The Christian Messenger: Ladies Christmas Breakfast

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The Christian

Ladies Christmas Breakfast

Fifth Avenue Church of Christ

115 W. Fifth Ave.
Lancaster, OH 43130
e-mail [email protected]

A Recipe for Christmas

Saturday, December 6, 2014
9:00 a.m. - ?

The Ville Restaurant

Devotions, Fellowship, and Prizes
Tickets are $10 and will be on sale in the parlor today and next Sunday.


November 23, 2014


At our annual meeting, on December 7, we will be voting for a list of candidates

for various offices of our congregation and we will be asked to approve the
proposed budget for 2015 (A listing of candidates and a copy of the proposed
budget are included in todays Messenger.)
In addition to these two items, our members will be asked to approve a
recommendation, from our Trustees, regarding a new roof for our auditorium.
The Trustees are recommending replacing our present roof (over 25 years old)
with a metal roof which has a 40 year warranty. The best bid is $28,975.00 and
is bid by a local company. The Trustees, and your Elders, are recommending
that we use our Special Christmas Offering for this project and that we seek to
raise at least $20,000.00 over and above our regular giving.

Brad Seevers
Senior Minister
David Tingler
Associate Minister
Sunday Services
Bible School
8:45 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Evening Worship
6:00 p.m.



Let me begin by saying Thank you for all the

encouragement during the past few weeks. Kim and I
truly appreciate it. My grandson is doing much better
and my mother and father are making progress as

NOTE OF THANKS: Sue and I want to

thank the church family for the thoughtful
gift cards and flowers presented to us at the
Thanksgiving dinner. Also, thanks to Brad
for the kind words.

I cant begin to say enough thanks for Josh and his

family for preparing our Thanksgiving meal for our
annual celebration. Everything was fabulous! I must
also say that all those who supplied the desserts for
the evening went above and beyond. I am still stuffed!
And for everyone else who decorated, set up or
cleaned up, donated turkeys and ham or gave financial
contributions to pay for the food you are greatly
appreciated. It was just A GREAT DAY having David
Eubanks here in the morning and Tom Shelton here at
Our Respectable Sins study has two more
weeks of classes. We will not meet on November
26th due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Our two final
meeting times are scheduled for December 3rd
(Judgmentalism & Sins of the Tongue) and December
17th (Lack of self-control, Envy and Jealousy). Please
note that we will not meet on the 10th due to our
evening dinner and comedy night.
Coming up on December 10th, we will have a Chili
Night. I know what you are thinking, This time of
year every night is a Chilly night. I know that was
bad! Sorry! Anyway, we will provide chili, as well as
plain spaghetti noodles, and shredded cheese. If you
are unaware that these items are great tasting when
they join forces, then you apparently have never had a
three way at Skyline Chili. Trust me, it is delectable!
Look for a sign-up sheet in the coat room soon so you
can join us for a night of food and fun. After the meal,
we will enjoy some goofy songs from yet another Tim
Hawkins dvd. You will enjoy the gift of laughter.
Please join us! All the fun begins at 5:15 p.m.
Do me a favor this week. I want to ask you to count
how many non-churched friends & family members you
have that live in Lancaster or close proximity and write
that number down on the back of your silent roll call
card next week and turn it in during the offering.
Thank you.
In His Service,

On Thursday,
December 11, we will be having a special
catered lunch, in our fellowship hall, for our
KeenAgers. This will be our final event for
2014 and my final event as Associate
Minister (Seniors). Josh Czich will present a
brief demonstration on self-defense for
seniors, we will reminisce a bit about the
past seven years, and make a decision about
some funds on hand. All you have to bring is
yourself, and a friend, if you choose. Lunch
will be served at 12:01 pm. I do need you to
make reservations by November 30 for this
lunch. A sign-up sheet is posted.
remind you that we will not be meeting this
week, November 26, but will resume on
December 3 at the normal times of 10:00 am
and 6:30 pm.
We will continue our
examination of the divided kingdom and the
FINAL THOUGHT: Always do the right
thing! It will gratify some people and
astonish the rest.


As you, no doubt, noticed, we had heat
these last two weeks! The boiler had been
repaired at a cost of $5,417.00. We are
grateful to those who have, already, given
$3,000.00 toward this project. You are
reminded that this years Special
Thanksgiving Offering has been
designated for this project. However, any
funds, over and above the needed balance,
will be forwarded to the West African
Christian Mission to assist them with a
special land purchase.


Sunday School
Morning Worship
Evening Worship
Wednesday (11/12)
Wednesday (11/19)
Weekly Budget
Budget Received
Van Fund



A congregational meeting
will be held Sunday,
December 7th, following the
morning worship hour to
elect officers and approve
the budget for 2015.

SERVING SCHEDULE November 23, 2014

Dave Tingler and David Riggenbach
Josh Czich,
Mike Bussey, Bill Kelly
Dave Tingler
Pastor of the week
Josh Czich
PM Deacon
At the Table

Mike and Tina Milbaugh


Ruth Andrews and Jeanne Noble

Sunday School

Laura Wersell
Olinda LeMaster
Shirley Marsh


Bible School
Evening Worship

Tracy Eldridge
Courtney Beiter

Ray Coats
Mike Bussey
Dick Shumaker


Maywood Mission provides a food pantry for
community members in need. Donations can be
left at the nursery door entrance on Sunday,
November 30th. Items needed for the pantry:
Navy beans
Canned Fruit

Beef Stew
Tuna helper
Spaghetti Sauce
Brownie Mix
Canned Vegetables

Prayer Requests
Jim Hoff
Millie Hoy
John Hill
BJ Hoff
Wib Sparks

Betty Sparks
Our Troops
Alberta Ellis
Connie Lane
Jeanne Noble
Laura Hyde

Naressa Allen
Jeane Goldfarb
Judy Fricker
Diane Bresler
Pat Schlosser
Michelle Ayers

Marianna Gall
Mark Seevers
Norma Bullock
Don Wallace
Don & Ruth Seevers
George Winters

Camille Stiverson
Carolyn McKenzie
Kenneth Dusthimer
Ralph & Cheri Frank
Kasen Newman
Wilbur Barnes

Cake mix
Cornbread Mix
Canned Soup

SERVING SCHEDULE November 30, 2014

At the Table
Pastor of the week
PM Deacon

Fred Griffith and Wib Sparks

Bob Neff, Larry King,
George Lambert, Carmel Marsh
Fred Griffith
Bob Neff
Mike and Tina Milbaugh


Brenda Hines and Virginia Wentz

Sunday School

Volunteer Needed
Courtney Beiter

Bible School
Evening Worship

Becky Wellman
Family Sunday

Carmel Marsh
Tim Huffman
George Lambert

Upcoming Events
Sunday, November 30th
Family Sunday
(No Childrens Church
all children will worship with their parents)
Food Pantry Sunday
Wednesday, December 3rd
Seniors Bible Study, 10am/6:30pm
Respectable Sins Bible Study, 6:15pm
Security Meeting, 7:30pm
Thursday, December 4th
Self-Defense Class, 6pm
Saturday, December 6th
Ladies Christmas Breakfast, 9am
Sunday, December 7th
Congregational Meeting following morning worship

Thanks to all the church ladies for

helping to make the pillowcase
dresses. Delores Payne will be sending
the dresses with either a hair tie or a
bracelet to her son-in-law, Jim. On
his next mission trip, the dresses will
be put in their luggage and taken to
Haiti. Thank you so much for helping
with this project.


At FACC, we focus on loving God,
loving people, and turning the world
upside down.
We are happy you chose to worship with
us today. We hope you return next week
and bring your friends with you. If you
would please take a few minutes to fill out
a Silent Roll Call Card, located on the
back of the pew, you can then place it in
the offering plate as it is passed. Thank
you. For more information about our great
church, contact our minister, Brad Seevers
at [email protected] or call him at
740.550.9882. Have a great week and
may God bless your life.

Sunday School Classes for All Ages

Classes at 8:45 unless noted
Nursery (Birth through 3 years old)
Jesus Loves Me
Room 102
Preschool (Ages 3-6)
Bible Friends
Room 105
Marie Huffman, Teacher
Early Elementary (Kindergarten 3rd Grade)
Jesus, Our Example
Room 101
Deborah Will, Teacher
Upper Elementary Class (4th 6th Grade)
Jesus, Our Example
Room 106
Larry King, Teacher
Junior/Senior High
I Timothy
3rd Floor
Josh Czich, Teacher

Coats for Kids Drive

In an effort to provide warm coats for needy
children during the cold winter months,
Fashion and Vanity Cleaners has initiated
their 10th Annual Coats for Kids drive. Good
quality, gently worn coats (no tears, stains or
broken zippers, please) may be dropped off
at the following locations, Fashion Cleaners,
located at the Plaza Shopping Center on
Memorial Drive, and Vanity Cleaners, located
on East Main Street next to the Kroger
Shopping Center, or Job & Family Services,
239 W. Main St. All coats will be cleaned at
no charge and then distributed to Job and
Family Services. The coat drive will run
through January 2015.

Ladies Class
The Storm Inside
Room 209
Beverly Puckett, Teacher
Adult Class
Room 214
Brad Seevers, Teacher
Harmony Adult Class
Sustaining Hope
Room 204
Dave Tingler, Teacher
Philothean Adult Class
Room 108
Jim Love, Teacher

Core Values...

Brad Seevers preaching


Values central to the life, mission and

vision of Fifth Avenue Church of Christ are:
Christ-Centered Worship


We make it a priority every Sunday to celebrate Jesus through our

music. (Romans 11:36-12:1-2). We focus on Jesus through gracebased preaching and teaching & understand the Bible is our
authority (2 Timothy 3:16).


Church Health and Biblical Balance


Church health becomes reality when God's people seek harmony &
live consistently. We expect every member to protect the unity
of Christ's Church. (Romans 12:16; 1 Peter 3:8)


Global Evangelism


We are constant to our founding call to worldwide evangelism,

proclaiming to all that Jesus Christ is the Savior, Healer, and SoonComing King (Acts 20:27).


Fellowship and Ministry

After people begin their journey with Jesus, we will equip them to
find a ministry based upon their strengths. We want everyone to
serve in some capacity. (1 Corinthians 12:12-27) We also want His
church to be the living evidence of His love and power to the world.


How Can I Respond Today?

At FACC we look to the Bible for guidance on all
issues. We believe that Gods Word is clear
concerning what a person must do to become a
Trust that Jesus can bring you to salvation.
Turn (repent) from the sin in your life.
Confess your desire to make Jesus the Lord
of your life.
Be baptized (immersed) in water for the
forgiveness of sins and to receive the Holy
Spirit into your life.
To make this life decision for Christ, we ask that you
come forward during our commitment song at the
conclusion of the Sunday message. Baptized believers
are welcome to become members at FACC by coming
forward on Sunday morning or by seeing our Senior
Minister to discuss this further. We ask that you
complete a series of Curious classes to help you
better understand what you are committing to as a
member. If you would like to take a Curious class,
please indicate this on your Silent Roll Call Card.

We do not want you to "get religion" here at Fifth Avenue Church of
Christ in Lancaster. We are all about teaching you that Jesus seeks
a daily relationship with Him through a life of obedience. In other
words, we want to see the things you are taught actually change
your lifestyle & your daily decisions.

Social Conscience
We place high value on the sanctity of human life, of Biblical
marriage and morality, and we welcome ethnic diversity (Isaiah
56:7; Philippians 2:15-16).



Exalt Gods Greatness;

Evangelize Gods Work
Equip Gods People
Express Gods Love through Jesus Christ


To Love God and Love


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