Logger For Core Rocks
Logger For Core Rocks
Logger For Core Rocks
A multi-sensor logger for rock cores: Methodology and preliminary results from the
Matagami mining camp, Canada
P.-S. Ross , A. Bourke, B. Fresia
Institut national de la recherche scientique, Centre Eau Terre Environnement, 490, rue de la Couronne, Qubec (QC), Canada G1K 9A9
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 12 October 2012
Received in revised form 13 December 2012
Accepted 14 January 2013
Available online 23 January 2013
Physical properties
Line-scan imaging
Rock cores
Multi-sensor core logger
Mineral exploration
a b s t r a c t
Diamond drilling typically constitutes a major part of costs in advanced mineral exploration programs. This
generates thousands of meters of rock cores during major exploration campaigns, but the cores are not currently utilized to their full potential. They could supply three-dimensional information on physical properties, geochemistry and mineralogy; such data could be used to model the geology or physical properties in
3D, characterize hydrothermal alteration, or provide chemo-stratigraphic constraints, for example. But measuring all the parameters one by one at high spatial resolution by traditional methods would be impractical
due to cost or time considerations and, for some parameters, it would destroy the core (e.g. geochemistry).
In this paper we describe a multi-sensor core logger and its use on rock cores from exploration diamond drill
holes. This semi-automated system can measure near-simultaneously, non-destructively and at high spatial
resolution, the following parameters: (1) volumetric magnetic susceptibility; (2) density using gamma-ray
attenuation; (3) several chemical elements through energy-dispersive X-ray uorescence spectrometry;
and (4) visible/near infrared spectrometry, which allows numerous minerals to be detected and characterized. The logger also acquires a continuous image of the core using a line-scan camera, which allows the
user to compare other properties with the visual aspect of the core and creates a complete virtual archive.
The aim of this mostly methodological paper is to describe the logger as a whole and then each instrument
or sensor separately, outlining the numerous tests that have been performed to assess and improve data
quality. We also present preliminary results from the Matagami mining camp of Canada, a base metal district.
2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Diamond drill holes are the only way to gain direct, high-quality
access to rocks in the third dimension, and one of the favorite tools of
mineral exploration. Typically, after the initial stages of an exploration
program for base or precious metals, a large part of the budget is
assigned to core drilling. Exploration companies have the cores visually
logged by a geologist, who also decides which intervals to sample for
assays of the sought-after metals (Ag, Au, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, etc.). Core
recovery parameters such as the rock quality designation (RQD) are
also routinely recorded. In addition, some exploration companies measure the magnetic susceptibility of the rock cores with handheld
devices, and/or send some samples out to commercial laboratories for
whole-rock geochemistry.
However, a lot more information could be extracted out of these
very costly drill cores, such as the physical properties of the rocks,
their mineralogy, and their geochemistry, at a high spatial resolution
(small measurement spacing). Quantifying these parameters could
help reaching goals such as (1) better planning or interpreting geophysical surveys; (2) modeling the geology or physical properties of
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 418 654 3773.
E-mail address: [email protected] (P.-S. Ross).
0169-1368/$ see front matter 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fig. 1. (a) Photo of the INRS mobile laboratory. (b) Three dimensional representation of the MSCL inside the laboratory, modied from an image supplied by Geotek Ltd. Missing
from this drawing are the electronic racks and the MSCL computer.
of Canada, an Archean base metal district, and compare the INRS logger
with other systems.
2. General description of the logger and preliminary tests
The multi-sensor core logger (MSCL) at INRS has been designed to
use primarily on exploration diamond drill cores. It is contained in a
mobile laboratory housed in a modied cargo trailer, which measures
6.1 m by 2.6 m at the base (Fig. 1a). Windows, a heater and an
air-conditioning system allow the users to maintain a nearly constant
temperature in the laboratory, which is important for density measurements as will be discussed below. The logger takes a few hours
ush left with the core boat (core boats travel from right to left in the
MSCL), and the down-hole depth in meters for the beginning of that
section is marked on the core. This depth appears on the line-scan images for reference. A laser beam is interrupted when the left end of
the core section arrives just before the camera, and all instruments
and sensors are located along the track relative to this position laser
(Fig. 1b).
2.3. Core thickness measurements
Core thickness (diameter) inuences the density calculations (and
to a lesser extent, the magnetic susceptibility calculations) so it must
be measured, not assumed. To evaluate how many thickness determinations are necessary to get a representative prole of thickness versus
depth, we measured the core thickness of a 686 m-deep hole, LEM-18,
from the Chibougamau (Quebec) area, with a vernier caliper displaying
hundredths of mm. Thickness measurements were done at each MSCL
analysis point (n= 2153 for whole cores), and also at a different spot,
once per core box, i.e. about every 4.5 m (n= 158). We obtained
mean core thicknesses of 4.744 and 4.743 cm, respectively, for the
two series, compared to the nominal NQ thickness of 4.76 cm. Standard
deviations of 0.014 and 0.015 cm were obtained, respectively (relative
standard deviations of 0.3%). We calculated the uncorrected gamma
density for each depth using the two series (thickness measured
every point vs. once per box), and the average value of the absolute difference between the two densities at each depth was 0.003 g/cm 3. For
only 16 points out of 2153 the uncorrected density difference was
more than 0.03 g/cm3. For reference, the precision of the method is approximately 0.01 g/cm 3, but gamma density proles are quite wiggly
due to mineralogical heterogeneities. The uncorrected density vs.
depth proles for both series were so similar that the practice to measure the core thickness only once per box was adopted, for future logging. For the Matagami data presented here, however, we only
measured core thickness every 25 m.
2.4. Inuence of added water
The presence of external water on the rock surface is detrimental for
both portable XRF methods and Vis/NIR spectrometry. Ge et al. (2005)
reports a deterioration of precision, accuracy and detection limits on
XRF measurements in the presence of water. Known effects on infrared
spectrometry of rocks and soils include the addition of absorption
peaks, attenuation of legitimate peaks, and wavelength offsets on
some peaks (Clark, 1981; Gray, 1997; Lobell and Asner, 2002). Such effects can clearly deteriorate the mineralogical interpretation of the
We veried the necessary drying time for Vis/NIR spectrometry by
saturating the surface of a rock core with water at room temperature
and acquiring a 1 s spectrum every 7.5 s on the same spot until the
core appeared dry and the spectra stabilized for several minutes. The
chosen sample was a non-porous basaltic lava from Matagami. Fig. 2
illustrates that for this representative sample, a drying time of approximately ve minutes was necessary for the spectra to stabilize; at this
stage the core also appeared fully dried visually. From this experiment
and other observations, a conservative drying time of ten minutes was
No drying time tests were performed for XRF measurements
but we assume that the effect of added water is worse for Vis/NIR
spectrometry, therefore ten minutes of drying is sufcient for XRF
2.5. Inuence of core temperature
Vatandoost et al. (2008) used a MSCL for physical property measurements on rocks, and suggested that cores be brought in the laboratory two to three hours before being analyzed, so that they are
very small differences are not geologically signicant, since the magnetic susceptibility varies over several orders of magnitude between
different lithologies.
We also tested the inuence of core temperature on VIS/NIR spectra.
A sample containing chlorite and epidote was measured twice at
42.3 C and twice at 23.0 C, without moving the sample. The spectra
all look very similar (not shown). The wavelengths of the two most important absorption peaks were determined: FeOH and MgOH. The FeOH
peak was at 2257 and 2258 nm (high temperature) and then at 2256
and 2258 nm (low temperature). The MgOH peak was at 2347 and
2341 nm (high temperature) and then at 2344 and 2343 nm (low temperature). In other words, core temperature does not inuence the
wavelength position of major absorption features with the equipment
used and the temperature range tested.
Consequently, no formal procedure of bringing the cores inside the
laboratory a certain time in advance was adopted, although in typical
logging sessions, most core boxes actually have time to thermally
equilibrate with air in the laboratory before they are logged.
2.6. Choice of measurement points
Fig. 2. Inuence of added water on the surface of a core on Vis/NIR spectrometry. The test
was performed on Matagami diamond drill hole BRC-08-72, at down-hole depth 82.1 m.
At the beginning of the drying experiment (t=0), the surface of the core was saturated
with water. Notice the important water absorption peak near 1920 nm, which is absent
from the dry core spectrum at the end (7 min 18 s). Many other differences are obvious,
such as the average reectance, and the height of the peak at 600 nm. For this sample, ve
minutes was needed for the rock to appear fully dry and for the spectra to stabilize. Noise
in the spectra is due mostly to short measurement times (1 s) and the presence of uorescent lighting in the laboratory during the test.
Choosing representative measurement points on the core is an important decision inuencing data quality. The logger control software
supplied by Geotek Ltd. offers either a user-dened constant distance
between measurements (e.g., 20.0 cm) or a variable sampling mode
in which the user species the relative depth (from the section top) of
each measurement point.
The constant interval mode was investigated rst to see if this
time-saving strategy would work. Time would have been saved both
(i) by not choosing, noting down and entering individual measurement
points in the software prior to logging, and (ii) by selecting a sampling
interval equal to the distance between the two slowest instruments/
sensors on the MSCL in order for these instruments to operate simultaneously (see Vatandoost et al., 2008). However, the Matagami exploration core is fractured (in the best conditions one break per meter,
typically much more), and measurements must not be made in or
near gaps, for obvious reasons (density would be articially lower,
etc.). The MSCL software provides an option to skip some measurement
points when fractures are detected automatically by the position laser,
but experience showed that not all fractures were detected, and that
low-angle fractures were problematic. Therefore we quickly switched
to the variable sampling mode.
In variable sampling mode, the user selects the measurement points
one by one on the core, using a predened interval as a general guide
(e.g., approximately every 20 cm), and a tape measure to determine relative depth. This takes time, but allows the geoscientist not only to
avoid gaps but also to exercise judgment on which point is representative of a given lithological interval. For example, isolated veins or altered
spots can be avoided, and so can anomalously amygdaloidal zones in a
lava ow. However, if the whole section is altered, amygdaloidal or
full of veinlets, then such features are representative and measurements
points are selected on cores that display the features.
The following sections describe the sensors and instruments
installed on the INRS's MSCL and the tests performed for each parameter, when applicable.
3. Line-scan imaging
Line-scan imaging creates images of a much better quality that could
be achieved using a normal digital camera. The distortion-free (lengthwise) and largely reection-free images can be used to rene the visual
log of a drill hole, or to compare the other measured properties with the
aspect of the core. This allows many anomalies in the physical or geochemical properties to be explained (e.g., by the presence of veinlets
or alteration).
Fig. 3. Results of the test examining the physical properties of a box of core at three core temperatures (Matagami diamond drill hole BRC-08-72, box #5). See Table 1 for averages
and standard deviations. Horizontal error bars represent the estimated precision of the measurements. See text for discussion.
The Vis/NIR spectrometer also produces RGB values but only one such
value per spectrometer measurement (e.g., every 30 cm), so the
line-scan images are much richer. However we have not pursued this research path yet.
Density (uncorr)
Averagea S.D.b
Magnetic susceptibility ()
Averagea S.D.b
105 SI
3.00 0.03
3.00 0.02
3.00 0.02
122 10
120 8
117 9
Average of a series of measurements at the following relative down-hole depths in
meters (measured from the top of the box): 0.14; 0.36; 0.54; 0.74; 0.94; 1.12; 1.36;
1.65; 1.87; 1.99; 2.25; 2.45; 2.83; 2.99; 3.16; 3.34; 3.54; 3.74; 3.94; 4.14; 4.34; and 4.52.
S.D. = standard deviation of this series of measurements.
4. Magnetic susceptibility
Volumetric magnetic susceptibility the parameter that should be
used in geophysical modeling is a dimensionless constant that corresponds to the degree of magnetization of a rock in response to a
magnetic eld (Hunt et al., 1995). This parameter is mostly controlled
by the abundance of minerals such as magnetite or pyrrhotite in the
Fig. 4. Examples of routine 100 pixels per cm line-scan images of the core from Matagami drill hole BRC-08-72 obtained with the MSCL camera. (a) Gabbroic intrusion locally invaded by
abundant epidote and later quartz or calcite veinlets, between 448.80 and 449.00 m absolute down-hole depth (whole core). (b) Chloritized Bracemac Rhyolite showing brecciation due
to volcanic or hydrothermal processes, as well as some minor disseminated suldes, between 542.54 and 542.74 m (whole core). (c) Massive suldes (sphalerite, pyrite and chalcopyrite)
from the main lens between 572.60 and 572.80 m (half-core).
5.2. Calibration
Fig. 5. Comparison of magnetic susceptibility measurements every 10 cm in several
core boxes from BRC-08-72 by two methods: the MS2 system mounted on the MSCL,
and the handheld KT-10 device. This is the subset of the data with MS2 susceptibilities
of 5 103 SI or less.
number of data points is very small (box #127, n = 18), and four samples had magnetic susceptibilities in excess of the MS2 meter's capabilities. For the massive sulde sampling points that did not exceed the
MS2 meter upper limit, the correlation with the KT-10 measurements
is good, and most measurement couples lie close to the 1:1 line on a binary plot (not shown). The reason for the different behavior of the magnetic gabbro (large underestimation) vs. the massive suldes (good
correspondence) is not known.
5. Gamma density
The traditional method of measuring the density of non-porous rock
cores is the immersion technique (also known as hydrostatic
weighing): each piece is weighted in both air and water, and the dry
density can be deduced (by opposition to the wet density, which requires water-saturation of the sample). This immersion technique is obviously impractical for long drill holes, if the sampling interval is to be
kept short, since each measurement takes several minutes. It would
be a lot worse for wet density measurements. The MSCL uses a
much quicker and reasonably precise method, based on the attenuation
of gamma rays.
The MSCL records counts per second (cps) from the gamma detector.
This is converted to an uncorrected density using a calibration curve
which is visualized on a plot of uncorr d vs. ln (cps) (e.g., Fig. 6). Calibration is performed two to three times a day during routine logging,
depending on the duration of the logging session. Detector drift can be
due to unwanted long term (hours) air temperature variations or to
prolonged exposure to gamma rays (Vatandoost et al., 2008).
Calibration involves making long counts on a stepped aluminum
core (2.71 g/cm3) within a core boat. This machined aluminum calibration piece is different for each core caliber (e.g., NQ vs. BQ) and comprises cylindrical sections of different diameters. The maximum
diameter of the calibration piece corresponds to the core caliber, and
the sections of smaller diameters represent various mixtures of air
and aluminum within an imaginary cylinder corresponding to the
core caliber. For marine sediments, the imaginary cylinder would be replaced by an actual core liner lled with water (Best and Gunn, 1999;
Blum, 1997). During calibration, each portion of the aluminum piece is
measured in the gamma density setup for 120 s, which yields a number
of points on the uncorr d vs. ln (cps) diagram (Fig. 6). A linear
regression is tted through these points. A long exposure time is needed
during calibration to ensure maximal precision. Note that the calibration points on the graph use a theoretical average density of the
air-aluminum mixture, the nominal core diameter, and the measured
cps. To nd the density of an unknown sample, one considers the ln
(cps) measured on the sample (typically over much shorter exposure
times), the nominal or measured core thickness, and deduces uncorr.
This calibration method was suggested to us by Geotek Ltd., and
seems designed mostly for sediment cores (e.g., Best and Gunn, 1999).
Using it on rocks is difcult for several reasons. First, in the Matagami
mining camp for example, most samples have densities larger than
that of aluminum (as opposed to porous sediment cores), which means
that one is extrapolating beyond the limits of the calibration curve.
Second, it would appear that the smallest segments of the aluminum calibration pieces are too small for NQ and BQ cores with a 5 mm collimator
on the gamma source. For the NQ piece, at least the 1.5 cm diameter segment must be ignored and the problem is obviously worse for BQ core.
Measurement of density using gamma-ray attenuation on cores moving on a track is a method that was developed in the 1960s (Evans, 1965).
On the current MSCL, a source of 137Cs (10 mCi) located above the
logger's track produces a narrow vertical beam of gamma rays
(0.662 MeV) which crosses the core (and core boat) from top to bottom.
The photons not attenuated by the core and the core boat are detected on
the other side, using scintillation of a NaI crystal 2 in. thick and 2 in. in
diameter (Geotek Ltd., 2010). At these energies, the Compton effect is responsible for most of the deviated photons (Evans, 1965). Gamma attenuation is a function of core diameter (d) and uncorrected rock density
(uncorr), which itself depends on the rock composition. The correction
that needs to be made to obtain the true density (corr) is explained in
Section 5.6. The volume of rock actually interacting with the gamma
Fig. 6. Example of a calibration curve for uncorrected gamma density (uncorr) measurements with the MSCL. Numbers in cm represent the diameter of segments on
the aluminum calibration piece (see text for explanation). CPS = counts per second.
26 C
29 C
24 C
23 C
21.5 C
21 C
22 C
22 C
2 1o C
21 C
21 C
The tests described in Section 5.3 were performed not only to determine precision of the gamma density measurements but also to document the inuence of long term (hours) changes in air temperature
on the gamma detector, since this is a known drift-causing problem
(Geotek Ltd., 2010; Vatandoost et al., 2008). During the rst test, the
air temperature in the laboratory was voluntarily increased from
18 C to 29 C over 3.54 h, maintained there for ~2.5 h, and then
brought back to 24 C over one hour. The heating part of the scenario
is comparable to what could happen in the laboratory during a hot
sunny summer day in eastern Canada, in the absence of air conditioning.
The response of the detector to this abrupt heating was impressive and
is shown on Fig. 7a. The gamma detector had yet to thermally equilibrate with the ambient air at this stage, since over the rest of the experiment, although the air temperature was kept stable and then
decreased, the average measured aluminum density continued to go
up steadily, for a cumulative increase in measured density of about
four times the precision of individual measurements (Fig. 7a). This
large drift is of course unacceptable, which is why the air temperature
must be kept constant in the laboratory, and multiple calibrations are
performed daily to monitor any drift. The uncorrected gamma densities
are then calculated by interpolating between the calibrations.
During the second day of these tests, the temperature was kept as
constant as possible, mostly in the 2122 C range, over nearly seven
hours. This represents a typical one work-shift day of logging when
all goes well. Minor temperature uctuations occurred over timescales of minutes or tens of minutes, but this is unimportant as the
steel and lead shielding of the gamma detector is very thick and
these short-term thermal variations do not perturb the interior of
the detector. The very satisfactory results are displayed on Fig. 7b.
2 1 oC
Fig. 7. Tests showing the inuence of the air temperature in the laboratory on the
uncorrected gamma density (uncorr) measurements. The tests were done on aluminum
so there is no need to correct the densities. (a) During the rst day, the temperature
was increased by over 10 C over about 3.54 h, which resulted in an increase in measured aluminum density. The temperature was then maintained for a time and later decreased, but the density continued to increase for several hours. (b) During the second
day, the temperature was maintained within a narrow range. The blue curves show the
averages of many 10 s measurements over about 10 min. The error bars represent a hypothetical precision of 0.0085 g/cm3. See text for further explanations.
Whole cores from seven of the eight NQ core boxes used for the
MSCL-KT-10 comparison were utilized (boxes #4, #65, #97, #107,
#121, #135, and #146 from BRC-08-72). These boxes cover the range
of unmineralized lithologies, and therefore expected densities, for the
Matagami area. The immersion density of 103 numbered whole core
pieces was determined at INRS using the conventional method described by Ross et al. (2011a).
The uncorrected gamma densities were acquired with the MSCL
every 2 cm, yielding between one and eighteen measurements per numbered core piece, depending on their lengths. The average of three
thickness measurements per piece (top, middle, bottom) was used in
calculating uncorrected gamma densities. The total was 646 gamma density measurements. The MSCL data was averaged for each piece of core to
allow a direct comparison with the immersion densities (Fig. 8). The
scatter on this plot is due to two factors: (i) random errors of the 10 s
gamma density measurements; and (2) internal heterogeneity of the
rock samples, which means that gamma densities depend on where
the measurement is made on the sample. Averaging a number of
gamma densities for each core piece partly removes such effects, but recall that some pieces are represented by only a few gamma densities in
this test.
The correlation between the two series is 98%. The MSCL overestimates the rock densities, but this can be corrected. An empirical correction based on a linear regression through the Fig. 8 data allows
calculation of the corrected gamma density for the Matagami rocks
measurement volume is not the same for gamma densities vs. immersion densities). However, rocks are not homogeneous samples at the
millimeter/sub-mm scale, so the remaining mismatch between the
gamma densities and the immersion densities are due both to the
random errors and to sample heterogeneity, with the latter factor
having the greater inuence (Fig. 9).
Fig. 9. Prole of density vs. depth by two methods: corrected gamma densities (black
line with shading) and immersion densities (red rectangles) for a core box of Watson
Rhyolite in Matagami diamond drill hole BRC-08-72. Also shown for comparison are
uncorrected gamma densities (dashed gray line). The width of the shading represents
the estimated precision of gamma density measurements. The vertical extent of red
rectangles illustrates the rst and last gamma density measurement for each core
piece. These core pieces are actually slightly longer, but gamma densities cannot be
measured too close to the edges. The horizontal extent of the red rectangles is
For half cores, and mineralized rocks (whole cores and half cores), research is ongoing to develop robust correction methods. Mwenifumbo et
al. (2005) show that in sulde-rich rocks with densities greater than
3.5 g/cm3, the assumption of a nearly-constant Z/A does not hold, and
photoelectric absorption can become signicant. Therefore, the empirical
correction for whole cores presented here does not apply to mineralized
6. Visible light and near infrared (Vis/NIR) spectrometry
Vis/NIR spectrometry (Clark, 1999) is a method that allows detection, semi-quantication, and characterization of certain minerals
(composition, crystallographic variations). These can be primary minerals in the rock, or more commonly secondary minerals such as metamorphic or alteration minerals. For mineral exploration, the main
interest of Vis/NIR spectrometry is the information that can be extracted
on hydrothermal alteration minerals (e.g., Thompson et al., 1999).
Minerals that can be detected belong to four families: silicates,
carbonates, sulfates, and oxides. Alunite, amphiboles, anhydrite, biotite,
buddingtonite, carbonates (ankerite, calcite, dolomite, magnesite,
siderite), chalcedony, chlorite, clays (dickite, halloysite, kaolinite,
montmorillonite, smectite), copper oxides, cristobalite, diaspore,
epidote, goethite, gypsum, hematite, jarosite, opal, phlogopite, prehnite,
pyrophyllite, pyroxenes, serpentine, talc, topaz, tourmaline, vesuvianite,
wollastonite, white mica (illite, muscovite, paragonite, phengite),
zeolites and zunyite are among the minerals that can be identied
(Clark, 1999; Huntington et al., 1997; S. Pontual, pers. commun., 2011;
Thompson et al., 1999). Some of these minerals can be very negrained and not visible or identiable with a hand lens.
Beyond initial mineral detection, the technique can give indications
on mineral composition. For example, semi-quantication of the Fe:Mg
ratio of chlorites (Yang et al., 1997), or identication of the varieties of
white mica and their Al contents (Cudahy, 1997; Herrmann et al.,
2001; Huntington et al., 1999; Scott and Yang, 1997; Tappert et al.,
2011; Thompson et al., 2009; Yang et al., 1997, 2011) have exploration
applications for several ore deposit types (volcanogenic massive sulde,
epithermal, iron oxide copper gold, etc.).
6.1. Principle of measurement
The technique, when applied to rock cores, is non-destructive and
requires no sample preparation except ensuring that the surface of
the core is clean and dry. Penetration of the incoming photons in the
rock is in the range 30100 m (Pontual, pers. commun., 2011), so
Vis/NIR spectra are essentially derived from the surface of the sample.
Our LabSpec 2600 Vis/NIR spectrometer from Analytical Spectral
Devices (ASD) Inc. of Boulder, Colorado, measures between 350 and
2500 nm. Visible light has wavelengths between ~380 and 750 nm
(Fig. 10). Infrared radiation between 1300 and 2500 nm is called short
wave infrared (SWIR) in the eld of remote sensing, but is considered
part of the near infrared (NIR) in the eld of spectrometry (Clark,
1999). Here we use the latter convention but note that many previous
authors have utilized SWIR in reports about geological applications
of this technique.
A light source is attached to the LabSpec 2600 instrument, at the end
of a ber optic cable. This high intensity contact probe, also supplied
by ASD Inc., is put in direct contact with the core, illuminating a circle
about 1 cm across. The probe sends back the reected light to the spectrometer. The ratio between reected light and incident light is called
the reectance; typical Vis/NIR spectra are plotted as reectance against
wavelength, and the main interesting features of the spectra are the absorption peaks (Fig. 10).
Spectral resolution for the LabSpec 2600 is 3 nm at a wavelength
of 700 nm, 6 nm at 1400 nm and also 6 nm at 2100 nm (ASD Inc.,
2007), which is equivalent to that of the TerraSpec Explorer instrument from the same manufacturer. The TerraSpec Explorer is a eld
Fig. 10. Examples of Vis/NIR spectra for some hydrothermal alteration and metamorphic minerals, taken from the U.S. Geological Survey splib06a library (Clark et al., 2007). Spectra
have been vertically offset for clarity, and the main diagnostic absorption peaks are identied. The two varieties of white mica illustrated (muscovite and paragonite) are spectrally
very similar, but notice the slight wavelength shift in their AlOH absorption peaks.
and Closss, 2007; Peter et al., 2009). The smallest of these are
known as handheld analyzers. These analyzers give immediate in
situ (non-destructive) measurements and spatial resolution can be
down to centimeters if needed.
The INRS mobile lab currently includes two Delta Premium analyzers from Olympus Innov-X of Woburn, Massachusetts. One of these
has been integrated to the MSCL, but time can be saved by using the
two instruments separately from the MSCL, since the geochemical analyses take 6090 s each (much longer than other measurements). Since
McIvor Pluton
Fig. 11. (a) Location of the Abitibi greenstone belt in eastern Canada. (b) Simplied geological map of the Abitibi greenstone belt showing the location of the Matagami mining
camp. (c) Simplied geological map of the Matagami area, showing the location of the Bracemac volcanogenic massive sulde deposit, modied from Roy and Allard (2006).
Grid is UTM Nad 83, zone 18.
of the Bracemac-McLeod mine starting in 2013, with proven and probable reserves of 3.7 Mt @ 9.6% Zn, 1.3% Cu, 28 g/t Ag and 0.4 g/t Au
(GENIVAR, 2010).
The Archean submarine volcanic sequence in the BracemacMcLeod
area starts with the Watson Lake Group, which contains a dacite overlain by a rhyolite (Adair, 2009). The Key Tufte, a volcano-exhalative
horizon, sits above this felsic sequence and marks the position of most
of the VMS deposits in the Matagami camp (e.g., Pich et al., 1993).
The main mineralized lens at Bracemac is located at this level and the
suldes are underlain by a semi-concordant chlorite-sericite alteration
zone. The volcanic rocks overlying the Key Tufte belong to the
Wabassee Group, which here starts with the Bracemac Rhyolite and
then consists of a thick pile of intermediate to mac lavas intercalated
with minor tuftes. At Bracemac, some of these upper tuftes mark
the stratigraphic position of stacked VMS lenses (Fig. 12). Numerous intrusions, mainly mac in composition, cross-cut the volcanic sequence
and in some cases, the ore bodies.
Diamond drill hole BRC-08-72, which is 662 m-deep, crosses the
bottom two ore lenses at Bracemac as well as the whole volcanic sequence (except the undrilled Watson Dacite) and the intensely altered
zones under the mineralized lenses (Fig. 12).
Fig. 12. Vertical cross-section through the Bracemac volcanogenic massive sulde deposit, looking WNW, showing the trace of the studied diamond drill hole (BRC-08-72). No
vertical exaggeration. Modied from Adair (2009).
Fig. 13. Downhole prole of the physical properties (corrected gamma density; volumetric magnetic susceptibility; mean reectance in the visible light portion of the spectrum) and
corrected immobile element ratios (Ti/Zr; Al/Zr) in BRC-08-72. The graphic summary at left in this and subsequent gures is distilled from Xstrata Zinc Canada's original description of
the core. Andesite should be interpreted as andesite or basalt (undifferentiated). Smoothing (3-point moving average) was applied to facilitate data display at this scale.
Fig. 14. Downhole prole of the pXRF geochemistry in BRC-08-72. The data has not been corrected to correspond to traditional geochemistry on this plot. Two Olympus Innov-X Delta
Premium XRF analyzers were used in mining mode on different portions of the core and the data were leveled. Smoothing (3-point moving average) was applied to facilitate data display.
decrease in average Ti, average Zr, and average Ti/Zr, below about
230 m down-hole depth; this is thought to correspond to the downward change from tholeiitic basalts to transitional andesites, known regionally from traditional geochemistry.
The original geological log of the core assumes that the rocks below
the bottom ore zone consist of variably altered Watson Rhyolite. But the
immobile element ratio proles outline several mac dikes in this portion of the core (especially at ~581599 m). Other unreported dikes are
interpreted below the middle ore zone (below 200 m depth) and at the
top of the Bracemac Rhyolite, just under the Bracemac Tufte (Fig. 13).
The geochemical analyses can also be used to study hydrothermal alteration. For example, a signicant gain in iron due to chlorite alteration
is observed below the bottom ore zone. Iron is also higher in the andesite below the middle ore zone (compare the gains in Fe on Fig. 14 to the
high Ishikawa index values on Fig. 15). The highest Zr and Al values of the
drill hole are found in the interval marked highly altered near 600 m.
Studies of alteration based on the pXRF data and traditional geochemistry are ongoing.
8.2.3. Mineralogy
The mineralogical prole for BRC-08-72 is dominated by Fe-Mg
chlorite (Fig. 15). Some of this chlorite is metamorphic, especially in
the mac to intermediate rocks. There is no obvious systematic difference in chlorite composition between the very abundant, obviously
hydrothermal black chlorite under the bottom ore zone, and chlorite
in the rest of the drilled sequence.
White mica is a common mineral group in the prole, and is more
abundant under the mineralized intervals, although not immediately
below the mineralization. Below the bottom ore zone, the white
micas are muscovitic in composition, whereas they tend to be more
Fig. 15. Downhole prole of the mineralogy derived from infrared spectrometry for BRC-08-72. In the plot of mineral groups automatically extracted by TSG Core, black lines show the
main group whereas superimposed red squares are the subsidiary mineral groups. Blue lozenges represent white micas for which the estimated relative abundance is less than 15%.
Other=other minerals; N.M.D.=no mineral determined. Data acquisition time: 5 s per spectrum. White mica composition is based on the wavelength of the AlOH peak, whereas chlorite composition is based on the wavelength of the FeOH peak. The Ishikawa alteration index, based on traditional geochemistry, is shown for reference (calculated using unpublished data
from Xstrata Zinc Canada and INRS).
phengitic in the rest of the hole. This suggests that the composition
of white micas may be used as a vector toward ore at Matagami,
although more work is needed to conrm this.
Mac to intermediate rocks more commonly display epidote,
carbonate and amphibole relative to felsic rocks (Fig. 15). Epidote
and carbonate are typical greenschist grade metamorphic minerals,
whereas the amphiboles have not been evaluated.
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