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Basics of Duct Design


This month we begin the

first of HVAC&R Nations
three-part series on
ducts. Two duct design
experts, JJW (Bill) Siganto
and Murray Mason
provide a wealth of
information on the topic.
What is good duct design?
Good duct design optimises:
Duct size (manufacturing costs)
Duct systems pressure losses (operation cost)
Duct systems acoustics (environmental costs),

Of these, duct sizing is the simplest. In a few minutes,

even the most complex systems can be sized with a
duct sizing slide rule. The various texts suggest three

often produces a high friction gradient. Consequent

dynamic losses are quite low with the resultant
velocity pressure around 12Pa.

Total pressure

Constant friction gradient

Velocity pressure
(or velocity head)

P T = PS + PV

Constant velocity, and

Static pressure regain
A pragmatic solution to optimise the conflicting
elements in duct design, the late W R (Roy) Ahern,
offered the following approach for the sizing of
low-pressure air conditioning ductwork.
For air quantities greater than 4500 l/s size duct
at 10m/s.
For air quantities less than 180 l/s, size duct
at 4.5 m/s.
For air quantities greater than 180 l/s, but less
than 4500 l/s
Then size duct on basis of friction loss of 1.2 Pa/m
For these rules, Ahern offered no references other
than his own extensive experience backed by his
unerring ability to reduce all technical programs to
first principles. In the larger size where velocity is the
criterion, the limiting factor is noise breakout. His
choice if 1.2 Pa/m as the mid-range friction gradient
is higher than that used by many designers.
For the smaller sizes, the proposed velocity limit


Exposed office ductwork

Air balance procedures (commissioning costs)

The terms velocity pressure and velocity head are

For air at comfort temperature the velocity pressure
is 0.6 times the square of the duct velocity.

Pv = 0.6 x v , in Pascals (Pa), if v is measured in per


Static pressure friction

Static pressure friction causes static pressure loss.
The calculation of the friction gradient f (Pa/m) is
complex, involving velocity pressure, duct diameter
and duct surface roughness. Modern computers can
make it routine. However, most designers still rely on
duct sizing slide rules.
The static pressure loss in a section of duct is:
PT = f x L, where L is the duct length in meters.
Fitting lengths should be included in the estimation
of L. Where a fitting involves a change in velocity
than fitting should be included in the duct section
with the higher velocity.

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Total Pressure is the sum of Static Pressure and

Velocity Pressure.

Since one of the variables of friction gradient is

velocity pressure, it follows that total pressure is
dependent on the velocity pressure, which for a
given duct area varies as the square of the flow.
As air flows through a duct system from a fan to
terminal the total pressure is always decreasing.
Because of changes in velocity, the same cannot be
said of velocity pressure and static pressure.

When a fitting changes the direction of airflow
or its velocity, then as well as the friction loss
referred to above, a dynamic loss is involved.
The quantum of dynamic loss is expressed
in total pressure. Various fittings are assigned
a fitting loss factor (K). The dynamics loss
through the fittings is then calculated from,
PT (Pa) = PV
Where the velocity pressures is usually related to
the maximum velocity occurring in the fitting.
AIRAH , ASHARE and SMACNA are the most
widely used references for fitting loss factors. Duct
designers are often frustrated by the disparity

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expressed as a k factor based on the branch duct
velocity or based on the main or upstream duct
velocity. These different loss coefficients are related
ku = kB.(VB /Vu)2
ku =the loss coefficient based on the upstream
kB =the loss coefficient based on the branch
Vu =the upstream duct velocity
VB =the branch duct velocity
Hence the pressure loss through the branch path is:
1/2p x ku x Vu2 = 1/2p x kB x VB2

(where p = density of air = 1.2 kg/m )


between the references for K values for the same

fitting, particularly for those involving divided
flow. This so concerned Ahern 50 years ago that
he designed his own fittings and calculated
K values from unassailable first principles.


Long runout of flexible duct were not extensively

used in Aherns time, but these days it is reasonable
practice to limit velocity to 3.5m/s and for friction
loss calculation purposes to allow twice the
measured length.

Duct sizing methods

The almost universal use of cushion head involves

an additional pressure loss of at least one and a half
velocity heads .
Balancing designers should ensure that the duct
system is proper. Unless the designer considers how
the duct systems can be properly balanced, more
than likely it wont be. The following is considered
Design for application of proportional balancing
Provide adequate dampers for balance of sub
Do not rely on splitter devices as balancing aids

1 Ahern WR, AIRAH Journal Vol.16, No.6 :Duct sizing,
June 1977
2 AIRAH Application Manual Duct Design DA3, 1987
3 ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals 2001
4 SMACNA HVAC Systems Duct Design 3rd Edition 1990.

This information first appeared as

the article Basics of Duct Design by
JJW (Bill) Siganto and appeared in
Ecolibrium magazine.


There is no single duct sizing method that will

inherently give the best duct design. Whilst most
people are aware of the constant pressure gradient,
constant velocity and static regain methods, there
is a further method known as the balanced pressure
drop method and yet another more recent method
known as the T-Method Optimisation.
The balanced pressure drop method is described
in the AIRAH Application Manual DA3 and involves
sizing the duct layout using the constant pressure
gradient or static regain method, determining the
index run (the path with the greatest pressure drop)
and then reducing the duct sizes in all other paths
(without exceeding velocity limits) such that the out
of balance pressure drop in each path is minimised.
The objective of this method is to achieve a more
nearly balanced system thereby reducing noise
and making the system more easily balanced when
The T-Method Optimisation optimises the duct
design on the basis of system capital cost and the
present worth of energy. It is described in detail in
the ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook.

Fitting losses
While fitting losses can be allowed for by allowing an
equivalent length, more reliable and comprehensive
data is available in the form of loss coefficients (k).
Care must be taken when using this data, however;
because different texts base loss coefficients on
different velocities in the fitting eg. the branch
path pressure loss for a divided flow fitting can be

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Awareness should also be factored in for a number

of fittings, notably bends. The published data must
be corrected for the angle of turn of the bend. Note
there is also a Reynolds Number correction. This can
give a significant increase in pressure drop at higher
velocities (Refer clause 6-30 of AIRAH Application
manual DA03)

Fitting interaction
Another important consideration with fitting losses
is that fittings in close proximity can have a higher
(and in some cases lower) combined pressure loss.
While it is reasonable to say that fittings should
not be located close together, particularly in an
S configuration, in practice this often cannot be
avoided, eg. when ducts have to drop under beams.
(Clauses 6-40 to 6-120 of DA3 discuss the effects
of fitting interaction and also the effects of poorly
configured fan layouts.)

Duct attenuation
Published data on lined duct attenuation is generally
very sparse. Much of the data is for only a limited set
of sizes making interpolation for intermediate sizes
extremely difficult. Duct attenuation is not linear,
ie. if you keep increasing the length of duct, the
attenuation does not keep increasing in proportion.
This is because of self-generated noise in the duct.
Suppliers attempt to account for this by publishing
attenuation for different lengths of duct. Thus we
get the anomalous situation where two lengths
of two metre duct either side of a transition gives
(apparently), a higher attenuation to that of a four
meter length of straight duct.
To determine the attenuation accurately, account
must be taken of self-generated noise in the duct.
The same applies to fittings. The noise level in a duct
system does not progressively decrease away from
the fan until it reaches zero. There is a lower limit
caused by self-generated noise.




Duct being wrapped

Self-generated noise
Self-generated noise is generally proportional to
velocity to the sixth power (pressure is proportional
to the square of velocity), the duct cross sectional
area, a characteristic dimension in the case of
fittings and the frequency. The formulas though not
excessively complex, do mean that a complete duct
design, including an acoustic analysis, is very tedious.
It will also necessitate the use of a computer. If noise
criteria of NR 25 or even NR 30 are to be achieved, a
full acoustical analysis is essential.

Acoustical analysis
of a ductwork system
The acoustical analysis of a ductwork system is
normally carried out by calculating the sound power
level along the ductwork system, starting with
the fan. Taking account of the attenuation and self
generated noise of ducts and fittings, the sound
power at each air terminal is calculated. Some of
this sound is reflected back up the duct leading
to the terminal. The reflected noise is a function
of the diameter of the duct at the connection
to the terminal (the terminal neck diameter) and
the frequency and design charts are available to
determine this.
The noise coming from the duct (after deducting the
end reflection loss) is then added (logarithmically)


M O D U L E 2 2

to the noise generated by the air terminal. This then

gives the total noise entering the room at this point.
The sound pressure level at any listener position
in the room is then calculated from the acoustical
properties of the room (expressed as the room
constant R), the directionality of the noise from the
terminal (expressed as the directivity factor Q) and
the distance (r) from the terminal to the listener
position. Hence:
Lp = Lw + 10 log


Q + 4


Lp =the sound pressure level at the listener

position for each terminal

(eg. a TV studio or theatre complex) then there is no

simple way to design the system and perform the
optimisation manually. Detailed pressure drop and
acoustical calculations (including self-generated
noise) must be carried out. s

This information first appeared

as the article Basics of Duct Design:
A further word by Murray Mason
and appeared in Ecolibrium magazine.

Lw =the sound power level at the terminal

Good duct design

As stated, good duct design involves sizing the
ducts, determining the pressure losses, calculating
the noise levels, determining the out of balance
pressures and optimising this against the total cost
of the system. Whilst systems that are not noise
critical can be simply sized using a duct sizing slide
rule, commissioning can be difficult if no thought
is given to the out of balance pressure along
each duct path, particularly if the layout is very
non-symmetrical. This can result in unexpected
excessive noise levels. If the system is noise critical

Next Months Workshop Ducts Part 2

DA03 Ductwork
for air conditioning
AIRAHs DA3 Ductwork for air conditioning
provides detailed guidelines for designing
air conditioning ductwork systems. The
manual covers sizing and the complete
acoustical analysis of ductwork systems plus
determination of qualities for accurate design
costing. To order a copy, visit
or contact AIRAH on 03 8623 3000.

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