrate due to environmental impacts such as floods. Climate
change is expected to make this worse. Whilst much scholarly research has
been done on environmentally-related migration, a blind spot remains
when information and communication technologies (ICTs) come into the
equation. This whilst ICTs – such as mobile phones and smart phones – and
related information exchange are playing a crucial role in decisions and
practices of migrants.
The central aim of this master thesis research is to provide a fundamental
understanding of the ways in which ICT-enabled information exchange
shapes practices and flows of environmentally-related migration. How do
ICT-practices of migrants interact with social network building and
environmental migration? How do ICT-enabled governance systems
interact with the management of environmental migration?
Supervisor: Ingrid Boas

Networks and flows of conservation finances

The greatest contemporary challenge in nature conservation is to sustain
and increase finances for conservation. This has been a discussion item in
all UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) forums since its inception
in 1992. Consequently, efforts are being made to expand traditional
sources of financing such as bilateral aid and tourism, and in
experimenting with innovative financial mechanisms such as payments for
ecosystem services (PES) and biodiversity derivatives. To diversify sources
of conservation finance, new forms of networks and partnerships are
being formed between the state, market and civil society. These include
forums that seek financing solutions such as the Conservation Finance
Alliance (CFA) where governments, NGOs, private companies, academic
institutions and others come together to exchange information and
expertise, and to develop studies and tools. By examining publications and
tools promoted within this forum, how can we better understand the
recent trends and consequences of developments in conservation finance
in terms of networks and flows? This study is part of a wider project that
traces conservation finances as global flows through the various contexts
in which it occurs.
Contact persons: Machiel Lamers and Nowella Anyango-Van Zwieten

The Arctic as new frontier for environmental governance

The Arctic is attracting global attention because of accelerating rates of
melting (summer)ice. Rapid economic development in the region could be
reality before we know it. The main economic activities that may evolve
are shipping, oil and gas production, tourism and fisheries. Currently, no
clear regulatory structure exists to deal with the ecological effects of these
activities. That means that now is the time to develop effective
environmental governance strategies for this pristine area of the world.
Questions throughout this challenge will be among others: who will be
able to take decisions on activities that will take place in the High Sea parts
of the Arctic. What is the role of indigenous communities in the economic
development and development of environmental governance strategies.
How will Ecosystem-based management be operationalized for the Arctic?
And how will external interests from China, the EU, but also from
environmental organizations influence future governance arrangements
for the Arctic? MSc thesis research can contribute to the debate on
effective governance for sustainable development of the Arctic.
Contact person: Machiel Lamers

The role of weather and physical environment information in Arctic

resource and livelihood practices
The Arctic is undergoing rapid and major climate, physical and weather
changes resulting from global warming. Arctic communities and resource
use actors are facing serious consequences as well as opportunities
resulting from these changes. For example, the dynamic state of Arctic sea
ice means that particular activities may or may not be possible, that areas
become unliveable, or that resources are not present. These actors rely on
eachother or, increasingly, on web-based sources of information to
substantiate decisions on day to day practices. To what extent and what
types of information are used, and how this affects various forms of
resource use and livelihood practices (e.g. fishing, hunting, tourism,
industrial activity). Insight in these relations is important to inform
decisions on investments in satellite-based or in situ observation systems
in the Arctic to aid various groups of stakeholders. This thesis would
explore the role of information for a particular Arctic activity, based on
fieldwork or interviews.
Contact person: Machiel Lamers

Mitigating the global environmental impact of tourism mobility
The considerable contribution of tourism to global environmental change
(i.e. greenhouse gas emissions) has fairly recently started to receive
attention from NGOs, researchers, consumers, and policy makers. The role
of this growing awareness on tourism consumption, in particular in cases
of holiday choice, has not been investigated much. Transport and mobility
has a dominant position in tourism practices, in particular for hyper-mobile
tourist consumers (i.e. those that go on multiple long haul trips per year).
There appears to be a growing group of consumers that wish to be/are
green (in their daily lives: food, dwelling), but also hyper-mobile (travel
around the world: for leisure and work). In the face of shifting norms and
values due to global climate change this combination seems to be
incommensurable. Is this incommensurability recognized by tourists? To
what extent are tourists, tourism organizers, and tourism regulators aware
of the global environmental impact of their traveling behavior, and do they
find it problematic? Is there scope for developing carbon budgets for
Contact person: Machiel Lamers

Environmental governance of transnational cruise shipping

Cruise tourism is the fastest growing segment in the global tourism
industry. Cruise tourism is a global and highly mobile activity, with
companies operating worldwide and cruise vessel and tourist flows literally
spanning the globe on their delivery of tourism products, including the
most remote and vulnerable regions. It is an activity of increasing
economic importance, but not free from concerns over the scale and
distribution of environmental impacts. Cruise tourism takes place in
environmentally, socio-economically and politically vastly diverse regions,
which raises questions about the sustainability and governability of the
activity. Moreover, cruise flows and impacts are difficult to regulate by
place-bound governance actors due to their global and mobile character.
Nevertheless, cruise activities are targeted by intergovernmental policy
processes, industry self-regulation, civil society initiatives, and other
governance arrangements that are not recognised in the literature. This
thesis topic, aims to assess the dynamics of multi-actor governance
arrangements that regulate cruise tourism.
Contact person: Machiel Lamers, Judith van Leeuwen

Moving forward; the fuel transition in shipping

Commercial ships emit lots of SOx, causing air quality problems in coastal
areas, because of their use of heavy fuel oil as fuel. The International
Maritime Organization (IMO) has negotiated an International Treaty and
has set ambitious reduction targets for SOx to be achieved in 2020. An
element of this Treaty is the switch to distillate fuels that contain much
less SOx. This ambitious set of reduction targets and measures is
remarkable given the conservative nature of IMO and the shipping sector.
Possible topics for an MSc thesis are explaining why and how IMO has
adopted these standards. Who were advocates and who opposed, what
were their interests and which power politics was at play? But a topic
could also include analysing how this shift from heavy fuel oil to distillate
fuels will be managed in practice by the shipping sector. How will this shift
affect the shipping sector and how will companies manage this transition?
Contact person: Judith van Leeuwen

The missing target of climate change policies: CO2 emissions from

commercial shipping
Commercial ships are the most environmental friendly mode of
transportation if you calculate their air emissions per tonnage transported
goods. However, this sector contributes for about 3% to global CO2
emission and this is still growing. The Kyoto Protocol does not include
shipping and has given the International Maritime Organization (IMO) the
mandate to come up with reduction targets and measures. Until today, the
IMO has not been successful in agreeing on CO2 reduction measures.
Although the European Union prefers a global approach through the
International Maritime Organization (IMO), it has taken a proactive role
and adopted its own legislation to monitor CO2 emissions from shipping.
The proposed thesis research could for example be to explain why the IMO
has not been able to adopt CO2 targets and reduction measures by
studying which factors have impeded decision making within the IMO. A

topic could also be how EU legislation on this topic has been developed
and will be implemented. Or how innovative governance measures such as
certification schemes could move this debate forward.
Contact person: Judith van Leeuwen

A social license to operate for economic activities in a vulnerable

Companies engaged in an economic activity often receive their license to
operate from the national government for example through a permit or
licensing system. Included in this system are procedures for environmental
impact assessments and environmental criteria during execution of the
economic activity. Increasingly, having this license to operate from the
government is not enough. Public opinion is easily mobilized through social
media. In addition, local communities and NGOs as well as international
NGOs might try to inform public opinion. Companies therefore also need
to obtain a social license to operate in which they ensure the social
acceptance of their activity. What makes a social license to operate so
difficult is its intangible, dynamic and informal nature. It strongly relates to
trust, accountability and legitimacy, for which there is no checklist or legal
procedure one can follow to obtain it. Rather companies will have to
engage in a continuous dialogue with its local and international
stakeholders. Research questions on this topic can include how to
conceptualize a social license to operate, how to measure it, how to
structure a dialogue between companies and (local and international)
stakeholders. While empirical research on this topic has been done for the
mining industry, it is certainly possible to apply this concept on other
economic activities or environmentally vulnerable areas.
Contact person: Judith van Leeuwen

Closing material cycles: integrating production and recycling networks

A growing population and growing affluence in major parts of the global
economy comes together with increasing use of natural resources. While
innovations are made to increase reuse and recycling of products and
materials, the analysis of global production networks or value chains have
left the issues of recycling and reuse largely aside. Closing the material

loops within value chains is being proposed as a solution to simultaneously
deal with wasting waste as well as with growing scarcity of natural
resources. But in terms of their regulation and steering, global production
networks exist separately from global recycling networks. Little empirical
research is done into how do these networks look like, how they are
different and how they are governed? Where rest the power? What are
the geopolitics of waste and of resources? Do we see redefinitions of
waste as a consequence of new corporate environmental strategies, urban
mining or circular economy initiatives? In addition, integration of these
two networks seems needed in order to close material loops and to allow
waste becoming a new resources. Analysing specific global production and
recycling networks, also between North and South, would give us much
more information on alternatives for virgin mining, and of the problems
and complication that come along with that. Focus of an MSc –thesis on
this topic could be on certain materials (e.g. plastic, rare metals) or on
specific products.
Contact person: Judith van Leeuwen

Electric Bicycles, emerging bike practices, and sustainability

Over the past decade, the E-bike has entered the market for personal
transport. Sales-figures are impressive and still growing. However, the
relationship between E-bikes and sustainability is as yet unclear and little
specified. On the one hand, there is the e-bike promoted by employers to
green short-distance commuting practices of their employees. On the
other hand there is the e-bike expanding the scope of recreational travel
both in terms of distance and lifestyle-groups. On the one hand there is
the e-bike as new, crucial element of transport chains making possible the
modal-shift towards low-impact transport. On the other hand there is the
e-bike substituting (wo)man power for electriciy and thereby contributing
to more CO2 emission. In this research project we investigate the new
transport practices made possible by the E-bike, the sustainability aspects
of increased e-bike use, and the relationships between bike-design, user-
practice and the lifestyles of the bikers involved.
Contact persons: Gert Spaargaren

Governing Marine Futures

Marine Ecosystem-Based Management

Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) is a holistic/integrated approach in
which the structure, functioning and key processes of ecosystem, including
humans, are considered. In EBM, ecosystem boundaries are determining in
delineation of areas to be governed, however this is difficult given the lack
of knowledge (in particular in data-poor/understudied environments like
the High Seas). More and more, EBM is promoted in marine governance,
especially if ecosystem protection is the main objective. Balancing marine
conservation and maritime activities by taking area-based measures, such
as creating Marine Protected Areas with different zoning regimes, is seen
as putting EBM in practice, and natural scientists, especially ecologists, are
taking the lead to develop (stepwise and Deming cycle-like) approaches to
do so. Research related to this thesis topic can range from studying the
tension between area-based approaches and the moving nature of various
protected marine species (such as sharks) and of maritime activities, to
ways in which data deficiencies and knowledge gaps affect delineation but
also to the role played by ecologists (and/or other actors) in formulating
management plans. Also, focus can be on established MPAs, to what
extent and why management has shifted to EBM, or on recently
designated MPAs, for example in the High Seas.
Contact person: Hilde Toonen

Offshore wind energy developments and (inter-) national arrangements

Wind power is widely celebrated and promoted, because it is a renewable
energy source and of its technical/financial feasibility. Since the early/mid-
2000s, its offshore potential has been explored, especially in the North Sea
area. Governance scholars indicate that the extent to which offshore
developments are actually moving forward, is much affected by
institutional factors, especially on the national level. Focus is however on
comparing North Sea countries, while a study of OWF governance
arrangements in other parts of the world would be interesting to find and
validate institutional drivers and barriers. Especially Asia is of interest
because OWF developments are speeding up in countries like China,
Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea. These countries can be compared with
each other, but also with a North Sea country (or countries). Another
research angle related to this thesis topic is the tension between
dominant national approaches and the call for international cooperation,
needed to address common challenges at the North Sea. For example, the
issue of cumulative effects can shed light on opportunities and constraints
in international collaboration regarding offshore wind energy.
Contact person: Hilde Toonen

Invisible ecological costs and benefits: communication from the sea to

the shore
Oceans and seas are global commons. Many environmental issues at sea
remain however invisible to the general public, limiting their ability to
participate in promoting sustainable use of marine resources. Offshore
wind power for example is considered "green", since wind is a renewable
energy source, but the extent to which messages about ecological benefits
(and costs) of offshore wind farms are brought to (and taken up by) the
public is rather limited. Other challenges, such as marine mammal
conservation and overfishing, seem to be more easily communicated to
the shore. There is a need to better understand how and by whom marine
environmental concerns are communicated, and why. This study will be
based on a comparison in terms of the nature of a marine issue, the
organisation of involved maritime sectors, the role and engagement of
NGOs, and relationships with the general public.
Contact person: Hilde Toonen

Bottom up sustainability standards for SE Asian aquaculture?

SEASIP is a collaborative of Southeast Asian partners developing a set of
standards specifically designed to develop more inclusive market-based
eco-standards for shrimp production in the region. There are a few
opportunities under this programme – including: 1. Testing their protocols
and standards on farms in Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia. 2. Researching
the possibility for small-holder group certification using SEASIP. 3.
Assessing the programme itself to determine how SEASIP can better
impact small holder inclusion into the US certified market, while
maintaining a necessary level of impact as measured by Seafood Watch.
The position also comes with funding, the level of which will be
determined by the design of the specific project.
Contact person: Simon Bush

Area based management and certification of aquaculture in Southeast

Asia (SUPERSEAS Research Programme)
The sustainability of aquaculture is managed at the farm scale, while many
of the social and environmental impacts of this food production system
accumulate across landscapes. Within an exciting new NWO funded
project you will have the opportunity to help define how ‘area-based
management’ arrangements can be designed and implemented. A variety
of questions can be addressed: What can we learn from area based
management in other food sectors? How does area-based management
compare to concepts like integrated coastal zone management, different
forms of collective action in aquaculture management, landscape
approaches and inclusive business? How can shrimp, pangasius and tilapia
farmers organise themselves in area based associations, and what benefits
does this provide them? How can you measure the environmental impact
of area-based management? Is area-based management being applied in
private certification schemes in other food sectors? What claims can be
made about area-based approaches by retailers? Students will have the
opportunity to travel to Thailand, Vietnam or Bangladesh to answer these
Contact person: Simon Bush, Peter Oosterveer, Mariska Bottema
Sustainable management of tuna fisheries in the coral triangle (BESTTuna
research programme)
Tropical tuna are under significant pressure from overfishing. Traditionally
states have been responsible for regulating fishing activities, but the
private sector and NGOs are increasingly becoming involved through third
party initiatives such as the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and
FairTrade, and a large number of first part brand initiatives such as the
International Sustainable Seafood Foundation (ISSF), Fish4Ever and
Sustunable. As part of the BESTTuna programme we are looking for

students to investigate the new roles of these actors in shifting tuna
fisheries management from regulatory to ‘incentivised’ management
approaches. Field work sites are negotiable but can include Indonesia, the
Philippines, Thailand, and Fiji.
Contact person: Simon Bush

Marine Spatial Planning for the European seas

In its Blue paper the European Commission proposes an Integrated
Maritime Policy for the European Union. A more collaborative and
integrated approach is needed to deal on the one hand with the increasing
competition for marine space and the cumulative impact of human
activities on marine ecosystems, and on the other hand, to overcome the
inefficiencies, incoherencies and conflicts of use caused by fragmented
decision-making in maritime affairs. Integrated Maritime Policy requires a
governance framework that applies the integrated approach at every level
as well as horizontal and cross-cutting policy tools, such as maritime
spatial planning. Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) is “a process of analyzing
and allocating parts of the three-dimensional spaces to specific uses, to
achieve ecological, economic and social objectives that are usually
specified through the political process; the MSP process usually results in a
comprehensive plan or vision for a marine region”. In cooperation with
member states the EU is developing marine special plans for the North
Sea, the Baltic Seas, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. The aim of this
topic is to study the development of marine spatial planning for the
different regional seas.
Contact person: Jan van Tatenhove, Hilde Toonen

Stakeholder and sector participation in integrated marine governance

Marine governance is the sharing of policy making competencies in a
system of negotiation between nested governmental institutions at several
levels (international, (supra)national, regional and local) on the one hand
and state actors, market parties and civil society organizations on the
other in order to govern activities at sea and their consequences. The
development of different forms of integrated marine governance, such as
marine spatial planning, ecosystem-based management or integrated
coastal zone and ocean management require new forms of participation.
The challenge is to ensure stakeholder participation across a wide-variety
of sectors, e.g. shipping, fisheries, energy development, etc. Existing
integrating policies (such as the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive
or Marine Spatial Planning efforts) form their separate governance
arrangements, while seeking links with often already existing sectoral
governance arrangements around economic activities. These links are
necessary to coordinate and integrate sustainability concerns between
sectors. Institutional structures for cross-sectoral participation do not yet
exist. The aim of this topic is to study innovative forms of participation in
integrated marine governance.
Contact person: Jan van Tatenhove , Judith van Leeuwen

Marine Spatial Planning and regionalization

In March 2013 the EU presented its Directive on Marine Spatial Planning.
Maritime spatial planning (MSP) is about planning when and where
human activities take place at sea. It is a transparent and comprehensive
process based on stakeholder involvement. Its aim is to draw up plans
which identify the most efficient and sustainable current and future use of
maritime space. Besides MSP there also Integrated Coastal Zone
management, the Common Fisheries Policy and environmental policy for
the seas. How do all these policies relate to each other, under what
conditions is regionalization at seas possible and what can MSP contribute
to that process?
Contact person: Jan van Tatenhove

The interplay of formal and informal politics in integrated marine policy

Characteristic for European governance is the interplay of formal and
informal policy making. Besides the formal intergovernmental and
supranational arenas, EU policy making takes place in different
transnational informal arenas. Aim of this topic is to understand and
analyse informal policy making in the marine policy domain. What are the
result of negotiations in working groups, committees and epistemic
communities for the development of EU integrated marine policy?
Contact person: Jan van Tatenhove
EU integrated marine policy: the tension between different maritime
sectors and member states
To realize integrated maritime policy an integration of different policies on
different levels is needed. However, there is a tension between maritime
activities such as fisheries, oil-and gas production, shipping, tourism,
nature conservation and recreation. These activities are also regulated at
different institutional and governmental levels. This topic examines the
enabling and constraining factors for realizing integrated maritime policy
given competing maritime activities and different institutional settings.
Contact person: Jan van Tatenhove

The designation and implementation of networks of Marine Protected

Areas (MPAs)
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are “Any area of intertidal or subtidal
terrain, together with its overlying water and associated flora, fauna,
historical and cultural features, which has been reserved by law or other
effective means to protect part or all of the enclosed environment” (IUCN
1988). Marine Protected Areas are specified areas in which there is partial
or total protection from fishing and other potentially damaging impacts
(e.g. dredging, drilling). Objectives are stock maintenance or recovery
habitat restoration, protection of non-target species, and development of
recreational and educational activities and promotion of scientific
understanding. This topic focuses on the designation and implementation
of MPAs in different countries. A new trend is the move beyond individual
MPAs to more carefully designed networks of ecologically-connected
MPAs at larger scales that can help to sustain and to restore marine
populations. Thesis topic can vary from an evaluation of the designation
and implementation of MPAs to analysing the role of stakeholders, the use
of information or understanding the conflicts between different activities
and jurisdiction of the governments involved.
Contact person: Jan van Tatenhove

Marine Infrastructural Projects: new ways of building with nature
Marine Infrastructural projects (MIPs) are large construction works in a
marine environment, such as the development of ports, land reclamation,
the construction of islands and all kind of constructions of flood
protection. More and more environmental objectives are taken in
consideration in the development of these projects. An example is the
Dutch innovation programme program “Building with Nature”. The focus
of this programme is an understanding of the specific ecosystem dynamics,
and taking them as a basis for the design of the project. The program
focuses on developing ‘eco-dynamic design principles’. These are the
technical building blocks that allow practitioners in the field to plan and
design marine infrastructural projects using ecosystem based dynamics.
This research projects evaluates the possibilities of building with nature in
Marine Infrastructural projects.
Contact persons: Jan van Tatenhove

Deep sea mining

Deep sea mining is an industrial activity in its infancy. The international
structure to regulate this activity is however already in place since 1994
when the International Seabed Authority was established (as part of the
UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. What are the environmental risks
associated with deep sea mining and is this already debated and by
whom? What kind of companies are interested in deep sea mining? How
will the International Seabed Authority regulate this activity? The USA
does not recognize this organization, what does this mean for its mandate
or for the USA when it comes to deep sea mining? What is the role of
national governments in regulating deep sea mining? What is the role of
company environmental management in future environmental governance
for this activity? Given these uncertainties, MSc thesis research can
contribute to the debate on effective governance for deep sea mining.
Contact person: Judith van Leeuwen, Jan van Tatenhove

Public awareness and participation in nature and biodiversity protection

Several thesis topics are available in this field. The importance of public
engagement in biodiversity protection is broadly acknowledged, but the
concrete achievements in this field are modest and social scientific insights
are underdeveloped. How to stimulate public engagement? How to
monitor public awareness? How to link love for nature to sustainable
practices, e.g. environmentally-friendly consumption. The thesis research
aims at deepening our insight in such questions by theoretical clarification
and specific case studies. One of the interesting fields of research under
this theme is how municipalities can improve the cooperation with citizens
in managing nature, now that responsibilities and initiatives are shifting
from government to civil society.
Contact person: Kris van Koppen

Nature biographies in social context: how do we learn to appreciate

Several topics are possible within the field. The guiding question is how
people shape the ways they deal with nature (recreate, study, protect,
ignore, fear) over the course of their life. A basic hypothesis is that
participation in social practices is a key factor in such learning practices. An
important societal motive for researching this issue is concern about the
continuity of public support for nature conservation and environmental
protection. Examples of research topics are: impact of nature education
programs (for school or households); nature activities and associations for
teenagers; influence of citizen science involvement on views of nature)
Contact person: Kris van Koppen

Pros and cons of ecosystem services as a nature policy concept

Ecosystem services are emerging as a powerful concept in global
biodiversity protection. The socio-political consequences of using this
concept, however, deserve more investigation. How strongly are
ecosystem services tied to monetization of nature? Which meanings and
practices of dealing with nature are highlighted in ecosystem services
assessments, and which are obscured? Are ecosystem services a
technocratic tool or can they be used participative and empowering ways?
How do ecosystem services compare to other concepts, such as biocultural
diversity? These questions can be explored theoretically and practically.
Contact person: Kris van Koppen
Climate Governance

Emerging carbon markets and mechanisms in the Global South

Market-based mechanisms have taken up a prominent role in the
mitigation of climate change and the transitions towards more sustainable
energy systems. Carbon markets, designed to trade emission allowances,
could prove instrumental to achieve these goals by increasing the amount
of sustainable energy while reducing greenhouse gas emissions in novel
ways. An increasing number of these carbon markets are emerging at
global, regional, national, and even local scales in emerging economies in
the Global South. However, their function, mutual interaction, and
contribution to sustainable energy development remain poorly
understood. What are these different markets and mechanisms? What is
their role in the broader context of climate and energy policies in the
Global South? To which extent is their learning from other existing
markets? What are the main stakeholders involved (and who are left out)?
What, if any, is their role in promoting renewable energy development?
This exciting and rapidly changing field requires novel theoretical and
empirical approaches. Students can link up with existing research in
Southeast Asia, target other geographical regions, or study specific
Contact person: Mattijs Smits

Climate change and security: the power of discourse

Climate change has often been framed as a matter of security. It has been
presented as a matter of national security, international security, human
security, or as a risk. Each of these discursive frames produce different sets
of knowledge of the climate change and security relationship, and would
favour different practices to achieve climate security. For example, when
discussing climate change in the context of national security, the
discussion may centre on the role of the military in responding to climate
threats, such as climate conflicts and climate-induced migration. But when
climate change is presented through the prism of human security or
resilience, emphasis is put on the role of local communities or on
development agencies seeking to secure basic needs. For a master thesis,
you can investigate how climate change is framed in terms of security and
how this affects policy-making. Do traditional security actors get an
important role in climate governance? What is their role? How does this
impact on the nature of climate governance?
Contact person: Ingrid Boas

Loss and damage: a new governance mechanism in the UNFCCC

A new topic has been introduced in the UNFCCC: loss and damage.
Discussions on loss and damage have been there since 1991, but it is not
until recently that the issue has been formally adopted in the UNFCCC.
Loss and damage focuses on human and economic losses that states face.
It is an issue that has actively been promoted by small island states who
face the threat of extinction due to sea-level rise. While the issue has now
formally been included in the UNFCCC, many uncertainties about its
institutionalisation and operationalization remain. How different is the
issue from adaptation? Should it function as a separate pillar to mitigation
and adaptation, or should it be dealt with under the adaptation pillar in
the UNFCCC? How can a mechanism on loss and damage be
operationalised (how to deal with actual human and economic losses?)
Should states be compensated for loss and damage; by whom and how
much should states contribute? These are questions that can be addressed
in a master thesis.
Contact person: Ingrid Boas

Social learning and theories of environmental change

Which theories of social change are guiding grass-roots environmental
initiatives today? Big theories, like marxism or deep ecology may seem
out-fashioned, but many of environmental movement initiatives today,
e.g. transition towns, urban gardening, action against food waste, local
currencies, New Age, etc., are still guided by ideas on quality of life and on
how to change society. Which theories on society are, implicitly or
explicitly, at the root of these ideas? Which authors are cherished? How do
these theories translate into practices? Which role do they play in social
learning and (global) networks? These questions can be researched with a
focus on a particular group of initiatives (like the ones mentioned), by
means of interviews and literature studies. This topic is particularly suited
for students with an interest in environmental movements and social
learning to date, who are not afraid of taking a theoretical angle in their
Contact persons: Kris van Koppen

Climate Scepticism and the policy discourse

How does ‘made in the USA’ climate scepticism influence the European
and Dutch public and policy discourse? Although the scientific evidence of
man-made climate change is overwhelming, climate scepticism or even
denial flourishes in the public and policy debate. Arguments that have long
been proven wrong in climate science, continuously pop-up in the media
and in policy making debates. It is increasingly well-known and well-
documented, that a network of think-tanks, front groups, echo-chambers
and the like produce and spread vast amounts of climate disinformation
and doubt-mongering articles, reports and books. These think-tanks are
mainly free-market advocacy institutes, and are predominantly paid by
vested interests and wealthy individuals promoting a specific ideological
agenda (free-market, religious, conservative). The recipe is that of the
tobacco industry lobby. Increasingly, but still less than in the US, climate
scepticism is finding its way in Europe, including (and may be even more
than its neighbouring countries) the Netherlands. Preliminary research
( reveals connections
between the US anti-science and doubt industry and some European and
Dutch skeptics and sceptical organisations. However, research has yet to
take off. The aim of this theme is therefore to investigate the ways
through which ‘made in the USA’ climate scepticism finds its way to
Europe and particularly the Netherlands. What is the role of networks and
personal contacts, what is the role of the media, how is the discourse
being influenced?
Contact person: Gert Spaargaren

Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD):
generating co-benefits?
REDD is being widely embraced by policymakers, funding agencies and
other actors as a promising strategy to cost-effectively reduce greenhouse
gas emissions in addressing climate change. REDD (and its successor
REDD+) aims to create financial incentives for forest conservation and
sustainable use, through compensating developing country forest owners
and users for the carbon stabilized in standing forests. Important global
REDD+ initiatives include the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility of the
World Bank (FCPF) and the UN-REDD programme. Both are actively
supporting developing countries in preparing for REDD+. Yet many
questions about REDD+ remain, including whether it can deliver so-called
co-benefits (i.e. reduce carbon emissions and improve forest governance/
reduce deforestation). MSc thesis research can focus on various aspects,
including: the prospects of different REDD design options to deliver co-
benefits; the evolution and practices of specific global REDD+ initiatives,
such as the World Bank’s FCPF or the UN-REDD programme; debates and
developments relating to REDD+ in a specific developing country such as
India, Indonesia or Ghana etc.; and how private governance initiatives such
as the Forest Stewardship Council are interacting with REDD+.
Contact person: Aarti Gupta

Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD): the

politics of monitoring, reporting, verification
With REDD being embraced globally as a win-win strategy to address both
carbon emissions and forest loss, there is now an acknowledged need for
effective monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) systems to underpin
REDD. Yet many aspects of these MRV systems continue to be debated:
should there be one international or multiple national MRV systems? What
should be measured, how and by whom? A properly functioning MRV
system requires baseline data on carbon emissions, against which the
additionality and impacts of REDD interventions can be measured. For
example, it needs to keep track of changes affecting forest carbon,
including conversion of forest land to other land uses. An often-cited
problem with MRV systems, however, is that such baseline data is lacking.
Furthermore, what constitutes equitable and efficient MRV systems is not
only a technical but also a political question. MRV systems include not only
earth observation data but also socio-economic data on drivers of
deforestation and biodiversity loss. Who gathers and interprets such data?
Who has the authority to decide what data to gather, which stakeholders
to consult, and for whom to make the data available? MSc thesis research
can explore how these questions are being addressed in emerging global
and national-level MRV systems for REDD.
Contact person: Aarti Gupta

Transparency and accountability in global environmental governance

How to ensure the accountability of global environmental governance
arrangements (both public and private) remains an important focus of
scholarly research and political debate. One widely assumed means to
enhance accountability is through promoting greater transparency.
Increased transparency is assumed to help empower the weak and hold
accountable the powerful , primarily through correcting for informational
asymmetries between the governors and the governed. Transparency is
also increasingly relied upon to further specific regulatory aims, such as
promoting environmental improvements or better sustainability
performance. Yet, does transparency deliver on its promises? Ongoing
research emphasizes various dis-functionalities of disclosure-based global
governance, including disclosure of incomplete or unreliable data, shirking
of disclosure obligations, a lack of capacity to interpret and use disclosed
data, the phenomenon of “drowning in disclosure” when too much (or
irrelevant) information is provided, or lack of civil society or other
intermediaries to render disclosed information useful. Thus, the ideal of
transparency may not match up its practice. While positivist analyses of
transparency suggest that this is because transparency has not proceeded
“far enough, fast enough”, a more critical perspective suggests that
transparency’s effects have to be analyzed in the broader political context
within which it is being deployed. In the global sustainability realm, a
growing embrace of transparency can be linked to a liberal democratic
push for individual liberty, choice and participation in state-society
interactions, together with a neoliberal privileging of market-based
solutions to sustainability challenges. MSc thesis research can explore
these different perspectives on transparency through analyzing the design,
functioning and impacts of various global governance by disclosure
initiatives, where transparency is central. These include, for example, the
the Global Reporting Initiative, Publish What You Pay, the Extractive
Industry Transparency Initiative, Carbon Disclosure Project, or the Aarhus
Convention on Access to Environmental Information.
Contact person: Aarti Gupta

A science-society contract in global environmental governance?

Several topics exploring the role of science in global environmental politics
are possible. Whether and how science can be separated from political
decision-making processes remains a long-standing and controversial but
ever more relevant debate in global environmental governance. In
exploring the nature of science-politics interactions, MSc thesis research
can focus, for example, on the sources of legitimacy underpinning
innovative global mechanisms such as the IPCC, which is designed to
provide policy-relevant scientific input into decision-making processes on
climate change. Additional foci can include institutional design, credibility
and sources of legitimacy of scientific input into global biodiversity or
biosafety governance arrangements.
Contact person: Aarti Gupta

Environment, development and health in Laos and Vietnam

Environmental issues, such as climate change, forces us to look at links
between issues previously considered to be separate. Some organisations
acknowledge this, and try to look at the linkages between issues, such as
environment, development and health. An example is the Dutch NGO
MCNV, which started off working on health issues for the poor in Vietnam
in 1968, but gradually shifted its focus to include broader developmental
and environmental challenges. More research is needed to understand the
relations between health problems, development and the impacts of
climate change, for example. Students are encouraged to work
independently or with MCNV within this broad areas. There are existing
project locations are in Vietnam and Laos, but it is also possible to find
cases in other countries.
Contact person: Mattijs Smits

Previous thesis titles
Lowering the Peaks, Assessing the role of an energy cooperative on
practices in the smart grid

Assessing the energy transitions of Germany and the Netherlands

Cycling in German Cities: The influence of spatial planning on the use of

the bicycle in three German cities

Climate policy in Dutch municipalities – organisation, policy,

implementation and performance -.

The Op Kop network: A local multi-actor network for making organizations

climate neutral.

A Need for Meat? An explorative research amongst flexitarians on the

cultural embedding of meat in everyday consumption rituals

Stakeholder participation in European marine policies and their

implementation in the Netherlands: the legitimacy of current practices.

A social perspective on renewal energy: crucial factors affecting

acceptance and adoption of solar panels in rural communities from
Ocotepeque, Honduras C.A.

Governance of Metals Flows from Waste Electrical and Electronic

Equipment in the Netherlands.

The Role of Stakeholders in Promoting Outdoor Environmental Education

at Primary Schools in Hong Kong.

REDD+ Governance structure in low forested countries: the case of Nigeria.

Invasive species policy network. Implementation of invasive species policy

in the Mediterranean Sea.

Implementing global environmental policy at the local level: analysis of

Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+)
preparedness in Ghana.

Institutionalizing climate governance through marked based instrument.

The case of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in Honduras.

Stakeholder’s impacts on co-management of mangrove forests: a case of


Consumer response to carbon labelling in a food canteen practice. A study

towards the integration of carbon labels within everyday social practices.

The provision of Fairtrade products in stores of Dutch retailers.

Clean Development Mechanism Projects in Developing countries: a case

study of Nepal.

Sustainability and the Governance System of the Oil Palm Plantation

Industry in Indonesia.

Consumers and carbon labeling in the food sector – a lifestyle perspective.

Trade offs between credibility and accessibility in the Marine Stewardship


Towards Marine Protected Areas in the Netherlands.

Greening International Shipping through Private Governance. A case study

of the Clean Shipping Project.

Dutch consumer interest towards climate labels on food products.

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). An analysis of the state of play
in Uganda.

Ecological modernization of marine conservation. A case study of two

entrepreneurial marine protected areas in Indonesia.

Energy-wise scan of Rotterdam. A study of domestic energy consumption

according to socio and urban variables.

Corporate social responsibility & biofuel production in Ethiopia: five

company cases.

Implementing the Plastic Hero. The implementation of the new household

plastic waste collection system in the Netherlands under the perspective
of the Strategic Niche Management and the Social Practices Model.

Local-scale vulnerability and adaptive capacity to climate variability and

change: a case study from Northern Central Namibia.

Towards policy coherence for fish stock conservation in the EU and

beyond? An assessment of the Common Fisheries Policy and the EU-Pacific
tuna relations domain.

The role of mainstream clothing retailers in stimulating sustainable

consumption patterns.

A political analysis of the environmental impact assessment in Taiwan: a

case study of the Tseng-Wen Reservoir Transbasin Diversion Project.

Another possibility for formulating a thesis topic would be to link it to an
internship. Recent developments at public or private organizations where
students perform their internship might provide an excellent case study to
be worked out in a MSc thesis on environmental policy. If you would opt
for a thesis research opportunity associated to an internship thorough
consultation with the ENP thesis coordinator is needed. The following
organizations have functioned as internship for MSc environmental policy

 Alliander (Grid administrator) Arnhem

 Arcadis (consultancy firm) Apeldoorn
 Arnika (Environmental NGO), Prague, Czech Republic
 Both Ends, Amsterdam
 Centrum Landbouw en Milieu, Culemborg
 CREM, Amsterdam
 Embassy of Germany, Dhaka, Bangladesh
 Embassy of the Netherlands, Sydney, Australia
 Enexis, Den Bosch
 E-On Benelux Rotterdam
 European Centre for Nature Conservation, Tilburg
 Evert Vermeerstichting, Amsterdam
 Fair Politics, Brussel, Belgium
 Gemeente Den Bosch
 Haskoning, Nijmegen
 IFOAM EU Group, Brussels, Belgium
 KWR (Water Research Institute), Nieuwegein
 Lisode (water management consultancy), Montpellier, France
 Milieuloket, Utrecht
 Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, The Hague
 Ministry of Environmental Protection, Beijing, China
 Ministry of Foreign Affairs ,Water and Environment Dpt., The Hague
 Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment (The Hague)
 Oeko Institut, Berlin, Germany
 RET Rotterdam
 Rotterdam Municipality, Urban Planning Dpt., Rotterdam
 Stichting de Noordzee, Utrecht
 Stimular, Rotterdam
 UNFCCC, Bonn
 United Nations Volunteers, Bonn, Germany
 WWF (Zeist)

How to get started…
Exploring research topics
If you intend to do an ENP thesis, please explore which research areas or
topics you want to address. Use this brochure, the ENP website
( for research themes the group is currently
working on; and browse through previous thesis titles and summaries
presented under the education section of the website. Exploring different
topics with the thesis coordinator or an ENP examiner is of course also

Intake meeting with your thesis coordinator at ENP

As soon as you have made up your mind plan an intake meeting with your
thesis coordinator through the ENP secretary: Corry Rothuizen
[email protected]. ENP thesis coordinators are Judith van Leeuwen
for MES and MUE, and Kris van Koppen for all other Master programmes
(e.g. MCL, MID, MAM). At the intake meeting the thesis coordinator will
discuss the possible topic(s) and the courses you have followed, and may
direct you to a possible supervisor for your thesis within the ENP group.
Note that students are only allowed to start a thesis when they have
completed their Bachelors and the required ENP courses according to their
Masters programme (see study handbook).

Focusing the subject

Once you have made contact with a potential supervisor you will further
select and demarcate the research subject. Your supervisor can assist in
this step by giving suggestions and literature. Once you have both decided
about the topic, you should register as a thesis student.

Registration as a thesis student

To register as a thesis student at the ENP group, you need to submit
information on your name, address, thesis subject, and thesis period by e-
mail to your supervisor. The supervisor will check the information and
forward it to the group's administration. After registration you will obtain
a 30 Euro contribution for covering printing costs and you may use the
research facilities of the group. For further steps and information check
the Student’s Guidelines for MSc Thesis Research at the ENP Group:

Thesis ring
Since 2015, ENP offers an extra mode of supervision through a Thesis Ring.
This is a group of 6 ENP thesis students in various stages of their thesis
project that present and discuss their “work-in-progress” with their fellow
students. The discussion meetings are scheduled once every two weeks
and they are moderated by a PhD student at the ENP group. Every MSc
thesis student at ENP will be part of one of the two running Thesis Rings at
ENP. By taking part, you are able to present your work at least twice during
your thesis project and that you receive feedback from 5 peers. You will be
contacted to join a Thesis Ring soon after your registration as ENP thesis



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